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love_n charity_n faith_n justify_v 2,533 5 9.3784 4 false
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A14772 A briefe instruction By way of dialogue, concerninge the principall poyntes of Christian religio[n], gathered out of the holy scriptures, lathers, and councels. By the Reuere[n]de M. George Doulye priest. Warford, William, 1560-1608. 1604 (1604) STC 25068; ESTC S102696 93,570 322

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hom_n 25._o in_o mat._n &_o 30._o in_o joan._n naz._n or_o in_o s._n lanacrum_fw-la cyril_n lib._n 9_o in_o joan._n c._n 9_o &_o lib._n 6._o cap._n 1.3_o &_o 4._o hieron_n in_o cap._n 3._o ad_fw-la galatas_fw-la ambros_n de_fw-fr vocation_n gent._n libr._n 1._o cap._n 8._o august_n de_fw-fr vita_fw-la christi_fw-la 14._o &_o de_fw-la fide_fw-la &_o operibus_fw-la cap._n 14._o &_o in_o psalm_n 31._o gregor_n homil_n 38._o in_o euang._n trident._n sess_n 6._o cap._n 16._o basil_n lib._n de_fw-fr spiritu_fw-la sancto_fw-la cap._n 24._o etc._n etc._n for_o grace_n and_o christian_a justice_n be_v also_o inherent_a in_o the_o soul_n and_o this_o imputative_a justice_n be_v a_o mere_a fiction_n in_o favour_n of_o sin_n puttinge_v wicked_a man_n in_o hope_n to_o go_v to_o heaven_n without_o virtue_n pehance_n or_o observance_n of_o christ_n holy_a law_n m._n so_o that_o faith_n only_o do_v not_o justify_v without_o good_a work_n d._n no_o forsooth_o for_o the_o devil_n do_v also_o believe_v and_o tremble_v and_o as_o the_o body_n be_v dead_a without_o the_o soul_n so_o be_v faith_n without_o good_a work_n and_o charity_n so_o that_o only_o a_o lively_a faith_n do_v justify_v that_o be_v faith_n with_o charity_n m._n what_o be_v these_o work_n which_o you_o call_v good_a d._n to_o love_n god_n above_o all_o thing_n and_o my_o neighbour_n as_o myself_o to_o fast_o and_o pray_v and_o give_v alm_n with_o all_o other_o work_n of_o mercy_n and_o justice_n as_o the_o angel_n raphael_n teach_v tobias_n m._n you_o have_v answer_v like_o a_o clerk_n but_o let_v we_o return_v to_o the_o other_o sign_n or_o mark_n of_o the_o catholic_a church_n what_o be_v the_o second_o d._n holy_a the_o second_o sign_n holy_a the_o second_o be_v sanctam_fw-la that_o be_v holy_a for_o in_o it_o only_o be_v all_o holies_n as_o especial_o the_o sacrament_n which_o be_v the_o conduct_n of_o god_n grace_n wherein_o be_v true_v holiness_n m._n but_o be_v so_o many_o sin_n in_o it_o how_o be_v it_o call_v holy_a 3._o see_v cant_fw-la 4._o ephe_n 5._o 1._o pet._n 2_o iren._n l._n 3._o c._n 40_o aug._n in_o ps_n 85._o enchiri_fw-la c._n 56._o greger_n 1_o moral_a cap._n 6._o bern._n serm_n 3._o d._n because_o it_o notwithstanding_o there_o be_v in_o it_o always_o the_o gift_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n and_o because_o out_o of_o it_o there_o can_v be_v no_o holiness_n nor_o salvation_n and_o the_o very_a sinner_n that_o be_v in_o it_o have_v the_o holy_a faith_n and_o baptism_n m._n and_o have_v not_o the_o heretic_n and_o jew_n also_o sacrament_n d._n no_o for_o first_o the_o jew_n be_v now_o infidel_n as_o well_o as_o the_o turk_n &_o pagan_n because_o their_o sacrament_n and_o ceremony_n all_o cease_v when_o the_o law_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n be_v publish_v etc._n ceremony_n of_o baptism_n see_v diony_n areopag_n lib._n de_fw-fr eccles_n jie_o rar_fw-la