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Two sheets for poor families ... by Richard Baxter.
Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.
Wing B1441; Wing B1403; ESTC R6530
long_o on_o so_o terrible_a a_o precipice_n the_o tear_n and_o sorrow_n of_o many_o year_n may_v perhaps_o not_o repair_v the_o loss_n which_o one_o hour_n or_o act_n may_v bring_v the_o case_n of_o david_n and_o many_o another_o be_v dreadful_a warning_n know_v what_o it_o be_v that_o you_o be_v most_o in_o danger_n of_o whether_o lust_n or_o idleness_n or_o excess_n in_o meat_n or_o drink_v or_o play_v and_o there_o set_v the_o strong_a watch_n for_o your_o preservation_n make_v it_o your_o daily_a business_n to_o mortify_v that_o lust_n and_o scorn_v that_o your_o brutish_a sense_n or_o appetite_n shall_v conquer_v reason_n yet_o trust_v not_o purpose_n alone_o but_o away_o from_o the_o temptation_n touch_v not_o yea_o look_v not_o on_o the_o tempt_a bait_n keep_v far_o enough_o off_o if_o you_o desire_v to_o be_v safe_a what_o misery_n come_v from_o small_a beginning_n temptation_n lead_v to_o sin_n and_o small_a sin_n to_o great_a and_o those_o to_o hell_n and_o sin_n and_o hell_n be_v not_o to_o be_v play_v with_o open_v your_o sin_n or_o temptation_n to_o some_o friend_n that_o shame_n may_v save_v you_o from_o the_o danger_n ix_o keep_v up_o a_o constant_a skilful_a government_n 6._o james_n 1.19_o jam_fw-la 3.13.17_o 1_o pet._n 3.4_o mat_n 5.5_o ephes_n 4.2_o 3._o col._n 3.12_o james_n 1.26_o &_o 3.5_o 6._o over_o your_o passion_n and_o your_o tongue_n to_o this_o end_n keep_v a_o lender_n conscience_n which_o will_v smart_v when_o in_o any_o of_o these_o you_o sin_n let_v holy_a passion_n be_v well_o order_v and_o selfish_a carnal_a passion_n be_v restrain_v let_v your_o tongue_n know_v their_o duty_n to_o god_n and_o man_n and_o labour_n to_o be_v skilful_a and_o resolute_a in_o perform_v they_o know_v all_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o tongue_n that_o you_o may_v avoid_v they_o for_o your_o innocency_n and_o peace_n do_v much_o depend_v on_o the_o prudent_a government_n of_o your_o tongue_n 18.21_o psalm_n 34.13_o prov._n 18.21_o x._o govern_v your_o thought_n with_o constant_a skilful_a diligence_n in_o this_o 15.26_o deut._n 15.9_o 2_o cor._n 10.5_o gen_n 6.5_o psalm_n 10.4_o psalm_n 94.19_o psal_n 119.113_o prov_n 12.5_o &_o 15.26_o right_a habit_n and_o affection_n will_v do_v most_o by_o incline_v they_o unto_o good_n it_o be_v easy_a to_o think_v on_o that_o which_o we_o love_n be_v not_o unfurnished_v of_o matter_n for_o your_o thought_n to_o work_v upon_o and_o often_o retire_v yourselves_o for_o serious_a meditation_n be_v not_o so_o solitary_a and_o deep_a in_o muse_n as_o to_o over-stretch_a your_o thought_n and_o confound_v your_o mind_n or_o tâke_v you_o off_o from_o necessary_a converse_n with_o other_o but_o be_v sure_a that_o you_o be_v considerate_a and_o dwell_v much_o at_o home_n and_o converse_v most_o with_o your_o conscience_n and_o your_o god_n with_o who_o you_o have_v the_o great_a business_n leave_v not_o your_o thought_n unemployed_a or_o ungoverned_a scatter_v they_o not_o abroad_o upon_o impertinent_a vanity_n o_o that_o you_o know_v what_o daily_a business_n you_o have_v for_o they_o 32.19_o psal_n 119_o 59_o prov._n 30.32_o jer_z 4.14_o deut._n 32.19_o most_o man_n be_v wicked_a deceive_v and_o undo_v because_o they_o be_v inconsiderate_a and_o dare_v not_o or_o will_v not_o retire_o and_o sober_o use_v their_o reason_n or_o use_v it_o but_o as_o a_o slave_n in_o chain_n in_o the_o service_n of_o their_o passion_n lust_n and_o interest_n he_o be_v never_o wise_a or_o good_a or_o happy_a who_o be_v not_o sober_o and_o impartial_o considerate_a how_o to_o be_v good_a to_o do_v good_a and_o final_o enjoy_v good_a must_v be_v the_o sum_n of_o all_o your_o thought_n keep_v they_o first_o holy_a then_o charitable_a clean_a and_o chaste_a and_o quick_o check_v they_o when_o they_o look_v towards_o sin_n xi_o let_v time_n be_v exceed_v precious_a in_o your_o eye_n and_o careful_o and_o diligent_o redeem_v it_o 25.10.12_o ephes_n 5.16_o joh_n 14_o 1_o 2._o act_n 17.21_o 1_o cor._n 7.29_o 2_o cor._n 6.2_o john_n 9.4_o luk._n 19.42.44_o psalm_n 39_o 4._o mat._n 25.10.12_o what_o haste_n do_v it_o make_v and_o how_o quick_o will_v it_o be_v go_v and_o then_o how_o high_o will_v it_o be_v value_v when_o a_o minute_n of_o it_o can_v never_o be_v recall_v o_o what_o important_a business_n have_v we_o for_o every_o moment_n of_o our_o time_n if_o we_o shall_v live_v a_o thousand_o year_n take_v not_o that_o man_n to_o be_v well_o in_o his_o wit_n or_o to_o know_v his_o god_n his_o end_n his_o work_n or_o his_o danger_n who_o have_v time_n to_o spare_v redeem_v it_o not_o only_o from_o needless_a sport_n and_o play_n and_o idleness_n and_o curiââââ_n and_o compliment_n and_o excess_n of_o sleep_n and_o chat_n and_o worldliness_n but_o also_o from_o the_o entanglement_n of_o ââssââ_n good_a which_o will_v hinder_v you_o from_o great_a spend_v time_n as_o man_n that_o be_v ready_a to_o pass_v into_o another_o world_n where_o every_o minute_n must_v be_v account_v for_o and_o it_o must_v go_v with_o we_o for_o ever_o as_o we_o live_v here_o let_v not_o health_n deceive_v you_o into_o the_o expectation_n of_o live_v long_o and_o so_o into_o a_o senseless_a negligence_n see_v your_o glass_n run_v and_o keep_v a_o reckon_n of_o the_o expense_n of_o time_n and_o spend_v it_o just_a as_o you_o will_v review_v it_o when_o it_o be_v go_v xii_o let_v the_o love_n of_o all_o in_o their_o several_a capacity_n become_v as_o it_o be_v your_o very_a nature_n 15.1.3_o 1_o tim._n 1.5_o 6._o mat._n 19.19_o rom._n 13.10_o 1_o john_n 4.16_o ephes_n 4.2.15_o 16._o col._n 2.2_o &_o 1.4_o 1_o tim._n 6.11_o james_n 3.17_o phil._n 2.1_o 2._o 1_o thess_n 4.9_o john_n 13.35_o mat._n 5.44_o â5_n 1_o cor._n 13._o james_n 4.11_o gal._n 6_o 10._o titus_n 2.14_o phil._n 2.20_o 21._o rom._n 15.1.3_o and_o do_v they_o all_o the_o good_a you_o can_v be_v very_o much_o of_o the_o business_n of_o your_o life_n god_n must_v be_v love_v in_o all_o his_o creature_n his_o natural_a image_n on_o all_o man_n and_o his_o spiritual_a image_n on_o his_o saint_n our_o neighbour_n must_v be_v love_v as_o ourselves_o that_o be_v our_o natural_a neighbour_n as_o our_o natural_a self_n with_o a_o love_n of_o benevolence_n and_o our_o spiritual_a neighbour_n as_o our_o spiritual_a self_n with_o a_o love_n of_o complacence_n in_o opposition_n to_o complacence_n we_o may_v hate_v our_o sinful_a neighbour_n as_o we_o must_v ourselves_o much_o more_o but_o in_o opposition_n to_o benevolence_n we_o must_v neither_o hate_v ourselves_o our_o neighbour_n or_o our_o enemy_n o_o that_o man_n know_v how_o much_o of_o christianity_n do_v consist_v in_o love_n and_o do_v good_a with_o what_o eye_n do_v they_o read_v the_o gospel_n who_o see_v not_o this_o in_o every_o page_n abhor_v all_o that_o selfishness_n pride_n and_o passion_n which_o be_v the_o enemy_n of_o