Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

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love_n faith_n love_v neighbour_n 4,166 5 8.6956 4 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 546
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B23159 To all magistrates in Christendom, that do profess Christianity. Concerning Christian gospel-liberty against persecution, and one Christian forcing, persecuting, imprisoning, and spoiling the goods of another, because they will not be of their faith, worship or religion. Fox, George, 1624-1691. 1686 (1686) Wing F1939A; ESTC R215513 2,769 1 View Text
B03606 Gods voice to Christendom, or, Alarum to Europe by the remarkable earthquakes, with the several kinds thereof, two hundred years before the birth of Christ. The causes and kinds, antecedents, and consequents, (pestilence, sword, famine) following thereupon, the nature of meteors, effective, and productive of an earthquake. Some part whereof was delineated by the great and vertuous Robert Boyle Esquyer, in the year 1681, relating to the dreadful comet. The impending judgements and causes of Gods wrath against a sinful people, seasonably and particularly applyed to the sons of Levi. / By a minister of Christ. 1693 (1693) Wing G964; ESTC R177498 5,881 15 View Text
A67332 Divine poems by Edward Waller Esq.; Poems. Selections Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. 1685 (1685) Wing W497; ESTC R779 8,033 36 View Text
A40937 A loving salutation with several seasonable exhortations contained in two general epistles sent unto all the saints and persecuted people of God in the houshold [sic] of faith to be red [sic] among them before they be banished as bond-men and bond-women out of the land of their nativity for their religion and righteousness sake. R. F. (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666.; Salthouse, Thomas, 1630-1691. 1665 (1665) Wing F491; ESTC R16033 8,192 14 View Text
A02601 Dyuers frutful gatherynges of scripture and declarynge of fayth and workes of the lawe; Patrick's Places. English Hamilton, Patrick, 1504?-1528.; Frith, John, 1503-1533. 1534 (1534) STC 12731.8; ESTC S109506 9,326 26 View Text
A18645 The declaracyon and power of the Chrysten fayth 1545 (1545) STC 5160; ESTC S109151 9,457 30 View Text
A46690 A sermon preached at Bugbrook in Northamptonshire, May 15, 1642, upon the collection for Ireland condemned in the morning, in the church, before the whole congregation for popery, and in the afternoone there, for having many lyes in it of a high nature / published by the authour in a just vindication of himselfe from that unjust scandall. Jay, George. 1642 (1642) Wing J496; ESTC R43310 9,513 29 View Text
A20904 An epistle of the Ladye Iane, a righte vertuous woman, to a learned man of late falne from the truth of Gods most holy word, for fear of the worlde read it, to thy consolacion : vvhereunto is added the communication that she had with Master Feckenham vpon her faith, and belefe of the sacraments : also another epistle whiche she wrote to her sister, with the words she spake vpon the scaffold befor she suffered, anno. M.D.Liiii. Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1554 (1554) STC 7279; ESTC S1081 10,201 32 View Text
B00129 [Paitrikes places] Hamilton, Patrick, 1504?-1528.; Frith, John, 1503-1533, tr. 1531 (1531) STC 12731.4; ESTC S92849 10,430 18 View Text
B05969 A golden chain of four links to draw poor souls to their desired habitation or, The four last things briefly discoursed of, viz. Death, which is most certain, judgment, which is most strict, hell, which is most dismal; heaven, which is most delightfull. To which is added wholsome instructions both to young and old, in order to prepare themselves for their latter end, and avoid all sinful allurements, which usually obstructs that great and necessary work of salvation. With some necessary directions to die well, in order to avoid hell, and obtain heaven. / By Mr. J. Stevens. Stevens, Joseph, fl. 1700. 1700 (1700) Wing S5497B; ESTC R184642 10,619 16 View Text
A69542 Two sheets for poor families ... by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1665 (1665) Wing B1441; Wing B1403; ESTC R6530 11,669 17 View Text
A13119 A receite for grace in a sermon preached in the parish church of Westminster / by Christopher Styles. Styles, Christopher. 1620 (1620) STC 23412.5; ESTC S1008 11,697 24 View Text
