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reason_n answ_n quest_n reas_n 4,298 5 18.6055 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A54583 A learned, pious, and practical commentary, upon the Gospel according to St. Mark wherein the sacred text is logically analyzed; the meaning of the holy Spirit clearly and soundly opened: doctrines naturally raised, strongly confirmed, vindicated from exceptions, and excellent inferences deduced from them: all seeming differences in the history between this and the other evangelists fairly reconciled: many important cases of conscience, judiciously, succinctly, and perspicuously solved. By that laborious and faithful servant of Christ, Mr. George Petter, late Minister of the Gospel at Bread in Sussex. Petter, George. 1661 (1661) Wing P1888; ESTC R220413 2,138,384 918

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be_v only_o in_o the_o regenerate_a and_o true_a child_n of_o god_n for_o there_o be_v a_o kind_n of_o inward_a combat_n in_o they_o both_o before_o they_o yield_v to_o sin_n quest_n quest_n how_o to_o know_v the_o combat_n that_o be_v in_o the_o regenerate_a before_o they_o yield_v to_o sin_n from_o that_o which_o be_v in_o the_o wicked_a answ_n answ_n by_o the_o special_a difference_n between_o they_o 1._o they_o differ_v in_o the_o original_a cause_n and_o ground_n from_o which_o they_o arise_v for_o the_o conflict_n that_o be_v in_o the_o regenerate_v arise_v from_o the_o sanctify_a grace_n of_o god_n spirit_n in_o they_o which_o make_v resistance_n against_o sinful_a temptation_n cause_v they_o to_o be_v trouble_v and_o grieve_v at_o they_o etc._n etc._n see_v gal._n 5._o 17._o but_o the_o combat_n and_o strife_n in_o the_o wicked_a arise_v from_o the_o light_n of_o natural_a reason_n and_o of_o a_o natural_a conscience_n oppose_v against_o sinful_a temptation_n this_o light_n of_o reason_n and_o of_o the_o natural_a conscience_n which_o be_v in_o the_o wicked_a do_v discover_v unto_o they_o the_o unlawfullness_n and_o heinousness_n of_o some_o sin_n unto_o which_o they_o be_v tempt_v and_o do_v check_v and_o reprove_v they_o for_o the_o same_o and_o hence_o do_v arise_v the_o combat_n which_o they_o feel_v in_o themselves_o before_o the_o commit_n of_o sin_n 2._o they_o differ_v in_o the_o move_a cause_n for_o that_o which_o move_v the_o regenerate_v or_o rather_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n in_o they_o to_o make_v resistance_n against_o sinful_a temptation_n and_o to_o be_v trouble_v and_o grieve_v for_o they_o be_v the_o true_a love_n and_o fear_n of_o god_n and_o a_o true_a hatred_n of_o sin_n as_o it_o be_v offensive_a to_o god_n and_o a_o breach_n of_o his_o holy_a law_n as_o in_o joseph_n gen._n 39_o but_o that_o which_o move_v the_o wicked_a and_o unregenerate_a conscience_n to_o resist_v sinful_a motion_n and_o to_o check_v and_o reprove_v for_o they_o be_v only_o or_o chief_o the_o servile_a fear_n of_o god_n wrath_n and_o of_o the_o punishment_n follow_v sin_n as_o horror_n of_o conscience_n shame_n before_o man_n hell-fire_n etc._n etc._n as_o for_o the_o love_n of_o god_n and_o the_o true_a hatred_n of_o sin_n these_o do_v not_o move_v or_o trouble_v they_o when_o they_o be_v tempt_v to_o sin_n nay_o rather_o on_o the_o contrary_n they_o do_v love_v the_o sin_n unto_o which_o they_o be_v tempt_v and_o for_o which_o their_o natural_a conscience_n check_v and_o trouble_v they_o and_o they_o hate_v the_o law_n of_o god_n in_o their_o heart_n wish_v that_o there_o be_v no_o such_o law_n that_o so_o they_o may_v sin_v free_o and_o without_o danger_n of_o punishment_n whereas_o the_o regenerate_v on_o the_o other_o side_n do_v love_n the_o law_n of_o god_n and_o hate_v the_o sin_n forbid_v by_o it_o not_o wish_v that_o there_o be_v no_o law_n of_o god_n but_o that_o they_o have_v no_o corruption_n of_o sin_n rebel_a against_o that_o law_n by_o these_o mark_n of_o difference_n let_v we_o examine_v and_o try_v what_o manner_n of_o combat_n it_o be_v which_o we_o feel_v when_o we_o be_v tempt_v to_o sin_n and_o rest_v not_o in_o such_o a_o strife_n and_o conflict_n as_o may_v be_v in_o the_o wicked_a but_o look_v it_o be_v a_o true_a spiritual_a combat_n between_o flesh_n and_o spirit_n such_o as_o be_v in_o the_o regenerate_v use_v 2_o use_v 2._o see_v what_o to_o think_v of_o such_o as_o feel_v no_o combat_n or_o strife_n at_o all_o in_o themselves_o when_o they_o be_v tempt_v unto_o sin_n no_o reluctation_n or_o resistance_n against_o sinful_a motion_n and_o suggestion_n of_o satan_n and_o of_o their_o own_o flesh_n but_o they_o easy_o and_o quick_o yield_v and_o give_v consent_n to_o such_o sin_n without_o any_o resistance_n without_o any_o inward_a trouble_n grief_n fear_n etc._n etc._n they_o feel_v not_o these_o when_o they_o be_v tempt_v to_o sin_n they_o can_v yield_v to_o sin_n without_o any_o trouble_n or_o check_v of_o conscience_n yea_o to_o great_a and_o grievous_a sin_n they_o can_v swallow_v such_o sin_n without_o any_o trouble_n or_o touch_v of_o conscience_n they_o feel_v not_o so_o much_o as_o the_o check_n or_o sting_v of_o a_o natural_a conscience_n to_o trouble_v and_o vex_v they_o for_o sin_n much_o less_o the_o check_n of_o a_o renew_a and_o sanctify_a conscience_n these_o have_v dead_a conscience_n so_o harden_v in_o sin_n that_o they_o be_v even_o past_a all_o feel_n of_o sin_n and_o therefore_o commit_v sin_n with_o greediness_n ephes_n 4._o 19_o so_o far_o from_o be_v trouble_v or_o grieve_v when_o they_o be_v tempt_v to_o sin_n that_o they_o rejoice_v and_o delight_v in_o sin_n and_o be_v glad_a when_o they_o be_v tempt_v to_o it_o and_o have_v occasion_n offer_v to_o practice_v it_o and_o to_o fulfil_v their_o wicked_a lust_n etc._n etc._n fearful_a be_v the_o state_n of_o such_o worse_o than_o herod_n pilate_n etc._n etc._n observe_v 2_o observe_v 2._o though_o the_o wicked_a do_v sometime_o feel_v a_o inward_a combat_n and_o reluctation_n against_o sin_n in_o their_o conscience_n when_o they_o be_v tempt_v to_o it_o yet_o they_o oftentimes_o yield_v to_o those_o sin_n unto_o which_o they_o be_v tempt_v contrary_a to_o the_o light_n of_o their_o conscience_n and_o notwithstanding_o all_o the_o check_n of_o it_o feel_v within_o they_o so_o do_v herod_n as_o we_o see_v here_o so_o also_o pilate_n so_o judas_n though_o his_o conscience_n tell_v he_o that_o christ_n be_v innocent_a yet_o he_o yield_v to_o satan_n tempt_v he_o to_o betray_v he_o even_o against_o his_o conscience_n reason_n reas_n they_o be_v servant_n to_o sin_n and_o satan_n etc._n etc._n quest_n quest_n do_v not_o god_n child_n also_o sometime_o yield_v to_o the_o commit_n of_o some_o sin_n against_o their_o conscience_n check_v they_o answ_n answ_n yes_o but_o not_o so_o as_o the_o wicked_a