Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n grow_v smile_v summer_n 3,477 5 14.7794 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19946 Dauisons poems, or, A poeticall rapsodie Deuided into sixe bookes. The first, contayning poems and deuises. The second, sonets and canzonets. The third, pastoralls and elegies. The fourth, madrigalls and odes. The fift, epigrams and epitaphs. The sixt, epistles, and epithalamions. For variety and pleasure, the like neuer published.; Poetical rapsody Davison, Francis, 1575?-1619? 1621 (1621) STC 6376; ESTC S109387 98,578 288

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deep_a and_o spare_v not_o pleasant_a be_v the_o smart_n so_o by_o thy_o look_n my_o life_n be_v spill_v kill_v i_o as_o often_o as_o thou_o will_v xv._o canzonet_n his_o heart_n arraign_v of_o theft_n and_o acquit_v my_o heart_n be_v find_v within_o my_o lady_n breast_n close_o couch_v for_o fear_n that_o no_o man_n may_v he_o see_v on_o who_o suspect_v do_v serve_v a_o straight_a arrest_n and_o felon_n like_v he_o must_v arraign_v be_v what_o can_v he_o mean_v so_o close_o there_o to_o stay_v but_o by_o deceit_n to_o steal_v her_o heart_n away_o the_o bench_n be_v set_v the_o prisoner_n forth_o be_v bring_v my_o mistress_n self_n chief_a judge_n to_o hear_v the_o cause_n th'enditement_n read_v by_o which_o his_o blood_n be_v seek_v that_o he_o poor_a heart_n by_o stealth_n have_v break_v the_o law_n his_o plea_n be_v such_o as_o each_o man_n may_v descry_v for_o grace_n and_o truth_n be_v read_v in_o either_o eye_n yet_o force_v to_o speak_v his_o farther_n plea_n be_v this_o that_o sore_o pursue_v by_o i_o that_o seek_v his_o blood_n because_o so_o oft_o his_o presence_n i_o do_v miss_v whilst_o as_o he_o say_v he_o labour_v for_o my_o good_a he_o void_a of_o help_n to_o have_v his_o harm_n red_a rest_n take_v sanctuary_n from_o his_o trouble_a breast_n the_o gentle_a judge_n that_o see_v his_o true_a intent_n and_o that_o his_o cause_n do_v touch_v her_o honour_n near_o since_o he_o from_o i_o to_o she_o for_o succour_n go_v that_o truth_n may_v reign_v where_o rigour_n do_v appear_v give_v sentence_n thus_o that_o if_o he_o there_o will_v bide_v that_o place_n be_v make_v a_o guiltless_a heart_n to_o hide_v xvii_o canzonet_n deadly_a sweetness_n sweet_a thought_n the_o food_n on_o which_o i_o feed_v starve_v sweet_a tear_n the_o drink_n that_o more_o augment_v my_o thirst_n sweet_a eye_n the_o star_n by_o which_o my_o course_n do_v swerve_v sweet_a hope_n my_o death_n which_o waste_v my_o life_n at_o first_o sweet_a thought_n sweet_a tear_n sweet_a hope_n sweet_a eye_n how_o chance_v that_o death_n in_o sweetness_n lie_v xviii_o canzonet_n lady_n eye_n serve_v cupid_n both_o for_o dart_n and_o fire_n oft_o have_v i_o muse_v the_o cause_n to_o find_v why_o love_n in_o lady_n eye_n do_v dwell_v i_o think_v because_o himself_o be_v blind_a he_o look_v that_o they_o shall_v guide_v he_o well_o and_o sure_a his_o hope_n but_o seldom_o fail_v for_o love_v by_o lady_n eye_n prevail_v but_o time_n at_o last_o have_v teach_v i_o wit_n although_o i_o buy_v my_o wit_n full_a dear_a for_o by_o her_o eye_n my_o heart_n be_v hit_v deprisure_v wound_n though_o none_o appear_v their_o glance_a beam_n as_o dart_n he_o throw_v and_o sure_o he_o have_v no_o shaft_n but_o those_o i_o muse_v to_o see_v their_o eye_n so_o bright_a and_o little_a thought_n they_o have_v be_v fire_n i_o gaze_v upon_o they_o with_o delight_n but_o that_o delight_n have_v breed_v desire_n what_o better_a place_n can_v love_n require_v then_o that_o where_o grow_v both_o shaft_n and_o fire_n xix_o canzonet_n love_n contrariety_n i_o smile_v sometime_o amid_o my_o great_a grief_n not_o for_o delight_n for_o that_o long_a since_o be_v flee_v despair_n do_v shut_v the_o gate_n against_o relief_n when_o love_n at_o first_o of_o death_n the_o sentence_n read_v but_o yet_o i_o smile_v sometime_o in_o midst_n of_o pain_n to_o think_v what_o toy_n do_v toss_v my_o trouble_a head_n aow_o most_o i_o wish_v that_o most_o i_o shall_v refrain_v and_o seek_v the_o thing_n that_o least_o i_o long_o to_o find_v and_o find_v the_o wound_n by_o which_o my_o hart_n be_v flain_v yet_o want_v both_o skill_n and_o will_n to_o ease_v my_o mind_n against_o my_o will_n i_o burn_v with_o free_a consent_n i_o live_v in_o pain_n and_o in_o my_o pain_n delight_n i_o cry_v for_o death_n yet_o be_o to_o live_v content_a i_o hate_v the_o day_n yet_o never_o wish_v for_o night_n i_o freeze_v for_o cold_a and_o yet_o refrain_v the_o fire_n i_o long_o lo_o see_v and_o yet_o i_o shun_v her_o sight_n i_o scald_a in_o sun_n and_o yet_o no_o shade_n desire_v i_o live_v by_o death_n and_o yet_o i_o wish_v to_o die_v i_o feel_v no_o hurt_n and_o yet_o for_o help_v inquire_v i_o die_v by_o life_n and_o yet_o my_o life_n defy_v hen_n cogor_fw-la voti_fw-la nescius_fw-la esse_fw-la mei_fw-la xx._n canzonet_n her_o outward_a gesture_n deceive_v his_o inward_a hope_n smooth_a be_v thy_o look_n so_o be_v the_o deep_a stream_n soft_a be_v thy_o lip_n so_o be_v the_o swallow_a sand_n fair_a be_v thy_o sight_n but_o like_v unto_o a_o dream_n sweet_a be_v thy_o promise_n but_o it_o will_v not_o stand_v smooth_a soft_a fair_a sweet_a to_o they_o that_o light_o touch_v rough_a hard_a soul_n soute_a to_o they_o that_o take_v too_o much_o thy_o look_n so_o smooth_a have_v draw_v away_o my_o sight_n who_o will_v have_v think_v that_o hook_n can_v so_o be_v hide_v thy_o lip_n so_o soft_a have_v fret_v my_o delight_n before_o i_o once_o suspect_v what_o they_o do_v thy_o face_n so_o fair_a have_v burn_v i_o with_o desire_n thy_o word_n so_o sweet_a be_v bellows_n for_o the_o fire_n and_o yet_o i_o love_v the_o look_n that_o make_v i_o blind_a and_o like_v to_o kiss_v the_o lip_n that_o fret_v my_o life_n in_o heat_n of_o fire_n a_o ease_n of_o heat_n i_o find_v and_o great_a peace_n in_o midst_n of_o great_a strife_n that_o if_o my_o choice_n be_v now_o to_o make_v again_o i_o will_v not_o have_v this_o joy_n without_o this_o pain_n xxi_o canzonet_n that_o he_o be_v unchangeable_a the_o love_n of_o change_n have_v change_v the_o world_n throughout_o and_o nought_o be_v count_v good_a but_o what_o be_v strange_a new_a thing_n wax_v old_a old_a new_a all_o turn_n about_o and_o all_o thing_n change_v except_o the_o love_n of_o change_n yet_o feel_v i_o not_o this_o love_n of_o change_n in_o i_o but_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v for_o who_o can_v change_v that_o like_v his_o former_a choice_n who_o better_a wish_n that_o know_v he_o have_v the_o best_a how_o can_v the_o heart_n in_o thing_n unknown_a rejoice_v if_o joy_n well_o try_v can_v