A69742 A Christian hnd [sic] sober wish for moderation by a true son of the church. True son of the church. 1662 (1662) Wing C3939; ESTC R9061 12,080 18 View Text
B08266 The last advice of Mr. Ben. Alexander (late minister of West-Markham, in the county of Nottingham) to his children. In two parts. The contents follow. Alexander, Ben. (Benjamin) 1659 (1659) Wing A912A; ESTC R172146 13,153 80 View Text
A43663 The moral schechinah, or, A discourse of Gods glory in a sermon preached at the last Yorkshire-feast in Bow-church, London, June 11, 1682 / by George Hickes. Hickes, George, 1642-1715. 1682 (1682) Wing H1857; ESTC R10895 13,920 39 View Text
A30958 A sermon preached vpon the fifth of November, 1679 in the Cathedrall Church of Gloucester / by Cl. Barksdale. Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. 1680 (1680) Wing B808; ESTC R37064 14,170 26 View Text
A42226 The English version of Hugo Grotius, his catechism by Francis Goldsmith ; together with the testimonies collected out of Holy Scripture by N.G. Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645.; Goldsmith, Francis, 1613-1655.; Grey, Nicholas, 1590?-1660. 1682 (1682) Wing G2111; ESTC R24355 14,978 29 View Text
A04055 An new enterlude of impacient pouerte newly imprynted. Foure men may well and easely playe it. Peace, Coll hassarde and Concience for one man. Haboundaunce and Mysrule for a nother man. Impacient pouerte, Prosperyte, [and] pouerte, for one. Enuy and the Somner for a nother man.; Impatient poverty. 1561 (1561) STC 14113; ESTC S109084 15,068 34 View Text
A20907 The life, death and actions of the most chast, learned, and religious lady, the Lady Iane Gray, daughter to the Duke of Suffolke Containing foure principall discourses written with her owne hands. The first an admonition to such as are weake in faith: the second a catechisme: the third an exhortation to her sister: and the last her words at her death.; Epistle of the ladye Jane to a learned man of late falne from the truth of Gods word Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. aut 1615 (1615) STC 7281; ESTC S119400 15,132 26 View Text
A16100 Cristian praiers & godly meditatio[n]s vpon the epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes briefly conteyninge the summe of euery chapiter orderly, worthy to be vsed of al the faythfull in this wretched and sinfull time / translated out of Italian into English. 1569 (1569) STC 2985.5; ESTC S1814 15,923 97 View Text
A12373 Satans compassing the earth. By Henrie Smith Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1592 (1592) STC 22692; ESTC S107437 17,258 55 View Text
A22030 A looking glasse for England VVherein those enormities and foule abuses may most euidentlie be seene, which are the destruction and ouerthrow of euery Christian common-wealth. Likewise, the onely meanes howe to preuent such daungers: by imitating the wholsome aduertisements contayned in thys booke. VVhich sometime was the iewell and delight of the right honourable Lorde and father to his countrey, Fraunces Earle of Bedforde, deceassed.; De duodecim abusivis. English. Lesse, Nicholas.; Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, attributed name.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage, attributed name. 1590 (1590) STC 84.5; ESTC S118999 17,805 50 View Text
A89760 Proposals for propagation of the gospel, offered to the Parliament: by Capt. Robert Norvvod. Norwood, Robert, Captain. 1652 (1652) Wing N1384; Thomason E656_21; ESTC R206655 18,095 23 View Text
A07624 A Christian almanacke Needefull and true for all countryes, persons and times. Faithfully calculated by the course of holy Scripture, not onely for this present yeere 1613, but also for many yeeres to come. Written by J. M. Monipennie, John. 1612 (1612) STC 18019; ESTC S114234 19,444 49 View Text
A87720 The path-way to justification, plainly proving I. What it is to be justified. II. That justification is by the faith of Jesus, and not by the works of the law. III. They only are justified that believe in Christ. IV. What it is to believe into Jesus Christ. V. The difference between the law of faith and the law of works, also the difference between the work of faith, and the works of the law is plainly stated. VI. Many objections answered. Written by Thomas Killcop. Killcop, Thomas. 1660 (1660) Wing K438; Thomason E1043_11; ESTC R207954 20,014 24 View Text
