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order_n abbess_n abbot_n prior_n 18 3 10.9017 5 false
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A70866 The first-[third] tome of an exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English kings supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction from the original planting, embracing of Christian religion therein, and reign of Lucius, our first Christian king, till the death of King Richard the First, Anno Domini 1199 ... / by William Prynne, Esq.; Exact chronological vindication and historical demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English kings supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1665 (1665) Wing P4076; ESTC R14735 1,530,072 1,129

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229._o wendover_n p._n 292._o matt._n westminster_n p._n 227_o 228_o 442_o and_o sparsim_fw-la throughout_o the_o tome_n wernerus_n fascic_n temporum_fw-la p._n 10._o dr._n john_n white_a p._n 22_o 23_o 35_o 70_o 306._o y._n yldephonsus_n arch._n toletanus_n p._n 21_o 49._o z._n lel_n zecchus_n p._n 291._o zonara_n p._n 319._o index_n 2._o of_o the_o several_a english_a welsh_a and_o other_o abbey_n monastery_n nunnery_n priory_n their_o abbot_n abbess_n prior_n name_n action_n and_o all_o thing_n relate_v to_o they_o either_o in_o general_n or_o particular_o to_o each_o of_o they_o mention_v in_o this_o tome_n pope_n gregory_n the_o 9_o his_o bull_n for_o visit_v all_o religious_a order_n and_o house_n p._n 440_o 441_o 442._o abbot_n summon_v to_o the_o council_n of_o lion_n p._n 637._o the_o epistle_n of_o the_o abbot_n prior_n covent_n of_o england_n to_o pope_n innocent_a the_o 4._o against_o his_o innovation_n and_o oppression_n p._n 667_o 668_o 669._o king_n henry_n the_o 3._o his_o inquisition_n of_o all_o their_o manor_n land_n re●●●_n and_o their_o value_n p._n 810._o a_o catalogue_n of_o the_o convert_n jew_n send_v by_o he_o to_o each_o of_o they_o by_o several_a writ_n to_o be_v there_o relieve_v p._n 835_o to_o 841._o all_o of_o the_o cistercian_n order_v summon_v by_o rustand_v the_o pope_n nuncio_n p._n 946_o 947_o 948._o pope_n alexander_n the_o 4._o and_o his_o cardinal_n new_a edict_n that_o all_o exempt_a alb●ts_n shall_v repair_v to_o rome_n after_o their_o election_n p._n 925._o a._n abbendune_n abendon_n abby_n and_o abbot_n the_o abbot_n one_o of_o the_o pope_n delegate_n to_o excommunicate_v the_o baron_n and_o citizen_n of_o london_n p._n 359_o to_o 362._o it_o be_v church_n dedicate_v p._n 504._o the_o pope_n provision_n to_o he_o for_o st._n helena_n church_n to_o a_o roman_a disobey_v to_o please_v the_o king_n his_o citation_n to_o rome_n and_o vexation_n thereupon_o p._n 716_o 717._o convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o by_o writ_n p._n 836._o his_o barony_n seize_v for_o not_o send_v horse_n and_o arm_n to_o the_o king_n upon_o summons_n p._n 1008._o the_o monk_n purchase_v a_o licence_n to_o choose_v a_o new_a abbot_n for_o 500_o mark_n after_o the_o death_n of_o their_o paralytic_a abbot_n which_o the_o king_n repent_v of_o he_o die_v soon_o after_o appendix_n p._n 27._o abbodesbiry_a abb._n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 838_o 839._o abercukuna_fw-la abbey_n in_o wales_n sack_v burn_v by_o the_o english_a p._n 622._o st._n agatha_n ab_n convert_v jew_n scent_n thereto_o p._n 838_o 840_o st._n alban_n ab_n john_n abbot_n the_o temporaltles_a thereof_o seize_v for_o his_o contempt_n in_o obey_v the_o pope_n intérdict_n before_o king_n john_n edict_n to_o celebrate_v divine_a service_n till_o he_o pay_v 600_o mark_n its_o officer_n remove_v other_o placed_z there_o by_o the_o king_n who_o extort_a above_o 1000_o mark_n from_o it_o p._n 255_o 285._o william_n abbot_n what_o pope_n innocent_a the_o 3d._n speak_v to_o extort_a from_o he_o at_o the_o council_n of_o lateran_n ere_o dismiss_v p._n 350_o 351._o this_o pope_n suspension_n of_o the_o archbishop_n there_o publish_v and_o ratify_v by_o the_o king_n command_n p._n 351_o the_o king_n license_v to_o elect_v a_o abbot_n defer_v till_o his_o come_n into_o england_n p._n 352._o the_o bishop_n of_o armenia_n there_o honourable_o entertain_v p._n 421._o a_o great_a consistory_n there_o hold_v about_o the_o countess_n of_o essex_n her_o divorce_n p._n 435._o plead_v their_o privilege_n of_o exemption_n from_o the_o general_n visitor_n of_o pope_n gregory_n the_o 9_o p._n 442._o their_o manner_n of_o elect_a abbot_n johan_n de_fw-fr hertford_n elect_v the_o proceed_n therein_o a_o new_a oath_n exact_v of_o he_o by_o pope_n greg._n the_o 9_o the_o king_n licence_n confirmation_n the_o procuration_n bull_n and_o pope_n exaction_n concern_v it_o p._n 458_o to_o 467._o a_o prohibition_n to_o he_o as_o pope_n delegate_n not_o to_o hold_v plea_n of_o lay_n fee_n &c_n &c_n p._n 479._o a_o delegate_n to_o absolve_v the_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n p._n 579._o it_o be_v abbot_n the_o first_o chief_a of_o all_o english_a abbot_n p._n 581._o appendix_n p._n 24._o excuse_v himself_o by_o proxy_n by_o reason_n of_o his_o age_n for_o not_o appear_v at_o the_o council_n of_o lion_n p_o 638._o the_o king_n prohibition_n to_o he_o to_o pay_v no_o tax_n to_o the_o pope_n use_n p._n 672._o the_o pope_n freer_n exact_a money_n from_o he_o under_o great_a penalty_n which_o he_o excuse_v appeal_v against_o but_o be_v force_v to_o pay_v 200._o instead_o of_o 40._o mark_n beside_o 80._o more_o send_v p._n 691_o to_o 697._o king_n h._n ●_o beg_v and_o extort_v money_n from_o the_o abbot_n p._n 723._o the_o bishop_n of_o bangor_n sojourn_v there_o his_o bishopric_n be_v waste_v by_o war_n p._n 726._o the_o bishop_n of_o london_n and_o his_o canon_n crave_v the_o abbot_n covent_n advice_n assistance_n against_o the_o archbishop_n excommunication_n p._n 742_o 743._o one_o of_o the_o pope_n delegate_n to_o examine_v this_o business_n and_o absolve_v they_o p._n 745_o 746._o the_o king_n grant_v of_o a_o warren_n with_o a_o non_fw-la obstante_fw-la to_o his_o prejudice_n p._n 760._o his_o aid_n demand_v by_o other_o abbot_n against_o the_o bps_n encroachment_n on_o they_o p._n 761._o it_o be_v orchard_n p._n 775._o pope_n innocent_a the_o 4._o his_o bull_n to_o they_o concern_v the_o moderate_n of_o provision_n p._n 779_o etc._n etc._n it_o be_v visitation_n p._n 789._o john_n abbot_z successor_n to_o william_n his_o reformation_n ibid._n archbishop_n boniface_n peaceable_a towards_o it_o p_o 792._o the_o pope_n bull_n for_o provision_n to_o the_o abbot_n for_o italian_n and_o their_o insolency_n p._n 803._o a_o refuge_n to_o afflict_a person_n p._n 806._o rustand_v exact_v 600_o mark_n of_o he_o for_o the_o pope_n beside_o use_n etc._n etc._n p._n 823._o a_o appeal_n against_o the_o pope_n provision_n the_o king_n letter_n on_o their_o behalf_n p._n 842_o 843._o the_o pope_n injunction_n to_o pay_v 500_o mark_n to_o his_o merchant_n p._n 843._o interdict_a notwithstanding_o its_o privilege_n for_o not_o pay_v it_o p._n 846._o a_o imperious_a provision_n to_o it_o for_o a_o roman_a p._n 926._o the_o archb._n of_o messana_n a_o monk_n his_o imperiousness_n exact_v 21._o mark_n for_o procuration_n 928._o refuse_v to_o aid_v the_o king_n rather_o obey_v the_o pope_n than_o king_n command_n 833_o 834._o the_o king_n prohibition_n not_o to_o suffer_v any_o money_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o winchester_n etc._n etc._n to_o be_v carry_v thence_o under_o pain_n of_o seize_v their_o land_n p._n 938._o he_o lend_v the_o king_n 100_o mark_n which_o be_v allow_v in_o his_o dism_n 1055._o one_o of_o the_o pope_n commissary_n to_o restore_v the_o abbot_n of_o s._n augustins_n append._n p._n 12._o k._n offa_n its_o founder_n ●b_n p._n 21._o pope_n honorius_n the_o 3._o his_o large_a bull_n of_o all_o privilege_n grant_v o●_n belong_v to_o it_o appendix_n p._n 23_o etc._n etc._n the_o bull_n charter_n recite_v in_o it_o ibid._n 24._o the_o abbot_n pontifical_a mitre_n other_o ornament_n and_o privilege_n ibid._n the_o abbey_n not_o to_o be_v suspend_v from_o divine_a office_n