Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n new_a receive_v vigour_n 8,595 5 16.3455 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27862 A paraphrase upon the Psalms of David by Sam. Woodford. Woodford, Samuel, 1636-1700. 1667 (1667) Wing B2491; ESTC R17944 181,016 462

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time_n for_o thou_o lord_n now_o to_o rise_v for_o those_o who_o shall_v obey_v thy_o law_n its_o rule_n despise_v iv._o but_o i_o disvalue_n gold_n with_o it_o compare_v and_o thy_o commandment_n more_o than_o gold_n and_o all_o its_o chain_n i_o in_o obedience_n hold_v for_o much_o above_o '_o it_o thou_o know_v i_o they_o prefer_v thy_o precept_n above_o all_o i_o love_v and_o this_o bless_a passion_n by_o my_o flight_n from_o sin_n will_v prove_v part._n xvii_o pe._n mirabilia_fw-la testimonla_n etc._n etc._n i._o thy_o testimony_n lord_n be_v wonderful_a therefore_o i_o make_v they_o all_o my_o care_n the_o very_a entrance_n of_o thy_o word_n be_v fair_a and_o with_o its_o beam_n enlighten_v my_o dark_a soul_n if_o such_o the_o porch_n and_o entrance_n be_v what_o wonder_n may_v we_o in_o thy_o sanctuary_n see_v ii_o i_o long_v for_o thy_o commandment_n and_o the_o air_n breathe_v thence_o into_o my_o soul_n i_o draw_v i_o thought_n it_o do_v my_o spirit_n again_o renew_v and_o clear_v the_o stoppage_n which_o press_v i_o there_o look_v down_o and_o to_o i_o be_v the_o same_o as_o thou_o be_v use_v to_o be_v to_o they_o who_o love_v thy_o name_n iii_o according_a to_o thy_o word_n my_o step_n direct_v nor_o let_v i_o be_v by_o sin_n overthrow_v who_o just_a allegiance_n to_o thy_o precept_n own_o and_o from_o sure_a ruin_n the_o oppressed_a protect_n let_v i_o no_o more_o a_o captive_n be_v to_o lust_n since_o thou_o have_v break_v my_o chain_n and_o set_v i_o free_a iu._n lord_n on_o thy_o servant_n make_v thy_o face_n to_o shine_v and_o i_o thy_o righteous_a statute_n teach_v that_o i_o to_o other_o may_v thy_o goodness_n preach_v and_o how_o like_o i_o they_o too_o may_v be_v make_v thou_o for_o flood_n of_o tear_n run_v down_o my_o eye_n and_o for_o thy_o break_a law_n sea_n from_o those_o fountain_n rise_v xviii_o part._n tsaddi_n justus_n es_fw-la domine_fw-la etc._n etc._n i._o as_o thou_o be_v such_o my_o god_n thy_o judgement_n be_v thou_o righteous_a and_o they_o all_o upright_a thy_o testimony_n govern_v less_o by_o may_v than_o justice_n wherewith_o thou_o have_v make_v they_o fair_a and_o those_o who_o to_o thy_o sceptre_n bow_n which_o be_v so_o right_a and_o faithful_a be_v themselves_o make_v so_o ii_o my_o zeal_n have_v burn_v i_o up_o and_o all_o on_o fire_n i_o faint_v to_o see_v thy_o word_n forget_v thy_o word_n that_o be_v try_v and_o from_o the_o furnace_n hot_a in_o sacred_a flame_n of_o love_n make_v i_o expire_v and_o wonder_v who_o through_o cold_a can_v die_v who_o have_v so_o hot_a and_o pure_a a_o fire_n to_o warm_v he_o by_o iii_o thou_o know_v i_o be_o poor_a despise_v and_o wondrous_a low_a yet_o will_v i_o not_o thy_o precept_n leave_v but_o even_o thence_o hope_v new_a vigour_n to_o receive_v how_o poor_a and_o low_a so_o ere_o i_o may_v be_v now_o thy_o law_n and_o truth_n so_o certain_a be_v that_o what_o thou_o once_o have_v promise_v from_o all_o change_n stand_v free_a iv._o this_o only_o be_v my_o comfort_n in_o my_o grief_n when_o anguish_n fast_o hold_v of_o i_o take_v that_o i_o thy_o just_a commandment_n never_o forsake_v and_o they_o which_o be_v my_o love_n bring_v i_o relief_n that_o i_o may_v ever_o with_o thou_o live_v sound_v knowledge_n of_o thy_o testimony_n to_o i_o give_v xix_o part._n coph_n clamavi_fw-la in_o toto_fw-la cord_n etc._n etc._n i._o with_o my_o whole_a heart_n in_o my_o distress_n i_o cry_v aloud_o i_o cry_v but_o more_o for_o fear_v to_o break_v thy_o statute_n than_o my_o pain_n to_o bear_v nor_o let_v i_o never_o say_v i_o be_v deny_v but_o rise_v my_o god_n to_o rescue_v i_o and_o i_o will_v thy_o testimony_n kcep_v and_o honour_v thou_o ii_o the_o morning_n with_o my_o prayer_n i_o do_v prevent_v for_o in_o thy_o word_n my_o hope_n i_o place_v the_o morning_n with_o my_o cry_n i_o bid_v make_v haste_n but_o ere_o it_o come_v my_o vow_n i_o up_o have_v send_v it_o be_v then_o a_o pleasure_n not_o to_o sleep_v for_o all_o the_o while_o thy_o word_n with_o i_o the_o watch_n do_v keep_v iii_o lord_n for_o thy_o mercy_n sake_n to_o i_o give_v ear_n and_o in_o thy_o justice_n visit_v i_o may_v they_o agree_v my_o mighty_a saviour_n be_v and_o as_o i_o thou_o make_v th●e_n my_o voice_n to_o hear_v o_o be_v not_o far_o off_o from_o my_o cry_n when_o those_o who_o hate_v thy_o law_n and_o i_o be_v come_v so_o nigh_o iv._o but_o cheer_v up_o soul_n see_v where_o thy_o god_n do_v stand_v thy_o god_n who_o just_a command_n be_v true_a who_o with_o a_o word_n can_v all_o thy_o foe_n subdue_v and_o publish_v his_o great_a victory_n in_o all_o land_n who_o testimony_n thou_o have_v find_v eternity_n alone_o in_o its_o vast_a space_n can_v bound_v part._n xx._n resh_n vide_fw-la humilitatem_fw-la etc._n etc._n i._o consider_v my_o affliction_n and_o my_o pain_n and_o save_v i_o for_o i_o keep_v thy_o law_n defend_v my_o cause_n and_o from_o my_o weakness_n draw_v such_o argument_n as_o may_v thy_o power_n maintain_v for_o thy_o word_n sake_n deliver_v i_o the_o safety_n like_o redemption_n from_o the_o grave_n shall_v be_v ii_o salvation_n from_o the_o proud_a be_v far_o away_o so_o much_o they_o on_o themselves_o depend_v but_o never_o to_o thy_o statute_n voice_n attend_v which_o only_o be_v my_o prop_n and_o mighty_a stay_n thy_o mercy_n great_a and_o wondrous_o be_v yet_o lord_n according_a to_o thy_o judgement_n quicken_v i_o iii_o many_o my_o foe_n against_o i_o thousand_o rise_v yet_o i_o thy_o testament_n obey_v and_o other_o will_v persuade_v to_o take_v thy_o way_n who_o only_o be_v for_o that_o my_o enemy_n for_o they_o i_o be_o sure_a i_o true_o grieve_v because_o they_o thy_o almighty_a word_n will_v not_o believe_v iv._o for_o my_o own_o part_n like_o thou_o i_o nothing_o love_n thy_o precept_n be_v my_o chief_a delight_n that_o i_o may_v always_o think_v they_o so_o let_v light_n and_o a_o eternal_a day_n break_v from_o above_o thy_o word_n for_o ever_o true_a have_v be_v nor_o have_v thy_o righteous_a judgement_n any_o variance_n see_v part._n xxi_o schin_n principes_fw-la persecuti_fw-la etc._n etc._n i._o prince_n without_o cause_n be_v my_o enemy_n but_o of_o thy_o word_n i_o stand_v in_o awe_n lie_v i_o hate_v but_o have_v observe_v