Selected quad for the lemma: reason_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
reason_n abimelech_n abraham_n bring_v 23 3 4.9368 4 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

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Showing 1 to 9 of 9
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B02144 Seasonable thoughts of divine providence affording comfort to those who are in danger. Instruction to all that are delivered from the late sad visitation. Wherein we are inform'd whether our preservation be a fruit of God's special love, or of his common providence. Chishull, John. 1666 (1666) Wing C3903B; ESTC R176572 27,160 97 View Text
A85436 The great interest of states & kingdomes. A sermon preached before the Honorable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Feb. 25. 1645. / By Tho: Goodwin, B.D. one of the Assembly of Divines. Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. 1646 (1646) Wing G1246A; Thomason E325_4; ESTC R200620 40,978 64 View Text
A29488 A bundle of soul-convincing, directing, and comforting truths clearly deduced from diverse select texts of Holy Scripture, and practically improven, both for conviction and consolation : being a brief summary of several sermons preached at large / by ... M. Roger Breirly ... Brereley, Roger, 1586-1637. 1677 (1677) Wing B4659; ESTC R1288 256,743 378 View Text
A58345 God's plea for Nineveh, or, London's precedent for mercy delivered in certain sermons within the city of London / by Thomas Reeve ... Reeve, Thomas, 1594-1672. 1657 (1657) Wing R690; ESTC R14279 394,720 366 View Text
A69597 Jacob Behmen's theosophick philosophy unfolded in divers considerations and demonstrations, shewing the verity and utility of the several doctrines or propositions contained in the writings of that divinely instructed author : also, the principal treatises of the said author abridged, and answers given to the remainder of the 177 theosophick questions, propounded by the said Jacob Behmen, which were left unanswered by him at the time of his death : as a help towards the better understanding the Old and New Testament : also what man is with respect to time and eternity, being an open gate to the great mysteries / by Edward Taylor ; with a short account of the life of Jacob Behmen.; Selections. English. 1691 Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624.; Taylor, Edward, fl. 1691. 1691 (1691) Wing B3421; ESTC R21858 539,912 460 View Text
A34874 The history of the Old Testament methodiz'd according to the order and series of time wherein the several things therein mentioned were transacted ... to which is annex'd a Short history of the Jewish affairs from the end of the Old Testament to the birth of our Saviour : and a map also added of Canaan and the adjacent countries ... / by Samuel Cradock ... Cradock, Samuel, 1621?-1706. 1683 (1683) Wing C6750; ESTC R11566 1,349,257 877 View Text
A63068 A commentary or exposition upon the XII minor prophets wherein the text is explained, some controversies are discussed, sundry cases of conscience are cleared, and many remarkable matters hinted that had by former interpreters been pretermitted : hereunto is added a treatise called, The righteous mans recompence, or, A true Christian characterized and encouraged, out of Malache chap. 3. vers. 16,17, 18 : in which diverse other texts of scripture, which occasionally, are fully opened and the whole so intermixed with pertinent histories as will yeeld both pleasure and profit, to the judicious reader / by John Trapp ... Trapp, John, 1601-1669. 1654 (1654) Wing T2043; ESTC R15203 1,473,967 888 View Text
A14900 Balletts and madrigals to fiue voyces with one to 6. voyces: newly published by Thomas Weelkes. Weelkes, Thomas, 1575 (ca.)-1623. 1608 (1608) STC 25204; ESTC S103041 2,366,144 144 View Text
A15408 Hexapla in Genesin & Exodum: that is, a sixfold commentary upon the two first bookes of Moses, being Genesis and Exodus Wherein these translations are compared together: 1. The Chalde. 2. The Septuagint. 3. The vulgar Latine. 4. Pagnine. 5. Montanus. 6. Iunius. 7. Vatablus. 8. The great English Bible. 9. The Geneva edition. And 10. The Hebrew originall. Together with a sixfold vse of every chapter, shewing 1. The method or argument: 2. The divers readings: 3. The explanation of difficult questions and doubtfull places: 4. The places of doctrine: 5. Places of confutation: 6. Morall observations. In which worke, about three thousand theologicall questions are discussed: above forty authors old and new abridged: and together comprised whatsoever worthy of note, either Mercerus out of the Rabbines, Pererius out of the fathers, or Marloran out of the new writers, have in their learned commentaries collected. By Andrew Willet, minister of the gospell of Iesus Christ. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Genesin. aut; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Exodum. aut 1633 (1633) STC 25685; ESTC S114193 2,366,144 1,184 View Text
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