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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29855 How the love of God is the true ground of hatred of sin Baker, Richard, d. 1697. 1660 (1660) Wing B514B; ESTC R30750 3,913 5

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How the love of God is the true ground of hatred of sin NO man can hate sin in the ground thereof as it is offence to Gods Spirit but in the love of God yet there may be and is hatred of sin that is Justifiable before the love of God is known and felt and dwelt in and that manner of hatred of sin came up under the Law and stands under the same to wit the Law-without where men may read such and such things were sin and offence to the Spirit of God and so believe what others have said thereof and never come to the Spirit of God in their own hearts and particulars that the offence and sin is against and the love of that may be ignorant of for that which is sin and offence to the Spirit of God is also an offence and burden to and on the creature and creation of God in which this Spirit dwels and is to be manifested in the Image and Authority and Dominion of God placed in his creature And as No man can serve two masters but he will hate the one and love the other or cleave to the one and despise the other So is it in this particular of servitude that though sin would be a master yet the truth being received in the love thereof and God obeyed in the heart and mind of the soul he that is Lord in the Members and therein hath a Law warring against the mind and its Law is hated in that mind and warred against by the man that possesseth the whole frame though it may be a thorn in the flesh and may have power to buffet to shew the creature his weaknesse and that he may not be exalted above measure But where sin is loved in the heart though the truth may be received in that man yet it is held but in the unrighteous part and the prayer is not heard because of a regard to iniquity therein but the subjection to God in that state is but for wraths sake and so a child of wrath and fury and against such is wrath revealed from Heaven though that which leads into an extream in the passionate part against that in others which is Lord at home and which they seek to rule by as they are ruled is as ready to lead out into the affectionate part in any extream self may therein be pleased and rule as Lord And this is a state under the Law in which the woman would rule and that which defileth usurp Authority the feet abiding not at home nor the house kept in good order but a tatling abroad and the busie body becomes the complainer and all is in a hurry and a continual brawling that the man gets to the top of the house and nothing of the husbands advice is took neither is he learned of though the creature may be learned to cry out against that which others hath declared to be sin and evill and may have a creaturely wisdom to discourse the offence to the Spirit of God as so laid down by men but the more the creature is seen in this work the less is God honoured and self the more set up and exalted Therefore that this woman may know her place and state it would be good for her to know she is under the Law of her husband as long as he liveth and let her shew him love by obedience that is better than sacrifice that she pretends relation to least he be yet found alive that gave the bill of divorce because of the hardnesse of thy heart and thou not free to be married to this other even Christ free from the Law of her first husband for The froward shall not dwell in the house for ever neither shall the complainer inherit good but a bond-slave shall be their Lord and they both shall possesse trouble And she to hate that which he controles is the fulfilling of the Law and a subjection that answers the state of a Prophet in God the spirit of the Prophets being the informer until the creatures own be subjected in such a state For which cause this Lesson of the love of God is worthy to be heeded and learned by all professors and professions and submission and subjection to the will of God under all tryals that hath patience for its rule and fo bearance for the shoulders on which the work thereof is laid and built that honour and respect the work and creature therein in the Lord in that though it is become an easie thing to get words of truth yet no man knows the mind thereof but by its spirit and who is in the life of its love but whoever is in the enmity and hatred of the creatures life are in the enmity and hatred of God and against his Spirit because Gods life is in his creature in whom they live move and have their being and therein he determined to rejoyce and delight and where this love and delight dwels it is manifested to the world by their loving their brother they see without which God could not be seen or known for it is the love of God in the heart that flows forth into the world in charity and every good work but where is envying and strife and malice and every evil work the wrath of God abideth and resteth on and in that soul and how then can the love of God be known that is thereby crucified and over-powred and the delight over-born by the worldly sorrow and discontent of spirit that works death In these particulars is weight to the serious hearted that have known and endured the wrath anger and hatred of God in the resurrection of the witnesse and testimony of his spirit that first made against them in the angry wrathful nature of enmity and hatred against his Spirit and its leading and guidance in which all things come forth in fury and full of rage and not in the winning overcoming power of God though service for and to God in reference to the subjection of what is in his way may be and is in such a state until liberty and freedome to Gods Spirit be come up and known in the earth for it subjects the one for the enlargement of the other Now when the House of God was defiled the wrath and anger of God was kindled and inflamed against the Inhabitants the Inhabitants of the Earth and the bush burnt and was not consumed the vision of which appeared in and to Moses that could dwell in the judgment of God and endure his wrath and anger against what it was then kindled for the Seeds enlargement but Pharoah by whom it was kept in bondage and whose life stood in the cause and ground thereof could not endure it but was consumed and overthrown thereby yet the perfection of the work of God at that day stood afar off the understanding of man the substance of what did then in bondage or was inbondaged being in the two Seeds it being for the sake of his