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power_n church_n particular_a synod_n 5,355 5 10.3233 5 true
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Showing 1 to 100 of 243
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A70969 The reasons presented by the Dissenting Brethren against certain propositions concerning presbyteriall government and the proofs of them voted by the Assembly of Divines, sitting by authority of Parliament, at Westminster : together with the Answer of the Assembly of Divines to those reasons of dissent. Westminster Assembly; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Answer of the Assembly of Divines to the reasons of the Dissenting Brethren.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Papers given in to the Honorable Committee of Lords and Commons.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Dissenting Brethren. Papers and answers of the Dissenting Brethren. 1648 (1648) Wing R581; Wing P295; ESTC R5818 4,476 12 View Text
A91714 A review of a certain pamphlet under the name of one John Lilburne. By a well-willer to the peace of Sion. Imprimatur. John Downame. Well-Willer to the Peace of Sion. 1645 (1645) Wing R1196; Thomason E278_4; ESTC R200010 12,165 15 View Text
A43317 Reformation of church-government in Scotland cleared from some mistakes and prejudices by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, now at London / published by especiall command. Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission.; Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646. 1644 (1644) Wing H1437; ESTC R42074 13,323 24 View Text
A19885 A iust complaint against an uniust doer Wherein is declared the miserable slaverie & bondage that the English Church of Amsterdam is now in, by reason of the tirannicall government and corrupt doctrine, of Mr. Iohn Pagett their present minister. The which things are plainly manifested in two certein letters, the one written by Mr. Iohn Davenport to the dutch classis, the other given vp to the English consistorie by some of the brethren. With other briefe passages tending to the same effect. Published by one that much pitties them and prayes dayly for their deliverance. Davenport, John, 1597-1670. 1634 (1634) STC 6311; ESTC S119390 15,142 26 View Text
A91196 Independency examined, vnmasked, refuted, by twelve new particular interrogatories: detecting both the manifold absurdities, inconveniences that must necessarily attend it, to the great disturbance of church, state, the diminution, subversion of the lawfull undoubted power of all christian magistrates, parliaments, synods: and shaking the chiefe pillars, wherwith its patrons would support it. / By William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1644 (1644) Wing P3985; Thomason E257_3; ESTC R210043 15,631 15 View Text
A80418 A coole conference between the Scottish commissioners cleared reformation, and the Holland ministers apologeticall narration, brought together by a well-willer to both. 1644 (1644) Wing C6045; Thomason E35_15; ESTC R19126 16,004 18 View Text
A86352 A breif [sic] enquiry into the ground, authority, and rights, of ecclesiastical synods; upon the principles of Scripture and right reason occasion'd by a late book, intitul'd, Municipium ecclesiasticum: &c. Hill, Samuel, 1648-1716.; Hill, Samuel, 1648-1716. Municipium ecclesiasticum, or, The rights, liberties, and authorities of the Christian church. 1699 (1699) Wing H2005B; ESTC R178160 16,608 46 View Text
A80541 A copie of tvvo vvritings sent to the Parliament. The one intituled motions for reforming of the Church of England in this present Parliament: most taken out of Irenaus Philadelphus. The other a humble petition unto the Parliament, for reforming of the Church of England: all taken out of the holy Scriptures. Du Moulin, Lewis, 1606-1680. Motions for reforming the Church of England in this present Parliament. 1641 (1641) Wing C6235; Thomason E238_12; ESTC R2679 18,517 27 View Text
A71214 A vindication of the two letters concerning alterations in the liturgy in answer to Vox cleri / by a London presbyter. Basset, William, 1644-1695. 1690 (1690) Wing V533; ESTC R595 18,900 36 View Text
A85444 The right of the Church asserted, against the povver usurped over it. By J. Gailhard, A.M. & D. Gailhard, J. (Jean) 1660 (1660) Wing G127; Thomason E1046_7; ESTC R208052 21,398 25 View Text
A50242 A discussion of the lawfulness of a pastor's acting as an officer in other churches besides that which he is specially called to take the oversight of by the late Reverend Mr. Nathanael Mather. Mather, Nathanael, 1631-1697. 1698 (1698) Wing M1263; ESTC R37635 23,058 187 View Text
A11429 A briefe collection of the church, and of certayne ceremonies thereof gathered by Thomas Sampson Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1581 (1581) STC 21682; ESTC S112207 24,396 80 View Text
A96226 The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a confession of faith, presented by them lately to both houses of Parliament. A certain number of copies are ordered to be printed only for the use of the members of both houses and of the Assembly of Divines, to the end that they may advise thereupon.; Westminster Confession of Faith. Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) 1646 (1646) Wing W1427; Thomason E368_3; ESTC R201270 24,629 58 View Text
A04417 Christ on his throne. Or, Christs church-government briefly laid downe and how it ought to bee set up in all Christian congregations. Resolved in sundry cases of conscience. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648, attributed name. 1640 (1640) STC 14541; ESTC S107732 25,100 92 View Text
A88586 The main points of church-government and discipline; plainly and modestly handled by way of question and answer. Very useful to such as either want money to buy, or leasure to read larger tracts. Love, Christopher, 1618-1651. 1649 (1649) Wing L3167; Thomason E1182_11; ESTC R208163 25,577 63 View Text
