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scripture_n apostle_n call_v lord_n 2,488 5 3.6285 3 false
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A10094 The doctrine of the Sabbath· Delivered in the Act at Oxon. anno, 1622. By Dr. Prideaux his Majesties professour for divinity in that Vniversity. And now translated into English for the benefit of the common people. Prideaux, John, 1578-1650.; Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. 1634 (1634) STC 20348; ESTC S115223 22,039 62

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the_o practice_n of_o the_o apostle_n not_o on_o the_o four_o commandment_n which_o he_o call_v a_o scandalous_a doctrine_n sect._n 7._o nor_o any_o other_o express_a authority_n in_o holy_a scripture_n sect._n 6._o &_o 7._o then_o four_a that_o the_o church_n have_v still_o authority_n to_o change_v the_o day_n though_o such_o authority_n be_v not_o fit_a to_o be_v put_v in_o practice_n sect._n 7._o five_o that_o in_o the_o celebration_n of_o it_o there_o be_v no_o such_o cessation_n from_o the_o work_n of_o labour_n require_v from_o we_o as_o be_v exact_v of_o the_o jew_n but_o that_o we_o lawful_o may_v dress_v meat_n proportionable_a unto_o every_o man_n estate_n and_o do_v such_o other_o thing_n as_o be_v no_o hindrance_n to_o the_o public_a service_n appoint_v for_o the_o day_n sect._n 8._o six_o that_o on_o the_o lord_n day_n all_o recreation_n whatsoever_o be_v to_o be_v allow_v which_o honest_o may_v refresh_v the_o spirit_n and_o increase_v mutual_a love_n and_o neighbourhood_n among_o we_o and_o that_o the_o name_n whereby_o the_o jew_n do_v use_v to_o call_v their_o festival_n whereof_o the_o sabbath_n be_v the_o chief_a be_v borrow_v from_o a_o hebrew_n word_n which_o signify_v to_o dance_v and_o to_o be_v merry_a or_o make_v glad_a the_o countenance_n if_o so_o if_o all_o such_o recreation_n as_o increase_v good_a neighbourhood_n then_o wake_n and_o feast_n and_o other_o meeting_n of_o that_o nature_n if_o such_o as_o honest_o may_v refresh_v the_o spirit_n then_o dance_v shoot_a wrestle_a and_o all_o other_o pastime_n not_o by_o law_n prohibit_v which_o either_o exercise_n the_o body_n or_o revive_v the_o mind_n and_o last_o that_o it_o appertain_v to_o the_o christian_a magistrate_n to_o order_n and_o appoint_v what_o pastime_n be_v to_o be_v permit_v and_o what_o be_v not_o obedience_n unto_o who_o command_n be_v better_a far_o than_o sacrifice_n to_o any_o of_o the_o idol_n of_o our_o own_o invention_n not_o unto_o every_o private_a person_n or_o as_o the_o doctor_n own_o word_n be_v not_o unto_o every_o man_n rash_a zeal_n who_o out_o of_o a_o schismatical_a stoicism_n debar_v man_n from_o lawful_a pastime_n do_v incline_v to_o judaism_n sect._n 8._o add_v for_o the_o close_a of_o all_o how_o doubt_o our_o author_n speak_v of_o the_o name_n of_o sabbath_n which_o now_o be_v grow_v so_o rife_o among_o we_o sect._n 8._o concern_v which_o take_v here_o that_o notable_a dilemma_n of_o john_n barklay_n ult._n the_o better_a to_o encounter_v those_o who_o still_o retain_v the_o name_n and_o impose_v the_o rigour_n cur_n perro_fw-la illum_fw-la diem_fw-la plerique_fw-la sectariorum_fw-la sabbatum_fw-la appellaetis_fw-la etc._n etc._n what_o be_v the_o cause_n say_v he_o that_o many_o of_o our_o sectary_n call_v this_o day_n the_o sabbath_n if_o they_o observe_v it_o as_o a_o sabbath_n they_o must_v observe_v it_o because_o god_n rest_v on_o that_o day_n and_o then_o they_o ought_v to_o keep_v that_o day_n whereon_o god_n rest_v and_o not_o the_o first_o as_o now_o they_o do_v whereon_o the_o lord_n begin_v his_o labour_n if_o they_o observe_v it_o as_o the_o day_n