love_n and_o those_o opinion_n and_o faction_n and_o censuring_n and_o backbiting_n which_o will_v destroy_v it_o take_v he_o that_o speak_v evil_a of_o another_o to_o you_o without_o a_o just_a cause_n and_o call_v to_o be_v satan_n messenger_n entreat_v you_o to_o hate_v your_o brother_n or_o to_o abate_v your_o love_n for_o to_o persuade_v you_o that_o a_o man_n be_v bad_a be_v direct_o to_o persuade_v you_o so_o far_o to_o hate_v he_o not_o that_o the_o good_a and_o bad_a must_v be_v confound_v but_o love_n will_v call_v none_o bad_a without_o constrein_v evidence_n rebake_v backbiter_n hurt_v no_o man_n and_o speak_v evil_a of_o no_o man_n unless_o it_o be_v not_o only_o just_a but_o necessary_a to_o some_o great_a good_a love_n be_v lovely_a they_o that_o love_n shall_v be_v belove_v hate_v and_o hurt_v make_v man_n hateful_a love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o and_o do_v as_o thou_o will_v be_v do_v by_o be_v the_o golden_a rule_n of_o our_o duty_n to_o man_n which_o must_v be_v deep_o write_v on_o your_o heart_n for_o want_v of_o this_o there_o ãâã_d nothing_o so_o false_a so_o bad_a so_o cruel_a which_o you_o may_v not_o ãâã_d draw_v to_o think_v or_o say_v or_o do_v against_o your_o breââââ_n selfishnes_n and_o want_n of_o love_n do_v ãâã_d ââturally_o tend_v to_o ambition_n and_o covetousness_n and_o ãâã_d to_o cruelty_n against_o all_o that_o stand_v in_o the_o way_n of_o ãâã_d ââââes_n as_o the_o nature_n of_o a_o wolf_n to_o kill_v the_o lamb_n ãâ¦ã_o and_o contention_n and_o persecution_n in_o the_o ãâã_d procee_v from_o selfishness_n and_o want_v of_o charity_n ãâ¦ã_o malice_n be_v the_o devilish_a nature_n be_v as_o zeaâââ_n ãâã_d âââng_v good_a to_o all_o as_o satan_n servant_n be_v in_o ãâã_d take_v ât_a as_o the_o use_n of_o all_o your_o talent_n and_o ãâã_d ââem_v as_o âoâ_n will_v hear_v of_o it_o at_o last_o let_v it_o be_v your_o business_n and_o not_o a_o
to_o the_o father_n and_o of_o faith_n in_o christ_n to_o kindle_v and_o keep_v alive_a the_o love_n of_o god_n the_o love_n of_o god_n be_v our_o primitive_a holiness_n and_o special_o call_v with_o its_o fruit_n our_o sanctification_n which_o faith_n in_o christ_n be_v but_o a_o mean_n to_o let_v it_o be_v your_o principal_a end_n in_o study_v christ_n to_o see_v the_o goodness_n love_n and_o amiableness_n of_o god_n in_o he_o a_o condemn_a god_n be_v not_o so_o easy_o love_v as_o a_o gracious_a reconcile_v god_n you_o have_v so_o much_o of_o the_o spirit_n as_o you_o have_v love_n to_o god_n this_o be_v the_o proper_a gift_n of_o the_o spirit_n to_o all_o the_o adopt_a son_n of_o god_n to_o cause_v they_o with_o filial_a affection_n and_o dependence_n to_o cry_v abba_n father_n know_v not_o desire_v not_o love_v not_o any_o creature_n but_o pure_o as_o subordinate_a to_o god_n without_o he_o let_v it_o be_v nothing_o to_o you_o but_o as_o the_o glass_n without_o the_o face_n or_o scatter_a letter_n without_o the_o sense_n or_o as_o the_o corpse_n without_o the_o soul_n call_v nothing_o prosperity_n or_o pleasure_n but_o his_o love_n 30.5_o psalm_n 30.5_o and_o nothing_o adversity_n or_o misery_n but_o his_o displeasure_n and_o the_o cause_n and_o fruit_n of_o it_o when_o any_o thing_n will_v seem_v lovely_a and_o desirable_a which_o be_v against_o he_o call_v it_o dung_n 13.14_o psalm_n 63.3_o phil._n 3.7_o 8._o matth._n 16.23_o 2_o thess_n 3.5_o 2_o cor._n 13.14_o and_o hear_v that_o man_n as_o satan_n or_o the_o serpent_n that_o will_v entice_v you_o from_o he_o &_o