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mercy_n hear_v lord_n merciful_a 2,985 5 9.4011 5 false
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A35955 Therapeutica sacra shewing briefly the method of healing the diseases of the conscience, concerning regeneration / written first in Latine by David Dickson ; and thereafter translated by him. Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. 1664 (1664) Wing D1408; ESTC R24294 376,326 551

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private_a when_o he_o find_v a_o indisposition_n of_o mind_n unto_o it_o sundry_a convert_n when_o they_o perceive_v the_o unfitnesse_n of_o their_o spirit_n to_o offer_v immediate_a worship_n to_o god_n in_o prayer_n praise_n or_o thanksgiving_n especial_o in_o private_a do_v fall_n in_o doubt_n with_o themselves_o whether_o it_o be_v better_a to_o delay_v the_o offer_n of_o their_o worship_n till_o they_o find_v themselves_o well_o dispose_v for_o it_o or_o to_o go_v on_o as_o they_o may_v albeit_o they_o apprehend_v their_o lip_n pollute_v and_o their_o heart_n far_o away_o from_o god_n their_o fear_n on_o the_o one_o hand_n be_v lest_o they_o shall_v pollute_v the_o worship_n and_o take_v god_n name_n in_o vain_a on_o the_o other_o hand_n they_o fear_v lest_o they_o fall_v in_o the_o guiltiness_n of_o omit_v a_o prescribe_a duty_n the_o question_n shall_v be_v what_o the_o doubt_a convert_n shall_v determine_v and_o do_v 2._o for_o answer_v this_o case_n be_v speak_v unto_o before_o 2._o book_n chap._n 17._o in_o as_o far_o as_o the_o convert_n determine_v not_o and_o do_v not_o what_o be_v right_a but_o go_v wrong_a and_o please_v himself_o in_o his_o bad_a condition_n but_o here_o we_o speak_v to_o this_o case_n as_o the_o convert_n be_v in_o doubt_n only_o and_o desire_v to_o be_v keep_v from_o deceive_v himself_o in_o which_o case_n we_o say_v that_o as_o it_o be_v the_o convert_v doubt_v so_o we_o must_v confess_v that_o this_o case_n of_o indisposition_n and_o un●itnesse_n for_o spiritual_a exercise_n be_v very_o frequent_a and_o be_v ordinary_o and_o ofttimes_o a_o chastisement_n of_o we_o draw_v on_o by_o ourselves_o because_o we_o do_v not_o watch_v unto_o prayer_n we_o do_v not_o study_v to_o keep_v our_o heart_n in_o the_o fear_n of_o the_o lord_n all_o the_o day_n long_o we_o do_v not_o foster_v that_o tenderness_n of_o conscience_n which_o may_v furnish_v we_o mater_fw-la of_o humiliation_n and_o of_o thanksgiving_n to_o god_n upon_o observation_n of_o our_o fault_n against_o god_n and_o of_o god_n favour_n daily_a and_o hourly_o remarkable_o run_v towards_o we_o hence_o it_o be_v when_o our_o ordinar_n time_n of_o secret_a worship_n do_v come_v we_o find_v our_o vaige_a mind_n hardly_o call_v home_o from_o their_o wander_a our_o conscience_n challenge_v we_o for_o our_o loose_a and_o uncircumspect_a walk_n our_o affection_n dull_a and_o dead_a and_o all_o the_o power_n of_o our_o soul_n take_v as_o with_o a_o palsy_n that_o we_o can_v bestir_v ourselves_o in_o worship_n as_o we_o shall_v and_o will_v therefore_o in_o this_o case_n let_v the_o convert_v be_v humble_v and_o confess_v his_o fault_n and_o take_v with_o this_o chastisement_n and_o ●●ye_n unto_o christ_n who_o hear_v and_o take_v away_o the_o iniquity_n of_o our_o pollution_n of_o holy_a thing_n and_o let_v he_o nor_o defer_v his_o worship_n till_o another_o occasion_n but_o wrestle_v against_o all_o impediment_n and_o follow_v out_o the_o work_n in_o hand_n blessing_n god_n for_o his_o point_v out_o unto_o he_o his_o want_n and_o weakness_n his_o wander_a and_o vanity_n of_o mind_n his_o slip_n and_o slide_v in_o his_o way_n and_o for_o open_v unto_o he_o a_o ●ountain_n in_o christ_n for_o wash_v his_o pollution_n and_o heal_a his_o wound_n and_o that_o the_o convert_n may_v be_v encourage_v to_o aim_v at_o and_o follow_v on_o this_o way_n let_v he_o consider_v that_o the_o convert_v worship_n may_v be_v pleasant_a and_o acceptable_a to_o god_n when_o the_o convert_n be_v much_o displease_v with_o himself_o in_o the_o discharge_n of_o it_o for_o there_o be_v a_o worship_v of_o god_n in_o faith_n without_o sense_n and_o feel_n of_o the_o heart_n enlargement_n and_o there_o be_v a_o worship_v of_o god_n with_o feel_a enlargement_n of_o heart_n the_o worship_v of_o god_n in_o faith_n be_v pleasant_a unto_o god_n albeit_o the_o worshipper_n in_o perplexity_n and_o wrestle_n with_o temptation_n and_o corruption_n be_v much_o displease_v with_o himself_o the_o worship_v of_o god_n with_o enlargement_n of_o heart_n be_v pleasant_a both_o unto_o god_n and_o to_o the_o worshipper_n also_o as_o ps._n 119._o 32._o david_n give_v we_o to_o understand_v i_o will_v run_v the_o way_n of_o thy_o commandment_n say_v he_o when_o thou_o shall_v enlarge_v my_o heart_n but_o when_o this_o enlargement_n by_o sensible_a assistance_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n be_v not_o perceive_v the_o psalmist_n be_v but_o a_o dead_a man_n in_o his_o own_o estimation_n yet_o he_o do_v not_o forbear_v or_o delay_v to_o worship_n god_n as_o well_o in_o bond_n as_o in_o freedom_n quicken_v i_o say_v he_o according_a to_o thy_o love_a kindness_n therefore_o let_v the_o convert_v in_o this_o case_n 1._o follow_v the_o example_n of_o the_o psalmist_n who_o ps._n 5._o 3._o resolve_v to_o call_v on_o god_n with_o his_o voice_n that_o be_v to_o follow_v the_o work_n of_o prayer_n external_o pre-suppose_a his_o spiritual_a power_n be_v bind_v up_o and_o he_o unable_a to_o back_v his_o petition_n with_o suitable_a affection_n my_o voice_n say_v