tertull._n libr._n de_fw-la coronae_fw-la militis_fw-la amb._n de_fw-fr initiandis_fw-la myster_n orig._n ho._n 5._o in_o numb_a leo._n papa_n ep._n 81._o innoc._n 1._o ep._n 1._o ad_fw-la decent_a eugen._n conc._n tol._n 4._o can_n 2._o isidor_n etc._n etc._n and_o they_o wear_v bind_v present_o upon_o the_o promulgation_n thereof_o to_o forsake_v they_o and_o heretic_n have_v no_o true_a sacrament_n witch_fw-mi they_o acknowledge_v baptism_n only_o except_v which_o be_v not_o they_o but_o we_o nether_a be_v it_o of_o effect_n by_o they_o but_o by_o the_o intention_n of_o the_o catholic_a church_n m._n and_o be_v the_o baptism_n of_o a_o heretic_n then_o sufficient_a d._n in_o substance_n have_v form_n and_o matter_n of_o a_o true_a sacrament_n and_o the_o intention_n of_o the_o catholic_a church_n it_o be_v sufficient_a but_o the_o ceremony_n which_o they_o leave_v out_o as_o the_o insusflation_n exorcism_n chrism_n and_o the_o like_a be_v in_o no_o wise_a to_o be_v neglect_v where_o they_o may_v be_v convenient_o supply_v because_o they_o have_v also_o their_o virtue_n mystery_n and_o benediction_n and_o have_v be_v always_o in_o use_n ever_o since_o the_o apostle_n time_n in_o god_n church_n m._n you_o say_v right_a well_o for_o there_o be_v no_o catholic_a ceremony_n 8.14_o joan._n 9.11.20_o luc._n ul_a mar._n 7.8_o matt._n 8.14_o idle_a superfluous_a or_o superstitious_a but_o rather_o most_o necessary_a venerable_a and_o full_a of_o mysterye_n and_o comfort_n but_o tell_v i_o be_v it_o not_o sufficient_a for_o salvation_n to_o be_v predestinate_v allbeit_v he_o be_v no●_n baptize_v etc._n predestination_n see_v 4._o reg._n 14_o eccli_n 18._o sap._n 11._o ezech._n 18_o 1._o ad_fw-la tim._n 2._o 2._o petr._n 3._o etc._n etc._n d._n alas_o sir_n what_o have_v i_o to_o do_v with_o predestination_n witch_fw-mi be_v a_o thing_n in_o god_n eternal_a mind_n before_o either_o i_o or_o the_o world_n be_v make_v and_o therefore_o pass_v man_n capacity_n to_o comprehend_v it_o wherein_o be_v to_o be_v observe_v that_o many_o deceive_v themselves_o by_o mistakinge_v the_o true_a signification_n of_o the_o word_n 5._o 1._o p._n q._n 23._o art_n 5._o for_o praedestination_n as_o sant_n thomas_n teach_v be_v diverse_o understand_v sometime_o for_o the_o cause_n of_o predestination_n which_o be_v god_n eternal_a appointment_n and_o disposition_n and_o sometime_o for_o the_o effect_n of_o praedestination_n which_o import_v our_o eternal_a salvation_n and_o the_o mean_n whereby_o we_o must_v attain_v unto_o it_o and_o for_o that_o both_o the_o holy_a scripture_n and_o father_n use_v the_o word_n sometime_o in_o one_o sense_n sometime_o in_o a_o other_o the_o unlearned_a oftentimes_o take_v occasion_n to_o confound_v themselves_o and_o their_o own_o conscience_n in_o the_o speculation_n of_o this_o mysterye_n no_o man_n can_v tell_v who_o be_v predestinate_a or_o who_o be_v reprobate_a but_o this_o i_o know_v and_o be_o certain_a that_o except_o a_o man_n be_v christen_v and_o keep_v god_n commandment_n he_o ca●not_v be_v save_v and_o god_n command_v nothing_o that_o be_v either_o 〈◊〉_d reasonable_a or_o impossible_a at_o therefore_o as_o it_o behoove_v we_o n●●_n to_o be_v curious_a in_o search_a go●_n secret_n so_o it_o import_v we_o not_o be_v negligent_a in_o the_o execution_n 〈◊〉_d that_o which_o belong_v unto_o 〈◊〉_d but_o accord_v to_o s._n peter_n co●●_n sail_n to_o