Selected quad for the lemma: parliament_n

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parliament_n house_n lord_n vote_n 4,982 5 10.2884 5 true
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Showing 1 to 100 of 579
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A83465 Die Martis 26. April. 1641. Resolved upon the question. That Sir John Hotham ... hath done nothing but in obedience to the command of both houses of Parliament ... England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing E2270; ESTC R210462 311 1 View Text
A38341 Whereas the House was this day informed that some person or persons have printed and published some things that have been agitated before the Lords in Parliament, without any order of the House, in a presumptuous manner, and contrary to all usage in former times it is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that no person or persons hereafter shall presume to print or publish any act, ordinance, order, vote ... belonging to this House, without order from the same ... England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1660 (1660) Wing E2868; ESTC R36459 323 1 View Text
A93306 Six new queries Thomason, George, d. 1666, attributed name. 1659 (1659) Wing S3916; Thomason 669.f.22[41]; ESTC R211412 500 1 View Text
B09098 Die Saturni 31 Iulii 1647 we your Majesties loyall subjects, the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England, have agreed upon these following votes ... : whereas the King hath beene seized upon, and carried away from Holdenby without his consent ... the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled doe desire, that his Majestie will be pleased ... to come to such place as both Houses of Parliament shall appoint ... and they doe declare ... that they with the commissioners of the kingdome of Scotland, will take their addresses unto His Majestie for a safe and well grounded peace ... England and Wales. Parliament.; Browne, John, ca. 1608-1691. 1647 (1647) Wing E2464; ESTC R234124 519 1 View Text
A94613 To the right honourable the House of Peers, now assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of Knights, gentlemen, freeholders, and others inhabitants of the county of Kent. 1641 (1641) Wing T1627; Thomason 669.f.4[58]; ESTC R210278 595 1 View Text
A83918 Monday, June 18. 1660. Two votes concerning the King, and Queenes houses and lands. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1660 (1660) Wing E2855; Thomason 669.f.25[46]; ESTC R212432 601 1 View Text
A82623 A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Die Veneris, 15. Decemb. 1648. England and Wales. Parliament. 1648 (1648) Wing E1353; Thomason 669.f.13[56]; ESTC R211101 603 1 View Text
A83919 Monday, June 18. 1660 Two votes concerning the King, and Queenes houses and lands.; Proceedings. 1660-06-18. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1660 (1660) Wing E2855; Thomason 669.f.25[46]; ESTC R212432 623 1 View Text
A62806 To the Right Honourable the House of Peers assembled in Parliament, the humble petition of the knights, gentlemen, ministers, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the county of Kent England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1641 (1641) Wing T1633; ESTC R11645 638 1 View Text
A83860 Votes. Die Martis. 12. July. 1642. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1642 (1642) Wing E2756; Thomason 669.f.5[57]; ESTC R26122 675 1 View Text
A38170 Votes die Martis 12 July, 1642. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1642 (1642) Wing E2443; ESTC R26122 675 1 View Text
A38078 Questions resolved upon by both houses of Parliament with an order for the speedy rigging of the Navy, for the defence of the kingdom. England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing E2213; ESTC R36409 821 1 View Text
A82771 Divers questions upon His Majesties last answer, concerning the militia, resolved upon by both Houses of Parliament. England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing E1528A; ESTC R34990 834 1 View Text
A36162 Divers questions upon His Majesties last answer, concerning the militia, resolved upon by both Houses of Parliament. England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing D1710; ESTC R34990 834 1 View Text
A32314 His Majestie's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, the eighteenth day of January, 1666 England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1666 (1666) Wing C3140; ESTC R19 879 6 View Text
A38126 Severall votes resolved upon by both houses of Parliament concerning the securing of the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales England and Wales. 1641 (1641) Wing E2307; ESTC R42010 908 1 View Text
A83602 The votes of the Parliament die Iovis xij Maij 1642. England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing E2458; Thomason 669.f.5[21]; ESTC R210533 940 1 View Text
A90556 The Petition and protestation of twelve bishops for which they were accused of high treason by the House of Commons and committed by the Lords to the Blacke Rod. England and Wales. Parliament. 1641 (1641) Wing P1739; ESTC R181705 941 1 View Text
A83891 The humble address of the right honourablehe [sic] Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty the seventh day of March, 1694 An His Majesties gracious answer thereunto.; Proceedings. 1695-03-07 England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1695 (1695) Wing E2801C; ESTC R232052 954 4 View Text
A37882 Order from the High Court of Parliament for the voting of the new bill of subsidies by the Lords House with the Earle of Bristols speech at a conference with both Houses concerning the gathering of money for the souldiers. England and Wales. Parliament.; Bristol, John Digby, Earl of, 1580-1654. Earle of Bristols speech at a conference with both Houses. 1641 (1641) Wing E1758; ESTC R27335 1,029 8 View Text
