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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19531 The mother and the child A short catechisme or briefe summe of religion, gathered out of Mr. Cragges Catechisme, for the fitting of little children, for the publick ministery. With short, very comfortable and fruitfull meditations on the Lords Prayer. Together with other briefe and profitable meditations on the seuen penitentiall psalmes. Craig, John, 1512?-1600.; Du Vair, Guillaume, 1556-1621. 1611 (1611) STC 5961.5; ESTC S116725 44,088 216

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lose both labour and trauell neuer neere that place where shee desireth to arriue But my hope is alwaies in thine aide and I look for succour from aboue I am held captiue of those that cruelly thirst after my life hasten thee O Lord to my deliuerance to thee I flye for succour O receiue me into thy protection teach mee what I shall doe for to thee alone my God doe I tender my seruice Away away from mee thou deceitfull pleasure which heretofore hast bewitched my soule and poisoned my spirit thou hast fedde me with thy too too pleasing delicates to make me with a little hony swallow down a deadly poison of hemlocke which distilling into all my members hath made them half dead and voide of sense so that now I am little better then a dead man But which is worse not my body alone but euen my soule also the fountain of my life present and to come is benumm'd It is time thē that thy spirit come to rouse vp my dying soule to take her by the hand and leade her into a place of safetie to quicken her and imprint in her the image of thy iustice that that may bee her shield against all temptations which besiege her on euery side and threaten her finall ruine Thou shalt come then and by thy comming drawe my soule out of tribulation receiue mee vnto to mercie and destroy all those that haue conspired against me Then shall my warre be at an ende and theirs beginne yea with such a beginning as shall continue in endlesse griefe and as the riuers running from their fountaine still enlarge themselues vntil they come into the sea so shall their miserie increase from day to day and in the ende plunge them into extreame languor and hopelesse distresse And this shall bee the ende of all those that vexe my soule for I am thy faithfull seruant O Lord and thou wilt not cast me out of thy remembrance but wilt call those to account who in reproach of my GOD haue so shamefully handled mee They laughed at my harme but loe the time is at hand vvhen they shall bewaile their owne Thy vengeance beginneth to flame against them and men shal see them fall away as leaues from the trees at the approaching of vvinter How shall I glorifie thy name O GOD And where shall I beginne to set forth thy praise Shall I declare thy bountie in the creation of so many admirable vvorkes as are vnder the Sunne and thy wisedome in preseruing them Shall I proclaime thy iustice in condemning and taking vengeance of the pride of Angels and disobedience of men Shall I sing of thy mercy in redeeming of those who by forsaking of thy law fell headlong into the slauerie of eternal death To what part of thy praises is the base tune of my voice able to stretch or were my voice sufficient what eares were able to receiue it All things faile mee O Lord in this enterprise saue onely courage and will vvhich filled with a vehement and feruent affection cry out vnto thee as lowde as they can Assist their vveake essayes with thy grace and since the teares of my repentance haue vvashed away the foulenesse of my sinnes vvherewith my spirit vvas ouercharged deiected and pressed downe giue mee henceforth the wings of faith and hope whose swift flight may carrie mee into thy bosome to bee revnited to his first originall that I may neuer hereafter entertaine any other thought then vvhat may tende to the furtherance of thy seruice and the aduancement of thy glorie FINIS Those that will see further of this looke his Maiesties Catechisme made by Mr Craige Our Father Which art in Heauen Hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done In earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread Forgiue vs our trespasses As we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. Lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euil O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure 2 Haue mercy vpon me O Lord for I am weake O Lord heale me for my bones are vexed 3 My soule is also sore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me 4 Turne thee O Lord and deliuer my soule oh saue me for thy mercies sake 5 For in death no man remembreth thee and who will giue thee thankes in the pit 6 I am wearie of my grouing euery night wash I my bed and water my couch with my teares 7 My beauty is gone for very trouble worn away because of all mine enemies 8 Away from me all ye that worke vanity for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping 9 The Lord hath heard my petition the Lord shall receiue my prayer 10 All mine