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love_n live_v new_a vigour_n 2,667 5 15.1489 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52355 A brief exposition of the First and Second Epistles general of Peter by Alexander Nisbet ... Nisbet, Alexander, 1623-1669. 1658 (1658) Wing N1165; ESTC R37734 248,842 354

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to_o cleanse_v and_o purify_v the_o soul_n of_o his_o people_n both_o from_o the_o guilt_n and_o dominion_n of_o sin_n ezek._n 36.25_o yet_o his_o people_n who_o be_v mere_o passive_a in_o the_o first_o infusion_n of_o grace_n eph._n 2.1_o be_v thereafter_o make_v by_o he_o active_a instrument_n in_o the_o carry_v on_o of_o that_o work_n of_o mortification_n by_o employ_v christ_n virtue_n for_o subdue_a and_o fight_v in_o his_o strength_n against_o their_o corruption_n as_o be_v import_v in_o this_o you_o have_v purify_v your_o soul_n 4._o the_o lord_n mean_v of_o purge_v the_o soul_n of_o his_o people_n from_o the_o love_n and_o power_n of_o sin_n which_o be_v natural_o in_o they_o be_v their_o obedience_n to_o his_o truth_n which_o consist_v not_o only_o in_o their_o aim_v at_o conformity_n to_o those_o precept_n which_o enjoin_v purity_n and_o holiness_n such_o as_o that_o be_v ver_fw-la 15._o but_o principal_o in_o their_o embrace_n by_o faith_n and_o usemaking_a of_o the_o promise_n of_o the_o new_a covenant_n wherein_o the_o lord_n undertake_v to_o work_v this_o purity_n ezek._n 36.25_o 26_o 27._o this_o be_v the_o chief_a part_n of_o that_o obedience_n to_o the_o truth_n which_o purify_v soul_n for_o say_v the_o apostle_n you_o have_v purify_v your_o soul_n in_o obey_v the_o truth_n 5._o this_o obedience_n to_o the_o truth_n which_o purify_v the_o soul_n of_o believer_n can_v be_v attain_v unto_o by_o our_o own_o natural_a strength_n or_o the_o use_n of_o the_o fit_a mean_n of_o grace_n without_o the_o special_a work_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o jesus_n who_o clear_v to_o sinner_n the_o nature_n of_o that_o purity_n which_o be_v please_v to_o god_n and_o powerful_o work_v the_o same_o in_o they_o for_o so_o the_o apostle_n affirm_v of_o those_o believer_n that_o they_o have_v purify_v their_o soul_n in_o obey_v the_o truth_n through_o the_o spirit_n 6._o one_o special_a part_n of_o this_o work_n of_o purge_v the_o soul_n of_o believer_n consist_v in_o the_o subdue_a of_o those_o filthy_a root_n which_o be_v in_o their_o heart_n contrary_a to_o that_o grace_n of_o love_n to_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o lord_n people_n such_o as_o pride_n self-love_n and_o the_o like_a for_o this_o be_v here_o make_v their_o aim_n in_o purify_n their_o soul_n that_o they_o may_v attain_v unto_o unfeigned_a love_n of_o the_o brethren_n import_v that_o their_o pain_n be_v much_o bend_v to_o purge_v out_o those_o evil_n which_o be_v contrary_a to_o that_o grace_n 7._o believer_n have_v need_v to_o be_v serious_o press_v to_o exercise_v and_o grow_v in_o these_o grace_n and_o duty_n whereof_o they_o have_v already_o attain_v to_o some_o approven_v measure_n for_o upon_o those_o who_o have_v already_o purify_v their_o soul_n unto_o unfeigned_a love_n of_o the_o brethren_n the_o apostle_n press_v this_o see_v that_o you_o love_v one_o another_o 8._o it_o be_v not_o every_o sort_n of_o love_n to_o the_o saint_n of_o god_n that_o evidence_v mortification_n and_o the_o indwel_n of_o christ_n spirit_n but_o such_o only_a as_o be_v without_o dissimulation_n or_o hypocrisy_n which_o be_v unfeigned_a love_n such_o as_o flow_v from_o holy_a principle_n to_o wit_n respect_n to_o the_o command_n of_o christ_n and_o not_o from_o respect_n to_o our_o own_o credit_n or_o advantage_n only_o from_o desire_n of_o the_o true_a good_a of_o other_o and_o not_o from_o love_n to_o ourselves_o which_o be_v love_n out_o of_o a_o pure_a heart_n and_o such_o as_o break_v forth_o in_o real_a proof_n and_o be_v continue_v towards_o other_o notwithstanding_o of_o provocation_n from_o they_o which_o be_v to_o love_v one_o another_o fervent_o verse_n 23._o be_v bear_v again_o not_o of_o corruptible_a seed_n but_o of_o incorruptible_a by_o the_o word_n of_o god_n which_o live_v and_o abide_v for_o ever_o the_o eleven_o motive_n whereby_o the_o apostle_n press_v upon_o believer_n the_o study_n of_o holiness_n especial_o that_o branch_n of_o it_o which_o he_o be_v last_o upon_o to_o wit_n love_n to_o the_o saint_n be_v take_v from_o the_o excellency_n of_o their_o spiritual_a original_n the_o sum_n whereof_o be_v that_o since_o they_o have_v a_o new_a life_n and_o nature_n in_o their_o regeneration_n wrought_v in_o they_o not_o by_o so_o fade_v a_o cause_n of_o principle_n as_o that_o which_o be_v the_o instrument_n of_o produce_v their_o natural_a substance_n but_o by_o the_o word_n of_o god_n which_o in_o the_o effect_n it_o have_v upon_o the_o regenerate_v live_v and_o abide_v for_o ever_o therefore_o the_o excellency_n of_o their_o new_a nature_n and_o permanency_n of_o their_o spiritual_a estate_n shall_v move_v they_o to_o walk_v suitable_o unto_o it_o and_o particular_o to_o live_v in_o love_n with_o the_o rest_n of_o their_o father_n child_n hence_o learn_v 1._o every_o true_a believer_n in_o jesus_n christ_n be_v in_o some_o measure_n acquaint_v with_o a_o new_a and_o second_o birth_n which_o be_v that_o work_n of_o god_n with_o sinner_n whereby_o there_o be_v a_o new_a spiritual_a life_n and_o nature_n communicate_v to_o they_o eph._n 2.1_o and_o they_o be_v bring_v through_o some_o pang_n and_o strait_n arise_v from_o the_o sight_n of_o their_o own_o sinfulness_n and_o fear_v of_o deserve_a wrath_n act._n 2.37_o out_o of_o their_o darkness_n and_o bondage_n which_o be_v natural_a to_o they_o and_o be_v resemble_v by_o the_o state_n of_o the_o child_n before_o the_o birth_n into_o a_o state_n of_o light_n and_o knowledge_n of_o god_n in_o christ_n 2_o cor._n 4.6_o and_o freedom_n from_o the_o slavery_n of_o sin_n and_o subjection_n to_o wrath_n rom._n 8.2_o and_o whereby_o also_o they_o be_v make_v in_o some_o measure_n to_o resemble_v their_o heavenly_a father_n and_o be_v incline_v to_o obey_v he_o and_o to_o love_v he_o and_o all_o his_o child_n 1_o joh._n 5.1_o for_o this_o the_o apostle_n make_v a_o description_n of_o true_a believer_n that_o they_o be_v bear_v again_o 2._o our_o life_n and_o nature_n that_o we_o have_v by_o virtue_n of_o this_o second_o birth_n or_o regeneration_n be_v far_o more_o excellent_a than_o what_o we_o have_v by_o the_o first_o our_o natural_a estate_n be_v subject_a to_o corruption_n and_o will_v be_v short_o dissolve_v but_o our_o spiritual_a estate_n can_v never_o fade_v for_o though_o all_o have_v immortal_a soul_n that_o be_v not_o corruptible_a yet_o the_o natural_a life_n and_o state_n of_o all_o shall_v be_v dissolve_v and_o the_o eternal_a