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reason_n answ_n quest_n reas_n 4,298 5 18.6055 5 true
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A73378 An exposition of the lawes of Moses Viz. Morall. Ceremoniall. Iudiciall. The second volume. Containing an explanation of diverse questions and positions for the right understanding thereof. Wherein also are opened divers ancient rites & customes of the Iewes, and also of the Gentiles, as they haue relation to the Iewish. Together with an explication of sundry difficult texts of Scripture, which depend upon, or belong unto every one of the Commandements, as also upon the ceremoniall and iudiciall lawes. Which texts are set downe in the tables before each particular booke. All which are cleered out of the originall languages, the Hebrew and Greeke, and out of the distinctions of the schoolemen and cases of the casuists. / By Iohn Weemse, of Lathocker in Scotland, preacher of Gods Word.; Works. v. 3 Weemes, John, 1579?-1636. 1632 (1632) STC 25207.5; ESTC S112662 524,931 1,326

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judaize_v in_o this_o point_n commandment_n four_o exercitat_fw-la xix_o of_o the_o passeover_n levit._fw-la 23.5_o in_o the_o fourteen_o day_n of_o the_o first_o month_n be_v the_o lord_n passover_v commandment_n how_o the_o passeover_n pertain_v to_o the_o four_o commandment_n the_o passover_n as_o it_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n and_o a_o sacrament_n it_o be_v a_o appendix_n of_o the_o second_o commandment_n but_o the_o time_n of_o it_o set_v down_o here_o be_v a_o appendix_n of_o the_o four_o commandment_n diverse_o the_o word_n passeover_n take_v diverse_o this_o word_n passeover_n be_v take_v sundry_a way_n in_o the_o scripture_n first_o for_o pass_v over_o because_o the_o angel_n pass_v over_o the_o house_n of_o the_o israelite_n and_o destroy_v they_o not_o exod._n 12.11_o it_o be_v the_o lord_n passover_n second_o passeover_n be_v take_v for_o those_o action_n which_o be_v do_v about_o the_o passover_n as_o kill_v the_o lamb_n sprinkle_v of_o the_o blood_n eat_v of_o it_o and_o such_o matth._n 26.17_o three_o for_o the_o feast_n which_o be_v annex_v to_o the_o passeover_n 2_o chro._n 35.11_o they_o kill_v the_o passeover_n and_o the_o priest_n sprinkle_v the_o blood_n etc._n etc._n this_o be_v for_o the_o feast_n of_o the_o passeover_n four_o for_o the_o lamb_n kill_v at_o the_o passeover_n matth._n 26.19_o and_o they_o make_v ready_a the_o passeover_n that_o be_v the_o lamb_n which_o be_v kill_v at_o the_o passeover_n so_o marc._n 14.12_o they_o kill_v the_o passeover_n last_o for_o the_o time_n of_o the_o passeover_n as_o luc._n 22.1_o they_o have_v in_o this_o passeover_n unleavened_a bread_n a_o lamb_n bitter_a herb_n and_o a_o cup_n in_o which_o they_o do_v drink_v first_o they_o have_v unleavened_a bread_n bread_n the_o unleavened_a bread_n call_v the_o poor_n bread_n this_o unleavened_a bread_n be_v panis_fw-la pauperum_fw-la the_o poor_n bread_n deut._n 13.6_o yet_o the_o lord_n take_v this_o unleauned_a bread_n for_o the_o sacrament_n it_o be_v a_o great_a change_n passeover_n why_o they_o have_v unleavened_a bread_n in_o the_o passeover_n when_o moses_n rod_n which_o be_v the_o shepherd_n rod_n be_v make_v the_o rod_n of_o the_o lord_n so_o this_o be_v a_o great_a change_n when_o he_o take_v the_o poor_n bread_n and_o make_v it_o this_o bread_n of_o his_o sacrament_n they_o be_v command_v to_o eat_v the_o bread_n in_o remembrance_n of_o their_o hasten_v out_o of_o egypt_n when_o they_o have_v no_o leisure_n to_o ferment_n it_o but_o christ_n change_v it_o to_o another_o sort_n of_o remembrance_n to_o be_v a_o memorall_a of_o his_o death_n in_o the_o sacrament_n 1_o cor._n 11_o 24._o do_v this_o in_o remembrance_n of_o i_o it_o must_v be_v unleavened_a bread_n for_o leaven_a bread_n signify_v either_o hypocrisy_n or_o malice_n david_n call_v a_o wicked_a man_n a_o leaven_a person_n psal_n 71.4_o so_o a_o leaven_a heart_n psal_n 73.21_o so_o matt._n 16.6_o beware_v of_o the_o leaven_n of_o the_o pharisee_n and_o 1_o cor._n 5.7_o purge_v out_o the_o old_a leaven_n then_o they_o eat_v it_o with_o bitter_a herb_n herb_n why_o eat_v with_o sour_a herb_n to_o put_v they_o in_o remembrance_n of_o their_o affliction_n in_o egypt_n and_o jeremiah_n seem_v to_o allude_v to_o this_o lament_n 3.15_o allusion_n allusion_n he_o have_v fill_v i_o with_o bitterness_n he_o have_v make_v i_o drunken_a with_o worm_n wood_n quest_n whether_o be_v the_o cup_n in_o the_o paschal_n supper_n a_o sacramental_a cup_n or_o not_o answ_n not_o not_o whether_o the_o cup_n in_o the_o passeover_n be_v a_o sacramental_a cup_n or_o not_o for_o there_o be_v no_o mention_n make_v of_o it_o in_o the_o institution_n the_o lord_n command_v to_o take_v a_o lamb_n unleavened_a bread_n and_o bitter_a herb_n but_o not_o a_o word_n of_o the_o cup_n wherefore_o this_o cup_n be_v but_o their_o common_a cup_n in_o which_o they_o use_v to_o drink_v it_o may_v be_v say_v obj._n that_o the_o master_n of_o the_o family_n bless_v this_o cup._n answ_n this_o be_v not_o constitutiva_fw-la sanctificatio_fw-la but_o invocativa_fw-la invocatio_fw-la sanctificatio_fw-la constitutio_fw-la invocatio_fw-la it_o be_v constitutiva_fw-la invocatio_fw-la that_o make_v it_o a_o sacrament_n accedat_fw-la verbum_fw-la ad_fw-la elementum_fw-la et_fw-la fiet_fw-la sacramentum_fw-la say_v augustine_n and_o when_o it_o want_v the_o word_n of_o institution_n than_o it_o can_v be_v a_o sacrament_n it_o be_v true_a that_o christ_n transfer_v this_o cup_n use_n many_o thing_n that_o be_v common_a change_v to_o a_o holy_a use_n and_o make_v it_o sacramental_a under_o the_o gospel_n but_o it_o be_v not_o sacramental_a under_o the_o law_n it_o be_v only_o a_o common_a cup_n the_o water_n which_o they_o drink_v out_o of_o the_o rock_n be_v a_o sacrament_n to_o they_o 1_o cor._n 10.4_o and_o it_o be_v also_o common_a water_n for_o their_o beast_n drink_v of_o it_o so_o this_o be_v but_o a_o common_a cup_n to_o they_o but_o christ_n make_v it_o sacramental_a something_n again_o which_o be_v sacramental_a to_o they_o be_v common_a at_o christ_n supper_n as_o the_o eat_n of_o bitter_a herb_n last_o it_o be_v not_o a_o sacramental_a cup_n for_o the_o blood_n of_o the_o paschall_n lamb_n signify_v the_o blood_n of_o christ_n there_o be_v not_o two_o thing_n appoint_v in_o the_o sacrament_n to_o signify_v one_o thing_n canaan_n what_o thing_n be_v proper_a to_o the_o passeover_n in_o egypt_n and_o what_o proper_a to_o it_o in_o canaan_n thing_n proper_a to_o the_o passeover_n in_o egypt_n be_v first_o they_o eat_v the_o passeover_n in_o their_o several_a house_n when_o they_o be_v in_o egypt_n but_o afterward_o they_o be_v bind_v to_o eat_v it_o in_o jerusalem_n only_o deut._n 16.5.6_o 2_o chro._n 35._o second_o in_o egypt_n the_o blood_n