thy_o law_n and_o so_o their_o threat_n and_o malice_n can_v despise_v and_o if_o for_o they_o i_o have_v a_o fear_n into_o my_o heart_n i_o look_v and_o see_v a_o great_a there_o ii_o thy_o word_n which_o be_v at_o once_o my_o fear_n and_o trust_v make_v i_o in_o mighty_a shout_n rejoice_v as_o one_o that_o find_v great_a spoil_n or_o have_v his_o choice_n for_o it_o will_v make_v i_o lord_n as_o thou_o be_v just_a for_o that_o seven_o time_n a_o day_n i_o will_v praise_v and_o with_o thy_o righteous_a judgement_n my_o small_a number_n raise_v iii_o great_a peace_n to_o they_o who_o love_v thy_o law_n belong_v and_o nothing_o shall_v their_o rest_n offend_v but_o all_o their_o life_n they_o shall_v in_o pleasure_n spend_v and_o thence_o take_v lofty_a subject_n for_o their_o song_n in_o thou_o my_o god_n i_o trust_v alone_o and_o those_o command_v thou_o give_v i_o to_o observe_v have_v do_v iv._o my_o soul_n have_v all_o thy_o testimony_n keep_v and_o they_o have_v be_v my_o pure_a love_n i_o by_o their_o conduct_n do_v my_o journey_n move_n nor_o from_o the_o way_n which_o they_o first_o show_v i_o step_v they_o and_o thy_o precept_n be_v my_o guide_n nor_o do_v i_o strive_v my_o path_n from_o thy_o bright_a face_n to_o hide_v xxii_o part._n tau_n appropinquet_fw-la deprecatio_fw-la etc._n etc._n i._o lord_n let_v my_o cry_n at_o length_n approach_v thy_o ear_n and_o understanding_n to_o i_o give_v to_o know_v thy_o word_n and_o by_o its_o rule_n to_o live_v and_o all_o the_o prayer_n which_o here_o i_o '_o have_v make_v thou_o hear_v lord_n for_o thy_o word_n to_o save_v i_o rise_v and_o then_o i_o may_v be_v confident_a thou_o hear_v my_o cry_n ii_o then_o shall_v my_o song_n of_o all_o thy_o power_n rehearse_v and_o of_o the_o change_n thy_o statute_n wrought_v how_o by_o thy_o word_n i_o home_n to_o thou_o be_v bring_v and_o by_o those_o step_n to_o heaven_n i_o will_v raise_v my_o verse_n for_o thy_o commandment_n righteous_a be_v and_o those_o who_o make_v they_o they_o shall_v be_v themselves_o thy_o care_n iii_o may_v i_o be_v so_o for_o they_o have_v be_v my_o choice_n and_o in_o thy_o precept_n i_o delight_v thy_o law_n be_v my_o meditation_n day_n and_o night_n and_o all_o time_n do_v my_o heart_n employ_v or_o voice_n for_o thy_o salvation_n lord_n i_o wait_v make_v haste_n and_o come_v away_o before_o it_o be_v too_o late_a
they_o wish_v be_v high_a with_o fat_a their_o eye_n be_v close_v around_o and_o though_o still_o fasten_v on_o the_o ground_n no_o conscious_a mark_n of_o guilt_n do_v bear_v nor_o view_v it_o as_o their_o own_o desert_n but_o wish_v i_o there_o vii_o just_o like_o a_o lioness_n that_o wait_v her_o prey_n urge_v by_o her_o young_a whelp_n hunger_n and_o her_o own_o all_o threaten_a force_n aside_o she_o seem_v to_o lay_v and_o try_n new_a plot_n when_o that_o be_v useless_a grow_v unto_o some_o shady_a covert_a fly_n and_o there_o as_o dead_a or_o die_a lie_n that_o if_o her_o scent_n infect_v the_o wind_n she_o may_v herself_o appear_v the_o prey_n she_o there_o will_v find_v viii_o but_o rise_v o_o god_n and_o disappoint_v his_o rage_n and_o where_o himself_o have_v vow_v there_o let_v he_o fall_v may_v he_o no_o long_o thy_o great_a power_n engage_v nor_o against_o thou_o with_o thy_o own_o arm_n prevail_v the_o sword_n he_o brandish_v be_v thou_o thou_o guide_v his_o hand_n and_o make_v that_o shine_n without_o thy_o help_n he_o can_v not_o be_v or_o thus_o thy_o seem_a friend_n or_o thus_o my_o enemy_n ix_o this_o portion_n here_o below_o the_o wicked_a have_v the_o world_n and_o all_o it_o be_v boundless_a store_n be_v they_o though_o when_o they_o once_o descend_v into_o the_o grave_n they_o all_z behind_o they_o leave_v and_o child_n heir_n but_o my_o great_a portion_n be_v to_o come_v when_o happy_a death_n shall_v bring_v i_o home_o when_o i_o shall_v in_o thy_o sight_n appear_v and_o to_o thy_o image_n change_v be_v with_o thy_o son_n coheir_n psalm_n xviii_o diligam_fw-la te_fw-la domine_fw-la fortitudo_fw-la etc._n etc._n say_v i._o lord_n i_o will_v love_v thou_o and_o thy_o mighty_a praise_n my_o humble_a song_n to_o heaven_n shall_v raise_v thou_o be_v my_o rock_n my_o strength_n my_o power_n my_o god_n my_o help_n and_o ever_o just_a my_o buckler_n fortress_n and_o strong_a tower_n who_o have_v be_v always_o and_o shall_v always_o be_v my_o trust_n to_o thou_o the_o spoil_n i_o consecrate_v which_o by_o thy_o hand_n i_o from_o my_o enemy_n take_v that_o when_o in_o time_n to_o come_v i_o on_o they_o look_v think_v how_o in_o their_o ruin_n thou_o preserv'd_v my_o state_n and_o those_o remain_v of_o trumph_n see_v i_o may_v new_a trophy_n dress_v to_o thou_o who_o only_o save_v and_o only_o worthy_a of_o my_o praise_n can_v be_v ii_o it_o be_v the_o most_o gloomy_a day_n i_o ever_o see_v and_o death_n in_o all_o its_o horrid_a shape_n stand_v by_o trouble_v without_o within_o despair_n do_v lie_v and_o not_o content_a by_o drop_n my_o blood_n to_o draw_v and_o leave_v when_o glut_v it_o my_o heart_n do_v gnaw_v that_o sensible_o i_o can_v perceive_v myself_o to_o die_v hell_n compass_v i_o with_o all_o her_o wave_n enlarge_v her_o mouth_n and_o thence_o do_v throw_v in_o pitchy_a stream_n her_o terror_n and_o the_o grave_n that_o by_o its_o train_n death_n may_v more_o dreadful_a show_n and_o i_o before_o hand_n all_o its_o cruelty_n may_v know_v before_o it_o lay_v devour_a care_n envys_n distrust_n and_o band_n of_o snare_n suspicious_a jealousy_n and_o fear_n chain_n and_o imprisonment_n a_o wretched_a life_n beyond_o the_o reach_n of_o fancy_n or_o belief_n with_o which_o around_z it_o be_v block_v so_o fast_o that_o thousand_o death_n must_v first_o be_v past_a ere_o one_o can_v touch_v the_o bless_a and_o happy_a one_o at_o last_o iii_o what_o to_o resolve_v or_o what_o to_o do_v which_o way_n to_o turn_v or_o where_o to_o go_v i_o have_v no_o friend_n to_o tell_v i_o nor_o myself_o do_v know_v at_o last_o to_o heaven_n i_o look_v and_o there_o a_o passage_n for_o my_o flight_n do_v see_v the_o coast_n all_o empty_a wide_a and_o clear_a but_o who_o on_o high_a my_o soul_n can_v bear_v or_o give_v i_o wing_n that_o i_o may_v thither_o flee_v and_o then_o aloud_o to_o god_n i_o cry_v and_o in_o my_o trouble_n make_v a_o noise_n anguish_n do_v help_v to_o raise_v my_o voice_n and_o hear_v i_o will_v be_v though_o i_o be_v deny_v lord_n bow_v thy_o ear_n say_v i_o to_o i_o or_o suffer_v that_o my_o prayer_n ascend_v to_o thou_o and_o up_o i_o send_v they_o with_o a_o gale_n of_o sigh_n that_o soon_o