be_v of_o those_o who_o be_v unacquainted_a with_o regeneration_n and_o a_o second_o birth_n will_v be_v but_o a_o eternal_a corruption_n or_o perish_v which_o shall_v make_v all_o long_a to_o be_v acquaint_v with_o regeneration_n for_o to_o lead_v we_o to_o esteem_v the_o one_o above_o the_o other_o the_o apostle_n commend_v the_o one_o above_o the_o other_o from_o the_o difference_n of_o their_o seed_n not_o of_o corruptible_a seed_n but_o of_o incorruptible_a 3._o although_o the_o word_n separate_v from_o the_o work_n of_o the_o spirit_n can_v do_v nothing_o to_o the_o regenerate_v of_o a_o sinner_n joh._n 3.5_o yet_o the_o word_n be_v the_o ordinary_a instrument_n of_o the_o spirit_n who_o make_v use_v of_o all_o the_o principal_a part_n of_o it_o in_o that_o work_n of_o the_o law_n to_o put_v the_o sinner_n in_o some_o strait_n of_o the_o second_o birth_n through_o fear_n of_o deserve_a wrath_n and_o of_o the_o gospel_n to_o revive_v the_o soul_n and_o liberate_v it_o from_o those_o fear_n and_o of_o the_o law_n again_o to_o direct_v the_o regenerate_v how_o to_o walk_v suitable_o to_o their_o estate_n for_o the_o apostle_n explain_v what_o that_o incorruptible_a seed_n be_v of_o which_o we_o be_v bear_v again_o to_o wit_n the_o word_n of_o god_n 4._o although_o there_o be_v no_o life_n either_o formal_o or_o by_o way_n of_o efficiency_n in_o the_o letter_n or_o sound_v of_o the_o word_n of_o scripture_n and_o though_o that_o word_n pass_v with_o the_o speak_n as_o any_o other_o word_n do_v yet_o in_o regard_n of_o the_o effect_n which_o through_o the_o operation_n of_o the_o spirit_n it_o have_v upon_o sinner_n such_o as_o fear_v and_o terror_n upon_o the_o believe_a of_o the_o threaten_n act._n 2.37_o comfort_n under_o cross_n and_o quicken_a for_o duty_n upon_o the_o believe_a of_o the_o promise_n psal_n 119.50_o it_o be_v as_o the_o apostle_n here_o call_v it_o a_o word_n that_o live_v and_o in_o regard_n of_o the_o execution_n of_o eternal_a wrath_n upon_o they_o that_o reject_v it_o and_o of_o the_o performance_n of_o those_o everlasting_a blessing_n which_o be_v promise_v in_o it_o to_o they_o that_o receive_v and_o obey_v it_o it_o be_v a_o word_n that_o abide_v for_o ever_o 5._o they_o who_o do_v profess_v and_o esteem_v themselves_o to_o be_v of_o the_o number_n of_o those_o who_o be_v bear_v again_o shall_v by_o
the_o consideration_n of_o their_o second_o birth_n be_v strong_o move_v to_o the_o study_n of_o holiness_n for_o the_o honour_n of_o their_o father_n and_o especial_o to_o live_v in_o love_n with_o the_o rest_n of_o their_o father_n child_n for_o the_o apostle_n bring_v this_o as_o a_o further_a argument_n to_o the_o study_n of_o holiness_n and_o particular_o to_o the_o study_n of_o that_o branch_n of_o it_o which_o he_o have_v press_v in_o the_o former_a word_n concern_v mutual_a love_n among_o professor_n that_o they_o be_v bear_v again_o not_o of_o corruptible_a seed_n but_o of_o incorruptible_a by_o the_o word_n of_o god_n etc._n etc._n verse_n 24._o for_o all_o flesh_n be_v grass_n and_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o man_n as_o the_o flower_n of_o grass_n the_o grass_n wither_v and_o the_o flower_n thereof_o fall_v away_o 25._o but_o the_o word_n of_o the_o lord_n endure_v for_o ever_o and_o this_o be_v the_o word_n which_o by_o the_o gospel_n be_v preach_v unto_o you_o the_o last_o motive_n whereby_o the_o apostle_n press_v upon_o believer_n the_o study_n of_o holiness_n and_o constancy_n under_o suffering_n be_v take_v from_o a_o further_a commendation_n of_o the_o excellency_n of_o their_o spiritual_a estate_n which_o the_o apostle_n set_v out_o by_o compare_v the_o same_o with_o the_o best_a estate_n of_o man_n natural_o consider_v with_o all_o their_o ornament_n wherein_o they_o use_v to_o glory_n which_o be_v according_a to_o the_o scripture_n isa_n 40.6_o like_v unto_o wither_a grass_n and_o fade_a flower_n in_o the_o application_n of_o which_o comparison_n the_o apostle_n insist_o upon_o his_o former_a commendation_n of_o the_o word_n which_o be_v the_o seed_n whereby_o believer_n be_v beget_v from_o the_o perpetuity_n of_o it_o to_o wit_n in_o the_o effect_n thereof_o upon_o they_o which_o may_v easy_o lead_v they_o to_o judge_v of_o their_o state_n according_o and_o apply_v this_o commendation_n of_o the_o word_n to_o that_o doctrine_n which_o be_v preach_v to_o they_o by_o himself_o or_o other_o of_o the_o lord_n servant_n all_o which_o do_v strong_o press_v his_o scope_n that_o therefore_o they_o shall_v live_v holy_o and_o suffer_v cheerful_o as_o become_v those_o who_o be_v in_o so_o excellent_a a_o estate_n hence_o learn_v 1._o although_o it_o be_v much_o in_o the_o thought_n and_o desire_n of_o natural_a man_n that_o they_o may_v have_v a_o perpetual_a enjoyment_n of_o this_o life_n and_o the_o comfort_n of_o it_o psal_n 49.11_o yet_o themselves_o and_o all_o that_o they_o can_v glory_v in_o be_v frail_a and_o fade_a like_o the_o grass_n and_o flower_n of_o the_o grass_n whereupon_o they_o shall_v read_v their_o frailty_n and_o mortality_n and_o so_o be_v stir_v up_o to_o provide_v for_o a_o better_a life_n and_o a_o more_o endure_a substance_n than_o what_o they_o have_v here_o for_o all_o flesh_n be_v as_o grass_n and_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o man_n as_o the_o flower_n of_o grass_n 2._o though_o every_o common_a gift_n of_o god_n wherein_o man_n use_v to_o glory_n whether_o riches_n wisdom_n strength_n beauty_n or_o the_o like_a be_v fade_v as_o the_o grass_n and_o flower_n thereof_o yet_o because_o man_n credit_n or_o glory_n before_o the_o world_n be_v that_o wherein_o they_o use_v to_o glory_v most_o and_o of_o the_o perpetuate_n whereof_o they_o be_v most_o strong_o desirous_a psal_n 49.11_o the_o lord_n have_v put_v a_o special_a fadingness_n and_o vanity_n upon_o that_o and_o will_v have_v it_o as_o easy_o blast_v as_o any_o other_o thing_n wherein_o man_n glory_n for_o though_o the_o glory_n of_o man_n here_o speak_v of_o may_v be_v take_v large_o as_o comprehend_v every_o thing_n for_o which_o man_n lift_v up_o themselves_o and_o wherein_o they_o use_v to_o glory_n as_o the_o word_n be_v use_v mat._n 4.8_o yet_o it_o seem_v especial_o to_o point_n out_o that_o honour_n and_o credit_n which_o man_n affect_v to_o have_v before_o the_o world_n in_o which_o signification_n it_o be_v use_v 2_o thess_n 2.6_o the_o property_n whereof_o the_o lord_n pronounce_v to_o be_v fadingness_n or_o wither_a and_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o man_n as_o the_o flower_n of_o grass_n 3._o though_o this_o be_v a_o plain_a truth_n teach_v by_o daily_a experience_n and_o common_o acknowledge_v that_o our_o natural_a estate_n with_o all_o the_o ornament_n thereof_o be_v frail_a and_o fade_a yet_o it_o be_v not_o easy_a to_o make_v this_o truth_n take_v due_a