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The method and means to a true spiritual life consisting of three parts, agreeable to the auncient [sic] way / by the late Reverend Matthew Scrivener ... ; cleared from modern abuses, and render'd more easie and practicall.
Scrivener, Matthew.
Wing S2118; ESTC R32133
be_v requisite_a that_o we_o shall_v not_o rest_v in_o the_o opinion_n we_o have_v of_o ourselves_o which_o be_v common_o bias_v by_o self-conceit_n self-love_n self-interest_n all_o quite_o contrary_a to_o that_o great_a duty_n of_o selfe-deniall_n but_o that_o we_o shall_v be_v so_o true_a and_o just_a to_o our_o own_o soul_n as_o like_o righteous_a judge_n to_o keep_v one_o ear_n for_o what_o other_o judge_v of_o we_o and_o impartial_o to_o give_v a_o sentence_n upon_o ourselves_o according_o and_o not_o sly_a to_o that_o base_a and_o bold_a subterfuge_n of_o nonpluse_v and_o shameless_a person_n i_o care_v not_o i_o care_v not_o for_o though_o malice_n and_o ill-will_n may_v instigate_v some_o one_o or_o two_o and_o upon_o special_a occasion_n to_o false_a accusation_n and_o slander_n yet_o if_o the_o opinion_n be_v of_o more_o and_o those_o not_o so_o prejudice_v and_o constant_a and_o last_a in_o vain_a do_v man_n proclaim_v their_o integrity_n and_o innocence_n for_o such_o judgement_n of_o other_o be_v much_o more_o to_o be_v trust_v than_o our_o own_o 7._o six_o appearance_n of_o evil_n and_o hypocrisy_n reverse_v as_o i_o may_v so_o speak_v when_o man_n seem_v by_o outward_a carriage_n to_o be_v worse_o than_o in_o truth_n they_o be_v be_v also_o careful_o to_o be_v avoid_v not_o only_o because_o of_o the_o sin_n of_o scandalize_a our_o brethren_n and_o cause_v a_o erroneous_a judgement_n and_o uncharitable_a to_o be_v entertain_v but_o because_o it_o very_o often_o happen_v that_o man_n fall_v real_o into_o that_o sin_n which_o they_o at_o first_o only_o seem_v to_o commit_v therefore_o it_o be_v st._n paul_n rule_n philip._n 2._o 4._o look_v not_o every_o man_n on_o his_o own_o thing_n but_o every_o man_n also_o on_o the_o thing_n of_o other_o not_o by_o curiosity_n and_o censoriousnesse_n but_o charity_n and_o conscienti_fw-la ous_a walking_z without_o offence_n to_o other_o and_o if_o possible_a to_o prevent_v sin_n in_o other_o as_o well_o as_o ourselves_o 8._o last_o every_o man_n shall_v have_v charity_n towards_o his_o brother_n but_o no_o man_n be_v to_o demean_v himself_o so_o as_o to_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o the_o charitable_a judgement_n of_o other_o for_o he_o that_o do_v so_o be_v certain_o uncharitable_a in_o the_o first_o place_n and_o be_v real_o guilty_a within_o himself_o be_v most_o wicked_o unjust_a in_o demand_v that_o another_o shall_v be_v so_o charitable_a as_o not_o to_o think_v so_o of_o he_o though_o there_o be_v use_n of_o charity_n even_o where_o crime_n be_v past_a defence_n or_o excuse_n but_o for_o man_n to_o live_v conscious_a to_o themselves_o of_o unrighteousness_n towards_o god_n and_o justice_n towards_o man_n and_o then_o because_o there_o may_v want_v notorious_a conviction_n to_o demand_v of_o censurer_n to_o judge_v charitable_o be_v in_o effect_n to_o require_v that_o other_o shall_v be_v religious_a and_o they_o may_v be_v wicked_a under_o the_o protection_n of_o other_o piety_n and_o charity_n a_o prayer_n for_o purity_n of_o spirit_n o_o lord_n god_n who_o be_v like_a unto_o thou_o among_o the_o god_n who_o be_v like_a unto_o thou_o glorious_a in_o holiness_n fearful_a in_o praise_n do_v wonder_n and_o what_o great_a wonder_n be_v there_o than_o of_o son_n