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reason_n answ_n quest_n reas_n 4,298 5 18.6055 5 true
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A07350 The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoole masters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Bachelour of Diuinitie.; English catechisme Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1622 (1622) STC 17733; ESTC S100659 485,672 636

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be_v under_o age_n but_o in_o the_o new_a as_o in_o the_o church_n ripe_a age_n we_o have_v only_o general_a rule_n according_a to_o which_o we_o be_v to_o be_v order_v in_o all_o particular_n rule_n 1_o 14._o rule_n of_o circumstance_n under_o the_o gospel_n matth._n 3.15_o 1._o cor._n 14._o first_o all_o thing_n be_v to_o be_v do_v in_o order_n and_o not_o confuse_o the_o author_n of_o this_o be_v christ_n jesus_n when_o as_o he_o offer_v himself_o to_o be_v baptize_v of_o john_n urge_v he_o to_o do_v it_o for_o order_n sake_n for_o thus_o say_v he_o ought_v we_o to_o fulfil_v all_o righteousness_n and_o saint_n paul_n teach_v the_o same_o concern_v prophesy_a that_o one_o only_o shall_v speak_v at_o a_o time_n and_o the_o rest_n be_v silent_a till_o that_o he_o have_v utter_v all_o which_o he_o have_v to_o say_v hence_o it_o appear_v that_o all_o disorder_n about_o god_n service_n be_v a_o fault_n not_o to_o be_v tolerate_v either_o in_o undue_a come_n to_o church_n or_o go_v out_o or_o walk_v sleep_a talk_a or_o by_o hawk_n dog_n or_o unruly_a child_n which_o breed_v a_o confusion_n in_o the_o congregation_n or_o when_o any_o shall_v presume_v to_o teach_v or_o administer_v the_o sacrament_n public_o without_o a_o calling_n rule_n 2_o second_o all_o thing_n must_v be_v do_v in_o great_a humility_n and_o high_a reverence_n towards_o he_o who_o service_n it_o be_v when_o any_o preach_v or_o pray_v or_o join_v with_o other_o in_o these_o duty_n man_n must_v be_v uncover_v woman_n must_v be_v cover_v not_o only_o in_o pray_v but_o also_o as_o i_o think_v yet_o herein_o i_o refer_v to_o the_o laudabl_a custom_n of_o our_o church_n when_o the_o word_n of_o god_n be_v read_v 11._o 1._o cor._n 11._o for_o this_o be_v the_o preach_n of_o the_o prophet_n and_o apostle_n who_o be_v infallible_o guide_v by_o the_o spirit_n of_o truth_n the_o thessalonian_o be_v commend_v for_o this_o that_o they_o receive_v the_o word_n as_o the_o word_n of_o god_n 20._o 1._o thes_n 2.13_o act_n 20._o paul_n with_o his_o company_n be_v note_v to_o have_v kneel_v in_o prayer_n even_o upon_o the_o bare_a ground_n and_o ancient_a christian_n to_o have_v stand_v bareheaded_a all_o the_o time_n of_o their_o be_v in_o the_o church_n which_o reprove_v great_o our_o irreverence_n either_o of_o minister_n in_o read_v or_o preach_v as_o if_o they_o be_v utter_v tabletalk_n or_o of_o people_n in_o sit_v at_o the_o time_n of_o prayer_n lie_v along_o sleep_v or_o proud_o behave_v themselves_o any_o way_n the_o turk_n shall_v condemn_v they_o through_o the_o reverence_n which_o they_o use_v to_o the_o alchron_n of_o mahomet_n and_o this_o seem_v to_o i_o to_o justify_v our_o reverend_a &_o humble_a receive_n of_o the_o holy_a communion_n with_o the_o most_o submiss_a gesture_n of_o kneel_v which_o many_o impugn_v but_o without_o sufficient_a ground_n it_o matter_v not_o that_o christ_n sit_v he_o sit_v also_o preach_v but_o we_o stand_v and_o i_o be_o persuade_v if_o we_o shall_v kneel_v and_o the_o people_n kneel_v in_o hear_v to_o express_v our_o unworthiness_n about_o these_o holy_a thing_n though_o we_o differ_v from_o the_o apostle_n and_o christian_n of_o the_o primative_a church_n we_o shall_v not_o offend_v at_o all_o rule_n 3_o 6.1_o matth_n 6.1_o three_o all_o thing_n be_v to_o be_v do_v without_o show_n of_o vainglory_n for_o this_o be_v the_o great_a fault_n of_o the_o pharisy_n and_o christian_n be_v warn_v to_o take_v heed_n of_o it_o in_o their_o pray_n fast_a and_o give_v of_o alm_n we_o be_v not_o to_o desire_v to_o be_v see_v of_o man_n that_o we_o may_v have_v their_o praise_n but_o in_o our_o private_a devotion_n to_o be_v most_o private_a and_o in_o public_a not_o to_o affect_v notoriety_n by_o exceed_v the_o rest_n of_o the_o congregation_n in_o sigh_v groan_a knock_v the_o breast_n etc._n etc._n rule_n 4_o 13._o 1._o cor._n 13._o four_o all_o thing_n be_v to_o be_v accompany_v with_o love_n to_o our_o neighbour_n and_o zeal_n for_o god_n glory_n for_o without_o love_n whatsoever_o we_o do_v be_v as_o a_o sound_a brass_n or_o tinkle_a cymbal_n if_o zeal_n be_v want_v and_o we_o be_v lukewarm_a we_o shall_v be_v offensive_a to_o the_o lord_n stomach_n 3._o revel_v 3._o and_o he_o will_v spew_v we_o out_o of_o his_o mouth_n wherefore_o if_o the_o minister_n shall_v preach_v cold_o or_o the_o people_n hear_v cold_o if_o they_o shall_v together_o be_v lukewarm_a in_o prayer_n and_o praise_n give_v to_o the_o lord_n there_o will_v be_v a_o sacrifice_n indeed_o but_o for_o want_v of_o the_o fire_n of_o zeal_n undress_v and_o such_o as_o the_o lord_n can_v digest_v therefore_o let_v paul_n his_o zeal_n and_o peter_n and_o stevers_n be_v imitate_v by_o minister_n 8.6_o act_n 17._o act_n 2._o act_n 7._o nehem._n 8.6_o by_o burn_v in_o the_o spirit_n against_o gross_a abuse_n by_o earnest_n exhort_v to_o repentance_n with_o most_o effectual_a word_n and_o by_o reprove_v with_o all_o boldness_n the_o gainsayers_a of_o the_o truth_n and_o let_v the_o zeal_n of_o the_o godly_a in_o nehemiahs_n time_n be_v imitate_v by_o our_o people_n by_o give_v the_o great_a and_o most_o heedful_a attention_n by_o lift_v up_o the_o hand_n in_o prayer_n and_o add_v to_o the_o minister_n petition_n amen_n amen_n rule_n 5_o 17._o 1._o thes_n 5.22_o 2._o cor._n 6_o 17._o five_o all_o thing_n be_v to_o be_v do_v without_o show_n of_o idolatry_n according_a to_o that_o abstain_v from_o all_o appearance_n of_o evil_n and_o touch_v none_o uncleave_a thing_n and_o you_o shall_v be_v my_o son_n and_o daughter_n say_v the_o lord_n therefore_o of_o old_a the_o temple_n be_v garnish_v without_o image_n and_o new_o the_o lord_n supper_n make_v of_o naked_a element_n which_o if_o it_o be_v so_o how_o can_v the_o church_n of_o rome_n be_v excuse_v be_v full_a of_o representation_n of_o heathenism_n and_o in_o the_o very_a sacrament_n have_v the_o image_n of_o a_o lamb_n upon_o their_o wafer_n cake_n if_o any_o scrupte_v shall_v arise_v hereupon_o touch_v the_o cross_n copes_n and_o surplisses_n use_v in_o the_o church_n of_o england_n it_o may_v well_o be_v say_v that_o they_o be_v use_v in_o the_o church_n purity_n and_o have_v not_o their_o beginning_n from_o religion_n corrupt_v and_o so_o be_v not_o resemblance_n of_o thing_n mere_o naught_o but_o first_o good_a afterward_o pervert_v so_o