Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

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love_n heart_n love_v shed_v 3,860 5 9.3699 4 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 685
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A39356 A letter to the author of a book, entitled, Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. 1694 (1694) Wing E678; ESTC R41118 1,251 4 View Text
B05061 The ruined lovers. Being a narrative of a young man that dyed for his cruel mistriss ... who not long after his death ... could not be comforted, but lingered out her dayes in melancholly, fell desperate sick, and so dyed. Tune of, Mock-beggers Hall stands empty. 1675 (1675) Wing R2215C; ESTC R233655 1,378 1 View Text
A84288 Exhortation and admonition of the Friends and Brethren of London chiefly, to all maid-servants (who make profession of the pure ever-lasting gospel of peace and salvation) as are, or may be servants in the families of Friends or others, in and about this city. 1672 (1672) Wing E3865A; ESTC R176884 1,865 1 View Text
B04850 A proper new ballad, being the regrate of a true lover, for his mistriss unkindnesse. To a new tune, I'le ever love the more. 1670 (1670) Wing P3666C; Interim Tract Supplement Guide C.20.f.8[574] 2,045 1 View Text
B03659 The dying tears of a true lover forsaken, made on his death-bed; the hour before his death. To the tune of, Come live with me. 1681 (1678-1681?) Wing H1987; Interim Tract Supplement Guide EBB65H[86]; Interim Tract Supplement Guide C.20.f.8[126] 2,204 2 View Text
A11183 Foure and twenty certaine godly rules 1640 (1640) STC 21448; ESTC S504 4,046 15 View Text
A57217 Love without dissimulation, or, The letter & directions of Robert Rich to M. John Raynes, for the distributing his benevolence to the seven churches in London Rich, Robert, d. 1679. 1667 (1667) Wing R1361; ESTC R6306 5,700 7 View Text
A65901 A general epistle to be read amongst friends in all their meetings Whitehead, John, 1630-1696. 1682 (1682) Wing W1978; ESTC R30198 6,717 11 View Text
A85324 An epistle in the love of God to Friends, with a little chiefly to their tender children. : To which is added a few lines to such that may be farther grown in the truth. Fisher, Abigail. 1696 (1696) Wing F984A; ESTC R177065 7,168 24 View Text
A40525 A visitation by way of declaration unto the manifestation of the spirit in you rulers and heads of these nations both Parliaments, officers, and souldiers, that are in arms and authority to do service for the Common-Wealth outwardly. Amongst whom I formerly have had my conversation about thirteen or fourteen years, and with many of them I have often engaged against the enemies of the peace and liberties of the honest people of these nations, and that some of the old officers and souldiers may very well remember. From a true lover of your souls, that loves to do justice, and all that join with them, known unto the children of men by this name, Joseph Fuce. Fuce, Joseph. 1659 (1659) Wing F2258A; ESTC R220311 7,863 8 View Text
A40937 A loving salutation with several seasonable exhortations contained in two general epistles sent unto all the saints and persecuted people of God in the houshold [sic] of faith to be red [sic] among them before they be banished as bond-men and bond-women out of the land of their nativity for their religion and righteousness sake. R. F. (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666.; Salthouse, Thomas, 1630-1691. 1665 (1665) Wing F491; ESTC R16033 8,192 14 View Text
A29718 An invitation of love unto the seed of God throughout the world with a word to the wise in heart, and a lamentation for New-England : given forth from the movings of the spirit of the Lord / by ... Jone Brooksop. Brooksop, Jone, d. 1680. 1662 (1662) Wing B4983; ESTC R10126 8,381 16 View Text
A15827 A short and briefe summe of saving knowledge consisting of the creed, ten Commandements, Lords prayer and the sacraments. And is made profitable introduction to the larger art of divinitie, composed by the methodicall tables of A.R. and published by I.Y. Yates, John, d. ca. 1660. 1621 (1621) STC 26088; ESTC S113976 8,831 32 View Text