of_o man_n we_o shall_v be_v call_v the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o of_o child_n of_o wrath_n heir_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n of_o lose_a sheep_n be_v bring_v back_o to_o the_o great_a shepherd_n of_o our_o soul_n of_o prodigal_a and_o fugitive_a son_n be_v bring_v home_o and_o embrace_v by_o thou_o our_o heavenly_a father_n make_v we_o as_o well_o as_o require_v we_o to_o be_v holy_a as_o thou_o be_v holy_a raise_v we_o from_o the_o death_n of_o sin_n to_o the_o life_n of_o righteousness_n give_v we_o by_o the_o spirit_n of_o grace_n which_o work_v in_o we_o by_o the_o mean_n of_o grace_n ordain_v by_o thou_o to_o that_o great_a end_n let_v that_o spirit_n be_v never_o want_v in_o i_o let_v that_o grace_n never_o be_v receive_v by_o i_o in_o vain_a whereby_o i_o may_v be_v sensible_a of_o my_o unworthiness_n and_o insufficiency_n to_o any_o thing_n that_o be_v good_a and_o at_o least_o to_o have_v a_o hunger_n and_o thirst_n after_o righteousness_n that_o i_o may_v in_o thy_o due_a time_n be_v satisfy_v and_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n grow_v and_o increase_v in_o this_o desire_n and_o this_o desire_n proceed_v to_o action_n and_o this_o action_n to_o such_o perfection_n as_o to_o overcome_v and_o mortify_v all_o worldly_a lust_n and_o carnal_a affection_n purify_n myself_o as_o he_o be_v pure_a and_o take_v great_a content_n and_o pleasure_n in_o cast_v off_o than_o ever_o i_o do_v in_o take_v on_o i_o the_o burden_n of_o sin_n and_o in_o purge_v away_o all_o my_o old_a sin_n than_o ever_o i_o do_v in_o contract_v those_o spot_n and_o blemish_n which_o have_v too_o much_o and_o too_o long_o defile_v that_o pure_a spirit_n thou_o once_o give_v i_o and_o deface_v that_o beautiful_a image_n thou_o once_o stamp_v on_o i_o and_o let_v the_o pleasure_n of_o repent_v be_v great_a to_o i_o than_o that_o of_o offend_v ever_o be_v to_o i_o though_o alas_o it_o be_v too_o great_a lord_n nothing_o be_v impossible_a to_o thou_o who_o can_v bring_v light_a out_o of_o darkness_n and_o strength_n out_o of_o weakness_n and_o out_o of_o stone_n raise_v up_o child_n unto_o abraham_n and_o to_o thyself_o and_o out_o of_o the_o ruin_n of_o religion_n in_o i_o raise_v up_o a_o temple_n fit_a for_o thy_o holy_a spirit_n to_o dwell_v in_o descend_v into_o possess_v and_o dwell_v in_o my_o heart_n by_o faith_n and_o love_n of_o thou_o which_o may_v purge_v out_o the_o old_a leaven_n and_o make_v i_o a_o new_a lump_n and_o quench_v all_o fleshly_a concupiscence_n which_o have_v or_o may_v reign_v over_o i_o or_o rage_n in_o i_o for_o this_o corruptible_a body_n press_v down_o my_o mind_n muse_v on_o high_a and_o heavenly_a thing_n and_o the_o weight_n of_o sin_n so_o easy_o beset_v i_o that_o i_o can_v run_v the_o race_n which_o be_v set_v before_o i_o and_o the_o stain_n of_o sin_n pollute_v my_o best_a action_n wretched_a man_n that_o i_o be_o who_o shall_v deliver_v i_o from_o this_o body_n of_o death_n from_o this_o bondage_n of_o corruption_n thy_o grace_n i_o know_v o_o lord_n be_v sufficient_a for_o i_o and_o thy_o son_n mighty_a to_o save_v and_o that_o his_o office_n be_v to_o save_v his_o people_n from_o their_o sin_n from_o their_o sin_n i_o say_v as_o well_o as_o from_o the_o punishment_n of_o sin_n let_v that_o daystar_n at_o length_n arise_v in_o my_o heart_n and_o enlighten_v and_o warm_v my_o mind_n with_o love_n of_o thou_o and_o let_v that_o breath_n of_o new_a life_n be_v inspire_v into_o i_o enliven_v my_o dead_a body_n and_o re_fw-mi unite_v and_o animate_v my_o dry_a bone_n