Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n grow_v smile_v summer_n 3,477 5 14.7794 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A41984 Elegies of old age made English from the Latin of Cn. Cornelivs Gallvs.; Elegiae. English Maximianus, 6th cent.; Walker, Hovenden, Sir, 1656?-1728.; Gallus, Gaius Cornelius, 69?-26 B.C. 1688 (1688) Wing G181A; ESTC R11044 28,218 106

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crime_n appear_v the_o wanton_a boy_n love_v light_a inconstancy_n and_o age_n affect_v a_o settle_a gravity_n but_o graceful_a youth_n arrive_v to_o manly_a growth_n remain_v the_o golden_a mean_a betwixt_o they_o both_o this_o heedful_a silence_n best_o become_v and_o that_o delight_v in_o noisy_a mirth_n and_o empty_a chat._n time_n conquer_v all_o thing_n and_o we_o must_v submit_v to_o all_o the_o cruel_a tyranny_n of_o it_o he_o suffer_v nought_o in_o certain_a path_n to_o range_v but_o with_o himself_o do_v every_o be_v change_n now_o therefore_o since_o my_o age_n do_v burden_n i_o and_o useless_a be_v come_v death_n and_o set_v i_o free_a but_o oh_o in_o vain_a i_o beg_v for_o liberty_n on_o what_o hard_a term_n poor_a mortal_n life_n receive_v who_o when_o oppress_v can_v themselves_o relieve_v by_o death_n at_o pleasure_n but_o must_v torture_v live_v it_o be_v to_o the_o miserable_a sweet_a to_o die_v but_o court_v death_n from_o they_o do_v coy_o fly_v and_o where_o unwelcome_a there_o approach_v nigh_o but_o i_o while_o live_v tread_v in_o path_n of_o death_n and_o faint_o draw_v a_o mere_a depart_a breath_n for_o age_n to_o i_o the_o use_v of_o sense_n deny_v and_o grant_v but_o a_o imperfect_a exercise_n of_o all_o my_o reasonable_a faculty_n my_o hear_v fail_v i_o and_o do_v each_o day_n waist_n nor_o can_v my_o gust_n relish_v the_o best_a repast_n with_o i_o even_o balmy_a kiss_v lose_v their_o taste_n my_o sink_a eye_n can_v scarce_o discover_v day_n the_o sun_n methinks_v shine_v with_o a_o glimm'r_a ray._n now_o not_o the_o most_o transport_v bliss_n can_v be_v by_o my_o unactive_a touch_n convey_v to_o i_o no_o pleasure_n more_o in_o grateful_a scent_n i_o take_v for_o smell_a do_v my_o frigid_a nose_n forsake_v i_o senseless_a thus_o who_o will_v not_o for_o dead_a mistake_n no_o use_n have_v i_o of_o former_a memory_n even_o what_o i_o be_v be_v now_o forget_v by_o i_o as_o if_o of_o lethe_n i_o have_v drink_v each_o day_n my_o mind_n do_v with_o my_o languid_a corpse_n decay_n no_o verse_n now_o i_o sing_v that_o pleasure_n be_v do_v and_o my_o sweet_a tuneful_a voice_n alas_o be_v go_v delicious_a poem_n i_o no_o long_o feign_v to_o please_v a_o audience_n with_o my_o comic_a vein_n no_o more_o throng_v theatre_n while_o i_o complain_v applaud_v my_o number_n and_o my_o tragic_a strain_n but_o avarice_n for_o gold_n and_o worldly_a care_n draw_v i_o to_o scold_v at_o the_o litigious_a bar_n which_o cruel_a trouble_n make_v i_o seem_v no_o more_o than_o the_o faint_a image_n of_o myself_o before_o for_o deathlike_a paleness_n now_o take_v up_o that_o place_n which_o white_a and_o red_a before_o have_v in_o my_o face_n like_o gather_a fruit_n my_o age_n dry_v up_o my_o skin_n and_o shrink_v and_o stiffen_v every_o nerve_n within_o my_o eye_n which_o heretofore_o with_o love_n can_v smile_v and_o yield_a heart_n of_o tender_a maid_n beguile_v now_o with_o continual_a flow_a rheum_n be_v sore_o and_o day_n and_o night_n in_o tear_n their_o fate_n deplore_v now_o brisly_a wood_n for_o brow_n impend_v grow_v which_o do_v before_o like_o summer_n garland_n show_v strange_o methinks_v and_o most_o imperfectlie_o my_o eye_n i_o know_v not_o how_o in_o torment_n see_v for_o be_v dim_v with_o moist_a rheumatic_a tear_n each_o thing_n to_o i_o so_o frightful_o appear_v as_o what_o pass_v by_o without_o be_v sad_o see_v by_o melancholy_a and_o despair_a man_n from_o the_o deep_a cavern_n of_o a_o darksome_a den._n thus_o poor_a old_a man_n by_o their_o own_o horror_n feed_v both_o to_o themselves_o and_o other_o become_v dead_a for_o who_o will_v not_o guess_v when_o reason_n gone_a life_n flee_v if_o book_n i_o take_v with_o hope_n in_o they_o to_o find_v something_o to_o ease_v or_o to_o delight_v my_o mind_n it_o be_v still_o in_o vain_a for_o my_o deceitful_a eye_n show_v every_o letter_n in_o a_o double_a size_n and_o every_o leaf_n grow_v dull_a and_o magnify_v the_o clear_a light_n through_o cloud_n i_o only_o see_v for_o even_o those_o very_a cloud_n be_v make_v