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A62145 A compleat history of the lives and reigns of, Mary Queen of Scotland, and of her son and successor, James the Sixth, King of Scotland, and (after Queen Elizabeth) King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, the First ... reconciling several opinions in testimony of her, and confuting others, in vindication of him, against two scandalous authors, 1. The court and character of King James, 2. The history of Great Britain ... / by William Sanderson, Esq. Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676. 1656 (1656) Wing S647; ESTC R5456 573,319 644

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368 Earl of Essex and his Countess and Overbury their story intermixed 385 their Divorce and manner 386 〈◊〉 Earls created for money 463 The Emperour in Arms concerning the Kingdom of Bohemia 480 Egglesham his scurrilous Pamphlet 592 F. FAvourite Car his story 376 Villiers a Favourite his story 455 G. SAint George's Feast and his story Order of the Garter 273 Gowry's day of Conspiracy solemnized the memorial 312 H. KIng Henry 8. turns Protestant makes war with Scotland defeats them Proeme Henry 4. of France murthered 362 Prince Henry created Prince of Wales their Dignities 362 his sickness and death 377 Hospital of Sutton founded 367 Honors illegally adopted in Scotland 369 Heresies of Vorstius and Arminius their story 370 Of Adamites 375 Lord Haies Ambassadour into France and character 428 Earl Huntley of Scotland his story 444 Titles of Honor to English women 458 Sir Edward Hawley a stout Templer 524 Marquess Hamilton's sudden death 590 I. KIng James 5. dies his character 3 King James 6. his parents 1 Introduction Queen Elizabeths sickness and death 265 King James 6. settles his affairs in Scotland 265 pro●aimed King of England 268 sets out from Scotland 269 his interest with other Princes 280 Letters of Reprieve for three ready to be executed 287 his Speech in Star-chamber 439 Iourney into Scotland and passages there 45● his Letters to the ●ssembly at Perth 475 his Speech to the Parliament 493 and again to the Lords 497 retires discontent to Newmarket 509 writes to the Speaker 510 his message to the Parliament 512 his Answer to their Petition 513 writes to Secretary Calvert 520 and to the Speaker 521 fights and treats 538 his Speech in Parliament 557 and again 560 answers their Petition against Papists 564 his sickness disease and dies 591 vindicated 592 his character and royal memory 594 and Epitaph 599 K. KNights Batchelors made and their Dignities 270 Knights Templers 527 Knights Baronets created and discussed 402 Knights of the Bath their manner and creation 276 Kings elective and successive their different kindes 480 Lord Kensington his birth and breeding 429 Embassage into France about the Marriage 566 quarrels with Count Soisons 569 L. LEpton's speedy post to York from London and back again six several days together 333 Sir Thomas Lake and his Lady their story 446 of Labells and Pasquils 526 answered by Treasurer Salisbury 381 M. EArl Montgomery the first Favourite 365 careless of the Kings sickness 592 Masks and Plays discussed 366 Queen Mary of Scotland her Corps re-interred at Westminster 376 Moneys the King wants and ways of supply 404 restrains his bounty 406 Money of Benevolence 407 Merch. Traders make fe●ds 313 Cross Marriages of Spain France and Sav●y 417 congratulated by Embassies 428 Murther monstrous in Cornwall 463 Murther of D'Ancre in France 449 Murther of Henry 4. of France 362 Marriages with forrein Princes unfortunate to England 487 Match with Spain the Princes journey and story 524 Marriage of the Palsgrave with the Princess Elizabeth 377 married 380 Marriage of the Prince with France treated 566 Marquess Buckingham created and the Dignity of a Marquess 489 Montague made Lord Treasurer his Descent and Issue 490 Mansel Sir Robert his Expedition and Voyage against the Pi●rats of Algier 491 Michel and Mompesson censured in the Parliament 500 Earl Marshal of England their dignity 505 Massacre at Virginia 528 Count Mansfield comes to Holland raises Forces in England for the Netherlands 587 N. EArl of Northumberland and other Lords censured as guilty of the Pouder Treason 334 Earl of Northampton dies his concernments 393 O. OAth of Allegeance 315 and Supremacy 316 the Popes Bull against it the Kings Apology to all Princes thereof 329 Earl of Orkney commited 352 his Execution 398 Sir Thomas Overbury his story 383 impoysoned 393 discovered 414 Oglevey a Iesuit his story 398 Earl of Oxford his descent 483 he and Essex carries Souldiers into Germany 483 joyn Forces with the Princes against the Emperour they are beaten and fly 485 he is committed in England and the occasion 523 Prince of Orange dies 588 Earl of Oxford's Enterprize at the Siege of Breda 588 P. A Notable Present 270 Presbyterians Reclamations against them and their Doctrines 289 Proclamations against Iesuits 306 to conformity of Religion and