Selected quad for the lemma: mercy_n

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mercy_n grace_n heart_n sin_n 6,347 5 4.4483 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67600 The court convert: or, A sincere sorrow for sin, faithfully travers'd expressing the dignity of a true penitent. Drawn in little by one, whose manifold misfortunes abroad, have render'd him necessitated, to seek for shelter here; by dedicating himself and this small poem. By H.A. gent. H. W. (Henry Waring) 1695 (1695) Wing W856AA; ESTC R219546 6,727 45

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a_o place_n where_o you_o will_v bless_v the_o day_n you_o first_o awoke_n the_o happy_a time_n in_o which_o your_o slumber_n break_v crowd_n of_o all_o blessing_n will_v your_o heart_n invade_v and_o your_o fresh_a bloom_a joy_n will_v never_o fade_v no_o more_o the_o storm_n of_o prince_n you_o will_v fear_v that_o cause_n so_o many_o wreck_n and_o wretch_n here_o where_o in_o a_o moment_n all_o the_o cargo_n lose_v which_o your_o whole_a stock_n of_o anxious_a care_n have_v cost_v one_o day_n with_o god_n afford_v you_o more_o content_a than_o twenty_o life_n in_o court_n of_o prince_n spend_v a_o angry_a word_n a_o slight_a a_o gloomy_a frown_n will_v be_v enough_o to_o cast_v a_o courtier_n down_o ●f_o he_o will_v beg_v a_o favour_n of_o his_o king_n let_v his_o request_n be_v never_o so_o mean_a a_o thing_n a_o hundred_o journey_n he_o must_v undertake_v his_o suit_n to_o this_o and_o that_o great_a courtier_n make_v thousand_o of_o leg_n and_o cringe_n it_o will_v cost_v ●nd_v after_o all_o perhaps_o his_o labour_n be_v lose_v ●ut_v with_o god_n votary_n it_o be_v not_o so_o we_o can_v ask_v so_o fast_o as_o he_o will_v bestow_v his_o ear_n be_v still_o to_o hear_v our_o suit_n incline_v and_o to_o each_o suitor_n daily_o prove_v kind_a he_o often_o hear_v before_o we_o be_v aware_a and_o our_o least_o want_v by_o he_o consider_v be_v the_o small_a hair_n fall_v not_o beside_o his_o care_n on_o he_o we_o can_v our_o good_a thought_n displace_v unless_o we_o mad_o throw_v away_o his_o grace_n only_o to_o he_o our_o heart_n shall_v yield_v the_o sway_n and_o not_o by_o false_a obedience_n heaven_n betray_v for_o first_o god_n do_v what_o he_o will_v have_v we_o do_v love_n with_o a_o love_n beyond_o example_n true_a his_o charm_a law_n be_v love_n his_o yoke_n be_v sweet_a both_o for_o the_o king_n and_o poor_a beggar_n meet_v easie_n and_o light_n alike_o to_o great_a and_o small_a and_o the_o same_o hire_v propose_v to_o they_o all_o of_o monarch_n he_o to_o he_o be_v great_a alone_a who_o to_o himself_o become_v a_o little_a one._n the_o only_a greatness_n which_o poor_a man_n can_v have_v ●s_v to_o be_v here_o his_o great_a redeemer_n slave_n that_o king_n that_o do_v not_o heaven_n just_a king_n obey_v a_o traitor_n be_v himself_o to_o majesty_n the_o simple_a shepherd_n who_o with_o chaste_a desire_n the_o cheerful_a innocence_n to_o heaven_n aspire_v the_o honest_a painful_a labourer_n who_o sweat_v ●rom_o morn_n