A26135 The spirits voice concerning himselfe, or, A faithful and clear discovery of the operations of the spirit in the hearts of the saints by Peter Atkinson ... Atkinson, Peter, 17th cent. 1659 (1659) Wing A4130; ESTC R17494 9,440 22 View Text
B03940 Directions for prayer, for the Diocess of Bath and Wells. To the poor inhabitants within the Diocess of Bath and Wells, Thomas their unworthy bishop wisheth the knowledge and the love of God. Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. 1686 (1686) Wing K260AB; ESTC R188364 10,847 17 View Text
A11590 The Christians strength. By William Sclater. Batchelar of Diuinity and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset Sclater, William, 1575-1626. 1612 (1612) STC 21833; ESTC S116804 11,631 22 View Text
A60651 A short testimony on the behalf of truths innocency declared in plainesse and simplicity : being done at the command of the Lord God that all out of the truth may see their way and proceed no further : vvith a discovery of the national ministry, whose time now is, and is no more / by one who loves truth and rightousnesse and desires the nations peace, and the good of all people, who amongst many brethren is called a Quaker, but known by the name of William Smith. Smith, William, d. 1673. 1660 (1660) Wing S4328; ESTC R15197 12,349 16 View Text
B05898 The lying spirit in the mouth of the false prophet made made manifest, who seeks to pervert the right way of the Lord, and openth his mouth against the lord of life, and denies his light within, as appeareth in a book, entituled, The doctrine of the light within ... set forth by ... Henock Hovvet ... Some things therein being here answered in the light of the Lord ... Declared in the movings of the Lord for the truths sake, and that all deceit might be made manifest. / By one who is a lover of all those who love truth in the inward part. W. S. Smith, William, d. 1673. 1658 (1658) Wing S4313; ESTC R184394 12,535 16 View Text
A14826 The tears of fancie. Or, Loue disdained T. W., fl. 1573-1595.; Watson, Thomas, 1557?-1592, attributed name. 1593 (1593) STC 25122; ESTC S111630 12,579 34 View Text
A36272 A sermon preached before the King, Aug. 14, 1666 being the day of thanksgiving for the late victory at sea / by J. Dolben ... Dolben, John, 1625-1686. 1666 (1666) Wing D1833; ESTC R15031 13,657 34 View Text
A12343 The Christians sacrifice Seene, and allowed. Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1589 (1589) STC 22658; ESTC S105912 14,365 45 View Text
A94748 A short work, but of greatest concern. By William Tomlinson. Tomlinson, William. 1696 (1696) Wing T1852; ESTC R185374 15,317 74 View Text
A86442 Some observations upon a sermon bearing the name of Mr. Astley's; preached in opposition to a testimony, and sign unto them, of their spiritual nakedness; wherein he is found to wrest and pervert the scriptures : to be ignorant of the truth, as it is in Jesus; and consequently no minister of Christ, &c. / By a lover of the truth, John Hogg. Hogg, John, fl. 1675-1698. 1675 (1675) Wing H2368A; ESTC R178082 15,967 23 View Text
A47178 A sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. Helen's, London, May the 19th, 1700 by George Keith. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1700 (1700) Wing K211; ESTC R18917 16,538 34 View Text
A06051 A letter written by Mr. Paul Bayne, minister of Gods word, lately deceased. Effectually instructing, and earnestly prouoking to true repentance, loue, and new obedience. Very profitable for euery one that would proceede on in the constant course of a godly life, shewing the way vnto it, and seriously exciting vnto more perfection therein Baynes, Paul, d. 1617. 1617 (1617) STC 1645; ESTC S113834 16,563 94 View Text
A16603 A direction for the weaker sort of Christians shewing in what manner they ought to fit and prepare themselues to the worthy receiuing of the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ: with a short forme of triall or examination annexed. Grounded vpon 1. Cor.11.23.-30. By W.B. Whereunto is adioined a verie profitable treatise of the same argument, by way of question and answer, written by another. Bradshaw, William, 1571-1618.; Hildersam, Arthur, 1563-1632. aut 1609 (1609) STC 3510; ESTC S119288 16,928 306 View Text