by_o i_o a_o obscure_a dusk_n deprive_v i_o of_o the_o day_n and_o take_v it_o unassisted_a by_o the_o night_n away_o thus_o i_o amid_o tartarian_a darkness_n dwell_v and_o every_o object_n represent_v my_o hell._n who_o then_o will_v live_v such_o a_o curse_a wretch_n to_o be_v like_o i_o torment_v to_o that_o vast_a degree_n to_o hope_v relief_n from_o a_o worse_a misery_n i_o be_o now_o possess_v of_o every_o ill_a disease_n feast_n and_o delight_n of_o epicure_n displease_v and_o that_o i_o still_o may_v live_v to_o live_v i_o cease_v i_o who_o no_o hardship_n can_v abuse_v of_o old_a want_n or_o excess_n of_o food_n of_o heat_n or_o cold._n now_o what_o shall_v nourish_v i_o do_v cause_v my_o pain_n and_o even_o food_n become_v my_o certain_a bane_n will_v i_o be_v fill_v eat_v create_v my_o grief_n will_v i_o abstain_v even_o that_o give_v no_o relief_n the_o dish_n that_o please_v my_o palate_n just_o before_o be_v now_o throw_v by_o and_o can_v delight_v no_o more_o no_o pleasure_n more_o in_o gentle_a love_n i_o find_v though_o venus_n self_n shall_v offer_v to_o be_v kind_a even_o wine_n for_o i_o have_v no_o more_o charm_n in_o store_n which_o can_v relieve_v the_o bad_a enrich_v the_o poor_a sick_a nature_n but_o remain_v weak_a and_o oppress_v and_o with_o its_o own_o worst_a evil_a be_v distress_v those_o diet-drinks_a which_o cleanse_v i_o heretofore_o and_o well-proved_a physic_n now_o can_v work_v no_o more_o all_o which_o to_o other_o sick_a some_o ease_n can_v give_v can_v the_o sad_a disease_n of_o age_n relieve_v for_o how_o shall_v physic_n in_o that_o case_n prevail_v when_o even_o that_o do_v with_o the_o body_n fail_v and_o that_o same_o cup_n from_o whence_o i_o medicine_n sip_v receive_v infection_n from_o my_o putrid_a lip._n these_o ineffectual_a prop_n be_v raise_v in_o vain_a a_o fierce_a precipitate_v ruin_n to_o sustain_v no_o show_n or_o triumph_n can_v oblige_v my_o sight_n i_o can_v now_o even_o counterfeit_a delight_n beauty_n the_o chief_a magazene_n of_o love_n and_o a_o good_a dress_n which_o beauty_n can_v improve_v to_o age_n become_v the_o object_n of_o his_o rage_n but_o even_o life_n offend_v capricious_a age_n nay_o banquet_n sing_v and_o gay_a jest_n displease_v unhappy_a those_o who_o pleasure_n be_v disease_n what_o solid_a bliss_n can_v unused_a riches_n grant_v for_o much_o though_o i_o possess_v yet_o more_o i_o want_v to_o i_o it_o be_v pain_n to_o touch_v my_o own_o estate_n and_o hoard_a gold_n a_o crime_n to_o violate_v so_o tantalus_n do_v in_o deep_a water_n stand_v but_o for_o his_o thirst_n can_v one_o drop_v command_n i_o make_v myself_o but_o custos_fw-la of_o my_o own_o for_o other_o to_o enjoy_v when_o i_o be_o go_v so_o be_v the_o dragon_n in_o the_o garden_n place_v to_o watch_v the_o golden_a fruit_n but_o not_o to_o taste_v thus_o i_o solicitous_a with_o care_n oppress_v to_o my_o teize_v mind_n refuse_v a_o needful_a rest_n still_o covet_v and_o crave_v still_o for_o more_o i_o never_o abate_v if_o not_o increase_v my_o store_n and_o maugre_o all_o imagine_v i_o be_o poor_a nor_o be_v these_o all_o the_o plague_n that_o wait_v on_o i_o for_o i_o become_v my_o own_o worst_a enemy_n doubtful_a and_o tremble_a credulous_a of_o ill_a and_o fearful_a of_o my_o own_o best_a action_n still_o yet_o in_o my_o notion_n obstinate_o wise_a i_o praise_v the_o past_a the_o present_a age_n despise_v none_o learn_v but_o i_o or_o skilful_a i_o believe_v o●_n my_o own_o prudence_n only_o positive_a by_o wilful_a doatage_n most_v myself_o deceive_v much_o do_v i_o talk_v and_o talk_v it_o over_o and_o over_o and_o yet_o be_o troublesome_a by_o tell_v more_o i_o drivel_v out_o a_o slav'r_a speech_n so_o long_o you_o will_v wish_v a_o present_a palsy_n seize_v my_o tongue_n to_o death_n you_o be_v tire_v yet_o unwearyed_a i_o persist_v to_o kill_v you_o with_o garrulitie_n oh_o miserable_a age_n which_o can_v not_o give_v strength_n to_o mankind_n to_o become_v talkative_a in_o every_o place_n my_o loud_a complaint_n be_v hear_v they_o be_v hear_v indeed_o but_o never_o gain_v regard_n nothing_o can_v please_v i_o nothing_o can_v suffice_v now_o this_o i_o covet_v that_o anon_o despise_v old-man_n to_o infant_n we_o may_v well_o compare_v who_o change_a will_n as_o fond_a and_o peevish_a be_v when_o ever_o i_o make_v myself_o a_o witty_a fool_n and_o my_o grave_a tail_n be_v very_a ridicule_n if_o my_o tire_a audience_n do_v but_o laugh_v aloud_o i_o be_o mighty_o oblige_v and_o mighty_a proud_a i_o smile_v with_o they_o and_o flatter_v my_o conceit_n heighten_v their_o laugh_v with_o the_o same_o strain_n of_o wit._n a_o please_a joy_n overspreads_a my_o
