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spirit_n abraham_n action_n angel_n 19 3 6.7392 4 false
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A61104 Chrysomeson, a golden meane, or, A middle way for Christians to walk by wherein all seekers of truth and shakers in the faith may find the true religion independing upon mans invention, and be established therein : intended as a key to Christianity, as a touchstone for a traveller, as a probe for a Protestant, as a sea-mark for a sailor : in a Christian dialogue between Philalethes and his friend Mathetes, seeking satisfaction / by Benjamin Spencer ...; Way to everlasting happinesse Spencer, Benjamin, b. 1595? 1659 (1659) Wing S4944; ESTC R13439 363,024 312

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charity_n which_o be_v the_o end_n of_o they_o though_o not_o the_o exact_a severity_n so_o many_o holy_a man_n have_v dispensation_n in_o those_o time_n which_o be_v not_o competent_a with_o we_o abraham_n to_o make_v his_o half_a sister_n his_o wife_n jacob_n to_o have_v many_o wife_n which_o be_v not_o competent_a with_o other_o age_n 2.15_o mal._n 2.15_o and_o therefore_o reprove_v by_o the_o prophet_n so_o neither_o be_v those_o action_n imitable_a which_o many_o be_v agitate_a to_o by_o zeal_n and_o fervour_n of_o spirit_n for_o god_n cause_n as_o that_o of_o moses_n to_o excite_v one_o brother_n to_o slay_v another_o nor_o that_o of_o phineas_n in_o transfer_v zimri_n and_o cosbi_n for_o what_o action_n be_v exorbitant_a from_o common_a law_n be_v not_o to_o be_v make_v exemplar_n mathe._n what_o may_v we_o judge_v of_o those_o that_o be_v call_v apocryphal_a book_n ph._n we_o be_v to_o think_v they_o as_o help_v to_o understand_v scripture_n in_o many_o place_n especial_o solomon_n mac._n wisd_v and_o eccl._n judith_n toby_n esdras_n mac._n and_o to_o know_v the_o state_n of_o the_o jew_n before_o the_o prophet_n malachies_n time_n in_o their_o captivity_n and_o after_o it_o also_o and_o so_o neither_o to_o contemn_v they_o nor_o yet_o to_o build_v our_o faith_n upon_o all_o thing_n there_o write_v as_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n injoin_v people_n to_o do_v under_o penalty_n of_o a_o curse_n as_o we_o be_v to_o believe_v the_o canonical_a scripture_n trid._n conc._n trid._n but_o to_o try_v what_o analogy_n they_o hold_v with_o truth_n and_o so_o make_v use_n of_o they_o as_o in_o heb._n 11.35_o take_v a_o instance_n of_o faith_n from_o the_o mother_n of_o seven_o son_n 2_o machab._n 7.7_o mathe._n some_o make_v doubt_n of_o the_o scripture_n canonicalness_n because_o they_o say_v there_o be_v more_o book_n in_o the_o world_n than_o we_o have_v insert_v in_o our_o bibles_n and_o all_o that_o we_o have_v in_o our_o account_n canonical_a be_v not_o think_v to_o be_v so_o phila._n you_o need_v not_o trouble_v yourself_o with_o that_o but_o rather_o make_v a_o holy_a use_n of_o that_o we_o have_v by_o building_n ourselves_o up_o in_o our_o holy_a faith_n and_o thank_v god_n that_o he_o have_v reserve_v for_o we_o by_o his_o church_n a_o copy_n of_o sacred_a writ_n sufficient_a for_o our_o salvation_n which_o be_v write_v that_o we_o may_v believe_v and_o the_o rest_n lose_v or_o leave_v out_o 21.25_o john_n 21.25_o that_o we_o may_v not_o look_v after_o more_o than_o be_v necessary_a the_o jew_n reckon_v but_o 22_o book_n of_o the_o old_a testament_n we_o find_v more_o 4._o joseph_n cent_n appion_n vid._n council_n lao._n de_fw-fr lib._n canon_n magd._n cent_n 4._o fol._n 838._o c._n 4._o yet_o they_o contain_v as_o much_o as_o we_o have_v but_o their_o compile_n differ_v from_o we_o and_o these_o be_v consign_v by_o ezra_n the_o scribe_n after_o the_o return_n from_o babylon_n in_o the_o time_n of_o hag_n zachary_n and_o malachy_n all_o in_o hebrew_n which_o tongue_n though_o it_o be_v a_o good_a sign_n of_o canonical_a scripture_n yet_o it_o be_v not_o the_o only_a sign_n for_o many_o of_o the_o apocryphal_a book_n be_v so_o write_v at_o first_o as_o ecclesiasticus_fw-la seem_v to_o be_v by_o the_o preface_n a_o book_n of_o great_a worth_n and_o next_o sure_a to_o the_o wisdom_n of_o solomon_n so_o tobit_n and_o the_o four_o of_o esdras_n but_o rather_o the_o consignation_n of_o the_o jewish_a church_n and_o their_o continual_a receipt_n of_o they_o for_o such_o synop._n atha_n in_o synop._n so_o some_o write_v of_o more_o psalm_n of_o david_n than_o 150._o but_o if_o we_o shall_v admit_v of_o more_o i_o fear_v it_o will_v encourage_v many_o self_n conceit_v man_n to_o make_v psalm_n too_o under_o pretence_n that_o they_o have_v the_o spirit_n of_o god_n as_o well_o as_o david_n as_o do_v some_o in_o the_o council_n of_o laodicea_n 59_o conc._n lao._n ut_fw-la supra_fw-la c._n 59_o and_o urge_v for_o it_o joel_n 2._o your_o son_n and_o daughter_n shall_v prophesy_v which_o council_n exclude_v or_o at_o least_o omit_v the_o epistle_n to_o the_o colossian_n and_o the_o apocalypse_v yet_o it_o reckon_v 14_o epistle_n of_o st_n paul_n of_o which_o that_o to_o the_o colossian_n must_v be_v one_o or_o else_o there_o be_v but_o 13._o 7._o kirstonius_n in_o arab._n note_n on_o the_o evangel_n calv._n vid._n bod._n method_n hist_o c._n 7._o and_o why_o the_o apocalypse_v be_v leave_v out_o it_o may_v be_v be_v because_o more_o late_o write_v and_o divulge_v except_o the_o council_n be_v of_o their_o mind_n who_o reckon_v it_o apocrypha_fw-la or_o they_o who_o slight_v it_o as_o ambrese_n do_v persius_n the_o satirist_n because_o of_o its_o obscurity_n we_o read_v also_o of_o the_o gospel_n of_o st_n thomas_n and_o st_n bartholomew_n all_o which_o be_v nothing_o to_o we_o so_o long_o as_o we_o know_v that_o our_o old_a testament_n and_o the_o jew_n agree_v together_o still_o and_o be_v the_o same_o they_o be_v in_o the_o time_n of_o christ_n and_o for_o the_o new_a testament_n we_o have_v those_o that_o have_v be_v general_o receive_v as_o orthodoxal_a by_o the_o church_n and_o for_o 1300_o year_n together_o consign_v as_o canonical_a by_o the_o council_n as_o nice_a laodicea_n and_o carthage_n mathe._n but_o whether_o have_v not_o the_o jew_n corrupt_v the_o old_a testament_n phila._n 1._o aug._n aug._n they_o will_v not_o certain_o out_o of_o envy_n to_o the_o gentile_n rob_v their_o own_o posterity_n of_o the_o truth_n philo._n philo._n beside_o they_o hold_v it_o as_o a_o sin_n inexpiable_a so_o to_o do_v 37._o polanus_fw-la leb_n 1._o cap._n 37._o and_o will_v die_v a_o hundred_o death_n rather_o than_o change_v one_o jot_n of_o they_o they_o know_v also_o that_o the_o world_n be_v create_v for_o the_o scripture_n sake_n and_o therefore_o the_o world_n will_v be_v turn_v to_o a_o chaos_n ere_o they_o shall_v be_v alter_v and_o so_o they_o be_v faithful_a