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scripture_n add_v church_n faith_n 2,553 5 5.1567 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47046 Of the rule of faith a sermon at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, William Lord Bishop of Lincolne, holden at Bedford August 5, 1674 / by William Jackson ... Jackson, William, 1636 or 7-1680. 1675 (1675) Wing J95; ESTC R16801 18,948 43

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by_o which_o it_o be_v to_o be_v try_v as_o by_o a_o rule_n so_o that_o if_o man_n will_v speak_v proper_o and_o distinct_o as_o certain_o they_o ought_v to_o do_v in_o controversy_n especial_o of_o this_o grand_a importance_n by_o this_o question_n what_o be_v the_o rule_n of_o faith_n can_v only_o be_v mean_v what_o or_o where_o be_v the_o point_n article_n or_o proposition_n that_o be_v fundamental_a in_o the_o faith_n of_o the_o church_n for_o as_o to_o point_n not_o fundamental_a they_o depend_v upon_o those_o that_o be_v and_o therefore_o do_v not_o come_v primary_o into_o the_o question_n i_o will_v not_o trouble_v you_o with_o so_o much_o metaphysic_n but_o that_o they_o be_v of_o so_o necessary_a use_n to_o clear_v the_o foundation_n of_o our_o faith_n from_o that_o rubbish_n and_o confusion_n which_o the_o sophistry_n and_o petulancy_n of_o our_o adversary_n have_v throw_v upon_o it_o who_o in_o this_o point_n make_v it_o their_o business_n to_o confound_v the_o notion_n of_o a_o rule_n and_o a_o judge_n and_o then_o all_o those_o argument_n that_o prove_v the_o necessity_n of_o a_o infallible_a rule_n be_v easy_o bring_v to_o prove_v a_o infallible_a judge_n a_o viva_n regula_fw-la fidei_fw-la which_o some_o of_o they_o make_v such_o a_o noise_n and_o a_o clamour_n with_o as_o if_o a_o person_n and_o a_o proposition_n be_v the_o same_o thing_n this_o give_v also_o a_o easy_a answer_n to_o those_o of_o they_o that_o tell_v we_o the_o apostle_n go_v not_o with_o book_n in_o their_o hand_n to_o preach_v and_o deliver_v 5._o christ_n doctrine_n but_o with_o word_n in_o their_o mouth_n that_o the_o scripture_n be_v a_o dead_a letter_n and_o much_o other_o civil_a language_n of_o the_o like_a nature_n as_o they_o be_v please_v to_o give_v it_o it_o be_v not_o you_o see_v either_o the_o letter_n of_o scripture_n or_o the_o sound_n of_o the_o apostle_n preach_v which_o be_v the_o rule_n of_o our_o faith_n but_o the_o great_a doctrine_n which_o they_o preach_v which_o be_v afterward_o write_v and_o be_v the_o same_o rule_n of_o faith_n i_o trow_v whether_o convey_v to_o we_o by_o writing_n or_o without_o it_o as_o irenaus_n tell_v we_o of_o some_o christian_n that_o have_v no_o write_a word_n 4._o at_o all_o 2._o the_o rule_n of_o faith_n be_v the_o word_n of_o god_n who_o be_v our_o creator_n and_o supreme_a lawgiver_n and_o the_o author_n and_o object_n of_o that_o immortal_a happiness_n to_o which_o true_a faith_n lead_v we_o the_o word_n of_o god_n be_v indeed_o a_o glorious_a title_n and_o therefore_o no_o wonder_n that_o so_o many_o have_v lay_v claim_n to_o it_o it_o will_v i_o confess_v look_v something_o like_o a_o adventure_n to_o range_v at_o large_a through_o the_o history_n of_o all_o time_n and_o place_n in_o quest_n of_o that_o which_o be_v but_o once_o deliver_v and_o yet_o do_v the_o time_n give_v we_o leave_v to_o be_v exact_a it_o will_v be_v necessary_a to_o examine_v the_o claim_n of_o at_o least_o the_o most_o vogue_v and_o considerable_a pretender_n there_o be_v never_o yet_o any_o lawgiver_n in_o the_o world_n that_o do_v not_o bear_v the_o people_n in_o hand_n that_o his_o law_n be_v dictate_v an●_n give_v at_o least_o ratify_v and_o auth_v orise_v by_o the_o deity_n but_o of_o all_o these_o there_o be_v none_o except_o they_o who_o history_n be_v in_o the_o bible_n that_o have_v not_o be_v know_v and_o laugh_v at_o for_o fable_n by_o the_o most_o able_a and_o great_a maintainer_n of_o they_o those_o in_o the_o bible_n be_v chief_o two_o which_o make_v up_o the_o two_o volume_n of_o it_o respective_o the_o one_o a_o revelation_n make_v to_o the_o jew_n by_o moses_n the_o other_o to_o all_o mankind_n by_o christ_n jesus_n the_o first_o of_o these_o appear_v to_o any_o understand_a reader_n to_o be_v whole_o relative_a and_o prophetical_a consist_v of_o prophecy_n and_o other_o praesignification_n of_o a_o great_a lawgiver_n and_o prince_n that_o be_v not_o to_o appear_v till_o the_o world_n have_v attend_v his_o come_n 4000_o year_n the_o second_o volume_n contain_v the_o historical_a relation_n of_o the_o life_n and_o gesta_fw-la of_o that_o great_a prince_n and_o the_o travel_n of_o his_o minister_n and_o therefore_o our_o faith_n be_v not_o nor_o can_v be_v deliver_v soon_o because_o the_o chief_a content_n and_o matter_n of_o it_o be_v the_o conception_n birth_n speech_n action_n and_o suffering_n of_o this_o great_a one._n and_o so_o s._n judes_n phrase_n of_o once_o deliver_v be_v to_o be_v understand_v of_o that_o one_o age_n whun_v this_o divine_a person_n the_o son_n of_o god_n be_v incarnate_a suffer_v death_n rise_v again_o from_o death_n and_o do_v actual_o perform_v and_o transact_v all_o those_o passage_n and_o event_n which_o be_v the_o object_n matter_n of_o our_o faith_n and_o creed_n and_o also_o when_o