A voice out of Sion unto all the inhabitants of the earth with a few words of the dealings of God in love with England whose visitation in mercy draws to an end : also a warning unto all the inhabitants of Babylon that they may haste and flee out of her because her judgment is nigh ... / by Robert Falkner.
Falkner, Robert, d. 1675.
Wing F328; ESTC R37770
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A message to all kings and rulers in Christendom
Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.
Wing B6014; ESTC R24243
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Something in answer to the allegation of the Quakers in their printed case presented to the House of Commons, Decemb. 1693
Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?
Wing B5397; ESTC R26564
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More light shining in Buckingham-shire: being a declaration of the state and condition that all men are in by right. Likewise the slavery all the world are in by their own kinde, and this nation in particular; and by whom. Likewise the remedies, as take away the cause, & the effect will cease. Being a representation unto all the people of England, and to the soldiery under the Lord General Fairfax. The second part.
Wing M2709; Thomason E548_33; ESTC R205608
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The Julian ship, or, Paul's transportation to Rome a discourse on Acts 27, 15, made on March 20, 1680/81, the Sunday before the last Parliament's meeting at Oxford / by Wil. Ramsay, Esq., B.D. ...
Ramsay, William, B.D.
Wing R216; ESTC R13588
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A light for the ignorant or A treatise shevving, that in the nevv Testament, is set forth three kingly states or governments, that is, the civill state, the true ecclesiasticall state, and the false ecclesiasticall state
Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657.
STC 15591; ESTC S103338
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A message to the present rulers of England whether committee of safety, (so called) councell of officers, or others whatsoever : delivered unto them by an ambassadour from the only right heire of the government, whose right alone it is to rule : and by special authority and commission from him, this is sent unto them, that they may hear, and fear, and learn wisdom, and may deliver up the proper right of the only King unto him, that they may be blessed, but on the conrray dependeth their destruction / by Edward Burrough.
Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.
Wing B6015; ESTC R14580
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An Epistle to all the Christian magistrates and powers in the whole Christendom and professors, and teachers, and Christians that witness the end of the law, and the Levitical priesthood, and confess Christ Jesus ...
Fox, George, 1624-1691.; Gould, Anne, 17th cent.
Wing G1414; ESTC R15794
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A second epistle, being a tender salutation to the seed of Jacob vvherein is contained an exhortation to the called and chosen people of the Lord, who have kept their first love, to abide therein to the end : also, a hand of dear love held forth to the spiritual travellers, who are travelling from Egypt's land of darkness towards the spiritual land of rest : the counsel and determination of the Lord God Almighty founded in the ears of the unfaithful, disobedient and deceitful, who hold the truth in unrighteousness, and cover themselves with a profession of the precious truth, and yet live in the nature and spirit of those who walk in the broad way, that leadeth to destruction : also, a brief rehearsal and discovery of the enemy of man's soul, his workings from the beginning of his appearance unto this day, age, and generation / Charles Marshall.
Marshall, Charles, 1637-1698.
Wing M742; ESTC R7579
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A perfect description of Antichrist, and his false prophet. Wherein is plainly shewed that Oliver Cromwell was Antichrist, and John Presbiter, or John Covenanter his false prophet. Written in the yeare, MDCLIV. By Abraham Nelson. And now published with an epistle to the Kings most excellent Majestie.
Nelson, Abraham.
Wing N416; Thomason E1044_13; Thomason E1055_8; ESTC R203043
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The root of popery struck at, and the true ancient apostolick foundation discovered, in some propositions to the papists concerning fallibility and infallibility, which cut down the uncertain, and manifest the certain way of receiving and growing up into the truth : also, some considerations concerning the true and false church and ministry, with the state of each since the dayes of the apostles : held forth in true love and pity to the souls of the papists, that they may hear and consider, and not mistake and stumble at the rock of ages, whereupon the prophets, apostles, and whole flock of God throughout all generations have been built : there is likewise somewhat added concerning the ground of error, and the way to truth and unity, for the sake of such as are more spiritual, and have been more inwardly exercised in searching after truth / by Isaac Penington, the younger.
Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679.
Wing P1185; ESTC R18235
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An answer to a declaration put forth by the general consent of the people called Anabaptists in and about the city of London which declaration doth rather seem a begging of pardon of the Caveliers then [sic] a vindication of that truth and cause once contended for : I seeing so much wickedness ... / from a true lover and owner of the people called Quakers ... Richard Hubberthorn.
Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662.; Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. Answer to a declaration of the people called Anabaptists.
Wing H3218; ESTC R16813
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Darknesse and ignorance Expelled by the light shining forth, and the appearance of the day. In answer to a book called, Innocents no saints. Published by one Edward Dodd, wherein he hath laboured to prove tythes lawfull, and tithing priests and hirelings to be the ministers of the word, and the masse-house the church; and calls idolatry civility, and heathenish complements courtesie, and hath perverted many Scriptures. His deceit laid open, his vindication made void, and his arguments confounded, and Truth laid open in all these particulars, for the sake of the upright in heart, who rejoyces in Truths prosperity. By one of the lambs followers, who makes warre against the heart of the dragon, and against the rear of the beast. F.H.
Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.
Wing H3156; ESTC R215412
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Pro populo adversus tyrannos, or, The sovereign right and power of the people over tyrants, clearly stated, and plainly proved with some reflections on the late posture of affairs / by a true Protestant English-man, and well-wisher to posterity.
