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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09945 A Godlye and holesome preseruatyue against desperatiƵ at all times necessarye for the soule but then chiefly to be bled and ministred when the deuill doth assault us moost fiercely, and deth approcheth niest. 1548 (1548) STC 20203.5; ESTC S1645 20,252 80

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saide to the thefe at his houre of death This daie shalt thou be with me in paradise The bodye thoughe it reste and pause for a while yet we be in certaine hope that at the laste daye it shal be raised againe to immortall and euerlasting lyfe And therfore scripture calleth the deathe of the body but a slepe for that this same fraile weke vyle mortal and corruptible bodye which we carie about which lieth sicke sore diseased which shortly shal be put into the earth burnt to asshes deuoured with bestes or foules drowned in water the same self body I say shal be raised again incorruptible glorious bewtifull stronge i. cor xv pure immortall to possesse a newe and euerlastinge lyfe where there shal neither be hūger thirst heat cold synne deth nor any kynde of calamitie but iustice innocencye lyfe ioye blesse world withoute ende For as the body of Christe laid in the graue rose againe the thirde day neuer more to die Euē so shal the bodies of al that beleue in christ at the later day be resuscitate to a lyfe after whiche shall folowe no death God who is of infinite power and infallible truth hath promised these thynges they muste therfore nedes be so And here it shal be profitable to call to remembraunce suche places of scripture as treatith of the resurrection of the flesh which be the wordes not of man but of god who is able will certainly fulfill what soeuer he hathe spoken No man can chaunge his wil no man can alter his purpose No creature can frustrate let or tarie his sentence He is omnipotēt he is true he is faithfull his goodnes and mercie is inexplicable Let no man therfore doubt of the treuthe of his wordes let no man doubt of the performaunce of his promise Herafter folowithe certayne places of scripture witnessinge the resurrection of the dead according to this article of our faith wherin we saie we beleue that this flesh shall rise againe Iohn vi THis is the will of my Father which sente me that whosoeuer seith the sonne beleuithe in him shall haue life euerlastinge and I will raist him vp againe in the last daye The houre comithe wherin all they that be ī the grauys shal here the voice of the sonne of God and shall go forthe thei that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life Iohan. v For if so be that the spirit of him which raysed vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you Rom. viii euin he that raised vp Iesus Christe from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodyes because of his sprite that dwelleth in you God hathe bothe raised vp oure Lorde Iesus Christ and shal also raise vs vp by his power i. Cor. vi Christe saithe Lazarus was but a slepe where in verie dede he was dead and buried Iohan. xi But Christ is the resurrectiō and life as it is in the same place so that he that beleuethe on him thoughe he were dead he shall lyue In verefienge whereof he raised straighte waye Lazarus being foure dayes dead and stynkynge And because we be naturallye in the agonye of deathe verye fearefull weake and faintherted to th ende that we might be the easelier perswaded in the article of resurrectiō Scripture maketh mencion of manye whiche in the time of the prophetes Christe and thappostles were called from deathe to lyfe Luc. 7. Christ raysed the widowes sōne Luc. 8. He raised the ruler of the sinagoge his daughter Ioa. xi He raised Lazarus Act. ix Peter restored to life Tabitha Act. xx Paule raised again Eutichus iiii Re. 4. Elizeus the prophet called againe to lyfe his hostes sonne iii. re xvii Helias raised the babe of the woman of Sareptanie God toke also vnto him out of this frail and transitory lyfe Gen. 5. 4. Reg. ii these two excellent and holy mē Enoch and Helias quicke bothe bodye soule to giue vs as it were a tast and representacion of the true lyfe to come lest after the opinion of the ethnickes and epicures we shulde thinke there were no worlde nor beinge after this wretched miserable life Let vs not forget what christ Iesꝰ lord of life deth saith in the .viii. of Luke wepe not the maid is not dead but a slepe Reason not cōprehēding the misteries of god nether perceiuing his power doth laugh this saīg to scorne but christ prouethe his saing true he raiseth by by the dead maid to life The .xv. chapter of the first epistle to the Corin. is replenished with moste godly pleasaunt and pithie consolacions Trulye it is more precious than anye golde For in that Chapit saincte Paule dothe so