this_o and_o all_o the_o rest_n be_v preach_v and_o attest_v by_o they_o that_o have_v see_v these_o thing_n do_v and_o have_v especial_a commission_n from_o he_o to_o propose_v they_o as_o matter_n of_o faith_n to_o all_o the_o world_n and_o therefore_o our_o rule_n of_o faith_n be_v contain_v in_o the_o narrative_a of_o our_o saviour_n pilgrimage_n and_o his_o apostle_n preach_v that_o be_v in_o the_o four_o gospel_n in_o the_o epistle_n and_o act_n of_o the_o apostle_n which_o be_v all_o extant_a in_o st_n judes_n time_n in_o writing_n and_o this_o writing_n take_v for_o a_o undoubted_a rule_n of_o faith_n by_o the_o church_n and_o therefore_o alone_o call_v canonical_a and_o so_o continue_v till_o the_o many_o and_o monstrous_a change_n make_v in_o the_o faith_n by_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n make_v it_o necessary_a for_o they_o to_o look_v out_o for_o another_o rule_n wherein_o how_o well_o they_o have_v acquit_v themselves_o shall_v be_v see_v by_o and_o by_o in_o the_o mean_a while_n her_o single_a testimony_n ought_v not_o to_o overballance_v so_o great_a a_o cloud_n of_o witness_n as_o have_v depose_v even_o life_n itself_o for_o the_o scripture_n and_o against_o her_o own_o judgement_n for_o much_o above_o 1000_o year_n especial_o if_o it_o be_v add_v what_o argument_n the_o present_a church_n of_o rome_n afford_v to_o prove_v that_o the_o rule_n of_o faith_n be_v contain_v in_o the_o holy_a scripture_n i._o in_o the_o judgement_n of_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n it_o contain_v all_o necessary_a point_n of_o faith_n and_o therefore_o contain_v the_o rule_n of_o faith_n look_v over_o their_o divinity-writer_n of_o all_o sort_n especial_o of_o controversy_n and_o body_n of_o divinity_n the_o decree_n and_o catechism_n of_o the_o council_n of_o trent_n you_o will_v find_v they_o as_o well_o as_o we_o labour_v to_o prove_v their_o main_a point_n out_o of_o this_o write_a word_n yea_o the_o very_a infallibility_n of_o the_o pope_n and_o such_o other_o doctrine_n as_o they_o set_v up_o against_o the_o scripture_n and_o this_o they_o do_v in_o the_o first_o place_n as_o may_v be_v see_v in_o bellarmine_n and_o other_o their_o best_a writer_n as_o fetch_v their_o prime_a foundation_n from_o thence_o nor_o have_v they_o be_v so_o bold_a as_o to_o say_v that_o they_o make_v use_v of_o scripture_n only_a ad_fw-la hominem_fw-la and_o not_o that_o they_o believe_v it_o for_o however_o they_o may_v deal_v with_o we_o in_o controversy_n it_o be_v to_o be_v hope_v they_o be_v more_o faithful_a to_o the_o soul_n of_o their_o own_o people_n so_o that_o will_v they_o be_v true_a to_o their_o own_o conscience_n and_o the_o conscience_n of_o their_o flock_n they_o must_v return_v to_o the_o rule_n of_o faith_n contain_v in_o scripture_n and_o confess_v with_o the_o say_v bellarmine_n that_o sacra_fw-la scriptura_fw-la be_v regula_n 2._o credendi_fw-la certissima_fw-la &_o tutissima_fw-la the_o most_o certain_a and_o safe_a rule_n of_o believe_v that_o so_o all_o christendom_n may_v once_o again_o if_o possible_a have_v one_o faith_n ii_o the_o rule_n of_o faith_n in_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n be_v contain_v in_o the_o holy_a scripture_n or_o else_o they_o have_v none_o yes_o may_v some_o say_v the_o church_n of_o rome_n in_o full_a council_n teach_v we_o that_o her_o faith_n be_v contain_v in_o libris_fw-la scriptis_fw-la &_o sine_fw-la scripto_fw-la traditionibus_fw-la in_o the_o 4._o write_a word_n and_o in_o unwritten_a tradition_n but_o than_o they_o must_v mean_v either_o that_o some_o of_o their_o article_n of_o faith_n be_v contain_v in_o the_o write_a word_n and_o othersome_a in_o unwritten_a tradition_n only_o or_o that_o all_o their_o article_n be_v prove_v partly_o from_o the_o write_a word_n and_o partly_o from_o unwritten_a tradition_n not_o the_o first_o for_o they_o endeavour_v to_o prove_v all_o out_o of_o scripture_n as_o be_v show_v even_o now_o not_o the_o second_o for_o divine_a warrant_n from_o the_o
ancient_a copy_n version_n and_o paraphrase_n especial_o the_o septuagint_n and_o the_o chaldee_n paraphra_v by_o observe_v the_o various_a reading_n and_o application_n of_o place_n as_o we_o find_v they_o scatter_v in_o the_o write_n of_o the_o father_n and_o many_o other_o way_n wherein_o you_o be_v better_o experience_v then_o myself_o 2._o to_o preserve_v the_o faith_n it_o be_v necessary_a to_o distinguish_v in_o the_o scripture_n point_v fundamental_a from_o those_o which_o be_v not_o so_o this_o be_v propose_v by_o the_o wise_a and_o learned_a king_n james_n as_o the_o best_a expedient_a for_o end_v the_o controversy_n of_o christendom_n for_o as_o no_o book_n or_o doctrine_n so_o especial_o not_o the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o scripture_n can_v be_v well_o understand_v much_o less_o maintain_v without_o a_o analysis_n separation_n and_o digestion_n of_o the_o part_n of_o it_o it_o be_v a_o collection_n of_o the_o write_n of_o so_o many_o penman_n and_o those_o write_v upon_o several_a occasion_n no_o one_o regular_o deliver_v the_o whole_a faith_n now_o by_o fundamental_a point_n we_o do_v not_o mean_v necessary_a for_o all_o to_o know_v and_o believe_v to_o salvation_n for_o to_o