trustee_n rom._n 3.2_o but_o 2._o they_o can_v not_o do_v it_o for_o there_o be_v so_o many_o copy_n disperse_v by_o reason_n of_o their_o dispersion_n over_o the_o world_n that_o it_o be_v impossible_a to_o corrupt_v it_o bellarm._n bellarm._n beside_o certain_o god_n will_v not_o suffer_v that_o to_o be_v corrupt_v by_o which_o he_o mean_v to_o save_v the_o world_n and_o therefore_o christ_n say_v 16.17_o luke_n 16.17_o that_o not_o one_o iota_fw-la shall_v perish_v till_o heaven_n and_o earth_n pass_v away_o mat._n 5.18_o and_o 3._o they_o do_v not_o for_o than_o they_o will_v above_o all_o other_o place_n expunge_v or_o alter_v those_o that_o relate_v to_o christ_n as_o esa_n 7._o ver_fw-la 14._o behold_v a_o virgin_n shall_v conceive_v bethulah_n gnalemah_o bethulah_n not_o a_o young_a woman_n for_o that_o have_v be_v no_o wonder_n nor_o worth_a the_o world_n behold_v so_o esa_n 9.6_o to_o we_o a_o child_n be_v bear_v and_o a_o son_n be_v give_v call_v wonderful_a etc._n etc._n nor_o do_v they_o deface_v his_o passion_n though_o they_o deform_v he_o foreprophecy_v so_o clear_o esa_n 53._o bellarm._n bellarm._n which_o word_n in_o their_o own_o language_n do_v more_o forcible_o convince_v the_o jew_n than_o the_o vulgar_a latin_a do_v as_o in_o psal_n 2.12_o kiss_v the_o son_n bar._n nesheku_n bar._n i._n embrace_v christ_n not_o discipline_n and_o therefore_o certain_o the_o old_a testament_n be_v not_o corrupt_v by_o the_o jew_n 4._o our_o saviour_n never_o charge_v they_o with_o corrupt_v the_o text_n but_o only_o with_o misunderstanding_n or_o misinterpreting_a nor_o any_o of_o the_o father_n in_o their_o writing_n against_o they_o marr._n just_a marr._n except_o one_o for_o wrong_v the_o septuagint_n translation_n so_o that_o it_o be_v void_a of_o corruption_n however_o in_o the_o read_n there_o may_v be_v some_o variation_n yet_o no_o deprvation_n of_o the_o copy_n mathe._n but_o methinks_v they_o deliver_v thing_n impossible_a and_o some_o thing_n contradictory_n and_o some_o thing_n in_o they_o seem_v doubtful_a in_o regard_n of_o difference_n of_o text_n and_o margin_n in_o the_o old_a testament_n and_o diversity_n of_o reading_n in_o the_o new_a phila._n not_o thing_n impossible_a to_o he_o who_o word_n it_o be_v who_o to_o his_o work_n require_v our_o faith_n more_o than_o our_o understanding_n else_o his_o work_n do_v not_o exceed_v magician_n 2._o nor_o be_v there_o any_o contradiction_n in_o they_o if_o you_o observe_v the_o rule_n of_o contradiction_n which_o must_v be_v a_o assertion_n of_o the_o same_o thing_n at_o the_o same_o time_n according_a to_o the_o same_o part_n notion_n or_o apprehension_n you_o must_v know_v therefore_o that_o there_o be_v a_o vast_a difference_n between_o scripture_n and_o other_o book_n for_o they_o do_v not_o omit_v something_n out_o of_o mis-knowledge_n as_o other_o book_n
year_n after_o mese_z 7.27_o act_n 7.27_o it_o be_v true_a the_o scripture_n say_v he_o be_v learn_v in_o all_o the_o learning_n of_o the_o egyptian_n but_o their_o learning_n consist_v rather_o in_o the_o hieroglyphic_n emblem_n then_o in_o letter_n and_o though_o there_o be_v magician_n and_o wise_a man_n among_o they_o before_o joseph_n time_n 105.21_o psal_n 105.21_o gen._n 41.8_o yet_o they_o be_v say_v to_o learn_v wisdom_n of_o joseph_n and_o may_v also_o of_o the_o patriarch_n be_v in_o egypt_n four_o hundred_o year_n who_o have_v by_o tradition_n the_o science_n from_o sh_v which_o afterward_o may_v be_v call_v the_o learning_n of_o the_o egyptian_n who_o at_o that_o time_n have_v the_o israelite_n in_o bondage_n and_o so_o take_v the_o name_n of_o learning_n to_o themselves_o but_o these_o book_n of_o moses_n be_v most_o clear_o divine_a and_o authentic_a declare_v a_o history_n from_o the_o creation_n for_o two_o thousand_o year_n forward_o with_o excellent_a revelation_n of_o divine_a oracle_n which_o teach_v man_n to_o know_v the_o true_a god_n 3._o they_o be_v the_o word_n of_o god_n because_o it_o treat_v of_o those_o work_n which_o be_v proper_a only_o to_o god_n and_o of_o which_o none_o can_v give_v evidence_n but_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n and_o such_o as_o be_v inspire_v therewith_o as_o of_o the_o creation_n of_o the_o world_n the_o preservation_n and_o destruction_n of_o it_o the_o restauration_n of_o it_o again_o the_o qualify_a of_o the_o church_n with_o divine_a oracle_n and_o religious_a service_n typical_a and_o spiritual_a moral_a ceremonial_a judicial_a honour_v it_o with_o unparallelled_a miracle_n declare_v man_n eternal_a redemption_n and_o by_o prophecy_n of_o the_o state_n of_o the_o church_n to_o the_o world_n end_n mathe._n this_o proof_n be_v take_v only_o from_o scripture_n will_v not_o suffice_v some_o who_o believe_v they_o not_o for_o their_o own_o sake_n phila._n it_o be_v true_a such_o therefore_o may_v be_v confirm_v of_o the_o truth_n of_o they_o from_o profane_a writer_n who_o testify_v of_o their_o truth_n and_o antiquity_n if_o they_o have_v rather_o believe_v such_o then_o the_o scripture_n themselves_o the_o father_n or_o ecclesiastic_a writer_n for_o many_o profane_a author_n attest_v what_o be_v write_v in_o they_o as_o homer_n and_o plato_n and_o other_o 6._o homer_n plato_n ovid._n hieron_n egypt_n berosus_n epolemus_n plut._n in_o l._n ratio_fw-la brutorum_fw-la with_fw-mi euseb_n l._n 9_o c._n 34._o the_o prop._n evangel_n lactan._n l._n 4._o c._n 6._o speak_v of_o the_o creation_n other_o of_o the_o long_a life_n of_o the_o patriarch_n as_o ephorus_n and_o alexander_n the_o historian_n before_o the_o flood_n other_o of_o the_o drown_n of_o the_o world_n other_o of_o the_o tower_n of_o babel_n as_o alydenus_n so_o damascenus_n of_o abraham_n travel_n plutarch_n of_o noah_n dove_n so_o pliny_n of_o moses_n miracle_n diodorus_n siculus_n of_o moses_n and_o strabo_n with_o much_o reverence_n as_o well_o as_o diony_n longinus_n the_o sibyl_n prophesy_v of_o man_n redeemer_n suetonius_n in_o the_o life_n of_o nero_n speak_v of_o christ_n miracle_n and_o pliny_n of_o the_o wise_a man_n star_n macrobius_n of_o herod_n massacre_a the_o infant_n of_o bethelem_n mathe._n all_o this_o prove_v only_o the_o historical_a part_n to_o be_v true_a phila._n if_o we_o believe_v the_o history_n to_o be_v a_o divine_a truth_n we_o can_v well_o doubt_v of_o the_o doctrinal_a part_n be_v intersert_v one_o with_o another_o and_o both_o of_o they_o equal_o attest_v by_o divine_a miracle_n both_o of_o moses_n the_o prophet_n and_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n which_o miracle_n be_v from_o the_o divine_a power_n will_v never_o have_v be_v produce_v to_o attest_v false_a doctrine_n in_o scripture_n therefore_o the_o scripture_n in_o doctrine_n