A17379 A very true pronosticacio[n], with a kalender, gathered out of the moost auncyent bokes of ryght holy astronomers for the yere of our lorde M. CCCCC. xxxvj. And for all yeres here after perpetuall. Translated out of latyn in to Englysshe by Iohn Ryckes preest. Cum priuilegio Regali. Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534.; Ryckes, John. 1536 (1536) STC 421.17; ESTC S111371 20,048 64 View Text
A50838 A farewel sermon preached at the Tabernacle in Spittle-Fields by Luke Milbourn ... Milbourne, Luke, 1649-1720. 1699 (1699) Wing M2032; ESTC R15533 20,084 33 View Text
A41823 The prisoners vindication with a sober expostulation and reprehension of persecutors / by John Gratton. Gratton, John, 1641-1712. 1683 (1683) Wing G1585B; ESTC R28044 20,540 36 View Text
A01448 Profitable insructions [sic] for the manuring, sowing, and planting of kitchin gardens Very profitable for the common wealth and greatly for the helpe and comfort of poore people. Gathered by Richard Gardiner of Shrewsberie. Gardiner, Richard, of Shrewsbury. 1603 (1603) STC 11571; ESTC S114902 21,384 34 View Text
A57847 The Tridentine-gospel, or, papal creed made at Trent, and promulgated at Rome, by Pope Pius IV : exhibited and demonstrated to be new, heterodox, and antichristian : in a sermon / by William Ramsay ... ; hereto is added, Pope Pius his Bull in Latine and English, necessary to be seen by all that would know the present faith of Rome, especially in these our nations where they conceal it. Ramsay, William, B.D.; Catholic Church. Pope (1559-1565 : Pius IV). Professio fidei Tridentina. English & Latin. 1672 (1672) Wing R221; ESTC R14528 21,776 35 View Text
A20185 A learned and fruitful exposition vpon the Lords prayer. By Arthur Dent, sometime minister of the Word of God at South-Suberry, in Essex Dent, Arthur, d. 1607. 1613 (1613) STC 6618; ESTC S113579 21,778 82 View Text
A51330 A short and plaine tractate of the Lords Supper grounded upon I Cor. II, 23, &c. / by VVilliam More ... More, William, 17th cent. 1645 (1645) Wing M2694; ESTC R4121 21,840 72 View Text
A69658 An exhortation to peace and union a sermon preached at St. Lawrence-Jury, at the election of the Lord-Mayor of London, on the 29th of September, 1681 / by Gilbert Burnet ... Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1681 (1681) Wing B5787; ESTC R20821 24,063 40 View Text
A10903 A sermon of loue Instructing all men to vnite and ioyne themselues in hearty loue, and Christian charitie with one another. Preached at Folkestone, a maior towne in Kent. By Francis Rogers, Batchelor in Diuinity; and sometimes fellow of Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge. Rogers, Francis, d. 1638. 1613 (1613) STC 21174; ESTC S112048 24,461 54 View Text
A61692 A short discovery of certain truths of God according as they are revealed through the manifestation of the eternal light of the Son of righteousnesse, which are, a reply against two things in an epistle, and, an answer to certain queries contained in a book, intituled Christian queries, to quaking Christians, subscribed by one J.B. : also queries propounded, to be answered by the authour of the same book, or any other / by John Story. Story, John, d. 1681. 1664 (1664) Wing S5753; ESTC R4917 25,813 34 View Text
A86160 The heart opened to Christ Jesus. Translated out of High Dutch for the good of all men. 1653 (1653) Wing H1311; Thomason E1287_1; ESTC R208966 25,961 108 View Text
A16536 A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper to this are subjoined two compends of the catechisme, fit for little children ... / by M. Zacharie Boyd ... Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1639 (1639) STC 3446; ESTC S1824 26,583 130 View Text
A13578 A sermon teaching discretion in matters of religion, and touching certayne abuses nowe in the Churche preached at Paules Crosse the 21. of Nouember by Robert Temple Bachelor in Diuinitie sometimes of Magdalene Colledge in Oxforde. Temple, Robert, Bachelor in Diuinitie. 1592 (1592) STC 23869; ESTC S100993 26,698 73 View Text
A27499 The still-borne nativitie, or, A copy of an incarnation sermon that should have been delivered at St. Margarets-Westminster, on Saturday, December the five and twenty, 1647, in the afternoone, by N.B., but prevented by the committee for plunder'd ministers, who sent and seized the preacher, carried him from the vestry of the said church, and committed him to the fleet, for his undertaking to preach without the license of Parliament ... Bernard, Nicholas, d. 1661. 1648 (1648) Wing B2018; ESTC R18366 26,917 36 View Text
