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The christian doctrine in manner of a dialogue betweene the master and the disciple Made by the Reuer. Fa. Iames Ledesma of the Society of Iesus. Now lately translated into English, for the vse of children, and other vnlearned Catholickes
Ledisma, Jacobus, 1519-1575.
STC 15353; ESTC S106750
the_o devell_n m._n who_o go_v to_o the_o pain_n of_o purgatory_n d._n the_o soul_n of_o those_o which_o die_v in_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n and_o have_v not_o full_o satisfy_v for_o their_o sin_n and_o after_o that_o they_o have_v suffer_v the_o due_a punishment_n they_o shall_v go_v to_o heaven_n of_o the_o second_o thing_n necessary_a for_o a_o christian_n that_o be_v of_o hope_n chap._n 5._o m._n what_o do_v you_o look_v to_o have_v by_o hope_n in_o god_n d._n the_o life_n everlasting_a which_o principal_o be_v obtain_v by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n and_o beside_o by_o the_o meritte_n which_o through_o the_o same_o grace_n proceed_v from_o us._n m._n for_o to_o obtain_v that_o which_o we_o hope_v for_o what_o be_v require_v d._n among_o other_o thing_n prayer_n m._n what_o prayer_n do_v the_o church_n teach_v we_o d._n the_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la the_o aue_fw-la mary_n and_o the_o salue_fw-la regina_fw-la and_o other_o m._n say_v the_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la d._n 1_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la qui_fw-la es_fw-la in_o coelis_fw-la sancti_fw-la ficetur_fw-la nomen_fw-la tuum_fw-la 2_o adueniat_fw-la regnum_fw-la tuum_fw-la 3_o fiat_n voluntas_fw-la tua_fw-la sicut_fw-la in_o coelo_fw-la et_fw-la in_o terra_fw-la 4_o panem_fw-la nostrum_fw-la quotidianum_fw-la da_fw-la nobis_fw-la hodie_fw-la 5_o et_fw-la dimitte_n nobis_fw-la debita_fw-la nostra_fw-la sicut_fw-la et_fw-la nos_fw-la dimittimus_fw-la debitoribus_fw-la nostris_fw-la 6_o et_fw-la ne_fw-la nos_fw-la inducas_fw-la in_o tentationem_fw-la 7_o sed_fw-la libera_fw-la nos_fw-la a_o malo_fw-la amen_n our_o father_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n 1_o hallow_v be_v thy_o name_n 2_o thy_o kingdom_n come_v 3_o thy_o will_v be_v do_v in_o earth_n as_o it_o be_v in_o heaven_n 4_o give_v we_o this_o day_n our_o daily_a bread_n 5_o and_o forgive_v we_o our_o trespass_n as_o we_o forgive_v they_o that_o trespass_n against_o us._n 6_o and_o lead_v we_o not_o into_o temptation_n 7_o but_o deliver_v we_o from_o evell_a amen_n of_o the_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la chap._n 6_o m._n what_o have_v we_o say_v d._n the_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la m._n who_o make_v it_o d._n our_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n &_o he_o speak_v it_o with_o his_o most_o holy_a mouth_n and_o give_v it_o to_o his_o disciple_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v the_o most_o excellent_a of_o all_o prayer_n m._n what_o do_v we_o ask_v in_o this_o prayer_n d._n first_o we_o ask_v the_o glory_n of_o god_n and_o than_o our_o own_o good_a for_o our_o soul_n and_o body_n and_o that_o he_o will_v deliver_v we_o from_o all_o evell_a m._n with_o