by_o any_o common_a interdict_v or_o excommunication_n appendix_n p._n 25._o peter-pence_n grant_v to_o it_o none_o but_o the_o pope_n himself_o or_o a_o cardinal_n legat_n à_fw-fr latere_fw-la to_o interdict_v or_o excommunicate_v it_o ib_n p._n 24._o exempt_a from_o all_o episcopal_a jurisdiction_n and_o immediate_o subject_a to_o the_o pope_n alone_o ibid._n the_o pope_n presume_v to_o reserve_v a_o ounce_n of_o gold_n each_o year_n from_o it_o by_o his_o bull_n of_o privilege_n against_o the_o king_n prerogative_n ibid._n p._n 25._o albanensis_fw-la abbas_n archbishop_n of_o rhoan_n the_o pope_n legate_n to_o publish_v the_o emperor_n excommunication_n p._n 655._o ambresbery_n nun_n remove_v for_o uncleanness_n other_o place_v in_o it_o p._n 228_o 229._o the_o prioress_n by_o writ_n to_o remove_v the_o corpse_n of_o alienora_n thither_o from_o st._n james_n bristol_n according_a to_o her_o will_n p._n 575_o 576._o s._n andrew_n northampt._n prior_n thereof_o commissary_n to_o rustand_v p._n 862._o annestow_v abbess_n and_o nun_n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 837_o 839_o 840._o st._n augustine_n bristol_n ab._n convert_v jew_n send_v thither_o by_o writ_n p._n 836_o 837._o st._n augustine_n canterbury_z abbey_n its_o visitation_n as_o exempt_v by_o pope_n gregory_n 9_o his_o bull_n a_o appeal_n for_o grievance_n therein_o p._n 441_o 442._o archbishop_n edmund_n composition_n instrument_n of_o their_o privilege_n p._n 499_o 500_o privilege_n grant_v they_o by_o pope_n innocent_a the_o 4._o the_o archbishop_n not_o to_o visit_v suspend_v or_o excommunicate_v they_o p._n 79●_n 792_o 793_o 794_o 79●_n their_o privilege_n against_o
provision_n of_o the_o pope_n 794._o a_o prohibition_n to_o the_o abbot_n not_o to_o hold_v plea_n of_o lay_n fee_n p._n 885._o a_o writ_n to_o tax_v and_o collect_v their_o own_o dism_n p._n 1050._o contest_v between_o abbot_n alexander_n the_o archbishop_n and_o archdeacon_n of_o canterbury_n concern_v the_o church_n of_o feversham_n middleton_n etc._n etc._n writ_n excommunication_n appeal_n concern_v they_o ●_o appendix_n p._n 1_o to_o 20._o b._n barden●y_o the_o abbot_n and_o monk_n excommunicate_v by_o the_o archdeacon_n and_o bishop_n of_o lincoln_n after_o a_o appeal_n for_o a_o debt_n claim_v from_o his_o predecessor_n and_o not_o deliver_v a_o pontifical_a against_o law_n for_o which_o the_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n excommunicate_v the_o bishop_n and_o his_o officer_n their_o contest_v fight_v about_o it_o p._n 597_o 598._o a_o prohibition_n to_o the_o sheriff_n not_o to_o attach_v any_o of_o the_o monk_n excommunicate_v after_o their_o appeal_n p._n 599._o to_o se●se_v their_o ecclesiastical_a benefice_n as_o well_o as_o temporalty_n during_o the_o vacancy_n as_o belong_v to_o the_o king_n allow_v the_o monk_n estover_n ibid._n 600._o the_o abbot_n deprive_v by_o nicholas_n the_o pope_n legate_n who_o put_v another_o in_o his_o place_n appendix_n p._n 18._o bartholomew_n lincoln_n priory_n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 838._o 840._o bartholomew_n london_n priory_n resist_v the_o archbishop_n visitation_n the_o fray_n insurrection_n contest_v about_o it_o p._n 741_o 742._o mediate_v p_o 747._o a_o jewish_a convert_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 837._o bath_n priory_n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 838_o 840._o bound_n to_o the_o pope_n in_o 400_o mark_n without_o their_o privity_n p._n 845._o elect_a the_o bishop_n with_o the_o dean_n and_o chapter_n of_o wells_n p._n 498._o begeham_n bekeham_n praemonstratensis_fw-la ordinis_fw-la abbas_n greg_n 9_o his_o bull_n to_o he_o and_o other_o as_o his_o visitor_n of_o other_o religious_a house_n p._n 441_o 44●_n 789._o convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o 836_o 839_o 840._o beland_n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 839._o bellalanda_n abbey_n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 839._o de_fw-fr bello_fw-la the_o abbot_n oppose_v the_o pope_n demand_n usurpation_n p._n 567._o convert_v jew_n send_v thither_o p._n 837_o 838._o de_fw-fr bello_fw-la capite_fw-la ab_fw-la convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 838_o 840._o de_fw-fr bello_fw-la loco_fw-la abbot_n the_o king_n proctor_n with_o other_o to_o the_o pope_n and_o cardinal_n against_o the_o archbishop_n p._n 246_o 247._o a_o writ_n to_o be_v present_a at_o the_o archbp_n of_o york_n election_n by_o the_o dean_n and_o chapter_n p._n 348_o and_o at_o the_o bishop_n of_o winchester_n p._n 354._o of_o the_o cistercian_n order_n build_v by_o king_n john_n 366._o make_v bishop_n of_o karliol_n the_o king_n letter_n in_o his_o behalf_n p._n 375._o benner_n benver_n priory_n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 838_o 839._o beolton_n prior_n profess_v obedience_n to_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n save_v his_o liberty_n etc._n etc._n appeal_v to_o rome_n p._n 242._o berk_v a_o writ_n to_o promote_v one_o to_o be_v abbess_n there_o p._n 352._o bermundesey_n prior_n writ_n to_o seize_v all_o money_n of_o the_o abbot_n of_o clunie_n therein_o p._n 886_o 887._o found_v by_o the_o king_n ancestor_n p._n 968._o berncestre_fw-fr prior_n a_o judge_n in_o case_n of_o a_o marriage_n portion_n p._n 882._o bernwell_n priory_n convert_v jew_n send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 837_o 839._o sequester_a good_n deliver_v by_o the_o prior_n view_n 965._o st._n bertins_n abbey_n in_o flanders_n the_o banish_a monk_n of_o canterbury_n resort_n to_o it_o p._n 248._o binham_n priory_n of_o st._n benedict_v order_n a_o detestable_a provision_n on_o its_o church_n of_o westle_n p._n 746._o blithe_a prior_n appeal_n against_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n his_o excommunication_n p._n 242_o boccon_n abbot_n a_o commissioner_n to_o make_v peace_n betwixt_o england_n and_o france_n p._n 1001._o boleg_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 240._o bolinton_n boil_a priory_n convert_v send_v to_o they_o p._n 838_o 840._o bordel_n abbot_n a_o prohibition_n to_o he_o against_o his_o usurpation_n on_o the_o king_n tenant_n p._n 984_o 985._o borde_o abbot_n one_o of_o the_o pope_n delegate_n a_o prohibition_n to_o he_o p._n 381._o bos●grave_n priory_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 837_o 839._o boxele_v boxlegg_n abbot_n one_o of_o pope_n greg._n the_o 9_o his_o visitor_n of_o religious_a house_n 441_o 442._o his_o severity_n ib._n 789._o a_o papal_a sequestration_n to_o he_o of_o the_o priory_n of_o winton_n and_o king_n prohibition_n against_o it_o p._n 832_o 833._o brethenhath_fw-mi priory_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 840._o bridlinton_n prior_n his_o appeal_n against_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n p._n 242._o convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 839._o bruera_n abbey_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 835_o 838._o brumer_n convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 840._o buell_n ab._n cic●strensis_fw-la ordinis_fw-la p._n 991._o bukenham_n priory_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 840._o buldewas_n bulea●was_n bild●was_fw-mi convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 836_o 837_o 839._o of_o the_o cistercian_n order_n deny_v aid_n to_o the_o king_n who_o expostulate_v with_o they_o p._n 846_o 847._o de_fw-fr burgo_n a_o writ_n to_o the_o prior_n and_o covent_n for_o the_o king_n commissioner_n to_o be_v present_a at_o their_o abbot_n election_n p._n 348_o its_o church_n dedicate_v p_o 504._o nigri_fw-la ordinis_fw-la the_o abbot_n illegal_a proceed_n between_o the_o abbot_n of_o bardeney_n and_o bishop_n of_o lincoln_n 598._o the_o abbot_n summon_v to_o the_o council_n of_o lion_n there_o shameful_o abuse_v by_o the_o pope_n for_o oppose_v his_o provision_n to_o a_o benefice_n p._n 638._o accuse_v for_o dilapidation_n resign_v his_o place_n the_o abbey_n sequester_v by_o the_o king_n p._n 729._o burton_n abbot_n election_n approve_v by_o the_o king_n