A16648 Anniversaries upon his Panarete continued: With her contemplations, penned in the languishing time of her sicknesse. The second yeeres annivers. Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673.; Brathwait, Frances, d. 1633. 1635 (1635) STC 3554; ESTC S119295 16,928 66 View Text
A68287 Cynthia VVith certaine sonnets, and the legend of Cassandra. Barnfield, Richard, 1574-1627. 1595 (1595) STC 1484; ESTC S104851 17,691 72 View Text
A21042 A caueat for Archippus A sermon preached at a visitation at White-Chappel Church in London, Septemb. 23. 1618. By Ier. Dyke minister of Gods word at Epping in Essex. Dyke, Jeremiah, 1584-1639. 1619 (1619) STC 7411; ESTC S100112 17,799 50 View Text
A58940 A sacramental-question concerning assurance how far necessary to a worthy communicant, practically answered, in a sermon, preparatory to the Lord's-Supper, Saturday, March 2, 1699/1700. J. S. 1700 (1700) Wing S223A; ESTC R7898 20,918 72 View Text
A54342 Helps to the assurance of God's love whereby a true believer may with the help of Gods good spirit know that he had a being in the love of God before he had a being in the world : to which is added a spiritual touch-stone for the tryal of the sincerity of our love to God / by Samuel Pack. Pack, Samuel. 1673 (1673) Wing P150; ESTC R26175 21,542 70 View Text
A88994 A shadovv of the victory of Christ, represented to the Honourable House of Commons, in a sermon preached at Margarets Westminster on the day of the publick fast, Octob. 28. 1646. / By John Maynard, Minister of the Gospel at Mayfield in Sussex. Maynard, John, 1600-1665. 1646 (1646) Wing M1453; Thomason E359_5; ESTC R201167 22,927 30 View Text
A57212 Abstracts of some letters written by Mr. Robert Rich treating mostly of spiritual matters and here transmitted to posterity and recommended to the sober and serious enquirer for promoting of universal love amongst all sorts of people without respect of persons, parties, or sects : together with a friendly letter of Dr. Jer. Taylor to the said R.R. in answer to one of his / published by J.P. Rich, Robert, d. 1679.; Pennyman, John, 1628-1706. 1680 (1680) Wing R1354; ESTC R26429 24,390 27 View Text
A89682 An apology for the service of love, and the people that own it, commonly called, the family of love. Being a plain, but groundly discourse, about the right and true Christian religion : set forth dialogue-wise between the citizen, the countreyman, and an exile : as the same was presented to the high court of Parliament, in the time of Queen Elizabeth; and penned by one of her Majesties menial servants, who was in no small esteem with her, for his wisdom and godliness. With another short confession of their faith, made by the same people. And finally some notes & collections, gathered by a private hand out of H.N. upon, or concerning the eight beatitudes. Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1656 (1656) Wing N1122; Thomason E1610_1; ESTC R210332 24,412 73 View Text
A13578 A sermon teaching discretion in matters of religion, and touching certayne abuses nowe in the Churche preached at Paules Crosse the 21. of Nouember by Robert Temple Bachelor in Diuinitie sometimes of Magdalene Colledge in Oxforde. Temple, Robert, Bachelor in Diuinitie. 1592 (1592) STC 23869; ESTC S100993 26,698 73 View Text
A03431 A mirrour of loue, which such light doth giue, that all men may learne, how to loue and liue. Compiled and set furth by Myles Hogarde seruaunt to the quenes highnesse Huggarde, Miles. 1555 (1555) STC 13559; ESTC S106229 27,191 60 View Text
A33851 A Collection of poems written upon several occasions by several persons 1672 (1672) Wing C5177; ESTC R9531 27,418 154 View Text
A28580 VVit a sporting in a pleasant grove of new fancies by H.B. Bold, Henry, 1627-1683. 1657 (1657) Wing B3476; ESTC R18439 27,662 122 View Text
A02184 Two learned and godly sermons, preached by that reuerende and zelous man M. Richard Greenham: on these partes of scripture folowing. The first sermon on this text. A good name is to be desired aboue great riches, and louing fauour aboue siluer and golde. Pro. 22, I. The second sermon on this text. Quench not the spirit. I. Thessa. 5, 19 Greenham, Richard. 1595 (1595) STC 12325; ESTC S115658 28,254 92 View Text