A73288 VVaters of Marah, and Meribah: or, the source of bitternes, and strife, sweetned and allayed by way of aduice, refutation, censure, against the pseudo-zelots of our age: by Humphrey Sydenham, master of arts, late fellow of Wadham Colledge in Oxford. Sydenham, Humphrey, 1591-1650? 1630 (1630) STC 23574; ESTC S125548 26,958 48 View Text
A13810 The holy salutation of the blessed Apostle Saint Jude to the saints and seruants of God. Preached at Pauls Crosse the seuenteenth of Nouember. Anno. Dom. 1611. By Francis Tomlinson, preacher of the Word, and chaplaine to the right honourable, the Lord Ellesmere, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of Oxford. Tomlinson, Francis. 1612 (1612) STC 24111; ESTC S106618 27,486 59 View Text
A08799 The sinners sanctuary. By Thomas Packer, his Majesties servant Packer, Thomas, fl. 1628-1637. 1638 (1638) STC 19084; ESTC S103145 27,609 134 View Text
A19398 [A dialogue of diuerse quections [sic] demanded of the children to their father very necessary, and profitable both for children, and parents, masters and seruants.] Cotes, William, b. ca. 1560. 1585 (1585) STC 5829; ESTC S111175 27,610 76 View Text
A55863 A brief narrative of the proceedings of Doctor Parr, and some of the parishioners of Mary Magda'en [sic] - Bermonsey in the county of Surrey against certain people called Quakers, inhabitants of the said parish, for not paying and complying with an illegal tax, laid under pretence of repairing their church ... Rawbone, Joseph. 1677 (1677) Wing P346; ESTC R182375 28,455 42 View Text
A12363 The lavviers question The answere to the lawiers question. The censure of Christ vpon the answere. By Henry Smith. Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1595 (1595) STC 22679; ESTC S103005 28,698 73 View Text
A11539 An exposition after the maner of a co[n]templacyon vpon ye .li. psalme, called Miserere mei Deus; Expositio in psalmos Miserere me Deus. English Savonarola, Girolamo, 1452-1498.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. 1534 (1534) STC 21789.3; ESTC S106805 28,705 66 View Text
A20734 A funerall sermon preached at Watton in Hertfordshire, at the buriall of the ancient and worthy knight, Sir Philip Boteler, Decemb. 9. 1606 Downame, George, d. 1634. 1607 (1607) STC 7116; ESTC S110134 29,412 80 View Text
A67822 The idea of Christian love being a translation, at the instance of Mr. Waller, of a Latin sermon upon John xiii, 34, 35, preach'd by Mr. Edward Young ... ; with a large paraphrase on Mr. Waller's poem Of divine love ; to which are added some copies of verses from that excellent poetess Mrs. Wharton, with others to her. Young, Edward, 1641 or 2-1705.; Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. Of divine love.; Wharton, Anne, 1632?-1685. Poems. Selections. 1688 (1688) Wing Y61; ESTC R14445 29,505 144 View Text
A03896 Newes from Rome concerning the blasphemous sacrifice of the papisticall Masse with dyuers other treatises very godlye [et] profitable. Hurlestone, Randall. aut 1550 (1550) STC 14006; ESTC S104348 30,125 110 View Text
B06642 A sermon, preached at Edinburgh in the Parliament-House, November 17th, 1700, before his Grace, James, Duke of Queensberry, his Majesties High Commissioner; and many of the nobility, barrons, burrows, members of the High Court of Parliament, / by David Williamson minister of the Gospel, at West-Kirk. Williamson, David, d. 1706. 1700 (1700) Wing W2797B; ESTC R186602 30,727 24 View Text
A08472 A confession of the most auncient and true christe[n] catholike olde belefe accordyng to the ordre of the .xij. articles of our co[m]mon crede, set furthe in Englishe to the glory of almightye God, and to the confirmacion of Christes people in Christes catholike olde faith. By I.O. Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 18798; ESTC S113446 30,820 82 View Text
A57152 The rich mans charge delivered in a sermon at the Spittle vpon Monday in Easter week, 12 April 1658, before the lord major, &c., by Edw. Reynolds. Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676. 1658 (1658) Wing R1274; ESTC R32284 30,936 58 View Text