p._n 351_o 352._o c._n certesey_n abbey_n convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 836._o clyve_v the_o abbot_n the_o king_n proctor_n at_o rome_n concern_v a_o peace_n with_o france_n p._n 423._o to_o oppose_v the_o usurpation_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o ireland_n on_o the_o crown_n p._n 428._o convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 840._o cog●shall_a abbey_n convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 836_o 839._o coldingham_n prior_n recommend_v to_o be_v elect_v to_o rammesey_n p._n 356._o colecester_n abbey_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 8●6_n 839._o coventry_n prior_n and_o covent_n the_o king_n commissioner_n to_o be_v at_o their_o bishop_n election_n p._n 348._o recommend_v to_o be_v elect_v at_o rames●y_n p._n 356._o they_o and_o the_o canon_n of_o lichfield_n to_o elect_v the_o bishop_n of_o coventry_n and_o lichfield_n by_o turn_n the_o prior_n to_o have_v the_o first_o voice_n p._n 418._o their_o election_n of_o several_a bishop_n refuse_v null_v by_o the_o king_n and_o pope_n p._n 510_o 511._o 624_o 625._o a_o pension_n undue_o grant_v to_o they_o out_o of_o st._n michael_n church_n null_v by_o the_o king_n p._n 687_o 688_o 689._o crokesden_n abbey_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 838_o 840._o croxton_n abbot_n king_n john_n bodily_a and_o ghostly_a physician_n p._n 366._o his_o legacy_n to_o the_o abbey_n p._n 367._o cumba_n abbey_n convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 837._o d._n dela_n dale_n ab._n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 839._o daventre_fw-fr priory_n convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 838_o 840._o derbe_n prior_n one_o of_o the_o pope_n delegate_n a_o prohibition_n to_o he_o p._n 689._o derlege_n abbey_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 838_o 840._o st._n dionysius_n odo_n abbot_n of_o it_o bestow_v rich_a gift_n on_o the_o pope_n for_o which_o he_o make_v he_o archbishop_n of_o ●●oan_n p._n 641_o 642._o die_v sudden_o by_o divine_a justice_n for_o his_o ambition_n p._n 697._o st._n dogmael_n prior_n elect_a bishop_n of_o st._n david_n writ_n for_o he_o p._n 236_o 237._o door_n abbey_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 837._o dunestable_a the_o prior_n a_o delegate_n to_o absolve_v the_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n p._n 579._o convert_v send_v thither_o p._n 838_o 840._o christ_n crucify_v see_v there_o in_o the_o air_n p._n 699._o dunkwell_n abbey_n convert_v send_v to_o it_o p._n 836_o 839._o dunolm_n durham_n priory_n a_o writ_n to_o the_o prior_n and_o covent_n for_o the_o king_n delegate_n to_o be_v present_a at_o their_o election_n p._n 348._o their_o affront_n to_o king_n john_n in_o elect_v a_o bishop_n his_o writ_n appeal_n concern_v it_o p._n 352_o to_o 356._o 382_o 383._o contest_v between_o the_o bishop_n and_o they_o ib._n 388_o 389._o between_o king_n h._n 3._o and_o they_o about_o a_o bishop_n election_n 405_o 406._o his_o licence_n to_o elect_v a_o bishop_n 483._o their_o election_n null_v a_o new_a one_o make_v 565_o 566._o convert_v send_v thither_o
of_o the_o stock_n of_o the_o bishopric_n of_o winchester_n to_o stock_n his_o bishopric_n of_o london_n which_o he_o warrant_v to_o he_o against_o any_o bishop_n elect_v of_o winton_n unless_o adomar_n his_o brother_n be_v restore_v to_o it_o 954_o 955_o 984._o his_o writ_n to_o the_o guardian_n of_o the_o temporalty_n of_o winton_n to_o put_v his_o clerk_n into_o possession_n of_o a_o parcel_n of_o tithe_n in_o default_n of_o the_o archbishop_n official_a who_o delay_v to_o do_v it_o 955_o 956._o his_o letter_n to_o the_o roman_a cardinal_n 958._o his_o writ_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o hereford_n concern_v the_o particular_n of_o the_o vast_a sum_n wherein_o he_o oblige_v he_o and_o the_o bishop_n abbot_n of_o the_o realm_n to_o the_o court_n of_o rome_n for_o the_o business_n of_o sicily_n 958_o 659._o his_o exemption_n of_o some_o of_o his_o clerk_n from_o the_o dime_n grant_v 961_o 962_o 996_o 1007._o his_o letter_n to_o the_o pope_n and_o cardinal_n in_o defence_n of_o his_o ancient_a right_n in_o confer_v prebendary_n and_o benefice_n by_o his_o prerogative_n during_o the_o vacancy_n of_o bishopric_n and_o his_o grant_n of_o the_o prebend_n of_o fenton_n to_o john_n mansell_n his_o clerk_n against_o the_o pope_n provision_n thereof_o to_o a_o cardinal_n nephew_n and_o to_o the_o noble_n of_o his_o council_n to_o assist_v he_o in_o defence_n of_o this_o his_o right_n 962_o 963_o 964._o his_o writ_n to_o sheriff_n not_o to_o permit_v any_o of_o his_o clerk_n to_o be_v eject_v out_o of_o their_o possession_n of_o benefice_n to_o which_o he_o present_v they_o by_o provisor_n or_o other_o 964_o 974_o 975._o his_o letter_n to_o the_o pope_n not_o to_o restore_v his_o brother_n adomar_n to_o the_o bishopric_n of_o winton_n to_o prevent_v sedition_n discord_n and_o danger_n in_o the_o realm_n the_o noble_n people_n be_v extreme_o incense_v against_o he_o and_o his_o queen_n with_o himself_o for_o withdraw_v the_o prince_n his_o son_n from_o obedience_n to_o he_o 966._o his_o proctor_n and_o appeal_n against_o he_o and_o other_o grievance_n to_o he_o and_o his_o realm_n 967._o his_o writ_n to_o the_o baron_n and_o bailiff_n of_o dover_n and_o other_o port_n to_o apprehend_v all_o italian_a or_o other_o clerk_n of_o what_o order_n soever_o or_o layman_n arrive_v with_o papal_a bull_n prejudicial_a to_o he_o or_o his_o realm_n and_o to_o arrest_v they_o with_o their_o bull_n letter_n till_o further_a order_n 968._o his_o writ_n to_o remove_v a_o lay-force_n disturb_v a_o sequestration_n of_o a_o benefice_n be_v both_o willing_a and_o oblige_v to_o defend_v the_o right_n and_o liberty_n of_o the_o church_n to_o which_o he_o can_v not_o be_v want_v 968._o his_o notable_a writ_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o durham_n and_o his_o official_o against_o vex_v impoverish_v the_o inhabitant_n of_o newcastle_n by_o citation_n and_o compel_v they_o by_o ecclesiastical_a censure_n to_o take_v a_o oath_n and_o answer_v article_n in_o their_o court_n and_o visitation_n 969_o 970._o he_o intend_v not_o by_o his_o writ_n to_o disseise_v any_o man_n of_o his_o right_n 970._o his_o writ_n to_o promote_v his_o queen_n chaplain_n to_o a_o benefice_n when_o it_o shall_v fall_v void_a 971._o his_o letter_n to_o the_o pope_n on_o behalf_n of_o the_o bishop_n elect_v of_o bordeaux_n who_o he_o have_v approve_v as_o fit_v and_o faithful_a to_o he_o 971._o his_o writ_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o lincoln_n to_o correct_v the_o extravagant_a proceed_n of_o his_o archdeacon_n to_o the_o manifest_a prejudice_n of_o the_o right_n of_o his_o crown_n and_o dignity_n according_a to_o his_o duty_n 972._o his_o writ_n to_o the_o chief_a justice_n of_o england_n to_o preserve_v the_o right_n of_o he_o and_o his_o clerk_n against_o all_o new_a evasion_n and_o disturbance_n to_o obtain_v possession_n of_o the_o church_n to_o which_o he_o present_v they_o that_o no_o disinherison_n may_v come_v to_o he_o or_o his_o heir_n thereby_o in_o process_n of_o time_n 972_o his_o letter_n to_o the_o king_n and_o queen_n of_o scot_n at_o the_o pope_n request_n to_o restore_v the_o temporalty_n of_o the_o bishopric_n of_o glasgo_n to_o he_o the_o pope_n make_v bishop_n by_o his_o provision_n unless_o he_o can_v show_v good_a cause_n to_o the_o contrary_a 973._o his_o writ_n to_o prohibit_v the_o archbishop_n of_o st._n andrews_n or_o any_o of_o his_o follower_n to_o land_n in_o england_n with_o bull_n tend_v to_o the_o infamy_n or_o disinherison_n of_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n or_o any_o other_o of_o his_o enemy_n and_o to_o arrest_v they_o till_o further_a order_n 973._o his_o writ_n for_o a_o prior_n to_o improve_v a_o wood_n and_o great_a waste_n leave_v the_o commoner_n sufficient_a common_a 973_o 974._o his_o writ_n to_o abbot_n and_o covent_n to_o receive_v the_o monk_n he_o send_v they_o from_o winton_n