latinè_n or_o to_o adapt_v it_o more_o to_o the_o present_a purpose_n anglicè_fw-la loqui_fw-la fas_fw-la sit_fw-la potest_fw-la epistolà_fw-fr vel_fw-la potius_fw-la titulo_fw-la contentus_fw-la esse_fw-la and_o so_o farewell_n the_o life_n of_o cn_fw-la cornelius_n gallus_n cn_fw-la cornelius_n gallus_n be_v think_v to_o have_v be_v bear_v about_o that_o same_o year_n when_o m._n terentius_n varro_n one_o of_o the_o most_o learned_a roman_n die_v he_o be_v suppose_v as_o to_o his_o country_n to_o be_v a_o forojuliensian_a and_o to_o have_v be_v instruct_v in_o the_o most_o necessary_a and_o useful_a art_n for_o he_o be_v a_o long_a time_n familiar_o conversant_a with_o one_o caecilius_n epirata_fw-la the_o great_a grammarian_n of_o his_o time_n yet_o who_o his_o father_n be_v remain_v unknown_a nor_o be_v that_o with_o his_o own_o name_n transmit_v to_o posterity_n only_o it_o be_v general_o hold_v that_o he_o be_v bear_v to_o a_o very_a small_a estate_n though_o not_o unlikely_a of_o a_o noble_a family_n as_o propertius_n seem_v to_o imply_v nec_fw-la tibi_fw-la nobilitas_fw-la poterit_fw-la succurrere_fw-la amanti_fw-la nescit_fw-la amor_fw-la priscis_fw-la cedere_fw-la imaginibus_fw-la he_o be_v high_o favour_v and_o esteem_v of_o augustus_n caesar_n to_o who_o his_o great_a part_n and_o wit_n recommend_v he_o insomuch_o that_o he_o exalt_v he_o to_o very_o great_a dignity_n give_v he_o the_o governmnet_n of_o egypt_n and_o he_o be_v the_o first_o that_o ever_o rule_v that_o kingdom_n after_o it_o be_v reduce_v to_o a_o roman_a province_n caesar_n before_o he_o send_v he_o to_o egypt_n delight_v so_o much_o in_o his_o company_n and_o conversation_n that_o he_o never_o go_v any_o where_o without_o he_o and_o this_o give_v occasion_n to_o virgil_n in_o his_o second_o eclogue_n to_o lament_v himself_o because_o gallus_n be_v so_o much_o take_v up_o with_o caesar_n can_v not_o afford_v he_o that_o full_a enjoyment_n he_o desire_v of_o his_o more_o familiar_a friendship_n delicias_fw-la domini_fw-la nec_fw-la quid_fw-la speraret_fw-la habebat_fw-la the_o thing_n he_o so_o much_o covet_v and_o wish_v for_o o_o tantum_fw-la libeat_fw-la mecum_fw-la tibi_fw-la sordida_fw-la rura_n atque_fw-la humiles_fw-la habitare_fw-la casas_n for_o gallus_n find_v the_o honour_n and_o preferment_n he_o receive_v from_o caesar_n more_o suitable_a to_o his_o ambition_n then_o the_o humble_a pleasure_n of_o a_o country_n life_n can_v not_o be_v invite_v to_o quit_v the_o splendour_n of_o the_o roman_a court_n to_o take_v up_o with_o the_o more_o secure_a satisfaction_n of_o a_o rural_a retirement_n though_o virgil_n endeavour_v to_o draw_v he_o to_o it_o by_o all_o the_o encouragement_n and_o advantage_n he_o propose_v will_v accrue_v to_o he_o thereby_o and_o in_o despair_n of_o success_n consider_v how_o disproportion_v his_o offer_n be_v to_o the_o immediate_a favour_n he_o receive_v from_o augustus_n cry_v out_o at_o last_o rusticus_n es_fw-mi coridon_n nec_fw-la munera_fw-la curate_n alexis_n nec_fw-la si_fw-la muneribus_fw-la certes_o concedat_fw-la jolas_n virgil_n out_o of_o the_o great_a friendship_n he_o have_v for_o gallus_n in_o honour_n to_o he_o have_v write_v half_o the_o four_o book_n of_o his_o georgic_n which_o caesar_n after_o his_o disgrace_n command_v he_o to_o alter_v and_o he_o turn_v it_o to_o the_o fable_n of_o aristaeus_n but_o all_o the_o poet_n that_o be_v his_o cotemporary_n have_v a_o very_a high_a value_n for_o he_o unless_o some_o critic_n who_o say_v that_o horace_n be_v his_o adversary_n have_v happen_v to_o be_v in_o the_o right_n however_o such_o be_v his_o qualefication_n that_o propertius_n can_v admire_v he_o though_o he_o be_v his_o rival_n in_o cynthia_n as_o he_o say_v in_o a_o elegy_n write_v upon_o that_o particular_a occasion_n sed_fw-la pariter_fw-la miseri_fw-la focio_fw-la cogemur_fw-la amore_fw-la alter_fw-la in_o alterius_fw-la mutua_fw-la flere_fw-la sinu_fw-la quare_fw-la quid_fw-la possit_fw-la mea_fw-la cynthia_n desine_fw-la gall_n quaerere_fw-la non_fw-la impunè_fw-la illa_fw-la rogata_fw-la venit_fw-la gallus_n be_v of_o a_o gay_a amorous_a temper_n very_o fickle_a and_o changeable_a as_o propertius_n in_o another_o place_n tell_v he_o dum_fw-la tibi_fw-la deceptis_fw-la augetur_fw-la fama_fw-la