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love_n love_v neighbour_n self_n 2,652 5 9.4322 5 false
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A18436 Charity enlarged: or The abridgement of the morall law Delivered by way of sermon, and preached for the maine substance thereof in a publicke assembly, on a lecture day, Dec. 4. Ao. Dom. 1634. and now published according to the authors review, with some new additions, for the farther instruction of the ignorant, satisfaction of the ingenuous, conviction of the uncharitable, and benefit of all sorts of people. By a serious welwisher to the peace of Ierusalem. Serious welwisher to the peace of Jerusalem. 1636 (1636) STC 5004; ESTC S119118 61,426 212

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charity_n enlarge_v or_o the_o abridgement_n of_o the_o moral_a law_n deliver_v by_o way_n of_o sermon_n and_o preach_v for_o the_o main_a substance_n thereof_o in_o a_o public_a assembly_n on_o a_o lecture_n day_n dec._n 4._o ao._n dom._n 1634._o and_o now_o publish_v according_a to_o the_o author_n review_v with_o some_o new_a addition_n for_o the_o far_a instruction_n of_o the_o ignorant_a satisfaction_n of_o the_o ingenuous_a conviction_n of_o the_o uncharitable_a and_o benefit_n of_o all_o sort_n of_o people_n by_o a_o serious_a wellwisher_n to_o the_o peace_n of_o jerusalem_n i_o be_o small_a and_o despise_v yet_o have_v i_o not_o forget_v thy_o law_n psal_n 119.141_o damnatus_fw-la alijs_fw-la ipse_fw-la neminem_fw-la damno_fw-la h._n gr._n damus_fw-la dei_fw-la credendo_fw-la fundatur_fw-la sperando_fw-la erigitur_fw-la diligendo_fw-la perficitur_fw-la aug._n serm._n 20._o de_fw-fr verb._n apost_n london_n print_v by_o t._n c._n for_o t._n a._n and_o be_v to_o be_v sell_v at_o the_o greene-dragon_n in_o paul_n churchyard_n perlegi_fw-la tractatum_fw-la hunc_fw-la cvi_fw-la titulus_fw-la charity_n enlarge_v etc._n etc._n in_o quo_fw-la nihil_fw-la reperio_fw-la sanae_fw-la fidei_fw-la aut_fw-la bonis_fw-la moribus_fw-la contrarium_fw-la tho._n week_n r.p._n epi._n lond._n cap._n dome_v charity_n enlarge_v rom_n 13._o ver_fw-la 10._o the_o latter_a part_n of_o the_o verse_n therefore_o love_n be_v the_o fulfil_n of_o the_o law_n concern_v which_o word_n i_o shall_v deceive_v your_o expectation_n if_o you_o look_v for_o any_o artificial_a connexion_n or_o division_n or_o deduction_n to_o be_v propose_v unto_o you_o for_o the_o first_o know_v that_o love_n itself_o be_v copulative_a and_o unite_v all_o good_a duty_n in_o this_o chapter_n it_o be_v well_o conjoin_v to_o obedience_n unto_o magistrate_n whether_o ecclesiastical_a or_o civil_a for_o they_o may_v well_o give_v fear_n to_o who_o fear_n be_v necessary_a but_o they_o will_v never_o give_v true_a honour_n to_o who_o honour_n be_v due_a who_o give_v not_o love_v to_o who_o love_n belong_v dominio_fw-la belong_v hierom._n epist_n ad_fw-la dominio_fw-la horum_fw-la enim_fw-la potentiae_fw-la non_fw-la parcunt_fw-la sed_fw-la cedunt_fw-la for_o they_o do_v not_o spare_v jude_n 8._o to_o speak_v evil_a of_o dignity_n at_o least_o in_o the_o dialect_n of_o their_o thought_n in_o the_o conventicle_n of_o their_o heart_n where_o their_o rebellious_a imagination_n assemble_v together_o against_o the_o lord_n and_o his_o anointed_n say_v let_v we_o psal_n 2.3_o break_v their_o band_n etc._n etc._n of_o fear_n as_o we_o have_v break_v those_o of_o love_n it_o be_v only_o the_o consciousness_n of_o their_o own_o weakness_n to_o resist_v authority_n 20._o authority_n they_o spare_v not_o so_o much_o other_o as_o themselves_o as_o apollinaris_n reply_v to_o his_o emperor_n desire_v to_o be_v spare_v in_o a_o satire_n which_o he_o wa●_n compose_v quod_fw-la ab_fw-la illici_fw-la this_fw-mi tempero_fw-la mihi_fw-la parco_fw-la but_o solomon_n inhibit_v even_o disloyal_a thought_n eccle._n 10._o ver_fw-la 20._o which_o make_v they_o not_o for_o conscience_n but_o necessity_n sake_n to_o yield_v subjection_n agricolae_fw-la subjection_n metus_fw-la &_o terror_fw-la infirma_fw-la vincula_fw-la charitatis_fw-la sunt_fw-la quae_fw-la ubi_fw-la removeris_fw-la quitimere_fw-la desierent_fw-la odisse_fw-la incipient_fw-la tacit._n in_o vita_fw-la julij_fw-la agricolae_fw-la hence_o as_o their_o fear_n ebb_v their_o malice_n flow_v as_o the_o one_o be_v abate_v the_o other_o be_v increase_v even_o as_o when_o one_o bucket_n come_v up_o another_o go_v down_o again_o love_n admit_v of_o no_o division_n from_o the_o law_n nor_o the_o law_n of_o any_o separation_n from_o love_n 301._o love_n amor_fw-la est_fw-la affectus_fw-la umonis_fw-la scal._n exc._n 301._o love_n hate_v partition_n it_o be_v the_o grace_n which_o make_v brethren_n live_v together_o 133.1_o together_o psal_n 133.1_o in_o uno_fw-la in_o one_o or_o in_o unitate_fw-la in_o unity_n itself_o in_o the_o abstract_n and_o if_o it_o separate_v their_o habitation_n as_o in_o the_o case_n of_o abraham_n and_o lot_n yet_o it_o unite_v their_o heart_n more_o and_o more_o so_o that_o when_o they_o be_v far_a asunder_o than_o they_o be_v near_o together_o nobis_fw-la together_o so_o the_o epigrammatist_n say_v of_o his_o ill_a neighbour_n l._n 1._o epig._n 87._o nemo_fw-la tam_fw-la prope_fw-la tam_fw-la proculve_fw-la nobis_fw-la whereas_o malicious_a cohabitant_n though_o enclose_v within_o the_o same_o wall_n be_v most_o distant_a the_o one_o from_o the_o other_o last_o the_o text_n itself_o be_v a_o doctrinal_a conclusion_n and_o imply_v no_o other_o proposition_n but_o its_o own_o premise_n in_o which_o be_v virtual_o contain_v all_o the_o doctrine_n of_o practical_a piety_n this_o be_v the_o abrogation_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a and_o the_o abridgement_n of_o the_o moral_a law_n for_o love_n be_v that_o verbum_fw-la abbreviatum_fw-la quod_fw-la faciet_fw-la dominus_fw-la super_fw-la terram_fw-la in_o saint_n hieromes_n 10._o hieromes_n in_o isa_n c_o 10._o exposition_n sc_n the_o tedious_a ceremony_n of_o the_o law_n be_v gather_v into_o the_o precept_n of_o love_n as_o into_o a_o short_a sum_n with_o righteousness_n and_o the_o 9.28_o the_o rom._n 9.28_o whole_a moral_a law_n too_o as_o the_o apostle_n phrase_v it_o in_o the_o verse_n before_o my_o text_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d be_v recapitulate_v or_o brief_o comprehend_v in_o love_n and_o fulfil_v by_o love_n in_o the_o text_n so_o that_o if_o you_o be_v of_o the_o same_o mind_n concern_v this_o precept_n of_o which_o 18._o which_o socrat._v eccl._n hist_n l._n 4._o c._n 18._o pambo_n be_v in_o respect_n of_o david_n resolve_n psal_n 39_o sc_n not_o to_o take_v any_o new_a lesson_n of_o instruction_n out_o of_o god_n word_n until_o you_o have_v learn_v this_o perfect_o not_o only_o at_o your_o tongue_n end_n to_o talk_v of_o it_o but_o at_o your_o finger_n end_n to_o practice_v it_o ●eart_n quid_fw-la enim_fw-la ●erba_fw-la audio_fw-la fa●a_fw-la cum_fw-la videam_fw-la ●ug_n sc_fw-la con●aria_fw-la verbis_fw-la ●oo_o many_o be_v ●ke_v the_o soul●iers_n in_o ta●t_n l._n ●_o hist_o pa._n 19_o lingua_fw-la ●roris_fw-la ignavi_fw-la ●heir_a charity_n ●ke_v a_o limon_n be_v ●ot_n in_o the_o rind_n ●n_o the_o outside_n ●ut_v cold_a with●n_n or_o at_o the_o ●eart_n you_o shall_v not_o only_o with_o he_o spend_v nineteen_o year_n but_o your_o whole_a life_n to_o the_o long_a day_n in_o the_o study_n of_o this_o one_o word_n love_n there_o be_v a_o useful_a story_n and_o not_o improbable_a in_o the_o 6._o the_o in_o galat._n c._n 6._o comment_n ascribe_v unto_o saint_n hierome_n in_o which_o it_o be_v relate_v that_o when_o saint_n john_n by_o reason_n of_o old_a age_n be_v not_o able_a to_o make_v any_o long_a discourse_n unto_o his_o disciple_n he_o will_v oft_o repeat_v that_o precept_n of_o love_n which_o be_v in_o effect_n the_o sum_n of_o his_o three_o epistle_n my_o little_a child_n love_v one_o another_o and_o when_o some_o of_o his_o scholar_n desirous_a of_o new_a matter_n demand_v a_o reason_n why_o he_o so_o oft_o inculcate_v the_o same_o thing_n into_o their_o mind_n he_o answer_v quia_fw-la preceptum_fw-la domini_fw-la est_fw-la &_o si_fw-la solum_fw-la fiat_fw-la sufficit_fw-la because_o it_o be_v christ_n commandment_n and_o if_o it_o alone_o be_v perform_v it_o be_v enough_o so_o saint_n paul_n also_o witness_v say_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d love_n be_v the_o fulfil_n of_o the_o law_n in_o the_o prosecution_n of_o which_o word_n i_o shall_v be_v conduct_v by_o this_o method_n 1._o you_o shall_v hear_v the_o explication_n of_o the_o term_n several_o that_o you_o may_v learn_v what_o be_v understand_v by_o love_n or_o law_n or_o the_o fulfil_n of_o the_o law_n 2._o i_o shall_v confirm_v or_o illustrate_v the_o conclusion_n with_o a_o few_o testimony_n out_o of_o the_o scripture_n and_o father_n 3._o i_o shall_v distinct_o declare_v unto_o you_o the_o several_a way_n and_o respect_n according_a to_o which_o love_n fulfil_v the_o law_n 4._o and_o last_o i_o shall_v apply_v to_o practice_v what_o i_o have_v consider_v in_o speculation_n 1._o what_o love_n be_v learn_v from_o saint_n aug._n the_o doct_n christ_n l._n 3._o c._n 10._o charitatem_fw-la voco_fw-la motum_fw-la animi_fw-la ad_fw-la fruendum_fw-la deo_fw-la propter_fw-la ipsum_fw-la &_o se_fw-la atque_fw-la proximo_fw-la propter_fw-la deum_fw-la i_o call_v charity_n a_o motion_n or_o move_v of_o the_o mind_n be_v what_o love_n be_v to_o enjoy_v god_n for_o his_o own_o sake_n a_o man_n self_n and_o his_o neighbour_n for_o god_n sake_n and_o so_o consequent_o to_o procure_v all_o good_a to_o god_n and_o man_n as_o to_o god_n the_o manifestation_n of_o his_o glory_n to_o man_n the_o participation_n of_o divine_a goodness_n and_o thus_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d here_o comprehend_v both_o the_o love_n of_o god_n and_o of_o man_n and_o semblable_o this_o term_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d comprise_v both_o the_o table_n
of_o the_o moral_a law_n guill●stius_fw-la d._n pareus_n an._n willet_n guill●stius_fw-la although_o in_o the_o 8._o verse_n and_o else_o where_o it_o imply_v only_o the_o second_o table_n so_o that_o by_o the_o judgement_n of_o learned_a expositor_n saint_n paul_n logic_n run_v thus_o if_o the_o love_n of_o our_o neighbour_n as_o i_o have_v prove_v verse_n the_o 8._o and_o 9_o fulfil_v the_o law_n in_o respect_n of_o those_o duty_n which_o concern_v our_o neighbour_n then_o love_v in_o its_o full_a extension_n as_o it_o tend_v to_o its_o universal_a object_n i._n e._n both_o god_n and_o all_o good_a man_n do_v fulfil_v the_o whole_a law_n love_v law_n charitas_fw-la nunquam_fw-la otiosa_fw-la est_fw-la semper_fw-la in_o alterum_fw-la se_fw-la porrigit_fw-la vel_fw-la in_o proximum_fw-la vel_fw-la in_o deum_fw-la natura_fw-la enim_fw-la chaeritatis_fw-la est_fw-la &_o amare_fw-la velle_fw-la &_o velle_fw-la amari_fw-la cassiodo_fw-la tract_n de_fw-fr ami_fw-fr well_o then_o do_v s._n aug._n call_v charity_n a_o motion_n because_o it_o never_o be_v at_o a_o stand_n she_o stretch_v forth_o her_o arm_n continual_o to_o embrace_v god_n or_o her_o neighbour_n and_o put_v forth_o her_o hand_n to_o do_v what_o good_a she_o can_v to_o both_o her_o restless_a desire_n be_v to_o love_v and_o to_o be_v love_v for_o love_n be_v a_o like_a dispose_v to_o fulfil_v the_o precept_n of_o both_o table_n as_o of_o either_o est_fw-la either_o fides_n non_fw-la eligit_fw-la objectum_fw-la secundùm_fw-la theologos_fw-la sed_fw-la omnibus_fw-la revelatis_fw-la sine_fw-la exceptione_n crediti_fw-la ●ta_fw-la charitas_fw-la non_fw-la eligit_fw-la praeceptii_fw-la quodexequatur_fw-la ad_fw-la omne_fw-la &_o singula_fw-la parata_fw-la est_fw-la cum_fw-la la_fw-fr lio_o apud_fw-la lucan_n l_o clamat_fw-la se_fw-la domino_fw-la &_o imperatori_fw-la svo_fw-la alacriler_n devovens_fw-la jussa_fw-la sequi_fw-la tam_fw-la vella_fw-la mihi_fw-la quam_fw-la posse_fw-la necesse_fw-la est_fw-la yea_o saint_n john_n show_v that_o we_o can_v keep_v the_o one_o table_n and_o break_v the_o other_o we_o can_v love_v our_o god_n and_o hate_v our_o brethren_n which_o be_v make_v after_o the_o image_n of_o god_n he_o who_o love_v the_o father_n love_v the_o child_n though_o full_a of_o imperfection_n for_o the_o father_n sake_n as_o david_n show_v favour_n to_o lame_a mephibosheth_n for_o the_o memory_n of_o his_o jonathan_n muchlesse_a can_v we_o true_o love_v our_o brethren_n and_o hate_v our_o god_n do_v any_o man_n delight_n to_o behold_v the_o picture_n of_o his_o mortal_a enemy_n if_o any_o man_n then_o say_v he_o love_n god_n and_o hate_v his_o brother_n he_o be_v a_o liar_n 1_o joh._n 4.20_o loe_o what_o a_o liar_n be_v he_o that_o protest_v he_o love_v his_o brother_n and_o yet_o hate_v god_n for_o the_o love_n of_o man_n be_v include_v in_o the_o love_n of_o god_n as_o the_o effect_n in_o the_o cause_n inteligenter_n cause_n luke_n 10.27_o toto_fw-la cord_n i._n e._n veer_fw-mi tota_fw-la anime_fw-mi i._n e._n affect_v bu●_n cunctis_fw-la totis_fw-la viribus_fw-la i_o e_fw-la effective_a tota_fw-la ment_fw-la i._n e._n inteligenter_n so_o that_o love_n be_v the_o fulfil_n of_o the_o first_o table_n direct_o and_o immediate_o of_o the_o second_o mediate_o and_o consequent_o as_o shall_v in_o its_o place_n be_v evidence_v unto_o you_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n if_o any_o one_o have_v some_o competent_a knowledge_n of_o god_n desire_v more_o full_o to_o understand_v how_o he_o be_v to_o be_v love_v let_v he_o meditate_v upon_o deutero_fw-la 6.5_o then_o if_o he_o ask_v who_o be_v his_o neighbour_n neighbour_n who_o be_v our_o neighbour_n and_o how_o he_o be_v to_o be_v love_v he_o need_v not_o go_v far_o for_o instruction_n he_o who_o our_o apostle_n call_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d proximum_fw-la one_o that_o be_v near_o unto_o thou_o thy_o neighbour_n in_o my_o text_n and_o in_o the_o precedent_a verse_n he_o call_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d verse_n 8._o another_o any_o other_o beside_o thyself_o whether_o near_o to_o thou_o or_o a_o far_o off_o whether_o