A60614 The unjust mans doom as examined by the several kinds of Christian justice, and their obligation : with a particular representation of the injustice & danger of partial conformity / by William Smyth. Smith, William, b. 1615 or 16. 1670 (1670) Wing S4285; ESTC R10096 31,702 132 View Text
A28184 The non-pareil, or, The vertuous daughter surmounting all her sisters described in a funerall sermon upon the death of that vertuous lady, Elizabeth Hoyle, late wife of the worshipfull Thomas Hoyle, alderman of the city of Yorke / by that godly and reverend divine, Mr. Iohn Birchall ... Birchall, John. 1644 (1644) Wing B2940; ESTC R6101 31,968 42 View Text
A77363 England saved vvith a notwithstanding: represented in a sermon to the Honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament, Novemb. 5. 1647. The day of Thanks-giving for deliverance from the Powder-Plot. / By William Bridge, sometimes fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, now preacher of Gods word at Yarmouth. Published by order of that House. Bridge, William, 1600?-1670. 1648 (1648) Wing B4452; Thomason E412_31; ESTC R204475 32,013 35 View Text
A47323 Charity directed, or, The way to give alms to the greatest advantage in a letter to a friend / written by Richard Kidder. Kidder, Richard, 1633-1703. 1676 (1676) Wing K397; ESTC R32868 32,292 40 View Text
A13104 A perfect pathway to felicitie conteining godly meditations and praiers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians. Stubbes, Phillip. 1592 (1592) STC 23398; ESTC S1141 32,816 248 View Text
A26936 The grand question resolved, what we must do to be saved instructions for a holy life / by the late Reverend Divine, Mr. Richard Baxter ; recommended to the bookseller a few days before his death to be immediately printed for the good of souls. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1692 (1692) Wing B1279; ESTC R14371 33,250 49 View Text
A22853 An introduction to the loue of God. Accompted among the workes of S. Augustine, and set forth in his name, very profitable to moue all men to loue God for his benefits receaued Simard, Marie Ange, attributed name.; Freake, Edmund, ca. 1516-1591. 1574 (1574) STC 935; ESTC S108224 33,799 97 View Text
A89482 Temporis Angustiæ Stollen houres recreations. Being meditations fitted according to the variety of objects. By Tho. Manley, jun. gent. and student, anno. ætatis 21mo. Manley, Thomas, 1628-1690. 1649 (1649) Wing M449; Thomason E1374_1; ESTC R209219 34,225 131 View Text
A14150 A path way i[n]to the holy scripture Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1536 (1536) STC 24462; ESTC S108041 35,404 122 View Text
A29129 A cordial-mediator for accordance of brethren that are of different judgments and wayes of administration in things that concerne the Kingdome of God for repairing of the breach and restoring of the paths for many generations : wherein is proposed the way and means (not to inforce or compell to an outward dissembling, hypocriticall uniformity, which is all that can be inforced unto by humane authority, but) to induce and ingage to a cordiall-uniformity even of soule and spirit amongst all that are truly and really Christians, and to bring them likewise into the same wayes and ministrations in the things of God / written by Ellis Bradshaw. Bradshaw, Ellis. 1658 (1658) Wing B4141; ESTC R27175 36,305 46 View Text
A11054 A godlie and short discourse shewing not onely what time the inhabitants of this land first receyued the Christian faith: but also what maner of doctrine was planted in the same. Whereby may appeare, howe the reformation at this day in England is not a bringing in of a newe religion, but a reducing againe of the olde and auncient fayth. Rosdell, Christopher, b. 1553 or 4. 1589 (1589) STC 21320; ESTC S101597 36,383 98 View Text
A02604 A most excelent and fruitful treatise, called Patericks Places concerning the doctrine of fayth, and the doctrine of the law: which being knowen, you haue the pith of all diuinitie. With a briefe collection or exposition of a summe of S. Pauls doctrine touching iustification by fayth, in Iesus Christ: which is the only marke to shoote at, and the only meanes to obtaine saluation. Selected and reduced into this volume by I.D. 1598.; Patrick's Places. English Hamilton, Patrick, 1504?-1528.; Frith, John, 1503-1533.; I. D. 1598 (1598) STC 12734; ESTC S105993 37,059 67 View Text