he_o shall_v thou_o hear_v in_o the_o morning_n o_o lord_n in_o the_o morning_n will_v i_o direct_v my_o prayer_n unto_o thou_o and_o will_v look_v up_o and_o ps._n 27._o 7._o hear_v i_o when_o i_o cry_v with_o my_o voice_n have_v mercy_n also_o upon_o i_o and_o answer_v i_o 2._o for_o his_o encouragement_n in_o this_o case_n to_o go_v on_o in_o his_o worship_n let_v he_o confess_v unto_o god_n the_o truth_n as_o it_o be_v present_v unto_o he_o by_o his_o conscience_n and_o say_v o_o lord_n my_o god_n these_o be_v my_o sin_n which_o i_o ought_v to_o acknowledge_v before_o thou_o with_o tear_n which_o for_o the_o present_n be_v dry_v up_o etc._n etc._n these_o be_v thy_o favour_n and_o benefit_n wherewith_o i_o be_o loaden●d_v which_o i_o shall_v acknowledge_v with_o joy_n and_o sense_n of_o thy_o goodness_n etc._n etc._n but_o thou_o lord_n delight_v in_o truth_n in_o the_o inward_a part_n ps._n 51._o 8._o this_o will_v be_v find_v our_o reasonable_a service_n which_o the_o apostle_n call_v for_o rom._n 12._o 1_o 2._o the_o eight_o question_n be_v how_o to_o satisfy_v the_o convert_n doubt_v what_o be_v the_o sin_n which_o god_n pursue_v by_o long-lasting_a affliction_n it_o fall_v forth_o ofttimes_o when_o a_o true_a convert_n be_v a_o long_a time_n press_v under_o some_o last_a cross_n or_o calamity_n do_v inquire_v after_o the_o special_a cause_n of_o his_o affliction_n and_o when_o he_o can_v be_v clear_a what_o to_o determine_v do_v doubt_v what_o to_o think_v of_o his_o condition_n for_o he_o acknowledge_v his_o sin_n common_a to_o he_o and_o other_o convert_v to_o be_v innummerable_a but_o apprehend_v that_o it_o be_v some_o special_a sin_n pursue_v by_o god_n which_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o his_o affliction_n which_o because_o he_o can_v condescend_v upon_o he_o be_v at_o a_o stand_n and_o doubt_v what_o to_o think_v or_o do_v 2._o for_o answer_v we_o say_v 1._o such_o a_o case_n be_v more_o troublesome_a than_o dangerous_a for_o so_o long_o as_o he_o be_v observe_v his_o sin_n common_a to_o he_o and_o other_o convert_v and_o in_o the_o exercise_n of_o repentance_n be_v daily_o humble_v before_o god_n for_o his_o know_a sin_n he_o must_v not_o be_v anxious_a albeit_o he_o know_v not_o the_o particular_a sin_n pursue_v as_o he_o apprehend_v for_o albeit_o the_o lord_n afflict_v no_o man_n but_o such_o as_o have_v sin_n in_o they_o yet_o he_o do_v not_o always_o in_o afflict_v of_o his_o child_n pursue_v unknown_a sin_n in_o they_o for_o sometime_o he_o afflict_v his_o child_n to_o preveen_v his_o sin_v hedge_v up_o his_o way_n with_o thorn_n lest_o he_o shall_v follow_v after_o belove_a lust_n sometime_o he_o do_v afflict_v he_o to_o try_v his_o faith_n to_o teach_v he_o patience_n meekness_n temperance_n and_o other_o virtue_n such_o as_o be_v die_v to_o the_o world_n seek_v after_o thing_n spiritual_a compassion_n towards_o other_o in_o affliction_n 2._o when_o the_o afflict_a have_v compose_v his_o mind_n to_o reverence_n god_n dispensation_n whatsoever_o it_o be_v or_o shall_v be_v then_o let_v he_o yet_o again_o look_v upon_o his_o affliction_n and_o it_o may_v be_v he_o shall_v read_v in_o the_o rod_n what_o be_v the_o lord_n quarrel_n 3._o whether_o he_o shall_v find_v the_o special_a cause_n of_o his_o affliction_n or_o not_o let_v he_o turn_v all_o his_o indignation_n zeal_n and_o hatred_n against_o the_o body_n of_o death_n the_o bitter_a root_n and_o bulk_n of_o actual_a sin_n and_o watch_v diligent_o over_o the_o motion_n of_o original_a sin_n or_o concupiscence_n in_o himself_o 4._o and_o let_v his_o whole_a exercise_n stir_v he_o up_o to_o have_v christ_n in_o great_a estimation_n to_o make_v use_n of_o christ_n righteousness_n impute_v to_o believer_n and_o
to_o light_n by_o his_o long_a continue_a preach_v of_o his_o word_n the_o obstinate_a enimity_n of_o the_o reprobat_fw-la multitude_n against_o he_o open_v up_o his_o decree_n against_o all_o that_o sort_n in_o the_o sad_a message_n commit_v to_o isaiah_n chap._n 6._o 9_o 10._o go_v and_o tell_v this_o people_n hear_v you_o indeed_o and_o understand_v not_o see_v you_o indeed_o but_o perceive_v not_o make_v the_o heart_n of_o this_o people_n fat_a and_o make_v their_o ear_n heavy_a and_o shut_v their_o eye_n lest_o they_o see_v with_o their_o eye_n and_o hear_v with_o their_o ear_n and_o understand_v with_o their_o heart_n and_o convert_v and_o be_v heal_v vers_fw-la 13._o yet_o there_o shall_v be_v a_o ten_o part_n the_o holy_a seed_n to_o wit_n the_o elect_a shall_v be_v the_o substance_n thereof_o and_o of_o this_o pprophecy_n use_n be_v make_v when_o the_o multitude_n of_o misbeliever_n be_v like_a to_o obscure_v the_o glory_n of_o christ_n job._n 12._o 37_o 38._o to_o 42._o they_o hear_v the_o offer_n of_o grace_n preach_v by_o christ_n himself_o and_o see_v his_o manifold_a wonder_n yet_o they_o believe_v not_o neither_o can_v they_o believe_v because_o god_n have_v reject_v they_o as_o john_n do_v prove_v from_o the_o pprophecy_n of_o isaiah_n second_o be_v it_o not_o fair_a deal_n when_o the_o lord_n profess_v that_o his_o word_n shall_v be_v preach_v and_o his_o wonder_n manifest_v for_o the_o elect_v cause_n albeit_o they_o be_v but_o as_o a_o ten_o part_n to_o a_o curse_a and_o reprobat_fw-la multitude_n who_o shall_v hear_v and_o see_v without_o his_o blessing_n and_o in_o his_o dispensation_n do_v in_o effect_n as_o he_o have_v profess_v as_o it_o be_v a_o reasonable_a answer_n of_o a_o husband_n man_n and_o gardener_n to_o his_o child_n ask_v he_o why_o he_o beat_v the_o whole_a sheaf_n and_o