for_o the_o wicked_a do_v yield_v full_a consent_n of_o heart_n to_o the_o sin_n unto_o which_o they_o be_v tempt_v with_o love_n and_o delight_n notwithstanding_o the_o inward_a gripe_n and_o check_n of_o conscience_n but_o the_o godly_a do_v not_o so_o they_o do_v not_o give_v full_a consent_n of_o heart_n to_o any_o sin_n unto_o which_o they_o be_v tempt_v but_o only_o in_o part_n and_o with_o some_o reluctation_n of_o heart_n and_o conscience_n against_o the_o sin_n yea_o with_o some_o hatred_n of_o it_o even_o then_o when_o they_o yield_v to_o it_o so_o it_o be_v with_o paul_n rom._n 7._o and_o with_o peter_n deny_v christ_n etc._n etc._n quest_n quest_n may_v not_o the_o wicked_a also_o feel_v some_o reluctation_n against_o sin_n in_o yield_v to_o it_o or_o in_o commit_v of_o it_o answ_n answ_n yes_o their_o natural_a conscience_n may_v check_v they_o for_o it_o and_o cause_v they_o to_o be_v trouble_v and_o grieve_v but_o yet_o there_o be_v no_o true_a hatred_n of_o the_o sin_n in_o their_o heart_n but_o rather_o a_o love_n and_o like_n to_o it_o and_o a_o desire_n to_o commit_v it_o use_v use_v beware_v of_o this_o yield_n to_o sin_n against_o our_o conscience_n after_o it_o have_v check_v and_o trouble_v we_o when_o we_o be_v tempt_v to_o it_o take_v heed_n how_o we_o stop_v our_o ear_n against_o the_o voice_n and_o cry_v of_o our_o conscience_n when_o it_o tell_v we_o and_o cry_v aloud_o to_o we_o that_o this_o or_o that_o be_v a_o sin_n which_o we_o be_v about_o to_o commit_v or_o be_v tempt_v unto_o for_o this_o be_v a_o fearful_a thing_n and_o the_o high_a way_n to_o great_a and_o fearful_a hardness_n of_o heart_n for_o no_o sin_n do_v so_o wound_v the_o conscience_n and_o harden_v the_o heart_n as_o those_o that_o be_v yield_v to_o against_o our_o own_o knowledge_n and_o conscience_n take_v heed_n therefore_o of_o yield_v to_o the_o temptation_n of_o sin_n or_o satan_n against_o thy_o conscience_n especial_o of_o give_v full_a consent_n with_o love_n and_o delight_n in_o such_o sin_n as_o thy_o conscience_n do_v condemn_v etc._n etc._n so_o much_o of_o the_o manner_n of_o herod_n yield_v to_o the_o damsel_n suit_n in_o that_o he_o be_v much_o grieve_v for_o it_o now_o it_o follow_v to_o speak_v of_o the_o motive_n move_v he_o to_o yield_v the_o first_o be_v his_o oath_n for_o his_o oath_n sake_n observe_v 1._o it_o be_v the_o property_n of_o hypocrite_n under_o show_n and_o pretence_n of_o religion_n to_o practice_v sin_n and_o wickedness_n herod_n under_o pretence_n of_o a_o religious_a care_n to_o keep_v his_o oath_n yield_v to_o the_o behead_v of_o john_n for_o though_o there_o can_v be_v no_o true_a religion_n in_o the_o keep_n of_o a_o unlawful_a oath_n yet_o in_o herod_n foolish_a and_o ignorant_a opinion_n this_o be_v a_o matter_n of_o religion_n and_o so_o under_o colour_n hereof_o
25._o that_o your_o father_n also_o which_o be_v in_o heaven_n may_v forgive_v you_o your_o trespass_n 1630._o may_v 16._o 1630._o now_o follow_v the_o author_n or_o efficient_a cause_n of_o this_o benefit_n of_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n here_o promise_v to_o such_o as_o forgive_v other_o god_n himself_o describe_v 1._o by_o a_o relative_a title_n in_o that_o he_o be_v call_v their_o father_n 2._o by_o the_o special_a place_n of_o his_o abode_n which_o be_v heaven_n that_o your_o father_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n etc._n etc._n observe_v 1._o in_o that_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n be_v here_o ascribe_v unto_o god_n their_o heavenly_a father_n as_o his_o proper_a act_n hence_o gather_v that_o it_o be_v god_n alone_o that_o can_v and_o do_v forgive_v sin_n this_o be_v his_o proper_a act_n or_o work_n not_o communicable_a to_o any_o man_n or_o angel_n isa_n 43._o 25._o ay_o even_o i_o be_o he_o that_o blot_v out_o thy_o transgression_n for_o my_o own_o sake_n and_o will_v not_o remember_v thy_o sin_n exod._n 34._o 6._o mich._n 7._o 18._o who_o be_v a_o god_n like_o unto_o thou_o that_o pardone_v iniquity_n and_o pass_v by_o the_o transgression_n of_o the_o rem●ant_n of_o his_o heritage_n etc._n etc._n yea_o the_o scribe_n and_o pharisee_n know_v this_o mark_v 2._o 7._o who_o can_v forgive_v sin_n but_o god_n only_o and_o therefore_o they_o accuse_v our_o saviour_n of_o blasphemy_n because_o he_o take_v upon_o he_o to_o forgive_v sin_n be_v but_o a_o mere_a man_n as_o they_o false_o suppose_v quest_n quest_n how_o can_v god_n forgive_v sin_n be_v just_a answ_n answ_n there_o be_v a_o satisfaction_n make_v to_o his_o justice_n by_o the_o death_n and_o passion_n of_o christ_n and_o so_o in_o he_o he_o forgive_v etc._n etc._n quest_n quest_n how_o then_o do_v he_o free_o forgive_v answ_n answ_n because_o he_o free_o give_v his_o son_n etc._n etc._n reas_n 1_o reason_n all_o sin_n be_v a_o offence_n to_o god_n and_o a_o breach_n of_o his_o holy_a law_n 1_o joh._n 3._o 4._o therefore_o he_o only_o can_v forgive_v it_o this_o be_v true_a even_o of_o those_o sin_n which_o be_v commit_v against_o man_n even_o these_o be_v first_o and_o principal_o against_o god_n psal_n 51._o 4._o against_o thou_o only_o have_v i_o sin_v etc._n etc._n yet_o he_o have_v sin_v against_o uriah_n and_o against_o bathsheba_n reas_n 2_o reas_n 2._o only_o god_n can_v infuse_v grace_n into_o the_o sinner_n now_o this_o go_v always_o with_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n vid._n aquin._n object_n object_n joh._n 20._o 23._o who_o sin_n you_o remit_v they_o be_v remit_v etc._n etc._n answ_n answ_n god_n minister_n be_v say_v to_o remit_v sin_n not_o by_o any_o judicial_a power_n or_o authority_n of_o their_o own_o but_o ministerial_o only_a by_o pronounce_v declare_v and_o apply_v forgiveness_n of_o sin_n to_o the_o penitent_a in_o the_o name_n of_o god_n and_o of_o christ_n use_v 1_o use_v 1._o to_o confute_v the_o gross_a error_n of_o the_o papist_n touch_v the_o pope_n power_n to_o pardon_v sin_n which_o be_v god_n peculiar_a office_n not_o communicable_a to_o man_n or_o angel_n which_o show_v also_o the_o pride_n and_o presumption_n of_o that_o antichrist_n of_o rome_n thrust_v himself_o into_o god_n office_n etc._n etc._n yea_o they_o challenge_v and_o ascribe_v this_o power_n to_o their_o ordinary_a mass_a priest_n etc._n etc._n wherein_o they_o show_v themselves_o more_o blind_a than_o the_o scribe_n and_o pharisee_n who_o confess_v it_o to_o be_v god_n privilege_n alone_o to_o forgive_v sin_n use_v 2_o use_v 2._o see_v what_o to_o do_v if_o we_o will_v have_v our_o sin_n pardon_v and_o have_v inward_a peace_n and_o comfort_n in_o our_o conscience_n seek_v to_o god_n in_o christ_n for_o mercy_n and_o pardon_n humble_v thyself_o to_o he_o confess_v thy_o sin_n and_o sue_v to_o he_o most_o earnest_o for_o pardon_n and_o