enemies shal be confounded and sore vexed they shal be turned back and put to shame suddenly Blessed is he whose vnrighteousnes is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered 2 Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth no sin and in whose heart there is no guile 3 For while I held my tongue my bones consumed away through my dayly cōplaining 4 For thy hād is heauy vpon me day and night and my moisture is as the drought in summer 5 I will acknowledge my sin vnto thee and mine vnrighteousnes haue I not hid 6 I said I will confesse my sins vnto the Lord and so thou forgauest the wickednes of my sinne 7 For this shal euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee in a time when thou maist bee found but in the great water flouds they shall not come nigh him 8 Thou art a place to hide me in thou shalt preserue me from trouble thou shalt compasse me about with songs of deliuerance Be not like Horse and Mule which haue no vnderstanding whose mouthes must be holden with bit bridle least they fall vpon thee 2 Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but who so putteth his trust in the Lord mercy embraceth him on euery side 12 Be glad O ye righteous and reioyce in the Lord and be ioifull all ye that are true of heart Put me not to rebuke O Lord in thine anger neither chasten mee in thy heauy displeasure 2 For thine arrowes sticke fast in mee and thy hand presseth me sore 3 There is no health in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sinne 4 For my wickedness are gone ouer my head and are like a sore burthen too heauie for me to bear 5 Mo woūds stinke and are corrupt through my foolishnes 6 I am broght into so great trouble and misery that I goe mourning all the day long 7 For my loynes are filled with a sore disease and there is no whole part in my body 8 I am feeble and sore smitten I haue rored for the very disquietnes of my hart 9 O Lord thou knowest all my desire and my groaning is not hid from
countenance when casting thine eye vpon vs thou shalt pierce the bottome of our hearts and discouer al the secrets of our impure consciences Our abhominable sins will draw down vpon our heads thy iust indignation and thine anger once kindled against vs wil violently cast and plunge vs into that horrid and griefly gulfe of hopelesse tormēts and endlesse misery O then let the sorrowfull sobs of a trembling heart preuent thy fury and indignanation and before thy sin-reuenging hand be stretched out for my ruine and destruction giue eare vnto my feeble fainting voice which with woful laments crieth vnto thee Haue mercy O Lord haue mercy vpon me Alas my God what wilt thou doe Wilt thou proue the strength of thy forces vpon mine infirmities and will thy matchlesse might wrestle with my weaknes Is it to contend with thy puissance that I present my selfe before thee Oh no it is thy clemencie O Lord to which I flye for succour she it is vnder whose wings I shrowde my selfe as the onely shielde and Sanctuarie which can preserue me from the rigour of that iust doome which I haue most iustly deserued Lord vouchsafe me a calme and mercifull aspect And since I haue made haste to flye vnto thy Mercy-seate make no long tarrying O my God but send mee succour and deliuer me from so many euills which haue compassed and hemm'd me in on euery side and wherwith I haue been so sore assailed that my bones are bruised and broken and my feeble body languisheth But well were it if my body alone were oppressed by these cruell encounters my very soule is euen ouerlayed with anguish and heauiness This soule O Lord which hath sometime been enflamed with the zeale of thy glorie and hath sung of thy praise in the great Congregation is now become desolate deiected destitute of comfort and depriued of all courage as the fearefull doue at the voice of thy thunder hasteth to hide her selfe in her hole so is she ready to flye into the most obscure darknes from the terror of thy fearfull indignation But how long shall thine anger continue O Lord Come O come my God and cast downe thine eye of pitty and compassion vpon mee which is sufficient to deface and abolish not my sinnes alone but euen the sinnes of the whole world My soule is plunged in the filth foule puddle of iniquitie shee sticketh fast in the bottom the floods run ouer her vnto thee O Lord doth shee stretch out her hand O plucke her out and bring her againe into the wayes of thy sauing health Saue her O Lord euen for thy boundlesse bounty and thy matchlesse mercies sake True it is that merite shee hath none and how should shee expect succour from him whom shee hath so shamefully forsaken and against whose honour shee hath so treacherously conspired The price of such a forfeit is not grace and fauour but hell and neuer-dying death But who shall praise thee O Lord in the pit or who shall sing of thy name amongst the dead There is the house of mourning weeping howling Who hath there any feeling saue only of vnsupportable torments and hopelesse miseries whereas on the contrarie thy praise consisteth in the