some_o more_o to_o some_o few_o be_v necessary_a according_a to_o their_o several_a ability_n and_o opportunity_n but_o we_o mean_v point_n principal_a and_o most_o essential_a in_o respect_n of_o the_o whole_a system_n of_o the_o doctrine_n of_o salvation_n such_o as_o be_v necessary_a to_o make_v up_o the_o unity_n of_o the_o faith_n and_o so_o constitute_v a_o church_n a_o perfect_a catalogue_n of_o these_o we_o have_v in_o the_o apostle_n creed_n so_o call_v as_o the_o father_n general_o tell_v we_o because_o make_v by_o the_o apostle_n before_o their_o dispersion_n to_o be_v a_o rule_n in_o their_o preach_n and_o therefore_o we_o need_v not_o go_v so_o far_o for_o a_o rule_n of_o faith_n or_o look_v upon_o it_o as_o so_o strange_a a_o thing_n and_o so_o difficult_a to_o find_v have_v it_o in_o our_o daily_a prayer_n for_o this_o creed_n be_v i_o conceive_v 5._o propose_v in_o the_o church_n of_o england_n to_o her_o son_n and_o daughter_n as_o a_o rule_n of_o faith_n and_o be_v 5._o therefore_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o reformation_n enjoin_v to_o be_v teach_v the_o people_n in_o english_a together_o with_o the_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la and_o ten_o commandment_n the_o breviate_n of_o our_o petenda_fw-la and_o agenda_fw-la respective_o as_o that_o be_v of_o our_o credenda_fw-la and_o have_v be_v therefore_o command_v ever_o creed_n since_o to_o be_v repeat_v twice_o a_o day_n that_o we_o may_v not_o if_o possible_a be_v to_o seek_v in_o so_o necessary_a a_o thing_n as_o the_o rule_n of_o faith_n this_o creed_n the_o ancient_n appeal_v to_o as_o to_o their_o rule_n of_o faith_n and_o think_v their_o faith_n sufficient_o secure_v so_o long_o as_o this_o be_v stick_v to_o especial_o as_o it_o be_v open_v in_o some_o part_n by_o the_o catholic_a creed_n of_o nice_a constantinople_n ephesus_n chalcedon_n and_o athanasius_n this_o way_n they_o take_v to_o defend_v the_o faith_n and_o with_o good_a reason_n for_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o article_n of_o our_o creed_n involve_v the_o defence_n of_o all_o the_o catholic_a doctrine_n as_o in_o all_o science_n the_o principle_n justify_v those_o conclusion_n that_o be_v true_o make_v from_o they_o 3._o for_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o faith_n it_o be_v necessary_a to_o study_v the_o old_a ecclesiastical_a writer_n father_n counsel_n historian_n or_o whatsoever_o other_o they_o be_v for_o a_o great_a part_n of_o the_o point_n of_o our_o faith_n be_v matter_n of_o fact_n such_o as_o our_o saviour_n birth_n death_n resurrection_n etc._n etc._n and_o our_o knowledge_n of_o the_o rest_n that_o be_v not_o matter_n of_o fact_n depend_v upon_o those_o that_o be_v they_o must_v in_o reason_n be_v best_a learn_v from_o the_o study_n of_o those_o book_n where_o they_o be_v best_a deliver_v historical_o whereof_o scripture_n be_v the_o first_o and_o most_o authentic_a record_n and_o next_o to_o it_o be_v the_o christian_a writer_n of_o the_o elder_a time_n for_o what_o be_v not_o record_v in_o scripture_n can_v now_o be_v expect_v any_o where_o but_o in_o their_o write_n tradition_n whatever_o some_o man_n will_v make_v of_o it_o have_v so_o early_o and_o so_o gross_o fail_v in_o the_o business_n of_o easter_n admit_v infant_n to_o the_o eucharist_n and_o some_o other_o thing_n beside_o the_o many_o and_o great_a conflict_n that_o they_o have_v with_o the_o heretic_n who_o oppugn_v the_o chief_a point_n of_o faith_n give_v we_o a_o sight_n of_o all_o that_o can_v be_v object_v against_o they_o and_o of_o enough_o though_o not_o all_o that_o be_v to_o be_v say_v in_o defence_n of_o they_o we_o do_v not_o say_v they_o be_v to_o be_v read_v with_o a_o implicit_a faith_n as_o the_o scripture_n be_v the_o infallible_a inspiration_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v withdraw_v when_o the_o first_o planter_n of_o the_o gospel_n have_v finish_v their_o course_n and_o leave_v the_o word_n write_v yet_o it_o seem_v the_o holy_a spirit_n do_v not_o take_v away_o all_o his_o extraordinary_a light_n at_o once_o have_v guide_v they_o to_o profess_v defend_v and_o deliver_v to_o we_o a_o more_o pure_a and_o unmingled_a faith_n and_o this_o embrace_v with_o a_o more_o fervent_a and_o divine_a love_n than_o the_o follow_a age_n can_v boast_v of_o how_o careful_o the_o church_n of_o england_n have_v follow_v the_o ancient_a father_n in_o this_o matter_n of_o faith_n how_o much_o she_o rely_v on_o their_o judgement_n herein_o appear_v from_o the_o constant_a allegation_n of_o her_o able_a defender_n since_o the_o reformation_n and_o from_o her_o own_o act_n in_o convocation_n 1571_o where_o she_o forbid_v her_o public_a preacher_n to_o propose_v any_o thing_n to_o the_o people_n as_o matter_n of_o faith_n but_o that_o which_o catholici_fw-la patres_fw-la &_o veteres_fw-la episcopi_fw-la ex_fw-la s._n scripturae_fw-la doctrinâ_fw-la collegerint_fw-la 19_o which_o the_o ancient_a pastor_n and_o catholic_n doctor_n of_o the_o church_n have_v draw_v out_o of_o the_o holy_a scripture_n and_o it_o be_v no_o great_a boldness_n to_o challenge_v all_o her_o adversary_n to_o show_v where_o she_o have_v once_o swerve_v from_o this_o rule_n or_o own_a any_o one_o point_n of_o faith_n