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A05400 A treatise of the right way fro[m] danger of sinne & vengeance in this wicked world, vnto godly wealth and saluation in Christe. Made by Th. Leuer, and now newly augmented. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed. Lever, Thomas, 1521-1577. 1575 (1575) STC 15552; ESTC S106915 50,750 138

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Christ by his comming and suffering hath abolished all figures and shadows of sacrifices and ceremonies ouercomming in déede sinne death and damnation and ascending bodily vp into heauen hath sent downe the holie ghost to beare witnesse and work with the preachers of his gospell vpon earth whiche as faithfull messangers of the Lorde earnestly exhorte and humbly beseech men in Christ that they woulde bée reconciled vnto god Wherfore now after sufficient experience and tryall of all things and vtter abolishement of such as nowe might bée euil or vnprofitable God the father of mercie and pitie through the merits meanes of Christ his son by the power and presence of the holie Ghost euer woorking and witnessing with the Ministers of the Gospell doth so mooue and dispose purifie and sanctifie the harts and mindes of men as teacheth and causeth them by fayth to flee dangers of dānation deserued by their owne déedes vnto assurance of saluation in Christes merites They be taught to beleue in God by the sonne the spirite the woorde and messangers of God. I do not meane that they be taught only to say I beléeue as the Church doth or only to say the summe of a good beléefe in an vnknowen language but that as God by the minister of his worde and power of his spirit teacheth so their heartes and minds conceiue their mouthes confesse and the fruites of their charitable works bée agreable in such wise as euery one of them most truly and comfortable doth think and may say with the holie catholike Church I beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth I which was by nature a childe of wrath borne and liuing in sinne vnder Sathan in the kingdome of darkenesse nowe of grace through the holy ghost by the immortall séede of Gods worde being newe begotten and new borne vnto the kingdome of God Do beleeue as certainely as of moste sure ground and as throughly as of great triall and experience I do know and trust in god the father almightie that God which is all goodnesse in himselfe hath of his fatherly loue and almightie power made mée his good creature and deer child so that he will for euer be a gracious God and louing father vnto me which is the maker of heauen and earth which hath created and made doth rule and order al things in heauen and earth vnto his honour and glorie and vnto my comfort and cōmoditie For as hée being the Lord ouer all hath declared himself to bée a father vnto me by his promise so I am sure of the inheritance of all being his childe by faith And in Iesus Chryste hys onely sonne our Lorde I haue good knowledge by sure truste in Iesus the Sauioure of his people from their sinnes that I shall bée saued from my sinnes and from all euilles throughe Christ the annointed King priest and prophet that I shall bée a christian that I shal be annointed with grace of Christes spirit to be partaker of the kingly priesthode and godly wisedome of Christ that in such holinesse righteousnesse and godlinesse as is acceptable before him I may offer the sacrifice of my selfe in seruing him al the dayes of my life and haue the crowne of glory with him in his kingdome in the kingdom vnto the which he hath redéemed vs that is of nature and substance vnto God his only sonne making vs his brethren and Gods children by grace and adoption so that wée must take him to be our Lorde obeying the authoritie learning the doctrine and following the example of him as of our onely gouerner scholemaster and pastour VVhich vvas conceyued by the holie Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary Which in taking by the holy Ghost of a pure virgine our flesh vpon him hath purified vs from our sinnes to be sanctified in his righteousnesse VVhich suffered vnder Pontius Pilate Suffered vnder a Iudge the iudgement of death due for our sinnes to purchase for vs of god his father the reward of his righteousnesse to giue vs example and grace to followe his obedience He vvas crucified Bearing the curse of the lawe to get and giue vnto vs the blessing of grace hee Died and vvas buried So that nowe our bodies mindes with him should bée mortified and buried frō sin and not die and damned in sin for hee Descended into hell He suffered all extremitie not onely in bodie but also in soule that we should suffer no more than we might be able to bear and that no paynes or punishment for sinnes should be plagues of vengeance to destroy vs but rather corrections of fatherlie loue to amende vs. The thyrd day he rose againe from the dead The day and time appointed and afore prophecied with victorie ouer Hell Death and Damnation hée rising from the deade did make death a ready and spéedie passage for vs vnto life teaching and strengthning vs to ryse forth of sinne and walke in newnesse of life after him that Ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the father almighty And like as the sunne at midday so he in bodily presence lifte vp from the earth into heauen there in glory of Gods maiestie abiding doth from thence shine and shewe his vertue and goodnesse by the power of his spyrite most presently and comfortably vnto all creatures in euery place vpon the earth and as hée ascended bodily into Heauen to replenishe all things euen so in the same bodie From thence he shal come to iudge the quick and dead From heauen whither as he did ascende in the sight of his disciples so from thence in the sighte of all men shall hée come not only in spirite and power as he is at all times in all places but also in his bodie glorified with maiestie as he is nowe in heauen and shall not come from thence vntill the last day when as all men both dead afore and liuing then shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortalitie vnto suche state as shall euer continue either in hel or in heauen according vnto the righteous iudgement of Christe in the which hee shall declare and take all vs that be vnfayned Christians to be the blessed children and heires of God with him in that kingdome which could neuer by any works or merites of any man haue bene deserued or purchased but onely in Christe vnto Christians of the only gracious goodnesse of god hath for euer bene prepared I beleue in the holie Ghost I haue knowledge with sure hope in the holy spirit of God equall with the father and the sonne proceeding from the father and the sonne to sanctifie beautifie Christes Church that I shall be sanctified from all sinnes and endued with all good giftes of grace as God seeth is moste necessarie expediente for mée to edifie and not to destroy Yea I beléeue that by him all Gods creatures be sanctified and made holie vnto all godly men and that without him there can be
