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power_n bishop_n office_n presbyter_n 3,937 5 10.3329 5 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 244
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A91561 A discreet and judicious discourse betweene vvisdome and pietie, two worthy members. Wherein is declared the power and jurisdiction of Parliaments in their proceedings, and in the alteration of church government. Written by R. P. R. P. 1642 (1642) Wing P98; Thomason E142_19; Thomason E136_21; ESTC R15528 2,839 8 View Text
A30372 A letter from Gilbert Bvrnet, D.D. to Mr. Simon Lowth, vicar of Cosmus-Blene in the diocess of Canterbury, occasioned, by his late book of the subject of church-power Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1685 (1685) Wing B5818; ESTC R7433 3,660 10 View Text
A35429 An essay concerning church government out of the excellent writings of Calvin and Beza / by A.C. Cunningham, Alexander.; Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. 1689 (1689) Wing C7590; ESTC R24901 4,607 9 View Text
A34152 A compendious discourse, proving episcopacy to be of apostolicall, and conseqvently of divine, institution by a cleare and weighty testimony of St. Irenaeus, a glorious martyr, and renowned Bishop of Lyons in France, upon the yeere of our Lord, 184 : the said testimony being so declared, pressed, and vindicated from all exceptions : that thereby an intelligent and conscionable reader may receive abundant satisfaction in this behalfe / by Peloni Almoni, Cosmopolites. Almoni, Peloni, Cosmopolites. 1641 (1641) Wing C5607; ESTC R1019 8,451 16 View Text
A02549 An humble remonstrance to the High Court of Parliament, by a dutifull sonne of the Church Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. 1641 (1641) STC 12675; ESTC R210029 12,040 46 View Text
A86198 The vnlavvfulnes and danger of limited prelacie, or Perpetuall precidencie in the Church, briefly discovered. Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646. 1641 (1641) Wing H1444; Thomason E206_5; ESTC R212599 12,364 23 View Text
A25619 An Answer to the rector's libel, or, The Bishop's case truly stated shewing, I. that the rector has stated the case disingeniously [sic], II. that the rubrick and canons which he quotes ... do manifestly turn to his own condemnation, III. that the three queries ... upon which he builds the whole resolution, are (modestly speaking) impertinently put, and falsly, or impertinently resolv'd. 1694 (1694) Wing A3440; ESTC R41255 13,459 26 View Text
A53982 A sermon, preached Sept. 28, 1692, at a primary visitation held at Chichester by the Right Reverend Father in God Robert Lord Bishop of Chichester by Edw. Pelling ... Pelling, Edward, d. 1718. 1693 (1693) Wing P1103; ESTC R20716 13,499 32 View Text
A27060 Two papers of proposals concerning the discipline and ceremonies of the Church of England humbly presented to His Majesty by the Reverend ministers of the Presbyterian perswasion. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1661 (1661) Wing B1440; ESTC R201112 17,144 24 View Text
A94222 Reasons shewing that there is no need of such a reformation of the publique 1. Doctrine. 2. Worship. 3. Rites & ceremonies. 4. Church-government. 5. Discipline. As it is pretended by reasons offered to the serious consideration of this present Parliament, by divers ministers of sundry counties in England. By H.S. D.D. Chaplain to his Majestie in ordinary. H. S. (Henry Savage), 1604?-1672. 1660 (1660) Wing S762; Thomason E1043_7; ESTC R202300 19,132 32 View Text
A26943 Mr. Baxter's judgment and reasons against communicating with the parish-assemblies, as by law required, impartially stated and proposed Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1684 (1684) Wing B1289; ESTC R14325 19,788 40 View Text
A52993 Palæmon, or, The grand reconciler composing the great difference and disputes about church-government and discovering the primitive government of churches, built upon the Word of God, and the practice of the apostles / compiled by one who labours for the peace of the church. T. N. 1646 (1646) Wing N77; ESTC R30734 20,310 32 View Text
A76163 A sermon preached at Bridgwater at an ordination of ministers, August 2. 1698. By J.B. Published at the request of some of the hearers. J. B. 1699 (1699) Wing B123A; ESTC R172637 21,060 32 View Text
A78783 His Majesties finall ansvver concerning Episcopacie. Delivered in to the commissioners of Parliament the first of Novemb. 1648. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1648 (1648) Wing C2306; Thomason E469_17; ESTC R205464 21,665 30 View Text
A62171 The infancy of elders a short treatise composed for vindication of the Christian liberty of freeborne denizens of England, or A refutation of the tyrannicall unlawfull mis-government of our church by lay-elders / written by J.S. minister of the Word in Lancashire. J. S., Minister of the Word in Lancashire. 1647 (1647) Wing S68; ESTC R8376 22,428 29 View Text