A54072 To the Jews natural, and to the Jews spiritual with a few words ro [sic] England my native country, &c. : some sensible, weighty queries, concerning some things very sweet and necessary to be experienced in the truly-Christian state : whereunto is added a postscript, containing some queries on Isa. 50, 10, 11 ... / by Isaac Penington. Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. 1677 (1677) Wing P1214; ESTC R36966 28,679 73 View Text
A12363 The lavviers question The answere to the lawiers question. The censure of Christ vpon the answere. By Henry Smith. Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1595 (1595) STC 22679; ESTC S103005 28,698 73 View Text
A96887 A conference of some Christians in church-fellow-ship, about the way of Christ with his people, and the result therefrom. This serveth only by way of introduction to take off the reproaches, that are cast upon pastour and people, whose earnest care and endeavour is to walke with a right foote in that holy way. Which is held forth here by the light of the sacred Scripture, as it appeares unto them, and how curious and circumspect their walke should be, who pretend to it, and to walke therein. The scandalls in and against the way are removed as they could be. Woodward, Ezekias, 1590-1675. 1656 (1656) Wing W3485; Thomason E868_4; ESTC R207653 29,701 36 View Text
A27083 A true and faithful warning unto the people and inhabitants of Bristol and unto the rulers, priests, and people of England ... that they might prepare to meet the Lord ... / ... Charles Baily. Bayley, Charles. 1663 (1663) Wing B1473D; ESTC R16496 30,294 42 View Text
A45865 A guide to repentance. Or, The character and behaviour of the devout Christian in retirement Psal. 119. 54, 60. I called my own ways to remembrance, ... commandments. By John Inett, M.A. chanter and residentiary of the cathedral church of Lincoln. Inett, John, 1647-1717. 1692 (1692) Wing I157A; ESTC R215993 30,439 131 View Text
A07063 The history of Antonio and Mellida. The first part. As it hath beene sundry times acted, by the children of Paules. Written by I.M.; Antonio and Mellida. Part 1 Marston, John, 1575?-1634. 1602 (1602) STC 17473; ESTC S109896 31,766 74 View Text
A80707 Covent Garden drolery, or A colection [sic] of all the choice songs, poems, prologues, and epilogues, (sung and spoken at courts and theaters) never in print before. Written by the refined'st witts of the age. And collected by A.B. A. B. 1672 (1672) Wing C6624AB; ESTC R230960 31,777 116 View Text
A01069 A sermon preached at Constantinople in the Vines of Perah, at the funerall of the vertuous and admired Lady Anne Glouer, sometime wife to the honourable Knight Sir Thomas Glouer, and then ambassadour ordinary for his Maiesty of Great Britaine, in the port of the Great Turke. By William Forde Bachelour in Diuinitie, and lately preacher to the right honourable ambassadour, and the rest of the English nation resident there. ... Ford, William, b. 1559. 1616 (1616) STC 11176; ESTC S102518 32,899 92 View Text
A09677 Two sermons on these wordes of Peter the apostle, honour all men, loue brotherly felowship ... preached at Marlebrough the seuenth of Nouember, and fifth of Ianuarie 1595 / by Charles Pynner, minister of the Church of Wotton-Basset in Northwiltshire. Pinner, Charles. 1597 (1597) STC 19946; ESTC S2280 32,938 99 View Text
A56126 A tryall of a Christian shewing that it is not the outward name of Christian that differs from a heathen, but the inward life and nature ... / by Alexander Parker. Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Watkins, Morgan, fl. 1653-1670. 1658 (1658) Wing P389; ESTC R35393 33,144 44 View Text
A34579 Horatius, a Roman tragedie, by Sir William Lower.; Horace. English Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684.; Lower, William, Sir, 1600?-1662. 1656 (1656) Wing C6313; ESTC R19443 33,557 70 View Text
A07778 Three meditations vpon these three places of scripture, 1 Cor. 2.2 ..., Psal. 6.1 ..., Prov. 3.11,12 ... by Iohn Bulteel. Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.; Bulteel, John, fl. 1683. 1627 (1627) STC 18156A; ESTC S916 33,704 172 View Text
