Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

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love_n new_a receive_v vigour_n 8,595 5 16.3455 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06534 The devout hart or Royal throne of the pacifical Salomon. Composed by F. St. Luzuic S.I. Translated out of Latin into English. Enlarged with incentiue by F. St. Binet of the same S. and now enriched with hymnes by a new hand Luzvic, Stephanus, 1567-1640.; Binet, Etienne, 1569-1639. aut; Hawkins, Henry, 1571?-1646. 1634 (1634) STC 17001; ESTC S103988 72,609 316

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as_o in_o pulpit_n so_o the_o hart_n encompass_v all_o with_o flame_n &_o therewith_o round_o beset_v most_o constant_o always_o burn_v and_o be_v not_o consume_v but_o ever_o shine_v and_o flash_v ligth_n since_o jesus_n raise_v and_o resuscitate_v those_o fire_n and_o feed_v the_o immortal_a flame_n mark_v here_o how_o high_a the_o smoke_n of_o these_o fire_n mount_v up_o to_o heaven_n go_v to_o then_o come_v hither_o with_o your_o thurible_n and_o incense_n how_o nigh_o in_o a_o moment_n the_o incense_n of_o such_o fire_n send_v forth_o most_o sweet_a odour_n to_o heaven_n how_o speedy_o the_o vow_n and_o prayer_n come_v ded_fw-we to_o this_o fume_n arrive_v at_o the_o throne_n of_o heaven_n the_o heaven_n with_o this_o exhalation_n shall_v breathe_v forth_o nectar_n the_o air_n repurged_a shall_v savour_v sweet_o the_o threat_n and_o rage_n of_o devil_n shall_v expire_v for_o indeed_o they_o can_v no_o more_o endure_v these_o odour_n the_o grunt_a snout_n of_o swine_n abide_v the_o breath_n exhale_v from_o the_o sweet_a smell_a lily_n and_o therefore_o shall_v they_o be_v enforce_v to_o fly_v away_o and_o return_v again_o into_o the_o immost_a and_o most_o hide_a receptacle_n of_o hel._n this_o be_v the_o fire_n this_o the_o flame_n which_o quench_v the_o heat_n of_o concupiscence_n for_o as_o one_o nail_n drive_v out_o another_o so_o the_o fire_n of_o divine_a love_n expel_v and_o repress_v the_o libidinous_a flame_n of_o base_a and_o carnal_a love_n burn_v therefore_o my_o hart_n o_o jesv_n the_o darling_n of_o my_o soul_n and_o let_v not_o the_o oil_n of_o the_o lamp_n be_v ever_o want_v be_v this_o fire_n as_o a_o wall_n unto_o i_o 2._o be_v it_o as_o a_o sun_n and_o be_v this_o my_o chief_a ambition_n that_o i_o burn_v and_o be_v consume_v with_o this_o flame_n yea_o and_o be_v reduce_v into_o ash_n then_o those_o ash_n into_o a_o little_a worm_n and_o present_o become_v a_o new_a hart_n o_o metamorphosis_n of_o love_n but_o first_o will_v i_o have_v the_o old_a be_v thorough_o try_v in_o the_o little_a furnace_n of_o his_o love_n the_o dross_n and_o all_o the_o dregs_n to_o be_v scour_v thence_o and_o no_o humane_a and_o terrene_a lees_n to_o be_v leave_v behind_o but_o mere_o to_o take_v a_o heavenly_a state_n upon_o it_o to_o live_v a_o spiritual_a life_n to_o feed_v on_o spiritual_a food_n to_o use_v a_o spiritual_a tongue_n to_o have_v spiritual_a foot_n and_o hand_n yea_o divine_a cogitation_n and_o affection_n &_o not_o do_v by_o aspect_n only_o but_o even_o angelical_a in_o sum_n may_v this_o hart_n thus_o purge_v and_o purify_v give_v forth_o hereafter_o naught_o but_o a_o lively_a and_o everlasting_a figure_n of_o a_o bless_a immortality_n so_o then_o do_v thou_o my_o dear_a jesv_n here_o fix_v thy_o hart_n at_o last_o dwell_v here_o in_o thy_o palace_n and_o here_o shoot_v forth_o the_o glitter_a ray_n of_o thy_o glory_n xvii_o meditation_n the_o preparatory_a prayer_n actiones_fw-la nostras_fw-la quesumus_fw-la etc._n etc._n the_o prelude_n i_o come_v to_o send_v fire_n into_o the_o earth_n and_o what_o will_v i_o else_o but_o have_v it_o burn_v 12._o 1._o point_n consider_v how_o necessary_a it_o be_v the_o hart_n inflame_v with_o love_n shall_v mount_v up_o and_o vanish_v into_o vapour_n and_o so_o great_a be_v the_o force_n of_o this_o flame_n as_o it_o ascend_v to_o heaven_n straight_o where_o it_o arrive_v without_o impediment_n nor_o have_v the_o world_n without_o god_n aught_o that_o can_v satiate_v and_o replenish_v the_o bosom_n of_o the_o hart_n 2._o point_n consider_v how_o subtle_a and_o active_a the_o flame_n of_o divine_a love_n be_v pierce_a clear_a never_o idle_a unquiet_a impatient_a to_o behold_v shut_v up_o in_o any_o other_o place_n then_o in_o the_o bosom_n of_o the_o crucifix_n where_o as_o in_o a_o furnace_n of_o love_n it_o purge_v and_o repurge_n