that_o if_o it_o be_v reply_v that_o when_o these_o thing_n be_v use_v there_o be_v a_o outward_a face_n of_o popery_n i_o may_v aswell_o say_v in_o like_a manner_n of_o god_n ancient_a catholic_a church_n even_o as_o when_o the_o people_n of_o israel_n have_v sacrifice_v to_o molech_n and_o other_o baal_n such_o as_o afterward_o do_v offer_v sacrifice_n unto_o god_n make_v some_o resemblance_n of_o their_o abomination_n for_o that_o both_o offer_v sacrifice_n and_o consent_n in_o some_o ceremony_n yet_o it_o follow_v not_o that_o their_o sacrifice_a be_v unlawful_a because_o that_o be_v cut_v off_o which_o make_v it_o naught_o so_o when_o these_o thing_n be_v use_v in_o our_o church_n it_o follow_v not_o that_o they_o must_v be_v naught_o for_o some_o ill_a resemblance_n because_o that_o be_v cut_v off_o which_o make_v they_o naught_o they_o have_v they_o yoke_v with_o idolatry_n and_o superstition_n we_o with_o the_o truth_n quest_n 61._o whence_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o this_o commandment_n take_v answ_n partly_o from_o the_o punishment_n to_o be_v inflict_v upon_o such_o as_o break_v it_o unto_o the_o three_o and_o four_o genera_fw-la ion_n and_o partly_o from_o the_o benefit_n to_o be_v bestow_v upon_o such_o as_o keep_v it_o unto_o the_o thousand_o generation_n reas_n 1_o comfort_n reason_n of_o this_o commandment_n of_o two_o sort_n 1._o of_o terror_n 2._o of_o comfort_n explan_n the_o reason_n use_v to_o persuade_v to_o the_o obedience_n of_o this_o commandment_n be_v of_o two_o sort_n the_o first_o of_o terror_n the_o second_o of_o comfort_n their_o estate_n be_v most_o terrible_a whosoever_o they_o be_v that_o dare_v to_o offend_v here_o the_o lord_n jealousy_n be_v kindle_v against_o they_o and_o he_o will_v punish_v both_o they_o their_o child_n and_o their_o child_n child_n after_o they_o their_o danger_n be_v set_v forth_o by_o three_o degree_n first_o their_o sin_n be_v such_o against_o the_o lord_n as_o his_o sin_n be_v against_o a_o jealous_a husband_n that_o violate_v his_o wife_n chastity_n no_o price_n will_v appease_v a_o husband_n thus_o provoke_v but_o he_o will_v kill_v the_o adulterer_n and_o as_o great_o incense_v be_v the_o lord_n against_o those_o that_o commit_v idolatry_n it_o be_v spiritual_a adultery_n the_o lord_n have_v marry_v they_o unto_o himself_o 2._o hosh_n 2._o that_o like_o a_o good_a and_o obedient_a spouse_n
tedious_a and_o think_v that_o they_o keep_v the_o sabbath_n as_o well_o as_o any_o other_o or_o as_o they_o need_v to_o do_v and_o more_o especial_o if_o there_o be_v nothing_o but_o divine_a service_n at_o the_o church_n but_o let_v all_o such_o know_v their_o error_n and_o repent_v of_o it_o they_o do_v indeed_o sanctify_v the_o lord_n day_n but_o it_o be_v not_o after_o the_o lord_n but_o their_o own_o manner_n and_o therefore_o can_v be_v accept_v of_o no_o more_o than_o a_o master_n can_v accept_v of_o the_o best_a endeavour_n of_o his_o servant_n at_o home_n at_o that_o time_n when_o he_o appoint_v he_o to_o travel_v about_o his_o business_n abroad_o for_o the_o lord_n do_v now_o appoint_v thou_o to_o attend_v he_o in_o the_o public_a place_n 3_o act_v 3_o he_o have_v now_o employment_n for_o thou_o there_o christ_n himself_o the_o holy_a prophet_n and_o apostle_n lurk_v not_o at_o such_o time_n in_o corner_n or_o in_o private_a house_n but_o go_v up_o to_o the_o temple_n to_o pray_v to_o preach_v to_o converse_v with_o god_n people_n in_o public_a duty_n 41._o act_n 2_o 41._o here_o be_v the_o place_n where_o god_n ordinance_n be_v chief_o use_v and_o only_o at_o the_o time_n appoint_v here_o the_o lord_n presence_n be_v promise_v here_o have_v his_o glory_n ever_o shine_v by_o the_o conversion_n of_o soul_n and_o sometime_o of_o thousand_o at_o once_o let_v the_o proud_a separatist_n therefore_o go_v by_o himself_o now_o into_o corner_n as_o over-iust_a in_o his_o own_o esteem_n to_o come_v with_o other_o to_o god_n ordinance_n in_o public_a let_v the_o idle_a or_o dainty_a sabbath-keeper_n stay_v at_o home_n in_o his_o blind_a private_a devotion_n and_o the_o over_o scrupulous_a absent_a themselves_o from_o church_n in_o the_o case_n of_o no_o preach_v at_o that_o time_n let_v those_o contemn_v public_a prayer_n that_o know_v not_o god_n house_n the_o church_n to_o be_v the_o house_n of_o prayer_n but_o let_v all_o that_o fear_v the_o lord_n fear_v thus_o to_o pervert_v the_o lord_n day_n lest_o in_o so_o do_v sin_n lie_n at_o their_o door_n the_o second_o head_n sabbath_n head_n 2._o forgetfulness_n of_o the_o sabbath_n unto_o which_o i_o refer_v the_o profane_v of_o the_o sabbath_n be_v all_o forgetfulness_n of_o this_o day_n upon_o the_o six_o either_o in_o general_a in_o any_o of_o they_o or_o in_o particular_a the_o day_n before_o according_a to_o our_o distinction_n when_o i_o speak_v of_o the_o duty_n in_o the_o word_n remember_v and_o it_o may_v have_v reference_n also_o to_o the_o sabbath_n past_a remember_v how_o holy_a thou_o be_v then_o what_o rule_v of_o holiness_n thou_o be_v then_o teach_v how_o thou_o do_v then_o make_v show_n of_o a_o good_a disciple_n of_o christ_n when_o thou_o sit_v to_o learn_v thy_o lesson_n of_o he_o as_o saul_n who_o fall_v down_o before_o the_o lord_n and_o say_v lord_n what_o will_v thou_o have_v i_o to_o do_v 2._o act_n 9_o 1._o sam._n 2._o and_o as_o samuel_n speak_v lord_n for_o thy_o servant_n hear_v lest_o do_v contrariwise_o in_o the_o weeke-daye_n after_o and_o as_o one_o that_o rather_o listen_v to_o satan_n and_o to_o thy_o own_o corrupt_a heart_n thou_o be_v condemn_v out_o of_o thy_o own_o mouth_n for_o draw_v near_o unto_o god_n with_o thy_o lip_n but_o have_v thy_o hart_n far_o estrange_v from_o he_o the_o three_o head_n inferior_n head_n 3._o neglect_v of_o inferior_n unto_o which_o i_o refer_v the_o profane_v of_o the_o sabbath_n be_v by_o leave_v such_o as_o be_v under_o our_o government_n to_o their_o own_o unbridled_a and_o licentious_a liberty_n upon_o the_o sabbath_n day_n which_o be_v no_o small_a fault_n in_o parent_n master_n and_o governor_n for_o whilst_o every_o private_a man_n do_v thus_o neglect_v his_o domestic_a charge_n the_o minister_n may_v preach_v reprove_v admonish_v and_o teach_v but_o little_o will_v it_o profit_v to_o bring_v they_o to_o the_o right_a observation_n of_o christian_a duty_n beside_o do_v it_o not_o grieve_v any_o good_a parent_n or_o master_n to_o see_v their_o child_n or_o servant_n miscarry_v and_o come_v to_o misery_n but_o to_o be_v negligent_a of_o they_o at_o these_o time_n be_v the_o right_a way_n to_o bring_v they_o to_o all_o lewdness_n and_o consequent_o to_o smart_v and_o misery_n for_o which_o they_o may_v also_o then_o with_o heavy_a heart_n thank_v their_o governor_n that_o be_v too_o gentle_a and_o remiss_a