and_o excite_v i_o with_o new_a vigour_n to_o the_o perform_v thy_o holy_a will_n that_o so_o the_o life_n i_o now_o live_v may_v be_v by_o the_o faith_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o be_v poor_a in_o spirit_n as_o he_o be_v i_o may_v be_v pure_a in_o spirit_n as_o he_o also_o be_v for_o they_o be_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n even_o the_o kingdom_n of_o grace_n here_o and_o the_o kingdom_n of_o glory_n hereafter_o whither_o o_o merciful_a god_n and_o father_n in_o thy_o due_a time_n bring_v i_o for_o thy_o bless_a son_n sake_n jesus_n christ_n my_o saviour_n amen_n the_o three_o part._n treat_v of_o the_o unitive_a way_n of_o the_o devout_a soul_n with_o god._n sect_n i._o of_o the_o nature_n of_o true_a union_n with_o god_n and_o mystical_a theology_n and_o of_o the_o abuse_n and_o due_a use_n thereof_o 1._o such_o due_a preparation_n be_v make_v towards_o spiritual_a life_n in_o lay_v aside_o every_o sin_n so_o easy_o beset_a we_o the_o remainder_n of_o our_o christian_a race_n towards_o god_n and_o our_o union_n with_o he_o be_v more_o easy_o attain_v which_o union_n be_v by_o saint_n john_n called_z our_o fellowship_n with_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n 1_o john_n 1._o 3._o and_o this_o be_v it_o which_o vulgar_o be_v call_v also_o perfection_n perfection_n be_v here_o use_v for_o justification_n by_o faith_n in_o christ_n and_o christ_n dwell_v in_o we_o and_o such_o a_o measure_n of_o assurance_n of_o god_n grace_n and_o favour_n which_o be_v compatible_a to_o our_o militant_a state_n in_o this_o life_n and_o incline_v god_n to_o the_o acceptation_n of_o we_o to_o a_o future_a inheritance_n of_o immortality_n and_o glory_n and_o to_o this_o it_o be_v not_o absolute_o necessary_a that_o no_o blemish_n imperfection_n or_o infirmity_n shall_v be_v incident_a but_o that_o none_o such_o shall_v be_v find_v which_o either_o of_o itself_o shall_v tend_v to_o corruption_n
or_o deserve_v amputation_n from_o the_o body_n of_o christ_n of_o which_o such_o perfection_n and_o conjunction_n make_v we_o member_n 2._o thus_o far_o only_a if_o the_o phanaticall_a strain_n find_v in_o mystical_a theology_n of_o contrary_a extreme_n have_v proceed_v not_o only_a innocence_n but_o honour_n also_o have_v be_v due_a unto_o it_o but_o we_o find_v the_o modern_a advancer_n of_o it_o to_o have_v scandalous_o corrupt_v it_o by_o affectation_n of_o excess_n in_o style_n and_o big_a language_n and_o fact_n agreeable_a to_o they_o whereas_o bonaventure_n write_v on_o that_o subject_a thus_o simple_o describe_v it_o in_o his_o prologue_n to_o it_o it_o be_v the_o extension_n of_o love_n towards_o god_n by_o the_o desire_n of_o love_n and_o a_o little_a after_o he_o say_v it_o be_v such_o whereby_o the_o religious_a soul_n leave_v humane_a wisdom_n the_o curiousness_n of_o unprofitable_a knowledge_n and_o the_o sophistry_n of_o argumentation_n and_o opinion_n by_o the_o ascent_n of_o love_n rise_v up_o to_o the_o fountain_n of_o all_o by_o desire_v in_o which_o only_o she_o find_v truth_n insomuch_o that_o the_o simple_a laic_a be_v in_o the_o school_n of_o god_n may_v receive_v this_o wisdom_n from_o god_n himself_o immediate_o by_o the_o affection_n of_o love_n which_o not_o natural_a philosopher_n nor_o secular_a master_n nor_o humane_a intelligence_n can_v attain_v to_o neither_o be_v the_o description_n of_o this_o unitive_a way_n give_v by_o gerson_n in_o his_o mystical_a theology_n to_o be_v reject_v where_o more_o sober_o than_o divers_a of_o late_a day_n affect_v to_o speak_v he_o say_v mystical_a