bring_v no_o certain_a rest_n my_o choice_n be_v make_v change_v he_o that_o listen_v for_o i_o such_o as_o i_o be_o such_o will_v i_o always_o be_v who_o ever_o change_v and_o not_o confess_v his_o want_n and_o who_o confess_v his_o want_n and_o not_o his_o woe_n then_o change_n who_o list_n thy_o woe_n shall_v not_o be_v scant_o within_o thyself_o thou_o feed_v thy_o mortal_a foe_n change_n call_v for_o change_n no_o end_n no_o ease_n for_o thou_o then_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v my_o eye_n confess_v they_o have_v their_o wish_a sight_n my_o heart_n affirm_v it_o feel_v the_o love_n it_o seek_v my_o inward_a thought_n be_v feed_v with_o true_a delight_n which_o full_a consent_n of_o constant_a joy_n have_v wrought_v and_o full_a content_n desire_v no_o change_n to_o see_v then_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v rest_v then_o my_o heart_n and_o keep_v thy_o old_a delight_n which_o like_o the_o pheoenix_n wax_v young_a each_o day_n each_o hour_n present_v new_a pleasure_n to_o my_o sight_n more_o cause_n of_o joy_n increase_v every_o way_n true_a love_n with_o age_n do_v daily_o clear_a see_v then_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v what_o gain_v fair_a cressid_n by_o her_o faithless_a change_n but_o loss_n of_o time_n of_o beauty_n health_n and_o life_n mark_v jasons_n hap_n that_o ever_o love_v to_o range_v that_o lose_v his_o child_n and_o his_o princely_a wife_n then_o change_n farewell_n thou_o be_v no_o mate_n for_o i_o but_o as_o i_o be_o so_o will_v i_o always_o be_v xxiii_o canzonet_n upon_o her_o absence_n the_o summer_n sun_n that_o scald_v the_o ground_n with_o heat_n and_o burn_v the_o grass_n and_o drive_v the_o river_n source_n with_o mild_a beam_n the_o far_a earth_n do_v beat_v when_o through_o the_o freeze_a goat_n he_o run_v his_o course_n the_o fire_n that_o burn_v what_o ever_o come_v to_o hand_n do_v hardly_o heat_n that_o far_a off_o do_v stand_v not_o so_o the_o heat_n that_o set_v my_o heart_n on_o fire_n by_o distance_n slake_v and_o let_v i_o cool_v again_o but_o still_o the_o far_a off_o the_o more_o desire_n the_o absent_a fire_n do_v burn_v with_o hot_a pain_n my_o lady_n presence_n burn_v i_o with_o desire_n her_o absence_n turn_v i_o into_o flame_a fire_n who_o so_o have_v see_v the_o flame_n that_o burn_v bright_a by_o outward_a cold_a in_o narrow_a room_n suppress_v increase_v in_o heat_n and_o rage_n with_o great_a might_n may_v guess_v what_o force_n of_o fire_n torment_v my_o breast_n so_o run_v the_o swell_a
i_o both_o night_n and_o day_n she_z to_o a_o candle_n run_v i_o to_o a_o light_n far_o bright_a than_o the_o sun_n she_o near_o at_o hand_n be_v fire_v i_o both_o near_a hand_n and_o far_o away_o retire_v she_o fond_o think_v nor_o dead_a nor_o burn_v to_o be_v but_o i_o my_o burn_a and_o my_o death_n foresee_v xiiii_o madrigal_n answer_n to_o her_o question_n what_o love_n be_v if_o i_o hehold_v your_o eye_n love_n be_v a_o paradise_n but_o if_o i_o view_v my_o hart_n it_o be_v a_o infernal_a smart_n xiiii_o madrigal_n upon_o his_o timorous_a silence_n in_o her_o presence_n be_v lover_n full_a of_o fire_n how_o come_v it_o then_o my_o verse_n be_v so_o cold_a and_o how_o when_o i_o be_o nigh_o she_o and_o fit_a occasion_n will_v i_o to_o be_v bold_a the_o more_o i_o burn_v the_o more_o i_o do_v desire_n the_o less_o i_o dare_v require_v ah_o love_v this_o be_v thy_o wondrous_a art_n to_o freeze_v the_o tongue_n and_o fire_n the_o heart_n xv._o madrigal_n upon_o her_o long_a absence_n if_o this_o most_o wretched_a and_o most_o infernal_a anguish_n wherein_o so_o long_o your_o absence_n make_v i_o languish_v my_o vital_a spirit_n spend_v do_v not_o work_v out_o my_o end_n nor_o yet_o your_o long-expected_n safe_a return_v to_o heavenly_a joy_n my_o hellish_a torment_n turn_v with_o joy_n so_o overfill_v i_o as_o present_o it_o kill_v i_o i_o will_v conclude_v hows'euer_v school_n deceive_v a_o man_n no_o joy_n nor_o sorrow_n can_v of_o life_n bereave_v a_o man_n xvi_o madrigal_n upon_o her_o hide_v her_o face_n from_o he_o go_v wail_v accent_n go_v with_o my_o warm_a tear_n and_o scald_a tear_n attend_v t_o the_o author_n of_o my_o woe_n and_o humble_o ask_v she_o why_o she_o be_v offend_v say_v deer_n why_o hide_v you_o so_o from_o he_o your_o bless_a eye_n where_o he_o behold_v his_o earthly_a paradise_n since_o he_o hide_v not_o from_o you_o his_o heart_n wherein_o love_n heaven_n you_o may_v view_v xvii_o madrigal_n upon_o her_o beauty_n and_o inconstancy_n whosoever_o belong_v to_o try_v both_o love_n and_o lealousie_n my_o fair_a unconstant_a lady_n let_v he_o see_v and_o he_o will_v soon_o a_o jealous_a lover_n be_v then_o he_o by_o proof_n shall_v know_v as_o i_o do_v to_o my_o woe_n how_o they_o make_v my_o poor_a heart_n at_o once_o to_o dwell_v in_o fire_n and_o frost_n in_o heaven_n and_o in_o hell_n xviii_o madrigal_n thy_o eye_n so_o bright_a bereave_v my_o sight_n when_o first_o i_o view_v thy_o face_n so_o now_o my_o light_n be_v turn_v to_o night_n i_o stray_v from_o place_n to_o place_n then_o guide_v i_o of_o thy_o kindness_n so_o shall_v i_o bless_v my_o blindness_n xix_o madrigal_n verbal_a love_n if_o love_n be_v make_v of_o word_n as_o wood_n of_o tree_n who_o more_o belove_v than_o i_o if_o love_n be_v hot_a where_o true_a desire_n do_v freeze_v who_o more_o than_o she_o do_v fry_v be_v drone_n that_o make_v no_o honey_n count_v bee_n be_v run_v water_n dry_a be_v that_o a_o gainful_a trade_n that_o have_v no_o fee_n he_o live_v that_o dead_a do_v lie_v what_o else_o but_o blind_a be_v he_o that_o nothing_o see_v but_o deaf_a that_o hear_v no_o cry_n such_o be_v her_o vow_a love_n to_o i_o yet_o must_v i_o think_v it_o true_a to_o be_v xx._n madrigal_n in_o praise_n of_o two_o faustina_n have_v the_o fair_a face_n and_o phillida_n the_o better_a grace_n both_o have_v my_o eye_n enrich_v this_o sing_v full_a sweet_o with_o her_o voice_n her_o finger_n make_v as_o sweet_a a_o noise_n both_o have_v my_o ear_n bewitch_v ay_o i_o since_o fate_n have_v so_o provide_v my_o heart_n alas_o must_v be_v divide_v xxi_o madrigal_n to_o his_o lady_n garden_n be_v absent_a far_o from_o she_o garden_n more_o than_o eden_n bless_v be_v thou_o thus_o to_o have_v thy_o bower_n free_v from_o winter_n and_o still_o dress_v with_o her_o face_n heau'n-set_a flower_n happy_a too_o be_v those_o thy_o ally_n where_o her_o fair_a foot_n deign_v to_o tread_v which_o depart_v earth_n low_a valley_n shall_v to_o the_o milky_a way_n be_v lead_v thy_o tree_n who_o arm_n she_o embrace_v and_o who_o fruit_n her_o lip_n do_v kiss_v in_o who_o virtuous_a mind_n well_o place_v the_o rare_a