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Loues complaint, for vvant of entertainement A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the third of December, 1609. By William Holbrooke.
Holbrooke, William.
STC 13564; ESTC S104136
verse_n 28._o in_o conclusion_n he_o exhort_v the_o corinthian_n and_o we_o in_o they_o to_o desire_v the_o best_a gift_n upon_o the_o hear_n whereof_o it_o seem_v some_o do_v or_o may_v conclude_v that_o so_o they_o will_v do_v for_o they_o will_v strive_v to_o speak_v excellent_o and_o to_o be_v man_n of_o great_a knowledge_n etc._n etc._n and_o what_o better_a than_o these_o for_o the_o better_a instruct_v of_o who_o the_o apostle_n in_o the_o three_o first_o verse_n of_o this_o chapter_n gâueth_v they_o to_o understand_v that_o it_o be_v not_o sufficient_a to_o have_v these_o and_o the_o best_a gift_n except_o they_o have_v love_n and_o according_o do_v use_v the_o same_o which_o he_o amplifi_v by_o lay_v down_o particular_n as_o first_o that_o it_o be_v to_o no_o end_n to_o speak_v with_o the_o tongue_n of_o man_n and_o angel_n and_o to_o be_v without_o love_n vers_fw-la 1._o second_o that_o it_o be_v to_o as_o little_a purpose_n to_o have_v the_o gift_n of_o prophesy_v and_o that_o in_o the_o large_a manner_n and_o measure_n yea_o to_o have_v faith_n that_o be_v the_o gift_n of_o do_v miracle_n without_o love_n three_o it_o be_v to_o no_o purpose_n for_o a_o man_n to_o be_v so_o liberal_a and_o kind_a heart_a as_o to_o give_v all_o they_o have_v to_o the_o poor_a and_o last_o so_o to_o suffer_v as_o to_o be_v burn_v without_o love_n all_o these_o profit_n nothing_o upon_o this_o might_n some_o reply_n and_o say_v thou_o do_v not_o think_v we_o altogether_o inhuman_a and_o void_a of_o love_n do_v thou_o unto_o which_o paul_n do_v secret_o reply_v you_o may_v deceive_v yourselves_o in_o your_o judgement_n for_o every_o love_n be_v not_o the_o love_n i_o speak_v of_o and_o mean_v here_o and_o that_o you_o may_v not_o be_v deceive_v whether_o your_o love_n be_v this_o yea_o or_o no_o observe_v whether_o it_o have_v the_o several_a mark_n and_o notable_a effect_n i_o propound_v unto_o your_o consideration_n which_o charity_n proceed_v from_o justify_v faith_n have_v and_o to_o this_o end_n the_o apostle_n from_o the_o 4._o verse_n of_o this_o chapter_n to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o 7._o verse_n lay_v down_o a_o chain_n consist_v of_o 14._o link_n every_o link_n whereof_o be_v a_o several_a mark_n of_o this_o true_a love_n among_o which_o this_o verse_n be_v one_o so_o that_o this_o verse_n contain_v a_o true_a mark_n of_o love_n by_o which_o faith_n do_v work_v be_v the_o ten_o link_n of_o this_o chain_n and_o thus_o you_o have_v the_o conexion_n of_o it_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o word_n be_v the_o second_o thing_n i_o promise_v be_v to_o be_v consider_v by_o examine_v the_o several_a word_n compare_v the_o translation_n with_o the_o original_n and_o the_o acceptation_n of_o they_o elsewhere_o in_o holy_a writ_n for_o the_o word_n love_n it_o be_v in_o vain_a to_o stand_v long_o upon_o the_o acceptation_n of_o it_o it_o be_v diverse_o take_v in_o the_o scripture_n the_o mind_n of_o the_o apostle_n be_v easy_o perceive_v that_o here_o he_o mean_v that_o love_n which_o he_o speak_v of_o elsewhere_o say_v faith_n that_o be_v justify_v faith_n work_v by_o love_n and_o elsewhere_o call_v it_o the_o fruit_n of_o the_o spirit_n gal._n 5.22_o the_o word_n translate_v iniquity_n be_v in_o the_o original_n ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d which_o be_v most_o common_o translate_v injustice_n yet_o in_o the_o scripture_n have_v both_o a_o general_a and_o restrain_a sense_n general_o comprehend_v all_o sin_n and_o so_o it_o be_v take_v in_o that_o 5._o of_o the_o first_o of_o john_n ver_fw-la 17._o ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d all_o unrighteousness_n be_v sin_n and_o so_o do_v ezra_n use_v it_o in_o his_o prayer_n chap._n 9_o ver_fw-la 6._o and_o dan._n 9_o v._n 5._o restrain_o it_o be_v take_v for_o injustice_n betwixt_o man_n and_o man_n which_o i_o take_v to_o be_v especial_o mean_v in_o this_o place_n so_o you_o shall_v find_v it_o take_v in_o the_o last_o of_o the_o revelation_n and_o 11._o verse_n he_o that_o be_v unjust_a let_v he_o be_v unjust_a still_o and_o in_o the_o 16._o of_o luke_n verse_n 8._o ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d and_o the_o lord_n commend_v the_o unjust_a steward_n or_o rather_o according_a to_o the_o original_n the_o steward_n of_o injustice_n so_o be_v the_o simple_a word_n ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d take_v for_o justice_n that_o be_v honest_a deal_n betwixt_o man_n and_o man_n titus_n 1.8_o speak_v of_o a_o minister_n say_v he_o he_o must_v be_v righteous_a that_o be_v just_a which_o the_o word_n holy_a follow_v show_v in_o the_o second_o at_o the_o 12._o verse_n the_o grace_n of_o god_n teach_v we_o that_o we_o shall_v love_v ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d righteous_o that_o be_v just_o which_o the_o word_n ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d follow_v plain_o show_v now_o we_o see_v the_o acceptation_n of_o this_o word_n in_o the_o scripture_n the_o question_n be_v how_o it_o be_v to_o be_v take_v in_o this_o place_n unto_o which_o i_o answer_v though_o i_o take_v the_o second_o sense_n to_o be_v especial_o mean_v in_o this_o place_n yet_o i_o see_v no_o reason_n why_o it_o may_v not_o carry_v both_o the_o sense_n here_o both_o which_o do_v set_v out_o the_o nature_n of_o love_n the_o better_a and_o therefore_o i_o will_v take_v it_o in_o both_o sense_n but_o special_o in_o the_o latter_a it_o be_v the_o safe_a way_n to_o construe_v scripture_n and_o take_v it_o in_o the_o large_a sense_n when_o both_o the_o drift_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n the_o sense_n of_o the_o original_a word_n and_o the_o analogy_n of_o faith_n gainsay_v it_o not_o butler_n rejoice_v the_o word_n in_o the_o original_n be_v ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d rejoice_v together_o which_o some_o expound_v do_v requite_v good_a deal_n with_o good_a deal_n which_o although_o i_o do_v not_o condemn_v yet_o i_o rather_o cleave_v to_o this_o exposition_n by_o way_n of_o antithesis_fw-la to_o ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d that_o as_o love_n do_v not_o rejoice_v in_o sinful_a and_o unjust_a course_n so_o it_o rejoice_v to_o see_v other_o together_o with_o himself_o to_o take_v delight_n in_o just_a deal_n with_o man_n and_o religion_n towards_o god_n full_o express_v the_o nature_n of_o true_a love_n both_o in_o hate_v and_o distaste_v of_o evil_a as_o also_o in_o the_o love_a of_o good_a have_v these_o effect_n wheresoever_o it_o be_v for_o the_o word_n truth_n it_o be_v diverse_o take_v in_o scripture_n sometime_o for_o the_o son_n of_o god_n joh._n 14.6_o i_o be_o the_o way_n the_o truth_n and_o the_o life_n sometime_o for_o the_o word_n of_o god_n joh._n 17.17_o sanctify_v they_o with_o thy_o word_n thy_o word_n be_v truth_n sometime_o