A89568 The humble answer of the Divines attending the Honorable Commissioners of Parliament, at the treaty at Newport in the Isle of Wight. To the second paper delivered to them by his Majesty, Octob. 6. 1648. about episcopall government. Delivered to his Majesty, October 17. I appoint Abel Roper to print this copie, entituled The humble answer of the Divines, &c. Richard Vines, Westminster Assembly; Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655, attributed name. 1648 (1648) Wing M757; Thomason E468_21; ESTC R204007 22,916 44 View Text
A34532 An account given of the principles & practices of several nonconformists wherein it appears that their religion is no other than what is profest in the Church of England in vindication of themselves and others of their perswasion, against the misrepresentation made of them, and in hearty desire of unity in the Church, and of peace and concord among all true Protestants, for the strengthening of their common interest, in this time of their common danger / written by Mr. John Corbet ... Corbet, John, 1620-1680. 1682 (1682) Wing C6251; ESTC R224970 23,021 37 View Text
A66440 The pattern of ecclesiastical ordination, or, Apostolick separation being a discourse upon Acts the 13. 4,5 ... / by Edward Wakeman ... Wakeman, Edward. 1664 (1664) Wing W275; ESTC R5294 23,139 44 View Text
A94109 A sermon preached at the consecration of the Right Reverend Fathers in God, Gilbert Lord Bishop of London, Humphry Lord Bishop of Sarum, George Lord Bishop of Worcester, Robert Lord Bishop of Lincolne, George Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. On Sunday 28. October, 1660. at S. Peters Westminster. By John Sudbury, one of the prebendaries of that church. Sudbury, John, 1604-1684. 1660 (1660) Wing S6136; Thomason E1048_10; ESTC R203686 23,261 45 View Text
A77490 The unlavvfulnesse and danger of limited episcopacie· VVhereunto is subioyned a short reply to the modest advertiser and calme examinator of that treatise. As also the question of episcopacie discussed from Scripture and fathers. / By Robert Bailly pastor of Killwunning in Scotland. Baillie, Robert, 1599-1662. 1641 (1641) Wing B470; Thomason E174_4; ESTC R11030 25,095 50 View Text
A78958 The papers which passed at Nevv-Castle betwixt His sacred Majestie and Mr Alex: Henderson concerning the change of church-government. Anno Dom. 1646. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646. aut; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1649 (1649) Wing C2535A; ESTC R213547 25,945 67 View Text
A78957 The papers which passed at Nevv-Castle betwixt His Sacred Majestie and Mr Al: Henderson: concerning the change of church-government. Anno Dom. 1646. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1649 (1649) Wing C2535; Thomason E1243_3; ESTC R209178 25,946 63 View Text
A50844 A short defence of the orders of the Church of England, as by law establish'd, against some scatter'd objections of Mr. Webster of Linne by a presbyter of the diocess of Norwich. Milbourne, Luke, 1649-1720. 1688 (1688) Wing M2038; ESTC R15534 26,123 38 View Text
B01998 Certaine papers, which passed betwixt his Majestie of Great Britaine, in the time of his being with the Scottish army in New-Castle. And Mr. Alexander Henderson concerning the change of church government. Anno Dom. 1646. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646. 1649 (1649) Wing C2154; Wing C2154; ESTC R171161 26,474 64 View Text
A50383 Unity restor'd to the Church of England by John Mayer. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1661 (1661) Wing M1426; ESTC R28824 26,506 53 View Text
A90361 The English Episcopacy and liturgy asserted by the great refomers abroad, and the most glorious and royal martyr the late King his opinion and suffrage for them. Published by a private gentleman for the publique good. Peirce, Edmund, Sir, d. 1667. 1660 (1660) Wing P1062; Thomason E1032_10; ESTC R208951 27,962 48 View Text
A30391 A modest survey of the most considerable things in a discourse lately published, entituled Naked truth written in a letter to a friend.; Selections. 1685 Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1676 (1676) Wing B5835; ESTC R16335 27,965 32 View Text
A27030 A search for the English schismatick by the case and characters I. of the diocesan canoneers, II. of the present meer nonconformists : not as an accusation of the former, but a necessary defence of the later, so far as they are wrongfully accused and persecuted by them / by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1681 (1681) Wing B1399; ESTC R6862 28,132 47 View Text