Discipline 321 against new buildings in London 3●1 another against buildings 360 to dissolve the Parliament 522 Prophesie of these times 311 Parliaments and their beginning 312 the Kings Speech in the first Meeting 319 second Session 323 third Speech 352 dissolved 362 Parliament called again 488 Prorogued 507 their Declaration to recove● the Palatinate 508 petition the King 511 their thanks and Petition 521 and are dissol●ed 52● another Parliament 555 petition against Papists 564 their Designs of W●r for the Palatinate 579 Pastimes harmless allowed and recreations after Sermons 458 Pouder Treason 323 Post nati confirmed 340 Papists persecuted by Pens 364 Prince Palatine a Su●tor to the Princess Elizabeth 377 married 380 elected King of Bohemia the occasions discussed story and war 478 Proscriptions against him 482 raises an Army defeated and flies into Holland 485 Pirates of Algier expedition against them 441 Lords petition against Titles of forrein Honours 496 against grievances 497 Preaching how ordered 531 Papist and Puritan discussed 5●3 Prince Charls his journey to Spain 542 arrives there 543 complements with the King 544 enters in triumph to Madrid 545 visits the Queen 546 her presents to the Prince 547 he answers the Popes Letters 548 takes leave to return 551 Presents given and received 552 his journey towards the Sea and parting with the King 553 the Pillar at parting 554 in danger to be drown'd the storm described 554 lands in England 555 Q. QUeen Mother of France flies from them 450 Queen Ann sent for out of Scotland and her designs to seize the Prince 272 she dies her character 474 R. Ralegh Sir Walter his birth breeding preferment and treason 281 released imprisonment 459 his Guiana Voyage and Execution 469 Sir Harry Rich his birth and breeding discussed 429 made Baron Kensington Ambassadour into France about the Marriage 566 quarrels with Soisons 565 Revolt of the Earls in Scotland 368 Rainbowe lunary 378 Duke of Richmond dies suddenly 557 S. SUccess and consequence of events 281 Psalms new translated 309 Star-chamber original and ending 334 the Kings Speech there 439 Earl of Salisbury his answer to a Libell 334 dies his story 381 his Offices how disposed 383 Sprot confederate in Gowry's conspiracy his Examination and Execution 342 Sanquire a Scots Baron hanged for murther of Turner 380 Earl of Somerset his story 376 his Letter to the King 420 Earl of Suffolk Treasurer sentenced in Star-chamber 437 Spalato Bishop comes into England revolts again and dies 449 Earl of Shrewsbury dies 459 Synode of Dort 468 Of Synodes Diet and Councils their initiations 468 Spinola his Forces in Flanders 483 besieges Breda 579 T. TReasurer Mountague 490 Treasurer Suffolk 437 U.
conserving the peace of Religion to which they were urged by the factious Ministery and which to secure they endeavour to remove Lenox and Arran from the King that was their colour but in their absence they invite the King to Ruthen Castle and their seize him Prisoner with threats of death untill he consented to the imprisoning of Arran banishing of Lenox into France and the return of the fugitive Angus out of England Of this the distressed Queen of Scots Prisoner at Sheffield writes to Queen Elizabeth a long letter full of miserable sadness Exquisitely expressing all her sufferings from the first of her subjects very oft Rebellion against her from which persecution being invited by her Majesty to rest secure upon her Princely succour and defence she is now by length of time drawn on to dispair of release from that hand which lodes her with lingring of a lothed life plainly and justly demonstrates her to be active and passive consenting to all her Mishaps She calls God to witness her Impartial affection to her Person and her innocency from prejudice of her affairs and State Desires justice of God and her and implores the mitigation of her misery and some more freedome though with Imprisonment of her Person Layes all particular differences home to the Conscience of the Queen and signs to her Letter Vostre tres desolei plus proche parente affectionate Seure Mary Reg. Indeed these were sharp and peircing which so much disquieted Queen Elizabeths Conscience that she consults to release her jointly to govern with the King And eight Articles were drawn up even such as they were the world knew she would never refuse for her extremity enforced her to yield to most unreasonable but this was but to spin time till the State could find some other expedients or some exceptions which dayly happened by Examinations Confessions or Suspitions grounded upon slender yet continual attempts of private persons and publique Designes of Forein States for the poor Queens interests which failing for her good she was though innocent sure to smart But because the manner of the Kings restraint in Ruthen is diversly related and which the Kirk justified for their own ends I shall adventure upon the Truth in these particulars hereafter Some of the Lords combining mischief