be_v sprinkle_v upon_o the_o lintel_n of_o the_o door_n but_o afterward_o it_o be_v sprinkle_v upon_o the_o altar_n 2_o chro._n 35._o and_o then_o the_o master_n of_o the_o house_n cause_v to_o bring_v back_o the_o lamb_n to_o his_o house_n and_o eat_v it_o with_o his_o family_n luc._n 22.7.8_o three_o in_o egypt_n they_o stand_v when_o they_o eat_v the_o paschall_n lamb_n with_o their_o loin_n gird_v and_o their_o staff_n in_o their_o hand_n to_o signify_v that_o they_o be_v to_o make_v haste_n away_o allusion_n and_o esay_n allude_v to_o this_o esay_n 52.12_o for_o you_o shall_v not_o go_v out_o with_o haste_n nor_o go_v by_o flight_n but_o when_o they_o come_v to_o canaan_n they_o sit_v when_o they_o eat_v the_o passeover_n quest_n ceremony_n their_o sit_v at_o the_o passeover_n be_v not_o a_o significative_a ceremony_n whether_o be_v their_o sit_v a_o significative_a ceremony_n or_o not_o when_o they_o eat_v the_o passeover_n in_o canaan_n answ_n passover_n seven_o memorable_a passover_n not_o it_o be_v only_o after_o the_o custom_n of_o man_n when_o they_o sit_v to_o eat_v meat_n there_o be_v sundry_a memorable_a passover_n the_o first_o in_o egypt_n the_o second_o in_o the_o wilderness_n the_o three_o in_o the_o day_n of_o joshua_n cap._n 5.10_o the_o forth_o in_o the_o day_n of_o hezekiah_n 2_o chro._n 30._o the_o five_o in_o the_o day_n of_o josiah_n where_o there_o be_v not_o such_o a_o passeover_n hold_v from_o the_o day_n of_o the_o judge_n that_o judge_v israel_n nor_o in_o all_o the_o day_n of_o the_o king_n of_o israel_n 2_o king_n 23.22_o the_o sixth_o after_o they_o return_v from_o the_o captivity_n ezra_n 6.9_o the_o last_o passeover_n be_v that_o which_o jesus_n keep_v with_o his_o disciple_n luc._n 22._o where_o he_o put_v a_o end_n to_o the_o passeover_n and_o institute_v his_o own_o supper_n in_o the_o place_n of_o it_o quest_n whether_o be_v the_o lamb_n which_o be_v kill_v at_o the_o passeover_n a_o sacrament_n or_o a_o sacrifice_n answ_n the_o most_o hold_n that_o it_o be_v not_o a_o sacrifice_n and_o their_o reason_n be_v these_o reas_n 1_o first_o it_o may_v be_v kill_v by_o other_o than_o by_o the_o priest_n therefore_o it_o be_v not_o a_o sacrament_n reas_n 2_o second_o exod._n 8.26_o it_o be_v abomination_n for_o the_o israelite_n to_o sacrifice_v in_o egypt_n but_o the_o paschal_n lamb_n be_v eat_v in_o egypt_n therefore_o the_o paschal_n lamb_n be_v not_o a_o sacrifice_n reas_n 3_o three_o a_o sacrament_n differ_v from_o a_o sacrifice_n for_o in_o a_o sacrifice_n we_o offer_v to_o god_n and_o in_o a_o sacrament_n we_o receive_v from_o god_n the_o paschall_n lamb_n be_v a_o sacrament_n therefore_o it_o can_v not_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n reas_n 4_o four_o that_o which_o be_v eat_v of_o the_o sacrifice_n be_v eat_v only_o in_o the_o temple_n but_o the_o paschall_n lamb_n be_v eat_v out_o of_o the_o temple_n therefore_o it_o be_v not_o a_o sacrifice_n answ_n now_o for_o answer_v to_o the_o first_o after_o that_o they_o come_v out_o of_o egypt_n and_o the_o priesthood_n be_v settle_v the_o
idol_n as_o he_o ascend_v by_o degree_n so_o the_o admonition_n do_v grow_v by_o degree_n from_o justice_n to_o have_v a_o care_n of_o religion_n and_o as_o the_o jew_n have_v psalmos_fw-la gradnum_fw-la psalm_n of_o degree_n which_o they_o sing_v when_o they_o ascend_v to_o the_o temple_n so_o these_o be_v admonitiones_fw-la graduum_fw-la that_o he_o shall_v not_o pervert_v justice_n that_o he_o shall_v abstain_v from_o idolatry_n that_o he_o shall_v not_o plant_v a_o grove_n nor_o erect_v a_o pillar_n for_o idolatrous_a worship_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v not_o sacrifice_v to_o idol_n the_o twelve_o prince_n of_o israel_n sit_v round_o about_o this_o throne_n and_o christ_n allude_v to_o this_o form_n allusion_n allusion_n you_o shall_v sit_v upon_o twelve_o throne_n judge_v the_o twelve_o tribe_n luk._n 22.30_o christ_n a_o comparison_n betwixt_o solomon_n and_o christ_n now_o let_v we_o compare_v solomon_n with_o christ_n first_o in_o their_o name_n solomon_n be_v jejidia_fw-la belove_v of_o god_n but_o christ_n be_v the_o only_a belove_a son_n of_o his_o father_n second_o in_o his_o anoint_v solomon_n be_v only_o anoint_v and_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o his_o brethren_n seclude_v from_o the_o kingdom_n but_o we_o be_v anoint_v by_o christ_n and_o receive_v grace_n for_o grace_n from_o he_o joh._n 1.16_o and_o be_v make_v coheire_n with_o he_o rom._n 8.17_o in_o his_o kingdom_n here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n three_o solomon_n be_v crown_v his_o father_n be_v alive_a here_o be_v leo_n &_o catulus_fw-la leonis_fw-la the_o lion_n and_o the_o lion_n whelp_n so_o christ_n think_v it_o not_o robbery_n to_o be_v equal_a with_o the_o father_n and_o to_o reign_v with_o he_o phil._n 2.6_o here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n four_o solomon_n be_v obedient_a to_o his_o parent_n so_o christ_n joh._n 8.49_o i_o honour_v my_o father_n that_o be_v my_o heavenly_a father_n and_o he_o go_v home_o and_o be_v obedient_a to_o his_o parent_n luk._n 2.51_o here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n five_o by_o salomon_n marriage_n friendship_n be_v make_v up_o betwixt_o egypt_n and_o israel_n but_o christ_n marry_v his_o church_n friendship_n be_v make_v up_o betwixt_o god_n and_o man_n here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n six_o in_o the_o extent_n of_o his_o kingdom_n salomon_n kingdom_n reach_v but_o from_o the_o mediterran_n sea_n to_o euphrates_n but_o christ_n kingdom_n reach_v to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o earth_n psal_n 2.8_o i_o will_v give_v thou_o the_o end_n of_o the_o earth_n for_o a_o possession_n here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n solomon_n exceed_v all_o the_o prince_n of_o the_o world_n in_o riches_n but_o in_o christ_n be_v hide_v all_o the_o treasure_n of_o wisdom_n and_o knowledge_n col._n 2.3_o here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n let_v we_o compare_v s_z piety_n and_o christ_n piety_n christ_n and_o solomon_n compare_v in_o piety_n solomon_n build_v the_o temple_n but_o christ_n be_v both_o the_o temple_n priest_n sacrifice_n and_o altar_n solomon_n offer_v a_o hundred_o thousand_o bullock_n but_o christ_n offer_v a_o great_a sacrifice_n even_o himself_o upon_o the_o cross_n here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n the_o king_n of_o the_o earth_n be_v subject_a unto_o he_o but_o christ_n revel_v 17.14_o have_v write_v upon_o the_o hem_n of_o his_o garment_n rex_fw-la regum_fw-la &_o dominus_fw-la dominantium_fw-la the_o low_a thing_n which_o be_v in_o christ_n be_v above_o all_o the_o prince_n of_o the_o earth_n here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n when_o solomon_n go_v to_o the_o