publishing of thy infinite louing kindnes bounty and clemency 6 And now behold on the one side true Repentance intercedeth on the other side humble Prayer importuneth for me both of them hauing sworne neuer to depart from me vntill they haue procured a recōciliation for me Thou hast seen my teares O Lord and heard my sighes euery day wash I my cheekes with teares at the remembrance of my sinnes and water my couch euerie night with the streames of of water that gush out of mine eyes Yea what is it that Repentance commandeth and I obserue not 7 Mine eyes are cast down as trembling at the terror of thine angry countenance I doe not answere to the reproach of mine enemies and their contumelious taunts I patiently put vp as a iust punishment for my faults Euen in their sight doe I walke with sack-cloth and ashes vpon mine head and confession in my mouth I lye prostrate at the foote of thine aultar I macerate and fight against the flesh which hath betraied my soule to sinne and all my griefe is but a sport vnto mine enemies they come about mee but to laugh at mee and the drunkards make songs on me But now since it hath pleased thee to haue mercy on me I wil say vnto them Away away from mee all ye children of iniquitie and cease henceforth to reioice at my miserie the Lord hath heard my prayer my teares haue quencht his anger and loe now hath hee restored me ioy and peace with the full fruition of his bounty the glorious splendour of his grace hath shined vpon me and loe the darke clouds and threatening tempests which hanged ouer my head are in a trice all dispearsed and gone No sooner had I opened my lippes to call vpon him for succour yea no sooner had my heart resolued to cry to him for mercie but straight I perceiued his grace spread ouer me to comfort and refresh my languishing soule no lesse then the benumd members of a wearied pilgrim are suppled and refresht by a warme bath after his toilsome trauell O incredible clemencie how ready art thou O Lord to forgiue I runne to offend thee and thou flyest to bestowe thy grace on mee I haue employed all the daies of my life to finde out by sea and by land matter for my ambition couetousnes lustes and inconstancy and when I had plunged ruined my selfe in my pleasures thou in a moment camst downe and didst deliuer mee So that now behold how I triumph ouer my sins which base and abiect doe follow the trophees of my repentance since it hath found fauour in thy fight And now also my hope which before was as it were strangled with my many misdeedes being reuiued and his spirits quickened doth promise and assure vnto mee more then all the Empires of the world opening vnto mee the highest heauens where after the blessed end of an hopefull life in this world I shall enioy the full fruition of diuine immortalitie What will then become of mine enemies when they shall see my felicitie Their meed shall bee confusion of face and disquietnes of soule they shal flye with distraction and amazement to see him so highly exalted vvhome they had sought to lay so lowe These are they that made a mock at mine ashes that derided my fastings that reioyced at my teares and whilest I through abstinence did fight against the flesh the bitter enemy of my soule did euen swim in the delights of this bewitching world but lo the arme of the Lord is stretched out to beate downe their insolency O my God giue them a feeling of their offences and cause them to know acknowledge the extreame danger wherein they are that so they may
call vpon thee the onely remedie for all their mischief And as for me since thou hast cleansed my soule from that filth wherewith it was stained and enflamed my spirit with the fire of thy loue teach my lippes that they may sound forth thy praise addresse my voice to resound thy mercy and so conduct and guide mine affection that I may loue thee sincerely and account it my greatest happinesse and soueraigne felicitie to know thee and thy sacred truth Beati quorum Psalme 32. O My God how happie are they whose offences thou hast pardoned and whose sins thou hast buried in obliuion For alas what can befal vnto him vpon whom thou shalt lay the iust punishment of his iniquitie Whole legions of euil besiege him pouertie assaults him maladies afflict him famine presseth him and death it selfe which hee wisheth for as the hauen of rest after all these tempestuous nauigations proues but a gulfe to swallow him downe vnto eternall torments O then thrice happy and blessed are those of whose actions God doth not take account but is content that they humble themselues before him acknowledging their infirmitie and laying open before him the very secrets of their hearts For by true and vnfained confession and in sincerity of conscience must we call vpon his mercy and before him must wee humble our selues if wee will haue him to heare vs. And as hee that goeth for water of the fountaine doth put downe the mouth of his vessell to take in the water so must he humble himselfe before his creator that meanes to drawe and taste of the water of this sacred source