towards_o they_o 2._o 1._o sam._n 2._o as_o ely_z be_v unto_o his_o child_n who_o lamentable_a estate_n in_o his_o child_n and_o posterity_n what_o hard_a heart_n can_v read_v of_o without_o relent_v quest_n 83._o what_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o this_o commandment_n answ_n they_o be_v partly_o enfold_v in_o the_o commandment_n and_o partly_o express_v in_o these_o word_n for_o in_o six_o day_n the_o lord_n make_v heaven_n and_o earth_n the_o sea_n etc._n etc._n quest._n 84._o what_o be_v the_o reason_n enfold_v in_o the_o commandment_n answ_n three_o 1._o because_o the_o law_n of_o the_o sabbath_n be_v ancient_a and_o be_v of_o force_n in_o paradise_n before_o man_n fall_n 2_o because_o it_o be_v most_o equal_a the_o lord_n allow_v we_o six_o day_n for_o our_o worldly_a affair_n and_o require_v but_o one_o of_o seven_o for_o the_o work_n of_o his_o worship_n 3_o because_o the_o seven_o be_v the_o lord_n peculiar_a day_n so_o that_o without_o sacrilege_n we_o can_v any_o way_n profane_v it_o commandment_n reason_n enfold_v in_o this_o commandment_n explan_n this_o commandment_n be_v of_o main_a and_o special_a use_n for_o the_o further_a of_o true_a godliness_n and_o such_o as_o upon_o which_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o law_n hang_v be_v therefore_o both_o place_v in_o the_o midst_n and_o because_o man_n natural_o be_v most_o unapt_a to_o be_v move_v with_o the_o reverence_n hereof_o fortify_v with_o many_o reason_n beyond_o the_o rest_n which_o reason_n be_v every_o one_o of_o great_a force_n partly_o enfold_v and_o not_o distinct_o place_v out_o of_o the_o word_n of_o the_o commandment_n and_o partly_o express_v and_o set_v down_o at_o large_a by_o themselves_o reas_n 1_o the_o first_o reason_n enfold_v be_v take_v from_o the_o word_n remember_v as_o if_o the_o lord_n shall_v have_v say_v howsoever_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o these_o law_n have_v hitherto_o pass_v without_o such_o express_a mention_n especial_o when_o man_n nature_n be_v uncorrupt_a in_o paradise_n yet_o this_o law_n of_o the_o sabbath_n be_v express_o give_v at_o that_o time_n and_o now_o i_o give_v you_o warning_n only_o to_o remember_v it_o as_o most_o ancient_a and_o ever_o use_v among_o all_o my_o devout_a people_n so_o that_o if_o old_a custom_n will_v bear_v any_o sway_n with_o you_o the_o very_a remembrance_n of_o this_o must_v needs_o be_v of_o force_n to_o move_v you_o to_o keep_v holy_a my_o sabbaths_n or_o else_o remember_v be_v a_o reason_n of_o force_n because_o it_o be_v a_o note_n of_o special_a charge_n for_o the_o duty_n unto_o which_o it_o be_v prefix_v for_o when_o a_o master_n command_v his_o servant_n diverse_a thing_n and_o will_v chief_o have_v some_o one_o thing_n do_v he_o impress_v it_o with_o this_o word_n remember_v as_o if_o he_o shall_v say_v i_o will_v not_o have_v that_o neglect_a or_o forget_v by_o any_o mean_n if_o therefore_o any_o earnest_a special_a charge_n give_v by_o the_o lord_n be_v of_o any_o force_n with_o thou_o if_o the_o old_a custom_n of_o god_n church_n ever_o since_o the_o creation_n be_v of_o any_o force_n do_v not_o profane_a but_o keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n day_n reason_n 2_o 2._o gene._n 2._o the_o second_o reason_n enfold_v be_v take_v from_o these_o word_n six_o day_n shall_v thou_o labour_v etc._n etc._n as_o if_o the_o lord_n shall_v have_v say_v it_o be_v no_o unreasonable_a matter_n or_o hard_o unto_o thou_o that_o i_o require_v in_o bid_v thou_o keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n day_n it_o be_v but_o one_o day_n of_o seven_o i_o allow_v thou_o six_o for_o the_o work_n of_o thy_o call_n i_o will_v be_v content_a only_o with_o the_o seven_o though_o i_o have_v make_v all_o the_o day_n and_o can_v require_v six_o and_o leave_v thou_o but_o one_o therefore_o do_v thou_o willing_o keep_v this_o day_n this_o be_v a_o reason_n of_o great_a moment_n and_o oftentimes_o only_o use_v as_o be_v alone_o sufficient_a to_o move_v any_o honest_a heart_n to_o obedience_n in_o paradise_n it_o be_v the_o main_a reason_n to_o adam_n and_o euah_n you_o shall_v eat_v of_o all_o the_o tree_n in_o the_o garden_n but_o of_o the_o tree_n in_o the_o midst_n you_o shall_v not_o eat_v it_o be_v the_o reason_n use_v to_o move_v the_o israelite_n to_o let_v their_o land_n rest_v the_o seven_o year_n that_o the_o poor_a may_v have_v some_o comfort_n
shall_v fall_v see_v god_n have_v promise_v his_o spirit_n unto_o his_o church_n to_o be_v always_o present_a lead_v it_o into_o all_o truth_n answ_n the_o lord_n ti_v not_o his_o spirit_n to_o any_o place_n for_o then_o the_o famous_a church_n in_o asia_n shall_v still_o have_v be_v true_a church_n but_o the_o spirit_n be_v always_o present_a to_o the_o faithful_a in_o all_o place_n of_o the_o world_n 139_o quest_n which_o be_v the_o four_o thing_n that_o you_o learn_v to_o believe_v concern_v the_o church_n answ_n that_o there_o be_v certain_a special_a benefit_n belong_v to_o the_o church_n and_o to_o every_o true_a member_n thereof_o viz._n the_o communion_n of_o saint_n the_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n and_o the_o life_n everlasting_a 139_o quest_n what_o mean_v you_o by_o the_o communion_n of_o saint_n answ_n that_o holy_a and_o sweet_a fellowship_n which_o all_o the_o member_n of_o christ_n church_n have_v one_o with_o another_o as_o they_o all_o make_v but_o one_o body_n in_o christ_n so_o communicate_v all_o good_a thing_n unto_o one_o another_o whether_o spiritual_a or_o temporal_a as_o their_o mutual_a necessity_n do_v require_v 139_o quest_n what_o mean_v you_o by_o the_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n ans_fw-fr that_o wonderful_a grace_n of_o god_n in_o jesus_n christ_n whereby_o he_o pass_v over_o our_o transgression_n as_o if_o they_o have_v never_o be_v commit_v and_o release_v the_o punishment_n due_a for_o they_o 148_o quest_n what_o mean_v you_o by_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n answ_n that_o though_o the_o body_n after_o death_n lie_v rot_v in_o the_o grave_n yet_o at_o the_o last_o day_n it_o shall_v be_v raise_v by_o god_n power_n and_o be_v join_v to_o the_o soul_n shall_v stand_v before_o god_n judgement_n seat_n to_o give_v account_n of_o all_o that_o it_o have_v do_v whether_o good_a or_o evil_n and_o be_v reward_v according_o 155_o quest_n what_o manner_n of_o body_n shall_v we_o have_v in_o the_o resurrection_n answ_n the_o very_a same_o which_o now_o we_o have_v only_o whereas_o they_o be_v now_o natural_a they_o shall_v rise_v again_o spiritual_a not_o subject_a to_o death_n any_o more_o nor_o sustain_v by_o natural_a mean_n of_o meat_n and_o drink_n and_o sleep_v and_o the_o like_a 159_o quest_n among_o those_o that_o die_v some_o be_v