where_o they_o can_v not_o follow_v their_o contemplation_n as_o they_o ought_v 975_o 976._o his_o patent_n to_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n tenant_n to_o move_v they_o to_o a_o liberal_a contribution_n towards_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o the_o archbishopric_n debt_n 977._o his_o writ_n to_o sequester_v the_o benefice_n of_o a_o clerk_n accountant_n indebt_v to_o he_o 977_o 978._o his_o patent_n to_o provide_v 50_o mark_n a_o year_n for_o his_o escheator_n in_o ireland_n out_o of_o the_o benefice_n of_o bishop_n abbot_n prior_n which_o shall_v first_o fall_v void_a there_o during_o their_o vacancy_n 979._o the_o roman_n and_o their_o legate_n domineer_v in_o england_n over_o the_o laity_n and_o clergy_n dispose_v of_o their_o best_a benefice_n at_o their_o pleasure_n excommunicate_v the_o bishop_n abbot_n prior_n who_o contradict_v they_o through_o his_o folly_n and_o sluggishness_n 980._o his_o son_n edmund_n letter_n to_o the_o sicilian_n still_v sicily_n his_o kingdom_n grant_v he_o by_o the_o pope_n special_a grace_n desire_v they_o to_o admit_v he_o for_o their_o king_n and_o promote_v his_o affair_n promise_v to_o prosecute_v that_o affair_n to_o preserve_v the_o charter_n of_o their_o liberty_n and_o ready_o to_o promote_v their_o honour_n 985._o his_o flatter_a letter_n and_o proxy_n to_o the_o pope_n octobon_n and_o other_o cardinal_n extol_v the_o benefit_n protection_n he_o receive_v from_o his_o pious_a mother_n the_o church_n of_o rome_n and_o they_o continual_o upon_o all_o occasion_n to_o procure_v a_o absolution_n from_o his_o oath_n to_o observe_v the_o provision_n of_o oxford_n and_o not_o to_o ratify_v they_o at_o the_o baron_n request_n or_o their_o agent_n be_v make_v to_o the_o depression_n of_o his_o regal_a liberty_n and_o prejudice_n of_o his_o right_n 985_o 986_o 987_o 988_o 989._o his_o memorable_a writ_n to_o all_o the_o sheriff_n of_o england_n recite_v the_o baron_n breach_n of_o their_o promise_n and_o condition_n make_v at_o oxford_n his_o absolution_n by_o pope_n alexander_n 4._o and_o urban_n 4._o from_o his_o oath_n to_o observe_v their_o provision_n and_o confederacy_n there_o make_v to_o the_o prejudice_n and_o derogation_n of_o his_o royal_a right_n and_o dignity_n and_o disturbance_n of_o the_o kingdom_n peace_n his_o promise_n free_o to_o use_v his_o royal_a power_n and_o exhibit_v the_o fullness_n of_o justice_n to_o all_o great_a and_o small_a and_o to_o make_v public_a proclamation_n throughout_o their_o county_n that_o all_o shall_v obtain_v justice_n from_o he_o with_o all_o security_n and_o confidence_n and_o prosecute_v and_o obtain_v their_o right_n against_o great_a and_o small_a before_o he_o and_o in_o all_o court_n by_o his_o royal_a authority_n that_o he_o will_v be_v want_v in_o his_o justice_n to_o none_o whether_o great_a or_o small_a that_o he_o will_v maintain_v the_o great_a charter_n and_o charter_n of_o the_o forest_n in_o all_o point_n and_o that_o if_o any_o shall_v adhere_v in_o their_o county_n to_o their_o former_a confederacy_n or_o attempt_v any_o thing_n against_o the_o right_n of_o his_o regality_n or_o the_o sheriff_n office_n appoint_v by_o he_o or_o preach_v any_o thing_n against_o he_o or_o his_o honour_n or_o persuade_v the_o people_n to_o do_v aught_o against_o it_o they_o shall_v apprehend_v and_o detain_v they_o prisoner_n till_o further_a order_n receive_v from_o he_o 989._o h●s_n and_o the_o noble_n procuration_n appeal_v against_o the_o antimonarchical_a ordinance_n constitution_n statute_n of_o the_o archbishop_n and_o his_o suffragans_fw-la in_o the_o council_n at_o london_n to_o the_o prejudice_n and_o grievance_n of_o his_o crown_n and_o liberty_n of_o the_o realm_n and_o people_n yet_o print_v in_o lindewode_n and_o aton_n as_o the_o canon_n law_n of_o our_o church_n and_o realm_n 983_o 990_o 991._o he_o grant_v the_o wardship_n of_o the_o body_n and_o land_n of_o two_o ward_n to_o arlots_n nephew_n 991._o his_o writ_n concern_v the_o case_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o elphia_n in_o ireland_n 991_o 992_o see_v index_n 4._o
seat_n in_o feast_n and_o salutation_n in_o the_o marketplace_n with_o reservation_n of_o the_o king_n magnificence_n whereupon_o most_o of_o they_o mad_a with_o envy_n and_o ambition_n forthwith_o make_v the_o constitution_n at_o oxford_n swear_v all_o man_n and_o the_o king_n himself_o to_o observe_v they_o the_o bishop_n excommunicate_v all_o infringer_n of_o they_o the_o bishop_n of_o worcester_n and_o some_o other_o prelate_n the_o father_n and_o judge_n of_o man_n conscience_n give_v their_o assent_n unto_o they_o contrary_a to_o their_o corporal_a oath_n to_o preserve_v the_o right_n and_o terrene_a honour_n of_o the_o king_n and_o his_o heir_n consent_v to_o so_o great_a a_o depression_n of_o royal_a power_n for_o which_o the_o pope_n legate_n suspend_v they_o from_o their_o office_n bishoptic_o benefice_n interdict_v excommunicate_v they_o and_o the_o baron_n by_o a_o public_a sentence_n who_o appeal_v against_o they_o to_o the_o see_v apostolic_a and_o if_o need_n be_v to_o the_o next_o general_n council_n and_o the_o church_n as_o well_o triumphant_a as_o militant_a contemn_v the_o spiritual_a rely_v on_o the_o material_a sword_n 1020_o 1021_o 1022._o the_o bishop_n encourage_v all_o to_o fight_v manful_o and_o promise_a heaven_n to_o those_o who_o die_v in_o this_o quarrel_n against_o he_o who_o yet_o be_v rout_v and_o their_o chief_a captain_n slay_v at_o evesham_n 1022._o the_o disinherited_a person_n in_o the_o isle_n of_o ely_n their_o high_a and_o sharp_a answer_n to_o the_o legate_n proposition_n send_v to_o they_o wherewith_o the_o king_n and_o he_o be_v much_o incense_v 1022_o 1023._o his_o summons_n of_o all_o earl_n baron_n archbishop_n bishop_n abbot_n and_o other_o who_o hold_v by_o knight-service_n to_o meet_v with_o horse_n and_o arm_n to_o besiege_v the_o rebel_n in_o the_o isle_n of_o ely_n the_o earl_n of_o gloucester_n refuse_v to_o come_v though_o he_o raise_v force_n to_o prosecute_v his_o enemy_n 1024._o he_o summon_v a_o parliament_n to_o which_o the_o earl_n of_o gloucester_n refuse_v to_o repair_v but_o send_v a_o charter_n he_o will_v never_o bear_v arm_n against_o he_o or_o his_o son_n prince_n edmund_n his_o and_o the_o legate_n demand_v to_o the_o prelate_n therein_o concern_v three_o year_n dime_n horse_n and_o arm_n against_o the_o king_n rebel_n and_o enemy_n with_o their_o high_a contemptuous_a answer_n 1024_o 1025._o he_o places_z octobon_n the_o legate_n in_o his_o royal_a throne_n at_o st._n edward_n solemn_a feast_n and_o command_v all_o dish_n to_o be_v set_v first_o before_o he_o 1023_o 1024._o he_o commit_v the_o tower_n of_o london_n to_o he_o and_o order_n he_o to_o pawn_v his_o jewel_n in_o it_o and_o at_o westminster_n to_o raise_v money_n 1025_o 1026._o pope_n clement_n 4._o by_o his_o bull_n grant_v a_o disme_n for_o three_o year_n towards_o his_o aid_n and_o supply_v from_o all_o archbishop_n bishop_n abbot_n prior_n clerk_n and_o religious_a person_n in_o england_n wales_n ireland_n to_o be_v levy_v by_o ecclestastical_a censure_n without_o appeal_n at_o the_o improve_a value_n towards_o his_o loss_n great_a expense_n by_o the_o baron_n war_n and_o rebellion_n against_o he_o wherein_o the_o misery_n extremity_n he_o his_o queen_n and_o son_n prince_n edward_n be_v put_v to_o by_o these_o war_n be_v large_o relate_v his_o zeal_n devotion_n munificence_n to_o the_o church_n churchman_n and_o promote_a god_n worship_n with_o his_o and_o his_o ancestor_n large_a endowment_n of_o the_o church_n oblige_v they_o to_o assist_v he_o in_o his_o necessity_n be_v amplify_v 1026_o to_o 1030._o his_o letter_n of_o gratitude_n to_o the_o pope_n cardinal_n pope_n advocate_n crave_v their_o further_a assistance_n favour_n advice_n in_o his_o great_a affair_n promise_v the_o advocate_n a_o full_a reward_n 1030_o 1031_o 1049._o he_o submit_v the_o difference_n between_o he_o and_o gilbert_n de_fw-fr cla●e_n to_o the_o pope_n constitute_v proctor_n in_o that_o affair_n and_o for_o