of_o our_o saviour_n resurrection_n why_o do_v they_o call_v it_o still_o the_o sabbath_n see_v especial_o that_o christ_n do_v not_o altogether_o rest_v that_o day_n but_o valiant_o overcome_v the_o power_n of_o death_n this_o be_v the_o sum_n of_o all_o and_o this_o be_v all_o i_o have_v to_o say_v unto_o thou_o good_a christian_a reader_n in_o this_o present_a business_n god_n give_v thou_o a_o right_a understanding_n in_o all_o thing_n and_o a_o good_a will_n to_o do_v thereafter_o the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o sabbath_n or_o a_o speech_n deliver_v in_o the_o act_n at_o oxon_n at_o the_o proceed_n doctor_n of_o christ_n green_a io._n tolson_n tho._n jackson_n tho._n binson_n io._n harris_n in_o the_o year_n of_o christ_n 1622._o touch_v the_o sabbath_n levit_fw-la 9.30_o you_o shall_v keep_v my_o sabbath_n and_o reverence_v my_o sanctuary_n i_o be_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o sabbath_n sect_n i._o my_o annual_a task_n learned_a and_o courteous_a auditor_n be_v as_o you_o see_v return_v again_o whereto_o be_v bind_v as_o i_o may_v say_v like_o titius_n unto_o caucasus_n i_o must_v of_o necessity_n expose_v myself_o to_o so_o many_o vulture_n divinity_n toss_v with_o so_o many_o storm_n and_o by_o she_o own_o unworthy_o handle_v have_v not_o which_o be_v much_o fear_v as_o yet_o miscarry_v behold_v i_o and_o the_o son_n which_o god_n have_v give_v i_o ●_o and_o though_o she_o do_v not_o glory_n as_o before_o she_o have_v do_v of_o a_o numerous_a issue_n yet_o she_o be_v comfort_v with_o these_o few_o who_o modesty_n do_v promise_v to_o supply_v that_o want_n and_o hide_v her_o nakedness_n it_o be_v my_o office_n as_o you_o know_v according_a to_o the_o custom_n of_o this_o place_n honest_o to_o dismiss_v they_o hence_o be_v now_o furnish_v and_o provide_v after_o all_o their_o labour_n and_o be_v it_o be_v the_o seven_o year_n since_o i_o first_o attain_v unto_o this_o place_n and_o that_o there_o want_v not_o some_o litigious_a difference_n about_o the_o sabbath_n which_o have_v of_o late_o disturb_v the_o quiet_a of_o the_o church_n i_o hope_v it_o will_v not_o seem_v unseasonable_a father_n and_o brethren_n to_o speak_v unto_o you_o somewhat_o of_o this_o argument_n and_o therein_o rather_o to_o explode_v their_o error_n who_o either_o seem_v to_o tend_v on_o the_o one_o side_n to_o atheism_n or_o on_o the_o other_o side_n to_o judaism_n than_o any_o way_n to_o brand_v their_o person_n and_o that_o our_o follow_a discourse_n may_v issue_v from_o the_o pure_a fountain_n we_o will_v derive_v it_o from_o the_o 19_o of_o levit._n v._n 30._o which_o doubtless_o for_o the_o great_a certainty_n thereof_o be_v again_o repeat_v cap._n 26._o v._n 2._o you_o shall_v keep_v my_o sabbath_n now_o for_o the_o first_o word_n sabbath_n the_o learned_a in_o the_o hebrew_n language_n derive_v it_o not_o from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d which_o be_v interpret_v be_v seven_o but_o from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d which_o signify_v to_o cease_v leave_v off_o or_o rest_n from_o labour_n and_o seem_v to_o have_v affinity_n with_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d to_o set_v down_o and_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d to_o adore_v and_o praise_n all_o which_o do_v intimate_v unto_o we_o as_o well_o the_o use_n of_o the_o sabbath_n as_o the_o duty_n also_o of_o all_o those_o who_o be_v bind_v to_o keep_v it_o it_o be_v not_o my_o intent_n to_o lay_v before_o you_o such_o further_a etymology_n as_o either_o be_v afford_v we_o from_o plutarch_n finem_fw-la and_o the_o rest_n of_o greece_n who_o fetch_v it_o