as_o well_o as_o in_o history_n be_v the_o word_n of_o god_n but_o beside_o the_o rare_a modification_n of_o they_o show_v they_o no_o less_o for_o though_o they_o transcend_v reason_n yet_o they_o deliver_v nothing_o contrary_a to_o right_n and_o pure_a reason_n nor_o any_o thing_n contrary_a in_o nature_n though_o thing_n above_o nature_n again_o the_o doctrinal_a part_n of_o they_o be_v agreeable_a to_o the_o nature_n of_o god_n be_v who_o goodness_n righteousness_n love_n and_o truth_n and_o holiness_n yea_o they_o discover_v to_o man_n all_o his_o secret_a corruption_n which_o be_v the_o property_n only_o of_o god_n to_o do_v nor_o do_v it_o in_o any_o thing_n contradict_v itself_o be_v right_o understand_v though_o write_v by_o divers_a man_n in_o divers_a age_n and_o therefore_o sure_o be_v indict_v by_o that_o one_o eternal_a spirit_n who_o be_v unity_n in_o verity_n as_o well_o as_o unity_n in_o trinity_n far_o it_o show_v man_n a_o way_n to_o be_v save_v from_o sin_n and_o damnation_n without_o annihilate_v the_o justice_n of_o god_n or_o make_v his_o mercy_n degenerate_a into_o fond_a pity_n for_o want_n of_o satisfaction_n to_o his_o justice_n and_o this_o surpass_v the_o wisdom_n of_o angel_n and_o man_n yea_o the_o effect_n of_o it_o be_v divine_a for_o it_o bring_v rest_n to_o a_o trouble_a mind_n which_o no_o book_n else_o can_v do_v and_o satisfi_v man_n knowledge_n in_o thing_n worthy_a of_o faith_n and_o afford_v as_o much_o and_o more_o reason_n why_o we_o shall_v believe_v they_o than_o any_o book_n beside_o therefore_o the_o wise_a and_o sober_a man_n of_o all_o age_n have_v consent_v to_o it_o and_o thousand_o of_o godly_a martyr_n have_v seal_v it_o with_o their_o pious_a life_n and_o constant_a death_n martyrol_n vid._n martyrol_n mathe._n i_o pray_v give_v i_o some_o proof_n that_o the_o scripture_n have_v as_o much_o reason_n and_o more_o to_o be_v believe_v than_o other_o writing_n phila._n 1._o because_o we_o can_v find_v no_o just_a exception_n against_o the_o writer_n in_o regard_n of_o their_o ability_n or_o their_o integrity_n and_o upon_o the_o same_o ground_n we_o believe_v all_o other_o historiographer_n but_o if_o you_o say_v you_o know_v not_o whether_o those_o be_v the_o author_n of_o the_o book_n that_o be_v entitle_v to_o they_o as_o moses_n and_o paul_n i_o say_v you_o have_v as_o much_o reason_n to_o believe_v that_o as_o that_o any_o ancient_a writer_n be_v the_o author_n of_o his_o own_o book_n 2._o we_o may_v rather_o and_o ought_v rather_o to_o believe_v they_o than_o other_o not_o only_o because_o of_o the_o excellency_n of_o their_o matter_n as_o i_o say_v before_o but_o also_o because_o the_o author_n of_o they_o have_v no_o self_n interest_n in_o write_v these_o book_n as_o either_o of_o gain_n or_o glory_n favour_n or_o the_o friendship_n of_o man_n nay_o they_o be_v content_a with_o labour_n and_o travel_n poverty_n and_o persecution_n scorn_n and_o infamy_n misery_n and_o death_n therefore_o certain_o they_o be_v the_o word_n of_o god_n 10._o cyril_n 10._o and_o so_o to_o be_v believe_v to_o call_v the_o author_n of_o they_o into_o question_n be_v to_o outdo_v julian_n the_o apostate_n who_o will_v not_o deny_v that_o philo._n luc._n philo._n and_o scoff_v lucian_n who_o do_v not_o deny_v paul_n to_o be_v the_o author_n of_o the_o second_o epistle_n to_o the_o corinthian_n twelve_o chapter_n though_o he_o scoff_v at_o his_o profess_a ecstasy_n indeed_o they_o may_v challenge_v as_o much_o belief_n of_o their_o author_n in_o this_o point_n as_o any_o writing_n both_o because_o they_o have_v be_v so_o successive_o deliver_v continual_o so_o mention_v and_o general_o so_o acknowledge_v by_o all_o party_n mathe._n do_v god_n declare_v himself_o in_o all_o the_o book_n of_o scripture_n alike_o phila._n no_o but_o in_o some_o more_o historical_o as_o in_o the_o five_o book_n of_o moses_n in_o some_o more_o my_o stical_o as_o in_o the_o prophet_n in_o some_o more_o clear_o as_o in_o the_o new_a testament_n but_o in_o all_o instructive_o both_o for_o faith_n and_o manner_n perfect_o and_o sufficient_o mathe._n why_o be_v some_o call_v canonical_a and_o some_o apocryphal_a book_n phila._n they_o be_v call_v canonical_a which_o be_v the_o rule_n of_o faith_n and_o manner_n namely_o for_o we_o to_o believe_v and_o practice_n and_o they_o be_v number_v by_o the_o church_n to_o begin_v with_o genesis_n and_o to_o end_v with_o the_o prophet_n malachy_n for_o the_o old_a testament_n and_o the_o new_a testament_n begin_v with_o st_n matthew_n and_o end_n with_o the_o revelation_n of_o st_n john_n and_o all_o these_o be_v the_o subject_n of_o our_o faith_n but_o not_o all_o for_o our_o practice_n mathe._n why_o so_o phila._n because_o many_o precept_n in_o it_o be_v temporal_a as_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n some_o for_o the_o jew_n particular_a state_n only_o as_o the_o judicial_a law_n the_o equity_n whereof_o we_o may_v observe_v though_o not_o according_a to_o the_o letter_n as_o we_o be_v bind_v to_o observe_v the_o
he_o be_v infinite_o willing_a to_o do_v right_a as_o to_o reward_v the_o good_a and_o punish_v the_o evil_a so_o his_o mercy_n because_o he_o be_v infinite_o willing_a and_o ready_a to_o pity_v the_o miserable_a jer._n 33.11_o so_o his_o wrath_n because_o he_o be_v inclinable_a in_o his_o will_n to_o punish_v sinner_n so_o his_o purity_n show_v his_o will_n be_v bend_v to_o love_v holiness_n but_o to_o hate_v all_o filthiness_n both_o of_o flesh_n and_o spirit_n 4._o his_o power_n show_v that_o he_o be_v infinite_o endow_v with_o efficacious_a faculty_n to_o do_v whatsoever_o he_o will_v for_o there_o be_v no_o limit_n to_o his_o power_n but_o his_o will_n therefore_o we_o can_v doubt_v of_o his_o promise_n or_o despair_v in_o adversity_n psal_n psal_n since_o his_o will_n be_v to_o help_v and_o his_o power_n follow_v his_o will_n mathe._n how_o may_v we_o consider_v of_o god_n before_o the_o world_n in_o which_o he_o reveal_v himself_o to_o man_n phila._n god_n before_o the_o world_n lie_v hide_v both_o in_o his_o essence_n and_o subsistence_n yet_o be_v a_o trinity_n coessential_a in_o unity_n with_o afflux_n but_o determine_v in_o time_n to_o show_v himself_o to_o be_v unity_n in_o trinity_n by_o emanation_n and_o by_o energeticall_a operation_n in_o nature_n grace_n and_o glory_n the_o father_n appear_v as_o the_o fountain_n of_o nature_n the_o son_n as_o the_o fountain_n of_o grace_n and_o the_o holy_a ghost_n of_o glory_n both_o in_o give_v the_o earnest_n of_o it_o and_o then_o work_v we_o to_o the_o consummation_n of_o it_o so_o that_o god_n be_v to_o be_v consider_v absolute_o in_o essence_n and_o unity_n relative_o in_o subsistence_n and_o coessentiality_n in_o