Selected quad for the lemma: reason_n

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reason_n commandment_n day_n sabbath_n 4,473 5 9.9336 5 true
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Showing 1 to 100 of 215
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33397 A serious and brief discourse touching the Sabbath-Day intended to decide and determine all controversies respecting that subject / by Thomas Cleadon ... Cleadon, Thomas. 1674 (1674) Wing C4624; ESTC R35646 8,024 12 View Text
A93321 An appeal to the consciences of the chief magistrates of this Commonvvealth, touching the Sabbath-day: as held forth in a book intituled, Articles of religion approved and passed by both Houses of Parliament, after advice had with the Assembly of Divines, &c. Printed in the year 1648. As also in another book intituled, The grounds and principles of religion, contained in a short catechism, &c. And published by the same order. By William Saller, and John Spittlehouse, in the behalf of themselves and several others, who think themselves obliged to observe the seventh day of the week, for the Lords holy Sabbath ... Saller, William, d. ca. 1680.; Spittlehouse, John. 1657 (1657) Wing S397; Thomason E909_8; ESTC R203443 8,111 15 View Text
A29458 A Brief instruction in the principles of Christian religion agreeable to the confession of faith, put forth by the elders and brethren of many congregations of Christians, (baptized upon profession of their faith) in London and the country, owning the doctrine of personal election, and final perseverance. 1605 (1605) Wing B4602; ESTC R40299 13,302 26 View Text
A26814 The morality of the seventh-day-Sabbath disproved in answer to C.T. Tillam's book, entituled, A present from prison, dedicated to L.C. Hobson ... / written by the learned J.B., Master of arts, at the request of the said L.C. Hobson. J. B. 1683 (1683) Wing B113; ESTC R32844 17,167 24 View Text
A11626 God and the king in a sermon preached at the Assises holden at Bury S. Edmonds, June 13. 1631. By Thomas Scot Batchelour in Divinitie, and minister of the word at S. Clements in Ipswich. Scot, Thomas, minister at St. Clement's, Ipswich. 1633 (1633) STC 21873; ESTC S100056 17,205 34 View Text
B01950 The catechisme in the Book of Common-prayer explained. 1672 (1672) Wing C1475AB; ESTC R173609 20,632 60 View Text
A10094 The doctrine of the Sabbath· Delivered in the Act at Oxon. anno, 1622. By Dr. Prideaux his Majesties professour for divinity in that Vniversity. And now translated into English for the benefit of the common people. Prideaux, John, 1578-1650.; Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. 1634 (1634) STC 20348; ESTC S115223 22,039 62 View Text
A48430 A thanksgiving sermon preached at Christ-Church before the lords justices and council upon the 23 of October, 1661, by W.L., D.D., chaunter of Christ-Church, Dublin. Lightburn, William. 1661 (1661) Wing L2050; ESTC R37978 22,325 29 View Text
A43869 A short but cleare discovrse of the institiution, dignity, and end of the Lords-day upon occasion of those words of St. Iohn ... / written by George Hakewill ... Hakewill, George, 1578-1649. 1641 (1641) Wing H209; ESTC R18460 22,776 41 View Text
A16724 A second treatise of the Sabbath, or an explication of the Fourth Commandement. Written, by Mr Edward Brerewood professor in Gresham Colledge in London Brerewood, Edward, 1565?-1613. 1632 (1632) STC 3624; ESTC S106452 23,669 52 View Text
A44678 A funeral sermon for Mrs. Esther Sampson the late wife of Henry Sampson, Dr. of Physick, who died Nov. 24. 1689 / by John Howe ... Howe, John, 1630-1705. 1690 (1690) Wing H3026; ESTC R19694 24,476 33 View Text
A07354 Mayers catechisme abridged. Or the A.B.C. inlarged With many necessary questions fitted vnto it, for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually. A duty to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authoritie. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1623 (1623) STC 17739; ESTC S107048 24,537 78 View Text
A60393 A catalogve of superstitons innovations in the change of services and ceremonies, of presumptuous irregularities, and transgressions, against the Articles of Religion, Act of Parliament for uniformity, canons, advertisements, injunctions, and homilies and lastly, of sundry perjurious violations of the locall statutes of Durham Cathedrall church, which the dean and presendaries, and all other members of the said church, took their corporall oaths, to observe, and obey, at their admittance and installation, according to that in the 13. Chap. De admissione Canonicorum ... / opposed by Peter Smart ... Smart, Peter, 1569-1652? 1642 (1642) Wing S4013; ESTC R560 24,629 36 View Text
B07589 A treasure of knowledge: springing from the fountaine of godlinesse, which is the word of God. A little catechisme, wherin is handled the doctrine of the knowledge of God in Iesus Christ. : Also a briefe and pithie exposition of the Ten Commandements of almightie God ... / plainely expounded and delclared in questions and answers, by the late faithfull minister and seruant of Iesus Christ, William Dyke.. Dyke, William 1620 (1620) STC 7431.5; ESTC S91798 25,491 89 View Text
A14213 A verie profitable and necessarie discourse concerning the obseruation and keeping of the Sabboth day seruing as well to confute the superstition of the Iewes, which obstinately vrge the strict keeping of the seuenth day, as also to ouerthrowe the vaine and godlesse reasons of others, that stiffely at this day maintaine, that Christians ought to keepe no set or appoynted time to worship and serue the Lord in, in his church and faithfull congregation. Written in Latine by Zacharias Vrsinus, sometimes reader of the diuinitie lecture in the Vniuersitie of Heidelberg in Germanie, and very nevvly turned into English, by Iohn Stockvvood schoolemaster of Tunbridge. Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Stockwood, John, d. 1610. 1584 (1584) STC 24528; ESTC S103618 26,018 66 View Text