A28865 Observations upon the ordinance of the Lords and Commons at Westminster after advice had with their Assembly of Divines for the ordination of ministers pro tempore, according to their directory for ordination and rule for examination therein expressed. Boughen, Edward, 1587?-1660? 1645 (1645) Wing B3815; ESTC R20014 28,236 38 View Text
A35038 Analepsis, or, Saint Peters bonds abide for rhetorick worketh no release, is evidenced in a serious and sober consideration of Dr. John Gauden's sense and solution of the Solemn League and Covenant : so far as it relates to the government of the church by episcopacy / by Zech. Crofton. Crofton, Zachary, 1625 or 6-1672. 1660 (1660) Wing C6984; ESTC R7749 30,761 39 View Text
B22568 The pope shut out of heaven gates, or, A dialogue between Pope Julius the 2d, his Genius, and Saint Peter wherein is most elegantly, learnedly, and wittily set forth how Pope Julius (after death) imperiously knocking at heaven gates, is absolutely denied entrance by Saint Peter, so that though having been alwayes stil'd His Holiness, and made famous by his warlike actions, whereby he hoped to become Lord of heaven, he is notwithstanding delivered over as a slave to Satan, and hurried away to the Devil's mansion / exactly from the original of the famous and learned Erasmus Roterodamus. Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. 1673 (1673) Wing E3208B 31,750 50 View Text
A90119 A sermon preach't at a publick ordination in a country congregation, on Acts XIII. 2, 3. Together with an exhortation to the minister and people, / by another brother. Offley, William, 1659 or 60-1724. 1697 (1697) Wing O159C; ESTC R19633 32,388 32 View Text
A39395 An Endeavour after further union between conforming & nonconforming Protestants in several particulars by a minister of the Church of England. Minister of the Church of England. 1692 (1692) Wing E726; ESTC R43143 32,518 38 View Text
A62281 The necessity of adhering to the Church of England as by law established, or, The duty of a good Christian, and particularly parents and masters of families under the present toleration by William Saywell ... Saywell, William, 1643-1701. 1692 (1692) Wing S801; ESTC R40636 34,235 49 View Text
A44304 The seasonable case of submission to the church-government as now re-established by law, briefly stated and determined by a lover of the peace of this church and kingdom. Honyman, Andrew, 1619-1676. 1662 (1662) Wing H2602; ESTC R4312 34,512 47 View Text
A45131 The healing paper, or, A Catholick receipt for union between the moderate bishop & sober non-conformist, maugre all the aversation of the unpeaceable by a follower of peace, and lover of sincerity. Humfrey, John, 1621-1719. 1678 (1678) Wing H3680; ESTC R5168 36,943 44 View Text
A23665 A friendly call, or, A seasonable perswasive to unity directed to all nonconformists and dissenters in religion from the Church of England, as the only secure means to frustrate and prevent all popish plots and designs against the peace of this kingdom both in church and state / by a lover of the truth and a friend to peace and unity. Allen, William, d. 1686. 1679 (1679) Wing A1064; ESTC R10550 37,078 70 View Text
A49116 The healing attempt examined and submitted to the Parliament convocation whether it be healing or hurtful to the peace of the church. Long, Thomas, 1621-1707. 1689 (1689) Wing L2968; ESTC R26161 37,353 36 View Text
A92287 The reasons of the Dissenting Brethren against the third proposition, concerning presbyterial government· Humbly presented. Westminster Assembly; Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652). Answer of the Assembly of Divines unto the reasons of the seven Dissenting Brethren, against the proposition of divers congregations being united under one Presbyteriall government. 1645 (1645) Wing R573; Thomason E27_14; ESTC R209981 37,798 45 View Text
A45589 A detection or discovery of a notable fraud committed by R.B., a seminary priest of Rome, upon two of the articles of the Church of England in a booke imprinted in anno 1632, intituled, The judgment of the apostles and of those of the first age in all points of doctrine, questioned betweene the Catholikes and Protestants of England as they are set downe in the nine and thirty articles of their religion : with an appendix concerning Episcopacy / by a lay gentleman. Harlowe, Pedaell. 1641 (1641) Wing H780; ESTC R21855 37,934 54 View Text
A25580 An ansvver to the Call to humiliation: or, A vindication of the Church of England, from the reproaches and objections of W. Woodward, in two fast sermons, preach'd in his conventicle at Lemster, in the county of Hereford, and afterwards published by him. 1691 (1691) Wing A3394; ESTC R213077 38,282 42 View Text
A61839 Episcopacy (as established by law in England) not prejudicial to regal power a treatise written in the time of the Long Parliament, by the special command of the late King / and now published by ... Robert Sanderson ... Sanderson, Robert, 1587-1663. 1661 (1661) Wing S599; ESTC R1745 38,560 153 View Text