consideration_n of_o which_o subsistency_n i_o conceive_v that_o the_o world_n by_o these_o divine_a person_n be_v contrive_v the_o be_v preserve_v and_o translate_n of_o nature_n which_o nature_n consist_v of_o intellectual_a creature_n as_o angel_n and_o of_o rational_a creature_n as_o man_n and_o of_o bruit_n as_o the_o sensitive_a of_o vegetative_n as_o plant_n and_o of_o other_o entity_n and_o reality_n that_o have_v neither_o of_o the_o former_a faculty_n now_o those_o thing_n that_o want_v those_o faculty_n of_o will_n and_o understanding_n they_o need_v nothing_o but_o his_o providence_n to_o preserve_v they_o in_o be_v or_o to_o change_v they_o as_o they_o wax_v old_a but_o as_o he_o determine_v to_o make_v nature_n intellectual_a and_o rational_a consist_v of_o will_n and_o understanding_n so_o he_o determine_v that_o either_o he_o must_v be_v make_v absolute_a to_o stand_v by_o their_o own_o innate_a power_n which_o none_o can_v do_v but_o the_o creator_n or_o else_o they_o must_v be_v forcible_o support_v by_o his_o power_n to_o stand_v against_o the_o natural_a liberty_n of_o their_o will_n and_o this_o have_v be_v to_o stand_v whether_o they_o will_v or_o no_o which_o have_v not_o be_v a_o estate_n compatible_a to_o a_o intellectual_a rational_a and_o voluntary_a service_n requisite_a to_o such_o a_o creature_n therefore_o the_o most_o wise_a god_n intend_v before_o the_o world_n to_o make_v angel_n and_o man_n cauto_fw-la bern._n non_fw-la in_o tuto_fw-la sed_fw-la in_o cauto_fw-la not_o in_o a_o secure_a but_o cautionary_a estate_n not_o in_o absolute_a steadfast_a glory_n but_o in_o designation_n to_o it_o i._n conditional_o they_o keep_v their_o create_a estate_n but_o foresee_v that_o this_o cautionary_a estate_n must_v necessary_o depend_v upon_o the_o freewill_n of_o that_o creature_n and_o that_o freewill_n will_v sway_v they_o to_o depend_v on_o themselves_o or_o somewhat_o else_o beside_o the_o creator_n for_o happiness_n he_o consult_v how_o some_o of_o they_o at_o least_o may_v be_v save_v to_o glorify_v he_o and_o be_v glorify_v of_o he_o this_o consultation_n be_v conclude_v by_o the_o eternal_a son_n of_o god_n by_o a_o eternal_a covenant_n with_o the_o father_n 1.20_o 1_o pet._n 1.20_o that_o those_o intellectual_a and_o rational_a creature_n which_o shall_v depend_v upon_o his_o grace_n and_o favour_n shall_v be_v preserve_v in_o their_o estate_n as_o they_o be_v create_v or_o else_o redeem_v if_o they_o fall_v from_o it_o this_o stipulation_n be_v accept_v of_o the_o father_n and_o he_o be_v set_v as_o the_o first_o bear_v of_o every_o creature_n 1.15_o colos_n 1.15_o not_o that_o he_o be_v first_o create_v himself_o as_o arrius_n think_v but_o set_v so_o in_o regard_n of_o excellence_n of_o priority_n by_o eternal_a generation_n 1.16_o colos_n 1.16_o and_o of_o superiority_n the_o whole_a family_n of_o heaven_n and_o earth_n depend_v upon_o he_o for_o creation_n and_o the_o creature_n intellectual_a and_o rational_a for_o adoption_n so_o rom._n 8.29_o he_o be_v call_v the_o first_o bear_v among_o many_o brethren_n now_o the_o covenant_n be_v make_v and_o the_o whole_a family_n of_o heaven_n be_v create_v by_o he_o and_o for_o he_o he_o be_v first_o propose_v to_o the_o angel_n for_o their_o worship_n and_o dependency_n lucifer_n and_o his_o complice_n and_o faction_n 1.6_o heb._n 1.6_o like_v independency_n better_o and_o choose_v rather_o to_o stand_v by_o their_o own_o create_a perfection_n from_o whence_o arise_v the_o battle_n of_o michael_n and_o his_o angel_n revel_v revel_v against_o the_o dragon_n and_o his_o angel_n which_o st_n john_n see_v have_v be_v and_o will_v be_v to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n in_o a_o mystical_a sense_n and_o that_o in_o time_n he_o shall_v be_v cast_v out_o of_o the_o heaven_n of_o the_o church_n as_o he_o be_v once_o out_o of_o the_o heaven_n of_o the_o bless_a the_o other_o angel_n stand_v by_o depend_v on_o favour_n and_o grace_n and_o do_v to_o he_o as_o to_o their_o chief_a lord_n suit_n and_o service_n and_o these_o be_v call_v the_o elect_a angel_n 5.21_o 1_o tim._n 5.21_o because_o god_n in_o his_o son_n elect_v they_o to_o be_v conserve_v by_o he_o these_o angel_n be_v at_o his_o disposition_n and_o therefore_o be_v say_v to_o be_v send_v forth_o as_o minister_a spirit_n to_o the_o heir_n of_o salvation_n heb._n 1.24_o mathe._n whether_o be_v all_o angel_n of_o one_o and_o the_o same_o degree_n phila._n no_o for_o they_o have_v divers_a name_n give_v they_o col._n 1.16_o throne_n dominion_n principality_n and_o power_n so_o angel_n and_o archangel_n cherubin_n and_o seraphin_n which_o argue_v divers_a degree_n or_o office_n agrip._n trithem_n cor._n agrip._n some_o learned_a man_n have_v write_v that_o god_n have_v commit_v the_o order_n of_o the_o world_n to_o seven_o chief_a angel_n especial_o as_o he_o have_v subject_v natural_a body_n to_o the_o seven_o planet_n in_o chief_a indeed_o we_o read_v of_o such_o in_o scripture_n 1._o dan._n 10._o luke_n 1._o as_o michael_n and_o gabriel_n who_o salute_v the_o bless_a virgin_n mary_n and_o st_n john_n in_o rev._n 1._o wish_v the_o church_n welfare_n and_o peace_n from_o the_o seven_o spirit_n before_o god_n throne_n which_o do_v not_o lead_v we_o to_o worship_v they_o but_o only_o that_o we_o may_v wish_v health_n to_o the_o church_n from_o god_n t._n drus_n &_o beza_n not._n in_o n._n t._n and_o all_o the_o instrument_n he_o use_v to_o that_o purpose_n mathe._n what_o determine_v god_n of_o man_n before_o the_o world_n phila._n sure_o as_o the_o son_n of_o god_n do_v stipulate_v with_o the_o father_n to_o be_v the_o conservator_n of_o angel_n so_o also_o that_o he_o will_v redeem_v mankind_n if_o he_o fel._n this_o be_v the_o mystery_n hide_v from_o age_n col._n 1.26_o and_o rom._n 16.25_o from_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o world_n &_o perform_v towards_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n when_o christ_n in_o due_a time_n die_v for_o the_o ungodly_a which_o st_n paul_n tell_v titus_n be_v the_o hope_n of_o eternal_a life_n 1.2_o tit._n 1.2_o which_o god_n who_o can_v lie_v have_v promise_v before_o the_o world_n begin_v if_o you_o ask_v to_o who_o god_n can_v then_o promise_v it_o i_o say_v it_o be_v promise_v reciprocal_o of_o the_o father_n to_o the_o son_n by_o acceptation_n of_o the_o son_n offer_v of_o himself_o to_o satisfy_v for_o those_o that_o be_v elect_v according_a to_o the_o foreknowledge_n of_o god_n the_o father_n 1_o pet._n 1.1_o mathe._n what_o use_n may_v we_o make_v of_o this_o knowledge_n phila._n to_o labour_v to_o know_v god_n who_o know_v we_o before_o we_o be_v and_o give_v we_o so_o full_a a_o perfection_n in_o adam_n as_o a_o creature_n be_v capable_a of_o and_o foresee_v that_o we_o be_v leave_v in_o the_o hand_n of_o our_o own_o will_n we_o will_v choose_v our_o own_o way_n yet_o he_o before_o the_o world_n by_o a_o eternal_a covenant_n with_o his_o bless_a son_n in_o his_o bosom_n ordain_v a_o mean_n to_o save_v we_o by_o a_o full_a and_o plenteous_a redemption_n that_o so_o if_o we_o can_v not_o be_v happy_a by_o obey_v yet_o we_o may_v by_o