make_v certain_a our_o vo●●tion_n by_o our_o good_a work_n m._n well_o then_o to_o return_v to_o 〈◊〉_d church_n be_v there_o any_o reason_n ●●hy_a our_o church_n be_v call_v holy_a 〈◊〉_d not_o that_o of_o the_o heretic_n d._n that_o there_o be_v for_o in_o the_o catholic_a church_n have_v be_v all_o 〈◊〉_d saint_n that_o ever_o wear_v an●_n never_o want_v many_o holy_a 〈◊〉_d renown_v for_o their_o virtue_n 〈◊〉_d sanctity_n of_o life_n testify_v by_o 〈◊〉_d numerable_a miracle_n and_o by_o sh●●ding_v of_o their_o blood_n for_o catholic_a religion_n and_o virtue_n which_o sanctity_n of_o life_n proceed_v from_o the_o holy_a doctrine_n sacrament_n and_o other_o help_n that_o christ_n have_v leave_v we_o in_o his_o catholic_a church_n no_o otherwise_o then_o precious_a fruyt_n and_o sweet_a smell_a flower_n take_v their_o virtue_n from_o the_o root_n from_o whence_o they_o grow_v where_o upon_o it_o follow_v that_o it_o be_v impossible_a that_o any_o man_n true_o believe_v and_o observe_v that_o which_o the_o catholic_a faith_n command_v and_o teach_v but_o that_o he_o must_v be_v endow_v with_o grace_n &_o virtue_n wherein_o true_a holiness_n consist_v and_o only_o those_o catholic_n be_v not_o virtuous_a who_o break_v the_o law_n of_o catholic_a religion_n where_o contrariwise_o it_o be_v manifest_a that_o one_o may_v observe_v all_o that_o the_o protestant_n or_o puritan_n prescribe_v to_o be_v keep_v and_o believe_v and_o yet_o be_v no_o honest_a a_o man_n they_o there_o good_a master_n the_o famous_a apostate_n martin_n luther_n and_o john_n caluin_n be_v who_o doctrine_n as_o all_o other_o sect_n and_o heresye_n of_o their_o own_o nature_n induce_v man_n to_o sin_n for_o as_o the_o honour_n do_v unto_o the_o idol_n of_o the_o panim_n cupid_n venus_n bacchus_n and_o such_o other_o whon_v false_o they_o esteem_v as_o god_n do_v authorise_v and_o bring_v in_o all_o liberty_n and_o lewdness_n of_o life_n s●_n the_o erroneous_a opinion_n of_o these_o late_a sectary_n persuade_v th●_n people_n that_o they_o have_v no_o freewill_n nor_o any_o need_n of_o good_a wo●kes_n confession_n satisfaction_n 〈◊〉_d penance_n for_o their_o sin_n and_o th●_n like_o but_o that_o it_o suffice_v for_o al●_n only_o to_o believe_v have_v open_v s●_n broad_a a_o way_n to_o all_o dissolution_n 〈◊〉_d it_o may_v well_o seem_v that_o under_o th●_n cloak_n of_o christ_n name_n an●_n vizard_n of_o the_o gospel_n they_o inde●●_n adore_v the_o same_o filthy_a idol_n 〈◊〉_d the_o blind_a and_o carnal_a gentility_n howsoever_o among_o they_o some_o rather_o deceyve_v by_o
a_o brief_a instruction_n by_o way_n of_o dialogue_n concern_v the_o principal_a point_n of_o christian_a religion_n gather_v out_o of_o the_o holy_a scripture_n father_n and_o counsel_n by_o the_o reverend_n m._n george_n doulye_o priest_n luci_n succedit_fw-la nox_fw-la sapientiam_fw-la autem_fw-la non_fw-la vincit_fw-la malitia_fw-la sap._n 7._o cum_o privilegio_fw-la imprint_v at_o louvain_n by_o laurence_n kellam_n anno_fw-la 1604._o the_o preface_n all_o heresy_n christian_a reader_n as_o other_o disease_n whether_o of_o the_o body_n etc._n su●ius_n and_o cochlaeus_fw-la etc._n etc._n or_o of_o the_o mind_n have_v they_o be_v begin_n increase_n state_n and_o declination_n this_o of_o luther_n and_o caluyne_n begin_v to_o be_v publish_v in_o germany_n about_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n france_n the_o duke_n