mercy_n etc._n etc._n this_o be_v the_o only_a way_n to_o obtain_v pardon_n and_o inward_a peace_n and_o there_o be_v no_o other_o way_n in_o the_o world_n he_o thou_o have_v offend_v and_o he_o only_o can_v forgive_v thou_o and_o it_o be_v his_o mercy_n alone_o in_o pardon_v thy_o sin_n which_o can_v cure_v and_o heal_v thy_o wound_a conscience_n and_o give_v thou_o true_a inward_a comfort_n and_o peace_n it_o be_v not_o carnal_a mirth_n or_o company_n or_o follow_v the_o world_n that_o can_v ease_v or_o pacify_v a_o wound_a conscience_n guilty_a of_o sin_n but_o god_n mercy_n alone_o pardon_v it_o in_o christ_n and_o assure_v we_o in_o conscience_n of_o it_o quest_n quest_n be_v we_o not_o to_o ask_v forgiveness_n of_o man_n also_o answ_n answ_n yes_o so_o far_o as_o we_o have_v by_o any_o sin_n offend_v or_o scandalized_a man_n but_o first_o and_o principal_o we_o be_v to_o humble_v ourselves_o to_o god_n and_o make_v our_o peace_n with_o he_o see_v before_o upon_o the_o seven_o verse_n of_o the_o 2d_o chapter_n observe_v 2._o from_o the_o title_n father_n give_v to_o god_n in_o respect_n of_o the_o disciple_n of_o christ_n be_v believer_n we_o may_v gather_v the_o great_a and_o excellent_a privilege_n of_o true_a believer_n in_o that_o they_o have_v god_n to_o be_v their_o father_n and_o they_o be_v his_o child_n by_o the_o grace_n of_o adoption_n in_o christ_n though_o by_o nature_n they_o be_v child_n of_o wrath_n as_o other_o joh._n 20._o 17._o i_o ascend_v to_o my_o father_n and_o your_o father_n to_o my_o god_n and_o your_o god_n joh._n 1._o 12._o as_o many_o as_o receive_v he_o to_o they_o he_o give_v power_n to_o become_v the_o son_n of_o god_n even_o to_o they_o that_o believe_v on_o his_o name_n gal._n 3._o 26._o you_o be_v all_o the_o child_n of_o god_n by_o faith_n in_o jesus_n christ_n use_v use_v this_o be_v matter_n of_o great_a comfort_n to_o the_o faithful_a for_o god_n be_v their_o father_n can_v but_o love_v they_o dear_o as_o child_n and_o show_v his_o love_n by_o all_o fruit_n of_o it_o he_o can_v but_o take_v care_n of_o they_o and_o provide_v for_o they_o all_o thing_n needful_a for_o soul_n and_o body_n he_o can_v but_o show_v pity_n and_o compassion_n towards_o they_o in_o their_o affliction_n and_o misery_n psal_n 103._o 13._o like_o as_o a_o father_n pity_v his_o child_n etc._n etc._n he_o can_v but_o bear_v with_o their_o infirmity_n and_o pardon_v their_o fail_n in_o duty_n observe_v 1_o observe_v 3._o in_o that_o god_n be_v say_v to_o be_v in_o heaven_n above_o all_o other_o place_n by_o his_o special_a presence_n this_o may_v teach_v we_o a_o twofold_a duty_n 1._o that_o we_o shall_v labour_v to_o be_v heavenly-minded_n and_o affect_v that_o so_o where_o god_n our_o portion_n and_o chief_a treasure_n be_v there_o may_v our_o heart_n be_v also_o col._n 3._o 2._o set_a your_o affection_n on_o thing_n that_o be_v above_o etc._n etc._n phil._n 3._o 20._o our_o conversation_n be_v in_o heaven_n viz._n in_o heart_n and_o affection_n by_o heavenly_a meditation_n and_o affection_n carry_v towards_o the_o thing_n that_o be_v above_o where_o god_n our_o father_n be_v we_o shall_v therefore_o labour_v to_o be_v with_o he_o there_o in_o mind_n and_o affection_n as_o much_o and_o often_o as_o be_v possible_a even_o while_o we_o live_v on_o earth_n we_o shall_v often_o meditate_v of_o god_n that_o be_v of_o his_o nature_n essence_n and_o divine_a property_n and_o of_o his_o love_n and_o favour_n towards_o we_o as_o david_n psal_n 73._o 25._o who_o have_v i_o in_o heaven_n but_o thou_o etc._n etc._n we_o shall_v also_o often_o meditate_v of_o the_o nature_n and_o excellency_n of_o that_o life_n to_o come_v and_o raise_v our_o heart_n and_o affection_n to_o the_o love_n and_o desire_v of_o these_o heavenly_a thing_n etc._n etc._n wean_a our_o heart_n from_o this_o world_n and_o use_v it_o as_o if_o we_o use_v it_o not_o 2._o this_o shall_v teach_v we_o to_o be_v willing_a yea_o desirous_a to_o be_v gather_v in_o due_a time_n to_o that_o excellent_a place_n where_o god_n our_o father_n be_v that_o where_o he_o be_v we_o may_v be_v also_o immediate_o join_v to_o he_o and_o see_v he_o as_o he_o be_v face_n to_o face_n a_o true_a love_a child_n desire_v to_o be_v with_o his_o father_n in_o his_o sight_n etc._n etc._n so_o shall_v we_o etc._n etc._n see_v how_o willing_a we_o shall_v be_v to_o die_v when_o god_n call_v we_o to_o it_o as_o paul_n phil._n 1._o 23._o and_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 8._o that_o we_o may_v go_v to_o our_o father_n joh._n 20._o 17._o also_o to_o love_v the_o appear_v of_o christ_n at_o the_o last_o day_n verse_n 26._o but_o if_o you_o do_v not_o forgive_v neither_o will_v your_o father_n etc._n etc._n the_o second_o reason_n use_v by_o our_o saviour_n to_o move_v his_o disciple_n to_o free_a forgive_n of_o enemy_n
to_o entertain_v christ_n hence_o we_o may_v gather_v the_o excellency_n and_o dignity_n of_o christ_n person_n that_o even_o in_o the_o state_n of_o his_o humiliation_n he_o be_v a_o person_n of_o great_a worth_n and_o excellency_n this_o appear_v in_o that_o he_o come_v into_o the_o world_n after_o the_o same_o manner_n as_o king_n and_o prince_n be_v wont_a to_o go_v or_o come_v to_o any_o place_n that_o be_v to_o say_v with_o harbinger_n to_o prepare_v the_o way_n for_o they_o and_o to_o provide_v for_o their_o entertainment_n at_o the_o place_n whither_o they_o be_v to_o go_v so_o christ_n jesus_n come_v into_o the_o world_n to_o work_v our_o redemption_n have_v his_o harbinger_n john_n baptist_n to_o go_v before_o he_o and_o by_o his_o preach_a to_o prepare_v for_o his_o come_n this_o show_v that_o christ_n be_v even_o then_o a_o person_n of_o great_a dignity_n even_o the_o great_a that_o ever_o live_v upon_o the_o earth_n for_o he_o be_v not_o only_o a_o man_n but_o god_n and_o man_n in_o one_o person_n not_o only_o a_o king_n but_o king_n of_o king_n and_o lord_n of_o lord_n 〈…〉_o this_o dignity_n and_o excellency_n of_o christ_n person_n be_v manifest_v in_o this_o that_o he_o have_v so_o excellent_a a_o person_n and_o so_o great_a a_o prophet_n as_o john_n baptist_n to_o be_v his_o servant_n to_o go_v before_o his_o presence_n and_o face_n to_o prepare_v for_o his_o come_n and_o so_o to_o wait_v and_o attend_v upon_o his_o person_n but_o of_o this_o excellency_n of_o the_o person_n of_o christ_n we_o shall_v have_v occasion_n to_o speak_v again_o when_o i_o come_v to_o the_o 7._o ver._n of_o this_o chap._n now_o then_o to_o proceed_v obser_n 2_o again_o here_o we_o see_v one_o privilege_n and_o pre-eminence_n of_o john_n baptist_n above_o all_o other_o minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n in_o that_o he_o go_v before_o the_o face_n and_o presence_n of_o christ_n whereas_o all_o other_o minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n come_v after_o christ_n in_o time_n this_o be_v john_n prerogative_n alone_o that_o he_o only_o be_v before_o christ_n in_o age_n and_o birth_n in_o respect_n of_o christ_n manhood_n and_o that_o he_o begin_v to_o preach_v the_o gospel_n before_o christ_n himself_o preach_v it_o whereas_o all_o other_o minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n as_o well_o the_o apostle_n as_o their_o successor_n be_v after_o christ_n in_o age_n and_o birth_n and_o after_o he_o also_o in_o the_o exercise_n of_o this_o office_n and_o function_n of_o preach_v the_o gospel_n john_n go_v before_o christ_n in_o age_n and_o time_n but_o come_v behind_o he_o in_o excellency_n and_o dignity_n of_o person_n but_o the_o apostle_n and_o all_o other_o minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n come_v behind_o christ_n both_o in_o time_n and_o dignity_n vide_fw-la contion_n in_o cap._n 9_o ver._n 12._o it_o follow_v who_o shall_v prepare_v thy_o way_n etc._n etc._n the_o meaning_n of_o the_o word_n we_o hear_v before_o and_o how_o john_n be_v say_v to_o prepare_v the_o way_n of_o christ_n viz._n by_o the_o execution_n of_o his_o ministry_n in_o preach_v and_o baptise_v especial_o in_o preach_v now_o let_v we_o see_v the_o matter_n of_o instruction_n which_o these_o word_n afford_v we_o obser_n in_o that_o it_o be_v say_v john_n baptist_n shall_v by_o his_o ministry_n prepare_v the_o way_n before_o christ_n we_o may_v gather_v what_o be_v the_o office_n of_o all_o minister_n of_o the_o word_n namely_o by_o their_o preach_a and_o ministry_n to_o prepare_v man_n to_o the_o receive_n and_o embrace_v of_o christ_n to_o fit_a man_n to_o entertain_v christ_n jesus_n in_o their_o heart_n in_o this_o all_o minister_n shall_v resemble_v john_n baptist_n act._n 10._o 43._o all_o the_o prophet_n give_v witness_n to_o christ_n 2_o cor._n 4._o 5._o we_o preach_v not_o ourselves_o but_o christ_n etc._n etc._n 2_o cor._n 11._o 2._o i_o have_v prepare_v you_o for_o one_o husband_n to_o present_v you_o as_o a_o pure_a virgin_n unto_o christ_n see_v col._n 1._o 28._o gal._n 4._o 19_o quest_n how_o ought_v minister_n to_o prepare_v the_o people_n to_o entertain_v christ_n in_o heart_n answ_n sundry_a way_n especial_o these_o 1._o by_o show_v they_o what_o need_v they_o have_v of_o christ_n which_o be_v do_v by_o preach_v the_o law_n which_o discover_v he_o to_o we_o and_o our_o natural_a misery_n by_o reason_n of_o it_o 2._o by_o labour_v to_o bring_v they_o to_o true_a repentance_n for_o their_o sin_n that_o their_o heart_n may_v be_v break_v with_o godly_a sorrow_n for_o their_o sin_n and_o that_o they_o may_v begin_v true_o to_o hate_v and_o forsake_v sin_n for_o then_o and_o not_o before_o be_v we_o fit_a to_o entertain_v christ_n in_o our_o heart_n when_o our_o heart_n be_v true_o humble_v for_o sin_n isa_n 57_o 15._o i_o dwell_v with_o he_o that_o be_v of_o a_o contrite_a and_o humble_a spirit_n etc._n etc._n thus_o do_v john_n baptist_n prepare_v man_n for_o christ_n by_o preach_v repentance_n 3._o by_o preach_v the_o doctrine_n of_o faith_n to_o they_o show_v they_o the_o nature_n of_o it_o and_o labour_v to_o work_v it_o in_o they_o by_o the_o ministry_n of_o the_o word_n that_o so_o by_o faith_n they_o may_v be_v fit_v to_o receive_v christ_n yea_o that_o by_o this_o grace_n of_o faith_n christ_n may_v come_v to_o dwell_v in_o their_o heart_n ephes_n 3._o 17._o and_o thus_o also_o john_n baptist_n prepare_v his_o hearer_n for_o christ_n by_o preach_v the_o doctrine_n of_o faith_n to_o they_o as_o we_o hear_v before_o use_v 1_o see_v what_o all_o minister_n of_o the_o word_n must_v chief_o labour_v in_o even_o to_o prepare_v man_n for_o christ_n and_o this_o be_v the_o main_a thing_n to_o be_v aim_v at_o in_o our_o preach_n we_o be_v not_o to_o preach_v ourselves_o but_o christ_n we_o be_v not_o to_o prepare_v our_o own_o way_n or_o the_o way_n of_o any_o other_o but_o the_o way_n of_o christ_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o our_o people_n to_o this_o end_n we_o be_v to_o speak_v so_o to_o the_o conscience_n of_o our_o hearer_n that_o if_o it_o be_v possible_a we_o may_v by_o our_o ministry_n work_v faith_n and_o repentance_n in_o they_o and_o so_o make_v way_n for_o christ_n to_o enter_v into_o their_o heart_n we_o be_v not_o to_o preach_v please_a thing_n to_o you_o or_o to_o soothe_v you_o up_o in_o your_o sin_n nor_o yet_o to_o make_v vain_a show_n of_o humane_a learning_n in_o eloquence_n of_o word_n etc._n etc._n for_o this_o be_v to_o make_v a_o way_n for_o ourselves_o into_o your_o heart_n and_o not_o for_o christ_n use_v 2_o hence_o also_o we_o may_v gather_v the_o excellency_n and_o necessity_n of_o the_o word_n preach_v and_o particular_o of_o the_o preach_n of_o the_o law_n for_o the_o ministry_n and_o preach_v the_o word_n serve_v chief_o to_o prepare_v we_o unto_o christ_n and_o to_o the_o embrace_v of_o he_o by_o faith_n and_o this_o it_o do_v by_o work_a faith_n and_o repentance_n in_o we_o and_o so_o bring_v we_o unto_o christ_n and_o make_v we_o partaker_n of_o he_o and_o all_o his_o benefit_n and_o grace_n as_o therefore_o thou_o will_v be_v fit_v to_o receive_v and_o entertain_v christ_n in_o thy_o heart_n by_o faith_n so_o make_v conscience_n of_o attend_v on_o this_o ordinance_n of_o god_n the_o preach_a of_o the_o word_n the_o main_a end_n and_o use_v of_o the_o ordinance_n of_o preach_v be_v to_o prepare_v the_o way_n of_o christ_n in_o thy_o heart_n by_o work_a faith_n and_o repentance_n in_o thou_o this_o be_v that_o which_o we_o that_o be_v minister_n of_o the_o word_n aught_o to_o labour_n and_o strive_v unto_o chief_o even_o to_o make_v way_n for_o christ_n to_o enter_v into_o man_n heart_n and_o to_o dwell_v in_o they_o by_o faith_n this_o be_v john_n baptist_n his_o office_n and_o duty_n and_o this_o be_v also_o the_o main_a matter_n which_o all_o faithful_a minister_n of_o the_o word_n must_v shoot_v at_o in_o preach_v that_o christ_n may_v be_v form_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o their_o hearer_n despise_v not_o then_o the_o preach_a of_o the_o word_n there_o be_v no_o other_o way_n ordinary_o to_o prepare_v thou_o unto_o christ_n and_o so_o to_o bring_v he_o into_o thy_o heart_n christ_n now_o stand_v at_o the_o door_n and_o knock_v etc._n etc._n use_v 3_o again_o see_v it_o be_v the_o duty_n of_o all_o minister_n by_o their_o preach_v to_o do_v as_o john_n baptist_n be_v appoint_v even_o to_o prepare_v man_n heart_n to_o embrace_v christ_n by_o this_o we_o may_v examine_v ourselves_o whether_o we_o have_v profit_v by_o the_o preach_n of_o the_o word_n or_o no_o for_o if_o our_o heart_n be_v more_o and_o more_o humble_v in_o the_o sense_n of_o sin_n and_o of_o our_o natural_a misery_n without_o christ_n and_o if_o we_o begin_v more_o and_o