A58583 Act ratifying the confession of faith and settling Presbyterian church-government Edinburgh, the seventh day of June, 1690. Scotland. 1690 (1690) Wing S1157; ESTC R34034 26,464 30 View Text
A61661 The doctrine of instituted churches explained and proved from the word of God by Solomon Stoddard ... Stoddard, Solomon, 1643-1729. 1700 (1700) Wing S5708; ESTC R16977 26,719 38 View Text
A52593 A declaration of the faith and order owned and practised in the Congregational Churches in England; agreed upon and consented unto by their elders and messengers. Licensed and entred according to order. Congregational Churches in England.; Owen, John, 1616-1683.; Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. 1688 (1688) Wing N1490; ESTC R222326 27,512 123 View Text
A91879 The falsehood of Mr. VVilliam Pryn's Truth triumphing, in the antiquity of popish princes and Parliaments. To which, he attributes a sole, sovereigne, legislative, coercive power in all matters of religion; discovered to be full of absurdities, contradictions, sacriledge, and to make more in favour of Rome and Antichrist, than all the bookes and pamphlets which were ever published, whether by papall or episcopall prelates, or parisites, since the reformation. With twelve queries, eight whereof visit Mr. Pryn the second time, because they could not be satisfied at the first. Robinson, Henry, 1605?-1664? 1645 (1645) Wing R1672; Thomason E273_16; Thomason E282_11; ESTC R200048 28,156 36 View Text
A78034 Vindiciæ veritatis: truth vindicated against calumny. In a briefe answer to Dr. Bastwicks two late books, entituled, Independency not Gods ordinance, with the second part, styled the postscript, &c. / By Henry Burton, one of his quondam-fellow-sufferers. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1645 (1645) Wing B6177; Thomason E302_13; ESTC R200279 28,751 40 View Text
A96223 The ansvver of the Assembly of Divines by authority of Parliament now sitting at Westminster. Unto the reasons given in to this Assembly by the Dissenting Brethren, of their not bringing in a model of their way. And since published in print, under the title of A copy of a remonstrance. Which answer was humbly presented to the Right Honorable the House of Peers assembled in Parliament. Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that this answer be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown, cler. Parliamentorum. Westminster Assembly; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1646 (1646) Wing W1423; Thomason E506_11; ESTC R204058 29,750 24 View Text
A77735 A brief ansvver to obiections of all sorts, against Presbyterian chvrches and their government. Bakewell, Thomas, b. 1618 or 19. 1650 (1650) Wing B528; Thomason E620_11; ESTC R206382 29,802 35 View Text
A25697 An Apology for the English Presbyterians with a defence of the heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in the year 91. 1699 (1699) Wing A3548; ESTC R17890 29,933 88 View Text
A85414 A short ansvver to A. S. alias Adam Stewart's second part of his overgrown duply to the two brethren. Together with certaine difficult questions easily answered; all which A. Stewart is desired to consider of, without replying, unlesse it be to purpose. A. Steuart [sic] in his second part of his duply to the two brethren. page 166. The civill magistrate cannot bee orthodox, and tollerate a new sect, (hee meanes independencie, and may as well say Presbytery) unles hee tollerate us to beleeve that hee is either corrupted by moneys, or some other waye, so to doe. Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. 1644 (1644) Wing G1201; Thomason E27_6; ESTC R8324 30,557 41 View Text
A44094 Some thoughts on a convocation and the notion of its divine right with some occasional reflections on the defence of the vindication of the deprived bishops. Hody, Humphrey, 1659-1707. 1699 (1699) Wing H2346; ESTC R37493 30,786 42 View Text
A91190 A full reply to certaine briefe observations and anti-queries on Master Prynnes twelve questions about church-government: vvherein the frivolousnesse, falsenesse, and grosse mistakes of this anonymous answerer (ashamed of his name) and his weak grounds for independency, and separation, are modestly discovered, refelled. / By William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1644 (1644) Wing P3966; Thomason E257_7; ESTC R210038 32,460 24 View Text
A64357 A Discourse concerning a guide in matters of faith with respect especially to the Romish pretence of the necessity of such a one as is infallible. Tenison, Thomas, 1636-1715. 1683 (1683) Wing T695; ESTC R37882 33,059 50 View Text
A82522 The defence of sundry positions & scriptures for the Congregational-way justified: or An answer to an epistle written by Mr. Richard Hollingworth, unto S.E. and T.T. wherein he (in many particulars) chargeth them with injurious dealing against God, and against himselfe, in that booke of theirs, called A defence of sundry positions, &c. Containing a vindication from such charges and aspersions so laid upon them. As also a briefe answer to his large (if not unreasonable) demands, to have scripturall, or rationall answ. given to his 112 queries. / By Sam: Eaton teacher Tim: Taylor pastor [brace] of [brace] the church at Duckenfield in Cheshire. Published according to order. Eaton, Samuel, 1596?-1665.; Taylor, Timothy, 1611 or 12-1681. 1646 (1646) Wing E120; Thomason E346_4; ESTC R24943 33,505 50 View Text
A14037 An essay on ecclesiastical authority in which the pretence of an independent power in the church, to a divine right in the election of bishops; to the invalidity of lay deprivations; to the inseparable relation of a bishop to his see; to an obligation of continuing communion with the deprived bishops; and several other things relating to the nonjurors separation from our church, are particulary and impartially examined. By John Turner, D.D. Vicar of Greenwich, and chaplain to His Royal Highness the Prince. Turner, John, 1660-1720. 1717 (1617-1717) STC 24342; ESTC S102040 34,345 84 View Text