of_o saxonye_n aspiringe_v to_o the_o empire_n the_o prince_n of_o conde_n the_o admiral_n &_o other_o in_o france_n 1517._o and_o a_o little_a after_o in_o france_n where_o it_o increase_v so_o much_o with_o liberty_n of_o life_n join_v with_o interest_n and_o pretension_n of_o temporal_a prince_n as_o it_o stir_v uppe_o those_o furious_a rebellion_n war_n and_o other_o tragical_a action_n which_o we_o have_v see_v and_o hear_v of_o in_o those_o country_n as_o also_o in_o flanders_n flanders_n the_o prince_n of_o aurange_n in_o flanders_n and_o other_o part_n of_o christendom_n whersoever_o it_o have_v come_v within_o the_o compass_n of_o europe_n out_o of_o which_o it_o have_v not_o yet_o creep_v albeit_o as_o the_o apostle_n speak_v it_o have_v creep_v like_o a_o cancer_n 17._o 2._o timot._fw-la c._n 2._o verse_n 17._o the_o poison_n whereof_o infectinge_v so_o many_o province_n come_v into_o our_o country_n by_o occasion_n of_o the_o inordinate_a affection_n which_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o take_v to_o anne_n bollen_a mother_n to_o the_o late_a queen_n elisabeth_n behead_v afterward_o for_o her_o just_a desert_n by_o the_o say_a king_n her_o husband_n for_o who_o sake_n he_o break_v with_o the_o see_v apostolic_a and_o take_v upon_o he_o the_o title_n of_o supremacy_n in_o spiritual_a matter_n to_o have_v some_o colour_n to_o put_v away_o queen_n catherine_n his_o lawful_a wife_n whereunto_o the_o pope_n can_v not_o be_v bring_v for_o that_o he_o judge_v the_o divorce_n to_o be_v unjuste_n and_o contrary_a to_o god_n holy_a la_o by_o this_o occasion_n heresy_n take_v root_n in_o england_n under_o king_n henry_n spring_v uppe_o in_o king_n edward_n day_n under_o the_o government_n of_o his_o protector_n afterward_n execute_v for_o treason_n and_o come_v to_o that_o state_n in_o the_o reign_n of_o queen_n elisabeth_n as_o the_o politic_a governor_n of_o her_o council_n who_o have_v found_v their_o authority_n &_o greatness_n in_o the_o advauncement_n of_o the_o same_o presume_v after_o they_o have_v take_v away_o the_o life_n of_o the_o renown_a princess_n queen_n marie_n of_o scotland_n they_o can_v so_o establish_v it_o that_o they_o shall_v be_v able_a to_o banish_v catholic_a religion_n for_o ever_o out_o of_o england_n but_o the_o contrary_n have_v happen_v as_o in_o all_o other_o heresy_n and_o like_a attempt_n of_o age_n past_a may_v be_v see_v the_o unsearchable_a wisdom_n of_o almighty_a god_n confoundinge_a the_o vain_a cogitation_n and_o shallow_v devise_n of_o mortal_a man_n ferdinando_n in_o the_o dominion_n of_o the_o archeduke_n ferdinando_n now_o in_o germany_n and_o in_o those_o northern_a country_n adjoininge_v after_o so_o long_o and_o so_o great_a desolation_n we_o see_v great_a progress_n of_o the_o catholic_a faith_n etc._n in_o hungary_n transyluania_n zuizerland_n polonia_n etc._n etc._n where_o everye_o day_n god_n be_v thank_v town_n city_n and_o whole_a country_n weary_v with_o heresy_n cast_v of_o this_o infamous_a yoke_n and_o embrace_v that_o truth_n which_o they_o be_v forefather_n profess_a with_o much_o more_o fervour_n than_o there_o be_v before_o heresy_n enter_v amongst_o they_o in_o flanders_n the_o like_a and_o where_o the_o country_n be_v not_o oppress_v with_o war_n or_o rebellion_n the_o piety_n devotion_n and_o christian_a life_n of_o the_o people_n be_v incomparablie_o better_v since_o they_o