over_o and_o over_o and_o receive_v new_a life_n and_o vigour_n again_o 3._o point_n note_v the_o matter_n and_o fuel_n of_o this_o fire_n to_o be_v all_o those_o thing_n which_o superior_n enjoin_v in_o the_o execution_n whereof_o be_v manifest_o discover_v what_o force_n there_o be_v in_o this_o fire_n the_o colloqvy_n shall_v be_v direct_v to_o christ_n who_o i_o will_v seem_v to_o behold_v with_o two_o burn_a lamp_n in_o his_o hand_n i_o will_v beseech_v he_o to_o purge_v whatsoever_o be_v unperfect_a or_o vicious_a in_o i_o and_o to_o reduce_v the_o very_a hart_n to_o dust_n &_o ash_n that_o a_o new_a may_v arise_v like_o a_o phoenix_n which_o after_o he_o have_v lay_v down_o the_o spoil_n or_o weed_n of_o his_o mortality_n resuscitate_v a_o new_a and_o revive_v again_o from_o the_o tomb_n it-self_n more_o beautiful_a and_o a_o great_a deal_n better_o pater_fw-la aue._n jesus_n crown_n his_o dear_a hart_n with_o palm_n and_o laurel_n the_o hymn_n the_o restless_a hart_n which_o heretofore_o can_v not_o stand_v still_o but_o evermore_o be_v beat_v oft_o with_o throb_n oppress_v till_o now_o can_v neu●r_o be_v at_o rest_n it_o be_v ambitious_a now_o i_o find_v nought_o can_v content_v the_o aspire_a mind_n have_v honour_n pleasure_n wealth_n good_a store_n yet_o ever_o crave_v be_v seek_v more_o which_o show_v there_o be_v yet_o something_o still_o which_o this_o capacious_a hart_n may_v fill_v a_o triangle_n the_o soul_n have_v three_o distinctive_a power_n the_o trinity_n be_v such_o that_o fill_v it_o rest_n be_v find_v loe_o the_o hart_n be_v quiet_a new_a it_o be_v crown_v the_o incentive_a 1._o you_o good_a angel_n weave_v you_o garland_n with_o garland_n laurel_n with_o laurel_n and_o crown_v therewith_o the_o fortunate_a hart_n which_o then_o glory_n and_o triumph_v most_o when_o with_o olympian_a study_n and_o labour_n of_o virtue_n and_o mortification_n it_o have_v gain_v but_o this_o prize_n for_o reward_n to_o deserve_v to_o be_v belove_v of_o jesus_n 2._o o_o joyful_a o_o festival_n day_n wherein_o we_o may_v behold_v and_o gather_v even_o from_o thorn_n and_o toil_n the_o pure_a rose_n from_o sweat_n and_o arm_n palm_n and_o laurel_n last_o of_o spittle_n vinegar_n and_o clay_n immortal_a &_o eternal_a crown_n which_o jesus_n himself_o plant_v and_o fasten_v on_o with_o his_o own_o hand_n 3._o what_o slook_v thou_o then_o o_o poor_a hartland_o tremble_v at_o the_o multitude_n of_o evil_n which_o environ_v thou_o and_o beset_v thou_o round_o cast_v thy_o eye_n rather_o on_o the_o laurel_n which_o attend_v thou_o after_o thy_o victory_n for_o nothing_o can_v break_v or_o so_o much_o as_o move_v he_o who_o the_o hope_n and_o expectation_n of_o palm_n erect_v susteynes_n the_o preamble_n to_o the_o meditation_n go_v to_o you_o angel_n go_v to_o o_o bless_a spirit_n make_v hart_n with_o your_o palm_n and_o laurel_n from_o your_o posye_n weave_v you_o garland_n and_o with_o they_o deck_v you_o up_o the_o triumphant_a hart_n victorious_a now_o after_o so_o many_o assiduous_a labour_n crown_n be_v sacred_a free_a from_o thunder_n privilege_v from_o the_o heaven_n and_o signify_v exemption_n and_o immunity_n now_o the_o winter_n be_v pass_v away_o the_o shower_n blow_v over_o and_o quite_o vanish_v 2._o now_o the_o lyonly_a rage_n of_o the_o swear_v and_o profess_a enemy_n of_o the_o hart_n be_v repress_v vanquish_a &_o tame_v provide_v you_o eternal_a laurel_n victorious_a palm_n and_o give_v they_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o most_o sweet_a jesus_n that_o he_o may_v settle_v on_o the_o hart_n the_o crown_n or_o garland_n so_o prepare_v the_o magnanimous_a king_n david_n affect_v much_o the_o fat_a and_o fruitful_a olive_n symbol_n of_o mercy_n humble_o pray_v 102._o his_o hart_n may_v be_v crown_v with_o divine_a mercy_n the_o penitent_a magdalen_n 7._o and_o peter_n 26._o weep_v bitter_o resemble_v the_o amaranth_n a_o herb_n which_o in_o the_o midst_n of_o water_n retain_v both_o its_o native_a bitterness_n and_o perpetual_a green_n the_o voluptuous_a worldly_a and_o licentious_a man_n be_v whole_o take_v with_o rose_n and_o lilly_n let_v we_o crown_v ourselves_o say_v they_o with_o roses_z before_o they_o wither_v be_v there_o no_o meadow_n which_o our_o luxury_n run_v not_o over_o 2._o o_fw-mi phrygian_a luxury_n o_o wantonness_n but_o now_o a_o day_n forsooth_o the_o prince_n and_o potentate_n of_o the_o earth_n crown_v not_o themselves_o so_o much_o with_o golden_a diadem_n and_o precious_a stone_n as_o load_v they_o rather_o o_o ambition_n o_o pride_n but_o what_o do_v the_o most_o sweet_a jesus_n i_o pray_v he_o love_v the_o victorious_a palm_n with_o these_o crown_n he_o deck_v his_o dear_a hart_n for_o they_o indeed_o have_v true_o merit_v those_o glorious_a wreath_n who_o have_v not_o only_o constant_o oppose_v the_o hart_n as_o a_o target_n to_o receive_v the_o shaft_n approach_v of_o adverse_a fortune_n but_o even_o as_o dare_v the_o enemy_n more_o slow_a to_o anger_n