than_o my_o thought_n have_v pierce_v the_o sky_n and_o entrance_n find_v or_o make_v to_o his_o ear_n while_o i_o too_o slow_a to_o follow_v with_o my_o eye_n reflect_v ever_o on_o my_o fear_n can_v only_o their_o desire_a return_n expect_v in_o tear_n iv._o i_o look_v not_o long_o ere_o the_o earth_n begin_v to_o shake_v the_o rock_n to_o tremble_v and_o the_o hill_n to_o quake_v and_o to_o attest_v the_o presence_n of_o its_o god_n who_o to_o the_o judgement_n on_o a_o cherub_n ride_v the_o world_n its_o fix_a foundation_n do_v forsake_v out_o from_o his_o nostril_n a_o thick_a smoke_n do_v go_v and_o from_o his_o mouth_n devour_v fire_n which_o more_o impetuous_a as_o it_o large_a do_v grow_v and_o make_v the_o heaven_n almost_o with_o the_o heat_n expire_v he_o bow_v the_o heaven_n and_o then_o come_v down_o under_o his_o foot_n chain_v darkness_n lay_v and_o tempest_n that_o no_o will_n but_o his_o will_n own_o in_o haste_n fly_v on_o before_o to_o make_v he_o way_n he_o follow_v close_o and_o their_o slow_a pace_n do_v chide_v bid_v they_o with_o great_a speed_n and_o swiftness_n ride_v and_o that_o he_o dreadful_a may_v appear_v yet_o not_o consume_v till_o get_v more_o near_o dark_a water_n and_o thick_a cloud_n his_o face_n do_v hide_v v._o such_o his_o pavilion_n such_o the_o secret_a place_n to_o which_o his_o glory_n do_v retire_v but_o yet_o how_o thick_a so_o ere_o the_o cover_n be_v the_o water_n can_v not_o quench_v nor_o cloud_n conceal_v the_o fire_n but_o it_o through_o both_o do_v force_v its_o way_n and_o all_o the_o loud_a thunder_n call_v obey_v in_o thunder_n god_n aloud_o from_o heaven_n do_v call_v and_o make_v his_o voice_n over_o all_o the_o world_n be_v hear_v hailstone_n and_o coal_n of_o fire_n do_v at_o it_o fall_v hailstone_n &_o coal_n of_o fire_n which_o those_o who_o slight_v thunder_n fear_v these_o be_v the_o poison_a arrow_n which_o he_o throw_v in_o vain_a with_o heaven_n they_o see_v it_o be_v to_o fight_v and_o since_o so_o swift_a it_o do_v their_o guilt_n pursue_v as_o vain_a thought_n all_o their_o flight_n and_o it_o be_v true_o curse_n enough_o to_o see_v the_o light_n vi_o then_o be_v the_o channel_n of_o the_o ocean_n see_v and_o earth_n foundation_n do_v appear_v never_o so_o low_a before_o the_o sun_n have_v be_v or_o see_v the_o wonder_n which_o he_o meet_v with_o there_o and_o down_o he_o stoop_v his_o watery_a bed_n to_o view_v which_o he_o till_o then_o never_o true_o see_v or_o know_v and_o scarce_o beheve_v that_o what_o he_o see_v be_v true_a at_o thy_o rebuke_n o_o god_n it_o open_v stand_v and_o the_o same_o breath_n which_o make_v do_v part_v the_o flood_n to_o heaven_n high_a vault_n the_o wave_n do_v rise_v and_o threaten_v all_o to_o break_v upon_o my_o head_n but_o i_o prevent_v they_o with_o shriek_n and_o cry_n and_o from_o that_o deep_a thou_o do_v thy_o servant_n lead_v which_o as_o the_o billow_n see_v more_o afraid_a thau_fw-fr ay_o away_o they_o flee_v vii_o god_n from_o my_o enemy_n my_o life_n do_v save_v and_o those_o who_o be_v too_o strong_a for_o i_o subdue_v no_o soon_o can_v i_o his_o assistance_n crave_v but_o with_o my_o prayer_n i_o see_v my_o help_n renew_v that_o weakness_n which_o my_o foe_n do_v most_o enrage_v and_o to_o the_o certain_a prey_n do_v call_v be_v my_o best_a argument_n his_o power_n to_o engage_v who_o do_v unlooked_a for_o on_o they_o fall_v and_o find_v a_o way_n to_o conquest_n when_o they_o think_v they_o will_v stop_v up_o all_o to_o a_o large_a plain_n he_o bring_v i_o our_o where_o i_o may_v see_v his_o wonder_n all_o about_o and_o by_o new_a trial_n his_o sure_a mercy_n prove_v he_o rescue_v i_o because_o i_o be_v his_o love_n the_o justice_n of_o my_o title_n do_v defend_v and_o on_o my_o head_n set_v fast_o the_o crown_n his_o wont_a goodness_n to_o i_o do_v extend_v and_o recompense_v what_o my_o hand_n have_v do_v their_o innocence_n both_o witness_v &_o reward_v with_o his_o own_o viii_o he_o see_v how_o constant_o i_o keep_v his_o way_n and_o never_o to_o th'beaten_a road_n of_o sin_n withdraw_v how_o i_o his_o judgement_n do_v obey_v and_o all_o his_o law_n before_o i_o lay_v to_o be_v my_o guide_n lest_o i_o shall_v stray_v and_o when_o i_o fail_v how_o i_o my_o covenant_n do_v renew_v from_o my_o own_o sin_n myself_o i_o keep_v and_o find_v acceptance_n in_o his_o sight_n he_o raise_v i_o up_o
my_o prayer_n lest_o if_o thou_o be_v now_o sea_n be_v high_a the_o flood_n away_o my_o confidence_n shall_v bear_v and_o i_o beswallow_v up_o by_o the_o next_o wave_n my_o god_n be_v not_o a_o rock_n to_o hear_v though_o thou_o be_v one_o to_o save_v ii_o the_o voice_n of_o my_o petition_n hear_v when_o i_o for_o help_n to_o thou_o shall_v cry_v let_v my_o hand_n feel_v that_o thou_o be_v near_o though_o i_o unable_a be_o thy_o face_n to_o spy_v hear_v i_o when_o towards_o thy_o oracle_n i_o pray_v and_o as_o i_o thither_o look_v be_v please_v to_o cast_v one_o glance_v this_o way_n iii_o number_v i_o not_o with_o the_o unjust_a and_o those_o who_o study_v to_o do_v wrong_n on_o who_o if_o any_o poor_a man_n trust_v their_o heart_n be_v war_n though_o peace_n be_v in_o their_o tongue_n let_v equal_a punishment_n pursue_v their_o sin_n and_o may_v their_o just_a reward_n be_v as_o their_o base_a desert_n have_v be_v iv._o they_o never_o mind_v what_o thou_o have_v do_v nor_o what_o thy_o mighty_a hand_n can_v do_v what_o wonder_v thou_o have_v for_o i_o show_v and_o for_o i_o will_v continue_v still_o to_o show_v but_o they_o shall_v see_v they_o and_o consume_v with_o pain_n into_o the_o low_a pit_n descend_v to_o view_v it_o thence_o more_o plain_a v._o bless_a be_v that_o god_n who_o bow_v his_o ear_n to_o those_o request_n i_o to_o he_o make_v he_o be_v my_o shield_n my_o strength_n my_o spear_n and_o be_v my_o help_n when_o i_o unto_o he_o pray_v on_o he_o i_o trust_v and_o in_o he_o rejoice_v my_o heart_n that_o be_v go_v before_o to_o heaven_n i_o will_v follow_v with_o my_o voice_n vi_o he_o be_v their_o shield_n his_o strength_n their_o spear_n who_o on_o he_o for_o those_o arm_n depend_v the_o lord_n anoint_v need_v not_o fear_n for_o god_n who_o be_v his_o king_n supply_n will_v send_v o_o save_o the_o people_n who_o indeed_o be_v thou_o feed_v they_o and_o lord_n lift_v up_o their_o head_n as_o thou_o have_v raise_v up_o i_o psalm_n xxix_o afferte_fw-la domino_fw-la filii_fw-la dei_fw-la etc._n etc._n david_n i._o you_o who_o your_o birth_n for_o sceptre_n have_v design_v who_o god_n have_v blessed_v with_o wealth_n to_o guard_v your_o