have_v deliver_v themselves_o from_o the_o thralldom_n of_o these_o erroneous_a and_o apostata_fw-la doctrine_n france_n be_v rise_v apace_o by_o the_o memorable_a example_n of_o the_o most_o christian_n king_n henry_n the._n 4._o who_o be_v deceive_v by_o heretic_n in_o his_o youth_n have_v shake_v they_o of_o and_o they_o be_v pestilent_a counsel_n since_o he_o be_v come_v to_o more_o mature_a year_n and_o through_o his_o wisdom_n and_o valour_n obtain_v such_o quietness_n in_o his_o kingdom_n that_o neither_o he_o have_v now_o any_o more_o cause_n to_o fear_v they_o neither_o be_v it_o know_v peradventure_o since_o charlemagne_n that_o any_o king_n of_o that_o country_n have_v enjoy_v that_o crown_n with_o more_o prosperity_n the_o like_a example_n want_v only_o in_o england_n and_o to_o god_n omnipotency_n be_v as_o factible_a as_o in_o france_n where_o king_n henry_n the_o eyghte_v succession_n be_v end_v for_o the_o which_o and_o the_o inordinate_a desire_n he_o have_v to_o have_v child_n after_o twenty_o year_n roygne_n with_o renown_n and_o glory_n in_o the_o eye_n of_o all_o christendom_n while_o he_o live_v a_o catholic_a after_o diverse_a royal_a exploit_n &_o the_o increase_n of_o his_o regality_n by_o the_o most_o sacred_a title_n of_o defender_n of_o the_o faith_n gain_v with_o that_o worthy_a and_o kingelie_o work_v write_v against_o luther_n doctrine_n he_o most_o miserable_o leave_v god_n and_o his_o church_n and_o that_o seed_n be_v now_o whole_o extinguish_v wherewith_o heresy_n be_v sow_v and_o shall_v have_v be_v perpetual_o maintain_v in_o our_o country_n and_o the_o persecution_n past_a have_v serve_v for_o nothing_o less_o then_o for_o that_o they_o be_v principal_o intend_v but_o contrariwise_o kindlinge_n charity_n and_o the_o love_n of_o christ_n in_o catholic_a soul_n have_v not_o only_o conserve_v but_o augment_v and_o illustrate_v the_o faith_n above_o all_o expectation_n so_o as_o we_o see_v the_o benediction_n of_o our_o saviour_n and_o the_o region_n white_a and_o read●e_v for_o harvest_n who_o reaper_n constant_o labouringe_v in_o this_o cause_n patient_o expecte_v god_n providence_n who_o when_o time_n shall_v require_v will_v put_v into_o the_o heart_n of_o those_o in_o whole_a hand_n the_o government_n be_v to_o mitigate_v the_o rigour_n of_o penal_a law_n whereby_o the_o publishinge_v of_o god_n truth_n may_v with_o more_o sweetness_n go_v forward_o which_o when_o &_o howsoever_o it_o shall_v fall_v out_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n experience_n do_v teach_v that_o some_o form_n of_o instruction_n be_v necessary_a for_o the_o informinge_v of_o those_o poor_a soul_n which_o hitherto_o have_v know_v no_o other_o religion_n but_o that_o wherein_o they_o be_v bear_v &_o by_o which_o they_o be_v teach_v through_o the_o importunate_a clamour_n of_o caluins_n minister_n to_o detest_v the_o catholic_a religion_n before_o they_o know_v it_o for_o so_o we_o come_v to_o tell_v our_o own_o tale_n they_o may_v judge_v with_o indifferency_n and_o learn_v to_o distinguish_v between_o true_a catholic_a doctrine_n and_o heresy_n which_o be_v that_o we_o especial_o pretend_v for_o if_o catholic_a religion_n be_v as_o the_o malice_n or_o ignorance_n of_o these_o sectary_n teach_v and_o make_v the_o common_a people_n believe_v it_o be_v not_o only_o folly_n but_o mere_a madness_n to_o be_v a_o catholic_a but_o the_o contrary_a