to_o night_n to_o get_v the_o bread_n he_o eat_v ●f_o he_o serve_v heaven_n be_v indeed_o more_o great_a than_o king_n with_o all_o their_o pride_n and_o purple_n state_n thrice_o brave_a those_o monarch_n who_o have_v dare_v to_o fly_v ●rom_o all_o the_o allure_a charm_n of_o majesty_n lay_v down_o the_o sword_n their_o conquer_a troop_n forsake_v unarm_v alone_o the_o heaven_n of_o heaven_n t'attack_v a_o holy_a war_n with_o host_n of_o pleasure_n wage_v ●nd_v though_o the_o flesh_n do_v for_o the_o foe_n engage_v triumph_v over_o foreign_a and_o domestic_a rage_n thrice_o blessed_v be_v those_o who_o flee_v from_o be_v great_a from_o court_n to_o safe_a cottage_n retreat_v heaven_n kind_o do_v their_o humble_a thought_n defeat_v for_o greatness_n while_o they_o strive_v to_o shun_v they_o meet_v they_o be_v make_v great_a and_o so_o more_o glorious_a king_n by_o be_v just_a than_o by_o all_o earthly_a thing_n ah_o how_o we_o win_v in_o lose_v for_o our_o god_n while_o heaven_n be_v gain_v for_o a_o poor_a sorry_a clod_n of_o earth_n when_o for_o a_o short_a grief_n here_o endure_v we_o be_v of_o everlasting_a joy_n assure_v since_o for_o one_o pleasure_n we_o refuse_v our_o sense_n we_o shall_v have_v million_o for_o our_o recompense_n poor_a abuse_v man_n unlucky_a flock_n they_o stray_v without_o the_o shepherd_n void_a of_o the_o right_a way_n unthinking_a soul_n that_o perish_v with_o delight_n which_o all_o the_o threat_n of_o heaven_n can_v affright_v f●r_v sure_a those_o pain_n which_o do_v on_o sin_n attend_v ●ins_v which_o begin_v but_o never_o must_v have_v end_n ●●e_z immaterial_a fire_n that_o burn_v still_o ●●t_n to_o their_o great_a misfortune_n can_v kill_v ●he_n devil_n dungeon_n and_o all_o sort_n of_o pain_n ●hich_v human_a fortitude_n can_v sustain_v ●ight_n one_o will_v think_v man_n brutish_a courage_n shake_v ●nd_v in_o our_o soul_n a_o noble_a fear_n awake_v ●●t_n if_o the_o rack_n of_o hell_n can_v sin_n subdue_v ●ffer_v the_o lord_n of_o host_n to_o conquer_v you_o ●●pose_v he_o not_o unwise_o but_o embrace_v ●●e_v favourable_a offer_v of_o his_o grace_n ●●store_v he_o to_o the_o kingdom_n of_o your_o heart_n ●●st_n without_o mercy_n by_o the_o devil_n art_n ●he_v old_a vsurper_n lawless_a power_n disow_v ●epose_v the_o hellish_a tyrant_n from_o the_o throne_n use_v let_v king_n jesus_n reign_v in_o it_o alone_o his_o law_n be_v much_o more_o easy_a to_o observe_v than_o those_o of_o the_o world_n which_o yet_o we_o glad_o serve_v it_o neither_o hurt_v the_o body_n nor_o the_o mind_n but_o be_v indeed_o to_o one_o and_o other_o kind_n a_o check_n sometime_o it_o may_v afford_v to_o sense_n but_o be_v at_o length_n it_o be_v own_o benevolence_n o_o divine_a law_n o_o easy_a law_n of_o love_n let_v i_o observe_v thou_o and_o thy_o wage_n prove_v but_o then_o in_o the_o world_n a_o hundred_o law_n there_o be_v void_a of_o all_o sense_n but_o full_a of_o tyranny_n where_o foppish_a form_n our_o liberty_n restrain_v and_o cripple_v we_o with_o false_a fantastic_a chain_n you_o must_v pretend_v