A94507 To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and the Lords and Peeres now assembled in Parliament. The humble petition and protestation of all the bishops and prelates now called by his Majesties writts to attend the Parliament, and present about London and Westminster, for that service. 1642 (1642) Wing T1496C; Thomason 669.f.3[27]; ESTC R33291 1,088 1 View Text
A33072 To the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the lords and peeres now assembled Parliament the humble petition and protestation of all the bishops and prelates now called by His Majesties writts to attend the Parliament, and present about London and Westminster, for that service. Church of England. 1642 (1642) Wing C4190C; ESTC R33291 1,089 1 View Text
A34515 A copy of the presentment and indictment found and exhibited by the Grand-Jury of Middlesex in the Upper Bench at Westminster, on the last day of Killary term, 1659 : against Collonel Matthew Alured, Collonel John Okey, (the Captains of the Gards) and Edmond Cooper (one of the door keepers) for assaulting and keeping Sir Gilbert Gerrard Baronet, one of the knights of the shire for their county, by force and arms out of the Commons House of Parliament, on the 27 [th] day of December last, when 21 members more were in like sort secluded and kept out of the House by them, which will serve as a president for other counties, and secluders of other members. Alured, Matthew.; Okey, John, d. 1662.; Cooper, Edmond.; Westminster (Middlesex). Grand Jury. 1660 (1660) Wing C6219; ESTC R36049 1,103 1 View Text
B02037 Charles R. To our trustie and welbeloved, the Lord Major, aldermen, and sheriffes of our city of London. Given at our court at York the 14 day of June, in the 11 yeer of our reign. 1642. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1642 (1642) Wing C2833; ESTC R171197 1,141 1 View Text
A79128 Charles R. To our trustie and welbeloved, the Lord Major, aldermen, and sheriffs of our City of London. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1642 (1642) Wing C2832; Thomason 669.f.3[29]; ESTC R209725 1,168 1 View Text
A84767 A letter from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, in answer to the petition of the eleven members, and the votes of the House, for bringing in a particular charge against them. An order by His Excellency, for appointing a committee of the army to hold a treaty with the commissioners of Parliament. And a proclamation by His Excellency, forbidding any abuse or obstruction to the levying the excize or other assessments. By the appointment of his Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, and the Councel of war. Wickam, July 1. 1647. Signed John Rushworth. Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671.; England and Wales. Army. Council. 1647 (1647) Wing F174; Thomason E396_23; ESTC R201659 1,436 7 View Text
A82175 The Declaration of the knights, gentry, and trained bands of the couuty [sic] of Kent, presented to the honourable House of Commons. Wherein they declare their resolution to march against the Kings army with all the power and strength they can raise, and to rescue His Majesty out of the cavaleers hands. Likewise the answer of the House of Parliament to the said declaration and propositions. December 22. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in parliament, that this declaration and answer be printed and published. Hen. Elsyng Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing D698; Thomason E83_6; ESTC R19159 1,462 8 View Text
A89459 Reasons delivered by the Right Honourable the Earle of Manchester: for nulling the forc'd votes, and against the high and visible insolencies of those that forced the Houses. With a declaration of the House of Peeres acquitting themselves and other papers delivered at a conference of both Houses, on Wednesday, August 18. 1647. Also an ordinance of both houses of Parliament, appointing a secret committee for the sending for, and examining of parties and witnesses. Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1647 (1647) Wing M393; Thomason E403_2; ESTC R200386 1,503 8 View Text
A83395 Propositions agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament to be sent to the Kings Majestie for peace and for setling of the church and kingdome, that His Majesty may come to London, and sit with his Parliament. With the copy of a letter from his Majesties court at Hampton Court. England and Wales. Parliament.; Corbet, William. 1647 (1647) Wing E2201; Thomason E404_36; ESTC R201868 1,532 8 View Text
A94617 To the right honorable the house of peeres now assembled in Parliament The humble petition of the knights, gentlemen, freeholders and other inhabitants of the county of Oxford. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1642 (1642) Wing T1635; Thomason 669.f.4[65]; ESTC R210282 1,623 1 View Text
A95468 Two petitions of the Lord Major, aldermen, and commons of the City of London, in Common-Councell assembled: to the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled: which petition was presented to both houses, July 18. 1648. With the answer of the Lords. City of London (England). Court of Common Council.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1648 (1648) Wing T3513; Thomason E453_6; ESTC R203855 1,655 7 View Text
A89463 The speech of the right honourable Edward, Earl of Manchester, Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties houshold delivered at the Guild-Hall, London, on Thursday, being the first day of December, 1664. at a common hall there held : where were also present ... members of the honourable Houses of Parliament. Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671. 1664 (1664) Wing M398A; ESTC R42584 1,660 8 View Text