A85313 Presbyterial ordination vindicated. In a brief and sober discourse concerning episcopacy, as claiming greater power, and more eminent offices by divine right, then presbyterie. The arguments of the Reverend Bishop Dr Davenant in his determination for such episcopacy are modestly examined. And arguments for the validity of presbyterial ordination added. With a brief discourse concerning imposed forms of prayer, and ceremonies. Written by G.F. minister of the gospel in defence of his own ordination, being questioned, because it was performed by Presbyters. Firmin, Giles, 1614-1697. 1660 (1660) Wing F961; Thomason E1045_17; ESTC R208016 42,577 55 View Text
A48884 A letter concerning toleration humbly submitted, etc.; Epistola de tolerantia. English Locke, John, 1632-1704.; Popple, William, d. 1708. 1689 (1689) Wing L2747; ESTC R14566 42,784 72 View Text
A59215 Rex theologus the preachers guard and guide in his double duty of prayer and preaching : deduced from scripture, reason, and the best examples : in three parts ... Seppens, Robert. 1664 (1664) Wing S2560; ESTC R37366 44,281 75 View Text
A31491 Certain disquisitions and considerations representing to the conscience the unlawfulnesse of the oath, entituled, A solemn League and Covenant for reformation &c. As also the insufficiency of the arguments used in the exhortation for taking the said Covenant. Published by command. Barwick, John, 1612-1664. 1644 (1644) Wing C1700A; ESTC R1967 44,647 55 View Text
A42491 A pillar of gratitude humbly dedicated to the glory of God the honour of His Majesty, the renown of this present legal, loyal, full, and free Parliament : upon their restoring the church of England to the primitive government of episcopacy : and re-investing bishops into their pristine honour and authority. Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1661 (1661) Wing G366; ESTC R809 48,288 65 View Text
A47742 A discourse shewing who they are that are now qualify'd to administer baptism and the Lord's-Supper wherein the cause of episcopacy is briefly treated / by the author of A discourse proving the divine institution of water-baptism. Leslie, Charles, 1650-1722. 1698 (1698) Wing L1130; ESTC R25145 50,009 107 View Text
A11766 The declinatour and protestation of the some some-times [sic] pretended bishops, presented in face of the last Assembly. Refuted and found futile, but full of insolent reproaches, and bold assertions Church of Scotland. General Assembly.; Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. 1639 (1639) STC 22060; ESTC S116982 52,590 100 View Text
A29388 Religio bibliopolæ in imitation of Dr. Browns Religio medici, with a supplement to it / by Benj. iBrgwater [sic], Gent. Dunton, John, 1659-1733.; Bridgewater, Benjamin.; Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682. Religio medici. 1691 (1691) Wing B4486; ESTC R19049 55,380 118 View Text
A41212 A compendious discourse upon the case, as it stands between the Church of England and of Rome on the one hand, and again between the same Church of England and those congregations which have divided from it on the other hand together with the treatise of the division of the English church and the Romish, upon the Reformation / enlarged with some explicatory additionalls by H.F. ... Ferne, H. (Henry), 1602-1662. 1655 (1655) Wing F790; ESTC R5674 55,518 166 View Text
A57068 The tabernacle of God with men, or, The visible church reformed a discourse of the matter and discipline of the visible church, tending to reformation / by Richard Resbury ... Resbury, Richard, 1607-1674. 1649 (1649) Wing R1136A; ESTC R32282 56,135 82 View Text
A27530 The best fence against popery, or, A vindication of the power of the king in ecclesiastical affairs being an answer to the papists objections against the oath of supremacy : to which is added Queen Elizabeth's admonition declaring the sense of the said oath, and King James's vindication of the oath of allegiance / by a learned divine. Learned divine. 1670 (1670) Wing B2056; ESTC R27182 57,795 74 View Text
A29077 Vindiciæ Calvinisticæ: or, some impartial reflections on the Dean of Londondereys considerations that obliged him to come over to the communion of the Church of Rome And Mr. Chancellor King's answer thereto. He no less unjustly than impertinently reflects, on the protestant dissenters. In a letter to friend. By W.B. D.D.; Vindiciæ Calvinisticæ. Boyse, J. (Joseph), 1660-1728. 1688 (1688) Wing B4083; ESTC R216614 58,227 78 View Text
A77860 Reasons shewing the necessity of reformation of the publick [brace]1. doctrine, 2. worship, [double brace] 3. rites and ceremonies, 4. church-government, and discipline, reputed to be (but indeed, not) established by law. Humbly offered to the serious consideration of this present Parliament. By divers ministers of sundry counties in England. Burges, Cornelius, 1589?-1665. 1660 (1660) Wing B5678; Thomason E764_4; ESTC R205206 61,780 69 View Text
