Selected quad for the lemma: love_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
love_n esq_n henry_n john_n 2,715 5 8.9086 4 false
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Showing 1 to 24 of 24
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79379 By the King. A proclamation to summon the persons therein named, who sate, gave judgment, and assisted in that horrid and detestable murder of His Majesties royal father of blessed memory, to appear and render themselves within fourteen days, under pain of being excepted from pardon; Proclamations. 1660-06-06 England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1660 (1660) Wing C3584; Thomason 669.f.25[41]; ESTC R212408 950 1 View Text
A42119 Whereas a book entitutled, Musæum Regalis Societatis being not only a perfect catalogue of all the rarities ... belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge... it is therefore proposed by the author, Doctor Nehemiah Grew, that whoever subscribeth ... Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712. 1680 (1680) Wing G1962; ESTC R43222 2,096 3 View Text
A48673 A List of the names of all the adventurers in the new general stock to East-India, who have taken the last oath agreed on by the generality, December the 8, 1657 wherein note that this mark (*) doth signifie such as are capable of being elected. 1657 (1657) Wing L2460; ESTC R179835 2,665 1 View Text
A82463 An act for settling the militia for the City of London, and liberties thereof. Monday, March 12. 1659. Ordered by the Parliament, that this act be forthwith printed and published. Thomas St. Nicholas, clerk of the Parliament. England and Wales. 1660 (1660) Wing E1126; Thomason E1074_36; ESTC R208409 4,117 11 View Text
A82413 An act for setling the militia for the City of London, and liberties thereof. Thursday, July 7. 1659. Ordered by the Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published. Thomas St. Nicholas Clerk of the Parliament. England and Wales. 1659 (1659) Wing E1069; Thomason E1074_8; ESTC R208298 4,737 12 View Text
A46582 A proclamation of the Kings Majesties most gracious and general pardon England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II); James II, King of England, 1633-1701. 1685 (1685) Wing J363; ESTC R24087 4,876 3 View Text
A63540 A True list of the knights, citizens and burgesses summoned by the letter of His Highness the Prince of Orange, to meet at Westminster the 22nd of January, 1688/9 as they have been returned to the office of the clerk of the Crown Chancery. 1689 (1689) Wing T2728; ESTC R34082 5,565 1 View Text
A38883 An Exact and perfect list of the names of the knights of the counties, citizens of the cities, burgessses of the boroughs and towns and barons of the cinque-ports that serve in this present Parliament taken at this last session, annoq. Regni Car. 2 Regis I 6/7. 1664 (1664) Wing E3602; ESTC R27353 5,589 17 View Text
A54340 A perfect list of the Lords of the other House, and of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, and barons of the Cinque Ports, now assembled in this present parliament holden at Westminster, for the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Jan. 27, 1658 [i.e. 1659] 1659 (1659) Wing P1496; ESTC R21543 6,263 1 View Text
A52874 A new and true list of the House of Lords together with the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the cinque-ports, that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England assembled at Oxford this 21st. of March 1681. (Note, that those that have either of these marks (* [dagger]) after them, were not Members of the last Parliament.); Lists. 1681-03-21. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. 1681 (1681) Wing N549A; ESTC R217823 7,231 1 View Text
A49534 An exact catalogue of all the comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, opera's [sic], masks, pastorals and interludes that were ever yet printed and published till this present year 1680 Cox, Nicholas, fl. 1673-1721.; Kirkman, Francis, 1632-ca. 1680. True, perfect, and exact catalog. 1680 (1680) Wing L373A; ESTC R11849 11,250 21 View Text
A71332 The Parliamentary intelligencer [no.24 (4 June-11 June 1660)] comprising the sum of forraign intelligence with the affairs now in agitation in England, Scotland, and Ireland : for information of the people. Muddiman, Henry, 1628 or 1629-1692, editor.; Dury, Giles, editor.; Macock, John, publisher.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_2; ESTC P1015 12,263 16 View Text
A55386 A model for the maintaining of students of choice abilities at the university, and principally in order to the ministry with epistles & recommendations, and an account of the settlement and practise of it in the universities from the doctors there : as also with answers to such objections as are most plausible, which may be made against it : and with the names of the trustees. Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679. 1658 (1658) Wing P2841; ESTC R38154 17,545 32 View Text
A78323 A Catalogue of the names of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, that have served in the last four Parlaments; viz. [brace] I. The Parlament begun at Westminster, the third of November, 1640. II. The Parlament the fourth of July, 1653. III. The Parlament Sept. 3. 1654. IIII. The Parlament the 17. of September, 1656. With the names of such noblemen, knights, and gentlemen, as met in the Parlament at Oxford. The reader may take notice that in the first Parlament, such as are marked with this * went to Oxford, those that died with d, and such as were new chosen with a small character : In the little Parliament, all those that stood for a godly learned ministery, are also marked with a *. 1656 (1656) Wing C1394; Thomason E1602_6; ESTC R208906 18,731 55 View Text
