The Abyssinian philosophy confuted, or, Tellvris theoria neither sacred not agreeable to reason being for the most part a translation of Petrus Ramazzini, Of the wonderful springs of Modena : illustrated with many curious remarks and experiments by the author and translator : to which is added a new hypothesis deduced from Scripture and the observation of nature : with an addition of some miscellany experiments / by Robert St. Clair ...; Defontium Mutinènsium admiranda scaturgine tractatus physico-hydrostaticis. English
Ramazzini, Bernardino, 1633-1714.; St. Clair, Robert N.
Wing R199; ESTC R3670
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The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe toung, by H. Billingsley, citizen of London. Whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inuentions, of the best mathematiciens, both of time past, and in this our age. With a very fruitfull præface made by M. I. Dee, specifying the chiefe mathematicall scie[n]ces, what they are, and wherunto commodious: where, also, are disclosed certaine new secrets mathematicall and mechanicall, vntill these our daies, greatly missed; Elements. English
Euclid.; Dee, John, 1527-1608.; Candale, François de Foix, comte de, 1502-1594.; Billingsley, Henry, Sir, d. 1606.
STC 10560; ESTC S106699
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