impression_n upon_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n who_o be_v natural_o unwilling_a to_o admit_v thought_n of_o a_o change_n amos_n 6.2_o therefore_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n bear_v it_o in_o upon_o man_n mind_n under_o the_o same_o similitude_n in_o very_a many_o place_n of_o scripture_n job_n 14.2_o psal_n 103.15_o isa_n 40.6_o jam._n 1.10_o and_o here_o by_o many_o expression_n all_o flesh_n be_v grass_n and_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o man_n as_o the_o flower_n of_o grass_n the_o grass_n wither_v and_o the_o flower_n thereof_o fall_v away_o 4._o the_o believe_a consideration_n of_o this_o frailty_n and_o fadingness_n of_o man_n natural_a estate_n and_o earthly_a contentment_n shall_v heighten_v in_o their_o heart_n the_o esteem_n of_o that_o spiritual_a and_o better_a estate_n whereunto_o by_o receive_v the_o gospel_n they_o may_v be_v advance_v and_o shall_v be_v to_o they_o a_o powerful_a motive_n to_o the_o study_n of_o holiness_n which_o will_v abide_v when_o other_o thing_n do_v fade_v 1_o joh._n 3.9_o and_o especial_o to_o the_o study_n of_o mutual_a love_n among_o themselves_o those_o earthly_a thing_n for_o which_o usual_o they_o contend_v gen._n 13.8_o and_o particular_o their_o credit_n the_o love_n whereof_o be_v often_o the_o great_a occasion_n of_o strife_n among_o they_o luk._n 22.24_o be_v so_o fade_v and_o uncertain_a for_o as_o a_o commendation_n of_o the_o state_n of_o the_o regenerate_v or_o motive_n to_o the_o study_n of_o holiness_n and_o particular_o of_o brotherly_a love_n be_v this_o here_o bring_v in_o all_o flesh_n be_v grass_n and_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o man_n as_o the_o flower_n of_o grass_n the_o grass_n wither_v and_o the_o flower_n thereof_o fall_v away_o but_o the_o word_n of_o the_o lord_n endure_v for_o ever_o 5._o what_o ever_o can_v be_v speak_v to_o the_o commendation_n of_o the_o word_n serve_v also_o for_o the_o commendation_n of_o they_o who_o have_v by_o faith_n receive_v it_o and_o be_v regenerate_v by_o it_o that_o which_o be_v the_o seed_n and_o principle_n of_o their_o spiritual_a be_v their_o charter_n and_o right_a to_o all_o their_o privilege_n and_o inheritance_n be_v excellent_a and_o worthy_a their_o state_n must_v needs_o be_v such_o likewise_o for_o it_o be_v clear_v the_o apostle_n purpose_v here_o be_v to_o commend_v the_o state_n of_o the_o regenerate_v as_o far_o more_o excellent_a than_o the_o best_a natural_a state_n and_o this_o he_o esteem_v to_o be_v sufficient_o do_v by_o commend_v the_o word_n from_o the_o perpetuity_n of_o it_o in_o opposition_n to_o the_o frail_a state_n of_o man_n natural_o consider_v all_o flesh_n be_v grass_n etc._n etc._n but_o the_o word_n of_o the_o lord_n endure_v for_o ever_o 6._o they_o who_o have_v receive_v a_o new_a spiritual_a life_n and_o so_o be_v enter_v in_o a_o new_a state_n by_o their_o receive_n of_o the_o word_n aught_o to_o fix_v in_o their_o heart_n by_o frequent_a meditation_n the_o perpetuity_n of_o that_o word_n in_o the_o accomplishment_n of_o the_o good_a thing_n promise_v therein_o which_o shall_v endure_v to_o they_o for_o all_o eternity_n that_o so_o they_o may_v the_o better_o see_v and_o be_v the_o more_o affect_v with_o their_o own_o blessedness_n for_o the_o apostle_n have_v commend_v the_o word_n from_o this_o property_n of_o it_o before_o repeat_v it_o here_o again_o the_o word_n of_o the_o lord_n endure_v for_o ever_o 7._o as_o christ_n own_o worth_n and_o excellency_n be_v best_a see_v when_o he_o be_v compare_v with_o other_o thing_n which_o may_v seem_v to_o have_v worth_a in_o they_o cant._n 2.3_o so_o the_o worth_n of_o our_o spiritual_a estate_n be_v best_a see_v and_o most_o esteem_v of_o by_o we_o when_o we_o compare_v it_o with_o the_o frailty_n and_o fectlesness_n of_o the_o best_a state_n on_o earth_n beside_o for_o to_o heighten_v believer_n esteem_v of_o the_o one_o he_o compare_v it_o with_o the_o other_o all_o flesh_n be_v grass_n etc._n etc._n but_o the_o word_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o consequent_o their_o state_n who_o be_v beget_v again_o by_o the_o word_n endure_v for_o ever_o 8._o what_o ever_o good_a esteem_v the_o lord_n people_n have_v of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n in_o general_n they_o ought_v to_o have_v the_o same_o or_o the_o particular_a message_n that_o be_v bring_v to_o they_o from_o or_o according_a to_o that_o word_n by_o the_o lord_n servant_n who_o be_v send_v unto_o they_o
sinful_a motion_n in_o christ_n yet_o he_o take_v that_o course_n which_o he_o know_v will_v be_v most_o effectual_a to_o prevent_v they_o in_o his_o follower_n who_o he_o will_v have_v to_o follow_v his_o step_n in_o this_o as_o a_o mean_a to_o keep_v they_o down_o when_o he_o be_v revile_v he_o revile_v not_o again_o etc._n etc._n but_o commit_v himself_o to_o he_o that_o judge_v righteous_o verse_n 24._o who_o his_o own_o self_n bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o own_o body_n on_o the_o tree_n that_o we_o be_v dead_a to_o sin_n shall_v live_v unto_o righteousness_n by_o who_o stripe_n you_o be_v heal_v the_o apostle_n repeat_v and_o enlarge_v his_o four_o argument_n it_o be_v the_o sweet_a and_o strong_a of_o all_o the_o rest_n to_o press_v patient_a suffering_n for_o well-doing_n to_o wit_n that_o since_o christ_n have_v bear_v the_o weight_n of_o our_o sin_n by_o endure_v the_o wrath_n due_a to_o we_o for_o they_o in_o his_o own_o person_n upon_o the_o cross_n how_o patient_o shall_v his_o redeem_a one_o bear_v light_a affliction_n for_o his_o sake_n and_o withal_o he_o add_v some_o further_a argument_n to_o press_v the_o same_o point_n take_v from_o the_o sweet_a end_n of_o christ_n death_n and_o the_o advantage_n believer_n have_v thereby_o the_o nine_o in_o number_n be_v that_o the_o very_a end_n of_o christ_n death_n be_v to_o purchase_v virtue_n for_o the_o slay_v of_o sin_n in_o his_o own_o and_o for_o quicken_a they_o to_o the_o duty_n of_o holiness_n it_o do_v become_v all_o his_o redeem_a one_o to_o follow_v their_o duty_n without_o desire_n of_o revenge_n upon_o those_o who_o put_v they_o to_o suffer_v wrongful_o the_o ten_o be_v that_o see_v the_o redeem_a by_o christ_n have_v spiritual_a and_o eternal_a health_n and_o welfare_n by_o virtue_n of_o those_o wound_n which_o he_o receive_v from_o god_n and_o man_n for_o they_o therefore_o they_o ought_v not_o to_o take_v in_o evil_a part_n wound_n and_o stripe_n from_o man_n for_o follow_v their_o duty_n to_o he_o hence_o learn_v 1._o christ_n suffering_n in_o the_o room_n of_o the_o redeem_a be_v a_o subject_n that_o they_o shall_v not_o soon_o weary_a to_o think_v and_o speak_v of_o it_o be_v to_o they_o a_o ground_n of_o much_o patience_n and_o comfort_n under_o their_o suffering_n to_o consider_v