puellis_fw-la certus_n &_o in_o nullo_n quaeris_fw-la amore_fw-la moram_fw-la but_o he_o be_v also_o very_o passionate_a and_o impatient_a of_o any_o unkind_a usage_n from_o those_o woman_n to_o who_o he_o at_o any_o time_n address_v his_o love_n and_o they_o will_v often_o come_v with_o his_o complaint_n to_o propertius_n ah_o mea_fw-la contemptus_fw-la quoties_fw-la ad_fw-la lumina_fw-la cur_n quum_fw-la tibi_fw-la singulta_fw-la fortia_fw-la verba_fw-la cadunt_fw-la yet_o at_o last_o he_o grow_v famous_a for_o the_o mighty_a love_n he_o have_v for_o one_o cytharis_n a_o free_a woman_n of_o volumina_n and_o a_o whore_n who_o forsake_v he_o perhaps_o after_o he_o fall_v into_o disgrace_n and_o go_v away_o with_o one_o antony_n to_o france_n and_o it_o be_v not_o unlikely_a that_o propertius_n mean_v she_o when_o he_o say_v haec_fw-la erit_fw-la illarum_fw-la contempti_fw-la poena_fw-la doloris_fw-la multarum_fw-la miseras_fw-la exigit_fw-la una_fw-la vice_n haec_fw-la tibi_fw-la vulgares_fw-la istos_fw-la compescet_fw-la amores_fw-la nec_fw-la nova_fw-la quaerendo_fw-la semper_fw-la amicus_fw-la eris_fw-la and_o a_o little_a after_o that_o he_o describe_v so_o extravagant_a a_o passion_n of_o gallus_n to_o which_o he_o be_v a_o eye-witness_n that_o it_o may_v be_v very_o reasonable_a to_o believe_v in_o all_o that_o elegy_n the_o woman_n of_o who_o he_o speak_v to_o be_v cytharis_n vidi_n ego_fw-la te_fw-la tot_fw-la vinctum_fw-la languescere_fw-la collo_fw-la et_fw-la flere_fw-la injectis_fw-la gall_n diu_fw-la manibus_fw-la et_fw-la cupere_fw-la optatis_fw-la animam_fw-la deponere_fw-la verbis_fw-la et_fw-la quae_fw-la deinde_fw-la celat_fw-la amice_fw-la pudor_fw-la non_fw-la ego_fw-la complexus_fw-la potui_fw-la deducere_fw-la vestros_fw-la tantus_fw-la erat_fw-la demens_fw-la inter_fw-la utrusque_fw-la furor_fw-la however_o gallus_n no_o more_o than_o other_o can_v be_v perfect_o happy_a and_o though_o he_o have_v be_v the_o great_a and_o only_a favourite_n of_o augustus_n caesar_n yet_o after_o he_o be_v gove_n to_o egypt_n those_o who_o envy_v he_o gain_v their_o end_n and_o bring_v he_o more_o into_o disgrace_n and_o low_a under_o the_o emperor_n displeasure_n than_o he_o be_v ever_o before_o raise_v in_o his_o esteem_n whether_o he_o real_o deserve_v the_o mighty_a misfortune_n that_o fall_v so_o heavy_a upon_o he_o may_v be_v a_o question_n since_o not_o always_o who_o merit_n best_o of_o fortune_n be_v best_a use_v by_o she_o and_o after_o caesar_n be_v offend_v with_o he_o he_o suffer_v none_o of_o his_o other_o friend_n to_o venture_v at_o his_o justification_n so_o fatal_a and_o dangerous_a be_v the_o anger_n of_o a_o enrage_a monarch_n yet_o virgil_n even_o then_o adventure_v to_o mourn_v his_o hard_a fate_n in_o his_o ten_o eclogue_n and_o still_o love_v he_o though_o more_o secret_o gallo_n cujus_fw-la amor_fw-la tantum_fw-la mihi_fw-la crescit_fw-la in_o horas_fw-la quantum_fw-la veer_fw-la novo_fw-la viridis_fw-la se_fw-la subjicit_fw-la alnus_fw-la and_o though_o he_o design_v the_o dedication_n to_o he_o of_o his_o book_n of_o bucolic_n and_o his_o book_n of_o georgic_n yet_o he_o afterward_o dare_v not_o do_v it_o for_o fear_n of_o caesar_n and_o therefore_o they_o fall_v to_o pollio_n and_o maecenas_n praetera_fw-la duo_fw-la nec_fw-la tuta_fw-la mihi_fw-la valle_o reperti_fw-la capreoli_fw-la quos_fw-la tibi_fw-la servo_fw-la the_o thing_n that_o be_v allege_v against_o he_o wa●_n his_o have_v be_v in_o a_o plot_n against_o caesar_n and_o tha●_n he_o have_v ruin_v a_o city_n in_o egypt_n call_v thebes_n and_o several_a other_o imputation_n ovid_n seem_v to_o imply_v as_o if_o the_o freedom_n he_o use_v with_o his_o tongue_n when_o heat_v with_o wine_n may_v be_v the_o reason_n of_o his_o lose_v caesar_n favour_n for_o which_o he_o be_v banish_v as_o some_o think_v non_fw-la fuit_fw-la opprobrio_fw-la celetrasse_fw-la lycorida_fw-la gallo_n sed_fw-la linguam_fw-la nimio_fw-la non_fw-la teneisse_v mero_fw-la nor_o be_v it_o unlikely_a that_o ovid_n himself_o giving_z th●_n same_o occasion_n in_o the_o same_o company_n may_v hau●_n be_v partaker_n with_o he_o in_o equal_a suffering_n how_o he_o die_v be_v uncertain_a some_o think_v caesar_n cause_v he_o to_o be_v put_v to_o death_n other_o believe_v that_o be_v banish_v and_o his_o ambitious_a soul_n not_o able_a to_o brook_v the_o disgrace_n or_o else_o apprehensive_a of_o the_o malice_n of_o his_o enemy_n among_o the_o nobility_n kill_v himself_o as_o ovid_n intimate_v sanguis_n atque_fw-la animae_fw-la prodige_fw-la gall_n tuus_fw-la other_o again_o believe_v his_o mistress_n cytharis_n who_o he_o call_v lycoris_n forsake_v he_o he_o be_v more_o impatient_a of_o the_o loss_n of_o she_o then_o his_o government_n and_o for_o that_o reason_n kill_v himself_o and_o virgil_n seem_v to_o lament_v he_o as_o have_v be_v a_o victim_n to_o that_o unhappy_a love_n of_o he_o quae_fw-la nemora_fw-la aut_fw-la