tree_n of_o knoweldge_n be_v happy_a be_v so_o thy_o bird_n be_v who_o she_o teach_v to_o sing_v by_o art_n who_o in_o heavenly_a harmony_n with_o the_o angel_n bear_v a_o part_n happy_a bless_a and_o fortunate_a bower_n ally_n tree_n and_o bird_n but_o my_o most_o unhappy_a state_n far_o surmount_v all_o reach_n of_o word_n xxii_o madrigal_n the_o true_a love_n knot_n love_n be_v the_o link_n the_o knot_n the_o band_n of_o unity_n and_o all_o that_o love_n do_v love_n with_o their_o belove_v to_o be_v love_v only_o do_v decree_v to_o change_v his_o kind_n in_o i_o for_o though_o i_o love_v with_o all_o the_o power_n of_o my_o mind_n and_o through_o my_o restless_a thought_n their_o rest_n in_o she_o do_v find_v yet_o be_v my_o hope_n decline_v sith_o she_o be_v most_o unkind_a but_o since_o her_o beauty_n sun_n my_o fruitless_a hope_n do_v breed_v by_o ●●●nce_n from_o that_o sun_n i_o hope_v to_o starve_v that_o weed_n though_o absence_n do_v indeed_o my_o hope_n not_o starve_v but_o feed_v for_o when_o i_o shift_v my_o place_n like_v to_o the_o strike_a deer_n i_o can_v shift_v the_o shaft_n which_o in_o my_o side_n i_o bear_v by_o i_o it_o rest_v there_o the_o cause_n be_v not_o else_o where_o so_o have_v i_o see_v the_o sick_a to_o run_v and_o turn_v again_o as_o if_o that_o outward_a change_n can_v ease_v his_o inward_a pain_n but_o still_o alas_o in_o vain_a the_o fit_a do_v still_o remain_v yet_o goodness_n be_v the_o spring_n from_o whence_o this_o ill_a do_v grow_v for_o goodness_n cause_v the_o love_n which_o great_a respect_n do_v owe_v respect_n true_a love_n do_v show_v true_a love_n thus_o wrought_v my_o woe_n xxiii_o madigall_n my_o love_n in_o her_o attire_n do_v show_v her_o wit_n it_o do_v so_o well_o become_v she_o for_o every_o season_n she_o have_v dress_n fit_v for_o winter_n spring_n and_o summer_n no_o beauty_n she_o do_v miss_v when_o all_o her_o robe_n be_v on_o but_o beauty_n self_n she_o be_v when_o all_o her_o robe_n be_v go_v the_o end_n of_o the_o madrigal_n of_o ode_n i._o ode_n that_o only_o her_o beauty_n and_o voice_n please_v he_o 1_o have_v may_v my_o judgement_n blear_v therefore_o sure_o i_o will_v not_o swear_v that_o other_o be_v not_o please_v but_o i_o speak_v it_o to_o my_o pain_n and_o my_o life_n shall_v it_o maintain_v none_o else_o yield_v my_o heart_n ease_v 2_o lady_n i_o do_v think_v there_o be_v othersome_a as_o fair_a as_o she_o though_o none_o have_v fair_a feature_n but_o my_o turtle-like_a affection_n since_o of_o she_o i_o make_v election_n scorn_v other_o fair_a creature_n 3_o sure_o i_o will_v not_o deny_v but_o some_o other_o reach_v as_o high_a with_o their_o sweet_a warble_a voice_n but_o since_o her_o note_n charm_v my_o ear_n even_o the_o sweet_a tune_n i_o hear_v to_o i_o seem_v rude_a harsh_a noise_n ii_o ode_n upon_o her_o protestation_n of_o kind_a affection_n have_v try_v his_o sincere_a fidelity_n 1_o lady_n you_o be_v with_o beauty_n so_o enrich_v of_o body_n and_o of_o mind_n as_o i_o can_v hardly_o find_v which_o of_o they_o all_o have_v most_o my_o heart_n bewitch_v 2_o whether_o your_o skin_n so_o white_a so_o smooth_a so_o tender_a or_o face_n well_o form_v and_o fair_a or_o heart_n ensnare_v hair_n or_o dainty_a hand_n or_o leg_n and_o foot_n so_o slender_a 3_o or_o whether_o your_o sharp_a wit_n and_o lively_a spirit_n where_o pride_n can_v find_v no_o place_n or_o your_o enchant_a grace_n or_o speech_n which_o do_v true_a eloquence_n inherit_v 4_o most_o lovely_a all_o and_o each_o of_o they_o do_v move_v i_o more_o than_o word_n can_v express_v but_o yet_o i_o must_v confess_v i_o love_v you_o most_o because_o you_o please_v to_o love_v i_o iii_o ode_n his_o restless_a estate_n your_o presence_n breed_v my_o anguish_n your_o absence_n make_v i_o languish_v your_o sight_n with_o woe_n do_v fill_v i_o and_o want_v of_o your_o sweet_a sight_n alas_o do_v kill_fw-mi i_o if_o those_o dear_a eye_n that_o burn_v i_o with_o mild_a aspect_n you_o turn_v i_o for_o life_n my_o weak_a heart_n pant_v if_o frown_o my_o spirit_n and_o life_n blood_n faint_v if_o you_o speak_v kind_o to_o i_o alas_o kind_a word_n undo_v i_o yet_o silence_n do_v dislike_v i_o and_o one_o unkind_a ill_a word_n stark_o dead_a will_v strike_v i_o thus_o sun_n nor_o shade_n do_v ease_v i_o nor_o speech_n nor_o silence_n please_v i_o favour_n and_o frown_n annoy_v i_o both_o want_n and_o
praise_n of_o a_o beggar_n life_n 136_o praise_n of_o her_o eye_n 73_o praise_n of_o music_n 138_o praise_n of_o sir_n philip_n sidney_n 262_o praise_n of_o the_o two_o countess_n of_o cumberland_n and_o warwick_n 98_o purse_n 43_o twelve_o wonder_n of_o the_o world_n 1_o cupid_n make_v a_o nymph_n wound_v herself_o 15_o a_o complaint_n of_o which_o all_o the_o staff_n end_n with_o the_o word_n of_o the_o first_o 17_o a_o dialogue_n in_o imitation_n of_o horace_n 20_o cupid_n shoot_v light_a but_o wound_n sore_o 21._o 22_o a_o true_a description_n of_o love_n 23_o of_o the_o first_o inhabit_v this_o i_o will_v by_o brute_n &c_n &c_n 25_o a_o meditation_n on_o the_o frailty_n of_o this_o life_n 27_o a_o poesy_n to_o prove_v affection_n be_v not_o love_v 29_o a_o lover_n request_n if_o he_o hold_v his_o peace_n 30_o a_o complaint_n for_o justice_n flight_n 30_o a_o poem_n in_o the_o nature_n of_o a_o epitaph_n 31_o love_n contentment_n 32_o a_o repentant_a poem_n 34_o union_n jewel_n 35_o a_o panegyricke_a to_o the_o king_n 38_o q_o quatraine_v 105_o r_n repentant_a poem_n 34_o report_v sonnet_n of_o praise_n 72_o ring_n plain_a 44_o ring_n poesy_n 44_o roundelay_n very_o pretty_a in_o invert_v rhyme_n 158_o s_n sapphic_n upon_o the_o passion_n of_o christ_n 57_o scarf_n 45_o sickness_n 208_o sickness_n and_o recovery_n 89_o scissors_n snufkin_n 45_o he_o tell_v she_o how_o he_o will_v hide_v his_o joy_n 62_o he_o promise_v to_o love_v as_o he_o be_v love_v 63_o to_o mistress_n diana_n 63_o dedication_n of_o these_o rhyme_n &c_n &c_n 64_o that_o he_o can_v hide_v or_o dissemble_v his_o affection_n 65_o upon_o his_o absence_n from_o her_o 65_o to_o q._n e._n at_o a_o mask_n 1594_o 66_o to_o pity_n 67_o upon_o her_o acknowledge_v his_o desert_n 67_o her_o answer_n in_o the_o same_o 68_o upon_o her_o commend_v his_o verse_n 69_o to_o a_o worthy_a lord_n now_o dead_a 70_o he_o demand_v pardon_n for_o love_v 70_o love_n punishable_a 71_o he_o call_v his_o ear_n 72_o praise_n of_o her_o eye_n 73_o contention_n of_o love_n 73_o that_o she_o have_v great_a power_n over_o his_o life_n etc._n etc._n 74_o of_o his_o lady_n weep_v 75_o he_o paint_v out_o his_o torment_n 75_o his_o sight_n &_o tear_n be_v bootless_a 76_o her_o beauty_n make_v he_o live_v even_o in_o despair_n 77_o