that_o god_n can_v now_o be_v avenge_a himself_o upon_o they_o for_o their_o sin_n who_o be_v flee_v to_o christ_n nor_o take_v satisfaction_n to_o his_o justice_n at_o their_o hand_n he_o have_v receive_v it_o already_o from_o christ_n therefore_o the_o apostle_n have_v hold_v forth_o christ_n suffering_n ver_fw-la 21._o as_o a_o argument_n to_o constancy_n in_o duty_n notwithstanding_o of_o persecution_n from_o man_n he_o love_v to_o come_v over_o the_o same_o argument_n here_o again_o who_o his_o own_o self_n bear_v our_o sin_n etc._n etc._n 2._o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n be_v not_o only_o exemplary_a that_o we_o may_v have_v a_o copy_n how_o to_o carry_v ourselves_o right_a under_o our_o suffering_n but_o they_o be_v expiatory_a of_o our_o sin_n and_o satisfactory_a for_o they_o to_o the_o father_n justice_n for_o after_o the_o apostle_n have_v set_v forth_o christ_n in_o the_o former_a word_n as_o cast_v we_o a_o copy_n of_o the_o right_a way_n of_o suffering_n lest_o any_o shall_v think_v that_o to_o be_v his_o great_a design_n in_o suffering_n he_o add_v this_o who_o his_o own_o self_n bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o own_o body_n 3._o jesus_n christ_n our_o mediator_n who_o be_v altogether_o free_a of_o any_o guiltiness_n inherent_a in_o himself_o as_o be_v clear_v from_o vers_fw-la 22._o have_v all_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o elect_a upon_o he_o by_o imputation_n and_o be_v handle_v by_o divine_a justice_n as_o if_o he_o have_v be_v guilty_a of_o they_o all_o as_o be_v import_v in_o this_o expression_n he_o bear_v our_o sin_n which_o frequent_o in_o scripture_n signify_v to_o bear_v the_o punishment_n of_o sin_n see_v leu._n 20.17_o 20._o ezek._n 23.49_o 4._o as_o sin_n be_v to_o a_o wake_a conscience_n one_o of_o the_o heavy_a burden_n that_o ever_o be_v feel_v psal_n 38.4_o so_o jesus_n christ_n have_v by_o his_o satisfaction_n upon_o the_o cross_n lift_v up_o as_o the_o word_n here_o signify_v that_o weight_n from_o off_o the_o conscience_n of_o those_o who_o feel_v as_o much_o of_o it_o as_o chase_v they_o to_o he_o for_o ease_n so_o as_o it_o shall_v never_o press_v any_o such_o down_o to_o hell_n or_o to_o despair_v for_o the_o apostle_n speak_v of_o his_o own_o sin_n and_o the_o sin_n of_o other_o penitent_a and_o believe_a sinner_n as_o a_o weight_n that_o none_o but_o christ_n be_v able_a to_o lift_v and_o which_o he_o have_v lift_v up_o and_o bear_v who_o his_o own_o self_n bear_v our_o sin_n 5._o that_o the_o second_o person_n of_o the_o bless_a trinity_n may_v be_v fit_a to_o bear_v our_o sin_n he_o behove_v to_o be_v incarnate_a and_o to_o take_v on_o a_o true_a body_n not_o borrow_v or_o assume_v for_o a_o time_n but_o a_o body_n of_o his_o own_o which_o with_o his_o soul_n be_v personal_o unite_v to_o his_o godhead_n he_o will_v keep_v for_o ever_o and_o ever_o that_o his_o converse_v in_o heaven_n with_o his_o creature_n that_o have_v body_n may_v be_v the_o more_o sweet_a for_o he_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o own_o body_n 6._o although_o the_o principal_a part_n of_o christ_n suffering_n for_o we_o be_v in_o his_o soul_n isa_n 53.10_o mat._n 26.38_o yet_o he_o be_v say_v to_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o body_n not_o only_o because_o that_o be_v a_o ordinary_a designation_n of_o the_o whole_a person_n consist_v of_o soul_n and_o body_n but_o because_o it_o be_v most_o wonderful_a that_o ever_o the_o son_n of_o god_n shall_v have_v assume_v so_o frothy_a a_o be_v as_o a_o body_n of_o flesh_n because_o his_o bodily_a suffering_n do_v visible_o represent_v his_o love_n to_o sinner_n and_o the_o desert_n of_o sin_n and_o because_o his_o soul_n suffer_v only_o while_o it_o be_v in_o his_o body_n before_o his_o death_n therefore_o the_o apostle_n say_v he_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o body_n 7._o our_o mediator_n behove_v to_o be_v put_v to_o a_o painful_a linger_a and_o shameful_a death_n because_o he_o be_v in_o the_o room_n of_o many_o who_o deserve_v such_o kind_n of_o death_n even_o by_o humane_a law_n that_o he_o may_v the_o better_o illustrate_v the_o terror_n of_o god_n against_o sin_n and_o may_v take_v the_o sting_n out_o of_o such_o kind_n of_o death_n to_o any_o of_o his_o own_o who_o shall_v endure_v the_o like_a for_o his_o sake_n for_o these_o cause_n he_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o own_o body_n on_o the_o tree_n to_o wit_n of_o the_o cross_n 8._o that_o which_o do_v most_o heighten_v our_o esteem_n of_o christ_n love_n in_o give_v himself_o to_o die_v for_o we_o and_o most_o strong_o oblige_v we_o not_o to_o spare_v our_o person_n for_o he_o be_v the_o consideration_n of_o the_o excellency_n of_o his_o person_n and_o of_o our_o unworthiness_n for_o who_o he_o suffer_v both_o which_o the_o apostle_n lead_v believer_n unto_o here_o while_o he_o do_v so_o often_o mention_v he_o and_o we_o who_o his_o own_o self_n bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o own_o body_n on_o the_o tree_n that_o we_o etc._n etc._n 9_o till_o the_o merit_n of_o christ_n death_n be_v apply_v by_o faith_n to_o the_o heart_n of_o sinner_n they_o be_v alive_a to_o sin_n be_v active_a and_o delight_v in_o the_o commission_n thereof_o they_o be_v dead_a to_o righteousness_n be_v no_o less_o impotent_a for_o any_o spiritual_a act_n or_o holy_a performance_n than_o dead_a man_n be_v for_o the_o action_n of_o the_o live_n as_o be_v suppon_v in_o this_o that_o christ_n death_n be_v for_o these_o end_n that_o we_o be_v dead_a to_o sin_n may_v live_v to_o righteousness_n 10._o christ_n intention_n in_o die_v for_o sinner_n which_o he_o do_v in_o some_o measure_n gain_n in_o all_o his_o redeem_a one_o in_o this_o life_n and_o will_v full_o attain_v in_o the_o other_o be_v that_o the_o love_n of_o sin_n in_o their_o heart_n may_v by_o the_o virtue_n purchase_v with_o his_o blood_n be_v so_o weaken_v that_o they_o may_v have_v no_o more_o pleasure_n in_o the_o commission_n of_o it_o than_o dead_a man_n have_v in_o the_o delight_n of_o the_o live_n and_o that_o their_o heart_n may_v be_v quicken_v with_o spiritual_a life_n for_o holy_a performance_n and_o they_o may_v live_v eternal_o praise_v their_o redeemer_n for_o that_o righteousness_n of_o his_o bestow_v upon_o they_o whereby_o they_o be_v justify_v sanctify_a and_o save_v for_o these_o two_o be_v here_o make_v the_o great_a end_n of_o christ_n death_n that_o we_o be_v dead_a to_o wit_n be_v make_v