water_v all_o the_o garden_n see_v the_o sheaf_n be_v most_o part_n straw_n and_o chaff_n and_o the_o garden_n full_a of_o weed_n to_o say_v to_o his_o child_n that_o he_o beat_v the_o sh●af_n that_o he_o may_v sever_v the_o corn_n from_o the_o straw_n and_o chaff_n and_o that_o he_o water_v the_o ground_n where_o herb_n and_o weed_n do_v grow_v together_o that_o he_o may_v make_v both_o to_o come_v up_o above_o ground_n and_o after_o that_o may_v pull_v out_o the_o weed_n and_o foster_v the_o herb_n for_o the_o master_n use_n so_o it_o be_v a_o reasonable_a answer_n to_o such_o as_o cavil_v against_o the_o preach_n of_o the_o gospel_n to_o a_o mix_a multitude_n of_o elect_a and_o reprobat_fw-la to_o say_v that_o the_o gospel_n be_v preach_v to_o both_o for_o the_o conversion_n of_o the_o elect_a and_o bring_v to_o light_v the_o hatred_n of_o the_o reprobat_fw-la against_o god_n and_o the_o offer_n of_o his_o grace_n three_o we_o grant_v the_o lord_n know_v man_n wickedness_n and_o inability_n to_o obey_v his_o command_n and_o their_o natural_a enimity_n against_o he_o but_o he_o know_v also_o that_o all_o man_n by_o nature_n be_v proud_a and_o puff_v up_o with_o the_o conceit_n of_o their_o own_o wisdom_n and_o righteousness_n and_o ability_n so_o as_o they_o will_v not_o acknowledge_v their_o sinfulness_n nor_o be_v sensible_a of_o their_o misery_n and_o danger_n of_o perdition_n but_o do_v entertain_v a_o high_a esteem_n and_o opinion_n of_o themselves_o and_o in_o special_a this_o that_o they_o love_v god_n above_o all_o thing_n and_o that_o they_o can_v do_v any_o thing_n command_v at_o least_o in_o such_o a_o measure_n as_o may_v reasonable_o satisfy_v god_n as_o be_v to_o be_v see_v in_o the_o example_n of_o the_o israelit_v undertake_v exod._n 19_o therefore_o god_n in_o his_o wisdom_n before_o he_o convert_v any_o man_n do_v pull_v down_o this_o false_a conceit_n by_o put_v his_o ability_n to_o proof_n by_o the_o preach_n of_o the_o law_n to_o the_o intent_n that_o as_o the_o lord_n know_v what_o be_v in_o man_n so_o man_n may_v know_v it_o also_o both_o in_o his_o own_o and_o other_o man_n experience_n and_o this_o be_v bring_v to_o light_v yet_o more_o clear_o by_o the_o preach_n of_o the_o gospel_n wherein_o albeit_o god_n make_v the_o precious_a offer_n of_o life_n and_o salvation_n to_o every_o hearer_n of_o the_o gospel_n if_o he_o will_v acknowledge_v his_o sin_n and_o betake_v himself_o to_o christ_n yet_o no_o man_n of_o himself_o will_v either_o believe_v or_o receive_v the_o offer_n but_o will_v go_v on_o in_o his_o own_o counsel_n and_o way_n till_o god_n by_o his_o grace_n convert_v he_o this_o sickness_n be_v common_a both_o to_o the_o elect_a and_o the_o reprobat_fw-la but_o when_o the_o natural_a perverseness_n of_o both_o be_v manifest_v god_n come_v and_o make_v the_o difference_n of_o the_o one_o from_o the_o other_o out_o of_o his_o mere_a grace_n by_o draw_v the_o elect_a powerful_o to_o christ_n and_o let_v the_o rest_n go_v on_o to_o their_o own_o perdition_n in_o his_o righteous_a judgement_n and_o our_o lord_n do_v so_o expound_v the_o mater_fw-la joh._n 8._o 47._o he_o that_o be_v of_o god_n hear_v god_n word_n you_o therefore_o hear_v they_o not_o because_o you_o be_v not_o of_o god_n four_o the_o lord_n profess_v plain_o that_o in_o the_o dispensation_n of_o his_o word_n and_o work_n of_o providence_n he_o intend_v the_o trial_n of_o man_n and_o the_o discovery_n of_o their_o heart_n to_o themselves_o and_o to_o other_o and_o what_o fair_a deal_v can_v there_o be_v then_o this_o for_o exod._n 16._o 4._o he_o tell_v they_o that_o he_o will_v rain_v down_o manna_n upon_o they_o to_o prove_v they_o whither_o they_o will_v walk_v in_o his_o law_n or_o not_o and_o exod._n 20._o 20._o he_o tell_v they_o he_o will_v give_v they_o his_o law_n and_o preach_v of_o his_o word_n to_o prove_v they_o that_o his_o fear_n may_v be_v before_o they_o and_o deut._n 8._o 2._o that_o the_o dispensation_n of_o his_o providence_n towards_o they_o all_o the_o forty_o year_n in_o the_o wilderness_n be_v to_o humble_v they_o and_o to_o prove_v they_o to_o know_v what_o be_v in_o their_o heart_n whether_o they_o will_v keep_v his_o command_n or_o not_o and_o deut._n 13._o 1_o 2_o 3._o that_o he_o will_v suffer_v false_a prophet_n to_o arise_v among_o they_o to_o prove_v they_o and_o to_o try_v whether_o they_o will_v love_v the_o lord_n their_o god_n with_o all_o their_o heart_n and_o to_o this_o same_o intent_n we_o be_v advertise_v that_o christ_n shall_v be_v not_o only_o a_o try_a stone_n but_o also_o a_o stone_n for_o trial_n set_v for_o the_o ruin_n of_o some_o and_o raise_v up_o of_o other_o some_o isa._n 28._o 16_o 17._o and_o 8._o 14._o compare_v with_o luke_n 2._o 34_o 35._o for_o by_o this_o manner_n of_o dispensation_n the_o lord_n make_v manifest_a that_o both_o the_o elect_a and_o reprobat_fw-la be_v conclude_v under_o sin_n and_o unbelief_n of_o themselves_o and_o that_o no_o man_n can_v come_v to_o christ_n except_o the_o father_n draw_v he_o that_o he_o may_v have_v mercy_n on_o who_o he_o will_v have_v mercy_n and_o this_o manner_n of_o probation_n of_o man_n by_o a_o common_a offer_n of_o grace_n unto_o all_o be_v a_o part_n of_o that_o prudence_n whereby_o christ_n by_o his_o conditional_a promise_n and_o exhortation_n and_o the_o preach_n of_o the_o gospel_n to_o all_o hearer_n make_v all_o these_o that_o be_v outward_o call_v to_o be_v without_o excuse_n and_o fish_v forth_o the_o elect_a out_o of_o the_o sea_n of_o sin_n and_o misery_n and_o out_o of_o the_o society_n of_o