A25950 Articles of treason exhibitted in Parliament against Edward, Earl of Clarendon 1667 (1667) Wing A3878; ESTC R225657 1,733 1 View Text
A93045 The Kings Majesties most gracious message to the Parliament by Sir Peter Killegrew. Sent from the commissioners with His Majestie at Newmarket, about His Majesties being at Richmond, and coming to his Parliament at Westminster, for setling of the kingdome in a safe and well grounded peace. His Majesty to come on Thursday next. And His Majesties resolution for passing such acts as shall tend to the peace of the kingdome. Sharpe, W.; Killigrew, Peter, Sir, 1593 or 4-1668.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1647 (1647) Wing S3008; Thomason E393_24; ESTC R201605 1,804 8 View Text
A82546 Articles of impeachment exhibited in Parliament, against Spencer Earle of Northamp William Earle of Devonsh. Henry Earle of Dover, Henry Earle of Monmouth, Robert Lord Rich, Charles Lord Howard Charlton, Charles L. Grey of Ruthen Thomas Lord Coventry, Arthur Lord Chapell, &c. For severall high crimes and misdemeanors. Whereunto is annexed, the grounds of the proceedings of the Parliament from the beginning to this present, with the hinderances of their proceedings and causes of these distractions. Together with the severall meanes which they have used to prevent intestine warre, and to hinder the malignant designes of the enemies of the peace of the kingdome. Likewise ordered to be printed. Jo. Browne Cler. Parl. Northampton, Spencer Compton, Earl of, 1601-1643.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing E1234; Thomason E153_9; ESTC R20771 1,833 8 View Text
A82580 A declaration and narrative of the proceedings of the Parliament of England, touching the message and Letters of Credence, sent from the Estates General of the United Provinces; and presented to the Parliament by the Lord Ambassador Cats; with his Lordships speech delivered at the same time; and a translate of the States message into English; presented to Mr. Speaker by the Lord Ambassador Schaep; and read in the House: with the Parliaments answer, declaration, votes, and order, concerning the same. Published by authority. 1651 (1651) Wing E1296; Thomason E651_8; ESTC R205844 1,862 8 View Text
A38164 Two speeches made by the speakers of both Houses of Parliament to His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax Generall after the Army had guarded the members to sit in safety on Friday the 6 day of August 1647 : and, an ordinance of both Houses of Parliament making His Excellency constable in the Tower of London and giving him power to make a lieutenant ... : also, an order of both Houses appointing a committee to examine the mutiny on Munday seven night ... : and a thanksgiving appointed to be kept on Thursday August 12, 1647. England and Wales. Parliament.; Lenthall, William, 1591-1662.; Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671. 1647 (1647) Wing E2430; ESTC R27368 1,878 8 View Text
A51796 The manner of the impeachment of the XII bishops accused of high treason for prefering a petition, and making a protestation to the subverting the fundamentall laws and being of Parliaments whereunto is added the said petition and remonstrance of the said bishops. Williams, John, 1582-1650. 1642 (1642) Wing M474; ESTC R7149 1,943 8 View Text
A93335 A copy of a letter from the Generals Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax his quarrers [sic]; concerning the armies not disbanding; the votes of the Councell of War, and the proceedings of the committees of the souldiers. With the answer to the Parliame[n]ts message of sending for the monies [b]ack again: and the proceedings of the Committee of Lords and Commons, with the army. Smart, Roger. 1647 (1647) Wing S4015; Thomason E390_20; ESTC R201539 1,943 10 View Text
A83663 The debates of the House of Commons assembled in Parliament, touching His Majesties concessions and answers upon the treaty. With their votes concerning their instructions given to Col. Hamond Governour of the Isle of Wight, for security of his Majesties person: as also a letter of the commons to the Lord General Fairfax, acquainting him with the contradiction of his orders to Col Ewers, to their instructions and resolutions. Together with His Majesties last speech to the Lords-Commissioners at their departure from the Isle of Wight. / Published by authority. 1648 (1648) Wing E2547; Thomason E475_21; ESTC R205403 1,955 7 View Text
A83651 A breif [sic] collection, of some forgotten votes of the Commons alone of the Lords and Commons joyntly, and ordinances of both Houses, reprinted to refresh their memories, and prevent all dishonourable and unjust actions, repugnant to all, or any of them. England and Wales. Parliament.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1647 (1647) Wing E2533B; Thomason 669.f.11[106]; ESTC R210728 2,006 1 View Text
A84746 The foure petitions of Huntington Shire, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. Ioyntly concerning the libertie of the subiects, to the honourable Assembly of the High Court of Parliament. Vnanimously concurring to the rootiug [sic] out of papists, and their religion from our kingdome; and the removing of the popish lords, and bishops from their votes in the House of Peeres: and that there may be a speedy reformation of religion in our church, according to the word of God. The petition of Huntington-shire, particularly containing the behalfe of the Lord Kimbolton. 1642 (1642) Wing F1664; Thomason E132_20; ESTC R212758 2,054 7 View Text
A84753 Foure true and considerable positions for the sitting members the new court of justice, and new judges, sheriffs, officers, lawyers, iustices, and others to ruminate upon. 1649 (1649) Wing F1673; Thomason 669.f.13[90]; ESTC R211243 2,069 1 View Text