well-doing_n as_o here_o it_o be_v by_o the_o apostle_n for_o it_o be_v better_a to_o suffer_v for_o well_o do_v than_o for_o evil_n do_v 2._o the_o consideration_n of_o this_o difference_n in_o regard_n of_o comfort_n and_o spiritual_a advantage_n which_o be_v betwixt_o suffer_v for_o well-doing_n and_o for_o evil_a do_v shall_v move_v the_o lord_n people_n to_o watchfulness_n and_o tender_a walk_n lest_o by_o their_o miscarriage_n they_o deserve_v suffer_v at_o man_n hand_n and_o to_o constancy_n in_o suffer_v for_o well_o do_v consider_v that_o they_o have_v within_o they_o strong_a inclination_n to_o such_o evil_n as_o be_v act_v may_v just_o put_v they_o to_o suffer_v before_o man_n and_o that_o if_o they_o shift_v duty_n to_o he_o for_o fear_v of_o suffer_v from_o man_n he_o may_v just_o leave_v they_o to_o fall_v in_o those_o sin_n which_o may_v procure_v hard_a suffering_n with_o less_o comfort_n than_o what_o they_o shall_v have_v meet_v with_o in_o suffer_v for_o well_o do_v for_o this_o be_v here_o bring_v in_o as_o a_o motive_n to_o constancy_n in_o duty_n and_o suffer_v in_o the_o way_n of_o duty_n that_o it_o be_v better_a to_o suffer_v for_o well_o do_v than_o for_o evil_n do_v 3._o suffer_v for_o well_o do_v be_v a_o duty_n that_o do_v not_o bind_v as_o negative_a precept_n do_v at_o all_o time_n and_o in_o all_o case_n nor_o be_v the_o child_n of_o the_o lord_n tie_v to_o it_o as_o they_o be_v to_o some_o other_o positive_a duty_n for_o the_o opportunity_n whereof_o they_o be_v to_o watch_v 1_o pet._n 4_o 7._o but_o be_v only_o bind_v when_o the_o lord_n by_o his_o providence_n have_v bring_v his_o people_n under_o the_o power_n of_o persecutor_n and_o they_o do_v put_v they_o to_o a_o necessity_n either_o of_o suffering_n or_o sin_v in_o which_o case_n only_o the_o lord_n manife_v his_o will_n to_o his_o people_n that_o they_o shall_v suffer_v for_o the_o apostle_n here_o commend_v suffer_v not_o absolute_o as_o other_o duty_n but_o only_o upon_o this_o supposition_n that_o it_o be_v manifest_v to_o be_v the_o will_n of_o god_n for_o it_o be_v better_a if_o the_o will_n of_o god_n be_v so_o that_o you_o suffer_v for_o well_o do_v than_o for_o evil_n do_v 4._o when_o god_n will_n that_o his_o people_n shall_v suffer_v be_v manifest_v to_o they_o by_o leave_v they_o no_o midst_n between_o sin_n and_o suffering_n than_o they_o ought_v with_o courage_n and_o chearfulnesse_n to_o choose_v suffer_v as_o the_o only_o best_a course_n for_o they_o consider_v that_o his_o will_n be_v a_o good_a will_n to_o they_o and_o so_o will_v have_v prevent_v their_o suffering_n if_o it_o have_v be_v good_a for_o they_o that_o without_o his_o will_n no_o creature_n can_v bring_v they_o to_o that_o necessity_n and_o that_o as_o it_o be_v his_o will_n they_o shall_v suffer_v for_o he_o so_o it_o be_v his_o will_n they_o shall_v reign_v with_o he_o for_o this_o be_v here_o cast_v in_o as_o a_o special_a encouragement_n to_o constancy_n in_o suffer_v for_o well_o do_v that_o they_o shall_v not_o be_v put_v to_o undergo_v that_o lot_n except_o the_o will_n of_o god_n be_v so_o verse_n 18._o for_o christ_n also_o have_v once_o suffer_v for_o sin_n the_o just_a for_o the_o unjust_a that_o he_o may_v bring_v we_o to_o god_n be_v put_v to_o death_n in_o the_o flesh_n but_o quicken_v by_o the_o spirit_n the_o six_o motive_n or_o encouragement_n to_o constancy_n in_o duty_n notwithstanding_o of_o hard_a suffering_n be_v take_v from_o christ_n suffering_n for_o we_o whence_o many_o encourage_v argument_n to_o suffer_v for_o he_o may_v be_v draw_v the_o sum_n of_o all_o which_o be_v that_o since_o the_o innocent_a son_n of_o god_n have_v complete_o satisfy_v god_n justice_n for_o unworthy_a sinner_n that_o he_o may_v reconcile_v they_o to_o god_n have_v for_o that_o end_n suffer_v to_o the_o very_a death_n in_o his_o humanity_n and_o that_o he_o may_v apply_v his_o purchase_n be_v raise_v up_o again_o by_o the_o power_n of_o his_o spirit_n or_o godhead_n it_o do_v therefore_o well_o become_v his_o sinful_a follower_n for_o who_o he_o die_v and_o rise_v again_o to_o undergo_v cheerful_o a_o suffer_a lot_n in_o follow_v their_o duty_n to_o he_o hence_o learn_v 1._o of_o all_o motive_n that_o may_v prevail_v with_o christian_n to_o suffer_v for_o christ_n when_o they_o be_v call_v his_o suffering_n in_o their_o room_n be_v one_o of_o the_o strong_a and_o shall_v be_v most_o frequent_o make_v use_n of_o by_o they_o for_o that_o end_n consider_v that_o he_o by_o his_o suffering_n have_v take_v the_o sting_n out_o of_o all_o they_o isa_n 53.4_o have_v defeat_v all_o their_o enemy_n joh._n 16.33_o col._n 2.15_o have_v cast_v they_o a_o sweet_a copy_n to_o follow_v concern_v the_o right_a way_n of_o suffering_n heb._n 12.2_o have_v engage_v they_o not_o to_o desire_v a_o better_a lot_n than_o he_o have_v joh._n 15.20_o and_o have_v make_v sure_a their_o perseverance_n and_o eternal_a happiness_n which_o none_o of_o their_o trouble_n can_v mar_v rom._n 8.38_o for_o the_o apostle_n have_v make_v use_v of_o this_o same_o argument_n to_o this_o same_o purpose_n in_o the_o close_a of_o the_o former_a chapter_n do_v here_o again_o insist_v upon_o it_o as_o the_o strong_a and_o that_o which_o shall_v have_v most_o weight_n with_o all_o his_o redeem_a one_o to_o move_v they_o to_o suffer_v for_o he_o for_o christ_n also_o have_v suffer_v for_o sin_n 2._o as_o the_o whole_a time_n of_o christ_n humiliation_n be_v one_o uninterrupted_a course_n of_o suffer_v so_o by_o that_o whole_a course_n and_o especial_o by_o his_o offering_n himself_o a_o sacrifice_n for_o we_o upon_o the_o cross_n he_o have_v so_o complete_v the_o work_n of_o satisfaction_n to_o god_n justice_n for_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o elect_n and_o of_o purchase_v grace_n and_o glory_n to_o they_o that_o nothing_o thereof_o remain_v to_o be_v do_v nor_o need_v that_o sacrifice_n be_v again_o repeat_v for_o though_o his_o suffering_n be_v finite_a in_o regard_n of_o duration_n yet_o in_o regard_n of_o the_o worth_n which_o the_o excellency_n of_o his_o person_n who_o be_v god_n do_v add_v to_o they_o they_o be_v infinite_a for_o both_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o continuation_n of_o his_o suffering_n all_o along_o his_o state_n of_o humiliation_n and_o in_o regard_n of_o the_o completeness_n of_o they_o for_o satisfaction_n to_o god_n justice_n as_o also_o in_o opposition_n to_o all_o the_o legal_a sacrifice_n which_o for_o their_o imperfection_n behove_v to_o be_v often_o repeat_v heb._n 7.27_o the_o apostle_n say_v here_o he_o have_v once_o suffer_v for_o sin_n 3._o although_o our_o bless_a mediator_n have_v all_o the_o sin_n of_o all_o the_o elect_a upon_o he_o by_o imputation_n 2_o cor._n 5.21_o and_o the_o punishment_n lay_v upon_o he_o of_o all_o the_o heinous_a crime_n that_o ever_o be_v or_o shall_v be_v commit_v by_o the_o elect_n isa_n 53.6_o yet_o be_v he_o in_o himself_o complete_o just_a and_o righteous_a not_o only_o as_o he_o be_v god_n isa_n 45.21_o but_o even_o as_o man_n he_o be_v whole_o free_v of_o that_o original_a contagion_n luke_n 1.35_o wherewith_o all_o other_o that_o be_v come_v of_o adam_n