A31297 A Catalogue of the names of all such who were summon'd to any Parliament (or reputed Parliament) from the year 1640. Viz. [brace] I. November 1640. The parliament call'd the Long-Parliament. II. The Parliament held at Oxford. III. 1653. Cromwel's convention, call'd Barbone's Parliament. IV. 1654. The convention turned out of doors without doing any thing. V. 1656. The convention that establish'd Cromwell. VI. 1659. The convention called Richard's Parliament: with the names of the lords of the other house. VII. The Healing-Parliament, summon'd just before His Majesties happy restauration. VIII. 1661. The lords spiritual and temporal, and commons of this present parliament summon'd by His Sacred Majesty King Charles the Second. 1661 (1661) Wing C1387A; ESTC R34417 24,342 72 View Text
A39563 Veni, vidi, vici the triumph of the most excellent & illustrious, Oliver Cromwell, &c., set forth in a panegyricke / written originally in Latine, and faithfully done into English heroicall verse, by T.M. ... ; whereunto is added an elegy upon the death of the late Lord Deputy of Ireland, the much lamented, Henry Ireton, &c. Fisher, Payne, 1616-1693.; Manley, Thomas, 1628-1690. 1652 (1652) Wing F1044; ESTC R948 33,535 138 View Text
A29664 Englands glory, or, An exact catalogue of the Lords of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Councel with the Knights of the Most Noble Order of Saint George, called the Garter, and the House of Peers : as also, a catalogue of the Lord Bishops, House of Commons, the dukes, marquesses, earles, viscounts, barons and baronets &c., made since His Majesties happy restoration and the times of their several creations : likewise, a perfect list of the Knights of the Bath, and the preparations and habits that were made for them at the time of their installment at the coronation : together with a perfect catalogue of the Lower House of Convocation now sitting at Westminster. Brooke, Nathaniel.; Ferne, H. (Henry), 1602-1662. Catalogue of the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury. 1660 (1660) Wing B4907; ESTC R12468 37,728 94 View Text
A23605 The art of love in two books. Written both to men and ladies. A new poem. Hopkins, Charles, 1664?-1700? 1700 (1700) Wing H2718; ESTC R215342 38,320 172 View Text
A36681 Secret-love, or, The maiden-queen as it is acted by His Majesties servants, at the Theater-Royal / written by John Dryden. Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1668 (1668) Wing D2353; ESTC R120 45,041 82 View Text
A82435 Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, duodecimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April, an. Dom. 1660 In the twelfth year of the reign of our most gracious soveraign lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); England and Wales. Parliament. 1661 (1661) Wing E1095; Thomason E1075_27 58,399 149 View Text
A60969 Sir Antony Love, or, The rambling lady a comedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by Their Majesties servants / written by Tho. Southerne. Southerne, Thomas, 1660-1746. 1698 (1698) Wing S4767; ESTC R32710 62,891 70 View Text
A43880 Historical collections, or, A brief account of the most remarkable transactions of the two last Parliaments consisting of I. The speeches, votes, accusations, addresses, and article of impeachment, &c., II. The bills of association, exclusion, and repeal of 35 Eliz. &c., III. The several informations, messages, narratives, orders, petitions, protestation of the Lords, and resolves of both Houses, etc., IV. The tryal and sentence of William Howard Lord Viscount of Stafford in Westminster Hall, his speech and execution on the scaffold at Tower Hill with many other memorable passages and proceedings of the two last Parliaments, held and dissolved at Westminster and Oxford, V. A perfect list of each Paraliament, VI. His Majesty's declaration, shewing the causes and reasons that moved him to dissolve the two last Parliaments. 1682 (1682) Wing H2100; ESTC R32032 89,184 314 View Text
A63490 A True copy of the journal of the High Court of Justice for the tryal of K. Charles I as it was read in the House of Commons and attested under the hand of Phelps, clerk to that infamous court / taken by J. Nalson Jan. 4, 1683 : with a large introduction. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649, defendant.; Phelps, John, fl. 1636-1666.; Nalson, John, 1638?-1686. 1684 (1684) Wing T2645; ESTC R5636 141,696 216 View Text
A66360 Ho Antichristos the great antichrist revealed, before this time never discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor the succession of any one monarch or tyrant in any policies, but a collected pack, or multitude of hypocritical, heretical, blasphemous, and most scandalous wicked men that have fulfilled all the prophesies of the Scriptures ... and especially have united ... together by a solemn league and covenant to slay the two witnesses of God, Moses and Aaron ... that is, the supreme magistrate of the Commonwealth, and the chief pastors and governours of the Church of Christ, and the Christian world is requested to judge whether the Assembly of Presbyterians consulting at Westminster, together with the independents, Anabaptists, and lay-preachers be not the false prophet ... and whether the prevalent faction of the long Parliament ... that killed the two witnesses of Jesus Christ, 1. Charles the First ... 2. William Laud ... be not the grosse and visible body of the same antichrist / by Gr. Williams. Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672. 1660 (1660) Wing W2662; ESTC R25201 504,825 313 View Text
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