birth_n from_o son_n have_v make_v you_o lord_n of_o the_o earth_n and_o on_o you_o stamp_v the_o portrait_n of_o his_o mind_n your_o sceptre_n to_o he_o yield_v they_o be_v his_o due_n who_o only_o to_o serve_v he_o first_o give_v they_o you._n ii_o he_o be_v your_o king_n and_o though_o you_o reign_v below_o you_o be_v but_o vassal_n to_o his_o throne_n above_o your_o fear_n do_v your_o dependence_n prove_v and_o when_o he_o speak_v before_o he_o you_o all_o bow_n when_o from_o above_o he_o thunder_v all_o your_o power_n scatter_v like_a cloud_n and_o melt_v away_o in_o shower_n iii_o he_o thunder_v from_o above_o and_o with_o the_o noise_n whether_o they_o will_v or_o no_o make_n sea_n to_o hear_v for_o at_o his_o word_n they_o all_o crowd_n near_o exalt_v up_o to_o heaven_n by_o his_o great_a voice_n a_o voice_n which_o sure_o be_v full_a of_o majesty_n when_o sluggish_a sea_n be_v by_o it_o raise_v so_o high_a iv._o affright_v libanus_n begin_v to_o heave_v like_o his_o own_o cedar_n tremble_v they_o all_o quake_n their_o root_n as_o much_o as_o branch_n shake_z and_o both_o look_v which_o shall_v first_o the_o other_o leave_n like_o a_o young_a heifer_n syrian_n start_v away_o but_o do_v through_o fear_n what_o that_o be_v wont_n at_o play_n v._o from_o heaven_n it_o come_v a_o fire_n before_o it_o go_v consume_v fire_n behind_o bring_v up_o the_o rear_n that_o all_o may_v see_v as_o well_o as_o hear_v and_o by_o the_o message_n know_v from_o who_o it_o be_v send_v kades_n do_v at_o the_o clap_n bow_v down_o his_o head_n and_o who_o all_o fear_v his_o fright_a lion_n flee_v vi_o the_o fearful_a hind_n hear_v the_o thunder_n roar_v cast_v she_o untimely_a calf_n with_o speed_n to_o fly_v and_o think_v by_o this_o shot_n to_o die_v forget_v the_o dog_n her_o only_a dread_n before_o the_o lightning_n make_v the_o gloomy_a forest_n bright_a and_o what_o the_o sun_n can_v not_o display_v at_o night_n vii_o the_o whole_a world_n be_v god_n temple_n all_o thing_n bow_v before_o his_o footstool_n and_o recount_v his_o praise_n all_o in_o their_o place_n his_o glory_n raise_v and_o unto_o man_n by_o they_o his_o duty_n show_v lightning_n and_o thunder_n to_o serve_v he_o contend_v and_o his_o great_a charge_n proclaim_v to_o the_o earth_n wide_a end_n viii_o upon_o the_o flood_n he_o sit_v flood_n to_o he_o bring_v their_o gift_n and_o humble_o at_o his_o foot_n lay_v down_o their_o spoil_n as_o custom_n to_o his_o crown_n and_o worship_v he_o as_o their_o puissant_a king_n he_o still_v their_o noise_n and_o god_n who_o rage_v sea_n still_n with_o a_o word_n shall_v give_v his_o people_n peace_n psalm_n xxx_o exaltabo_fw-la te_fw-la domine_fw-la etc._n etc._n house_n i._o my_o god_n i_o will_v to_o thou_o give_v praise_n because_o thou_o have_v exalt_v i_o thou_o from_o the_o grave_a my_o life_n do_v raise_v and_o now_o my_o song_n shall_v honour_v thou_o when_o against_o i_o my_o foe_n do_v come_v and_o share_v the_o prey_n and_o in_o their_o mind_n lead_v home_o their_o captive_n thou_o appeard'_v and_o will_v not_o let_v they_o overcome_v ii_o it_o be_v then_o that_o to_o my_o god_n i_o cry_v and_o he_o who_o wound_v make_v i_o whole_a all_o other_o help_v which_o i_o have_v try_v do_v but_o afflict_v not_o ease_v my_o soul_n even_o than_o he_o i_o do_v keep_v alive_a my_o ransom_a life_n do_v from_o the_o grave_a reprieve_n and_o a_o new_a lease_n when_o i_o have_v forfeit_v the_o old_a do_v give_v iii_o o_o you_o his_o saint_n sing_v to_o his_o name_n his_o holiness_n with_o thanks_o record_v thence_o take_v new_a fuel_n to_o your_o flame_n sing_v holiness_n unto_o the_o lord_n his_o wrath_n a_o moment_n may_v remain_v but_o love_n shall_v make_v the_o storm_n a_o calm_a again_o and_o give_v a_o life_n as_o free_v from_o danger_n as_o it_o be_v from_o pain_n iv._o trouble_v and_o grief_n may_v last_v all_o night_n and_o to_o its_o dismal_a shade_n add_v they_o but_o when_o the_o morning_n bring_v the_o light_n darkness_n shall_v scatter_v and_o my_o fear_n and_o as_o the_o sun_n which_o guild_v the_o day_n out_o from_o the_o briny_a ocean_n make_v his_o way_n my_o sun_n which_o break_v through_o tear_n shall_v bright_o shine_v and_o look_v more_o gay_a v._n fix_v on_o my_o throne_n with_o mercy_n crown_v unmoved_a like_o some_o huge_a rock_n i_o stand_v i_o thought_n with_o pleasure_n i_o look_v round_o and_o see_v my_o foot_n kiss_v by_o the_o flood_n sure_a now_o i_o be_o past_a all_o fear_n i_o say_v thy_o favour_n lord_n my_o rock_n so_o strong_a have_v make_v other_o may_v well_o of_o i_o but_o i_o of_o none_o can_v be_v afraid_a vi_o but_o as_o i_o thus_o express_v my_o pride_n forget_v he_o who_o make_v i_o so_o thou_o lord_n thy_o face_n do_v from_o i_o hide_v and_o then_o i_o come_v myself_o to_o know_v trouble_v and_o pain_n no_o certain_a ground_n which_o way_n so_o ere_o i_o look_v new_a grief_n i_o find_v and_o the_o same_o flood_n which_o kiss_v my_o foot_n before_o my_o head_n surround_v viii_o then_o to_o thou_o lord_n again_o i_o cry_v what_o profit_n be_v there_o in_o my_o blood_n if_o in_o the_o pit_n i_o must_v abide_v can_v thy_o praise_n there_o be_v understand_v shall_v the_o grave_n praise_v thou_o or_o declare_v thy_o truth_n and_o mercy_n what_o their_o glory_n be_v the_o grave_n which_o be_v as_o senseless_a as_o the_o dust_n that_o be_v bury_v there_o viii_o hear_v i_o o_o god_n and_o mercy_n show_v unto_o my_o help_n thyself_o come_v down_o my_o god_n have_v hear_v i_o and_o i_o know_v bv_v this_o he_o will_v his_o servant_n own_o to_o laughter_n he_o have_v turn_v my_o tear_n with_o gale_n of_o joy_n have_v blow_v away_o my_o fear_n and_o he_o who_o mourn_v now_o a_o triumphant_a robe_n and_o laurel_n wear_v ix_o for_o this_o i_o will_v thy_o praise_n sing_v and_o never_o in_o they_o silent_a be_v my_o glory_n shall_v its_o anthem_n bring_v and_o faint_v not_o while_o it_o be_v praise_v thou_o thy_o mighty_a power_n the_o ground_n shall_v give_v my_o noble_a skill_n to_o manage_v it_o shall_v strive_v and_o when_o i_o cease_v my_o god_n to_o praise_v thou_o let_v i_o cease_v to_o live_v psalm_n xxxi_o in_o te_fw-la domine_fw-la sper_fw-la avi_fw-la non_fw-la confundar_fw-la etc._n etc._n david_n i._o thou_o be_v my_o hope_n o_o god_n in_o who_o i_o trust_v let_v not_o my_o confidence_n procure_v i_o shame_n but_o save_v i_o in_o thy_o truth_n for_o