temple_n he_o have_v four_o and_o twenty_o thousand_o to_o guard_v he_o with_o their_o target_n out_o of_o libanus_n 1_o chro._n 27.1_o and_o 2_o chro._n 11.12_o and_o when_o he_o go_v to_o bed_n he_o have_v threescore_o valiant_a man_n about_o he_o of_o the_o valiant_a of_o israel_n cant._n 3.7_o but_o christ_n have_v ten_o thousand_o time_n ten_o thousand_o and_o thousand_o of_o thousand_o of_o angel_n attend_v he_o revel_v 5.11_o here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n let_v we_o compare_v they_o in_o their_o wisdom_n solomon_n for_o his_o wisdom_n have_v a_o large_a heart_n like_o the_o sand_n of_o the_o sea_n wisdom_n christ_n and_o solomon_n compare_v in_o wisdom_n 1_o king_n 4.29_o observe_v his_o wisdom_n in_o decide_v the_o matter_n betwixt_o the_o two_o woman_n 1_o king_n 3._o the_o thing_n be_v do_v in_o the_o night_n there_o be_v no_o witness_n no_o probable_a conjecture_n favour_v the_o one_o more_o than_o the_o other_o the_o allegation_n of_o the_o mother_n both_o alike_o no_o difference_n between_o the_o child_n age_n solomon_n gather_v that_o she_o be_v the_o mother_n who_o have_v the_o bowel_n of_o compassion_n towards_o the_o infant_n counsel_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n be_v like_o deep_a water_n but_o a_o man_n of_o understanding_n will_v draw_v it_o out_o pro._n 20._o 5._o solomon_n by_o his_o understanding_n draw_v out_o here_o who_o be_v the_o mother_n of_o the_o live_a child_n but_o he_o must_v have_v some_o mean_n whereby_o to_o know_v this_o but_o christ_n to_o who_o darkness_n be_v as_o light_v he_o see_v the_o secret_n of_o the_o heart_n and_o all_o thing_n be_v naked_a before_o he_o heb._n 4.13_o here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n his_o justice_n in_o punish_v joab_n and_o put_v abiathar_n from_o the_o priesthood_n but_o christ_n shall_v put_v down_o all_o his_o enemy_n and_o purge_v his_o church_n of_o hireling_n mat._n 21.12_o here_o be_v a_o great_a than_o solomon_n last_o all_o the_o earth_n shall_v be_v bless_v in_o solomon_n when_o the_o jew_n bless_v any_o man_n they_o pray_v for_o he_o after_o this_o manner_n beneficus_fw-la sit_fw-la tibi_fw-la deus_fw-la ac_fw-la liberalis_fw-la ut_fw-la praestitit_fw-la se_fw-la erga_fw-la servum_fw-la suum_fw-la salomonem_fw-la this_o be_v but_o fulfil_v in_o type_n in_o solomon_n but_o the_o truth_n be_v fulfil_v in_o christ_n esa_n 65.16_o he_o who_o bless_v himself_o on_o the_o earth_n shall_v bless_v himself_o in_o the_o god_n of_o truth_n &_o he_o conclude_v this_o psalm_n for_o solomon_n amen_o amen_n psal_n 72.19_o solomon_n be_v not_o he_o that_o can_v effectuate_v the_o prayer_n of_o the_o church_n but_o christ_n be_v that_o true_a and_o faithful_a witness_n who_o be_v yea_o and_o amen_o revel_v 3.14_o quest_n repentance_n argument_n prove_v salomon_n repentance_n solomon_n be_v such_o a_o vive_fw-fr type_n of_o christ_n whether_o may_v he_o have_v be_v think_v to_o have_v be_v a_o reprobate_n or_o not_o answ_n he_o can_v be_v think_v to_o be_v a_o reprobate_n for_o first_o reason_n 1_o he_o be_v the_o penman_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n &_o they_o be_v holy_a man_n luk._n 1.70_o as_o he_o speak_v by_o his_o holy_a prophet_n reason_n 2_o the_o lord_n hear_v salomon_n prayer_n and_o accept_v of_o his_o sacrifice_n 1_o king_n 3.6_o which_o he_o never_o do_v in_o any_o oblation_n of_o the_o wicked_a esay_n so_o joh._n 9.31_o we_o know_v that_o god_n hear_v not_o sinner_n 15.8_o see_v pro._n 15.8_o that_o be_v impenitent_a sinner_n reason_n 3_o three_o he_o be_v set_v down_o as_o a_o example_n of_o imitation_n 2_o chro._n 11.17_o rehoboam_n in_o the_o first_o three_o year_n of_o his_o reign_n follow_v the_o footstep_n of_o david_n and_o solomon_n hence_o it_o follow_v good_a solomon_n set_v down_o as_o a_o example_n of_o good_a that_o solomon_n be_v set_v down_o as_o a_o example_n of_o imitation_n for_o good_a that_o he_o die_v a_o penitent_a and_o reconcile_v to_o god_n and_o as_o the_o evil_a beginning_n of_o manassch_n discommend_v the_o evil_a end_n of_o ammon_n so_o the_o good_a beginning_n of_o rehoboam_n commend_v the_o good_a end_n of_o solomon_n when_o the_o king_n of_o juda_n and_o israel_n be_v set_v down_o for_o example_n these_o rule_n be_v to_o be_v observe_v example_n rule_v to_o be_v observe_v concern_v example_n first_o when_o the_o wicked_a father_n live_v in_o his_o sin_n and_o regula_n 1_o die_v in_o his_o sin_n and_o his_o son_n be_v say_v to_o walk_v in_o his_o way_n and_o follow_v his_o example_n than_o the_o bad_a son_n die_v miserable_o as_o his_o father_n die_v 2_o king_n 15.9_o zachariah_n be_v say_v to_o have_v do_v that_o which_o be_v evil_a in_o the_o sight_n of_o the_o lord_n as_o his_o father_n have_v do_v he_o depart_v not_o from_o the_o sin_n of_o jeroboam_fw-la the_o son_n of_o nebat_fw-la who_o make_v israel_n to_o sin_n second_o when_o the_o wicked_a king_n repent_v he_o of_o regula_n 2_o his_o sin_n and_o his_o bad_a son_n be_v say_v to_o follow_v his_o example_n than_o it_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v that_o he_o follow_v his_o example_n in_o his_o first_o year_n and_o sinful_a day_n example_n 2_o king_n 21.20_o it_o be_v say_v of_o ammon_n that_o he_o walk_v in_o all_o the_o way_n that_o
cont_n haer_fw-mi 18._o the_o egyptian_n use_v at_o the_o equinoxe_n in_o the_o spring_n to_o take_v vermilion_a and_o to_o rub_v over_o all_o their_o tree_n and_o house_n with_o it_o say_v that_o at_o that_o time_n of_o the_o year_n the_o fire_n have_v almost_o burn_v up_o all_o egypt_n and_o therefore_o they_o use_v this_o as_o a_o sign_n in_o remembrance_n of_o their_o deliverance_n so_o the_o lord_n command_v ezekiel_n to_o set_v a_o mark_n upon_o those_o of_o jerusalem_n that_o mourn_v who_o he_o be_v mind_v to_o save_v ezek._n 9.4_o quest_n but_o what_o be_v the_o reason_n that_o he_o set_v not_o a_o mark_n of_o destruction_n upon_o they_o that_o be_v to_o be_v destroy_v as_o he_o set_v upon_o these_o who_o be_v to_o be_v save_v answ_n the_o reason_n be_v number_n god_n do_v not_o mark_v those_o who_o be_v to_o be_v destroy_v because_o of_o their_o great_a number_n because_o of_o the_o great_a number_n that_o be_v to_o be_v destroy_v in_o respect_n of_o the_o handful_n that_o be_v to_o be_v save_v for_o where_o there_o be_v one_o to_o be_v save_v there_o be_v a_o hundred_o to_o be_v destroy_v there_o be_v but_o seven_o thousand_o who_o bow_v not_o their_o knee_n to_o baal_n and_o of_o the_o great_a multitude_n that_o come_v out_o of_o egypt_n only_o two_o enter_v into_o the_o land_n of_o canaan_n and_o revel_v 7.4_o of_o all_o the_o tribe_n of_o israel_n there_o be_v but_o one_o hundred_o and_o forty_o four_o thousand_o seal_v in_o the_o forehead_n and_o in_o jeremies_n time_n it_o be_v very_o hard_o to_o find_v one_o that_o execute_v judgement_n in_o