because_o he_o will_v not_o have_v they_o all_o to_o perish_v by_o a_o sudden_a surprise_n but_o that_o jew_n and_o gentile_n may_v have_v a_o time_n to_o be_v call_v to_o salvation_n and_o then_o it_o shall_v come_v sudden_o as_o a_o thief_n second_o there_o must_v be_v such_o a_o day_n because_o judgement_n be_v not_o full_o execute_v in_o this_o world_n for_o oftentimes_o the_o best_a man_n be_v here_o oppress_v and_o the_o worst_a be_v exalt_v but_o a_o time_n must_v be_v when_o god_n will_v reward_v every_o man_n according_a to_o his_o work_n judgement_n begin_v in_o this_o world_n with_o the_o house_n of_o god_n but_o it_o will_v end_v with_o the_o wicked_a 1_o pet._n 4.17_o so_o that_o this_o day_n will_v declare_v the_o justice_n of_o god_n which_o now_o lie_v hide_v rom._n 2.5_o and_o be_v himself_o censure_v by_o man_n but_o then_o he_o shall_v overcome_v in_o judgement_n which_o in_o part_n he_o have_v show_v by_o the_o fire_n of_o sodom_n and_o will_v complete_a it_o by_o be_v revenge_v upon_o the_o sin_n of_o all_o man_n as_o well_o as_o they_o mathe._n when_o shall_v this_o day_n be_v phila._n as_o some_o have_v think_v it_o will_v never_o be_v so_o other_o have_v be_v too_o bold_a to_o set_v the_o time_n and_o so_o have_v make_v people_n careless_a of_o their_o call_n and_o some_o see_v it_o do_v not_o come_v to_o fall_v away_o from_o religion_n of_o these_o st_n paul_n warn_v to_o take_v heed_n 2_o thes_n 2.1_o 2_o 3._o and_o say_v that_o the_o kingdom_n of_o antichrist_n must_v first_o come_v and_o be_v destroy_v also_o whereas_o it_o seem_v some_o thought_n it_o will_v be_v in_o the_o apostle_n age_n by_o mistake_v some_o scripture_n as_o john_n 21.21_o that_o st_n john_n shall_v tarry_v till_o christ_n come_v other_o think_v it_o will_v be_v 400._o some_o 500_o some_o 1000_o year_n after_o christ_n ascension_n other_o have_v think_v 2000_o year_n after_o christ_n nativity_n because_o they_o say_v the_o world_n be_v 2000_o year_n before_o the_o law_n and_o 2000_o under_o the_o law_n and_o 2000_o year_n under_o the_o gospel_n but_o for_o the_o elect_a sake_n those_o day_n shall_v be_v shorten_v but_o the_o account_n be_v false_a for_o before_o the_o law_n be_v more_o than_o 2000_o year_n from_o the_o creation_n and_o less_o than_o so_o under_o the_o law_n and_o therefore_o who_o can_v believe_v what_o they_o set_v down_o for_o the_o future_a as_o for_o the_o shorten_n those_o day_n for_o the_o elect_v sake_n that_o be_v speak_v of_o the_o trouble_n that_o fall_v upon_o jerusalem_n by_o the_o roman_a army_n in_o vespasian_n and_o titus_n their_o time_n but_o that_o there_o shall_v be_v such_o a_o day_n the_o scripture_n tell_v we_o act_v 17.31_o and_o god_n will_v have_v it_o know_v by_o preach_v of_o it_o act_n 10.42_o both_o for_o the_o consolation_n of_o his_o people_n in_o all_o their_o trouble_n and_o to_o leave_v the_o wicked_a without_o excuse_n that_o they_o have_v no_o warning_n and_o that_o this_o day_n shall_v be_v the_o last_o day_n of_o the_o last_o time_n wherein_o man_n shall_v depart_v from_o the_o faith_n 1_o tim._n 4.1_o which_o last_o time_n be_v not_o they_o speak_v of_o heb._n 1.1_o 2_o for_o they_o be_v the_o last_o time_n of_o the_o four_o and_o last_o monarchy_n foresee_v by_o daniel_n wherein_o the_o stone_n i._n christ_n shall_v crush_v to_o dust_v all_o those_o monarchy_n and_o set_v a_o gospel_n kingdom_n but_o these_o last_o time_n be_v the_o latter_a time_n of_o the_o gospel_n profession_n wherein_o man_n shall_v give_v heed_n to_o spirit_n of_o error_n and_o doctrine_n of_o devil_n such_o as_o popish_a heathenism_n in_o worship_v image_n saint_n and_o angel_n which_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o the_o renew_n of_o their_o old_a superstition_n under_o the_o colour_n of_o christian_a religion_n but_o it_o may_v be_v that_o some_o may_v wonder_v why_o god_n shall_v defer_v the_o day_n of_o judgement_n so_o long_o after_o the_o death_n of_o so_o many_o faithful_a patriarch_n and_o prophet_n and_o holy_a martyr_n but_o they_o consider_v not_o that_o god_n have_v respect_n to_o his_o own_o glory_n in_o raise_v and_o alter_v thing_n in_o the_o world_n as_o the_o monarchy_n thereof_o and_o the_o rise_n and_o fall_v of_o antichrist_n the_o rejection_n and_o call_n of_o the_o jew_n the_o full_a come_n in_o of_o the_o gentile_n to_o gospel_n profession_n the_o gather_n of_o the_o elect_a by_o the_o mean_n of_o gospell-preaching_a who_o must_v have_v a_o time_n to_o be_v bear_v and_o live_v and_o hear_v instruction_n and_o perform_v the_o work_n of_o righteousness_n nor_o do_v they_o consider_v that_o the_o defer_v thereof_o be_v for_o the_o trial_n of_o the_o elect_v faith_n patience_n and_o devotion_n in_o prayer_n like_o the_o saint_n cry_v under_o the_o altar_n rev._n 6.10_o how_o long_o lord_n holy_a and_o true_a do_v thou_o defer_v thy_o judgement_n other_o it_o may_v be_v will_v object_v that_o see_v that_o god_n have_v determine_v this_o day_n why_o will_v he_o hide_v it_o from_o we_o the_o reason_n be_v no_o doubt_n because_o he_o will_v have_v we_o watch_v and_o be_v prepare_v like_o the_o wise_a virgin_n with_o oil_n in_o our_o lamp_n and_o like_o he_o that_o expect_v a_o thief_n to_o come_v sudden_o as_o christ_n tell_v we_o mat._n 24.43_o but_o some_o will_v say_v it_o be_v no_o wonder_n that_o we_o know_v it_o not_o be_v that_o christ_n himself_o say_v he_o know_v it_o not_o mark_v 13.32_o to_o which_o it_o may_v be_v answer_v that_o he_o know_v it_o not_o so_o as_o to_o make_v we_o to_o know_v it_o as_o god_n be_v say_v to_o prove_v israel_n that_o he_o may_v know_v that_o be_v that_o he_o may_v make_v they_o to_o know_v deut._n 13.3_o for_o god_n know_v before_o what_o they_o will_v do_v or_o that_o he_o know_v it_o not_o as_o he_o be_v man_n in_o the_o estate_n of_o his_o humiliation_n or_o that_o he_o know_v it_o not_o without_o revelation_n from_o his_o divinity_n but_o now_o he_o be_v glorify_v he_o as_o man_n know_v the_o day_n and_o hour_n but_o it_o may_v be_v some_o will_v be_v so_o curious_a to_o ask_v where_o shall_v this_o judgement_n be_v some_o think_v in_o the_o valley_n of_o jehosophat_n from_o joel_n 3.2_o but_o that_o place_n have_v only_a relation_n to_o those_o nation_n that_o afflict_a israel_n and_o so_o be_v but_o a_o allusion_n to_o this_o