A39997 A counter-essay, or, A vindication and assertion of Calvin and Beza's presbyterian judgment and principles drawn from their writings, in answer to the imputations of a late pamphlet, entituled, An essay concerning church-government ... attempting to fasten upon them an episcopal perswasion ... / by a minister of the true Presbyterian Church of Scotland, established by law. Forrester, Thomas, 1635?-1706. 1692 (1692) Wing F1594; ESTC R35532 63,101 86 View Text
A45129 The healing attempt being a representation of the government of the Church of England, according to the judgment of her bishops unto the end of Q. Elizabeths reign, humbly tendred to the consideration of the thirty commissionated for a consult about ecclesiastical affairs in order to a comprehension, and published in hopes of such a moderation of episcopacy, that the power be kept within the line of our first reformers, and the excercise of it reduced to the model of Arch-Bishop Usher. Humfrey, John, 1621-1719. 1689 (1689) Wing H3679; ESTC R20326 63,242 94 View Text
A61665 A letter to Mr. Robert Burscough, in answer to his Discourse of schism, in which ... Stoddon, Samuel. 1700 (1700) Wing S5713; ESTC R10151 63,414 120 View Text
A70686 The lawfulnes of the oath of supremacy, and power of the King in ecclesiastical affairs with Queen Elizabeth's admonition, declaring the sence and interpretation of it, confirmed by an act of Parliament, in the 5th year of her reign : together with a vindication of dissenters, proving, that their particular congregations are not inconsistent with the King's supremacy in ecclesiastical affairs : with some account of the nature, constitution, and power of the ecclesiastical courts / by P. Nye ... ; in the epistle to the reader is inserted King James's vindication and explication of the oath of allegiance.; Lawfulnes of the oath of supremacy and power of the King in ecclesiastical affairs Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. 1683 (1683) Wing N1499; ESTC R22153 63,590 80 View Text
A55307 The Samaritan shewing that many and unnecessary impositions are not the oyl that must heal the church together with the way or means to do it / by a country gentleman who goes to common-prayer and not to meetings. Polhill, Edward, 1622-1694? 1682 (1682) Wing P2756; ESTC R3092 63,931 131 View Text
A26703 Cheirothesia tou presbyteriou, or, A letter to a friend tending to prove I. that valid ordination ought not to be repeated, II. that ordination by presbyters is valid : with an appendix in which some brief animadversions are made upon a lately published discourse of M. John Humfrey, concerning re-ordination / by R.A., a lover of truth and peace. R. A. (Richard Alleine), 1611-1681.; Humfrey, John, 1621-1719. Question of re-ordination. 1661 (1661) Wing A984; ESTC R3821 66,750 87 View Text
A77478 A review of the seditious pamphlet lately pnblished [sic] in Holland by Dr. Bramhell, pretended Bishop of London-Derry; entitled, His faire warning against the Scots discipline. In which, his malicious and most lying reports, to the great scandall of that government, are fully and clearly refuted. As also, the Solemne League and Covenant of the three nations justified and maintained. / By Robert Baylie, minister at Glasgow, and one of the commissioners from the Church of Scotland, attending the King at the Hague. Baillie, Robert, 1599-1662. 1649 (1649) Wing B467; Thomason E563_1; ESTC R10643 69,798 84 View Text
A29489 A review of Doctor Bramble, late Bishop of Londenderry, his Faire warning against the Scotes disciplin by R.B.G. Baillie, Robert, 1599-1662. 1649 (1649) Wing B466; ESTC R10694 70,498 112 View Text
A30390 A modest and free conference betwixt a conformist and a non-conformist about the present distempers of Scotland now in seven dialogues / by a lover of peace. Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1669 (1669) Wing B5834; ESTC R27816 70,730 152 View Text
A53660 A plea for Scripture ordination, or, Ten arguments from Scripture and antiquity proving ordination by presbyters without bishops to be valid by J.O. ... ; to which is prefixt an epistle by the Reverend Mr. Daniel Williams. Owen, James, 1654-1706.; Williams, Daniel, 1643?-1716. 1694 (1694) Wing O708; ESTC R32194 71,514 212 View Text
A62452 A discourse of the forbearance or the penalties which a due reformation requires by H. Thorndike ... Thorndike, Herbert, 1598-1672. 1670 (1670) Wing T1044; ESTC R1719 71,571 188 View Text