all_o the_o street_n of_o jerusalem_n jer._n 5.1_o there_o be_v a_o few_o good_a man_n at_o that_o time_n as_o jeremie_n himself_o ebedmelech_n the_o blackmoore_n vriah_n the_o prophet_n and_o the_o rechabite_v but_o the_o most_o of_o the_o rest_n be_v naught_o and_o if_o jerusalem_n have_v be_v search_v few_o have_v be_v find_v in_o it_o and_o this_o be_v a_o grief_n to_o the_o prophet_n micah_n which_o make_v he_o to_o complain_v that_o he_o can_v not_o get_v a_o cluster_n to_o eat_v mica_n 7.1_o mean_v that_o the_o good_a man_n be_v perish_v out_o of_o the_o earth_n the_o heathen_a learned_a this_o of_o the_o people_n of_o god_n to_o mark_v those_o who_o be_v to_o be_v save_v with_o the_o letter_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o these_o that_o be_v condemn_v with_o the_o letter_n θ_o theta_n pad_n the_o heathen_a mark_v the_o condemn_v with_o theta_n and_o they_o that_o be_v absolve_v in_o judgement_n with_o tau_n ascon_n pad_n it_o be_v the_o custom_n of_o the_o ancient_a warrior_n when_o they_o return_v from_o battle_n he_o who_o keep_v the_o register_n of_o their_o name_n mark_v the_o name_n of_o those_o who_o return_v safe_a with_o the_o letter_n tau_n and_o the_o name_n of_o those_o who_o be_v want_v with_o the_o letter_n theta_fw-mi the_o latin_n learn_v this_o from_o the_o grecian_n the_o grecian_n from_o the_o egyptian_n and_o the_o egyptian_n from_o the_o people_n of_o god_n persius_n si_fw-mi potis_fw-la es_fw-la vitio_fw-la nigrum_fw-la praefigere_fw-la theta_fw-la crime_n the_o jew_n put_v not_o two_o to_o death_n in_o one_o day_n but_o for_o the_o same_o crime_n they_o put_v not_o two_o to_o death_n in_o one_o day_n except_o they_o be_v guilty_a of_o one_o crime_n and_o they_o give_v this_o example_n if_o a_o man_n have_v lie_v with_o the_o priest_n daughter_n he_o and_o she_o be_v not_o put_v to_o death_n both_o in_o one_o day_n because_o she_o be_v guilty_a of_o a_o great_a sin_n than_o he_o therefore_o she_o be_v to_o be_v burn_v quick_a but_o he_o be_v not_o to_o be_v put_v to_o death_n that_o day_n neither_o be_v he_o burn_v quick_a as_o she_o be_v quest_n how_o come_v it_o to_o pass_v then_o that_o they_o put_v christ_n and_o the_o two_o thief_n to_o death_n in_o one_o day_n see_v christ_n be_v condemn_v for_o affect_v the_o kingdom_n and_o the_o thief_n for_o theft_n answ_n factio_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d seditiosi_fw-la mark_n 15.7_o á_z 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d seditio_fw-la factio_fw-la christ_n and_o the_o two_o thief_n be_v condemn_v for_o one_o fault_n because_o they_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d troubler_n of_o the_o peace_n of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o therefore_o the_o thief_n say_v thou_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d in_o the_o same_o condemnation_n luke_n 23.40_o barrabas_n be_v a_o murderer_n and_o so_o shall_v have_v dye_v by_o the_o sword_n effractores_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d effractores_fw-la but_o because_o he_o make_v insurrection_n and_o trouble_v the_o common_a peace_n therefore_o he_o be_v to_o be_v crucify_v and_o the_o hebrew_n call_v these_o perizim_fw-la effractores_fw-la and_o the_o rabbin_n call_v they_o listin_a from_o the_o greek_a word_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d they_o take_v arm_n to_o trouble_v the_o peace_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n and_o they_o use_v to_o crucify_v all_o these_o who_o trouble_v the_o kingdom_n and_o make_v insurrection_n chapter_n xl._n of_o their_o capital_a punishment_n josh._n 7.25_o and_o all_o israel_n stone_v he_o with_o stone_n and_o burn_v they_o with_o fire_n after_o they_o have_v stone_v they_o with_o stone_n there_o be_v sundry_a sort_n of_o punishment_n inflict_v upon_o malefactor_n by_o the_o house_n of_o judgement_n among_o the_o jew_n some_o of_o they_o be_v burn_v some_o of_o they_o be_v strangle_v some_o of_o they_o be_v stone_v and_o some_o of_o they_o be_v behead_v and_o some_o of_o they_o be_v drown_v he_o that_o lie_v with_o his_o mother_n or_o daughter_n in_o law_n the_o wife_n of_o his_o son_n or_o with_o a_o maid_n that_o be_v betroth_v stone_v who_o be_v stone_v deut._n 22.24_o or_o if_o a_o woman_n bow_v down_o to_o a_o beast_n levit._n 20.16_o so_o the_o blasphemer_n levit._n 24.14_o and_o idolater_n deut._n 17.5_o so_o he_o who_o offer_v his_o seed_n to_o molech_n levit._n 20.2_o he_o that_o have_v the_o spirit_n of_o divination_n or_o be_v a_o wizard_n levit._n 20.27_o he_o that_o profane_v the_o sabbath_n he_o that_o curse_v his_o father_n or_o his_o mother_n levit._n 20.9_o so_o the_o disobedient_a son_n be_v stone_v to_o death_n deut._n 21.21_o he_o that_o persuade_v or_o entice_v other_o to_o idolatry_n deut._n 13.1_o all_o these_o be_v stone_v to_o death_n first_o the_o priest_n daughter_n if_o she_o commit_v adultery_n second_o he_o who_o lie_v with_o his_o own_o daughter_n burn_v who_o be_v burn_v three_o he_o who_o lie_v with_o his_o son_n wife_n four_o he_o who_o lie_v with_o his_o daughter_n daughter_n or_o with_o the_o daughter_n of_o his_o wife_n daughter_n five_o he_o who_o lie_v with_o his_o mother_n in_o law_n or_o with_o the_o mother_n of_o his_o mother_n in_o law_n or_o he_o who_o lie_v with_o the_o mother_n of_o his_o father_n in_o law_n his_o wife_n be_v yet_o alive_a even_o all_o these_o be_v burn_v josh_n 7_o 15._o he_o that_o be_v take_v with_o a_o curse_a thing_n shall_v be_v burn_v with_o fire_n and_z vers_n 25._o all_o israel_n stone_v he_o with_o stone_n first_o he_o be_v stone_v and_o then_o burn_v behead_v who_o be_v behead_v those_o who_o kill_v be_v behead_v and_o those_o who_o fall_v away_o to_o idolatry_n strangle_v who_o be_v strangle_v the_o four_o sort_n of_o punishment_n be_v strangle_v which_o be_v the_o light_a sort_n of_o punishment_n capital_a among_o the_o jew_n first_o he_o who_o do_v strike_v his_o father_n or_o his_o mother_n second_o he_o who_o steal_v a_o man_n in_o israel_n deut._n 24.7_o three_o any_o old_a man_n who_o hearken_v not_o to_o the_o voice_n of_o the_o synedrion_fw-mi four_o a_o false_a prophet_n and_o he_o who_o lie_v with_o another_o man_n wife_n five_o he_o who_o defile_v the_o priest_n daughter_n all_o these_o be_v strangle_v and_o the_o jew_n say_v wheresoever_o this_o punishment_n be_v set_v down_o let_v his_o blood_n be_v upon_o his_o own_o head_n it_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v of_o ston_a but_o where_o the_o phrase_n be_v find_v let_v he_o die_v the_o death_n and_o the_o punishment_n not_o set_v down_o in_o particular_a than_o it_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v of_o strangle_v but_o this_o hold_v not_o it_o be_v say_v exod._n 21.12_o he_o that_o smite_v a_o man_n that_o he_o die_v shall_v sure_o be_v put_v to_o death_n so_o it_o be_v say_v that_o the_o adulterer_n shall_v die_v the_o death_n yet_o he_o be_v not_o strangle_v but_o stone_v ezek._n 16.40_o joh._n 8.45_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d crucifigere_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d crux_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d arbour_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d this_o strangle_v the_o roman_n change_v into_o crucify_a which_o be_v call_v zacaph_n crucifigere_fw-la and_o the_o cross_n be_v