why_o her_o lip_n yield_v he_o no_o comfort_n 77_o comparison_n of_o his_o heart_n &c_n &c_n 80_o that_o he_o can_v leave_v to_o love_n &c_n &c_n 81_o he_o desire_v leave_v to_o write_v &c_n &c_n 81_o that_o time_n have_v no_o power_n to_o end_v his_o love_n 82_o of_o the_o moon_n &c_n &c_n 83_o that_o love_n only_o make_v he_o a_o poet._n 84_o desire_n have_v conquer_v revenge_n 86_o to_o his_o eye_n for_o cause_v his_o pain_n 86_o upon_o love_n enter_v by_o the_o ear_n 87._o 88_o of_o his_o own_o and_o his_o mistress_n sickness_n at_o one_o time_n 89_o another_o of_o her_o sickness_n and_o recovery_n 89_o allusion_n to_o thaesus_n voyage_n 90_o upon_o her_o secret_a look_v out_o at_o a_o window_n as_o he_o pass_v by_o 91_o to_o his_o mistress_n &c_n &c_n 92_o to_o the_o sun_n etc._n etc._n 92_o upon_o send_v she_o a_o ring_n &c_n &c_n 93_o the_o heart_n captivity_n 93_o for_o her_o heart_n only_o 94_o that_o his_o love_n kill_v he_o with_o kindness_n 95_o she_o only_o may_v cure_v he_o &c_n &c_n 96_o he_o express_v his_o great_a love_n unto_o she_o 96_o he_o wish_v both_o their_o heart_n ever_o unite_v 97_o love_n seven_o deadly_a sin_n 97_o to_o two_o most_o honourable_a and_o virtuous_a lady_n and_o sister_n etc._n etc._n 98_o to_o my_o lord_n the_o prince_n 99_o to_o the_o lady_n elizabeth_n etc._n etc._n 99_o t_o time_n can_v end_v or_o diminish_v love_n 82_o the_o mean_a estate_n be_v best_a 152_o to_o pity_n 67_o tongue_n 144_o five_o union_n jewel_n 35_o urania_n answer_n 163_o w_n write_v table_n 45_o wit_n 144_o woman_n weight_n in_o latin_a and_o english_a 60_o woman_n heart_n and_o unconstancy_n 145_o epithalmion_n upon_o the_o spousal_n of_o w.a._n and_o i.a._n he_o who_o first_o do_v institute_v holy_a wedlock_n knit_v man_n and_o woman_n in_o happy_a bedlock_n put_v on_o their_o concupiscence_n a_o holy_a fetlock_n not_o to_o be_v break_v grant_v o_o grant_n you_o grace_v to_o love_v one_o another_o like_o a_o sister_n christian_n and_o a_o brother_n so_o make_v the_o weak_a of_o you_o a_o mother_n love_v happy_a token_n another_o of_o the_o same_o love_n be_v foolery_n if_o it_o be_v not_o found_v and_o on_o heavenly_a beauty_n chief_o ground_v all_o deformity_n from_o the_o first_o sin_n run_v all_o true_a beauty_n from_o our_o god_n only_o come_v with_o love_n purity_n he_o then_o only_o praise_v you_o that_o by_o mercy_n he_o to_o himself_o may_v raise_v you_o he_o be_v the_o fountain_n of_o all_o true_a perfect_a beauty_n and_o best_a merit_v all_o heart_n love_n and_o duty_n then_o send_v up_o to_o he_o all_o your_o sigh_n &_o groan_n then_o pour_v out_o to_o he_o all_o your_o tear_n and_o mourning_n and_o fix_v only_o on_o he_o your_o joy_n and_o gladness_n for_o to_o joy_v in_o earthly_a thing_n be_v madness_n a_o short_a content_n of_o all_o the_o six_o book_n contain_v in_o this_o volume_n etc._n etc._n the_o 1._o book_n contain_v poem_n &_o devise_n begin_v fol._n 1._o to_o folio_n 62._o the_o 2_o book_n of_o sonnet_n &_o canzonet_n begin_v folio_n 62._o to_o folio_fw-la 150._o the_o 3._o book_n of_o pastoral_n &_o elegy_n begin_v folio_n 150._o to_o folio_n 205._o the_o 4._o book_n of_o madrigal_n &_o ode_n begin_v folio_n 205._o to_o folio_n 255._o the_o 5._o book_n of_o epigram_n &_o epitaph_n begin_v folio_n 255._o to_o folio_n 266._o the_o 6._o book_n of_o epistle_n begin_v folio_n 266_o to_o 272._o and_o epithalmions_n begin_v before_o folio_fw-la 1._o the_o first_o book_n of_o poem_n and_o devise_n i._o poem_n yet_o other_z twelve_o wonder_n of_o the_o world_n by_o sir_n john_n davis_n i._o the_o courtier_n long_a have_v i_o live_v in_o court_n yet_o learn_v not_o all_o this_o while_n to_o sell_v poor_a suitor_n smoke_n nor_o where_o i_o hate_v to_o smile_v superior_n to_o adore_v inferior_n to_o despise_v to_o fly_v from_o such_o as_o fall_v to_o follow_v such_o as_o rise_v to_o cloak_n a_o poor_a desire_n under_o a_o rich_a array_n not_o to_o aspire_v by_o vice_n though_o it_o be_v the_o quick_a way_n ii_o the_o divine_a my_o calling_n be_v divine_a and_o i_o from_o god_n be_o send_v i_o will_v no_o chop-church_n be_v nor_o pay_v my_o patron_n rend_v nor_o yield_v to_o sacrilege_n but_o like_o the_o kind_a true_a mother_n rather_o will_v loose_v all_o the_o child_n then_o part_v it_o with_o another_o much_o wealth_n i_o will_v not_o seek_v nor_o worldly_a master_n serve_v so_o to_o grow_v rich_a &_o far_o while_o my_o poor_a flock_n do_v starve_v iii_o the_o soldier_n my_o occupation_n be_v the_o noble_a trade_n of_o king_n the_o trial_n that_o decide_v the_o high_a right_n of_o thing_n though_o mars_n my_o master_n be_v i_o do_v not_o venus_n love_n nor_o honour_n bacchus_n oft_o nor_o often_o swear_v by_o love_n of_o speak_v of_o myself_o i_o all_o occasion_n shun_v and_o rather_o love_v to_o do_v then_o boast_v what_o i_o have_v do_v four_o the_o lawyer_n the_o law_n my_o calling_n be_v my_o robe_n my_o tongue_n my_o pen_n wealth_n and_o opinion_n gain_v and_o make_v i_o judge_n of_o man_n the_o know_v dishonest_a cause_n i_o never_o do_v defend_v nor_o spin_v out_o suit_n in_o length_n but_o wish_v and_o seek_v a_o end_n nor_o counsel_n do_v bewray_v nor_o of_o both_o party_n take_v nor_o ever_o take_v i_o fee_v for_o which_o i_o never_o speak_v v._o the_o physician_n i_o study_v to_o uphold_v the_o slippery_a state_n of_o man_n who_o die_v when_o we_o have_v do_v the_o best_a and_o all_o we_o can_v from_o practice_n and_o from_o book_n i_o draw_v my_o learned_a skill_n not_o from_o the_o know_a receipt_n of_o apothecary_n bill_n the_o earth_n my_o fault_n do_v hide_v the_o world_n my_o cure_n do_v see_v what_o youth_n and_o time_n effect_n be_v oft_o ascribe_v to_o i_o vi_o the_o merchant_n my_o trade_n do_v every_o thing_n to_o every_o land_n supply_v discover_v unknown_a coast_n strange_a country_n to_o ally_n i_o never_o do_v forestall_v i_o never_o do_v engross_v nor_o custom_n do_v withdraw_v though_o i_o return_v with_o loss_n i_o thrive_v by_o fair_a exchange_n by_o sell_v and_o by_o buy_v and_o not_o by_o jewish_a use_n reprisall_n fraud_n or_o lie_v vii_o the_o country_n gentleman_n though_o strange_a outlandish_a spirit_n praise_v town_n &_o country_n scorn_v the_o country_n be_v my_o home_n i_o dwell_v where_o i_o be_v bear_v there_o