friend_n or_o adversary_n whether_o familiar_a or_o stranger_n whether_o of_o thy_o kindred_n or_o alliance_n or_o neither_o whether_o believer_n or_o unbeliever_n in_o a_o word_n any_o one_o whosoever_o that_o in_o any_o respect_n whatsoever_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o thy_o charitable_a deed_n or_o prayer_n or_o that_o show_v any_o kind_n of_o charity_n unto_o thou_o god_n only_o except_v as_o 28._o as_o be_v est_fw-la proximus_fw-la cvi_fw-la vel_fw-la exhibendum_fw-la est_fw-la officium_fw-la misericordiae_fw-la si_fw-la indigit_fw-la vel_fw-la exhibendum_fw-la soret_fw-la si_fw-la indigeret_fw-la ex_fw-la quo_fw-la iam_fw-la consequens_fw-la ut_fw-la etiam_fw-la ille_fw-la aquo_fw-la nobis_fw-la hoc_fw-la vissim_fw-la exhibendum_fw-la est_fw-la quod_fw-la ad_fw-la angelos_n etiam_fw-la pertinet_fw-la proximus_fw-la sit_fw-la noster_fw-la proximus_fw-la enim_fw-la est_fw-la nomen_fw-la ad●_n aliquid_fw-la nec_fw-la quisquam_fw-la esse_fw-la proximus_fw-la nisi_fw-la proximo_fw-la potest_fw-la aug._n de_fw-fr doct_n christ_n l_o 1._o c._n 30_o &_o ex_fw-la eo_fw-la lomb._n l._n 3._o send_v do_v 28._o saint_n august_n and_o lombard_n observe_v so_o our_o saviour_n plain_o inform_v we_o by_o the_o parable_n of_o the_o wound_a traveller_n luke_n 10._o 20._o 10._o august_n de_fw-fr doct_n christ._n l._n 1_o ●a●_n 20._o which_o may_v also_o be_v gather_v by_o a_o evident_a argumentation_n from_o the_o precept_n which_o appertain_v to_o the_o love_n of_o our_o neighbour_n some_o of_o which_o our_o apostle_n reckon_v up_o verse_n 9_o operatur_fw-la 9_o manifestum_fw-la est_fw-la omnem_fw-la hominem_fw-la esse_fw-la proximum_fw-la deputandum_fw-la quia_fw-la erga_fw-la neminem_fw-la operandum_fw-la est_fw-la malum_fw-la dilectio_fw-la enim_fw-la proximi_fw-la malum_fw-la non_fw-la operatur_fw-la if_o there_o be_v any_o man_n that_o be_v not_o our_o neighbour_n in_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o law_n he_o shall_v not_o offend_v against_o the_o law_n of_o charity_n comprehend_v in_o the_o second_o table_n who_o shall_v rob_v such_o a_o man_n of_o his_o good_n or_o good_a name_n yea_o or_o spoil_v he_o of_o his_o very_a life_n 13.10_o rom._n 13.10_o and_o so_o there_o may_v be_v do_v as_o much_o and_o more_o by_o law_n as_o israel_n do_v to_o the_o egyptian_n by_o divine_a dispensation_n sinner_n charity_n towards_o sinner_n a_o point_n which_o some_o man_n uncharitableness_n may_v perhaps_o admit_v account_v any_o gain_n of_o wealth_n or_o esteem_n from_o all_o those_o who_o they_o judge_v as_o heathen_n and_o publican_n to_o be_v no_o less_o godliness_n to_o they_o than_o usury_n be_v to_o the_o jew_n from_o a_o cananite_n but_o the_o conscience_n of_o charity_n be_v not_o so_o large_a her_o extension_n be_v in_o good_a affection_n towards_o all_o a_o man_n of_o right_a charity_n will_v draw_v near_o in_o love_n and_o affection_n to_o those_o who_o be_v a_o far_o off_o from_o he_o in_o kindred_n or_o habitation_n although_o those_o who_o be_v near_o to_o he_o by_o consanguinity_n or_o place_n be_v a_o far_o off_o from_o he_o in_o their_o heart_n yea_o he_o be_v near_o unto_o they_o in_o his_o private_a devotion_n and_o in_o his_o good_a wish_n who_o be_v a_o far_o off_o from_o he_o in_o religion_n or_o goodness_n which_o be_v the_o very_a object_n of_o love_n but_o charity_n can_v suppose_v a_o object_n when_o she_o want_v one_o and_o supply_v that_o by_o desire_n which_o be_v not_o in_o reality_n and_o affect_v that_o in_o possibility_n which_o be_v not_o in_o act_n existent_a 1._o she_o can_v hide_v the_o lesser_a error_n or_o sin_n of_o our_o brethren_n 2._o she_o can_v excuse_v they_o with_o peter_n act._n 3.17.3_o when_o they_o be_v so_o gross_a that_o no_o excuse_n can_v extenuate_v they_o ult_n they_o yea_o suppose_v we_o may_v know_v that_o one_o have_v commit_v the_o sin_n against_o the_o holy_a ghost_n charity_n can_v be_v sorry_a for_o such_o a_o man_n si_fw-mi non_fw-la propter_fw-la hominem_fw-la tamen_fw-la propter_fw-la humanitatem_fw-la although_o she_o be_v not_o permit_v to_o pray_v for_o he_o 1._o joh._n 5.16_o she_o be_v sorry_a he_o commit_v such_o a_o offence_n which_o may_v not_o be_v pray_v for_o even_o as_o we_o cut_v not_o of_o rot_a member_n whilst_o there_o be_v any_o h●_n of_o recovery_n and_o when_o they_o must_v be_v cut_v off_o we_o part_v from_o they_o with_o grief_n of_o heart_n and_o wish_v we_o may_v have_v keep_v they_o so_o samuel_n also_o mourn_v for_o saul_n forsake_v of_o god_n 1_o sam_n 15_o ult_n she_o will_v not_o cease_v to_o pray_v or_o hope_n for_o amendment_n say_v with_o samuel_n 1_o sam._n 12.23_o as_o for_o i_o god_n forbid_v that_o i_o shall_v sin_v against_o the_o lord_n in_o cease_v to_o pray_v for_o you_o and_o charity_n as_o she_o desire_v so_o she_o hope_v all_o thing_n 1._o cor._n 13.7_o so_o far_o be_v she_o from_o wish_v or_o curse_v any_o into_o the_o bottomless_a pit_n that_o she_o can_v say_v with_o s._n paul_n 1_o
ib._n sci_fw-la 19_o call_v before_o alien_n from_o the_o common_a wealth_n of_o israel_n v._o 12._o 6.10_o 12._o estius_n in_o loc_fw-la galat._n 6.10_o praecipitur_fw-la ordo_fw-la charitatis_fw-la secundùm_fw-la quem_fw-la caeteris_fw-la paribus_fw-la fideles_fw-la infidelibus_fw-la sunt_fw-la praeferendi_fw-la additantem_fw-la etc._n etc._n want_n etc._n otherwise_o a_o infidel_n or_o wicked_a man_n in_o extreme_a necessity_n as_o to_o be_v relieve_v by_o our_o charity_n before_o one_o of_o the_o household_n of_o faith_n in_o ordinary_a want_n this_o be_v s._n paul_n order_n in_o charity_n in_o case_n alike_o to_o prefer_v the_o faithful_a especial_o the_o minister_n which_o be_v the_o instrument_n to_o beget_v faith_n by_o the_o word_n towards_o who_o he_o excite_v the_o galatian_n charity_n v._o 6._o before_o those_o that_o be_v not_o of_o christian_a faith_n or_o life_n to_o all_o s._n peter_n also_o allow_v some_o degree_n of_o charity_n which_o he_o call_v love_n to_o the_o faithful_a a_o great_a measure_n of_o affection_n 1.7_o 2_o pat._n 1.7_o which_o he_o call_v brotherly_a kindness_n and_o our_o saviour_n so_o far_o prefer_v this_o spiritual_a brotherhood_n or_o kindness_n before_o the_o natural_a that_o he_o seem_v not_o to_o acknowledge_v this_o with_o the_o other_o 12.49_o other_o matth._n 12.49_o lest_o it_o shall_v but_o seem_v to_o stand_v in_o competition_n with_o it_o object_n no_o parity_n of_o love_n in_o imparity_n of_o object_n but_o even_o in_o this_o household_n of_o faith_n also_o christ_n own_o example_n confute_v a_o parity_n in_o love_n of_o which_o i_o may_v say_v as_o i_o think_v of_o the_o presbyterian_a parity_n what_o etc._n what_o epist_n 5._o lib_n 9_o discrimina_fw-la ordinum_fw-la dignitatumque_fw-la custodias_fw-la quae_fw-la si_fw-la permista_fw-la sint_fw-la nihil_fw-la est_fw-la etc._n etc._n pliny_n in_o a_o case_n not_o unlik_a once_o write_v nihil_fw-la est_fw-la hâc_fw-la aequalitate_fw-la in_o aequalius_fw-la nothing_o be_v more_o unequal_a than_o such_o equality_n affection_n may_v put_v difference_n for_o aught_o i_o know_v to_o the_o contrary_a without_o any_o injustice_n &_o diversity_n of_o merit_n do_v give_v just_a cause_n of_o diversity_n of_o degree_n in_o charity_n christ_n himself_o have_v one_o disciple_n belove_v 21.20_o belove_v joh._n 13.23_o c._n 18.15_o c._n 20.22_o c._n 21.20_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o that_o be_v s._n john_n who_o name_v not_o himself_o arrogancy_n himself_o nomen_fw-la suum_fw-la celavit_fw-la johannes_n ne_fw-la inanis_fw-la gloriae_fw-la causâ_fw-la diligi_fw-la se_fw-la a_o christo_fw-la dicere_fw-la videretur_fw-la cyril_n alex._n in_o joh._n l._n 9_o cap._n 15._o s._n chrys_n also_o observe_v upon_o joh._n 18.15_o &_o 20.3_o that_o the_o evangelist_n not_o only_o conceal_v his_o name_n in_o both_o place_n but_o also_o put_v peter_n name_n before_o the_o periphrasis_n of_o himself_o because_o he_o relate_v in_o each_o place_n the_o matter_n of_o his_o own_o praise_n in_o follow_v of_o our_o saviour_n with_o peter_n to_o the_o judgement_n hell_n when_o all_o other_o have_v forsake_v he_o and_o in_o seek_v his_o master_n in_o the_o grave_n and_o not_o find_v he_o there_o the_o text_n say_v he_o believe_v v._o 8._o he_o first_o have_v faith_n in_o the_o resurrection_n of_o christ_n even_o before_o peter_n himself_o now_o solomon_n will_v not_o have_v a_o man_n commend_v himself_o prov._n 27.2_o and_o pliny_n say_v excellent_o lib._n 8._o epist_n 8._o quod_fw-la magnifi●um_fw-la referente_fw-la alio_fw-la fuisset_fw-la ipso_fw-la qui_fw-la gesserat_fw-la recensente_n vanescit_fw-la this_o serve_v well_o for_o our_o instruction_n against_o vain_a glory_n yet_o sometime_o for_o the_o illustration_n of_o god_n glory_n the_o ●en_n man_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n as_o moses_n paul_n etc._n etc._n have_v commend_v themselves_o without_o arrogancy_n lest_o he_o shall_v seem_v out_o of_o vain_a glory_n to_o boast_v of_o his_o master_n affection_n to_o he_o or_o of_o his_o affection_n to_o his_o master_n much_o less_o can_v there_o be_v any_o equality_n in_o our_o love_n to_o all_o man_n distributive_o take_v we_o love_v ourselves_o and_o every_o part_n of_o ourselves_o but_o we_o love_v not_o every_o part_n superior_a and_o inferior_a noble_a and_o servile_a alike_o but_o 12.25_o but_o 1_o cor_n 12.25_o our_o more_o abundant_a honour_n show_v our_o more_o abundant_a love_n to_o one_o before_o the_o other_o and_o we_o must_v love_v our_o neighbour_n only_o as_o ourselves_o not_o otherwise_o not_o more_o yea_o as_o much_o as_o ourselves_o this_o sicut_fw-la as_o be_v a_o note_n of_o similitude_n not_o of_o equality_n it_o be_v like_a as_o as_o true_o as_o sincere_o not_o altogether_o as_o i._n e._n in_o the_o same_o ardency_n of_o affection_n similitude_n arise_v from_o quality_n not_o from_o quantity_n the_o same_o disposition_n of_o mind_n be_v require_v not_o the_o same_o measure_n of_o love_n our_o love_n to_o our_o neighbour_n must_v be_v copy_v out_o of_o our_o love_n to_o ourselves_o as_o its_o original_n but_o it_o must_v be_v write_v in_o a_o small_a print_n though_o it_o contain_v the_o same_o matter_n which_o consist_v in_o these_o follow_a rule_n our_o love_n to_o ourselves_o be_v true_a and_o unfeigned_a for_o it_o be_v natural_a and_o all_o hypocrisy_n be_v artificial_a let_v love_n to_o our_o neighbour_n also_o be_v without_o dissimulation_n rom._n 12.9_o go_v not_o in_o with_o dissembler_n 26.4_o dissembler_n psal_n 26.4_o as_o it_o be_v to_o visit_v thy_o neighbour_n in_o love_n say_v with_o joab_n to_o amasa_n be_v thou_o in_o health_n my_o brother_n stab_n brother_n ita_fw-la qua_fw-la tegitur_fw-la nocet_fw-la professa_fw-la perdunt_fw-la odia_fw-la vindictae_fw-la locum_fw-la sen._n in_o trage_v medeae_n hence_o be_v learn_v that_o hellish_a policy_n of_o the_o italian_a in_o guiccardine_n who_o devise_v how_o to_o kill_v his_o enemy_n body_n and_o soul_n with_o one_o stab_n to_o betray_v he_o with_o thy_o malicious_a heart_n according_a to_o that_o of_o solomon_n prov._n 26.24_o imitate_v not_o the_o sleight_n of_o man_n and_o cunning_a craftiness_n whereby_o they_o lie_v in_o wait_n to_o deceive_v ephe._n 4.14_o but_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d speak_v or_o follow_v the_o truth_n 3.18_o joh._n 3.18_o or_o be_v sincere_a in_o love_n let_v we_o grow_v up_o in_o all_o thing_n which_o follow_v true_a charity_n into_o he_o which_o be_v the_o head_n even_o christ_n 2._o we_o love_v ourselves_o with_o inflame_v and_o vehement_a affection_n let_v we_o also_o above_o all_o thing_n have_v fervent_a charity_n among_o ourselves_o 1_o pet._n 4.8_o cold_a charity_n be_v as_o great_a a_o solecism_n in_o morality_n as_o cold_a fire_n in_o nature_n 3._o our_o love_n to_o ourselves_o be_v a_o diligent_a and_o careful_a love_n which_o cause_v every_o man_n to_o nourish_v and_o cherish_v his_o own_o flesh_n ephe._n 5.29_o think_v it_o not_o enough_o to_o abstain_v from_o do_v any_o injury_n or_o violence_n unto_o it_o and_o when_o any_o inevitable_a mischief_n fall_v out_o he_o labour_v for_o remedy_n with_o tear_n of_o sorrow_n and_o if_o he_o obtain_v it_o he_o rejoice_v go_v then_o and_o do_v likewise_o to_o thy_o neighbour_n even_o as_o thou_o desire_v thy_o neighbour_n shall_v do_v unto_o thou_o matth._n 7.12_o be_v you_o all_o of_o one_o mind_n have_v compassion_n one_o of_o another_o love_n as_o brethren_n be_v pitiful_a be_v courteous_a 1_o pet._n 3.8_o consider_v one_o another_o to_o provok_v unto_o 10.24_o unto_o heb._n 10.24_o love_n mutual_a and_o to_o good_a work_n the_o effect_n of_o true_a charity_n and_o her_o strong_a testimony_n 17._o testimony_n greg._n m._n in_o ezech._n lib._n 2_o hom._n 17._o amorem_fw-la nostrum_fw-la erga_fw-la proximum_fw-la plus_fw-la bona_fw-la operatio_fw-la loquor_fw-la quam_fw-la lingua_fw-la our_o charity_n be_v better_a understand_v by_o the_o language_n of_o our_o hand_n than_o tongue_n if_o she_o be_v speechless_a in_o deed_n we_o may_v toll_v the_o bell_n for_o she_o she_o be_v die_v and_o faith_n be_v depart_v with_o she_o for_o faith_n without_o work_n be_v dead_a jam._n 2.26_o and_o faith_n work_v by_o love_n gal._n 5.6_o such_o work_v you_o may_v find_v in_o the_o next_o chapter_n vers_fw-la 2._o they_o be_v of_o mutual_a compassion_n and_o assistance_n so_o love_n fulfil_v the_o royal_a law_n the_o law_n of_o christ_n see_v a_o catalogue_n of_o charity_n good_a work_n 1_o cor._n 13._o it_o be_v the_o least_o virtue_n she_o have_v to_o think_v no_o hurt_n 1_o cor._n 13.5_o and_o to_o work_v no_o ill_a rom._n 13.10_o or_o it_o be_v a_o figurative_a commendation_n intimate_v that_o she_o endeavour_v in_o all_o thing_n to_o procure_v her_o neighbour_n welfare_n and_o if_o any_o unexcepted_a ill_n be_v happen_v unto_o he_o her_o heart_n wish_n her_o tongue_n pray_v her_o hand_n labour_v for_o help_v for_o the_o want_n whereof_o she_o can_v mourn_v in_o secret_a for_o the_o good_a success_n with_o she_o in_o the_o 15.9_o the_o luk._n 15.9_o