A86601 Preces & Lachrymæ. A sermon on Act. chap. XX. vers. 36, 37, 38. Vers. 36. And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. 37. And they all wept sore, and fell on Pauls neck, and kissed him. 38. Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, thay they should see his face no more, and they accompanied him to the ship. / By William Houghton, preacher at Bicknor in Kent. Houghton, William, preacher at Bicknor in Kent. 1650 (1650) Wing H2938; Thomason E602_3; ESTC R206405 33,827 37 View Text
A44632 All mistaken, or, The mad couple a comedy : acted by His Majestyes servants, at the Theatre Royal / written by the Honorable James Howard, Esq. Howard, James, fl. 1672-1674. 1672 (1672) Wing H2979; ESTC R2295 34,018 74 View Text
A28348 The trial of the ladies Hide Park, May Day, or, The yellow books partner W. B. (William Blake), fl. 1650-1670. 1657 (1657) Wing B3153C; ESTC R33222 34,591 50 View Text
B13700 The foundation of the faythfull In a sermon deliuered at Paules Crosse the 17. of Ianuarie. 1610. By Samuel Gardiner, Doctor of Diuinitie. Gardiner, Samuel, b. 1563 or 4. 1611 (1611) STC 11577; ESTC S116548 34,682 78 View Text
A34589 The extravagant sheepherd a pastoral comedie / written in French by T. Corneille ; Englished by T.R. 1654.; Berger extravagant. English Corneille, Thomas, 1625-1709.; Rawlins, Thomas, 1620?-1670. 1654 (1654) Wing C6323; ESTC R19473 34,747 67 View Text
A60355 The souls return to its God, in life, and at death A funeral sermon, preached upon occasion of the death of Mr. John Kent, late of Crouched Friars, who departed this life Decem. 16. 1689. By Samuel Slater, minister of the Gospel. Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. 1690 (1690) Wing S3976; ESTC R217893 35,053 36 View Text
A67452 Letters and poems, amorous and gallant Walsh, William, 1663-1708. 1692 (1692) Wing W647; ESTC R8169 35,279 138 View Text
A09362 A case of conscience the greatest taht [sic] euer was, how a man may know, whether he be the son of God or no. Resolued by the vvord of God. Whereunto is added a briefe discourse, taken out of Hier. Zanchius. Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1592 (1592) STC 19666; ESTC S110395 35,569 79 View Text
A48438 A funeral sermon after the interment of Mrs. Sarah Lye. The late wife of Mr. Thomas Lye of Clapham. By Phil. Lamb, minister of the Word. Together with the scriptual evidence and experiences of the grace of God towards, and in her, left under her own hand Lamb, Philip, d. 1689.; Lye, Sarah, d. 1678. 1679 (1679) Wing L206; ESTC R213605 35,653 142 View Text
A34582 Polyeuctes, or, The martyr a tragedy / by Sir William Lower.; Polyeucte. English Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684.; Lower, William, Sir, 1600?-1662. 1655 (1655) Wing C6316; ESTC R19444 35,723 70 View Text
A06190 Come and see. The blisse of brightest beautie: shining out of Sion in perfect glorie Being the summe of foure sermons preached in the Cathedrall Church of Glocester at commandment of superiours. By William Loe. Loe, William, d. 1645. 1614 (1614) STC 16683; ESTC S103370 35,754 69 View Text
A51398 Some collections of scripture, with private mediations as an help in prayer, with some hymns and psalms of David. Cum humilitatis reverentia. By G. M. G. M., fl. 1695. 1695 (1695) Wing M27B; ESTC R219297 36,037 92 View Text
A29129 A cordial-mediator for accordance of brethren that are of different judgments and wayes of administration in things that concerne the Kingdome of God for repairing of the breach and restoring of the paths for many generations : wherein is proposed the way and means (not to inforce or compell to an outward dissembling, hypocriticall uniformity, which is all that can be inforced unto by humane authority, but) to induce and ingage to a cordiall-uniformity even of soule and spirit amongst all that are truly and really Christians, and to bring them likewise into the same wayes and ministrations in the things of God / written by Ellis Bradshaw. Bradshaw, Ellis. 1658 (1658) Wing B4141; ESTC R27175 36,305 46 View Text
A49940 Sophonisba, or, Hannibal's overthrow a tragedy, acted at the Theatre-Royall, by their majesties servants / written by Nathaniel Lee. Lee, Nathaniel, 1653?-1692. 1676 (1676) Wing L870; ESTC R13330 36,757 72 View Text