reign_v over_o they_o the_o colloqvy_n lord_n how_o long_o shall_v the_o worm_n of_o sin_n possess_v and_o gnaw_v my_o bone_n which_o in_o the_o accurse_a soil_n of_o my_o hart_n without_o seed_n rise_v up_o alone_o of_o their_o accord_n shall_v these_o stygian_a dragon_n and_o cruel_a viper_n stand_v always_o before_o the_o eye_n of_o my_o mind_n to_o strike_v and_o wound_v my_o soul_n with_o a_o thousand_o and_o a_o thousand_o terror_n shall_v i_o eternal_o feel_v that_o gall_v prick_n of_o conscience_n day_n &_o night_n like_a fury_n to_o wound_v to_o lance_n and_o murder_v i_o outright_o search_v very_o serious_o good_a jesv_n every_o corner_n of_o my_o hart_n omit_v not_o the_o least_o path_n of_o this_o labyrinthian_a error_n where_o thou_o studious_o prye_v not_o lest_o perhaps_o some_o dormouse_n bat_n worm_n escape_v thy_o eye_n so_o true_o be_v it_o fit_v thy_o seat_n shall_v be_v expiate_v and_o purge_v from_o these_o hellish_a fiend_n which_o now_o for_o so_o many_o age_n pass_v thou_o willing_o will_v have_v to_o be_v dedicate_v and_o consecrate_v to_o thou_o pater_fw-la aue._n jesus_n sweep●_n the_o dust_o of_o sin_n from_o the_o hart_n the_o hymn_n o_o jesv_n thou_o be_v come_v from_o heaven_n find_v lie_v all_o at_o six_o and_o seven_o in_o several_a shape_n my_o horrid_a sin_n to_o sweep_v away_o the_o broom_n begin_v not_o like_o the_o chip_n when_o thou_o do_v keep_v at_o home_n and_o with_o the_o bosom_n sweep_v the_o dust_n and_o little_a chip_n which_o fly_v about_o the_o house_n but_o now_o in_o view_n thou_o sweep'_v as_o chip_n cut_v from_o that_o tree_n which_o be_v the_o source_n of_o misery_n those_o monster_n loathsome_a dust_n where_o breed_v the_o old_a serpent_n on_o this_o filth_n he_o feed_v hell_n scavendger_n come_v take_v thy_o load_n the_o muck_n the_o viper_n serpent_n toad_n the_o incentive_a 1._o go_v to_o you_o pure_a inhabitant_n of_o heaven_n which_o join_v prayer_n tire_v out_o the_o gracious_a and_o benign_a jesus_n that_o he_o will_v deyne_a to_o cleanse_v this_o hart_n of_o all_o its_o filth_n for_o we_o silly_a dwarf_n as_o would_v but_o of_o slime_n can_v neither_o lift_v up_o our_o eye_n to_o heaven_n nor_o open_v our_o lip_n to_o prayer_n 2._o will_v any_o one_o believe_v oh_o force_n oh_o excess_n of_o divine_a love_n god_n with_o a_o secret_a force_n apply_v of_o holy_a affection_n and_o a_o lively_a sorrow_n of_o the_o mind_n true_o penitent_a as_o certain_a besom_n confer_v succour_n of_o divine_a grace_n wherewith_o from_o the_o flower_n of_o the_o hart_n he_o sweep_v out_o the_o filth_n of_o ●innes_n 3._o go_v on_o my_o little_a jesv_n and_o oh_o expel_v tread_v crush_v under_o thy_o holy_a foot_n this_o poisonous_a virulence_n of_o serpent_n which_o with_o their_o venom_n intoxicate_a and_o kill_v my_o soul_n destroy_v they_o quite_o and_o so_o frame_v i_o a_o hart_n whole_o according_a to_o thy_o hart_n the_o preamble_n to_o the_o meditation_n when_o lucifer_n foil_v by_o the_o invincible_a force_n of_o michael_n 12._o that_o great_a leader_n of_o the_o heavenly_a host_n with_o his_o factious_a and_o rebellious_a squadron_n be_v cast_v down_o headlong_o into_o hell_n a_o new_a light_n be_v see_v to_o shine_v in_o heaven_n new_a peace_n to_o smile_v new_a love_n to_o burn_v &_o new_a delight_n to_o pour_v forth_o themselves_o beside_o the_o glorious_a victory_n acheive_v upon_o the_o moabit_n jebus●ans_n and_o other_o barbarous_a nation_n either_o expulse_v or_o else_o constrain_v at_o least_o to_o pay_v tribute_n to_o the_o people_n of_o israel_n breed_v a_o general_a peace_n and_o joy_n to_o the_o whole_a palestine_n but_o alas_o the_o leader_n of_o this_o infernal_a legion_n thus_o precipitous_o throw_v down_o what_o a_o dreadful_a terror_n bring_v he_o unto_o sea_n &_o land_n for_o hence_o amid_o the_o joyful_a &_o triumphant_a acclamation_n of_o the_o bless_a angel_n this_o verse_n be_v ring_v into_o the_o ear_n of_o miserable_a mortal_n woe_n to_o