one_o that_o answer_v satan_n temptation_n obser_n 2_o repentance_n and_o remission_n of_o sin_n be_v here_o join_v together_o and_o that_o be_v mention_v in_o the_o place_n to_o teach_v we_o that_o there_o be_v no_o remission_n of_o sin_n to_o be_v have_v without_o true_a repentance_n and_o turn_n from_o sin_n this_o must_v go_v before_o that_o luke_n 24._o 47._o repentance_n and_o remission_n of_o sin_n be_v to_o be_v preach_v in_o the_o name_n of_o christ_n first_o repentance_n and_o then_o remission_n of_o sin_n act._n 3._o 19_o repent_v and_o be_v convert_v that_o your_o sin_n may_v be_v blot_v out_o etc._n etc._n act._n 8._o 22._o peter_n to_o simon_n magus_n repent_v of_o this_o thy_o wickedness_n and_o pray_v god_n if_o perhaps_o the_o thought_n of_o thy_o heart_n may_v be_v forgive_v thou_o imply_v that_o without_o repentance_n it_o can_v not_o possible_o be_v forgive_v the_o promise_n of_o forgiveness_n be_v make_v upon_o condition_n of_o the_o party_n be_v repentance_n prov._n 28._o 13._o he_o that_o confess_v and_o forsake_v his_o sin_n shall_v have_v mercy_n ezek._n 18._o 21._o if_o the_o wicked_a turn_n from_o all_o his_o sin_n etc._n etc._n all_o his_o transgression_n shall_v not_o be_v mention_v to_o he_o yet_o we_o do_v not_o by_o repentance_n merit_n forgiveness_n god_n give_v it_o for_o his_o promise_n sake_n in_o christ_n etc._n etc._n use_v 1_o see_v how_o miserable_o some_o delude_v themselves_o presume_v upon_o the_o pardon_n of_o their_o sin_n and_o lay_v claim_n to_o this_o benefit_n and_o yet_o continue_v in_o sin_n never_o humble_v themselves_o for_o it_o nor_o forsake_v it_o they_o feel_v no_o heartbreak_a for_o their_o sin_n they_o strive_v not_o against_o the_o corruption_n of_o their_o heart_n and_o life_n they_o labour_v not_o to_o reform_v they_o and_o yet_o promise_v themselves_o pardon_n and_o mercy_n at_o god_n hand_n indeed_o they_o may_v vain_o promise_v themselves_o what_o they_o will_v but_o god_n have_v not_o promise_v they_o pardon_v or_o mercy_n but_o upon_o their_o repentance_n do_v not_o therefore_o delude_v thyself_o god_n will_v not_o be_v merciful_a to_o thou_o continue_v in_o thy_o sin_n without_o repentance_n deut._n 29._o 19_o he_o promise_v forgiveness_n only_o to_o the_o penitent_a he_o have_v join_v repentance_n and_o forgiveness_n together_o do_v not_o thou_o separate_v they_o neither_o presume_v of_o the_o latter_a without_o the_o former_a use_v 2_o admonition_n to_o all_o that_o will_v have_v their_o sin_n pardon_v they_o must_v speedy_o repent_v of_o their_o sin_n and_o turn_v to_o god_n by_o a_o new_a life_n till_o thou_o have_v do_v this_o never_o look_v for_o pardon_v labour_v then_o for_o the_o grace_n of_o true_a repentance_n use_v the_o mean_n come_v to_o the_o ministry_n of_o the_o word_n etc._n etc._n get_v a_o true_a sight_n of_o thy_o sin_n by_o the_o law_n of_o god_n with_o a_o lively_a sense_n of_o the_o heinousness_n of_o they_o humble_v thyself_o to_o god_n by_o hearty_a confession_n of_o they_o and_o by_o crave_v pardon_n of_o they_o in_o christ_n then_o god_n will_v pardon_v thy_o sin_n etc._n etc._n mark_v 1._o 5._o and_o there_o go_v out_o unto_o he_o all_o the_o land_n of_o judea_n and_o they_o of_o jerusalem_n and_o be_v all_o baptize_v of_o 1618._o july_n 12._o 1618._o he_o in_o the_o river_n jordan_n confess_v their_o sin_n the_o evangelist_n have_v in_o the_o former_a verse_n show_v how_o john_n baptist_n execute_v his_o ministerial_a office_n both_o in_o baptise_v and_o preach_v the_o doctrine_n of_o baptism_n now_o in_o this_o 5._o ver._n he_o come_v to_o show_v what_o success_n his_o ministry_n have_v what_o fruit_n and_o effect_v follow_v upon_o it_o in_o the_o people_n that_o hear_v he_o preach_v now_o the_o success_n and_o fruit_n of_o john_n ministry_n be_v here_o manifest_v in_o three_o particular_a effect_n which_o follow_v in_o the_o people_n upon_o his_o preach_n and_o baptise_v the_o first_o be_v their_o general_a concourse_n and_o flock_v unto_o he_o from_o jerusalem_n and_o all_o the_o part_n of_o judea_n the_o second_o be_v their_o readiness_n to_o receive_v at_o his_o hand_n the_o sacrament_n of_o baptism_n in_o that_o it_o be_v say_v they_o be_v all_o baptize_v of_o he_o in_o jordan_n three_o their_o true_a repentance_n testify_v by_o confess_v their_o sin_n before_o the_o receive_n of_o baptism_n and_o there_o go_v out_o unto_o he_o viz._n out_o of_o the_o town_n and_o village_n into_o the_o wilderness_n of_o judea_n where_o he_o preach_v note_v by_o the_o way_n one_o difference_n between_o john_n preach_v and_o the_o preach_n of_o christ_n and_o his_o apostle_n for_o christ_n and_o the_o apostle_n teach_v for_o the_o most_o part_n in_o town_n and_o village_n whither_o the_o people_n resort_v to_o they_o out_o of_o the_o country_n round_o about_o those_o town_n and_o village_n but_o john_n baptist_n preach_v in_o a_o solitary_a place_n out_o of_o the_o town_n and_o village_n and_o therefore_o the_o people_n go_v out_o of_o the_o town_n and_o village_n and_o repair_v into_o the_o wilderness_n to_o hear_v he_o note_v that_o this_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v of_o the_o begin_n of_o john_n ministry_n and_o preach_v which_o be_v in_o the_o wilderness_n for_o afterward_o he_o also_o preach_v and_o baptize_v in_o town_n and_o more_o populous_a place_n as_o may_v appear_v joh._n 3._o 23._o all_o the_o land_n of_o judea_n not_o every_o person_n inhabit_v judea_n but_o a_o great_a many_o of_o all_o sort_n and_o degree_n age_n and_o sex_n by_o judea_n understand_v proper_o that_o part_n of_o the_o land_n of_o canaan_n which_o contain_v the_o border_n of_o the_o two_o tribe_n judah_n and_o benjamin_n and_o of_o the_o half_a tribe_n of_o manasseh_n and_o they_o of_o jerusalem_n which_o be_v the_o chief_a city_n in_o judea_n which_o stand_v within_o the_o border_n of_o judah_n and_o benjamin_n ar._n montan._n chaleb_n now_o the_o end_n wherefore_o they_o go_v out_o to_o john_n be_v these_o 1._o to_o see_v his_o person_n that_o be_v so_o famous_a and_o renown_a 2._o to_o hear_v his_o preach_a 3._o to_o be_v baptize_v by_o he_o quest_n 1_o quest_n what_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o such_o great_a concourse_n of_o people_n to_o see_v and_o hear_v john_n answ_n answ_n divers_a reason_n may_v be_v give_v 1._o the_o excellency_n of_o john_n person_n in_o that_o he_o be_v a_o prophet_n now_o it_o be_v then_o a_o rare_a thing_n to_o see_v or_o hear_v of_o a_o prophet_n for_o there_o have_v be_v a_o long_a surcease_n of_o prophecy_n malachi_n be_v the_o last_o prophet_n before_o john_n and_o he_o live_v about_o 500_o year_n before_o john_n gualther_n archet_fw-mi in_o math._n 3._o 5._o 2._o the_o