crooked_a through_o age_n some_o tender_a infant_n some_o blind_a and_o some_o lame_a shall_v their_o body_n at_o the_o resurrection_n then_o be_v the_o same_o answ_n no_o for_o all_o these_o be_v weakness_n which_o shall_v be_v do_v away_o to_o the_o faithful_a and_o strength_n perfection_n and_o comeliness_n shall_v be_v to_o every_o one_o of_o they_o 159_o quest_n what_o mean_v you_o by_o the_o life_n everlasting_a answ_n all_o that_o ever-induring_a happiness_n and_o all_o those_o joy_n which_o the_o lord_n impart_v to_o all_o his_o elect_a in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v which_o be_v so_o great_a as_o that_o the_o eye_n have_v not_o see_v nor_o the_o ear_n hear_v neither_o can_v the_o heart_n conceive_v thorough_o 163_o concern_v the_o law_n quest_n thou_o say_v that_o thou_o be_v bind_v to_o keep_v the_o commandment_n of_o almighty_a god_n which_o be_v they_o answ_n god_n speak_v these_o word_n and_o say_v i_o be_o etc._n etc._n 171_o quest_n how_o many_o thing_n do_v thou_o learn_v out_o of_o these_o commandment_n answ_n two_o thing_n my_o duty_n towards_o god_n and_o my_o duty_n towards_o my_o neighbour_n 172_o quest_n how_o be_v the_o commandment_n divide_v answ_n into_o two_o table_n 189_o quest_n in_o which_o table_n do_v you_o learn_v your_o duty_n towards_o god_n answ_n in_o the_o first_o contain_v the_o four_o former_a commandment_n 191_o quest_n how_o many_o be_v the_o part_n of_o every_o of_o these_o commandment_n answ_n two_o the_o commandment_n itself_o and_o the_o reason_n of_o it_o 191_o quest_n in_o which_o word_n be_v the_o first_o commandment_n contain_v and_o which_o be_v the_o reason_n answ_n the_o commandment_n be_v thou_o shall_v have_v none_o other_o god_n but_o i_o the_o reason_n in_o these_o word_n i_o be_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n which_o bring_v thou_o out_o of_o the_o land_n of_o egypt_n out_o of_o the_o house_n of_o bondage_n 196_o quest_n what_o be_v we_o here_o command_v answ_n to_o have_v the_o lord_n for_o our_o god_n that_o be_v to_o love_v he_o above_o all_o to_o fear_v he_o above_o all_o to_o put_v our_o whole_a trust_n in_o he_o and_o to_o make_v our_o prayer_n to_o he_o alone_o 196_o quest_n what_o be_v here_o forbid_a answ_n first_o atheism_n which_o be_v the_o acknowledgement_n of_o no_o god_n second_o ●gnorance_n which_o be_v a_o neglect_n of_o the_o knowledge_n of_o god_n and_o of_o his_o word_n three_o profaneness_n which_o be_v a_o regardlesnes_n of_o god_n and_o of_o his_o special_a service_n four_o inward_a idolatry_n which_o be_v the_o give_v of_o god_n worship_n unto_o creature_n by_o pray_v unto_o they_o trust_v in_o they_o or_o by_o set_v the_o heart_n upon_o they_o 201_o quest_n whence_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o this_o command_n take_v answ_n both_o from_o the_o equity_n of_o it_o because_o he_o be_v the_o lord_n our_o god_n and_o none_o other_o and_o from_o the_o benefit_n bestow_v upon_o we_o in_o bring_v we_o out_o of_o the_o bondage_n and_o thraldom_n of_o the_o devil_n 209_o quest_n in_o which_o word_n be_v the_o second_o commandment_n and_o in_o which_o be_v the_o reason_n answ_n the_o commandment_n be_v thou_o shall_v not_o make_v to_o thyself_o any_o grave_a image_n nor_o the_o likeness_n etc._n etc._n the_o reason_n for_o i_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n be_o a_o jealous_a god_n visit_v the_o sin_n 212_o quest_n what_o be_v here_o forbid_a answ_n all_o outward_a idolatry_n which_o be_v first_o by_o make_v the_o image_n of_o god_n or_o of_o any_o creature_n to_o be_v worship_v second_o by_o fall_v down_o before_o any_o image_n three_o by_o serve_v god_n according_a to_o our_o own_o fantasy_n 212_o quest_n what_o be_v we_o here_o command_v answ_n to_o perform_v all_o outward_a duty_n of_o god_n service_n according_a to_o his_o will_n reveal_v in_o his_o word_n for_o the_o substance_n thereof_o 223_o quest_n whence_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o this_o commandment_n take_v answ_n partly_o from_o the_o punishment_n to_o be_v inflict_v upon_o such_o as_o break_v it_o unto_o the_o three_o and_o four_o generation_n and_o partly_o from_o the_o benefit_n to_o be_v bestow_v upon_o such_o as_o keep_v it_o unto_o the_o thousand_o generation_n 227_o quest_n which_o be_v the_o three_o commandment_n and_o which_o the_o reason_n answ_n the_o commandment_n be_v thou_o shall_v not_o take_v the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n in_o vain_a the_o reason_n for_o he_o will_v not_o hold_v he_o guiltless_a &c_n &c_n 229_o quest_n what_o be_v here_o forbid_a unto_o we_o answ_n all_o abuse_n of_o the_o name_n of_o god_n which_o be_v first_o by_o blaspheme_v or_o give_v occasion_n to_o other_o to_o blaspheme_v second_o by_o swear_v false_o deceitful_o rash_o common_o or_o by_o creature_n three_o by_o curse_v and_o ban_v four_o by_o vow_v thing_n impossible_a or_o unlawful_a or_o by_o neglect_v of_o our_o lawful_a vow_n five_o by_o light_o use_v the_o holy_a name_n of_o god_n or_o his_o word_n six_o by_o vain_a protestation_n and_o asseveration_n 230_o quest_n what_o be_v we_o here_o command_v answ_n to_o glorify_v the_o name_n of_o god_n in_o all_o that_o we_o do_v think_v speak_v and_o desire_v and_o to_o labour_v that_o other_o may_v be_v win_v by_o our_o mean_n to_o do_v the_o same_o 240_o quest_n whence_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o this_o commandment_n take_v answ_n from_o the_o fearful_a estate_n of_o such_o as_o any_o way_n abuse_v the_o name_n of_o god_n the_o lord_n hold_v they_o as_o guilty_a of_o dishonour_n do_v unto_o his_o name_n 244_o quest_n if_o there_o be_v such_o danger_n in_o swear_v may_v a_o man_n lawful_o swear_v in_o any_o case_n whatsoever_o answ_n without_o doubt_v a_o man_n may_v sometime_o lawful_o swear_v either_o for_o the_o confirm_v of_o a_o truth_n which_o can_v otherwise_o be_v know_v and_o yet_o necessary_a or_o for_o the_o strengthen_n of_o honest_a league_n make_v betwixt_o man_n or_o last_o a_o man_n be_v call_v thereunto_o before_o a_o lawful_a magistrate_n 246_o quest_n what_o else_o be_v require_v that_o our_o swear_n may_v be_v lawful_a answ_n these_o four_o thing_n first_o we_o must_v swear_v only_o to_o such_o a_o truth_n as_o we_o know_v to_o be_v so_o second_o according_a to_o know_a intent_n of_o he_o unto_o who_o or_o before_o who_o we_o swear_v three_o this_o be_v a_o part_n of_o god_n worship_n we_o must_v do_v it_o with_o great_a reverence_n 248_o quest_n what_o if_o a_o man_n shall_v