great_a assize_n at_o the_o judgement_n day_n yet_o it_o be_v probable_a that_o christ_n may_v judge_v where_o he_o be_v judge_v but_o we_o have_v no_o certain_a proof_n from_o scripture_n where_o it_o shall_v be_v but_o that_o he_o will_v come_v in_o the_o cloud_n and_o every_o eye_n shall_v see_v he_o and_o those_o that_o have_v pierce_v he_o and_o thither_o the_o elect_a shall_v be_v catch_v up_o to_o meet_v he_o 1_o thes_n 4.17_o even_o in_o the_o air_n where_o the_o devil_n now_o rule_v eph._n 2.2_o as_o a_o prince_n but_o shall_v then_o be_v judge_v with_o the_o rest_n of_o his_o crew_n to_o hell_n to_o which_o place_n they_o be_v not_o as_o yet_o commit_v mathe._n what_o may_v be_v the_o sign_n of_o his_o come_n to_o judgement_n phila._n some_o take_v the_o preach_n of_o the_o gospel_n to_o all_o nation_n but_o this_o be_v do_v in_o the_o apostle_n day_n col._n 1.6_o other_o say_v the_o security_n of_o man_n 24._o mat._n 24._o but_o that_o be_v no_o sign_n that_o have_v no_o distinction_n for_o man_n have_v ever_o be_v so_o and_o ever_o will_v be_v so_o other_o say_v the_o want_n of_o faith_n love_n war_n and_o plague_n and_o the_o rise_n of_o false_a christ_n and_o prophet_n but_o these_o appear_v before_o the_o destruction_n of_o jerusalem_n whatsoever_o may_v hereafter_o for_o mat._n 24.34_o it_o be_v say_v that_o before_o that_o generation_n pass_v all_o these_o thing_n shall_v be_v fulfil_v but_o in_o the_o succession_n of_o age_n there_o have_v be_v always_o several_a monitory_a sign_n of_o that_o day_n ever_o since_o the_o apostle_n day_n as_o first_o the_o rising_z up_o of_o many_o antichrist_n 1_o john_n 2.18_o 23._o 2_o thes_n 23._o then_o a_o general_a apostasy_n of_o man_n from_o the_o truth_n of_o religion_n as_o in_o the_o time_n of_o arrius_n who_o deny_v christ_n to_o be_v beget_v of_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o father_n and_o that_o there_o be_v a_o time_n wherein_o the_o son_n be_v not_o which_o heresy_n be_v general_o receive_v and_o abet_v by_o bishop_n and_o some_o emperor_n 18_o socrat._v l._n 2._o c._n 18_o few_o or_o none_o oppose_v it_o more_o open_o than_o good_a athanasius_n except_v the_o council_n of_o nice_a the_o next_o sign_n be_v the_o discovery_n of_o antichrist_n 2_o thes_n 2.4_o by_o god_n witness_n namely_o the_o scripture_n or_o some_o faithful_a
expounder_n thereof_o the_o next_o sign_n be_v the_o revive_n and_o publish_v the_o everlasting_a gospel_n and_o profession_n of_o the_o reform_a religion_n from_o superstition_n prophesy_v rev._n 14.6_o which_o have_v be_v set_v on_o foot_n by_o the_o protestant_a religion_n in_o these_o latter_a time_n the_o next_o sign_n will_v be_v the_o fall_n of_o spiritual_a babylon_n which_o in_o all_o likelihood_n be_v rome_n by_o the_o martial_a power_n of_o prince_n rev._n 17.16_o 17._o the_o other_o sign_n will_v be_v a_o general_a corruption_n of_o manner_n then_o the_o call_n of_o the_o jew_n great_a alteration_n in_o heaven_n and_o earth_n but_o how_o be_v not_o set_v down_o but_o at_o last_o shall_v be_v see_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o son_n of_o man_n come_v in_o the_o cloud_n 24.30_o mat._n 24.30_o but_o what_o kind_n of_o sign_n this_o will_v be_v be_v uncertain_a some_o say_v it_o will_v be_v the_o appearance_n of_o the_o cross_n and_o instrument_n of_o christ_n passion_n lyranus_fw-la lyranus_fw-la as_o the_o spear_n and_o nail_n that_o pierce_v he_o and_o the_o other_o altogether_o other_o say_v that_o a_o sword_n shall_v sudden_o fall_v from_o heaven_n to_o signify_v to_o all_o true_a believer_n 1_o lactant._n l._n 7._o c._n 1_o that_o the_o captain_n of_o the_o lord_n host_n be_v come_v other_o think_v that_o christ_n shall_v appear_v with_o his_o cross_n carry_v before_o he_o aethiop_n damianus_n de_fw-fr moribus_fw-la aethiop_n and_o a_o sword_n in_o his_o hand_n as_o ready_a to_o be_v revenge_v on_o the_o ungodly_a that_o have_v crucify_v he_o and_o of_o the_o enemy_n to_o his_o cross_n other_o think_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n shall_v be_v carry_v before_o he_o in_o the_o cloud_n mat._n chrysost_n in_o mat._n muscul_fw-la in_o mat._n as_o a_o testimony_n that_o it_o be_v he_o that_o be_v crucify_v or_o that_o it_o shall_v be_v the_o fignall_n of_o his_o triumph_n against_o the_o devil_n and_o the_o world_n who_o by_o it_o he_o have_v conquer_v col._n 2.15_o other_o say_v that_o this_o sign_n shall_v be_v the_o body_n of_o christ_n appear_v with_o all_o the_o mark_n of_o his_o wound_n about_o he_o mart._n dr_n wilket_n calv._n pet._n mart._n but_o whether_o they_o shall_v appear_v in_o his_o glorify_a body_n i_o know_v not_o other_o say_v that_o this_o sign_n of_o the_o son_n of_o man_n shall_v be_v his_o celestial_a power_n and_o glory_n with_o all_o the_o eye_n of_o the_o world_n to_o he_o and_o this_o be_v likely_a to_o be_v the_o sign_n even_o himself_o in_o glorious_a appearance_n as_o luke_n 21.27_o and_o mark_v 13.19_o who_o name_v no_o sign_n but_o himself_o mathe._n but_o how_o shall_v man_n be_v try_v phila._n no_o doubt_n but_o by_o sufficient_a law_n and_o evidence_n they_o that_o have_v sin_v without_o law_n shall_v perish_v without_o law_n rom._n aug._n in_o rom._n i._n those_o that_o have_v sin_v by_o nature_n without_o the_o law_n moral_a shall_v be_v judge_v by_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n with_o the_o law_n moral_a and_o those_o that_o sin_v in_o the_o law_n shall_v be_v judge_v by_o the_o law_n beside_o there_o shall_v be_v sufficient_a evidence_n to_o judge_v they_o by_o for_o we_o read_v of_o book_n that_o shall_v be_v open_v 20.12_o rev._n 20.12_o as_o first_o the_o book_n of_o nature_n and_o herein_o the_o creature_n that_o we_o have_v abuse_v shall_v testify_v against_o we_o jer._n 17.1_o next_o the_o book_n of_o scripture_n which_o we_o have_v disobey_v luke_n 12.48_o three_o the_o book_n of_o conscience_n which_o as_o a_o thousand_o witness_n shall_v convince_v we_o when_o it_o shall_v be_v awaken_v which_o be_v now_o asleep_a then_o the_o book_n of_o god_n remembrance_n for_o the_o comsort_n of_o good_a man_n mal._n 3.16_o and_o the_o terror_n of_o the_o wicked_a when_o god_n himself_o shall_v be_v a_o swift_a witness_n against_o they_o last_o the_o book_n of_o life_n full_a of_o the_o name_n of_o god_n child_n phil._n 4.3_o and_o also_o rev._n 20.12_o yea_o rather_o than_o fail_v the_o heaven_n and_o the_o earth_n shall_v declare_v our_o iniquity_n and_o stand_v up_o against_o we_o job_n 20.27_o mathe._n what_o shall_v be_v the_o last_o issue_n of_o this_o day_n of_o judgement_n phila._n the_o godly_a shall_v have_v the_o possession_n of_o 1_o thes_n 4.17_o where_o they_o shall_v have_v first_o the_o vision_n of_o god_n