from whence distill those streames which and they onely can purifie our stained consciences I haue thought sometime O my GOD to hide my faults from thee and haue said within my selfe and how knoweth he whether I haue done it or no and so my sin tooke root within my bones And as the vlcers of a shamefast Patient which dareth not shew his maladie to the Chirurgion doe fester and rankle and encrease euen to the destruction of the vvhole bodie so these very vices which I hidde from thee wholly infected me But when thy hand had beene heauy vpon mee day and night and when thou hadst laid such sore trouble vpon my loynes and so many misfortunes vppon my soule that my spirite could take no rest and that I was broken with the stinging of my conscience which did pierce my verie heart then did I acknowledge my faultes and that thy hand had done this Looke vpon mee O Lord but not in thine anger and let those teares whose gushing streames haue dimd my sight quench the heate of thy iust indignation since I am not onely the worke of thy hands but which is more the liuing image of thy Diuinitie Who will be so farre ledde with anger as to bruise and breake in peeces that worke which hee hath had so great delight to polish and bring to perfection because hee seeth it filthy and polluted I confesse O Lord this image of thine is full of pollution and vncleannes yet better wil it be to cleanse scoure it then to break it treade it vnder foote O teach mee then my God what thou wilt require for my satisfaction for loe now haue I disclosed and acknowledged all my faults which before I concealed The feare which had seised on mee when I hid my selfe from thee is now since I humbled my selfe before thee turned into hope of grace pardon And now do I cast my selfe into thine armes as my most assured succour with the humble demeanour of a poore patient who presenting his wounds vnto the surgeon lookes on him attentiuely and suffers courageously both the searcher and the knife for the desire and hope that hee hath to bee cured of them But that which putteth me in greatest hope of health is that those vices wherein heretofore I tooke greatest pleasure are now no lesse odious in my sight then are those meates whereof a man did eat to the full being in health whē he is sick of their surfeit that which had made me haughty and insolent doth now breede in me shame and remorse when I consider the hazard of death wherevnto my pride hath exposed my poore wretched soule Blessed bee the day wherein I acknowledged my faulte now haue I receiued a singular testimonie of thy bounty towards me O my God Grant therefore that this pleasure which I haue taken by beeing displeased with my selfe may bee as durable as that vvhich before I tooke to continue in my sinnes For if I may haue as much contentment in my repentance as I haue taken in my sinne my happinesse shall be euen equall to that of the Angels and I shall finde that through my humiliation before thee I haue mounted to the height of thy grace Who can doubt O Lord but that thou hast receiued me vnto mercy thou whose clemencie and mercy is not onely vnspeakeable but also incomprehensible No sooner had I thought to returne vnto thee but thou preuentedst me no sooner had I said I wil confesse my misdeedes but thy grace was granted me no sooner had I knowne the punishment due to my sinne but thou didst pardon mee no sooner had I taken the rods in mine hands to chastise my flesh but thou didst take them from mee in a word I looked when thou wouldst denounce warre against mee and loe thou offeredst a louing reconciliation O how much more willing art thou O Lord to pardon then to punish Can a louing father more tenderly receiue his childe when hee cryeth him mercie then thou receiuedst me when I cast my selfe downe at thy feet Therefore my heart danceth for ioy and boileth with a feruent desire to praise thy Name it reioiceth in thy grace and accuseth none for what is done amisse but it selfe crying it is I that willed and consented to do it it is I that did it it is I that pleased my selfe with it but my God hath been mercifull vnto mee And how could he withhold his mercy from me when his holy one made intercession for mee And needfull it was alas that hee should intercede for mee when the impietie of my heart had so blinded my vnderstanding by my vvicked thoughts that my soule was not able any longer to lift her hands vnto heauen What then remained for me but that he whom thou denyest nothing should mediate for mee euen for mee who beeing become my owne enemy had now no knowledge nor will to pray for my selfe But now am I comforted since it hath pleased thee to open mine eyes that I might see the deformitie of mine owne conscience and that thou hast mollified my stonie heart that I might entertaine contrition in my soule Which though I haue not perform'd so soon as I ought to haue done yet not so late but thou hast vouchsafed to receiue mee as thy custome is to them that doe not let passe