A94824 The zealous magistrate. Set forth in a sermon, preached in Exeter, before the Right Honourable Sir Robert Foster, his Majesties justice of assize for the western circuit. / By Thomas Trescot, master of arts, and rector of the church of Invvardleigh in Detton. It is this 10th day of October 1642. (by the committee of the House of Commons concerning printing) ordered, that this book, intituled, The zealous magistrate, &c. be printed. Iohn White. Trescot, Thomas, 1611 or 12-1684.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1643 (1643) Wing T2126; Thomason E89_4; ESTC R12172 26,564 40 View Text
A60508 A Sabbath of rest to be kept by the saints here, or, A treatise of the Sabbath, and such holy and religious duties as are required for the sanctification of it, the great Sabbath of rest that remaineth to be kept by God's saints hereafter delivered in divers sermons upon Heb. 4. 9. / by Nicholas Smith ... Smith, Nicholas, d. 1680. 1675 (1675) Wing S4139; ESTC R12921 26,607 40 View Text
A16915 Three questions ansvvered I. Question. What should our meaning be, when after the reading of the fourth Commandement, we pray; Lord incline our hearts to keepe this law? II. Question. How shall the fourth Commandement, being deliuered in such forme of words, binde vs to sanctifie any day, but onely the seauenth, the day wherein God rested, & which the Iewes sanctified? III. Question. How shall it appeare to be the law of nature to sanctifie one day in every weeke? Broad, Thomas, 1577 or 8-1635. 1622 (1622) STC 3806; ESTC S106710 26,614 43 View Text
A17292 A brief answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath day digested dialogue-wise between two divines, A. and B. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1635 (1635) STC 4137.7; ESTC S4551 27,721 34 View Text
A20412 Milke for babes The English catechisme, set downe in the Common-Prayer Booke, breifly explaned for the private vse of the younger and more vnlearned sort of his parishioners of Apleton, in the county of Berks: By W.D. Dickinson, William, b. 1584 or 5. 1628 (1628) STC 6822; ESTC S118600 33,759 48 View Text
A28867 The principles of religion by Edward Boughen. Boughen, Edward, 1587?-1660? 1646 (1646) Wing B3816; ESTC R24142 34,491 87 View Text
B00785 Meditations for the passion weeke following the order of the time and story. / By N. Taylour.. Taylour, N. (Nathanael). 1627 (1627) STC 23857.5; ESTC S95495 34,588 201 View Text
A30704 The judgment of Mr. Francis Bampfield late minister of Sherborne in Dorsetshire for the observation of the Jewish, or seventh day Sabboth with his reasons and Scriptures for the same, sent in a letter to Mr. Ben of Dorchester : together with Mr. Ben's sober answer to the same and a vindication of the Christian Sabboth against the Jewish : published for the satisfaction of divers friends in the west of England. Bampfield, Francis, 1615 or 16-1683.; Benn, William, 1600-1680. 1672 (1672) Wing B624; ESTC R22838 34,738 95 View Text
A53192 The doctrine of the Fourth Commandement, deformed by popery, reformed & restored to its primitive purity wherein is clearely proved by Scripture, arguments, and reasons, that the seventh day of the week, and not the first, viz. the day called Saturday (and not the day called Sunday) is the true Christian Sabbath ... / objections answered, and the truth cleared, by Gods unworthy servant, J.O. Ockford, James. 1650 (1650) Wing O128AA; ESTC R41358 35,090 80 View Text
A44280 An essay concerning the Sabbath, or, The Sabbath-days rest from controversie wherein is asserted that our Christian Sabbath, Lords-day, or Sunday is the very same day of the week which was anciently observed by the Jews and Gentiles for the solemn day of their solemn weekly worship, before Israels coming out of Ægypt and after that by gentiles : prefaced, with an introduction thereunto touching the true meaning of Gen. 2 v, 2, 3 / by N. Homes. Homes, Nathanael, 1599-1678. 1673 (1673) Wing H2564; ESTC R28681 38,857 162 View Text
A93852 The royal law contended for, or, Some brief grounds serving to prove that the Ten Commandments are yet in full force, and shall so remain till heaven and earth pass away. Also the seventh day Sabbath, proved from the beginning, from the law, from the prophets, from Christ, from his apostles, to be a duty yet incumbent upon saints and sinners. / By a lover of peace with truth Edward Stennet. Stennett, Edward, d. 1690? 1658 (1658) Wing S5402B; ESTC R184622 38,860 48 View Text
A77209 An answer to M. Cawdry's two books of the Sabbath, lately come forth Wherein the author doth two things: 1. He vindicates himselfe from Mr Cawdrie's unfriendly abuse of him, in fathering upon him three texts of scripture, and three arguments deduced from them, to prove the perpetuity of the antient Sabbath, ... Wherein the author hath 1. Answered and confuted all that Mr. Cawdry hath wrote to corrupt the sense and meaning of the Commandement. 2. He hath restored the antient, genuine, and proper sense of the Commandement: and confirmed it by sundry undeniable arguments. By Theophilus Brabourne. Brabourne, Theophilus, b. 1590. 1654 (1654) Wing B4088; ESTC R229562 39,309 117 View Text
A58134 An explication of the Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer with the addition of some forms of prayer / by John Rawlet ... Rawlet, John, 1642-1686. 1672 (1672) Wing R356; ESTC R4882 40,637 120 View Text