with_o the_o ground_n and_o when_o he_o sure_o think_v to_o conquer_v let_v he_o fly_v xvi_o let_v he_o be_v backward_o force_v and_o for_o the_o scorn_n his_o curse_a malice_n throw_v on_o i_o let_v on_o his_o head_n that_o scorn_v return_v and_o be_v himself_o as_o low_a as_o he_o wish_v i_o shall_v be_v xvii_o while_o those_o who_o on_o the_o almighty_n arm_n do_v trust_n in_o thou_o who_o their_o salvation_n art_n always_o rejoice_v that_o thou_o be_v just_o and_o have_v their_o mouth_n as_o full_a of_o praise_n as_o their_o heart_n xviii_o may_v i_o my_o god_n one_o of_o that_o number_n be_v for_o though_o at_o present_a i_o be_o low_a thou_o know_v i_o still_o belong_v to_o thou_o and_o only_o for_o my_o sin_n till_o they_o be_v purge_v be_o so_o xix_o versus_fw-la then_o help_v i_o lord_n o_o do_v not_o ever_o stay_v but_o to_o my_o rescue_n come_v at_o last_o my_o trouble_n call_v thou_o now_o away_o let_v not_o thy_o help_n be_v slow_a when_o they_o come_v on_o so_o fast_o psalm_n xli_o beatus_fw-la vir_fw-la qui_fw-la intelligit_fw-la etc._n etc._n david_n i._o bless_a be_v that_o man_n who_o do_v the_o poor_a relieve_v and_o feel_v the_o misery_n which_o he_o see_v they_o bear_v the_o lord_n will_v sure_a deliverance_n to_o he_o give_v and_o always_o to_o his_o prayer_n incline_v his_o ear_n will_v set_v he_o from_o his_o trouble_n free_a and_o his_o past_a grief_n with_o pleasure_n let_v he_o see_v ii_o god_n will_v preserve_v he_o from_o the_o rot_a grave_n and_o here_o on_o earth_n let_v he_o behold_v his_o face_n his_o life_n from_o all_o his_o enemy_n will_v save_v and_o grant_v he_o now_o the_o presence_n of_o his_o grace_n his_o enemy_n will_n shall_v stoop_v to_o his_o and_o here_o he_o shall_v begin_v his_o endless_a bliss_n iii_o when_o on_o the_o bed_n of_o sickness_n he_o shall_v lie_v his_o bed_n that_o god_n which_o hold_v he_o up_o will_v make_v will_v give_v he_o strength_n though_o able_a scarce_o to_o cry_v and_o faithful_a hand_n which_o heaven_n by_o force_n shall_v take_v that_o mercy_n then_o which_o he_o have_v show_v and_o all_o he_o give_v shall_v true_o be_v his_o own_o iv._o dear_a god_n say_v i_o on_o who_o all_o thing_n depend_v though_o i_o have_v thus_o by_o thy_o commandment_n do_v i_o merit_v nothing_o lord_n for_o i_o have_v sin_v and_o what_o i_o give_v thou_o be_v before_o thy_o own_o yet_o grant_v it_o i_o lord_n heal_v my_o soul_n for_o silver_n stream_n cleanse_v not_o what_o sin_n make_v foul_a v._o my_o enemy_n thou_o know_v assault_v my_o fame_n when_o will_v he_o die_v say_v they_o and_o leave_v behind_o that_o which_o we_o will_v look_v shall_v not_o bide_v long_o his_o name_n but_o to_o it_o give_v be_v quick_o turn_v to_o wind_n and_o when_o one_o come_v to_o visit_v i_o instead_o of_o comfort_n he_o speak_v vanity_n vi_o notice_n of_o every_o groan_n he_o seem_v to_o take_v and_o weep_v and_o sigh_n to_o bear_v i_o company_n but_o go_v a_o sport_n of_o all_o my_o grief_n do_v make_v and_o laugh_v to_o think_v how_o he_o impose_v on_o i_o abroad_o he_o tell_v where_o he_o have_v be_v and_o lie_v invent_v of_o what_o he_o there_o have_v see_v vii_o a_o base_a disease_n say_v he_o to_o he_o cleave_v fast_o thus_o lord_n thou_o know_v they_o still_o against_o i_o speak_v this_o sickness_n can_v choose_v but_o be_v his_o last_o his_o body_n pain_n his_o heart_n will_v doubtless_o break_v he_o can_v escape_v as_o heretofore_o but_o this_o time_n fall_v he_o shall_v rise_v no_o more_o viii_o then_o to_o increase_v my_o misery_n my_o friend_n who_o i_o till_o then_o more_o than_o myself_o can_v trust_v who_o of_o my_o bread_n do_v eat_v new_a care_n do_v send_v and_o then_o most_o fail_v when_o he_o be_v want_v most_o against_o i_o have_v lift_v up_o his_o heel_n and_o for_o my_o love_n make_v i_o his_o malice_n feel_v ix_o but_o thou_o o_o god_n to_o i_o be_v merciful_a and_o raise_v he_o up_o who_o thou_o have_v cast_v thus_o low_a vengeance_n may_v i_o upon_o my_o enemy_n pull_v and_o up_o to_o heaven_n myself_o more_o free_o grow_v hence_o it_o be_v i_o know_v thy_o love_n to_o i_o that_o from_o their_o hand_n by_o thou_o i_o be_o set_v free_a x._o thou_o be_v my_o stay_n and_o thou_o do_v i_o uphold_v else_o my_o integrity_n will_v quick_o fail_v in_o thy_o warm_a sun_n i_o never_o shall_v be_v cold_a nor_o in_o thy_o sight_n my_o darkness_n lord_n prevail_v to_o jacob_n god_n let_v all_o sing_v praise_n and_o to_o his_o name_n eternal_a arch_n raise_v amen_n and_o amen_o the_o end_n of_o the_o first_o book_n of_o psalm_n the_o second_o book_n of_o psalm_n psalm_n xlii_o quemadmodum_fw-la desiderat_fw-la etc._n etc._n korah_n i._o look_v as_o the_o hart_n by_o dog_n and_o man_n pursue_v see_v his_o heel_n betray_v their_o flight_n when_o he_o of_o both_o have_v lose_v the_o sight_n pant_v for_o the_o stream_n and_o take_v at_o last_o the_o flood_n with_o hope_n by_o change_v thus_o the_o element_n to_o cool_v his_o heat_n and_o in_o its_o stream_n to_o drown_v the_o scent_n ii_o after_o my_o god_n so_o pant_v my_o chase_a soul_n my_o soul_n so_o thirst_v for_o thou_o my_o king_n when_o will_v thou_o i_o to_o zion_n bring_v where_o i_o may_v serve_v thou_o lord_n without_o control_v thou_o know_v my_o grief_n how_o tear_n have_v be_v my_o food_n when_o my_o insult_a foe_n have_v cry_v now_o where_o your_o god_n iii_o i_o grieve_v but_o when_o i_o think_v the_o time_n will_v come_v that_o i_o shall_v to_o thy_o temple_n go_v and_o on_o my_o harp_n thy_o wonder_n show_v how_o i_o again_o in_o triumph_n shall_v come_v home_o these_o happy_a thought_n dispel_v my_o dark_a fear_n and_o what_o grief_n do_v before_o my_o joy_n dissolve_v in_o tear_n iv._o versus_fw-la why_o be_v thou_o trouble_v soul_n and_o restless_a grow_v as_o if_o forget_a through_o despair_n as_o if_o thy_o god_n have_v leave_v his_o care_n and_o low_a than_o indeed_o thou_o be_v cast_v down_o trust_v in_o he_o still_o for_o thou_o his_o name_n shall_v praise_v and_o who_o his_o absence_n have_v depress_v his_o sight_n shall_v raise_v v._o down_o to_o the_o earth_n my_o trouble_a soul_n be_v cast_v yet_o will_v i_o lord_n remember_v thou_o the_o whole_a world_n be_v thy_o royalty_n missar_n and_o hermon_n part_n of_o zions_n waste_n whither_o from_o thence_o my_o eye_n delight_v to_o stray_v and_o though_o they_o can_v see_v it_o love_v to_o gaze_v that_o way_n vi_o deep_n upon_o deep_n in_o loud_a tempest_n call_v the_o sea_n above_o to_o they_o b●low_n together_o over_o my_o head_n they_o go_v and_o on_o they_o bid_v the_o conquer_a billow_n fall_v in_o troop_n they_o come_v as_o to_o divide_v the_o prey_n and_o hollow_a to_o their_o fellow_n wave_n to_o haste_n away_o vii_o fall_v on_o proud_a wave_n on_o