be_v defile_v job_n 14.4_o and_o complete_o conform_v to_o the_o law_n of_o god_n in_o heart_n and_o practice_n mat._n 3.15_o that_o so_o as_o our_o mediator_n he_o may_v be_v lovely_a to_o god_n psal_n 45.7_o and_o to_o all_o the_o saint_n cant._n 5.16_o for_o so_o the_o apostle_n set_v he_o forth_o who_o suffer_v for_o sin_n the_o just_a for_o the_o unjust_a 4._o there_o be_v nothing_o in_o those_o for_o who_o christ_n suffer_v to_o have_v move_v he_o to_o lay_v down_o his_o life_n for_o they_o many_o of_o they_o who_o be_v then_o live_v be_v his_o actual_a persecutor_n and_o murderer_n and_o all_o of_o they_o be_v still_o at_o enmity_n with_o he_o till_o he_o by_o the_o virtue_n of_o his_o death_n change_v they_o and_o yet_o his_o free_a love_n make_v he_o suffer_v for_o their_o sin_n the_o just_a for_o the_o unjust_a 5._o as_o all_o be_v natural_o far_o from_o god_n eph._n 2.13_o and_o the_o godly_a at_o their_o best_a at_o a_o distance_n and_o ●nable_a to_o come_v near_o cant._n 1.4_o so_o this_o be_v the_o comfortable_a end_n of_o christ_n death_n and_o his_o intention_n in_o die_v that_o sinner_n may_v be_v bring_v to_o a_o state_n of_o nearness_n to_o wit_n of_o favour_n and_o reconciliation_n with_o god_n col._n 1.21_o and_o that_o be_v do_v to_o a_o grow_a nearness_n to_o wit_n of_o communion_n and_o fellowship_n till_o they_o be_v complete_o one_o with_o he_o job_n 17.11_o 20_o 21_o etc._n etc._n for_o thus_o do_v the_o apostle_n express_v the_o end_n of_o christ_n death_n and_o his_o
they_o many_o encouragement_n against_o suffer_v in_o that_o way_n which_o be_v the_o two_o principal_a part_n of_o the_o chapter_n the_o sum_n of_o the_o first_o be_v that_o believer_n shall_v renounce_v the_o slavery_n of_o their_o sin_n first_o because_o they_o be_v esteem_v judicial_o to_o have_v suffer_v for_o sin_n in_o their_o cautioner_n christ_n ver_fw-la 1_o 2._o second_o because_o they_o have_v already_o follow_v too_o long_o the_o filthy_a fashion_n of_o the_o profane_a ver_fw-la 3._o three_o because_o those_o who_o do_v wonder_n at_o and_o slander_v they_o for_o change_v their_o course_n and_o company_n behove_v to_o give_v a_o sad_a account_n thereof_o to_o their_o judge_n ver_fw-la 4_o 5._o four_o because_o censure_v and_o opposition_n from_o the_o profane_a have_v be_v the_o lot_n of_o the_o saint_n depart_v ver_fw-la 6._o and_o five_o because_o time_n be_v now_o near_o a_o end_n therefore_o they_o shall_v keep_v themselves_o in_o a_o pray_a disposition_n ver_fw-la 7._o make_v conscience_n of_o love_n ver_fw-la 8._o and_o of_o hospitality_n towards_o the_o saint_n ver_fw-la 9_o and_o employ_v their_o talent_n and_o gift_n in_o their_o several_a place_n for_o the_o glory_n of_o christ_n ver_fw-la 10_o 11._o the_o sum_n of_o the_o second_o part_n be_v that_o hard_a suffering_n shall_v not_o seem_v strange_a to_o believer_n consider_v first_o that_o they_o be_v send_v to_o try_v their_o grace_n ver_fw-la 12._o second_o that_o by_o they_o they_o be_v make_v conform_a to_o their_o master_n and_o three_o shall_v share_v of_o his_o glory_n ver_fw-la 13._o four_o that_o even_o reproach_n for_o faithfulness_n to_o christ_n shall_v prove_v they_o happy_a five_o that_o they_o shall_v be_v sure_a of_o the_o presence_n of_o his_o spirit_n with_o they_o six_o that_o he_o do_v resent_v their_o wrong_n as_o do_v against_o himself_o seven_o that_o he_o do_v esteem_v himself_o glorify_v by_o their_o suffering_n ver_fw-la 14._o provide_v they_o do_v not_o procure_v these_o suffering_n by_o their_o miscarriage_n ver_fw-la 15._o but_o endure_v they_o with_o courage_n and_o chearfulnesse_n for_o the_o truth_n of_o christ_n ver_fw-la 16._o eight_o that_o god_n appoint_a time_n be_v now_o come_v for_o purge_v of_o his_o church_n by_o such_o hot_a persecution_n that_o even_o the_o godly_a can_v not_o come_v to_o heaven_n but_o with_o great_a difficulty_n and_o last_o that_o the_o end_n of_o their_o ungodly_a persecutor_n behove_v to_o be_v unspeakable_o terrible_a ver_fw-la 17_o 18._o it_o be_v therefore_o their_o best_a to_o commit_v themselves_o to_o he_o who_o power_n and_o faithfulness_n be_v engage_v to_o bear_v they_o through_o all_o their_o trial_n ver_fw-la 19_o verse_n 1._o forasmuch_o they_o as_o christ_n have_v suffer_v for_o we_o in_o the_o flesh_n arm_v yourselves_o likewise_o with_o the_o same_o mind_n for_o he_o that_o have_v suffer_v in_o the_o flesh_n have_v cease_v from_o sin_n the_o apostle_n scope_n in_o the_o first_o part_n of_o this_o chapter_n be_v to_o stir_v up_o the_o redeem_a of_o the_o lord_n to_o fight_v against_o sin_n and_o to_o give_v themselves_o whole_o away_o to_o the_o obedience_n of_o their_o redeemer_n as_o appear_v from_o ver_fw-la 2._o and_o 7_o etc._n etc._n he_o bring_v his_o first_o and_o principal_a argument_n for_o that_o purpose_n from_o christ_n suffering_n for_o they_o and_o their_o interest_n in_o these_o suffering_n the_o sum_n whereof_o be_v that_o see_v jesus_n christ_n have_v in_o their_o name_n and_o nature_n suffer_v the_o wrath_n due_a to_o they_o for_o their_o sin_n they_o ought_v to_o put_v on_o this_o very_a same_o consideration_n as_o a_o complete_a armour_n against_o all_o temptation_n and_o that_o because_o believer_n be_v esteem_v judicial_o to_o have_v suffer_v in_o their_o cautioner_n they_o be_v thereby_o strong_o oblige_v to_o desist_v from_o those_o sin_n for_o which_o christ_n have_v suffer_v and_o for_o which_o they_o be_v reckon_v to_o have_v suffer_v in_o he_o so_o that_o the_o last_o clause_n of_o this_o verse_n can_v be_v understand_v of_o christ_n who_o never_o sin_v but_o of_o the_o believer_n who_o be_v reckon_v a_o sufferer_n in_o christ_n and_o to_o have_v cease_v from_o sin_n in_o regard_n of_o christ_n undertake_v to_o make_v he_o cease_v from_o it_o and_o of_o the_o obligation_n that_o christ_n suffering_n in_o his_o room_n put_v upon_o he_o to_o mortify_v it_o which_o make_v the_o matter_n as_o certain_a as_o if_o it_o be_v do_v and_o therefore_o the_o apostle_n speak_v of_o it_o in_o the_o bypass_a time_n as_o if_o it_o be_v already_o do_v doct._n 1._o they_o that_o will_v make_v use_n of_o christ_n suffering_n for_o they_o as_o a_o motive_n to_o suffer_v for_o he_o must_v learn_v to_o make_v use_n of_o they_o for_o mortify_v of_o their_o lust_n by_o faith_n draw_v virtue_n out_o of_o his_o death_n for_o weaken_v the_o love_n of_o sin_n in_o their_o heart_n the_o strength_n and_o vigour_n whereof_o be_v the_o main_a thing_n that_o make_v christian_n shift_v a_o cross_n for_o christ_n and_o indispose_v they_o for_o carry_v it_o aright_o mat._n 16.24_o for_o the_o apostle_n have_v teach_v believer_n in_o the_o last_o part_n of_o the_o former_a chapter_n to_o make_v use_n of_o christ_n suffering_n for_o they_o as_o a_o motive_n and_o encouragement_n to_o suffer_v for_o he_o he_o do_v here_o teach_v they_o