A42551 The love-sick spouse, or, The substance of four sermons preached on Canticles 2.5. by William Gearing ... Gearing, William. 1665 (1665) Wing G436; ESTC R42046 36,957 51 View Text
A90350 The inseparable union between Christ and a believer, which death itself cannot sever, or, The bond that can never be broken opened in a sermon at the funeral of Mrs. Dorothy Freeborne, who was interred at Prittlewell in Essex on 24 of August, 1658 / by Thomas Peck ... Peck, Thomas. 1671 (1671) Wing P1039B; ESTC R29381 36,989 123 View Text
A05406 Ignis cœlestis: or An interchange of diuine love betweene God and his saints. By Iohn Lewis, minister of Gods word at St. Peters in the tovvne of St. Albons Lewis, John, b. 1595 or 6. 1620 (1620) STC 15558; ESTC S103072 37,144 136 View Text
A59288 The ambitious slave, or, A generous revenge a tragedy acted at the Theatre Royal / written by E. Settle. Settle, Elkanah, 1648-1724. 1694 (1694) Wing S2654; ESTC R10530 38,287 64 View Text
A60326 Comforts against the fear of death. Being some short meditations, composed by that precious gentlewoman Mrs. Anne Skelton, late of Norwich Wherein are several evidences of the work of grace in her own soul, which were the stay of her heart, against the fear of death; from which may be discerned the name of a true Christian spirit. To which is added some short notes of a sermon preached at the burial of that choyce servant of God in St. Andrews in Norwich. By John Collings M.A. and one of the most unworthy embassadors of Jesus Christ for the preaching of the gospel in the late city. Skelton, Anne.; Collinges, John, 1623-1690. aut. 1649 (1649) Wing S3932A; ESTC R221500 38,402 100 View Text
A36958 Butler's ghost, or, Hudibras with reflections upon these times. D'Urfey, Thomas, 1653-1723.; Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. Hudibras. 1682 (1682) Wing D2703; ESTC R22762 38,919 202 View Text
A79493 The evening star appearing to the saints, directing them to celebrate their holy rest, even the Sabbath-day (not from morning to morning nor from midnight to midnight but) from even to even, according to the word of God ... There is an epistle to the Parliament in the conclusion ... Unto which is annexed, A new Christian creed ... / By Samuel Chidley, Cler. Chidley, Samuel. 1650 (1650) Wing C3839B; ESTC R173826 39,041 163 View Text
A35529 Heaven opened, and the pains of purgatory avoided by the very great indulgences of the two most illustrious archconfraternities : the one of our Blessed Lady, called the Rosary, and the other of the seraphical father, St. Francis, called, The cord of the Passion. Cyprien, de Gamaches, ca. 1599-1679. 1663 (1663) Wing C7715; ESTC R17286 39,070 158 View Text
A05458 Chrestoleros Seuen bookes of epigrames written by T B. Bastard, Thomas, 1565 or 6-1618. 1598 (1598) STC 1559; ESTC S104516 39,162 192 View Text
A59599 Adam Abel, or, Vain man a discourse fitted for funeral occasions, but serviceable to men in all ages and conditions of life to make them humble and heavenly-minded / by Samuel Shaw ... Shaw, Samuel, 1635-1696. 1692 (1692) Wing S3034; ESTC R9572 39,662 130 View Text
A09176 Royall exchange to suche worshipfull citezins, marchants, gentlemen and other occupiers of the contrey as resorte therevnto. Try to retaine, or send back agayne. The contents ys after the preface. Sene and allowed here. Payne, John, fl. 1597. 1597 (1597) STC 19489; ESTC S102533 39,869 52 View Text
A47096 A banquetting-house full of spiritual delights: or, Hymns and spiritual songs on several occasions Century. I. By Elias Keach, minister of the Gospel. Keach, Elias. 1696 (1696) Wing K108A; ESTC R216613 40,701 141 View Text
A33849 A Collection of poems written upon several occasions by several persons with many additions, never before in print. Sedley, Charles, Sir, 1639?-1701. Poems. Selections. 1673.; Etherege, George, Sir, 1635?-1691. Poems. Selections. 1673.; Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of, 1648-1720 or 21. Poems. Selections. 1673.; Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689. Poems. Selections. 1673. 1673 (1673) Wing C5175; ESTC R13357 41,515 190 View Text