sunne riseth higher and higher ouer it vntill it appeare but as a point so as soone as thine anger was risen ouer me O Lord my life my goods and my greatnesse did by little vanish turne to nought so that now behold I am but as the haye spread vpon the ground without grace and without colour they bind it vp in bottles to feede their sheep and al those glorious flowers which before were so sweet fragrant are now bound vp togither with the thistle and hemlocke But what shal I therfore giue ouer all hope Not so my God for thy might is immense and shall neuer decay Thy mercy is infinite shall extend ouer all those that trust in thee One age succeedeth another but the memorial of thy louing kindness shall endure for euer One generation goeth and another generation succeedeth and all shall recount thy praise and magnifie thy goodnes Thou shalt at length arise O Lord and be mercifull vnto Sion for the time approacheth Behold I see it at hand The Riuers doe not sēd so much water into the wide bosome of the Ocean as thy bountie will showre bounty and graces vpon the face of this land Open your hearts O yee people open your hearts wide for the liberall hand of my God will fill you with a holy zeale vvhich shall purifie you and make you as faire beaten gold For the edifice of Sion O Lord is the refuge for thy seruants this is it they loue so well this is it they desire so ardently this is it where they waite for thy mercie this is the temple O Lord which thou wilt destroy in three daies and in three daies build againe to be the mansion of life eternall the seate of saluation the store-house of grace the temple of eternitie Then my God shall the nations stand amazed and the kings of the earth shall tremble at the brightnes of thy glorie What corner of the earth shall bee so secret but that thither also shall spread the fruit of thy blessed comming What people shall there bee so remote from the sunne so confined in darknes which shall not open their eyes to behold the glorious lustre of saluation which shall shine vnto them The heauen shall encrease the number of his lampes to giue light at thy glorious entrance into the world and kings shall come from far to doe homage to the King of Kings and Lord of heauen and earth For hee hath exalted his throane in Sion with great and magnificent preparation there shall men see him enuironed with glory and obscuring the Sun Moon with the brightness of his countenance But wherfore hast thou O Lord so highly exalted the throne of thy glory Is it to this end that thou mightest contemne the humble prayers of thy faith full seruants and to neglect all the world which is nothing in comparison to thy greatness Ah nay my Lord. Thou hast therefore set thy self in a place so eminent to the end that all the inhabitants of the earth might see acknowledge thee to bee their God and to run to thee for grace and mercy for thou art euer ready prest to incline to the humble call of thy seruants and neuer disdainest their pitifull request Look now vpon them al arraignd like poore prisoners condemned to the chaine who attend the view of some King to bee by him deliuered at the day of his coronation Euen so deliuer these O Lord who are sold vnder the slauery of sinne and at the turne of thine eye all their irons shall fall from them Then shall they be heard to chaunt out the song of glory to the victorious king their voice shall bee heard throughout all the parts of the earth and the memoriall of thy singular bounty and infinite mercy shall bee engrauen in mens harts to remain from generation to generation to all posteritie The Earth shall melt away the waters shall be dried vp the aire shal vanish the heauens shall passe away and be no more but the memoriall of thine aboundant kindnes O eternall God shall endure for euer Thou art the euerlasting God who hast daind to cast down thine eyes from heauen to behold the neathermost parts of the Earth to take notice of their torments who lye fast bound in the depth who hast heard their groanings and immediately runne to their succour to vnbinde and set at liberty these poore prisoners and their whole posteritie Death hath vanquished them by the strength of sin and had shutte them vp in darke dungeons but the Lord of life hath conquered death and hath giuen full deliuerance That so they might declare thy praise O Lord in Sion and proclaim thy clemencie in Hierusalem But though euery one of them had an hundred tongues though their voice were as strong as thunder yet would they not bee able to reach vnto the greatness of thy glory though all the parts of the world conspire in one to represent in their motions some part of thy might and infinite bounty yet can they reach no further for these are depths and the depths of depths which haue no bottom nor bound and which wee are not able to see but a far off Let it then suffice O my God that thy people assembled revnited both in body and minde doe vvith humble deuotion offer vp vnto thee the wil they haue to honour thee for the effect is not able to approach to that which to thee is due Let it be acceptable in thy sight O Lord that the kings of the