which_o be_v the_o very_a life_n of_o the_o sonle_fw-mi as_o the_o sun_n be_v of_o plant_n second_o their_o own_o nature_n perfect_v 3.18_o 1_o cor._n 13.12_o 2_o cor._n 3.18_o their_o face_n shall_v shine_v like_o the_o sun_n their_o body_n active_a like_o spirit_n and_o shall_v have_v health_n without_o the_o least_o weakness_n their_o soul_n full_a of_o knowledge_n and_o their_o heart_n of_o perfect_a holiness_n their_o company_n angel_n and_o the_o spirit_n of_o just_a man_n 12.23_o heb._n 12.23_o among_o who_o shall_v be_v perfect_a love_n and_o amity_n second_o the_o wicked_a shall_v be_v thrust_v into_o hell_n among_o the_o devil_n where_o they_o shall_v be_v deprive_v of_o the_o comfortable_a sight_n of_o god_n and_o heavenly_a glory_n except_v so_o much_o as_o dives_n see_v to_o the_o increase_n of_o his_o own_o grief_n also_o a_o worm_n of_o conscience_n shall_v ever_o be_v gnaw_v upon_o they_o by_o a_o remembrance_n of_o their_o sin_n with_o the_o unspeakable_a torment_n of_o fire_n unquenchable_a and_o the_o horrid_a presence_n of_o devil_n of_o which_o horrid_a trouble_n they_o shall_v never_o find_v ease_n nor_o end_n so_o that_o they_o shall_v loathe_v the_o life_n they_o have_v and_o shall_v never_o find_v that_o death_n they_o desire_v and_o then_o shall_v follow_v the_o creation_n of_o new_a heaven_n and_o earth_n not_o in_o substance_n but_o in_o quality_n for_o as_o the_o old_a world_n be_v not_o annihilate_v by_o the_o deluge_n no_o more_o shall_v this_o by_o fire_n but_o they_o shall_v be_v melt_v and_o cast_v into_o a_o new_a mould_n as_o st_n peter_n do_v well_o express_v that_o though_o the_o inferior_a heaven_n shall_v pass_v away_o with_o a_o noise_n 10._o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 10._o and_o the_o element_n shall_v melt_v with_o fervent_a heat_n and_o the_o earth_n with_o the_o work_v there_o in_o shall_v be_v burn_v up_o 2_o pet._n 3.10_o yet_o though_o all_o these_o thing_n shall_v be_v dissolve_v 12._o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 12._o ver_fw-la 11._o and_o 12._o and_o melt_v nevertheless_o we_o look_v according_a to_o god_n promise_n for_o new_a heaven_n and_o earth_n wherein_o shall_v dwell_v righteousness_n in_o which_o also_o the_o creature_n shall_v have_v a_o restitution_n as_o appear_v act_n 3.21_o and_o 8.23_o from_o bondage_n to_o liberty_n i._o from_o the_o bondage_n of_o corruption_n and_o mutation_n and_o the_o service_n of_o wicked_a man_n humour_n not_o that_o all_o that_o ever_o be_v shall_v be_v so_o but_o every_o sort_n of_o creature_n that_o be_v then_o alive_a at_o the_o last_o day_n which_o god_n make_v in_o their_o several_a kind_n at_o the_o creation_n shall_v be_v restore_v and_o for_o aught_o i_o know_v reserve_v at_o the_o pleasure_n of_o god_n as_o the_o example_n of_o his_o wisdom_n and_o power_n in_o the_o creation_n and_o last_o of_o all_o then_o shall_v christ_n deliver_v up_o his_o kingdom_n to_o god_n the_o father_n 15.24_o 1_o cor._n 15.24_o not_o his_o glorious_a and_o eternal_a estate_n which_o he_o ever_o do_v and_o must_v enjoy_v with_o the_o father_n but_o his_o temporal_a government_n which_o be_v deliver_v to_o he_o with_o all_o power_n by_o the_o father_n luke_n 10.22_o to_o rule_v in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o grace_n by_o holy_a mean_n and_o ordinance_n by_o which_o he_o have_v now_o subdue_v all_o enemy_n fulfil_v all_o truth_n and_o deliver_v his_o elect_a from_o all_o sin_n and_o punishment_n and_o bring_v they_o to_o eternal_a happiness_n he_o give_v up_o this_o kingdom_n to_o the_o father_n to_o rule_v they_o in_o glory_n not_o exclude_v he_o lse_o but_o as_o the_o father_n rule_v by_o he_o in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o grace_n so_o he_o now_o in_o and_o by_o the_o father_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o glory_n for_o ever_o amen_n the_o end_n of_o the_o first_o part._n a_o christian_a dialogue_n between_o philalethes_n and_o mathey_n part_n 2._o mathetes_fw-gr christ_n be_v thus_o plain_o set_v forth_o in_o the_o old_a testament_n how_o come_v the_o jew_n not_o to_o believe_v upon_o he_o phila._n 1._o by_o their_o own_o hardness_n of_o heart_n not_o believe_v the_o prophet_n but_o also_o persecute_v of_o they_o and_o refuse_v to_o hear_v they_o jer._n 6.17_o 2._o by_o the_o just_a judgement_n of_o god_n who_o therefore_o lay_v a_o stumble_a block_n before_o upon_o which_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n fall_v together_o ver_fw-la 21._o and_o christ_n become_v to_o they_o a_o stumble_a and_o a_o rock_n
kingdom_n that_o he_o have_v by_o dispensation_n be_v that_o free_a and_o voluntary_a kingdom_n which_o he_o receive_v from_o god_n for_o the_o salvation_n of_o his_o church_n and_o shall_v in_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n be_v give_v up_o to_o god_n the_o father_n again_o 1_o cor._n 15.25_o 28._o in_o the_o mean_a time_n he_o be_v by_o dispensation_n the_o head_n and_o sole_a monarch_n of_o the_o church_n but_o he_o have_v nevertheless_o a_o government_n ministerial_a not_o only_o invisible_a by_o his_o spirit_n and_o angel_n john_n 16.7_o heb._n 1.14_o but_o a_o visible_a ministration_n by_o the_o word_n and_o wholesome_a discipline_n to_o the_o exercise_n whereof_o some_o man_n be_v by_o his_o appointment_n delegated_a for_o the_o help_a our_o infirmity_n and_o speak_v to_o we_o in_o christ_n absence_n 2_o cor._n 6.1_o and_o this_o have_v always_o be_v do_v by_o bishop_n and_o presbyter_n act_n 20.28_o who_o by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v make_v overseer_n of_o the_o flock_n not_o secular_a man_n though_o prince_n have_v ever_o this_o external_a government_n in_o the_o dispensation_n of_o spiritual_a thing_n commit_v to_o they_o for_o then_o how_o be_v the_o church_n rule_v for_o 300_o year_n after_o christ_n till_o the_o day_n of_o constantine_n yet_o the_o secular_a power_n be_v to_o govern_v man_n as_o man_n but_o the_o minister_n only_o govern_v they_o as_o christian_n and_o therefore_o in_o this_o case_n prince_n themselves_o have_v not_o refuse_v subjection_n to_o this_o ministerial_a government_n of_o christ_n as_o the_o emperor_n theodosius_n to_o st_n ambrose_n bishop_n of_o milan_n 17._o theod._n lib._n 5._o cap._n 17._o nor_o have_v any_o dare_v to_o usurp_v their_o office_n without_o some_o exemplary_a punishment_n as_o uzzah_n and_o uzziah_n till_o these_o latter_a time_n 6.7_o 2_o sam._n 6.7_o wherein_o any_o tradesman_n dare_v take_v upon_o he_o the_o office_n of_o a_o minister_n and_o a_o seutor_n to_o be_v a_o soul_n member_n beside_o if_o this_o ministerial_a government_n be_v commit_v to_o secular_a power_n than_o they_o may_v give_v the_o sacrament_n