once_o christ_n body_n be_v a_o natural_a body_n therefore_o it_o can_v be_v in_o more_o place_n at_o once_o this_o be_v mixt_o divine_a for_o the_o property_n of_o a_o natural_a body_n show_v we_o that_o it_o can_v be_v in_o more_o place_n at_o once_o and_o the_o scripture_n also_o show_v we_o that_o christ_n body_n be_v a_o natural_a body_n quest_n but_o be_v not_o this_o a_o mixture_n of_o divinity_n and_o humane_a reason_n together_o when_o we_o borrow_v a_o midst_n out_o of_o the_o scripture_n and_o then_o confirm_v the_o self_n same_o thing_n by_o reason_n answ_n this_o make_v not_o a_o mixture_n of_o divinity_n and_o philosophy_n but_o make_v only_a philosophy_n to_o serve_v divinity_n when_o we_o use_v reason_n to_o help_v our_o weakness_n we_o do_v not_o ground_v our_o faith_n upon_o reason_n or_o upon_o the_o light_n of_o nature_n but_o upon_o that_o supernatural_a light_n and_o the_o light_n of_o nature_n come_v in_o simile_n simile_n but_o as_o in_o the_o second_o room_n to_o confirm_v our_o weakness_n and_o as_o we_o ascribe_v not_o the_o price_n of_o the_o ring_n or_o the_o worthiness_n of_o it_o to_o the_o hammer_n which_o beat_v it_o out_o but_o to_o the_o gold_n itself_o so_o our_o faith_n be_v not_o ground_v upon_o humane_a reason_n or_o the_o light_n of_o nature_n but_o upon_o the_o word_n of_o god_n itself_o how_o can_v reason_n serve_v in_o divinity_n see_v the_o natural_a man_n perceive_v not_o the_o thing_n of_o god_n quest_n and_o the_o great_a philosopher_n the_o great_a enemy_n of_o grace_n ans_fw-fr we_o must_v distinguish_v inter_fw-la concretum_fw-la &_o abstractum_fw-la betwixt_o philosophy_n and_o the_o philosopher_n many_o of_o the_o philosopher_n oppugn_v the_o mystery_n of_o divinity_n by_o their_o corrupt_a and_o natural_a reason_n but_o true_a philosophy_n impugn_v it_o not_o and_o the_o great_a light_n extinguish_v not_o the_o lesser_a and_o verity_n do_v not_o contradict_v itself_o and_o truth_n in_o philosophy_n be_v but_o the_o footestep_n of_o that_o truth_n which_o be_v in_o god_n by_o way_n of_o excellency_n conclusi_fw-la conclusi_fw-la the_o conclusion_n of_o this_o be_v contra_fw-la rationem_fw-la nemo_fw-la sobrius_fw-la dicit_fw-la contra_fw-la scripturam_fw-la nemo_fw-la christianus_fw-la &_o contra_fw-la ecclesiam_fw-la nemo_fw-la pacificus_fw-la we_o must_v learn_v then_o to_o give_v every_o one_o of_o these_o their_o own_o place_n and_o not_o to_o reject_v reason_n altogether_o from_o divinity_n but_o to_o captivate_v she_o and_o make_v she_o a_o handmaid_n to_o divinity_n exercitat_fw-la iii_o that_o the_o end_n of_o divinity_n here_o consist_v rather_o in_o practice_n than_o in_o contemplation_n luke_n 11.28_o bless_a be_v they_o that_o hear_v the_o word_n of_o god_n and_o keep_v it_o the_o end_n of_o our_o divinity_n here_o consist_v in_o do_v rather_o than_o contemplation_n if_o we_o speak_v proper_o do_v be_v not_o in_o the_o understanding_n but_o in_o the_o will_n when_o reason_n divide_v work_n the_o understanding_n be_v speculative_a and_o set_v the_o will_n on_o work_n compound_v or_o frame_v any_o proposition_n within_o itself_o than_o the_o understanding_n be_v not_o say_v proper_o to_o do_v but_o content_v itself_o within_o itself_o than_o it_o be_v speculative_a but_o when_o the_o understanding_n set_v the_o will_n on_o work_n than_o the_o will_n do_v &_o the_o understanding_n but_o direct_v the_o will_n and_o when_o the_o understanding_n reason_v within_o itself_o imperatus_fw-la actus_fw-la elicitus_fw-la imperatus_fw-la they_o call_v this_o actus_fw-la elicitus_fw-la but_o when_o the_o understanding_n set_v the_o will_n on_o work_n they_o call_v this_o actus_fw-la imperatus_fw-la formal_o a_o proposition_n in_o divinity_n command_v practice_v virtual_o or_o formal_o a_o proposition_n in_o divinity_n command_v we_o either_o virtual_o to_o practice_v or_o else_o formal_o virtual_o it_o command_v we_o to_o practice_v example_n this_o be_v life_n eternal_a to_o know_v thou_o to_o be_v the_o only_a true_a god_n and_o who_o thou_o have_v send_v christ_n joh._n 17.3.11_o this_o be_v a_o proposition_n which_o virtual_o include_v in_o it_o practise_v for_o as_o the_o hebrew_n say_v verba_fw-la notitiae_fw-la includunt_fw-la verba_fw-la affectus_fw-la word_n of_o knowledge_n include_v word_n of_o affection_n if_o it_o be_v life_n eternal_a for_o we_o to_o know_v god_n than_o it_o be_v life_n eternal_a also_o for_o we_o to_o love_v god_n this_o proposition_n again_o in_o divinity_n thou_o shall_v love_v the_o lord_n thy_o god_n with_o all_o thy_o heart_n and_o with_o all_o thy_o soul_n and_o with_o all_o thy_o mind_n matth._n 22.37_o and_o thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o vers_fw-la 39_o command_v practice_v formal_o second_o a_o proposition_n in_o divinity_n urge_v practice_n either_o mediate_o or_o immediate_o mediate_o immediate_o a_o proposition_n in_o divinity_n command_v practice_v mediate_o or_o immediate_o as_o god_n be_v summum_fw-la bonum_fw-la the_o chief_a good_a out_o of_o this_o mediate_a proposition_n we_o gather_v a_o immediate_a therefore_o we_o be_v to_o love_v he_o above_o all_o thing_n three_o these_o conclusion_n in_o divinity_n which_o conclude_v for_o practice_v practic_a if_o the_o conclusion_n be_v practic_a the_o proposition_n must_v be_v practic_a the_o proposition_n out_o of_o which_o they_o be_v draw_v must_v also_o be_v for_o practice_n and_o not_o for_o contemplation_n nam_fw-la nihil_fw-la agit_fw-fr extra_fw-la genus_fw-la suum_fw-la as_o they_o say_v in_o the_o school_n as_o we_o can_v gather_v grape_n of_o thorn_n or_o fig_n of_o thistle_n matth._n 7.16_o so_o new_a wine_n can_v be_v the_o cause_n why_o the_o apostle_n speak_v with_o divers_a tongue_n act._n 2._o so_o we_o can_v gather_v conclusion_n of_o practice_n from_o speculative_a proposition_n four_o these_o rule_n which_o serve_v to_o direct_v man_n to_o practice_n may_v be_v call_v rule_n of_o practice_n as_o the_o carpenter_n line_n in_o his_o hand_n be_v a_o line_n of_o practice_n practice_n the_o word_n of_o god_n be_v a_o line_n and_o rule_v of_o practice_n because_o it_o lead_v he_o to_o practice_v so_o the_o word_n of_o god_n be_v the_o line_n by_o the_o which_o we_o shall_v walk_v therefore_o it_o be_v a_o rule_n of_o practice_n gal._n 6.6_o as_o many_o as_o walk_v according_a to_o this_o rule_n