gospel_n she_o call_v her_o neighbour_n together_o and_o rejoice_v without_o the_o bound_n of_o a_o private_a breast_n 4._o our_o love_n to_o ourselves_o be_v free_a not_o mercenary_a it_o be_v only_o for_o our_o own_o sake_n not_o for_o any_o collateral_a respect_n whatsoever_o so_o love_v thy_o neighbour_n for_o his_o own_o sake_n for_o his_o benefit_n not_o thou_o such_o sordid_a affection_n be_v but_o like_a birdlime_n cleave_v to_o thy_o neighbour_n to_o ensnare_v he_o to_o thy_o own_o will_n or_o like_o ivy_n which_o by_o twyne_a about_o the_o tree_n draw_v out_o the_o vital_a moisture_n this_o be_v to_o love_v thyself_o in_o thy_o neighbour_n not_o to_o love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o this_o be_v the_o usual_a charity_n of_o the_o world_n but_o it_o be_v enmity_n to_o god_n 5._o our_o love_n to_o ourselves_o which_o be_v the_o pattern_n of_o our_o love_n to_o our_o neighbour_n be_v a_o pure_a natural_a lawful_a love_n not_o that_o a._n that_o talis_fw-la svi_fw-la dilectio_fw-la melius_fw-la odium_fw-la voco_fw-la august_n de_fw-fr doct_n christ_n l._n 1._o cap._n 22.23_o v._o lomb._n 3_o ●_o d._n 28_o light_v a._n self-love_n issue_v from_o original_a corruption_n which_o be_v a_o vicious_a affection_n whereby_o a_o man_n love_v in_o himself_o either_o that_o which_o be_v evil_a or_o that_o which_o be_v good_a in_o a_o arrogant_a manner_n which_o be_v indeed_o self-hatred_n ●tans_fw-fr self-hatred_n vulg_n ●tans_fw-fr for_o he_o that_o sin_v hate_v his_o own_o soul_n psal_n 10.5_o so_o we_o must_v love_v our_o neighbour_n not_o with_o a_o corrupt_a inclination_n because_o he_o be_v to_o thou_o as_o levi_n be_v to_o simeon_n a_o brother_n in_o iniquity_n with_o who_o thou_o have_v enjoy_v and_o do_v still_o follow_v pleasure_n or_o profit_n of_o sin_n how_o can_v this_o be_v good_a will_n which_o work_v evil_a to_o our_o neighbour_n but_o love_v he_o recta_fw-la me●●e_fw-la with_o a_o right_a affection_n for_o some_o goodness_n that_o be_v already_o in_o he_o or_o which_o thou_o may_v be_v a_o mean_n by_o god_n help_n to_o work_v in_o he_o 6._o self-love_n be_v very_o tender_a of_o our_o credit_n a_o very_a favourable_a judge_n of_o our_o own_o error_n or_o fault_n 85._o fault_n solet_fw-la facunda_fw-la esse_fw-la laetitia_fw-la &_o angustias_fw-la clausi_fw-la pectoris_fw-la aspernata_fw-la gestire_fw-la aur._n symmach_n lib._n 1._o epist_n 13._o cedant_fw-la gaudia_fw-la divisa_fw-la coniunctis_fw-la latius_fw-la gaudet_fw-la qui_fw-la &_o alterius_fw-la bonis_fw-la pascitur_fw-la id._n lib._n 3._o epist_n 24._o gaudia_fw-la quibus_fw-la pauci_fw-la fruuntur_fw-la augusta_fw-la sunt_fw-la id_fw-la lib._n 9_o spist_n 85._o if_o we_o true_o love_v our_o neighbour_n as_o ourselves_o we_o will_v not_o be_v prodigal_a of_o his_o good_a 22.1_o good_a prov._n 22.1_o name_n which_o be_v precious_a to_o he_o nor_o 30._o nor_o the_o courtesy_n that_o proceed_v from_o this_o love_n be_v viscata_fw-la et_fw-la hamata_fw-la beneficia_fw-la not_o favour_n but_o snare_n not_o gift_n but_o bait_n whereby_o a_o little_a be_v lay_v out_o to_o make_v a_o gain_n of_o it_o as_o man_n pour_v down_o some_o water_n to_o pump_n up_o more_o de_fw-fr his_fw-la vide_fw-la martialem_fw-la lib._n 4._o ep_v 56._o lib_n 5._o ep_v 18._o lib._n 6._o ep._n 63._o lib_n 7._o ep._n 85._o plin._n lib_n 9_o ep._n 30._o rig●decensurers_n of_o his_o action_n nor_o ait_fw-fr nor_o improbum_fw-la est_fw-la in_o alieno_fw-la libro_fw-la ingeniosum_fw-la esse_fw-la mart._n in_o praefat_fw-la lib._n 1._o engram_n nemo_n ait_fw-la ●lid_n epigrammata_fw-la mea_fw-la scribat_fw-la et_fw-la nemo_fw-la dicta_fw-la mea_fw-la loquatur_fw-la ne_fw-la malè_fw-la loquendo_fw-la sva_fw-la facias_fw-la non_fw-la malè_fw-la quod_fw-la recitas_fw-la incipit_fw-la esse_fw-la tuum_fw-la ut_fw-la id._n hidentiao_n ait_fw-fr perverse_a interpreter_n of_o his_o word_n hist_o word_n tacit._n lib._n 1._o hist_o facilius_fw-la de_fw-la odio_fw-la creditur_fw-la hatred_n do_v willing_o not_o know_v the_o best_a and_o easy_o believe_v the_o worst_a quia_fw-la irati_fw-la ita_fw-la volunt_fw-la 3.17_o volunt_fw-la jam._n 3.17_o the_o wisdom_n that_o be_v from_o above_o to_o regulate_v our_o charity_n be_v first_o pure_a then_o peaceable_a gentle_a easy_a to_o be_v entreat_v full_a of_o mercy_n and_o good_a fruit_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d that_o be_v without_o partiality_n sc_n to_o ourselves_o or_o without_o wrangle_v sc_n about_o other_o error_n or_o whatsoever_o affair_n or_o last_o without_o judge_v as_o it_o be_v in_o the_o geneva_n bible_n bible_n bible_n and_o in_o the_o margin_n of_o our_o own_o bible_n and_o so_o consequent_o without_o hypocrisy_n so_o run_v the_o note_n there_o which_o they_o i_o be_o afraid_a have_v slip_v over_o who_o observe_v other_o too_o much_o without_o examine_v of_o thing_n with_o extreme_a rigour_n as_o hypocrite_n who_o only_o justify_v themselves_o and_o condemn_v all_o other_o when_o in_o censure_v &_o condemn_v other_o they_o are_z li●e_z the_o ancient_a moralist_n eloquent_a against_o their_o own_o vice_n and_o 473._o and_o pompeius_n occultior_fw-la non_fw-la melior_fw-la sc_fw-la mario_n syl._n etc._n etc._n tacit._n hist_o lib._n 1_o pag._n 473._o punish_v those_o fault_n more_o severe_o which_o themselves_z follow_v somewhat_o more_o close_o nothing_o less_o eager_o as_o if_o their_o anger_n be_v rather_o out_o of_o envy_n then_o zeal_n 20._o zeal_n c_o plin._n lib._n 8._o epist_n 20._o vir_fw-la bone_fw-la verò_fw-la ita_fw-la alijs_fw-la ignoscit_fw-la tanquam_fw-la ipse_fw-la quotidiè_fw-la peccet_fw-la ita_fw-la ipse_fw-la a_o peccatis_fw-la abstinet_fw-la tanquam_fw-la nemini_fw-la ignoscat_fw-la a_o good_a man_n be_v so_o ready_a to_o pardon_v other_o fault_n as_o if_o he_o be_v a_o habitual_a sinner_n he_o so_o abstaine_v from_o sin_n as_o if_o he_o will_v spare_v no_o offender_n whatsoever_o but_o will_v be_v like_o 14._o like_o lib._n ancab_n pag._n 14._o rufus_n in_o tacitus_n cò_fw-la immitior_fw-la quia_fw-la toleraverat_fw-la sci_fw-la disciplinam_fw-la virtutis_fw-la i_o e._n as_o strict_a to_o other_o as_o to_o himself_o 7._o last_o our_o love_n to_o ourselves_o be_v constant_a and_o perpetual_a as_o be_v natural_a for_o natura_fw-la non_fw-la dilassatur_fw-la opere_fw-la nature_n herself_o be_v not_o weary_a with_o action_n only_o the_o instrument_n she_o use_v fail_v at_o length_n but_o love_n itself_o be_v a_o inward_a affection_n to_o show_v the_o external_a effect_n whereof_o only_o the_o body_n be_v require_v no_o marvel_n then_o that_o love_n never_o fail_v ult_n fail_v 1_o cor._n 13._o ult_n even_o then_o when_o it_o can_v appear_v without_o sed_fw-la 17._o sed_fw-la greg._n in_o ezech._n lib._n 2._o hom._n 17._o deo_fw-la occulta_fw-la amoris_fw-la nostri_fw-la suff●ciunt_fw-la greg._n but_o our_o hide_a love_n be_v manifest_a to_o the_o searcher_n of_o the_o heart_n cum_fw-la tantum_fw-la non_fw-la possumus_fw-la quantum_fw-la volumus_fw-la operari_fw-la ib._n 3._o ib._n augustus_n cum_fw-la esset_fw-la luxuriae_fw-la serviens_fw-la erat_fw-la tamen_fw-la eiusdem_fw-la vitij_fw-la severissimus_fw-la ultor_fw-la aurelius_n vict_v in_o vita_fw-la augusti_fw-la acerrimus_fw-la fidei_fw-la exactor_n est_fw-la perfidus_fw-la mendacia_fw-la persequitur_fw-la periurus_fw-la aliena_fw-la vitia_fw-la in_o oculis_fw-la habemus_fw-la nostra_fw-la in_o tergo_fw-la senec._n de_fw-fr ira_fw-la lib._n 2._o cap._n 28._o faciet_fw-la nos_fw-la moderatiores_fw-la respectus_fw-la nostri_fw-la si_fw-la consuluerimus_fw-la &_o nos_fw-la nanquid_fw-la sic_fw-la peccavimus_fw-la id._n ibid._n aut_fw-la ann●n_fw-la postea_fw-la sortè_fw-la peccaturi_fw-la simus_fw-la humana_fw-la fragilitate_fw-la sic_fw-la apostolus_fw-la moret_z galat._n 6_o 7_o &_o vide_fw-la tit_n 3.2_o 3._o let_v our_o love_n to_o our_o neighbour_n also_o be_v constant_a and_o never_o degenerate_a into_o hatred_n no_o man_n ever_o yet_o hate_v his_o own_o flesh_n eph._n 5.29_o amec●tia_fw-la 5.29_o cassiodorus_n tract_n de_fw-fr amec●tia_fw-la sicut_fw-la ignis_fw-la non_fw-la potest_fw-la non_fw-la ardere_fw-la sic_fw-la charitas_fw-la non_fw-la potest_fw-la non_fw-la amarc_n as_o fire_n never_o cease_v to_o burn_v so_o charity_n never_o cease_v to_o love_n comitem_fw-la love_n augustinus_n ad_fw-la julianum_fw-la comitem_fw-la charitas_fw-la quae_fw-la deseri_fw-la potest_fw-la nunquam_fw-la vera_fw-la fuit_fw-la sc_fw-la sed_fw-la ficta_fw-la seu_fw-la fictilis_fw-la charity_n which_o can_v cease_v be_v never_o true_a essentiae_fw-la true_a sc._n veritate_fw-la permanentiae_fw-la si_fw-la forte_fw-fr vera_fw-la fuit_fw-la veritate_fw-la essentiae_fw-la but_o counterfeit_v or_o brittle_a most_o brittle_a as_o a_o glass_n which_o shine_v and_o make_v a_o fair_a show_n for_o a_o while_n sed_fw-la dum_fw-la sp_z endet_fw-la frangitur_fw-la but_o be_v bone_n break_v when_o it_o glister_v most_o abide_v in_o my_o love_n say_v christ_n joh._n 15.9_o and_o as_o it_o be_v there_o in_o the_o vulgar_a latin_a manete_fw-la in_o charitate_fw-la abide_v in_o charity_n let_v brotherly_a love_n continue_v 6.9_o continue_v gal._n 6.9_o and_o let_v we_o not_o be_v weary_a in_o well_o do_v which_o be_v the_o fruit_n of_o charity_n for_o in_o due_a season_n we_o shall_v reap_v if_o we_o faint_v not_o law_n what_o it_o be_v to_o fulfil_v
of_o love_n be_v the_o sum_n of_o the_o law_n as_o it_o be_v evident_a by_o his_o enumeration_n of_o part_n namely_o of_o some_o of_o the_o particular_a commandment_n 13.9_o commandment_n rom._n 13.9_o yet_o out_o of_o the_o order_n after_o which_o moses_n set_v they_o down_o they_o down_o saint_n paul_n there_o quite_o omit_v the_o first_o commandment_n &_o put_v the_o seven_o before_o the_o sixth_o which_o perhaps_o may_v afford_v matter_n for_o some_o idle_a critic_n to_o work_v upon_o but_o for_o we_o this_fw-mi enough_o to_o know_v that_o our_o apostle_n scope_n be_v not_o to_o repair_v the_o commandment_n but_o only_o to_o give_v the_o abridgement_n of_o they_o perhaps_o to_o intimate_v that_o they_o be_v all_o alike_o to_o love_v which_o know_v no_o first_o nor_o last_o among_o they_o with_o a_o form_n concern_v the_o part_n not_o name_v not_o dubitative_a but_o inclusive_a and_o if_o there_o be_v any_o other_o commandment_n signify_v that_o love_n be_v as_o id._n as_o militum_fw-la non_fw-la est_fw-la interpretari_fw-la iussa_fw-la sed_fw-la exequi_fw-la tac._n n●is_fw-la obsequij_fw-la gloria_fw-la sufficit_fw-la id._n ready_a to_o obey_v as_o god_n to_o command_v leave_v all_o authority_n to_o god_n sibi_fw-la obsequij_fw-la gloriam_fw-la relinquens_fw-la leave_v only_o to_o itself_o the_o praise_n of_o obedience_n last_o this_o conclusive_a sentence_n be_v also_o exclusive_a love_n so_o fulfil_v the_o law_n law_n without_o love_v no_o fulfil_n of_o the_o law_n that_o without_o love_n the_o law_n can_v be_v fulfil_v for_o he_o that_o offend_v in_o one_o that_o be_v in_o this_o one_o precept_n of_o charity_n offend_v in_o all_o jam._n 2.10_o quia_fw-la violat_a vinculum_fw-la charitatis_fw-la as_o break_v the_o band_n of_o the_o whole_a law_n say_v s._n aug._n lib._n de_fw-fr verâ_fw-la &_o falsâ_fw-la penitentia_fw-la cap._n 14._o si_fw-la fortê_fw-la be_v libre_fw-la sit_fw-la augustini_fw-la for_o the_o conclusion_n itself_o though_o the_o rigour_n of_o logic_n suffer_v i_o not_o to_o prove_v it_o yet_o i_o shall_v produce_v one_o or_o two_o parallel_a place_n of_o scripture_n for_o the_o illustration_n thereof_o and_o a_o sentence_n or_o two_o of_o the_o father_n agreeable_a thereunto_o the_o first_o and_o chief_a 22.40_o matth._n 22.40_o testimony_n be_v from_o the_o best_a expounder_n and_o fulfiller_n of_o the_o law_n that_o ever_o be_v christ_n jesus_n who_o inform_v we_o that_o on_o these_o two_o commandment_n sc_n of_o the_o love_n of_o god_n &_o our_o neighbour_n hang_v all_o the_o law_n and_o the_o prophet_n 3.14_o galat._n 3.14_o then_o let_v s._n paul_n here_o witness_v to_o himself_o &_o no_o doubt_n but_o his_o witness_n shall_v be_v true_a all_o the_o law_n say_v he_o be_v fulfil_v in_o one_o word_n that_o verbum_fw-la abbreviatum_fw-la in_o s._n hieroms_n opinion_n thou_o shall_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o which_o precept_n moses_n give_v levit._fw-la 19.18_o this_o love_n explicit_o fulfil_v the_o second_o table_n implicit_o also_o the_o first_o for_o thou_o can_v not_o love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o unless_o thou_o love_v thyself_o first_o thou_o can_v not_o love_v thyself_o unless_o thou_o love_v he_o that_o be_v thy_o summum_fw-la bonum_fw-la thy_o chief_a good_a and_o intimius_fw-la tibi_fw-la quam_fw-la tu_fw-la tibi_fw-la ipsi_fw-la as_o plato_n say_v of_o he_o more_o intimate_a with_o thou_o than_o thou_o be_v with_o thy_o own_o soul_n in_o who_o thou_o live_v and_o moove_v and_o have_v thy_o be_v the_o love_n of_o god_n then_o absolute_o fulfil_v the_o whole_a law_n 3.17_o joh._n 1_o epi._n joh._n 3.17_o and_o be_v oft_o put_v for_o the_o whole_a service_n of_o god_n and_o the_o love_n of_o our_o neighbour_n fulfil_v half_o the_o law_n with_o reference_n to_o the_o love_n of_o god_n owe_v nothing_o to_o any_o man_n but_o love_n sc_n which_o pay_v all_o duty_n but_o saint_n paul_n here_o as_o also_o gal._n 5._o with_o our_o saviour_n mat._n 7.12_o name_v only_o the_o duty_n of_o the_o second_o table_n h._n table_n cum_fw-la duo_fw-la praecepta_fw-la sint_fw-la amor_fw-la dei_fw-la &_o proximi_fw-la pro_fw-la utroque_fw-la saepe_fw-la u●●m_fw-la ponitur_fw-la lom_n 3._o s_o d._n 27._o light_v h._n because_o these_o be_v the_o most_o palpable_a &_o manifest_a fruit_n of_o love_n appear_v to_o the_o example_n of_o man_n and_o glory_n of_o god_n whereas_o in_o the_o seem_a zealous_a observation_n of_o the_o first_o table_n in_o hear_v and_o preach_v of_o the_o word_n and_o the_o like_a duty_n man_n sometime_o deceive_v not_o only_o other_o charity_n but_o their_o own_o soul_n also_o by_o the_o art_n of_o seem_v again_o for_o that_o in_o case_n of_o urgent_a necessity_n when_o the_o actual_a performance_n of_o both_o kind_n of_o duty_n to_o god_n and_o