sea_n and_o land_n because_o the_o devil_n in_o a_o great_a rage_n descend_v unto_o you_o 12._o hence_o true_o the_o open_a spring_n of_o all_o our_o evil_n hence_o flow_v our_o tear_n hence_o these_o so_o many_o snake_n derive_v their_o be_v which_o occupy_v and_o so_o cruel_o torture_v our_o mind_n but_o what_o be_v this_o i_o be_o deceive_v for_o methinks_v i_o see_v a_o huge_a shoal_n of_o serpent_n chase_v away_o from_o the_o lurk_a den_n of_o the_o hart_n but_o alas_o how_o i_o fear_v lest_o the_o enemy_n in_o their_o flight_n may_v leave_v therein_o some_o impression_n or_o print_n behind_o they_o sure_o thou_o excellent_a david_n do_v daily_o exercise_v thyself_o and_o sweep_v thy_o spirit_n as_o thou_o have_v write_v of_o thyself_o 76._o yet_o with_o all_o thy_o study_n and_o exactness_n do_v what_o thou_o can_v thou_o can_v never_o bring_v to_o pass_v but_o some_o little_a dust_n will_v always_o yet_o remain_v or_o slimy_a trace_n be_v leave_v behind_o at_o least_o from_o the_o trail_a of_o those_o serpent_n it_o be_v very_o well_o jesus_n with_o new_a broom_n in_o the_o chapel_n of_o the_o hart_n stand_v sweep_v out_o the_o dust_n lest_o aught_o shall_v escape_v his_o industry_n or_o eye_n o_o admirable_a thing_n the_o bless_a spirit_n stand_v amaze_v at_o this_o either_o lowliness_n of_o mind_n or_o officious_a diligence_n of_o he_o and_o yield_v he_o thanks_o for_o that_o benefit_n bestow_v on_o man_n go_v to_o then_o o_o thou_o victorious_a and_o triumphant_a jesus_n spurn_v trample_v this_o hydra_n a_o beast_n of_o so_o many_o wicked_a serpent_n head_n kill_v he_o with_o thy_o flame_n that_o hereafter_o he_o may_v have_v no_o entrance_n or_o place_n in_o thy_o sanctuary_n and_o thou_o most_o bless_a darling_n of_o my_o hart_n fortify_v and_o prevent_v all_o the_o way_n &_o passage_n of_o the_o enemy_n and_o place_n strong_a guard_n at_o the_o entrye_n and_o gate_n thereof_o least_o happy_o they_o steal_v or_o rush_v in_o any_o where_o for_o they_o be_v not_o all_o of_o one_o and_o the_o selfsame_a kind_n some_o there_o be_v which_o like_a dragon_n with_o a_o foul_a &_o ugly_a flight_n corrupt_v the_o air_n some_o like_a aspike_n and_o viper_n crawl_v on_o the_o ground_n some_o sudden_o peep_v up_o like_a lizard_n and_o leap_v away_o again_o other_o like_o toud_n lie_v lurk_v at_o the_o very_a gate_n of_o the_o hart_n upon_o advantage_n yet_o slothful_a the_o while_n these_o like_a bat_n be_v stir_v themselves_o by_o night_n only_o they_o on_o the_o contrary_a of_o the_o race_n of_o harpy_n or_o hauk_n appear_v by_o day_n and_o attend_v their_o prey_n so_o great_a necessity_n thou_o have_v dear_a soul_n not_o to_o be_v idle_a at_o any_o time_n or_o place_n nor_o yet_o true_o as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v thrust_v out_o by_o the_o power_n and_o industry_n of_o jesus_n be_v all_o the_o business_n quite_o do_v for_o then_o the_o banish_a pest_n even_o choke_v the_o air_n again_o with_o a_o intolerable_a stench_n thunder_n &_o lightning_n cast_v forth_o outrageous_a storm_n they_o tumult_n they_o rage_n they_o mutiny_v they_o trouble_v all_o thing_n and_o even_o menace_v and_o threaten_v all_o extremity_n unless_o which_o they_o claim_v as_o their_o right_n and_o exclaim_v to_o be_v their_o due_n by_o title_n of_o victory_n they_o may_v be_v suffer_v and_o have_v leave_v to_o return_v to_o their_o ancient_a home_n again_o but_o thou_o my_o sweet_a jesv_n open_v the_o earth_n the_o while_n with_o a_o horrible_a rupture_n and_o fold_v they_o up_o with_o a_o like_a ruin_n to_o that_o wherein_o of_o old_a thou_o threwe_v to_o hell_n the_o double_a prodigy_n those_o spirit_n refractory_a and_o rebellion_n to_o thou_o and_o that_o they_o may_v never_o be_v see_v or_o hear_v of_o more_o or_o raise_v any_o new_a tumult_n being-bound_a and_o send_v to_o those_o dismal_a vault_n beneath_o the_o ground_n damn_v they_o to_o eternal_a darkness_n that_o they_o may_v loose_v all_o hope_n of_o return_n again_o or_o rage_v any_o more_o v._o meditation_n the_o preparatory_a prayer_n actiones_fw-la nostras_fw-la etc._n etc._n first_o point_n how_o fierce_a and_o cruel_a a_o war_n god_n make_v in_o heaven_n once_o against_o sin_n may_v hence_o be_v gather_v in_o that_o he_o damn_a satan_n and_o his_o complice_n precipitous_o throw_v down_o from_o those_o happy_a seat_n of_o beatitude_n unto_o the_o extreme_a torment_n of_o everlasting_a fire_n how_o implacable_a a_o war_n likewise_o he_o bring_v against_o the_o same_o very_a enemy_n on_o earth_n as_o easy_o appear_v in_o that_o he_o fear_v not_o to_o descend_v into_o the_o list_n of_o this_o mortal_a life_n 3._o that_o fight_a foot_n to_o foot_n and_o hand_n to_o hand_n he_o may_v utter_o defeat_v the_o devil_n work_n to_o wit_n sin_n last_o how_o deadly_a a_o hatred_n he_o bear_v in_o hell_n to_o