which_o she_o have_v not_o prove_v after_o scripture_n from_o a_o full_a consent_n of_o the_o ancient_a church_n to_o these_o must_v be_v add_v the_o study_n of_o the_o schoolman_n and_o of_o the_o chief_a writer_n of_o all_o christian_a church_n that_o be_v or_o have_v be_v since_o what_o be_v confess_v that_o there_o always_o have_v be_v and_o now_o be_v one_o catholic_n church_n therefore_o one_o because_o profess_v this_o same_o rule_n of_o faith_n be_v to_o be_v demonstrate_v from_o the_o record_n of_o the_o several_a church_n in_o the_o volume_n of_o their_o writer_n 4._o the_o four_o mean_n be_v the_o often_o teach_v and_o explain_v these_o chief_a article_n and_o other_o approve_a and_o authorise_a form_n of_o sound_a word_n to_o those_o that_o be_v most_o apt_a to_o learn_v and_o use_v best_a to_o remember_v what_o they_o learn_v and_o they_o be_v the_o young_a sort_n to_o who_o these_o point_n be_v make_v most_o intelligible_a by_o the_o familiar_a way_n of_o catechise_n this_o be_v doubtless_o next_o to_o the_o inward_a operation_n of_o god_n grace_n the_o best_a and_o most_o effectual_a preach_n and_o plant_v the_o faith_n in_o any_o soul_n to_o these_o it_o be_v common_o deliver_v in_o the_o most_o plain_a and_o free_a manner_n without_o any_o false_a gloss_n or_o sophistry_n which_o may_v hide_v or_o adulterate_v the_o light_n of_o it_o and_o in_o these_o tender_a and_o untainted_a mind_n it_o find_v the_o least_o enmity_n and_o opposition_n obtain_v a_o easy_a quiet_a and_o secure_a possession_n and_o grow_v up_o with_o they_o become_v a_o rock_n and_o shelter_v against_o the_o wind_n of_o strange_a doctrine_n whereas_o on_o the_o other_o hand_n even_o the_o read_n of_o the_o write_a word_n of_o god_n and_o much_o more_o the_o hear_n of_o it_o paraphrase_v upon_o in_o popular_a discourse_n and_o sermon_n be_v of_o far_o less_o use_n often_o of_o dangerous_a consequence_n to_o those_o that_o not_o only_o want_v their_o first_o principle_n but_o it_o may_v be_v be_v leaven_v with_o false_a one_o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v necessary_a that_o this_o be_v do_v as_o be_v say_v with_o approve_a and_o authorise_a form_n of_o word_n for_o as_o the_o wisdom_n of_o the_o church_n be_v best_a able_a to_o prescribe_v what_o be_v general_o necessary_a for_o all_o her_o member_n to_o know_v and_o believe_v for_o their_o soul_n health_n so_o the_o interest_n that_o both_o church_n and_o state_n have_v in_o the_o right_a principling_n of_o youth_n
write_a word_n if_o they_o have_v it_o be_v sure_o a_o sufficient_a basis_n for_o any_o or_o all_o the_o article_n of_o their_o faith_n and_o tradition_n or_o the_o voice_n of_o the_o church_n be_v but_o a_o humane_a testimony_n can_v cause_v a_o divine_a infallible_a faith_n yes_o the_o testimony_n of_o the_o church_n say_v they_o be_v divine_a and_o infallible_a but_o here_o they_o lie_v cross_v one_o to_o another_o for_o by_o the_o voice_n of_o the_o church_n some_o of_o they_o mean_v a_o traditional_a delivery_n of_o the_o faith_n from_o age_n to_o age_n without_o writing_n as_o the_o roman_n catholic_n writer_n of_o england_n especial_o other_o mean_v the_o voice_n or_o sentence_n of_o the_o present_a pope_n or_o church_n as_o the_o great_a pontiff_n and_o court_n of_o rome_n with_o the_o jesuit_n and_o other_o their_o close_a adherent_n and_o these_o be_v as_o profess_v adversary_n to_o one_o another_o as_o they_o be_v to_o we_o those_o lay_v the_o stress_n upon_o the_o indefectibility_n of_o oral_n and_o practical_a tradition_n these_o upon_o a_o infallible_a assistance_n give_v to_o the_o present_a pope_n or_o church_n and_o so_o far_o have_v the_o opposition_n between_o they_o proceed_v that_o our_o countryman_n have_v be_v about_o twelve_o year_n since_o condemn_v at_o rome_n of_o heresy_n by_o a_o solemn_a censure_n of_o the_o inquisition_n for_o their_o stiff_a maintain_v tradition_n in_o opposition_n to_o the_o present_a infallibility_n and_o on_o the_o other_o side_n they_o of_o rome_n have_v be_v condemn_v by_o they_o in_o england_n for_o their_o illimited_a pretence_n to_o infallibility_n and_o which_o be_v worst_a of_o all_o both_o have_v forsake_v the_o faith_n of_o their_o trent-fathers_n for_o they_o profess_v to_o receive_v the_o write_a word_n ibid._n and_o unwritten_a tradition_n pari_fw-la pietatis_fw-la affectu_fw-la &_o reverentiâ_fw-la with_o equal_a devotion_n and_o submission_n but_o our_o assertor_n of_o tradition_n be_v for_o it_o alone_o in_o opposition_n to_o the_o scripture_n and_o the_o pretender_n to_o a_o present_a infallibility_n think_v themselves_o able_a to_o over-rule_v both_o scripture_n and_o tradition_n whereby_o you_o may_v see_v that_o since_o they_o have_v quit_v the_o old_a foundation_n they_o have_v not_o be_v able_a to_o fix_v any_o that_o all_o their_o member_n can_v agree_v in_o and_o withal_o may_v be_v see_v how_o necessary_a a_o implicit_a faith_n be_v for_o those_o that_o will_v be_v of_o the_o romish_a communion_n since_o do_v they_o use_v but_o half_a a_o eye_n they_o must_v needs_o discover_v instead_o of_o a_o guide_n in_o controversy_n a_o endless_a maze_n wherein_o it_o be_v no_o wonder_n that_o many_o even_o of_o the_o great_a wit_n lose_v all_o religion_n and_o take_v up_o