qui_fw-la vos_fw-la saltus_fw-la habuere_fw-la pvellae_fw-la naiades_n indigno_fw-la cum_fw-la gallus_n amore_fw-la periret_fw-la yet_o propertius_n may_v give_v occasion_n to_o believe_v that_o he_o be_v slay_v in_o some_o battle_n gallum_fw-la per_fw-la medios_fw-la ereptum_fw-la caesaris_fw-la enses_fw-la effugere_fw-la ignotas_fw-la non_fw-la potuisse_fw-la manus_fw-la but_o probable_o from_o both_o these_o expression_n one_o may_v natural_o gather_v that_o cytharis_n to_o appease_v the_o jealousy_n of_o her_o new_a lover_n be_v a_o contriver_n of_o his_o death_n and_o hire_v some_o to_o kill_v he_o he_o be_v repute_v a_o excellent_a poet_n and_o be_v particular_o curious_a in_o elegy_n in_o which_o way_n of_o writing_n he_o be_v not_o hold_v to_o be_v inferior_a to_o either_o tibullus_n or_o propertius_n we_o have_v a_o account_n that_o he_o write_v six_o book_n of_o elegy_n of_o which_o perhaps_o these_o six_o elegy_n only_o be_v preserve_v to_o we_o and_o he_o also_o translate_v one_o euphorion_n a_o chalcidonian_a poet_n which_o virgil_n confirm_v ibo_n &_o chalcidico_fw-la quae_fw-la sunt_fw-la mihi_fw-la condita_fw-la versu_fw-la carmina_fw-la pastoris_fw-la siculi_n modulabor_fw-la avena_fw-la he_o write_v four_o book_n of_o his_o love_n to_o cytharis_n who_o he_o call_v lycoris_n but_o none_o of_o they_o be_v leave_v however_o ovid_n take_v notice_n of_o they_o and_o number_n he_o among_o the_o catalogue_n of_o the_o most_o famous_a poet_n of_o the_o world_n particular_o for_o that_o very_a poem_n gallus_n &_o hesperiis_fw-la &_o gallus_n notus_fw-la eois_n ●t_a sua_fw-la cum_fw-la gallo_n nota_fw-la lycoris_n erit_fw-la and_o thus_o much_o of_o his_o life_n and_o if_o i_o have_v do_v he_o that_o justice_n i_o aim_v at_o in_o this_o translation_n i_o believe_v the_o reader_n will_v not_o think_v his_o time_n lose_v in_o peruse_v it_o and_o if_o i_o fail_v in_o it_o i_o can_v help_v it_o now_o farewell_n a_o return_n of_o thanks_o for_o the_o translation_n of_o the_o follow_a elegy_n we_o thank_v you_o for_o your_o verse_n and_o hope_v to_o see_v from_o age_n &_o impotence_n our_o love_n set_v free_a whilst_o ancient_a fop_n read_v here_o their_o certain_a shame_n they_o will_v wise_a grow_v nor_o tempt_v again_o their_o fame_n renounce_v their_o amber_n and_o the_o sacred_a trust_n they_o place_v in_o drug_n to_o prop_v their_o feeble_a lust_n read_v this_o you_o limberhams_n who_o with_o delay_n and_o pother_n keep_v some_o able_a spark_n away_o who_o use_v your_o mistress_n chamber_n as_o your_o home_n and_o set_v your_o chariot_n up_o where_o ever_o you_o come_v playtime_n and_o park-time_n at_o the_o door_n it_o stay_v you_o make_v no_o visit_n it_o be_v your_o dwelling-place_n here_o you_o may_v see_v how_o great_a a_o wretch_n be_v one_o who_o strive_v to_o please_v when_o all_o his_o power_n be_v go_v who_o can_v endure_v to_o see_v a_o gallant_a thirsty_a old_a lady_n make_v love_n and_o boy_n at_o fifty_o let_v nestor_n waste_v his_o itch_n in_o trick_n of_o state_n or_o take_v it_o out_o in_o rub_v of_o his_o pate_n nor_o when_o desire_n grow_v impotent_o strong_a beg_v some_o forbid_a sight_n or_o luscious_a song_n let_v every_o one_o perform_v their_o proper_a part_n let_v nature_n work_v nor_o make_v it_o up_o with_o art_n let_v youth_n make_v love_n even_o kiss_v call_v for_o youth_n the_o palsyed_a head_n can_v never_o hit_v the_o mouth_n corinna_n to_o the_o ingenious_a translator_n of_o cn_fw-la cornelius_n gallus_n sad_n nightingale_n melodious_o complain_v and_o pleasant_a note_n disclose_v their_o inward_a pain_n the_o ancient_a swan_n who_o in_o his_o vigorous_a state_n even_o fancy_v jove_n leave_v heaven_n to_o imitate_v view_v the_o stream_n where_o he_o be_v wont_a to_o play_v warble_n a_o sigh_n and_o sing_v his_o life_n away_o thus_o gallus_n here_o the_o dread_a of_o grief_n destroy_v and_o sweet_o mourn_v than_o other_o tell_v their_o joy_n his_o sorrow_n sir_n be_v so_o well_o tune_v by_o you_o the_o reader_n pity_n but_o they_o