Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n new_a receive_v vigour_n 8,595 5 16.3455 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A48906 The English opera, or, The vocal musick in Psyche with the instrumental therein intermix'd : to which is adjoyned the instrumental musick in The tempest / by Matthew Lock ...; Psyche. Vocal score Locke, Matthew, 1621 or 2-1677.; Shadwell, Thomas, 1642?-1692. Psyche. 1675 (1675) Wing L2770; ESTC R231438 16,208 88

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must_v guard_v their_o peace_n wiith_o safety_n bless_v thou_o thou_o that_o must_v bring_v and_o then_o must_v guard_v their_o peace_n thou_o thou_o that_o must_v bring_v &_o then_o must_v guard_v their_o peace_n thou_o that_o must_v bring_v &_o then_o must_v guard_v their_o peace_n thou_o thou_o that_o must_v bring_v &_o then_o must_v guard_v their_o peace_n thou_o thou_o that_o must_v bring_v &_o then_o must_v guard_v their_o peace_n after_o a_o warlike_a dance_n the_o praesul_fw-la go_v on_o while_o we_o to_o mars_n his_o praise_n sing_v a_o horse_n the_o appoint_a victim_n bring_v while_o mars_n and_o venus_n be_v meet_v in_o the_o air_n etc._n etc._n the_o follow_a symphony_n be_v play_v symphony_n song_n of_o venus_n and_o mars_n venus_n great_a god_n of_o war_n if_o thou_o do_v not_o despise_v the_o power_n of_o my_o victorious_a eye_n reject_v this_o sacrifice_n my_o deity_n they_o disâ•Œrespect_n my_o altar_n they_o neglect_v and_o psyhce_o onâ•Œly_o they_o adore_v who_o they_o shall_v see_v no_o more_o have_v i_o yet_o leave_v such_o influence_n on_o your_o heart_n as_o to_o enjoin_v they_o you_o will_v take_v my_o part_n by_o some_o know_a token_n punish_v their_o offence_n and_o let_v they_o know_v their_o insolence_n mars_n so_o much_o your_o influence_n on_o i_o remain_v that_o still_o i_o glory_v in_o my_o chain_n whatever_o you_o comâ•Œmand_v shall_v be_v a_o sovereign_a law_n to_o i_o whatever_o you_o command_v shall_v be_v a_o sovereign_a law_n to_o i_o these_o saucy_a mortal_n soon_o shall_v see_v what_o it_o be_v to_o disrespect_n your_o deity_n to_o show_v how_o much_o for_o you_o i_o they_o despise_v since_o they_o with_o venus_n dare_v contend_v you_o power_n of_o hell_n your_o fury_n send_v and_o interrupt_v their_o sacrifice_n and_o interrupt_v their_o venus_n you_o power_n of_o hell_n your_o fury_n send_v and_o interrupt_v interrupt_v their_o sacrifice_n sacrifice_n you_o power_n of_o hell_n your_o fury_n send_v and_o interrupt_v their_o sacrifice_n and_o interrupt_v their_o sacrifice_n and_o interrupt_v their_o sacrifice_n act._n iu._n the_o scene_n be_v a_o stately_a garden_n etc._n etc._n one_a voice_n let_v old_a age_n in_o its_o envy_n &_o malice_n take_v pleasure_n in_o business_n that_o be_v sour_a and_o in_o hoard_v up_o treasure_n 2d_o voice_n by_o dulness_n seem_v wise_a be_v still_o peevish_a and_o nice_a and_o what_o they_o can_v follow_v let_v they_o rail_v at_o as_o vice_n 3d_o voice_n wise_a youth_n will_v in_o wine_n &_o in_o beauty_n delight_n will_v revel_v all_o day_n and_o will_v sport_v all_o the_o night_n four_o voice_n for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v chorus_n for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o soft_a love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v &_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v one_a voice_n how_o insipid_a be_v life_n without_o those_o delight_n in_o which_o lusty_a hot_a youth_n spend_v their_o day_n and_o their_o night_n 2d_o voice_n of_o our_o nauseous_a dull_a be_v we_o too_o soon_o shall_v be_v cloy_v without_o those_o bless_a joy_n which_o fool_n only_o avoid_v 3d._a voice_n unhappy_a grave_a wretch_n who_o live_v by_o false_a measure_n and_o for_o empty_a vain_a shadow_n refuse_v real_a pleasure_n four_o voice_n to_o such_o fool_n while_o vast_a joy_n on_o the_o witty_a be_v wait_v life_n be_v a_o tedious_a long_a journey_n without_o ever_o bait_v chorus_n to_o such_o fool_n etc._n etc._n the_o same_o song_n compose_v another_o way_n for_o two_o voice_n one_a let_v old_a age_n in_o its_o envy_n and_o malice_n take_v pleasure_n in_o business_n