divinity_n be_v a_o experimental_a knowledge_n have_v of_o god_n by_o the_o conjunction_n with_o god_n by_o spiritual_a affection_n but_o we_o can_v allow_v of_o such_o great_a swell_a word_n and_o ecstaticall_a practice_n answerable_a thereunto_o wrap_v man_n soul_n in_o a_o cloud_n of_o real_a ignorance_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o their_o pursuit_n of_o supreme_a knowledge_n and_o suffer_v they_o to_o fall_v into_o direct_a profaneness_n of_o word_n and_o deed_n while_o they_o have_v a_o strong_a and_o vain_a emulation_n and_o affectation_n of_o sublimest_n devotion_n and_o piety_n which_o to_o pass_v over_o the_o many_o exorbitancy_n in_o this_o kind_n find_v among_o such_o as_o be_v know_v by_o the_o name_n of_o phanatiques_n a_o great_a pretender_n to_o devotion_n horstius_n in_o a_o latin_a book_n which_o he_o call_v the_o paradise_n of_o the_o soul_n have_v fall_v into_o there_o speak_v in_o this_o manner_n pag._n 59_o true_o lord_n if_o what_o be_v not_o possible_a i_o be_v owner_n of_o any_o thing_n which_o thou_o want_v i_o will_v willing_o yield_v all_o to_o thou_o and_o give_v it_o thou_o yea_o if_o i_o can_v be_v god_n i_o will_v not_o for_o this_o only_a that_o thou_o may_v be_v god_n and_o have_v no_o peer_n which_o with_o we_o be_v no_o better_a than_o a_o piece_n of_o fond_a devotion_n and_o implicit_a blasphemy_n proceed_v from_o a_o illimited_a affectation_n of_o strange_a and_o monstrous_a expression_n familiar_a with_o such_o like_a mystical_a divine_n careful_o to_o be_v avoid_v and_o shun_v as_o the_o bane_n of_o true_a and_o favourie_a religion_n towards_o god_n whereby_o the_o devil_n set_v christian_n as_o once_o he_o do_v christ_n on_o the_o pinnacle_n as_o it_o be_v of_o the_o temple_n that_o he_o may_v the_o more_o easy_o cast_v they_o down_o headlong_o but_o the_o heart_n of_o a_o true_a believer_n be_v wellgrounded_n in_o faith_n and_o settle_v in_o love_n to_o god_n be_v capable_a of_o some_o singular_a and_o extraordinary_a sense_n of_o god_n goodness_n and_o the_o wisdom_n which_o come_v from_o above_o with_o a_o true_a spiritual_a ardour_n towards_o god_n and_o desire_v of_o union_n with_o he_o which_o may_v be_v say_v to_o consist_v in_o these_o three_o thing_n first_o a_o clearness_n than_o soundness_n last_o acquiescence_n in_o the_o will_n and_o way_n of_o god._n whereby_o the_o soul_n have_v in_o some_o competent_a manner_n escape_v the_o pollution_n of_o the_o world_n 2_o pet._n 2._o cleave_v so_o steadfast_o to_o the_o lord_n or_o be_v join_v to_o he_o as_o it_o be_v 1_o corin_z 6._o 17._o that_o it_o become_v one_o spirit_n not_o by_o transmutation_n of_o nature_n or_o substance_n but_o by_o assimilation_n in_o holiness_n and_o plenary_a subjection_n of_o the_o will_n of_o man_n to_o the_o will_n of_o god_n that_o so_o god_n may_v be_v all_o in_o all_o which_o be_v more_o corporal_o express_v by_o saint_n paul_n ephes_n 5._o where_o he_o say_v of_o true_a believer_n we_o be_v member_n of_o his_o body_n of_o his_o flesh_n and_o of_o his_o bone_n not_o by_o transubstantiation_n of_o nature_n but_o transformation_n and_o renew_n of_o the_o mind_n as_o be_v say_v rom._n 12._o 2._o so_o that_o as_o saint_n paul_n speak_v galat._n 2._o 20._o the_o life_n which_o a_o christian_a so_o transform_v out_o of_o himself_o and_o conform_v unto_o christ_n live_v he_o live_v not_o but_o christ_n live_v in_o he_o by_o the_o faith_n and_o love_n of_o christ_n a_o state_n of_o grace_n border_v never_o upon_o glory_n itself_o in_o which_o mystical_a language_n great_a care_n be_v to_o be_v use_v lest_o a_o