swear_v to_o perform_v a_o unlawful_a thing_n be_v he_o not_o bind_v notwithstanding_o to_o perform_v his_o oath_n answ_n in_o no_o wise_a for_o so_o he_o shall_v add_v unto_o his_o sin_n of_o swear_v unlawful_o a_o further_a sin_n of_o do_v unlawful_o 249_o quest_n which_o be_v the_o four_o commandment_n answ_n remember_v that_o thou_o keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n day_n etc._n etc._n 250_o quest_n what_o be_v the_o duty_n here_o command_v ans_fw-fr to_o keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n and_o to_o be_v mindful_a of_o it_o 250_o quest_n how_o may_v this_o be_v do_v answ_n by_o assemble_v together_o to_o pray_v unto_o god_n and_o to_o praise_v he_o to_o hear_v his_o holy_a word_n and_o receive_v the_o bless_a sacrament_n 250_o quest_n be_v this_o all_o that_o be_v require_v to_o the_o right_a keep_n of_o the_o sabbath_n day_n answ_n no_o but_o we_o must_v prepare_v ourselves_o by_o prayer_n and_o empty_v our_o heart_n of_o sin_n and_o meditate_v upon_o god_n work_n and_o the_o word_n which_o we_o have_v hear_v suffer_v it_o so_o to_o work_v in_o we_o as_o that_o we_o may_v be_v further_v in_o all_o holiness_n of_o life_n 250_o quest_n be_v there_o no_o duty_n to_o be_v do_v towards_o our_o neighbour_n for_o the_o hallow_n of_o this_o day_n answ_n yes_o it_o be_v a_o special_a time_n of_o exercise_v mercy_n by_o help_v against_o sudden_a danger_n by_o collect_v and_o distribute_v to_o the_o poor_a by_o visit_v the_o sick_a and_o reconcile_a dissension_n among_o neighbour_n 254_o quest_n be_v there_o any_o set_a day_n under_o the_o new_a testament_n thus_o to_o be_v keep_v holy_a answ_n yes_o the_o day_n which_o be_v common_o call_v sunday_n but_o in_o the_o scripture_n the_o lord_n day_n or_o the_o first_o day_n in_o the_o week_n be_v thus_o to_o be_v keep_v without_o alteration_n to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n 260_o quest_n when_o do_v the_o lord_n day_n begin_v and_o end_v answ_n it_o begin_v in_o the_o morning_n at_o the_o dawn_n of_o the_o day_n and_o end_v next_o morning_n likewise_o 272_o quest_n be_v we_o bind_v to_o do_v the_o holy_a duty_n of_o god_n worship_n all_o this_o time_n without_o cease_v answ_n no_o for_o we_o may_v refresh_v ourselves_o with_o eat_v and_o drink_v sing_v and_o music_n and_o with_o any_o honest_a delight_n whatsoever_o whereby_o the_o mind_n be_v cheer_v up_o and_o joy_n and_o gladness_n befit_v the_o lord_n holy_a day_n express_v 276_o quest_n be_v this_o all_o that_o we_o be_v bind_v unto_o to_o keep_v the_o sabbath_n ourselves_o in_o cease_v from_o labour_n and_o do_v the_o duty_n thereof_o answ_n no_o but_o who_o so_o have_v son_n or_o daughter_n man_n servant_n or_o maid-servant_n cattle_n or_o stranger_n within_o his_o gate_n be_v alike_o bind_v to_o provide_v as_o much_o as_o in_o he_o lie_v that_o they_o all_o observe_v this_o day_n in_o their_o kind_n both_o man_n and_o beast_n 278_o quest_n do_v the_o lord_n only_o take_v care_n for_o the_o right_n spend_v of_o this_o day_n and_o leave_v we_o to_o ourselves_o upon_o the_o six_o day_n answ_n no_o doubtless_o but_o it_o be_v his_o will_n and_o commandment_n also_o that_o we_o shall_v upon_o the_o six_o day_n abstain_v from_o idleness_n and_o diligent_o labour_v in_o the_o work_n of_o our_o calling_n 279_o quest_n be_v it_o not_o lawful_a then_o to_o forbear_v work_v to_o attend_v upon_o god_n and_o his_o worship_n upon_o the_o six_o day_n answ_n yes_o it_o be_v not_o only_o lawful_a but_o necessary_a for_o every_o one_o to_o do_v the_o duty_n of_o god_n worship_n every_o day_n of_o the_o week_n in_o private_a and_o in_o public_a when_o just_a occasion_n be_v offer_v 282_o quest_n how_o can_v this_o stand_v with_o the_o command_n of_o work_v upan_o the_o six_o day_n answ_n yes_o very_o well_o because_o that_o howsoever_o god_n be_v to_o be_v serve_v upon_o the_o six_o day_n yet_o they_o be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n to_o be_v spend_v in_o the_o work_n of_o our_o calling_n 286_o quest_n what_o more_o special_a rule_n be_v we_o to_o follow_v in_o our_o weekly_a devotion_n answ_n first_o we_o must_v pray_v every_o day_n morning_n and_o evening_n second_o before_o and_o after_o the_o use_n of_o god_n creature_n three_o the_o more_o our_o necessity_n urge_v we_o pray_v the_o often_o and_o more_o instant_o four_o let_v no_o day_n pass_v without_o some_o read_n and_o divine_a meditation_n five_o neglect_v not_o the_o public_a preach_n in_o the_o week_n day_n where_o opportunity_n be_v offer_v to_o come_v unto_o it_o 286_o quest_n what_o be_v to_o be_v think_v of_o whole_a day_n set_v apart_o to_o public_a duty_n in_o the_o week_n as_o saint_n day_n and_o day_n of_o thanksgiving_n answ_n all_o this_o may_v lawful_o be_v do_v and_o be_v commendable_a by_o god_n word_n &_o therefore_o we_o be_v reverent_o to_o conform_v ourselves_o to_o the_o ordinance_n of_o authority_n herein_o 287_o quest_n what_o be_v the_o sin_n by_o this_o commandment_n forbid_v answ_n all_o profane_v of_o the_o sabbath_n day_n which_o be_v first_o by_o do_v worldly_a work_n that_o be_v not_o of_o present_a necessity_n by_o journey_v about_o worldly_a affair_n idle_a rest_v or_o absent_v ourselves_o from_o the_o public_a duty_n of_o god_n worship_n second_o by_o forgetfulness_n of_o the_o sabbath_n upon_o the_o six_o day_n by_o which_o we_o often_o bring_v upon_o ourselves_o a_o necessity_n of_o profane_v the_o same_o three_o when_o be_v parent_n or_o governor_n we_o leave_v our_o child_n pupil_n or_o servant_n to_o their_o own_o liberty_n upon_o this_o day_n 291_o quest_n what_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o this_o commandment_n answ_n they_o be_v partly_o enfold_v in_o the_o commandment_n and_o partly_o express_v in_o these_o word_n for_o in_o six_o day_n the_o lord_n make_v heaven_n and_o earth_n etc._n etc._n 295_o quest_n what_o be_v the_o reason_n enfold_v in_o this_o commandment_n answ_n three_o first_o because_o the_o law_n of_o the_o sabbath_n be_v ancient_a and_o be_v in_o force_n in_o paradise_n before_o man_n fall_n second_o because_o it_o be_v most_o equal_a the_o lord_n allow_v we_o six_o day_n for_o our_o worldly_a affair_n and_o require_v but_o one_o of_o seven_o for_o the_o work_n of_o his_o worship_n three_o because_o the_o seven_o be_v the_o lord_n peculiar_a day_n so_o that_o without_o sacrilege_n we_o can_v any_o way_n profane_v it_o 296_o quest_n what_o be_v the_o reason_n express_v answ_n two_o first_o from_o the_o lord_n own_o example_n who_o rest_v upon_o the_o seven_o day_n from_o all_o his_o work_n of_o creation_n second_o from_o his_o blessing_n inseparable_o link_v to_o the_o hallow_n of_o this_o day_n so_o that_o he_o which_o keep_v it_o holy_a shall_v find_v it_o to_o his_o comfort_n unto_o he_o a_o bless_a day_n 298_o quest_n which_o be_v the_o first_o commandment_n of_o the_o second_o table_n or_o the_o five_o of_o the_o law_n answ_n honour_n thy_o father_n and_o thy_o mother_n that_o thy_o day_n may_v be_v long_o in_o the_o land_n which_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n