B04462 The manner of the impeachment of the 12 bishops, accused of high treason. For preferring a petition and making a protestation to the subverting of the fundamentall lawes, and being of parliaments. Whereunto is added the said petition and remonstrance of the saids bishops. 1641 (1641) Wing M475; ESTC R180288 2,080 16 View Text
A57702 Mr. Rowse his speech made in the lower House of Parliament the thirtieth of December, 1641 in opposition of the making of Doctor Winniff, Doctor Holsworth, Doctor King, bishops, lately elected by His Majesty, till a setled government in religion be established in this kingdome.; Speech made in the Lower House of Parliament the thirtieth of December 1641, in opposition of the making of Doctor Winniff, Doctor Holsworth, Doctor King bishops Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. 1642 (1642) Wing R2029; ESTC R13048 2,123 8 View Text
A59785 Master St. John his speech in Parliament on Munday the 17th of January concerning the charge of treason then exhibited to the bishops, formerly accused by the House of Commons, Anno Domini, 1641.; Speech in Parliament on Munday January the 17th An. Dom. 1641 St. John, Oliver, 1598?-1673. 1641 (1641) Wing S326; ESTC R16581 2,142 7 View Text
A25852 An Account of the proceedings to judgment against the Charter of the City of London, as it was given in Court of Kings Bench, the 12th of this instant June, Anno Dom. 1683 1683 (1683) Wing A373; ESTC R9579 2,314 2 View Text
A37937 Edward Litleton, Lord keeper of the great seal of England and Lord Speaker in the House of Peeres escape from the Parliament and his flight to the King now resident at York also Sir Thomas Gardiner the recorder of London's letter to His Majestie : with the Parliament's message to the Lord Savill, the Lord Seymor, and the Lord Rich, &c who attend His Majesty at York and their deniall to come to the House of Peeres : and lastly, the votes of the House of Commons passing upon the said lords. Gardiner, Thomas, Sir, 1591-1652.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing E188; ESTC R4875 2,412 7 View Text
A44155 A Worthy speech spoken at the Guild Hall by the Earle of Holland with the resolution of the Earle of Pembroke, Earle of Northumberland, ... : also some passages concerning His Maiesties letter to the lord major touching the carrying in of plate into Guild Hall ... Holland, Henry Rich, Earl of, 1590-1649.; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1642 (1642) Wing H2423; ESTC R40998 2,435 10 View Text
A85907 The general resolution of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland, concerning, His Royall Majesty, the prince, and the evill incendiaries which are now about them. As it was concluded on by the Lords and Councell of both kingdomes. Also His Majesties oath and protestation at Yorke, together with the Lords also, Iune 19. Likewise three propositions concerning the militia, declaring the reasons why it doth belong to the Parliament for the ordering of the same. With the votes and resolution of both Houses of Parliament, concerning His Majesties last writ. Together with the severall reasons to prove that every man is bound to uphold the Parliament against all opposers whatsoever. Ordered by the Lords and Commons that these particulars aforementioned be printed and published throughout the kingdome. Iohn Brown Cler. parl. H. Elsing Cler. parl. England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing G509; Thomason E152_9; ESTC R20584 2,441 8 View Text
A88331 Colonell John Lambert's speech at the Council of State, or The Lord President's report unto the Parliament, of the discourse of Colonell John Lambert before the Council. 1660 (1660) Wing L243; Thomason E1017_27; ESTC R208042 2,474 8 View Text
A87412 Joyfull nevves from the Kings Majesty, and the Prince of Wales, to all loyall subjects within the realm of England, and principality of VVales. With His Majesties desires and proposals to both Houses, concerning all his liege people whatsoever. Signed, Charles R. Also, Colonell Hammonds letter to the Parliament, concerning His Majesties royal person. And the proceedings of the Prince at sea, his sayling towards the north, and his design touching the Earl of VVarwick. Likewise, the proceedings of Lieut. Gen. Cromwel, and Gen. Monro in the north, and Monroes declaraaion [sic] to his army. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Hammond, Robert, 1621-1654.; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1648 (1648) Wing J1148; Thomason E462_5; ESTC R202630 2,512 8 View Text
A40070 Alderman Fowke's speech at the delivery of a petition from the Lord Mayor, aldermen and commons in Common Councill assembled to the Parliament of England concerning their militia and the Parliaments answer thereunto. Fowke, John, d. 1662. 1659 (1659) Wing F1690; ESTC R29856 2,525 10 View Text
A91402 Mr. Pym, his speech. On Tuesday the 8th of February, to the Lords, at a conferrence of both Houses, concerning the petition of the knights and gentry of the county of Kent. Delivered to the Lords, February the ninth, Anno Domini, 1642. Pym, John, 1584-1643. 1642 (1642) Wing P4292; Thomason E200_26; ESTC R11631 2,533 9 View Text
A91412 A worthy speech made by Master Pym, to the Lords on Fryday the thirty one of December concerning an information against the Lord Digby. Wherein is discovered the dangerous effects of the said information, if not suddenly prevented, against the royall power prerogative of the King, and priviledges of Parliament. In the free votes and proceedings thereof. Pym, John, 1584-1643. 1642 (1642) Wing P4304; Thomason E199_49; ESTC R212645 2,561 8 View Text
A48113 A Letter of a Jesuit of Liege concerning the method of establishing the Catholik religion in the kingdom of England. 1687 (1687) Wing L1563A; ESTC R43395 2,615 5 View Text