to_o love_n who_o you_o detest_v fawn_v on_o the_o great_a one_o when_o by_o he_o oppress_v with_o sneer_a praise_n guild_v over_o his_o black_a crime_n and_o all_o those_o humour_n which_o debauch_n the_o time_n ●sk_v your_o displeasure_n with_o a_o smile_a face_n use_v swear_v you_o be_v high_o please_v with_o your_o disgrace_n ●●iumph_n in_o show_n when_o you_o be_v overthrow_v use_v all_o your_o discontent_n and_o grief_n disow_v ●●tting_v off_o quite_o with_o base_a uneasy_a art_n ●●e_v honest_a commerce_n of_o the_o mouth_n and_o heart_n ●●hameful_a slavery_n of_o poor_a mankind_n ●●worthy_a of_o a_o man_n or_o christian_a mind_n ●●●tead_o of_o christ_n who_o always_o we_o shall_v own_v ●●●se_a tyranny_n and_o passion_n we_o enthrone_v ●●●nging_v to_o those_o that_o from_o all_o virtue_n run_v ●●_o serve_v a_o thousand_o master_n in_o their_o turn_n ●●e_z crowd_v way_n of_o vice_n can_v never_o show_v 〈◊〉_d pleasure_n which_o true_a virtue_n do_v bestow_v ●●●m_v innocence_n a_o native_a joy_n accrue_v 〈◊〉_d wrack_a sorrow_n always_o gild_n pursue_v the_o ill_a man_n be_v never_o quiet_a nor_o content_a the_o good_a be_v full_a of_o cheer_v ●ho_n penitent_n his_o inward_a calm_a upon_o his_o brow_n appear_v and_o halcyon_n like_v no_o bluster_a storm_n he_o fear_v he_o all_o the_o turn_v of_o fate_n be_v prepare_v to_o find_v meet_v frown_n and_o favour_n with_o a_o equal_a mind_n if_o sickness_n warn_v he_o of_o approach_a death_n or_o fortune_n rob_v he_o of_o his_o worldly_a wealth_n it_o can_v his_o unshaken_a courage_n move_v who_o above_o earth_n have_v place_v in_o heaven_n his_o love_n his_o health_n his_o riches_n and_o his_o sole_a delight_n be_v here_o to_o serve_v his_o god_n with_o all_o his_o may_v and_o that_o great_a master_n faithful_o to_o trace_v who_o death_n be_v triumph_n pleasure_n a_o disgrace_n he_o love_v the_o cross_n o_o cross_n o_o happy_a wood_n that_o once_o be_v manure_v with_o our_o saviour_n blood_n and_o moisten_v with_o his_o tear_n with_o tear_n of_o grief_n whilst_o he_o that_o shed_v they_o die_v for_o our_o relief_n who_o all-revenging_a death_n by_o the_o cross_n do_v quell_v the_o usurp_a force_n of_o sin_n and_o power_n of_o hell_n the_o stygian_a monster_n be_v power_n and_o so_o set_v free_a renowned_a hero_n from_o captivity_n it_o be_v by_o this_o cross_n that_o he_o to_o heaven_n do_v climb_v ●nd_v order_v all_o mankind_n to_o follow_v he_o ●_o cross_n o_o christ_n o_o wound_n o_o stream_n of_o blood_n ●_o king_n to_o your_o ungrateful_a slave_n too_o good_a ●y_a heart_n delight_n my_o linger_a soul_n desire_n ●y_a love_n that_o burn_v i_o with_o a_o jambent_a fire_n ●y_a jesus_n bless_a body_n and_o his_o blood_n ●rought_v down_o from_o heaven_n above_o to_o be_v man_n food_n ●our_n love_n i_o find_v do_v to_o such_o height_n amount_v ●y_a gratitude_n be_v lose_v in_o the_o account_n when_o punishment_n be_v to_o my_o action_n due_a amaze_a favour_n my_o misdeed_n ensue_v instead_o of_o be_v by_o your_o justice_n thrust_v with_o sudden_a thunder_n into_o native_a dust_n while_o with_o my_o work_n i_o earn_v the_o fire_n of_o hell_n and_o satan_n triumph_v over_o my_o wretched_a will_n when_o i_o provoke_v your_o