A56167 A fvll reply to Certaine briefe observations and anti-queries on Master Prynnes twelve questions about church-government wherein the frivolousnesse, falseness, and grosse mistakes of this anonymous answerer (ashamed of his name) and his weak grounds for independency, and separation, are modestly discovered, reselled : together with certaine briefe animadversions on Mr. Iohn Goodwins Theomachia, in justification of independency examined, and of the ecclesisticall jurisdiction and rights of Parliament, which he fights against / by William Prynne ... Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1644 (1644) Wing P3967; ESTC R3868 34,873 26 View Text
A55574 Common-prayer-book no divine service, or, XXVIII reasons against forming and imposing any humane liturgies or Common-prayer-books, and the main objections to the contrary, answered also, the English Common-prayer-book anatomized, likewise twelve arguments against diocesan and lord-bishops, with the main objections answered, and the great disparity between them, and Timothy and Titus, shewed / by Vavasor Powell. Powell, Vavasor, 1617-1670. 1661 (1661) Wing P3084; ESTC R40660 35,918 54 View Text
A31449 Vindiciae vindiciarum, or, A further manifestation of M.J.C., his contradictions instanced in Vindiciae clavium being a rejoinder to his reply (to some few of those many contradictions) in his last book called, The way of Congregationall churches cleared, part 2 / by D.C. Cawdrey, Daniel, 1588-1664. 1651 (1651) Wing C1641; ESTC R23919 36,878 62 View Text
A00664 An ansvvere to VVilliam Alablaster [sic] his motiues. By Roger Fenton preacher of Grayes Inne Fenton, Roger, 1565-1616.; Alabaster, William, 1567-1640. 1599 (1599) STC 10799; ESTC S101956 37,337 52 View Text
A52054 A sermon preached to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen of the city of London, at their anniversary meeting on Easter Monday April 1652, at the Spittle wherein the unity of the saints with Christ, the head, and especially with the church, the body, with the duties thence arising, are endeavoured to be cleared : tending to heale our rents and divisions / by Stephen Marshal ... Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655. 1653 (1653) Wing M782; ESTC R206697 37,461 44 View Text
A92287 The reasons of the Dissenting Brethren against the third proposition, concerning presbyterial government· Humbly presented. Westminster Assembly; Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Answer of the Assembly of Divines unto the reasons of the seven Dissenting Brethren, against the proposition of divers congregations being united under one Presbyteriall government. 1645 (1645) Wing R573; Thomason E27_14; ESTC R209981 37,798 45 View Text
A34020 Gospel order revived being an answer to a book lately set forth by ... Increase Mather ... entituled, The order of the gospel, &c ... / by sundry ministers of the gospel in New England. Colman, Benjamin, 1673-1747.; Pemberton, Ebenezer, 1672-1717.; Woodbridge, Timothy, 1656-1732.; Bradstreet, Simon, 1671-1741. 1700 (1700) Wing C5399; ESTC W13238 38,537 52 View Text
A93883 An Ansvver to a libell intituled, A coole conference betweene the cleered Reformation and the apologeticall narration; brought together by a wel-willer to both; wherein are cleerely refuted what ever he bringeth against the Reformation cleared, most humbly submitted to the judgement of the honourable Houses of Parliament, the most learned and reverend divines of the assembly, and all the reformed churches. By Adam Steuart. Steuart, Adam. 1644 (1644) Wing S5489; Thomason E43_4; ESTC R11438 39,008 70 View Text
A91884 A moderate answer to Mr. Prins full reply to certaine observations on his first twelve questions: vvherein all his reasons and objections are candidly examined and refuted. A short description of the congregationall way discovered. Some arguments for indulgence to tender consciences modestly propounded. By the same author. Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665.; Robinson, Henry, 1605?-1664?, attributed name. 1645 (1645) Wing R1676; Thomason E26_20; ESTC R13022 43,033 54 View Text
A85048 Some necessary & seasonable cases of conscience about things indifferent in matters of religion, briefly, yet faithfully stated [a]nd resolved wherein the the [sic] just bounds of imposing on one hand, and of obeying on the other, are truly fixed, / by an indifferent hand. Fullwood, Francis, d. 1693. 1661 (1661) Wing F2517; Thomason E2270_1; ESTC R209648 43,257 226 View Text
A89790 A declaration of the faith and order owned and practised in the Congregational Churches in England; agreed upon and consented unto by their elders and messengers in their meeting at the Savoy, Octob. 12. 1658. Congregational Church in England and Wales. Savoy Meeting (1658).; Owen, John, 1616-1683.; Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. 1659 (1659) Wing N1488; Thomason E968_4; ESTC R203024 44,014 43 View Text
A52591 A Declaration of the faith and order owned and practiced in the Congregational churches in England agreed upon and consented unto by their elders and messengers in their meeting at the Savoy, October 12, 1658. Owen, John, 1616-1683.; Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. 1659 (1659) Wing N1487; ESTC R16855 44,499 94 View Text
A86003 Male audis or An answer to Mr. Coleman his Malè dicis. Wherein the repugnancy of his Erastian doctrine to the word of God, to the solemne League and Covenant, and to the ordinances of Parliament: also his contradictions, tergiversations, heterodoxies, calumnies, and perverting of testimonies, are made more apparent then formerly. Together with some animadversions upon Master Hussey his Plea for Christian magistracy: shewing, that in divers of the afore mentioned particulars he hath miscarried as much, and in some particulars more then Mr Coleman. / By George Gillespie, minister at Edinbrugh. Published by authority. Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. 1646 (1646) Wing G754; Thomason E317_16; ESTC R200545 44,904 65 View Text
