Selected quad for the lemma: reason_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
reason_n doctrine_n mark_v use_v 2,529 5 9.8912 5 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

All documents containing the selected quad are listed below. At the top of the list are documents containing denser examples of each quad, e.g. where each word in the quad may occur more than once in close proximity. Click ‘View Text’ to view the text containing the quad. Hover over column headings for further information.

Showing 1 to 13 of 13
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65936 That great duty and comfortable evidence (keeping our selves from our iniquity) opened and applied in some sermons upon Psal. 18, 23 / by John Whitlock. Whitlock, John, 1625-1709. 1698 (1698) Wing W2029; ESTC R26359 57,005 130 View Text
A12923 The triall of the supremacy wherein is set fourth ye unitie of christes church milita[n]t geue[n] to S. Peter and his successoures by Christe and that there ought to be one head bishop in earth Christes vicar generall ouer all hys churche militant: wyth answeres to the blasphemous obiections made agaynste the same in the late miserable yeres now paste. Standish, John, 1507?-1570. 1556 (1556) STC 23211; ESTC S100970 78,260 315 View Text
A36727 A conference between an orthodox Christian and a Socinian in four dialogues : wherein the late distinction of a real and nominal Trinitarian is considered / by H. de Lvzancy ... De Luzancy, H. C. (Hippolyte du Chastelet), d. 1713. 1698 (1698) Wing D2417; ESTC R31382 78,348 146 View Text
A19716 The care of a Christian conscience Ten sermons on the 25 psalme, preached in Tewkesburie in the countie of Gloucester, By Richard Curtis. Curteys, Richard, 1532?-1582. 1600 (1600) STC 6134; ESTC S111010 79,468 216 View Text
A62374 A brief and plain commentary with notes, not more useful than seasonable, upon the whole prophecie of Malachy delivered, sermon-wise, divers years since at Pitmister in Summerset / by William Sclater ... ; now published by his son William Sclater ... Sclater, William, 1609-1661. 1650 (1650) Wing S913; ESTC R17140 147,505 246 View Text
A68091 A preparation to the most holie ministerie wherein is set downe the true meanes to be well prepared to the same, by an exact description, and consideration, of the necessitie, excellencie, difficultie, and great profit therof; with the maruellous effects of the same: also a liuely exhortation to all youth, to giue themselues to the studie therof: and a confutation of the obiections which may be brought in any sort to touch the same: verie profitable and necessarie in these our times, ... Diuided into two bookes. Written in French by Peter Gerard, and translated into English by N.B. Gerard, Pierre. 1598 (1598) STC 11754; ESTC S108635 151,047 320 View Text
A12516 Dauids repentance, or, A plaine and familiar exposition of the 51 psalme first preached and now published for the benefite of Gods church : wherein euery faithfull Christian may see before his eyes the patterne of vnfeigned repentance, whereby we may take heed of the falling into sinne againe. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1614 (1614) STC 22841.7; ESTC S3155 194,670 580 View Text
A17384 A commentary: or, sermons vpon the second chapter of the first epistle of Saint Peter vvherein method, sense, doctrine, and vse, is, with great variety of matter, profitably handled; and sundry heads of diuinity largely discussed. By Nicholas Byfield, late preacher of God's Word at Isle-worth in Middlesex. Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622.; Gouge, William, 1578-1653. 1623 (1623) STC 4211; ESTC S107078 497,216 958 View Text
A30242 The Scripture directory for church-officers and people, or, A practical commentary upon the whole third chapter of the first Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians to which is annexed The godly and the natural mans choice, upon Psal. 4, vers. 6, 7, 8 / by Anthony Burgesse ... Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664. 1659 (1659) Wing B5656; Wing B5648_CANCELLED; ESTC R3908 509,568 411 View Text
A03342 CVIII lectures vpon the fourth of Iohn Preached at Ashby-Delazouch in Leicester-shire. By that late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ. Arthur Hildersam.; Lectures upon the fourth of John Hildersam, Arthur, 1563-1632.; Cotton, John, 1584-1652. 1632 (1632) STC 13462; ESTC S119430 700,546 622 View Text
A15525 A commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes Containing for matter, the degeneration of our nature by Adams Fall; and the restauration thereof, by the grace of Christ. Together with the perfection of faith, and the imbecillity of workes, in the cause of iustification of elect sinners before God. For forme and maner of handling, it hath the coherence and method, the summe and scope, the interpretations & doctrines the reasons and vses, of most texts. All which, are set downe very familiarly and compendiously, in forme of a dialogue, betweene Tlmotheus [sic] and Silas, by Thomas Wilson, one of the six preachers in the cathedrall church of Canterbury. Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622. 1614 (1614) STC 25791; ESTC S120148 882,533 1,268 View Text
A57530 Naaman the Syrian his disease and cure discovering lively to the reader the spirituall leprosie of sinne and selfe-love, together with the remedies, viz. selfe-deniall and faith ... with an alphabeticall table, very necessary for the readers understanding to finde each severall thing contained in this booke / by Daniel Rogers. D. R. (Daniel Rogers), 1573-1652. 1642 (1642) Wing R1799; ESTC R28805 900,058 728 View Text
A68831 The vvhole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes, three worthy martyrs, and principall teachers of this Churche of England collected and compiled in one tome togither, beyng before scattered, [and] now in print here exhibited to the Church. To the prayse of God, and profite of all good Christian readers.; Works Tyndale, William, d. 1536.; Barnes, Robert, 1495-1540. Works. aut; Frith, John, 1503-1533. Works. aut; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. Actes and monuments. Selections. 1573 (1573) STC 24436; ESTC S117761 1,582,599 896 View Text
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