for_o honest_a deal_n and_o true_a speak_n ephes_n 4.25_o speak_v the_o truth_n every_o man_n to_o his_o neighbour_n where_o by_o truth_n be_v not_o only_o mean_v to_o speak_v as_o the_o matter_n be_v but_o also_o to_o deal_v honest_o and_o sometime_o for_o religion_n profess_v according_a to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n as_o in_o that_o of_o the_o proverb_n buy_v the_o truth_n but_o sell_v it_o not_o and_o 2._o ep._n joh._n ver_fw-la 4._o i_o rejoice_v when_o i_o find_v of_o thy_o child_n walk_v in_o the_o truth_n among_o the_o diverse_a acceptation_n whereof_o i_o tie_v myself_o to_o the_o two_o late_a by_o way_n of_o antithesis_fw-la answer_v my_o acceptation_n of_o ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d in_o the_o former_a part_n of_o the_o verse_n and_o thus_o have_v you_o the_o sense_n of_o it_o in_o parcel_n now_o to_o totalize_v the_o same_o and_o cast_v it_o up_o altogether_o it_o come_v to_o thus_o much_o that_o that_o person_n in_o who_o true_a love_n be_v by_o which_o faith_n do_v work_v and_o be_v a_o fruit_n of_o the_o spirit_n and_o by_o which_o our_o action_n measure_v and_o perform_v do_v please_v god_n as_o he_o do_v not_o take_v delight_n in_o sin_n and_o unjust_a deal_n so_o he_o do_v on_o the_o other_o side_n yea_o it_o be_v his_o joy_n and_o great_a delight_n to_o deal_v just_o with_o man_n and_o walk_v religious_o towards_o god_n in_o his_o own_o use_n and_o to_o see_v other_o to_o do_v the_o same_o and_o thus_o have_v i_o perform_v the_o second_o branch_n of_o my_o promise_n 3_o the_o part_n into_o which_o this_o verse_n do_v offer_v it_o self_n be_v two_o 1._o quid_fw-la charitas_fw-la abstinet_fw-la in_o these_o word_n love_n rejoice_v not_o in_o iniquity_n that_o be_v far_o from_o the_o property_n of_o true_a love_n 2._o quid_fw-la efficit_fw-la in_o these_o word_n but_o rejoice_v in_o the_o truth_n which_o love_n ever_o do_v and_o that_o be_v the_o three_o branch_n of_o my_o promise_n the_o four_o remain_v let_v we_o hasten_v thereunto_o that_o we_o may_v
every_o son_n of_o adam_n why_o shall_v not_o grace_v obtain_v unto_o by_o the_o second_o adam_n be_v fruitful_a once_o enter_v into_o the_o place_n of_o the_o former_a second_o the_o apostle_n plain_o affirm_v that_o where_o sin_n abound_v grace_n abound_v much_o more_o use_v this_o at_o the_o first_o look_v plain_o tell_v we_o that_o every_o cease_n from_o sin_n be_v not_o a_o conscionable_a cease_v therefrom_o and_o that_o a_o man_n may_v leave_v off_o the_o commit_n of_o sin_n and_o go_v to_o hell_n for_o it_o when_o he_o have_v do_v for_o he_o do_v not_o of_o conscience_n cease_v from_o the_o same_o there_o appear_v no_o contrary_a fruit_n of_o the_o spirit_n look_v to_o this_o you_o old_a adulterer_n and_o ancient_a bawd_n you_o unsatiable_a libertine_n and_o epicure_n you_o now_o neigh_v not_o after_o your_o neighbour_n wife_n and_o daughter_n and_o maid_n as_o former_o you_o now_o spend_v not_o the_o time_n in_o eat_v drink_v and_o rise_v up_o to_o play_v as_o you_o have_v wont_a to_o do_v oh_o now_o you_o be_v in_o a_o bless_a estate_n say_v you_o of_o yourselves_o and_o other_o of_o you_o for_o why_o you_o be_v much_o amend_v you_o be_v not_o now_o so_o bad_a as_o you_o be_v no_o godamercy_o to_o thou_o thou_o be_v restrain_v there_o from_o the_o heat_n and_o strength_n of_o thy_o youth_n be_v past_a thy_o live_n and_o good_n be_v consume_v &_o thou_o bring_v to_o a_o morsel_n of_o bread_n and_o so_o necessity_n and_o not_o conscience_n restrain_v thou_o thou_o have_v as_o green_a