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A letter to Mr. Penn with his answer
Popple, William, d. 1708.; Penn, William, 1644-1718.
Wing P2964; ESTC R19135
the_o cause_n be_v too_o good_a to_o be_v in_o pain_n about_o it_o i_o ever_o understand_v that_o to_o be_v the_o natural_a right_n of_o all_o man_n and_o that_o he_o that_o have_v a_o religion_n without_o it_o his_o religion_n be_v one_o of_o his_o own_o for_o what_o be_v not_o the_o religion_n of_o a_o man_n choice_n be_v the_o religion_n of_o he_o that_o oppose_v it_o so_o that_o liberty_n of_o conscience_n be_v the_o first_o step_v to_o have_v a_o religion_n this_o be_v no_o new_a opinion_n with_o i_o i_o have_v write_v many_o apology_n within_o the_o last_o twenty_o year_n to_o defend_v it_o and_o that_o impartial_o yet_o i_o have_v as_o constant_o declare_v that_o bound_n ought_v to_o be_v set_v to_o this_o freedom_n and_o that_o morality_n be_v the_o best_a and_o that_o as_o often_o as_o that_o be_v violate_v under_o a_o pretence_n of_o conscience_n it_o be_v fit_v the_o civil_a power_n shall_v take_v place_n nor_o do_v i_o ever_o once_o think_v of_o promote_a any_o sort_n of_o liberty_n of_o conscience_n for_o any_o body_n which_o do_v not_o preserve_v the_o common_a protestancy_n of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o the_o ancient_a right_n of_o the_o government_n for_o to_o say_v truth_n the_o one_o can_v be_v maintain_v without_o the_o other_o upon_o the_o whole_a matter_n i_o must_v say_v i_o love_v england_n i_o ever_o do_v so_o and_o that_o i_o be_o not_o in_o her_o debt_n i_o never_o value_v time_n money_n or_o kindred_n to_o serve_v she_o and_o do_v her_o good_a no_o party_n can_v ever_o bias_n i_o to_o her_o prejudice_n nor_o any_o personal_a interest_n oblige_v i_o in_o her_o wrong_n for_o i_o always_o abhor_v discount_v private_a favour_n to_o the_o public_a cost_n will_v i_o have_v make_v my_o market_n of_o the_o fear_n and_o jealousy_n of_o people_n when_o this_o king_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n i_o have_v put_v twenty_o thousand_o pound_n in_o my_o pocket_n and_o a_o hundred_o thousand_o into_o my_o ãâã_d for_o mighty_a number_n of_o people_n be_v then_o upon_o the_o wing_n but_o i_o wave_v it_o all_o hope_v for_o better_a time_n expect_v the_o effect_n of_o the_o king_n word_n for_o liberty_n of_o conscience_n and_o happiness_n by_o it_o and_o till_o i_o see_v my_o own_o friend_n with_o the_o kingdom_n deliver_v from_o the_o legal_a bondage_n which_o penal_a law_n for_o religion_n have_v subject_v they_o to_o i_o can_v with_o no_o satisfaction_n think_v of_o leave_v england_n though_o much_o to_o my_o prejudice_n beyond_o sea_n and_o at_o my_o great_a expense_n here_o have_v in_o all_o this_o time_n never_o have_v either_o office_n or_o pension_n and_o always_o refuse_v the_o reward_n or_o gratuity_n of_o those_o i_o have_v be_v able_a to_o oblige_v if_o therefore_o a_o universal_a charity_n if_o the_o assert_v a_o impartial_a liberty_n of_o conscience_n if_o do_v to_o other_o as_o one_o will_v be_v do_v by_o and_o a_o open_a avow_n and_o steady_a practise_v of_o these_o thing_n in_o all_o time_n to_o all_o party_n will_v just_o lay_v a_o man_n under_o the_o reflection_n of_o be_v a_o jesuit_n or_o papist_n of_o any_o rank_n i_o must_v not_o only_o submit_v to_o the_o character_n but_o embrace_v it_o too_o and_o i_o care_v not_o who_o know_v that_o i_o can_v wear_v it_o with_o more_o pleasure_n than_o it_o be_v possible_a for_o they_o with_o any_o justice_n to_o give_v it_o i_o for_o these_o be_v corner_n stone_n and_o principle_n with_o i_o and_o i_o be_o scandalize_v at_o all_o building_n that_o have_v they_o not_o for_o their_o foundation_n for_o religion_n itself_o be_v a_o empty_a name_n without_o they_o a_o whited-wall_n a_o paint_a sepulchre_n no_o life_n or_o virtue_n to_o the_o soul_n no_o good_a example_n to_o one_o neighbour_n let_v we_o not_o flatter_v ourselves_o we_o can_v never_o be_v the_o better_a for_o our_o religion_n if_o our_o neighbour_n be_v the_o worse_a for_o it_o our_o fault_n be_v we_o be_v apt_a to_o be_v mighty_a hot_a upon_o speculative_a error_n and_o break_v all_o bound_n in_o our_o resentment_n but_o we_o let_v practical_a one_o pass_v without_o remark_n if_o not_o without_o repentance_n as_o if_o a_o mistake_n about_o a_o obscure_a proposition_n of_o faith_n be_v a_o great_a evil_n than_o the_o breach_n of_o a_o undoubted_a precept_n