believer_n be_v so_o far_o draw_v away_o from_o the_o solid_a foundation_n and_o edify_a knowledge_n that_o his_o religion_n shall_v end_v in_o airy_a speculation_n and_o notion_n and_o these_o in_o bold_a denomination_n give_v himself_o and_o last_o spiritual_a life_n or_o walk_v with_o god_n as_o do_v enoch_n until_o a_o translation_n be_v make_v from_o hence_o near_o to_o the_o presence_n and_o fruition_n of_o god._n 3._o therefore_o to_o prevent_v delusion_n incident_a to_o high_a flyer_n in_o divinity_n in_o this_o kind_n our_o speculation_n must_v be_v measure_v by_o our_o love_n to_o god_n reciprocate_v upon_o the_o sense_n of_o god_n love_n wherewith_o he_o first_o love_v we_o and_o lest_o even_o this_o love_n shall_v prove_v a_o fondness_n the_o sincerity_n of_o it_o be_v to_o be_v prove_v by_o the_o practice_n of_o a_o man_n life_n answer_v in_o purity_n and_o degree_n the_o fervour_n pretend_v of_o love_n not_o deny_v that_o where_o such_o intimate_a conjunction_n there_o be_v between_o god_n and_o the_o soul_n certain_a tacit_a and_o inward_a signature_n thereof_o be_v make_v to_o it_o invisible_a to_o the_o world_n and_o sensible_a only_o to_o its_o self_n but_o not_o so_o as_o therein_o to_o acquiesce_v without_o all_o solicitude_n as_o if_o such_o be_v already_o in_o heaven_n but_o with_o constant_a contention_n about_o these_o two_o principal_a point_n 4._o first_o how_o they_o shall_v continue_v in_o that_o good_a state_n to_o which_o they_o have_v already_o attain_v which_o be_v no_o otherwise_o bring_v to_o pass_v than_o by_o the_o mean_n whereby_o it_o be_v attain_v as_o natural_a body_n subsist_v by_o the_o same_o element_n of_o which_o they_o do_v consist_v and_o second_o because_o to_o rest_v satisfy_v with_o what_o a_o man_n have_v without_o design_n hold_v up_o of_o proceed_v be_v the_o next_o way_n to_o lose_v what_o he_o have_v and_o to_o fall_v backward_o and_o to_o decay_v it_o be_v necessary_a ever_o to_o be_v press_v forward_o that_o the_o tide_n may_v always_o be_v rise_v in_o grace_n least_o upon_o wilful_a remission_n and_o slackness_n the_o soul_n be_v by_o degree_n leave_v empty_a and_o dry_a for_o it_o be_v the_o character_n of_o heaven_n give_v by_o saint_n john_n revelat._n 14._o that_o they_o rest_v from_o their_o labour_n which_o belong_v not_o to_o any_o not_o the_o high_a in_o this_o life_n that_o they_o shall_v cease_v to_o do_v good_a until_o that_o sabbath_n above_o shall_v be_v enter_v into_o and_o celebrate_v and_o yet_o even_o of_o the_o bless_a there_o we_o read_v revelat._n 4._o 8._o that_o they_o rest_v not_o day_n and_o night_n to_o act_v according_a to_o that_o state_n where_o there_o be_v union_n with_o god_n indissoluble_a and_o communion_n to_o satiety_n without_o surfeit_n on_o one_o hand_n or_o weariness_n on_o the_o other_o a_o resemblance_n whereof_o be_v to_o be_v obtain_v even_o in_o this_o life_n by_o those_o who_o by_o diligent_a attendance_n on_o spiritual_a duty_n here_o and_o deny_v the_o world_n do_v as_o gregory_n say_v hom._n 34._o on_o the_o gospel_n burn_v with_o the_o flame_n of_o lofty_a contemplation_n breathe_v only_o with_o desire_n of_o their_o creator_n and_o covet_v nothing_o far_a in_o this_o world_n be_v nourish_v with_o the_o sole_a love_n of_o eternity_n they_o contemn_v all_o earthly_a thing_n and_o in_o their_o mind_n transcend_v all_o temporary_a thing_n they_o love_v and_o burn_v and_o in_o that_o heat_n they_o rest_v quiet_a they_o burn_v by_o love_v and_o by_o their_o speech_n inflame_v other_o also_o and_o who_o by_o their_o word_n they_o touch_v they_o instant_o