annexe and couple our resurrection to the resurcection of christ as though thei coulde in no wise be seperate or diuided after this forme Christ is risen from death which thing is certain ergowe al so shal vndoutedly rise For christ is our head and we his membres This head is neither without nether will forsake his membres Thē it foloweth that where christ is there shall we be For why we are the membres of his bodie and euin of his flesshe and bone Ephesi 5. what tonge what penne what witte is able to set forthe as it is worthy this ineffable inestimable glory of the mercy and grace of god that God hathe vouchsafe so lowe to humble him self as to become mortall man that this feble and fraile nature of man vnited and knit to the diuine nature by the power efficacie of the godhead might be inhaunced promoted to immortalitie For trulie the nature of all faithfull men which ether were before christ hathe be sens ar now or shal be to the worldes ende vndoubtedlie in christ verie god and man hathe optained imortality The consolacion therfore that riseth of christes resurrection is of great efficacitie As when sainct Paule saithe to the Corinthians Christ i. Cor. xv is risen againe from deade and is the first fruictes of theim that slepe for by one man truli came death by one man cometh the resurrectiō of the dead And as al die ī Adame euin so shall all be made aliue in christ but euerie one in his order The first is christ Thē they which are christes which hathe beleued in his commīg And saincte Paul dothe adde a similitude taken of naturall thinges wher by he doth set forthe and declare the resurrection of bodies The similitude is taken of sede which cast into the earthe by the husbandman dieth as it were and rotteth Neuer the lesse it is not vtterlie lost but at lenght springeth cometh forthe of the earth goodlie beautifull pleasaunte So our bodyes shall rise againe not feble vyle corruptible mortall but stronge glorious incorruptible immortal neuer to die again but euer to liue The way in to true and euerlastinge lyfe to our longe home as they call it and contrey is by corporall
caste hym downe to hell perpetualy cōdempne him When therfore the temptor shal lasche at vs which lyke temptacions we maye not shrinke we may not be afraid we may not be discoraged but cōmend our self wholy to CHRISTE hange vpon him who is wholy oures who hath geuin him self wholy to vs so that synne dethe nor hel hath nothing to do with vs. CHRIST with a inestimable price his owne blood hathe deliueryd vs from the tyranny of the deuil and euer lastinge dampnaciō he is become our innocency our life and our iustice Let vs take hede in any ways that we turne not our hartes from CHRISTE crucifyed Yf we cleue to him we are set vpon a sure and inexpugnable rocke againste the whiche all the power of hell is able to do nothinge So that we may boldly exclame and euery one say with CHRISTE I prouided the Lorde afore my eys all way Psal xvi for he is at my righte elbowe that I shulde not be mouyd therefore my harte hathe be gladde and my tonge hath reioysed moreouer my felsshe shall reste in hope By faithe in CHRISTE we become the sonnes of GOD the bretherne and coheires of Christ and partakers of euerlastinge life by this faith departing hence we shall go to the kingdome preparyd for the electe afore the beginnynge of the world And if in the feruentnes of these temptaciōs our faithe begin to wauer yf we do not bere pacientlye the will of oure heuinlye Father if oure loue towarde god waxe faint and cold yf oure hope beginne to be feble weake and therfore we begin to feare lest god and we be not all at a full point but that he is yet displeasyd with vs which tentacion surely is very greuous painful daungerous and hard to ouercome we must call to remembrance Christ to haue sufferyd for vs so intollerable and inuincible tentacions that there apperyd no help no comfort no refuge wherin GOD and the whole world semyd to haue forsaken him and to be against him In somouche that he exclamyd O my god o my GOD why haste thou forsaken me Oh here was a greuous tentacion A sharpe and a bitter death that CHRISTE sufferid for vs and all to make the way of the crosse and deathe easy vnto vs. Therfore seing that CHRISTE of his owne free wyll caste him selfe into the felinge of so intollerable paine calamity and anxiety GOD our most louinge Father beinge therwith contente vndoubtydlye he knowith and consyderyth our infirmite vndoubtydly he will not deale with vs accordinge to the rigour of the law but will bere muche with vs and pardon many thinges to our infirmity Doth not CHRIST speake to al men dothe he not call men when he saith Come vnto me all you that do labour and are laden and I shal refresh you howe can ther be any greater consolaciō howe could CHRISTE speake more mercyfully to vs. There be many thinges