new_a and_o strange_a doctrine_n which_o he_o preach_v differ_v much_o from_o the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o prophet_n which_o have_v go_v before_o for_o they_o preach_v christ_n that_o be_v to_o come_v long_o after_o but_o john_n preach_v christ_n that_o be_v to_o come_v immediate_o after_o he_o he_o preach_v the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o gospel_n more_o plain_o than_o any_o prophet_n before_o he_o 3._o the_o zeal_n and_o earnestness_n which_o he_o show_v in_o his_o preach_n in_o that_o he_o cry_v out_o to_o the_o people_n in_o his_o preach_n as_o we_o have_v hear_v before_o 4._o the_o strange_a and_o unwonted_a place_n where_o he_o preach_v be_v in_o a_o wilderness_n this_o make_v the_o people_n flock_n to_o he_o the_o more_o as_o it_o be_v likely_a for_o they_o may_v well_o think_v he_o be_v a_o extraordinary_a man_n that_o teach_v in_o such_o a_o extraordinary_a and_o unwonted_a place_n 5._o last_o the_o austerity_n and_o strictness_n of_o life_n and_o conversation_n show_v by_o his_o mean_a apparel_n and_o diet_n breed_v in_o the_o people_n a_o admiration_n of_o his_o person_n and_o so_o cause_v they_o the_o more_o to_o flock_v unto_o he_o and_o be_v all_o baptize_v of_o he_o in_o the_o river_n jordan_n john_n preach_v near_o unto_o jordan_n in_o the_o coast_n about_o it_o luk._n 3._o 3._o therefore_o this_o river_n be_v convenient_a and_o ready_a at_o hand_n for_o he_o to_o baptize_v in_o confess_v their_o sin_n that_o be_v have_v first_o confess_v their_o sin_n before_o they_o be_v baptize_v this_o they_o do_v in_o token_n and_o testimony_n of_o their_o true_a repentance_n which_o john_n require_v of_o they_o before_o he_o baptize_v they_o confession_n of_o sin_n be_v one_o part_n of_o the_o practice_n of_o repentance_n and_o it_o be_v here_o put_v for_o the_o whole_a practice_n of_o repentance_n now_o from_o hence_o the_o papist_n will_v prove_v the_o necessity_n of_o their_o auricular_a confession_n whereby_o every_o one_o among_o they_o be_v tie_v and_o bind_v by_o the_o pope_n law_n once_o a_o year_n to_o confess_v all_o his_o mortal_a sin_n particular_o with_o the_o
the_o minister_n of_o god_n to_o hear_v the_o word_n from_o his_o mouth_n and_o to_o receive_v the_o sacrament_n at_o his_o hand_n david_n a_o king_n be_v forward_o to_o repair_v to_o god_n house_n see_v psal_n 84._o and_o psal_n 122._o 1._o he_o do_v not_o think_v himself_o too_o good_a to_o repair_v thither_o to_o hear_v the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o priest_n open_v and_o apply_v the_o law_n of_o god_n unto_o the_o people_n use_v 1_o use_v 1._o this_o reprove_v some_o great_a personage_n who_o think_v it_o a_o disparagement_n to_o their_o greatness_n to_o come_v due_o to_o the_o public_a assembly_n to_o hear_v the_o minister_n of_o god_n and_o to_o receive_v the_o sacrament_n at_o their_o hand_n they_o rather_o desire_v to_o bring_v the_o temple_n of_o god_n into_o their_o house_n than_o to_o go_v out_o of_o their_o house_n to_o the_o church_n they_o rather_o will_v have_v the_o ark_n of_o god_n come_v home_o to_o they_o than_o themselves_o to_o repair_v unto_o it_o but_o these_o man_n be_v not_o great_a or_o more_o honourable_a than_o our_o saviour_n christ_n be_v yet_o he_o be_v forward_o and_o willing_a to_o repair_v to_o the_o place_n where_o john_n preach_v and_o baptize_v though_o it_o be_v far_o off_o if_o the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o lord_n of_o heaven_n and_o earth_n do_v humble_v himself_o so_o far_o as_o to_o go_v to_o john_n much_o more_o shall_v the_o great_a man_n on_o earth_n be_v but_o flesh_n and_o blood_n due_o resort_v to_o the_o place_n where_o the_o public_a ministry_n be_v exercise_v again_o this_o do_v much_o more_o reprove_v those_o of_o the_o mean_a sort_n who_o be_v backward_o to_o come_v to_o the_o public_a assembly_n to_o hear_v the_o word_n and_o to_o partake_v in_o the_o sacrament_n if_o christ_n himself_o refuse_v not_o to_o come_v to_o hear_v john_n and_o to_o be_v baptize_v of_o he_o who_o yet_o have_v no_o such_o need_n of_o the_o word_n or_o sacrament_n as_o we_o have_v how_o great_a be_v the_o sin_n of_o those_o who_o have_v so_o great_a need_n of_o the_o word_n and_o sacrament_n yet_o do_v willing_o absent_v themselves_o from_o the_o same_o and_o think_v much_o to_o come_v especial_o if_o it_o be_v far_o etc._n etc._n use_v 2_o use_v 2._o show_v we_o our_o readiness_n to_o repair_v on_o all_o occasion_n to_o the_o place_n where_o the_o public_a ministry_n be_v exercise_v if_o the_o great_a person_n be_v not_o exempt_v much_o less_o those_o of_o mean_a degree_n and_o condition_n eccles_n 5._o 1._o be_v ready_a to_o hear_v and_o wait_v daily_o at_o the_o gate_n of_o wisdom_n obser_n 3_o observe_v 3._o our_o saviour_n christ_n forsake_v nazareth_n where_o he_o have_v be_v bring_v up_o now_o thirty_o year_n and_o leave_v his_o parent_n that_o he_o may_v go_v unto_o john_n to_o be_v baptize_v and_o so_o to_o take_v upon_o he_o his_o public_a office_n of_o mediator_n hence_o we_o may_v gather_v that_o if_o god_n call_v we_o unto_o it_o we_o ought_v to_o forsake_v those_o thing_n that_o be_v most_o dear_a and_o precious_a unto_o we_o in_o this_o world_n that_o we_o may_v perform_v obedience_n to_o his_o call_v when_o god_n call_v we_o to_o the_o performance_n of_o any_o special_a duty_n or_o service_n wherein_o to_o glorify_v he_o we_o must_v yield_v to_o his_o call_v though_o it_o be_v with_o the_o forsake_v of_o those_o worldly_a thing_n that_o be_v most_o dear_a unto_o we_o abraham_n leave_v his_o own_o country_n and_o kindred_n at_o the_o command_n of_o god_n gen._n 12._o 1._o psal_n 45._o 10._o the_o church_n be_v command_v to_o forget_v she_o own_o people_n and_o her_o father_n house_n that_o she_o may_v cleave_v to_o christ_n 1_o king_n 19_o elisha_n be_v call_v to_o the_o prophetical_a office_n forsake_v his_o parent_n and_o the_o twelve_o yoke_n of_o ox_n with_o which_o he_o be_v plough_v that_o so_o he_o may_v follow_v god_n call_v so_o the_o apostle_n be_v call_v to_o follow_v christ_n and_o to_o become_v preacher_n of_o the_o gospel_n forsake_v all_o so_o the_o martyr_n be_v call_v to_o give_v testimony_n to_o the_o truth_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o to_o stand_v out_o in_o defence_n of_o it_o they_o forsake_v their_o friend_n good_n and_o life_n that_o they_o may_v yield_v to_o god_n call_v the_o like_a must_v be_v do_v of_o we_o if_o we_o shall_v be_v hereafter_o call_v of_o god_n to_o do_v it_o use_v use_v let_v we_o daily_o prepare_v ourselves_o to_o forsake_v all_o worldly_a thing_n though_o never_o so_o sweet_a and_o dear_a to_o we_o for_o the_o lord_n sake_n if_o he_o shall_v call_v we_o to_o it_o if_o god_n require_v thou_o to_o