A50206 The first principles of New-England concerning the subject of baptisme & communion of churches : collected partly out of the printed books, but chiefly out of the original manuscripts of the first and chiefe fathers in the New-English churches : with the judgment of sundry learned divines of the congregational way in England, concerning the said questions : published for the benefit of those who are of the rising generation in New-England / by Increase Mather ... Mather, Increase, 1639-1723.; Mitchel, Jonathan, 1624-1668. 1675 (1675) Wing M1211; ESTC W35680 45,581 56 View Text
A83501 Reasons against the independant government of particular congregations: as also against the toleration of such churches to be erected in this kingdome. Together with an answer to such reasons as are commonly alledged for such a toleration. Presented in all humility to the Honourable House of Commons, now assembled in Parliament. By Tho. Edvvards, minister of the Gospel. Edwards, Thomas, 1599-1647.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1641 (1641) Wing E233; Thomason E167_16; ESTC R21753 47,020 78 View Text
A75279 A vindication of the Church of England from the foul aspersions of schism and heresie unjustly cast upon her by the Church of Rome. In two parts Altham, Michael, 1633-1705. 1687 (1687) Wing A2935A; ESTC R229441 47,990 70 View Text
A42125 An answer to some queries concerning schism, toleration, &c. in a letter to a friend ... Gandy, Henry, 1649-1734. 1700 (1700) Wing G197; ESTC R8150 50,034 60 View Text
A60381 Animadversions on the eight theses laid down, and the inferences deduced from them in a discourse entitl'd Church-Government part V, lately printed at Oxford Smalridge, George, 1663-1719. 1687 (1687) Wing S4001; ESTC R19272 50,166 74 View Text
A88947 A modest & brotherly ansvver to Mr. Charles Herle his book, against the independency of churches. Wherein his foure arguments for the government of synods over particular congregations, are friendly examined, and clearly answered. Together, with Christian and loving animadversions upon sundry other observable passages in the said booke. All tending to declare the true use of synods, and the power of congregationall churches in the points of electing and ordaining their owne officers, and censuring their offendors. By Richard Mather teacher of the Church at Dorchester; and William Tompson pastor of the Church at Braintree in New-England. Sent from thence after the assembly of elders were dissolved that last met at Cambridg to debate matters about church-government. Mather, Richard, 1596-1669.; Tompson, William, d. 1666. 1644 (1644) Wing M1274; Thomason E37_19; ESTC R16954 50,642 62 View Text
A61701 The religion of the Dutch represented in several letters from a Protestant officer in the French army to a pastor and professor of divinity at Berne in Switserland ; out of the French.; Religion des Hollandois. English Stoppa, Giovanni Battista.; Davies, John, 1625-1693. 1680 (1680) Wing S5769; ESTC R8262 51,056 72 View Text
A36832 The conformity of the discipline and government of those who are commonly called independants to that of the ancient primitive Christians by Lewis Du Moulin. Du Moulin, Lewis, 1606-1680. 1680 (1680) Wing D2533; ESTC R25012 54,163 74 View Text
A93885 Some observations and annotations upon the Apologeticall narration, humbly submitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament; the most reverend and learned Divines of the Assembly, and all the Protestant Churches here in this island, and abroad. Steuart, Adam. 1644 (1644) Wing S5492; Thomason E34_23; ESTC R21620 55,133 77 View Text
A27530 The best fence against popery, or, A vindication of the power of the king in ecclesiastical affairs being an answer to the papists objections against the oath of supremacy : to which is added Queen Elizabeth's admonition declaring the sense of the said oath, and King James's vindication of the oath of allegiance / by a learned divine. Learned divine. 1670 (1670) Wing B2056; ESTC R27182 57,795 74 View Text
A90063 Irenicum; or, An essay towards a brotherly peace & union, between those of the congregational and presbyterian way; shewing out of the most learned and renowned divines of the congregational way, that their positions concerning 1. Church matters and members. 2. Church constitution and form. 3. Church state. 4. Church officers and ordination. 5. Church government and censures. 6. Church combinations and synods. 7. Communion with and separation from churches. are sufficient for the establishing a firme and lasting peace between them and the Presbyterians ... In pursuance of the good design begun at the Savoy, where it was agreed, and declared, that such reforming churches as consist of persons sound in the faith, and of conversation becoming the Gospel, ought not to refuse the communion of each other ... Drawn up and published by Discipulus de Tempore Junior. Newcomen, Matthew, 1610?-1669.; D. T. 1659 (1659) Wing N910; Thomason E978_1; ESTC R202985 58,516 89 View Text
A04218 Reasons taken out of Gods Word and the best humane testimonies prouing a necessitie of reforming our churches in England Framed and applied to 4. assertions wherein the foresaid purpose is contained. The 4. assertions are set downe in the page next following. Jacob, Henry, 1563-1624. 1604 (1604) STC 14338; ESTC S120955 58,997 92 View Text
A26909 The dangerous schismatick clearly detected and fully confuted for the saving of a distracted nation from that which would destroy Christian love and unity : occasioned by a resolver of three cases about church-communion / by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1683 (1683) Wing B1237; ESTC R22896 59,069 62 View Text
B20727 The keyes of the kingdom of heaven and power thereof according to the word of God / by Mr. Iohn Cotton ... Cotton, John, 1584-1652. 1644 (1644) Wing C6437 60,953 71 View Text