defence_n of_o his_o right_n in_o the_o french_a king_n court_n against_o ecclesiastical_a and_o temporal_a person_n 1032_o 1033._o he_o recite_v the_o right_n privilege_n of_o the_o archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n which_o he_o be_v willing_a to_o maintain_v and_o grant_v a_o inquisition_n for_o land_n aliena_fw-la t_v seize_v or_o detain_v injurious_o from_o that_o see_v during_o the_o war_n 1033._o his_o commission_n for_o collect_v the_o dime_n grant_v he_o by_o the_o pope_n several_a patent_n writ_n concern_v it_o 1033_o to_o 1039._o the_o form_n of_o his_o obligation_n by_o his_o proctor_n to_o the_o pope_n merchant_n renounce_v all_o evasion_n of_o and_o appeal_v against_o they_o 1034_o 1035._o his_o letter_n to_o his_o brother_n richard_n king_n of_o alma●n_n concern_v his_o promise_n to_o he_o which_o he_o have_v violate_v and_o to_o treat_v with_o concern_v they_o 1037._o he_o erect_v a_o chantry_n in_o his_o hospital_n at_o basingstoke_n his_o writ_n recite_v the_o prerogative_n of_o our_o king_n from_o the_o first_o institution_n of_o christian_a religion_n free_o to_o erect_v free_a chauntry_n in_o all_o their_o house_n and_o demesne_n without_o the_o bishop_n leave_n or_o disturbance_n and_o to_o have_v the_o custody_n of_o all_o vacant_a bishopric_n 1038._o his_o confirmation_n of_o the_o legate_n award_v of_o a_o annuity_n issue_v out_o of_o two_o prebendary_n to_o continue_v notwithstanding_o they_o come_v to_o he_o or_o his_o heir_n presentation_n by_o his_o prerogative_n 1039_o 1040._o his_o punishment_n of_o the_o jew_n in_o oxford_n order_v they_o to_o erect_v a_o cross_n there_o and_o provide_v a_o silver_n and_o gild_a cross_n to_o be_v carry_v in_o procession_n before_o the_o chancellor_n and_o scholar_n of_o the_o university_n for_o throw_v down_o and_o break_v their_o cross_n in_o a_o solemn_a procession_n in_o contempt_n of_o christ_n crucify_v 1045_o 1046_o 1047._o he_o augment_v and_o pay_v the_o arrear_n of_o two_o roman_a cardinal_n annuity_n out_o of_o the_o disme_n to_o promote_v his_o affair_n at_o rome_n 1048._o he_o exempt_v the_o pope_n agent_n and_o chaplain_n employ_v in_o england_n from_o pay_v the_o disme_n out_o of_o their_o prebend_n and_o benefice_n 1048._o his_o patent_n and_o commissioner_n for_o levy_v the_o three_o year_n disme_n in_o ireland_n 1049._o he_o by_o advice_n of_o his_o prelate_n noble_n and_o commons_o in_o parliament_n transfer_v his_o vow_n voyage_n dime_n to_o the_o holy_a land_n to_o his_o son_n prince_n edward_n by_o patent_n it_o be_v dangerous_a to_o the_o realm_n for_o both_o of_o they_o to_o be_v absent_a from_o it_o at_o once_o 1049_o 1050._o his_o writ_n to_o levy_v the_o 20_o part_n of_o the_o bishop_n and_o abbot_n villain_n good_n which_o they_o grant_v he_o towards_o his_o voyage_n 1050._o his_o writ_n concern_v the_o levy_n dispose_n and_o account_v of_o the_o disme_n levy_v or_o compound_v for_o in_o most_o diocese_n 1050_o to_o 1056._o part_v of_o they_o assign_v to_o satisfy_v the_o arrear_n due_a to_o the_o pope_n of_o the_o annual_a rent_n grant_v by_o king_n john_n charter_n 1054_o 1055._o his_o licence_n to_o a_o tenant_n in_o cap●e_a to_o sell_v land_n in_o mortmain_n to_o furnish_v money_n for_o his_o voyage_n to_o the_o holy_a land_n 1056._o he_o grant_v the_o profit_n of_o the_o archbishopric_n of_o dublin_n except_o knight_n fee_n ward_n and_o advousons_n towards_o the_o expense_n of_o his_o son_n voyage_n 1056._o his_o charter_n of_o assignment_n of_o all_o the_o revenue_n of_o england_n except_o ward_n and_o other_o casualty_n to_o his_o brother_n earl_n richard_n for_o money_n take_v up_o from_o he_o towards_o his_o voyage_n to_o the_o holy_a land_n 1056_o 1057._o his_o letter_n on_o his_o sick_a bed_n to_o prince_n edward_n speedy_o to_o return_v into_o england_n upon_o his_o blessing_n from_o the_o holy_a land_n be_v heir_n to_o the_o crown_n to_o prevent_v inconvenience_n therein_o express_v 1057_o 1058._o his_o statute_n and_o proclamation_n against_o jew_n purchase_v freehold_n land_n in_o england_n and_o concern_v their_o house_n in_o london_n and_o other_o corporation_n 1058_o 1059._o his_o writ_n to_o the_o constable_n of_o dover_n to_o maintain_v the_o privilege_n of_o the_o prior_n and_o covent_n of_o st._n martin_n dover_n during_o the_o vacancy_n of_o the_o archbishopric_n then_o in_o his_o hand_n against_o all_o encroachment_n of_o the_o prior_n and_o covent_n of_o trinity_n canterbury_n 1060_o 1061._o his_o licence_n to_o the_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n to_o elect_v and_o procuration_n against_o their_o election_n of_o a_o new_a archbishop_n who_o he_o approve_v not_o the_o pope_n thereupon_o take_v advantage_n to_o confer_v it_o against_o both_o their_o will_n on_o kilwarby_n 1061_o 1062_o 1063._o his_o writ_n speedy_o to_o certify_v and_o levy_v fine_n estreat_v 1064._o his_o licence_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o worcester_n to_o build_v two_o house_n with_o lime_n and_o stone_n and_o embattle_v they_o
servant_n for_o contempt_n in_o oppose_v a_o tax_n excommunicate_v the_o sheriff_n of_o yorkshire_n and_o his_o officer_n for_o levy_v it_o his_o fine_a submission_n absolve_v the_o sheriff_n thereupon_o 230_o 231._o his_o protection_n to_o defend_v the_o archdeacon_n of_o richmond_n against_o all_o violence_n injury_n of_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n 231._o his_o appeal_n to_o the_o pope_n in_o defence_n of_o the_o right_n of_o his_o crown_n 230_o 231._o his_o vacate_v of_o the_o proceed_n against_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n and_o the_o right_n of_o his_o bishopric_n upon_o his_o submission_n and_o reconciliation_n to_o he_o 233._o his_o patent_n for_o his_o justice_n to_o assist_v hubert_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n to_o recover_v the_o land_n and_o right_n of_o his_o archbishopric_n in_o his_o court_n save_v his_o prerogative_n 233_o 234._o he_o elect_v ratify_v one_o person_n of_o three_o nominate_v to_o he_o to_o be_v a_o bishop_n by_o the_o chapter_n of_o saga_fw-la 234._o he_o oppose_v the_o reception_n and_o provision_n of_o gilardus_n to_o be_v bishop_n of_o st._n david_n in_o wales_n and_o its_o re-erection_n into_o a_o archbishopric_n by_o pope_n innocent_n bull_n prohibit_v any_o to_o own_o aid_n or_o assist_v he_o as_o bishop_n be_v never_o approve_v by_o he_o null_v his_o provision_n cause_v another_o to_o be_v elect_v consecrate_a bishop_n enjoin_v all_o to_o assist_v he_o against_o the_o pope_n intruder_n as_o a_o enemy_n to_o his_o crown_n dignity_n and_o the_o kingdom_n peace_n 234_o to_o 238._o claim_v the_o temporalty_n of_o all_o bishop_n during_o their_o vacancy_n by_o ancient_a right_n and_o custom_n of_o which_o gilardus_n by_o the_o pope_n provision_n attempt_v to_o deprive_v he_o which_o he_o will_v by_o no_o mean_n endure_v require_v all_o his_o subject_n as_o they_o love_v his_o honour_n and_o dignity_n to_o maintain_v defend_v this_o his_o prerogative_n as_o liege_n subject_n and_o to_o attempt_v nothing_o against_o it_o under_o pain_n of_o be_v repute_v proceed_v against_o as_o open_a enemy_n to_o his_o crown_n 236_o 237._o the_o pope_n legate_n send_v to_o he_o to_o promote_v a_o aid_n grant_v to_o the_o holy_a land_n he_o and_o his_o baron_n proceed_n therein_o who_o grant_v of_o a_o aid_n by_o their_o own_o authority_n their_o order_n concern_v its_o collection_n 238_o 239_o 240._o his_o patent_n to_o the_o chief_a justice_n of_o ireland_n to_o prevent_v the_o suffragans_fw-la election_n of_o a_o archbishop_n of_o ardmach_n without_o his_o royal_a licence_n assent_n not_o to_o receive_v he_o they_o elect_v without_o it_o upon_o any_o term_n for_o archbishop_n against_o who_o he_o appeal_v 240_o 241._o he_o conferr_v the_o bishopric_n of_o karliol_n upon_o the_o archbishop_n of_o ragusa_n then_o in_o distress_n upon_o the_o pope_n letter_n and_o petition_n out_o of_o royal_a munificence_n and_o freedom_n 241._o grant_v a_o protection_n to_o the_o dean_n and_o chapter_n of_o york_n command_v the_o sheriff_n