A05406 Ignis cœlestis: or An interchange of diuine love betweene God and his saints. By Iohn Lewis, minister of Gods word at St. Peters in the tovvne of St. Albons Lewis, John, b. 1595 or 6. 1620 (1620) STC 15558; ESTC S103072 37,144 136 View Text
A43141 Tvvo sermons preached in the parish church of St. Giles in the fields, by way of preparative upon the Articles of the Creed by VVilliam Haywood ... Haywood, William, 1599 or 1600-1663. 1642 (1642) Wing H1241; ESTC R5536 37,177 43 View Text
A40240 The royal law of God revived wherein you may see that all nations of men may keep in it a royal society ... / G.F. Fox, George, 1624-1691. 1672 (1672) Wing F1892; ESTC R28007 37,382 48 View Text
A14153 The souper of the Lorde wher vnto, that thou mayst be the better prepared and suerlyer enstructed: haue here firste the declaracion of the later parte of the .6. ca. of S. Joha[n], beginninge at the letter C. the fowerth lyne before the crosse, at these wordis: merely were. [et]c wheryn incidently M. Moris letter agenst Johan Frythe is confuted. Tyndale, William, d. 1536.; Joye, George, d. 1553, attributed name. aut 1533 (1533) STC 24468; ESTC S105217 37,629 66 View Text
A52008 The church-catechism enlarg'd and explain'd in an easie and familiar method, with the scripture-proofs annexed thereunto. R. M. 1697 (1697) Wing M70A; ESTC R221785 40,396 65 View Text
B06542 A brief, and plain apology written by John Wheelwright: wherein he doth vindicate himself, from al [sic] those errors, heresies, and flagitious crimes, layed to his charge by Mr. Thomas Weld, in his short story, and further fastened upon him, by Mr. Samuel Rutherford in his survey of antinomianisme. Wherein free grace is maintained in three propositions, and four thesis [sic] ... Wheelwright, John, 1594-1679. 1658 (1658) Wing W1604; ESTC R186427 40,565 36 View Text
A10723 A true and a kinde excuse vvritten in defence of that booke, intituled A newe description of Irelande Wherein is freely confessed 1 The cause of the writing of that booke. 2 How that booke was brought into obloquy and slander 3 A reuocation of all ouersightes that through ignorance were published in that booke. 4 A bulwarke or defence of all truthes contayned in that booke. Pleasant and pleasing both to English, and Irish. By Barnabe Rych, Gent. Seruant to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie. Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. 1612 (1612) STC 21003; ESTC S115925 41,531 58 View Text
A43111 Absolute election of persons, not upon foreseen conditions, stated and maintained in some sermons preach'd at Hartford : with some animadversions on some Pelagian passages in a book entituled, Vulgar errors in divinity removed, written by Mr. Ralph Battell ... / by Will. Haworth ... Haworth, William. 1694 (1694) Wing H1193; ESTC R15048 42,137 40 View Text
A15549 A pleasant comedie, called VVily beguilde The chiefe actors be these: a poore scholler, a rich foole, and a knaue at a shifte.; Wily beguiled. 1606 (1606) STC 25818; ESTC S120127 42,655 78 View Text
A12137 The gamester As it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants at the private house in Drury-Lane. Written by Iames Shirly. Shirley, James, 1596-1666. 1637 (1637) STC 22443; ESTC S105182 42,746 78 View Text
A06966 Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt [and] ioyfull, lately set forth to the great co[n]solacion [and] co[m]forte of all christen me[n]. By Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1541 (1541) STC 1739; ESTC S109665 42,752 126 View Text
A11555 The true image of Christian love An excellent, learned, and very comfortable treatise, meete and necessarie for these dangerous days: wherein men are growen so disobedient to God, so vndutifull to their Prince, and so vnchartiable to their neighbors. Written in Latin by Adrian Sauorine a Dominican Frier, and translated 50. yeres ago by an English obseruant frier named Richard Rikes, [and] now truely conferred with the auncient copies, and published by A.M. one of the messengers of his Maiesties chamber.; Ymage of love Ryckes, John.; Savorine, Adrian, attributed name.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.; Gough, John, fl. 1528-1556. 1587 (1587) STC 21801; ESTC S101945 42,798 120 View Text