A41366 The careles shepherdess a tragi-comedy acted before the King & Queen, and at Salisbury-Court, with great applause / written by T.G. ; with an alphebeticall catologue of all such plays that ever were printed. Goffe, Thomas, 1591-1629. 1656 (1656) Wing G1005; ESTC R6977 42,416 86 View Text
A12570 A looking glasse for maried folkes Wherein they may plainly see their deformities; and also how to behaue themselues one to another, and both of them towards God. Set forth dialogue-wise for the more tastable and plainnesse sake. By R. S. Snawsel, Robert. 1610 (1610) STC 22886; ESTC S106906 42,687 118 View Text
B04963 Devout entertainments of a Christian soule. Composed in French by the R.F. I.H. Quarre, P. of the Oratory of Jesus, and D.D. Translated in English by J.M. of W. Prisoner in the Tower of London. Quarré, Jean-Hugues, 1580-1656.; Winchester, John Paulet, Earl of, 1598-1675. 1648 (1648) Wing Q146A; ESTC R182305 43,124 205 View Text
A55546 The treacherous brothers a tragedy, as it is acted by Their Majesty's servants at the Theatre-royal / written by George Powell. Powell, George, 1658?-1714.; Bayly, Thomas, d. 1657? Herba parietis. 1690 (1690) Wing P3056; ESTC R37128 43,463 71 View Text
A50394 Love to the life, or, Some meditations upon loving, and washing in the blood of Christ together, with a tast of gospel-promises, as the churches stock, or, believers patrimony. By R.M. the Benjamin of his Fathers house. Mayhew, R. (Richard) 1674 (1674) Wing M1440; ESTC R217769 43,513 159 View Text
A86659 Sermo secularis. Or, A sermon to bring to remembrance the dealings of Jehovah with this kingdom of England, and our ingratitude and dis-loyalty to him, in this last century of years. Ab anno nativitatis Christi, 1547. usque ad præsentem annum, 1647. The time of the ruine of Rome, is herein according to Gods Word modestly pointed at. With sundry uses seasonable and sutable for all degrees and sorts of people. / Preached at Belstead, neer Ipswich, July 4, 1647. By Benjamin Hubbard, preacher of the Word of God at Copdock in Suffolke. Hubbard, Benjamin. 1648 (1648) Wing H3207; Thomason E422_15; ESTC R202479 43,832 60 View Text
A60644 A new catechism wherein many truths are plainly opened by way of question and answer which may be a help and furtherance unto all tender hearted people who are breathing after the Lord and waits for redemption and salvation by Jesus Christ : also something concerning the foundation and principle of the poor afflicted people of God (called Quakers) and of their faith and love towards God and their good will unto men, being also plainly demonstrated by way of question and answer : given forth in the labour of love and put to view for the service of this present generation and also generations to come / William Smith. Smith, William, d. 1673. 1665 (1665) Wing S4318; ESTC R26928 43,953 129 View Text
A02226 Certaine learned and elegant vvorkes of the Right Honorable Fulke Lord Brooke written in his youth, and familiar exercise with Sir Philip Sidney. The seuerall names of which workes the following page doth declare. Greville, Fulke, Baron Brooke, 1554-1628. 1633 (1633) STC 12361; ESTC S120837 44,075 360 View Text
A25391 A manual of the private devotions and meditations of The Right Reverend Father in God Lancelot Andrews, late Lord Bishop of Winchester translated out of a fair Greek MS. of his amanuensis by R.D., B.D. Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.; R. D. (Richard Drake), d. 1681. 1648 (1648) Wing A3135; ESTC R16134 44,278 357 View Text
A36708 Tyrannick love, or, The royal martyr a tragedy, as it is acted by His Majesties servants, at the Theatre Royal / by John Dryden ... Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1670 (1670) Wing D2393; ESTC R4038 44,397 77 View Text
A94749 A synopsis, or, Short view of essential Christianity in part, in which the first fruits unto God, (or saints) in the Apostles dayes lived. : According to the doctrine of Christ ... : With some explications or enlargements thereupon. : Tending to the edification, comfort, and refreshing of all sorts of people ... / By William Tomlinson ... Tomlinson, William. 1684 (1684) Wing T1853; ESTC R185375 44,494 110 View Text