royal_a queen_n a_o frank_a and_o royal_a hand_n do_v bear_v and_o cast_v her_o favour_n every_o where_n some_o toy_n fall_v to_o my_o share_n which_o make_v i_o now_o to_o sing_v there_o be_v no_o fish_n to_o the_o sea_n nor_o service_n to_o the_o king_n and_o the_o song_n end_v he_o utter_v this_o short_a speech_n ggd_n save_v you_o fair_a lady_n all_o and_o for_o my_o part_n if_o ever_o i_o be_v bring_v to_o answer_v my_o sin_n god_n for_o give_v my_o shark_v and_o lay_v usury_n to_o my_o charge_n i_o be_o a_o mariner_n and_o be_o now_o come_v from_o ihe_fw-mi sea_n where_o i_o have_v the_o fortune_n to_o light_v upon_o these_o few_o tristes_fw-fr i_o must_v confess_v i_o come_v but_o light_o by_o they_o but_o i_o no_o soon_o have_v they_o but_o i_o make_v a_o vow_n that_o as_o they_o come_v to_o my_o hand_n by_o fortune_n so_o i_o will_v not_o part_v with_o they_o but_o by_o fortune_n to_o that_o end_n i_o ever_o since_o carry_v these_o lot_n about_o i_o that_o if_o i_o meet_v with_o fit_a company_n i_o may_v divide_v my_o booty_n among_o they_o and_o now_o i_o thank_v my_o good_a fortune_n i_o be_o light_v into_o the_o best_a company_n of_o the_o world_n a_o company_n of_o the_o fair_a lady_n that_o ever_o i_o see_v come_v lady_n try_v your_o fortune_n and_o if_o any_o light_n upon_o a_o unfortunate_a blank_a let_v she_o think_v that_o fortune_n do_v but_o mock_v she_o in_o these_o tristes_fw-la and_o mean_n to_o pleasure_v she_o in_o great_a matter_n the_o lot_n 1_o fortune_n wheel_n fortune_fw-mi must_v now_o no_o more_o on_o triumph_n ride_v the_o wheel_n be_v you_o that_o do_v her_o chariot_n guide_n 2_o a_o purse_n you_o thrive_v or_o will_v or_o may_v your_o lot_n a_o purse_n fill_v it_o with_o gold_n and_o you_o be_v never_o the_o worse_o 3_o a_o mask_n want_v you_o a_o mask_n here_o fortune_n give_v you_o one_o yet_o nature_n give_v the_o rose_n and_o lily_n none_o 4_o a_o look_a glass_n blind_a fortune_n do_v not_o see_v how_o fair_a you_o be_v but_o give_v a_o glass_n that_o you_o yourself_o may_v see_v 5_o a_o hankerchiefe_n whether_o you_o seem_v to_o weep_v or_o weep_v indeed_o this_o handkerchief_n will_v stand_v you_o well_o in_o steed_n 6_o a_o plain_a ring_n fortune_n do_v lend_v you_o hap_v it_o well_o or_o ill_o this_o plain_a gold_n ring_n to_o wed_v you_o to_o your_o will_n 7_o a_o ring_n with_o this_o poesy_n as_o faithful_a as_o i_o find_v your_o hand_n by_o fortune_n on_o this_o ring_n do_v light_a and_o yet_o the_o word_n do_v hit_v your_o humour_n right_o 8_o a_o pair_n of_o glove_n fortune_n these_o glove_n to_o you_o in_o challenge_n send_v for_o that_o you_o love_v not_o fool_n that_o be_v her_o friend_n 9_o a_o dozen_o of_o point_n you_o be_v in_o every_o point_n a_o lover_n true_a and_o therefore_o fortune_n give_v the_o point_n to_o you_o 10._o a_o lace_n give_v she_o the_o lace_n that_o love_v to_o be_v straightlaced_a so_o fortune_n little_a gift_n be_v apt_o place_v 11_o a_o pair_n of_o knife_n fortune_n do_v give_v these_o pair_n of_o knife_n to_o you_o to_o cut_v the_o thread_n of_o love_n if_o it_o be_v not_o true_a 12_o a_o girdle_n by_o fortune_n girdle_n you_o may_v happy_a be_v but_o they_o that_o be_v less_o happy_a be_v more_o free_a 13_o a_o pair_n of_o write_v table_n these_o table_n may_v contain_v your_o thought_n in_o part_n but_o write_v not_o all_o that_o be_v write_v in_o your_o heart_n 14_o a_o pair_n of_o garter_n though_o you_o have_v fortune_n garter_n you_o must_v be_v more_o staid_a and_o constant_a in_o your_o step_n then_o she_o 15_o a_o coif_n and_o cross_a cloth_n frown_v in_o good_a earnest_n or_o be_v sick_a in_o jest_n this_o coif_n and_o crossecloth_n will_v become_v you_o best_o 16_o a_o scarf_n take_v you_o this_o scarf_n bound_v cupid_n hand_n and_o foot_n so_o love_n must_v ask_v you_o leave_v before_o he_o shoot_v 17_o a_o fall_v band._n fortune_n will_v make_v you_o rise_v yet_o guide_v your_o hand_n from_o other_o lot_n to_o take_v the_o fall_a band_n 18._o a_o stomacher_n this_o stomacher_n be_v full_a of_o window_n wrought_v yet_o none_o through_o they_o can_v see_v into_o your_o thought_n 19_o a_o pair_n of_o sizzer_n these_o sizzer_n do_v your_o housewifery_n bewray_v you_o love_v to_o work_v though_o you_o be_v bear_v to_o play_v 20._o a_o chain_n because_o you_o scorn_v love_n captive_n to_o remain_v fortune_n have_v swear_v to_o lead_v you_o in_o a_o chain_n 21_o prayer_n book_n your_o fortune_n may_v prove_v good_a another_o day_n till_o fortune_n come_v take_v you_o a_o book_n to_o pray_v 22._o a_o snuftkin_n it_o be_v summer_n yet_o a_o snuftkin_n be_v your_o lot_n but_o it_o will_v be_v winter_n one_o day_n doubt_v you_o not_o 23._o a_o fan_n you_o love_v to_o see_v and_o yet_o to_o be_v unseen_a take_v you_o this_o fan_n to_o be_v your_o beauty_n screen_n 24._o a_o pair_n of_o bracelet_n lady_n your_o hand_n be_v fall_v into_o a_o snare_n for_o cupid_n manacle_n these_o bracelet_n be_v 25_o a_o bodkin_n even_o with_o this_o bodkin_n you_o may_v live_v unharmed_a your_o beauty_n be_v with_o virtue_n so_o well_o arm_v 26_o a_o necklace_n fortune_n give_v your_o fair_a neck_n this_o lace_n to_o wear_v god_n grant_v a_o heavy_a yoke_n it_o never_o bear_v 27._o a_o cushinet_n to_o her_o that_o little_a care_n what_o let_v she_o win_v chance_n give_v a_o little_a cushinet_n to_o stick_v pin_n 28._o a_o dial_n the_o dyal_n you_o watch_v time_n lest_o it_o be_v lose_v yet_o they_o must_v lose_v it_o that_o do_v watch_v it_o most_o 29_o a_o nutmeg_n with_o a_o blank_a parchment_n in_o it_o this_o nutmeg_n hold_v a_o blank_a but_o chance_n do_v hide_v it_o write_v your_o own_o wish_n and_o fortune_n will_v provide_v it_o 30_o blank_a wot_v you_o not_o why_o fortune_n give_v you_o no_o prize_n good_a faith_n she_o see_v you_o not_o she_o want_v her_o eye_n 31_o blank_a you_o be_v so_o dainty_a to_o be_v pleasze_v god_n wot_v chance_n know_v not_o what_o to_o give_v you_o for_o a_o lot_n 32_o blank_a it_o be_v pity_n such_o a_o hand_n shall_v draw_v in_o vain_a though_o it_o gain_v nought_o yet_o shall_v it_o pity_v gain_v 33_o blank_a nothing_o be_v your_o lot_z that_o be_v more_o than_o can_v be_v tell_v for_o nothing_o be_v more_o precious_a than_o gold_n 34_o blank_a you_o fain_o will_v have_v but_o what_o you_o can_v tell_v in_o give_v nothing_o fortune_n serve_v you_o well_o sir_n i.d._n ii_o device_n inscription_n thesbe_n you_o woeful_a sire_n who_o causeless_a hate_n have_v breed_v grief_n to_o yourselves_o death_n to_o my_o love_n and_o i_o let_v we_o not_o be_v disjoined_a when_o we_o be_v dead_a though_o we_o alive_a conjoin_v can_v never_o be_v though_o cruel_a star_n deny_v we_o two_o one_o bed_n yet_o in_o one_o tomb_n we_o two_o entomb_v see_v like_a as_o the_o dart_n be_v one_o and_o one_o the_o knife_n that_o do_v begin_v our_o love_n and_o end_v our_o life_n clytaemnestra_n to_o her_o son_n orestes_n come_v to_o kill_v she_o for_o murder_a his_o father_n agamemnon_n hold_v hold_v thy_o hand_n vile_a son_n of_o vile_a mother_n death_n i_o deserve_v but_o o_o not_o by_o thy_o knife_n one_o