A81501 The Discipline and order of particular churches, no novelty. Proved from Scripture, reason, autiquity, and the most eminent modern divines. Or, A discourse of the church, in a scripture notion, with her extent, power and practice, tending to moderate the minds of men, toward dissenters in matters ecclesiastical, and to acquit such from the charge of innovation, faction, separation, schism, and breach of union and peace in the church, who cannot conform in many things to the rules, canons, and practices of others. / By a Lover of truth, peace, unity, and order. Lover of truth, peace, unity, and order. 1675 (1675) Wing D1558A; ESTC R174652 61,995 98 View Text
A34675 A defence of Mr. John Cotton from the imputation of selfe contradiction, charged on him by Mr. Dan. Cavvdrey written by himselfe not long before his death ; whereunto is prefixed, an answer to a late treatise of the said Mr. Cavvdrey about the nature of schisme, by John Owen ... Cotton, John, 1584-1652.; Owen, John, 1616-1683. Of schisme. 1658 (1658) Wing C6427; ESTC R2830 62,631 184 View Text
A45129 The healing attempt being a representation of the government of the Church of England, according to the judgment of her bishops unto the end of Q. Elizabeths reign, humbly tendred to the consideration of the thirty commissionated for a consult about ecclesiastical affairs in order to a comprehension, and published in hopes of such a moderation of episcopacy, that the power be kept within the line of our first reformers, and the excercise of it reduced to the model of Arch-Bishop Usher. Humfrey, John, 1621-1719. 1689 (1689) Wing H3679; ESTC R20326 63,242 94 View Text
A70686 The lawfulnes of the oath of supremacy, and power of the King in ecclesiastical affairs with Queen Elizabeth's admonition, declaring the sence and interpretation of it, confirmed by an act of Parliament, in the 5th year of her reign : together with a vindication of dissenters, proving, that their particular congregations are not inconsistent with the King's supremacy in ecclesiastical affairs : with some account of the nature, constitution, and power of the ecclesiastical courts / by P. Nye ... ; in the epistle to the reader is inserted King James's vindication and explication of the oath of allegiance.; Lawfulnes of the oath of supremacy and power of the King in ecclesiastical affairs Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. 1683 (1683) Wing N1499; ESTC R22153 63,590 80 View Text
A69006 A booke which sheweth the life and manners of all true Christians and howe vnlike they are vnto Turkes and Papistes, and heathen folke. Also the pointes and partes of all diuinitie, that is of the reuealed will and worde of God are declared by their seuerall definitions and diuisions in order as followeth. Also there goeth a treatise before of reformation without tarying for anie, and of the wickednesse of those preachers, which will not refourme them selues and their charge, because they will tarie till the magistrate commanude and compell them. By me, Robert Brovvne. Browne, Robert, ca. 1550-1633. 1582 (1582) STC 3910.3; ESTC S109446 65,269 61 View Text
A78437 Vindiciæ clavium: or, A vindication of the keyes of the kingdome of Heaven, into the hands of the right owners. Being some animadversions upon a tract of Mr. I.C. called, The keyes of the kingdome of Heaven. As also upon another tract of his, called, The way of the churches of Nevv-England. Manifesting; 1. The weaknesse of his proofes. 2. The contradictions to himselfe, and others. 3. The middle-way (so called) of Independents, to be the extreme, or by-way of the Brownists. / By an earnest well-wisher to the truth. Cawdrey, Daniel, 1588-1664. 1645 (1645) Wing C1640; Thomason E299_4; ESTC R200247 69,538 116 View Text
A37205 The power of Congregational churches asserted and vindicated in answer to a treatise of Mr. J. Paget intituled The defence of church-government exercised in classes and synods / by John Davenport. Davenport, John, 1597-1670. 1672 (1672) Wing D362; ESTC R24876 69,647 176 View Text
A32762 The divine institution of congregational churches, ministry and ordinances [as has bin professed by those of that persuasion] asserted and proved from the word of God / by Isaac Chauncy ... Chauncy, Isaac, 1632-1712. 1697 (1697) Wing C3748; ESTC R38739 70,081 155 View Text
A27028 Schism detected in both extreams, or, Two sorts of sinful separation the first part detecteth the schismatical principles of a resolver of three cases about church-communion, the second part confuteth the separation pleaded for in a book famed to be written by Mr. Raphson. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1684 (1684) Wing B1396; ESTC R16323 73,225 84 View Text
A92007 The ancient bounds, or Liberty of conscience tenderly stated, modestly asserted, and mildly vindicated. Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. 1645 (1645) Wing R2011; Thomason E287_3; ESTC R200087 74,527 88 View Text
A85896 The generall and particular acts and articles of the late national synod of the reformed Churches of France, assembled by the permission of the King at Charenton neare Paris, beginning the 26th of December, 1644. Where by the present estate of those churches, as also their doctrine and discipline may be knowne. With divers other remarkable passages, and letters from the King and Q. Regent of France, to the said synod, and of the synod to their Majesties, and other great personages. Never before printed either in French or English, and now faithfully translated out of a written French copy. Whereunto is added a formulary of baptisme for those who from paganisme, Judaisme, and Mahumetisme, are converted to the Christian faith; as also of those Anabaptists who have not bin baptised before, composed in the nationall synod set forth at Charenton in the yeare 1645. and now faithfully Englished. Eglises réformées de France. Synode national (1644-1645 : Charenton-le-Pont); Anne, Queen, consort of Louis XIII, King of France, 1601-1666.; France. Sovereign (1643-1715 : Louis XIV) 1646 (1646) Wing G488; Thomason E361_5; ESTC R201205 74,805 110 View Text