A00380 An exposicyon of the .xv. psalme made by mayster Erasmus of Rotherdame in whiche is full purely declared the pure and clene behauoure that ought to be in the pure churche of Chryst which is the multytude of all trewe chrysten people; De puritate ecclesiae Christi. English Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. 1537 (1537) STC 10495; ESTC S109924 43,104 133 View Text
A10260 A feast for vvormes Set forth in a poeme of the history of Ionah. By Fra. Quarles. Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. 1620 (1620) STC 20544; ESTC S115474 43,861 108 View Text
A58125 The Christian monitor containing an earnest exhortation to an holy life, with some directions in order thereto : written in a plain and easie style, for all sorts of people. Rawlet, John, 1642-1686. 1686 (1686) Wing R347A; ESTC R32275 44,028 60 View Text
A57222 Poems sacred and satyricale Richards, Nathanael, ca. 1600-1652. 1641 (1641) Wing R1372; ESTC R34569 44,591 198 View Text
A30136 A confession of my faith and a reason of my practice, or, With who, and who not, I can hold church-fellowship, or the communion of saints Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1672 (1672) Wing B5506; ESTC R36326 44,845 152 View Text
A19802 True and Christian friendshippe With all the braunches, members, parts, and circumstances thereof, Godly and learnedly described. Written first in Latine by that excellent and learned man, Lambertus Danæus, and now turned into English. Together also with a right excellent inuectiue of the same author, against the wicked exercise of diceplay, and other prophane gaming.; Tractatus de amicitia Christiana. English Daneau, Lambert, ca. 1530-1595?; Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607. 1586 (1586) STC 6230; ESTC S114067 45,848 120 View Text
A60331 Christian practice described by way of essay upon the life of our Saviour by Stephen Skynner ... Skynner, Stephen. 1693 (1693) Wing S3946; ESTC R1647 46,475 162 View Text
A39248 A catechism wherein the learner is at once taught to rehearse and prove all the main points of Christian religion by answering to every question in the very words of Holy Scripture : together with a short and plain discourse useful to confirm the weak and unlearned in his belief of the being of a God and the truth of Scripture / by Clement Ellis ... Ellis, Clement, 1630-1700. 1674 (1674) Wing E550; ESTC R15049 47,017 128 View Text
A16684 A catechisme, that is to saie, a familiar introduccion and trainyng of the simple in the commaundementes of God, and the principles of oure religion muche necessarie to be taught and knowen to all good christian people, sette foorth in questions with direct answers to the same: [et] translated into Englishe for the behoufe and commoditee not onely of childre[n], but also of al suche deuout lerners as are not seen in the Latine toungue. Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1548 (1548) STC 359; ESTC S104375 47,037 202 View Text
A86127 Hell's everlasting flames avoided, and heaven's eternal felicities injoyed containing the penitent sinner's sad lamentation for the deplorableness of his impious life ... : also holy preparations to a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper ... / by John Hayward, D.D. Hayward, John, D.D. 1696 (1696) Wing H1231A; ESTC R42331 47,842 119 View Text
B00845 A concordance or table made after the order of the alphabet, conteyning the principall both wordes & matters, which are comprehended in the newe Testament, / gathered by T.W. T. W. 1579 (1579) STC 24917; ESTC S95720 47,961 96 View Text
A02073 Alcida Greenes metamorphosis, vvherein is discouered, a pleasant transformation of bodies into sundrie shapes, shewing that as vertues beautifie the mind, so vanities giue greater staines, than the perfection of any quality can rase out: the discourse confirmed with diuerse merry and delightfull histories; full of graue principles to content age, and sawsed with pleasant parlees, and witty answeres, to satisfie youth: profitable for both, and not offensiue to any. By R.G. Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592. 1617 (1617) STC 12216; ESTC S105886 48,526 77 View Text
A19420 The mirror of martyrs in a short vieuu lively expressing the force of their faith, the feruency of their loue, the wisedome of their sayings, the patience of their suffrings, etc. : with their prayers and preparation for their last farevvell : whereunto is added two godly letters written by M. Bradford, full of sweet consolation for such as are afflicted in conscience. Cotton, Clement.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1613 (1613) STC 5848; ESTC S756 48,602 243 View Text