i_o spend_v all_o your_o rage_n i_o can_v withstand_v your_o rough_a shock_n fall_v on_o and_o break_v against_o this_o rock_n which_o dare_v your_o pride_n and_o for_o i_o do_v engage_v my_o god_n will_v still_o your_o noise_n your_o fury_n lay_v and_o change_v this_o dismal_a night_n into_o a_o glorious_a day_n ix_o but_o where_o be_v my_o god_n that_o i_o to_o he_o may_v sing_v let_v i_o not_o ever_o suffer_v thus_o but_o to_o i_o be_v propitious_a break_v forth_o o_o sun_n and_o heal_v with_o thou_o bring_v pierce_v to_o the_o heart_n thou_o know_v i_o can_v weep_v blood_n when_o my_o insult_a foe_n say_v daily_o where_o be_v your_o god_n ix_o versus_fw-la why_o be_v thou_o trouble_v soul_n and_o restless_a grow_v as_o if_o forget_a through_o despair_n as_o if_o thy_o god_n have_v leave_v his_o care_n and_o low_a than_o indeed_o thou_o be_v cast_v down_o trust_v in_o he_o still_o for_o thou_o his_o name_n shall_v praise_v and_o who_o his_o absence_n have_v depress_v his_o sight_n shall_v raise_v psalm_n xliii_o judica_fw-la i_o deus_fw-la &_o discern_v etc._n etc._n i._o thou_o who_o be_v judge_n of_o all_o the_o world_n be_v i_o be_v both_o my_o judge_n and_o advocate_n my_o cause_n both_o sentence_n and_o debate_n and_o let_v the_o issue_n prove_v that_o i_o be_o thou_o from_o the_o deceitful_a man_n deliver_v i_o other_o he_o may_v deceive_v but_o never_o impose_v on_o thou_o ii_o thou_o be_v my_o strength_n and_o on_o thou_o i_o rely_v why_o do_v my_o god_n this_o distance_n keep_v while_o i_o lie_v bury_v in_o the_o deep_a and_o only_o with_o my_o sigh_n can_v upward_o fly_v pity_v my_o darkness_n lord_n dispel_v this_o night_n and_o from_o thy_o sacred_a hill_n send_v forth_o thy_o truth_n and_o light_n iii_o that_o glorious_a light_n which_o may_v direct_v my_o way_n and_o where_o thou_o
my_o life_n be_v both_o defile_v and_o thou_o by_o both_o lord_n have_v i_o grieve_v truth_n in_o the_o inward_a part_n be_v thy_o delight_n that_o i_o may_v please_v thou_o make_v i_o know_v then_o do_v what_o be_v right_a vi_o purge_v i_o with_o hyssop_n and_o i_o shall_v be_v clean_a let_v through_o my_o soul_n thy_o water_n flow_v my_o blackness_n shall_v be_v change_v to_o pure_a snow_n and_o all_o my_o stain_n no_o more_o be_v see_v the_o snow_n with_o i_o compare_v shall_v seem_v less_o white_a and_o look_v as_o fair_a colour_n do_v for_o want_v of_o light_n vii_o no_o soon_o shall_v thou_o make_v i_o hear_v thy_o voice_n but_o all_o my_o pain_n shall_v flee_v away_o the_o bone_n which_o on_o the_o rack_n all_o break_a lay_n then_o knit_v more_o firm_o shall_v rejoice_v lord_n as_o a_o sinner_n look_v no_o more_o on_o i_o or_o if_o as_o such_o who_o love_n have_v reconcile_v to_o thou_o viii_o give_v i_o a_o heart_n thou_o can_v ungrieve_v behold_v and_o a_o right_a spirit_n in_o i_o renew_v it_o be_v full_a as_o easy_a lord_n for_o thou_o to_o do_v as_o undertake_v to_o mend_v the_o old_a cast_v i_o not_o from_o thy_o gracious_a sight_n away_o but_o let_v thy_o spirit_n with_o i_o renew_v thus_o ever_o stay_v ix_o make_v it_o my_o comforter_n with_o i_o to_o '_o abide_v and_o all_o my_o joy_n again_o restore_v and_o that_o i_o never_o from_o thou_o may_v wander_v more_o as_o i_o to_o other_o be_v my_o guide_n who_o shall_v by_o my_o example_n learn_v thy_o way_n and_o change_v like_o i_o in_o song_n recount_v thy_o wondrous_a praise_n x._o let_v not_o the_o guiltless_a blood_n which_o i_o have_v shed_v and_o all_o its_o wave_n upon_o i_o roll_v but_o when_o thy_o sprinkle_n shall_v make_v clean_a my_o soul_n let_v thy_o salvation_n crown_v my_o head_n then_o shall_v my_o harp_n of_o all_o thy_o love_n rehearse_v and_o thy_o salvation_n be_v the_o subject_n of_o my_o verse_n xi_o open_v my_o mouth_n thy_o praise_n i_o will_v speak_v aloud_o for_o do_v thou_o bull_n or_o ram_n desire_v a_o cruel_a offer_v and_o perpetual_a fire_n i_o blood_n will_v expiate_v then_o with_o blood_n but_o god_n all_o sacrifice_n for_o that_o withstand_v only_o a_o bleed_a heart_n atone_v for_o bloody_a hand_n xii_o be_v good_a to_o zion_n build_v her_o city_n wall_n that_o all_o the_o vow_n which_o she_o have_v make_v with_o i_o may_v be_v upon_o thy_o altar_n lay_v and_o hecatomb_n before_o it_o fall_v no_o cloudy_a darkness_n than_o shall_v veil_v the_o sky_n but_o day_n all_o night_n break_v from_o the_o evening_n sacrifice_n psalm_n lii_o quid_fw-la gloriaris_fw-la in_o malitia_fw-la etc._n etc._n ahimelech_n i._o inhuman_a beast_n more_o treacherous_a than_o strong_a for_o treason_n only_o make_v thou_o so_o and_o by_o perfidiousness_n thy_o power_n do_v grow_v why_o boast'_v thou_o thus_o in_o do_v wrong_n and_o arm_v weak_a hand_n with_o a_o malicious_a tongue_n the_o almighty_a goodness_n ever_o do_v remain_v more_o firm_a and_o stable_n than_o thy_o threat_n be_v vain_a ii_o sharp_a as_o a_o lancet_n which_o be_v new_o whet_v thy_o tongue_n do_v pierce_v and_o touch_v the_o quick_a wound_v mortal_o before_o it_o be_v feel_v to_o prick_v discover_v plot_n frame_v by_o deceit_n in_o thy_o design_n and_o malice_n only_o great_a who_o sin_n before_o the_o chief_a good_a do_v love_v and_o lie_v more_o than_o the_o truth_n that_o be_v from_o above_o iii_o bitter_a and_o cruel_a word_n be_v thy_o delight_n and_o all_o the_o joy_n of_o thy_o base_a tongue_n but_o neither_o thou_o nor_o it_o shall_v prosper_v long_o for_o god_n on_o thou_o shall_v turn_v its_o spite_n destroy_v thou_o from_o this_o land_n and_o his_o own_o sight_n and_o in_o reward_n for_o all_o your_o bitter_a fruit_n both_o cut_v thou_o down_o and_o pluck_v that_o up_o by_o th'root_fw-mi iv._o the_o righteous_a shall_v behold_v it_o and_o afraid_a shrink_v at_o thy_o plague_n but_o laugh_v at_o thou_o and_o say_v when_o they_o thy_o sudden_a ruin_n see_v lo_n this_o man_n on_o his_o riches_n stay_v and_o seek_v help_v from_o the_o god_n his_o gold_n have_v make_v neglect_v he_o who_o shall_v have_v be_v his_o trust_n for_o they_o who_o thus_o deceive_v he_o be_v just_a v._o but_o like_o a_o olive-tree_n still_o fresh_a and_o green_a i_o in_o god_n house_n shall_v ever_o stand_v plant_v and_o water_v there_o by_o his_o own_o hand_n and_o on_o my_o bough_n have_v fruit_n be_v see_v where_o he_o may_v shine_v and_o no_o cloud_n come_v between_o on_o he_o i_o will_v wait_v who_o mercy_n have_v no_o end_n and_o as_o they_o fall_v my_o praise_n shall_v ascend_v another_o version_n of_o the_o same_o by_o m._n m._n b._n i._o monster_n of_o man_n who_o can_z such_o mischief_n act_n and_o proud_o triumph_v in_o