in_o atheism_n but_o we_o have_v many_o and_o great_a argument_n for_o this_o point_n more_o and_o more_o convince_a then_o for_o any_o one_o point_n either_o in_o reason_n or_o religion_n except_o it_o be_v for_o the_o existence_n of_o a_o god_n it_o will_v be_v impossible_a to_o speak_v to_o all_o and_o it_o will_v be_v too_o great_a a_o ingratitude_n to_o the_o goodness_n of_o god_n to_o omit_v all_o i_o shall_v therefore_o mention_v two_o or_o three_o of_o they_o i._o this_o book_n alone_o contain_v a_o doctrine_n and_o institution_n without_o error_n and_o which_o therefore_o by_o virtue_n of_o that_o qualification_n can_v alone_o be_v a_o infallible_a rule_n of_o our_o faith_n it_o be_v strange_a to_o consider_v that_o for_o so_o long_a a_o time_n as_o it_o have_v be_v in_o the_o world_n so_o much_o read_v and_o canvas_v and_o write_v upon_o more_o than_o any_o other_o book_n whatsoever_o nay_o i_o may_v say_v but_o that_o it_o will_v look_v like_o a_o solaecism_n more_o than_o all_o other_o book_n put_v together_o so_o many_o commentary_n annotation_n paraphrase_n version_n animadversion_n scholia_fw-la critica_fw-la &_o anticritica_n collationes_fw-la lucubrationes_fw-la diatriba_fw-la exercitationes_fw-la myrothecia_n antithesis_n and_o a_o hundred_o more_o sort_n of_o disquisition_n and_o discussion_n of_o the_o truth_n of_o it_o yet_o not_o the_o least_o error_n or_o misprision_n of_o error_n have_v be_v find_v in_o it_o a_o abundant_a proof_n that_o there_o be_v none_o in_o it_o that_o it_o be_v the_o dictate_v of_o a_o infallible_a understanding_n which_o can_v not_o be_v put_v forth_o into_o the_o world_n for_o any_o other_o end_n then_o to_o be_v a_o stand_n and_o infallible_a rule_n to_o mankind_n who_o be_v of_o their_o natural_a condition_n confess_o overrun_v with_o error_n ii_o the_o scripture_n contain_v the_o only_a doctrine_n that_o ever_o can_v prevail_v upon_o mankind_n in_o that_o way_n which_o the_o rule_n of_o faith_n only_o do_v and_o can_v prevail_v and_o that_o be_v by_o the_o strength_n and_o power_n of_o the_o light_n and_o truth_n that_o shine_v in_o it_o and_o by_o the_o assistance_n of_o that_o almighty_a arm_n which_o never_o vouchsafe_v to_o give_v the_o testimony_n of_o a_o miracle_n to_o any_o thing_n but_o to_o truth_n of_o the_o great_a consequence_n do_v it_o not_o think_v you_o seem_v strange_a to_o those_o that_o live_v in_o the_o time_n when_o it_o be_v first_o publish_v and_o do_v observe_v a_o doctrine_n so_o unlikely_a to_o take_v either_o with_o the_o weakness_n and_o humour_n of_o mankind_n in_o general_n or_o with_o the_o pomp_n and_o power_n of_o the_o world_n in_o particular_a as_o the_o worship_n of_o a_o poor_a beggarly_a jew_n which_o be_v our_o saviour_n condition_n while_o he_o live_v and_o a_o crucify_a and_o deride_v malefactor_n which_o be_v the_o term_n whereon_o he_o suffer_v that_o this_o weak_a and_o creep_a pretender_n unarm_v and_o unattended_a by_o any_o but_o poor_a and_o ignorant_a man_n that_o in_o worldly_a respect_n be_v indeed_o as_o they_o confess_v of_o themselves_o the_o very_a refuse_n of_o mankind_n like_o master_n like_o apostle_n that_o 13._o it_o shall_v notwithstanding_o in_o less_o than_o fifty_o 10._o year_n obtain_v so_o great_a and_o universal_a a_o interest_n in_o all_o part_n of_o the_o world_n as_o to_o shake_v and_o in_o few_o year_n after_o to_o overthrow_v all_o religion_n that_o have_v have_v so_o long_o undisturbed_a and_o unquestioned_a possession_n maugre_o that_o multitude_n of_o priest_n and_o daemon_n by_o which_o they_o be_v maintain_v and_o all_o that_o may_v and_o opposition_n which_o the_o supreme_a power_n of_o the_o world_n the_o malice_n and_o cunning_n of_o the_o devil_n yea_o the_o very_a bent_n and_o inclination_n of_o all_o mankind_n can_v set_v against_o it_o and_o this_o without_o any_o humane_a help_n but_o only_o the_o bare_a preach_n and_o proposal_n of_o it_o which_o from_o the_o mouth_n of_o such_o ragged_a and_o forlorn_a commissioner_n as_o be_v employ_v must_v and_o do_v much_o prejudice_n the_o promotion_n of_o it_o especial_o consider_v what_o absolute_a obedience_n it_o require_v of_o bring_v down_o even_o every_o imagination_n and_o what_o hard_a term_n be_v propose_v of_o mortification_n take_v up_o the_o cross_n and_o forsake_v all_o that_o be_v before_o count_v dear_a in_o this_o world_n and_o which_o be_v hard_a of_o all_o require_v self_n condemnation_n and_o that_o in_o instance_n of_o great_a and_o more_o pungent_a concernment_n than_o the_o world_n have_v before_o be_v acquaint_v with_o what_o can_v any_o sober_a man_n in_o those_o day_n judge_v from_o these_o thing_n and_o many_o more_o of_o the_o like_a nature_n but_o that_o it_o be_v a_o doctrine_n give_v by_o the_o supreme_a lord_n and_o lawgiver_n of_o the_o world_n to_o be_v a_o absolute_a rule_n both_o of_o faith_n and_o practice_n to_o all_o the_o world_n iii_o the_o scripture_n contain_v that_o doctrine_n which_o alone_o of_o all_o doctrine_n that_o ever_o be_v publish_v do_v entire_o agree_v with_o the_o soul_n of_o man_n and_o with_o the_o principle_n of_o reason_n within_o he_o and_o which_o consequent_o can_v alone_o be_v a_o infallible_a help_n to_o his_o understanding_n and_o propose_v a_o rule_n of_o faith_n