parent_n to_o revenge_n will_v thou_o kill_v other_o and_o give_v her_o death_n that_o give_v thou_o wretch_n thy_o life_n fury_n will_v plague_v thy_o murder_n execrable_a stage_n will_v play_v thou_o and_o all_o mother_n curse_n thou_o to_o wound_v this_o womb_n or_o breast_n how_o be_v thou_o able_a when_o the_o one_o do_v bear_v thou_o and_o the_o other_o nurse_v thou_o aiax_n this_o sword_n be_v i_o or_o will_v laertes_n son_n win_v this_o as_o he_o achilles_n armour_n win_v this_o sword_n which_o you_o o_o greek_o oft_o bathe_v have_v know_v in_o trojan_a blood_n i_o will_v now_o bathe_v in_o my_o own_o this_o fearful_a breast_n which_o all_o my_o enemy_n fierce_a have_v leave_v unpierst_a now_o i_o myself_o will_v pierce_v so_o man_n shall_v say_v aiax_n to_o none_o do_v yield_v but_o t'aiax_a self_n and_o aiax_n aiax_n kill_v romulus_n no_o common_a womb_n be_v fit_v i_o forth_o to_o bring_v but_o a_o pure_a virgin_n priest_n child_n to_o a_o king_n no_o mortal_a father_n worthy_a be_v to_o breed_v i_o nor_o humane_a milk_n be_v fierce_a enough_o to_o feed_v i_o therefore_o the_o god_n of_o war_n by_o wonder_n breed_v i_o and_o a_o she-wolf_n by_o no_o less_o wonder_n feed_v i_o in_o fine_a the_o god_n because_o earth_n be_v too_o base_a to_o entomb_v i_o dead_a do_v i_o in_o heaven_n place_n fabritius_n curio_n who_o refuse_v gold_n of_o the_o samnite_n and_o discover_v to_o king_n pyrrhus_n his_o
do_v lurk_v soul_n i_o shall_v be_v pure_a when_o so_o i_o part_v from_o thou_o body_n so_o be_v i_o now_o but_o that_o thou_o stain_v i_o xii_o device_n saphicke_n upon_o the_o passion_n of_o christ_n hatred_n eternal_a furious_a revenge_a merciless_a rage_a bloody_a persecute_v scandalous_a speech_n odious_a revile_n causeless_o abhor_v impious_a scoffing_n by_o the_o very_a abject_n dangerous_a threaten_a by_o the_o priest_n anoint_v death_n full_a of_o torment_n in_o a_o shameful_a order_n christ_n do_v abide_v here_o he_o that_o in_o glory_n be_v above_o the_o angel_n change_v his_o glory_n for_o a_o earthly_a carcase_n yield_v his_o glory_n to_o a_o sinful_a outcast_n glory_n refuse_v i_o that_o in_o bondage_n many_o sin_n retain_v he_o for_o his_o goodness_n for_o his_o only_a goodness_n bring_v from_o hell_n torment_v to_o the_o joy_n of_o heaven_n not_o to_o be_v number_v dead_a in_o offence_n by_o his_o aid_n reviue_v quicken_v in_o spirit_n by_o the_o grace_n he_o yield_v sound_v then_o his_o praise_n to_o the_o world_n amazement_n thankful_o sing_v xiii_o device_n a_o dialogue_n betwixt_o the_o lover_n and_o his_o lady_n lady_n my_o flame_n still_o burn_v and_o my_o consume_a anguish_n do_v grow_v so_o great_a that_o life_n i_o feel_v to_o languish_v then_o let_v your_o heart_n be_v move_v to_o end_v my_o grief_n and_o you_o so_o long_a time_n prove_v and_o quench_v the_o heat_n that_o my_o chief_a part_n so_o fire_v yield_v the_o fruit_n that_o faithful_a love_n require_v her_o answer_n sweet_a lord_n your_o flame_n still_o burn_v and_o your_o consume_a anguish_n can_v be_v more_o than_o i_o in_o which_o i_o languish_v nor_o more_o your_o heart_n be_v move_v to_o end_v your_o grief_n and_o i_o so_o long_a time_n prove_v but_o if_o i_o yield_v and_o so_o your_o love_n decrease_v then_o i_o my_o lover_n lose_v and_o your_o love_n cease_v ignoto_fw-la a_fw-it deviso_fw-it de_fw-fr lapsu_fw-la hominis_fw-la in_o adam_n pauper_fw-la amabilis_fw-la &_o venerabilis_fw-la est_fw-la benedictus_n dives_fw-la inutilis_fw-la insatiabilis_fw-la est_fw-la maledictus_fw-la qui_fw-la bona_fw-la negligit_fw-la &_o mala_fw-la diligit_fw-la intrat_fw-la abyssum_fw-la nulla_fw-la potentia_fw-la nulla_fw-la pecunia_fw-la liberat_fw-la ipsum_fw-la irr●meabilis_fw-la insattabilis_fw-la illa_fw-la vorago_fw-la hic_fw-la ubi_fw-la me●gitur_fw-la horrida_fw-la cernitur_fw-la omnis_fw-la imago_fw-la vir_fw-la miserabilis_fw-la euaque_fw-la flebilis_fw-la hoc_fw-la subierunt_fw-la hic_fw-la cruciamina_fw-la per_fw-la sva_fw-la crimina_fw-la cum_fw-la meruerunt_fw-la jussa_fw-la dei_fw-la pia_fw-la iussa_fw-la salubria_fw-la si_fw-la tenuissent_fw-la vir_fw-la neque_fw-la foemina_fw-la nec_fw-la sva_fw-la semina_fw-la morte_fw-la perissent_fw-la sed_fw-la quia_fw-la spernere_fw-la iussaque_fw-la soluere_fw-la non_fw-la timuere_fw-la mors_fw-la gravis_fw-la irruit_fw-la hoc_fw-la merito_fw-la fuit_fw-la &_o periere_fw-la janua_fw-la mortis_fw-la passio_fw-la fortis_fw-la orimen_fw-la eorum_fw-la attulit_fw-la orbi_fw-la semina_fw-la morbi_fw-la tot_fw-la que_fw-la malorum_fw-la illa_fw-la parent_n atque_fw-la sequentes_fw-la culpa_fw-la peremit_fw-la atque_fw-la piarum_fw-la deliciarum_fw-la munus_fw-la ademit_fw-la flebile_fw-la satum_fw-la dans_fw-fr cruciatum_fw-la dansque_fw-la dolorem_fw-la illa_fw-la morenti_fw-la perdere_fw-la tanti_fw-la regis_fw-la honorem_fw-la est_fw-la data_fw-la saevam_fw-la causa_fw-la per_fw-la euam_fw-la perditionis_fw-la dum_fw-la meliorem_fw-la sperat_fw-la honorem_fw-la voce_fw-la dracenis_fw-la hec_fw-la male_a credens_fw-fr nos_fw-la quoque_fw-la laedens_fw-la crimine_fw-la magno_fw-la omnia_fw-la tristi_fw-la subdidit_fw-la isti_fw-la saecula_fw-la damno_fw-la stirps_fw-la miserorum_fw-la plena_fw-la dolorum_fw-la postea_fw-la crevit_fw-la his_fw-la quoque_fw-la damnis_fw-la pluribus_fw-la annis_fw-la subdita_fw-la flevit_fw-la de_fw-fr restitutione_n hominis_fw-la per_fw-la christum_fw-la sed_fw-la deus_fw-la omnipotens_fw-la qui_fw-la verbo_fw-la cuncta_fw-la creavit_fw-la sic_fw-la cecidisse_fw-la dolens_fw-la homines_fw-la quos_fw-la semper_fw-la amavit_fw-la ipse_fw-la suum_fw-la verbum_fw-la transmisit_fw-la ad_fw-la infima_fw-la mundi_fw-la exulibus_fw-la miseris_fw-la aperire_fw-la viam_fw-la redeundi_fw-la filius_fw-la ergo_fw-la dei_fw-la descendit_fw-la ab_fw-la arce_fw-la superna_fw-la nunquam_fw-la descedens_fw-la a_o maiestate_fw-la paterna_fw-la qui_fw-la corpus_fw-la sumens_fw-la animatum_fw-la numine_fw-la saluo_fw-la processit_fw-la natus_fw-la sacrae_fw-la de_fw-la virgin_n aluo_fw-la verus_fw-la homo_fw-la verusque_fw-la deus_fw-la pius_fw-la &_o miserator_fw-la verus_fw-la saluator_fw-la nostraeque_fw-la salutis_fw-la amator_fw-la sponte_fw-la sva_fw-la moriens_fw-la mortem_fw-la moriendo_fw-la peremit_fw-la et_fw-la sic_fw-la perpetua_fw-la miseros_fw-la a_o morte_fw-la redemit_fw-la namque_fw-la pia_fw-la de_fw-la morte_fw-la resurgens_fw-la ut_fw-la leo_fw-la fortis_fw-la restituit_fw-la vitam_fw-la prostrato_fw-la principe_fw-la mortis_fw-la of_o the_o fall_n of_o man_n in_o adam_n the_o poor_a man_n belove_v for_o virtue_n approve_v rignt_a bless_a be_v he_o where_o covetous_a chuff_n who_o never_o have_v enough_o accurse_a shall_v be_v who_o