A91166 A counterplea to the cowards apologie, manifesting by an ancient record and law; the unlawfullnesse of passing any vote or iudgement against law, or conscience, for feare of death, danger, or any forfeiture, in any court, counsell or iudicature, especially in the Houses of Parliament. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1647 (1647) Wing P3932; Thomason E400_3; ESTC R201738 2,616 4 View Text
A83482 Severall orders and votes of both Houses of Parliament: made on Friday and Saturday last, for the bringing of the Kings Majesty to some of his houses neer London, to receive propositions from both kingdomes, for peace. And for the safety and security of the King, Parliament, city, and kingdome. With the copies of the letters from Sir Tho. Fairfax, to the Parliament, and the city. And a list of the names of the Committee of Safety. England and Wales. Parliament.; Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671. 1647 (1647) Wing E2290; Thomason E400_34; ESTC R201764 2,722 8 View Text
A85718 Mr. Grimston his speech, at the committee sitting in Guildhall on Thursday the 6. of Ianuary 1641. Concerning the breaches of the priviledges of Parliament; by breaking open the chambers, studies, and trunks of the Lord Kimbolton, and the rest of the members of the House of Commons, accused by His Majesty of high treason. Whereupon, the same day there was a declaration agreed upon, and published, for the preservation of their priviledges, and protection of their members from the like violence in time to come. Grimston, Harbottle, Sir, 1603-1685. 1642 (1642) Wing G2033; Thomason E200_5; ESTC R14996 2,725 8 View Text
A81039 Cromwell's recall. Or, The petition of the zealous fraternity, convented iniquity, at the house of John Goodwin arch-flamin of England, to the supreme authority of this nation, the House of Common-Traytors assembled in Parliament. With a declaration of the said House, for the recall of Cromwell from his dangerous expedition to sit with them and vote that which he dare not doe, July the 30. 1649. Together with Cromwell's description. It is ordered, that this declaration and the petition of our loving and seditious brethren be forthwith printed. Hen Scobel, Cler. de Com. / Written by Alethophilus Bæsiluphilus Britannophilus. Britannophilus, Alethophilus Baesiluphilus. 1649 (1649) Wing C7195; Thomason E566_22; ESTC R11901 2,756 8 View Text
A78696 The Kings Majesties declaration concerning the High and Honourable Court of Parliament; together with his protestation, for a firme settlement of the true Protestant religion, the law, peace, and prosperity of this kingdome. As also, two letters from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax to the Right Honourable William Lenthal Esquire, Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671.; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1647 (1647) Wing C2194; Thomason E405_25; ESTC R201899 2,818 8 View Text
A83499 The substance of a conference at a committee of both Houses, in the painted chamber, October 27. 1641. Managed by Iohn Pim Esquier, and Oliver Saint-Iohn His Majesties sollicitor generall, on the behalfe, and by the command of the House of Commons. Concerning the excluding the thirteene Bishops, impeached by the Commons of England (for making and execution of the new canons) from all votes in Parliament, and for the excluding of all the rest of the Bishops, from their vote in the bill lately sent up to the Lords to take away the Bishops votes in Parliament. England and Wales. Parliament.; Pym, John, 1584-1643.; St. John, Oliver, 1598?-1673. 1641 (1641) Wing E2316; Thomason E173_16; ESTC R17726 2,851 8 View Text
A78932 His Majesties most gracious declaration from the Isle of Wyght, concerning the setling of a generall peace, the safety fo his person, his engagements with the Army, and for free entercourse between himself and the Parliament. And Col. Hammonds letter sent to the Parliament, concerning Mr. Ashburnham, and the rest of the gentlemen attending His Majesty, that were sent for to be brought up prisoners. With his desires to both Houses of Parliament, concerning the Kings Majesty. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Hammond, Robert, 1621-1654. 1647 (1647) Wing C2506; Thomason E416_33; ESTC R204507 2,854 8 View Text
A65914 The speech of Bulstrode Whitelocke esquire to the right honourable the Lords, at a conference of both Houses on Thursday the seventeenth of February last concerning the propositions then made by divers gentlemen, citizens and others, for the speedy reducing of the Kingdom of Ireland. Whitlocke, Bulstrode, 1605-1675 or 6. 1642 (1642) Wing W1992; ESTC R13284 2,866 9 View Text
A66368 An abstract of those answers which were given in the assembly of the Lords in the high court of Parliament unto the nine reasons, sent up from the Hovse of Commons, against the voting of bishops in Parliament. Williams, John, 1582-1650. 1641 (1641) Wing W2677; ESTC R38940 2,885 10 View Text
A65911 The message from the Hovse of Commons to the Lords by Bulstrode Whitlocke and presented to Their Lordships by him. Whereunto is added His Maiesties most gracious answer to their message, February 22, 1642. Whitlocke, Bulstrode, 1605-1675 or 6.; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1642 (1642) Wing W1987; ESTC R26357 2,894 10 View Text
A71254 An abstract of those ansvvers which were given in the assembly of the Lords in the high court of Parliament unto the nine reasons sent up from the House of Commons against the voting of bishops in Parliament. Williams, John, 1582-1650. 1641 (1641) Wing W2676; ESTC R1464 2,896 9 View Text
A76984 VVhat kinde of Parliament vvill please the King; and hovv vvell he is affected to this present Parliament· Gathered out of his owne papers, by A.J.B. A. J. B.; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1642 (1642) Wing B35; Thomason E155_12; ESTC R13834 2,951 7 View Text