to_o he_o it_o teach_v we_o the_o same_o lesson_n that_o we_o learn_v from_o the_o light_n of_o nature_n that_o there_o be_v a_o god_n that_o he_o make_v the_o world_n and_o govern_v it_o that_o he_o punish_v the_o evil_a and_o reward_v the_o good_n it_o instruct_v we_o in_o the_o knowledge_n and_o belief_n of_o these_o and_o many_o more_o such_o doctrine_n more_o clear_o and_o convince_o then_o all_o the_o philosophy_n in_o the_o world_n so_o full_o and_o undeniable_o as_o force_v the_o soul_n to_o have_v what_o argument_n and_o discourse_n she_o draw_v from_o she_o own_o bottom_n and_o to_o betake_v herself_o to_o this_o word_n as_o the_o only_a safe_a and_o impregnable_a rock_n and_o hold_v of_o truth_n it_o inform_v and_o extricate_v our_o soul_n from_o those_o error_n and_o perplexity_n concern_v our_o own_o nature_n and_o condition_n which_o
reason_n make_v we_o sensible_a of_o but_o can_v neither_o remedy_n nor_o clear_o discover_v in_o all_o the_o infinite_o various_a and_o entangle_v case_n wherein_o man_n be_v concern_v it_o never_o so_o much_o as_o once_o cross_v their_o reason_n or_o understanding_n but_o always_o help_v it_o forward_o it_o be_v the_o only_a doctrine_n that_o ever_o teach_v mankind_n to_o abstract_n from_o the_o world_n to_o disengage_v religion_n from_o worldly_a design_n and_o temptation_n without_o which_o it_o be_v impossible_a that_o our_o understanding_n shall_v attain_v the_o full_a liberty_n of_o judge_v or_o the_o true_a measure_n of_o believe_v it_o call_v up_o the_o mind_n to_o those_o sublime_a and_o heavenly_a contemplation_n to_o that_o divine_a and_o inflame_a ardour_n as_o force_v reason_n to_o stand_v at_o a_o distance_n and_o acknowledge_v that_o her_o most_o refine_a and_o study_v wit_n her_o most_o severe_a stoic_n and_o recluse_n have_v not_o so_o much_o as_o the_o husk_n of_o that_o fruit_n which_o this_o tree_n of_o knowledge_n and_o life_n afford_v that_o the_o strength_n of_o all_o her_o production_n be_v they_o never_o so_o genuine_a can_v enrich_v her_o votary_n with_o so_o true_a and_o solid_a learning_n with_o so_o pure_a and_o charm_a a_o holiness_n with_o so_o firm_a and_o delicious_a a_o happiness_n as_o the_o mean_a of_o the_o student_n of_o this_o book_n be_v enable_v to_o attain_v it_o propound_v mystery_n of_o so_o high_a and_o glorious_a a_o nature_n with_o so_o much_o naifvetie_n so_o much_o clear_a &_o native_a perspicuity_n and_o so_o much_o command_v and_o dreadful_a majesty_n as_o can_v be_v communicate_v any_o whence_o but_o from_o that_o infinite_a and_o eternal_a wisdom_n who_o be_v alone_o able_a as_o to_o discover_v and_o reveal_v so_o to_o comprehend_v full_o the_o mystery_n contain_v in_o the_o scripture_n mystery_n so_o much_o above_o our_o weak_a reason_n so_o attractive_a of_o it_o and_o so_o heal_v to_o it_o as_o may_v from_o their_o own_o nature_n and_o merit_n claim_v and_o exercise_v the_o energy_n and_o authority_n of_o a_o rule_n of_o faith_n iu._n last_o scripture_n contain_v the_o only_a doctrine_n that_o ever_o can_v obtain_v to_o give_v law_n to_o all_o the_o world_n and_o the_o first_o that_o ever_o pretend_a to_o so_o large_a a_o jurisdiction_n but_o the_o rule_n of_o faith_n as_o it_o be_v absolute_a &_o admit_v of_o no_o appeal_n so_o the_o extent_n of_o it_o be_v illimited_a and_o universal_a over_o all_o person_n to_o who_o it_o be_v make_v know_v of_o what_o nation_n age_n quality_n or_o pretence_n soever_o and_o that_o both_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o content_n of_o it_o which_o be_v of_o a_o like_a importance_n to_o all_o to_o receive_v and_o believe_v as_o of_o that_o power_n by_o which_o it_o stand_v which_o be_v a_o like_a sovereign_n over_o all_o now_o call_v to_o mind_n what_o be_v do_v in_o the_o world_n for_o the_o first_o 4000_o year_n at_o the_o end_n whereof_o this_o doctrine_n be_v reveal_v and_o you_o will_v find_v as_o many_o lawgiver_n and_o master_n of_o religion_n almost_o as_o country_n nor_o have_v there_o be_v since_o any_o pretender_n to_o a_o universal_a monarchy_n in_o religion_n beside_o his_o infallible_a holiness_n of_o rome_n and_o the_o seraphic_a author_n of_o the_o alcoran_n but_o s._n jude_n tell_v we_o this_o faith_n be_v deliver_v when_o he_o write_v his_o epistle_n and_o therefore_o both_o these_o be_v cut_v out_o by_o a_o far_o elder_a claim_n and_o the_o ancient_n make_v use_v of_o this_o very_a topick_n viz._n the_o universal_a extent_n of_o the_o gospel_n to_o prove_v that_o main_a point_n of_o faith_n on_o which_o the_o rest_n depend_v namely_o the_o divinity_n of_o christ_n the_o author_n of_o it_o no_o book_n ever_o come_v near_o that_o high_a pitch_n of_o historical_a credit_n that_o this_o have_v have_v ever_o since_o it_o be_v publish_v and_o he_o that_o bring_v but_o that_o belief_n with_o he_o to_o the_o read_n of_o it_o can_v upon_o read_v but_o believe_v it_o be_v divine_a and_o look_v for_o a_o rule_n of_o faith_n in_o it_o in_o a_o word_n it_o have_v the_o two_o essential_a property_n require_v in_o a_o rule_n certainty_n in_o itself_o and_o evidence_n to_o we_o both_o which_o appear_v a_o posteriori_fw-la from_o the_o constant_a consent_n of_o all_o church_n in_o one_o abstract_n of_o thing_n fundamental_a to_o salvation_n take_v out_o