goodness_n reject_v and_o evil_o affect_v shall_v fall_v in_o the_o pit_n no_o plenty_n of_o penny_n shall_v free_v he_o from_o thence_o no_o power_n nor_o wit_n both_o unrepassable_a and_o unsatiable_a that_o galph_n will_v appear_v imbog'd_n he_o shall_v be_v where_o nought_o he_o shall_v see_v but_o horror_n and_o fear_n adam_n unstable_a and_o eve_n variable_a the_o very_a first_o time_n by_o fall_v from_o god_n deserve_v this_o rod_n o_o horrible_a crime_n for_o have_v they_o adhere_v to_o god_n and_o he_o fear_v by_o keep_v his_o reed_n then_o death_n have_v not_o come_v on_o the_o man_n or_o the_o woman_n or_o any_o their_o seed_n but_o when_o as_o the_o man_n from_o god_n will_n begin_v base_o to_o revolt_v for_o his_o grievous_a sin_n death_n come_v rush_v in_o and_o on_o he_o lay_v holt_n this_o be_v the_o great_a crime_n which_o at_o the_o first_o time_n by_o craft_n of_o the_o devil_n do_v bring_v in_o the_o seed_n of_o sickness_n and_o need_n and_o all_o other_o evil_a this_o be_v the_o sin_n which_o first_o do_v begin_v our_o parent_n to_o kill_v and_o heavenly_a food_n prepare_v for_o our_o good_a do_v utter_o spill_v unhappy_a the_o fate_n which_o first_o such_o a_o state_n such_o sorrow_n do_v bring_v to_o he_o that_o have_v lose_v so_o much_o to_o our_o cost_n our_o heavenly_a king_n the_o credulous_a eve_n it_o be_v she_o that_o do_v give_v the_o cause_n of_o such_o evil_a hope_v that_o honour_n will_v come_v more_o upon_o she_o deceive_v by_o the_o devil_n believe_v of_o he_o do_v make_v she_o to_o sin_n to_o all_o our_o great_a loss_n for_o mankind_n ere_o sense_n receive_v from_o hence_o a_o horrible_a cross_n for_o all_o the_o nation_n through_o all_o generation_n which_o after_o have_v be_v with_o grief_n of_o their_o heart_n have_v taste_v the_o smart_n of_o that_o primitive_a sin_n of_o the_o restore_n of_o man_n by_o christ_n but_o jove_n omnipotent_a all_o thing_n by_o his_o word_n who_o create_v grieve_v man_n to_o be_v fall_v who_o love_n be_v in_o he_o so_o innated_a send_v from_o above_o his_o word_n for_o man_n to_o prepare_v a_o return_v thence_o where_o else_o have_v he_o lie_v through_o all_o eternity_n burn_v so_o god_n only_o beget_v son_n come_v down_o to_o redeem_v we_o yet_o do_v he_o still_o himself_o his_o father_n glory_n beteeme_v us._n a_o body_n form_v with_o a_o soul_n to_o his_o divinity_n take_v and_o to_o be_v bear_v of_o a_o virgin_n his_o humanity_n make_v bear_a very_a god_n very_a man_n he_o a_o man_n god_n merciful_a holy_a purchase_v our_o salvation_n be_v our_o saviour_n whole_o for_o by_o his_o willing_a death_n he_o death_n self_n whole_o defeat_v and_o so_o we_o all_o from_o eternal_a death_n by_o death_n rebeget_v from_o death_n again_o rise_v he_o death_n prince_n mighty_o maim_v whereby_o his_o own_o from_o death_n to_o eternal_a life_n he_o regain_v the_o end_n of_o the_o first_o book_n the_o second_o book_n of_o sonnet_n and_o canzonet_n i._o sonnet_n when_o traitorous_a photine_n caesar_n do_v present_a with_o his_o great_a rival_n honourable_a head_n he_o teach_v his_o eye_n a_o stream_n of_o tear_n to_o shed_v hide_v in_o his_o false_a heart_n his_o true_a content_n and_o hannibal_n when_o fortune_n balance_v light_a raze_v low_o bring_v rome_n and_o sway_v proud_a carthage_n down_o while_o all_o but_o he_o bewail_v their_o yield_a town_n he_o laugh_v to_o ease_v his_o swell_a heart_n despite_n thus_o cunning_a mind_n can_v mask_v with_o diverse_a art_n grief_n under_o feign_a smile_n joy_v under_o tear_n like_a hannibal_n i_o can_v hide_v my_o fear_n set_v clear_a look_n upon_o a_o cloudy_a heart_n but_o let_v i_o joy_n enjoy_v deer_n you_o shall_v try_v caesar_n hide_v not_o his_o joy_n so_o well_o as_o i._o ii_o sonnet_n while_o love_n in_o you_o do_v live_v i_o only_o live_v in_o you_o while_o you_o for_o i_o do_v burn_v for_o you_o alone_o i_o burn_v while_o you_o do_v sigh_v for_o i_o for_o you_o i_o sigh_v and_o mourn_v till_o you_o prove_v false_a to_o i_o to_o you_o i_o be_v most_o true_a but_o since_o love_v die_v in_o
stream_n with_o double_a force_n where_o lock_n or_o pile_n be_v set_v to_o stay_v their_o course_n for_o when_o my_o heart_n perceive_v she_o part_v near_o by_o who_o sweet_a sight_n he_o live_v that_o else_o shall_v die_v it_o close_v itself_o to_o keep_v those_o beam_n so_o clear_a which_o from_o her_o look_n have_v pierce_v it_o through_o the_o eye_n the_o fiery_a beam_n which_o will_v break_v out_o so_o fain_o by_o seek_v vent_n increase_v my_o burn_a pain_n but_o if_o my_o dear_a return_n alive_a and_o sound_a that_o these_o my_o eye_n may_v see_v her_o beauty_n bright_a my_o heart_n shall_v spread_v with_o joy_n that_o shall_v abound_v and_o open_a wide_a receive_v clear_a light_n she_o shall_v recover_v that_o which_o i_o possess_v and_o i_o thereby_o enjoy_v no_o whit_n the_o less_o xxiiii_o canzonet_n the_o lover_n absence_n kill_v i_o her_o presence_n cure_v i_o the_o freeze_a snake_n oppress_v with_o heap_a snow_n by_o struggle_v hard_a get_v out_o her_o tender_a head_n and_o spy_v far_o off_o from_o where_o she_o lie_v below_o the_o winter_n sun_n that_o from_o the_o north_n be_v flee_v but_o all_o in_o vain_a she_o look_v upon_o the_o light_n where_o heat_n be_v want_v to_o restore_v her_o might_n what_o do_v it_o help_v a_o wretch_n in_o prison_n pen_v long_a time_n with_o bite_a hunger_n overpressed_a to_o see_v without_o or_o smell_v within_o the_o scent_n of_o dainty_a fare_n for_o other_o table_n dress_v yet_o snake_n and_o prisnor_n both_o behold_v the_o thing_n the_o which_o but_o not_o with_o sight_n may_v comfort_n bring_v such_o be_v my_o state_n or_o worse_o if_o worse_o may_v be_v my_o heart_n oppress_v with_o heavy_a frost_n of_o care_n debar_v of_o that_o which_o be_v most_o dear_a to_o i_o kill_v up_o with_o cold_a and_o pine_v with_o evil_a fare_n and_o yet_o i_o see_v the_o thing_n may_v yield_v relief_n and_o yet_o the_o sight_n do_v breed_v my_o great_a grief_n so_o this_o be_v see_v her_o lover_n through_o the_o wall_n and_o see_v thereby_o she_o want_v that_o she_o see_v and_o so_o i_o see_v and_o see_v want_n withal_o and_o want_v so_o unto_o my_o death_n i_o draw_v and_o so_o my_o death_n be_v twenty_o time_n my_o friend_n if_o with_o this_o verse_n my_o hate_a life_n may_v end_v xxv_o canzonet_n fair_a face_n and_o hard_a heart_n fair_a be_v thy_o face_n and_o that_o thou_o know_v too_o well_o hard_o be_v thy_o heart_n and_o that_o thou_o will_v not_o know_v thou_o flear'st_a and_n smile_v when_o i_o thy_o praise_n tell_v but_o stop_v thy_o ear_n when_o i_o my_o grief_n will_v show_v yet_o though_o in_o vain_a needs_o must_v i_o speak_v or_o else_o my_o