earth doe prostrate themselues at thy feet and do tender that homage and seruice which is due to thee as to their soueraigne Lord. They shall lay down their scepters on the earth and their crownes at their feet and shall present an innocent conscience as a sacrifice of an humble deuotion I will bee the first O my God that wil prostrate my self before thee to worship and serue thee with my whole heart On thee onely will I fixe my thoughts to thee will I consecrate my spirit Quicken it O Lord that beeing purified with the sacred ardour of thy loue it may as a most pure mirrour receiue in it the image of thy incomprehensible beauty and perfection and may feele in it selfe the reflexion of thy sincere amitie vntill thy infinite beautie shall associate it vnto the number of thine elect to be with them coheir of euerlasting life Now my God doe I feele that thou hast enlightened my soule with thy grace and haue first felt the fauor which thou wilt bestowe vpon the sons of men My spirit hath already seen a far off how thou wilt come to redeeme the world but it feareth it shall dye before thy comming and this is the cause why it hath cried vnto thee saying Tell me O Lord what shall be thee course of mine age when thou wilt ende my dayes Cut not off the thread of my life O
bloud from the slauerie of sin to which thou hadst of thine own accord bound thy selfe Behold him who himselfe payeth the ransome for those that haue betrayed him vvho taketh vppon himselfe the punishment of our backsliding and the paiment of our forfeit With what words shall we render him thankes Open my lippes my God my Creator my Redeemer that my voice may bee lifted vp in that measure as mine heart is enflamed with a boyling affection to giue thee praise and thankes and to abase my selfe in the knowledge of my self that I may rouse vp my spirits in the knowledge of that sacred mysterie whereby wee are reincorporated with thee and admitted againe to thy couenant to enter into this blessed participation of glorie wherein all those shall triumph who shall be partakers of the merite of the passion of thy welbeloued Sonne the true and onely Sauiour of the world Psalme 143. Domine exaudi O Lord man is weary in the ende of all things the continuance of his course putteth him out of breath too much seeing dimmeth and dazeleth his eyes the clatering sound deafeth his eares but the more I crye unto thee the stronger is my voice my courage increaseth and my prayer is the more pleasing to mee and all because I begin my daily petitions with Lord heare my prayer and giue eare to my supplication for in praying to thee my God consisteth al my comfort This is my prayer O Lord which doth coniure thy clemencie to expiate my sinnes not by the rigour of thy punishment but by the effect of thy grace whereby thou hast abolished cast away from thy soueraigne and powerfull might and maiesty the memory of mine offences Deale not then in iustice with thy seruant neither giue him ouer to the rigour of thy lawe for of all men ●●uing that shal appeare before the seate of thy iudgement no man shall bee iustified no man shall escape this fearefull condemnation the punishment whereof is horrible and the horrour immortall Alas O Lord who can iustifie himselfe before thee It is thou that art offended it is thou that shalt accuse vs it is thou that hast seene our faults and wilt beare witnesse it is thou that wilt iudge vs. When the accuser shall be witness and the witnesse iudge what shall then become of the guiltie what cause shall serue to cleare him But I will not stand out O Lord to come to this issue I will arme me with thy grace and oppose that as a buckler to thy iustice Thy grace is procured by the acknowledgement of our faults humbling of our spirit Loe I lye prostrate before thy feete confessing my sinne O Lord haue mercie vpon me My sinne O my God the capitall enemie of my soule hath so discomfited and beaten me down that I goe groueling vppon the earth not daring to lift vp mine eyes vnto heauen For as soone as I lift vp mine eyes loe the light shineth vpon mee to bring vnto light all my manifold offences which accuse my conscience And I feele withall shame to couer my face a face vnworthy to looke vp vnto heauen the king whereof it hath so grieuously offended a face too cowardly to cast vp his eyes to those places where are so many thunders and lightning prepared for the destruction of guiltie sinners My spirit then hath led me into the darknesse and hath buried mee in the graue as one that is dead My soule within mee is heauie my heart is troubled euen like him vvho walking loftie with hye bent lookes falleth vnawares into the bottome of some pitte presently his soule is troubled he loseth his vnderstanding he vexeth and tormenteth himselfe he knoweth neither what to will or what to do vntill his spirits returning vnto him he beginneth to consider his estate and the place wherein hee is and the manner of his fall then hee beginneth by little and little to regaine the toppe and with great paine and labour to winde himselfe out