B09143 The watering of the olive plant in Christs garden. Or A short catechism for the first entrance of our Chelmesford children: Enlarged by a three-fold appendix / by John Fisk ... Fiske, John, 1601-1677. 1657 (1657) Wing F1062; ESTC W24610 42,394 93 View Text
A38702 The defence of Iohn Etherington against Steven Denison and his witnesses their accusatons and depositions vvherein their whole proceedings and ground whereupon he was censured and committed to prison by the high commission court is in brief declared : which he having now opportunitie and speciall occasion also urging, thought needfull to publish. Etherington, John, fl. 1641-1645. 1641 (1641) Wing E3384; ESTC R7935 45,195 66 View Text
A69228 A discourse of the Sabbath and the Lords Day Wherein the difference both in their institution and their due observation is briefly handled. By Christopher Dow, B.D. Dow, Christopher, B.D. 1636 (1636) STC 7088; ESTC S110113 45,823 80 View Text
A89447 A box of spikenard newly broken not so much for the preparation of the burial; as for the clearer illustration, and exornation of the birth and nativity of our blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. Contained in a short and sweet discourse which was at first hinted, and occasioned through a question propounded by R.B.P. de K. Which is now answered and resloved by T.M. P. de P. Malpas, Thomas. 1659 (1659) Wing M340; Thomason E2140_2; ESTC R208367 46,250 128 View Text
A45353 An account of familism as it is revived and propagated by the Quakers shewing the dangerousness of their tenets, and their inconsistency with the principles of common reason and the declarations of Holy Scripture / by Henry Hallywell. Hallywell, Henry, d. 1703? 1673 (1673) Wing H458; ESTC R25413 52,525 144 View Text
A27442 The Church of England evidently proved the holy catholick church by Peter Berault ... Berault, Peter. 1682 (1682) Wing B1948A; ESTC R22975 53,217 264 View Text
A17305 The law and the Gospell reconciled. Or the euangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace A treatise shewing the perpetuall vse of the morall law vnder the Gospell to beleeuers; in answere to a letter written by an antinomian to a faithfull Christian. Also how the morality of the 4th Commandement is continued in the Lords day, proued the Christian Sabbath by diuine institution. A briefe catalogue of the antinomian doctrines. By Henry Burton. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1631 (1631) STC 4152; ESTC S106965 54,375 114 View Text
A69197 The white wolfe, or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, Feb. 11 being the last Sonday in Hillarie tearme, anno 1627, and printed somewhat more largely then the time would permit at that present to deliuer wherein faction is vnmasked, and iustly taxed without malice, for the safetie of weake Christians : especially, the Hetheringtonian faction growne very impudent in this citie of late yeeres, is here confuted / by Stephen Denison... Denison, Stephen, d. 1649 or 50. 1627 (1627) STC 6607.5; ESTC S109591 56,251 87 View Text
A38609 New observations upon the decalogue: or The second of the four parts of Christian doctrine, preached upon the catechism. By John Despagne Minister of the Gospel; Novelles observations sur le decalogue. English. Espagne, Jean d', 1591-1659. 1652 (1652) Wing E3263A; ESTC R217341 56,517 213 View Text
A33970 A modest plea for the Lords Day or rather the summe of the plea made by divines for the Lords Day as the Christian Sabbath, against those who contend for the old Sabbath of the seventh day, in order from the creation / by J.C., D.D. Collinges, John, 1623-1690. 1669 (1669) Wing C5327; ESTC R43109 56,915 142 View Text
A42819 Philosophia pia, or, A discourse of the religious temper and tendencies of the experimental philosophy which is profest by the Royal Society to which is annext a recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion / by Jos. Glanvill ... Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. 1671 (1671) Wing G817; ESTC R23327 57,529 244 View Text
B09144 An explanation of the solemn advice, recommended by the Council in Connecticut Colony, to the inhabitants of that jurisdiction, respecting the reformation of those evils, which have been the procuring cause of the late judgments upon New-England. By Mr. James Fitch ... Fitch, James, 1622-1702.; Mather, Increase, 1639-1723.; Fitch, James, 1622-1702. Brief discourse proving that the first day of the week is the Christian Sabbath.; Connecticut. Council. 1683 (1683) Wing F1063; ESTC W24614 58,047 146 View Text
A10834 A iust and necessarie apologie of certain Christians, no lesse contumeliously then commonly called Brownists or Barrowists. By Mr. Iohn Robinson, pastor of the English Church at Leyden, first published in Latin in his and the churches name over which he was set, after translated into English by himself, and now republished for the speciall and common good of our own countrimen; Apologia justa et necessaria quorundum Christianorum, aeque contumeliose ac communiter, dictorum Brownistarum sive Barrowistarum. English Robinson, John, 1575?-1625. 1625 (1625) STC 21108; ESTC S102955 59,722 74 View Text
A26693 A most familiar explanation of the Assemblies shorter catechism wherein their larger answers are broken into lesser parcels, thereby to let in the light by degrees into the minds of the learners : to which is added in the close, a most brief help for the necessary but much neglected duty of self-examination to be daily perused : and to this is subjoined a letter of Christian counsel to a destitute flock / by Jos. Allaine. Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Shorter catechism. 1674 (1674) Wing A974; ESTC R25230 60,470 184 View Text