do_v he_o any_o service_n if_o he_o call_v thou_o to_o the_o performance_n of_o any_o special_a duty_n wherein_o thou_o may_v glorify_v he_o thou_o must_v resolve_v to_o do_v it_o though_o it_o cost_v thou_o the_o loss_n of_o all_o worldly_a thing_n that_o be_v dear_a to_o thou_o as_o wife_n child_n good_n land_n etc._n etc._n if_o thou_o will_v be_v a_o good_a christian_a thou_o must_v be_v like_o christ_n in_o this_o that_o as_o he_o be_v call_v to_o take_v upon_o he_o the_o office_n of_o a_o mediator_n do_v willing_o for_o a_o time_n leave_v his_o own_o parent_n and_o the_o country_n of_o galilee_n and_o the_o city_n of_o nazareth_n where_o he_o have_v live_v for_o thirty_o year_n together_o that_o so_o he_o may_v be_v obedient_a to_o that_o call_v so_o must_v thou_o do_v if_o god_n call_v thou_o to_o any_o special_a 〈◊〉_d o●_n function_n in_o church_n or_o commonwealth_n wherein_o thou_o may_v do_v he_o service_n thou_o must_v take_v it_o upon_o thou_o though_o it_o be_v with_o the_o forsake_v of_o those_o thing_n which_o be_v dear_a to_o thou_o in_o this_o world_n a_o christian_a must_v be_v daily_o dispose_v in_o affection_n to_o forsake_v all_o worldly_a thing_n for_o christ_n sake_n and_o if_o god_n call_v he_o to_o it_o he_o must_v actual_o forsake_v they_o and_o that_o not_o only_o for_o a_o time_n as_o our_o saviour_n do_v nazareth_n but_o even_o for_o ever_o so_o much_o of_o christ_n come_v to_o john_n to_o be_v baptize_v now_o follow_v the_o second_o point_n to_o be_v consider_v which_o be_v the_o baptism_n itself_o he_o be_v baptize_v that_o be_v he_o receive_v the_o sacrament_n of_o baptism_n quest_n quest_n why_o will_v our_o saviour_n christ_n receive_v this_o sacrament_n answ_n ans_fw-fr for_o sundry_a reason_n 1._o to_o show_v himself_o obedient_a to_o his_o father_n will_n and_o appointment_n it_o be_v a_o part_n of_o that_o obedience_n and_o righteousness_n which_o god_n the_o father_n require_v of_o he_o as_o he_o be_v mediator_n therefore_o he_o say_v matth._n 3._o 15._o suffer_v it_o to_o be_v so_o now_o for_o thus_o it_o become_v we_o to_o fulfil_v all_o righteousness_n that_o be_v to_o perform_v all_o duty_n of_o obedience_n require_v of_o we_o both_o 2._o that_o there_o may_v be_v a_o conformity_n between_o christ_n the_o head_n and_o we_o his_o member_n that_o he_o may_v show_v himself_o to_o be_v like_o we_o in_o all_o thing_n sin_n only_o except_v hebr._n 2._o 3._o that_o by_o receive_v this_o sacrament_n in_o his_o own_o body_n he_o may_v sanctify_v the_o use_n of_o it_o unto_o we_o that_o be_v ordain_v and_o appoint_v it_o as_o a_o outward_a mean_n which_o shall_v be_v effectual_a to_o work_v regeneration_n in_o we_o and_o to_o purge_v we_o from_o our_o sin_n by_o the_o power_n and_o virtue_n of_o his_o spirit_n accompany_v it_o 4._o to_o commend_v the_o necessity_n and_o use_n of_o this_o sacrament_n unto_o we_o after_o his_o example_n and_o to_o teach_v we_o to_o make_v precious_a account_n of_o this_o ordinance_n of_o god_n object_n object_n one_o use_n of_o baptism_n be_v to_o seal_v remission_n of_o sin_n to_o the_o party_n baptize_v but_o christ_n have_v no_o sin_n therefore_o he_o need_v not_o to_o partake_v in_o this_o sacrament_n answ_n answ_n though_o he_o have_v no_o sin_n of_o his_o own_o and_o so_o in_o respect_n of_o himself_o have_v no_o need_n of_o baptism_n yet_o he_o take_v our_o sin_n upon_o he_o by_o imputation_n and_o so_o in_o respect_n of_o we_o it_o be_v fit_a he_o shall_v receive_v baptism_n that_o by_o this_o he_o may_v declare_v and_o show_v that_o he_o be_v to_o purge_v we_o from_o our_o sin_n by_o his_o blood_n which_o be_v mystical_o represent_v in_o baptism_n he_o be_v not_o baptize_v to_o purge_v away_o his_o own_o sin_n but_o to_o assure_v the_o faithful_a that_o their_o sin_n be_v purge_v away_o by_o his_o blood_n instruct_v 1._o see_v our_o saviour_n christ_n himself_o will_v receive_v the_o sacrament_n of_o baptism_n though_o in_o respect_n of_o himself_o he_o have_v no_o need_n of_o it_o this_o commend_v to_o we_o the_o excellency_n and_o necessity_n of_o
he_o may_v give_v satan_n the_o more_o advantage_n suffer_v he_o to_o assault_v he_o in_o a_o place_n where_o he_o have_v no_o help_n to_o resist_v that_o so_o he_o may_v give_v the_o devil_n the_o great_a overthrow_n forty_o day_n these_o word_n be_v to_o be_v refer_v not_o only_o to_o our_o saviour_n christ_n abode_n in_o the_o wilderness_n but_o also_o to_o his_o be_v tempt_v there_o and_o so_o the_o meaning_n be_v not_o only_o that_o he_o be_v abide_v forty_o day_n in_o the_o wilderness_n but_o also_o that_o he_o be_v tempt_v there_o during_o that_o time_n this_o exposition_n be_v confirm_v by_o compare_v this_o place_n with_o luke_n 4._o 2._o object_n object_n matth._n 4._o 3._o it_o appear_v that_o the_o devil_n come_v not_o to_o tempt_v our_o saviour_n till_o after_o he_o have_v fast_v forty_o day_n in_o the_o wilderness_n how_o then_o be_v it_o say_v here_o that_o he_o be_v tempt_v within_o those_o forty_o day_n answ_n answ_n our_o saviour_n be_v assault_v by_o satan_n with_o two_o sort_n of_o temptation_n the_o first_o sort_n be_v small_a and_o light_a assault_n as_o be_v most_o probable_a the_o second_o sort_n be_v great_a and_o strong_a assault_n such_o be_v those_o three_o main_a and_o principal_a temptation_n mention_v by_o matthew_n and_o luke_n now_o although_o our_o saviour_n be_v not_o assault_v with_o those_o three_o great_a main_a temptation_n till_o after_o the_o forty_o day_n be_v expire_v yet_o he_o be_v try_v with_o other_o light_a temptation_n of_o satan_n even_o within_o the_o compass_n and_o space_n of_o those_o forty_o day_n and_o by_o these_o light_a assault_n the_o devil_n wade_v way_n unto_o that_o great_a conflict_n which_o follow_v afterward_o thus_o as_o his_o manner_n be_v he_o proceed_v by_o degree_n now_o what_o these_o light_a temptation_n be_v be_v not_o express_v but_o it_o be_v probable_a that_o they_o be_v different_a from_o the_o other_o three_o great_a assault_n both_o in_o matter_n and_o manner_n quest_n quest_n be_v he_o tempt_v all_o that_o space_n of_o forty_o day_n answ_n answ_n doubtful_a though_o not_o incessant_o yet_o very_o often_o omit_v no_o fit_a occasion_n etc._n etc._n tempt_v this_o word_n tempt_v do_v proper_o signify_v to_o make_v trial_n and_o it_o be_v diverse_o use_v in_o scripture_n 1._o sometime_o it_o be_v attribute_v unto_o god_n who_o be_v say_v to_o tempt_v man_n when_o he_o do_v by_o some_o mean_n make_v trial_n what_o be_v in_o his_o heart_n thereby_o to_o manifest_v the_o same_o to_o himself_o and_o other_o so_o he_o try_v abra●am_n by_o that_o difficult_a commandmenr_n of_o kill_v isaac_n gen._n 22._o and_o in_o this_o sense_n all_o outward_a cross_n and_o affliction_n send_v of_o god_n upon_o man_n