thought_n though_o gray_a hair_n as_o any_o thou_o want_v no_o evil_a but_o mean_n thou_o have_v as_o insatiable_a desire_n after_o meat_n and_o drink_v as_o ever_o but_o thou_o lack_v power_n to_o affect_v it_o alas_o poor_a soul_n thou_o must_v to_o hell_n except_o thou_o of_o conscience_n leave_v thy_o sin_n which_o thou_o now_o nolens_fw-la volens_fw-la art_n restrain_v from_o look_v unto_o this_o you_o bloody_a mind_a old_a man_n who_o have_v live_v by_o quarrel_v and_o shed_v of_o blood_n all_o your_o day_n but_o now_o be_v decrepit_a and_o impotent_a not_o unwilling_a but_o have_v as_o use_v 2_o good_a a_o heart_n as_o ever_o you_o have_v to_o that_o sport_n this_o let_v we_o see_v that_o it_o be_v not_o enough_o if_o we_o do_v not_o evil_a but_o we_o must_v also_o do_v good_a beat_v down_o to_o the_o ground_n that_o maxim_n of_o nature_n that_o i_o thank_v god_n i_o do_v no_o man_n harm_n as_o i_o can_v do_v he_o no_o good_a as_o also_o show_v how_o gross_o the_o papist_n do_v belie_v we_o and_o our_o doctrine_n of_o justification_n by_o faith_n only_o to_o be_v a_o doctrine_n of_o liberty_n and_o licentiousness_n whereas_o we_o teach_v and_o tell_v our_o people_n that_o without_o both_o practice_n of_o duty_n of_o piety_n and_o work_n of_o charity_n there_o be_v no_o conscionable_a abstinence_n from_o sin_n and_o so_o consequent_o no_o way_n but_o to_o hell_n love_n rejoice_v not_o in_o iniquity_n understand_v the_o word_n iniquity_n for_o sin_n according_a to_o the_o general_a acceptation_n of_o the_o word_n it_o offer_v this_o doctrine_n doctrine_n he_o that_o true_o love_v himself_o and_o other_o be_v far_o from_o take_v delight_n in_o sin_n true_a love_n take_v no_o joy_n it_o can_v neither_o do_v it_o solace_v herself_o nor_o make_v herself_o merry_a with_o sin_n for_o the_o prosecute_n of_o this_o doctrine_n we_o must_v understand_v that_o sin_n be_v either_o at_o home_n or_o abroad_o we_o or_o other_o in_o neither_o do_v love_n rejoice_v as_o witness_v the_o example_n of_o joseph_n who_o be_v far_o from_o take_v delight_n to_o commit_v that_o sin_n of_o uncleanness_n but_o show_v his_o dislike_n to_o his_o mistress_n for_o importune_v he_o thereunto_o whereby_o he_o do_v manifest_v the_o truth_n of_o his_o love_n to_o god_n his_o own_o soul_n and_o body_n and_o both_o fidelity_n and_o love_n to_o his_o master_n for_o the_o latter_a the_o vexation_n of_o righteous_a lot_n and_o the_o stream_n of_o tear_n flow_v from_o david_n eye_n the_o one_o because_o of_o the_o uncleanness_n of_o his_o people_n the_o other_o for_o the_o transgression_n of_o he_o stand_v up_o to_o witness_v reason_n which_o truth_n reason_n will_v plain_o convince_v we_o of_o how_o such_o be_v renew_v and_o make_v to_o love_v where_o god_n do_v and_o hate_v where_o he_o do_v and_o therefore_o can_v make_v themselves_o merry_a with_o sin_n which_o god_n hate_v use_v hereby_o as_o in_o a_o glass_n that_o will_v not_o deceive_v we_o may_v we_o look_v ourselves_o and_o see_v whether_o there_o be_v true_a love_n in_o we_o yea_o or_o no_o if_o we_o neither_o make_v ourselves_o merry_a with_o our_o own_o sin_n nor_o the_o sin_n of_o other_o the_o common_a sickness_n of_o our_o age_n and_o people_n first_o for_o thyself_o let_v thy_o rejoice_a to_o grieve_v the_o heart_n of_o the_o godly_a witness_n thy_o want_n of_o love_n be_v it_o not_o a_o common_a and_o know_v trick_n among_o you_o to_o vaunt_v what_o you_o have_v do_v in_o vex_v the_o godly_a say_v unto_o thy_o partner_n in_o evil_a in_o this_o manner_n o_o sirrah_n wot_v you_o what_o