count_v he_o but_o vanity_n a_o worm_n and_o dust_n that_o will_v affright_v you_o from_o your_o duty_n to_o he_o fear_v he_o much_o but_o love_v he_o more_o let_v love_n be_v the_o soul_n and_o end_n of_o every_o other_o duty_n it_o be_v the_o end_n and_o reason_n of_o all_o the_o rest_n but_o it_o have_v no_o end_n or_o reason_n but_o its_o object_n think_v of_o no_o other_o heaven_n and_o end_v and_o happiness_n of_o man_n but_o love_n the_o final_a act_n and_o god_n the_o final_a object_n place_v not_o your_o religion_n in_o any_o thing_n but_o the_o love_n of_o god_n with_o its_o mean_n and_o fruit_n own_o no_o grief_n desire_n or_o joy_n but_o a_o mourn_a a_o seek_v and_o a_o rejoice_v love_n v._o live_v in_o the_o belief_n and_o hope_n of_o heaven_n and_o seek_v it_o as_o your_o part_n and_o end_n and_o daily_a delight_n your_o soul_n in_o the_o forethought_n 18.36_o col._n 3.1_o 2_o 4._o mat._n 6.19_o 20_o 1.33_o 2_o cor._n 4.17_o 18._o &_o 5.7_o luke_n 12.20_o heb._n 6.20_o 1_o cor._n 15.28_o ephes_n 4.6_o &_o 1.23_o phil._n 3.18.20_o ps_n 73.25_o 26._o john_n 18.36_o of_o the_o endless_a sight_n and_o love_n of_o god_n as_o god_n be_v see_v on_o earth_n but_o as_o in_o a_o glass_n so_o be_v he_o proportionable_o enjoy_v but_o when_o mourning_n seek_v love_n have_v do_v and_o sin_n and_o enemy_n be_v overcome_v and_o we_o behold_v the_o glory_n of_o god_n in_o heaven_n the_o delight_n of_o love_n will_v then_o be_v perfect_a you_o may_v desire_v more_o on_o earth_n than_o you_o may_v hope_v for_o look_v not_o for_o a_o kingdom_n of_o this_o world_n nor_o for_o mount_n zion_n in_o the_o wilderness_n christ_n reign_v on_o earth_n as_o moses_n in_o the_o camp_n to_o guide_v we_o to_o the_o land_n of_o promise_n our_o perfect_a blessedness_n will_v be_v where_o the_o kingdom_n be_v deliver_v up_o to_o the_o father_n and_o god_n be_v all_o in_o all._n a_o doubt_n or_o a_o strange_a heartless_a thought_n of_o heaven_n be_v water_n cast_v on_o the_o sacred_a fire_n to_o quench_v your_o holiness_n and_o your_o joy_n can_v you_o travel_v one_o whole_a day_n to_o sâch_v a_o end_n and_o never_o think_v of_o the_o place_n that_o you_o be_v go_v to_o which_o must_v be_v intend_v in_o every_o righteous_a act_n either_o note_o or_o by_o the_o ready_a unobserved_a act_n of_o a_o potent_a habit_n when_o earth_n be_v at_o the_o best_a it_o will_v not_o be_v heaven_n you_o live_v no_o further_o by_o faith_n like_o christian_n than_o you_o either_o live_v for_o heaven_n in_o seek_v it_o or_o else_o upon_o heaven_n in_o hope_n and_o joy._n vi_o labour_n to_o make_v religion_n your_o pleasure_n and_o delight_n look_v oft_o to_o god_n to_o heaven_n to_o christ_n to_o the_o spirit_n to_o the_o promise_n to_o all_o your_o mercy_n call_v over_o your_o experience_n 32.11_o psalm_n 1.2_o 3._o &_o 84.2.10_o &_o 63.3.5_o &_o 37.4_o &_o 94.19_o &_o 119.47.70_o isa_n 58.14_o psalm_n 112.1_o romans_z 14.17_o &_o 5.1_o 3_o 5._o 1_o pet._n 1.8_o mat._n 5.11_o 12._o psalm_n 32.11_o and_o think_v what_o matter_n of_o high_a delight_n be_v still_o before_o you_o and_o how_o unseemly_a it_o be_v and_o how_o injurious_a to_o your_o profession_n for_o one_o that_o say_v he_o hope_v for_o heaven_n to_o live_v as_o sad_o as_o those_o that_o have_v no_o high_a hope_n than_o earth_n how_o shall_v that_o man_n be_v fill_v with_o joy_n who_o must_v live_v in_o the_o joy_n of_o heaven_n for_o ever_o especial_o rejoice_v when_o the_o messenger_n of_o death_n do_v tell_v you_o that_o your_o endless_a joy_n be_v