The trissotetras: or, a most exquisite table for resolving all manner of triangles, whether plaine or sphericall, rectangular or obliquangular, with greater facility, then ever hitherto hath been practised: most necessary for all such as would attaine to the exact knowledge of fortification, dyaling, navigation, surveying, architecture, the art of shadowing, taking of heights, and distances, the use of both the globes, perspective, the skill of making the maps, the theory of the planets, the calculating of their motions, and of all other astronomicall computations whatsoever. Now lately invented, and perfected, explained, commented on, and with all possible brevity, and perspicuity, in the hiddest, and most re-searched mysteries, from the very first grounds of the science it selfe, proved, and convincingly demonstrated. / By Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie Knight. Published for the benefit of those that are mathematically affected.
Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660.
Wing U140; Thomason E273_9; ESTC R212170
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Via regia ad geometriam. = The vvay to geometry Being necessary and usefull, for astronomers. Geographers. Land-meaters. Sea-men. Engineres. Architecks. Carpenters. Paynters. Carvers, &c. Written in Latine by Peter Ramus, and now translated and much enlarged by the learned Mr. William Bedvvell.; Via regia ad geometriam. English
Ramus, Petrus, 1515-1572.; Bedwell, William, ca. 1561-1632.; Clarke, John, d. 1658.
STC 15251; ESTC S108337
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The description and use of the universall quadrat. By which is performed, with great expedition, the whole doctrine of triangles, both plain and sphericall, two severall wayes with ease and exactness. Also the resolution of such propositions as are most usefull in astronomie, navigation, and dialling. By which is also performed the proportioning of lines and superficies: the measuring of all manner of land, board, glasse; timber, stone. &c. / By Thomas Stirrup, Philomathemat.
Stirrup, Thomas.
Wing S5687; Thomason E823_8; ESTC R207671
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The elements of Euclid, explained and demonstrated in a new and most easie method with the uses of each proposition in all the parts of the mathematicks / by Claude Francois Milliet D'Chales, a Jesuit ; done out of French, corrected and augmented, and illustrated with nine copper plates, and the effigies of Euclid, by Reeve Williams ...; Huict livres des Eléments d'Euclide rendus plus faciles. English
Dechales, Claude-François Milliet, 1621-1678.; Euclid. Elements.; Williams, Reeve, fl. 1682-1703.
Wing E3399; ESTC R10241
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Antidotum Lincolniense· or An answer to a book entituled, The holy table, name, & thing, &c. said to be written long agoe by a minister in Lincolnshire, and printed for the diocese of Lincolne, a⁰. 1637 VVritten and inscribed to the grave, learned, and religious clergie of the diocese of Lincoln. By Pet: Heylyn chapleine in ordinary to his Matie.
Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662.
STC 13267; ESTC S104010
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The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe toung, by H. Billingsley, citizen of London. Whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inuentions, of the best mathematiciens, both of time past, and in this our age. With a very fruitfull præface made by M. I. Dee, specifying the chiefe mathematicall scie[n]ces, what they are, and wherunto commodious: where, also, are disclosed certaine new secrets mathematicall and mechanicall, vntill these our daies, greatly missed; Elements. English
Euclid.; Dee, John, 1527-1608.; Candale, François de Foix, comte de, 1502-1594.; Billingsley, Henry, Sir, d. 1606.
STC 10560; ESTC S106699
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