who_o do_v we_o speak_v therein_o d._n with_o our_o lord_n god_n m._n where_o be_v god_n d._n he_o be_v in_o every_o place_n but_o he_o be_v say_v principal_o to_o be_v in_o heaven_n where_o he_o do_v manifest_v himself_o unto_o the_o bless_a of_o the_o aue_fw-la mary_n chap._n 7_o aue_fw-la maria_fw-la gratia_fw-la plena_fw-la dominus_fw-la tecum_fw-la benedicta_fw-la tu_fw-la in_o mulieribus_fw-la et_fw-la benedictus_n fructus_fw-la ventris_fw-la tui_fw-la jesus_n sancta_fw-la maria_n mater_fw-la dei_fw-la ora_fw-la pro_fw-la nobis_fw-la peccatoribus_fw-la nunc_fw-la et_fw-la in_o hora_fw-la mortis_fw-la nostrae_fw-la amen_n haile_o mary_n full_a of_o grace_n our_o lord_n be_v with_o thou_o bless_a art_n thou_o among_o woman_n and_o bless_a be_v the_o fruit_n of_o thy_o womb_n jesus_n holy_a mary_n mother_n of_o god_n pray_v for_o we_o sinner_n now_o and_o in_o the_o hour_n of_o our_o death_n amen_n m._n what_o have_v we_o say_v d._n the_o aue_fw-la mary_n m._n who_o make_v it_o d._n the_o angel_n gabriel_n when_o he_o come_v to_o salute_v our_o lady_n whereunto_o be_v adjoin_v some_o word_n of_o s._n elizabeth_n and_o of_o the_o church_n m._n with_o who_o do_v we_o speak_v in_o the_o aue_fw-la mary_n d._n with_o our_o lady_n m._n what_o do_v you_o believe_v our_o lady_n to_o be_v d._n she_o be_v mother_n of_o god_n a_o virgin_n full_a of_o grace_n and_o of_o all_o vertew_n queen_n of_o heaven_n and_o of_o earth_n and_o our_o advocate_n m._n where_o be_v our_o lady_n d._n she_o be_v in_o heaven_n m._n what_o say_v you_o of_o she_o which_o be_v in_o the_o church_n d._n that_o be_v the_o image_n of_o she_o which_o be_v in_o heaven_n for_o to_o put_v we_o in_o mind_n of_o she_o and_o because_o it_o be_v her_o image_n we_o do_v reverence_n unto_o it_o in_o honour_n of_o herself_o m._n as_o there_o be_v many_o image_n of_o our_o lady_n be_v there_o also_o many_o lady_n d._n no_o forsooth_o but_o one_o only_o which_o be_v in_o heaven_n who_o those_o image_n do_v represent_v which_o be_v on_o earth_n m._n why_o than_o be_v she_o call_v our_o lady_n of_o pity_n of_o remedy_n of_o consolation_n and_o in_o other_o like_a sort_n d._n for_o the_o many_o and_o diverse_a benefitte_v which_o she_o do_v us._n m._n what_o do_v we_o say_v to_o she_o in_o the_o aue_fw-la mary_n d._n we_o salute_v she_o and_o praise_v she_o recommend_v ourselves_o unto_o she_o of_o the_o salue_fw-la regina_fw-la chap._n 8._o salve_fw-la regina_fw-la mater_fw-la misericordiae_fw-la vita_fw-la dulcedo_fw-la et_fw-la spes_fw-la nostra_fw-la salve_n ad_fw-la te_fw-la clamamus_fw-la exules_fw-la filii_fw-la euae_fw-la ad_fw-la te_fw-la suspiramus_fw-la gemente_n et_fw-la flentes_fw-la in_fw-la hac_fw-la lachrimarun_a valle_o eia_fw-la ergo_fw-la advocata_fw-la nostra_fw-la illos_fw-la tuos_fw-la misericordes_fw-la oculos_fw-la ad_fw-la nos_fw-la converte_v et_fw-la jesum_fw-la benedictum_fw-la fructum_fw-la ventris_fw-la tui_fw-la nobis_fw-la post_fw-la hoc_fw-la exilium_fw-la ostende_v o_o clemens_fw-la opia_fw-la o_fw-la dulcis_fw-la virgo_fw-la maria._n ora_fw-la pro_fw-la nobis_fw-la sancta_fw-la dei_fw-la genetrix_fw-la ut_fw-la digni_fw-la efficiamur_fw-la promissionibus_fw-la