A17576 The pastor and the prelate, or reformation and conformitie shortly compared by the word of God, by antiquity and the proceedings of the ancient Kirk, by the nature and use of things indifferent, by the proceedings of our ovvne Kirk, by the vveill of the Kirk and of the peoples soules, and by the good of the commonvvealth and of our outvvard estate with the answer of the common & chiefest objections against everie part: shewing vvhether of the tvvo is to be follovved by the true Christian and countrieman. Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. 1628 (1628) STC 4359; ESTC S107402 71,807 74 View Text
A02930 The curtaine of Church-povver and authoritie in things called indifferent Drawne and laid open, to shew the many infectious sores and maladies they bring in, and cover. Together with sundry infallible reasons, proving that the service of God, and the generall good of the Church and common wealth require that they should be abolished. By Ia: Henric Henric, James. 1632 (1632) STC 13071; ESTC S111374 72,115 112 View Text
A87575 The angel of the Church of Ephesus no bishop of Ephesus, distinguished in order from, and superior in power to a presbyter. As it was lately delivered in a collation before the Reverend Assembly of divines. By Constant Jessop Minister of the Word at Fifeild in Essex. Imprimatur Charles Herle. Jessop, Constantine, 1601 or 2-1658. 1644 (1644) Wing J699; Thomason E42_22; ESTC R11787 72,800 73 View Text
A45214 A defence of the humble remonstrance, against the frivolous and false exceptions of Smectymnvvs wherein the right of leiturgie and episcopacie is clearly vindicated from the vaine cavils, and challenges of the answerers / by the author of the said humble remonstrance ; seconded (in way of appendance) with the judgement of the famous divine of the Palatinate, D. Abrahamvs Scvltetvs, late professor of divinitie in the University of Heidelberg, concerning the divine right of episcopacie, and the no-right of layeldership ; faithfully translated out of his Latine. Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.; Scultetus, Abraham, 1566-1624. Determination of the question, concerning the divine right of episcopacie. 1641 (1641) Wing H378; ESTC R9524 72,886 191 View Text
A27068 Whether parish congregations be true Christian churches and the capable consenting incumbents, be truly their pastors, or bishops over their flocks ... : written by Richard Baxter as an explication of some passages in his former writings, especially his Treatise of episcopacy, misunderstood and misapplied by some, and answering the strongest objections of some of them, especially a book called, Mr. Baxters judgment and reasons against communicating with the parish assemblies, as by law required, and another called, A theological dialogue, or, Catholick communion once more defended, upon mens necessitating importunity / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1684 (1684) Wing B1452; ESTC R16512 73,103 142 View Text
A59095 Table-talk, being discourses of John Seldon, Esq or his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence, relating especially to religion and state. Selden, John, 1584-1654. 1696 (1696) Wing S2438; ESTC R3639 74,052 204 View Text
A35026 The naked truth, or, The true state of the primitive church by an humble moderator. Croft, Herbert, 1603-1691. 1675 (1675) Wing C6970; ESTC R225557 74,185 74 View Text
A92862 The leaves of the tree of life: for the healing of the nations. Opening all the wounds of this kingdome, and of every party, and applying a remedy to them: by which we come to a right understanding between King and Parliament. A universal agreement and peace on all sides, and the kingdom restored and setled upon a sure and unmoveable foundation: by the light of God shining upon William Sedgwick. Sedgwick, William, 1609 or 10-1669? 1648 (1648) Wing S2386; Thomason E460_40; ESTC R204719 74,614 130 View Text
A94219 A balm to heal religions wounds applied in a serious advice to sober-minded Christians that love the truth, and are well-wishers to reformation : in answer to The pulpit guard routed, lately set forth by one Thomas Collier ... / by Richard Saunders ... Saunders, Richard, d. 1692. 1652 (1652) Wing S755A; ESTC R42466 75,152 187 View Text
A75749 A remonstrance, against presbitery. Exhibited by divers of the nobilitie, gentrie, ministers and inhabitants of the county palatine. of Chester with the motives of that remonstrance. Together with a short survey of the Presbyterian discipline. Shewing the inconveniences of it; and the inconsistency thereof with the constitution of this state, being in its principles destructive to the laws and liberties of the people. With a briefe review of the institution, succession, iurisdiction of the ancient and venerable order of bishops. Found to bee instituted by the Apostles, continued ever since, grounded on the lawes of God, and most agreeable to the law of the land. / By Sir Thomas Aston baronet. Aston, Thomas, Sir, 1600-1645. 1641 (1641) Wing A4078; Thomason E163_1; Thomason E163_2; ESTC R212696 75,691 128 View Text