wonder_v too_o you_o snatch_v the_o wretch_n from_o his_o depress_v fate_n and_o to_o the_o envy_n of_o our_o youth_n translate_v old_a age_n ●n_v he_o do_v no_o defect_n impart_v but_o seem_v best_a suit_v to_o the_o charm_a art_n while_o gentle_a maid_n with_o his_o soft_a witchcraft_n catch_v be_v full_o please_v in_o a_o perform_a thought_n virgil_n methinks_v dote_v on_o his_o friend_n anew_o of_o caesar_n once_o but_o since_o more_o proud_a of_o you._n in_o field_n below_o he_o beat_v his_o reed_n again_o despair_n afresh_o and_o fill_v the_o elysian_a plain_n with_o endless_a pastoral_n of_o gallus_n disdain_n j._n d._n this_o ode_n be_v think_v to_o be_v write_v by_o cn_fw-la cornelius_z gallus_n and_o in_o the_o latin_a be_v add_v to_o the_o six_o ensue_a elegy_n therefore_o it_o may_v not_o be_v very_o much_o amiss_o to_o insert_v it_o here_o in_o english_a i._o fair_a lydia_n my_o delight_n more_o than_o milk_n and_o lily_n white_a who_o mix_v beauty_n do_v exceed_v the_o damask_n rose_n and_o the_o red_a and_o seem_v more_o fair_a and_o smooth_a to_o be_v then_o goddess_n of_o ivory_n ii_o thy_o lock_n thy_o shine_a lock_n unsold_a bright_a far_o then_o burnish_a gold._n thy_o pant_a breast_n my_o dear_a unclose_v where_o love_n delight_v to_o take_v repose_n of_o which_o i_o will_v to_o be_v possess_v give_v all_o the_o treasure_n of_o the_o east_n iii_o open_o thy_o planet-eye_n my_o dear_a for_o oh_o my_o fate_n be_v write_v there_o thence_o love_n point_v arrow_n fly_v swift_a as_o star_n shoot_v through_o the_o sky_n while_o above_o each_o brow_n do_v show_v like_o a_o wanton_a cupid_n bow._n show_v i_o maid_n the_o blush_a red_a which_o thy_o lovely_a cheek_n overspread_a thy_o lovely_a cheek_n which_o can_v outvie_v the_o most_o luxurious_a tyrian_a die_v iv._o with_o warm_a and_o amorous_a fury_n join_v thy_o soft_a coral_n lip_n to_o i_o give_v i_o kiss_v like_o a_o dove_n full_a of_o sweetness_n full_a of_o love._n but_o oh_o the_o pleasure_n be_v so_o great_a my_o soul_n crowd_n up_o the_o joy_n to_o meet_v and_o at_o my_o mouth_n will_v force_v a_o way_n nor_o long_o in_o the_o body_n stay_v my_o heart_n be_v pierce_v with_o every_o kiss_n i_o can_v bear_v the_o mighty_a bliss_n i_o pant_v i_o languish_v saint_n and_o die_v with_o the_o transport_v ecstasy_n v._o god_n what_o mighty_a power_n be_v here_o thou_o dra_v my_o vein_n of_o life_n my_o dear_a hide_v those_o beauty_n from_o my_o eye_n eternal_a gaze_n will_v suffice_v that_o tempt_v fragrant_a bosom_n close_o sweet_a than_o the_o sweet_a rose_n more_o perfume_a and_o rich_a sar_n then_o all_o the_o arabian_a spice_n be_v vi_o from_o every_o part_n of_o thou_o arise_v such_o delight_n as_o will_v surprise_v jove_n himself_o be_v he_o to_o be_v but_o so_o near_o as_o i_o to_o thou_o and_o so_o revenge_v his_o semile_n vii_o hide_v oh_o hide_v those_o hill_n of_o snow_n which_o engage_v and_o wound_v i_o so_o thy_o beauty_n luxury_n be_v such_o i_o can_v gaze_v i_o can_v touch_v the_o pleasure_n be_v too_o exquisite_a and_o i_o be_o glut_v with_o delight_n viii_o oh_o cruel_a and_o inhuman_a fair_a will_v thou_o then_o regard_v my_o care_n to_o see_v i_o languish_v will_v thou_o stay_v or_o kill_v i_o more_o and_o go_v away_o god_n but_o whither_o be_v thou_o fly_v will_v thou_o leave_v i_o now_o i_o be_o die_v oh_o forsake_v forsake_v i_o not_o till_o i_o be_o dead_a upon_o the_o spot_n elegy_n on_o old_a age._n elegy_n i._n the_o argument_n in_o this_o elegy_n under_o the_o representation_n of_o a_o old_a man_n the_o poet_n seem_v to_o repine_v at_o fate_n for_o impose_v life_n on_o he_o too_o long_o and_o aggravate_v the_o misery_n of_o his_o age_n by_o give_v a_o character_n of_o himself_o as_o he_o be_v when_o young_a by_o the_o remembrance_n of_o those_o happy_a day_n pass_v after_o which_o he_o describe_v the_o several_a disease_n and_o inconvenience_n attend_v he_o now_o old_a conclude_v the_o elegy_n with_o a_o reflection_n on_o the_o happiness_n of_o those_o who_o die_v before_o their_o age_n become_v a_o burden_n to_o they_o why_o envious_a age_n do_v with_o a_o linger_a stay_n my_o waste_a life_n to_o grow_a pain_n betray_v and_o the_o kind_n stroke_v of_o welcome_a death_n delay_n why_o will_v thou_o not_o enlarge_v my_o soul_n to_o ease_n and_o the_o vex_a prisoner_n from_o his_o jail_n release_v to_o i_o it_o be_v worst_a of_o punishment_n to_o live_v and_o death_n alone_o a_o peaceful_a rest_n can_v give_v cold_a and_o disease_n inhabit_v i_o all_o over_o and_o what_o i_o be_v in_o youth_n i_o be_o now_o no_o more_o a_o tremble_a faintness_n loosen_v every_o limb_n and_o diz_v vertigo_n through_o my_o brain_n do_v swim_v light_n which_o to_o all_o the_o world_n do_v joy_n