swell_a heart_n will_v break_v and_o when_o i_o speak_v my_o breath_n do_v blow_v the_o fire_n with_o which_o my_o burn_a heart_n consume_v away_o i_o call_v upon_o thy_o name_n and_o help_v require_v thy_o dear_a name_n which_o do_v i_o still_o betray_v for_o grace_n sweet_a grace_n thy_o name_n do_v sound_a yet_o ah_o in_o thou_o no_o grace_n be_v find_v alas_o to_o what_o part_n shall_v i_o then_o appeal_v thy_o face_n so_o fair_a disdain_v to_o look_v on_o i_o thy_o tongue_n command_v my_o heart_n his_o grief_n conceal_v thy_o nimble_a foot_n from_o i_o do_v always_o flee_v thy_o eye_n cast_v fire_n to_o burn_v my_o heart_n and_o thou_o reioyc_a in_o my_o smart_n then_o since_o thou_o see_v the_o life_n i_o lead_v in_o pain_n and_o that_o for_o thou_o i_o suffer_v all_o this_o grief_n o_o let_v my_o heart_n this_o small_a request_n obtain_v that_o thou_o agree_v it_o pine_v without_o relief_n i_o ask_v not_o love_v for_o my_o good_a will_n but_o leave_v that_o i_o may_v love_v thou_o still_o quid_fw-la minus_fw-la optari_fw-la per_fw-la mea_fw-la vota_fw-la potest_fw-la xxvi_o canzonet_n a_o invective_n against_o love._n all_o be_v not_o gold_n that_o shine_v bright_a in_o show_n not_o every_o flower_n so_o good_a as_o fair_a to_o sight_n the_o deep_a stream_n above_o do_v calm_a flow_n and_o strong_a poison_n oft_o the_o taste_n delight_n the_o pleasant_a bait_n do_v hide_v the_o harmless_a hook_n and_o false_a deceit_n can_v lend_v a_o friendly_a look_n love_n be_v the_o gold_n who_o outward_a hue_n do_v pass_v who_o first_o beginning_n goodly_a promise_n make_v of_o pleasure_n fair_a and_o fresh_a as_o summer_n grass_n which_o neither_o sun_n can_v parch_v nor_o wind_n can_v shake_v but_o when_o the_o mould_n shall_v in_o the_o fire_n betride_v the_o gold_n be_v go_v the_o dross_n do_v still_o abide_v beauty_n the_o flower_n so_o fresh_a so_o fair_a so_o gay_a so_o sweet_a to_o smell_v so_o soft_a to_o touch_v and_o taste_v as_o seem_v it_o shall_v endure_v by_o right_a for_o aye_o and_o never_o be_v with_o any_o storm_n defa'_v but_o when_o the_o baleful_a southern_a wind_n do_v blow_v go_v be_v the_o glory_n which_o it_o erst_o do_v show_v love_n be_v the_o stream_n who_o wave_n so_o calm_o flow_v as_o may_v entice_v man_n mind_n to_o wade_v therein_o love_n be_v the_o poison_n mix_v with_o sugar_n so_o as_o may_v by_o outward_a sweetness_n like_v win_v but_o as_o the_o deep_a o'reflow_n stop_v thy_o breath_n so_o poison_v once_o receive_v bring_v certain_a death_n love_n be_v the_o bait_n who_o taste_n the_o fish_n deceive_v and_o make_v they_o swallow_v down_o the_o choke_a hook_n love_n be_v the_o face_n who_o fairness_n judgement_n reave_v and_o make_v thou_o trust_v a_o false_a and_o feign_a look_n but_o as_o the_o hook_n the_o foolish_a fish_n do_v kill_v so_o flatter_a look_n the_o lover_n life_n do_v spill_v xxvii_o canzonet_n upon_o his_o lady_n buy_v string_n for_o her_o lute_n in_o happy_a time_n the_o wish_a fair_a be_v come_v to_o fit_v my_o lute_n with_o string_n of_o every_o kind_n great_a pity_n it_o be_v so_o sweet_a a_o lute_n be_v dumb_a that_o so_o can_v please_v the_o ear_n and_o ease_v the_o mind_n go_v take_v thy_o choice_n and_o choose_v the_o very_o best_a and_o use_v they_o so_o that_o head_n and_o heart_n find_v rest_n rest_v thou_o in_o joy_n and_o let_v i_o wail_v alone_o my_o pleasant_a day_n have_v take_v their_o last_o farewell_n my_o heartstring_n sorrow_n strike_v so_o long_o with_o moan_n that_o at_o the_o last_o they_o all_o in_o piece_n fell_a and_o now_o they_o lie_v in_o piece_n break_v so_o small_a that_o scarce_o they_o serve_v to_o make_v i_o fret_v withal_o and_o yet_o they_o serve_v and_o bind_v my_o heart_n so_o straight_o that_o fret_v indeed_o they_o serve_v to_o fret_v it_o out_o no_o force_n for_o that_o in_o hope_n thereof_o i_o wait_v that_o death_n may_v rid_v i_o both_o of_o hope_n and_o doubt_n but_o death_n alas_o draw_v backward_o all_o too_o long_o and_o i_o each_o day_n feel_v now_o increase_v of_o wrong_n xxviii_o canzonet_n care_n will_v not_o let_v he_o live_v nor_o hope_n let_v he_o die_v myy_a heavy_a heart_n which_o grief_n and_o hope_n torment_v beat_v all_o in_o vain_a against_o my_o weary_a breast_n as_o if_o it_o think_v with_o force_n to_o make_v a_o vent_n that_o death_n may_v enter_v to_o procure_v my_o rest_n but_o foolish_a heart_n thy_o pain_n be_v last_o i_o see_v for_o death_n and_o life_n both_o fly_v and_o follow_v thou_o when_o weight_n of_o care_n will_v press_v i_o down_o with_o pain_n that_o i_o may_v sink_v to_o depth_n of_o death_n below_o hope_n lend_v i_o wing_n and_o lift_v i_o up_o again_o to_o strive_v for_o life_n and_o live_v in_o great_a woe_n so_o fare_v the_o boat_n which_o wind_n drive_v to_o the_o shore_n and_o tide_n drive_v backward_o where_o it_o be_v before_o thus_o neither_o hope_n will_v let_v i_o die_v with_o care_n nor_o care_n consent_v that_o hope_n assure_v my_o life_n i_o seek_v for_o life_n death_n do_v his_o stroke_n prepare_v i_o come_v to_o death_n and_o life_n renew_v my_o strife_n all_o as_o the_o shadow_n follow_v they_o that_o fly_v and_o fly_v from_o they_o that_o after_o it_o do_v high_a what_o be_v my_o hope_n that_o hope_n will_v fail_v at_o last_o and_o grief_n get_v strength_n to_o work_v his_o will_n on_o i_o either_o the_o wax_n with_o which_o hope_n wing_n be_v fast_o by_o scald_a sigh_n my_o eye_n shall_v melt_v see_v or_o else_o my_o tear_n shall_v wet_v the_o feather_n so_o that_o i_o shall_v fall_v and_o drown_v in_o wave_n of_o woe_n xxix_o canzonet_n in_o praise_n of_o the_o sun_n the_o golden_a sun_n that_o bring_v the_o day_n and_o lend_v man_n light_a to_o see_v withal_o in_o vain_a do_v cast_v his_o beam_n away_o where_o they_o be_v blind_a on_o who_o they_o fall_v there_o be_v no_o force_n in_o all_o his_o light_n to_o give_v the_o mole_n a_o perfect_a sight_n but_o thou_o my_o sun_n more_o bright_a
but_o mighty_a oak_n may_v scorn_v the_o summer_n sun_n small_a cure_n will_v serve_v where_o bee_n the_o wound_n have_v make_v but_o dragon_n poison_n through_o each_o part_n do_v run_v light_n be_v the_o love_n that_o beggar_n bosom_n sting_n deep_o be_v the_o wound_n that_o cupid_n make_v in_o king_n small_a channel_n serve_v where_o shallow_a spring_n do_v slide_v and_o little_a help_n will_v turn_v or_o stay_v their_o course_n the_o high_a bank_n scarce_o hold_v the_o swell_a tide_n which_o overthrow_v all_o stop_n with_o rage_a force_n the_o base_a sort_n scarce_o wet_v they_o in_o the_o spring_n which_o overwhelm_v the_o head_n of_o mighty_a king_n what_o though_o in_o both_o the_o heart_n be_v seat_n of_o love_n the_o self-same_a ground_n both_o