Milton, John, 1608-1674.
Wing M2164; ESTC R432
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The measvring rod of the Lord stretched forth over all nations and the line of true judgment laid to the rulers thereof wherein all governours and rulers, potentates and powers are measured, and all governments and lawes weighed in the true weight : wherein they all may see how far they are degenerated from the law of righteousness, and the rules of wisdome, which was in the beginning, before tyranny, and persecution, and rebellion had shewed it selfe : also shewing the end that will come upon all those rulers and governments, rulers and lawes that have been made in the apostacy, which is to all overthrown ... : also an advertisement to all the rulers upon the earth ... : published for the information of all the rulers upon earth ... / by one who waits to see the kingdoms of the world to become the kingdomes of the Lord ... Francis Howgil.
Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.
Wing H3171; ESTC R6600
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An address for submissive, peaceable, and loving living together under the present government to the people of the commonwealth of England, however by some called royalists, Presbyterians, independents, or fifth-monarchy-men / by Tho. Moore, senior.
Moore, Thomas, Senior.
Wing M2589A; ESTC R29036
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The tenure of kings and magistrates proving that it is lawfull, and hath been held so through all ages, for any who have the power, to call to account a tyrant, or wicked king, and after due conviction, to depose and put the author, J.M.
Milton, John, 1608-1674.
Wing M2181; ESTC R21202
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A worke of the Beast or A relation of a most vnchristian censure, executed vpon Iohn Lilburne, (novv prisoner in the fleet) the 18 of Aprill 1638 With the heavenly speech vttered by him at the time of his fuffering [sic]. Uery vsefull for these times both for the encouragement of the godly to suffer, and for the terrour and shame of the Lords adversaries.
Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657.
STC 15599; ESTC S108558
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The way of life revealed and the way of death discovered wherein is declared man's happy estate before the fall, his miserable estate in the fall, and the way of restauration out of the fall into the image of God again ... : also the by-pathes, crooked wayes, wiles, snares, and temptations of the enemy of man's soul discover'd ... the utter end and final destruction of all false professions prophesied ... : also a call in the tender bowels of the love of God shed abroad in this day, age, and generation to all the scatterrd sheep upon the barren mountains of profession to return to the true shepherd Christ Jesus ... / Charles Marshall.
Marshall, Charles, 1637-1698.
Wing M746; ESTC R26188
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Mystical Babylon availed wherein is proved, I. That Rome-papal is mystical-Babylon, II. That the Pope of Rome is the beast, III. That the Church of Rome is the great whore, IV. That the Roman-priests are the false prophet : also A call to the people of God to come out of Babylon / by Hanserd Knollys ...
Knollys, Hanserd, 1599?-1691.
Wing K718; ESTC R17048
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A coppy of a letter written by John Lilburne, close prisoner in the wards of the fleet, which he sent to Iames Ingram and Henry Hopkins, wardens of the said fleet. Wherin is fully discovered their great cruelty exercised upon his body
Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657.
STC 15597; ESTC S121096
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The genealogie of Christianity and of Christians. Declared in a sermon at Mercers Chappel before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior of the City of London, April 28. 1650 and now thus published for the undeceiving of those, who say they are Christians, and are not, but do lie; and for the establishment and encouragement of those, who having named the name of Christ, do indeed depart (even in this hour of apostacy) from all iniquity, by C.F. one of the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ in the ministery of the new Testament.
Feake, Christopher, fl. 1645-1660.
Wing F570; Thomason E599_2; ESTC R202091
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The Saints freedom from tyranny vindicated, or, The power of pagan caesars and antichristian kings examined and they condemned by the prophets and apostles, as no magistrates of God to be obeyed by saints for the Lords sake : being the coppy of an answer to a private letter, wherein the civil power of Satan and antichristian states is soberly debated ... / by a lover of truth.
A. B.
Wing B29; ESTC R12371
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A voice from heaven to th[e] common-wealth of England with additions.
Evans, Arise, b. 1607.
Wing E3470; ESTC R25074
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The reign of the whore discovered and her ruine seen her merchants the priests examined, and with the Romish church (their elder sister) compared and found agreeable in many things ... : some queries also for those people that pay tythes, and priests that receive tythes, to consider and answer : and whereas their cry hath been loud against us the people of God called Quakers, that we are Jesuits, and Jesuitical, in tryal they are found false accusers, and of the same stock and generation themselves ... : also the sustance of a dispute which was the 15th day of the 2d month, called April 1659, at the Bridge-house in Southwark, between VVilliam Cooper, VVilliam VVhitaker, Thomas VVoodsworth, VVieles, Watkins, Cradicut, and others who profess themselves ministers of Christ, and some of the people call'd Quakers ... / written in that which gives to see over all the popish train ... W.S.
Smith, William, d. 1673.; Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. Following letter containing the substance of the dispute.
Wing S204A; ESTC R33983
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A measure of the times: and a full & clear description of the signes of the times, and of the changing of the times; and of the reign of Antichrist, who hath long reigned, and of his down-fall, which is at hand; and of the kingdom of Christ which is now setting up in the earth. Shewing unto all people in all nations, what the state of things hath been in ages past, and what the state of things are at this present day. ... And also, here it is manifest, concerning the teachers of this age, and the root from whence they sprang, who are manifest to be of that stock of false prophets, which Christ prophesied of should come, and which the Apostles saw was coming in their dayes, and how that the night of darknesse hath been upon all, for many generations: ... And also, the restauration is described, which shortly cometh, wherein Christ shall reign, whose right it is, and shall change laws and decrees, and the lamb shall be the light of all nations, ... and their King shall possesse the uttermost parts of the earth. By one who hath measured the times, who is come to the day that hath made all things manifest. Edw: Burrough.
Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.
Wing B6012; Thomason E919_6; ESTC R207505
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The heart of New-England hardned through wickednes in answer to a book, entituled the Heart of New-England rent, published by John Norton appointed thereunto by the General Court. The doctrine of the Quakers uindicated [sic], his ignorance manifested, and his lying doctrines brought to light and judged with the word of truth, and truth cleared from his aspersions and slanders. By him that waits to see the throne of righteousness exalted above all deceit. Francis Howgill.
Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.
Wing H3166; ESTC R223647
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An enquiry into the vision of the slaying and rising of the vvitnesses and falling of the tenth part of the city: with a post-script concerning the controversie about the duty of allegiance, occasion'd by our late revolution.
Wing I219A; ESTC R221618
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Digitus testium, or A dreadful alarm to the vvhole kingdom, especially the Lord Major, the aldermen, and the Common-Councel of the City of London. Or a short discourse of the excellency of Englands lawes and religion. Together, with the antiquity of both, and the famous Kings that England hath had to defend both the religion and the laws against the heathen Romish emperours, and against the Romish power, under Popes. With the several plots the Popes of Rome have used against the Kings of England, to throwe them down, and how of late he hath prevailed against the magistracy and ministery of England, his new designes, and manner of progress: together, with a serious view of the new oath or ingagement, with 22. queries upon the same. And also objections made against the non-subscribers thereof answered. Let the ingenuous reader take so much pains, as to read that incomparable peece of vindication of a treatise of monarchy by way of discovery of three main points thereof.
Hall, Henry, d. 1680, attributed name.; Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687, attributed name.
Wing H339A; Thomason E621_13; ESTC R206419
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Oukoumenē melloōsa, the world to come, Heb. 2, 5, or, The doctrine of the Kingdom of God and his Christ to come on earth ... tendred in the mean-time out of faith in his own soul and love towards all men ... / by W.S. ...
Sherwin, William, 1607-1687?
Wing S3407; ESTC R30641
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Little Timothe his lesson: or, A summary relation of the historicall part of holy scripture plainely and familiarly comprized in meeter, for the helpe of memory, and instruction of the ignorant in the writings of God. By E.G. Mr. in Arts, and practitioner in physicke for the Kings hospitall of St. Bartholomew, in the city of Glocester.
Graile, Edmond, b. ca. 1577.
STC 12171; ESTC S117271
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A discoverie of the beasts being an exposition of the XIII chapter of the Revelation of Jesus Christ : wherein all true Christians (yet in Babylon) are admonished to come out, and the anti-Christians fore-told what their plagues will be / by I.W.
I. W.
Wing W41; ESTC R6846
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An exposition of the 13. chapter of the Revelation of Iesus Christ. By Iohn Wilkison
Wilkinson, John, dissenter.
STC 25647; ESTC S103078
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Apocalyptical mysteries, touching the two witnesses, the seven vials, and the two kingdoms, to wit, of Christ, and of Antichrist, expounded. Wherein is contained some things necessary for the saints in this present generation to know ... By H.K. a servant of Jesus Christ.
Knollys, Hanserd, 1599?-1691.
Wing K704; ESTC R225382
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An exposition of the XI. XII and XIII. chapters of the Revellation wherein most of the matters of greatest moment contained in the booke of the Reuelation are vnfolded / by a late writer, whose certaine name is not knowne to the publisher hereof, onely these two letters T.L. are in his aduertisement to Queene Elizabeth ; the contents whereof are in the next page.
T. L.
STC 15113; ESTC S1101
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The command of God to his people to come out of Babylon, Revel. 18. 4, demonstrated to mean the coming out of the present papal Rome with a most earnest perswasive to all to come out who are in it, ...
Beverley, Thomas.
Wing B2132; ESTC R18831
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The Christian mans triall, or, A trve relation of the first apprehension and severall examinations of Iohn Lilbvrne with his censure in Star-chamber, and the manner of his cruell whipping through the streets : whereunto is annexed his speech in the pillory, and their gagging of him : also the severe
Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657.; Kiffin, William, 1616-1701.; Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657. Work of the beast.
Wing L2089; ESTC R1513
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A sermon preached at Paules Crosse laying open the Beast, and his marks. Vpon the 14. of the Reuelations, vers. 9.10.11. By Richard Sheldon, a conuert from out of Babylon. Doctor in Diuinitie, His Maiesties chaplaine.
Sheldon, Richard, d. 1642?
STC 22398; ESTC S117172
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The beast that was, & is not, & yet is, looked upon: or, The bo-peeping beast pointed at: or, He that hideth himself hunted because of whom truth complaineth, and is spoken to by Pope and Prelate, by Presbyter, by Independent, by Quaker, by Baptist: together with her several answers to them all. Also one description of the beast. Also the coming forth and progress of the beast hitherto. Also an epistle to magistrates and law-givers, likewise, to take off prejudice if any be. Two epistles, one to the reader, and another to the Christian reader. VVith a true reproof to W.S. a Quaker, who in his book called The lying spirit in the mouth of the false prophet, wherein he endeavours to make men believe that he had answered H.H. his book, called The doctrine of the light within the natural man leading to eternal life, examined by Scripture-light.