A TREATISE of the right way frō Danger of Sinne vengeance in this wicked worlde vnto godly wealth and saluation in CHRISTE Made by Th. Leuer and now newly augmented Seene and allowed according to the order appointed clearly and sincerely preached and professed then and there is moste acceptable time and saluation and moste perillous time daunger and damnation moste acceptable tyme and saluation for them that vnderstande beleeue and professe the same truely and most perillous time daunger and damnation for them that neglecte refuse or abuse the same corruptly For the one sorte shall bee taken as children out of a Schoole too enioy their Fathers inheritance the other shall bee taken as beasts out of a pasture vntoo the day of slaughter Those that learne and folowe the will and wisedome of God in the worde of God shal be sure as Gods childrē to haue al things necessarie and comfortable by Gods prouidence and also to inherite Gods kingdome and those that feede their owne affections in fleshly lustes and in worldly vanities shall bee taken as beastes from the pasture vntoo slaughter from pleasure and pastime worldely vnto payne and perdition eternally Consider therfore how Gods children learne by Gods woorde written in holy Scripture for theire learning so as in reading or hearing of the same they seeke and finde comfort of conscience with suche meditation of the meaning thereof as doothe dayly mortifie their carnall affections All others do eyther vtterly refuse or corruptly abuse the woorde of God euer feeding their carnall affections I say suche as refuse Gods worde do feede their affections in worldely vanities and fleshely lustes and such as abuse Gods worde do feed also their affections in some ceremoniall superstitions or hypocriticall abuse of Gods woorde But Gods children bee all taught of God so too vse the hearing reading and meditation of Gods woorde written in holy Scriptures by inspiration of God taught also as the woorde of faith preached by ministers and preachers sent of God that thereby Gods spirite dothe put good lawes intoo their minds and write them in their heartes And then they feling their myndes illuminated with the truth and theirs hearts inflamed with the sincerity and simplicitie of Gods woorde may boldly and comfortably say that God of his owne good will hath begotten vs by the worde of truthe wee are nowe borne not of blood not of the will of fleshe nor of the will of man but of god VVee are nowe not in the fleshe but in the spirite bycause the spirite of God dwelleth in vs. So then wee are nowe detters not vntoo the fleshe too lyue after the fleshe but vntoo the spirite For if wee shoulde liue after the fleshe wee shoulde die but if wee mortifie the deedes of the bodye by the spirite wee shall lyue Therefore Gods children vse the hearing reading preaching and meditation of Gods woorde not to feede but to kill their carnall lustes All others whether that they doo vtterlye refuse or else accepte and vse the woorde of God yet they doo but feede carnall affections through diuelishe illusions eyther with worldely vanities and fleshely lustes euidently or else with some abuse of Gods woorde colourably and corruptly Of this matter did I wryte a little Booke beyng at Geneua in the time of Queene Maries raigne when I was there by diuerse Englishe men mooued and requested too cause it too bee printed and so then with a lyttle Preface I dyd sende many of those Bookes so printed intoo this Realme of Englande And nowe finding none of those Bookes too be solde in anie place but beeing of some desired too peruse one of them whiche was founde in a freendes hande and putte it too printing agayn with some admonition meete for this tyme I haue ●ritten this Epistle or Preface aduertising and desiring all suche as will reade it so to search the holie Scriptures and their owne consciences that they may see and take occasions to pittie and praye for them selues for all men and especially for the Queenes moste excellent Maiestie and all those that bee in aucthoritie vnder her that wee may liue a peaceable and quiet life with godlynesse and honestie And not too vse suche feeding of their owne affections as causeth suspecting enuying mysliking and mysreporting of others especially of such as be in authoritie for that of such thinges commonly commeth greate daunger and the vtter ouerthrowe of the Churche and Common wealth with all vngodlinesse and iniquitie And seeing that the grace of God that bringeth saluation to all men hath appeared teaching vs that wee forsaking vngodlinesse and worldly lustes shoulde liue soberly righteously and godlily in this presente worlde Therefore lette vs not in feeding our owne worldly and fleshly affections prouoke God vtterly too ouerthrowe but in learning and folowing the will and wisedome of God reuealed and taught in Gods woorde by Gods grace pray and desire God too preserue and prosper our Church and common wealth with the gouernours of the same in Christ Iesu. At London 1571. THOMAS LEVER VNTO Englande wisheth grace mercie and peace of God in Christ. WHEN as I did perceyue that my presence and preaching in Englande should not muche profit then did I take a long iourney or pilgremage vntoo holie places voyde of Images inhabited with good Sainctes nowe liuing whereas in prayer vntoo God studie of the scriptures and councelling with godly lerned men I did euer desire and seeke some way too helpe my natiue countrie And nowe truely if any man or woman belonging vntoo Englande and abyding there or elsewhere will reade this little Booke diligentely they shall see the way howe too please God too profit their countrie too discharge their duetie too comforte their consciences and too tourne all perillous Plagues intoo plentifull prouision of all thinges necessarie and commodious for their countrie beyng Christes Churche for themselues and for all theirs Therfore ô Englande I an Englishe man enuying or hating no person high or lowe riche or poore but of charitie afore God wishing to euery one as too my selfe haue made dedicate and sent this little booke vntoo thee as a token to witnesse my will and acknowledge my duetie towardes thee God graunt that suche thinges as bee well made and ment for thee may be well taken and vsed of thee vnto Gods glorie vntoo thy profit and vntoo the comfort of Christians in Christ. For I take God to witnes that I doo not mean or purpose to charge any maner of persons with any faultes or too threaten them with any plagues but such as their owne conscience shall force them to finde in the lawes and commaundementes of God nor also too flatter any person in forging fayned shifts and refuges but faithfully to teache euery man that plaine way of godly healthe and welthe whiche is conteyned in the common creede in that fayth whiche the holie catholike Churche of Christe doth professe Therfore all my laboure in studie and prayer for thee vntoo God
many iust occasions of some rest and quietnesse after his labours and businesse Seing therfore that al painfull labours pertaine vnto penance deserued by sinne of man and al comfortable restes be gratious giftes of Gods goodnesse vnto the reliefe and release of mans miseries Remember that thou keepe holie the sabboth day in thy painefull labours thou shalt continue chéere and refresh thy self with comfortable remembrance of ghostlie rest and quietnesse For syx dayes shalt thou labour and do all thou hast to do thou shalt with good corage in any labors to discharge thy duety continue at all times but the seauenth day is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God but then when as by any death any common ordinaunce or by some singular and peculiar occasion thou shalt of God bee dimissed from bodily businesse vnto spirituall rest and quietnesse which time as the last day of the weeke and the ende of al thy workes and businesse thou shalt euer kéep holie euer reserue referre wholly vntoo the Lorde thy god In it thou shalte doo no maner of worke thē shalt thou not be troubled with worldly affaires or bodilie businesse but receyuing comfort and consolation of the Lorde render thankes and praise with ioy and gladnesse of minde for in remembring to mortifie thy flesh with bodilie labors vpon the worke dayes thy mind shal not be weried