Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n new_a receive_v vigour_n 8,595 5 16.3455 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59443 Psyche a tragedy / written by Tho. Shadwell. Shadwell, Thomas, 1642?-1692.; Molière, 1622-1673. Psyché.; Locke, Matthew, 1621 or 2-1677.; Draghi, Giovanni Battista, ca. 1640-1708. 1675 (1675) Wing S2866; ESTC R22616 40,888 96

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find_v to_o day_n the_o monster_n have_v not_o yet_o make_v she_o his_o prey_n cyd._n what_o if_o he_o have_v we_o two_o be_v leave_v behind_o and_o by_o the_o god_n you_o be_v for_o we_o design_v nican_n heaven_n have_v not_o yet_o to_o i_o reveal_v that_o mind_n my_o inclination_n still_o be_v she_o i_o find_v the_o honour_n be_v great_a we_o may_v by_o you_o enjoy_v but_o it_o will_v all_o our_o vow_n and_o all_o our_o love_n destroy_v polyn._n to_o psyche_n i_o have_v offer_v my_o whole_a heart_n she_o have_v for_o no_o other_o leave_v i_o the_o least_o part_n pardon_v that_o i_o the_o honour_n must_v refuse_v no_o mortal_n can_v their_o own_o affection_n choose_v love_n heaven_n high_a power_n do_v into_o we_o infuse_v nican_n when_o we_o lose_v psyche_n solemn_o we_o swear_v the_o search_n of_o she_o we_o never_o will_v give_v over_o polyn._n shall_v we_o not_o find_v she_o we_o our_o life_n must_v spend_v which_o in_o th'unwearied_a search_n of_o she_o must_v end_v aglau_n think_v you_o with_o safety_n you_o shall_v we_o despise_v though_o we_o be_v too_o weak_a to_o wound_v you_o with_o our_o eye_n our_o full_a revenge_n shall_v both_o of_o you_o pursue_v and_o give_v what_o to_o your_o insolence_n be_v due_a cyd._n your_o head_n shall_v pay_v for_o the_o affront_n you_o give_v and_o you_o shall_v die_v or_o we_o will_v cease_v to_o live_v nican_n if_o danger_n can_v our_o courage_n remove_v we_o be_v not_o fit_a to_o aspire_v to_o psyche_n love_n polyn._n our_o absence_n now_o you_o must_v excuse_v we_o in_o our_o search_n no_o far_o time_n must_v lose_v exeunt_fw-la nican_n polyn._n aglau_n i_o have_v a_o trusty_a villain_n which_o i_o will_v send_v who_o in_o disguise_n shall_v their_o unwary_a step_n attend_v and_o then_o a_o ambush_n shall_v for_o they_o be_v lay_v that_o their_o base_a life_n may_v be_v to_o we_o betray_v cyd._n the_o power_n of_o all_o this_o kingdom_n we_o will_v engage_v to_o sacrifice_v their_o life_n to_o our_o insatiate_a rage_n aglau_n they_o dear_o shall_v by_o their_o example_n show_v how_o soon_o reject_v love_n to_o dangerous_a rage_n can_v grow_v exeunt_fw-la amb●…_n act_n iu._n the_o scene_n be_v a_o stately_a garden_n belong_v to_o the_o magnificent_a palace_n see_v in_o the_o former_a act._n the_o great_a walk_n be_v bound_v on_o either_o side_n with_o great_a statue_n figure_n of_o gold_n stand_v on_o pedestal_n and_o small_a sit_v at_o their_o foot_n and_o in_o large_a vase_n of_o silver_n be_v orange_n lemon_n citron_n pomegranate_n and_o behind_o myrtle_n jessemine_n and_o other_o tree_n beyond_o this_o a_o noble_a arbour_n through_o which_o be_v see_v a_o less_o walk_v all_o of_o cypress-tree_n which_o lead_v to_o another_o arbour_n at_o a_o great_a distance_n enter_v aglaura_n cydippe_n psyche_n with_o her_o train_n aglau_n enough_o the_o splendour_n of_o your_o court_n have_v see_v such_o never_o be_v know_v by_o any_o earthly_a queen_n cyd._n but_o we_o your_o conquer_a lover_n will_v behold_v of_o who_o such_o charm_a story_n you_o have_v tell_v psyc._n oh_a he_o be_v the_o bright_a thing_n your_o eye_n ever_o see_v beauty_n he_o have_v may_v give_v the_o whole_a world_n law_n and_o then_o such_o tender_a kindness_n you_o shall_v see_v for_o he_o delight_v in_o nothing_o but_o in_o i_o we_o sport_n and_o revel_v all_o the_o day_n in_o soft_a delight_n melt_v the_o hour_n away_o and_o such_o resistless_a way_n he_o have_v to_o charm_v we_o kiss_v embrace_z and_o arm_n in_o arm_n with_o amorous_a sigh_n and_o soft_a discourse_n our_o faint_a passion_n still_o we_o reinforce_v when_o i_o will_v speak_v my_o word_n he_o do_v devour_v and_o when_o he_o speak_v i_o kiss_v he_o over_o and_o over_o and_o wh●…_n from_o kiss_v we_o our_o lip_n remove_v he_o tell_v a_o thousand_o pretty_a tale_n of_o love_n and_o all_o the_o while_o his_o beauty_n i_o survey_v and_o he_o so_o greedy_o behold_v my_o eye_n as_o he_o will_v devour_v they_o but_o a_o moment_n stay_v and_o he_o will_v you_o as_o he_o do_v i_o surprise_n exit_fw-la psyche_n aglau_n what_o curse_a fate_n be_v this_o that_o do_v ordain_v that_o she_o shall_v