be_v call_v tentation_n or_o trial_n jam._n 1._o 2._o 2._o sometime_o it_o be_v ascribe_v to_o man_n who_o be_v say_v to_o tempt_v god_n when_o he_o do_v presumptuous_o make_v needless_a trial_n of_o god_n power_n justice_n mercy_n etc._n etc._n thus_o the_o israelite_n in_o the_o wilderness_n tempt_v god_n when_o they_o desire_v meat_n for_o their_o lust_n 3._o sometime_o it_o be_v ascribe_v unto_o the_o devil_n who_o be_v say_v to_o tempt_v man_n by_o entice_v and_o draw_v they_o to_o sin_n by_o his_o persuasion_n thus_o god_n tempt_v none_o only_o the_o devil_n thus_o tempt_v man_n and_o in_o this_o sense_n the_o word_n tempt_v as_o it_o be_v apply_v to_o the_o devil_n be_v not_o use_v at_o all_o in_o the_o old_a testament_n but_o in_o the_o new_a testament_n only_o as_o in_o these_o place_n 1_o cor._n 7._o 5._o 1_o thes_n 3._o 9_o and_o so_o be_v the_o word_n to_o be_v take_v in_o his_o place_n christ_n be_v say_v to_o be_v tempt_v of_o satan_n in_o that_o be_v now_o in_o the_o state_n of_o humiliation_n he_o suffer_v the_o devil_n to_o solicit_v and_o entice_v he_o to_o sin_n satan_n this_o be_v a_o hebrew_n word_n which_o be_v common_o attribute_v to_o the_o devil_n as_o one_o of_o his_o proper_a name_n revel_v 12._o 9_o and_o it_o signify_v a_o enemy_n or_o adversary_n and_o this_o name_n be_v give_v he_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o nature_n which_o be_v to_o carry_v deadly_a hatred_n and_o enmity_n against_o god_n and_o man_n and_o he_o be_v with_o the_o wild_a beast_n this_o be_v add_v to_o show_v the_o desolate_a and_o forlorn_a estate_n in_o which_o our_o saviour_n now_o be_v in_o this_o wilderness_n be_v destitute_a of_o all_o help_n and_o comfort_n from_o man_n and_o have_v none_o to_o be_v his_o companion_n but_o wild_a beast_n which_o be_v so_o far_o from_o help_v or_o comfort_v he_o that_o they_o be_v more_o likely_a to_o annoy_v and_o hurt_v he_o yea_o to_o devour_v he_o hitherto_o of_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o word_n in_o the_o former_a part_n of_o this_o verse_n the_o rest_n of_o the_o verse_n shall_v be_v explain_v when_o i_o come_v to_o it_o now_o let_v we_o see_v the_o instruction_n to_o be_v gather_v out_o of_o these_o word_n which_o have_v be_v unfold_v and_o first_o to_o speak_v of_o the_o temptation_n themselves_o which_o be_v general_o and_o brief_o express_v in_o these_o word_n tempt_v of_o satan_n which_o word_n as_o i_o have_v show_v do_v imply_v that_o our_o saviour_n be_v solicit_v and_o entice_v by_o the_o devil_n unto_o sin_n but_o before_o i_o come_v to_o the_o instruction_n to_o be_v gather_v hence_o two_o question_n be_v meet_v to_o be_v answer_v quest_n 1_o quest_n 1._o how_o and_o in_o what_o manner_n be_v our_o saviour_n tempt_v by_o satan_n whether_o by_o inward_a suggestion_n only_o or_o whether_o do_v the_o devil_n appear_v to_o he_o in_o a_o bodily_a shape_n and_o speak_v to_o he_o by_o a_o audible_a voice_n answ_n answ_n it_o be_v probable_a that_o the_o devil_n tempt_v our_o saviour_n both_o way_n as_o well_o by_o inward_a suggestion_n as_o also_o by_o a_o audible_a voice_n if_o the_o question_n be_v of_o those_o three_o great_a and_o main_a temptation_n particular_o mention_v by_o matthew_n and_o luke_n it_o be_v most_o likely_a that_o they_o be_v urge_v by_o the_o devil_n to_o our_o saviour_n with_o a_o audible_a voice_n and_o that_o the_o devil_n when_o he_o urge_v they_o do_v visible_o appear_v to_o our_o saviour_n in_o some_o outward_a shape_n of_o a_o man_n or_o otherwise_o the_o reason_n be_v because_o it_o be_v say_v mat._n 4._o 3._o that_o the_o tempter_n come_v unto_o he_o show_v that_o he_o come_v in_o a_o visible_a manner_n and_o so_o he_o come_v to_o eve_n etc._n etc._n but_o if_o the_o question_n be_v of_o those_o other_o temptation_n with_o which_o our_o saviour_n be_v assault_v before_o within_o those_o forty_o day_n in_o which_o he_o fast_v it_o be_v likely_a that_o these_o be_v only_o inward_a suggestion_n of_o satan_n urge_v upon_o our_o saviour_n invisible_o the_o reason_n be_v because_o mat._n 4._o 3._o it_o be_v say_v the_o tempter_n come_v to_o he_o after_o his_o forty_o day_n fast_o which_o argue_v that_o he_o come_v not_o to_o he_o before_o in_o any_o visible_a manner_n quest_n 2_o quest_n 2._o wherefore_o our_o saviour_n christ_n be_v tempt_v of_o satan_n answ_n answ_n he_o yield_v himself_o to_o be_v tempt_v for_o divers_a reason_n chief_o for_o these_o 1._o that_o at_o the_o first_o entrance_n into_o his_o office_n he_o may_v show_v himself_o to_o be_v that_o promise_a seed_n of_o the_o woman_n which_o shall_v break_v the_o serpent_n head_n that_o be_v the_o true_a messiah_n which_o shall_v vanquish_v the_o power_n of_o the_o devil_n and_o destroy_v his_o kingdom_n 2._o that_o he_o may_v foil_v the_o devil_n at_o his_o own_o weapon_n overcome_v he_o in_o temptation_n as_o he_o have_v overcome_v our_o first_o parent_n by_o his_o temptation_n therefore_o he_o now_o enter_v combat_n with_o he_o in_o our_o nature_n that_o he_o may_v recover_v that_o again_o by_o his_o victory_n over_o satan_n which_o our_o first_o parent_n lose_v by_o yield_v to_o satan_n 3._o to_o teach_v we_o by_o his_o example_n how_o to_o resist_v the_o devil_n temptation_n and_o what_o weapon_n to_o use_v against_o they_o and_o how_o to_o behave_v ourselves_o in_o all_o conflict_n with_o he_o ad_fw-la hoc_fw-la pugnat_fw-la imperator_fw-la ut_fw-la milites_fw-la discant_fw-la augustin_n de_fw-fr verb._n dom._n in_o evang._n sec_fw-la johan_n pag._n 201._o 4._o for_o our_o comfort_n that_o he_o have_v vanquish_v satan_n for_o we_o may_v assure_v we_o of_o victory_n over_o he_o in_o our_o temptation_n for_o as_o he_o die_v not_o for_o himself_o but_o for_o we_o so_o he_o be_v tempt_v of_o satan_n and_o overcome_v he_o in_o temptation_n not_o only_o for_o himself_o but_o for_o we_o also_o he_o be_v our_o head_n his_o victory_n be_v we_o augustin_n in_o psal_n 60._o pag._n 738._o christ_n take_v on_o he_o our_o temptation_n and_o give_v we_o
a_o meaning_n or_o purpose_n of_o please_a god_n see_v 1_o sam._n 15._o saul_n example_n in_o sacrifice_v and_o in_o spare_v agag_n so_o vzzah_n in_o stay_v the_o ark_n 2_o sam._n 6._o reas_n 1_o reas_n 1._o rom._n 14._o the_o last_o ver._n whatsoever_o be_v not_o of_o faith_n be_v sin_n now_o that_o which_o be_v do_v contrary_a to_o the_o reveal_v will_n and_o commandment_n of_o god_n can_v be_v of_o faith_n because_o in_o do_v it_o we_o can_v be_v persuade_v that_o god_n allow_v of_o it_o reas_n 2_o reas_n 2._o god_n will_v not_o be_v honour_v or_o serve_v according_a to_o will_n or_o fancy_n but_o according_a to_o the_o rule_n of_o his_o write_a word_n deut._n 12._o 8._o you_o shall_v not_o do_v every_o man_n whatsoever_o be_v right_a in_o his_o own_o eye_n but_o