A82201 A declaration of the northern counties. Shewing their dilligent care, and willingnesse to oppose all forces that shall endeavour to enter into this Kingdome against the Parliament and Generall. Also, the effect of the Generals letter to Collonel Hammond Governour of the Isle of Wight. Together, with his Majesties desires to both Houses of Parliament, for the setling of a firme and well-grounded peace, within his three Kindgdomes [sic]. Novemb. 26. Imprimatur Gilb. Mabbot. Hammond, Robert, 1621-1654.; Soaresby, Rich. 1647 (1647) Wing D726; Thomason E417_10; ESTC R204532 2,987 8 View Text
A78246 The case of the dean and chapter of Bangor, about Llanddinam. 1695 (1695) Wing C1060A; ESTC R176557 2,993 1 View Text
A86147 The heads of the great charge, presented to the Honourable House of Commons, against the eleven impeached members, by Colonel Scroope. Colonel Okey. Colonel Hewson. Colonel Pride. Lievt. Col. Bowen. Lievt. Col. Goffe Major Raynbow. Capt. Berry. Capt. Clarke. Capt. Carter. Capt Roase. Master Sexby Master Gettings. As also, certain papers from the army, setting forth the gallant proceedings of the commissioners, in their present treaty at Wickham. England and Wales. Army. 1647 (1647) Wing H1295; Thomason E397_11; ESTC R201668 3,063 8 View Text
A95465 The two petitions of the knights, gentlemen, and free-holders of the county of Oxon together with the two petitions of the knights, gentlemen, ministers, free-holders, and other inhabitants of the county of Kent, as they were presented to both Houses of parliament on the eighth, and ninth of February. Oxfordshire (England); Kent (England) 1642 (1642) Wing T3509; ESTC R201117 3,125 8 View Text
A63660 A True relation of certaine passages which Captaine Basset brought from the west parts of Cornewall concerning some shippes which came from Bilbo in Spaine to goe to Ireland, but were driven into an iland called St. Ives, by reason of tempestuous weather : wherein was found great store of popish reliques, beside friers, priests, and Jesuites : there was also a ship which came from France to goe to Ireland, wherein was found divers commanders, and officers who are ordered by the Parliament to come up to London with a strong guard : likewise, three ships which are in Dunkerke laden with ammunition and men for Ireland : as also, severall propositions made by the citie of London, for the raising of a million of money for the speedy subduing of the rebels in Ireland, twenty members of the House of Commons having subscribed already for 20,000 pounds. 1642 (1642) Wing T2900; ESTC R18912 3,163 10 View Text
A78687 His Majesties declaration and message, to the Marquis of Ormond, in the Kingdom of Ireland, concerning the Parliament of England, assembled at Westminster, and the Army under the command of the L.G. Fairfax. With a dangerous declaration and protestation of the said Marquis, to the Kings most sacred Majesty and all other his loyall and liege people whatsoever, and his articles, proposalls, and resolution thereupon, to defend his dread Soveraign. Signed, Ormond. Likewise, a new message from his Excellency, the Lord Gen. Fairfax, to the Lord Major, aldermen, and Commons Councell of the City of London, on Wednesday night last, and their results and proceedings thereupon. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671. 1648 (1648) Wing C2180; Thomason E475_28; ESTC R205421 3,182 8 View Text
A88906 The declaration of Major Generall Massey. And eighty other English officers and commanders ingaged with the kingdom of Scotland, in behalf of their Presbyterian brethren, in England, Ireland, and the principallitie of Wales. Declaring the grounds and reasons moving them to take up arms in the kingdom of Scotland; admonishing all conscientious Presbyterians not to apostize from their first principles, nor adhere, engage, or take up arms with the rebells at Westminster. Dated at Orkney Island, March 29. 1650. Massey, Edward, Sir, 1619?-1674? 1650 (1650) Wing M1034; Thomason E597_4; ESTC R206290 3,195 7 View Text
A34486 The copy of a letter sent from Dvblin, dated the 11th of April, to a marchant that lives in Marke Lane with the true relation of the happie proceedings of the Scotch-men in Ireland against the rebells : as also the severall votes and resolutions of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the Kings last message : with an order from both Houses of Parliament concerning church-government, April 9th, 1642. Elger, Christopher.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing C6143; ESTC R8594 3,229 10 View Text
A90347 A true inventory of the goods and chattels of superstition. Late of the parish of ignorance, in the county of blind-devotion, and in the kingdome of idolatry, deceased: taken and apprised, in this nineteenth of February Anno Domini 1642. As also, a relation of the Popes being in a swoun, at the newes of the abolishment of superstition in the kingdome of England. In the clymactericall yeere of the bishops, Anno Dom. 1642. By R.P. R. P. 1642 (1642) Wing P103; Thomason E135_3; ESTC R3797 3,315 11 View Text
A31863 His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects, after his late victory against the rebells on Sunday the 23 of October. 1642 England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1642 (1642) Wing C2222; ESTC R13181 3,380 11 View Text