but well dysposed vnto all charitable exercises and godly meditations vpon the holy day vpon the day time graunted and giuen of god vnto thée that then thou refreshing thy mind in quiet godlie meditation shouldeste not burthen thy bodie or cūber thy conscience with worldly cares or businesse then shalt thou leaue of all such labours thou and thy sonne and thy daughter and thy man seruante and thy mayde seruant and thy cattel and the stranger that is within thy gates as all that béelongeth vnto thée were made partakers of punishmente when as thou was put to penance for sinne so shall they all haue their parte and portion of this reste and release graciously giuē to thy recreation renouation For in syx dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is for the Lord that made al things appointed al other times for necessary works and rested the seauenth day shewing by example that a pleasaunt rest shoulde remaine after the end of times consumed in labours VVherfore the Lorde blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it Wherfore O man the Lorde god hath blessed the time of his rest frō thy labors with most plesant blessings vnto al creatures hallowed it in most acceptable seruice vnto himself Wherfore thou remē bring with diligēce the dispatch of al worldly works in due time to kepe al thy rest euer wholy holie vnto the Lord shal most and best praise god please other comfort thine own cōscience according as thou hast here example cōmaundemēt of the Lorde god So this manner of kéeping of my sabboths is a sure tokē signe that I the Lord God do sanctifie thée with all that thou hast to kepe a continuall sabboth or continuall quietnesse of conscience seruing mee the Lorde thy God in holynesse and righteousnesse all the day●s of thy life As contrarywise the breaking or abusing of my sabboths is a certain signe that such as so do be subiect to Sathan the prince of this world euer labouryng with corruption of minde and conscience to serue them selues in vngodlinesse and wickednesse all the dayes of their liues So are not suche men sanctified by me but my sabboths and all that they haue of me be polluted and abused by them Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may bee long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God giueth thee Bicause thou arte a childe of suche follie and fraylenesse that thou canst not sufficiently prouide for thy selfe nor charitably liue in order and kéep company with other but by the fatherly protection and prouision of suche as I the Lorde thy God of fatherly affection towardes thée haue placed in authority ouer thée Therfore thou shalt with all louing obe●ience and due payments honouring them obey and glorifie mée that thy dayes may bee long that thou maist continue wyth comforte vnder the protection of them whose heartes alwayes be in the hande of the Lorde to maintaine and direct that power and authoritie which they haue of the Lorde euer to correct punish or destroy euill doers and to cherish rewarde and defende them that do well in the lande which the Lorde thy god giueth thee in place or in places which the Lorde God of louing fauour towardes thée wil euer prouide so as he foreséeth and knoweth bée most méete and expedient for thée Thou shalt do no murther Thou thy selfe being a man shalt in no wise by thought word or déed commit anie suche euill as in any wise hurtefull vntoo the life of man for the hurt of mans life is the sheading of mans bloud and the sheading of mans bloud vpon earth cryeth vnto God for vengeaunce to fal from heauen God which searcheth the heart séeth al that lieth lurking in the minde so that if there bée in thy hart any hate of thy brother thou art afore God a murtherer yea he is the cause of the death of man afore God that lacketh loue to saue the life of man vppon earth Therfore that thou mayest kéepe thy handes cleane from sheading of innocente bloude and not be the cause and prouoker of vengeance to fal from heauē vpon earth thou shalt do or wishe nothing that is euill vnto any man but all that is good to the vttermost of thy power vnto euery man according vnto the meaning of this commandement giuen of god vnto man for the preseruation of man. Thou shalt not commit adulterie Thou whome God hath created like vnto his pure image and vnto whom he hath made a fellowe helper in like fourme to be coupled together in honourable matrimonie for the godlie continuance of thy kinde in succession shalt eyther keep thy self chast in pure virginitie or else in sanctified matrimonie liue wyth thy yoke fellowe only so that no filthie luste in thy hearte loke of thine eye or gesture in any parte of thy bodie defile thy flesh with adultrie with any man●r of corruption contrary vnto the purenesse of godlie matrimonie For al filthie lust cōming of that séed which god hath created in nature and sanctified in wedlock vnto the increase of mankinde when as it is not dysposed and vsed in the holinesse of matrimonie vnto the blessing of succession and the auoiding of fornication then doth it vnnaturally and vngodly defile delude and driue bodie and minde of man to abuse refuse and breake godlie wedlocke vnto the corruption curse and perdition of man his séede and succession Therfore thou shalt auoide all such vnnaturalnesse such vngodlinesse such corruption cursse and perdition and kepe thy self pure in spirit in soule and bodie if thou kepe
table where imagerie is not forbidden for ciuile vsage amongs men but that suche may be made kept if abusing of them be auoyded yet of things belonging to the first table where imagerie is forbidden for any vsage in religion or seruice of God all suche imagerie ought vtterly to bée auoyded and abolished Also negligently to heare speake or read the word and name of god or to pray without deuotion yea not to heare reade confesse God and his truth with reuerence diligence praise thanks and prayer so oft as thou may haue occasion is condemned by the third commandement which requireth honour due vnto Gods name The fourth commaundement requireth perfit diligence in all due labours a mind neuer wearied but alwayes delited with godly meditations so as any mā may therby euer finde himselfe faultie both in labor and rest Then doth a man breake the fifth commaundement when as he doth not with all earnest deligence louing obedience obey and maintaine al good orders among men Thou sinnest against the sixth as a murtherer so oft as thou dost not relieue defende euery man that néedeth so muche as thou may by any charitable meanes Thou art gilty as an adulterous person agaynst the seuenth commandement so oft as any filthie lust inflameth thy fleshe And if thy filthy lust be satisfied in any abuse of naturall seede then is thy sin not only a vil● corruption of nature but also a Sodomiticall abhomination contrary vnto nature If thou liue in idlenesse vpon other mennes labours or do not get righteously and bestow charitably somuch knowledge and comfort meates money and all maner of goods as thou may be able by al honest and godly wayes thou arte then iudged a théefe by the eight commandement If thou make any manner of lies or but faintly and vnfaithfully defende thy neighbors truth and honestie thou art condemned of false witnesse agaynst thy neighbor in the ninth commaundement Finally if in consideration of thy necessitie thou do not onely desire and take as sufficient gods plentie prouided vnto thée but in seing any thing faire or good pertayning vnto thy neyghbor dost couet the profite or pleasure propertie or possession of the same from him vnto thée then dost thou offende afore God against man Yea euery such lust lying in thy heart may