Howet, Enoch.
Wing H3151; ESTC R215400
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Obiections: answered by way of dialogue wherein is proved by the Law of God: by the law of our land: and by his Maties many testimonies that no man ought to be persecuted for his religion, so he testifie his allegeance by the Oath, appointed by law.
Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616?, attributed name. aut; Murton, John, attributed name. aut
STC 13054; ESTC S117349
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The voice from heaven, come out of Babylon, my people; demonstrated to mean the coming out of the present papal Rome, and it's communion And herewith a solemn proof is given that the Papacy can survive, but eight years in the principality it yet retains. Enforced by a preface. Adjusted to the present illustrious appearances of God in the world, and particularly in this nation. By T. Beverley.
Beverley, Thomas.
Wing B2186A; ESTC R232529
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A cabinet of jewels, or, A glimps [sic] of Sions glory written by William Dyer ...
Dyer, William, d. 1696.
Wing D2931; ESTC R15940
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Sions memento, and Gods alarum. In a sermon at VVestminster, before the Honorable House of Commons, on the 31. of May 1643. the solemne day of their monethly fast. By Francis Cheynell late Fellow of Merton College in Oxford. Printed and published by order of the House of Commons.
Cheynell, Francis, 1608-1665.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. aut
Wing C3816; Thomason E55_13; ESTC R16225
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Babylon the Great described. The city of confusion. In every part whereof Antichrist reigns. Which knoweth not the order and unity of the spirit, but striveth to set up an order and uniformity according to the wisdom of the flesh, in all her territories atd [sic] dominions. Her sins, her judgements. With some plain queries further to discover her, and some considerations to help out of her suburbs, that her inward building may lye the more open to the breath and spirit of the Lord, from which it is to receiv [sic] its consumption and overthrow. Also, an exhortation to the powers of the earth. By Isaac Penington, the younger.
Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679.
Wing P1153; Thomason E770_2; ESTC R203128
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The Quakers set in their true light in order to give the nations a clear sight of what they hold concerning Jesus of Nazareth, the Scripture, water baptism, the Lords Supper, magistracy, ministry laws and government / historically collected out of their most approved authors, which are their best continuing books from the year of their rise, 1650 to the year of their progress 1696 by Francis Bugg, senior.
Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?
Wing B5389; ESTC R29140
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An epistle written (dated the 30th of the 11th month 1659,) and sent from London into the countrey. By a friend to the glorious (though at this day despised) cause of Christ, in answer to a letter sent up to him (dated the 16th of the same month) wherein the following things are treated of, (viz.) 1. The fifth kingdom it self, which the God of Heaven sets up in the latter dayes. 2. The kingdom of the beast which is to be destroyed. 3. The instruments that are to be used in destroying the one and erecting the other; with the way or manner how they are to be used. 4. The time of the beginning of this work. [bracket] First, before Christs personal comming. Secondly, before the call of the Jewes. Thirdly, that it is already begun, and hath taken place in this nation and that Cromwel with the army, hath apostatized from it, and that all the powers, or governments that have been set up since that time, have been, and still are upon the foundation of the apostacy. As also, severall of the particular evills which the army, and others abetting the apostacy are guilty of. Together with, some considerations tendered to the favourers of Christ's righteous cause, wherein is laid down, their duty of separation from Babylon, and from all the parts and branches (both in church and state) of the forementioned apostacy.
N. S.
Wing S119B; ESTC R183121
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The everlasting rule born witness unto, vvhich is to try all people that do profess God and Christ in words, or, I. A tender salutation to all people in what nation soever, and under what form soever, who do profess God and Christ in words ... II. Also an exhortation unto all people to come to that which will give them victory over sin and the devil ... III. A distinction between the ministers of Christ and the ministers of Antichrist ... / by a lover of truth and righteousness, who seeks the well-being of all mankind, William Gibson.
Gibson, William, 1629-1684.
Wing G682; ESTC R38756
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The legislative povver is Christ's peculiar prerogative. Proved from the 9th of Isaiah, vers. 6.7. / By W.A.
Aspinwall, William, fl. 1648-1662.
Wing A4007; Thomason E498_4; ESTC R205981
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Popery, the grand apostasie being the substance of certain sermons preached on 2 Thes. 2, v.1 to 12 on occasion of the discovery of that desparate plot of the papists against the King, kingdom and the Protestant religion / by John Troughton ...
Troughton, John, 1637?-1681.
Wing T2315; ESTC R23765
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Persecution for religion judg'd and condemned in a discourse between an antichristian and a Christian : proving by the law of God and of the land, and by King James his many testimonies, that no man ought to be persecuted for his religion, so he testifie his allegiance by the oath appointed by law.
Helveys, Thomas, 1550?-1616?
Wing H1413A; ESTC R30775
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The new earth, or, The true Magna Charta of the past ages, and of the ages or world to come: called The Jews commonweal. Written by an unworthy witness of the truth of the great God, John Brayne.
Brayne, John.
Wing B4330; Thomason E714_9; ESTC R207239
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The figure of Antichrist with the tokens of the end of the world, most plainly disciphered by a Catholike and diuine exposition of the seconde epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, collected out of the best and most approued diuines, both olde and new, very profitable for all men in this age to reade: published by Thomas Tymme, minister.
Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620.
STC 24417; ESTC S102039
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The kingdom of Jesus Christ entering its succession at 1697, according to a calendar of time drawn by the four monarchies, and by the time, times, half time allowed to the papacy, and the ten kingdoms, as the last state of the Roman, or fourth monarchy then ending : given in Daniel, and expounded by the Revelation in content with all history, and carrying on the scripture line of time / by T. Beverley ...
Beverley, Thomas.
Wing B2159; ESTC R38705
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A sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, in Parliament assembled: on January 31. A day of solemne humiliation. With a discourse about toleration, and the duty of the civill magistrate about religion, thereunto annexed. Humbly presented to them, and all peace-loving men of this nation. / By John Owen, pastor of the Church of Christ, which is at Coggeshall in Essex.
Owen, John, 1616-1683.
Wing O805; Thomason E540_25; Thomason E549_1; ESTC R203104
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A description of the Church of Christ, with her peculiar priuiledges, and also of her commons, and entercommoners With some oppositions and answers of defence, for the maintenance of the truth which shee professeth: against certaine Anabaptisticall and erronious opinions, verie hurtfull and dangerous to weake Christians. Maintained and practised by one Master Iohn Smith, sometimes a preacher in Lincolneshire, and a companie of English people with him now at Amsterdam in Holland. Whome he hath there with himselfe rebaptised. By I.H.
Etherington, John, fl. 1641-1645.
STC 12567; ESTC S118987
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The two vvitnesses: discovered in severall sermons upon the eleventh chapter of the Revelation, wherein, after the prophesie opened, the great question of these times. Viz. whether the two witnesses are slain, yea or no, is modestly discussed. / Preached at Lawrence-Jewry in London, by F.W. lecturer of the said place. It is this seven and twentieth day of April, 1643. ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, concerning printing, that these sermons intituled, the two witnesses, be printed for Luke Fawne. John White.
Woodcock, Francis, 1614?-1651.; England and Wales. Parliament. aut
Wing W3433; Thomason E100_1; ESTC R13873
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The breaking of the day of God wherein, four things are manifested : I. That the two witnesses are not in ki[ll]ing, but in rising from death, II. The three dayes and half, or 42. months of the saints captivity under the beast, very near expired, III. Christ hath begun to reign in his saints, and to tread their corrupt flesh under his feet, IIII. Christs dominion over the nations of the world, near the approach / by Gerrard VVinstanley.
Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609.
Wing W3042; ESTC R40126
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A plaine explanation of the vvhole Revelation of Saint John Very necessary and comfortable in these dayes of trouble and affliction in the church. Penned by a faithfull preacher, now with God, for more priuate vse, and now published for the further benefit of the people of God.
Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603.
STC 4710.5; ESTC S124379
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A touch-stone, or, A perfect tryal by the Scriptures, of all the priests, bishops, and ministers, who have called themselves, the ministers of the Gospel whose time and day hath been in the last ages past, or rather in the night of apostacy : they are tried and weighed by the Scriptures of truth, and are found out of the life and power of the scriptures, and out of the spirit and doctrine of them that gave them forth, and quite contrary to their principle and practice, both Papists and Protestants : unto which is annexed, Womens speaking justified, &c.
Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702.
Wing F639; ESTC R7178
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The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Councel of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571, all which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted furthermore their principles and doctrines answered and confuted, as they were laid down in two or three severall papers, by R.W. papist, lately sent from Holland : also a challenge to the pope and all his adherents to choose out of all his dominions some cardinals, fryers, or Jesuits to try their bread and wine, after consecration (by watching on their side and on our side) to prove that if afterward they have consecrated it, whether the bread and wine doth not loose its taste and savour, and so not the body and blood of Christ : also a paper to all them that fast and afflict themselves who are in the will-worship and voluntary humility : also some quæries to all the papists upon earth to be answered in writing and sent to them, which all sects upon the earth call Quakers / by George Fox.
Fox, George, 1624-1691.; Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.
Wing F1877; ESTC R3577
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That the pope is that Antichrist: and An answer to the obiections of sectaries, which condemne this Church of England Two notably learned and profitable treatises or sermons vpon the 19. verse of the 19. chapter of the Reuelation: the first whereof was preached at Paules Crosse in Easter terme last, the other purposed also to haue bene there preached. By Lawrence Deios Bachelor in Diuinitie, and minister of Gods holy word.
Deios, Laurence, d. 1618.
STC 6475; ESTC S118248
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A sober guess concerning several dark prophesies in the Revelation, especially the XI. chapter extracted out of several authors expositors on the Apocalyps / by T.P. Minister of the Gospel.
T. P.
Wing P119; ESTC R22458
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The invisible things of God brought to light by the revelation of the eternal spirit who was an ey-witness of the wonders of the Lord in the beginning : wherein is declared the felicity of all things in the beginning and the sad estate of all things after the transgression ... / by Francis Howgill.
Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.
Wing H3169; ESTC R28120
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The revelation unvailed, or, An essay towards the discovering I. When many Scripture prophesies had their accomplishment, and turned into history, II. What are now fulfilling, III. What rest still to be fulfilled, with a guess at the time of them : with an appendix, proving that pagan Rome was not Babylon, Rev. 17, and that the Jews shall be converted / by Samuel Petto.