that_o be_v sour_a and_o in_o hoard_v up_o treasure_n 2d_o by_o dulness_n seem_v wise_a be_v still_o peevish_a and_o nice_a and_o what_o they_o can_v follow_v let_v they_o rail_v at_o as_o vice_n one_a wise_a youth_n will_v in_o wine_n and_o in_o beauty_n delight_n will_v revel_v all_o day_n and_o will_v sport_v all_o the_o night_n 2d_o for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v chorus_n for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v for_o never_o to_o love_n will_v be_v never_o to_o live_v and_o love_n must_v from_o wine_n its_o new_a vigour_n receive_v one_a how_o insipid_a be_v life_n without_o those_o delight_v in_o which_o lusty_a hot_a youth_n spend_v their_o day_n and_o their_o night_n of_o our_o nauceous_a dull_a be_v we_o too_o soon_o shall_v be_v cloy_v without_o those_o bless_a joy_n which_o fool_n only_o avoid_v 2d_o unhappy_a grave_a wretch_n who_o live_v by_o false_a measure_n and_o for_o empty_v vain_a shadow_n refuse_v real_a pleasure_n to_o such_o fool_n while_o vast_a joy_n on_o the_o witty_a be_v wait_v life_n be_v a_o tedious_a long_a journey_n without_o ever_o bait_v chorus_n to_o such_o fool_n while_o vast_a joy_n on_o the_o witty_a be_v wait_v life_n be_v a_o tedious_a long_a journey_n without_o ever_o bait_a to_o such_o fool_n while_o vast_a joy_n on_o the_o witty_a be_v wait_v life_n be_v a_o tedious_a long_a journey_n without_o ever_o bait_a to_o such_o fool_n while_o vast_a joy_n on_o the_o witty_a be_v wait_v life_n be_v a_o tedious_a long_a journey_n without_o ever_o bait_v to_o such_o fool_n while_o vast_a joy_n on_o the_o witty_a be_v wait_v life_n be_v a_o tedious_a long_a journey_n without_o ever_o bait_v song_n of_o the_o god_n of_o the_o river_n and_o two_o nymph_n to_o psyche_n when_o she_o be_v go_v to_o cast_v herself_o into_o the_o river_n stay_v stay_v this_o act_n will_v much_o defile_v my_o stream_n with_o a_o short_a patience_n suffer_v these_o exteem_n heaven_n have_v for_o thou_o a_o mild_a fate_n in_o store_n the_o time_n shall_v be_v when_o thou_o shall_v weep_v no_o more_o one_a nymph_n 2d_o nymph_n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n never_o shall_v die_v she_o never_o shall_v die_v she_o never_o shall_v die_v retornello_n cho._n with_o voice_n and_o instrument_n one_a nymph_n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n never_o shall_v die_v but_o shall_v be_v crown_v with_o immortality_n 2d_o nymph_n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n never_o shall_v die_v but_o shall_v be_v crown_v with_o immortality_n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n never_o shall_v die_v but_o shall_v be_v crown_v with_o immortality_n soft_a but_o shall_v be_v crown_v but_o shall_v be_v crown_v with_o immortality_n but_o shall_v be_v crown_v but_o shall_v be_v crown_v with_o imâ•Œmorâ•Œtaâ•Œliâ•Œty_n but_o shall_v but_o shall_v be_v crown_v with_o imâ•Œmorâ•Œtaâ•Œliâ•Œty_n but_o shall_v retornello_n but_o shall_v be_v crown_v with_o imâ•Œmorâ•Œtaâ•Œliâ•Œty_n be_v crown_v with_o imâ•Œmorâ•Œtaâ•Œliâ•Œty_n be_v crown_v with_o imâ•Œmorâ•Œtaâ•Œliâ•Œty_n venus_n approach_n from_o her_o anger_n fly_v more_o trouble_n yet_o your_o constancy_n must_v try_v but_o the_o happy_a minute_n will_v ever_o long_o arrive_v that_o will_v to_o you_o eternal_a freedom_n give_v one_a nymph_n 2d_o nymph_n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n never_o shall_v die_v she_o never_o shall_v die_v she_o never_o shall_v die_v retornello_n chorus_z as_o before_z and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n etc._n etc._n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n etc._n etc._n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n etc._n etc._n and_o yet_o fair_a psyche_n etc._n etc._n omit_v the_o retornello_n at_o the_o end_n of_o the_o chorus_n the_o last_o time_n act._n v._n devil_n and_o fury_n one_a devil_n one_a fury_n to_o what_o great_a distress_n proud_a psyhce_n be_v bring_v oh_o the_o brave_a mischief_n our_o malice_n have_v wrought_v 2d_o deu._n such_o action_n become_v the_o black_a subject_n of_o hell_n our_o great_a prince_n of_o darkness_n who_o ever_o will_v