to_o apprehend_v all_o arm_a force_n which_o shall_v invade_v their_o good_n rent_n by_o the_o archbishop_n command_n and_o not_o to_o release_v they_o without_o he_o or_o his_o chief_a justice_n special_a order_n 242._o he_o procure_v petrus_n de_fw-fr rupibus_fw-la a_o knight_n soldier_n to_o be_v elect_v and_o consecrate_a bishop_n of_o winton_n at_o rome_n 242._o he_o receive_v approve_v the_o appeal_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o durham_n dean_n and_o chapter_n of_o york_n and_o several_a abbot_n prior_n of_o that_o province_n against_o the_o archbishop_n excommunication_n and_o interdict_v 242._o he_o seize_v the_o temporalty_n and_o banish_v this_o archbishop_n his_o natural_a brother_n till_o his_o death_n for_o oppose_v a_o tax_n grant_v he_o and_o excommunicate_v all_o who_o levy_v it_o in_o his_o province_n or_o invade_v the_o church_n right_n or_o good_n 242_o 243._o the_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n after_o hubert_n death_n elect_v their_o subprior_n secret_o at_o midnight_n without_o his_o licence_n lest_o he_o shall_v hinder_v their_o election_n and_o conceal_v it_o under_o a_o oath_n of_o secrecy_n till_o the_o pope_n shall_v approve_v it_o which_o the_o subprior_n reveal_v against_o his_o oath_n the_o monk_n thereupon_o petition_v the_o king_n for_o a_o licence_n to_o elect_v which_o he_o grant_v without_o contradiction_n recommend_v john_n grey_a bishop_n of_o norwich_n his_o chief_a intimate_a counsellor_n to_o their_o election_n as_o most_o profitable_a to_o he_o and_o his_o kingdom_n who_o they_o unanimous_o elect_v in_o the_o king_n presence_n place_v he_o on_o the_o high_a altar_n the_o king_n present_o restore_v he_o the_o temporalty_n thereof_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o they_o all_o send_v some_o of_o the_o monk_n at_o his_o own_o charge_n to_o rome_n to_o pope_n innocent_a to_o confirm_v his_o election_n with_o letter_n to_o the_o pope_n notary_n chaplain_n to_o procure_v his_o confirmation_n according_a to_o his_o right_n prerogative_n and_o know_v custom_n of_o the_o realm_n at_o which_o time_n the_o suffragan_n bishop_n send_v proctor_n to_o rome_n complain_v that_o the_o monk_n elect_v he_o bishop_n without_o they_o who_o have_v their_o voice_n in_o the_o election_n of_o three_o archbishop_n and_o the_o monk_n plead_v that_o by_o ancient_a bull_n and_o custom_n time_n out_o of_o mind_n the_o election_n belong_v to_o themselves_o alone_o the_o pope_n give_v a_o definitive_a sentence_n for_o the_o monk_n right_a of_o election_n without_o the_o bishop_n concurrence_n he_o thereupon_o attempt_v to_o deprive_v the_o king_n of_o his_o prerogative_n of_o recommend_v approve_v confirm_v and_o promote_a archbishop_n to_o this_o chief_a metropolitan_a see_v of_o his_o realm_n vacate_v the_o sub_n prior_n election_n as_o void_a because_o clandestine_v in_o the_o night_n without_o the_o licence_n or_o consent_v of_o the_o major_a and_o discreet_a part_n of_o the_o covent_n and_o gray_n election_n too_o though_o make_v in_o the_o day_n time_n by_o the_o king_n and_o monk_n general_a assent_n because_o the_o first_o election_n be_v not_o judicial_o vacate_v and_o because_o though_o the_o king_n have_v tell_v two_o monk_n that_o he_o will_v accept_v whosoever_o they_o elect_v yet_o there_o be_v a_o secret_a agreement_n ratify_v by_o o●th_n between_o the_o king_n and_o monk_n that_o they_o shall_v by_o no_o mean_n choose_v any_o other_o but_o john_n bishop_n of_o norwich_n direct_v letter_n to_o they_o to_o that_o effect_n the_o pope_n null_v both_o these_o election_n press_v the_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n there_o present_a as_o proctor_n for_o both_o their_o election_n present_o to_o elect_v stephen_n langeton_n a_o cardinal_n the_o pope_n great_a favourite_n be_v a_o englishman_n because_o he_o can_v not_o suffer_v that_o see_v to_o be_v any_o long_a destitute_a of_o a_o pastor_n who_o answer_v it_o be_v not_o lawful_a for_o they_o to_o make_v a_o canonical_a election_n without_o the_o consent_n of_o the_o king_n and_o their_o convent_n he_o reply_v they_o have_v the_o sole_a power_n of_o election_n neither_o be_v the_o assent_n of_o the_o king_n use_v to_o be_v expect_v in_o election_n celebrate_v at_o the_o see_v apostolic_a command_v they_o upon_o their_o obedience_n and_o under_o pain_n of_o excommunication_n present_o to_o elect_v langeton_n who_o he_o recommend_v to_o they_o whereupon_o all_o the_o monk_n but_o one_o out_o of_o fear_n although_o against_o their_o will_n and_o with_o murmur_a assent_v to_o he_o singing_z te_fw-la deum_fw-la and_o lead_v he_o to_o the_o altar_n upon_o which_o the_o pope_n consecrate_v he_o archbishop_n and_o send_v a_o complemental_a epistle_n with_o some_o ring_n and_o jewel_n to_o the_o king_n to_o receive_v he_o as_o archbishop_n 243_o to_o 248._o the_o king_n for_o this_o high_a affront_n of_o the_o pope_n and_o treachery_n of_o the_o monk_n against_o the_o right_n and_o prerogative_n of_o his_o crown_n in_o obtrude_a a_o archbishop_n upon_o he_o without_o his_o privity_n and_o he_o his_o profess_a enemy_n cashier_v he_o who_o be_v due_o elect_v approve_a confirm_v by_o he_o notwithstanding_o his_o fitness_n and_o all_o letter_n on_o his_o behalf_n charge_v the_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n with_o treason_n for_o elect_v langeton_n command_v two_o knight_n with_o arm_a force_n to_o expel_v they_o the_o monastery_n and_o banish_v they_o the_o realm_n or_o else_o execute_v they_o as_o traitor_n who_o enter_v the_o monastery_n with_o their_o draw_a sword_n command_v the_o prior_n and_o monk_n in_o the_o king_n name_n to_o depa●●_n the_o realm_n present_o as_o traitor_n swear_v they_o will_v fire_v the_o monastery_n and_o burn_v they_o in_o it_o if_o they_o refuse_v to_o go_v whereupon_o all_o the_o monk_n but_o 13._o who_o be_v sick_a depart_v into_o flanders_n where_o they_o live_v in_o exile_n the_o king_n seize_v upon_o their_o good_n land_n and_o temporalty_n of_o the_o archbishopric_n he_o likewise_o send_v messenger_n and_o letter_n to_o
pope_n provision_n endeavour_n to_o revive_v the_o archbishopric_n oppose_v both_o in_o his_o design_n and_o provision_n by_o king_n john_n and_o hubert_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n put_v by_o his_o bishopric_n force_v to_o quit_v his_o archdeaconry_n writ_n prohibit_v any_o to_o own_o or_o assist_v he_o as_o bishop_n declare_v a_o public_a enemy_n to_o the_o king_n and_o the_o right_n of_o his_o crown_n 234_o to_o 238_o 778._o william_n abbot_n of_o dogmael_n elect_v approve_a consecrate_a bishop_n in_o his_o stead_n the_o king_n writ_n issue_v to_o all_o in_o his_o diocese_n to_o assist_v receive_v he_o and_o oppose_v gilardus_n 230_o to_o 237_o 778._o hugo_n foliot_n the_o king_n writ_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o hereford_n and_o dean_n and_o chapter_n of_o st._n david_n to_o elect_v he_o bishop_n yet_o not_o elect_v that_o i_o find_v 355_o 356._o alh●lmus_n die_v of_o grief_n his_o bishopric_n be_v waste_v by_o k._n h._n 3._o his_o war_n on_o the_o welsh_a 726._o thomas_n wallensis_n archdeacon_n of_o lincoln_n a_o welshman_n elect_v approve_v by_o the_o king_n accept_v of_o it_o when_o poor_a waste_v by_o the_o war_n 726._o present_v in_o parliament_n join_v with_o the_o other_o bishop_n in_o denounce_v the_o excommunication_n against_o the_o infringer_n of_o the_o church_n liberty_n and_o magna_fw-la charta_fw-la an._n 1253._o p._n 796._o collector_n of_o dime_n in_o that_o diocese_n 917._o archbishop_n bonaface_o his_o letter_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o st._n david_n to_o execute_v his_o sentence_n of_o excommunication_n against_o lewellin_n prince_n of_o wales_n for_o break_v his_o truce_n with_o oath_n to_o k_o h._n 3._o by_o invade_v england_n 976_o 977._o richard_n curren_n his_o complaint_n to_o k._n h._n 3._o of_o violence_n offer_v to_o the_o person_n possession_n good_n of_o clergyman_n in_o his_o diocese_n and_o king_n writ_n prohibit_v such_o violence_n for_o the_o future_a 996_o 