Petto, Samuel, 1624?-1711.
Wing P1901; ESTC R33395
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A short treatise against the Donatists of England, whome we call Brownists Wherein, by the answeres vnto certayne writings of theyrs, diuers of their heresies are noted, with sundry fantasticall opinions. By George Giffard, Minister of Gods holy Word in Maldon.
Gifford, George, d. 1620.
STC 11869; ESTC S114289
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The second volume of the sermons or declarations of Mr. Stephen Crisp, late of Colchester in Essex, deceased. Exactly taken in characters or short-hand, as they were delivered by him at the publick meeting-houses of the people called Quakers· In Grace-Church-street, and Devon-shire-House, London. And now faithfully transcribed and published. With some of his prayers after sermon.
Crisp, Stephen, 1628-1692.
Wing C6939; ESTC R213012
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Clavis apocalyptica, or, A prophetical key by which the great mysteries in the revelation of St. John and the prophet Daniel are opened : it beeing made apparent that the prophetical numbers com to an end with the year of our Lord, 1655 : in two treatises: 1. Shewing what in these our times hath been fulfilled, 2. At this present is effectually brought to pass, 3. And henceforth is to bee expected in the year neer at hand : with an introductorie preface / written by a Germane D. ; and now translated out of High-Dutch.
Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662.; Dury, John, 1596-1680.
Wing H979; ESTC R30751
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The Revelation reveled By two apocalyptical treatises. Shewing. I. How neer the period of the time is, wherein the mysterie of God shall bee fulfilled. II. What things are already fulfilled, and what shall shortly follow thereupon, as they are foretold in the Revelation. Translated out of High-Dutch. With an introductorie preface, shewing that besides the accomplishment of the particular historical events, spoken of in the Revelation, which are com, ... there is a deeper mysterie, and matter of more necessarie and profitable knowledg, to bee reflected upon in the words of this prophesie; whereof also a summarie and a key, ... to bee thought upon by all the Godlie-wise in the three nations.
Dury, John, 1596-1680.; Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662.
Wing R1190A; ESTC R220789
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The resurrection of the witnesses and Englands fall from (the mystical Babylon) Rome clearly demonstrated to be accomplished, whereby great encouragement is administred to all saints, but especially to the saints in England, in the handling of a part of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation / by M. Cary ...
Cary, Mary.
Wing C737A; ESTC R33344
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A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.; Theatre oft Toon-neel. English
Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.; Roest, Theodore.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime. English. Selections.; Du Bellay, Joachim, 1525 (ca.)-1560. Visions. English. Selections.
STC 18602; ESTC S110162
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Two treatises ... both written by Sir Henry Vane, Knight in the time of his imprisonment.
Vane, Henry, Sir, 1612?-1662.; Vane, Henry, Sir, 1612?-1662. Epistle general, to the mystical body of Christ on earth.; Vane, Henry, Sir, 1612?-1662. Face of the times.
Wing V80_PARTIAL; Wing V67_PARTIAL; ESTC R7026
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The oppressed close prisoner in Windsor-Castle, his defiance to the father of lyes, in the strength of the God of truth. Occasioned by some late, scandalous and slanderous reports, raised and dispersed to the dishonour of that noble cause, wherein he (with others of the Lords servants) is so deeply engaged. As also, a seasonable word, concerning the higher powers: concerning the payment of taxes and tribute-money by the saints to those powers: and how far a minister of the Gospel may intermeddle in state-affairs without sin. / By Chr. Feake, in his prison-watch-tower.
Feake, Christopher, fl. 1645-1660.
Wing F572; Thomason E820_10; ESTC R202087
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A brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism setting forth that the principles and practices of the Quakers are antichristian, antiscriptural, antimagistratical, blasphemous, and idolatrous from plain matter of fact, out of their most approved authors, &c. ... / by Francis Bugg, Senior.
Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?
Wing B5367; ESTC R23818
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The arrainment of Christendom containing a revelation of the rys, growth & fulnes of the great whôr, man of sin or mistery of iniquity, with the comsumtion, ruin & utter destruction of the dragon's, beast's & fals profet's power, with the waters on which the whôr sits, & the sea out of which the beast arôs in Christendom. ... Being the trumpet of the Lord sounded forth which giveth a most sûr & certain sound to Leopold the present Roman Emperor, & to the present Pop of Rôm, ... I John, the servant of the most hy God, ... being a prisoner, (with my companions in travel) at a plâs caled Great Gomara, on a certain ysland in Hungaria, ... The living, eternal, & pur power of God moved in me, & revealed unto me that I should wryt, ...
Philly, John.; N. Y. Corrector to the reader, concerning the orthografy or spel-ing herein us'd. aut
Wing P2127; ESTC R220433
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The seuen vials or a briefe and plaine exposition vpon the 15: and 16: chapters of the Revelation very pertinent and profitable for the Church of God in these last times. By H.B. rector of Saint Matthews Friday-street.
Burton, Henry, 1578-1648.
STC 4155; ESTC S107076
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An answer to Grifith Williams Lord Bishop of Ossorie his book, intituled, The great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity.
Pressick, George.; Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672. Great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity.
Wing P3294A; ESTC R182040
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Saints no smiters, or, Smiting civil powers not the work of saints being a treatise, shewing the doctrine and atempts of Quinto-Monarchians, or, Fifth-Monarchy-Men about smiting powers, to be damnable and antichristian / by John Tombes ...
Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.
Wing T1816; ESTC R6979
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The time of the end shewing first, until the three years and an half are come (which are the last of the 1260 dayes) the prophecies of the Scripture will not be understood, concerning the duration and period of the fourth monarchy and kingdom of the beast : then secondly, when that time shall come ... the knowledge of the end ... will be revealed, by the rise of a little horn, the last apostacy, and the beast slaying the witnesses ... / by John Canne.
Canne, John, d. 1667?
Wing C443; ESTC R6596
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The title of an usurper after a thorough settlement examined in answer to Dr. Sherlock's Case of the allegiance due to sovereign powers, &c.
Jenkin, Robert, 1656-1727.
Wing J573; ESTC R4043
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The second part of A seasonable legal and historical vindication, and chronological collection of the good old fundamental liberties, franchises, rights, lawes, government of all English freemen; their best inheritance and onely security against all arbitrary tyranny and Ægyptian taxes. Wherein the extraordinary zeal, courage, care, vigilancy, civill, military and Parliamentary consultations, contests, to preserve, establish, perpetuate them to posterity, against all tyrants, usurpers, enemies, invaders, both under the ancient pagan and Christian Britons, Romans, Saxons. The laws and Parliamentall great councils of the Britons, Saxons. With some generall presidents, concerning the limited powers and prerogatives of our British and first Saxon kings; ... are chronologically epitomized, ... By William Prynne of Swainswick, Esquire.; Seasonable, legall, and historicall vindication and chronologicall collection of the good, old, fundamentall, liberties, franchises, rights, laws of all English freemen. Part 2
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P4072; Thomason E820_11; ESTC R203292
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A voice out of the wildernes, crying with many tears and strong perswasions to the world for repentance. Proving by undeniable grounds from the word of God, that the great day of his righteous judgment will certainly be in this present age, namely about the 45th. yeer after the ruine of Rome, in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful mysteries of God, foretold in his word to come to pass unto th' end of the world. This work consists of five small tracts: 1. To the church of Rome, printed first in an. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth, presented to her in an. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days, called, Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James, being an exposition of the 11. 12, 13. ch. Apoc. 5. De fide, against Baro, since translated into English. / By T.L. sometime a student in the University of Cambridge in the daies of Q: Elizabeth.
T. L.
Wing L83A; ESTC R179227
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Theopolis, or the city of God new Jerusalem, in opposition to the city of the nations great Babylon; comprehending the blessing and benefit of Christs Kingdom, in the thousand years reign before his personal coming and appearing, after the total ruine of the beast, and his kingdom. In a coment upon the 10th. and 21st. chapters of the revelations. With an additional answer to these two material questions: 1. Whether the thousand years reign is not already past, as Brightman, and others affirm. 2. Whether the natural Jew is not most concerned in the latter day promises prophecies, especially in the pulling down Babylon, and building of Zion, as Maton, and others assert
Danvers, Henry, d. 1687.
Wing C4357; Wing D231; ESTC R229614
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The Revelation of God & his glory sounded forth for the opening of the mystery of the seven seals on the book of the wonders of God in the hand of the angel : being a true and faithful testimony of the Enochian prophecie of the rise and fall of Antichrist and of the restauration of Zion to its primitive glory.
R. B.
Wing B170; ESTC R18377
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Mystical babylon, or Papall Rome A treatise vpon those words, Apocal. 18.2. It is fallen, it is fallen Babylon, &c. In which the wicked, and miserable condition of Rome, as shee now is in her present Babylonian estate, and as she shall be in her future ineuitable ruine, is fully discouered: and sundry controuersiall points of religion, betwixt the Protestants, and the Papists, are briefly discussed. By Theophilus Higgons, rector of the parochiall Church of Hunton, neere Maidstone in Kent.
Higgons, Theophilus, 1578?-1659.
STC 13455; ESTC S118140
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Believers mortification of sin by the Holy Spirit, or, Gospel-holiness advanced by the power of the Holy Ghost on the hearts of the faithful to which is added the authors three last sermons, on Gen. 3.15 / by the learned and pious Alexander Carmichael ... ; published by his own copy.
Carmichael, Alexander, d. 1676.
Wing C600; ESTC R35466
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A shorte declaration of the mistery of iniquity
Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616?
STC 13056; ESTC S4697
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An exposition, or, A short, but full, plaine, and perfect epitome of the most choice commentaries upon the Revelation of Saint John. Especially of the most learned and judicious authors, as Bullinger of Helvetia, Francis Iunius, Thomas Brightman, Aug. Marlorate, Aug. de Civitate dei, but especially (among many) the excellent and learned David Pareus. With severall remarkable notes, observations, and doctrines very profitable. / As it was for the most part delivered by way of commentary in the parish-church of Sutton-Valence, Kanc [sic]. By Hezekiah Holland Anglo-hibernus, Minister of the Gospell at Sutton-Valence.
Holland, Hezekiah, fl. 1638-1661.
Wing H2426; Thomason E606_1; ESTC R5543
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The powring out of the seven vials: or An exposition, of the 16. chapter of the Revelation, with an application of it to our times. Wherein is revealed Gods powring out the full vials of his fierce wrath. 1. Upon the lowest and basest sort of Catholicks. 2. Their worship and religion. 3. Their priests and ministers. 4. The house of Austria, and the Popes supremacy. 5. Episcopall government. 6. Their Euphrates, or the streame of their supportments. 7. Their grosse ignorance, and blind superstitions. Very fit and necessary for this present age. Preached iu [sic] sundry sermons at Boston in New-England: by the learned and reverend Iohn Cotton BB. of Divinity, and teacher to the church there
Cotton, John, 1584-1652.