that pinche vex and trouble man greuously but what thinge is it that can trouble the conscience of a synner more thā whan he doubteth of the mercy of god then whan he fearethe leaste GOD will cast him of then whā he can not persuade him self to conceaue any trust of gods mercy but Imagine that as a witheryd member he shal be cut of and cast away Here we had nede of christes presēt helpe here we had nede of spedy cōforte lest this violent tempest ouerwhelme and drowne vs. But let vs not feare CHRISTE is no dissembler he wyll stande by his worde he wyll perfourme hys promyse He wyll helpe and refresshe Therefore when we begynne to trymble and feare in oure conscyence when we begin to doubte of goddes mercy when we perceaue our faithe to be feable Lette vs forthwith call vpon GOD and that feruently and that indesinantly leuen from the bottome of oure hart that he tourne not his face from vs. Lette vs power before hym all that dothe trouble vs. Let vs disclose to hym oure myserye oure imbecillitie oure incredulity Let vs crye with the disciples lorde increase oure faith Luc. xvii And with the Father of the Lunaticke Lorde we beleue helpe our incredulity And with the prophet Marci ix Lorde make hast to helpe vs. For thy mercy is aboue all thy workes O moste louing O moste mercyful father lord god of our healthe Ps lxix our only help and refuge Enter not into iudgemente with thy seruauntes Christe is our iustice our redemption and innocēcy he for vs hathe sufferyd most bitter cruel death Let these thynges moue the o father of mercy For thys thy son our sauior Christes sake haue mercy vpō vs confirme and strength our harte in faith comfort vs with the consolacions of thy holy sprit that we may finally optayne Ioy euerlastyng through Iesus christ Amen After this sort if we laborynge wresting and striuinge with our imbecillity accusing afore god lamentinge our pusilianimity and incredulity do catch hold of christ and cleue fast to hym earnestlye and feruently desirynge hys help that he wyl vouchsafe to take our place to supply that is lackinge in vs. These thinges if we do surely all thinges shal be well we shal auoyde and escape easly all daunger peryl we shal be safe enogh For these two to beleue in Christ and with hart to desire faith doth not much differ the one frō the other For though we fele yet great weaknes and imperfection in our self yet this ought to comfort vs that god wylleth commandeth that he shoulde be called vpon that he hath promised to here and help these that call ryghtly vpon him Now as nothing is more iustly or necessarily desired thē true faith euen so god hearith no praier soner or more gladly then whan mā findyng no goodnes in hym selfe doth acknowlege his owne infirmity his owne mysery his owne beggerlines dothe accuse and lament his owne incredulity with depe sighes harty desires calleth for faith These sighes these desires these prayers this litle sparke of faithe is the very sede of GOD wrought in vs by him which saith of Christe by the Prophet Esay that he shall not quenche the smokinge flaxe nor breake the brusyd rede Therfore let vs stedfastly beleue or at the leaste earnestelye and hartely pray that we may beleue bewaylyng afore god our lacke of faithe whiche thinges if we do we nede not doubt but we be acceptid of god we be taken for his childrē For it is not for noughte nor in vaine that he hathe layde our imbecillitie and synnes vpon his only begoten sonnes backe In Mathew Math. v. it is said blessed be those that mourne for thei shal be cōforted blessyd be those that hōger after righteousnes for they shal be satisfied These words are spokē al so to vs they may iustly be applyed to vs we mourne are sory in our hartes that we haue mispendyd our life paste We wishe and desyre yea we euē honger thriste after righteousnes Lette vs be of good chere we shall optayne oure desire we shal be comfortyd we shall be counted iuste a fore GOD for CHRISTE oure sauior his sake Fynally let vs after the example of Christ and sainte Steuin commend our soules into the handes of GOD our heuenly father sainge euery one after this maner O Most mercyfull father I cōmēd into thy holly hādes my spirit yea thy spirite for thou hast create it thou haste commytted it for a tyme to the body thou haste geuen it thy owne Image and similitude Thou haste sent for the redēption of it thi owne most derely belouyd sonne to shed his blood This the spirite I resigne into thi handes O GOD of all mercy I am thyne all that I am I beseche the refuse not thy owne but receaue kepe and place me in euerlasting glory for the sake of Iesus Christ thy only begoten sonne Amen ¶ Imprinted at London by Iames Burrel dwellyng without the Northe gate of Paules in the cornor house of Pater noster rowe openinge in to chepesyde Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum