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love_n love_v neighbour_n self_n 2,652 5 9.4322 5 false
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A10903 A sermon of loue Instructing all men to vnite and ioyne themselues in hearty loue, and Christian charitie with one another. Preached at Folkestone, a maior towne in Kent. By Francis Rogers, Batchelor in Diuinity; and sometimes fellow of Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge. Rogers, Francis, d. 1638. 1613 (1613) STC 21174; ESTC S112048 24,461 54

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what_o s._n hierome_n say_v of_o the_o whole_a book_n of_o job_n may_v most_o true_o be_v verify_v of_o this_o say_n of_o our_o saviour_n namely_o singula_fw-la in_o eo_fw-la verba_fw-la plena_fw-la sunt_fw-la sensibus_fw-la paul_n hiero._n paul_n that_o be_v every_o word_n be_v a_o full_a sentence_n afford_v large_a scope_n and_o ample_a matter_n for_o to_o entreat_v of_o but_o that_o i_o may_v the_o better_o confine_v myself_o unto_o the_o time_n allot_v for_o this_o business_n observe_v three_o thing_n first_o a_o commandment_n thou_o shall_v love_v second_o the_o object_n who_o we_o must_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n three_o the_o mean_a how_o far_o this_o love_n must_v be_v extend_v as_o thyself_o of_o the_o precept_n thou_o shall_v love_v the_o moral_a law_n of_o god_n contain_v in_o the_o ten_o commandment_n be_v divide_v into_o two_o table_n the_o first_o set_v forth_o our_o duty_n unto_o god_n wherein_o nothing_o else_o be_v require_v at_o our_o hand_n but_o love_n so_o say_v our_o saviour_n 22.38_o mat._n 22.38_o the_o first_o and_o great_a commandment_n be_v this_o thou_o shall_v love_v the_o lord_n thy_o god_n with_o all_o thy_o heart_n with_o all_o thy_o soul_n and_o with_o all_o thy_o mind_n where_o we_o learn_v our_o love_n to_o god_n must_v be_v like_a unto_o death_n for_o there_o be_v no_o earthly_a live_a creature_n so_o strong_a so_o weak_a so_o rich_a so_o poor_a so_o old_a so_o young_a so_o noble_a so_o ignoble_a of_o what_o condition_n soever_o but_o death_n do_v overcome_v all_o even_o so_o though_o we_o may_v love_v wife_n child_n father_n mother_n brother_n sister_n kinsfolk_n friend_n honour_n good_n and_o our_o own_o life_n yet_o the_o love_n of_o god_n must_v surpass_v they_o all_o or_o else_o we_o be_v not_o worthy_a of_o god_n say_v our_o saviour_n the_o second_o table_n contain_v our_o duty_n towards_o our_o neighbour_n and_o therein_o likewise_o be_v nothing_o else_o require_v at_o our_o hand_n but_o love_n 10.37_o mat._n 10.37_o so_o say_v my_o text_n the_o second_o be_v like_a unto_o this_o thou_o shall_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thy_o self_n so_o that_o as_o saint_n augustine_n 56._o epist_n 56._o speak_v of_o humility_n say_v the_o first_o virtue_n in_o a_o christian_a be_v humility_n the_o second_o humility_n the_o three_o humility_n and_o so_o often_o as_o you_o will_v ask_v i_o i_o will_v answer_v nothing_o but_o humility_n not_o because_o there_o be_v no_o other_o precept_n in_o the_o bible_n but_o because_o unless_o humility_n go_v before_o all_o other_o virtue_n accompany_v all_o other_o virtue_n and_o follow_v after_o every_o virtue_n pride_n will_v deflower_v our_o holy_a action_n in_o like_a manner_n s._n paul_n 1_o cor._n 13._o seem_v to_o speak_v of_o love_n say_v that_o the_o first_o virtue_n in_o a_o christian_a be_v love_n the_o second_o be_v love_n the_o three_o yea_o all_o require_v in_o a_o christian_n be_v nothing_o else_o but_o love_n therefore_o he_o say_v 13.1_o 1_o cor._n 13.1_o though_o i_o speak_v with_o the_o tongue_n of_o man_n and_o angel_n and_o have_v not_o love_n i_o be_o as_o sound_a brass_n and_o a_o tinkle_a cymbal_n and_o again_o though_o i_o have_v the_o gift_n of_o prophecy_n 2._o verse_n 2._o and_o know_v all_o secret_n and_o all_o knowledge_n yea_o if_o i_o have_v all_o faith_n so_o that_o i_o can_v remove_v mountain_n and_o have_v not_o love_n i_o be_v nothing_o and_o again_o though_o i_o feed_v the_o poor_a with_o all_o my_o good_n 3._o verse_n 3._o and_o though_o i_o give_v my_o body_n to_o be_v burn_v and_o have_v not_o love_n it_o profit_v i_o nothing_o hence_o arise_v so_o many_o commendation_n of_o love_n in_o the_o scripture_n as_o love_n enuy_v not_o 3.14_o colos_n 3.14_o it_o suffer_v all_o thing_n it_o believe_v all_o thing_n it_o hope_v all_o thing_n it_o endure_v all_o thing_n 2.8_o james_n 2.8_o it_o be_v the_o bond_n of_o perfection_n the_o royal_a law_n the_o great_a commandment_n it_o be_v christ_n own_o precept_n yea_o 15.12_o john_n 15.12_o god_n himself_o be_v term_v by_o the_o name_n of_o love_n 1_o john_n 4.8_o hence_o the_o ancient_a writer_n make_v so_o many_o exhortation_n to_o love_n and_o write_v so_o many_o commendation_n of_o love._n love_n say_v philo_n judaeus_fw-la be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d that_o be_v a_o short_a word_n but_o yet_o it_o contain_v much_o matter_n to_o be_v speak_v of_o 13.31_o mat._n 13.31_o like_o the_o grain_n of_o mustardseed_n the_o least_o of_o all_o other_o yet_o grow_v so_o big_a as_o the_o fowl_n of_o the_o air_n build_v their_o nest_n in_o the_o branch_n of_o it_o 13.9_o rom._n 13.9_o so_o be_v love_n the_o abridgement_n of_o the_o whole_a law_n 1.4_o 1_o tim._n 1.4_o the_o end_n of_o the_o commandment_n the_o fulfil_n of_o the_o whole_a law_n 13.10_o rom._n 13.10_o insomuch_o as_o clement_n alexandrinus_n call_v a_o love_a man_n a_o god_n gregory_n nazianzene_n be_v ask_v what_o be_v the_o best_a thing_n in_o the_o world_n answer_v unity_n peace_n and_o concord_n and_o be_v ask_v the_o worst_a thing_n answer_v hatred_n discord_n and_o contention_n this_o be_v illustrate_v by_o a_o similitude_n as_o main_a ocean_n sea_n and_o deep_a river_n in_o themselves_o be_v fit_a for_o ship_n to_o sail_v in_o and_o to_o hinder_v the_o passage_n of_o enemy_n into_o the_o country_n which_o they_o environ_v but_o let_v they_o be_v cut_v into_o narrow_a channel_n and_o small_a gutter_n than_o they_o be_v unfit_a for_o either_o even_o so_o where_o there_o be_v love_n and_o amity_n there_o all_o thing_n prosper_v by_o concord_n small_a thing_n become_v great_a but_o where_o be_v discord_n and_o strife_n there_o nothing_o flourish_v for_o by_o dissension_n great_a thing_n become_v small_a 11.2_o luke_n 11.2_o yea_o nothing_o at_o all_o for_o kingdom_n say_v our_o saviour_n divide_v among_o themselves_o can_v endure_v though_o god_n have_v often_o foretell_v of_o the_o miserable_a destruction_n of_o jerusalem_n judae_fw-la josephus_n the_o bell_n judae_fw-la which_o be_v perform_v by_o the_o roman_n yet_o nothing_o do_v work_v their_o so_o speedy_a and_o lamentable_a ruin_n as_o their_o own_o dissension_n and_o civil_a war_n within_o themselves_o see_v this_o likewise_o verify_v in_o the_o aeconomicall_a government_n therefore_o it_o be_v worthy_a note_n that_o silurus_n have_v fourscore_o son_n see_v they_o at_o discord_n among_o themselves_o tie_v up_o a_o great_a faggot_n of_o stick_n together_o and_o give_v to_o each_o son_n a_o piece_n of_o the_o cord_n which_o tie_v they_o and_o bid_v they_o all_o assay_v to_o break_v the_o faggot_n which_o when_o they_o have_v long_o endeavour_v they_o can_v not_o effect_v whereupon_o the_o old_a man_n loose_v the_o faggot_n and_o give_v to_o every_o son_n one_o single_a stick_n which_o every_o one_o can_v easy_o break_v in_o sunder_o even_o so_o while_o christian_n and_o brethren_n unite_v themselves_o in_o love_n and_o charity_n so_o long_o it_o be_v hard_o for_o they_o to_o be_v overthrow_v but_o when_o once_o they_o be_v at_o hatred_n within_o themselves_o than_o the_o devil_n easy_o overcom_v they_o for_o he_o go_v up_o and_o down_o like_o a_o roar_a lion_n seek_v who_o he_o may_v devour_v where_o the_o greek_a be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d quem_fw-la who_o in_o the_o singular_a number_n catch_v they_o one_o by_o one_o not_o quos_fw-la in_o the_o plural_a number_n when_o they_o go_v in_o couple_n observe_v likewise_o how_o discord_n in_o the_o member_n overthrow_v the_o private_a body_n of_o every_o particular_a man_n therefore_o it_o be_v a_o pretty_a fable_n in_o aesop_n that_o at_o a_o certain_a time_n the_o member_n in_o the_o body_n fall_v at_o dissension_n with_o the_o belly_n the_o hand_n will_v reach_v it_o no_o meat_n the_o foot_n will_v go_v for_o no_o meat_n in_o the_o end_n all_o the_o whole_a body_n wax_v so_o feeble_a as_o it_o be_v ready_a to_o perish_v then_o the_o hand_n will_v reach_v meat_n the_o foot_n fetch_v meat_n the_o mouth_n chew_v meat_n but_o alas_o it_o be_v too_o late_o to_o shut_v the_o door_n after_o the_o steed_n be_v steal_v for_o the_o belly_n be_v so_o faint_a and_o weak_a as_o it_o be_v able_a to_o receive_v no_o meat_n and_o so_o the_o whole_a body_n be_v consume_v and_o as_o dissension_n overthrow_v kingdom_n private_a family_n the_o soul_n and_o body_n of_o man_n even_o so_o it_o do_v whole_o consume_v the_o wealth_n and_o estate_n of_o man_n as_o be_v see_v in_o the_o lame_a man_n and_o the_o blind_a man_n of_o which_o one_o for_o want_n of_o limb_n be_v not_o able_a to_o go_v the_o other_o for_o want_n of_o eye_n can_v not_o see_v to_o go_v until_o at_o last_o they_o agree_v together_o that_o the_o blind_a man_n shall_v carry_v the_o lame_a man_n &_o the_o lame_a man_n shall_v
say_v quatuor_fw-la sunt_fw-la etc._n etc._n there_o be_v four_o thing_n especial_o to_o be_v belove_v one_o which_o be_v above_o we_o that_o be_v god_n another_o what_o we_o be_v that_o be_v ourselves_o the_o three_o which_o be_v near_o unto_o we_o that_o be_v our_o neighbour_n the_o four_o which_o be_v beneath_o we_o that_o be_v our_o body_n this_o present_a occasion_n offer_v to_o speak_v only_o of_o the_o three_o and_o here_o one_o may_v ask_v with_o the_o expounder_n of_o the_o law_n 18.29_o luke_n 18.29_o who_o be_v my_o neighbour_n indeed_o the_o jew_n in_o christ_n time_n esteem_v none_o their_o neighbour_n but_o their_o friend_n the_o simple_a sort_n think_v they_o only_o their_o neighbour_n who_o dwell_v near_o unto_o they_o mat._n in_o 22._o mat._n saint_n chrysostome_n he_o say_v by_o neighbour_n be_v understand_v jesus_n christ_n because_o he_o be_v the_o true_a samaritane_n which_o pour_v oil_n and_o wine_n into_o our_o sore_n but_o saint_n augustine_n most_o true_o tell_v we_o proximus_fw-la hoc_fw-la loco_fw-la 52._o epist_n 52._o non_fw-la sanguinis_fw-la propinquitate_fw-la sed_fw-la rationis_fw-la societate_fw-la pensandus_fw-la est_fw-la in_fw-la qua_fw-la socij_fw-la sunt_fw-la omnes_fw-la homines_fw-la our_o neighbour_n be_v not_o to_o be_v esteem_v he_o which_o be_v near_a to_o we_o in_o blood_n or_o in_o place_n but_o he_o which_o be_v our_o companion_n in_o reason_n now_o every_o man_n be_v a_o reasonable_a creature_n every_o man_n be_v therefore_o our_o neighbour_n again_o temp_n ser._n 59_o the_o temp_n the_o same_o father_n show_v three_o thing_n in_o which_o we_o be_v all_o neighbour_n first_o in_o that_o we_o be_v all_o bear_v alike_o second_o in_o that_o we_o all_o die_v alike_o three_o in_o that_o we_o all_o hope_v alike_o for_o the_o heavenly_a inheritance_n and_o saint_n hierome_n give_v a_o most_o witty_a and_o pithy_a reason_n why_o every_o man_n be_v our_o neighbour_n ephes_n in_o 4._o ad_fw-la ephes_n be_v he_o friend_n or_o foe_n christian_n or_o infidel_n and_o that_o because_o it_o be_v command_v thou_o shall_v not_o lie_v with_o thy_o neighbour_n wife_n now_o if_o neighbour_n be_v only_a christian_n and_o friend_n than_o it_o be_v lawful_a to_o lie_v and_o commit_v adultery_n with_o turk_n jew_n infidel_n and_o with_o our_o enemy_n but_o this_o be_v most_o wicked_a and_o therefore_o by_o consequent_a every_o man_n be_v our_o neighbour_n and_o thus_o have_v show_v you_o by_o neighbour_n be_v understand_v every_o particular_a man_n of_o what_o country_n or_o condition_n soever_o let_v i_o now_o urge_v among_o many_o three_o special_a argument_n to_o move_v we_o and_o to_o stir_v we_o up_o to_o love_v our_o neighbour_n the_o first_o reason_n enforce_v love_n beside_o the_o infinite_a place_n in_o scripture_n command_v we_o be_v take_v from_o necessity_n 4.8_o 1_o john_n 4.8_o he_o that_o love_v not_o know_v not_o god_n for_o god_n be_v love_n so_o then_o as_o the_o body_n sever_v from_o the_o soul_n be_v nothing_o else_o but_o a_o dead_a carcase_n and_o a_o senseless_a trunk_n so_o the_o soul_n unite_v to_o the_o body_n and_o yet_o void_a of_o love_n be_v dead_a and_o senseless_a in_o spiritual_a thing_n for_o as_o the_o apostle_n say_v he_o which_o hate_v his_o brother_n be_v a_o manslayer_n 3.15_o 1_o john_n 3.15_o and_o we_o know_v no_o murderer_n have_v eternal_a life_n abide_v in_o he_o and_o indeed_o how_o can_v we_o love_v christ_n which_o be_v our_o head_n and_o hate_v our_o neighbour_n which_o be_v his_o member_n if_o a_o man_n shall_v stroke_v one_o on_o the_o head_n with_o his_o hand_n speak_v he_o fair_a with_o his_o tongue_n and_o yet_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n do_v beat_v and_o cut_v his_o body_n with_o a_o sword_n no_o man_n will_v think_v he_o love_v that_o man_n even_o so_o how_o can_v we_o love_v christ_n which_o be_v our_o head_n and_o yet_o hate_v one_o another_o which_o be_v his_o member_n wherefore_o let_v this_o teach_v we_o 4.11_o 1_o john_n 4.11_o that_o if_o god_n so_o love_v we_o than_o ought_v we_o to_o love_v one_o another_o now_o god_n so_o love_v we_o as_o to_o die_v for_o we_o when_o we_o be_v his_o enemy_n then_o must_v we_o love_v one_o another_o though_o we_o be_v enemy_n one_o to_o the_o other_o for_o to_o requite_v good_a for_o good_a be_v the_o part_n of_o humanity_n to_o requite_v evil_a for_o evil_n be_v the_o trick_n of_o a_o beast_n to_o repay_v evil_a for_o good_a be_v the_o property_n of_o a_o devil_n but_o to_o repay_v good_a for_o evil_n to_o bless_v he_o which_o curse_v thou_o be_v the_o duty_n of_o every_o true_a christian_a whatsoever_o he_o be_v for_o 13.35_o john_n 13.35_o by_o this_o shall_v all_o man_n know_v if_o you_o be_v my_o disciple_n if_o you_o love_v one_o another_o the_o second_o reason_n move_v we_o to_o love_v be_v take_v from_o our_o creation_n we_o find_v not_o in_o the_o bible_n that_o god_n make_v all_o the_o angel_n of_o one_o angel_n or_o all_o the_o fish_n of_o the_o great_a whale_n or_o all_o the_o bird_n of_o the_o surmount_a eagle_n or_o all_o the_o beast_n of_o the_o huge_a elephant_n or_o all_o the_o plant_n of_o the_o tall_a cedar_n but_o we_o read_v in_o the_o scripture_n that_o god_n make_v all_o mankind_n of_o one_o and_o the_o same_o adam_n which_o teach_v we_o thus_o much_o say_v s._n augustine_n joum._n de_fw-fr bono_fw-mi coniug_n contra_fw-la joum._n that_o we_o shall_v all_o live_v like_o brethren_n and_o love_v as_o one_o because_o we_o proceed_v from_o one_o and_o lactantius_n say_v very_o well_o 10._o lib._n 6._o cap._n 10._o if_o we_o all_o proceed_v from_o one_o man_n who_o god_n do_v make_v then_o be_v we_o all_o of_o consanguinity_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v a_o great_a sin_n to_o hate_v even_o a_o wicked_a man_n look_v also_o a_o little_a unto_o our_o procreation_n and_o bring_v forth_o into_o the_o world_n the_o tree_n have_v height_n to_o resist_v the_o violence_n of_o beast_n strong_a arm_n to_o wrestle_v with_o the_o force_n of_o wind_n leave_v to_o keep_v from_o they_o the_o heat_n in_o summer_n and_o bark_n to_o defend_v the_o cold_a frost_n in_o winter_n among_o the_o bird_n the_o eagle_n have_v her_o claw_n the_o porcupine_n her_o quill_n the_o crane_n her_o bill_n the_o hawk_n his_o talent_n among_o the_o beast_n of_o the_o forest_n the_o lion_n have_v his_o tail_n the_o bear_v his_o paw_n the_o bull_n his_o horn_n the_o boar_n his_o tusk_n among_o the_o fish_n of_o the_o sea_n the_o sepia_n have_v a_o mist_n of_o ink_n the_o crab_n his_o shell_n the_o polypus_n his_o change_n of_o colour_n thus_o every_o creature_n come_v forth_o with_o some_o defence_n for_o itself_o with_o offence_n for_o it_o foe_n only_a man_n poor_a miserable_a man_n come_v naked_a into_o the_o world_n whereby_o nature_n herself_o the_o common_a parent_n of_o all_o do_v teach_v we_o that_o man_n of_o all_o creature_n shall_v be_v most_o love_a and_o peaceable_a one_o to_o another_o as_o have_v speech_n give_v unto_o he_o which_o be_v deny_v to_o other_o creature_n to_o make_v he_o more_o sociable_a wherefore_o let_v there_o be_v that_o love_n between_o man_n and_o man_n as_o be_v between_o beast_n and_o beast_n if_o one_o sheep_n be_v faint_a the_o whole_a flock_n will_v stand_v between_o it_o and_o the_o sun_n until_o it_o be_v comfort_v among_o the_o bee_n aegrotante_fw-la una_fw-la lamentantur_fw-la omnes_fw-la if_o one_o be_v do_v wax_v faint_a all_o the_o whole_a hive_n do_v mourn_v if_o a_o man_n will_v not_o be_v as_o kind_a to_o man_n as_o beast_n be_v among_o themselves_o yet_o let_v man_n be_v as_o kind_a to_o man_n as_o the_o beast_n be_v to_o man_n we_o read_v of_o thankful_a lion_n kind_a eagle_n love_v dog_n wolf_n have_v nourish_v some_o man_n bear_n have_v suckle_v other_o in_o the_o scripture_n we_o read_v how_o elias_n be_v feed_v by_o raven_n 28.5_o 2_o king_n 17.6_o dan._n 6.22_o luke_n 16.21_o act_n 28.5_o daniel_n be_v safe_a in_o the_o midst_n of_o lion_n dog_n do_v lick_v the_o sore_n of_o poor_a lazarus_n the_o viper_n do_v not_o hurt_v s._n paul_n o_o cum_fw-la detestandam_fw-la humanae_fw-la malitiae_fw-la crudelitatem_fw-la ave_n pascunt_fw-la ferae_fw-la parcunt_fw-la homines_fw-la saeviunt_fw-la say_v saint_n cyprian_n o_o the_o most_o detestable_a cruelty_n of_o man_n malice_n the_o bird_n feed_v we_o the_o beast_n do_v spare_v we_o and_o yet_o one_o man_n be_v a_o wolf_n yea_o a_o devil_n to_o another_o well_o yet_o let_v one_o man_n be_v as_o love_v to_o another_o as_o the_o devil_n be_v among_o themselves_o for_o they_o will_v join_v together_o to_o the_o destruction_n of_o man_n as_o we_o see_v by_o he_o who_o say_v his_o name_n be_v legion_n because_o we_o be_v many_o 9_o mark_v 9_o and_o so_o let_v we_o love_v together_o
to_o destroy_v the_o devil_n all_o man_n of_o one_o trade_n will_v always_o join_v together_o for_o the_o maintenance_n of_o their_o trade_n oath_n the_o king_n apology_n for_o the_o oath_n so_o we_o be_v all_o christian_n have_v one_o father_n one_o redeemer_n one_o sanctifier_n one_o mother_n the_o church_n partaker_n of_o one_o baptism_n one_o faith_n and_o hope_v for_o one_o kingdom_n in_o heaven_n must_v needs_o unite_v ourselves_o in_o hearty_a love_n and_o christian_a charity_n thereby_o the_o better_a to_o overcome_v the_o world_n the_o flesh_n and_o the_o devil_n the_o three_o reason_n to_o stir_v we_o up_o to_o love_v our_o neighbour_n be_v take_v from_o nature_n which_o teach_v the_o perfection_n of_o all_o thing_n to_o consist_v in_o unity_n look_v upon_o the_o heaven_n there_o be_v one_o motion_n of_o the_o sun_n another_o of_o the_o moon_n another_o of_o the_o star_n yet_o they_o be_v all_o carry_v about_o motu_fw-la primi_fw-la mobilis_fw-la by_o the_o motion_n of_o the_o first_o movable_a descend_v low_a to_o the_o four_o element_n fire_n water_n air_n earth_n what_o more_o differ_a than_o their_o quality_n hot_a and_o cold_a moist_a and_o dry_a yet_o all_o these_o agree_v together_o to_o the_o make_n of_o one_o mix_v body_n and_o solled_a substance_n come_v to_o those_o creature_n which_o have_v life_n and_o motion_n as_o plant_n herb_n tree_n in_o the_o tree_n there_o be_v the_o body_n the_o bark_n the_o bow_n the_o leave_n all_o those_o part_n differ_v one_o from_o another_o yet_o all_o have_v their_o perfection_n from_o one_o and_o the_o selfsame_o root_n which_o be_v ground_v in_o the_o earth_n look_v upon_o the_o beast_n and_o fowl_n no_o one_o beast_n or_o bird_n of_o the_o same_o kind_n will_v hurt_v another_o as_o the_o hawk_n fly_v after_o the_o partridge_n not_o another_o hawk_n the_o bloodhound_n pull_v down_o the_o deer_n not_o another_o hound_n and_o so_o man_n shall_v not_o have_v war_n with_o man_n but_o with_o the_o devil_n come_v unto_o man_n the_o most_o excellent_a creature_n in_o nature_n and_o see_v how_o every_o thing_n in_o he_o tend_v unto_o unity_n for_o his_o outward_a part_n the_o eye_n can_v say_v to_o the_o foot_n i_o have_v no_o need_n of_o thou_o but_o the_o eye_n guide_v the_o foot_n the_o foot_n bear_v the_o eye_n one_o member_n receive_v into_o the_o body_n what_o be_v necessary_a another_o evacuate_v and_o cast_v out_o of_o the_o body_n what_o be_v superfluous_a yet_o all_o serve_v for_o the_o good_a of_o the_o whole_a body_n view_v the_o inward_a part_n of_o man_n how_o many_o several_a nerve_n and_o sinew_n be_v there_o in_o the_o body_n yet_o all_o from_o one_o head_n the_o brain_n how_o much_o blood_n disperse_v through_o several_a vein_n yet_o all_o from_o one_o fountain_n the_o liver_n how_o many_o spirit_n and_o motion_n yet_o all_o from_o the_o heart_n from_o these_o three_o principal_a part_n the_o head_n the_o liver_n the_o heart_n be_v diffuse_v into_o the_o whole_a man_n life_n sense_n and_o motion_n yet_o these_o three_o have_v but_o one_o head_n which_o be_v the_o soul_n of_o man_n and_o as_o philosophy_n tell_v we_o anima_fw-la est_fw-la tota_fw-la in_o toto_fw-la &_o tota_fw-la in_o qualibet_fw-la parte_fw-la the_o soul_n be_v alike_o whole_a in_o the_o whole_a body_n as_o in_o the_o little_a finger_n and_o alike_o whole_a in_o the_o little_a finger_n as_o in_o the_o whole_a body_n wherefore_o embrace_v love_n seek_v peace_n 12.14_o heb._n 12.14_o without_o which_o no_o man_n shall_v see_v god._n be_v then_o thy_o enemy_n great_a than_o thou_o be_v be_v quiet_n &_o tibi_fw-la parce_fw-la spare_v thyself_o meddle_v not_o with_o one_o that_o be_v mighty_a than_o thyself_o the_o toad_n may_v swell_v till_o he_o burst_v before_o he_o be_v so_o big_a as_o the_o ox_n be_v thy_o enemy_n less_o than_o thyself_o impar_fw-la congressus_fw-la achilli_n parce_fw-la sibi_fw-la spare_v he_o it_o be_v no_o glory_n for_o a_o man_n to_o beat_v a_o boy_n no_o credit_n for_o a_o great_a rich_a man_n to_o oppress_v a_o poor_a mean_a man_n the_o lion_n will_v seldom_o meddle_v with_o a_o woman_n but_o never_o with_o a_o little_a child_n be_v thy_o enemy_n thy_o equal_a solomon_n tell_v thou_o that_o the_o discretion_n of_o a_o man_n defer_v his_o anger_n 19.11_o prou._n 19.11_o and_o his_o glory_n be_v to_o pass_v by_o a_o offence_n thou_o will_v spend_v five_o pound_n to_o make_v he_o spend_v ten_o this_o be_v but_o to_o be_v the_o envious_a man_n it_o be_v once_o grant_v that_o the_o envious_a man_n and_o the_o covetous_a man_n shall_v both_o have_v their_o wish_n and_o he_o which_o wish_v last_o shall_v have_v the_o first_o man_n wish_v double_v so_o they_o do_v much_o strive_v who_o shall_v wish_v last_o in_o the_o end_n it_o be_v grant_v to_o the_o covetous_a man_n hereupon_o the_o envious_a man_n wish_v one_o of_o his_o eye_n to_o be_v put_v out_o which_o do_v the_o covetous_a man_n have_v both_o his_o put_v out_o so_o then_o to_o spend_v twenty_o pound_n to_o make_v thy_o neighbour_n spend_v forty_o be_v to_o be_v but_o envious_a make_v the_o best_a of_o it_o it_o be_v but_o like_a too_o boy_n at_o box_n the_o one_o get_v a_o blue_a face_n the_o other_o a_o bloody_a nose_n but_o both_o of_o they_o be_v well_o beat_v aesop_n tell_v we_o a_o fable_n how_o the_o mouse_n and_o the_o frog_n will_v needs_o fight_v together_o and_o in_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o battle_n come_v the_o kite_n and_o devour_v they_o both_o even_o so_o take_v heed_n while_o neighbour_n be_v at_o variance_n among_o themselves_o seek_v to_o do_v mischief_n one_o to_o other_o sudden_o come_v death_n and_o take_v they_o all_o away_o and_o when_o they_o be_v thus_o dead_a in_o their_o hatred_n and_o malice_n let_v the_o devil_n alone_o to_o torment_v they_o all_o tempore_fw-la serm._n cap._n 168._o de_fw-la tempore_fw-la to_o shut_v up_o this_o point_n with_o s._n augustine_n his_o counsel_n say_v see_v every_o man_n as_o he_o be_v a_o man_n be_v thy_o neighbour_n but_o as_o he_o be_v a_o evil_a man_n and_o offer_v wrong_a he_o be_v not_o only_o thy_o enemy_n but_o his_o own_o foe_n therefore_o love_v in_o he_o his_o soul_n and_o his_o body_n that_o be_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n who_o god_n have_v make_v but_o hate_v and_o detest_v his_o malice_n and_o other_o sin_n which_o the_o devil_n have_v by_o temptation_n work_v into_o his_o soul_n so_o shall_v thou_o be_v like_o a_o wise_a physician_n who_o love_v his_o patient_n and_o hate_v his_o disease_n thus_o much_o for_o the_o object_n who_o we_o must_v love_v our_o neighbour_n let_v i_o now_o speak_v of_o the_o last_o thing_n consider_v namely_o how_o far_o our_o love_n must_v be_v extend_v as_o thyself_o genesi_fw-la hom._n 21._o in_o genesi_fw-la as_o saint_n chrysostome_n say_v very_o well_o neque_fw-la vel_fw-la sillaba_fw-la vel_fw-la apiculus_fw-la est_fw-la in_o sacris_fw-la scripture_n in_fw-la cvius_fw-la profundo_fw-la non_fw-la sit_fw-la grandis_fw-la quispiam_fw-la thesaurus_fw-la there_o be_v not_o one_o syllable_n or_o tittle_n in_o the_o holy_a scripture_n but_o search_v thereof_o some_o great_a and_o hide_a treasure_n may_v be_v find_v for_o if_o it_o be_v a_o true_a axiom_n in_o philosophy_n natura_fw-la nihil_fw-la facit_fw-la frustra_fw-la that_o nature_n do_v nothing_o in_o vain_a than_o it_o must_v be_v much_o more_o true_a of_o the_o god_n of_o nature_n that_o he_o will_v speak_v nothing_o in_o vain_a and_o that_o in_o his_o holy_a write_v this_o be_v partly_o see_v in_o this_o word_n as_o the_o which_o have_v four_o several_a signification_n in_o the_o bible_n first_o it_o signify_v the_o likeness_n of_o a_o thing_n but_o not_o the_o truth_n of_o a_o thing_n as_o in_o saint_n matthew_n 26.55_o matth._n 26.55_o you_o come_v out_o as_o against_o a_o thief_n with_o bill_n and_o with_o staff_n second_o this_o word_n as_o signify_v the_o truth_n of_o a_o thing_n but_o not_o the_o likeness_n of_o a_o thing_n in_o saint_n john_n 1.14_o john_n 1.14_o we_o see_v the_o glory_n of_o he_o as_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o only_o beget_v son_n of_o the_o father_n three_o it_o signify_v both_o the_o likeness_n and_o the_o truth_n of_o a_o thing_n as_o to_o the_o hebrew_n god_n offer_v himself_o unto_o you_o 12.7_o heb._n 12.7_o as_o unto_o child_n last_o it_o signify_v rei_fw-la qualitatem_fw-la sed_fw-la non_fw-la aequalitatem_fw-la the_o quality_n but_o not_o the_o equality_n of_o a_o thing_n 6.36_o luke_n 6.36_o as_o in_o s._n luke_n be_v you_o merciful_a as_o your_o father_n be_v merciful_a where_o the_o meaning_n be_v we_o shall_v be_v as_o well_o merciful_a as_o god_n not_o as_o much_o for_o that_o be_v impossible_a and_o in_o this_o last_o signification_n be_v this_o word_n as_o take_v in_o this_o place_n love_v thy_o
neighbour_n as_o thyself_o that_o be_v pari_fw-la affectu_fw-la sed_fw-la non_fw-la pari_fw-la effectu_fw-la as_o the_o school_n speak_v 29._o 3._o sent._n do_v 29._o so_o the_o meaning_n be_v that_o we_o must_v love_v our_o neighbour_n as_o well_o as_o ourselves_o but_o not_o as_o much_o as_o ourselves_o for_o there_o be_v degree_n in_o love_n the_o apostle_n say_v do_v good_a unto_o all_o man_n 6.10_o gal._n 6.10_o but_o especial_o to_o the_o household_n of_o faith_n and_o among_o christian_n as_o saint_n hierom_n observe_v 44._o in_o ezech._n 44._o after_o god_n we_o must_v love_v our_o father_n and_o our_o mother_n our_o child_n our_o brother_n and_o sister_n our_o kinsfolk_n our_o own_o household_n for_o he_o be_v worse_a than_o a_o infidel_n which_o will_v not_o provide_v for_o his_o family_n 5.8_o 1_o tim._n 5.8_o and_o therefore_o s._n augustine_n say_v very_o well_o omnes_fw-la homines_fw-la aeque_fw-la diligendi_fw-la sunt_fw-la 28._o lib._n 1._o de_fw-fr doct_n christ_n 28._o all_o man_n be_v alike_o well_o to_o be_v belove_v but_o when_o a_o man_n can_v do_v good_a to_o all_o than_o he_o must_v especial_o help_v those_o which_o be_v near_a unto_o he_o in_o place_n in_o time_n or_o by_o some_o other_o occasion_n etc._n etc._n have_v now_o set_v down_o the_o sense_n and_o meaning_n of_o the_o word_n that_o we_o must_v love_v our_o neighbour_n as_o well_o as_o ourselves_o let_v we_o now_o show_v how_o well_o we_o must_v love_v all_o man_n and_o this_o first_o in_o general_n then_o in_o particular_a for_o the_o general_a what_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n speak_v in_o the_o negative_a quod_fw-la tibi_fw-la non_fw-la vis_fw-la fieri_fw-la alteri_fw-la ne_fw-la feceris_fw-la what_o you_o will_v not_o have_v do_v to_o you_o do_v not_o unto_o other_o that_o same_o the_o law_n of_o the_o gospel_n speak_v affirmative_o as_o you_o will_v other_o shall_v do_v unto_o you_o so_o do_v you_o unto_o they_o for_o this_o be_v the_o law_n and_o the_o prophet_n now_o then_o examine_v thyself_o by_o this_o rule_n suppose_v thou_o be_v poor_a and_o needy_a and_o drive_v to_o beg_v thy_o bread_n from_o house_n to_o house_n when_o thou_o do_v ask_v a_o alm_n will_v not_o thou_o be_v glad_a to_o receive_v it_o will_v it_o not_o grieve_v thou_o to_o be_v send_v away_o empty_a without_o meat_n for_o thy_o belly_n or_o clothes_n for_o thy_o back_n or_o harbour_v for_o the_o weather_n sure_o thy_o conscience_n will_v tell_v thou_o yes_o why_o then_o as_o you_o will_v another_o shall_v do_v to_o thou_o so_o do_v thou_o unto_o he_o relieve_v the_o poor_a visit_v the_o sick_a comfort_v the_o fatherless_a etc._n etc._n again_o if_o thy_o enemy_n have_v thou_o at_o advantage_n will_v thou_o be_v content_v that_o he_o shall_v take_v away_o thy_o good_n thy_o good_a name_n that_o he_o shall_v beat_v thou_o hurt_v thou_o kill_v thou_o or_o the_o like_a examine_v thy_o conscience_n it_o will_v tell_v thou_o no_o why_o then_o as_o thou_o will_v another_o shall_v do_v unto_o thou_o so_o do_v thou_o unto_o he_o forgive_v thy_o enemy_n make_v he_o not_o consume_v his_o good_n rob_v he_o not_o of_o his_o good_a name_n do_v not_o strike_v he_o hurt_v he_o kill_v he_o or_o the_o like_a and_o as_o in_o these_o so_o in_o all_o other_o thing_n examine_v thyself_o &_o when_o thou_o go_v about_o any_o thing_n concern_v any_o man_n remember_v this_o short_a lesson_n do_v as_o thou_o will_v be_v do_v unto_o and_o it_o will_v keep_v thou_o from_o many_o sin_n for_o assure_v thyself_o as_o saint_n augustine_n say_v thou_o do_v not_o love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o catho_n de_fw-fr monit_fw-la eccle._n catho_n if_o thou_o do_v not_o strive_v to_o bring_v he_o to_o that_o good_a which_o thou_o desire_v to_o enjoy_v thyself_o and_o this_o for_o the_o general_a give_v i_o now_o leave_v more_o particular_o to_o show_v how_o we_o shall_v love_v our_o neighbour_n by_o a_o few_o similitude_n draw_v from_o the_o natural_a body_n of_o man_n and_o the_o member_n thereof_o first_o one_o member_n in_o the_o natural_a body_n do_v not_o envy_v another_o even_o so_o we_o must_v not_o envy_v at_o our_o neighbour_n prosperity_n this_o sin_n of_o envy_n be_v of_o all_o other_o most_o foolish_a for_o the_o covetous_a man_n have_v a_o little_a wealth_n for_o his_o soul_n the_o voluptuous_a man_n have_v a_o little_a pleasure_n for_o his_o soul_n the_o ambitious_a man_n have_v a_o little_a honour_n for_o his_o soul_n but_o the_o envious_a man_n give_v away_o his_o soul_n to_o the_o devil_n for_o nothing_o have_v only_a heart_n grief_n and_o misery_n yet_o many_o man_n in_o these_o day_n be_v like_o caesar_n and_o pompey_n of_o which_o one_o can_v not_o abide_v his_o superior_a the_o other_o can_v not_o endure_v his_o equal_a but_o this_o shall_v not_o be_v among_o christian_n for_o why_o shall_v my_o eye_n be_v evil_a because_o god_n eye_n be_v good_a wherefore_o as_o in_o the_o body_n if_o one_o member_n suffer_v 12.26_o 1_o cor._n 12.26_o all_o the_o member_n will_v suffer_v with_o it_o as_o if_o the_o foot_n be_v hurt_v the_o eye_n will_v look_v to_o it_o the_o hand_n will_v reach_v for_o it_o the_o tongue_n will_v speak_v for_o it_o etc._n etc._n even_o so_o must_v we_o take_v compassion_n of_o one_o another_o misery_n like_o scipio_n africanus_n minor_n who_o as_o appian_n report_v do_v weep_v when_o he_o see_v carthage_n burn_v say_v that_o rome_n his_o mother_n city_n may_v one_o day_n burn_v so_o even_o so_o we_o either_o be_v in_o misery_n like_o our_o brethren_n or_o we_o have_v be_v in_o such_o misery_n or_o before_o we_o die_v we_o may_v be_v as_o wretched_a as_o our_o neighbour_n therefore_o let_v we_o have_v a_o sympathy_n and_o fellow-feeling_n of_o each_o other_o calamity_n again_o if_o one_o member_n rejoice_v all_o the_o other_o member_n rejoice_v with_o it_o so_o must_v we_o be_v glad_a at_o other_o good_a for_o this_o be_v to_o be_v angelical_a 15.10_o luke_n 15.10_o the_o angel_n in_o heaven_n rejoice_v at_o the_o conversion_n of_o a_o sinner_n upon_o earth_n what_o seneca_n say_v to_o his_o friend_n that_o every_o christian_n must_v from_o his_o heart_n speak_v unto_o his_o neighbour_n mihi_fw-la id_fw-la expedit_fw-la quod_fw-la tibi_fw-la aut_fw-la non_fw-la sum_fw-la amicus_fw-la nisi_fw-la quicquid_fw-la agitur_fw-la ad_fw-la te_fw-la pertinens_fw-la meum_fw-la est_fw-la look_v what_o be_v good_a for_o thou_o that_o i_o esteem_v good_a for_o i_o and_o so_o on_o the_o contrary_a