justice_n with_o the_o height_n of_o base_a ingratitude_n and_o earth_n delight_n you_o do_v even_o then_o o_o depth_n of_o goodness_n deign_v my_o heart_n of_o all_o innate_a vice_n to_o drain_v which_o first_o in_o be_v you_o be_v true_o blessed_v till_o i_o vile_a wretch_n my_o master_n dispossess_v you_o be_v its_o lord_n its_o monarch_n and_o what_o more_o vouchsafe_v to_o espouse_v a_o thing_n so_o mean_a and_o poor_a to_o the_o expense_n of_o your_o dear_a blood_n and_o breath_n your_o purple_a sweat_n and_o torture_n worse_o than_o death_n so_o dear_a it_o cost_v you_o yet_o i_o bear_v away_o though_o you_o have_v once_o more_o make_v the_o wretch_n your_o prey_n dear_a lord_n i_o wander_v in_o the_o path_n of_o vice_n and_o grope_v on_o blindfold_a to_o the_o precipice_n ●nstead_o of_o love_v you_o the_o only_a good_a 〈◊〉_d make_v each_o empty_a vanity_n my_o god_n but_o o_o excess_n of_o mercy_n you_o repay_v with_o grace_n and_o gift_n your_o slave_n be_v black_a treachery_n who_o the_o false_a world_n and_o false_a court_n deceive_v who_o sin_n and_o satan_n wretched_o enslave_v what_o dismal_a blindness_n do_v possess_v my_o mind_n ●or_a silly_a short-lived_a toy_n to_o have_v resign_v a_o bless_a eternity_n and_o you_o dear_a lord_n who_o can_v a_o real_a heavenly_a good_a afford_v eye_n on_o my_o cheek_n let_v trickle_a tear_n run_v down_o your_o guilty_a self_n in_o your_o own_o water_n drown_v false_a guide_n that_o lead_v i_o to_o the_o hunter_n snare_n when_o by_o myself_o leave_v whole_o to_o your_o care_n ah_o poor_a ambitious_a fond_a delude_a sight_n thus_o on_o the_o sorry_a creature_n to_o delight_n your_o fellow-slave_n a_o bit_n of_o earth_n a_o dream_n even_o a_o poor_a wretched_a nothing_o to_o esteem_n for_o what_o avail_v a_o mitre_n or_o a_o crown_n or_o all_o that_o here_o a_o man_n can_v call_v his_o own_o those_o who_o our_o fawn_a flatterer_n call_v great_a who_o base_a mankind_n prostrate_a at_o their_o foot_n in_o the_o divine_a eternal_a glass_n appear_v as_o little_a as_o the_o mean_a mortal_a here_o when_o the_o eye_n in_o darkness_n set_v and_o life_n warm_a fire_n with_o the_o ice_n of_o death_n in_o sorrow_n do_v expire_v what_o matter_n gold_n by_o some_o man_n so_o adore_v what_o pleasure_n will_v a_o starry_a crown_n afford_v this_o garb_n ill_o fit_v a_o pale_a and_o lifeless_a head_n and_o that_o bright_a metal_n shine_v not_o to_o the_o dead_a corruption_n then_o will_v not_o forbear_v its_o prey_n for_o fear_v of_o dead_a and_o helpless_a majesty_n nor_o will_v that_o lustre_n which_o amaze_v poor_a man_n dazzle_v the_o legion_n of_o bold_a vermin_n then_o alas_o there_o be_v no_o distinction_n in_o the_o grave_a between_o the_o great_a king_n and_o mean_a slave_n all_o flesh_n be_v there_o unto_o one_o change_v design_v and_o leave_v all_o worldly_a good_n and_o fame_n behind_o but_o different_a fate_n the_o righteous_a