Wing C6449; Thomason E145_1; ESTC R22938
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The mystery of the two witnesses unvailed Wherein wee have a description of their persons time acts death and office. manner of prophecie. sufferings. resurrection. With the consequences that follow. Together with the seaventh trumpet, and the kingdome of Christ explained. by John Robotham, preacher of the Gospel in Dover.
Robotham, John, fl. 1654.
Wing R1732; Thomason E1469_3; ESTC R208689
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Jus regiminis, being a justification of defensive arms in general and consequently, of our revolutions and transactions to be the just right of the kingdom.
Denton, William, 1605-1691.
Wing D1067; ESTC R2231
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The first and second part of A seasonable, legal, and historicall vindication and chronological collection of the good old fundamentall liberties, franchises, rights, laws of all English freemen ... wherein is irrefragably evinced by Parliamentary records, proofs, presidents, that we have such fundamentall liberties, franchises, rights, laws ... : collected, recommended to the whole English nation, as the best legacy he can leave them / by William Prynne of Swainswick, Esquire.; Seasonable, legal, and historical vindication of the good old fundamental liberties, franchises, rights, properties, laws, government of all English freemen. Part 1-2
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P3954; ESTC R19429
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Pasquine in a traunce a Christian and learned dialogue (contayning wonderfull and most strange newes out of heauen, purgatorie, and hell) wherein besydes Christes truth playnely set forth, ye shall also finde a numbre of pleasaunt hystories, discouering all the crafty conueyaunces of Antechrist. Whereunto are added certayne questions then put forth by Pasquine, to haue bene disputed in the Councell of Trent. Turned but lately out of the Italian into this tongue, by W.P. Seene allowed [sic] according to the order appointed in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.; Pasquillus ecstaticus. English
Curione, Celio Secondo, 1503-1569.; Page, William, fl. 1566.; Painter, William, 1540?-1594, attributed name.; Phiston, William, attributed name.
STC 6130; ESTC S109155
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The fall of Babylon, or, Seasonable reflections on the novelties of Rome with the rise, growth, and final overthrow of Antichrist now at hand, occasioned by the preface to a treatise called Nubes testium, or, A collection of primitive fathers giving testimony to the faith once delivered to the saints, being (as the author stileth it) a full discovery of the sentiments of the ancient fathers in the chief points of controversy at present under debate : written upon the first coming forth of the said treatise (but not permitted to be then made publick) for the benefit of all who abominate the corruptions of the great whore and would not be partakers of her sins of plagues / by B.W.
Woodroffe, Benjamin, 1638-1711.
Wing W3467; ESTC R27594
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Sacræ heptades, or Seaven problems concerning Antichrist 1. of his place. 2. Of his state. 3. Of his names. 4. Of his rising. 5. Of his raigne. 6. Of his words and actions. 7. Of his times. Necessarie to be read and knowne of all men, who professe Christ Iesus, and hope to be saved by no other name. By G.S.
Salteren, George.; Sandys, George, 1578-1644, attributed name.
STC 21492; ESTC S116309
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A defence of the people of England by John Milton ; in answer to Salmasius's Defence of the king.; Pro populo Anglicano defensio. English
Milton, John, 1608-1674.; Washington, Joseph, d. 1694.
Wing M2104; ESTC R9447
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The mystery of the temple and city described in the nine last chapters of Ezekiel unfolded ... by William Alleine ...
Alleine, William, 1614-1677.
Wing A1077; ESTC R28209
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The ruine of Rome: or An exposition vpon the whole Reuelation Wherein is plainly shewed and proued, that the popish religion, together with all the power and authoritie of Rome, shall ebbe and decay still more and more throughout all the churches of Europe, and come to an vtter ouerthrow euen in this life before the end of the world. Written especially for the comfort of Protestants, and the daunting of papists, seminary priests, Iesuites, and all that cursed rabble. Published by Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex.
Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.; Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631.
STC 6640; ESTC S117456
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A new systeme of the Apocalypse, or, Plain and methodical illustrations of all the visions in the Revelation of St. Iohn written by a French minister in the year 1685. and finisht but two days before the dragoons plunderd him of all, except this treatise ; to which is added, this author's Defence of his illustrations, concerning the non-effusion of the vials, in answer to Mr. Jurieu ; faithfully Englished.
French minister.
Wing N780; ESTC R40048
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Knovvledge of the times or, the resolution of the question, how long it shall be unto the end of wonders. By John Tillinghast, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Tillinghast, John, 1604-1655.
Wing T1179; Thomason E1467_1; ESTC R203797
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The ruine of Rome, or, An exposition upon the whole Revelation wherein is plainly shewed and proved that the popish religion, together with all the power and authority of Rome, shall ebbe and decay ... written especially for the comfort of Protestants and the danting of papists ... / published by Authur Dent ; to which is added an epitome of Reverend Mr. Brightman his Exposition upon the Revelation.
Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.; Brightman, Thomas, 1562-1607. Exposition upon the Revelation.
Wing D1057; ESTC R29350
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