otherwise_o i_o be_o not_o thy_o true_a christian_a neighbour_n and_o friend_n second_o one_o member_n in_o the_o body_n do_v not_o appropriate_v its_o good_a unto_o itself_o but_o to_o the_o whole_a body_n as_o the_o eye_n see_v not_o for_o itself_o but_o for_o the_o whole_a body_n and_o so_o of_o the_o rest_n even_o so_o we_o be_v all_o member_n of_o one_o mystical_a body_n who_o head_n be_v christ_n must_v communicate_v to_o the_o good_a and_o necessity_n one_o of_o another_o wherefore_o love_n must_v be_v to_o our_o action_n as_o our_o hand_n be_v to_o our_o body_n the_o hand_n it_o clothe_v the_o back_n it_o feed_v the_o belly_n and_o do_v all_o other_o necessary_a office_n to_o the_o body_n even_o so_o love_n must_v practice_v all_o good_a action_n to_o the_o member_n of_o christ_n mystical_a body_n in_o feed_v the_o hungry_a in_o clothe_v the_o naked_a and_o the_o like_a and_o as_o the_o hand_n cover_v the_o sore_n in_o the_o body_n by_o lay_v on_o of_o plaster_n so_o love_n must_v cover_v the_o multitude_n of_o offence_n which_o our_o fellow-member_n commit_v by_o forget_v and_o forgive_n they_o for_o as_o the_o hand_n be_v not_o all_o one_o lump_n of_o flesh_n but_o divide_v into_o several_a joint_n and_o finger_n whereby_o it_o be_v more_o fit_a to_o perform_v its_o duty_n even_o so_o be_v we_o by_o god_n special_a providence_n divide_v into_o several_a member_n that_o we_o may_v the_o better_o perform_v the_o work_n of_o love_n not_o like_o a_o boar_n in_o a_o sty_n to_o live_v unto_o ourselves_o nor_o like_o a_o dog_n in_o a_o kennel_n to_o bark_v at_o all_o that_o go_v by_o but_o to_o let_v all_o our_o action_n be_v do_v in_o love_n do_v to_o all_o other_o as_o we_o will_v all_o other_o shall_v do_v unto_o us._n three_o one_o member_n in_o the_o body_n hurt_v by_o another_o do_v not_o revenge_v itself_o as_o if_o the_o hand_n let_v fall_v a_o stone_n or_o weight_n upon_o the_o foot_n the_o foot_n do_v not_o kick_v and_o spurn_v at_o the_o hand_n again_o but_o bear_v it_o patient_o even_o so_o must_v we_o bear_v and_o put_v up_o wrong_v one_o of_o another_o refer_v all_o to_o god_n who_o in_o his_o due_a time_n will_v revenge_v 18._o de_fw-fr vero_fw-la cultu_fw-la cap._n 18._o non_fw-la minus_fw-la mali_fw-la
guide_v the_o blind_a man_n thus_o they_o go_v on_o well_o and_o quiet_o until_o the_o lame_a man_n have_v espy_v a_o oyster_n than_o they_o fall_v at_o dissension_n to_o who_o it_o do_v belong_v the_o lame_a man_n challenge_v it_o because_o he_o espy_v it_o out_o the_o blind_a man_n say_v it_o be_v he_o because_o his_o leg_n do_v fetch_v it_o to_o be_v short_a in_o the_o end_n they_o determine_v to_o be_v judge_v by_o the_o next_o man_n they_o meet_v this_o man_n be_v a_o lawyer_n make_v a_o equal_a distribution_n he_o give_v each_o of_o they_o a_o shell_n and_o keep_v the_o meat_n to_o himself_o and_o even_o so_o go_v on_o in_o suit_n and_o jar_n at_o last_o you_o will_v find_v the_o lawyer_n to_o be_v like_o the_o butler_n box_n at_o christmas_n whosoever_o be_v a_o loose_a that_o be_v a_o gainer_n we_o which_o live_v in_o this_o latter_a age_n of_o the_o world_n have_v be_v long_a time_n the_o scholar_n of_o saint_n paul_n and_o saint_n peter_n but_o we_o can_v never_o yet_o take_v forth_o our_o lesson_n so_o far_o forth_o as_o saint_n james_n or_o saint_n john_n we_o have_v learn_v of_o saint_n paul_n to_o believe_v well_o but_o not_o of_o saint_n of_o james_n to_o bring_v forth_o good_a work_n which_o be_v the_o fruit_n of_o faith_n we_o have_v learn_v of_o saint_n peter_n to_o feed_v christ_n flock_n and_o the_o people_n to_o be_v feed_v of_o the_o shepherd_n but_o neither_o shepherd_n nor_o sheep_n minister_n nor_o people_n have_v learn_v of_o saint_n john_n to_o love_v one_o another_o who_o as_o himself_o be_v the_o belove_a of_o christ_n so_o be_v his_o epistle_n fill_v with_o word_n of_o love_n and_o drop_n of_o fatherly_a affection_n as_o babe_n little_a babe_n child_n little_a child_n belove_a dear_o belove_v we_o read_v of_o country_n and_o land_n which_o do_v not_o nourish_v any_o vile_a or_o poison_v some_o creature_n but_o never_o can_v we_o read_v of_o a_o commonwealth_n wherein_o live_v man_n who_o heart_n be_v void_a of_o envy_n hatred_n and_o malice_n 2.3_o act_n 2.3_o in_o the_o act_n of_o the_o apostle_n there_o be_v mention_v make_v of_o cleave_a tongue_n but_o never_o can_v we_o find_v any_o cleave_a heart_n heart_n divide_v in_o sunder_o wherefore_o as_o ever_o so_o especial_o now_o in_o these_o last_o day_n have_v we_o need_v to_o exhort_v to_o love_v for_o as_o the_o world_n wax_v old_a so_o man_n in_o the_o world_n wax_v old_a and_o as_o the_o body_n of_o old_a man_n go_v stoop_v downward_o so_o the_o soul_n of_o man_n in_o this_o age_n go_v grovel_v to_o earthly_a possession_n not_o mind_v heavenly_a inheritance_n and_o as_o the_o body_n in_o old_a age_n wax_v cold_a and_o want_v the_o heat_n of_o nature_n so_o the_o soul_n of_o man_n in_o this_o age_n wax_v cold_a and_o want_v the_o heat_n of_o charity_n therefore_o if_o ever_o then_o now_o have_v this_o lesson_n of_o love_n need_v to_o be_v enforce_v not_o particular_o to_o minister_n only_o lest_o then_o layman_n say_v quod_fw-la supra_fw-la nos_fw-la nihil_fw-la ad_fw-la nos_fw-la that_o be_v what_o be_v above_o we_o pertain_v not_o to_o we_o nor_o to_o the_o layman_n only_o lest_o the_o clergy_n say_v id_fw-la populus_fw-la curet_fw-la that_o be_v let_v layman_n love_n let_v we_o disagree_v but_o it_o be_v general_o to_o be_v enforce_v unto_o all_o of_o what_o sort_n or_o condition_n soever_o he_o be_v read_v the_o scripture_n you_o shall_v find_v how_o often_o love_n be_v command_v now_o no_o man_n will_v often_o demand_v that_o thing_n which_o be_v not_o please_v unto_o he_o therefore_o we_o must_v love_v one_o another_o because_o love_n be_v so_o please_v unto_o god_n as_o appear_v by_o god_n often_o require_v love_n of_o we_o the_o wife_n which_o love_v her_o husband_n will_v fit_v herself_o to_o his_o humour_n she_o will_v do_v that_o which_o he_o delight_v in_o we_o the_o church_n be_v the_o spouse_n of_o christ_n he_o be_v our_o husband_n therefore_o if_o we_o true_o love_v he_o we_o must_v entertain_v hearty_a love_n one_o with_o another_o which_o be_v most_o please_a unto_o god_n 133._o psal_n 133._o for_o love_n be_v liken_v unto_o precious_a ointment_n which_o pour_v forth_o make_v a_o sweet_a savour_n over_o all_o the_o room_n so_o be_v love_v a_o sweet_a smell_a sacrifice_n in_o the_o nostril_n of_o god_n 14.33_o 1_o cor._n 14.33_o he_o call_v himself_o the_o god_n of_o love_n say_v also_o that_o he_o hate_v he_o which_o raise_v up_o contention_n among_o brethren_n but_o in_o ecclesiasticus_fw-la chap._n 25._o three_o thing_n rejoice_v i_o 6.19_o prou._n 6.19_o and_o by_o they_o be_o i_o beautify_v before_o god_n and_o man_n the_o unity_n of_o brethren_n the_o love_n of_o neighbour_n a_o man_n and_o wife_n that_o agree_v together_o this_o be_v see_v in_o that_o david_n a_o man_n after_o god_n own_o heart_n must_v not_o build_v a_o house_n to_o god_n and_o why_o because_o his_o hand_n have_v be_v imbrue_v with_o blood_n 5._o 3_o reg._n 5._o but_o solomon_n his_o son_n a_o king_n which_o reign_v in_o peace_n be_v command_v to_o build_v a_o temple_n to_o god_n and_o jesus_n christ_n which_o be_v bear_v into_o the_o world_n to_o make_v peace_n between_o god_n and_o man_n be_v bear_v under_o augustus_n caesar_n at_o that_o time_n when_o the_o whole_a world_n be_v at_o peace_n therefore_o seek_v peace_n and_o ensue_v it_o follow_v after_o love_n pray_v with_o saint_n bernard_n on_o the_o canticle_n domine_fw-la pacem_fw-la volo_fw-la pacem_fw-la cupio_fw-la &_o nihil_fw-la amplius_fw-la o_o lord_n i_o desire_v peace_n i_o seek_v peace_n and_o nothing_o else_o wherefore_o do_v thy_o brother_n offend_v thou_o put_v it_o up_o refer_v he_o to_o god_n who_o will_v revenge_v thou_o veterem_fw-la iniuriam_fw-la ferendo_fw-la vitabis_fw-la novam_fw-la by_o suffer_v a_o old_a injury_n thou_o shall_v eschew_v a_o new_a wrong_n as_o we_o see_v in_o a_o brawl_a cur_n if_o he_o bark_v at_o thou_o and_o thou_o ride_v on_o and_o not_o regard_v it_o the_o dog_n will_v be_v quiet_a but_o if_o thou_o offer_v to_o chide_v he_o to_o strike_v at_o he_o or_o to_o hurt_v he_o than_o he_o fly_v at_o thou_o more_o furious_o then_o at_o the_o beginning_n a_o coal_n of_o fire_n let_v alone_o will_v out_o and_o die_v of_o itself_o but_o blow_v it_o and_o it_o will_v burn_v afresh_o and_o as_o hot_a as_o before_o so_o wrong_v and_o injury_n let_v alone_o will_v in_o time_n die_v and_o be_v forget_v but_o if_o they_o be_v repeat_v and_o often_o rehearse_v they_o will_v increase_v ay_o but_o thou_o will_v say_v for_o my_o own_o part_n i_o can_v be_v content_v to_o live_v in_o peace_n but_o my_o neighbour_n be_v always_o begin_v with_o i_o and_o offer_v i_o wrong_v first_o what_o shall_v i_o do_v in_o such_o a_o case_n tread_v on_o a_o worm_n and_o it_o will_v trune_v again_o to_o this_o i_o answer_v know_v what_o the_o heathen_a orator_n say_v nulla_fw-la laus_fw-la est_fw-la ibi_fw-la esse_fw-la integrum_fw-la ubi_fw-la nemo_fw-la est_fw-la qui_fw-la aut_fw-la velit_fw-la aut_fw-la conetur_fw-la corrumpere_fw-la it_o be_v no_o commendation_n to_o be_v a_o honest_a man_n when_o thou_o can_v not_o tell_v how_o to_o be_v dishonest_a for_o example_n what_o credit_n be_v it_o for_o a_o man_n to_o say_v he_o never_o do_v commit_v adultery_n when_o as_o he_o never_o come_v into_o company_n where_o woman_n be_v what_o glory_n be_v it_o for_o a_o man_n to_o be_v never_o drunken_a and_o never_o be_v in_o place_n where_o he_o can_v drink_v wine_n or_o strong_a beer_n but_o only_a water_n so_o what_o commendation_n be_v it_o to_o live_v in_o love_n &_o peace_n when_o as_o no_o neighbour_n thou_o have_v do_v offer_v thou_o any_o wrong_n or_o injury_n wherefore_o he_o which_o offer_v thou_o wrong_n give_v thou_o occasion_n of_o patience_n not_o of_o anger_n and_o revenge_n so_o that_o every_o one_o shall_v say_v of_o he_o which_o offer_v wrong_a as_o david_n say_v of_o the_o curse_v of_o shimei_n suffer_v he_o to_o curse_v 16._o 2_o sam._n 16._o for_o the_o lord_n have_v bid_v he_o it_o may_v be_v the_o lord_n will_v look_v on_o my_o affliction_n and_o do_v i_o good_a for_o his_o curse_v this_o day_n so_o put_v up_o wrong_n refer_v all_o to_o god_n saint_n cyprian_n say_v well_o quid_fw-la gloriae_fw-la est_fw-la illis_fw-la facere_fw-la quod_fw-la fecit_fw-la judas_n quid_fw-la ignominiae_fw-la est_fw-la nobis_fw-la pati_fw-la quod_fw-la passus_fw-la est_fw-la christus_fw-la what_o glory_n be_v it_o for_o a_o man_n to_o offer_v wrong_a judas_n do_v the_o like_a to_o christ_n and_o what_o shame_n be_v it_o for_o we_o to_o suffer_v wrong_a for_o christ_n sake_n who_o before_o have_v endure_v much_o more_o for_o our_o sake_n socrates_n the_o wise_a philosopher_n walk_v in_o the_o street_n
pull_v off_o his_o hat_n to_o one_o who_o he_o meet_v which_o man_n uncivile_o pass_v by_o and_o leave_v socrates_n unsaluted_a whereupon_o one_o say_v unto_o socrates_n why_o be_v you_o not_o angry_a with_o that_o unmannerly_a companion_n to_o who_o socrates_n reply_v if_o i_o have_v meet_v one_o with_o a_o crooked_a back_n and_o which_o have_v a_o body_n more_o deform_v than_o myself_o shall_v i_o be_v angry_a with_o he_o to_o who_o the_o other_o answer_v no_o true_o and_o then_o much_o less_o have_v i_o cause_n to_o be_v displease_v with_o one_o that_o have_v a_o worse_a mind_n than_o i_o say_v the_o the_o philosopher_n even_o so_o to_o make_v some_o application_n to_o we_o christian_n have_v thy_o neighbour_n do_v thou_o injury_n sure_o this_o proceed_v out_o of_o his_o soul_n infirmity_n and_o therefore_o be_v not_o offend_v because_o he_o have_v a_o worse_a soul_n than_o thyself_o for_o indeed_o in_o stead_n of_o hurt_v he_o again_o thou_o have_v more_o need_n to_o pity_v he_o and_o to_o pray_v for_o he_o ay_o but_o thou_o will_v peradventure_o say_v the_o offence_n be_v not_o small_a and_o ordinary_a but_o great_a and_o heinous_a such_o as_o flesh_n and_o blood_n can_v endure_v 15.50_o 1_o cor._n 15.50_o alas_o belove_a flesh_n and_o blood_n shall_v never_o enter_v into_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n but_o he_o which_o be_v bear_v of_o water_n and_o the_o spirit_n and_o know_v thus_o much_o that_o the_o great_a injury_n offer_v unto_o thou_o be_v not_o comparable_a to_o the_o least_o sin_n thou_o commit_v against_o god_n for_o the_o great_a the_o object_n offend_v the_o great_a be_v the_o sin_n commit_v offer_v to_o kill_v a_o ordinary_a man_n and_o not_o effect_v it_o thou_o have_v but_o a_o small_a punishment_n but_o offer_v to_o kill_v the_o king_n and_o thou_o be_v punish_v in_o the_o high_a degree_n thus_o you_o see_v how_o one_o and_o the_o selfsame_o sin_n be_v great_a and_o lesser_a in_o regard_n of_o the_o object_n offend_v now_o then_o almighty_a god_n be_v infinite_a and_o eternal_a the_o least_o sin_n against_o he_o deserve_v infinite_a and_o eternal_a punishment_n how_o then_o can_v thou_o hope_v for_o pardon_n from_o god_n for_o thy_o great_a sin_n against_o he_o when_o thou_o will_v not_o forgive_v thy_o neighbour_n his_o small_a sin_n against_o thou_o in_o comparison_n 18.25_o mat._n 18.25_o as_o our_o saviour_n set_v forth_o at_o large_a in_o the_o parable_n of_o the_o unthankful_a