will_n here_o quick_o be_v see_v and_o what_o convenience_n and_o excellence_n harmonye_n our_o religion_n have_v with_o all_o truth_n and_o reason_n and_o the_o light_n and_o majesty_n which_o it_o carry_v in_o itself_o by_o which_o always_o it_o have_v overgrow_v and_o confound_v all_o sect_n and_o heresy_n in_o the_o world_n and_o that_o if_o the_o adversary_n have_v any_o show_n or_o appearance_n of_o religion_n it_o be_v with_o thing_n usurp_v and_o steal_v from_o we_o or_o counterfeit_a by_o imitation_n of_o the_o catholic_n no_o other_o wise_a than_o ape_n imitate_v man_n etc._n tertullian_n lectantius_fw-la vincentius_n li●i●_n etc._n etc._n and_o the_o devil_n the_o work_n of_o god_n as_o some_o of_o the_o ancient_a father_n have_v note_v the_o rest_n and_o that_o which_o be_v meerlie_a their_o own_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o dross_n baggage_n &_o beggary_n as_o any_o man_n of_o judgement_n not_o preoecuppate_v with_o passion_n will_v easy_o discern_v even_o by_o the_o read_n of_o this_o little_a dialogue_n little_a in_o volume_n but_o great_a in_o substance_n for_o the_o great_a &_o importante_fw-la matter_n it_o contain_v necessary_a for_o our_o salvation_n the_o great_a affair_n that_o we_o can_v treat_v of_o in_o this_o life_n which_o be_v first_o write_v for_o the_o help_n and_o instruction_n of_o particular_a friend_n not_o without_o some_o
be_v not_o bind_v absolute_o to_o succour_n but_o those_o that_o have_v no_o mean_n to_o help_v themselves_o nor_o other_o that_o will_v do_v it_o for_o they_o allbeit_v the_o truth_n be_v that_o the_o true_a merciful_a mind_n never_o expect_v such_o urgente_a necessity_n but_o be_v ready_o to_o help_v all_o and_o at_o all_o time_n the_o third_o be_v when_o a_o person_n be_v in_o a_o state_n of_o high_a perfection_n then_o that_o he_o be_v bind_v to_o attend_v to_o these_o obligation_n of_o active_a life_n as_o be_v heremites_n or_o anchoretes_n and_o contemplative_a person_n which_o notwithstand_v with_o they_o be_v prayer_n may_v supply_v they_o be_v temporal_a want_n or_o inability_n for_o this_o be_v all_o so_o one_o and_o not_o of_o the_o jest_n of_o the_o spiritual_a work_n of_o mercy_n m._n rehearse_v also_o the_o virtue_n gift_n and_o beatitude_n d._n virtue_n theological_a virtue_n there_o be_v three_o theological_a virtue_n faith_n hope_n and_o charitye_n m._n i_o pray_v you_o tell_v i_o seinge_v you_o be_v come_v so_o far_o if_o you_o remember_v the_o particulares_fw-la of_o these_o theological_a virtue_n and_o why_o they_o be_v so_o call_v d._n they_o be_v call_v theological_a which_o as_o i_o have_v be_v teach_v be_v a_o greek_a word_n because_o they_o especial_o depend_v of_o god_n and_o have_v he_o for_o they_o be_v particular_a objecte_n and_o the_o first_o which_o be_v faith_n faith_n faith_n have_v this_o property_n and_o office_n to_o illuminate_v the_o understand_v and_o elevate_v the_o same_o to_o believe_v firm_o all_o that_o which_o god_n by_o the_o mean_n of_o his_o church_n catholic_n do_v reveal_v unto_o we_o allbeit_v the_o thing_n itself_o be_v otherwise_o hard_a and_o above_o nature_n or_o natural_a reason_n as_o for_o example_n that_o a_o virgin_n shall_v bear_v a_o child_n without_o detriment_n of_o her_o virginitye_n and_o the_o cause_n hereof_o or_o r●ther_o the_o ground_n be_v because_o faith_n be_v found_v in_o the_o infallible_a truth_n of_o god_n