bèe perceyued by the tenth commandement to be sin albeit so secret that Paule sayth he should not haue known it but by this commandement which sayth Thou shalt not couet Surely such knowledge of sinne cōmeth by this lawe that when as any man in his owne conscience afore the face of God wil truly measure by the line of this law howe far he is fallen from the righteousnesse acceptable vnto God into sinne abhominably offending God then shall be perceiue that through the infirmitie of his owne flesh he doth fall so farre from al power of frée will from all ablitie to performe fully his duetie vnto God that in him selfe he can haue no hope to escape the rigor of the lawe the letter of the law which killeth curseth and condemneth all faults infirmities and imperfections in man vnto whome God did giue in creation both purenesse and perfection Therfore as in him that presumeth to be iustified by his déedes in doing of this law any impurenesse or imperfectiō is worthily condemned by the righteousnesse contained in the lawe so contrariwise vnto him that féeleth and with fayth in Christe confesseth his owne faultes and infirmities al horrible sinnes and gréeuons crimes shall be graciously pardoned through the mercyfull pitie of the Lorde ouer the lawe So is the lawe a tutour or scholemaster teaching man what he oweth of dutie and forcing him to flée vnto the promise of God in Christ for mercy They therfore vse the law lawfully which learne by it to knowe what man ought to do and performe of dutie and so be made méete and desirous too heare the glad tidings of the gospel of Christ in whome God doth promis and performe vnto man all things freely For the lawe sheweth vnto man death and damnation in all his owne deedes and the gospel allureth man vnto assuraunce of saluation in Christes merites So Adam in Paradise being broughte vnto a perceiuing and féeling of his owne sinfull miseries through the lawe and commaundemente was by the gladde tidinges of the Gospell by the promise in the seede of the woman to breake the heade of the Serpent comforted and called to come by fayth in Christe forth of his owne miseries vnto Gods mercies So the Israelites in wildernesse immediatly after their greuous idolatrie vnto the golden calfe being brought vnder feare of the law vnto a féeling of themselues were recouered with comfort in the promise of a Prophet to be raysed vp of God vnto them of their brethren And continually all the dayes of Iosua the Iudges and the Kings and so forth so oft as by any plagues preachings and threatnings of the lawe they were brought vnto true féeling and confessing of themselues and their owne faultes they euer lerned to flée vnto Gods promises and to finde recouerie in his mercies but when as they followed their owne fantasies flattering themselues then fell they continually from euill vnto worsse sinnes and sorrowes miseries and mischéefs For in continuance of times and lack of grace they lost Iudges Kings and good Gouernours of their owne vtterly they and their countrey were brought into subiection to serue strangers Their temple gods house made to be replenished with riches of godlinesse was turned into a den of theeues which did rob God of his honour and Gods people of muche riches and of all maner of godlinesse and in the place of godly Priestes and true Prophetes false flatterers and ambitious prelates did by many meanes draw men from god vnto themselues from Goddes lawes vnto their traditious to labour in conscience vnder intollerable burdens Wherefore as afore time God had by the crueltie of Pharao driuen them out of Egypt to be allured and led by méeke Moses toward the lande of promise so then at that time did God driue them by those euils frō seruing vnder the letter of the lawe which killeth to be called by Christ at his comming vnto the libertie of the gospell which by the spirit quickneth So all things that be done in the world and truly written in holie Scriptures pertayning to the lawe and the Gospell serue to declare and witnesse that al men be sinners and al their déedes deserue damnation and that God in many thinges sheweth mercy vnto all men and that he also giueth abundance of mercie and grace vnto so many as beleus his pronuse made vnto them in Christ Iesu. CHAP. v. God by the ministerie of the gospell teacheth men to beleue in dede the diuel by common custome teacheth men to say onely that they beleue THE Lorde God in Christ did reconcile the world to himself not charging men with their sinnes but offering vnto them his mercies And
no holinesse nor nothing holie vnto any man For it is not only the holy ghost in the heart and minde of man that sanctifieth that maketh and kéepeth pure and holy The holy catholicke church I knowe and thinke assuredly that I and all Christians be one church one congregation in suche vnitie of liuely faithe whiche worketh by charitie as dothe euer kéepe vs togither as members of one bodie in Christe although wée be farre asunder by reason of diuers times and places in the worlde and by the holy spirite worde and sacraments of God in this church is such holinesse as doth euer striue and preuaile against vngodlines such holinesse as is the continual purging of men from their sins to furnishe and garnishe them with godly righteousnesse in christ This Church or congregatiō is so catholike so made one of many so made one mysticall bodie in Christ of many men in all places as is one mannes naturall body of diuers members euery one seuerally hauing their own places and proportions all together ioyned accordingly in one body of one person And so the communion of Sainctes The vnitie of them that be sanctified redemed and deliuered from the seruice of the Diuell the flesh and the worlde to glorifie God in holinesse and righteousnesse is by Christ and in Christ a common comfort and cōmoditie vnto al them of euery thing that is good or profitable vnto any of them which although many times they cānot bée séene and perceyued of worldely men nor well knowne one to another yet being all of one faith be euer altogether afore god in one mind as members of one body to haue communion comfort and commodity euery one with al other in Christ their head And as it was sayde they haue Moses and the Prophets let them heare them so haue wée always in this holy catholike Church the foundatiō of the Prophets Apostels Christ being the beade corner stone albeit not their personsin bodily presēce yet their examples of liuing and truthe of doctrine in their wrytings so that euer therein wée may sée and perceyue that face and fashion of the holie catholicke Churche which God hath ordayned to be so shewed as moste expedient and sufficient vnto all men at al times and all places The Remission of sinnes In this Church of Christ and companie of Saintes I knowe and receiue freely by fayth forgiuenesse of sins which be so great and gréeuous debts as do deserue death and damnation and as the least of them could neuer haue bene dyscharged but onely by the precious passion and oblation of Christ once for all The resurrection of the body I know and loke that our bodies by sin of man deseruiug death to decay in corruptiō shall by the might and merite of Christ be raised to receiue glory immortalitie And life euerlasting And finally that bodies and soules in ioy and glory shal liue for euer in the kingdome of god when as we shall receiue our inheritaunce with Christ in whom according vnto Gods promises and our fayth al these things be most sure and certaine that is to say Amen So be it Now thus beleuing and comparing the kingdome of heauen with the pleasures of Paradise and the holinesse of regeneration with the purenesse