servant_n who_o have_v to_o himself_o forgive_v ten_o thousand_o talent_n will_v not_o forgive_v his_o fellow-seruant_n one_o hundred_o penny_n this_o master_n be_v god_n this_o servant_n to_o who_o ten_o thousand_o talent_n be_v remit_v be_v every_o christian_n which_o have_v his_o sin_n wash_v away_o in_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n these_o hundred_o penny_n of_o the_o fellow-seruant_n be_v those_o small_a sin_n which_o one_o brother_n offer_v to_o another_o a_o talon_n be_v then_o two_o hundred_o pound_n than_o what_o difference_n be_v betwixt_o twenty_o hundred_o thousand_o pound_n and_o one_o hundred_o penny_n so_o much_o difference_n and_o more_o be_v there_o between_o our_o sin_n to_o god_n and_o our_o brother_n to_o us._n o_o then_o for_o shame_n good_a christian_a speak_v not_o of_o the_o greatness_n of_o thy_o wrong_n but_o rather_o pray_v so_o much_o more_o earnest_o to_o god_n and_o say_v with_o our_o saviour_n 22.34_o luke_n 22.34_o father_n forgive_v they_o they_o know_v not_o what_o they_o do_v and_o with_o the_o bless_a martyr_n saint_n steven_n cry_v 7.60_o act_n 7.60_o o_o lord_n lay_v not_o their_o sin_n unto_o their_o charge_n imitate_v almighty_a god_n who_o be_v quick_a to_o show_v mercy_n as_o we_o see_v in_o the_o prodigal_a son_n 15.20_o luke_n 15.20_o to_o who_o he_o run_v forth_o speedy_o and_o with_o all_o haste_n embrace_v he_o but_o god_n be_v slow_a to_o anger_n and_o revenge_n for_o when_o he_o come_v to_o punish_v adam_n in_o paradise_n he_o come_v not_o run_v 3.8_o genes_n 3.8_o but_o walk_v and_o that_o not_o in_o the_o heat_n of_o the_o day_n but_o in_o the_o cool_a of_o the_o evening_n even_o so_o be_v thou_o swift_a to_o forgive_v thy_o enemy_n let_v not_o the_o sun_n go_v down_o upon_o thy_o wrath_n 4.26_o ephes_n 4.26_o but_o be_v slow_a to_o anger_n and_o revenge_v for_o he_o which_o be_v angry_a with_o his_o brother_n unaduised_o 5.22_o mat._n 5.22_o shall_v be_v culpable_a of_o judgement_n ay_o but_o thou_o will_v yet_o say_v i_o can_v be_v content_v to_o live_v in_o peace_n to_o forgive_v great_a wrong_n but_o i_o be_o often_o wrong_v and_o still_o injure_v i_o can_v never_o live_v in_o quiet_a know_v thus_o much_o my_o belove_a 19.12_o james_n 3.2_o psal_n 19.12_o that_o not_o in_o one_o or_o two_o thing_n but_o in_o many_o thing_n we_o all_o sin_n against_o god_n and_o who_o be_v he_o which_o know_v all_o his_o iniquity_n ibid._n ibid._n have_v not_o every_o one_o need_n to_o pray_v with_o david_n lord_n cleanse_v i_o from_o my_o secret_a sin_n 11.4_o luke_n 11.4_o do_v not_o our_o saviour_n teach_v we_o daily_o to_o pray_v forgive_v we_o our_o trespass_n and_o also_o daily_o to_o practice_v forgiveness_n to_o our_o brother_n sin_n he_o not_o seven_o time_n 18.22_o mat._n 18.22_o but_o seaventy_n time_n seven_o time_n in_o one_o day_n consult_v not_o therefore_o with_o flesh_n and_o blood_n but_o submit_v thyself_o to_o god_n law_n which_o tell_v thou_o that_o the_o great_a commandment_n be_v to_o love_v the_o lord_n thy_o god_n with_o all_o thy_o heart_n with_o all_o thy_o soul_n and_o with_o all_o thy_o mind_n and_o that_o the_o second_o be_v like_a unto_o this_o thou_o shall_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o wherefore_o be_v not_o a_o christian_a in_o show_n but_o in_o deed_n imitate_v thy_o saviour_n jesus_n who_o do_v not_o only_o not_o hate_v his_o enemy_n but_o bestow_v many_o benefit_n upon_o they_o as_o his_o sun_n shine_v upon_o the_o just_a and_o unjust_a his_o rain_n fall_v upon_o the_o good_a and_o bad_a so_o do_v not_o only_o not_o revenge_v thou_o on_o thy_o enemy_n but_o love_v he_o do_v he_o good_a and_o pray_v for_o he_o and_o reason_n good_a for_o if_o god_n the_o creator_n spare_v his_o creature_n much_o more_o must_v thou_o spare_v thy_o fellow-creature_n if_o god_n the_o lord_n of_o all_o do_v forgive_v his_o servant_n then_o must_v thou_o forgive_v thy_o fellow-servant_n wherefore_o embrace_v love_n with_o all_o man_n if_o thy_o enemy_n be_v hungry_a feed_v he_o 12.22_o rom._n 12.22_o if_o he_o be_v thirsty_a give_v he_o drink_v if_o he_o be_v naked_a clothe_v he_o for_o in_o so_o do_v thou_o shall_v heap_v coal_n of_o fire_n upon_o his_o head_n that_o be_v say_v saint_n augustine_n 16._o de_fw-fr doct_n christ_n lib._n 3._o cap._n 16._o thou_o shall_v stir_v up_o in_o thy_o enemy_n the_o burn_a zeal_n and_o sorrow_n of_o repentance_n cause_v he_o to_o grieve_v that_o he_o have_v offend_v that_o man_n who_o be_v so_o ready_a to_o succour_v and_o to_o relieve_v his_o want_v and_o misery_n to_o conclude_v this_o first_o point_n 12.18_o psal_n 34.14_o rom._n 12.18_o seek_v peace_n and_o ensue_v it_o if_o it_o be_v possible_a as_o much_o as_o in_o you_o be_v have_v peace_n with_o all_o man_n for_o as_o saint_n john_n say_v he_o which_o hate_v his_o brother_n be_v a_o murderer_n 3.15_o 1_o epist_n 3.15_o and_o we_o know_v no_o murderer_n have_v eternal_a life_n abide_v in_o he_o but_o as_o the_o same_o apostle_n say_v let_v we_o love_v one_o another_o 4.7_o 1_o epist_n 4.7_o for_o love_n come_v of_o god_n and_o every_o one_o which_o love_v be_v bear_v of_o god_n and_o know_v god_n and_o so_o i_o pass_v unto_o the_o object_n who_o we_o must_v love_v namely_o our_o neighbour_n thou_o shall_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n difficile_fw-la est_fw-la humanam_fw-la animam_fw-la nihil_fw-la amare_fw-la say_v saint_n hierome_n it_o be_v hard_a that_o the_o soul_n of_o man_n shall_v love_v nothing_o for_o nihili_fw-la est_fw-la qui_fw-la nihil_fw-la amat_fw-la say_v plautus_n he_o be_v to_o be_v esteem_v as_o nothing_o which_o love_v nothing_o especial_o see_v there_o be_v so_o many_o object_n for_o to_o love_v in_o which_o respect_n it_o be_v observe_v that_o there_o be_v no_o one_o word_n in_o the_o greek_a tongue_n which_o receive_v so_o many_o composition_n as_o the_o word_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d love._n there_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d that_o be_v the_o drunkard_n love_n the_o lecher_n love_n ambitious_a love_n pleasure_n love_n etc._n etc._n but_o of_o all_o other_o object_n of_o love_n saint_n augustine_n do_v reckon_v up_o four_o as_o most_o principal_a 23._o de_fw-fr doct_n christ_n lib._n 1._o cap._n 23._o
hand_n can_v reach_v and_o receive_v a_o gift_n of_o itself_o but_o the_o hand_n can_v cut_v any_o thing_n of_o itself_o without_o a_o knife_n or_o some_o such_o like_a instrument_n even_o so_o faith_n as_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o soul_n be_v able_a to_o ascend_v up_o to_o christ_n cross_n and_o to_o apply_v his_o merit_n unto_o the_o soul_n but_o faith_n can_v of_o itself_o