from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d to_o triumph_v dance_v or_o make_v glad_a the_o countenance_n or_o from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d a_o surname_n of_o bacchus_n or_o at_o the_o least_o 15._o some_o son_n of_o he_o in_o coelius_n rhodiginus_fw-la whence_o bacchus_n priest_n be_v frequent_o call_v sabbi_n moenade_n or_o saliare_n in_o ancient_a author_n nor_o from_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d which_o be_v the_o spleen_n from_o the_o distemper_n of_o the_o which_o as_o giraldus_n think_v the_o jew_n mensibus_fw-la though_o very_o much_o thereunto_o incline_v be_v that_o day_n release_v nor_o last_v of_o all_o from_o any_o foul_a disease_n in_o the_o privy_a part_n by_o the_o egyptian_n call_v sabba_n which_o fl._n josephus_n worthy_o deride_v in_o his_o second_o book_n against_o appion_n it_o be_v well_o know_v from_o what_o corrupt_a channel_n these_o derivation_n have_v be_v draw_v by_o the_o elder_a jew_n who_o by_o their_o bacchanalian_a rite_n give_v the_o world_n just_a occasion_n to_o suspect_v that_o they_o do_v consecrate_v their_o sabbath_n unto_o revel_n rather_o than_o god_n service_n as_o for_o these_o sabbath_n ●5_n they_o either_o be_v the_o weekly_a sabbath_n or_o those_o which_o in_o the_o scripture_n be_v call_v sabbath_n of_o year_n and_o these_o again_o either_o each_o seven_o year_n in_o the_o which_o the_o earth_n lie_v fallow_a or_o every_o fifty_o year_n call_v otherwise_o the_o year_n of_o jubilee_n wherein_o each_o man_n return_v again_o to_o his_o own_o possession_n and_o inheritance_n as_o the_o law_n appoint_v there_o be_v at_o least_o five_o other_o meaning_n of_o this_o word_n in_o holy_a scripture_n of_o which_o consult_v hospinian_n in_o his_o book_n de_fw-fr festis_fw-la judaeorum_n 3._o but_o for_o the_o weekly_a sabbath_n mention_v in_o the_o decalogue_n be_v it_o be_v become_v to_o many_o a_o rock_n of_o offence_n it_o will_v not_o happy_o be_v unwelcome_a to_o the_o waver_a mind_n so_o to_o determine_v of_o the_o point_n that_o they_o may_v have_v something_o whereupon_o to_o fasten_v there_o be_v not_o any_o thing_n now_o more_o frequent_a in_o some_o zelots_n
the_o number_n of_o the_o day_n be_v leave_v by_o the_o authority_n of_o god_n word_n to_o the_o authority_n of_o christ_n church_n to_o be_v determine_v and_o assign_v orderly_o in_o every_o country_n by_o the_o discretion_n of_o the_o ruler_n and_o minister_n thereof_o as_o they_o shall_v judge_v most_o expedient_a to_o the_o true_a set_n forth_o of_o god_n glory_n and_o edification_n of_o the_o people_n which_o preamble_n be_v not_o to_o be_v understand_v of_o holy_a day_n or_o of_o saint_n day_n only_a who_o be_v leave_v the_o authority_n of_o the_o church_n be_v never_o question_v but_o of_o the_o lord_n day_n also_o as_o by_o the_o body_n of_o the_o act_n do_v at_o full_a appear_v last_o of_o all_o for_o the_o three_o and_o last_o conclusion_n that_o still_o the_o church_n have_v power_n to_o change_v the_o day_n our_o doctor_n in_o the_o seven_o section_n bring_v in_o bullinger_n bucer_n brentius_n vrsinus_n and_o chemnitius_n aliisque_fw-la nostris_fw-la with_o diverse_a other_o not_o name_v particular_o as_o they_o be_v which_o think_v no_o otherwise_o thereof_o than_o calvin_n do_v and_o show_v by_o what_o distinction_n suarez_n though_o otherwise_o no_o friend_n unto_o the_o man_n do_v defend_v their_o doctrine_n now_o as_o the_o doctrine_n be_v such_o also_o be_v the_o practice_n of_o those_o man_n and_o church_n devoid_a of_o any_o the_o least_o superstitious_a rigour_n esteem_v it_o to_o be_v as_o a_o day_n leave_v arbitrary_a and_o therefore_o open_a