A94833 The triall and examination of the Lord Major of London on Munday last, being the second of this instant Aprill, 1649. at the Bar of the House of Commons with His Lordships speech, concerning the Kingly office; and the censure, resolution, and votes of the Parliament, touching his contempt, their fining of him His body to be committed prisoner to the Tower of London, and to be degraded of Mayoralty. Also, the Princes message and proposals to the Parliament of Scotland, in answer to the letter sent by their commissioners; and the resolution of the estates at Edenburgh, concerning his Highnesse, to be sent to the Parliament of England. Likewise the proclaiming of a new Act, the rising of 5000 gourdons in the North, and their surrounding of Lieut. Gen. Lesley, and the Parliaments forces, and declaring for Charles the second. Reynardson, Abraham, Sir, 1590-1661. 1649 (1649) Wing T2168; Thomason E549_4; ESTC R205617 3,428 8 View Text
A95452 Tvvo petitions from the agents to ten regiments of horse and foot and of the life-guard, under the conduct of his Excellencie Sir Thomas Fairfax; to the supreame authority of this nation, the Commons assembled in Parliament: in behalfe of themselves and all other the free-born people of England. Presented in their names by the Lord Grey an honest member of the House of Commons together with an agreement of the people grounded upon the principles of common right and freedome, for the Parliaments concurrence thereunto. Also the votes of the House upon the said papers thereunto annexed. 1647 (1647) Wing T3496; ESTC R230049 3,468 12 View Text
A76273 The priviledges of the House of Commons in Parliament assembled. Wherein 'tis proved their power is equall with that of the House of Lords, if not greater, though the King joyn with the Lords. However it appears that both the houses have a power above the King, if he vote contrary to them. All which is proved by severall presidents taken out of Parliament rolls in the Tower· By P.B. Gentleman. P. B., Gentleman.; Bland, Peter, of Gray's Inne, attributed name. 1642 (1642) Wing B154; Thomason E83_39; ESTC R1046 3,492 9 View Text
A82907 A new declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, in answer to His Majesties letter to the lord major and the court of aldermen of the city of London, and concerning his declaration to the county of Yorke at Heyworth Moore by his last speciall summonds, Luna 20. day of Junæ, 1642. / Ordered by the Lords in Parliament that this declaration be forthwith printed and published, Joh: Brown cler. Parl. ; With a letter from the Lord Paget, lord lievtenant of the county of Buckingham, to the earle of Holland, shewing the readinesse of that county to obey the ordinance of Parliament touching the militia ; and the examination of the Lord Magwire, Colonell Read, cousin-germane to Tyrone, Capt. Mac Mallion, brother-in-law to Philomy O-neale, the relation being truly taken from their owne mouths word for word as followeth, before a committee of both houses in the court of wards on Munday the 21. of June, 1642. England and Wales. Parliament.; Paget, William Paget, Baron, 1609-1678.; Browne, John, ca. 1608-1691. 1642 (1642) Wing E1669; ESTC R171992 3,504 10 View Text
A59918 A true copy of a letter written from Sir W. Saintliger, Lord President of Munster, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland also, the votes of the Parliament, concerning Sir John Hotham. Saintliger, W. (William), Sir, d. 1642. 1642 (1642) Wing S338A; ESTC R13486 3,524 9 View Text
A91411 Mr: Pym his vindication in Parliament of the accusation of high treason, exhibited against him and the Lord Kimbolton, and the other foure members. As also the Kings Majesties replication to the Lords and Commons in Parliament. With a declaration by the Lords and Commons in Parliament. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. H. Elsin. Cler. Parl. D. Com. Pym, John, 1584-1643.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I). aut; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing P4303; Thomason E116_29; ESTC R19393 3,537 8 View Text
A84745 Foure matters of high concernment: viz. I. Divers questions upon his Majesties last answer concerning the militia, resolved upon by both Houses of Parliament. II. The humble petition of both Houses of Parliament, to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. III. His Majesties answer to the last message aud [sic] resolution of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the militia and the prince. IIII. The resolution of both Houses of Parliament, March 2. With an order for the speedy rigging of the navy, for the defence of the kingdome. England and Wales. Parliament.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I). 1642 (1642) Wing F1662; Thomason E137_5; ESTC R15773 3,545 8 View Text
A89460 Manchesters resolution against the Lord Strange. With the Parliaments endeavour and care for the prevention of such sad calamities that may ensue upon the nation, by their severall votes, resolved upon in the House of Peers, and in the House of Commons, for the securing the kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales. Iohn Brown Cler. Parliamen. Also a remarkable passage concerning his Majesties blocking up of Hull. Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing M394; Thomason E154_32; ESTC R212702 3,564 8 View Text
A40598 Severall letters sent from His Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax and the officers of the army, to the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and Commons of the city of London in Common-Councell assembled with their answer to the said letters. Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671.; England and Wales. Army.; City of London (England). Court of Common Council. 1647 (1647) Wing F233; ESTC R226450 3,592 12 View Text
A38171 Votes of both Houses of Parliament with sundry articles or acts of Parliament to confirm the same taken out of the records of the tower. England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing E2446_VARIANT; ESTC R172037 3,610 1 View Text