give_v thou_o 299_o quest_n in_o which_o commandment_n do_v you_o learn_v your_o duty_n towards_o your_o neighbour_n answ_n in_o the_o six_o latter_a commandment_n which_o be_v of_o the_o second_o table_n 299_o quest_n which_o be_v the_o first_o of_o these_o commandment_n answ_n honour_n thy_o father_n and_o mother_n etc._n etc._n 301_o quest_n what_o be_v we_o here_o command_v answ_n to_o honour_v that_o be_v to_o love_v reverence_n cherish_v and_o obey_v our_o natural_a parent_n the_o parent_n of_o our_o country_n and_o our_o father_n in_o christ_n second_o to_o carry_v ourselves_o lowly_a and_o reverent_o towards_o our_o master_n be_v rule_v by_o they_o in_o the_o lord_n and_o towards_o the_o ancient_a and_o all_o our_o better_n three_o if_o we_o be_v superior_n to_o walk_v worthy_a the_o honour_n due_a unto_o we_o from_o our_o inferior_n &_o to_o use_v all_o gentleness_n towards_o they_o 303_o quest_n what_o be_v here_o forbid_a answ_n all_o irreverence_n towards_o those_o that_o be_v in_o place_n and_o authority_n above_o we_o and_o churlish_a behaviour_n in_o such_o towards_o those_o that_o be_v of_o a_o low_a degree_n 317_o quest_n whence_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o this_o commandment_n take_v answ_n from_o the_o promise_n of_o long_a life_n if_o god_n please_v not_o to_o prevent_v we_o with_o the_o blessing_n of_o eternal_a life_n 325_o quest_n which_o be_v the_o sixth_o commandment_n or_o the_o second_o of_o the_o second_o table_n answ_n thou_o shall_v do_v no_o murder_n 328_o quest_n what_o be_v here_o forbid_a answ_n all_o murder_a of_o ourselves_o or_o other_o and_o all_o approbation_n hereof_o in_o other_o either_o by_o command_n counsel_n consent_n or_o concealment_n second_o all_o injurious_a action_n tend_v to_o
quest_n which_o be_v those_o three_o concern_v god_n glory_n ans_fw-fr first_o hallow_a be_v thy_o name_n second_o thy_o kingdom_n come_v three_o thy_o will_v be_v do_v on_o earth_n as_o it_o be_v in_o heaven_n 437_o quest_n in_o the_o first_o of_o these_o what_o desire_v you_o answ_n that_o the_o name_n of_o god_n may_v be_v glorify_v in_o the_o use_n of_o his_o title_n word_n and_o all_o his_o work_n 437_o quest_n in_o the_o second_o petition_n what_o desire_v you_o answ_n that_o the_o number_n of_o true_a believer_n may_v be_v daily_o increase_v that_o god_n kingdom_n of_o grace_n be_v enlarge_v his_o kingdom_n of_o glory_n may_v be_v hasten_v 443_o quest_n in_o the_o three_o petition_n what_o pray_v you_o for_o answ_n that_o i_o and_o all_o the_o people_n of_o god_n upon_o earth_n may_v as_o ready_o obey_v god_n will_n as_o the_o angel_n and_o saint_n in_o heaven_n 452_o quest_n which_o be_v the_o three_o petition_n concern_v ourselves_o answ_n the_o first_o give_v we_o this_o day_n etc._n etc._n 2._o forgive_v we_o our_o trespass_n 3._o lead_v we_o not_o into_o temptation_n etc._n etc._n 459_o quest_n what_o pray_v you_o for_o in_o the_o first_o of_o these_o petition_n answ_n for_o all_o thing_n necessary_a for_o this_o present_a life_n and_o therefore_o we_o ask_v but_o for_o bread_n and_o but_o for_o this_o day_n 460_o quest_n what_o pray_v you_o for_o in_o the_o second_o of_o these_o petition_n answ_n that_o god_n will_v free_o forgive_v we_o all_o our_o sin_n as_o we_o do_v from_o our_o heart_n forgive_v the_o offence_n of_o man_n against_o us._n 471_o quest_n what_o pray_v you_o for_o in_o the_o three_o of_o these_o petition_n answ_n that_o the_o lord_n will_v not_o suffer_v we_o to_o be_v carry_v a-away_a by_o the_o temptation_n of_o the_o world_n flesh_n or_o devil_n to_o the_o commit_n of_o sin_n but_o that_o he_o will_v deliver_v we_o from_o the_o evil_a of_o all_o temptation_n both_o sin_n and_o damnation_n 480_o quest_n wherefore_o serve_v the_o conclusion_n for_o thou_o be_v etc._n etc._n ans_fw-fr it_o be_v add_v as_o a_o reason_n of_o all_o the_o petition_n to_o strengthen_v our_o faith_n that_o god_n be_v both_o able_a and_o willing_a do_v certain_o yield_v to_o our_o request_n make_v unto_o he_o therefore_o we_o add_v a_o note_n of_o confidence_n and_o say_v amen_n 487_o quest_n what_o be_v the_o other_o exercise_n of_o the_o faithful_a answ_n the_o right_a receive_n of_o the_o sacrament_n 518_o of_o the_o sacrament_n quest_n the_o benefit_n be_v show_v which_o we_o be_v to_o crave_v at_o god_n hand_n by_o prayer_n what_o further_a mean_n have_v we_o for_o the_o better_a assure_v to_o our_o soul_n the_o promise_n of_o all_o spiritual_a blessing_n in_o christ_n answ_n the_o sacrament_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n which_o be_v the_o pledge_n of_o the_o covenant_n between_o god_n and_o his_o people_n 492_o quest_n wherein_o stand_v true_a repentance_n answ_n in_o three_o thing_n first_o in_o knowledge_n and_o acknowledgement_n of_o our_o sin_n past_a second_o in_o godly_a sorrow_n and_o grief_n of_o heart_n for_o they_o three_o in_o a_o godly_a purpose_n to_o forsake_v all_o sin_n and_o to_o lead_v a_o new_a life_n for_o all_o time_n to_o come_v 505_o quest_n what_o be_v faith_n answ_n it_o be_v a_o certain_a persuasion_n of_o the_o heart_n wrought_v by_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n ground_v upon_o his_o promise_n that_o all_o my_o sin_n be_v forgive_v i_o in_o christ_n jesus_n 508_o quest_n what_o be_v require_v in_o such_o as_o come_v to_o the_o lord_n supper_n answ_n to_o be_v right_o dispose_v before_o and_o at_o the_o receive_n hereof_o 532_o quest_n what_o ought_v a_o man_n to_o do_v before_o his_o come_n answ_n to_o examine_v himself_o for_o his_o faith_n in_o christ_n 532_o quest_n how_o may_v a_o man_n know_v whether_o he_o have_v true_a faith_n or_o no_o answ_n by_o two_o special_a fruit_n thereof_o repentance_n for_o all_o his_o sin_n and_o love_n towards_o his_o neighbour_n 534_o quest_n wherein_o stand_v true_a repentance_n answ_n in_o affection_n when_o it_o be_v the_o same_o towards_o our_o neighbour_n that_o it_o be_v towards_o ourselves_o void_a of_o malice_n hatred_n and_o envy_n and_o desirous_a of_o his_o good_a as_o of_o our_o own_o and_o in_o action_n when_o we_o be_v ready_a to_o do_v good_a unto_o other_o as_o unto_o ourselves_o and_o to_o keep_v away_o hurt_v as_o from_o ourselves_o 537_o quest_n what_o shall_v he_o do_v that_o find_v not_o these_o thing_n in_o himself_o after_o due_a examination_n answ_n he_o may_v not_o keep_v away_o from_o the_o lord_n supper_n for_o this_o be_v a_o provoke_a of_o god_n to_o wrath_n neither_o can_v he_o come_v unto_o it_o without_o offend_v in_o a_o high_a degree_n 539_o quest_n what_o may_v a_o man_n do_v then_o in_o this_o case_n answ_n he_o must_v humble_o sue_v unto_o god_n for_o the_o pardon_n of_o his_o sin_n to_o ftrike_v his_o hard_a hart_n that_o he_o may_v melt_v into_o tear_n for_o they_o and_o