to_o all_o honest_a exercise_n and_o lawful_a recreation_n by_o which_o the_o mind_n may_v be_v refresh_v and_o the_o spirit_n quicken_v even_o in_o geneva_n itself_o according_a as_o it_o be_v relate_v in_o the_o enlargement_n of_o boterus_n by_o robert_n johnson_n all_o honest_a exercise_n shoot_v in_o piece_n longbow_n crossbow_n etc._n etc._n be_v use_v on_o the_o sabbath_n day_n and_o that_o both_o in_o the_o morning_n before_o and_o after_o the_o sermon_n neither_o do_v the_o minister_n find_v fault_n therewith_o so_o that_o they_o hinder_v not_o from_o hear_v of_o the_o word_n at_o the_o time_n appoint_v dance_v indeed_o they_o do_v not_o suffer_v but_o this_o not_o in_o relation_n to_o the_o sunday_n but_o the_o sport_n itself_o france_n which_o be_v hold_v unlawful_a and_o general_o forbid_v in_o the_o french_a church_n which_o strictness_n as_o some_o note_n consider_v how_o the_o french_a do_v delight_n in_o dance_v have_v be_v a_o great_a hindrance_n to_o the_o growth_n of_o the_o reform_a religion_n in_o that_o kingdom_n which_o be_v so_o the_o judgement_n and_o the_o practice_n of_o so_o many_o man_n and_o of_o such_o several_a persuasion_n in_o the_o controvert_v point_n of_o the_o christian_a faith_n concur_v so_o unanimous_o together_o the_o miracle_n be_v the_o great_a that_o we_o in_o england_n shall_v take_v up_o a_o contrary_a opinion_n and_o thereby_o separate_v ourselves_o from_o all_o that_o be_v call_v christian_n yet_o so_o it_o be_v i_o skill_n not_o how_o it_o come_v to_o pass_v but_o so_o it_o be_v that_o some_o among_o we_o have_v revive_v again_o the_o jewish_a sabbath_n though_o not_o the_o day_n itself_o 7._o yet_o the_o name_n and_o thing_n teach_v that_o the_o commandment_n of_o sanctify_v every_o seven_o day_n as_o in_o the_o mosaical_a decalogue_n be_v natural_a moral_a and_o perpetual_a that_o whereas_o all_o thing_n else_o in_o the_o jewish_a church_n be_v so_o change_v that_o they_o be_v clean_o take_v away_o this_o day_n mean_v the_o sabbath_n be_v so_o change_v that_o it_o still_o remain_v and_o last_o that_o the_o sabbath_n be_v not_o any_o of_o those_o ceremony_n which_o be_v just_o abrogate_a at_o christ_n come_v all_o which_o position_n be_v condemn_v for_o contrary_a to_o the_o article_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n as_o in_o a_o comment_n on_o those_o article_n peruse_v and_o by_o the_o lawful_a authority_n of_o the_o church_n allow_v to_o be_v public_a be_v most_o clear_a and_o manifest_a which_o doctrinal_n though_o dangerous_a in_o themselves_o and_o different_a from_o the_o judgement_n of_o the_o ancient_a father_n and_o of_o the_o great_a clerk_n of_o the_o latter_a time_n be_v not_o yet_o half_o so_o desperate_a as_o that_o which_o follow_v thereupon_o in_o point_n of_o practice_n article_n for_o these_o position_n grant_v and_o entertain_v as_o orthodox_n what_o can_v we_o else_o expect_v but_o such_o strange_a paradox_n as_o in_o consideration_n of_o the_o premise_n have_v be_v deliver_v from_o some_o pulpit_n in_o this_o kingdom_n as_o viz._n that_o to_o do_v any_o servile_a work_n or_o business_n on_o the_o lord_n day_n be_v as_o great_a a_o sin_n as_o to_o kill_v a_o man_n or_o commit_v adultery_n that_o to_o throw_v a_o bowl_n to_o make_v a_o feast_n or_o dress_v a_o wedding_n dinner_n on_o the_o lord_n day_n be_v as_o great_a a_o sin_n as_o for_o a_o man_n to_o take_v a_o knife_n and_o cut_v his_o child_n throat_n that_o to_o ring_v more_o bell_n than_o one_o on_o the_o lord_n day_n be_v as_o great_a a_o sin_n as_o to_o commit_v murder_n the_o author_n which_o report_v they_o all_o be_v present_a when_o the_o broacher_n of_o the_o last_o position_n