997._o a_o writ_n to_o he_o diligent_o to_o collect_v the_o dime_n in_o his_o diocese_n 1034._o dunolm_n durham_n bishopric_n bishop_n commissioner_n to_o inquire_v in_o it_o of_o the_o exile_a bishop_n damage_n p._n 281._o hugo_n pinsac_n four_o church_n in_o the_o bishopric_n of_o durham_n grant_v by_o k_o h._n 1._o and_o appropriate_v with_o his_o consent_n to_o carlisle_n 376._o his_o royal_a house_n in_o london_n the_o pope_n legate_n lodge_v in_o it_o 494._o pronounce_v a_o sentence_n of_o condemnation_n against_o earl_n john_n exile_v for_o treason_n against_o k._n rich._n 1._o appendix_n p._n 18._o philip_n of_o poicter_n his_o appeal_n against_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n excommunication_n proceed_n the_o king_n patent_n attest_v it_o 242._o adhered_a to_o king_n john_n against_o the_o pope_n and_o archbishop_n langeton_n for_o which_o he_o suffer_v afterward_o 254_o 265._o the_o king_n recommend_v richard_n de_fw-fr marisco_n or_o the_o bishop_n of_o norwich_n to_o the_o monk_n of_o durham_n who_o though_o second_v by_o the_o pope_n letter_n to_o they_o and_o his_o legate_n they_o notwithstanding_o in_o contempt_n of_o the_o king_n elect_v the_o dean_n of_o sarum_n by_o unanimous_a consent_n under_o all_o their_o hand_n seal_n and_o present_v he_o to_o the_o pope_n legate_n the_o pope_n to_o please_v the_o king_n defer_v his_o confirmation_n because_o elect_v without_o his_o licence_n or_o assent_v 353_o 354._o his_o legate_n at_o last_o intrude_v richard_n de_fw-fr marisco_n on_o they_o though_o elect_v to_o winton_n 382._o the_o contest_v between_o he_o and_o the_o monk_n their_o complaint_n against_o he_o the_o pope_n commission_n to_o examine_v and_o redress_v they_o 382_o 383_o 388_o 389._o a_o prohibition_n to_o his_o officer_n not_o to_o hold_v plea_n in_o his_o court_n not_o use_v in_o the_o king_n predecessor_n time_n or_o belong_v not_o to_o he_o in_o right_a of_o his_o bishopric_n nor_o use_v any_o liberty_n therein_o contrary_a to_o the_o king_n crown_n and_o dignity_n which_o his_o predecessor_n use_v not_o till_o discuss_v in_o the_o king_n court_n whether_o such_o writ_n or_o liberty_n belong_v to_o he_o p._n 388._o his_o sudden_a death_n epitaph_n torment_v in_o hell_n p._n 404_o 405._o after_o his_o decease_n the_o monk_n petition_v the_o king_n for_o a_o licence_n to_o elect_v he_o recommend_v luke_n his_o chaplain_n to_o they_o with_o much_o earnestness_n his_o answer_n they_o shall_v have_v no_o bishop_n for_o 7._o year_n unless_o they_o will_v elect_v luke_n yet_o they_o elect_a william_n archdeacon_n of_o winchester_n who_o the_o king_n refuse_v and_o appeal_v against_o after_o two_o year_n spend_v at_o rome_n the_o monk_n election_n be_v cancel_v luke_n put_v by_o and_o richard_n bishop_n of_o sarum_n make_v bishop_n by_o the_o pope_n favour_n p._n 405_o 406_o 418._o a_o commissioner_n in_o the_o north_n to_o inquire_v who_o break_v up_o the_o roman_n barn_n forcible_o take_v their_o good_n and_o to_o send_v they_o to_o rome_n to_o be_v punish_v beside_o without_o any_o appeal_n 436_o 437._o present_v in_o the_o parliament_n at_o merton_n when_o bastardy_n by_o the_o common_a law_n be_v settle_v against_o the_o canon_n 472._o his_o death_n the_o king_n licence_n to_o the_o monk_n to_o choose_v a_o new_a bishop_n p._n 483._o thomas_n prior_n of_o durham_n elect_v the_o king_n appeal_v constitute_v proctor_n against_o it_o p._n 497._o the_o monk_n prosecute_n his_o confirmation_n at_o rome_n be_v delay_v ●●●_o of_o grief_n sickness_n plague_n and_o he_o despair_v of_o success_n quit_v his_o election_n thereupon_o a_o new_a licence_n to_o elect_v be_v petition_v for_o grant_v p._n 565._o nicholas_n farnham_n elect_v refuse_v it_o till_o conjure_v by_o bishop_n grosthead_n to_o accept_v it_o the_o king_n approve_v confirm_v he_o 565_o 566._o a_o writ_n to_o he_o to_o inquire_v and_o certify_v how_o many_o benefice_n be_v in_o his_o diocese_n and_o how_o many_o provision_n grant_v to_o alien_n by_o pope_n legate_n or_o other_o p._n 573._o one_o of_o the_o pope_n delegate_n to_o absolve_v the_o bishop_n of_o lincoln_n and_o his_o subject_n from_o the_o monk_n of_o canterburye_n sentence_n against_o they_o 599._o consecrate_a at_o gloucester_n where_o the_o king_n and_o queen_n be_v present_a his_o profession_n of_o subjection_n to_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n 623._o cure_a of_o his_o incurable_a disease_n by_o drink_v some_o of_o st._n edmund_n hair_n ibid._n a_o writ_n not_o to_o remove_v from_o durham_n notwithstanding_o his_o summons_n to_o parliament_n or_o to_o attend_v on_o the_o archbishop_n elect_v of_o canterbury_n or_o any_o other_o occasion_n whatsoever_o till_o further_a order_n by_o reason_n of_o danger_n in_o those_o part_n 632._o he_o oppress_v by_o his_o episcopal_a power_n the_o prior_n and_o monk_n of_o tynemuth_n by_o distress_n notwithstanding_o the_o king_n treble_a request_n on_o their_o behalf_n charge_v with_o high_a ingratitude_n by_o the_o king_n a_o prohibition_n issue_v to_o he_o order_v to_o pay_v damage_n to_o the_o prior_n sharp_o reprehend_v by_o the_o king_n p._n 715_o 716._o fall_v into_o a_o incurable_a disease_n resign_v his_o bishopric_n reserve_v 3._o manor_n only_o during_o his_o life_n the_o king_n seize_v the_o rest_n 623_o 624._o a_o writ_n declare_v that_o after_o his_o resignation_n he_o be_v not_o oblige_v to_o pay_v his_o predecessor_n debt_n nor_o to_o be_v distrain_v for_o they_o 728._o his_o death_n 924._o walter_n de_fw-fr kirkham_n his_o successor_n endeavour_n by_o the_o pope_n power_n to_o resume_v the_o 3._o manor_n reserve_v by_o nicholas_n upon_o his_o resignation_n the_o pope_n reprehension_n and_o his_o infamy_n for_o it_o p._n 761_o 924._o the_o king_n writ_n to_o he_o to_o promote_v the_o preach_n and_o business_n of_o the_o cross_n collect_v the_o money_n raise_v by_o and_o publish_v the_o indulgence_n grant_v he_o by_o the_o pope_n to_o such_o who_o take_v it_o up_o 767_o 768_o present_a in_o the_o parliament_n o●_n 37_o h._n ●_o and_o excommunication_n public_o denounce_v against_o the_o infringer_n of_o the_o church_n liberty_n and_o great_a charter_n 796_o 797._o assault_v abuse_v 4._o of_o his_o servant_n forcible_o imprison_v by_o john_n de_fw-fr boylol_n his_o brother_n and_o complice_n for_o excommunicate_v imprison_a some_o of_o his_o servant_n by_o a_o capias_fw-la excommunicatum_fw-la his_o complaint_n thereof_o to_o the_o king_n writ_n issue_v thereupon_o to_o release_v the_o bishop_n servant_n and_o punish_v this_o ri●●_n 826_o 827._o a_o writ_n to_o he_o to_o show_v what_o right_o he_o have_v to_o the_o sequestration_n of_o church_n in_o his_o diocese_n belong_v to_o the_o bishop_n of_o carlisle_n p._n 942_o 972._o a_o writ_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o durham_n for_o his_o ●fficials_n cite_v 40._o burgess_n of_o newcastle_n out_o of_o the_o town_n compel_v they_o to_o appear_v on_o their_o citation_n from_o day_n to_o day_n and_o take_v oath_n at_o their_o pleasure_n against_o their_o will_n by_o