espy_v i_o weaken_a with_o my_o age_n as_o i_o pass_v by_o with_o hood_n or_o fan_n she_o will_v seem_v to_o hide_v her_o eye_n and_o i_o in_o these_o opprobrious_a term_n despise_v bless_v i_o do_v i_o ever_o love_v this_o antic_a thing_n can_v his_o embrace_n any_o pleasure_n bring_v those_o rivel_a jaw_n or_o lip_n do_v i_o ever_o kiss_v or_o kind_o grant_v he_o the_o exalt_a bliss_n she_o will_v nauseate_n i_o and_o in_o contempt_n will_v seem_v to_o spew_v my_o love_n up_o like_o a_o loathsome_a phlegm_n alas_o what_o comfort_n can_v old_a age_n afford_v you_o see_v with_o what_o prime_a blessing_n it_o be_v store_v what_o once_o can_v move_v delight_n and_o love_n engage_v become_v despise_v when_o sour_v with_o crabbed_a age._n be_v it_o not_o enough_o that_o i_o have_v live_v to_o be_v to_o the_o full_a growth_n of_o manly_a decency_n when_o all_o i_o do_v be_v act_v with_o a_o grace_n active_a my_o mind_n and_o beautiful_a my_o face_n ever_o i_o become_v offensive_a and_o despise_v sordid_a unpleasing_a hateful_a and_o unprise_v what_o ever_o i've_n live_v before_o be_v nothing_o now_o in_o all_o the_o circumstance_n where_o or_o how_o time_n with_o himself_o have_v take_v all_o away_o that_o be_v ever_o cheerful_a pleasant_a brisk_a or_o gay_a white_a fall_a hair_n be_v now_o around_o my_o head_n and_o my_o pale_a face_n will_v seem_v to_o speak_v i_o dead_a yet_o bright_a and_o beautiful_a she_o still_o appear_v nor_o grow_v less_o charm_a though_o more_o grow_v in_o year_n which_o she_o but_o too_o well_o see_v and_o too_o well_o know_v therefore_o with_o inward_a heat_n of_o pride_n she_o glow_v and_o i_o confess_v she_o still_o retain_v the_o grace_n and_o influence_n of_o she_o once_o dear_a face_n and_o in_o the_o embers_o still_o the_o hide_a flame_n of_o love_n do_v both_o conceal_v and_o warm_a remain_n so_o that_o i_o see_v age_n do_v contrive_v to_o spare_v and_o favour_n too_o as_o all_o thing_n else_o the_o fair._n for_o all_o her_o beauty_n be_v not_o quite_o decrease_v she_o as_o still_o enough_o to_o inflame_v the_o young_a breast_n but_o old_a man_n feed_v on_o relic_n of_o their_o love_n and_o former_a action_n but_o in_o thought_n can_v prove_v unable_a to_o perform_v as_o heretofore_o they_o all_o past_a joy_n to_o memory_n restore_v tickle_v with_o that_o and_o grieve_v they_o can_v no_o more_o and_o after_o all_o what_o can_v the_o wretched_a gain_n but_o the_o sad_a privilege_n to_o entertain_v their_o own_o misfortune_n misery_n and_o pain_n thought_n of_o lose_a happiness_n give_v no_o relief_n they_o only_o serve_v more_o to_o enrage_v the_o grief_n but_o since_o of_o former_a vigour_n i_o be_o bereave_v nor_o to_o give_v kind_a embrace_n strength_n have_v leave_v therefore_o my_o false_a lycoris_n must_v not_o we_o sometime_o remember_v past_a felicity_n must_v former_a joy_n be_v vanish_v and_o vain_a like_a track_n of_o cattle_n in_o a_o sandy_a plain_n must_v we_o forget_v all_o that_o be_v do_v before_o and_o think_v of_o happy_a pleasure_n past_o no_o more_o why_o even_o brute_n shun_v pasture_n new_a and_o strange_a and_o sheep_n in_o unknown_a walk_n refuse_v to_o range_v the_o bull_n his_o old_a frequent_a shade_n do_v love_v nor_o will_v the_o flock_n from_o their_o know_a fold_n remove_v sweet_a in_o wont_a bramble_n philomela_n do_v sing_v and_o her_o sad_a mournful_a story_n tell_v but_o you_o alone_o experience_a friendship_n shun_v and_o to_o a_o untried_a entertainment_n run_v be_v it_o not_o better_o far_o that_o you_o confide_v in_o certainty_n and_o thing_n that_o you_o have_v try_v various_a event_n still_o novelty_n attend_v as_o they_o begin_v they_o very_o seldom_o end_n if_o you_o object_v my_o age_n remember_v too_o that_o creep_a age_n be_v steal_v upon_o you_o therefore_o let_v that_o instruct_v you_o to_o be_v wise_a and_o do_v not_o i_o because_o i_o be_o grey_a despise_v old_a time_n will_v silver_n too_o thy_o golden_a hair_n for_o he_o do_v neither_o sex_n nor_o beauty_n spare_v we_o often_o find_v that_o parity_n of_o year_n two_o mind_n by_o parity_n of_o love_n endear_v what_o though_o i_o can_v act_v as_o once_o i_o can_v let_v it_o suffice_v that_o i_o do_v well_o of_o old_a the_o husbandman_n