the_o bloody_a fact_n must_v this_o thy_o power_n declare_v that_o they_o who_o at_o jehovahs_n altar_n stand_v the_o priest_n themselves_o all_o stain_v with_o their_o own_o blood_n the_o guiltless_a victim_n of_o thy_o fury_n be_v yet_o not_o even_o this_o be_v able_a to_o assuage_v thy_o own_o curse_a malice_n or_o thy_o wicked_a master_n rage_n ii_o but_o though_o my_o ruin_n thou_o do_v most_o design_v and_o that_o no_o blood_n shall_v quench_v thy_o thirst_n but_o i_o know_v wretch_n that_o god_n be_v good_a and_o have_v be_v always_o so_o in_o age_n past_a nor_o shall_v eternity_n his_o love_n exhaust_v wherefore_o it_o be_v not_o thy_o force_n though_o like_o a_o flood_n nor_o all_o thy_o secret_a plot_n which_o shall_v avayl_v unless_o thou_o can_v against_o the_o almighty_a first_o prevail_v iii_o within_o thy_o heart_n lie_v hide_v those_o poisonous_a seed_n of_o treason_n which_o thy_o tongue_n provoke_v to_o deed_n so_o pierce_v be_v thy_o word_n they_o seem_v the_o razor_n dulness_n to_o upbraid_v as_o if_o unfit_a for_o action_n or_o afraid_a and_o have_v more_o edge_n than_o all_o my_o enemy_n sword_n by_o these_o thou_o do_v the_o just_a ensnare_v and_o slay_v and_o low_a as_o earth_n their_o hope_n and_o live_v together_o lay_v iv._o but_o who_o think_v thou_o these_o action_n will_v admire_v since_o thou_o be_v inspire_v by_o a_o infernal_a fire_n a_o flame_n which_o strong_o move_v to_o lie_v mischief_n and_o unjust_a deceit_n and_o all_o the_o false_a delight_n which_o on_o they_o wait_v or_o sin_n present_v to_o excite_v and_o raise_v new_a love_n hence_o it_o be_v that_o justice_n seem_v so_o mean_a and_o low_a nor_o long_o fit_v for_o great_a man_n than_o to_o make_v they_o so_o v._o devour_v word_n do_v thy_o best_a love_n command_v and_o to_o they_o thou_o have_v join_v a_o bloody_a hand_n but_o the_o almighty_a god_n in_o thy_o destruction_n shall_v his_o power_n make_v know_v which_o in_o eternal_a torment_n thou_o shall_v own_v when_o he_o make_v bare_a his_o arm_n and_o shake_v his_o rod_n remove_v thou_o from_o thy_o belove_a place_n and_o from_o the_o earth_n root_v out_o thy_o traitorous_a name_n and_o race_n vi_o the_o righteous_a when_o they_o see_v the_o overthrow_n shall_v fear_v his_o power_n who_o have_v bring_v thou_o so_o low_a and_o shout_v at_o thy_o fall_n cry_v out_o lo_n where_o be_v the_o man_n who_o fix_v his_o trust_n not_o in_o our_o god_n but_o his_o own_o glitter_a dust_n which_o useless_a now_o can_v yield_v no_o help_n at_o all_o look_n how_o that_o strength_n which_o he_o in_o fraud_n once_o place_v be_v by_o the_o breath_n of_o the_o eternal_a word_n deface_v vii_o but_o while_o this_o wretch_n deplore_v his_o dolorous_a state_n my_o god_n who_o on_o he_o throw_v the_o mighty_a weight_n will_v i_o assign_v a_o place_n within_o his_o court_n where_o like_o a_o olive-tree_n with_o fruit_n and_o blossom_n i_o shall_v load_v be_v and_o feel_v the_o kind_a influence_n of_o his_o grace_n it_o be_v in_o his_o mercy_n i_o will_v for_o ever_o trust_v who_o love_n and_o wrath_n thus_o show_v declare_v that_o he_o be_v just_a viii_o then_o will_v i_o of_o some_o noble_a subject_n sing_v and_o to_o exalt_v my_o god_n fresh_a praise_n bring_v then_o like_o my_o sacrifice_n in_o flame_n of_o pure_a love_n i_o will_v mount_v on_o high_a to_o he_o who_o save_v i_o from_o my_o enemy_n and_o in_o my_o passage_n perfume_v all_o the_o sky_n to_o heaven_n nor_o short_a of_o his_o dread_a presence_n stay_v while_o the_o admire_a saint_n rise_v up_o to_o make_v i_o way_n psalm_n liii_o dixit_fw-la insipiens_fw-la in_o cord_n etc._n etc._n david_n i._o there_o be_v no_o god_n the_o fool_n in_o his_o heart_n do_v say_v and_o that_o his_o life_n may_v not_o his_o heart_n betray_v he_o like_v one_o that_o believe_v it_o life_n do_v with_o blasphemous_a mouth_n deny_v the_o very_a be_v of_o the_o deity_n and_o in_o
praise_n and_o in_o my_o song_n recount_v of_o all_o thy_o way_n more_o tuneful_a measure_n will_v invent_v new_a string_n put_v on_o and_o raise_v my_o harp_n with_o the_o great_a subject_n to_o thy_o throne_n for_o god_n salvation_n give_v to_o king_n and_o david_n out_o of_o all_o his_o trouble_n bring_v from_o stranger_n who_o that_o love_n pretend_v which_o he_o dare_v never_o trust_v their_o mouth_n so_o proud_o speak_v who_o right_a hand_n faith_n they_o plight_v break_v and_o sword_n which_o they_o have_v draw_v into_o their_o heart_n shall_v send_v v._o he_o make_v our_o son_n like_o fruitful_a plant_n to_o grow_v and_o their_o increase_n to_o he_o alone_o we_o owe_v our_o daughter_n to_o be_v corner_n stone_n polish_a and_o fair_a which_o different_a house_n join_v and_o their_o supporter_n be_v from_o he_o alone_o come_v all_o our_o store_n and_o that_o our_o press_n with_o new_a wine_n run_v over_o that_o our_o full_a barn_n no_o want_n have_v know_v our_o stack_n no_o emptiness_n but_o with_o those_o sheaf_n be_v crown_v with_o which_o he_o first_o do_v load_v the_o ground_n and_o now_o they_o so_o that_o with_o the_o mighty_a weight_n they_o groan_v vi_o he_o to_o ten_o thousand_o multiply_v our_o sheep_n more_o than_o our_o fold_n can_v pin_v or_o pasture_n keep_v our_o ox_n fat_a and_o strong_a not_o it_o as_o labour_v know_v but_o free_o yield_v their_o neck_n to_o the_o service_n of_o the_o blow_n down_o at_o our_o gate_n no_o enemy_n sit_v there_o be_v no_o al'arm_n or_o mourn_v in_o our_o street_n thrice_o happy_a land_n which_o thus_o can_v say_v and_o undisturbed_a can_v thus_o enjoy_v the_o fruit_n of_o peace_n if_o there_o be_v any_o land_n like_o these_o yet_o those_o who_o god_n be_v the_o lord_n be_v happy_a far_o than_o they._n psalm_n cxlv_o exaltabo_fw-la te_fw-la deus_fw-la meus_fw-la rex_fw-la etc._n etc._n my_o god_n my_o king_n i_o will_v sing_v praise_n to_o thou_o till_o like_o thy_o name_n my_o song_n eternal_a be_v every_o day_n lord_n will_v i_o sing_v praise_n to_o thou_o till_o like_o thy_o name_n my_o song_n eternal_a be_v great_a be_v the_o lord_n and_o worthy_a of_o all_o praise_n and_o as_o himself_o unsearchable_a his_o way_n one_o age_n to_o count_v his_o work_n will_v never_o suffice_v their_o number_n to_o so_o great_a a_o sum_n do_v rise_v the_o next_o shall_v take_v it_o and_o the_o next_o from_o they_o and_o in_o their_o song_n improve_v the_o lofty_a theme_n sing_v of_o the_o honour_n of_o his_o majesty_n how_o far_o he_o be_v exalt_v and_o how_o high_a speak_v of_o his_o reverend_a act_n his_o greatness_n show_v above_o how_o full_a of_o love_n of_o dread_n