man_n which_o be_v always_o best_o unite_v can_v be_v do_v together_o the_o first_o table_n yield_v to_o the_o second_o god_n will_v then_o have_v mercy_n and_o not_o sacrifice_n 6.6_o sacrifice_n and_o chap._n 12.7_o and_o out_o of_o hos_n 6.6_o matth._n 9.13_o and_o hence_o we_o may_v collect_v also_o why_o love_n be_v magnify_v 1_o cor._n 13._o verse_n the_o last_o even_o above_o faith_n that_o 13.46_o that_o mat._n 13.46_o precious_a jewel_n of_o the_o gospel_n for_o the_o purchase_n whereof_o a_o man_n ought_v to_o sell_v all_o that_o he_o have_v as_o of_o himself_o so_o that_o even_o in_o the_o gospel_n the_o love_n of_o god_n be_v call_v the_o great_a commandment_n and_o the_o first_o and_z them_z love_n of_o our_o neighbour_n be_v account_v the_o second_o like_a unto_o it_o matth._n 22.38_o 39_o 1_o because_o faith_n in_o its_o own_o nature_n abstract_v from_o the_o fruit_n and_o effect_n thereof_o have_v reference_n only_o to_o god_n and_o so_o pertain_v to_o the_o first_o table_n but_o love_n have_v relation_n both_o to_o god_n and_o man_n 2_o because_o faith_n in_o that_o abstractive_a consideration_n lie_v hide_v in_o the_o heart_n and_o so_o be_v know_v only_o to_o god_n but_o love_n be_v like_a fire_n in_o the_o bosom_n which_o will_v break_v out_o and_o can_v be_v conceal_v from_o man_n 3_o last_o for_o that_o love_n in_o its_o own_o nature_n be_v a_o more_o noble_a and_o heroical_a virtue_n than_o faith_n and_o of_o infinite_o long_a duration_n fulfil_v the_o law_n of_o god_n unto_o the_o end_n and_o 13.12_o and_o 1_o cor._n 13.12_o be_v without_o all_o end_n shine_v 29._o shine_v charitas_fw-la in_o patriâ_fw-la serventior_fw-la est_fw-la quam_fw-la in_o via_fw-la aeternum_fw-la enim_fw-la ardentius_fw-la diligitur_fw-la adeptum_fw-la quam_fw-la desideratum_fw-la u●_n docet_fw-la sanctus_n aug._n lib._n 1._o doct_n christ_n cap._n 38._o vid._n etc._n etc._n 39_o est_fw-la civi●tas_fw-la in_o hac_fw-la vita_fw-la in●ipiens_fw-la profi●iens_fw-la perfecta_fw-la sc_fw-la svo_fw-la modo_fw-la perfectissma_fw-la vero_fw-la est_fw-la in_o coelo_fw-la ut_fw-la asserit_fw-la lomb_n l._n 3._o send_v in_o s●●e_z do_v 29._o most_o bright_a in_o heaven_n as_o the_o sun_n without_o a_o cloud_n and_o whilst_o that_o faith_n continue_v with_o it_o it_o be_v as_o it_o be_v 2.26_o be_v jam_fw-la 2.26_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d i._o e._n if_o not_o the_o life_n yet_o the_o breath_n of_o it_o for_o faith_n without_o work_n be_v dead_a and_o faith_n work_v by_o love_n only_o in_o a_o relative_a consideration_n as_o faith_n be_v the_o instrument_n of_o our_o justification_n and_o so_o the_o chief_a mean_n of_o our_o salvation_n faith_n be_v of_o more_o excellency_n than_o love_n which_o be_v only_o a_o evidence_n and_o testimony_n of_o faith_n for_o the_o father_n if_o you_o please_v to_o recollect_v in_o your_o mind_n what_o i_o have_v already_o note_v out_o of_o s._n hierome_n and_o s._n augustine_n i_o shall_v have_v no_o need_n to_o be_v tedious_a in_o heap_v up_o new_a testimony_n only_o hear_v s._n hierome_n again_o describe_v the_o virtue_n of_o divine_a love_n put_v forth_o the_o utmost_a of_o its_o ability_n in_o the_o service_n of_o god_n not_o only_o do_v every_o thing_n that_o he_o command_v but_o not_o dare_v to_o do_v any_o thing_n which_o he_o do_v not_o require_v caelant_fw-la require_v hier._n epist_n ad_fw-la caelant_fw-la grandem_fw-la vim_o obtinet_fw-la vera_fw-la dilectio_fw-la &_o totam_fw-la sibi_fw-la amantis_fw-la vendicat_fw-la voluntatem_fw-la nihil_fw-la est_fw-la imperiosius_fw-la charitate_fw-la si_fw-mi veer_fw-mi christum_fw-la diligimus_fw-la nihil_fw-la magis_fw-la velle_fw-la nihil_fw-la omnino_fw-la debemus_fw-la agere_fw-la quam_fw-la quod_fw-la illum_fw-la velle_fw-la cognoscimus_fw-la and_o saint_n gregory_n evang._n gregory_n hom._n 27._o super_fw-la evang._n say_v omne_fw-la mandatum_fw-la de_fw-la sola_fw-la dilectione_n est_fw-la &_o omne_fw-la unum_fw-la praeceptum_fw-la sunt_fw-la quia_fw-la quicquid_fw-la praecipitur_fw-la in_fw-la solâ_fw-la charitate_fw-la solidatur_fw-la all_o the_o precept_n be_v contain_v in_o one_o for_o charity_n be_v the_o foundation_n of_o they_o all_o charitas_fw-la est_fw-la multiplex_fw-la lex_fw-la dei_fw-la vulgar_a dei_fw-la vulgar_a job._n
11.6_o scripturae_fw-la 11.6_o id._n greg._n mor●_n 10_o cap._n 4._o with_fw-mi &_o ib._n c_o 6_o 7.8_o et_fw-la si_fw-la placet_fw-la with_fw-mi aug._n l._n 1._o de_fw-fr doct_n chris_n c._n 35._o ubi_fw-la docet_fw-la quod_fw-la amor_fw-la dei_fw-la est_fw-la summa_fw-la scripturae_fw-la quae_fw-la a_o duobus_fw-la praeceptis_fw-la incipit_fw-la &_o mentem_fw-la ad_fw-la innumera_fw-la pietatis_fw-la opera_fw-la de_fw-la queis_fw-la apostolus_fw-la 1_o cor._n 13._o multiformiter_fw-la accendit_fw-la charity_n be_v the_o manifold_a law_n of_o god_n which_o begin_v from_o two_o precept_n to_o wit_n the_o love_n of_o god_n and_o the_o love_n of_o man_n and_o diverse_o excite_v the_o mind_n to_o immumerable_a work_n of_o godliness_n which_o the_o apostle_n sum_v up_o 1_o cor._n 13._o in_o sundry_a particular_n the_o general_a way_n according_a to_o which_o love_n fulfil_v the_o law_n be_v three_o of_o which_o in_o the_o next_o place_n love_n fulfil_v the_o law_n three_o way_n as_o vossius_fw-la 360._o vossius_fw-la ger._n voss_n hist_o pelag._n l._n 3._o pa●_n 3._o c._n 3._o thes_n 3_o pag._n 360._o excellent_o distinguish_v and_o out_o of_o he_o word_n for_o word_n almost_o our_o weemse_n 45._o weemse_n weemse_n of_o the_o 3_o law_n 1._o tom_n pag._n 45._o and_o i_o shall_v inform_v you_o out_o of_o both_o add_v divers_a illustration_n &_o proof_n for_o your_o far_a instruction_n the_o term_n of_o the_o distinction_n be_v 1._o effectiuè_fw-fr i._n e._n effective_o 2._o reductiuê_fw-la i._n e._n reductive_o 3._o formaliter_fw-la i._n e._n formal_o that_o be_v brief_o as_o the_o principal_a as_o the_o end_n as_o the_o form_n of_o every_o lawful_a operation_n first_o love_n fulfil_v the_o law_n effective_o as_o the_o inward_a principle_n or_o impulsive_a cause_n of_o every_o legitimate_a action_n love_n be_v the_o only_a incitation_n and_o invitation_n to_o true_a and_o cheerful_a obedience_n first_o say_v moses_n thou_o shall_v love_v the_o lord_n thy_o god_n then_o it_o follow_v and_o keep_v his_o charge_n and_o his_o statute_n etc._n etc._n deut._n 11.1_o and_o you_o that_o love_v the_o lord_n say_v david_n hate_v evil_a psal_n 97.10_o for_o himself_o he_o resolve_v thus_o i_o will_v delight_v myself_o in_o thy_o commandment_n which_o i_o have_v love_v psal_n 119.47_o in_o the_o next_o verse_n he_o add_v 167_o vid._n ib._n v._n 167_o my_o hand_n also_o will_v i_o lift_v up_o unto_o thy_o commandment_n which_o i_o have_v love_v see_v love_n virtue_n issue_v from_o the_o heart_n to_o the_o hand_n from_o affection_n to_o operation_n and_o therefore_o perhaps_o the_o law_n be_v say_v to_o have_v go_v forth_o out_o of_o god_n hand_n deut._n 33.2_o loc_n 33.2_o coment_fw-fr in_o loc_n that_o it_o may_v come_v into_o our_o hand_n