those_o that_o perish_v of_o which_o prudence_n isaiah_n speak_v chap._n 52._o 13._o behold_v my_o servant_n shall_v deal_v prudent_o and_o prosper_v and_o be_v extol_v and_o be_v very_o high_a wherefore_o this_o wisdom_n of_o god_n in_o convert_v the_o elect_a without_o give_v cause_n of_o stumble_v unto_o any_o of_o the_o rest_n be_v rather_o to_o be_v admire_v and_o praise_v then_o to_o be_v dispute_v against_o as_o we_o be_v teach_v rom._n 11._o 33_o 34_o 35_o 36._o o_o the_o depth_n of_o the_o riches_n both_o of_o the_o wisdom_n and_o knowledge_n of_o god_n how_o unsearchable_a be_v his_o judgement_n and_o his_o way_n past_o find_v out_o obj._n but_o for_o all_o this_o the_o carnal_a wisdom_n of_o proud_a man_n be_v such_o as_o neither_o be_v it_o subject_a to_o god_n nor_o indeed_o can_v be_v but_o stand_v in_o hostile_a enimity_n against_o he_o and_o will_v not_o be_v quiet_a but_o when_o it_o hear_v what_o be_v say_v rom._n 9_o 18._o that_o god_n will_v have_v mercy_n on_o who_o he_o will_v have_v mercy_n and_o who_o he_o will_v he_o harden_v will_v say_v as_o it_o be_v vers_n 19_o why_o do_v god_n yet_o find_v fault_n for_o who_o have_v resist_v his_o will_n this_o doctrine_n say_v they_o do_v hinder_v man_n repentance_n
altogether_o ans._n we_o answer_v with_o the_o apostle_n vers_fw-la 20._o nay_o but_o o_o man_n who_o be_v thou_o that_o reply_v against_o god_n whether_o do_v thou_o compear_v procuratour_n for_o the_o reprobat_fw-la and_o for_o satan_n the_o enemy_n of_o god_n to_o quarrel_v and_o dispute_v with_o god_n anent_o his_o righteous_a decree_n if_o thou_o will_v avow_v this_o we_o leave_v thou_o and_o all_o such_o proud_a and_o presumptuous_a misbeliever_n of_o plain_a doctrine_n to_o reckon_v with_o your_o judge_n but_o if_o thou_o speak_v only_o for_o thyself_o we_o shall_v let_v thou_o see_v that_o this_o doctrine_n shall_v not_o hinder_v thou_o from_o repentance_n if_o then_o thou_o shall_v say_v i_o will_v not_o dispute_v against_o god_n but_o do_v desire_v earnest_o to_o be_v satisfy_v about_o myself_o for_o i_o believe_v that_o many_o be_v reprobat_fw-la and_o few_o be_v choose_v and_o my_o fear_n be_v that_o i_o be_v find_v of_o the_o worst_a sort_n and_o do_v not_o know_v how_o to_o rid_v myself_o of_o my_o doubt_n and_o fear_n for_o answer_v we_o shall_v deal_v with_o thou_o in_o a_o friendly_a manner_n and_o first_o we_o put_v thou_o in_o remembrance_n that_o god_n have_v serve_v a_o inhibition_n on_o all_o man_n not_o to_o meddle_v with_o the_o secret_a counsel_n of_o god_n deut._n 29._o 29._o the_o secret_a thing_n belong_v to_o the_o lord_n our_o god_n but_o these_o thing_n that_o be_v reveal_v belong_v unto_o we_o and_o our_o child_n for_o ever_o therefore_o do_v not_o hearken_v to_o this_o suggestion_n but_o go_v about_o thy_o duty_n we_o ask_v then_o first_o be_v thou_o convince_v of_o thy_o sin_n and_o ill_o deserve_v if_o thou_o say_v i_o be_o a_o sinner_n and_o can_v answer_v for_o one_o of_o a_o thousand_o of_o my_o by_o go_v sin_n for_o which_o god_n may_v just_o and_o i_o fear_v he_o shall_v in_o effect_n reject_v i_o we_o answer_v unto_o thou_o it_o be_v to_o good_a purpose_n that_o thou_o be_v so_o far_o convince_v of_o sin_n as_o to_o judge_v thyself_o worthy_a of_o death_n and_o utter_a exterminion_n from_o his_o mercy_n mean_v time_n be_v comfort_v thus_o far_o that_o thou_o be_v not_o of_o the_o number_n of_o those_o who_o confide_v in_o their_o own_o righteousness_n nor_o of_o the_o number_n of_o they_o who_o trust_v in_o their_o own_o strength_n or_o power_n of_o their_o freewill_n we_o ask_v again_o do_v thy_o by_o go_v life_n displease_v thou_o and_o will_v thou_o have_v thy_o sin_n forgive_v and_o thyself_o reconcile_v with_o god_n do_v christ_n offer_v himself_o in_o the_o gospel_n please_v thy_o soul_n when_o thou_o hear_v from_o his_o word_n that_o he_o crave_v nothing_o of_o thou_o save_v that_o thou_o welcome_v his_o offer_n and_o consecrat_v thyself_o to_o he_o that_o so_o in_o he_o thou_o may_v have_v righteousness_n and_o sanctification_n and_o salvation_n if_o thou_o answer_v that_o the_o searcher_n of_o heart_n know_v thy_o hearty_a desire_n to_o be_v reconcile_v to_o god_n in_o christ_n to_o live_v before_o he_o hereafter_o as_o a_o reconcile_a child_n there_o be_v good_a hope_n of_o salvation_n for_o such_o a_o one_o as_o thou_o be_v three_o we_o say_v see_v thou_o have_v hear_v the_o law_n convince_a thou_o of_o sin_n and_o have_v believe_v god_n word_n so_o far_o why_o do_v thou_o not_o believe_v he_o also_o when_o in_o the_o gospel_n thou_o hear_v his_o offer_n and_o call_v unto_o all_o self-condemned_n sinner_n to_o come_v unto_o christ_n and_o rest_v their_o weary_a soul_n upon_o he_o who_o have_v except_v thou_o from_o the_o embrace_v of_o mercy_n offer_v in_o jesus_n christ_n look_v therefore_o what_o his_o word_n say_v to_o all_o sinner_n fly_v for_o refuge_n unto_o christ_n who_o be_v the_o hope_n set_v before_o sinner_n and_o leave_v he_o not_o whatsoever_o be_v thy_o fear_n for_o he_o that_o hunger_v and_o thirst_v for_o righteousness_n through_o christ_n shall_v be_v satisfy_v chap._n vii_o for_o a_o further_a clear_n and_o confirmation_n of_o the_o doctrine_n about_o the_o three_o covenant_n from_o jer._n 31._o and_o heb._n 8._o the_o prophet_n jeremiah_n give_v we_o a_o short_a compend_n of_o the_o former_a doctrine_n anent_o these_o three_o covenant_n chap._n 31._o vers_fw-la 31._o etc._n etc._n whereof_o the_o apostle_n give_v a_o clear_a commentary_n heb._n 8._o vers_fw-la 6_o 7._o etc._n etc._n as_o to_o the_o covenant_n of_o