such_o a_o religion_n the_o devil_n themselves_o be_v not_o without_o for_o they_o have_v both_o faith_n and_o knowledge_n but_o their_o faith_n do_v not_o work_v by_o love_n nor_o their_o knowledge_n by_o obedience_n and_o if_o this_o be_v their_o judgement_n can_v it_o be_v our_o blessing_n let_v we_o not_o then_o think_v religion_n a_o litigious_a thing_n nor_o that_o christ_n come_v only_o to_o make_v we_o good_a disputant_n but_o that_o he_o come_v also_o to_o make_v we_o good_a liver_n sincerity_n go_v far_a than_o capacity_n it_o be_v charity_n that_o deserve_o excel_v in_o the_o christian_a religion_n and_o happy_a will_v it_o be_v if_o where_o unity_n end_v charity_n do_v begin_v instead_o of_o envy_n and_o rail_a that_o almost_o ever_o follow_v it_o appear_v to_o i_o to_o be_v the_o way_n that_o god_n have_v find_v out_o and_o appoint_v to_o moderate_v our_o difference_n and_o make_v they_o at_o least_o harmless_a to_o society_n and_o therefore_o i_o confess_v i_o dare_v not_o aggravate_v they_o to_o wrath_n and_o blood._n our_o disagreement_n lie_v in_o our_o apprehension_n or_o belief_n of_o thing_n and_o if_o the_o common_a enemy_n of_o mankind_n have_v not_o the_o govern_n of_o our_o affection_n and_o passion_n that_o disagreement_n will_v not_o prove_v such_o a_o canker_n as_o it_o be_v to_o love_n and_o peace_n in_o civil_a society_n he_o that_o suffer_v his_o difference_n with_o his_o neighbour_n about_o the_o other_o world_n to_o carry_v he_o beyond_o the_o line_n of_o moderation_n in_o this_o be_v the_o worse_a for_o his_o opinion_n even_o though_o it_o be_v true_a it_o be_v too_o little_o consider_v by_o christian_n that_o man_n may_v hold_v the_o truth_n in_o vnrighteousness_n that_o they_o may_v be_v orthodox_n and_o not_o know_v what_o spirit_n they_o be_v of_o so_o be_v the_o disciple_n of_o our_o lord_n they_o believe_v in_o he_o yet_o let_v a_o false_a zeal_n do_v violence_n to_o their_o judgement_n and_o their_o unwarrantable_a heat_n contradict_v the_o great_a end_n of_o their_o saviour_n come_v love._n man_n may_v be_v angry_a for_o god_n sake_n and_o kill_v people_n too_o christ_n say_v it_o and_o too_o many_o have_v practise_v it_o but_o what_o sort_n of_o christian_n must_v they_o be_v i_o pray_v that_o can_v hate_v in_o his_o name_n who_o bid_v we_o love_n and_o kill_v for_o his_o sake_n that_o forbid_v kill_v and_o command_v love_n even_o to_o enemy_n let_v not_o man_n or_o party_n think_v to_o shift_v it_o off_o from_o themselves_o it_o be_v not_o this_o principle_n or_o that_o form_n to_o which_o so_o great_a a_o defection_n be_v owe_v but_o a_o degeneracy_n of_o mind_n from_o god_n christianity_n be_v not_o at_o heart_n no_o fear_n of_o god_n in_o the_o inward_a part_n no_o awe_n of_o his_o divine_a omnipresence_n self_n prevail_v and_o break_v out_o more_o or_o less_o through_o all_o form_n but_o too_o plain_o pride_n wrath_n lust_n avarice_n so_o that_o though_o people_n say_v to_o god_n thy_o will_v be_v do_v they_o do_v their_o own_o which_o show_v they_o to_o be_v true_a heathen_n under_o a_o mask_n of_o christianity_n that_o believe_v without_o work_n and_o repent_v without_o forsake_v busy_a for_o form_n and_o the_o temporal_a benefit_n of_o they_o while_o true_a religion_n which_o be_v to_o visit_v the_o fatherless_a and_o the_o widow_n and_o to_o keep_v ourselves_o unspotted_a from_o the_o world_n go_v barefoot_a and_o like_o lazarus_n be_v despise_v yet_o this_o be_v the_o definition_n the_o holy_a ghost_n give_v of_o religion_n before_o synod_n and_o council_n have_v the_o meddle_v with_o it_o and_o model_v of_o it_o in_o those_o day_n bowel_n be_v a_o good_a part_n of_o religion_n and_o that_o to_o the_o fatherless_a and_o widow_n at_o large_a we_o can_v hardly_o now_o extend_v they_o to_o those_o of_o our_o own_o way_n it_o be_v say_v by_o he_o that_o can_v not_o say_v amiss_o because_o iniquity_n abound_v the_o love_n of_o many_o wax_v old_a whatsoever_o divide_v man_n heart_n from_o god_n separate_v it_o from_o his_o neighbour_n and_o he_o that_o love_v self_n more_o than_o god_n can_v never_o love_v his_o neighbour_n as_o himself_o for_o as_o the_o apostle_n say_v if_o we_o do_v not_o love_v he_o who_o we_o see_v how_o can_v we_o love_v god_n who_o we_o have_v not_o see_v o_o that_o we_o can_v see_v some_o man_n as_o eager_a to_o turn_v people_n to_o god_n as_o they_o be_v to_o blow_v they_o up_o and_o set_v they_o one_o against_o another_o