those_o of_o old_a so_o offer_v up_o in_o lachary_n 6._o wherewith_o the_o head_n be_v deck_v of_o the_o son_n of_o josedech_n the_o high-priest_n yea_o will_v i_o be_v a_o little_o bold_a with_o thou_o do_v thou_o thyself_o my_o jesv_n from_o thy_o garden_n gather_v &_o pluck_v thou_o flower_n make_v thou_o posye_n wreath_n thou_o chaplet_n and_o do_v your_o angel_n only_o help_v the_o while_n my_o little_a jesus_n first_o shall_v choose_v the_o gather_v flower_n himself_n then_o shall_v you_o bind_v they_o up_o with_o a_o golden_a thread_n &_o last_o he_o with_o these_o flower_n these_o wreath_n these_o chaplet_n shall_v compass_v in_o the_o hart_n about_o that_o with_o this_o preseruative_n and_o odour_n of_o these_o flower_n he_o may_v banish_v from_o the_o mind_n all_o contagion_n that_o may_v vitiat_fw-la or_o infect_v go_v to_o then_o go_v on_o you_o bless_a spirit_n but_o i_o pray_v give_v he_o the_o rare_a flower_n into_o his_o hand_n even_o the_o pride_n and_o honour_n of_o the_o eternal_a spring_n which_o neither_o heat_n of_o sun_n may_v fade_v nor_o tempest_n or_o shower_n deface_v nor_o obscure_v the_o lustre_n beauty_n or_o dignity_n which_o the_o divine_a grace_n prodigal_o have_v pour_v upon_o they_o xii_o meditation_n the_o preparatory_a prayer_n actiones_fw-la nostras_fw-la etc._n etc._n the_o prelude_n our_o bed_n flourish_v say_v the_o spouse_n 1._o 1._o point_n consider_v jesus_n to_o be_v true_o a_o nazarean_a that_o be_v flowery_a or_o flourish_a for_o the_o love_n to_o be_v conversant_a with_o the_o sweet_a odour_n and_o flower_n of_o virtue_n wherefore_o i_o will_v ponder_v how_o grateful_a it_o be_v to_o he_o to_o repose_v and_o rest_v himself_o among_o the_o lily_n of_o purity_n and_o chastity_n the_o rose_n of_o martyrdom_n and_o mortification_n the_o violet_n of_o humility_n and_o prayer_n the_o sunne-affecting_a marigold_n that_o be_v the_o noble_a soul_n and_o pliant_a to_o every_o beck_n of_o the_o divine_a will_n and_o other_o garden_n plot_n of_o the_o rest_n of_o virtue_n with_o who_o love_n he_o be_v so_o take_v as_o that_o everywhere_a at_o all_o occasion_n he_o scent_v their_o odour_n and_o hunt_v after_o they_o 2._o point_n these_o flower_n shall_v never_o fade_v with_o any_o weather_n not_o with_o the_o parch_a heat_n of_o the_o sun_n i_o say_v shall_v not_o wither_v with_o the_o heat_n of_o carnal_a temptation_n nor_o hang_v the_o head_n with_o the_o southerly_a wind_n of_o austere_a sadness_n nor_o pinch_v with_o the_o cold_a and_o freeze_v bluster_a of_o the_o north_n that_o be_v not_o nip_v or_o blast_v with_o the_o evil_a breath_n of_o dulness_n in_o spiritual_a thing_n but_o shall_v rather_o be_v continual_o water_v with_o the_o dew_n of_o celestial_a grace_n and_o from_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o hart_n deuo'yd_v of_o all_o corruption_n draw_v and_o derive_v their_o juice_n &_o blood_n where_o by_o they_o may_v prosper_v and_o flourish_v evermore_o 3._o point_n i_o will_v seem_v to_o behold_v the_o little_a jesus_n sport_v in_o this_o little_a flowery_n garden_n of_o the_o hart_n pick_v here_o and_o there_o and_o pluck_v with_o his_o hand_n now_o those_o flower_n the_o angel_n remain_v astonish_v at_o so_o great_a familiarity_n and_o adore_v the_o while_n but_o for_o i_o i_o will_v resolve_v with_o myself_o to_o keep_v especial_o the_o lily_n of_o chastity_n inviolable_a without_o the_o least_o stain_n or_o blemish_n of_o its_o candour_n the_o colloqvy_n to_o the_o most_o bless_a virgin_n mother_n and_o disciple_n of_o all_o chastity_n of_o who_o i_o will_v crave_v the_o mean_n first_o to_o keep_v chastity_n and_o then_o earnest_o beg_v her_o help_n and_o patronage_n to_o vanquish_v easy_o all_o the_o temptation_n of_o the_o flesh_n aue_fw-la maris_fw-la stella_fw-la jesus_n sing_v in_o the_o qvire_n of_o the_o hart_n to_o the_o angel_n play_v on_o musical_a instrument_n the_o hymn_n if_o thou_o within_o my_o hart_n will_v he_o well_o oiesv_n than_o what_o philom●l_n can_v warble_v with_o so_o sugar_a throat_n to_o make_v i_o listen_v to_o her_o note_n the_o siren_n of_o the_o world_n