A25343 Ancient truth revived, or, A True state of the antient, suffering Church of Christ, commonly (but falsly) called Brownists, living in London, and other places of this nation wherein I. Is shewed (in the preface) the state of the gospel-church, from the time of Christ's ascension, to the end of the world, gathered out of the book of Revelations, II. The confession of our faith, grounded on the doctrine of the apostles and prophets, III. By vvhom the gospel vvas first preached in this island, IV. Our practice in the worship of God, according to the practice of the primitive church, with an explanation of every ordinance, and vvho have right to administer the same, V. The first day of the week proved to be the gospel-sabbath. 1677 (1677) Wing A3076; ESTC R40283 61,216 57 View Text
A56393 Reasons for abrogating the test imposed upon all members of Parliament, anno 1678, Octob. 30 in these words, I A.B. do solemnly and sincerely, in the presence of God, profess, testifie, and declare, that I do believe that in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper there is not any transubstantiation of the elements of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, at, or after the consecration thereof by any person whatsoever, and that the invocation or adoration of the Virgin Mary, or any other saint, and the sacrifice of the mass, as they are now used in the Church of Rome, are superstitious and idolatrous : first written for the author's own satisfaction, and now published for the benefit of all others whom it may concern. Parker, Samuel, 1640-1688. 1688 (1688) Wing P467; ESTC R5001 62,716 138 View Text
A30904 Truth cleared of calumnies wherein a book intituled, A dialogue betwixt a Quaker and a stable Christian (printed at Aberdeen, and upon good ground judged to be writ by William Mitchell ...) is examined, and the disingenuity of the author, in his representing the Quakers is discovered : here is also their case truly stated, cleared, demonstrated, and the objections of their opposers answered according to truth, Scripture, and right reason / by Robert Barclay. Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. 1670 (1670) Wing B738; ESTC R22049 63,242 72 View Text
B05943 The royall advocate. Or, An introduction to the magnificent and honourable laws of Jehovah the Lord Christ, now contaminated and despised by the present army-men of this nation. Asserting and controverting the holinesse, righteousness, perfectnesse, and universallity thereof, of divine right: in opposition to the heathenish, and antichristian laws, traditions, and vaine imaginations of the past and present, pretended Christian magistrates of this nation which they yet so much dote upon and endeavour to support, against the alone law giver, lord of heaven and earth, god of gods, king of kings, and lord of lords. / Published by John Spittle-house, now a prisoner for his testimony against the idolatry and tryanny of the present army men, priests, lawyers &c ... Spittlehouse, John. 1655 (1655) Wing S5014; ESTC R184541 66,921 80 View Text
A07477 Spirituall food, and physick vis. Milke for the younger. Meat for the stronger. The substance of diuinitie. A pill to purge out poperie.; Pill to purge out poperie Mico, John.; Mico, John. A pill to purge out poperie. 1623 (1623) STC 17861; ESTC S102271 67,531 192 View Text
A13744 [The confutation of follie] Thorne, Henry, fl. 1567-1584. 1584 (1584) STC 24040.5; ESTC S2932 68,639 163 View Text
A17410 The rules of a holy life. Or A treatise containing the holy order of our liues, prescribed in the Scripture concerning our carriage: towards God, towards men, towards our selues. With generall rules of preparation, that concerne either the helps, or the maner of a holy conuersation. By N. Bifield preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex. Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622. 1619 (1619) STC 4233.5; ESTC S122202 69,705 372 View Text
A81985 The Protestants practice, or The compleat Christian. Being the true and perfect way to the celestiall Canaan. Necessary for the bringing up of young and the estabilshing of old Christians in the faith of the Gospel: the use whereof in families will preserve them from the errors of the times. / By a Reverend Father of the Church of England. Davies, Athanasius, b. 1620 or 21. 1656 (1656) Wing D395; Thomason E1708_1; ESTC R209509 72,826 348 View Text
A47220 An exposition on the church-catechism, or, The practice of divine love composed for the Diocese of Bath & Wells. Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. 1685 (1685) Wing K261; ESTC R23977 74,137 105 View Text
A69277 An exposition of the ten commandements of God vvherein the principall and most materiall doctrines are set downe; by Edvvard Elton, bachelor in diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word at Saint Marie Magdalens Barmondsey neare London.; Plaine and easie exposition of sixe of the commandements of God in tables Elton, Edward, d. 1624. 1623 (1623) STC 7620.5; ESTC S113641 75,017 260 View Text
A57682 Infant-Baptism; or, Infant-sprinkling (as the Anabaptists ironically term it,) asserted and maintained by the scriptures, and authorities of the primitive fathers. Together with a reply to a pretended answer. To which has been added, a sermon preached on occasion of the author's baptizing an adult person. With some enlargements. By J. R. rector of Lezant in Cornwal.; Infant-Baptism. J. R. (James Rossington), b. 1642 or 3. 1700 (1700) Wing R1993; ESTC R218405 76,431 137 View Text