and_o a_o woman_n if_o a_o prince_n may_v preach_v too_o notwithstanding_o st_n paul_n 1_o cor._n 14.34_o but_o we_o find_v jehosaphat_n to_o distinguish_v the_o civil_a power_n 19.5.8_o 2_o chro._n 19.5.8_o from_o the_o ecclesiastic_a ministry_n in_o the_o old_a testament_n and_o sure_o the_o church_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n be_v not_o leave_v to_o confusion_n in_o government_n 1_o cor._n 14.40_o therefore_o the_o ancient_a father_n have_v reprove_v even_o emperor_n solit_fw-la amb._n ep_v 33._o de_fw-fr valentin_n imper._n ath●n●s_v ep._n add_v aginte_n vitam_fw-la solit_fw-la when_o they_o take_v upon_o they_o to_o meddle_v with_o thing_n divine_a which_o be_v no_o part_n of_o their_o administration_n for_o though_o god_n have_v commit_v to_o they_o the_o empire_n yet_o to_o the_o minister_n the_o sacred_a thing_n the_o mystery_n whereof_o they_o be_v to_o teach_v not_o to_o be_v teach_v yet_o religious_a magistrate_n be_v to_o rule_v over_o minister_n by_o their_o civil_a power_n to_o which_o minister_n be_v to_o subject_n themselves_o yea_o they_o may_v and_o aught_o to_o correct_v negligence_n in_o the_o practice_n of_o religion_n and_o vice_n which_o be_v a_o scandal_n to_o religion_n yea_o and_o heresy_n blasphemy_n and_o sacrilege_n prove_v to_o be_v so_o by_o ecclesiastical_a judgement_n but_o not_o to_o define_v point_n of_o faith_n nor_o to_o exercise_v ministerial_a office_n it_o be_v true_a that_o moses_n eli_n and_o samuel_n and_o other_o do_v exercise_v both_o office_n many_o time_n yet_o we_o can_v argue_v from_o a_o extraordinary_a action_n in_o a_o state_n not_o full_o settle_v that_o it_o shall_v be_v so_o in_o a_o settle_a church_n and_o state_n for_o by_o the_o same_o reason_n a_o priest_n may_v act_v the_o office_n of_o a_o prince_n or_o a_o judge_n at_o any_o time_n as_o do_v moses_n eli_n and_o samuel_n but_o we_o find_v when_o the_o priesthood_n be_v settle_v that_o moses_n then_o meddle_v not_o with_o aaron_n business_n and_o eli_n and_o samuel_n be_v judge_n by_o a_o extraordinary_a call_n in_o a_o corrupt_a state_n but_o ordinary_o it_o be_v otherwise_o so_o in_o the_o new_a testament_n church_n holy_a thing_n be_v always_o ordinary_o and_o ordinate_o administer_v by_o bishop_n and_o presbyter_n eph._n 4.11_o 12._o to_o who_o those_o of_o the_o church_n be_v to_o submit_v themselves_o heb._n 13.17_o nor_o be_v the_o church_n govern_v by_o any_o one_o man_n but_o by_o they_o act_v 15.6_o no_o not_o by_o peter_n alone_o though_o he_o be_v in_o that_o council_n and_o the_o ancient_a father_n decline_v that_o sole_a definitive_a judicature_n tur._n cypr._n lib._n 31_o epi._n 19_o ad_fw-la cletum_fw-la amb._n in_o 1_o tim._n 1._o hier._n in_o epi._n 1._o ad_fw-la tur._n which_o the_o pope_n have_v challenge_v to_o himself_o st_o cyprian_n dare_v not_o do_v so_o and_o st_n ambrose_n say_v that_o first_o the_o synagove_n and_o afterward_o the_o elder_n of_o the_o church_n be_v to_o be_v consult_v and_o without_o they_o nothing_o be_v to_o be_v do_v and_o st_n jerom_n say_v that_o till_o by_o the_o instinct_n of_o the_o devil_n contention_n arise_v in_o the_o church_n it_o be_v govern_v by_o the_o counsel_n of_o minister_n nor_o be_v the_o government_n of_o it_o democraticall_a or_o in_o the_o power_n of_o the_o people_n for_o than_o they_o must_v have_v this_o power_n from_o themselves_o or_o from_o god_n it_o can_v be_v from_o themselves_o for_o this_o power_n be_v not_o by_o right_a of_o nature_n or_o nation_n but_o be_v supernatural_a and_o of_o divine_a right_n nor_o have_v they_o it_o from_o god_n for_o no_o scripture_n set_v it_o forth_o but_o therein_o they_o be_v call_v the_o flock_n which_o be_v to_o be_v feed_v not_o to_o govern_v or_o choose_v their_o shepherd_n yet_o it_o be_v true_a they_o be_v present_a at_o the_o ordination_n of_o mathias_n act_v 1._o and_o the_o seven_o deacon_n act_n 6._o but_o they_o only_o name_v or_o design_v they_o but_o ordain_v they_o not_o however_o such_o a_o particular_a fact_n at_o first_o prove_v not_o that_o it_o must_v be_v so_o always_o no_o more_o then_o because_o the_o first_o king_n be_v choose_v by_o the_o people_n therefore_o they_o must_v be_v so_o always_o so_o that_o it_o seem_v to_o i_o that_o the_o church_n militant_a be_v neither_o democraticall_a as_o govern_v by_o the_o people_n nor_o monarchical_a by_o any_o one_o man_n but_o aristocratical_a that_o be_v govern_v by_o some_o chief_a head_n of_o the_o ministry_n therefore_o the_o pope_n can_v derive_v no_o such_o power_n from_o peter_n as_o to_o be_v the_o head_n of_o the_o church_n for_o peter_n be_v never_o so_o constitute_v by_o christ_n nor_o be_v ever_o so_o acknowledge_v by_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o apostle_n for_o than_o they_o will_v never_o have_v contend_v who_o shall_v be_v chief_a as_o they_o do_v luke_n 22.24_o christ_n be_v only_o the_o head_n who_o be_v the_o head_n stone_n and_o the_o foundation_n of_o it_o 19_o mat._n 16.18_o 19_o for_o though_o our_o saviour_n say_v to_o peter_n thou_o be_v peter_n and_o upon_o this_o rock_n i_o will_v build_v my_o church_n yet_o he_o call_v he_o only_a peter_n eccle_n aug._n retract_v lib._n 1._o cap._n 22._o cypr._n lib._n de_fw-fr unit_fw-la eccle_n not_o petra_n the_o rock_n for_o that_o be_v christ_n for_o all_o the_o apostle_n be_v endue_v with_o the_o same_o power_n which_o peter_n have_v john_n 20.22_o when_o christ_n say_v to_o they_o receive_v the_o holy_a ghost_n whosoever_o sin_n you_o remit_v they_o be_v remit_v nor_o can_v the_o pope_n challenge_v succession_n from_o peter_n who_o be_v bishop_n of_o antioch_n not_o of_o rome_n as_o some_o write_v but_o the_o scripture_n say_v that_o the_o jew_n be_v especial_o peter_n charge_n gal._n 2.7_o who_o be_v all_o banish_v from_o rome_n by_o claudius_n act_v 18.2_o and_o so_o peter_n have_v but_o little_a to_o do_v there_o or_o if_o he_o be_v bishop_n there_o yet_o the_o pope_n can_v be_v his_o successor_n proper_o 5._o amb._n the_o incarn_n cap._n 5._o if_o he_o succeed_v he_o not_o in_o faith_n and_o doctrine_n for_o faith_n be_v the_o church_n foundation_n much_o less_o can_v he_o pretend_v to_o be_v christ_n vicar_n any_o more_o than_o any_o other_o bishop_n who_o may_v be_v say_v to_o be_v vice_n christi_fw-la in_o the_o stead_n of_o christ_n to_o woo_v man_n to_o be_v reconcile_v to_o god_n 41.58_o conc._n nic._n can_v 6._o cypr._n ep._n ad_fw-la papas_n 41.58_o when_o he_o be_v at_o the_o best_a he_o be_v allow_v to_o be_v but_o one_o of_o the_o patriarch_n nor_o call_v by_o the_o ancient_a father_n but_o only_a brother_n colleague_n or_o fellow_n bishop_n but_o have_v they_o take_v he_o for_o christ_n vicar_n or_o the_o head_n of_o the_o church_n