A86204 The Queens Majesties message and declaration to the Right Honourable the Peers of England, assembled in Parliament; concerning the Kings Majesty, and the army; presented by another embassadour from France the 9 of this instant. MDCXLIX. And the declaration of the House of Peeres concerning the King; with the proceedings of the Commons, and what government shall be established, a new Broad Seal to be erected, which is to have ingraven on the one side, the House of Commons; on the other, the arms of England & Ireland. With severall new proposals from the citizens of London, to the Common councell, concerning the tryal of the King. A declaration of the General Councel of the army, concerning Mr. Wil: Pryn, and the rest of the secluded members; and his excellencies declaration concerning the King, and all those who have assisted him. Subscribed, T. Fairfax. Published by authority. Henrietta Maria, Queen, consort of Charles I, King of England, 1609-1669. 1649 (1649) Wing H1462; Thomason E538_7; ESTC R206022 3,631 8 View Text
A49165 The Lord Craven's case The Lord Craven, by leave of Parliament granted in May, 1641. went beyond sea, to attend his charge in Holland, and returned not into any of these three nations till April 1659. ... 1660 (1660) Wing L3045C; ESTC R213939 3,636 4 View Text
A82895 A message of the Lords and Commons of the Parliament of England, assembled at Westminster, to his Majesty, now at his court, at Holmby-House; for a firme and well grounded peace in England, and prosecution of the affaires in Ireland. Die Jovis 1647. It is this day ordered, that this message for a firme and well grounded peace for England, and for the prosecution of the affaires in Ireland, be forthwith printed and published according to order of Parliament. England and Wales. Parliament. 1647 (1647) Wing E1656; Thomason E378_20; ESTC R201387 3,658 11 View Text
A39631 Five remarkable passages which have very lately happened betweene His Maiestie and the high court of Parliament ... Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; England and Wales. Parliament.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1642 (1642) Wing F1120; ESTC R22428 3,733 9 View Text
A38204 Articles of impeachment by the Commons assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves and all the commons in England against Sir Thomas Gardiner, recorder of the citie of London, for severall great crimes and misdemeanours committed by him : as also the votes concerning Generall Major Skipton : with an order for the disposing of the magazine of the counties of England and Wales. Gardiner, Thomas, Sir, 1591-1652.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1642 (1642) Wing E2524A; ESTC R8759 3,858 8 View Text
A76089 To the high court of Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The remonstrance and humble petition of Susanna Bastwick (the distressed widow of John Bastwick doctor in physick) and her children. Bastwick, Susanna. 1654 (1654) Wing B1073; Thomason 669.f.19[28]; ESTC R39865 4,064 1 View Text
A88085 Considerations by way of sober queries, whether the state and condition of the three nations have been, or may be bettered, or made far worse, by the sitting, and acting of the remnant of the Old Parliament, without a free and full assembly, chosen by the consent and election of the people, which are most concerned therein. / By Tho. Le White Esq; Le White, Thomas. 1660 (1660) Wing L1834; Thomason 669.f.23[53]; ESTC R211592 4,078 1 View Text
A82754 A declaration of the several proceedings of both Houses of Parliament, vvith those in the county of Kent now in arms against the authority of Parliament, manifesting their desires and endeavors for the avoiding of the effusion of blood. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration and proceedings concerning the business of Kent by printed and puiblished. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1648 (1648) Wing E1512; Thomason E446_1; ESTC R204810 4,087 16 View Text
A45019 The humble petition of the Commons of Kent agreed upon at their generall assizes : presented to His Majestie, August the first, 1642 : with certain instructions from the county of Kent to Mr. Augustine Skinner : whereby the desires of the said county may be presented by him to the Honourable House of Commons : with His Majesties answer to the aforesaid petition : at the Court of York, August 4 1642. Kent (England) 1642 (1642) Wing H3495A; ESTC R28930 4,338 12 View Text
A45018 The Humble petition of the commons of Kent, agreed upon at their generall assizes, presented to His Majestie the first of August, 1642 with certaine instructions from the county of Kent, to Mr. Augustine Skinner, whereby the desires of the said county may be presented by him to the honourable House of Commons : with His Majesties answer ... this fourth of August, 1642. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1642 (1642) Wing H3495; ESTC R18106 4,350 18 View Text
A45020 The Hvmble petition of the commons of Kent, agreed upon at their generall assizes presented to His Majestie the first of August, 1642 : with certaine instructions from the county of Kent to Mr. Augustine Skinner, whereby the desires of the said county may be presented by him to the Honourable House of Commons : with His Majesties answer to the afore-said petition : at the court at Yorke this fourth of August, 1642. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1642 (1642) Wing H3496; ESTC R6850 4,358 17 View Text
A44203 The speech of Denzell Holles, Esquire delivered at the Lords Barr, Wednesday, the 15th of Iune vpon the impeachment of the Earles of North-hampton, Devon-shire, Monmouth, and Dover, and of the Lords Rich, Andever, Grey of Ruthen, Coventry and Capell, for their contempt in departing from the Parliament, and not returning upon summons. Holles, Denzil Holles, Baron, 1599-1680. 1642 (1642) Wing H2476A; ESTC R233459 4,720 10 View Text