near_o if_o god_n and_o heaven_n with_o all_o our_o mercy_n in_o the_o way_n be_v not_o reason_n enough_o for_o a_o joyful_a life_n there_o can_v be_v none_o at_o all_o abhor_v all_o suggestion_n which_o will_v make_v religion_n seem_v a_o tedious_a inksome_a life_n and_o take_v heed_n that_o you_o represent_v it_o not_o so_o to_o other_o for_o you_o will_v never_o make_v they_o in_o love_n with_o that_o which_o you_o make_v they_o not_o perceive_v to_o be_v delectable_a and_o lovely_a not_o as_o the_o hypocrite_n by_o force_v and_o frame_v his_o religion_n to_o his_o carnal_a mind_n and_o pleasure_n but_o bring_v up_o the_o heart_n to_o a_o holy_a suitableness_n to_o the_o pleasure_n of_o religion_n vii_o watch_z as_o for_o your_o soul_n against_o this_o flatter_a tempt_a world_n 11.26_o gal._n 6.14_o 1_o joh_n 2.15_o 16._o james_n 1.27_o &_o 4.4_o 5._o 1_o john_n 5.4_o 5._o rom._n 12.2_o gal._n 1.4_o titus_n 2.12_o mat._n 19.24_o luk._n 12.16.21_o &_o 16.25_o james_n 1.11_o &_o luke_n 8.14_o hâb_n 11.26_o especial_o when_o it_o be_v represent_v as_o more_o sweet_a and_o delectable_a than_o god_n and_o holiness_n and_o heaven_n this_o world_n with_o its_o pleasure_n wealth_n and_o honour_n be_v it_o that_o be_v put_v in_o the_o balance_n by_o satan_n against_o god_n and_o holiness_n and_o heaven_n and_o no_o man_n shall_v have_v better_o than_o he_o choose_v and_o prefer_v the_o bait_n take_v advantage_n of_o the_o brutish_a part_n when_o reason_n be_v asleep_a and_o if_o by_o the_o help_n of_o sense_n it_o get_v the_o throne_n the_o beast_n wâll_n ride_v and_o rule_v the_o man_n and_o reason_n become_v a_o slave_n to_o sensuality_n when_o you_o hear_v the_o serpent_n see_v his_o sting_n and_o see_v death_n attend_v the_o forbidden_a fruit_n when_o you_o be_v rise_v look_v down_o and_o see_v how_o far_o you_o have_v to_o fall_v his_o reason_n as_o well_o as_o faith_n be_v weak_a who_o for_o such_o fool-gawds_a as_o the_o pomp_n and_o vanity_n of_o this_o world_n can_v forget_v god_n and_o his_o soul_n and_o death_n and_o judgement_n heaven_n and_o hell_n yea_o and_o deliberate_o command_v they_o to_o stand_v by_o what_o knowledge_n or_o experience_n can_v do_v good_a on_o that_o man_n who_o will_v venture_v so_o much_o for_o such_o a_o world_n which_o all_o that_o have_v ââyed_v it_o call_v vanity_n at_o the_o last_o how_o deplorate_v then_o be_v a_o worldling_n case_n o_o fear_v the_o world_n when_o it_o smile_v or_o seem_v sweet_a and_o amiable_a love_v it_o not_o if_o you_o love_v your_o god_n and_o your_o salvation_n viii_o fly_v from_o temptation_n and_o crucify_v the_o flesh_n 8.13_o rom._n 8.1.13_o gal._n 5.24_o rom._n 13.14_o gal._n 5.17_o jude_n 8.23_o 2_o pet._n 2.10_o eph._n 2.3_o 1_o pet._n 2.11_o mat._n 6.13_o &_o 26.41_o luke_n 8.13_o and_o keep_v a_o constant_a government_n over_o your_o appetite_n and_o sense_n many_o who_o have_v not_o design_v state_v vice_n of_o worldly_a interest_n have_v shameful_o fall_v by_o the_o sudden_a surprise_n of_o appetite_n or_o lust_n when_o custom_n have_v teach_v these_o to_o be_v greedy_a and_o violent_a like_o a_o hungry_a dog_n or_o a_o lust_a boar_n it_o be_v not_o a_o flâggish_a wish_n or_o purpose_n that_o will_v mortify_v or_o rule_v they_o how_o dangerous_a a_o case_n be_v that_o man_n in_o who_o have_v so_o greedy_a a_o beast_n continual_o to_o restrain_v that_o if_o he_o do_v but_o neglect_v his_o watch_n one_o hour_n be_v ready_a to_o run_v he_o headlong_o into_o hell_n who_o can_v be_v safe_a that_o stand_v