of_o it_o and_o we_o have_v as_o much_o proof_n that_o it_o be_v to_o be_v such_o as_o we_o can_v possible_o have_v suppose_v it_o be_v so_o and_o now_o sure_o it_o may_v seem_v a_o strange_a presumption_n in_o flesh_n and_o blood_n to_o attempt_v to_o put_v down_o this_o oracle_n from_o that_o praeeminence_n and_o power_n over_o the_o faith_n of_o christendom_n wherein_o the_o almighty_a do_v at_o first_o place_n it_o and_o wherein_o it_o have_v by_o undoubted_a possession_n prescribe_v for_o so_o many_o age_n since_o a_o attempt_n that_o can_v not_o have_v enter_v into_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n if_o extreme_a and_o overgrow_a corruption_n both_o in_o faith_n and_o manner_n have_v not_o first_o throw_v out_o all_o fear_n of_o he_o who_o have_v threaten_v utter_a excision_n to_o all_o they_o that_o dare_v add_v to_o or_o detract_v from_o his_o word_n to_o he_o we_o must_v leave_v they_o who_o will_v stand_v by_o his_o own_o word_n and_o bring_v to_o light_v the_o hide_a thing_n of_o dishonesty_n and_o consider_v what_o return_v of_o duty_n become_v we_o and_o they_o be_v especial_o three_o i._o the_o first_o be_v that_o which_o be_v to_o appear_v in_o we_o in_o the_o first_o place_n upon_o the_o receipt_n of_o any_o mercy_n or_o blessing_n whatsoever_o and_o that_o be_v thankfulness_n and_o gratitude_n that_o we_o offer_v up_o a_o sacrifice_n of_o praise_n and_o thanksgiving_n and_o that_o for_o this_o it_o be_v a_o daily_a sacrifice_n because_o this_o word_n be_v of_o more_o necessary_a and_o frequent_a use_n to_o we_o than_o our_o daily_a bread_n ii_o a_o cheerful_a and_o absolute_a resignation_n of_o our_o faith_n and_o understanding_n to_o it_o iii_o a_o zealous_a and_o unwearied_a endeavour_n to_o keep_v and_o maintain_v this_o faith_n whole_a and_o untainted_a in_o all_o trial_n and_o opposition_n the_o three_o we_o be_v now_o to_o speak_v to_o express_v by_o s._n jude_n in_o these_o two_o word_n contend_v earnest_o which_o joint_o employ_v these_o two_o thing_n 1._o the_o use_n of_o all_o mean_n necessary_a to_o attain_v so_o noble_a a_o end_n 2._o zeal_n and_o perseverance_n in_o the_o use_n of_o they_o i._o the_o mean_v most_o likely_a to_o preserve_v our_o faith_n be_v i_o conceive_v these_o that_o follow_v 1._o the_o preservation_n of_o the_o letter_n of_o scripture_n entire_a and_o uncorrupt_a and_o a_o diligent_a study_n of_o the_o literal_a meaning_n of_o it_o for_o we_o do_v not_o by_o the_o scripture_n understand_v the_o bare_a character_n abstract_v from_o the_o sense_n as_o a_o bold_a sergeant_n of_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n be_v please_v to_o say_v of_o 2._o we_o but_o by_o what_o authority_n appear_v not_o possible_o it_o may_v be_v some_o remnant_n of_o his_o weak_a faith_n before_o his_o defection_n which_o by_o his_o defection_n seem_v to_o have_v go_v no_o far_o than_o the_o bare_a character_n never_o to_o have_v be_v well_o ground_v in_o the_o true_a sense_n and_o meaning_n of_o it_o we_o mean_v by_o scripture_n the_o literal_a sense_n of_o it_o especial_o in_o the_o point_v fundamental_a to_o salvation_n which_o be_v the_o very_a point_n of_o faith_n not_o as_o he_o say_v of_o which_o this_o rule_n of_o faith_n be_v to_o ascertain_v ibid._n we_o but_o of_o which_o it_o consist_v which_o make_v it_o up_o as_o the_o part_n make_v the_o whole_a these_o we_o say_v be_v contain_v in_o the_o first_o and_o most_o obvious_a sense_n of_o the_o word_n of_o scripture_n god_n be_v gracious_o please_v to_o lay_v they_o open_v to_o all_o capacity_n and_o so_o make_v it_o a_o common_a salvation_n as_o s._n jude_n here_o call_v it_o as_o common_a reason_n will_v teach_v we_o that_o any_o writer_n that_o will_v be_v understand_v will_v endeavour_v to_o deliver_v the_o main_a part_n and_o substance_n of_o his_o discourse_n most_o plain_o and_o express_o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v no_o wonder_n that_o the_o mystical_a exposition_n of_o plain_a scripture_n prove_v so_o mischievous_a to_o the_o faith_n of_o the_o ancient_a church_n but_o so_o long_o as_o we_o have_v the_o letter_n of_o scripture_n whole_a and_o understand_v the_o literal_a meaning_n of_o it_o so_o long_o we_o have_v our_o rule_n of_o faith_n safe_a i_o shall_v not_o need_v to_o tell_v you_o how_o both_o the_o one_o and_o other_o be_v best_a do_v by_o a_o study_n of_o the_o original_n of_o both_o testament_n by_o compare_v the_o several_a
of_o they_o with_o that_o zeal_n and_o constancy_n which_o the_o greatness_n of_o the_o cause_n itself_o and_o our_o unchangeable_a concernment_n in_o it_o require_v and_o be_v the_o second_o part_n of_o our_o earnest_a contention_n propose_v they_o will_v not_o fail_v through_o god_n blessing_n who_o never_o desert_n the_o cause_n of_o faith_n to_o make_v our_o church_n and_o people_n happy_a but_o they_o have_v general_o have_v that_o bad_a fortune_n that_o other_o good_a thing_n have_v to_o be_v better_o know_v and_o value_v from_o the_o want_n then_o from_o the_o enjoyment_n and_o benefit_n of_o they_o a_o miscarriage_n which_o sure_o we_o have_v since_o his_o majesty_n most_o happy_a restauration_n be_v guilty_a of_o a_o miscarriage_n that_o must_v from_o the_o notion_n and_o nature_n of_o it_o make_v mankind_n