constant_o cleave_v to_o his_o commandment_n and_o if_o there_o be_v any_o dissension_n he_o must_v go_v and_o be_v reconcile_v to_o his_o brother_n 540_o quest_n what_o ought_v a_o man_n to_o do_v at_o the_o lord_n supper_n answ_n he_o ought_v thankful_o to_o remember_v the_o inward_a grace_n of_o god_n towards_o he_o by_o see_v the_o outward_a sign_n 541_o quest_n what_o be_v these_o grace_n answ_n first_o the_o lord_n give_v of_o his_o son_n jesus_n christ_n to_o death_n for_o we_o set_v forth_o by_o the_o minister_n take_v of_o the_o bread_n &_o wine_n break_v &_o pour_v out_o &_o offer_v they_o to_o we_o all_o second_o our_o near_a union_n unto_o christ_n and_o how_o we_o have_v all_o our_o spiritual_a food_n from_o he_o set_v forth_o by_o our_o take_n eat_a and_o inward_a digest_v the_o bread_n &_o wine_n that_o become_v nourishment_n unto_o us._n three_o the_o near_a union_n that_o god_n have_v make_v by_o christ_n betwixt_o all_o the_o faithful_a set_v forth_o by_o the_o same_o bread_n be_v make_v of_o many_o grain_n of_o corn_n and_o by_o the_o same_o wine_n make_v of_o many_o grape_n 541_o quest_n what_o be_v to_o be_v do_v after_o the_o receive_n answ_n we_o must_v meditate_v of_o the_o covenant_n of_o new_a obedience_n renew_v by_o this_o sacrament_n that_o we_o may_v more_o careful_o perform_v it_o and_o fly_v sin_n and_o vice_n all_o the_o day_n of_o our_o life_n 543_o appendix_n quest_n what_o be_v the_o word_n of_o god_n answ_n whatsoever_o be_v contain_v in_o the_o book_n of_o the_o old_a and_o new_a testament_n and_o not_o any_o other_o book_n or_o writing_n whatsoever_o 545_o quest_n how_o many_o and_o which_o be_v these_o book_n answ_n the_o book_n of_o the_o old_a testament_n be_v seven_o &_o twenty_o genesis_n exodus_fw-la leviticus_fw-la number_n deuteronomie_n joshua_n judge_n ruth_n the_o first_o and_o second_o of_o samuel_n the_o first_o and_o second_o king_n the_o first_o and_o second_o of_o the_o chronicle_n ezra_n nehemiah_n ester_n job_n psalm_n proverb_n ecclesiastes_n canticle_n isaiah_n jeremiah_n ezechiel_n daniel_n and_o the_o book_n of_o the_o twelve_o small_a prophet_n the_o book_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n be_v 26._o matthew_n mark_v luke_n john_n the_o act_n of_o the_o apostle_n the_o epistle_n to_o the_o roman_n first_o and_o second_o to_o the_o corinthian_n galathianss_n ephesian_n philippian_n colossian_n and_o two_o to_o the_o thessalonian_o and_o two_o to_o timothy_n to_o titus_n the_o hebrew_n the_o epistle_n of_o james_n and_o two_o of_o peter_n first_o second_o and_o three_o of_o john_n of_o jude_n and_o the_o revelation_n of_o john_n 545_o quest_n be_v not_o the_o apocrypha_fw-la book_n part_v of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n answ_n they_o be_v not_o neither_o have_v be_v ever_o so_o account_v in_o the_o church_n of_o god_n but_o be_v annex_v as_o be_v full_a of_o good_a instruction_n and_o history_n declare_v god_n wonderful_a providence_n over_o his_o people_n israel_n 546_o quest_n what_o proof_n be_v there_o that_o the_o other_o be_v god_n word_n answ_n it_o be_v prove_v by_o their_o antiquity_n some_o of_o they_o be_v before_o all_o other_o book_n sundry_a time_n oppugn_v and_o seek_v to_o be_v burn_v up_o by_o persecutor_n and_o yet_o wonderful_o preserve_v and_o by_o miracle_n from_o heaven_n confirm_v which_o show_v that_o they_o come_v from_o heaven_n and_o be_v not_o of_o man_n invention_n 547_o quest_n have_v this_o word_n write_v be_v it_o not_o sufficient_a for_o our_o salvation_n without_o any_o help_n by_o preack_v answ_n it_o be_v not_o sufficient_a but_o it_o must_v also_o be_v set_v forth_o by_o preach_v that_o the_o hard_a place_n may_v be_v right_o understand_v we_o may_v be_v keep_v from_o error_n and_o have_v our_o dull_a
these_o thing_n can_v not_o better_o have_v be_v couch_v together_o the_o first_o word_n express_v the_o first_o commandment_n of_o have_v the_o lord_n for_o our_o god_n for_o this_o be_v to_o believe_v in_o he_o to_o love_v he_o to_o fear_v he_o and_o to_o pray_v unto_o he_o the_o second_o be_v express_v in_o the_o next_o word_n to_o worship_v he_o and_o to_o give_v he_o thanks_o it_o be_v the_o duty_n of_o this_o commandment_n pure_o to_o do_v the_o part_n of_o his_o worship_n the_o three_o be_v express_v in_o the_o word_n follow_v to_o honour_v his_o holy_a name_n and_o his_o word_n it_o be_v the_o main_a matter_n special_o point_v at_o there_o that_o in_o all_o thing_n god_n name_n and_o his_o word_n be_v glorify_v and_o the_o four_o of_o keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n and_o then_o devout_o serve_v god_n in_o the_o duty_n by_o he_o appoint_v be_v express_v in_o the_o last_o word_n and_o to_o serve_v he_o true_o all_o the_o day_n of_o my_o life_n as_o will_v appear_v more_o plain_o in_o the_o large_a open_n of_o every_o of_o these_o commandment_n as_o here_o follow_v quest_n 53._o how_o many_o be_v the_o part_n of_o every_o of_o the_o commandment_n of_o the_o first_o table_n answ_n two_o the_o commandment_n itself_o and_o the_o reason_n thereof_o explan_n before_o that_o we_o come_v to_o the_o particular_a handle_n of_o each_o commandment_n two_o thing_n be_v further_a to_o be_v premise_v first_o certain_a rule_n be_v to_o be_v lay_v down_o tend_v to_o the_o better_a understanding_n of_o they_o and_o then_o be_v to_o be_v show_v the_o singularity_n of_o these_o commandment_n concern_v god_n above_o those_o that_o concern_v our_o neighbour_n commandment_n rule_n 1._o rule_n for_o expound_v the_o commandment_n first_o for_o the_o rule_n one_o be_v this_o every_o affirmative_a commanmandement_n include_v his_o negative_a and_o the_o negative_a the_o affirmative_a as_o for_o example_n the_o three_o commandment_n be_v negative_a thou_o shall_v not_o take_v the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n in_o vain_a now_o it_o contain_v also_o the_o affirmative_a thou_o shall_v honour_v the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o so_o of_o the_o rest_n and_o this_o be_v plain_a from_o sundry_a place_n thus_o expound_v they_o the_o four_o commandment_n expound_v itself_o thus_o when_o the_o lord_n unto_o the_o affirmative_a keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n day_n add_v the_o negative_a thou_o shall_v do_v no_o manner_n of_o work_n therein_o the_o five_o be_v thus_o expound_v where_o it_o be_v say_v he_o that_o curse_v father_n or_o mother_n or_o that_o be_v disobedient_a unto_o they_o shall_v be_v bring_v forth_o and_o stone_v to_o death_n and_o general_o the_o commandment_n of_o the_o second_o table_n be_v all_o negative_a but_o one_o be_v thus_o expound_v of_o our_o saviour_n christ_n say_v the_o second_o be_v this_o thou_o shall_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o 2._o rule_n 2._o the_o