who_o strength_n be_v lose_v in_o year_n still_o reverend_a to_o young_a swain_n appear_v the_o young_a do_v still_o the_o courage_n and_o the_o fire_n which_o in_o the_o elder_a soldier_n be_v admire_v the_o swain_n be_v grieve_v to_o loose_v his_o expert_a steer_v and_o to_o the_o trooper_n his_o old_a horse_n be_v dear_a but_o oh_o alas_o love_v only_o can_v subsist_v and_o live_v and_o act_n within_o a_o youthful_a breast_n and_o sprightful_a bloom_a youth_n alone_o can_v prove_v the_o fit_a object_n for_o a_o perfect_a love._n but_o yet_o sad_a age_n have_v not_o quite_o plunder_v i_o of_o all_o my_o rhetoric_n and_o gaiety_n for_o still_o i_o can_v my_o doleful_a tale_n rehearse_v in_o tuneful_a number_n and_o in_o flow_a verse_n 'slight_o not_o mature_a and_o solid_a gravity_n nor_o venerable_a age_n but_o let_v it_o be_v esteem_v and_o value_v as_o desire_v by_o thou_o condemn_v not_o in_o another_o what_o so_o fain_o you_o for_o yourself_o will_v willing_o obtain_v seem_v it_o not_o strange_a in_o one_o and_o foolish_a too_o to_o slight_v that_o voyage_n which_o themselves_o must_v go_v call_v i_o your_o brother_n or_o your_o dear_a friend_n or_o father_n either_o of_o they_o love_n intend_v let_v lust_n to_o honour_n yield_v as_o now_o it_o be_v fit_a and_o to_o pure_a piety_n let_v love_n submit_v thus_o i_o with_o tear_n lament_v my_o weak_a old_a age_n but_o that_o can_v my_o trouble_v thought_n assuage_v for_o long_o discourse_n of_o grief_n do_v grief_n enrage_v elegy_n iii_o the_o argument_n in_o this_o elegy_n the_o poet_n give_v a_o account_n how_o he_o be_v very_o much_o in_o love_n when_o but_o a_o boy_n and_o that_o the_o young_a creature_n with_o who_o he_o be_v so_o enamour_v return_v his_o passion_n to_o the_o full_a yet_o after_o all_o when_o with_o much_o toil_n and_o difficulty_n it_o be_v so_o bring_v about_o that_o he_o have_v liberty_n to_o enjoy_v she_o he_o will_v not_o but_o be_v then_o by_o have_v that_o privilege_n grant_v he_o cure_v of_o his_o love._n but_o now_o perhaps_o it_o may_v in_o part_n assuage_v the_o violent_a grief_n of_o my_o torment_a age_n a_o while_o the_o mournful_a story_n to_o suspend_v of_o ill_n which_o do_v my_o present_a day_n attend_v to_o recollect_v thing_n past_a and_o call_v to_o mind_v those_o year_n which_o time_n have_v leave_v so_o far_o behind_o those_o tender_a year_n wherein_o my_o life_n be_v free_a from_o all_o disquiet_n love_n but_o only_o thou_o for_o aquilina_n do_v my_o heart_n invade_v and_o i_o adore_v the_o fair_a the_o beauteous_a maid_n to_o that_o degree_n i_o burn_v that_o i_o become_v pale_a mad_a and_o melancholy_a with_o the_o flame_n yet_o even_o then_o my_o childish_a innocence_n preserve_v i_o free_a from_o scandal_n and_o offence_n for_o ignorant_a of_o love_n and_o quite_o unskilled_a in_o venus_n art_n yet_o with_o desire_n fill_v something_o i_o wish_v but_o innocent_a of_o what_o do_v my_o own_o misery_n the_o more_o create_v nor_o be_v the_o excellent_a the_o charm_a she_o lesle_n grieve_v or_o less_o disturb_v with_o love_n of_o i_o for_o though_o she_o conquer_v yet_o she_o be_v overcome_v and_o can_v not_o carry_v perfect_a triumph_n home_n but_o heat_v with_o her_o passion_n and_o desire_v in_o vain_a she_o strive_v to_o shun_v the_o internal_a fire_n restless_a from_o place_n to_o place_n for_o ease_n she_o fly_v but_o with_o she_o what_o she_o will_v avoid_v she_o draw_v with_o charm_n at_o distance_n we_o each_o other_o catch_v and_o love_v unknowing_a what_o we_o either_o think_v in_o solitude_n we_o hope_v to_o find_v redress_n and_o secret_a love_n in_o secret_a to_o repress_v but_o that_o alas_o do_v but_o our_o love_n increase_n then_o we_o seek_v out_o a_o more_o obleige_a way_n to_o feed_v and_o feast_v our_o passion_n every_o day_n by_o the_o exchange_n of_o kind_n and_o gentle_a word_n word_n which_o to_o lover_n flame_n fuel_n afford_v yet_o we_o can_v only_o cherish_v the_o dear_a fire_n with_o fruitless_a wish_a look_n and_o vain_a desire_n to_o i_o a_o cruel_a pedagogue_n give_v law_n and_o her_o a_o careful_a mother_n keep_v in_o awe_n thus_o we_o both_o love_v but_o no_o success_n foresee_v our_o very_a eye_n our_o very_a nod_n they_o watch_v and_o at_o all_o little_a circumstance_n catch_v each_o change_n of_o colour_n with_o a_o careful_a eye_n they_o mark_v by_o that_o our_o passion_n to_o descry_v with_o industry_n and_o with_o deceitful_a art_n a_o while_n the_o grow_a passion_n of_o our_o heart_n