A67217 Comfort for believers, or, A discourse of the duty and priviledge of being sealed by the Holy Spirit In five sermons upon Eph. I. 13-- published for the establishment of weak believers, who are fill'd with doubts and fears about their eternal state. By Nathanael VViles pastor of a Church of Christ in Shadwell. Wyles, Nathaniel. 1696 (1696) Wing W3770A; ESTC R221272 44,526 168 View Text
A60693 The unworthy non-communicant a treatise shewing the danger of neglecting the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper, and rectifying the mistakes of many in this age concerning it : the first part / by William Smythies ... Smythies, William, d. 1715. 1683 (1683) Wing S4380; ESTC R2617 44,747 144 View Text
A56791 Jesus is God, or, The deity of Jesus Christ vindicated being an abstract of some sermons preach'd in the parish-church of St. James, Clerkenwell / by D. Pead. Pead, Deuel, d. 1727. 1694 (1694) Wing P961; ESTC R1660 45,552 144 View Text
A28749 Christ mighty in himself & members revealed in some short expressions by way of catechisme : wherein is demonstrated ... according to the Scripture ... is alone in the Spirit by Jesus Christ : to which is added ... a hint of the nature of the kingdome of God (as it is even now to faith) / by R. Bacon. Bacon, Robert, b. 1611 or 12. 1646 (1646) Wing B368; ESTC R29416 45,973 263 View Text
A85549 A true reformation and perfect restitution, argued by Silvanus and Hymeneus; where in the true Church of Christ is briefly discovered here in this life in her estate of regeneration, as also her persecution in the life to come, as it hath been foretold by all the holy prophets and Apostles, which have been since the world began. / By J.G. a friend to the truth and Church of God. Graunt, John, of Bucklersbury. 1643 (1643) Wing G1595; Thomason E55_10; ESTC R212817 46,091 47 View Text
A44783 The beast that was, & is not, & yet is, looked upon: or, The bo-peeping beast pointed at: or, He that hideth himself hunted because of whom truth complaineth, and is spoken to by Pope and Prelate, by Presbyter, by Independent, by Quaker, by Baptist: together with her several answers to them all. Also one description of the beast. Also the coming forth and progress of the beast hitherto. Also an epistle to magistrates and law-givers, likewise, to take off prejudice if any be. Two epistles, one to the reader, and another to the Christian reader. VVith a true reproof to W.S. a Quaker, who in his book called The lying spirit in the mouth of the false prophet, wherein he endeavours to make men believe that he had answered H.H. his book, called The doctrine of the light within the natural man leading to eternal life, examined by Scripture-light. Howet, Enoch. 1659 (1659) Wing H3151; ESTC R215400 46,109 67 View Text
A49947 Theodosius, or, The force of love a tragedy, acted by Their Royal Highnesses servants, at the Duke's Theatre / written by Nat. Lee ; with the musick betwixt the acts. Lee, Nathaniel, 1653?-1692. 1680 (1680) Wing L877; ESTC R228929 46,446 85 View Text
A77750 A faithfull messenger sent after the Antinomians: to try their power in their last place of refuge, who are fled to Gods decrees for shelter, as Ioab did to the hornes of the altar, and say that they will dye there, I Kings 2. 29.30. Imprimatur Ja. Cranford. Bakewell, Thomas, b. 1618 or 19. 1644 (1644) Wing B533; Thomason E40_23; ESTC R5091 47,721 42 View Text
A16479 The saints solace: or, The condition, and consolation of the saints in the earth Deliuered in certaine sermons at Eatonbridge in Kent. By the minister there.; Saints solace Bostock, Peter. 1630 (1630) STC 3395; ESTC S117350 48,100 246 View Text
A89495 Ashrea: or, The grove of beatitudes represented in emblemes: and, by the art of memory, to be read on our blessed Saviour crucifi'd: with considerations & meditations suitable to every beatitude. Manning, Edward. 1665 (1665) Wing M483; ESTC R225638 48,223 156 View Text
A33947 A second generall epistle to all the saints wherein is unfolded the covenant of grace, as its a law in the spirit, of light, liberty, righteousness, holinesse, power and glory : as likewise as it is a law of peace, love and edification : published for the good of those who love peace and holinesse / written by T. Collier. Collier, Thomas, fl. 1691. 1649 (1649) Wing C5297; ESTC R12986 48,646 138 View Text