and_o where_o i_o have_v be_v i_o be_v where_o a_o puritan_n one_o of_o these_o precise_a fellow_n be_v that_o can_v endure_v a_o oath_n but_o i_o so_o swear_v stare_v and_o swaggard_n that_o i_o rid_v he_o out_o of_o the_o house_n and_o company_n where_o i_o be_v o_o miserable_a and_o wretched_a thou_o be_v enemy_n to_o thyself_o rejoice_v in_o thy_o own_o fall_n again_o you_o night_n walker_n when_o you_o have_v find_v your_o mate_n and_o have_v effect_v your_o wish_n do_v not_o you_o return_v home_o be_v not_o ashamed_a to_o boast_v to_o your_o mate_n what_o good_a success_n you_o have_v have_v in_o these_o manly_a course_n and_o how_o manly_a beastly_a i_o will_v say_v you_o carry_v yourselves_o in_o the_o same_o thus_o may_v you_o see_v there_o be_v little_a love_n because_o rejoice_v and_o merry_a make_n at_o our_o own_o sin_n and_o if_o we_o come_v to_o examine_v ourselves_o how_o we_o make_v ourselves_o merry_a with_o the_o sin_n of_o other_o we_o shall_v be_v constrain_v to_o say_v there_o be_v no_o love_n upon_o the_o earth_n first_o do_v not_o thou_o rejoice_v at_o the_o profaneness_n and_o beastliness_n of_o thy_o own_o child_n and_o servant_n their_o wantonness_n &_o abominable_a drunkenness_n with_o blasphemous_a swear_n what_o gentleman_n be_v there_o that_o must_v not_o cry_v guilty_a upon_o this_o examination_n but_o how_o much_o more_o these_o ungracious_a wretch_n that_o will_v set_v their_o servant_n to_o swear_v and_o cry_v as_o a_o bearward_n to_o his_o bear_n fine_o swear_v nay_o will_v lay_v wager_n of_o one_o overswear_v another_o first_o they_o will_v begin_v the_o price_n themselves_o and_o not_o be_v able_a to_o get_v the_o victory_n have_v damn_v their_o own_o soul_n will_v set_v one_o of_o their_o serve_a man_n who_o they_o know_v to_o be_v most_o graceless_a to_o maintain_v it_o while_o he_o stand_v by_o make_v himself_o merry_a with_o the_o bloody_a oath_n of_o the_o contender_n o_o horrible_a and_o who_o heart_n be_v not_o astonish_v to_o hear_v this_o and_o be_v not_o the_o like_a both_o abroad_o and_o at_o home_n more_o then_o rife_o by_o drunkenness_n pitiful_a to_o behold_v and_o grievous_a to_o speak_v of_o look_v unto_o these_o thing_n belove_v and_o the_o lord_n give_v you_o understanding_n know_v if_o these_o thing_n be_v so_o there_o be_v no_o true_a love_n in_o you_o use_v 2_o a_o man_n have_v none_o that_o hate_v he_o more_o than_o he_o do_v himself_o until_o he_o can_v lament_v and_o mourn_v for_o his_o sin_n smite_v himself_o upon_o his_o thigh_n and_o be_v ashamed_a yea_o confound_v of_o his_o own_o wicked_a way_n this_o teach_v we_o who_o love_v we_o most_o not_o they_o that_o will_v flatter_v we_o and_o say_v all_o be_v well_o do_v but_o those_o that_o most_o deny_v to_o yield_v unto_o we_o in_o our_o sinful_a course_n that_o be_v sad_a and_o heavy_a when_o we_o sin_n that_o can_v mourn_v and_o weep_v when_o we_o rejoice_v in_o our_o iniquity_n o_o consider_v this_o you_o that_o be_v gentleman_n and_o have_v many_o servant_n those_o love_v thou_o most_o and_o without_o dissimulation_n that_o will_v not_o foster_v thou_o in_o thy_o sin_n but_o show_v dislike_n to_o the_o same_o here_o we_o may_v see_v the_o difference_n between_o nature_n use_v 4_o and_o grace_n the_o natural_a and_o the_o spiritual_a man_n the_o former_a be_v proud_a of_o sin_n and_o rejoice_v in_o iniquity_n the_o latter_a be_v far_o from_o it_o take_v no_o pleasure_n in_o it_o hate_v it_o and_o oppose_v himself_o against_o sin_n do_v not_o thou_o rejoice_v in_o sin_n but_o be_v unwilling_o hale_v