soul_n attend_v from_o they_o that_o here_o do_v make_v a_o wicked_a end_n those_o of_o the_o good_a to_o heaven_n great_a king_n repair_v the_o unknown_a pleasure_n of_o his_o court_n to_o share_v ●n_a peace_n and_o glorious_a triumph_n to_o enjoy_v the_o fruit_n of_o their_o laborious_a victory_n but_o those_o who_o lodge_v in_o body_n do_v defy_v with_o unrepented_a crime_n the_o deity_n condemn_v to_o chain_n and_o hopeless_a of_o relief_n die_v to_o all_o bliss_n but_o ever_o live_v to_o grief_n it_o be_v a_o doleful_a scene_n to_o see_v base_a man_n provoke_v his_o patient_a maker_n all_o he_o can_v shun_v happiness_n so_o easy_a to_o be_v win_v and_o take_v a_o world_n of_o pain_n to_o be_v undo_v even_o employ_v his_o whole_a life-long_a to_o buy_v a_o wretched_a right_n to_o endless_a misery_n thus_o he_o who_o study_v to_o indulge_v his_o earth_n and_o quite_o neglect_v the_o mean_v of_o his_o birth_n into_o the_o gape_a jaw_n of_o satan_n run_v and_o the_o invite_a arm_n of_o jesus_n shun_v those_o arm_n that_o stand_v still_o open_a to_o receive_v all_o weary_a prodigal_n that_o sin_n do_v leave_v arm_n full_a of_o love_n and_o pity_n which_o display_v even_o to_o foe_n and_o traitor_n sanctuary_n ●or_a those_o he_o leave_v his_o father_n bright_a abide_v make_v son_n of_o man_n to_o make_v man_n son_n of_o god._n to_o cure_v their_o wound_n he_o life_n elixir_n bleed_v and_o die_v a_o death_n to_o raise_v they_o from_o the_o dead_a dear_a jesus_n who_o with_o such_o a_o charm_a art_n ●ath_v soften_v and_o reduce_v man_n sinful_a heart_n do_v likewise_o on_o the_o day_n the_o church_n renew_v the_o annual_a obsequy_n of_o her_o dead_a spouse_n ●rom_o worldly_a vice_n her_o votary_n set_v free_a ●nd_v from_o the_o court_n an●_n world_n deliver_v i_o ●o_o from_o myself_o thus_o free_v do_v after_o deign_v ●o_o bind_v i_o with_o your_o love_n be_v enlarge_n chain_n ●or_a such_o your_o favour_n show_v i_o but_o the_o way_n ●ood_a lord_n my_o due_a acknowledgement_n must_v pay_v ●ou_fw-mi have_v the_o goodness_n for_o my_o sake_n to_o die_v which_o i_o for_o you_o will_v do_v most_o willing_o and_o since_o my_o life_n can_v suffice_v to_o pay_v for_o the_o least_o breath_n of_o that_o you_o give_v away_o i_o wish_v the_o life_n of_o all_o the_o world_n be_v i_o that_o all_o for_o your_o dear_a sake_n i_o may_v resign_v but_o a_o rend_a heart_n since_o you_o will_v not_o despise_v and_o a_o bruise_a reed_n to_o you_o in_o sacrifice_n my_o prayer_n i_o humble_o offer_v and_o adore_v the_o god_n that_o do_v accept_v a_o gift_n so_o poor_a i_o love_v you_o lord_n as_o bedrid_a man_n love_v health_n close_a prisoner_n freedom_n or_o starve_a beggar_n wealth_n my_o soul_n thirst_v after_o thou_o pure_a spring_n of_o good_a as_o the_o chase_a deer_n after_o a_o cool_a flood_n nor_o do_v i_o love_v you_o for_o your_o heaven_n no_o for_o your_o bless_a sake_n all_o comfort_n i_o will_v forego_v the_o sharp_a pain_n from_o thence_o will_v easy_o be_v and_o nought_o but_o hell_n can_v be_v a_o grief_n to_o i_o finis_fw-la