to_o i_o will_v seem_v to_o make_v no_o harmony_n when_o they_o a_o long_a a_o large_a resound_v of_o pleasure_n thou_o do_v they_o confound_v chant_v a_o long_a a_o large_a to_o i_o with_o echo_a voice_n eternity_n a_o brief_a of_o pleasure_n with_o like_a strain_n thou_o sound_a a_o long_a of_o endless_a pain_n the_o diapason_n joy_n for_o i_o to_o live_v in_o bliss_n eternal_o the_o incentive_a 1._o what_o do_v i_o hear_v my_o hart_n what_o do_v we_o seem_v to_o hear_v how_o sweet_a be_v these_o rapt_n how_o sweet_o this_o ●clestial_a harmony_n enchant_v the_o soul_n and_o ravish_v it_o quite_o beside_o himself_o oh_o happy_a hover_v o_o happy_a lot_n when_o jesus_n and_o the_o angel_n sing_v in_o part_n to_o the_o melody_n of_o the_o heaven_n 2._o when_o the_o hart_n sweet_o respire_v it_o sigh_n for_o and_o after_o jesus_n and_o chant_v forth_o his_o praise_n with_o a_o glad_a some_o spirit_n o_o music_n o_o incredible_a consort_n i_o hear_v methinks_v the_o quire_n of_o celestial_a symphony_n to_o sound_v and_o see_v myself_o in_o the_o midst_n of_o celestial_a joy_n 3._o let_v thy_o voice_n sound_a in_o my_o ear_n 88_o my_o belove_a for_o to_o speak_v in_o a_o ward_n most_o humble_o prostrate_v at_o thy_o foot_n i_o here_o protest_v that_o neither_o i_o do_v nor_o will_v ever_o love_v any_o other_o than_o the_o sweet_a dolour_n and_o passion_n of_o jesus_n away_o with_o these_o flatterye_n of_o self_n away_o with_o these_o bewitch_a prostitute_n of_o carnal_a pleasure_n siren_n avaunt_o with_o your_o allure_a charm_n of_o my_o affection_n let_v jesus_n only_o sound_v in_o my_o ear_n for_o his_o voice_n be_v sw●●t_v and_o graceous_a his_o sface_n 48._o the_o preamble_n to_o the_o meditation_n o_o sweet_a harmony_n o_o divine_a comfort_n or_o be_v we_o mock_v the_o white_a i_o hear_v methinke_a a_o lute_n the_o harp_n play_v the_o flute_n and_o cornet_n wind_n a_o whole_a choir_n be_v keep_v in_o the_o hart_n and_o if_o i_o be_v not_o deceive_v it_o be_v a_o song_n of_o three_o part_n they_o seem_v to_o play_v according_a to_o the_o number_n of_o the_o musician_n that_o play_v for_o the_o angel_n here_o of_o the_o one_o side_n though_o they_o use_v diverse_a instrument_n yet_o sound_v but_o one_o thing_n seem_v to_o play_v but_o one_o part_n then_o jesus_n the_o skilful_a and_o most_o exquisite_a musician_n tune_v his_o voice_n and_o bear_v his_o part_n last_o the_o hart_n have_v he_o for_o amid_o these_o number_n it_o sing_v and_o dance_v all_o at_o once_o how_o quaint_o and_o apt_o the_o string_n wind_n instrument_n and_o voice_n all_o agree_v with_o how_o admirable_a a_o pleasure_n the_o number_n quaver_v and_o jump_v with_o al._n but_o then_o how_o noble_a a_o hymn_n be_v sing_v the_o while_n how_o curious_a &_o elegant_a jesus_n stand_v in_o the_o midst_n not_o only_o a_o singer_n but_o as_o a_o rectour_n of_o the_o choir_n also_o with_o a_o magistrate_n rod_n in_o hand_n now_o lift_v up_o and_o then_o let_v fall_v keep_v the_o time_n and_o order_v the_o key_n and_o air_n of_o the_o whole_a song_n if_o you_o ask_v i_o the_o subject_n of_o the_o dicty_a the_o royal_a psalmist_n 88_o have_v design_v and_o pen_v it_o long_o a_o go_v when_o he_o say_v i_o will_v chant_v the_o mercy_n of_o the_o lord_n for_o ever_o for_o to_o this_o purpose_n jesus_n the_o prime_a christ_n record_v his_o ancient_a love_n to_o the_o humane_a hart_n &_o now_o mix_v with_o admirable_a skill_n flat_n with_o sharp_n sharp_v with_o flat_n the_o tenor_n with_o the_o base_a &_o run_v diverse_o division_n he_o touch_v with_o a_o sweet_a remembrance_n now_o with_o a_o moderate_a now_o remiss_a now_o slow_a and_o now_o with_o a_o quick_a voice_n the_o innumerable_a number_n of_o his_o benefit_n wherewith_a heretofore_o he_o have_v woo_v the_o hart_n wherefore_o record_v thing_n in_o this_o manner_n now_o he_o stir_v up_o pious_a desire_n which_o he_o have_v often_o enkindle_v before_o now_o with_o a_o grave_a tone_n he_o exaggerats_n the_o horrid_a fear_n of_o sin_n and_o hell_n which_o he_o not_o rare_o have_v inculcate_v heretofore_o and_o now_o again_o with_o a_o sharp_a streyne_v of_o the_o voice_n call_v he_o to_o mind_v the_o lively_a and_o sudden_a impression_n of_o compunction_n for_o sin_n the_o agitation_n and_o excitation_n of_o the_o mind_n determine_v a_o change_n of_o life_n new_a undertake_n of_o great_a thing_n heroical_a entreprise_n and_o a_o thousand_o other_o of_o the_o sort_n with_o which_o divine_a love_n be_v wont_a to_o play_v and_o dull_o in_o the_o heart_n of_o lover_n mean_o while_o the_o angel_n tune_v their_o instrument_n and_o string_n to_o this_o argument_n and_o while_o themselves_o for_o