A85880 The trumpet in Sion, sounding a general alarm in the nation. By J.G.G. Gailhard, J. (Jean). 1700 (1700) Wing G42A; ESTC R232835 76,533 150 View Text
A91155 A briefe polemicall dissertation, concerning the true time of the inchoation and determination of the Lordsday-Sabbath. Wherein is clearly and irrefragably manifested by Scripture, reason, authorities, in all ages till this present: that the Lordsday begins and ends at evening; and ought to be solemnized from evening to evening: against the novel errours, mistakes of such, who groundlesly assert; that it begins and ends at midnight, or day-breaking; and ought to be sanctified from midnight to midnight, or morning to morning: whose arguments are here examined, refuted as unsound, absurd, frivolous. Compiled in the Tower of London, and now published, for the information, reformation of all contrary judgment or practise. By William Prynne of Swainswick Esq;. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1654 (1654) Wing P3916; Thomason E814_11 82,955 107 View Text
A17258 A guide vnto godlinesse: or, A plaine and familiar explanation of the ten commandements, by questions and answeres fittest for the instruction of the simple and ignorant people. By Francis Bunny, one of the prebendaries of the Cathedrall Church of Durham.; Guide unto godlinesse. Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1617 (1617) STC 4100; ESTC S119539 83,481 241 View Text
A67379 A defense of the Christian Sabbath in answer to a treatise of Mr. Tho. Bampfield pleading for Saturday-sabbath / by John Wallis. Wallis, John, 1616-1703. 1692 (1692) Wing W569; ESTC R2541 83,482 87 View Text
A51998 A tract on the Sabbath-Day wherein the keeping of the first-day of the week a Sabbath is justified by a divine command and a double example contained in the Old and New Testament : with answers to the chiefest objections made by the Jewish seventh-day Sabbatharians and others / by Isaac Marlow. Marlow, Isaac. 1694 (1694) Wing M695; ESTC R32053 84,294 98 View Text
A95360 An abridgement of Christian doctrine: with proofs of Scripture for points controverted. : Catechistically explained by way of question and answer. Turberville, Henry, d. 1678. 1648 (1648) Wing T3252B; ESTC R185778 84,943 340 View Text
A67875 Laudensium apostasia: or A dialogue in which is shewen, that some divines risen up in our church since the greatness of the late archbishop, are in sundry points of great moment, quite fallen off from the doctrine received in the Church of England. By Henry Hickman fellow of Magd. Colledg Oxon. Hickman, Henry, d. 1692. 1660 (1660) Wing H1911; ESTC R208512 84,970 112 View Text
A89779 The temple measured: or, A brief survey of the temple mystical, which is the instituted church of Christ. Wherein are solidly and modestly discussed, most of the material questions touching the constitution and government of the visible church militant here on earth. Together with the solution of all sorts of objections which are usually framed against the model and platform of ecclesiastical polity, which is here asserted and maintained. In particular here are debated, the points of so much controversie, touching the unity of the church, the members of the church, the form of the church, and church covenant, the power of the church, the officers of the church, and their power in church-government, the power of magistrates about the church, and some church acts, as admission of members, and other things set down in the table before the book. / By James Noyes teacher of the church at Newbery in New England. Noyes, James, 1608-1656. 1646 (1646) Wing N1460; Thomason E359_12; ESTC R201171 85,622 104 View Text
A78513 A brief tract on the fourth commandment wherein is discover'd the cause of all our controversies about the Sabbath-day, and the means of reconciling them ...Recommended by the Reverend Dr. Bates, and Mr. John How. Chafie, Thomas. 1692 (1692) Wing C1789; Wing B1099; ESTC R19953 88,157 93 View Text
A33370 A paradisical dialogue betwixt faith and reason disputing the high mysterious secrets of eternity, the like never extant in our revelation. As touching God in eternity, how he became time in flesh, and how he dyed in the grave, and ascended to his glory again. Also what the angels are in form and nature, and how the angel became a devil, and that devil man; and that this world was prepared for the devil, so this the devils kingdom; and what the soul is, with the place of its glory and torment. With a brief narration what a commission is, and how many commissions there are; what the difference of their worships, and how that the law was given to the devil; with a brief discourse on the catechism, the Lords Prayer, and the creeds; as also, a divine prospect to the elect of the Lord. Written by Law. Claxton, the onely true bishop and faithful messenger of Christ Jesus, creator of heaven and earth. Claxton, Laurence, 1615-1667. 1660 (1660) Wing C4581; ESTC R215220 88,691 122 View Text
A62539 The seventh-day Sabbath sought out and celebrated, or, The saints last design upon the man of sin with their advance of Gods first institution to its primitive perfection ... : with the Christians glorious conquest over that mark of the beast, and recovery of the long-slighted seventh day to its antient glory, wherein Mr. Aspinwal may receive full answer to his late piece against the Sabbath / by Tho. Tillam ... Tillam, Thomas. 1657 (1657) Wing T1166; ESTC R4598 92,585 216 View Text
A47791 God's Sabbath before, under the law and under the Gospel briefly vindicated from novell and heterodox assertions / by Hamon L'Estrange ... L'Estrange, Hamon, 1605-1660. 1641 (1641) Wing L1188; ESTC R14890 92,840 157 View Text