redemption_n it_o be_v here_o presuppon_v to_o be_v pass_v as_o the_o apostle_n expound_v this_o place_n of_o jeremiah_n give_v we_o to_o understand_v while_o he_o show_v we_o that_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n be_v no_o other_o way_n purchase_v then_o by_o the_o mediation_n of_o our_o lord_n jesus_n transact_v about_o the_o covenant_n of_o redemption_n with_o the_o father_n and_o that_o he_o may_v give_v we_o to_o understand_v this_o 1._o christ_n be_v call_v the_o mediator_n of_o a_o better_a covenant_n heb._n 8._o to_o wit_n of_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n 2._o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n be_v design_v by_o the_o name_n of_o a_o testament_n which_o give_v we_o to_o understand_v that_o christ_n the_o mediator_n do_v not_o obtain_v the_o make_n of_o this_o covenant_n on_o a_o less_o price_n than_o the_o lay_v down_o of_o his_o life_n that_o all_o the_o benefit_n contain_v in_o these_o better_a promise_n may_v first_o be_v his_o good_n to_o dispone_v upon_o as_o he_o please_v and_o that_o he_o be_v resolve_v to_o die_v do_v make_v his_o testament_n and_o leave_v they_o all_o in_o legacy_n to_o the_o redeem_v his_o heir_n and_o assigney_n design_v from_o eternity_n 3._o the_o mediator_n make_v his_o testament_n be_v call_v jehovah_n not_o a_o mere_a man_n but_o god_n to_o be_v incarnate_a make_v a_o unchangeable_a latter-will_a or_o testament_n which_o of_o necessity_n require_v the_o death_n of_o the_o testatour_n that_o it_o may_v be_v ratify_v heb._n 9_o 15_o 16._o and_o the_o death_n of_o a_o testatour_n not_o a_o mere_a man_n but_o the_o son_n of_o god_n to_o be_v incarnate_a and_o to_o die_v who_o have_v life_n in_o himself_o that_o he_o may_v lay_v down_o his_o life_n and_o take_v it_o up_o again_o 4._o the_o good_n which_o he_o purchase_v according_a to_o the_o covenant_n of_o redemption_n and_o leave_v in_o legacy_n to_o his_o heir_n be_v all_o and_o every_o blessing_n which_o do_v belong_v to_o godliness_n and_o life_n eternal_a as_o remission_n of_o sin_n and_o write_v of_o the_o law_n in_o their_o heart_n etc._n etc._n 5._o the_o redeem_v and_o design_v heir_n be_v not_o all_o and_o every_o man_n but_o the_o elect_n only_o these_o that_o be_v to_o be_v save_v only_o and_o who_o be_v to_o be_v effectual_o call_v and_o endue_v with_o the_o save_a knowledge_n of_o god_n who_o from_o the_o least_o to_o the_o great_a be_v all_o of_o they_o to_o know_v the_o lord_n not_o such_o as_o be_v the_o reprobat_fw-la father_n nor_o their_o unbelieve_a child_n but_o the_o choose_a society_n of_o the_o israel_n of_o god_n and_o of_o christ_n family_n the_o house_n of_o judah_n which_o be_v the_o tribe_n of_o christ_n for_o the_o apostle_n do_v extend_v these_o promise_n unto_o the_o covenant_n between_o god_n and_o the_o elect_v to_o be_v gather_v under_o the_o evangel_n unto_o christ_n out_o of_o jew_n and_o gentile_n as_o to_o the_o covenant_n of_o work_n it_o be_v certain_a first_o that_o god_n make_v a_o covenant_n of_o grace_n in_o substance_n and_o upon_o the_o mater_fw-la with_o the_o father_n that_o be_v bring_v out_o of_o egypt_n as_o we_o may_v gather_v from_o the_o consideration_n of_o the_o party_n and_o article_n of_o that_o covenant_n for_o albeit_o god_n repeat_v the_o covenant_n of_o work_n and_o declare_v the_o force_n of_o the_o law_n for_o bind_v the_o curse_n upon_o all_o transgressor_n thereof_o yet_o he_o do_v press_v the_o law_n on_o they_o in_o order_n unto_o their_o reconciliation_n by_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o the_o lamb_n of_o god_n to_o be_v in_o due_a time_n offer_v up_o and_o do_v teach_v they_o that_o christ_n be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n for_o righteousness_n to_o every_o one_o that_o believe_v 2._o it_o be_v certain_a that_o in_o the_o frame_n of_o this_o covenant_n of_o grace_n between_o god_n and_o the_o visible_a church_n of_o the_o father_n god_n do_v make_v the_o promise_n of_o righteousness_n and_o eternal_a life_n and_o spiritual_a blessing_n under_o the_o vail_n of_o temporal_a type_n upon_o condition_n more_o hard_a and_o difficile_a in_o appearance_n than_o the_o new_a covenant_n do_v require_v for_o this_o the_o apostle_n show_v to_o we_o plain_o heb._n 8._o 6._o 3._o it_o be_v certain_a that_o the_o un-believing_a father_n do_v not_o take_v up_o nor_o understand_v the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n but_o turn_v it_o over_o in_o a_o covenant_n of_o work_n which_o be_v manifest_a by_o
so_o do_v harden_v and_o obdure_v himself_o against_o all_o threaten_n and_o go_v on_o in_o his_o own_o way_n resolve_v to_o take_v ease_n and_o pleasure_n in_o the_o world_n so_o long_o as_o he_o live_v and_o not_o to_o make_v himself_o miserable_a before_o the_o time_n such_o be_v the_o desperation_n of_o carnal_a israelit_n isa_n 22._o 13._o who_o hear_v the_o threaten_n of_o the_o prophet_n concern_v the_o just_a judgement_n of_o god_n to_o come_v upon_o they_o when_o they_o shall_v have_v humble_v themselves_o in_o prayer_n and_o fast_v in_o sackcloth_n and_o ash_n and_o seek_v mercy_n from_o god_n they_o do_v set_v themselves_o to_o make_v good_a cheer_n and_o to_o feast_v one_o another_o say_v let_v we_o eat_v and_o drink_v for_o to_o morrow_n we_o shall_v die_v of_o this_o sort_n be_v also_o these_o in_o ezekiel_n time_n chap._n 33._o 10._o thus_o you_o speak_v say_v if_o our_o sin_n and_o transgression_n be_v upon_o we_o and_o we_o pine_v away_o in_o they_o how_o shall_v we_o then_o live_v they_o do_v not_o deny_v that_o they_o be_v