oleaster_n suppose_v the_o precept_n of_o god_n to_o be_v call_v the_o work_n of_o god_n 5.12_o god_n esa_n 5.12_o quia_fw-la ideo_fw-la praecipiuntur_fw-la ut_fw-la eaòperemur_fw-la because_o they_o be_v therefore_o command_v that_o we_o may_v not_o only_o intentional_o and_o verbal_o but_o actual_o fulfil_v they_o which_o be_v do_v by_o love_n quodlibet_n agens_fw-la propter_fw-la amorem_fw-la agit_fw-fr quodcunque_fw-la agit_fw-fr aquin._n 6._o aquin._n aquin._n 1._o 2._o qu._n 28._o art_n 6._o every_o agent_n work_v for_o some_o good_a and_o so_o consequent_o the_o love_n of_o that_o good_a cause_v it_o ●●●m_n to_o work_v the_o worldling_n castaway_n carnal_a love_n upon_o seem_v good_a godly_a man_n place_v spiritual_a love_n upon_o spiritual_a good_a the_o love_n of_o christ_n constrain_v we_o say_v s._n paul_n 2_o cor._n 5.14_o amor_fw-la meus_fw-la pondus_fw-la meum_fw-la illo_fw-la feror_fw-la quocunque_fw-la feror_fw-la say_v s._n augustine_n 3._o augustine_n aug._n confess_v lib._n 3._o my_o love_n be_v the_o weight_n which_o poise_n i_o in_o the_o way_n of_o god_n so_o that_o i_o be_v not_o carry_v away_o as_o it_o be_v with_o the_o wind_n of_o every_o novel_a doctrine_n or_o with_o every_o worldly_a vanity_n common_a reason_n inform_v we_o in_o this_o that_o man_n do_v not_o obey_v or_o serve_v those_o who_o they_o hate_v i_o mean_v that_o their_o mind_n be_v not_o willing_a servant_n to_o such_o though_o their_o body_n perhaps_o may_v be_v their_o enforce_a slave_n serve_v you_o one_o another_o by_o love_n say_v our_o apostle_n galat._n 5.13_o but_o non_fw-la exterquebis_fw-la amari_fw-la love_n be_v not_o extort_a by_o violence_n but_o invite_v first_o by_o love_n itself_o love_n be_v the_o whetstone_n of_o love_n so_o god_n himself_o invite_v our_o love_n to_o he_o by_o commend_v his_o love_n first_o to_o we_o by_o his_o 10._o his_o 1_o joh._n 4.9_o 10._o son_n rom._n 5.8_o that_o our_o faith_n in_o the_o son_n 5.6_o son_n galat._n 5.6_o may_v work_v by_o love_n towards_o god_n again_o ib._n again_o charitas_fw-la radix_fw-la est_fw-la ex_fw-la qua_fw-la omnes_fw-la pullulant_fw-la virtutes_fw-la august_n lib_n de_fw-fr gratia_fw-la christi_fw-la cap._n 18._o vid._n &_o cap._n 20._o ib._n hence_o the_o whole_a office_n of_o christianity_n also_o be_v comprise_v in_o this_o one_o word_n love_n ephes_n 6._o v._n ult_n so_o love_n fulfil_v not_o only_o the_o moral_a law_n but_o with_o all_o the_o law_n of_o faith_n as_o the_o apostle_n phrase_v it_o rom._n 3.27_o so_o that_o sine_fw-la amore_fw-la fides_fw-la esse_fw-la potest_fw-la prodesse_fw-la non_fw-la potest_fw-la say_v s._n augustine_n 29._o augustine_n aug_n de_fw-fr trin._n lib._n 25._o cap._n 18._o similiter_fw-la loquor_fw-la lib._n 5._o de_fw-fr bapt._n cap._n 8._o &_o ib._n lib._n 15._o cap._n 29._o without_o love_n faith_n may_v be_v but_o it_o can_v profit_v but_o by_o love_n faith_n work_v 10._o work_v charitas_fw-la mater_fw-la est_fw-la omnium_fw-la custosque_fw-la virtutum_fw-la greg._n curio_n past_a part_n 3._o cap._n 10._o admonit_fw-la 10._o and_o keep_v all_o manner_n of_o christian_a virtue_n which_o follow_v love_n as_o the_o lesser_a wheel_n be_v move_v by_o the_o great_a hence_o it_o be_v that_o s._n paul_n call_v the_o piety_n of_o the_o thessalonian_o the_o work_n of_o faith_n and_o the_o labour_n of_o love_n 1_o thes_n 1.3_o and_o our_o saviour_n matth._n 22.40_o say_v that_o the_o whole_a law_n hang_v upon_o the_o two_o commandment_n of_o love_n intimate_v perhaps_o that_o love_n be_v as_o it_o be_v the_o hinge_n of_o the_o law_n upon_o which_o it_o be_v turn_v too_o and_o fro_o to_o embrace_v good_a and_o avoid_v evil_a christ_n teach_v we_o also_o that_o there_o be_v no_o true_a love_n without_o keep_v god_n commandment_n joh._n and_o no_o true_a keep_n of_o the_o commandment_n without_o love_n verse_n the_o 24._o ib._n the_o belove_a disciple_n repeat_v the_o same_o doctrine_n 1_o joh._n 5.3_o and_o ch._n 3.17_o 2_o joh._n 3.6_o verse_n second_o love_n fulfil_v the_o law_n reductive_o because_o every_o lawful_a operation_n be_v reduce_v to_o love_n as_o to_o its_o end_n for_o which_o it_o be_v perform_v and_o in_o this_o sense_n it_o be_v a_o external_a cause_n and_o move_v moral_o as_o comprehend_v sub_fw-la notione_fw-la boni_fw-la as_o good_a whereas_o as_o a_o efficient_a cause_n it_o move_v phisical_o as_o it_o be_v a_o natural_a quality_n and_o virtue_n that_o love_n be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n 1.5_o law_n 1_o tim._n 1.5_o s._n paul_n teach_v we_o the_o end_n of_o the_o commandment_n be_v charity_n etc._n etc._n i._n e._n the_o end_n why_o god_n give_v his_o law_n to_o we_o be_v that_o we_o shall_v love_v he_o &_o our_o neighbour_n so_o love_n unite_v all_o the_o precept_n into_o one_o commandment_n in_o s._n paul_n doctrine_n finis_fw-la praecepti_fw-la dilectio_fw-la gemina_fw-la dei_fw-la &_o proximi_fw-la praecurrat_fw-la dilectio_fw-la dei_fw-la cetera_fw-la in_o illum_fw-la confluant_fw-la ut_fw-la dilectio_fw-la tui_fw-la &_o proximi_fw-la aug._n 26._o aug._n aug._n the_o doct_n christ_n l._n 1._o cap._n 26._o the_o end_n of_o the_o precept_n be_v a_o double_a love_n of_o god_n and_o of_o our_o neighbour_n let_v the_o love_n of_o god_n have_v the_o praecedency_n and_o all_o other_o love_n follow_v after_o as_o of_o our_o 22._o our_o qui_fw-la se_fw-la propter_fw-la se_fw-la diligit_fw-la non_fw-la se_fw-la vesert_n ad_fw-la deum_fw-la sed_fw-la ad_fw-la seipsum_fw-la conversus_fw-la non_fw-la ad_fw-la incommutabile_fw-la aliquid_fw-la cvi_fw-la toto_fw-la affectu_fw-la inharendum_fw-la convertitur_fw-la aug._n de_fw-fr doct_n christ._n l._n 1._o cap._n 22._o self_n and_o other_o we_o ought_v to_o love_n god_n for_o his_o own_o sake_n our_o neighbour_n and_o all_o god_n creature_n for_o god_n sake_n 22._o sake_n amor_fw-la fruendi_fw-la quibuscunque_fw-la creaturis_fw-la sine_fw-la amore_fw-la creatoris_fw-la non_fw-la est_fw-la a_o d●o_o per_fw-la amorem_fw-la creatoris_fw-la bene_fw-la cuique_fw-la utitur_fw-la etiam_fw-la creaturis_fw-la aug._n lib._n 4._o cont_n julian._n cap._n 3._o si_fw-mi teipsum_fw-la propter_fw-la teipsum_fw-la non_fw-la debes_fw-la diligere_fw-la non_fw-la succenseat_v alius_fw-la homo_fw-la si_fw-la etiam_fw-la ipsum_fw-la propter_fw-la deum_fw-la diligis_fw-la aug._n
diligere_fw-la for_o the_o mind_n that_o fly_v from_o god_n the_o unchangeable_a light_n and_o ruler_n of_o all_o man_n labour_v itself_o to_o domineer_v with_o the_o lust_n of_o the_o flesh_n therefore_o it_o can_v love_v only_o itself_o and_o the_o flesh_n self-love_n then_o and_o so_o all_o second_o love_n which_o flow_v from_o that_o fountain_n have_v no_o need_n of_o any_o 144._o any_o that_o be_v any_o especial_a precept_n for_o doubtless_o it_o be_v include_v in_o the_o general_a commandment_n of_o love_n as_o lomb._n again_o note_v ib._n do_v 28._o light_v a._n p._n 144._o precept_n and_o so_o consequent_o require_v no_o exhortation_n be_v like_o the_o su●_n the_o augusti_fw-la d●ctum_fw-la fuit_fw-la apud_fw-la senec._n in_o