peace_n be_v unto_o they_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d be_v to_o work_v by_o rule_n or_o line_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d the_o word_n be_v the_o rule_n of_o our_o work_n therefore_o it_o teach_v we_o practice_v but_o it_o may_v be_v say_v object_n that_o contemplation_n be_v the_o end_n of_o divinity_n in_o heaven_n to_o see_v god_n face_n to_o face_n therefore_o be_v the_o end_n of_o our_o divinity_n here_o upon_o earth_n answ_n contemplation_n in_o heaven_n lead_v we_o always_o to_o practice_v and_o they_o can_v never_o be_v separate_a for_o as_o below_o here_o those_o science_n which_o we_o call_v inspectrice_n as_o the_o mathematics_n physic_n and_o such_o who_o end_n consist_v not_o in_o do_v be_v the_o parent_n of_o moral_a philosophy_n and_o of_o do_v for_o by_o these_o we_o take_v up_o the_o nature_n of_o thing_n the_o goodness_n and_o the_o truth_n of_o they_o and_o then_o we_o begin_v to_o esteem_v of_o they_o and_o love_v they_o when_o we_o know_v they_o so_o that_o contemplation_n bring_v forth_o always_o practice_v the_o glorify_a saint_n in_o heaven_n come_v near_o to_o the_o first_o cause_n esteem_v more_o high_o of_o he_o and_o therefore_o they_o love_v he_o more_o sincere_o and_o return_v all_o praise_n to_o he_o object_n but_o it_o may_v seem_v that_o contemplation_n be_v more_o excellent_a than_o practice_n for_o mary_n be_v prefer_v unto_o martha_n mary_n for_o her_o contemplation_n to_o martha_n for_o her_o action_n answ_n when_o mary_n and_o martha_n be_v compare_v together_o they_o resemble_v not_o the_o contemplative_a and_o the_o active_a life_n but_o the_o natural_a and_o spiritual_a life_n mary_n care_v for_o the_o spiritual_a life_n and_o martha_n for_o the_o natural_a do_v not_o mary_n care_v for_o practice_v as_o well_o as_o martha_n sit_v she_o not_o at_o christ_n foot_n that_o she_o may_v learn_v practice_n that_o she_o may_v wash_v they_o with_o her_o tear_n and_o wipe_v they_o with_o her_o hair_n and_o because_o practice_v be_v join_v always_o with_o knowledge_n therefore_o the_o wisdom_n which_o be_v proper_a to_o the_o understanding_n be_v ascribe_v sometime_o to_o the_o will_n job._n 28.28_o to_o depart_v from_o evil_n be_v understanding_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v that_o justice_n and_o judgement_n be_v join_v together_o in_o the_o scripture_n and_o they_o be_v call_v fool_n who_o do_v not_o according_a to_o their_o knowledge_n and_o solomon_n say_v eccle._n 10.2_o the_o heart_n of_o a_o wise_a man_n be_v at_o his_o right_a hand_n because_o his_o heart_n teach_v his_o hand_n to_o put_v thing_n in_o practice_n the_o end_n of_o
priest_n only_o kill_v the_o sacrifice_n and_o sprinkle_v the_o blood_n and_o the_o lamb_n be_v then_o carry_v home_o second_o it_o be_v abomination_n to_o sacrifice_v in_o egypt_n ●_o maimone_n in_o corban_n peshang_v cap._n 1._o ●_o it_o be_v a_o abomination_n to_o the_o egyptian_n to_o see_v beast_n kill_v there_o because_o they_o worship_v beast_n as_o their_o god_n but_o it_o be_v not_o abomination_n before_o the_o lord_n for_o fear_n of_o the_o egyptian_n they_o will_v not_o sacrifice_v there_o they_o may_v have_v sacrifice_v there_o as_o well_o as_o they_o kill_v the_o paschall_n lamb_n there_o it_o be_v a_o thing_n lawful_a in_o itself_o we_o must_v distinguish_v two_o thing_n in_o the_o paschal_n lamb_n it_o be_v both_o a_o sacrament_n and_o a_o sacrifice_n the_o sprinkle_n of_o the_o blood_n in_o the_o temple_n be_v a_o sacrifice_n the_o eat_n of_o the_o lamb_n at_o home_n in_o their_o several_a house_n be_v a_o sacrament_n and_o so_o as_o it_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n they_o offer_v and_o as_o it_o be_v a_o sacrament_n they_o receive_v sacrifice_n reason_n prove_v that_o the_o paschall_n lamb_n be_v a_o sacrifice_n reason_n prove_v that_o it_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n be_v these_o reas_n 1_o first_o 2_o chro._n 30.1_o hezekiah_n give_v commandment_n that_o all_o the_o people_n shall_v come_v to_o the_o house_n of_o the_o lord_n at_o jerusalem_n to_o keep_v the_o passeover_n wherefore_o shall_v he_o have_v command_v they_o to_o come_v to_o the_o house_n of_o the_o lord_n to_o eat_v it_o if_o it_o have_v not_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n if_o it_o have_v be_v only_o a_o sacrament_n it_o have_v be_v enough_o to_o have_v bid_v come_v to_o jerusalem_n to_o eat_v it_o reas_n 2_o second_o 2_o chro._n 35.11_o and_o they_o kill_v the_o passeover_n and_o they_o sprinkle_v the_o blood_n it_o be_v the_o blood_n of_o the_o sacrifice_n that_o the_o priest_n sprinkle_v reas_n 3_o 45._o josephus_n de_fw-fr bello_fw-la judaico_fw-la lib._n 6._o cap._n 45._o josephus_n write_v that_o cestus_n florus_n when_o he_o will_v show_v to_o the_o emperor_n the_o multitude_n of_o the_o jew_n that_o be_v in_o jerusalem_n at_o the_o passeover_n he_o desire_v the_o priest_n that_o they_o may_v get_v the_o number_n of_o the_o people_n and_o how_o do_v the_o priest_n find_v out_o the_o number_n of_o the_o people_n he_o say_v by_o the_o number_n of_o the_o lamb_n which_o they_o kill_v at_o the_o passeover_n and_o then_o they_o reckon_v how_o many_o be_v in_o every_o family_n at_o the_o eat_n of_o a_o lamb_n and_o so_o they_o find_v out_o the_o number_n of_o the_o people_n it_o be_v the_o priest_n than_o that_o kill_v those_o lamb_n and_o none_o else_o christ_n the_o paschall_n lamb_n a_o figure_n of_o christ_n the_o paschall_n lamb_n be_v a_o figure_n of_o jesus_n christ_n the_o paschall_n lamb_n be_v take_v the_o ten_o day_n and_o separate_v until_o the_o fourteen_o &_o at_o the_o evening_n of_o the_o fourteen_o it_o be_v kill_v jesus_n christ_n the_o true_a paschall_n lamb_n come_v six_o day_n before_o the_o passeover_n to_o bethania_n joh._n 12.1_o and_o the_o morrow_n after_o he_o go_v to_o jerusalem_n where_o they_o meet_v he_o with_o branch_n of_o palm_n tree_n and_o this_o be_v five_o day_n before_o the_o passeover_n than_o he_o stay_v four_o day_n in_o jerusalem_n and_o be_v kill_v in_o the_o day_n of_o the_o passeover_n at_o night_n and_o thus_o he_o accomplish_v the_o ceremony_n of_o the_o law_n quest_n whether_o do_v the_o jew_n and_o christ_n eat_v the_o passeover_n upon_o the_o same_o day_n or_o not_o answ_n christ_n observe_v the_o true_a day_n keep_v whether_o christ_n keep_v the_o passeover_n that_o same_o day_n which_o the_o jew_n keep_v in_o the_o end_n of_o the_o fourteen_o day_n and_o the_o beginning_n of_o the_o fifteen_o he_o eat_v it_o betwixt_o two_o evening_n but_o the_o jew_n transfer_v the_o day_n and_o eat_v it_o in_o the_o end_n of_o the_o fifteen_o day_n and_o beginning_n of_o the_o sixteenth_o and_o therefore_o when_o christ_n eat_v the_o passeover_n it_o be_v the_o day_n of_o the_o preparation_n to_o the_o jewish_a passeover_n although_o indeed_o it_o