of creation I finde and féele how that I do get more and better by faith in Christ than that which I did loose by sinne in Adam Yea I haue good vnderstanding and comfortable experience how that God hath concluded al men vnder sin to be mercyful vnto all how that the scripture truely describing declaring the righteousnesse of God and the sinfulnesse of man hath concluded all men vnder their owne sinnes that righteousnesse which cōmeth of the faith of Christ might be giuen vnto the beléeuers howe that through the righteousnesse of the lawe and infirmities of mannes flesh God doth make greate aboundance of sinne to appeare in all mens beedes and deseruings that more aboundaunce of grace might bée graunted and giuen by the merits of Christ vnto all that receyue and beleeue the Gospell O blessed be God for the gifte of this beléefe by the which he maketh the losse of the plesures of Paradise through mās sinne to serue vnto the inheritance of the kingdome of Heauen by gods grace And the sinfull sorowes in mans conscience to be cōfortable signes and tokens of sauing health by Christes Phisicke and medicines And all dangers plagues and vengeance for sinne in the world to driue men to assurance of health and wealth by faith in the Lorde There can be nothing so sure certaine as this faith which commeth by hearing of Gods worde which is the worke of Gods spirite whiche is confirmed by the life doctrine and death of al that euer were Prophets Apostles Euangelists Martyres to teach and witnesse Gods truth For this faith is not only a knowledge of the grace mercy goodnesse of God but also an assurance of the same vnto mannes self by the word sprite of god So that it is the ground worke stay of al good hope the argument and euidēce of all such mysteries as be hid and couered from worldlings to be reserued and reueled only vnto Gods children Therefore any man may easely learne to speake these wordes but the goodnesse of God towards mā by these words signified is such as can not be knowne or perceiued of them which be of bloud or of the will of the Flesh or of the wil of man but only of them whiche be borne of God whiche be priuiledged by Christ to be the children of god For this beléef is not of the fréewill of man ●ut of the holy spirit of God not by keping customes or traditions of men but by hearing the word of God by hearing or reading the glad tidings of the Gospell in such sorte as can not be reueled but onely in Christ of the heauenly father by the holie ghost vnto Gods children The blind eyes of wittie worldlings in séeking for worldely wealth contemning Gods worde can sée and finde in déede nothing but the wrath and vengeance of God in al things and especially in sicknesse plagues wars and losse of any lands or goods but the cleare eyes of faythfull christians by the light of the Gospell seeking the kingdome of god and the righteousnesse therof in all things and especially in losse of anie góodes or suffering any paynes do euer sée the mercifull pitie and tender loue of their heauenly father alwayes keping them vnder the rodde of correction and the crosse of persecution ▪ as his most deare children All Iewish persons wil haue such a Messias as shall make them Princes and prelates in a worldely kingdome faythfull christians haue the sonne of god their Lord and sauior which hath bought and brought them from this world to bee a holie people and kingly priesthode vnto God in his heauenly Hierusalem The Crosse the passion death of Christ is an offence vnto all such
as be delited and drouned in Iewishe ceremonies and superstition and a foolishnesse vnto such as glory in Gréekish learning and wisedome but for all faithfull Christians whiche beléeue the Gospell of the same crosse death and passion it is the power of God vnto their euerlasting rest and saluation Grosse idolaters do boldly and blindly imagine a presence of God in imagerie or vnder the forme of some maner of bodie to be kept and honored of them according vnto their fantasie but the cléere light of the Gospell doth euidentely vnto the faithfull shewe EMANVEL him which is God with vs so that they most comfortably sée by fayth Christ God and man so in his naturall bodie glorified in heauen that in power of his spirit with the ministers of hys worde and members of his mystical bodie vpon earth he is alwayes present amongst men bestowing suche giftes of his grace vpon them and receiuing suche honoure thankes seruice of them as may be most for his honor and glory and their comforte and commoditie Uoluptuous ▪ Epicures be alwayes wery of the time present and voide of all good hope of that which is to come but faithfull Christians chéerefully bestowe their time in honest godly study labors and exercise with most comfortable hope and desire of Christ to come in Maiestie to receiue them into his eternall ioy and glory Coniurers and Charmers doe imagine suche a vertue too be in their wordes and waters circles and crosses brethinges and blessinges as shoulde poure aboundance of holynesse into any thing as pleaseth them yea as coulde force the deuil from hell and God from heauen to appeare vnder some likenesse presently vnto them Faithefull Christians by Gods worde doe learne and knowe how that the holy Ghost by faithe in Christ doth purge mennes hartes from al vngodlynesse and replenishe them with such gratious goodnesse as sanctifieth them and all things as causeth them with all manner of Gods good creatures euer too serue God in holinesse and rightuousnesse without any presumption or desire to coniure either God or the deuill Superstitious hypocrites can sée no face of that Churche whiche they wil cleue vnto but in solemne shewe of Ceremonies and pompe of Prelates faithfull Christians do euidently sée in the holy Scriptures suche a foundation of the Prophets and Apostles ioyned vnto Christe the heade corner stone as is moste necessary commodious and sufficient for them in faith doctrine and conuersation to be framed ioyned and made members and partes agréeable vnto that head foundation They sée by faith that face of Christes church which god by his word hath shewed to the faithful Desperate persons can neuer trust nor desire of God forgeuenesse of sinnes resurrection of their bodies nor life euerlasting But faithfull Christians by glad tydinges of the Gospell be taught and encouraged to desire and beléeue that their sinnes shall be vtterly abolished their bodyes from corruption and deathe chaunged and raysed that they themselues vnto the image of God in Christ reformed may in life euerlasting with Christ be glorified For in the light of the gospel of Christ is the vncouered face of Christ the euidente example and doctrine of Christ so shewed to be séene as doth transforme the faithfull beleuers into the same image of godlinesse which is in Christes doctrine and conuersation as doth moue and make men to put of olde Adam that they may become newe creatures in christ So they be taughte of the father to know the sonne they be drawen of the father to come vnto the sonne they be transformed from the custome and trade of this world to be framed and fashioned like vnto the sonne of God as vnto the heade corner stone of a spirituall house of a holie temple to offer spirituall sacryfices acceptable vnto God to offer as Paule teacheth the Romaines their owne bodies a sacrifice holie liuely and acceptable vnto God and as Paul calleth the charitable bestowing of the Philippians goods odours of swéete sauour acceptable sacrifices plesaunt vnto god So that fayth which commeth by the Gospell maketh mens bodies and mindes landes and goods and al that they haue to be sanctified sacrificed and offered vnto