A16568 A discourse vpon the Sabbath day Wherin are handled these particulares ensuinge. 1. That the Lords day is not Sabbath day, by divine iustification. 2. An exposition of the 4. commandement, so farr fort has may give light vnto the ensueinge discourse: and particularly, here it is showne, at what time the Sabbath day should begine and end; for the satisfaction of those who are doubtfull in this point. 3. That the seaventh day Sabbath is not abolished. 4. That the seaventh day Sabbath is now still in force. 5. The authors exhortation and reasones, that neverthelesse there be no rente from our Church as touching practise. Written by Theophilus Brabourne. Brabourne, Theophilus, b. 1590. 1628 (1628) STC 3474; ESTC S120444 95,505 198 View Text
A73399 An examination and confutation of a lawlesse pamphlet, intituled, A briefe answer to a late treatise of the Sabbath-day: digested dialogue-wise betweene two divines, A and B. By Dr. Fr. White, L. Bishop of Ely White, Francis, 1564?-1638.; White, Francis, 1564?-1638. Treatise of the Sabbath-day. 1637 (1637) STC 25379.5; ESTC S124620 96,141 174 View Text
A12120 The countryman vvith his houshold Being a familiar conference, concerning faith towards God, and good workes before men; fitted for the capacitie of the meanest. By R.S. preacher of the word at Arley. See the contents more particularly before the booke. Sherrard, Robert. 1620 (1620) STC 22427; ESTC S102598 97,338 274 View Text
A39813 A fathers testament. Written long since for the benefit of the particular relations of the authour, Phin. Fletcher; sometime Minister of the Gospel at Hillgay in Norfolk. And now made publick at the desire of friends. Fletcher, Phineas, 1582-1650. 1670 (1670) Wing F1355; ESTC R201787 98,546 240 View Text
A62870 Præcursor, or, A forerunner to a large review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism wherein many things both doctrinall and personal are cleared, about which Mr. Richard Baxter, in a book mock-titled Plain Scripture-proof of infants church-membership and baptism hath darkned the truth / by John Tomes. Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. 1652 (1652) Wing T1812; ESTC R27540 101,567 110 View Text
A25895 The Art of catechising, or, The compleat catechist in four parts ... 1691 (1691) Wing A3786; ESTC R5214 104,546 218 View Text
A86302 Respondet Petrus: or, The answer of Peter Heylyn D.D. to so much of Dr. Bernard's book entituled, The judgement of the late Primate of Ireland, &c. as he is made a party to by the said Lord Primate in the point of the Sabbath, and by the said doctor in some others. To which is added an appendix in answer to certain passages in Mr Sandersons History of the life and reign of K· Charles, relating to the Lord Primate, the articles of Ireland, and the Earl of Strafford, in which the respondent is concerned. Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. 1658 (1658) Wing H1732; Thomason E938_4; Thomason E938_5; ESTC R6988 109,756 140 View Text
A19634 The guide vnto true blessednesse. Or, A body of the doctrine of the Scriptures, directing man to the sauing knowledge of God. Collected by Sam. Crooke Crook, Samuel, 1575-1649. 1613 (1613) STC 6066; ESTC S117175 109,968 342 View Text
A34242 The confession of faith ; and, The larger and shorter catechism first agreed upon by the Westminster Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and now approved by the General Assembly of the kirk of Scotland to be a part of uniformity in religion between the kirks of Christ in the three kingdoms.; Westminster Confession of Faith. Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. Summe of saving knowledge.; Church of Scotland. General Assembly.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Larger catechism.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Shorter catechism. 1671 (1671) Wing C5769; ESTC R27273 112,419 253 View Text
A74656 Expository notes, with practical observations; towards the opening of the five first chapters of the first book of Moses called Genesis. Delivered by way of exposition in several lords-dayes exercises. By Benjamin Needler, minister of the gospel at Margaret Moses Friday-Street, London. Needler, Benjamin, 1620-1682. 1654 (1654) Wing N412; Thomason E1443_2; ESTC R209640 117,247 301 View Text
A19560 Institutiones piæ or directions to pray also a short exposition of the Lords Prayer the Creed the 10 Com[m]andements Seauen Penitentiall Psalmes and Seauen Psalmes of thanksgiuing. by HI. Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.; Isaacson, Henry, 1581-1654. 1630 (1630) STC 599; ESTC S101694 117,554 422 View Text
A80754 The covenant of God with Abraham, opened. Wherein I. The duty of infant-baptism is cleared. II. Something added concerning the Sabbath, and the nature and increase of the kingdome of Christ. Together with a short discourse concerning the manifestations of God unto his people in the last dayes. Wherein is shewed the manner of the spirits work therein to be in the use of ordinary gifts, not by extraordinary revelations. / By William Carter minister of the gospel in London. Carter, William, 1605-1658. 1654 (1654) Wing C679; Thomason E811_5; ESTC R207606 118,861 192 View Text
A64986 An explicatory catechism: or, An explanation of the assemblies shorter catechism Wherein those principles are enlarged upon especially, which obviate the great and growing errors of Popery; useful for those families that desire to hold fast the form of sound words. Vincent, Thomas, 1634-1678. 1675 (1675) Wing V434; ESTC R220763 119,453 302 View Text