of the place into which he so easily fell so I hauing called to minde as much as is possible things past and hauing entred into a profound meditation of the workes of thine hands and hauing exactly considered the perfection of all things which thou hast created then calling to minde the estate wherein thou hast created me and then proposing to my selfe that wherein now I finde my selfe as it were ouerwhelmed vnder the ruine of sinne I curse to my self the houre wherein my mother conceiued me and the day that first opened my eye-liddes to make me see heauen and earth the witnesses of mine infirmitie and in the ende finding nothing in this world that could comfort mee in this distresse I addresse my selfe yet further vnto thee I fall down on my knees before thee and stretch out my hands and armes to thee and my soule thirsting after thy grace doth attend with as great desire as the thirstie and scorched earth doth expect a gracious raine in the heat of summer Help me then and that soone O my GOD for I am alreadie cleane out of breath my heart faileth loe how I fall into a swoun Wilt thou Lord delay till death hath seised on mee I am euen alreadie at Deaths doore if thou make not hast for my senses decay by little and little my soule is as it were in a trance and my body without motion If thou O Lord be farre from mee if thou hide thy face from mee I shall bee like vnto those that goe downe into the depth of Hell Pale death will sit vpon my face and seize on my senses and which is worst spirituall death will slay my soule fill it with fright and horrour and vtterly depriue it of the knowledge of thy singular bountie and the hope of grace which shineth in thy miracles as a glittering starre in the obscure darkness of the night Cause mee then to vnderstand and feele the effects of thy mercy betimes and in the morning vvhen the sunne beginneth to rise vpon the earth let thy mercie also rise vpon me to enlighten mine ignorance and conduct mee in the wayes of thy commandements Yet let it not O Lord bee wholly like the sunne which at the ende of his course goes to plunge himselfe in the sea hiding for a time his light from silly men but let it assist mee perpetually be as indiuidual a guide vnto my soule as is my soule vnto my bodie for the life of my soul doth more strictly depend vpon thy mercy then the life of my bodie doth vpon my soule O then let her neuer forsake mee but let her light alwaies direct my goings in thy wayes that I neuer wander out of that path through which alone I must come vnto thee For otherwise my spirit which is entangled amongst the briers and brambles of this world and wandereth in the thickets were neuer able to finde out the right way but posting along at aduenture might
thee 10 My heart panteth my strength faileth me and the sight of my eies is gone from me 11 My louers and my neighbors did stand looking vpon my trouble and my kinsmen stood a far off 12 They also that sought after my life laide snares for me they that went about to do me euill talked of wickednes and imagiced deceit all the day long 13 As for mee I was like a deafe man and heard not and as one that is dumb that doth not open his mouth 14 And I am as a man that heareth not and in whose mouthe are found no reproofs 15 For in thee O Lord haue I put my trust Thou shalt answere for for me O Lord my God 16 I haue required that they euen mine enemies shuld not triumph ouer me for when my feet slipt they reioiced greatly against me 17 And surely I am set in the plague and my heauinesse is euer in my sight 18 For I will confesse my wickednesse and be sorry for my sinne 19 But my enemies liue and are mighty they that hate mee wrongfully are many in number 20 They also that reward euill for good are against me because I follow the thing that is good 21 Forsake me not O Lord my God be not thou far frō me 22 Hast thee to help me O Lord God of my saluation 1 Haue mercie vpon mee O Lord after thy great goodnes according to the multitude of thy mercie doe away my offences 2 Wash me thorowly from my wickednes and cleanse me from my sinne 3 For I acknowledge my fault and my sin is euer before me 4 Against thee onely haue I sinned and done this euill in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art iudged 5 Behold I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne my mother cōceiued me 6 But loe thou requirest truth in the inward parts and shalt make mee vnderstand wisedome secretly 7 Thou shalt purge me with hysop and I shall be cleane thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter then snow 8 Thou shalt make me heare of ioy and gladnes that the bones which thou hast broken may reioice 9 Turne thy face from my sinnes and blotte out all my misdeedes 10 Make me a cleane hart O God and renew a right spirit within me 11 Cast mee not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me 12 O giue me the comfort of thy help again and establish mee with thy free spirit 13 Then shall I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shall bee conuerted vnto thee 14 Deliuer