god For the Gospell teacheth howe that God ordeyneth and gyueth all things vnto mannes comfort and commoditie and howe that men should do all thinges vnto Gods honour and glorie So by the Gospel al holinesse and godlinesse ▪ all gracious goodnesse all true treasures and riches be giuen abundantly vnto man and all honour and seruice all thanks and prayse be rendred duely vnto god But vnto all manner of men lacking the lyghte of the Gospell all manner of things be vnprofitable yea al their owne dooings be abhominable afore God ▪ and damnable vnto thēselues For nothing can be good or profitable vnto man which doth offend and displease god Nothing can please God without faith in Christe and it is vnpossible to haue fayth in Christe and not to haue the Gospell of Christe Therfore it was verie necessarie and expedient that afore the cleare lyghte of the Gospell did fully shine vnto the world that the experience of other thinges shoulde be well tried and knowne in the world For suche is the good ordinance of God to vse all maner of meanes to bring mē frō vaine hope in any other thing vnto a sure faith in christ only which cōmes by hering of gods word according to Christes gospel For of all the good creatures of God and of the habilitie of fréewill man had sufficient experience in paradise afore there was any infirmitie and corruption of nature by reason of sinne And afterwardes the promisses made vnto the fathers the lawe giuen by Moyses with all Sacrifices and ceremonies in the Tabernacle and in the Temple dyd serue for a season to make men myndefull and desirous of the commyng and kingdome of Chryste whyche should performe the promisse and satisfye the Lawe beautifying his Churche with suche cleare lyght of the Gospel as shoulde vtterly abolishe all shadowes and figures of Sacrifices and Ceremonies with the Tabernacle and the Temple And Christ himselfe did in bodie depart from the earth to be glorified in Heauen so as by sending from thence the holie Ghoste was most expedient for men to haue Christe in spirite alwayes present with them vppon earthe So therfore after all other good thinges as the last and the best God hath thus in the ende of the worlde set vp the kingdom of Christ with the clere lighte of the Gospell and comfortable presence of his spirite Seeing therefore that man in Paradyse amongest all Goddes creatures hauing a pure nature did not then by the habilitie of his Fréewill nor by the goodnesse of other creatures continue and stande in vprightnesse he should not imagine that now in the vanities of this worlde and infirmities of his fleshe being drowned in sinne he can finde any thing able to rayse him vp vnto rightuousnesse Also it is a cruel thing by the heauie
shée be to please him only and to passe for none other So there is great difference betwixt the godly charitie of Christians the selfe loue of worldlings For tell the worldling that God so much doth loue him that he can not be vtterly forsaken and damned then will hée care litle to forsake God and fal into sinne the faithful Christian perceiuing in Christ most certaine assuraunce of gods loue and saluation is so satisfied and comforted therin that nothing can separate him from the loue of God in Christ Iesu. The loue of harlots is soone extinguished in pouertie and sicknesse the loue in wedlocke is then thorough pitifull prouision of the one for the other wonderously purified and increaced betwixte man and wyse Worldlings be wearie of Religion lacking wealthe and prosperitie Christians finde comfortable increase of pure loue vnder the crosse of Christ. Harlots vse outwardly muche curious trimming many gorgeous vanities being inwardly infected with filthy fornication many vile vices Matrones haue outwardly a comfortable countenance plain apparell being inwardly beautifyed with modestie honestie and such vertues So comparing Idolatrie vnto Christianitie it is euident to be séene howe on the one parte outwardly places and persones with imagerie and crosses copes and vestments ceremonies and shews be solemnly set forth which inwardly be filled with spiritual fornication hypocrisie and superstition And on the other part how outwardly persons and places after moste playn maner and fashion without any counterfaited garmentes images ceremonies or any solemnities in comfortable preaching of the Gospel ministration of the Sacramentes be inwardly replenished with faithe hope and charitie The whoorishe church of Antichriste taketh of all maner of men what so euer she can catche to make hir selfe to séeme gay and goodly The holy Church of Christ wil receiue nothing of any man but of Christe onely that she in déede maye bée chast pure and holy Therefore the Masse made of manye mennes inuentions is taken as a thyng moste profitable and plesant vnto the one nothing but the plaine preaching of the gospel sealed with the sacramentes of Christes only institution and ordinance can be receiued as comfortable and commodious vnto the other Into the Masse be nowe gathered suche solemne shewes dumme ceremonies with straunge words and whisperings as alore haue bene vsed of the Gentiles in Idolatrie of the Iewes in Superstition and of sorcerers incantations and coniuryngs which were all vtterly cōdemned refused and separated of Christe and his disciples from suche preaching of the Gospel ministration of the Sacraments as the churche of Christ hath receiued of Christ and doth kéepe and vse according vnto Christs onely institution ordinance For in holy scriptures be written all suche things as Christes churche did receyue of Christ by hym and his disciples so instituted and taught as should euer after bée obserued and kept And therfore it is verie euident by playne writings in the holy Scriptures how that Christe and his Apostles by preachyng of the Gospell and ministration of the sacramēts did teach men in all places to sanctifie themselues to be offered as a sacrifice to serue God in holinesse and righteousnes as liuely membres of Christes mysticall body but how by saying Masse to make of bread and wyne turned into Christes naturall bodye a sacrifice for the quicke and the dead there is not one worde in al holy scripture no there is not in all holy scripture any maner of Masse now vsed taught or commaunded by Gods worde For Moyses and the Prophets set foorth in writings all sacrifices and Ceremonies pertaining vnto the law And lyke wise do the Apostles and Euangelistes all suche as belong vnto the Gospell And all that is written in the new Testament by the Apostles and Euangelistes contaynyng all suche doctrine and déedes of Christ and his disciples as God woulde by them should be taught vnto vs doth as muche reproue the Masse as in the old Testament Moses and the Prophetes did reproue the sacrifices of the Israelites in Dan and Bethell For as vnlike is the Masse at the Altare vnto the Lordes Supper at the Table as were the Calfes sette vp by Ieroboam in Dan and Bethel vnlyke vnto the Arke and propiciatorie betwixt the Cherubins in the temple at Hierusalem And as the Prophetes and Priestes of God did teache suche a memoriall and presence of God at Hierusalem as shoulde moue and stirre vp the minds of men there to remember and reuerence God in heauen but Ieroboam and his Priestes did teache and make men to beléeue that their Idolles were not onely images of remembrance but the same God that brought thē out of Egipt in such corporal presence then there in Dan and Bethell as did kéepe the Israelites myndes from heauen and theyr personall presence from Ierusalem euen so now godly preachers do teach such a remēbrance presence of Christe in the Lordes supper as should moue and make all