A52036 An answer to a booke entitvled An hvmble remonstrance in which the originall of liturgy, episcopacy is discussed : and quares propounded concerning both : the parity of bishops and presbyters in Scripture demonstrated : the occasion of their imparity in antiquity discovered : the disparity of the ancient and our moderne bishops manifested : the antiquity of ruling elders in the church vindicated : the prelaticall church bownded / written by Smectymnvvs. Smectymnuus.; Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1641 (1641) Wing M748; ESTC R21898 76,341 112 View Text
A52055 Smectymnuus redivivus Being an answer to a book, entituled, An humble remonstrance. In which, the original of liturgy episcopacy is discussed, and quæries propounded concerning both. The parity of bishops and presbyters in scripture demonstrated. The occasion of the imparity in antiquity discovered. The disparity of the ancient and our moderne bishops manifested. The antiquity of ruling elders in the church vindicated. The prelaticall church bounded. Smectymnuus.; Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655.; Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666.; Young, Thomas, 1587-1655.; Newcomen, Matthew, 1610?-1669.; Spurstowe, William, 1605?-1666. 1654 (1654) Wing M784; ESTC R223740 77,642 91 View Text
A59901 A vindication of some Protestant principles of Church-unity and Catholick-communion, from the charge of agreement with the Church of Rome in answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, an agreement between the Church of England and the Church of Rome, evinced from the concertation of some of her sons with their brethren the dissenters / by William Sherlock ... Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. 1688 (1688) Wing S3372; ESTC R32140 78,758 130 View Text
A57855 A defence of The vindication of the Church of Scotland in answer to An apology of the clergy of Scotland. Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701. 1694 (1694) Wing R2219; ESTC R11970 78,851 50 View Text
A30961 The Winchcomb-papers revived wherein are contained some particulars concerning the govenment of the church, the liturgy and forms of prayer, the ordination and power of ministers, the administration of the Sacrament &c. : for the use of dissenting brethren. Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. 1675 (1675) Wing B810; ESTC R25862 79,287 210 View Text
A20714 Duplyes of the ministers & professors of Aberdene to second answeres of some reverend brethren, concerning the late covenant. Forbes, John, 1593-1648. 1638 (1638) STC 71; ESTC S100398 79,306 136 View Text
A70471 A treatise of the episcopacy, liturgies, and ecclesiastical ceremonies of the primitive times and of the mutations which happened to them in the succeeding ages gathered out of the works of the ancient fathers and doctors of the church / by John Lloyd, B.D., presbyter of the church of North-Mimmes in Hertfordshire. Lloyd, John, Presbyter of the Church of North-Mimmes. 1660 (1660) Wing L2655A; ESTC R21763 79,334 101 View Text
A00901 The fall of Babylon in vsurping ecclesiastical power and offices And the miserable estate of them that pertake of her fornications. 1634 (1634) STC 1101; ESTC S101521 80,856 100 View Text
A49336 A letter to Edw. Stillingfleet, D.D. &c. in answer to the epistle dedicatory before his sermon, preached at a publick ordination at St. Peter's Cornhil, March 15, 1684/5 together with some reflections upon certain letters, which Dr. Burnet wrote on the same occasion / by Simon Lowth ... Lowth, Simon, 1630?-1720. 1687 (1687) Wing L3328; ESTC R2901 83,769 93 View Text
A31348 Catholicism without popery an essay to render the Church of England a means and a pattern of union to the Christian world. Hooke, John, 1655-1712. 1699 (1699) Wing C1497; ESTC R8878 84,579 258 View Text
A33359 Diocesan churches not yet discovered in the primitive times, or, A defence of the answer to Dr. Stillingfleets allegations out of antiquity for such churches against the exceptions offered in the preface to a late treatise called A vindication of the primitive church, where what is further produced out of Scripture and antient authors for diocesan churches is also discussed. Clarkson, David, 1622-1686. 1682 (1682) Wing C4571; ESTC R16204 84,843 132 View Text
A29665 A discovrse opening the natvre of that episcopacie, which is exercised in England wherein with all humility, are represented some considerations tending to the much desired peace, and long expected reformation, of this our mother church / by the Right Honourable Robert Lord Brooke. Brooke, Robert Greville, Baron, 1607-1643. 1641 (1641) Wing B4911; ESTC R17972 85,248 148 View Text