A39282 Vindiciæ catholicæ, or, The rights of particular churches rescued and asserted against that meer (but dangerous) notion of one catholick, visible, governing church ... wherein by Scripture, reason, antiquity, and later writers, first, the novelty, peril, scandal, and untruth of this tenet are cleerly demonstrated, secondly, all the arguments for it, produced by the Rev. Apollonius, M. Hudson, M. Noyes, the London ministers, and others, are examined and dissolved ... / by John Ellis, Jun. Ellis, John, 1606?-1681. 1647 (1647) Wing E593; ESTC R18753 75,919 94 View Text
A75492 A consideration of certaine controversies at this time agitated in the kingdome of England, concerning the government of the church of God. / Written at the command and appointment of the Walachrian classis, by Guilielmus Apollonii, minister of the Word of God at Middleburgh. And sent from the Walachrian churches, to declare the sense and consent of their churches, to the Synod at London. Octob. 16. 1644. Stilo novo. Translated out of Latine accorning to the printed copy. Apollonius, Willem, 1602 or 3-1657. 1645 (1645) Wing A3535; Thomason E1155_2; ESTC R208676 76,829 175 View Text
A41320 A manuall of practical divinity for the benefit of weak Christians; the informing their judgements, the quickning their affections, and directing their conversation. With several things that may be of use for the convincing and awakening those that are yet in their natural estate. By Martin Fynch, pastor of the Church of Christ at Tetney in Lincoln-shire. Finch, Martin, 1628?-1698. 1658 (1658) Wing F943; ESTC R215057 78,614 198 View Text
A59901 A vindication of some Protestant principles of Church-unity and Catholick-communion, from the charge of agreement with the Church of Rome in answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, an agreement between the Church of England and the Church of Rome, evinced from the concertation of some of her sons with their brethren the dissenters / by William Sherlock ... Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. 1688 (1688) Wing S3372; ESTC R32140 78,758 130 View Text
A89788 Beames of former light, discovering how evil it is to impose doubtfull and disputable formes or practises, upon ministers: especially under the penalty of ejection for non-conformity unto the same. As also something about catechizing. Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. 1660 (1660) Wing N1484; Thomason E1794_2 79,198 266 View Text
A20714 Duplyes of the ministers & professors of Aberdene to second answeres of some reverend brethren, concerning the late covenant. Forbes, John, 1593-1648. 1638 (1638) STC 71; ESTC S100398 79,306 136 View Text
A37175 An exhortation to brotherly communion betwixt the Protestant churches written by ... John Davenant ... Davenant, John, ca. 1572-1641. 1641 (1641) Wing D318; ESTC R1793 83,948 242 View Text
A92172 A briefe narration of some church courses held in opinion and practise in the churches lately erected in New England. Collected out of sundry of their own printed papers and manuscripts with other good intelligences. Together with some short hints (given by the way) of their correspondence with the like tenents and practises of the separatists churches. And some short animadversions upon some principall passages for the benefit of the vulgar reader. Presented to publike view for the good of the church of God by W. R. Rathband, William, d. 1695. 1644 (1644) Wing R298; Thomason E36_11; ESTC R21802 84,830 61 View Text
A29665 A discovrse opening the natvre of that episcopacie, which is exercised in England wherein with all humility, are represented some considerations tending to the much desired peace, and long expected reformation, of this our mother church / by the Right Honourable Robert Lord Brooke. Brooke, Robert Greville, Baron, 1607-1643. 1641 (1641) Wing B4911; ESTC R17972 85,248 148 View Text
A85826 The Covenanters plea against absolvers. Or, A modest discourse, shewing why those who in England & Scotland took the Solemn League and Covenant, cannot judge their consciences discharged from the obligation of it, by any thing heretofore said by the Oxford men; or lately by Dr Featly, Dr. Gauden, or any others. In which also several cases relating to promisory oathes, and to the said Covenant in special, are spoken to, and determined by Scripture, reason, and the joynt suffrages of casuists. Contrary to the indigested notions of some late writers; yet much to the sense of the Reverend Dr. Sanderson. Written by Theophilus Timorcus a well-wisher to students in casuistical divinity. Timorcus, Theophilus.; Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654, attributed name.; Vines, Richard, 1600?-1656, attributed name.; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691, attributed name. 1660 (1660) Wing G314; Thomason E1053_13; ESTC R202125 85,431 115 View Text
A50348 Episcopacie not abivred in His Maiesties realme of Scotland containing many remarkable passages newly pvblished, the contents of the severall chapters follow in the next page. Maxwell, John, 1590?-1647. 1641 (1641) Wing M1380; ESTC R21652 85,480 138 View Text
A89779 The temple measured: or, A brief survey of the temple mystical, which is the instituted church of Christ. Wherein are solidly and modestly discussed, most of the material questions touching the constitution and government of the visible church militant here on earth. Together with the solution of all sorts of objections which are usually framed against the model and platform of ecclesiastical polity, which is here asserted and maintained. In particular here are debated, the points of so much controversie, touching the unity of the church, the members of the church, the form of the church, and church covenant, the power of the church, the officers of the church, and their power in church-government, the power of magistrates about the church, and some church acts, as admission of members, and other things set down in the table before the book. / By James Noyes teacher of the church at Newbery in New England. Noyes, James, 1608-1656. 1646 (1646) Wing N1460; Thomason E359_12; ESTC R201171 85,622 104 View Text