below_o of_o all_o his_o goodness_n and_o what_o he_o have_v do_v both_o for_o his_o people_n glory_n and_o his_o own_o the_o lord_n be_v gracious_a do_v with_o love_n overflow_v plenteous_a in_o mercy_n and_o to_o anger_v slow_a kind_a as_o a_o father_n over_o who_o work_n there_o shine_v glory_n of_o mercy_n mix_v with_o ray_n divine_a all_o thy_o work_n praise_v thou_o and_o thy_o power_n proclaim_v thy_o kingdom_n beauty_n and_o thy_o holy_a name_n thy_o saint_n shall_v bless_v thou_o and_o thy_o act_n make_v know_v and_o to_o posterity_n continue_v down_o how_o to_o eternity_n thy_o rule_n extend_v and_o that_o thy_o empire_n lord_n know_v neither_o bound_n nor_o end_n the_o lord_n uphold_v all_o those_o who_o fall_n do_v raise_v the_o poor_a on_o high_a that_o they_o may_v see_v his_o way_n on_o he_o the_o eye_n of_o all_o his_o creature_n wait_v to_o he_o they_o look_v and_o he_o provide_v they_o meat_n open_v his_o hand_n do_v their_o desire_n fulfil_v and_o as_o he_o answer_v they_o perform_v his_o will._n so_o just_o be_v he_o so_o righteous_a in_o his_o way_n that_o be_v we_o silent_a stone_n will_v speak_v his_o praise_n and_o to_o '_o his_o afflict_a people_n prayer_n so_o near_o that_o their_o request_n ever_o finish_v grant_v be_v and_o when_o to_o he_o for_o help_v they_o send_v their_o cry_n his_o truth_n prevent_v they_o often_o than_o deny_v for_o the_o desire_n of_o such_o who_o he_o do_v fear_n shall_v be_v fulfil_v and_o he_o their_o groan_n will_v hear_v will_v crown_v their_o love_n and_o with_o his_o own_o right_a hand_n destroy_v their_o foe_n and_o on_o their_o ruin_n make_v they_o stand_v let_v the_o whole_a world_n o_o god_n sing_v praise_n to_o thou_o and_o like_o i_o may_v their_o song_n eternal_a be_v psalm_n cxlvi_o lauda_fw-la anima_fw-la mea_fw-la dominum_fw-la etc._n etc._n haleluia_o i._o arise_v my_o soul_n and_o thy_o great_a subject_n take_v the_o world_n creator_n praise_n sing_v that_o ground_n thy_o number_n will_v more_o flow_a make_v and_o fill_v with_o spirit_n the_o heavy_a string_n he_o be_v my_o song_n and_o he_o my_o verse_n shall_v raise_v and_o only_o with_o my_o life_n shall_v end_v my_o praise_n ii_o trust_v not_o in_o prince_n for_o their_o strength_n be_v vain_a in_o king_n place_n not_o your_o confidence_n the_o great_a king_n can_v himself_n maintain_v but_o live_v himself_o at_o god_n expense_n be_v earth_n and_o when_o he_o but_o his_o breath_n recall_v into_o that_o earth_n whence_o he_o be_v take_v fall_v iii_o death_n lay_v he_o level_v with_o his_o vile_a slave_n no_o more_o his_o act_n remember_v be_v though_o his_o achievement_n follow_v to_o the_o grave_a and_o deck_v his_o hearse_n they_o leave_v he_o there_o with_o his_o last_o breath_n to_o air_n his_o counsel_n go_v and_o his_o high_a thought_n lie_v with_o his_o carcase_n low_o iv._o but_o happy_a he_o who_o have_v his_o trust_n in_o store_n and_o do_v on_o jacob_n god_n depend_v he_o need_v no_o foreign_a succour_n to_o implore_v but_o up_o to_o heaven_n his_o wish_n send_v and_o of_o his_o certain_a aid_n he_o never_o shall_v miss_v for_o the_o true_a god_n his_o mighty_a keeper_n be_v v._o he_o heaven_n and_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o it_o make_v those_o beauteous_a fire_n we_o see_v above_o where_o greatness_n make_v his_o enemy_n afraid_a but_o in_o his_o saint_n inflame_v their_o love_n who_o on_o the_o flood_n command_v the_o earth_n to_o stand_v and_o hold_v they_o in_o the_o hollow_a of_o his_o hand_n vi_o to_o he_o for_o justice_n the_o oppressed_a do_v cry_v who_o all_o their_o groan_n and_o plaint_n do_v hear_v and_o to_o his_o great_a tribunal_n when_o they_o fly_v he_o on_o their_o judge_n turn_v their_o fear_n with_o his_o good_a thing_n the_o hungry_a soul_n do_v fill_v and_o make_v deaf_a chain_n hear_v and_o obey_v his_o will._n vii_o he_o make_v the_o eye_n and_o give_v it_o all_o its_o light_n lifts_z from_o the_o dust_n the_o poor_a man_n head_n renew_v each_o morning_n both_o their_o life_n and_o sight_n who_o sleep_n have_v number_v with_o the_o dead_a his_o common_a providence_n be_v over_o all_o but_o his_o choice_a blessing_n on_o the_o righteous_a fall_n viii_o the_o unreguard_v stranger_n be_v his_o care_n and_o he_o for_o the_o orphan_n do_v provide_v himself_o come_v down_o and_o hear_v the_o widow_n prayer_n when_o her_o deaf_a friend_n be_v turn_v aside_o the_o inexorable_a wicked_a man_n overthrow_v and_o make_v he_o feel_v the_o weight_n of_o his_o own_o blow_n ix_o such_o be_v thy_o king_n o_o zion_n who_o command_n be_v and_o life_n give_v every_o thing_n exempt_a from_o his_o dominion_n be_v no_o land_n thy_o god_n o_o zion_n be_v thy_o king_n his_o powerful_a influence_n do_v around_o extend_v and_o as_o his_o rule_n thy_o praise_n shall_v know_v no_o end_n haleluia_o psalm_n cxlvii_o laudate_fw-la dominum_fw-la quoniam_fw-la etc._n etc._n haleluia_o i._o you_o who_o the_o almighty_a god_n adore_v to_o his_o great_a name_n sing_v praise_n his_o power_n you_o can_v honour_v more_o nor_o more_o advance_v your_o lay_n this_o be_v the_o service_n which_o to_o he_o you_o owe_v and_o this_o of_o all_o he_o best_a accept_v below_o ii_o jerusalem_n the_o great_a the_o fair_a it_o be_v god_n who_o make_v she_o so_o her_o people_n though_o they_o scatter_v be_v he_o like_v her_o stone_n do_v know_v and_o both_o will_v gather_v both_o in_o '_o his_o hand_n will_v take_v his_o city_n one_o the_o other_o his_o temple_n make_v iii_o the_o trouble_a heart_n with_o care_n depress_v he_o up_o on_o high_a do_v raise_v refresh_v weary_a soul_n with_o rest_n and_o sinner_n show_v his_o way_n and_o like_o a_o friend_n who_o all_o their_o misery_n feel_v bind_v up_o the_o break_a and_o the_o wound_a heal_v iv._o those_o rich_a enamel_n of_o the_o sky_n the_o star_n which_o shine_v above_o have_v several_a name_n he_o know_v they_o by_o and_o at_o his_o will_n they_o move_v to_o he_o they_o look_v and_o look_v only_o thence_o have_v all_o their_o lustre_n form_n and_o influence_n v._o great_a be_v
our_o god_n of_o great_a renown_n who_o wisdome_n infinite_a to_o the_o earth_n he_o cast_v the_o wicked_a down_o and_o raise_v the_o upright_a sing_v praise_n to_o his_o name_n with_o thanks_o rejoice_v and_o make_v the_o consort_n perfect_a with_o your_o voice_n vi_o the_o heaven_n with_a cloud_n he_o cover_v over_o and_o all_o their_o beauty_n hide_v yet_o thence_o the_o earth_n have_v its_o best_a store_n rain_v which_o he_o there_o provide_v whence_o plenty_n come_v but_o less_o from_o what_o be_v