christen men to remember reuerence Christe in heauen but vngodly priestes do pretend such a bodily presence of Christ vpon their altares as doth draw mennes minds from heauen and their personall presence from the Lordes supper at the Lordes table Then were the Israelites blynde and bolde to set vp Calues imagining so to honor and please god in Dan and Bethel vnder Ieroboam as their forfathers did mrst dishonor and displease God in wildernesse with Aaron And what a bolde blindnesse is it nowe of Christians to set vp a sort of their Ceremonies vnto the honour of God when as God by the light of the Gospell hathe abolished his owne Ceremonies as vnprofitable vnto his seruice And what a boldnesse is it to say that Christes bodily presence is kept vpon earth vnder the forme of bread which according vnto the scriptures is ascended vp from the earthe and glorified in heauen in the forme of man The light of the gospell hath vanquished ceremonies afore ordeined of God as now vnprofitable can any ceremonies deuised by man now blemish the gospell not be abhominable The comfortable abundance of the holie Ghoste did not come vntill the bodily presence of Christ was departed and gon and howe then can they receiue abundant comfort of Christes spirite whiche bée infected and blynded with a grosse imagination of Christes body The flesh profiteth nothyng sayth Christ the wordes that I speake bee spirite and lyfe he dothe not saye that the wombe whiche did conceiue and bear him or the breast that gaue him sucke is blessed but Blessed be they which heare the word of God and kéepe it as though he had sayd Not those whiche woulde haue him God and man in bodilye presence or imagine him to be in any visible thyng But those which know and honour God in the truth of his worde and presence of spirite be blissed Those in wyldernesse whiche did not knowe what was become of Moses being in talke with God vppon the toppe of the mountain bycause they did desire and
imagiue a bodily presence of God too be wyth them at the foote of the mountayne coulde not be contented and comforted with a true spirituall presence of God but were deceiued and plagued for the vaine imagination of a bodily presence Those can haue no cōfortable feeding of the words which be spirite and lyfe at the Lordes supper whiche will haue a wonderfull gasing stocke at a gorgeous Masse Which will desire and imagine Christ to be bodily vpon earth bicause they do not see and knowe by fayth Christes body so glorified in Heauen as causeth his spiritual presence euer to continue most comfortable vnto all the faithfull in any place vpon earth The playne preaching of Gods woorde surely sealed with the Sacramente of the Lordes Supper sheweth and offereth in spirite and truthe to be seene and receyued by faith the body and bloud of Christe glorified in heauen in the forme of man. The strange language secrete whisperings and solemne shew of ceremonies in the masse serue and please the blinde imagination of man in forged vanitie presuming to place the body bloud of Christ vpon the altar there to be honored and sacrificed vnder the forme of breade wine CHAP. VII The euill and daungerous abuses of the good creatures and workes of God. GOd is al truthe and all goodnesse therefore euery thing of gods creation ordinance or institution is true good All men be liers and all the imagination of mannes hearte is nothing but euill therfore man presuming to counterfait the creature and to contrary or amende the ordinaunce and institution of God can deuise and imagine nothing but that which is fained and fantasticall euill and abhominable Some say that they doe not otherwise imagine honor God there but as they be taught and commaunded by their priestes and suche as haue highest authoritie ouer them So mighte the Idolaters in wildernesse with Aaron in Dan and Bethel vnder Ieroboam haue answered For Aaron and Ieroboam did teache and commaund the people to do reuerence ther not as vnto Images or Idols but vnto the God that broughte them out of the land of Egipt Howbeit for all that euer the priest could teach or the king commaund those Images were Idols and all they abhominable Idolatrers which did beléeue that Doctrine of the priest or obey that cōmaundement of the king Wherfore it is not the teaching of prelates nor the commaundement of princes which cā cause Christ to be bodily present after suche sort in any thing as may there be honored as God or that shall excuse any person beléeuing or honouring that which is taughte and commaunded according vnto mannes imagination against the worde of God. They say that Christ said This is my body and Christes saying is Gods worde and not mannes imagination I graūt that Christes saying is gods worde and that he so saide of the bread which he toke and after thankes geuing brake and gaue vnto his Disciples to be eaten in remembrance of him But how agreeth that saying vnto such bread as the prieste taketh and after brethings and blessings lifteth vp and sheweth vnto the people to be honoured and reuerenced in the steade of him The word of God wrongly wrested and not rightly applied is at some times abused to teache Deuilish lies in steade of godly truth The woord written by the spirit of God to raise a man from vnder danger of despaire vnto hope of Goddes helpe vpwardes was wrongly wrested by the Deuill to moue Christ standing vpon the pinacle wilfully to fall downewardes So like wise the woords spoken of Christ vnto his disciples to raise vp their mindes in comfortable remembrance of him glorified in heauen be euil abused of priestes to bring downe his bodily presence amongste them to be sacrificed vpon earth Surely this same saying He shall geue his Angels charge ouer thee c. Which is the woorde of God spoken and applied to raise vp a man frō daungerous sorowes in miseries vnto a comfortable trust in Gods grace and mercies may be abused by the deuil to make a man of presumption in refusing the euident ordinance of God to fall into the danger of tempting god And so such woordes as be good and godly spoken with suche circumstances of Christes supper as teacheth men to keepe a comfortable remembrance of Christes death according vntoo Christes institution may be Diuelishly whispered in suche sorte by the priest at the aulter as shuld séeme to make a bodily presence of Christ to be sacrificed and honored according vnto mannes imagination There is nothing more perillous than to take the woorde or any good gifte of God and to abuse it contrary vnto the will and commaundement of god The vnprofitable seruant which said vp to kéepe safely the talent or treasure of his Lord which was deliuered vnto him to haue bene béestowed in vsurie was by the woorde of his owne mouthe condemned when as he did confesse that he did otherwise keepe the Lords treasure than as the Lord had commaunded And if any man thinke that he may say vnto Christe Lord I knowe that thou did say of the bread and the wine this is my body this is my bloud take eat and drinke in remembrance of mée and therefore haue I euer with suche reuerence honoured them as was due vnto thée surely vnto such a man Christe in conscience wil at some times answer O wicked seruant by these woordes of thine owne mouthe do I condemne thée For thou doest confesse that I bad thée take eate drinke this in remembrance of me why diddest thou then contrary vnto my commaundement imagine this to be kept honored and sacrificed as the bodily presence of me The woordes of Christ be moste true but when as they be pronounced with such circumstances as be moste contrary vnto the custome of the christians then they haue a meaning most contrary vnto the doctrine and commaundement of Christe The giftes of God in all things and especially his sacraments be good and godly but the abuse of them contrary vnto Gods commaundement is diuelish and abhominable The preacher and the coniurer vse bothe the name and the word of God and good praiers howbeit not in like manner nor for one purpose for in beléef behauior and purpose they be cleane cōtrary the one vnto the other There was neuer séene in the world two things so muche contrary the one vnto the other as is the masse the Lordes supper Therefore whatsoeuer is well vsed in the one is euill abused in the other And truely that fault of abuse is no smal offence albeit that which is abused séemeth sometime to be but a little thing For it is a great sin to delight or be occupied in little trifles neglecting or refusing Gods great giftes and benefits in waightie matters So do Priests in their masse abuse gaie garments neglecting the seemely simplicitie of the Lordes supper and therein commit no small sinne preferring their owne imagination vnto Christes institution