christi_fw-la m._n what_o have_v we_o say_v d._n the_o salue_fw-la regina_fw-la m._n who_o teach_v it_o we_o d._n our_o holy_a mother_n the_o church_n m._n to_o who_o do_v we_o speak_v d._n with_o the_o same_o virgin_n mary_n m._n what_o do_v we_o say_v unto_o she_o in_o it_o d._n other_o praise_n of_o the_o same_o virgin_n demand_v with_o all_o her_o holy_a favour_n and_o help_v of_o other_o prayer_n and_o invocation_n of_o saint_n chap._n 9_o m._n after_o the_o virgin_n mary_n have_v you_o devotion_n to_o other_o saint_n d._n yea_o forsooth_o unto_o all_o as_o unto_o the_o friend_n of_o god_n and_o our_o intercessor_n in_o heaven_n but_o especial_o unto_o my_o agnell_n keeper_n and_o unto_o the_o saint_n of_o my_o name_n m._n and_o unto_o the_o relic_n of_o saint_n d._n i_o honour_v they_o also_o because_o they_o have_v be_v the_o temple_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o be_v to_o be_v reunite_v to_o their_o gloriouse_a soul_n m._n what_o prayer_n do_v you_o make_v unto_o they_o d._n those_o which_o the_o church_n do_v teach_v we_o &_o also_o for_o their_o honour_n and_o that_o they_o may_v pray_v for_o i_o i_o say_v the_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la and_o aue_fw-la mary_n m._n what_o do_v you_o when_o you_o go_v to_o bed_n d._n two_o thing_n first_o have_v make_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o cross_n i_o examine_v my_o conscience_n secondlye_o i_o say_v the_o general_a confession_n the_o pater_fw-la noster_fw-la and_o the_o aue_fw-la mary_n and_o other_o my_o devotion_n m._n how_o do_v you_o examine_v your_o conscience_n of_o the_o examine_n of_o our_o conscience_n d._n first_o i_o thank_v god_n for_o the_o benefit_n receive_v especial_o that_o day_n m._n what_o more_o d._n than_o i_o think_v of_o my_o sin_n especial_o of_o that_o day_n be_v sorry_a for_o they_o with_o purpose_n of_o amend_v and_o of_o confess_v they_o m._n what_o than_o d._n final_o i_o ask_v god_n pardon_n and_o make_v a_o firm_a purpose_n of_o sin_v no_o more_o m._n and_o what_o do_v you_o the_o morning_n d._n three_o thing_n first_o i_o thank_v god_n that_o he_o have_v keep_v i_o that_o night_n and_o for_o his_o other_o benefit_n m._n what_o be_v the_o second_o thing_n you_o do_v d._n i_o offer_v he_o my_o body_n and_o soul_n m._n what_o be_v the_o three_o d._n i_o beseech_v he_o that_o whatsoever_o i_o shall_v do_v may_v be_v for_o his_o holy_a service_n and_o also_o i_o say_v other_o my_o devotion_n mental_a and_o vocal_a that_o be_v with_o the_o mind_n and_o with_o the_o voice_n of_o the_o three_o thing_n necessary_a for_o a_o christian_n which_o be_v charity_n chap._n 10._o m._n which_o be_v the_o three_o thing_n necessary_a for_o a_o christian_a d._n charity_n m._n who_o ought_v we_o to_o love_n with_o charity_n d._n god_n above_o all_o thing_n and_o our_o neighbour_n as_o ourselves_o for_o the_o love_n of_o god_n m._n how_o shall_v we_o love_v our_o neighbour_n as_o ourselves_o d._n desire_v for_o he_o and_o do_v unto_o he_o that_o which_o we_o will_v for_o our_o self_n according_a unto_o reason_n and_o the_o law_n of_o god_n of_o the_o four_o thing_n necessary_a for_o a_o christian_n that_o be_v of_o good_a