loaden_v with_o iniquity_n they_o doubt_v nothing_o of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o threaten_a judgement_n but_o compare_v the_o justice_n of_o god_n judgement_n with_o their_o sin_n and_o lay_v aside_o all_o thought_n of_o a_o remedy_n from_o god_n mercy_n they_o flat_o despair_v as_o if_o there_o have_v be_v no_o remedy_n provide_v in_o the_o word_n of_o god_n for_o they_o or_o as_o if_o the_o threaten_n have_v be_v pronounce_v as_o sentence_n pronounce_v absolute_o without_o exception_n of_o their_o repentance_n 5._o the_o cause_n of_o this_o evil_a be_v special_o these_o three_o the_o first_o be_v gross_a misbelief_n of_o god_n word_n contemn_v all_o threaten_n as_o but_o the_o word_n of_o a_o angry_a prophee_n stir_v up_o to_o vent_v his_o passion_n against_o people_n the_o second_o be_v the_o perverseness_n of_o corrupt_a nature_n so_o harden_v with_o the_o custom_n of_o sin_v that_o the_o conscience_n not_o be_v terrify_v with_o god_n threaten_n be_v nothing_o move_v with_o inward_a accusation_n which_o they_o know_v to_o be_v just_a whereupon_o they_o resolve_v neither_o to_o seek_v for_o mercy_n nor_o care_n for_o reconciliation_n with_o god_n not_o to_o shed_v with_o their_o carnal_a pleasure_n and_o sinful_a lust_n but_o will_v go_v on_o in_o their_o own_o way_n and_o take_v their_o hazard_n the_o three_o be_v a_o false_a persuasion_n that_o it_o be_v impossible_a they_o can_v be_v reconcile_v to_o god_n arise_v partly_o from_o the_o vileness_n of_o their_o former_a life_n and_o grosseness_n of_o their_o sin_n partly_o from_o the_o ignorance_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o of_o the_o rich_a grace_n of_o god_n offer_v to_o the_o worst_a of_o sinner_n who_o shall_v forsake_v their_o former_a way_n and_o fly_v unto_o christ_n and_o partly_o arise_v from_o the_o ignorance_n of_o the_o scope_n and_o end_n of_o the_o law_n which_o be_v appoint_v to_o be_v a_o pedagogue_n to_o lead_v and_o draw_v man_n unto_o christ_n after_o their_o conviction_n of_o sin_n by_o the_o law_n how_o grievous_a soever_o their_o sin_n have_v be_v 6._o the_o remedy_n of_o this_o sort_n of_o secure_a desperation_n be_v very_o hard_a and_o in_o some_o incurable_a namely_o these_o who_o do_v not_o believe_v the_o threaten_n and_o go_n on_o still_o in_o unbelief_n or_o do_v believe_v the_o threaten_n but_o be_v so_o wed_v to_o their_o lust_n that_o they_o will_v not_o change_v their_o course_n and_o manner_n of_o sinful_a carriage_n come_v what_o may_v come_v but_o resolve_v to_o eat_v and_o drink_v and_o be_v merry_a while_o they_o live_v concern_v who_o the_o prophet_n isaias_n say_v chap._n 22._o 14._o it_o be_v reveal_v in_o my_o ear_n by_o the_o lord_n of_o host_n sure_o this_o iniquity_n shall_v not_o be_v purge_v from_o you_o till_o you_o die_v say_v the_o lord_n of_o host_n the_o best_a ground_n of_o hope_n be_v of_o such_o who_o through_o ignorance_n of_o the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n and_o offer_n of_o the_o gospel_n have_v take_v up_o a_o false_a persuasion_n of_o their_o desperate_a estate_n now_o because_o the_o pastor_n have_v no_o warrant_n to_o read_v the_o decree_n of_o any_o man_n reprobation_n in_o particular_a his_o care_n must_v be_v in_o private_a and_o public_a to_o waken_v epicure_n and_o all_o besot_v in_o their_o sin_n out_o of_o their_o deadly_a sleep_n lay_v before_o they_o from_o scripture_n the_o unextinguishable_a fire_n of_o hell_n and_o the_o torment_n of_o the_o damn_a to_o be_v endure_v for_o ever_o by_o the_o impenitent_a and_o unbelieving_a sinner_n on_o the_o one_o hand_n and_o on_o the_o other_o hand_n make_v offer_n of_o remission_n of_o sin_n and_o reconciliation_n to_o all_o who_o shall_v forsake_v their_o former_a vition_n way_n and_o be_v content_a to_o embrace_v christ_n jesus_n for_o their_o righteousness_n sanctification_n and_o salvation_n and_o to_o this_o end_n let_v he_o certify_v all_o his_o hearer_n that_o threaten_n be_v not_o intend_v of_o god_n to_o drive_v any_o man_n to_o desperation_n but_o to_o lead_v all_o to_o repentance_n that_o they_o may_v be_v save_v and_o that_o the_o exception_n of_o repentance_n and_o faith_n in_o the_o redeemer_n be_v to_o be_v understand_v in_o every_o threaten_n for_o so_o the_o lord_n have_v make_v a_o plain_a commentary_n upon_o all_o his_o threaten_n and_o all_o his_o promise_n also_o that_o he_o be_v not_o for_o ever_o mistake_v which_o be_v this_o in_o sum_n that_o by_o his_o threaten_n he_o do_v not_o intend_v to_o make_v any_o man_n to_o despair_v but_o to_o repent_v and_o turn_v to_o god_n and_o that_o by_o his_o promise_n he_o do_v not_o intend_v that_o any_o man_n shall_v presume_v to_o sin_n or_o turn_v his_o grace_n into_o wantonness_n as_o be_v at_o large_a set_v down_o ezek._n 33_o from_o ver_fw-la 10._o to_o ver_fw-la 21._o and_o chap._n 18._o from_o ver_fw-la 21._o to_o the_o end_n of_o anxious_a torment_a desperation_n anxious_a and_o torment_a desperation_n be_v when_o a_o sinner_n from_o the_o apprehension_n of_o his_o guiltiness_n of_o irremissible_a sin_n and_o fear_v of_o inextricable_a woeful_a misery_n wherein_o he_o have_v throw_v himself_o do_v cast_v away_o all_o hope_n of_o relief_n to_o be_v have_v and_o so_o be_v torture_v and_o vex_v within_o himself_o without_o rest_n in_o this_o sort_n of_o desperation_n the_o miserable_a man_n have_v wrestle_v a_o while_n do_v either_o turn_n himself_o to_o a_o carnal_a temporary_a consolation_n in_o this_o world_n and_o make_v choice_n of_o a_o careless_a and_o secure_a desperation_n that_o he_o may_v