be_v convent_v for_o it_o and_o i_o believe_v he_o in_o the_o rest_n the_o rather_o since_o i_o have_v hear_v it_o preach_v in_o london_n that_o the_o law_n of_o moses_n whereby_o death_n temporal_a be_v appoint_v for_o the_o sabbath-breaker_n be_v yet_o in_o force_n and_o that_o who_o ever_o do_v the_o work_n of_o his_o ordinary_a call_n on_o the_o sabbath_n day_n be_v to_o die_v therefore_o and_o i_o know_v also_o that_o in_o a_o town_n of_o my_o acquaintance_n the_o preacher_n there_o have_v bring_v the_o people_n to_o that_o pass_n that_o neither_o bake_a nor_o roast-meat_n be_v to_o be_v find_v in_o all_o the_o parish_n for_o a_o sunday_n dinner_n throughout_o the_o year_n these_o be_v the_o ordinary_a fruit_n of_o such_o dangerous_a doctrine_n and_o against_o these_o and_o such_o as_o these_o our_o author_n in_o this_o follow_a treatise_n do_v address_v himself_o accuse_v they_o that_o entertain_v the_o former_a doctrinall_n everywhere_o of_o no_o less_o than_o judaism_n and_o press_v they_o with_o that_o of_o austin_n that_o they_o who_o literal_o understand_v the_o four_o commandment_n do_v not_o yet_o savour_v of_o the_o spirit_n section_n the_o three_o this_o when_o i_o have_v consider_v when_o i_o have_v serious_o observe_v how_o much_o these_o fancy_n be_v repugnant_a both_o to_o the_o tendry_n of_o this_o church_n and_o judgement_n of_o all_o kind_n of_o writer_n and_o how_o unsafe_a to_o be_v admit_v i_o think_v i_o can_v not_o go_v about_o a_o better_a work_n than_o to_o exhibit_v to_o the_o view_n of_o my_o dear_a countryman_n this_o follow_a treatise_n deliver_v first_o and_o after_o publish_v by_o the_o author_n in_o another_o language_n the_o rather_o since_o of_o late_a the_o clamour_n be_v increase_v and_o that_o there_o be_v not_o any_o thing_n now_o more_o frequent_a in_o some_o zelots_n mouth_n to_o use_v the_o doctor_n word_n than_o that_o the_o lord_n day_n be_v with_o we_o licentious_o yea_o sacrilegious_o profane_v section_n the_o first_o to_o satisfy_v who_o scruple_n and_o give_v content_a unto_o their_o mind_n i_o doubt_v not_o but_o this_o follow_a discourse_n will_v be_v sufficient_a which_o for_o that_o cause_n i_o have_v translate_v faithful_o and_o with_o as_o good_a propriety_n as_o i_o can_v not_o swerve_v any_o where_o from_o the_o sense_n and_o as_o little_a as_o i_o can_v from_o the_o phrase_n and_o letter_n gratum_fw-la opus_fw-la agricolis_fw-la a_o work_n as_o i_o conceive_v it_o not_o unsuitable_a to_o the_o present_a time_n wherein_o beside_o those_o peccant_a fancy_n before_o remember_v some_o have_v so_o far_o proceed_v as_o not_o alone_o to_o make_v the_o lord_n day_n subject_a to_o the_o jewish_a rigour_n but_o to_o bring_v in_o again_o the_o jewish_a sabbath_n and_o abrogate_v the_o lord_n day_n altogether_o i_o will_v no_o long_o detain_v the_o reader_n from_o the_o benefit_n he_o shall_v reap_v hereby_o only_o i_o will_v crave_v leave_n for_o his_o great_a benefit_n to_o repeat_v the_o sum_n thereof_o which_o be_v brief_o this_o first_o that_o the_o sabbath_n be_v not_o institute_v in_o the_o first_o creation_n of_o the_o world_n nor_o ever_o keep_v by_o any_o of_o the_o ancient_a patriarch_n who_o live_v before_o the_o law_n of_o moses_n therefore_o no_o moral_a and_o perpetual_a precept_n as_o the_o other_o be_v sect._n 2._o second_o that_o the_o sanctify_a of_o one_o day_n in_o seven_o be_v ceremonial_a only_a and_o oblige_v the_o jew_n not_o moral_a to_o oblige_v we_o christian_n to_o the_o like_a observance_n sect._n 3_o &_o 4._o three_o that_o the_o lord_n day_n be_v found_v only_o on_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o church_n guide_v therein_o by_o