to_o make_v a_o further_a use_n of_o his_o suffering_n as_o necessary_a to_o be_v join_v with_o the_o former_a if_o so_o be_v they_o will_v attain_v unto_o it_o to_o wit_n that_o by_o faith_n they_o shall_v draw_v virtue_n from_o his_o suffering_n for_o mortification_n of_o their_o corruption_n forasmuch_o then_o as_o christ_n have_v suffer_v arm_v yourselves_o etc._n etc._n 2._o christ_n our_o mediator_n have_v take_v true_a flesh_n upon_o he_o and_o in_o it_o have_v suffer_v all_o that_o wrath_n which_o be_v due_a to_o the_o elect_a for_o their_o sin_n so_o that_o his_o suffering_n be_v not_o to_o be_v a_o pattern_n only_o to_o christian_n of_o a_o right_a way_n of_o suffering_n but_o they_o be_v in_o the_o room_n and_o place_n of_o the_o elect_n as_o be_v clear_o import_v in_o this_o ground_n which_o the_o apostle_n lay_v down_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o this_o chapter_n from_o whence_o he_o be_v to_o infer_v and_o press_v upon_o believer_n the_o study_n of_o mortification_n christ_n have_v suffer_v for_o we_o in_o the_o flesh_n 3._o as_o those_o for_o who_o christ_n have_v suffer_v in_o the_o flesh_n and_o who_o can_v therefore_o be_v overcome_v by_o their_o spiritual_a enemy_n col._n 2.15_o must_v notwithstanding_o make_v they_o for_o a_o battle_n and_o a_o fighting-life_n with_o those_o enemy_n so_o they_o be_v of_o themselves_o naked_a and_o without_o armour_n for_o this_o spiritual_a warfare_n till_o they_o receive_v the_o same_o from_o jesus_n christ_n and_o not_o only_o so_o but_o they_o be_v often_o find_v secure_a and_o forgetful_a of_o their_o warfare_n and_o therefore_o have_v need_n to_o be_v rouse_v up_o to_o lay_v hold_n upon_o their_o spiritual_a armour_n and_o to_o accept_v of_o the_o same_o from_o jesus_n christ_n as_o be_v import_v in_o this_o military_a exhortation_n arm_v yourselves_o 4._o the_o believer_n best_a armour_n against_o his_o spiritual_a enemy_n especial_o temptation_n to_o sin_n be_v the_o believe_a consideration_n of_o christ_n suffering_n in_o his_o name_n and_o nature_n which_o can_v but_o give_v he_o courage_n and_o strength_n in_o the_o battle_n see_v by_o these_o suffering_n of_o christ_n for_o he_o his_o spiritual_a enemy_n be_v spoil_v of_o all_o power_n of_o overcome_v though_o not_o of_o molest_v and_o so_o he_o may_v be_v sure_a of_o victory_n 1_o cor._n 15.55_o 56_o 57_o for_o with_o this_o same_o very_a consideration_n or_o notion_n as_o the_o word_n signify_v that_o christ_n have_v suffer_v in_o our_o room_n and_o nature_n the_o apostle_n exhort_v believer_n to_o arm_v themselves_o against_o all_o temptation_n forasmuch_o then_o as_o christ_n have_v suffer_v for_o we_o in_o the_o flesh_n arm_v yourselves_o also_o with_o the_o same_o mind_n 5._o whatever_o suffering_n be_v inflict_v upon_o christ_n the_o same_o be_v judicial_o reckon_v to_o be_v inflict_v upon_o believer_n in_o he_o he_o be_v their_o surety_n heb._n 7.22_o and_o a_o common_a person_n represent_v they_o all_o rom._n 5.18_o 19_o for_o the_o apostle_n have_v in_o the_o first_o part_n of_o the_o verse_n assert_v christ_n suffering_n for_o believer_n in_o the_o close_a of_o it_o he_o design_v the_o believer_n as_o if_o he_o have_v suffer_v in_o his_o own_o person_n he_o that_o have_v suffer_v in_o the_o flesh_n 6._o none_o that_o do_v true_o believe_v their_o union_n with_o and_o interest_n in_o suffering_n christ_n jesus_n can_v continue_v in_o the_o slavery_n and_o servitude_n of_o sin_n they_o be_v by_o their_o believe_v
stay_v there_o after_o the_o expire_a of_o the_o seventy_o year_n captivity_n who_o this_o apostle_n be_v a_o minister_n of_o the_o circumcision_n gal._n 2.7_o have_v go_v to_o visit_v and_o plant_v in_o a_o visible_a church_n and_o next_o he_o deliver_v commendation_n from_o mark_n who_o be_v a_o public_a minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n col._n 4.10_o 11._o and_o be_v one_o of_o this_o apostle_n old_a acquaintance_n act._n 12.12_o have_v be_v instruct_v by_o he_o in_o the_o gospel_n for_o which_o he_o be_v here_o call_v his_o son_n as_o timothy_n be_v call_v paul_n for_o the_o same_o reason_n 1_o tim._n 1.2_o hence_o learn_v 1._o it_o be_v the_o duty_n of_o the_o lord_n people_n especial_o in_o a_o suffer_a time_n though_o never_o so_o far_o distant_a in_o place_n to_o love_v and_o remember_v one_o another_o as_o if_o they_o be_v present_a and_o embrace_v one_o another_o as_o the_o word_n of_o salute_v in_o the_o original_a import_v to_o signify_v their_o desire_n to_o know_v one_o another_o condition_n their_o sympathy_n with_o one_o another_o suffering_n and_o joy_n for_o one_o another_o welfare_n all_o which_o be_v import_v in_o the_o salutation_n common_a among_o the_o hebrew_n 1_o sam._n 25.25_o 1_o chron._n 18.10_o and_o it_o be_v likewise_o the_o duty_n of_o those_o who_o be_v entrust_v with_o the_o carry_v of_o such_o salutation_n to_o make_v conscience_n of_o the_o delivery_n of_o they_o for_o the_o church_n at_o babylon_n remember_v their_o disperse_a countryman_n and_o desire_v the_o apostle_n to_o signify_v the_o same_o to_o they_o who_o do_v it_o here_o according_o the_o church_n which_o be_v at_o babylon_n salute_v you_o 2._o the_o lord_n who_o reign_v in_o the_o midst_n of_o his_o enemy_n psal_n 110.2_o can_v erect_v and_o keep_v up_o a_o church_n to_o himself_o even_o in_o those_o place_n of_o the_o world_n where_o his_o enemy_n be_v permit_v to_o have_v all_o the_o external_a power_n in_o their_o hand_n for_o he_o have_v here_o a_o church_n at_o babylon_n where_o we_o never_o read_v that_o the_o civil-power_n be_v employ_v for_o he_o 3._o the_o lord_n have_v many_o design_n of_o providence_n which_o will_v not_o appear_v for_o a_o long_a time_n after_o he_o have_v begin_v to_o work_v in_o order_n to_o the_o execution_n of_o they_o for_o now_o it_o appear_v that_o when_o the_o jew_n be_v carry_v captive_a to_o babylon_n the_o lord_n have_v have_v a_o design_n to_o have_v a_o gospel-church_n erect_v there_o before_o they_o shall_v all_o come_v back_o again_o as_o be_v clear_a by_o compare_v act_n 15.18_o with_o this_o that_o there_o be_v a_o church_n at_o babylon_n 4._o the_o lord_n can_v make_v the_o sinful_a fail_n of_o his_o people_n subservient_fw-fr to_o his_o gracious_a purpose_n and_o yet_o be_v holy_a in_o all_o his_o way_n for_o the_o sinful_a stay_n of_o some_o of_o the_o jew_n in_o babylon_n when_o they_o have_v a_o call_n and_o opportunity_n to_o return_v in_o cyrus_n time_n be_v make_v to_o serve_v the_o accomplishment_n of_o this_o holy_a purpose_n of_o god_n ●anent_fw-la the_o have_v of_o a_o visible_a gospel-church_n at_o babylon_n 5._o the_o constancy_n of_o some_o of_o the_o lord_n people_n who_o be_v under_o the_o power_n of_o wicked_a man_n and_o the_o appearance_n of_o the_o grace_n of_o christ_n in_o they_o especial_o their_o love_n and_o sympathy_n