A08800 The true Catholike Collected out of the oracles, and psalteries of the Holy Ghost. for instruction, and deuotion. Fernández de Ribera, Rodrigo, 1579-1631.; Packer, Thomas, fl. 1628-1637. 1628 (1628) STC 19085; ESTC S100465 49,141 292 View Text
A15765 A summons for sleepers Wherein most grieuous and notorious offenders are cited to bring forth true frutes of repentance, before the day of the Lord now at hand. Hereunto is annexed, a patterne for pastors, deciphering briefly the dueties pertaining to that function, by Leonard Wright. Wright, Leonard, b. 1555 or 6. 1589 (1589) STC 26034.3; ESTC S121115 49,627 64 View Text
A20960 Theophilus, or Loue diuine A treatise containing fiue degrees, fiue markes, fiue aides, of the loue of God. Translated by Richard Goring, out of the third French edition: renewed, corrected and augmented by the author M. Peter Moulin, preacher the reformed Church of Paris.; Theophile ou de l'amour divin. English. Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; Goring, Richard. 1610 (1610) STC 7339; ESTC S118661 51,058 311 View Text
A77664 A rare paterne of iustice and mercy; exemplified in the many notable, and charitable legacies of Sr. Iames Cambel, Knight, and alderman of London, deceased : worthy imitation. Whereunto is annexed A meteor, and A starre : or, Briefe and pleasant meditations of Gods providence to his chosen, of the education of children and of the vertue of love; with other poems. / By Edw: Browne. Browne, Edward. 1642 (1642) Wing B5105; Thomason E1109_1; ESTC R208421 51,495 182 View Text
A06060 The mirrour or miracle of Gods loue vnto the world of his elect Preached on the third of Iohn, verse the sixteenth: wherein the said scripture is very learnedly expounded, and the rich treasures of Gods grace in Christ are accurately opened. By that faithfull seruant of Christ, and preacher of his Gospell, Mr. Paul Baine. Baynes, Paul, d. 1617. 1619 (1619) STC 1646; ESTC S101581 52,320 82 View Text
A13920 A godlye and learned treatise wherein is proued the true iustificacion of a Christian manne to come frely of the mercy of god in Christ, without the deseruyng of man by his merites: and also how good workes oughte to bee done [and] what be true good works in dede. Whereunto is ioyned a co[n]ference betwene the law and the gospel, very profitable for al men to exercise themselues therin.; Vom höchsten artikel. English Werdmüller, O.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1555 (1555) STC 24219; ESTC S102022 52,507 203 View Text
A12191 The riches of mercie In two treatises: 1 Lydia's conversion. 2. A rescue from death. By the late learned, and reverend divine, Richard Sibbs, Doctor in Divinitie. Published by the authors own appointment, and subscribed with his owne hand to prevent imperfect copies. Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. 1638 (1638) STC 22501; ESTC S100975 53,245 274 View Text
A02926 The preacher, or Methode of preachinge, vvrytten in Latine by Nich[olas] Hemminge, and translated into Englishe by I.H. Very necessarye for all those that by the true preaching of the Worde of God, labour to pull down the Synagoge of Sathair, and to buyide vp the Temple of God Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Horsfall, John. 1574 (1574) STC 13065; ESTC S116593 54,033 218 View Text
A17305 The law and the Gospell reconciled. Or the euangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace A treatise shewing the perpetuall vse of the morall law vnder the Gospell to beleeuers; in answere to a letter written by an antinomian to a faithfull Christian. Also how the morality of the 4th Commandement is continued in the Lords day, proued the Christian Sabbath by diuine institution. A briefe catalogue of the antinomian doctrines. By Henry Burton. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1631 (1631) STC 4152; ESTC S106965 54,375 114 View Text
A65793 A manuali [sic] of divine considerations delivered and concluded by ... Thomas White ; translated out of the original Latine copie. White, Thomas, 1593-1676. 1655 (1655) Wing W1833; ESTC R10112 54,484 214 View Text
A07044 The pomaunder of prayer, newly made by Thomas Becon Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1746; ESTC S122350 54,749 290 View Text