A50348 Episcopacie not abivred in His Maiesties realme of Scotland containing many remarkable passages newly pvblished, the contents of the severall chapters follow in the next page. Maxwell, John, 1590?-1647. 1641 (1641) Wing M1380; ESTC R21652 85,480 138 View Text
A34537 The interest of England in the matter of religion the first and second parts : unfolded in the solution of three questions / written by John Corbet. Corbet, John, 1620-1680. 1661 (1661) Wing C6256; ESTC R2461 85,526 278 View Text
A89779 The temple measured: or, A brief survey of the temple mystical, which is the instituted church of Christ. Wherein are solidly and modestly discussed, most of the material questions touching the constitution and government of the visible church militant here on earth. Together with the solution of all sorts of objections which are usually framed against the model and platform of ecclesiastical polity, which is here asserted and maintained. In particular here are debated, the points of so much controversie, touching the unity of the church, the members of the church, the form of the church, and church covenant, the power of the church, the officers of the church, and their power in church-government, the power of magistrates about the church, and some church acts, as admission of members, and other things set down in the table before the book. / By James Noyes teacher of the church at Newbery in New England. Noyes, James, 1608-1656. 1646 (1646) Wing N1460; Thomason E359_12; ESTC R201171 85,622 104 View Text
A47873 Interest mistaken, or, the Holy cheat proving from the undeniable practises and positions of the Presbyterians, that the design of that party is to enslave both king and people under the masque of religion : by way of observation upon a treatise, intitutled, The interest of England in the matter of religion, &c. / by Roger L'Estrange. L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. 1661 (1661) Wing L1262; ESTC R41427 86,066 191 View Text
A56601 An appendix to the third part of The friendly debate being a letter of the conformist to the non-conformist : together with a postscript / by the same author.; Friendly debate between a conformist and a non-conformist. Part 3, Appendix Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707. 1670 (1670) Wing P746; ESTC R13612 87,282 240 View Text
A06013 The diocesans tryall Wherein all the sinnews of D. Dovvnames Defence are brought unto three heads, and orderly dissolved. By M. Paul Baynes. Baynes, Paul, d. 1617. 1618 (1618) STC 1640; ESTC S102042 91,040 104 View Text
A69545 The diocesans tryall wherein all the sinnewes of Doctor Dovvnhams defence are brought into three heads, and orderly dissolved / by M. Paul Baynes ; published by Dr. William Amis ... Baynes, Paul, d. 1617.; Ames, William, d. 1662. 1641 (1641) Wing B1546; ESTC R5486 91,441 102 View Text
A26859 Richard Baxters answer to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's charge of separation containing, I. some queries necessary for the understanding of his accusation, II. a reply to his letter which denyeth a solution, III. an answer to his printed sermon : humbly tendred, I. to himself, II. to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and the court of aldermen, III. to the readers of his accusation, the forum where we are accused.; Answer to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's charge of separation. 1680 Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing B1183; ESTC R10441 92,845 104 View Text
A92075 The Cyprianick-Bishop examined, and found not to be a diocesan, nor to have superior power to a parish minister, or Presbyterian moderator being an answer to J.S. his Principles of the Cyprianick-age, with regard to episcopal power & jurisdiction : together with an appendix, in answer to a railing preface to a book, entituled, The fundamental charter of presbytery / by Gilbert Rule ... Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701. 1696 (1696) Wing R2218; ESTC R42297 93,522 126 View Text
A59593 No reformation of the established reformation by John Shaw ... Shaw, John, 1614-1689. 1685 (1685) Wing S3022; ESTC R33735 94,232 272 View Text
A59468 The principles of the Cyprianic age with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of St. Cyprian himself and his contemporaries : by which it is made evident that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obligated by his own concession to acknowledge that he and his associates are schismaticks : in a letter to a friend / by J.S. Sage, John, 1652-1711. 1695 (1695) Wing S289; ESTC R16579 94,344 99 View Text
A30624 A discourse of schism address'd to those dissenters who conform'd before the toleration, and have since withdrawn themselves from the communion of the Church of England / by Robert Burscough ... Burscough, Robert, 1651-1709. 1699 (1699) Wing B6136; ESTC R11016 95,729 234 View Text