be_v the_o true_a passeover_n john_n 17.62_o when_o the_o passeover_n precede_v the_o sabbath_n they_o use_v to_o transfer_v the_o holy_a action_n of_o that_o day_n to_o the_o sabbath_n that_o two_o feast_n may_v not_o fall_v together_o and_o they_o do_v their_o common_a work_n upon_o that_o day_n which_o shall_v have_v be_v do_v upon_o the_o passeover_n and_o reserve_v the_o holy_a action_n to_o the_o sabbath_n follow_v and_o it_o be_v upon_o this_o day_n that_o they_o crucify_v christ_n they_o keep_v this_o translation_n of_o feast_n sabbath_n why_o they_o transfer_v their_o feast_n to_o the_o sabbath_n lest_o the_o feast_n of_o lot_n shall_v have_v fall_v 2_o 4_o 7._o lest_o the_o feast_n of_o the_o passeover_n shall_v have_v fall_v 2_o 4_o 6._o lest_o the_o feast_n of_o the_o pentecost_n shall_v have_v fall_v 3_o 5_o 7._o lest_o the_o beginning_n of_o the_o new_a year_n shall_v have_v fall_v 1_o 4_o 6._o lest_o the_o day_n of_o expiation_n shall_v have_v fall_v 1_o 3_o 6._o they_o observe_v this_o translation_n of_o the_o feast_n because_o they_o have_v certain_a feast_n which_o fall_v upon_o these_o day_n that_o two_o feast_n shall_v not_o fall_v together_o as_o the_o three_o feast_n of_o dedication_n the_o four_o fast_n mention_v in_o zachariah_n and_o the_o feast_n of_o lot_n begin_v when_o the_o divers_a keep_n of_o the_o passeover_n begin_v this_o diversity_n be_v not_o keep_v so_o long_o as_o the_o first_o temple_n stand_v whence_o arise_v it_o then_o it_o seem_v to_o have_v take_v the_o beginning_n from_o the_o divers_a beginning_n of_o the_o month_n for_o when_o they_o reckon_v their_o month_n from_o the_o apparition_n which_o be_v doubtful_a and_o uncertain_a hence_o it_o come_v to_o pass_v that_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o month_n be_v not_o always_o at_o the_o selfsame_o period_n for_o the_o last_o day_n of_o adar_n may_v fall_v out_o so_o that_o it_o shall_v be_v the_o beginning_n of_o nisan_fw-la and_o therefore_o the_o sanhedrin_n appoint_v that_o the_o full_a moon_n shall_v be_v the_o thirteen_o day_n which_o according_a to_o the_o verity_n be_v the_o fourteen_o this_o diversity_n arise_v of_o this_o because_o of_o the_o divers_a apparition_n of_o the_o moon_n so_o they_o keep_v the_o preparation_n to_o the_o pascha_fw-la diverse_o passeover_n great_a dissension_n betwixt_o the_o eastern_a and_o western_a church_n for_o keep_v of_o the_o passeover_n when_o the_o apostle_n have_v so_o clear_o determine_v that_o matter_n that_o no_o man_n shall_v be_v condemn_v or_o judge_v for_o not_o keep_v these_o day_n yet_o satan_n come_v and_o do_v sow_v his_o cockle_n and_o his_o darnell_n and_o raise_v dissension_n in_o the_o church_n betwixt_o the_o eastern_a and_o western_a church_n about_o the_o keep_n of_o the_o passeover_n the_o eastern_a church_n allege_v that_o john_n and_o philip_n celebrate_v the_o passeover_n in_o memory_n of_o christ_n supper_n for_o they_o keep_v diem_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d in_o the_o fourteen_o day_n of_o the_o month_n but_o the_o western_a church_n allege_v that_o peter_n and_o paul_n keep_v the_o passeover_n upon_o the_o first_o lord_n day_n after_o the_o fourteen_o day_n of_o the_o month_n upon_o which_o day_n they_o keep_v diem_fw-la 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d day_n pius_fw-la bishop_n of_o rome_n ordain_v the_o passeover_n to_o be_v keep_v on_o the_o lord_n day_n pius_fw-la bishop_n of_o rome_n in_o the_o year_n of_o god_n 147._o give_v out_o a_o edict_n that_o the_o pascha_fw-la shall_v be_v celebrate_v by_o all_o upon_o the_o lord_n day_n yet_o those_o in_o asia_n care_v not_o much_o for_o this_o edict_n and_o there_o arise_v hot_a contention_n on_o both_o the_o side_n polycarpus_n johns_n disciple_n come_v into_o rome_n to_o settle_v this_o contention_n and_o he_o appoint_v that_o every_o one_o shall_v celebrate_v the_o pascha_fw-la as_o they_o be_v wont_a yet_o this_o contention_n be_v not_o bury_v for_o the_o eastern_a and_o western_a church_n leave_v not_o off_o one_o to_o write_v against_o another_o victor_n the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n in_o a_o synod_n hold_v there_o passeover_n victor_n his_o statute_n concern_v the_o passeover_n ordain_v that_o the_o pascha_fw-la shall_v be_v celebrate_v there_o upon_o the_o lord_n day_n from_o the_o fourteen_o day_n of_o march_n until_o the_o twenty_o one_o of_o that_o month_n those_o of_o caesarea_n palestina_n pontus_n and_o achaia_n embrace_v this_o edict_n yet_o other_o stand_v out_o against_o it_o and_o say_v they_o will_v keep_v it_o according_a to_o johns_n tradition_n wherefore_o victor_n excommunicate_v all_o the_o bishop_n in_o asia_n yet_o irenaeus_n bishop_n of_o lion_n polycarpus_n scholar_n settle_v the_o
anger_n it_o fly_v for_o fear_n it_o grow_v slow_a for_o grief_n and_o spread_v itself_o abroad_o for_o joy_n and_o in_o shame_n it_o make_v the_o face_n to_o blush_v the_o life_n be_v in_o the_o blood_n therefore_o david_n say_v psal_n 30.10_o what_o profit_n be_v in_o my_o blood_n that_o be_v in_o my_o life_n and_o virgil_n call_v it_o the_o purpure_a soul_n god_n teach_v his_o people_n to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n for_o two_o reason_n first_o blood_n why_o god_n will_v have_v his_o people_n abstain_v from_o blood_n in_o reverence_n of_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n which_o be_v to_o expiate_v their_o sin_n wherefore_o the_o blood_n be_v call_v the_o atonement_n of_o the_o soul_n levit._fw-la chap._n 17.11_o that_o be_v the_o soul_n or_o the_o life_n of_o the_o beast_n be_v make_v the_o ransom_n for_o the_o soul_n or_o life_n of_o man_n and_o therefore_o it_o shall_v not_o be_v eat_v and_o for_o this_o cause_n they_o be_v command_v to_o cover_v it_o in_o the_o earth_n with_o dust_n contrary_a to_o this_o be_v that_o job_n 16.18_o blood_n they_o be_v to_o cover_v the_o blood_n let_v not_o the_o earth_n cover_v my_o blood_n and_o ezek._n 24.7_o 8._o their_o blood_n be_v in_o the_o midst_n of_o she_o she_o set_v it_o upon_o the_o top_n of_o a_o rock_n she_o lower_v it_o not_o upon_o the_o ground_n to_o cover_v it_o with_o dust_n that_o it_o may_v cause_v fury_n to_o come_v up_o to_o take_v vengeance_n i_o have_v set_v her_o blood_n upon_o the_o top_n of_o a_o rock_n that_o it_o shall_v not_o be_v cover_v but_o in_o this_o respect_n it_o be_v not_o a_o appendix_n of_o the_o sixth_o commandment_n but_o in_o another_o respect_n the_o lord_n command_v they_o to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n and_o not_o to_o eat_v it_o to_o teach_v they_o to_o abstain_v from_o cruelty_n and_o then_o it_o be_v a_o ceremonial_a appendix_n of_o the_o sixth_o commandment_n cruel_a how_o the_o roman_n by_o degree_n become_v cruel_a the_o corruption_n of_o man_n be_v such_o when_o he_o behold_v cruel_a thing_n than_o