be_v rid_v of_o present_a anxiety_n or_o else_o he_o resolve_v to_o dispatch_v himself_o by_o some_o sort_n of_o self-murder_n count_v it_o more_o easy_a to_o die_v by_o his_o own_o hand_n than_o to_o live_v and_o endure_v the_o torment_a vexation_n of_o his_o own_o mind_n 2._o as_o for_o that_o sort_n of_o anxious_a desperation_n which_o after_o the_o sore_o byte_v of_o the_o conscience_n once_o waken_v fall_v back_o again_o in_o carnal_a security_n it_o be_v most_o perilous_a and_o give_v very_o small_a hope_n to_o the_o pastor_n or_o faithful_a friend_n who_o perceive_v the_o man_n after_o fearful_a waken_n of_o his_o conscience_n to_o have_v fall_v back_o to_o his_o old_a way_n and_o turn_v careless_a of_o the_o mean_n of_o salvation_n for_o such_o a_o man_n be_v of_o set_a purpose_n and_o resolve_o wicked_a such_o be_v the_o desperation_n of_o cain_n who_o after_o a_o while_o lamentation_n and_o howl_n for_o the_o curse_n pronounce_v upon_o he_o by_o god_n pluck_v up_o his_o heart_n depart_v from_o the_o society_n of_o the_o church_n where_o god_n give_v his_o presence_n and_o go_v into_o the_o land_n of_o nod_n or_o voluntary_a banishment_n and_o give_v himself_o over_o to_o build_v of_o city_n gen._n 4._o 13_o 14._o such_o also_o be_v the_o desperation_n of_o esau_n who_o when_o he_o see_v he_o be_v exclude_v from_o the_o spiritual_a blessing_n of_o the_o birthright_n lament_v a_o little_a and_o then_o turn_v himself_o towards_o the_o earthly_a blessing_n and_o seek_v all_o his_o consolation_n in_o it_o gen._n 27._o 34_o 38._o yet_o such_o man_n must_v be_v deal_v with_o if_o god_n possible_o may_v bless_v the_o mean_n 3._o as_o for_o the_o other_o sort_n of_o anxious_a desperation_n except_o it_o be_v cure_v by_o god_n blessing_n of_o the_o mean_v use_v it_o draw_v on_o voluntary_a and_o deliberate_a self-murder_n we_o put_v a_o difference_n between_o brute_n self-murder_n and_o voluntary_a or_o deliberate_a self-murder_n for_o this_o beastly_a brute_n self-murder_n may_v befall_v mad_a person_n furious_a melancholious_a distract_a person_n or_o such_o as_o be_v beset_v by_o some_o evil_a spirit_n in_o who_o the_o faculty_n of_o reason_v be_v so_o impede_v that_o without_o the_o use_n of_o
not_o please_v god_n now_o it_o be_v a_o act_n of_o injustice_n not_o to_o give_v unto_o god_n the_o praise_n of_o every_o good_a thing_n in_o a_o man_n especial_o when_o the_o man_n be_v find_v to_o be_v cast_v down_o in_o himself_o and_o to_o be_v thirst_v in_o his_o soul_n for_o a_o more_o intimate_fw-la communion_n with_o christ_n as_o be_v presuppose_v in_o this_o case_n 3._o the_o second_o cause_n be_v or_o may_v be_v this_o that_o the_o afflict_a albeit_o he_o have_v have_v oft_o time_n sweet_a and_o sensible_a consolation_n and_o confirmation_n of_o the_o promise_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o have_v thereby_o be_v put_v out_o of_o doubt_n of_o his_o adoption_n for_o the_o time_n yet_o when_o new_a temptation_n do_v arise_v according_a to_o what_o be_v expedient_a for_o the_o exercise_n of_o his_o faith_n because_o the_o same_o sweetness_n be_v not_o feel_v but_o heaviness_n for_o the_o while_n 1_o pet._n 1._o 6_o 7._o he_o forget_v the_o consolation_n he_o have_v have_v or_o suffer_v they_o to_o be_v call_v in_o question_n for_o remove_v whereof_o whensoever_o the_o afflict_a be_v cut_v short_a in_o the_o point_n of_o sense_n or_o sensible_a consolation_n let_v he_o then_o strive_v to_o abound_v in_o the_o work_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o not_o slacken_v his_o hand_n in_o the_o exercise_n of_o religion_n and_o of_o his_o lawful_a call_n and_o his_o endeavour_n to_o please_v god_n in_o all_o thing_n for_o see_v the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n embrace_v be_v a_o firm_a and_o solid_a ground_n for_o ●aith_n to_o fix_v upon_o albeit_o full_a persuasion_n and_o victorious_a consolation_n be_v neither_o at_o all_o or_o but_o very_o rare_o ●elt_v in_o this_o life_n the_o afflict_a who_o we_o have_v to_o speak_v to_o here_o have_v no_o cause_n to_o stumble_v but_o reason_n to_o bless_v god_n who_o have_v in_o any_o measure_n at_o any_o time_n comfort_v he_o by_o the_o gospel_n for_o that_o condition_n which_o the_o afflict_a wish_v for_o be_v reserve_v unto_o we_o in_o heaven_n and_o promise_n such_o as_o be_v make_v to_o the_o meek_a and_o merciful_a mat._n 5._o which_o qualify_v promise_n they_o look_v upon_o as_o conditional_a exclude_v they_o as_o they_o conceive_v who_o do_v not_o find_v in_o themselves_o such_o qualification_n and_o partly_o because_o they_o be_v not_o clear_a about_o their_o right_n to_o receive_v the_o offer_n of_o the_o gospel_n because_o they_o want_v as_o they_o conceive_v fitness_n in_o themselves_o to_o receive_v the_o same_o and_o thus_o be_v they_o ofttimes_o vex_v with_o doubt_n whether_o they_o be_v in_o the_o state_n of_o grace_n or_o not_o 2._o for_o louse_v of_o this_o doubt_n sundry_a thing_n be_v already_o say_v by_o the_o way_n in_o answer_v other_o doubtful_a case_n but_o because_o many_o do_v meet_v with_o this_o difficulty_n we_o shall_v speak_v a_o little_a more_o particular_o to_o the_o case_n and_o first_o it_o be_v needful_a that_o the_o afflict_a be_v confirm_v about_o that_o which_o be_v right_a in_o he_o that_o the_o thing_n which_o remain_v and_o be_v ready_a to_o die_v may_v be_v strengthen_v to_o this_o intent_n we_o commend_v the_o afflict_a that_o be_v sensible_a of_o sin_n and_o fear_v for-wrath_n he_o have_v flee_v unto_o christ_n for_o refuge_n next_o we_o commend_v he_o that_o he_o