which_o be_v impossible_a to_o be_v false_a m._n and_o what_o thing_n must_v we_o necessary_o believe_v with_o this_o virtue_n d._n principal_o and_o distinctelye_o the_o article_n of_o the_o creed_n or_o at_o jest_n those_o which_o the_o church_n do_v solemnize_v through_o the_o year_n as_o christ_n incarnation_n nativitye_n passion_n resurrection_n ascension_n the_o come_n of_o the_o holy_a ghoaste_n and_o the_o b._n trinitye_n second_o all_o that_o ever_o shall_v be_v declare_v unto_o we_o as_o true_a by_o holy_a church_n and_o three_o in_o work_n to_o show_v we_o be_v christian_n when_o we_o be_v bind_v thereunto_o as_o for_o example_n without_o necessity_n only_o for_o the_o church_n precepte_v to_o abstain_v from_o flesh_n on_o fastinge_a day_n &_o the_o like_o which_o haeretique_n will_v not_o m._n hope_n hope_n and_o what_o be_v hope_n or_o what_o be_v the_o office_n thereof_o d._n it_o be_v a_o supernatural_a virtue_n where_o with_o we_o hope_v in_o god_n and_o the_o proper_a office_n thereof_o be_v to_o lift_v uppe_o our_o will_n to_o the_o hope_n of_o eternal_a faelicitie_n to_o the_o which_o we_o can_v not_o aspire_v by_o human_a force_n and_o it_o be_v found_v in_o the_o infinite_a goodness_n or_o bounty_n of_o god_n which_o he_o have_v manifest_v unto_o we_o in_o his_o son_n jesus_n our_o saviour_n by_o who_o he_o have_v adopt_v we_o as_o his_o coheyre_n to_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n if_o we_o be_v holpen_v with_o his_o grace_n do_v work_n accordingelie_o m._n charity_n charity_n and_o what_o be_v charity_n d._n it_o be_v a_o supernatural_a virtue_n which_o exalt_v our_o soul_n to_o the_o true_a love_n of_o god_n above_o all_o thing_n not_o only_o as_o he_o be_v author_n of_o nature_n but_o also_o as_o giver_n of_o grace_n and_o glory_n which_o be_v both_o supernatural_a and_o withal_o it_o extend_v itself_o to_o love_v all_o other_o creature_n which_o ought_v to_o be_v love_v for_o god_n sake_n as_o especial_o our_o neighbour_n which_o be_v create_v as_o ourself_o be_v to_o god_n image_n which_o virtue_n be_v therefore_o of_o saint_n paul_n call_v the_o great_a of_o these_o three_o 13._o 1._o corint_fw-la 13._o because_o whosoever_o have_v it_o can_v be_v damn_v 3._o d._n thom._n 22._o q._n 25._o be_v 3._o except_o he_o first_o loose_v his_o charity_n and_o who_o have_v it_o not_o can_v no_o way_n be_v save_v allbeit_n he_o have_v faith_n and_o all_o other_o gift_n and_o virtue_n m._n i_o be_o glad_a to_o hear_v you_o speak_v solike_a a_o divine_a let_v we_o see_v if_o you_o be_v as_o cunning_a in_o the_o cardinal_n virtue_n and_o first_o what_o &_o how_o many_o be_v they_o d._n virtue_n cardinal_n virtue_n they_o be_v four_o and_o be_v so_o call_v because_o they_o be_v the_o chief_a of_o all_o moral_a and_o human_a virtue_n prudence_n which_o govern_v the_o understand_v justice_n which_o rule_v the_o will_n temperance_n which_o guyde_v the_o sensual_a or_o concupiscible_a portion_n fortitude_n or_o prowesse_fw-it which_o moderate_v the_o irascible_a part_n of_o the_o soul_n m._n prudence_n prudence_n you_o have_v speak_v like_o a_o cunning_a philosopher_n tell_v i_o then_o what_o be_v the_o proper_a office_n of_o prudence_n d._n to_o show_v in_o every_o action_n or_o designment_n of_o we_o the_o due_a end_n and_o purporte_n with_o the_o mean_n convenient_a to_o obtain_v the_o same_o with_o convenient_a circumstance_n