miserable_a all_o happiness_n consist_v in_o the_o right_a apprehension_n and_o enjoyment_n of_o the_o good_a we_o be_v possess_v of_o and_o the_o more_o extreme_o miserable_a the_o great_a importance_n and_o necessity_n the_o thing_n themselves_o be_v of_o which_o be_v the_o three_o member_n of_o the_o text_n and_o have_v two_o part_n first_o the_o importance_n of_o our_o carnest_n contend_v for_o our_o rule_n of_o faith_n it_o be_v the_o secure_n of_o the_o foundation_n and_o the_o very_o be_v of_o the_o church_n and_o the_o pillar_n of_o our_o future_a happiness_n and_o undoubted_o of_o the_o great_a consequence_n second_o the_o necessity_n of_o it_o now_o the_o great_a because_o of_o the_o restless_a importunity_n and_o unrestrained_a licentiousness_n of_o our_o adversary_n which_o be_v so_o visible_a and_o cause_n so_o much_o complaint_n already_o that_o i_o shall_v not_o spend_v time_n in_o speak_v of_o it_o nor_o i_o hope_v need_n to_o caution_n you_o to_o defend_v yourselves_o against_o it_o yet_o must_v not_o forget_v to_o put_v you_o in_o the_o right_a way_n to_o do_v it_o and_o that_o be_v by_o lay_v at_o home_n in_o your_o own_o soul_n a_o good_a foundation_n of_o this_o ancient_n and_o holy_a faith_n by_o a_o diligent_a learning_n of_o and_o resolute_a adhere_n to_o these_o article_n to_o this_o rule_n of_o faith_n as_o it_o be_v literal_o deliver_v in_o the_o plain_a place_n of_o holy_a scripture_n and_o comprise_v and_o explain_v in_o the_o three_o creed_n and_o the_o church_n catechism_n if_o we_o forsake_v these_o hold_n there_o be_v nothing_o in_o the_o christian_a world_n can_v secure_v our_o faith_n these_o we_o be_v therefore_o constant_o to_o teach_v our_o flock_n and_o they_o diligent_o to_o learn_v and_o to_o consider_v that_o exhortation_n of_o the_o apostle_n hebr._n 13._o 7_o 8_o 9_o remember_v they_o which_o have_v the_o rule_n over_o you_o who_o have_v speak_v unto_o you_o the_o word_n of_o god_n who_o faith_n follow_v consider_v the_o end_n of_o their_o conversation_n jesus_n christ_n the_o same_o yesterday_o and_o to_o day_n and_o for_o ever_o and_o be_v not_o carry_v about_o with_o divers_a and_o strange_a doctrine_n finis_fw-la finis_fw-la sure_a foot_n disc._n 1._o para._n ●7_n ●7_n lib._n 1._o cap_n 2_o 3._o 3._o de_fw-fr prescript_n regula_n est_fw-la autem_fw-la fidei_fw-la ut_fw-la jam_fw-la hinc_fw-la quid_fw-la credamus_fw-la defendamus_fw-la illa_fw-la scilicet_fw-la quâ_fw-la creditur_fw-la unum_fw-la ominino_fw-la deum_fw-la esse_fw-la haec_fw-la regula_fw-la à_fw-la christo_fw-la instituta_fw-la nullas_fw-la habet_fw-la apud_fw-la nos_fw-la quaestiones_fw-la nisi_fw-la quas_fw-la haereses_fw-la inferunt_fw-la &_o quae_fw-la haereticos_fw-la faciunt_fw-la ceterùm_fw-la manente_fw-la forma_fw-la ejus_fw-la in_o svo_fw-la ordine_fw-la quantum_fw-la libet_fw-la quaeras_fw-la &_o tract_n fides_n in_o regulâ_fw-la posita_fw-la est_fw-la cedet_fw-la curiositas_fw-la fidei_fw-la certè_fw-la aut_fw-la non_fw-la strepant_fw-la aut_fw-la quiescant_fw-la adversus_fw-la regulam_fw-la idem_fw-la de_fw-fr veland_n virg._n regula_n quidem_fw-la fidei_fw-la una_fw-la omnino_fw-la est_fw-la soimmobilis_fw-la &_o irreformalis_fw-la credendi_fw-la scilicet_fw-la in_o unicum_fw-la deum_fw-la omnipotentem_fw-la mundi_fw-la conditorem_fw-la conditorem_fw-la serm._n de_fw-fr temp_n 119._o symbolum_n est_fw-la breviter_fw-la complexa_fw-la regula_n fidei_fw-la idem_fw-la de_fw-la fide_fw-la &_o symbolo_fw-la idem_fw-la de_fw-la genesi_fw-la ad_fw-la literam_fw-la catholica_fw-la fides_fw-la est_fw-la haec_fw-la deum_fw-la patrem_fw-la omnipotentem_fw-la universam_fw-la creaturam_fw-la fecisse_fw-la idem_fw-la similiter_fw-la plury_n alibi_fw-la alibi_fw-la adversus_fw-la valentin_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d contra_fw-la marcosios_fw-gr versus_fw-la finem_fw-la in_o ancoratu_fw-la versus_fw-la finem_fw-la in_o compendiariâ_fw-la verâ_fw-la doctrinâ_fw-la de_fw-fr fide_fw-la catholicae_fw-la &_o apostolicae_fw-la ecclesiae_fw-la in_o marcelli_n fide_fw-la conscriptâ_fw-la conscriptâ_fw-la ad_fw-la cledonium_n adversus_fw-la apollinarium_n orat._n 52._o fidem_fw-la nicaenam_fw-la vocat_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d vide_fw-la sequentia_fw-la ibid._n idem_fw-la contra_fw-la julian._n orat._n 3._o 3._o epist._n ad_fw-la pulcheriam_fw-la august_n siquidem_fw-la ipsa_fw-la catholici_fw-la symboli_fw-la brevis_fw-la &_o perfecta_fw-la confessio_fw-la tam_fw-la instructa_fw-la sit_fw-la munitione_n coelesti_fw-la ut_fw-la omnes_fw-la haereticorum_fw-la opiniones_fw-la solo_fw-la ipsius_fw-la gladio_fw-la possunt_fw-la detruncari_fw-la huius_fw-la symboli_fw-la plenitudincm_fw-la si_fw-la eutiche_n sure_a foot_n disc._n 4._o par._n 5._o lib._n 3._o cap._n 4._o verbo_fw-la dei_fw-la ●_o 1._o cap_n 2._o council_n triden_n sess._n 4._o ibid._n 1_o cor._n 4._o 13._o s._n mar._n 13._o 10._o sure_a foot_n disc._n 2._o para_fw-it 2._o ibid._n edw._n &_o injunct_a 5._o q._n eliz._n injunct_a 5._o rubr._n before_o the_o apostle_n creed_n canon_n de_fw-fr concionator_n pag._n 19_o true_a relation_n of_o the_o form_n and_o government_n of_o the_o kirk_n of_o scotland_n 1640._o primo_fw-la eliz._n cap._n 1._o hooker_n eccles_n pol._n l._n 5._o par_fw-fr 79._o