he_o begin_v to_o be_v more_o cruel_a the_o roman_n use_v at_o the_o first_o to_o set_v wild_a beast_n upon_o the_o stage_n to_o kill_v one_o another_o and_o after_o this_o they_o come_v to_o be_v delight_v to_o see_v gladiator_n and_o fencer_n kill_v one_o another_o and_o three_o they_o delight_v to_o see_v man_n cast_v unto_o the_o wild_a beast_n so_o that_o from_o the_o sight_n of_o kill_v of_o beast_n they_o delight_v to_o see_v man_n kill_v and_o so_o from_o eat_v of_o blood_n they_o may_v have_v be_v draw_v to_o cruelty_n and_o shed_v of_o the_o blood_n of_o man_n for_o those_o who_o be_v but_o acquaint_v with_o the_o shed_n of_o the_o blood_n of_o beast_n do_v care_v little_a for_o the_o shed_n of_o the_o blood_n of_o man_n nimrod_n be_v a_o mighty_a hunter_n gen._n 10.9_o and_o then_o he_o become_v a_o cruel_a murderer_n of_o man_n pythagoras_n that_o he_o may_v teach_v man_n to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n teach_v man_n always_o to_o abstain_v from_o the_o shed_n of_o the_o blood_n of_o beast_n obj._n it_o may_v be_v say_v where_o the_o reason_n of_o the_o law_n be_v perpetual_a the_o law_n be_v perpetual_a you_o shall_v eat_v no_o blood_n because_o the_o life_n be_v in_o the_o blood_n this_o reason_n be_v perpetual_a therefore_o this_o law_n may_v seem_v to_o be_v perpetual_a answ_n moral_a what_o part_n of_o this_o law_n be_v moral_a thus_o much_o of_o the_o law_n be_v perpetual_a that_o they_o shall_v not_o eat_v membrum_fw-la de_fw-la vivo_fw-la or_o while_o it_o be_v palpitans_fw-la sanguis_fw-la that_o be_v the_o moral_a precept_n ezek._n 33.25_o you_o eat_v with_o the_o blood_n which_o must_v be_v understand_v you_o eat_v while_o the_o life_n be_v in_o the_o blood_n this_o be_v a_o breach_n of_o the_o moral_a precept_n and_o it_o be_v join_v here_o by_o the_o prophet_n with_o other_o moral_a transgression_n you_o lift_v up_o your_o eye_n to_o your_o idol_n you_o shed_v blood_n and_o you_o eat_v blood_n but_o this_o be_v the_o ceremonial_a part_n simple_o to_o eat_v blood_n the_o lord_n command_v to_o give_v that_o which_o die_v of_o itself_o to_o the_o stranger_n deut._n 14.21_o but_o if_o this_o be_v a_o moral_a precept_n simple_o to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n than_o no_o stranger_n may_v eat_v blood_n or_o eat_v that_o which_o die_v of_o itself_o law_n to_o eat_v blood_n simple_o be_v not_o a_o moral_n law_n and_o the_o apostle_n act._n 15.20_o renew_a this_o precept_n of_o abstinence_n from_o blood_n precept_n why_o the_o apostle_n renew_v this_o precept_n and_o they_o give_v this_o to_o be_v the_o reason_n vers_fw-la 21._o for_o moses_n of_o old_a time_n have_v in_o every_o city_n those_o that_o preach_v he_o be_v read_v in_o their_o synagogue_n every_o sabbath_n day_n that_o be_v see_v moses_n ceremonial_a law_n be_v yet_o profess_a by_o the_o jew_n you_o must_v bear_v with_o the_o weak_a jew_n until_o you_o and_o they_o be_v full_o unite_v and_o this_o occasion_n be_v take_v away_o the_o law_n cease_v he_o command_v the_o jew_n to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n blood_n why_o he_o command_v the_o jew_n to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n because_o the_o church_n be_v in_o her_o infancy_n yet_o therefore_o to_o command_v the_o jew_n still_o to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n it_o be_v even_o all_o one_o as_o if_o one_o shall_v command_v that_o a_o man_n shall_v be_v continual_o nurse_v with_o milk_n because_o he_o suck_v milk_n when_o he_o be_v a_o child_n quest_n why_o do_v not_o the_o apostle_n forbid_v they_o to_o abstain_v from_o fat_a as_o well_o as_o from_o blood_n see_v to_o eat_v the_o fat_a be_v forbid_v in_o moses_n law_n as_o well_o as_o to_o eat_v the_o blood_n answ_n this_o precept_n of_o abstinence_n from_o blood_n be_v give_v to_o noah_n and_o it_o be_v one_o of_o the_o seven_o precept_n blood_n why_o the_o apostle_n command_v abstinence_n from_o blood_n but_o abstinence_n from_o fat_a be_v not_o command_v until_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n be_v give_v levit._n 3.16.17_o and_o because_o the_o jew_n esteem_v more_o of_o this_o interdiction_n of_o eat_v of_o blood_n therefore_o the_o apostle_n command_v they_o abstinence_n from_o it_o tertulian_n in_o his_o apology_n for_o the_o christian_n show_v that_o they_o will_v not_o eat_v blood_n or_o strangle_v 9_o tertullian_n in_o apolog._n c._n 9_o and_o that_o the_o heathen_a use_v to_o come_v to_o they_o with_o bottle_n of_o blood_n and_o to_o force_v they_o to_o drink_v of_o it_o by_o this_o it_o appear_v that_o the_o christian_n in_o his_o time_n abstain_v from_o blood_n but_o beatus_fw-la renanus_n comment_v upon_o that_o place_n of_o tertullian_n note_v well_o that_o the_o christian_n be_v too_o superstitious_a in_o that_o nam_fw-la citra●scandalum_fw-la judaeorum_n fuit_fw-la inscitia_fw-la seruare_fw-la they_o be_v bind_v only_o to_o abstain_v from_o blood_n that_o they_o may_v not_o offend_v the_o jew_n ob._n but_o blandina_fw-la the_o martyer_n abstain_v from_o blood_n answ_n the_o reason_n of_o this_o be_v the_o danger_n of_o future_a scandal_n which_o may_v follow_v for_o the_o christian_n be_v charge_v by_o the_o pagan_n that_o they_o spill_v the_o blood_n of_o infant_n &_o do_v drink_v it_o now_o if_o she_o have_v not_o abstain_v from_o blood_n how_o can_v she_o have_v contest_v with_o the_o pagan_n blood_n how_o the_o pagan_n charge_v the_o christian_n with_o drink_v of_o blood_n it_o be_v not_o likely_a that_o we_o drink_v the_o blood_n of_o infant_n who_o abstain_v from_o the_o blood_n of_o beast_n the_o council_n of_o orleans_n be_v just_o censure_v for_o renew_v this_o abstinence_n from_o blood_n as_o judaize_v in_o this_o point_n conclusion_n the_o conclusion_n of_o this_o be_v the_o lord_n by_o degree_n train_v up_o his_o people_n to_o be_v merciful_a as_o he_o forbid_v they_o to_o kill_v the_o damn_n sit_v upon_o the_o young_a one_o so_o he_o will_v not_o have_v the_o flesh_n of_o the_o beast_n eat_v that_o kill_v a_o man_n and_o he_o forbid_v to_o eat_v that_o which_o be_v tear_v of_o beast_n exod._n 22.21_o and_o here_o he_o forbid_v they_o to_o eat_v blood_n exercitat_fw-la xxvii_o that_o the_o jew_n may_v not_o seethe_v a_o kid_n in_o the_o mother_n milk_n to_o teach_v they_o not_o to_o be_v cruel_a a_o ceremonial_a appendix_n of_o command_n 6._o exod._n 23.19_o thou_o shall_v not_o seethe_v a_o kid_n in_o the_o mother_n milk_n a_o philosopher_n in_o egypt_n ask_v a_o jew_n upon_o a_o time_n why_o the_o jew_n abstain_v from_o swine_n flesh_n and_o will_v eat_v none_o of_o that_o which_o be_v hold_v to_o be_v most_o wholesome_a the_o jew_n answer_v he_o by_o another_o question_n what_o be_v the_o reason_n why_o the_o egyptian_n have_v so_o many_o hieroglyphicke_n and_o the_o pythagorean_n
proselytae_fw-la and_o they_o be_v call_v 〈◊〉_d