the_o top_n thereof_o and_o the_o angel_n ascend_v and_o descend_v to_o and_o fro_o when_o be_v astonish_v and_o amaze_v thereat_o he_o cry_v out_o the_o lord_n be_v true_o in_o this_o place_n how_o terrible_a this_o place_n be_v and_o present_o anoint_v it_o and_o set_v up_o a_o altar_n in_o the_o place_n in_o all_o haste_n give_v thanks_o to_o the_o divinity_n and_o put_v the_o name_n of_o bethel_n to_o it_o o_o little_a jacob_n o_o most_o love_a jesv_n rest_n in_o my_o hart_n a_o while_n if_o it_o trouble_v thou_o not_o too_o much_o though_o indeed_o it_o be_v but_o a_o hart_n lodging_n and_o thou_o have_v but_o a_o stone_n for_o a_o pillow_n and_o bolstre_n only_o yet_o sure_o it_o will_v be_v soft_a enough_o as_o soon_o as_o thou_o shall_v but_o pour_v thereon_o the_o oil_n of_o thy_o mercy_n let_v the_o hart_n then_o so_o daily_o consecrate_v be_v call_v bethel_n that_o be_v the_o house_n of_o god_n the_o house_n of_o vanity_n ah_o never_o be_v it_o say_v but_o rather_o strengthen_v it_o my_o god_n be_v sure_a thou_o find_v it_o well_o lest_o the_o wind_n of_o inconstancy_n and_o tempest_n shake_v it_o but_o stand_v it_o rather_o immovable_a as_o the_o rock_n of_o marpeia_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o sea_n dash_v with_o the_o wave_n &_o scornful_o shake_v they_o off_o xv._n meditation_n the_o preparatory_a prayer_n actiones_fw-la nostras_fw-la etc._n etc._n the_o prelude_n a_o great_a storm_n be_v make_v in_o the_o sea_n so_o as_o the_o ship_n be_v even_o cover_v over_o with_o wave_n but_o he_o sleep_v 18._o 1._o point_n consider_v the_o nest_n where_o in_o the_o holy_a soul_n shall_v live_v and_o die_v be_v the_o thorny_a crown_n of_o the_o most_o love_a jesus_n for_o this_o stick_v so_o deep_a into_o the_o crown_n of_o the_o sacred_a head_n of_o the_o spouse_n as_o none_o may_v pull_v it_o off_o and_o so_o be_v as_o safe_a be_v and_o a_o firm_a peace_n and_o therefore_o will_v i_o sing_v with_o the_o most_o holy_a job_n i_o will_v die_v in_o my_o nest_n and_o like_a to_o the_o palm_n will_v multiply_v my_o day_n 39_o and_o i_o will_v always_o cause_v i_o say_v such_o a_o new_a increase_n of_o merit_n in_o i_o as_o there_o shall_v no_o day_n slip_v wherein_o i_o add_v not_o some_o line_n or_o other_o to_o the_o absolute_a portrait_n of_o virtue_n and_o sanctity_n 2._o point_n the_o bed_n wherein_o jesus_n love_v to_o rest_n be_v the_o hart_n of_o pious_a man_n and_o dedicate_v to_o his_o love_n if_o jesus_n lodge_v but_o there_o though_o he_o sleep_v the_o while_n all_o thing_n go_v well_o and_o rest_v quiet_o and_o it_o be_v to_o no_o purpose_n to_o fear_v any_o wind_n storm_n or_o thunder_v there_o for_o the_o wave_n dash_v thereon_o do_v but_o only_a foam_n and_o no_o more_o against_o the_o rock_n of_o epirus_n then_o break_v in_o their_o retire_n and_o soon_o after_o come_v to_o nothing_o 3._o point_n jesus_n rest_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o martyr_n make_v they_o so_o generous_a and_o stout_a as_o they_o can_v equal_o endure_v the_o torment_n of_o fire_n and_o water_n and_o no_o marvel_v for_o while_o jesus_n take_v but_o his_o rest_n there_o he_o give_v they_o rest_n so_o when_o we_o admit_v jesus_n by_o receive_v the_o sacrament_n of_o the_o eucharist_n into_o the_o lodging_n chamber_n of_o our_o hart_n there_o be_v nothing_o can_v trouble_v we_o or_o disturb_v we_o because_o jesus_n be_v there_o who_o be_v our_o peace_n 2._o the_o colloqvy_n shall_v be_v direct_v to_o the_o most_o sublime_a and_o divine_a sacrament_n of_o the_o eucharist_n first_o extol_v its_o force_n and_o power_n which_o at_o that_o time_n we_o feel_v in_o ourselves_o for_o the_o soul_n which_o receive_v and_o retain_v jesus_n in_o her_o house_n how_o stout_a how_o generous_a how_o constant_a she_o become_v then_o invite_v jesus_n that_o he_o will_v often_o deign_v to_o lodge_v in_o the_o inn_n of_o thy_o hart_n and_o there_o secur_o take_v his_o rest_n but_o beware_v thou_o awake_v he_o not_o in_o his_o sleep_n nor_o ever_o suffer_v the_o noise_n of_o the_o world_n and_o commotion_n of_o the_o mind_n to_o make_v any_o tumult_n there_o or_o that_o any_o idle_a word_n for_o the_o least_o thing_n hinder_v shall_v disturb_v his_o sweet_a and_o gentle_a sleep_n pater_fw-la aue._n jesus_n wound_n