have_v begin_v to_o give_v new_a obedience_n to_o god_n law_n and_o do_v purpose_n to_o follow_v on_o as_o he_o shall_v be_v enable_v and_o three_o we_o commend_v he_o that_o albeit_o he_o can_v attain_v that_o near_a conjunction_n with_o christ_n which_o he_o will_v yet_o he_o neither_o will_v nor_o dare_v forsake_v christ_n not_o put_v himself_o out_o of_o the_o number_n of_o weak_a believer_n in_o christ_n for_o he_o have_v say_v in_o his_o heart_n with_o peter_n joh._n 6._o 68_o to_o who_o shall_v i_o go_v for_o christ_n have_v the_o word_n of_o eternal_a life_n hitherto_o all_o be_v right_a and_o the_o afflict_a must_v resolve_v to_o cleave_v close_o to_o this_o foundation_n because_o christ_n have_v say_v joh._n 6._o 37._o these_o that_o come_v unto_o i_o i_o will_v in_o no_o case_n cast_v out_o 3._o for_o his_o doubt_n arise_v from_o the_o nature_n of_o the_o promise_n absolute_a conditional_a and_o qualify_v look_v upon_o by_o he_o as_o if_o they_o be_v conditional_a we_o answer_v ●_o that_o these_o qualify_a promise_n have_v some_o mark_n in_o they_o of_o true_a believer_n be_v not_o exclusive_a of_o these_o believer_n who_o find_v in_o themselves_o a_o defect_n of_o the_o qualification_n but_o they_o be_v inductive_a unto_o all_o believer_n to_o study_v the_o attain_n of_o that_o qualification_n and_o be_v corroborative_n of_o these_o beliver_v who_o find_v in_o any_o sensible_a measure_n these_o qualification_n for_o example_n promise_v make_v to_o the_o merciful_a to_o the_o peacemaker_n to_o the_o upright_a in_o heart_n do_v not_o exclude_v these_o who_o find_v themselves_o short_a in_o these_o grace_n and_o yet_o be_v hungry_a and_o thirsty_a for_o righteousness_n yet_o be_v poor_a and_o indigent_a of_o all_o good_a in_o themselves_o and_o daily_a beggar_n at_o the_o throne_n of_o grace_n for_o what_o they_o want_v mat._n 5._o for_o these_o qualification_n find_v in_o a_o weak_a believer_n be_v sign_n and_o effect_n of_o sound_a faith_n in_o they_o and_o we_o must_v grant_v that_o of_o these_o grace_n specify_v in_o these_o qualify_a promise_n some_o of_o they_o be_v more_o eminent_a in_o some_o of_o the_o saint_n and_o other_o some_o of_o they_o more_o eminent_o see_v and_o feel_v in_o other_o some_o of_o the_o saint_n and_o in_o the_o same_o person_n one_o of_o these_o qualification_n may_v sometime_o shine_v more_o clear_o and_o at_o another_o time_n by_o some_o tentation_n or_o mistake_v be_v overclouded_n and_o not_o shine_v so_o clear_o as_o before_o yet_o the_o qualification_n be_v comfortable_a to_o all_o they_o who_o find_v the_o same_o in_o themselves_o and_o be_v inductive_a to_o make_v every_o believer_n to_o aim_v to_o excel_v in_o these_o grace_n and_o so_o to_o confirm_v their_o own_o faith_n more_o and_o more_o as_o 2_o pet._n 1._o 4_o 5_o 6_o 7._o we_o be_v exhort_v again_o these_o qualification_n be_v sign_n of_o a_o believer_n already_o enter_v in_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n by_o faith_n in_o christ_n and_o begin_v to_o bring_v forth_o good_a fruit_n but_o they_o be_v not_o the_o condition_n of_o enter_v into_o the_o covenant_n for_o than_o none_o can_v enter_v in_o covenant_n till_o first_o these_o qualification_n in_o exercise_n be_v sound_a in_o they_o and_o that_o be_v to_o disannul_a the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n and_o to_o set_v up_o a_o sort_n of_o covenant_n of_o work_n for_o there_o be_v not_o another_o condition_n of_o enter_v in_o the_o covenant_n but_o faith_n in_o christ_n only_o whereby_o the_o humble_a sinner_n renounce_v all_o confidence_n in_o any_o good_a in_o himself_o or_o from_o himself_o do_v betake_v himself_o whole_o to_o the_o grace_n offer_v in_o jesus_n christ_n in_o who_o perfect_a righteousness_n be_v to_o be_v find_v now_o unto_o the_o man_n who_o shall_v believe_v in_o christ_n all_o the_o promise_n of_o the_o gospel_n be_v make_v upon_o this_o condition_n that_o he_o do_v believe_v in_o jesus_n christ_n which_o condition_n of_o presuppose_v the_o afflict_a shall_v have_v what_o he_o wish_v consolation_n always_o run_v like_o a_o river_n where_o be_v place_n for_o try_v exercise_v and_o train_n of_o he_o in_o his_o faith_n but_o let_v he_o work_v and_o wrestle_v on_o and_o among_o hand_n he_o shall_v have_v as_o much_o peace_n as_o may_v suffice_v a_o pilgrim_n 4._o the_o three_o cause_n be_v or_o may_v be_v this_o that_o the_o afflict_a have_v grieve_v the_o spirit_n of_o god_n either_o by_o ascribe_v his_o gracious_a operation_n to_o some_o other_o cause_n then_o grace_n or_o count_v his_o consolation_n to_o be_v but_o flash_n and_o like_v unto_o delusion_n or_o that_o the_o afflict_a by_o corrupt_a communication_n or_o gross_a offence_n have_v provoke_v god_n to_o anger_n as_o befall_v david_n psal._n 51._o for_o remove_v of_o this_o cause_n whether_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o afflict_a have_v be_v more_o or_o less_o provoke_v let_v he_o with_o david_n ps._n 51._o renew_v the_o exercise_n of_o repentance_n and_o faith_n in_o god_n mercy_n who_o only_o can_v renew_v a_o right_a spirit_n in_o he_o or_o rather_o restore_v he_o to_o the_o formerly-felt_a consolation_n and_o joy_n of_o his_o spirit_n and_o let_v he_o walk_v more_o wary_o hereafter_o that_o he_o provoke_v not_o to_o wrath_n so_o merciful_a a_o father_n 5._o the_o four_o cause_n be_v or_o may_v be_v this_o that_o the_o afflict_a albeit_o he_o have_v consent_v to_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n and_o have_v embrace_v christ_n jesus_n offer_v in_o the_o evangel_n yet_o he_o do_v not_o