have_v such_o pleasure_n we_o such_o pain_n oh_o that_o i_o have_v infection_n in_o my_o breath_n i_o my_o own_o life_n will_v lose_v to_o give_v her_o death_n cid_n base_a fortune_n that_o on_o psyche_n will_v bestow_v so_o vast_a a_o share_n of_o happiness_n and_o give_v she_o elder_a sister_n so_o much_o less_o that_o she_o shall_v be_v so_o high_a and_o we_o so_o low_o aglau_n such_o glory_n yet_o no_o monarch_n ever_o see_v such_o humble_a vassal_n such_o obedient_a awe_n such_o shine_a palace_n yet_o never_o have_v be_v such_o pomp_n the_o sun_n in_o all_o his_o progress_n never_o have_v see_v cid_n a_o thousand_o beauty_n wait_v for_o her_o command_n as_o many_o heavenly_a youth_n be_v still_o at_o hand_n and_o to_o our_o envious_a eye_n she_o choose_v these_o hate_a object_n to_o expose_v aglau_n when_o we_o to_o our_o great_a joy_n believe_v that_o she_o destroy_v have_v be_v oh_o how_o the_o riddle_a god_n have_v we_o deceive_v we_o see_v she_o here_o like_o some_o immortal_a queen_n who_o all_o her_o subject_n serve_v not_o but_o adore_v cid_n oh_a i_o shall_v die_v with_o envy_n say_v no_o more_o but_o of_o some_o quick_a revenge_n let_v we_o meditate_v to_o interrupt_v their_o happy_a state_n let_v we_o by_o some_o art_n cause_n fatal_a jealousy_n between_o these_o prosperous_a lover_n to_o arise_v enter_v cupid_n and_o psyche_n with_o many_o attendant_n aglau_n they_o be_v here_o what_o divine_a object_n strike_v my_o eye_n cid_n what_o heavenly_a thing_n do_v my_o weak_a heart_n surprise_v aglau_n her_o hate_a sight_n i_o can_v no_o long_o bear_v cid_n oh_o with_o what_o joy_n i_o can_v her_o heartstring_n tear_v aglau_n this_o be_v the_o goodly_a creature_n heaven_n ere_o make_v and_o i_o will_v summon_v hell_n up_o to_o my_o aid_n but_o i_o will_v psyche_n life_n destroy_v and_o i_o will_v then_o this_o godlike_a youth_n enjoy_v cid_n when_o i_o be_o dead_a he_o may_v be_v have_v by_o thou_o but_o know_v aglaura_n i_o will_v never_o live_v to_o see_v this_o goodly_a thing_n enjoy_v by_o any_o one_o but_o i_o cup._n lady_n you_o such_o a_o welcome_a in_o this_o place_n shall_v find_v as_o fit_v the_o greatness_n of_o your_o sister_n mind_n and_o by_o your_o entertainment_n i_o will_v show_v what_o i_o to_o my_o love_a psyche_n owe_v for_o she_o shall_v quire_n of_o cupid_n sing_v for_o her_o the_o sphere_n shall_v their_o loud_a music_n bring_v song_n let_v old_a age_n in_o its_o envy_n and_o malice_n take_v pleasure_n in_o business_n that_o be_v sour_a and_o in_o hoard_v up_o treasure_n by_o dulness_n seem_v wise_a be_v still_o peevish_a and_o nice_a and_o what_o they_o can_v follow_v let_v they_o rail_v at_o as_o vice_n wise_a youth_n will_v in_o wine_n and_o in_o beauty_n delight_n will_v revel_v all_o day_n and_o will_v sport_v all_o the_o night_n for_o never_o to_o love_v will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v how_o insipid_a be_v life_n without_o those_o delight_n in_o which_o lusty_a hot_a youth_n spend_v their_o day_n and_o their_o night_n of_o our_o nauseous_a dull_a being_n we_o too_o soon_o shall_v be_v cloy_v without_o those_o bless_a joy_n which_o fool_n only_o avoid_v unhappy_a grave_a wretch_n who_o live_v by_o false_a measure_n and_o for_o empty_a vain_a shadow_n refuse_v real_a pleasure_n to_o such_o fool_n while_o vast_a joy_n on_o the_o witty_a be_v wait_v life_n atedious_a long_a journey_n without_o ever_o bait_v now_o see_v what_o be_v to_o psyche_n beauty_n due_a and_o what_o the_o almighty_a power_n of_o love_n can_v show_v these_o senseless_a figure_n motion_n shall_v receive_v psyche_n bright_a beam_n can_v life_n to_o statue_n give_v ten_n statue_n leap_v from_o their_o pedestal_n and_o dance_v ten_o cupid_n rise_v from_o the_o pedestal_n strew_v all_o the_o stage_n with_o flower_n and_o fly_v all_o several_a way_n during_o the_o dance_n cupid_n and_o psyche_n retire_v cid_n with_o what_o divine_a magnificence_n they_o in_o this_o place_n treat_v every_o sense_n aglau_n excess_n of_o love_n and_o hate_n disturb_v my_o rest_n which_o equal_o divide_v my_o breast_n cid_n you_o may_v hate_v she_o and_o other_o prince_n love_n but_o your_o affection_n must_v from_o he_o remove_v or_o the_o utmost_a rage_n of_o a_o revengeful_a rival_n prove_v aglau_n mountain_n shall_v soon_o leap_v or_o fly_v the_o sun_n may_v prove_v inconstant_a but_o not_o i_o all_o my_o presumptuous_a rival_n i_o will_v destroy_v i_o can_v live_v unless_o i_o he_o enjoy_v cid_n then_o sudden_o resign_v your_o hate_a breath_n you_o shall_v not_o live_v to_o