A51154 An apology for the clergy of Scotland chiefly oppos'd to the censures, calumnies, and accusations of a late Presbyterian vindicator, in a letter to a friend : wherein his vanity, partiality and sophistry are modestly reproved, and the legal establishment of episcopacy in that kingdom, from the beginning of the Reformation, is made evident from history and the records of Parliament : together with a postscript, relating to a scandalous pamphlet intituled, An answer to The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. Monro, Alexander, d. 1715? 1693 (1693) Wing M2437; ESTC R20155 87,009 107 View Text
A85400 Innocency and truth triumphing together; or, The latter part of an answer to the back-part of a discourse, lately published by William Prynne Esquire, called, A full reply, &c. Beginning at the foot of p. 17. of the said discourse, with this title or superscription, Certain brief animadversions on Mr. John Goodwins Theomachia. Wherein the argumentative part of the said animadversions is examined; together with some few animadversions upon some former passages in the said reply. Licensed and printed according to order. Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. 1645 (1645) Wing G1176; Thomason E24_8; ESTC R22666 90,413 109 View Text
A06013 The diocesans tryall Wherein all the sinnews of D. Dovvnames Defence are brought unto three heads, and orderly dissolved. By M. Paul Baynes. Baynes, Paul, d. 1617. 1618 (1618) STC 1640; ESTC S102042 91,040 104 View Text
A69545 The diocesans tryall wherein all the sinnewes of Doctor Dovvnhams defence are brought into three heads, and orderly dissolved / by M. Paul Baynes ; published by Dr. William Amis ... Baynes, Paul, d. 1617.; Ames, William, d. 1662. 1641 (1641) Wing B1546; ESTC R5486 91,441 102 View Text
A09441 The churches plea for her right, or, A reply to an answer made of Mr. Iohn Paget against William Best and others wherein the maine points of our present differences are handled and the principall causes of our troubles declared / published by William Best. Best, William, fl. 1635.; Paget, John, d. 1640. Answer to the unjust complaints of William Best. 1635 (1635) STC 1973.5; ESTC S151 93,797 110 View Text
A88107 The nevv quere, and determination upon it, by Mr. Saltmarsh lately published, to retard the establishment of the Presbyteriall government, examined, and shewed to be unseasonable, unsound, and opposite to the principles of true religion, and state. Whereunto is annexed a censure of what he hath produced to the same purpose, in his other, and later booke, which he calleth The opening of Master Prinnes Vindication. And an apologeticall narrative of the late petition of the Common Councell and ministers of London to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, with a justification of them from the calumny of the weekly pamphleters. / By John Ley, one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Ley, John, 1583-1662. 1645 (1645) Wing L1885; Thomason E311_24; ESTC R200462 96,520 124 View Text
A42568 An answer to the compiler of the Nubes testium wherein is shewn that antiquity (in relation to the points of controversie set down by him) did not for the first five hundred years believe, teach, or practice as the Church of Rome doth at present believe, teach, and practice : together with a vindication of the Veteres vindicati from the late weak and disingenuous attempts of the author of Transubstantiation defended / by the author of the Answer to Mr. Sclater of Putney. Gee, Edward, 1657-1730. 1688 (1688) Wing G453; ESTC R21951 96,934 107 View Text
A79995 The civil magistrates povver in matters of religion modestly debated, impartially stated according to the bounds and grounds of scripture, and answer returned to those objections against the same which seem to have any weight in them. Together with A brief answer to a certain slanderous pamphlet called Ill news from New-England; or, a narrative of New-Englands persecution. By John Clark of Road-Island, physician. By Thomas Cobbet teacher of the church at Lynne in New-England. This treatise concerning the christian magistrates power, and the exerting thereof, in, and about matters of religion, written with much zeal and judgement by Mr. Cobbet of New-England, I doe allow to be printed; as being very profitable for these times. Feb. 7th. 1652. Obadiah Sedgwick. Cobbet, Thomas, 1608-1685. 1653 (1653) Wing C4776; Wing B4541; Thomason E687_2; Thomason E687_3; ESTC R206875 97,858 126 View Text
A26897 Church concord containing I. a disswasive from unnecessary division and separation, and the real concord of the moderate independents with the Presbyterians, instanced in ten seeming differences, II. by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1691 (1691) Wing B1223; ESTC R14982 99,086 94 View Text
A93887 Zerubbabel to Sanballat and Tobiah: or, The first part of the duply to M.S. alias Two brethren. By Adam Steuart. Whereunto is added, the judgement of the reformed churches of France, Switzerland, Geneva, &c. concerning independants, who condemne them with an unanimous consent. Published by David Steuart. March 17. 1644. Imprimatur Ja: Cranford.; Duply to M.S. alias Two brethren. Part 1 Steuart, Adam.; Steuart, David, fl. 1644. 1645 (1645) Wing S5494; Thomason E274_14; ESTC R209896 100,836 110 View Text
A63266 An apology for the non-conformists shewing their reasons, both for their not conforming, and for their preaching publickly, though forbidden by law : with an answer to Dr. Stillingfleet's sermon, and his defence of it, so much as concerneth the non-conformists preaching / by John Troughton ... Troughton, John, 1637?-1681. 1681 (1681) Wing T2312; ESTC R1706 102,506 125 View Text
A31419 A dissertation concerning the government of the ancient church by bishops, metropolitans, and patriarchs more particularly concerning the ancient power and jurisdiction of the bishops of Rome and the encroachments of that upon other sees, especially the See of Constantinople / by William Cave ... Cave, William, 1637-1713. 1683 (1683) Wing C1595; ESTC R19344 102,691 402 View Text