the immortall séed of the woorde of the liuing god Naturall séede is ordeined of God to continue succession vnto men vppon earth and the séede of Gods woorde to serue in regeneration of Gods children vnto Gods kyngdome And what good fruite can spring of suche good séede amongest them that condemne and forsweare godly matrimonie and that wilfully spill by Massing suche séede as should be well sowen in preaching Aaron in wildernesse of the golde that was brought out of Egypte made a Calfe so to bée honoured as caused God to bée offended and the people plagued The Priestes in Hierusalem of the law that was giuen by Moses to lead men vnto Chryst did set vp such an Idol in mens hearts at Hierusalem as caused men to kil Chryste And nowe priests of the supper at the Lords table wheras Christe should be remembred make a Masse at their altare there to haue him daylie sacrificed Ieroboam knowing that God had ordayned for his glory that al Israel should yearly appeare afore his face only in Hierusalem yet to drawe and keepe the ten tribes from God vnder his dominion did set vp two golden calues the one in Dan and the other in Bethel saying this is my GOD which brought thée out of Egipt to Israell The chéefe priestes and the elders being certified by the Souldiers whiche watched the sepulchre that Chryst was risen with maiestie and glorie yet to keep themselues in estimation and authoritie did giue mony to set forth not a figure of a golden calfe but a diuelish face of a forged lie And now when as the holie Ghost with preachers of the Gospell witnesseth that Christcs body is glorified in heauē in forme of man yet to drawe and kéepe mens mindes from heauen and to continue a pretenced priesthoode in estimation vppon earth they haue pretended a presence and sacrifice of Christes bodie voyd of all glory vnder the forme of bread and wine Christes bodie was once for all sacrificed and then for euer so glorified that as he was once in forme of man seen and conuersant amongst men vpon earth so is hee nowe taken from amongst men and glorified in Heauen Wherefore he can not bée cloked or shewed heere or there vnder anie forme of fishe or soule man or beast bread or wine or of any bodily creature vntill he appeare in maiesty and glorie as the lightning most clearely shining from the Easte vnto the Weast openly vnto all men Euen so comming as he was séene ascending and departing that is euen in the same forme of man glorified in the which he suffered and died He did not die in the forme of man to be sacrificed offered vnder the forme of bread he is not glorified God and man in heauē to be consecrated or coniured vnder the form of bread wine vpō earth CHAP. VIII All good things bee giuen of God vnto man in Christ seene by the light of the Gospell and receyued by Fayth CHriste by his owne perfecte obedience oblatiō sacrifice once for all hath purchased of God vnto them that beléeue truly in him suche forgiuenes of sins such bearing with infirmities such gracious goodnesse that they shall not bée charged for not fulfilling the lawe beyng a yoke to heauie to be borne of mans infirmitie but they shal be commēded and rewarded as kéepers of Gods commaundement by reason of Faith that woorketh by charitie he hathe so abolisht sacrifices ceremonies that now vnto the Faithfull there remaineth no darknesse vnder shadowes and figures but great abundance of most comfortable light in spirit and truthe For whē as he had put awaye and abolished figures and shadows fully and clerely performing the truth in bodily presence then did hée in body ascende from the earth to bée glorified in heauen so as all Faithfull in euery place vppon earth might haue a more comfortable and commodious presence of Chryste with them in spirite than coulde haue continued vnto some men in any one place in body So nowe the mercifull goodnesse of God is in many things by many meanes so signified as after a sort it might bée spied and perceiued but in Christe only so promysed and perfourmed and by preaching of the Gospell through power of the spirite so reuealed offered as vnto saluation it may be receyued and enioyed Seing therfore that it hath pleased God to graunt giue vnto man in Christe after suche sorte all treasures man can haue no néede nor shuld not haue any will or desire to take any thing either of any other persō or els after any other sort or fashion For it is an abhominable contempt of God to disdain any thing fréely offred of him to seke or desire the same or a worse to be gotten and purchased of any other It is a spitefull mocking of Christe to say that any thing may be graunted and gotten by some other meane which Christ did purchase and buy with his precious bloud as though Christe had not so well and wisely bestowed hys bloodsheding as some other might haue bestowed some meaner thing Some men imagin that they néed not for euery thing to call vpon Christ and that they shoulde not themselues presume to pray vnto God but rather humble them selues in praying to saincts to be mediators for them vnto god These mens presumptuous arrogancie is abhominable afore the face of God for that they wil not know themselues to be so vile and sinfull that none other can bée able or méete to bring them vnto God or by anie meane to purchase vnto them any thing of GOD but onely Christe by his precious bloud They doe imagine after a worldelie fashion GOD to be like a proud Prince whiche woulde haue suters to speake vnto his seruants and so in iudging of God contrary vnto al examples doctrine in Gods word they dare not take the way in at the dore by the which all faithful be called and receiued as Gods fréendes but in bold and blinde presumption to climbe ouer otherwayes deserue to bée repulsed and throwē downe as despisers of Gods grace breakers of his ordinances and traytours vnto his maiesty For god is robbed of his honor due to his maiesty by such as presume contrary to the truth of his holie word to iudge him like vnto proud princes of this wicked worlde And saincts departing from hence be not put in office and placed afore God to bee hearers and offerers of men and their prayers For onely Christe whiche is the dore of grace euer standing open vnto all faythfull is sufficient to bée mediatour between God and mā in this matter of prayer to bring present men and their prayers afore the face of god And so Paul 1. Timoth. 2. witnesseth whereas hée speaking of prayer sayeth There is one God and one mediator betwixt God and man euen the man Christe Iesus Nothing that is good can be giuen of any but of God onely God gyueth nothing by force but by fauour Nothing can