me frō bloud-thirstiness O God thou that art the God of my health and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousnes 15 Thou shalt open my lippes O Lord and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise 16 For thou desirest no sacrifice else would I giue it thee but thou delightest not in burnt offerings 17 The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit and a contrite heart O Lord shalt thou not despise 18 O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion build thou the wals of Ierusalem 19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousnes with the burnt offerings and oblations then shall they offer yong bullockes vpon thy aultar 1 Heare my prayer O Lord and let my crying come vnto thee 2 Hide not thy face from me in the time of trouble Incline thine eares vnto mee when I call O hear me and that right soone 3 For my dayes are consumed away like a smoake my bones are burnt vp as it were with a firebrand 4 My heart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread 5 For the voice of my groaning my bones will scarce cleaue to my flesh 6 I am becom like a Pellicane in the wilderness and like an Owle that is in the desert 7 I haue watched and am euen as it were a sparrow that sitteth alone vpon the house toppe 8 Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne togither against me 9 For I haue eaten ashes as it were bread and mingled my drinke with weeping 10 And that because of thine indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast mee downe 11 My dayes are gone like a shadow and I am withered like grasse 12 But thou O Lord shalt endure for euer and thy remembrance throughout all generations 13 Thou shalt arise and haue pitie vpon Sion for it is time that thou haue mercy vpon her yea the time is come 14 And why thy seruāts think vpon her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust 15 The Heathen shall feare thy name O Lord and al the kings of the earth thy maiestie 16 When the Lord shall build vp Sion and when his glory shall appeare 18 This shall be written for them that come after and the people which shall bee borne shall praise the Lord. 19 For hee hath looked down from his sancturie out of the heauen did the Lord behold the earth 20 That he might hear the mournings of such as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death 21 That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion and his worship at Ierusalem 22 When the people are gathered togither the kingdomes also to serue the Lord. 23 He broght downe my strength in my iourney and shortened my dayes 24 But I said O my God take me not away in the midst of my age as for thy yeeres they endure throughout all generations 25 Thou Lord in the beginning hast laide the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy hands 26 They shall perish but thou shalt endure they shal all waxe olde as doth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shal be changed 27 But thou art the same and thy yeares shall not faile 28 The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight 1 Out of the deepe haue I called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voice 2 O let thine eares consider well the voice of my complaint 3 If thou Lord wilt be extreme to marke what is don amisse Oh Lord who may abide it 4 For the●● mercy wi●● thee therfore shalt thou be feared 5 I looke for the Lord my soule doth waite for him in his word is my trust 6 My soule flyeth vnto the Lord before the morning watch I say before the morning watch 7 O Israel trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and with him there is plentious redēption 8 And he shal redeeme Israel from all his sins 1 Heare my prayer O Lord and consider my desire hearken vnto me for thy truth and righteousnes sake 2 And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man liuing bee iustified 3 For the enemie hath persecuted my soule hee hath smitten my life down to the groūd he hath laid me in the darknes as one that had been long dead 4 Therefore is my spirit vexed within mee and my heart within mee is desolate 5 Yet doe I remember the time past I muse vpon al thy workes yea I exercise my selfe in the workes of thy hands 6 I stretch forth my hand vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thirsty land 7 Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirit waxeth faint hide not thy face from mee least I be like them that goe downe into the pit 8 O let me heare of thy louing kindnes betimes in the morning for in thee is my trust shew me then the way that I should walk in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee 9 Deliuer me O Lord from my enemies for I flye vnto thee to hide me 10 Teach mee to doe the thing that pleaseth thee for thou art my God let thy louing spirit leade me forth into the land of righteousnes 11 Quicken me O Lord for thy name sake and for thy righteousnes sake bring my soule out of trouble 12 And of thy goodnes slay mine enemies and destroy all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruant