Selected quad for the lemma: scripture_n

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scripture_n according_a church_n word_n 5,622 5 4.1542 3 true
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A96073 A modest discourse, of the piety, charity & policy of elder times and Christians. Together with those their vertues paralleled by Christian members of the Church of England. / By Edward Waterhouse Esq; Waterhouse, Edward, 1619-1670. 1655 (1655) Wing W1049; Thomason E1502_2; ESTC R208656 120,565 278

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out_o the_o eye_n of_o those_o their_o teacher_n for_o who_o not_o many_o year_n since_o they_o will_v have_v pull_v out_o their_o own_o 15._o but_o enough_o of_o this_o i_o return_v to_o tradition_n which_o while_o they_o contend_v with_o scripture_n or_o be_v make_v as_o supplement_n to_o inch_n out_o scripture_n think_v too_o short_a i_o whole_o disallow_v though_o i_o confess_v i_o love_v ingenuous_a freedom_n and_o i_o believe_v religion_n be_v not_o in_o many_o thing_n so_o stiffgirt_v as_o some_o ridgid_a people_n suggest_v while_o they_o portray_v it_o clubsi_v ready_a to_o smite_v every_o one_o it_o meet_v with_o ecclesiae_fw-la nay_o in_o a_o keenness_n like_o peter_n sword_n straight_o out_o and_o off_o with_o the_o ear_n of_o every_o opponent_n yet_o do_v i_o not_o comply_v with_o the_o judgement_n of_o some_o who_o rest_n on_o a_o counsel-canon_n as_o on_o gospel_n and_o make_v less_o difference_n between_o they_o then_o be_v almost_o discernible_a because_o i_o fear_v it_o have_v somewhat_o of_o a_o popish_a smatch_n in_o it_o for_o be_v not_o the_o pope_n infallibility_n and_o the_o pope_n virtual_a presence_n and_o authoritative_a influence_n in_o counsel_n in_o part_n lean_v to_o some_o of_o our_o profession_n will_v be_v more_o nice_a in_o that_o kind_n than_o they_o be_v i_o will_v contest_v in_o reverence_n and_o duty_n to_o holy_a counsel_n and_o synod_n lawful_o call_v and_o convene_v with_o any_o he_o that_o be_v most_o a_o servant_n to_o they_o god_n forbid_v i_o shall_v depraetiate_v worth_a in_o any_o man_n or_o judge_v myself_o fit_a to_o censure_n and_o not_o rather_o to_o be_v censure_v 13._o but_o this_o i_o say_v dam_fw-la mihi_fw-la magistrum_fw-la christum_fw-la dam_fw-la mihi_fw-la regulam_fw-la s._n scripturam_fw-la in_o matter_n of_o this_o weight_n i_o will_v to_o the_o beam_n of_o the_o sanctuary_n no_o master_n will_v i_o own_v as_o to_o imperation_n over_o my_o faith_n but_o christ_n i_o like_v not_o to_o crave_v man_n pardon_n as_o the_o sicilian_a ambassador_n do_v pope_n martin_n the_o fourth_n blasphemous_o 161._o agnus_n dei_fw-la qui_fw-la tollis_fw-la peccata_fw-la mundi_fw-la miserere_fw-la nobis_fw-la while_o they_o speak_v according_a to_o scripture_n i_o will_v obey_v they_o eccles_n and_o take_v heed_n not_o to_o offend_v they_o but_o if_o they_o prove_v illuminate_v and_o eccentrical_o wild_a that_o they_o tell_v i_o christ_n be_v in_o this_o enthusiasm_n and_o that_o new_a light_n which_o neither_o i_o nor_o they_o understand_v nor_o do_v god_n word_n clear_a out_o to_o i_o they_o be_v to_o i_o but_o as_o tinkle_a cymbal_n i_o neither_o care_n for_o their_o euge_n 87._o nor_o fear_v i_o their_o anathema_n whatever_o then_o become_v of_o other_o write_n my_o zeal_n and_o vote_n shall_v be_v ever_o to_o preserve_v the_o renown_n of_o the_o holy_a book_n of_o the_o old_a and_o new_a testament_n let_v loose_a person_n call_v they_o by_o those_o profane_a nickname_n of_o lesbiam_fw-la regulam_fw-la evangelium_fw-la nigrum_fw-la theologiam_fw-la atramentariam_fw-la nasum_fw-la cereum_fw-la and_o let_v atheist_n deride_v they_o they_o be_v the_o christian_n magna_fw-la charta_fw-la for_o heaven_n curse_a be_v he_o that_o violate_v they_o to_o profane_a use_n they_o be_v the_o christian_n canaan_n let_v profane_a worldling_n look_v with_o bloody_a gardner_n eye_n upon_o it_o 2._o &_o not_o endure_v to_o see_v the_o book_n call_v verbum_fw-la dei_fw-la yet_o the_o sincere_a christian_a value_v it_o as_o his_o canaan_n the_o milk_n and_o honey_n of_o which_o refresh_v he_o against_o his_o tedious_a march_n in_o the_o wilderness_n of_o this_o sinful_a and_o sorrowful_a life_n account_v all_o other_o book_n as_o egypt_n garlic_n and_o onion_n to_o its_o manna_n and_o quail_n 6._o this_o this_o be_v full_a of_o the_o dew_n of_o heaven_n as_o be_v gideon_n fleece_n when_o all_o other_o write_n profit_n nothing_o but_o be_v dry_a and_o sapless_a it_o be_v the_o iliad_n which_o every_o devout_a alexander_n who_o by_o faith_n overcome_v the_o world_n lodge_v in_o his_o noble_a cabinet_n his_o heart_n it_o be_v the_o tree_n of_o life_n on_o which_o hang_v the_o fruit_n of_o the_o knowledge_n of_o good_a and_o evil_a it_o be_v the_o ark_n of_o god_n in_o which_o as_o it_o be_v be_v the_o pot_n of_o manna_n and_o aaron_n rod_n comfort_n and_o correction_n therein_o be_v god_n staff_n of_o beauty_n and_o bond_n his_o bind_n and_o his_o draw_a cord_n yea_o therein_o the_o whole_a duty_n of_o man_n both_o to_o god_n and_o his_o neighbour_n be_v comprise_v now_o judge_n o_o man_n what_o can_v god_n do_v more_o for_o his_o vineyard_n the_o church_n than_o he_o have_v do_v in_o give_v she_o such_o a_o oracle_n for_o her_o doubt_n such_o a_o light_n against_o her_o darkness_n such_o a_o touchstone_n of_o her_o purity_n and_o her_o rival_n adulteration_n and_o what_o can_v the_o church_n do_v less_o in_o return_n to_o god_n then_o by_o signal_n fidelity_n maintain_v the_o honour_n and_o authority_n of_o this_o canon_n deposit_v with_o she_o let_v that_o blasphemous_a new_a light_n 54_o m_o r_o edward_n mention_n call_v the_o scripture_n the_o golden_a calf_n and_o brazen_a serpent_n that_o set_v at_o variance_n king_n and_o parliament_n and_o kingdom_n against_o kingdom_n that_o thing_n will_v never_o be_v well_o till_o the_o golden_a calf_n and_o brazen_a serpent_n be_v break_v to_o piece_n yet_o next_o to_o heaven_n i_o will_v venture_v all_o i_o have_v in_o the_o holy_a war_n for_o scripture_n he_o that_o come_v to_o surprise_v that_o capitol_n shall_v have_v my_o life_n his_o sacrifice_n and_o my_o prayer_n his_o curse_n and_o let_v all_o christian_a people_n say_v amen_o amen_n this_o be_v the_o first_o jewel_n in_o antiquity_n crown_n her_o zeal_n for_o the_o reverence_n of_o the_o holy_a scripture_n second_o the_o elder_a church_n christian_n be_v express_v about_o a_o ministry_n and_o the_o right_a qualification_n of_o minister_n according_a to_o the_o holy_a institution_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n the_o great_a head_n doctor_z and_o bishop_n of_o his_o church_n who_o leave_v she_o not_o as_o common_a in_o which_o every_o christian_a as_o to_o the_o public_a use_n of_o gift_n have_v alike_o right_a but_o separate_v some_o to_o instruct_v to_o exercise_v power_n of_o the_o key_n to_o continue_v succession_n and_o to_o minister_v the_o holy_a thing_n of_o the_o gospel_n by_o virtue_n of_o a_o infallible_a promise_n of_o his_o cooperation_n with_o they_o to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n this_o separation_n have_v be_v for_o many_o hundred_o year_n declare_v by_o imposition_n of_o hand_n which_o the_o church_n call_v ordination_n and_o have_v apostolic_a practice_n to_o warrant_v it_o in_o act_n 6._o 6._o stephen_n be_v mention_v to_o be_v a_o man_n full_a of_o faith_n and_o of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n yet_o do_v he_o not_o execute_v any_o ministerial_a office_n upon_o account_n of_o his_o gracious_a qualification_n till_o he_o be_v present_v to_o the_o apostle_n they_o have_v pray_v for_o he_o and_o lay_v their_o hand_n on_o he_o a_o scripture_n well_o to_o be_v weigh_v by_o man_n of_o contrary_a judgement_n especial_o since_o back_v by_o the_o general_a practice_n of_o the_o church_n catholic_a for_o if_o the_o church_n fidelity_n in_o this_o gospel_n tradition_n and_o universal_o receive_v ordinance_n shall_v be_v question_v the_o canon_n of_o holy_a writ_n and_o all_o the_o doctrine_n and_o practice_n of_o christianity_n will_v become_v litigious_a since_o the_o church_n as_o the_o pillar_n and_o ground_n of_o truth_n be_v the_o deliverer_n and_o declarer_fw-la of_o they_o and_o we_o be_v not_o to_o doubt_v quirinu●●_n but_o that_o the_o holy_a ghost_n who_o lead_v into_o all_o truth_n have_v right_o guide_v the_o catholic_a church_n to_o this_o belief_n since_o all_o holy_a man_n of_o all_o time_n and_o church_n how_o different_a soever_o each_o from_o other_o in_o rite_n and_o situation_n have_v agree_v upon_o it_o and_o according_o declare_v themselves_o and_o nothing_o have_v ever_o be_v find_v against_o it_o worthy_a the_o sway_n of_o our_o assent_n in_o contradiction_n to_o so_o ecumenical_a a_o acknowledgement_n and_o true_o i_o much_o wonder_v any_o shall_v be_v of_o contrary_a judgement_n who_o ought_v to_o know_v the_o validity_n of_o antiquity_n consent_n echo_v to_o scripture_n be_v scripture_n silent_a have_v the_o practice_n of_o antiquity_n no_o foot_n therein_o i_o shall_v be_v as_o unwilling_a to_o follow_v it_o as_o any_o he_o that_o be_v most_o against_o it_o for_o that_o of_o reverend_a calvin_n be_v most_o true_a versipellem_fw-la si_fw-mi in_o sola_fw-la antiquitate_fw-la etc._n etc._n if_o antiquity_n be_v only_o the_o judge_n then_o prodigious_a heresy_n which_o break_v out_o in_o apostolic_a time_n will_v become_v catholic_a faith_n but_o when_o the_o word_n of_o god_n give_v rise_v to_o what_o in_o this_o kind_a antiquity_n embrace_v and_o
aperiunt_fw-la enim_fw-la quasi_fw-la fontes_fw-la sapientiae_fw-la qui_fw-la aquam_fw-la non_fw-la habent_fw-la doctrinarum_fw-la promittunt_fw-la imbrem_fw-la velut_fw-la nubes_fw-la propheticae_fw-la ad_fw-la quas_fw-la perveniat_fw-la veritas_fw-la dei_fw-la &_o turbinibus_fw-la exagitantur_fw-la demonum_fw-la &_o vitiorum_fw-la so_o he_o alas_o they_o be_v in_o a_o devious_a road_n to_o fame_n who_o endeavour_n learning_n ruin_n and_o deserve_v no_o noble_a a_o memorial_n than_o 3._o scylla_n have_v who_o evil_n be_v so_o great_a that_o there_o be_v neither_o le●t_a place_n for_o great_a nor_o number_n for_o more_o that_o wise_a man_n of_o the_o garamantes_n speak_v truth_n to_o alexander_n glory_n arise_v not_o from_o violent_a substraction_n of_o what_o be_v another_o but_o from_o bestow_v on_o other_o what_o be_v our_o own_o the_o best_a way_n to_o be_v remember_v for_o gallant_a be_v to_o write_v our_o memorial_n in_o the_o table_n adamant_n of_o a_o charity_n and_o bounty_n that_o may_v outlast_v we_o i_o love_v aemilius_n his_o gravity_n and_o imitable_a worth_n his_o virtuous_a mind_n and_o learned_a head_n better_a than_o aristippus_n his_o rapacious_a heart_n 4._o though_o it_o have_v to_o friend_n a_o grave_a countenance_n and_o a_o purple_a robe_n the_o lord_n deliver_v the_o learned_a from_o those_o man_n who_o will_v have_v the_o name_n of_o learned_a perish_v and_o their_o seed_n beg_v their_o bread_n and_o give_v and_o preserve_v to_o they_o such_o king_n and_o protector_n as_o may_v speak_v comfortable_o to_o they_o as_o god_n do_v to_o his_o he_o that_o touch_v you_o touch_v the_o apple_n of_o my_o eye_n three_o antiquity_n and_o elder_a time_n have_v be_v zealous_a for_o government_n and_o order_n in_o the_o church_n as_o the_o church_n of_o christ_n have_v no_o custom_n for_o contention_n so_o not_o for_o confusion_n god_n be_v order_n and_o good_a discipline_n be_v one_o way_n to_o make_v man_n conform_v to_o god_n as_o order_n lawgiver_n s_o t_o cyprian_a one_o of_o the_o first_o father_n and_o a_o noble_a martyr_n ratiove_n define_v discipline_n the_o keeper_n of_o hope_n the_o conservative_n of_o faith_n a_o good_a conductor_n in_o our_o race_n of_o christianity_n a_o benefit_n reach_v forth_o security_n and_o increase_n to_o those_o that_o embrace_v she_o and_o portend_v destruction_n to_o those_o that_o refuse_v or_o neglect_v she_o and_o calvin_n when_o he_o disowne_v all_o church_n usurpation_n yet_o conclude_v that_o the_o church_n have_v law_n of_o order_n to_o promote_v concord_n and_o defend_v government_n and_o reason_v it_o shall_v be_v so_o facerent_fw-la for_o if_o god_n be_v order_n and_o his_o administration_n be_v orderly_a as_o himself_o than_o disorder_n as_o nothing_o of_o he_o aught_o to_o be_v keep_v out_o of_o the_o church_n to_o which_o it_o be_v peculiar_o a_o enemy_n the_o church_n be_v a_o treasury_n disorder_n rob_v it_o it_o be_v a_o clear_a stream_n of_o live_a water_n disorder_n puddle_n it_o it_o be_v a_o fair_a and_o bright_a heaven_n disorder_n cloud_n and_o inlower_n it_o it_o be_v a_o chart_n virgin_n disorder_n be_v a_o impure_a raptor_n and_o corrupt_v it_o it_o be_v a_o precious_a orb_n of_o spicknard_n disorder_n like_o dead_a fly_n putrify_v it_o the_o foresight_n of_o this_o make_v our_o lord_n jesus_n bespangle_v his_o church_n with_o gift_n to_o all_o purpose_n of_o order_n and_o ornnament_n he_o have_v set_v say_v saint_n t_o paul_n in_o the_o church_n first_o apostles_n 28._o secondary_o prophet_n three_o teacher_n then_o gift_n of_o heal_a help_v to_o government_n diversity_n of_o tongue_n and_o now_o i_o have_v find_v church_n and_o government_n both_o in_o a_o scripture_n i_o hope_v i_o may_v without_o offence_n join_v they_o together_o church-government_n and_o assert_v that_o of_o divine_a institution_n i_o think_v most_o party_n be_v agree_v that_o government_n ecclesiastic_a as_o well_o as_o civil_a be_v of_o god_n all_o the_o litigation_n be_v what_o this_o ecclesiastic_a government_n which_o be_v of_o god_n be_v by_o what_o name_n and_o title_n it_o be_v distinguish_v and_o dignify_v and_o god_n wot_v the_o heat_n and_o humour_n of_o peevish_a brain_n have_v set_v paul_n and_o barnabas_n as_o it_o be_v asunder_o nay_o have_v make_v such_o a_o crack_n in_o christian_a eutaxie_n '_o that_o as_o bernardas_n dyas_n bishop_n of_o calatrore_v say_v of_o the_o church_n of_o vicenza_n 252._o that_o may_v i_o of_o this_o chuach_n of_o england_n it_o be_v so_o disorder_a that_o it_o require_v more_o a_o apostle_n than_o a_o bishop_n orpheus_n soon_o charm_v pluto_n and_o proserpina_n to_o part_v with_o his_o eurydice_n than_o man_n among_o we_o be_v persuade_v to_o part_v with_o their_o passion_n though_o all_o their_o swell_n and_o monstrous_a impregnation_n like_o that_o of_o the_o mountain_n produce_v only_o a_o mouse_n a_o most_o ridiculous_a and_o inglorious_a scab_n of_o self-conceited_a leprosy_n one_o party_n will_v have_v church-discipline_n so_o precise_o set_v down_o in_o the_o word_n of_o god_n that_o nothing_o be_v leave_v to_o christian_a prudence_n to_o alter_v other_o be_v diametrall_a to_o these_o and_o make_v with_o cardinal_n cusanus_fw-la government_n accountable_a to_o the_o time_n 159._o as_o he_o say_v scripture_n be_v and_o therefore_o to_o be_v expound_v according_a to_o the_o current_a rite_n and_o yet_o forsooth_o it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v mean_v as_o if_o the_o church_n at_o one_o time_n expound_v in_o one_o fashion_n and_o at_o another_o time_n in_o another_o sort_n a_o riddle_n the_o scripture_n must_v be_v expound_v according_a to_o the_o time_n and_o the_o time_n according_a to_o which_o scripture_n be_v to_o be_v expound_v be_v now_o this_o a_o on_o that_o and_o yet_o the_o church_n must_v not_o be_v mean_v to_o expound_v it_o in_o one_o fashion_n at_o one_o time_n and_o in_o another_o fashion_n another_o time_n there_o be_v a_o three_o sort_n who_o fix_v the_o essential_o of_o government_n in_o scripture_n susceperim_fw-la and_o the_o collateral_n they_o admit_v as_o leave_v to_o the_o order_n of_o the_o particular_a church_n of_o christ_n this_o i_o take_v to_o be_v most_o safe_a and_o moderate_a and_o this_o s_o t_o augustine_n deliver_v as_o his_o opinion_n to_o januarius_n long_o ago_o these_o thing_n quoth_v be_v be_v leave_v free_a there_o be_v no_o appointment_n by_o god_n concern_v they_o prudent_a christian_n be_v at_o liberty_n to_o conform_v to_o whatever_o church_n they_o come_v and_o in_o which_o they_o live_v for_o whatever_o be_v enjoin_v not_o contrary_a to_o faith_n and_o good_a manner_n aught_o to_o be_v submit_v to_o for_o peace_n and_o civil_a society_n sake_n and_o i_o say_v the_o father_n diligent_o consider_v this_o thorough_o do_v deliver_v this_o as_o a_o oracle_n receive_v confirmation_n from_o god_n and_o true_o this_o i_o judge_v to_o be_v the_o meaning_n of_o those_o brotherly_a expression_n that_o have_v and_o aught_o ever_o to_o ebb_v and_o flow_v from_o christian_a church_n to_o each_o other_o and_o from_o the_o protestant_a church_n especial_o for_o if_o the_o church_n of_o england_n when_o it_o be_v under_o episcopacy_n save_v the_o right_n of_o other_o church_n which_o be_v disciplinary_a and_o condemn_v they_o not_o but_o hold_v correspondency_n with_o they_o give_v they_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o fellowship_n and_o the_o other_o foreign_a church_n publish_v their_o candour_n and_o approbation_n of_o episcopacy_n where_o it_o be_v constitute_v and_o press_v obedience_n to_o it_o witness_v reverend_a polon_n calvi●_n in_o divers_a place_n and_o on_o divers_a occasion_n learned_a zanchy_a grindal_n grave_a bucer_n christi_fw-la eloquent_a beza_n a●glicanos_n profound_a mouline_a 33._o accomplish_v chamier_n 6._o yea_o and_o multitude_n of_o other_o of_o note_n in_o the_o reform_a church_n then_o do_v this_o arise_v from_o that_o apprehension_n that_o the_o general_n of_o government_n be_v one_o and_o the_o same_o under_o both_o discipline_n charity_n ought_v to_o pass_v the_o rest_n to_o the_o least_o injury_n of_o christian_a concord_n far_o be_v it_o from_o i_o to_o part_v who_o god_n have_v join_v together_o wherein_o the_o church_n agree_v let_v they_o mind_v the_o thing_n that_o tend_v to_o piety_n and_o unity_n the_o rest_n god_n will_v reveal_v in_o his_o good_a time_n versipellem_fw-la for_o as_o calvin_n after_o saint_n t_o augustine_n determine_v it_o let_v every_o church_n observe_v she_o own_o custom_n it_o be_v profitable_a sometime_o that_o religion_n shall_v have_v some_o variety_n so_o there_o be_v no_o emulation_n and_o new_a thing_n be_v not_o introduce_v for_o novelty_n sake_n the_o church_n of_o christ_n then_o have_v agree_v upon_o government_n as_o appoint_v by_o god_n yea_o and_o about_o the_o person_n interest_v in_o it_o those_o bishop_n presbyter_n and_o deacon_n they_o never_o own_v armilustra_n in_o which_o soldier_n be_v priest_n nor_o gift_a man_n unordain_v for_o church_n officer_n this_o be_v of_o
they_o enough_o nor_o will_v it_o be_v useful_a to_o tell_v the_o number_n of_o their_o name_n the_o time_n of_o their_o regency_n the_o severalty_n of_o their_o poisonous_a tenant_n these_o be_v at_o large_a contain_v in_o the_o church-story_n elder_a and_o late_a my_o drift_n only_o be_v to_o be_v antiquity_n samaritan_n and_o to_o give_v bail_n to_o that_o action_n bring_v against_o she_o by_o ignorance_n which_o indite_v she_o of_o many_o guilt_n which_o i_o hope_v will_v be_v easy_o expiate_v for_o and_o she_o appear_v to_o these_o late_a time_n tanquam_fw-la inter_fw-la stellas_fw-la luna_fw-la minores_fw-la and_o here_o with_o the_o curious_a painter_n i_o must_v borrow_v colour_n from_o flint_n and_o pebble_n and_o so_o work_v they_o into_o a_o compliance_n as_o that_o they_o may_v answer_v the_o requiry_n of_o what_o i_o intend_v a_o lovely_a portraiture_n which_o when_o the_o utmost_a art_n of_o my_o pencil_n be_v evidence_v will_v be_v but_o imperfect_a and_o complain_v that_o it_o have_v not_o to_o its_o lively_a depiction_n a_o saint_n jerome_n who_o may_v raise_v a_o blush_n in_o their_o face_n that_o disparage_v and_o a_o confidence_n in_o their_o countenance_n that_o dare_v own_o it_o i_o be_o not_o ambitious_a to_o make_v this_o as_o he_o do_v the_o buckler_n of_o minerva_n which_o he_o make_v and_o in_o which_o he_o so_o cunning_o insert_v his_o own_o name_n that_o it_o can_v not_o thence_o be_v take_v but_o with_o injury_n to_o the_o sculpture_n of_o that_o incomparable_a shield_n no_o it_o be_v the_o least_o part_n of_o my_o thought_n to_o evidence_n any_o thing_n in_o this_o beyond_o a_o honest_a heart_n which_o i_o hope_v god_n will_v give_v i_o ever_o grace_v to_o show_v towards_o the_o church_n and_o state_n wherein_o i_o live_v and_o in_o which_o i_o hope_v to_o die_v a_o true_a and_o christian_a man_n this_o only_a i_o to_o all_o the_o world_n publish_v that_o if_o as_o it_o be_v say_v by_o the_o orator_n of_o phydias_n he_o be_v a_o excellent_a artist_n at_o any_o statue_n quint._n but_o chief_o about_o the_o god_n my_o excellency_n be_v in_o any_o thing_n i_o will_v have_v it_o more_o exact_a and_o signal_n when_o it_o be_v exercise_v about_o aught_o which_o concern_v the_o church_n for_o true_a be_v that_o of_o a_o great_a preacher_n 49._o our_o hand_n if_o skilful_a to_o write_v shall_v be_v employ_v as_o sacretary_n to_o the_o church_n our_o foot_n as_o messenger_n of_o the_o church_n our_o tongue_n as_o advocate_n for_o the_o church_n our_o wisdom_n and_o learning_n as_o councillor_n for_o the_o church_n our_o wealth_n as_o steward_n and_o almoner_n for_o the_o church_n and_o well_o fare_v those_o excellent_a christian_n who_o make_v church-work_n the_o labour_n of_o their_o life_n and_o church-charity_n their_o heir_n at_o death_n and_o that_o upon_o ground_n of_o faith_n and_o holy_a love_n not_o merit_n or_o hope_n of_o supererrogate_a by_o they_o i_o do_v not_o here_o mean_a to_o collect_v all_o mar._n those_o several_a virtue_n that_o those_o glorious_a golden_a age_n of_o the_o church_n excel_v in_o as_o their_o diligent_a read_v the_o scripture_n and_o hear_v the_o word_n preach_v their_o devout_a prayer_n for_o those_o in_o authority_n their_o love_a and_o forgive_a enemy_n their_o modesty_n and_o calmness_n of_o conversation_n their_o fidelity_n to_o their_o relation_n their_o minister_a to_o the_o necessity_n of_o the_o saint_n in_o want_n and_o visit_n of_o such_o in_o prison_n their_o exact_a continence_n their_o care_n lest_o in_o habit_n they_o give_v scandal_n their_o courage_n for_o the_o truth_n their_o serious_a observation_n of_o oath_n their_o industry_n in_o their_o calling_n and_o those_o many_o other_o excellency_n in_o they_o though_o by_o degree_n allay_v with_o much_o frailty_n lest_o i_o shall_v swell_v my_o design_n into_o a_o unwelcome_a greatness_n my_o scope_n be_v to_o cull_v out_o such_o of_o they_o as_o most_o seem_v to_o rebuke_v those_o bravado_n of_o man_n in_o this_o age_n who_o with_o hyper-pharisaicall_a pride_n commend_v their_o own_o piety_n from_o the_o dishonour_n cast_v upon_o elder_a time_n and_o elder_n christian_n who_o be_v in_o no_o instance_n of_o true_a devotion_n behind_o they_o i_o know_v there_o be_v blemish_n in_o antiquity_n the_o ancient_a father_n tell_v we_o of_o many_o ridiculous_a folly_n in_o use_n as_o vanity_n in_o clothing_n and_o habit_n in_o bath_n in_o observation_n of_o the_o nativity_n of_o their_o child_n in_o be_v present_a at_o sport_n and_o interlude_n their_o accompany_v with_o pertinacious_a heretic_n and_o sundry_a other_o such_o folly_n which_o here_o i_o defend_v not_o for_o their_o virtue_n i_o appear_v against_o those_o that_o mistake_v antiquity_n misname_v it_o for_o a_o pedlar_n pack_n in_o which_o to_o one_o pure_a venice_n glass_n there_o be_v wooden_a kann_n horn_n cup_n trifle_v rattle_v and_o many_o such_o ignoble_a trash_n as_o if_o it_o be_v a_o mint_n of_o forgery_n the_o womb_n of_o monster_n and_o sire_n of_o legend_n term_v its_o religion_n policy_n its_o charity_n meritmonging_a its_o unity_n combination_n its_o government_n a_o trap_n to_o catch_v man_n in_o who_o be_v not_o one_o with_o it_o and_o it_o be_v all_o a_o wilderness_n in_o which_o be_v more_o beast_n of_o prey_n then_o bird_n of_o paradise_n s_o t_o jerom_n speak_v of_o such_o long_o since_o vigilant_a the_o world_n say_v he_o produce_v many_o monster_n centaur_n siren_n owl_n stymphalidae_n bird_n who_o nature_n be_v to_o darken_v the_o sun_n ray_n the_o eremanthean_a boar_n nemaean_a lion_n the_o chimaera_n and_o many_o head_a hydra_n and_o he_o tell_v we_o spain_n produce_v some_o of_o they_o only_a gallia_n have_v no_o monster_n but_o abound_v with_o most_o eloquent_a and_o warlike_a man_n and_o happy_a have_v it_o be_v if_o vigilantius_n have_v be_v dormitantius_n and_o never_o be_v bear_v rather_o than_o prove_v a_o scar_n in_o that_o face_n which_o before_o it_o produce_v he_o be_v lovely_a it_o be_v the_o fault_n of_o that_o pern_n vigilantius_n to_o turn_v every_o way_n and_o at_o last_o to_o break_v out_o against_o the_o inoffensive_a honour_n of_o church_n relic_n then_o in_o account_n and_o not_o abuse_v to_o superstition_n as_o since_o they_o have_v shameful_o be_v and_o it_o shall_v be_v my_o endeavour_n with_o god_n blessing_n to_o bespeak_v due_a veneration_n of_o such_o thing_n as_o be_v fit_a to_o be_v respect_v and_o retain_v in_o gospel_n time_n and_o to_o be_v defend_v by_o christian_a magistrate_n i_o mean_v not_o herein_o to_o revive_v that_o interim_n of_o charles_n the_o five_o 295._o by_o make_v a_o medley_n of_o difference_n nor_o will_v i_o take_v upon_o i_o to_o deal_v with_o man_n of_o all_o side_n lest_o that_o befall_v i_o which_o usual_o trip_v up_o the_o heel_n of_o such_o endeavour_n all_o agree_v to_o oppugn_v and_o every_o one_o rest_n more_o obstinate_a in_o defend_v his_o own_o party_n nor_o will_v i_o approve_v nay_o i_o do_v sad_o lament_v the_o preposterous_a folly_n of_o those_o who_o make_v man_n heretic_n and_o blazon_v they_o enemy_n to_o christ_n for_o every_o difference_n almost_o though_o not_o in_o point_n essential_a but_o circumstantial_a and_o ritual_a as_o if_o they_o pick_v quarrel_n with_o their_o brethren_n out_o of_o choice_n the_o ancient_a church_n in_o england_n do_v not_o so_o for_o bede_n tell_v we_o seize_v inuicem_fw-la venerabantur_fw-la licet_fw-la dissimiles_fw-la caeremoniaes_fw-la observarunt_fw-la sic_fw-la aidam_fw-la episcopus_fw-la quamvis_fw-la more_fw-it scotorum_fw-la pascha_fw-la celebraret_fw-la tamen_fw-la ab_fw-la h●norio_n cantuariensi_fw-la &_o felice_n orientalium_fw-la anglorum_fw-la episcopis_fw-la in_fw-la honore_fw-la est_fw-la habitus_fw-la cent._n 7._o c._n 7._o p._n 119._o this_o cachexie_n have_v be_v the_o church_n trouble_n and_o pest_n too_o long_o thanks_o to_o those_o hot_a head_n who_o cry_v out_o curse_v you_o meroz_n against_o all_o that_o crow_v not_o to_o the_o same_o tune_n with_o they_o these_o have_v make_v more_o heretic_n and_o disloyal_a son_n to_o the_o church_n than_o ever_o gain_v sober_a and_o submiss_a child_n to_o these_o that_o of_o baro_n the_o dalmatian_a to_o the_o emperor_n tiberius_n be_v applicable_a 570._o when_o have_v ask_v why_o his_o countrytryman_n have_v be_v long_o and_o so_o desperate_a enemy_n to_o the_o roman_n he_o reply_v you_o yourselves_o be_v in_o fault_n who_o send_v to_o your_o flock_n not_o shepherd_n and_o dog_n to_o keep_v they_o but_o wolf_n i_o wish_v it_o be_v well_o weigh_v by_o some_o for_o as_o albergatus_n that_o great_a politician_n 389._o write_v to_o the_o cardinal_n nephew_n to_o pope_n greg._n 13._o sometime_o the_o heat_n and_o precipitance_n of_o man_n exasperate_v small_a and_o composeable_a breach_n into_o great_a and_o uncloseable_a gapp_n by_o which_o ill_a office_n of_o simplicity_n if_o not_o design_n hope_v and_o pray_v for_o peace_n and_o
ark_n be_v take_v by_o the_o philistines_n 21._o the_o glory_n have_v be_v depart_v from_o the_o israel_n of_o god_n church_n how_o much_o profane_a mirth_n will_v the_o son_n of_o error_n have_v make_v with_o these_o song_n of_o zion_n have_v god_n give_v they_o up_o into_o their_o power_n but_o bless_v be_v god_n the_o church_n have_v ever_o have_v one_fw-mi hold_v the_o scripture_n in_o high_a value_n though_o not_o admit_v all_o part_n of_o it_o for_o canon_n at_o one_o and_o the_o same_o time_n sometime_o they_o find_v part_n of_o it_o not_o in_o good_a hand_n as_o they_o think_v 3._o other_o part_n by_o heretic_n be_v corrupt_v and_o hand_v to_o they_o not_o as_o they_o be_v in_o the_o autographon_n but_o with_o emendation_n to_o which_o be_v add_v many_o spurious_a and_o rejectitious_a gospel_n 19_o prophecy_n and_o epistle_n fit_v to_o answer_v the_o lie_a divination_n satan_n have_v no_o foot_n other_o part_n of_o scripture_n not_o primariò_fw-la authenticae_fw-la the_o ancient_n allow_v to_o be_v read_v sub_fw-la regulâ_fw-la morum_fw-la but_o not_o as_o a_o rule_n of_o faith_n epiphanius_n but_o such_o only_a as_o be_v receive_v from_o prophet_n and_o allow_v by_o christ_n jesus_n magd._n his_o apostle_n and_o their_o scribe_n and_o scholar_n and_o their_o successor_n have_v the_o church_n own_v and_o adhere_v to_o and_o those_o be_v the_o book_n in_o the_o canon_n of_o our_o holy_a mother_n the_o church_n of_o england_n not_o that_o all_o mouth_n have_v be_v stop_v or_o all_o christian_n agree_v in_o the_o harmony_n no_o all_o have_v not_o beleeeve_v god_n testimony_n in_o the_o church_n report_n and_o traditional_a fidelity_n ruffin_n s_o t_o jerom_n tell_v we_o that_o it_o be_v usual_a with_o heretic_n to_o corrupt_v catholic_n author_n the_o eunomian_o deal_v thus_o with_o clemens_n the_o elder_a and_o ruffinus_n be_v not_o behindhand_o for_o this_o trick_n paris_n while_o he_o prefix_v the_o name_n of_o a_o holy_a martyr_n to_o a_o book_n of_o arrianisme_n and_o evagrius_n charge_v they_o of_o entitle_v their_o heretical_a book_n 562._o with_o the_o name_n of_o holy_a orthodox_n man_n such_o as_o athanasius_n gregorius_n thaumaturgus_n and_o julius_n 31._o in_o brief_a theodoret_n be_v round_o with_o they_o tell_v we_o they_o care_v not_o what_o law_n they_o break_v what_o boldness_n and_o freedom_n they_o take_v for_o maintenance_n of_o their_o wickedness_n nay_o oftentimes_o they_o make_v it_o the_o masterpiece_n of_o their_o blasphemy_n to_o violate_v the_o holy_a law_n of_o god_n as_o man_n in_o grove_n cut_v this_o stick_n and_o that_o wand_n they_o like_v and_o leave_v the_o rest_n so_o pick_v erroneous_a man_n this_o book_n and_o that_o passage_n here_o and_o there_o and_o leave_v the_o rest_n as_o useless_a whatever_o be_v contrary_a to_o their_o device_n and_o cast_v dirt_n in_o their_o face_n they_o reject_v and_o disow_v 122._o their_o darkness_n and_o the_o light_n of_o scripture_n agree_v not_o light_n be_v au_fw-fr ill_a guest_n to_o a_o ill_a conscience_n and_o because_o scripture_n trouble_v their_o owl_n eye_n and_o dismantle_v their_o impostry_n they_o can_v away_o with_o it_o tertullian_n perstringe_n the_o valentinian_o for_o their_o cluck_n into_o corner_n and_o their_o skulk_a up_o and_o down_o and_o say_v our_o doves-coat_n have_v no_o guile_n 3._o be_v open_a and_o visible_a to_o all_o comer_n who_o have_v liberty_n to_o see_v and_o hear_v what_o we_o do_v and_o it_o be_v a_o note_n unimprobate_v that_o patron_n and_o professor_n of_o error_n and_o none_o but_o such_o have_v ever_o dishonour_v scripture_n or_o question_v its_o authority_n nor_o have_v ever_o any_o who_o have_v a_o ground_a hope_n of_o heaven_n by_o god_n mercy_n hold_v themselves_o above_o ordinance_n as_o the_o mean_n of_o attain_v it_o nor_o have_v they_o ever_o pick_v and_o choose_v cull_v and_o refuse_v this_o and_o not_o that_o ordinance_n 119._o but_o have_v respect_n to_o all_o god_n command_n and_o equal_o adore_v all_o his_o dispensation_n charge_v a_o holy_a soul_n with_o queaziness_n in_o this_o kind_n object_n to_o it_o that_o it_o love_v not_o to_o be_v limit_v and_o enlarge_v by_o the_o word_n not_o to_o humble_v itself_o to_o god_n in_o prayer_n not_o to_o obey_v authority_n for_o the_o lord_n and_o for_o conscience_n sake_n and_o it_o answer_v in_o hazael_n word_n 17._o be_o i_o a_o dog_n that_o i_o shall_v do_v this_o no_o this_o spot_n be_v not_o the_o spot_n of_o god_n people_n it_o will_v be_v a_o sully_v which_o mountain_n of_o niter_fw-la can_v not_o cleanse_v it_o be_v true_a indeed_o in_o the_o interpretation_n of_o this_o or_o that_o particular_a scripture_n there_o have_v be_v yet_o be_v and_o ever_o will_v be_v to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n different_a opinion_n and_o many_o passion_n have_v lather_a so_o high_a that_o charity_n have_v often_o lie_v in_o the_o sud_n as_o be_v the_o proverb_n even_o among_o man_n otherways_o without_o exception_n as_o between_o s_o t_o augustine_n and_o s_o t_o jerom_n magdeburg_n in_o the_o exposition_n on_o the_o second_o chap._n of_o the_o galatian_n yea_o and_o in_o many_o thing_n and_o under_o many_o temptation_n some_o of_o you_o have_v live_v and_o speak_v somewhat_o against_o the_o majesty_n and_o authority_n of_o the_o holy_a scripture_n as_o origen_n by_o name_n who_o therefore_o confess_v his_o error_n and_o public_o retract_v they_o as_o appear_v in_o his_o epistle_n to_o fabian_n romanum_fw-la and_o as_o saint_n t_o jerom_n testify_v in_o his_o epistle_n to_o pammachius_n and_o oceanus_n and_o therefore_o legend_n canon_n and_o tradition_n bring_v into_o some_o church_n as_o ground_n of_o belief_n and_o make_v obligatory_a to_o the_o conscience_n as_o only_o the_o holy_a scripture_n ought_v to_o be_v hold_v be_v but_o of_o late_a date_n in_o the_o christian_a church_n 68_o for_o saint_n t_o jerom_n or_o epiphanius_n in_o he_o write_v thus_o to_o theophilus_n that_o thou_o mind_v we_o of_o church-canon_n we_o thank_v thou_o but_o know_v this_o that_o nothing_o be_v so_o antique_a as_o the_o law_n and_o right_n of_o christ_n and_o father_n marinarus_n in_o the_o counsel_n of_o trent_n deny_v that_o the_o father_n make_v tradition_n to_o stand_v in_o competition_n with_o scripture_n but_o good_a man_n he_o be_v bear_v down_o with_o the_o many_o voice_n that_o decry_v his_o sound_a assertion_n 152._o as_o that_o which_o better_o beseem_v a_o colloquy_n in_o germany_n then_o a_o counsel_n of_o the_o universal_a church_n but_o what_o he_o say_v be_v nevertheless_o true_a because_o dislike_v by_o those_o viper_n for_o as_o they_o then_o so_o their_o predecessor_n long_o before_o cry_v up_o tradition_n and_o perhaps_o they_o have_v it_o from_o the_o jew_n or_o rather_o from_o the_o devil_n the_o author_n of_o it_o both_o in_o jew_n and_o other_o our_o lord_n jesus_n arraigns_n the_o jew_n for_o make_v void_a the_o commandment_n of_o god_n by_o man_n tradition_n and_o transgress_v the_o commandment_n of_o god_n by_o tradition_n 3._o yea_o of_o reject_v the_o commandment_n of_o god_n to_o fulfil_v they_o and_o the_o apostle_n s_o t_o paul_n reprove_v this_o and_o caution_n against_o it_o 8._o beware_v say_v he_o lest_o any_o man_n spoil_v you_o through_o philosophy_n and_o vain_a deceit_n after_o the_o tradition_n of_o man_n after_o the_o rudiment_n of_o the_o world_n and_o not_o after_o christ_n where_o the_o apostle_n do_v not_o simple_o dehort_v from_o tradition_n in_o affirmance_n of_o scripture_n or_o civil_a custom_n but_o from_o such_o use_n of_o tradition_n as_o tend_v to_o the_o eclipse_n of_o the_o testimony_n of_o truth_n in_o the_o word_n write_v 65._o which_o be_v transcendent_o above_o the_o witness_n of_o man_n and_o therefore_o i_o cry_v out_o to_o all_o those_o new-light_n as_o saint_n t_o jerom_n do_v spare_v your_o pain_n hug_v not_o the_o cloud_n of_o your_o conceit_n instead_o of_o the_o juno_n truth_n why_o do_v you_o bring_v that_o to_o sale_n which_o the_o primitive_a church_n for_o four_o hundred_o year_n never_o hear_v of_o why_o take_v you_o upon_o your_o shoulder_n that_o task_n which_o peter_n and_o paul_n never_o teach_v nor_o be_v they_o now_o alive_a will_v own_o until_o this_o day_n the_o christian_a world_n have_v be_v without_o this_o doctrine_n and_o i_o in_o my_o old_a age_n will_v profess_v that_o faith_n in_o which_o i_o be_v bear_v and_o into_o which_o baptize_v will_v saint_n to_o jerom_n have_v be_v staunch_a have_v he_o live_v to_o these_o time_n wherein_o old_a and_o sound_a religion_n be_v like_o wormeaten_a lumber_n cast_v into_o the_o outhouse_n or_o like_o unfashionable_a furniture_n turn_v out_o of_o the_o chamber_n of_o note_n to_o adorn_v the_o nursery_n or_o the_o chaplain_n lodging_n i_o trow_v he_o will_v and_o have_v he_o he_o must_v have_v reproach_v many_o professor_n who_o now_o will_v pull_v
erudition_n seculi_fw-la a_o scientia_fw-la scripturarum_fw-la julianum_fw-la and_o s_o t_o cyrill_n say_v humane_a learning_n est_fw-la catechismus_fw-la ad_fw-la fidem_fw-la i_o will_v not_o deny_v but_o that_o great_a part_n be_v often_o hindrance_n to_o the_o work_n of_o grace_n in_o the_o soul_n man_n will_v not_o come_v off_o to_o christ_n without_o great_a ado_n who_o be_v wedge_v to_o the_o wisdom_n of_o this_o world_n which_o contradict_v the_o wisdom_n of_o god_n in_o the_o foolishness_n of_o preach_v learned_a pharisees_n be_v apt_a to_o reproach_n saint_n paul_n with_o the_o title_n of_o babbler_n minister_n like_o he_o in_o erasmus_n heologiae_fw-la who_o be_v 80_o year_n of_o age_n know_v nothing_o high_a in_o their_o call_n quam_fw-la in_o scholis_fw-la dialecticam_fw-la ac_fw-la philosophicam_fw-la vel_fw-la docere_fw-la vel_fw-la decertare_fw-la palestram_fw-la hîc_fw-la sine_fw-la sine_fw-la garrire_n ad_fw-la predicandum_fw-la christi_fw-la evangelium_fw-la elinquem_fw-la etc._n etc._n be_v in_o a_o kind_a monster_n these_o set_v the_o ass_n upon_o christi_n not_o christ_n upon_o the_o ass_n this_o to_o tolerate_v be_v as_o campanella_n well_o note_n 26._o to_o measure_v christ_n right_n by_o our_o straight_a and_o narrow_a model_n to_o hide_v as_o heathen_n do_v the_o light_n of_o scripture_n under_o a_o aristotelique_n bushel_n for_o sure_o the_o work_n of_o a_o minister_n of_o jesus_n christ_n be_v to_o preach_v the_o word_n in_o and_o out_o of_o season_n to_o treat_v of_o the_o mystery_n of_o faith_n not_o to_o trade_v in_o frivolous_a question_n and_o nice_a subtlety_n to_o acquaint_v the_o soul_n with_o what_o be_v god_n command_n and_o man_n duty_n by_o prayer_n to_o move_v god_n to_o mercy_n and_o by_o tear_n to_o prevoke_v man_n to_o pity_v themselves_o to_o raise_v a_o holy_a flame_n in_o the_o heart_n to_o god_n and_o to_o every_o thing_n that_o bear_v his_o likeness_n theologiae_n this_o as_o erasmus_n apposite_o note_n be_v the_o work_n of_o a_o minister_n and_o if_o some_o minister_n will_v consider_v this_o and_o more_o endeavour_n to_o be_v what_o god_n require_v they_o their_o success_n will_v be_v great_a than_o now_o it_o be_v for_o when_o people_n see_v such_o minister_n catch_v at_o this_o and_o hunt_v after_o that_o advantage_n instead_o of_o be_v crucify_v to_o the_o world_n and_o dead_a to_o the_o desire_n of_o it_o crucify_a the_o world_n by_o their_o discourse_n which_o preface_n it_o to_o bond_n and_o blood_n when_o they_o see_v they_o chemarim_n who_o fiery_a zeal_n and_o devout_a outside_n serve_v only_o to_o palliate_v covetuousness_n and_o pride_n they_o be_v much_o offend_v at_o and_o less_o resolute_a for_o the_o honour_n and_o estimation_n of_o the_o ministry_n and_o alas_o it_o be_v no_o new_a thing_n to_o see_v religion_n passive_a under_o politic_a project_n in_o coin_v which_o to_o the_o church_n dishonour_n as_o well_o as_o christ_n his_o pretend_a vicar_n be_v not_o behind_o hand_n for_o since_o pride_n and_o state_n have_v be_v incathedrate_v the_o priest_n be_v so_o confound_v in_o the_o prince_n the_o christian_a simplicity_n so_o overwinged_n by_o politic_a craft_n that_o they_o not_o only_o forget_v to_o be_v humble_a which_o erasmus_n note_v theolog._n nostri_fw-la temporis_fw-la episcopi_fw-la quidem_fw-la suos_fw-la habent_fw-la pro_fw-la seruis_fw-la emptitiis_fw-la imò_fw-la pro_fw-la pecudibus_fw-la but_o also_o charge_v the_o church_n with_o the_o burden_n of_o their_o spurious_a production_n and_o deny_v she_o the_o ordinance_n which_o christ_n have_v indulge_v she_o 195._o a_o learned_a father_n of_o our_o church_n in_o his_o notable_a treatise_n of_o schism_n late_o come_v forth_o have_v furnish_v i_o with_o a_o very_a pat_o and_o pregnant_a instance_n to_o this_o point_n the_o pope_n as_o head_n of_o the_o church_n to_o use_v their_o word_n be_v to_o supply_v the_o church_n with_o all_o necessary_n to_o doctrine_n and_o discipline_n and_o to_o the_o preservation_n of_o a_o succssion_n in_o the_o church_n to_o do_v which_o he_o be_v to_o propagate_v the_o episcopal_a order_n in_o all_o place_n under_o subjection_n to_o he_o upon_o the_o revolt_n of_o portugal_n he_o refuse_v to_o admit_v any_o new_a bishop_n there_o and_o the_o reason_n he_o give_v be_v lest_o by_o that_o he_o shall_v acknowledge_v or_o approve_v the_o title_n of_o the_o present_a king_n against_o his_o catholic_a son_n of_o spain_n by_o which_o neglect_n of_o he_o the_o episcopal_a order_n in_o portugal_n and_o the_o dominion_n annex_v to_o that_o crown_n be_v well_o near_o extinguish_v and_o scarce_o so_o many_o bishop_n be_v leave_v alive_a or_o can_v be_v draw_v together_o as_o to_o make_v a_o canonical_a ordination_n 3._o the_o three_o order_n of_o portugal_n do_v represent_v to_o the_o pope_n that_o in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o portugal_n and_o the_o algarbian_o wherein_o aught_o to_o have_v be_v three_o metrapolitans_n and_o suffragans_fw-la there_o be_v but_o one_o left_a and_o he_o by_o the_o pope_n dispensation_n nonresident_a and_o in_o all_o the_o astatique_a province_n but_o one_o other_o 20._o and_o he_o both_o sickly_a and_o decrepit_a and_o in_o all_o the_o aphrican_a and_o american_n province_n and_o the_o island_n not_o one_o survive_v so_o that_o as_o zealous_a as_o his_o holiness_n be_v for_o succession_n maintenance_n he_o can_v be_v content_v to_o endanger_v it_o to_o take_v a_o revenge_n or_o to_o show_v a_o displeasure_n thus_o between_o those_o who_o deny_v ordination_n and_o other_o who_o for_o private_a end_n disuse_n it_o the_o church_n suffer_v and_o christ_n holy_a ordinance_n have_v not_o its_o due_a reverence_n which_o the_o elder_a christian_n provide_v against_o this_o make_v they_o nourish_v up_o young_a plant_n to_o supply_v the_o decay_n of_o old_a standard_n they_o know_v that_o dangerous_a man_n and_o error_n will_v come_v in_o when_o apostolic_a man_n depart_v and_o as_o old_a ely_n nurse_v up_o young_a samuel_n so_o do_v they_o cherish_v the_o youth_n of_o after_o hope_n it_o be_v a_o good_a note_n of_o s_o t_o cyprian_a that_o the_o devil_n have_v no_o great_a envy_n against_o any_o than_o man_n in_o place_n and_o eminency_n in_o the_o church_n ut_fw-la gubernatore_fw-la sublato_fw-la cornel._n atrocius_fw-la atque_fw-la violentius_fw-la circa_fw-la ecclesiae_fw-la naufragia_fw-la grassetur_fw-la in_o the_o emperor_n adrian's_n time_n when_o man_n be_v giddy_a and_o have_v more_o itch_a ear_n and_o inquisitive_a head_n then_o before_o egesippus_fw-la note_v a_o crowd_n of_o error_n force_v the_o church_n and_o he_o assign_v this_o for_o reason_n man_n of_o apostolic_a ability_n be_v dead_a and_o those_o who_o succeed_v they_o be_v not_o so_o qualify_v to_o resist_v they_o by_o argument_n and_o the_o sacred_a force_n of_o reason_n and_o scripture_n they_o break_v in_o tanquam_fw-la in_o vacuam_fw-la domum_fw-la &_o custode_fw-la svo_fw-la privatam_fw-la a_o argument_n persuasive_a enough_o to_o christian_n that_o a_o learned_a ministry_n and_o school_n of_o institution_n be_v necessary_a and_o useful_a since_o nothing_o more_o disorder_n than_o error_n nothing_o soon_o discover_v it_o then_o be_v right_o use_v and_o carry_v on_o by_o the_o blessing_n of_o god_n alas_o error_n come_v with_o a_o topsail_n charge_v with_o the_o colour_n of_o truth_n and_o so_o dexterous_o be_v the_o craft_n of_o this_o piracy_n couch_v that_o none_o but_o a_o exact_a artist_n can_v discover_v it_o the_o arian_n and_o orthodox_n differ_v but_o in_o one_o letter_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 6._o yet_o upon_o that_o depend_v the_o honour_n of_o christ_n coaequality_n and_o coessency_n with_o the_o father_n how_o easy_o may_v zealous_a ignorance_n have_v dispense_v with_o a_o jota_n upon_o which_o so_o great_a a_o point_n of_o faith_n depend_v and_o so_o have_v give_v way_n to_o christ_n dishonour_n have_v not_o the_o father_n learned_o and_o with_o athanasian_n mettle_n withstand_v it_o o_o christian_n there_o be_v more_o go_v to_o make_v up_o the_o church_n and_o religion_n prosperity_n then_o good_a meaning_n there_o needs_o sound_a head_n as_o well_o as_o honest_a heart_n to_o make_v her_o terrible_a as_o a_o army_n with_o banner_n satan_n have_v more_o sophistry_n than_o a_o sigh_n or_o a_o elevation_n of_o the_o eye_n both_o good_a both_o beseem_a will_v enodate_v his_o craft_n wind_n itself_o into_o company_n with_o the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o ought_v he_o not_o be_v a_o notable_a craftsman_n who_o can_v cull_v the_o scab_a sheep_n out_o of_o the_o flock_n of_o faithful_a one_o lord_n what_o bait_n have_v he_o to_o beguile_v we_o with_o a_o apple_n for_o eve_n a_o look-back_a for_o lot_n wife_n a_o bathsheba_n for_o david_n a_o witch_n of_o endor_n for_o saul_n self-love_n for_o jo●as_n and_o fear_v for_o peter_n temptation_n and_o when_o he_o be_v most_o swell_a with_o malice_n than_o his_o mask_n be_v holiness_n servetus_n that_o blasphemous_a spaniard_n burn_v at_o geneva_n
pass_v by_o chance_n and_o as_o a_o spy_n not_o by_o licence_n s_o t_o augustine_n tell_v we_o of_o imperial_a law_n make_v against_o both_o heathen_a worship_n heretical_a write_n and_o outrage_n and_o i_o read_v of_o marcianus_n his_o edict_n against_o nice_a and_o useless_a disputation_n of_o divine_a mystery_n sum._n yea_o honorius_n and_o theodosius_n command_v the_o book_n of_o profane_a man_n write_v against_o the_o honour_n of_o religion_n and_o in_o defiance_n of_o the_o church_n to_o be_v burn_v in_o saint_n to_o jeroms_n time_n origen_n book_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d be_v ill_o resent_v by_o the_o orthodox_n ruffinus_n and_o pammachius_n carp_n at_o the_o father_n for_o translate_n it_o and_o charge_v the_o error_n therein_o upon_o he_o as_o make_v they_o legible_a by_o his_o edition_n of_o they_o which_o otherwise_o will_v not_o have_v be_v understand_v ruffin_n and_o saint_n t_o jerom_n be_v force_v to_o answer_v it_o thus_o what_o i_o do_v i_o do_v to_o discover_v truth_n do_v you_o think_v i_o a_o interpreter_n proditor_n fui_fw-la prodidi_fw-la haereticum_fw-la ut_fw-la ecclesiam_fw-la ab_fw-la haereticis_fw-la vindicarem_fw-la ruffinus_n be_v charge_v by_o pope_n anast●sius_n to_o have_v affix_v a_o martyr_n name_v to_o a_o heretical_a book_n johan_n on_o purpose_n to_o have_v it_o take_v more_o and_o spread_v far_o the_o book_n of_o the_o trinity_n charge_v on_o tertullian_n be_v not_o he_o 2._o no_o nor_o saint_n to_o cyprian_n but_o a_o novatian_o christ_n it_o have_v be_v ever_o a_o course_n in_o the_o church_n of_o god_n to_o censure_n and_o inhibit_v book_n and_o disputation_n which_o tend_v to_o destruction_n and_o not_o to_o edification_n and_o be_v so_o far_o from_o be_v a_o entrenchment_n on_o christian_a liberty_n or_o a_o burden_n to_o tender_a conscience_n that_o it_o argue_v a_o high_a and_o holy_a zeal_n well_o become_v christian_a polity_n and_o governor_n it_o be_v good_a counsel_n maecenas_n give_v augustus_n ut_fw-la ipse_fw-la deos_fw-la moribus_fw-la patriae_fw-la receptos_fw-la colat_fw-la &_o ad_fw-la eundem_fw-la cultum_fw-la alios_fw-la compellat_fw-la nec_fw-la deorum_fw-la contemptorem_fw-la qu●m_fw-la permittat_fw-la 35_o aut_fw-la prestigiatorem_fw-la tolerot_n haud_fw-la dubium_fw-la nihil_fw-la magni_fw-la futurum_fw-la qui_fw-la deos_fw-la contempserit_fw-la have_v thus_o short_o give_v a_o touch_n upon_o some_o of_o the_o most_o remarkable_a virtue_n of_o antiquity_n and_o elder_n christian_n my_o conclusion_n aim_v to_o draw_v a_o humble_a parallel_n to_o these_o excellent_a precedent_n from_o the_o notable_a christian_n and_o christian_a practice_n of_o this_o once_o glorious_a church_n the_o church_n of_o england_n i_o know_v comparison_n be_v odious_a and_o it_o ill_o become_v we_o to_o vie_v with_o father_n and_o martyr_n who_o life_n have_v be_v light_n and_o death_n harvest_n to_o aftertime_n yet_o in_o this_o case_n i_o conceive_v it_o pardonable_a to_o advance_v the_o mercy_n of_o god_n to_o we_o by_o this_o just_a and_o warrantable_a vindication_n 275_o and_o the_o rather_o because_o our_o mother_n misery_n seem_v to_o be_v a_o most_o triumphant_a gratification_n to_o her_o enemy_n make_v they_o conclude_v she_o forsake_v of_o god_n because_o smite_v by_o man_n and_o advantage_v the_o interest_n of_o the_o papacy_n as_o cardinal_n sfondrato_n upon_o the_o like_a ground_n in_o his_o negotiation_n with_o charles_n the_o five_o note_v to_o give_v then_o this_o inflammation_n some_o lenitive_a and_o to_o return_v their_o insultation_n a_o gentle_a refutation_n i_o shall_v hope_v by_o god_n leave_n to_o present_v she_o as_o famous_a for_o order_n and_o enconragement_n of_o learning_n and_o her_o professor_n as_o remarkable_a for_o their_o piety_n charity_n and_o policy_n as_o any_o christian_n that_o precede_v they_o and_o that_o not_o only_o before_o but_o also_o since_o the_o reformation_n of_o this_o church_n in_o the_o abjuration_n of_o popery_n first_o then_o the_o church_n of_o england_n since_o the_o reformation_n have_v have_v sundry_a pious_a prince_n and_o prelate_n who_o have_v with_o warm_a zeal_n maintain_v the_o honour_n of_o scripture_n allow_v it_o the_o only_a rule_n of_o faith_n both_o in_o the_o direct_a precept_n and_o necessary_a divine_a consequence_n draw_v from_o it_o forbid_v all_o tradition_n in_o competition_n with_o it_o all_o adulteration_n in_o allay_n of_o it_o and_o command_v its_o translation_n pure_o out_o of_o not_o understand_v tongue_n into_o the_o mother_n language_n that_o people_n may_v know_v and_o hear_v the_o will_n of_o god_n i●_n his_o word_n declare_v to_o they_o and_o celebrate_v all_o church-service_n so_o as_o people_n may_v be_v most_o edify_v by_o they_o this_o be_v no_o small_a advance_v from_o popery_n that_o religion_n grow_v english_a that_o care_n be_v take_v that_o in_o the_o lesson_n and_o liturgy_n of_o our_o service_n pure_a scripture_n be_v read_v and_o if_o any_o of_o the_o apocrypha_fw-la which_o but_o rare_o yet_o that_o only_o which_o be_v moral_o virtuous_a and_o least_o to_o be_v suspect_v or_o offensive_a in_o this_o church_n not_o only_o martyr_n in_o the_o day_n of_o queen_n mary_n die_v but_o also_o bishop_n and_o presbyter_n numberless_a ever_o since_o have_v preach_v and_o write_v for_o the_o honour_n of_o holy_a scripture_n as_o that_o which_o contain_v all_o thing_n necessary_a to_o salvation_n so_o declare_v the_o article_n of_o our_o church_n 39_o and_o though_o with_o grief_n i_o write_v it_o all_o of_o place_n and_o learning_n among_o we_o have_v not_o give_v scripture_n that_o testimony_n in_o their_o life_n but_o that_o a_o moral_a epictetus_n or_o a_o seneca_n may_v upbraid_v they_o yet_o the_o church_n in_o she_o aggregate_v consideration_n and_o thousand_o eminent_a in_o she_o have_v personal_o attest_v their_o obedience_n to_o scripture_n and_o bring_v all_o doctrine_n to_o the_o test_n of_o it_o according_a to_o that_o of_o the_o prophet_n 20._o to_o the_o law_n and_o to_o the_o testimony_n if_o they_o speak_v not_o according_a to_o that_o it_o be_v because_o there_o be_v no_o light_n in_o they_o therefore_o in_o the_o stat._n 1_o eliz._n c._n 1._o not_o the_o pope_n not_o partial_a and_o factious_a convention_n but_o the_o scripture_n be_v the_o judge_n of_o heresy_n and_o counsel_n right_o convene_v judge_v according_a to_o it_o this_o the_o laity_n declare_v not_o but_o upon_o serious_a consultation_n with_o the_o clergy_n in_o convocation_n that_o so_o every_o sanction_n may_v have_v its_o due_a weight_n i_o know_v there_o have_v be_v those_o that_o contrary_a to_o scripture_n have_v bring_v in_o 1._o though_o bless_a be_v god_n they_o have_v no_o root_n dangerous_a doctrine_n and_o practice_n threaten_v overthrow_n to_o our_o well-ordered_a discipline_n by_o their_o innovate_a pragmatiqueness_n but_o these_o be_v not_o own_v by_o any_o public_a canon_n or_o state_n law_n but_o upbraid_v as_o encroachment_n and_o open_o disgrace_v as_o scar_n to_o our_o religion_n and_o some_o of_o those_o that_o further_v this_o have_v account_v to_o god_n and_o man_n and_o therefore_o be_v to_o be_v pass_v over_o without_o further_a censure_n the_o church_n have_v ever_o be_v staunch_a and_o her_o doctrine_n apostolic_a bark_v at_o by_o many_o but_o overturn_v by_o none_o traduce_v for_o new_a and_o worthless_a but_o upon_o search_n find_v to_o be_v as_o the_o apple_n tree_n among_o the_o tree_n of_o the_o wood_n shady_a and_o fruitful_a comfortable_a in_o life_n and_o pleasant_a at_o the_o hour_n of_o death_n this_o make_v the_o l._n cromwell_n in_o h._n 8._o time_n in_o his_o last_o speech_n near_o his_o death_n call_v to_o the_o people_n to_o bear_v witness_n that_o he_o die_v in_o the_o catholic_a faith_n not_o doubt_v in_o any_o article_n of_o his_o faith_n no_o nor_o doubt_v in_o any_o sacrament_n of_o the_o church_n and_o all_o this_o because_o the_o article_n of_o faith_n be_v not_o found_v upon_o saint_n t_o franc_n s_o t_o dominick_n this_o pope_n or_o that_o council_n but_o upon_o the_o scripture_n upon_o prophet_n and_o apostle_n jesus_n christ_n be_v chief_a corner_n stone_n 2._o this_o church_n have_v answer_v primitive_a time_n in_o care_n of_o government_n ecclesiastic_a no_o nation_n in_o the_o world_n have_v a_o more_o thrive_a church_n than_o we_o in_o none_o more_o purity_n state_n decency_n learn_v than_o we_o in_o no_o church_n the_o clergy_n more_o honest_o privilege_v and_o respect_v then_o in_o we_o wherein_o government_n be_v not_o at_o the_o ordinary_n pleasure_n but_o limit_v and_o confine_v by_o law_n and_o fetter_v to_o prevent_v impertinent_a domineer_a in_o this_o government_n according_a to_o the_o pattern_n of_o elder_a time_n be_v avow_v the_o power_n of_o ruler_n and_o prince_n over_o all_o person_n within_o and_o pretender_n from_o without_o their_o dominion_n though_o not_o their_o power_n in_o sacris_fw-la yet_o circa_fw-la sacros_fw-la &_o in_o sacros_fw-la which_o every_o person_n in_o order_n be_v to_o subscribe_v