A80320 The confession of faith and catechisms, agreed upon by the assembly of divines at Westminster together with their humble advice concerning church government and ordination of ministers.; Westminster Confession of Faith. 1649 (1649) Wing C5760; Thomason E1419_1; ESTC R210325 119,624 212 View Text
A03392 The office and vse of the morall law of God in the dayes of the gospell iustified, and explained at large by Scriptures, Fathers, and other orthodoxe diuines, so farre as occasion was giuen by a scandalous pamphlet sent abroad of late into the hands of diuers good Christians, pretending great reason and reading for the vtter abrogating and abolishing of the whole Law of Moses since the death of Christ. By William Hinde, sometimes fellow of Queenes Colledge in Oxford, and now preacher of Gods Word at Bunbury in Cheshire. Hinde, William, 1569?-1629. 1622 (1622) STC 13513; ESTC S116213 121,247 151 View Text
A52802 A Christians walk and work on earth, until he attain to heaven which may serve as a practical guide, and a plain direction in his pilgrimage thither, through his personal and relative duties : marvelously useful to all persons, and families of all ranks and qualities, both in city and country / by Christopher Nesse ... Ness, Christopher, 1621-1705. 1678 (1678) Wing N443; ESTC R3369 121,975 273 View Text
A41118 Four profitable treatises very useful for Christian practise viz. I. The killing power of the law. II. The spiritual Watch. III. The new birth. IV. Of the Sabbath : all which are printed in folio, but these small pieces are intended for those that cannot go to the price of the greater volume / by the reverend Mr. William Fenner, late minister of Rochford in Essex. Fenner, William, 1600-1640. 1657 (1657) Wing F690; ESTC R32802 121,979 218 View Text
A26918 The divine appointment of the Lords day proved as a separated day for holy worship, especially in the church assemblies, and consequently the cessation of the seventh day Sabbath : written for the satisfaction of some religious persons who are lately drawn into error or doubting in both these points / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1671 (1671) Wing B1253; ESTC R3169 125,645 262 View Text
A15324 The doctrine of the Sabbath handled in foure seuerall bookes of treatises. The first of which intreateth of the day of rest. The second, of the duties of the day. The third, of the persons whom these duties concerne. And the fourth, the reasons vsed to perswade all persons to the practise of these duties vpon that day. Written by G.W. Master of Arts, and minister of the word of God in Portsmouth. Widley, George, b. 1566 or 7. 1604 (1604) STC 25610; ESTC S119957 129,925 252 View Text
A91419 A treatise of the Sabbath. Wherein is contained the time of the first institution of it. The manner how the first Sabbath was ordained. Whereunto is annexed A treatise of holy time: and therein the great question about the beginning and ending of the Lords Day is largely discussed: and in both sundry cases of conscience are handled, and many texts of scripture are opened, the practice of the churches in New England are inquired into / by William Pynchon, late of New England. Pynchon, William, 1590-1662.; Pynchon, William, 1590-1662. Holy time. 1654 (1654) Wing P4314; Thomason E816_5; Thomason E816_6; ESTC R210987 130,807 159 View Text
A26345 The main principles of Christian religion in a 107 short articles or aphorisms, generally receiv'd as being prov'd from scripture : now further cleared and confirm'd by the consonant doctrine recorded in the articles and homilies of the Church of England ... / by Tho. Adams ... Adams, Thomas, fl. 1612-1653. 1675 (1675) Wing A493; ESTC R32695 131,046 217 View Text
A17419 The light of faith: and, way of holinesse Shewing what to belieue, and for what to striue together, earnestly contend, and suffer for in this contending age. And how to liue in all estates, conditions, and degrees of relation, according to this faith. In both, deliuering (as neere as might be, in the life of Scripture phrase:) only things necessary, as we meane to be saued, and auoiding vtterly things arbitrary, that distract, rather then direct a Christian. Collected out of holy Scripture by an vnworthy labourer in Gods vineyard, Richard Bifield pastor in Long-Ditton, in Surrey. Byfield, Richard, 1598?-1664. 1630 (1630) STC 4239; ESTC S107158 133,233 536 View Text
A17418 The doctrine of the Sabbath vindicated in a confutation of a treatise of the Sabbath, written by M. Edward Breerwood against M. Nic. Byfield, wherein these five things are maintained: first, that the fourth Commandement is given to the servant and not to the master onely. Seecondly, that the fourth Commandement is morall. Thirdly, that our owne light workes as well as gainefull and toilesome are forbidden on the Sabbath. Fourthly, that the Lords day is of divine institution. Fifthly, that the Sabbath was instituted from the beginning. By the industrie of an unworthy labourer in Gods vineyard, Richard Byfield, pastor in Long Ditton in Surrey. Byfield, Richard, 1598?-1664. 1631 (1631) STC 4238; ESTC S107155 139,589 186 View Text
A85394 Hagiomastix, or The scourge of the saints displayed in his colours of ignorance & blood: or, a vindication of some printed queries published some moneths since by authority, in way of answer to certaine anti-papers of syllogismes, entituled a Vindication of a printed paper, &c. ... / By John Goodwin, pastor of a Church of Christ in Colemanstreet. Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. 1647 (1647) Wing G1169; Thomason E374_1; ESTC R201334; ESTC R201335 139,798 168 View Text