infringe_v the_o liberty_n of_o the_o church_n by_o quo_n warrantoe_n or_o malicious_a interpretation_n of_o their_o charter_n 906_o 907._o for_o outlaw_v banish_v clerk_n for_o crime_n 904._o for_o call_v a_o bishop_n traitor_n to_o the_o king_n by_o the_o bishop_n himself_o 443._o of_o such_o who_o prosecute_v prohibition_n and_o attachment_n upon_o they_o against_o ecclesiastical_a judge_n for_o sue_v for_o temporal_a matter_n 718._o 846._o 904._o for_o breach_n of_o contract_n ratify_v by_o oath_n 905._o see_v prohibition_n for_o abuse_v the_o archbishop_n official_a against_o the_o bishop_n of_o winton_n and_o his_o servant_n 785._o to_o 789._o 951._o of_o the_o bishop_n of_o london_n dean_n and_o chapter_n of_o paul_n for_o oppose_v the_o archbishop_n visitation_n of_o they_o the_o appeal_v thereupon_o to_o the_o pope_n his_o declare_v it_o null_n and_o excommunicate_v they_o again_o for_o money_n upon_o other_o pretext_n 741._o 742._o to_o 746._o 762._o of_o the_o dean_n and_o chapter_n of_o lincoln_n for_o oppose_v the_o archbishop_n presentation_n to_o a_o prebendary_a 805._o 806._o for_o not_o submit_v to_o bishop_n award_v according_a to_o the_o king_n and_o baron_n order_n in_o case_n of_o minister_n good_n plunder_v during_o the_o war_n 1003._o of_o the_o bishop_n of_o lincoln_n by_o the_o prior_n and_o monk_n of_o canterbury_n during_o the_o vacancy_n of_o the_o see_v for_o ingratitude_n and_o rebellion_n against_o his_o mother_n church_n who_o contemn_v it_o and_o officiat_n notwithstanding_o 598._o the_o king_n queen_n and_o king_n brother_n earl_n richard_n usual_o except_v in_o our_o archbishop_n general_a excommunication_n and_o interdict_v 282._o 430._o 786._o 788._o none_o of_o the_o king_n chapel_n to_o be_v excommunicate_v by_o archbishop_n o●_n bishop_n see_v free_a chapel_n no_o baron_n tenant_n in_o capite_fw-la officer_n bailiff_n or_o tenant_n of_o the_o king_n dwell_v in_o his_o castle_n city_n demesne_n to_o be_v excommunicate_v by_o the_o ancient_a law_n custom_n of_o the_o realm_n without_o the_o king_n privity_n and_o consent_n 3._o 701._o 702._o 830._o 831._o complaint_n of_o the_o noble_n people_n to_o the_o king_n against_o excommunication_n and_o vexation_n and_o writ_n of_o the_o king_n to_o prohibit_v they_o 699._o 700._o 701._o 702._o 704._o 705._o 706._o 830._o 831._o 969._o 970._o what_o admonition_n ought_v to_o precede_v excommunication_n 260._o 391._o 392._o 883._o of_o david_n prince_n of_o wales_n and_o his_o brother_n by_o the_o bishop_n of_o bangor_n for_o imprison_v his_o brother_n against_o his_o safe_a conduct_n and_o for_o break_v his_o charter_n oath_n to_o king_n henry_n by_o the_o archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n and_o two_o english_a bishop_n according_a to_o his_o own_o charter_n and_o submission_n 609._o 611._o 621._o 622._o 976._o 977._o writ_n de_n excommunicato_fw-la capiendo_fw-la imprisonment_n on_o they_o after_o 40_o day_n 482._o 785._o 806._o 819._o 824_o 826._o 827._o 883._o 884._o 892._o 906._o king_n denial_n superleding_n of_o writ_n of_o excommunicato_fw-la capiendo_fw-la and_o sheriff_n refusal_n or_o neglect_n to_o execute_v they_o when_o issue_v complain_v against_o by_o the_o bishop_n as_o grievance_n to_o the_o church_n to_o be_v punish_v by_o interdict_v and_o excommunication_n 599_o 890._o 903._o 904_o writ_n de_n excommunicato_fw-la deliberando_fw-la before_o satisfaction_n to_o the_o ordinary_n enlarge_n excommunicate_v person_n and_o converse_v with_o they_o by_o the_o king_n and_o his_o officer_n 819._o 827._o 974._o 1009._o complain_v against_o by_o the_o bishop_n as_o a_o grievance_n punishable_a with_o the_o great_a excommunication_n interdict_v of_o the_o officer_n and_o king_n castle_n land_n by_o their_o new_a constitution_n 890_o 903_o 904._o the_o council_n of_o oxford_n excommunication_n of_o several_a offender_n by_o authority_n of_o god_n the_o father_n almighty_n of_o the_o virgin_n mary_n and_o saint_n omit_v god_n the_o son_n and_o holy_a ghost_n 54._o 385._o 386._o thomas_n becket_n name_v thrust_v into_o ahchbishops_n excommunication_n as_o beatissimus_fw-la patronus_fw-la noster_fw-la and_o as_o a_o martyr_n 745._o 796._o anathemaes_n and_o excommunication_n denounce_v by_o our_o king_n themselves_o in_o their_o charter_n of_o land_n to_o religious_a house_n and_o bishopric_n 3._o 4._o 339._o the_o king_n patent_n authorise_v the_o master_n of_o the_o jew_n law_n to_o excommunicate_v such_o jew_n who_o do_v not_o contribute_v the_o money_n promise_v to_o their_o new_a church_n yard_n 735._o 736._o saint_n peter_n paul_n and_o the_o virgin_n maryes_fw-mi name_v insert_v into_o the_o general_a excommunication_n of_o the_o infringer_n of_o the_o great_a charter_n 796._o the_o abbey_n of_o st._n alban_n exempt_v from_o all_o excommunication_n interdict_v by_o archbishop_n bishop_n legate_n but_o only_o by_o the_o pope_n himself_o or_o a_o cardinal_n legate_n à_fw-fr latere_fw-la appendix_n 24._o king_n writ_n to_o recall_v and_o not_o publish_v excommunication_n prejudicial_a to_o the_o right_n of_o his_o crown_n clerk_n 688._o 689._o out_o of_o ordinary_n malice_n fraud_n redress_v by_o writ_n 883_o 884._o see_v interdict_v absolution_n prohibition_n and_o index_n 3_o 10_o 12._o executor_n composition_n with_o the_o pope_n legate_n for_o indistinct_a legacy_n 864._o exemption_n from_o archiepisoopal_n and_o episcopal_a jurisdiction_n censure_n by_o king_n charter_n to_o monastery_n 2_o 3._o appendix_n 23_o 24._o by_o pope_n bull_n ihidem_fw-la of_o the_o king_n free-chappels_a see_v free_a chapel_n of_o the_o clergy_n by_o pope_n constitution_n canon_n and_o their_o own_o from_o all_o emperor_n king_n and_o temporal_a magistrate_n jurisdions_a law_n court_n tax_n whatsoever_o 5._o 6._o 7._o 8._o 278._o 368._o 368._o 873._o 874._o 880._o 886._o 887._o 888._o 890._o 903._o see_v clerk_n of_o the_o king_n clerk_n and_o chaplain_n attend_v on_o he_o from_o dime_n 1007._o see_v chaplain_n f_o fame_n what_o kind_n of_o it_o ought_v to_o precede_v inquisition_n 812._o fast_n ordinary_a and_o extraordinary_a prescribe_v by_o king_n 2._o fealty_n swear_v and_o do_v to_o king_n by_o bishop_n and_o by_o their_o proctor_n with_o the_o king_n consent_n 593._o see_v oath_n and_o index_n 3_o 4_o 5._o throughout_o make_a by_o all_o bishop_n prelate_n baron_n present_a at_o our_o king_n coronation_n 370._o feastival_n ordinary_a and_o extraordinary_a prescribe_v by_o king_n 2_o 711_o 712_o 715_o 826._o fee_n undue_a extort_a prohibit_v see_v exaction_n none_o for_o order_n licenses_fw-la to_o teach_v school_n sacrament_n or_o sacramental_n 232_o 233_o 950_o 1041._o first_o fruit_n due_a to_o the_o king_n 3._o deny_v to_o take_v from_o pope_n as_o a_o usurpation_n 5._o of_o vacant_a benefice_n grant_v by_o pope_n innocent_n 4._o to_o archbishop_n boniface_n for_o seven_o year_n to_o raise_v 10000_o mark_n to_o pay_v pretend_a debt_n of_o the_o bishopric_n a_o unheard_a of_o innovation_n in_o england_n oppose_v by_o the_o bishop_n nobles_z king_n at_o first_o yet_o enforce_v by_o excommunication_n the_o benefice_n of_o nobleman_n layman_n patronage_n and_o king_n free_a chapel_n exempt_v from_o they_o by_o order_n of_o parliament_n and_o the_o king_n writ_n 683_o 684_o 718_o 719_o 740_o 759._o the_o first-fruit_n of_o all_o vacant_a benefice_n grant_v the_o king_n for_o five_o year_n by_o the_o pope_n 913_o 921._o the_o king_n by_o virtue_n of_o it_o challenge_v first_o fruit_n against_o the_o pope_n commendaes_n retinere_fw-la grant_v to_o the_o archbishop_n of_o tuam_fw-la 913._o flegwite_n fleme_n 229._o exemption_n from_o they_o forest_n charter_n of_o they_o grant_v 336._o forester_n extortion_n prohibit_v under_o pain_n of_o loss_n of_o life_n and_o member_n 282._o protosorester_n 265._o forfeiture_n of_o the_o patronage_n of_o all_o church_n by_o the_o king_n express_a charter_n if_o he_o perform_v not_o the_o agreement_n make_v with_o the_o pope_n legate_n for_o the_o exile_a bishop_n safe_a return_n damage_n and_o exercise_n of_o their_o full_a episcopal_a jurisdiction_n 272_o 277._o of_o the_o crown_n and_o realm_n for_o not_o perform_v condition_n to_o the_o pope_n in_o king_n john_n charter_n to_o pope_n innocent_n 274._o 289._o in_o king_n henry_n iii_o his_o charter_n and_o pope_n bull_n concern_v sicily_n if_o he_o fail_v in_o perform_v the_o article_n 419._o 931._o 1001._o 1002._o a_o void_a condition_n 305._o 306._o of_o good_n and_o church-living_n for_o treason_n rebellion_n misdemeanour_n 522._o 1064._o 1865._o see_v index_n 3_o förnageld_n 228._o forstall_n exemption_n from_o they_o 228._o francis_n the_o virgin_n mary_fw-mi chaplain_n to_o reconcile_v the_o world_n to_o her_o order_n service_n he_o and_o his_o son_n under_o her_o special_a protection_n 32._o cononized_a a_o roman_a saint_n 49_o 50_o 488._o their_o blasphemy_n of_o his_o oath_n of_o conformity_n miracle_n wound_n advocateship_n merit_n mass_o derogatory_n to_o christ_n his_o vision_n of_o a_o white_a and_o red_a ladder_n and_o send_v his_o freer_n scholar_n from_o christ_n red_a to_o the_o virgin_n mary_fw-mi white_a ladder_n