A80164 Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici revindicatæ: or The preacher (pretendedly) sent, sent back again, to bring a better account who sent him, and learn his errand: by way of reply, to a late book (in the defence of gifted brethrens preaching) published by Mr. John Martin of Edgefield in Norfolk, Mr. Samuel Petto of Sandcroft in Suffolk, Mr. Frederick Woodale of Woodbridge in Suffolk: so far as any thing in their book pretends to answer a book published, 1651. called Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici; with a reply also to the epistle prefixed to the said book, called, The preacher sent. By John Collinges B.D. and pastor of the church in Stephens parish in Norwich. Collinges, John, 1623-1690. 1658 (1658) Wing C5348; Thomason E946_4; ESTC R207611 103,260 172 View Text
A51420 Episkopos apostolikos, or, The episcopacy of the Church of England justified to be apostolical from the authority of the antient primitive church, and from the confessions of the most famous divines of the reformed churches beyond the seas : being a full satisfaction in this cause, as well for the necessity, as for the just right thereof, as consonant to the word of God / by ... Thomas Morton ... ; before which is prefixed a preface to the reader concerning this subject, by Sir Henry Yelverton, Baronet. Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. 1670 (1670) Wing M2838; ESTC R16296 103,691 240 View Text
A31440 Independencie a great schism proved against Dr. Owen, his apology in his tract of schism : as also an appendix to the former discourse, shewing the inconstancy of the Dr. and the inconsistency of his former and present opinions / by D. Cawdrey ... Cawdrey, Daniel, 1588-1664. 1657 (1657) Wing C1630; ESTC R8915 103,968 258 View Text
A88943 Church-government and church-covenant discussed, in an answer of the elders of the severall churches in New-England to two and thirty questions, sent over to them by divers ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. Together with an apologie of the said elders in New-England for church-covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in the yeare 1639. As also in an answer to nine positions about church-government. And now published for the satisfaction of all who desire resolution in those points. Mather, Richard, 1596-1669.; Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. Apologie of the churches in New-England for church-covenant.; Peters, Hugh, 1598-1660.; Davenport, John, 1597-1670. 1643 (1643) Wing M1270; Thomason E106_8; Thomason E106_9; ESTC R18913 104,756 140 View Text
A56382 The case of the Church of England, briefly and truly stated in the three first and fundamental principles of a Christian Church : I. The obligation of Christianity by divine right, II. The jurisdiction of the Church by divine right, III. The institution of episcopal superiority by divine right / by S.P. Parker, Samuel, 1640-1688. 1681 (1681) Wing P455; ESTC R12890 104,979 280 View Text
A85314 Separation examined: or, a treatise vvherein the grounds for separation from the ministry and churches of England are weighed, and found too light. The practise proved to be not onely unwarrantable, but likewise so hurtful to the churches, that church-reformation cannot with any comfort go forward, so long as such separation is tolerated. Also an humble request presented to the congregational divines, that since the differences between them and the classical-divines are very small they would please to strike in with the classical-divines in carrying on the worke of reformation, before the inundation of these corrupt opinions, have destroyed both ordinances and religion. / By Gi. Firmin minister to the church in Shalford in essex. Firmin, Giles, 1614-1697. 1652 (1652) Wing F964; Thomason E656_12; ESTC R206624 107,263 123 View Text
A78612 A pretended voice from heaven, proved to bee the voice of man, and not of God. Or, An answer to a treatise, called A voice from heaven, written by Mr. Gualter Postlethwait, an unordained preacher, taking upon him to exercise the pastoral charge, in a congregation at Lewis in Sussex. Wherein, his weakness, in undertaking to prove all protestant churches to bee antichristian, and to bee separated from, as no true churches of Christ, is discovered; and the sinfulness of such a separation evinced. Together with, a brief answer inserted, to the arguments for popular ordination, brought by the answerers of Jus Divinum Ministerii Evangelici, in their book called The preacher sent. By Ezekiel Charke, M.A. and rector of Waldron in Sussex. Imprimatur, Edmond Calamy. Charke, Ezekiel. 1658 (1658) Wing C2069; Thomason E959_5; ESTC R207673 108,343 141 View Text
A91654 A reply of two of the brethren to A.S. wherein you have observations on his considerations, annotations, &c. Upon the apologeticall narration. With a plea for libertie of conscience for the apologists church way; against the cavils of the said A. S. formerly called M. S. to A. S. Humbly submitted to the judgements of all rationall, and moderate men in the world. With a short survey of W. R. his Grave confutation of the separation, and some modest, and innocent touches on the letter from Zeland, and Mr. Parker's from New-England. Parker, Thomas, 1595-1677.; Steuart, Adam. 1644 (1644) Wing R1048B; Thomason E54_18; ESTC R2612 108,370 124 View Text
B23579 A Reply of two of the brethren to A. S. wherein you have observations on his considerations, annotations, &c. upon the apologeticall narration : with a plea for libertie of conscience for the apologists church way, against the cavils of the said A. S., formerly called M. S. to A. S. : humbly submitted to the judgements of all rationall and moderate men in the world : with a short survey of W. R. his Grave confutation of the separation, and some modest and innocent touches on the letter from Zeland and Mr. Parker's from New-England. Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665.; Steuart, Adam. Some observations and annotations upon the Apologetical narration. Selections.; Parker, Thomas, 1595-1677. 1644 (1644) Wing G1198 108,381 124 View Text