with_o the_o rest_n of_o his_o people_n aught_o to_o move_v other_o to_o constancy_n under_o their_o suffering_n and_o make_v they_o confident_a of_o the_o same_o thorow-bearing_a strength_n for_o that_o the_o apostle_n may_v encourage_v these_o suffering-believer_n to_o who_o he_o write_v he_o send_v they_o here_o commendation_n from_o their_o bretheen_n in_o babylon_n in_o testimony_n of_o their_o love_n to_o and_o sympathy_n with_o they_o the_o church_n which_o be_v at_o babylon_n salute_v you_o 6._o no_o journey_n never_o so_o long_a or_o hazardous_a aught_o to_o be_v shun_v by_o any_o servant_n of_o christ_n to_o do_v service_n to_o he_o who_o have_v engage_v himself_o to_o be_v with_o they_o go_v whither_o they_o will_v mat._n 28.20_o in_o the_o faith_n whereof_o peter_n have_v undertake_v this_o long_a and_o hazardous_a journey_n from_o judea_n to_o babylon_n from_o whence_o he_o send_v this_o epistle_n to_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o christian_a jew_n 7._o because_o all_o the_o member_n of_o the_o visible_a church_n be_v choose_v out_o of_o the_o world_n to_o profess_v christ_n and_o to_o have_v the_o offer_v of_o his_o grace_n make_v to_o they_o and_o so_o many_o of_o they_o as_o do_v real_o embrace_v these_o offer_n have_v doubtless_o be_v from_o eternity_n choose_v to_o be_v equal_a sharer_n of_o spiritual_a and_o eternal_a mercy_n therefore_o they_o may_v be_v all_o speak_v of_o and_o deal_v with_o by_o christ_n minister_n as_o the_o elect_a of_o god_n for_o so_o do_v the_o apostle_n here_o speak_v of_o the_o whole_a visible_a church_n at_o babylon_n and_o other_o place_n elect_v together_o 8._o it_o be_v a_o special_a comfort_n to_o suffering-christians_a to_o know_v themselves_o remember_v and_o respect_v by_o more_o eminent_a christian_n than_o themselves_o by_o who_o they_o be_v apt_a to_o apprehend_v themselves_o forget_v and_o slight_v for_o which_o cause_n we_o may_v safe_o conceive_v the_o apostle_n here_o to_o mention_v commendation_n particular_o from_o marcus_n his_o son_n 9_o those_o who_o have_v be_v instrumental_a in_o the_o conversion_n or_o spiritual_a edification_n of_o other_o ought_v to_o entertain_v a_o special_a measure_n of_o tender_a affection_n towards_o they_o and_o shall_v have_v from_o they_o a_o special_a measure_n of_o reverence_n and_o love_n such_o as_o child_n owe_v to_o their_o parent_n for_o because_o mark_n be_v instruct_v by_o this_o apostle_n in_o the_o knowledge_n of_o christ_n and_o the_o gospel_n and_o do_v resemble_v he_o in_o faith_n and_o conversation_n he_o be_v here_o call_v his_o son_n 10._o a_o penitent'_v former_a fail_n ought_v not_o to_o hinder_v his_o esteem_n with_o any_o of_o the_o lord_n people_n for_o mark_v who_o by_o his_o separate_n from_o the_o apostle_n while_o they_o be_v about_o the_o work_n of_o the_o lord_n do_v occasion_n a_o sinful_a separation_n of_o one_o of_o they_o from_o another_o act._n 15.37_o 38_o 39_o be_v here_o particular_o mention_v as_o one_o dear_a to_o this_o apostle_n and_o who_o love_n and_o remembrance_n shall_v be_v a_o comfort_n to_o sufferer_n and_o marcus_n my_o son_n 11._o so_o careful_a shall_v the_o minister_n of_o christ_n be_v to_o entertain_v love_n among_o the_o lord_n people_n and_o particular_o to_o beget_v and_o cherish_v in_o their_o heart_n a_o good_a esteem_n of_o other_o minister_n though_o inferior_a to_o themselves_o that_o they_o shall_v willing_o condescend_v to_o be_v servant_n in_o the_o mean_a office_n of_o love_n that_o may_v conduce_v for_o that_o end_n therefore_o do_v this_o great_a apostle_n registrate_n in_o his_o epistle_n the_o commendation_n of_o the_o church_n at_o babylon_n and_o marcus_n his_o son_n verse_n 14._o greet_v you_o one_o another_o with_o a_o kiss_n of_o charity_n peace_n be_v with_o you_o all_o that_o be_v in_o christ_n jesus_n amen_n in_o this_o last_o article_n of_o the_o conclusion_n the_o apostle_n exhort_v these_o to_o who_o he_o write_v to_o express_v mutual_o their_o hearty_a affection_n one_o to_o another_o by_o such_o sign_n as_o be_v ordinary_a in_o those_o time_n and_o confident_o wish_v unto_o they_o all_o sort_n of_o happiness_n hence_o learn_v 1._o it_o do_v much_o contribute_v for_o the_o success_n of_o the_o gospel_n among_o a_o people_n that_o there_o be_v mutual_a love_n among_o they_o and_o expression_n thereof_o therefore_o the_o apostle_n do_v ordinary_o close_v their_o epistle_n with_o exhortation_n to_o mutual_a love_n and_o unity_n as_o that_o without_o which_o the_o fruit_n of_o their_o pain_n in_o these_o write_n will_v be_v much_o hinder_v and_o so_o do_v the_o apostle_n here_o greet_v you_o one_o another_o with_o a_o kiss_n of_o charity_n 2._o whatever_o decent_a expression_n of_o mutual_a respect_n and_o love_n be_v the_o ordinary_a custom_n of_o the_o time_n and_o place_n where_o the_o lord_n people_n live_v they_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v scruple_v at_o but_o rather_o make_v conscience_n of_o by_o they_o in_o obedience_n to_o he_o who_o command_v love_n and_o respect_n and_o consequent_o the_o expression_n thereof_o to_o be_v among_o his_o people_n greet_v one_o another_o with_o a_o kiss_n of_o charity_n 3._o all_o the_o mutual_a expression_n of_o love_n and_o respect_n among_o the_o lord_n people_n aught_o to_o flow_v from_o a_o inward_a affection_n of_o christian_n love_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o one_o of_o they_o towards_o another_o and_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v perform_v as_o fashional_a and_o flatter_a compliment_n which_o be_v hateful_a to_o god_n psal_n 12.2_o 3._o
for_o so_o the_o apostle_n exhort_v greet_v you_o one_o another_o with_o a_o kiss_n of_o charity_n 4._o the_o occasion_n of_o frequent_a converse_n and_o correspondence_n among_o the_o lord_n people_n ought_v not_o to_o diminish_v their_o love_n or_o hinder_v the_o expression_n thereof_o but_o rather_o to_o increase_v the_o same_o they_o who_o live_v together_o be_v more_o ready_a to_o offend_v or_o mistake_v one_o another_o and_o so_o to_o be_v mutual_o jealous_a of_o the_o alienation_n of_o one_o another_o affection_n than_o those_o who_o be_v at_o a_o great_a distance_n who_o love_n shall_v provoke_v those_o that_o be_v near_o for_o the_o apostle_n have_v signify_v the_o love_n of_o those_o that_o be_v at_o babylon_n to_o their_o disperse_a brethren_n do_v here_o exhort_v they_o that_o have_v more_o frequent_a occasion_n of_o meeting_n and_o correspondence_n to_o greet_v one_o another_o with_o a_o kiss_n of_o charity_n 5._o as_o it_o be_v the_o duty_n of_o christ_n minister_n hearty_o to_o wish_v all_o sort_n of_o true_a peace_n upon_o all_o the_o member_n of_o the_o visible_a church_n who_o in_o regard_n of_o their_o external_a profession_n and_o participation_n of_o common_a gift_n and_o benefit_n from_o christ_n