second_o rule_n be_v this_o every_o negative_a commandment_n do_v bind_v always_o and_o unto_o all_o time_n every_o affirmative_a do_v only_o bind_v always_o but_o not_o unto_o all_o time_n also_o as_o for_o example_n thou_o shall_v not_o have_v no_o other_o god_n but_o i_o the_o affirmative_a of_o have_v the_o lord_n for_o our_o god_n do_v bind_v always_o so_o that_o he_o sin_v whosoever_o at_o any_o time_n deni_v the_o lord_n in_o his_o heart_n or_o do_v contrary_a to_o the_o fear_n or_o love_n of_o god_n but_o he_o sin_v not_o that_o do_v not_o actual_o exercise_v these_o affection_n at_o all_o time_n because_o that_o a_o man_n sometime_o sleep_v sometime_o through_o the_o violence_n of_o disease_n lose_v the_o use_n of_o his_o reasonable_a soul_n many_o time_n also_o be_v possess_v with_o vehement_a thought_n which_o employ_v the_o mind_n another_o way_n and_o last_o occasion_n be_v not_o at_o all_o time_n offer_v to_o try_v our_o heart_n the_o four_o commandment_n in_o the_o affirmative_a have_v remember_v that_o thou_o keep_v holy_a the_o sabbath_n day_n against_o this_o he_o sin_v whosoever_o do_v break_v the_o sabbath_n but_o he_o sin_v not_o that_o do_v not_o keep_v it_o at_o all_o time_n and_o parcel_n of_o time_n because_o the_o weakness_n of_o our_o nature_n require_v some_o rest_n and_o pause_v at_o what_o time_n we_o can_v be_v busy_v in_o holy_a exercise_n the_o like_a be_v to_o be_v say_v of_o honour_v our_o parent_n etc._n etc._n but_o come_v to_o negative_a commandment_n and_o you_o shall_v see_v that_o whosoever_o cease_v from_o observe_v they_o at_o any_o time_n be_v a_o sinner_n for_o example_n thou_o shall_v do_v no_o murder_n be_v a_o negative_a command_n and_o so_o be_v thou_o shall_v not_o commit_v adultery_n if_o any_o man_n then_o shall_v murder_v at_o any_o time_n or_o be_v adulterous_a whether_o he_o be_v drunken_a or_o sober_a angry_a or_o quiet_a tempt_v or_o not_o in_o whatsoever_o place_n time_n or_o occasion_n he_o be_v a_o transgressor_n and_o this_o distinction_n be_v set_v forth_o among_o schoolman_n by_o the_o term_n of_o semper_fw-la and_o ad_fw-la semper_fw-la the_o three_o rule_n be_v this_o 3._o rule_n 3._o every_o commandment_n forbid_v any_o sin_n do_v not_o only_o forbid_v the_o sin_n name_v but_o all_o sin_n of_o the_o same_o rank_n also_o and_o all_o occasion_n of_o the_o same_o and_o the_o main_a sin_n only_o be_v name_v to_o make_v the_o branch_n the_o more_o odious_a as_o be_v of_o the_o same_o nature_n before_o the_o lord_n thus_o christ_n himself_o interprete_v the_o six_o seven_o and_o three_o commandment_n where_o reprove_v the_o pharisee_n doctrine_n 5._o math._n 5._o only_o forbid_v murder_n and_o the_o act_n of_o adultery_n and_o false_a swear_v by_o god_n holy_a name_n he_o teach_v that_o even_o unaduised_a anger_n be_v a_o sin_n and_o to_o look_v upon_o a_o woman_n to_o lust_n after_o she_o be_v adultery_n and_o to_o swear_v any_o oath_n at_o all_o in_o ordinary_a communication_n be_v from_o the_o devil_n by_o which_o we_o may_v gather_v how_o we_o be_v to_o understand_v the_o other_o commandment_n also_o the_o four_o rule_n be_v this_o 4._o rule_n 4._o the_o commandment_n of_o the_o first_o table_n be_v absolute_o to_o be_v keep_v and_o for_o themselves_o the_o other_o of_o the_o second_o table_n be_v to_o be_v keep_v for_o the_o first_o for_o if_o any_o man_n shall_v observe_v this_o thou_o shall_v have_v none_o other_o god_n but_o i_o thou_o shall_v not_o make_v any_o grave_a image_n etc._n etc._n or_o thou_o shall_v not_o take_v the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n in_o vain_a in_o mere_a obedience_n to_o the_o king_n law_n or_o thereby_o to_o please_v holy_a man_n who_o do_v spit_v at_o the_o worker_n of_o such_o abomination_n and_o not_o through_o a_o immediate_a reverence_n of_o that_o heavenly_a majesty_n which_o have_v command_v that_o man_n obedience_n be_v none_o obedience_n his_o keep_n of_o these_o law_n be_v no_o keep_n of_o they_o because_o the_o main_a thing_n here_o intend_v be_v neglect_v viz._n the_o set_n up_o of_o god_n in_o our_o heart_n above_o all_o and_o that_o which_o be_v most_o abhor_a be_v practise_v viz._n the_o fear_n of_o god_n teach_v by_o the_o precept_n of_o man_n 29.13_o esa_fw-la 29.13_o and_o on_o the_o other_o side_n who_o so_o shall_v observe_v these_o law_n thou_o shall_v not_o kill_v thou_o shall_v not_o steal_v etc._n etc._n without_o be_v move_v hereunto_o through_o a_o conscience_n of_o the_o first_o table_n commend_v the_o love_n of_o god_n unto_o we_o and_o the_o love_n of_o man_n for_o god_n cause_n after_o who_o image_n he_o be_v make_v his_o keep_v also_o be_v no_o keep_n of_o the_o law_n because_o the_o praise_n of_o man_n be_v the_o mark_n at_o which_o he_o aim_v or_o else_o that_o he_o may_v be_v deal_v friendly_a withal_o again_o and_o thus_o do_v the_o very_a pharisee_n and_o publican_n 5._o math._n 6._o math._n 5._o he_o only_o love_v his_o neighbour_n aright_o which_o make_v the_o love_n of_o god_n the_o fountain_n and_o beginning_n of_o his_o love_n to_o his_o neighbour_n 5._o rule_n 5._o the_o five_o rule_n be_v this_o howsoever_o the_o least_o commandment_n be_v not_o so_o small_a but_o the_o breach_n thereof_o deserve_v death_n yet_o the_o breach_n of_o some_o commandment_n be_v great_a and_o more_o heinous_a then_o of_o other_o thus_o to_o break_v the_o commandment_n of_o the_o first_o table_n be_v in_o itself_o simple_o more_o heinous_a and_o this_o sin_n shall_v have_v a_o more_o grievous_a punishment_n in_o hell_n than_o sin_n against_o the_o second_o table_n for_o sodom_n and_o gomorrah_n say_v christ_n unto_o the_o jew_n 11._o math_n 11._o shall_v rise_v up_o against_o you_o and_o condemn_v you_o because_o their_o sin_n in_o refuse_v and_o deny_v their_o god_n and_o saviour_n be_v great_a than_o all_o
the_o sin_n though_o most_o loud_o cry_v of_o that_o people_n and_o for_o this_o be_v it_o that_o the_o main_a sin_n against_o every_o precept_n of_o the_o first_o table_n be_v censure_v with_o death_n but_o it_o be_v not_o so_o with_o all_o those_o of_o the_o second_o table_n yet_o do_v i_o not_o so_o rigorous_o press_v this_o rule_n as_o to_o infer_v that_o the_o least_o sin_n against_o the_o first_o table_n must_v needs_o be_v more_o heinous_a than_o the_o great_a against_o the_o second_o which_o have_v be_v rash_o conclude_v by_o some_o can_v any_o christian_a persuade_v i_o that_o i_o commit_v a_o more_o damnable_a sin_n in_o be_v overtake_v with_o a_o nap_n at_o a_o long_a sermon_n or_o come_v once_o late_o to_o church_n then_o if_o i_o have_v murder_v my_o own_o father_n let_v i_o be_v throw_v out_o of_o a_o window_n if_o i_o think_v that_o eutychus_n act._n 20.9_o sin_v more_o grievous_o than_o cain_n gen._n 4_o 8._o in_o gather_v a_o proportion_n between_o