thereto_o belonginge_v and_o therefore_o be_v worthy_o call_v the_o queen_n and_o mistress_n of_o the_o other_o virtue_n like_v unto_o the_o eye_n in_o man_n body_n or_o salt_n to_o our_o meat_n or_o the_o sun_n in_o this_o world_n the_o contrary_n of_o this_o virtue_n be_v imprudence_n which_o other_o call_v temeritie_n rashness_n or_o inconsideration_n and_o craft_n or_o suttletie_n who_o quality_n be_v to_o seek_v out_o the_o end_n and_o mean_n thereunto_o but_o refer_v all_o to_o his_o own_o private_a commodity_n and_o interest_n which_o in_o truth_n be_v the_o great_a folly_n of_o all_o because_o it_o leese_v the_o chief_a good_a of_o all_o which_o be_v god_n to_o gain_v a_o little_a worldelye_o contentment_n m._n then_o what_o be_v justice_n justice_n justice_n and_o her_o proper_a office_n d._n justice_n be_v a_o virtue_n which_o gyve_v unto_o every_o one_o his_o own_o and_o so_o her_o duty_n be_v to_o make_v aequalitie_n in_o all_o human_a affair_n and_o contract_n which_o be_v the_o foundation_n of_o peace_n and_o concord_n for_o if_o every_o man_n will_v be_v content_v with_o his_o own_o good_a there_o will_v be_v no_o war_n nor_o discord_n and_o this_o virtue_n have_v also_o two_o contrary_n injustice_n which_o take_v more_o than_o be_v due_a and_o invade_v other_o man_n good_n and_o rigoure_n or_o excess_n of_o justice_n which_o be_v when_o a_o man_n seek_v for_o the_o extremity_n in_o all_o thing_n m._n fortitude_n fortitude_n what_o be_v fortitude_n or_o valiaunce_n and_o her_o duty_n d._n it_o be_v a_o virtue_n whereby_o we_o be_v make_v prompt_a and_o ready_a to_o overcome_v all_o difficulty_n in_o a_o good_a and_o just_a cause_n even_o death_n itself_o when_o it_o be_v for_o god_n glory_n and_o to_o perform_v our_o duty_n as_o appear_v in_o valiant_a souldioure_n &_o catholic_a martyr_n the_o vice_n opposite_a hereunto_o be_v tymorousnes_n or_o fear_n and_o audaciousnes_n or_o foolehardinesse_n m._n temperance_n temperance_n to_o conclude_v then_o tell_v i_o what_o be_v temperance_n and_o what_o be_v her_o especial_a office_n and_o duty_n d._n it_o be_v a_o virtue_n which_o bridle_v all_o sensual_a delight_n and_o make_v that_o a_o man_n do_v use_v they_o with_o such_o measure_n and_o moderation_n as_o reason_n command_v the_o contrary_a vice_n be_v intemperance_n and_o insensibility_n or_o senselessness_n which_o be_v the_o first_o when_o excess_n be_v commit_v in_o eatinge_v or_o drink_v the_o second_o when_o a_o man_n refuse_v that_o necessary_a and_o allowable_a pleasure_n which_o natural_o be_v find_v in_o eatinge_v yeat_v few_o in_o this_o late_a offend_v such_o be_v our_o frailty_n m._n and_o the_o gift_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n which_o be_v they_o ghoaste_n gift_n of_o the_o holy_a ghoaste_n d._n the_o gift_n of_o the_o holy_a ghoaste_n be_v seven_o sapience_n or_o wisdom_n understand_v counsel_n fortitude_n knowledge_n piety_n and_o fear_v of_o god_n m._n to_o what_o effect_n be_v these_o gift_n or_o wherein_o do_v they_o help_v we_o d._n gift_n effect_n of_o these_o gift_n they_o help_v we_o to_o attain_v the_o perfection_n of_o christian_a life_n and_o make_v as_o it_o be_v a_o ladder_n to_o heaven_n begin_v from_o the_o last_o which_o be_v also_o the_o low_a to_o wit_n the_o fear_n of_o god_n &_o may_v serve_v for_o the_o first_o step_n the_o second_o be_v piety_n or_o godliness_n because_o of_o god_n fear_v it_o