A86287 Extraneus vapulans: or The observator rescued from the violent but vaine assaults of Hamon L'Estrange, Esq. and the back-blows of Dr. Bernard, an Irish-deane. By a well willer to the author of the Observations on the history of the reign of King Charles. Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. 1656 (1656) Wing H1708; Thomason E1641_1; ESTC R202420 142,490 359 View Text
A55487 Sabbatum. The mystery of the Sabbath discovered Wherein the doctrine of the Sabbath according to the Scriptures, and the primitive church, is declared. The Sabbath moral, and ceremonial are described, and differenced. What the rest of God signified, and wherein it consisted. The fourth commandment expounded. What part of the fourth commandment is moral, and what therein is ceremonial. Something (occasionally) concerning the Christian Sunday. By Edm. Porter, B.D. sometime fellow of St John's Colledge in Cambridge, and Prebend of Norwich. Porter, Edmund, 1595-1670. 1658 (1658) Wing P2984; ESTC R218328 143,641 276 View Text
A35959 Truths victory over error, or, An abridgement of the chief controversies in religion which since the apostles days to this time, have been, and are in agitation, between those of the Orthodox faith, and all adversaries whatsoever, a list of whose names are set down after the epistle to the reader : wherein, by going through all the chapters of The confession of faith, one by one, and propounding out of them, by way of question, all the controverted assertions, and answering by yes, or no, there is a clear confirmation of the truth, and an evident confutation of what tenets and opinions, are maintain'd by the adversaries : a treatise, most useful for all persons, who desire to be instructed in the true Protestant religion, who would shun in these last days, and perillous times, the infection of errors and heresies, and all dangerous tenets and opinions, contrary to the word of God. Dickson, David, 1583?-1663.; Sinclair, George, d. 1696. 1684 (1684) Wing D1412; ESTC R3405 145,943 378 View Text
A61095 Tithes too hot to be touched certain treatises, wherein is shewen that tithes are due, by the law of nature, scripture, nations, therefore neither Jewish, Popish, or inconvenient / written by Sr. Henry Spelman ... ; with an alphabeticall table. Spelman, Henry, Sir, 1564?-1641.; Stephens, Jeremiah, 1591-1665. 1640 (1640) Wing S4931; ESTC R19648 146,054 238 View Text
A61378 Sober singularity, or, An antidote against infection by the example of a multitude being practical meditations on Exod. 23, vers. 2 : wherein is opened the influence of the practise of a multitude, to draw men to sin, the special cases, wherein it concerns us to be most cautious, reasons why we must not follow them, together with the application of the whole : and therein, besides the general improvement of the point, an instance given of nineteen practises of the multitude to be avoided, seven of their grand principles to be rejc̈ted [sic] : sundry particulars concerning peace and unity, and the sanctification of the Lords Day, useful for these times / by R. Stedman ... Stedman, Rowland, 1630?-1673. 1660 (1660) Wing S5376; ESTC R38303 146,089 254 View Text
A09453 A reformed Catholike: or, A declaration shewing how neere we may come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of religion: and vvherein we must for euer depart from them with an advertisment to all fauourers of the Romane religion, shewing that the said religion is against the Catholike principles and grounds of the catechisme. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1598 (1598) STC 19736; ESTC S114478 146,915 390 View Text
A27514 A threefold treatise of the Sabbath distinctly divided into the patriarchall, mosaicall, Christian Sabbath : for the better clearing and manifestation of the truth ... / by Richard Bernard ... Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1641 (1641) Wing B2037; ESTC R34406 149,622 232 View Text
A14653 The doctrine of the Sabbath Wherein the first institution of the vveekly Sabbath, with the time thereof, the nature of the law binding man to keep it, the true ground, and necessity of the first institution, and of the observation of it, on the severall day in the Old Testament, and also of the moving of it to the first day under the Gospel, are laid open and proved out of the Holy Scriptures. Also besides the speciall dueties necessarily required for the due sanctification thereof, those two profitable points are proved by demonstrations out of Gods Word. First, that the Lord Christ God and man, is the Lord of the Sabbath, on whom the Sabbath was first founded...2. That the faithfull under the Gospell are as necessarily bound to keep the weekly Sabbath of the Lords day... Deliverd in divers sermons by George Walker B. of Divinity and pastor of St. Iohn Evangelists Church in London. Walker, George, 1581?-1651. 1638 (1638) STC 24957; ESTC S103296 151,861 168 View Text
A17587 A re-examination of the five articles enacted at Perth anno 1618 To wit. concerning the communicants gesture in the act of receaving. The observation of festivall dayes. Episcopall confirmation or bishopping. The administration of baptisme and the supper of the Lord in privat places. Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. 1636 (1636) STC 4363; ESTC S107473 157,347 259 View Text
A69075 Christian religion: substantially, methodicalli[e,] [pla]inlie, and profitablie treatised Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1611 (1611) STC 4707.5; ESTC S118584 158,929 324 View Text
A48316 Sunday a Sabbath, or, A preparative discourse for discussion of sabbatary doubts by John Ley ... Ley, John, 1583-1662. 1641 (1641) Wing L1886; ESTC R22059 159,110 245 View Text