and_o pierce_v the_o hart_n with_o the_o shaft_n of_o love_n the_o hymn_n the_o devil_n archer_n erbinger_n of_o lust_n blind_a cupid_n do_v appear_v but_o dare_v not_o stay_v to_o bend_v his_o bow_n he_o see_v the_o hart_n with_o arrow_n glow_v which_o make_v he_o slink_v away_o the_o chaste_a and_o spotless_a hart_n he_o can_v blast_v which_o be_v cleanse_v from_o sin_n be_v shut_v from_o that_o blind_a hoy_n who_o only_a but_o be_v heart_n pollute_v without_o white_a behold_v the_o wound_n christ_n make_v delight_n see_v where_o the_o angel_n point_v stand_v give_v aim_n by_o lift_v up_o their_o hand_n or_o rather_o while_o the_o shaft_n ahound_n wish_v they_o have_v heart_n that_o he_o may_v wound_v the_o incentive_a 1._o my_o good_a archer_n shoot_v ah_o shoot_v again_o shoot_v through_o this_o hart_n of_o i_o with_o a_o million_o of_o shaft_n this_o refractory_a &_o rebellious_a hart_n to_o thy_o divine_a love_n slay_v and_o kill_v all_o love_n which_o be_v not_o thou_o or_o be_v adversary_n to_o it_o o_o sweet_a wound_n o_o dear_a to_o i_o o_o arrow_n dip_v and_o tip_v with_o honey_n 2._o and_o thou_o my_o hart_n revenge_v those_o injury_n so_o sweet_a so_o acceptable_a and_o for_o thy_o part_n also_o shoot_v thou_o again_o into_o the_o hart_n of_o jesus_n with_o a_o thousand_o shaft_n a_o thousand_o pious_a love_n a_o thousand_o ball_n of_o fiery_a love_n 3._o the_o hart_n be_v never_o in_o so_o good_a plight_n as_o when_o it_o be_v transfix_v with_o a_o thousand_o point_n of_o sharp_a love_n and_o pain_n so_o that_o the_o true_a love_n of_o jesus_n cast_v but_o the_o flame_n where_o with_o i_o pine_v i_o burn_v with_o love_n the_o preamble_n to_o the_o meditation_n but_o what_o a_o god_n name_n do_v thou_o here_o thou_o pander_n cupid_n be_v thou_o so_o brazen_a face_v as_o to_o presume_v to_o abide_v where_o my_o love_n jesus_n be_v come_v hither_o you_o good_a angel_n thrust_v forth_o this_o wicked_a brat_n of_o that_o cyprian_a strumpet_n out_o of_o door_n break_v his_o quiver_n snap_v his_o shaft_n a_o sunder_o for_o what_o a_o shameless_a impudence_n be_v this_o and_o saucy_a boldness_n of_o that_o blind_a elf_n that_o such_o a_o cowardly_a jack_n as_o he_o shall_v not_o quake_v &_o tremble_v at_o the_o aspect_n yea_o even_o but_o the_o shadow_n of_o my_o lord_n jesus_n dreadful_a to_o heaven_n &_o earth_n but_o o_o powerful_a arrow_n of_o thy_o bow_n my_o chaste_a cupid_n my_o delight_n my_o jesus_n in_o the_o northeren_n sea_n they_o tell_v of_o a_o flow_a island_n which_o stand_v still_o and_o as_o it_o be_v cast_v ankour_n as_o soon_o as_o shoot_v into_o with_o burn_a shaft_n enkindle_n fire_n as_o they_o fly_v i_o believe_v it_o for_o lo_o thy_o fiery_a shaft_n very_o sudden_o stay_v and_o arrest_v the_o ankored_a bark_n of_o my_o hart_n sail_v in_o its_o full_a course_n and_o even_o now_o most_o miserable_o float_v in_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o sea_n of_o the_o world_n o_o love_v i_o say_v not_o blind_a as_o he_o for_o how_o direct_o shoot_v he_o at_o the_o mark_n how_o dexterous_o and_o ready_o he_o discharge_v &_o how_o powerful_a his_o shaft_n wherewith_o when_o s._n augustine_n be_v touch_v and_o wound_v once_o he_o cry_v out_o 2._o lord_n thou_o shotte_v into_o our_o hart_n with_o thy_o charity_n and_o thy_o word_n we_o bear_v transfix_v in_o our_o bowel_n but_o the_o time_n shall_v come_v my_o doughty_a warrior_n when_o from_o the_o divine_a bow_n of_o thy_o humanity_n bend_v and_o stretch_v on_o the_o cross_n thou_o shall_v snake_n and_o brandish_v seven_o spear_n of_o perfect_a victory_n true_a symbol_n of_o the_o foyl_a and_o utter_a ruin_n of_o the_o enemy_n for_o as_o the_o prophet_n elizeus_fw-la set_v his_o hand_n to_o king_n joas_n his_o bow_n bless_v the_o arrow_n with_o these_o word_n the_o shaft_n of_o salvation_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o the_o shaft_n of_o salvation_n against_o syria_n 13._o so_o thy_o divinity_n susteyn_v the_o humanity_n impress_v a_o certain_a more_o divine_a force_n into_o those_o seven_o last_o word_n of_o he_o wherewith_o like_o bow_n and_o arrow_n they_o may_v trouble_v dissipat_v and_o quite_o transfix_v the_o hellish_a legion_n for_o there_o true_o be_v those_o shaft_n whereof_o once_o the_o royal_a prophet_n sing_v thy_o arrow_n be_v sharp_a people_n shall_v fall_v before_o thou_o into_o the_o heart_n of_o the_o king_n enemy_n 44._o o_o wholesome_a blow_n o_o happy_a chance_n o_o admirable_a