to the King under colour of Religion and Liberty of the Kingdom took occasion and advantage of the Duke of Arrans absence from the Court and detained the King at Ruthen These Conspirators were Iohn Earl of Mar William Earl Gowry Lords Lindsey Boyd Clames and Oliphant Some Abbots and Lairds and stopt the King going to hunting who not being answered to the reason and cause grew in passion which concluded in tears to be thus vilified But it was reproached That better bairns should weep than bearded men This news hastens the Earl of Arran to Court where he was soon secured and bid be patient with safety of his life for his brother William Stuart was wounded by the way and kept Prisoner The like course they take with some Noblemen sent by the Duke of Lenox to enquire of the King Who cried out to them that he was a Captive and desired his good subjects to release him The conspirators excused themselves that their surprize only restrained the King from Arran and from Lenox whose banishment they threatned into France And forcing the King to pacifie the people with a Proclamation That for removing some differences His Majesty interposed himself Mediator and resolved to reside at Perth being his own free and voluntary choice and commanding such as were in Arms upon pretext of his restraint to dissolve within six houres on pain of death The Duke raises Forces but was countermanded by the Kings Letter to depart the Realm within twenty daies yet he retires to Dunbarton where the Noble-men and others flock to defend his Cause These uprores were posted to Queen Elizabeth who sends Sir Henry Cary and Sir Robert Bowes to advise the King to be counselled by the Lords against the Duke and Arran and to restore the Earl of Angus exiled in England since Mortons execution This last was obtained and soon after he was accepted into favour but much ado to incline the King to part with Lenox The Lords carry the King to Edenburgh where the Ministry justifie their act joyfully singing in Procession the 124. Psalm New Israel may say c. And the Assembly then convened ratifie the attempt on the Kings person at Ruthen and published it in all the Churches of the Realm to the regret and grief of all good men to see a bad cause thus coloured over and defended by the Church which made much for their Popedom that by these means of distraction the Lords gave themselves up to be governed by the Others Judgements Many there were that sided herein the most honest refused to subscribe But Arran was detained prisoner till the Duke was gon over Seas to France who fell sick at Sea and had leave to land at Blackness and so to pass by Queen Elizabeths favour though England where his sickness contracted into a Disease of which he died in Paris next year after and confessed the faith of the Church of Scotland which he alwaies maintained though in the Kirks policy he was accounted a Court Papist Two Ambassadors come from France Menvel and la Matt through England with whom was sent Davidson from Qu. Eliz. to undermine their Message being To work the Kings Liberty to confirm him to the French and renew the purpose of Association which was That the Queen of Scots should communicate the Crown with her son and administration of Iustice so that he may be acknowledged a lawful King by all Christian Princes and thereby all domestique factions suppressed This Embassy was voted in the Kirks Assembly to be a special grievance a wicked practice declaming in their Pulpits against la Matt who being a Knight of the Order of St. Esprit wore the badge of the White-Cross upon his Shoulder which they called The badge of Antichrist and him The Ambassadour of the bloody Murtherer meaning the Duke of Guise who sent him thither The King not able to do it otherwaies desired the Magistrates of Edenburgh not to demit them without a Feast at parting which was concluded on the Monday after And all cost prepared in Order thereto When on Sunday the very day before the Kirk proclame in their Pulpits the next day to be kept fast and in malice to the Kings honour therein appointed three Preachers the one succeeding the other to weary the poor peoples attention from Morning till night Thundering Curses Anathema's and Excommunication against all Nobles Magistrates and Others that attended the Ambassadors The good King sees these insolencies but lodges them up in silence till he got power to remedy these wrongs About this time dies Buchanan whose Character is chronicled by the Arch-bishop of Saint Andrews in his History of
That witches can cure or cast on diseases the same reason that proves their power by the Divel of diseases in general their power in special is also proved as weakning the nature of some men towards women In others to abound above nature and so of particular sicknesses But in all he observes the different ends of God in the first cause and the Divel as his instrument in the second cause as Gods Hangman For where the divels intention is to perish in the patient soul or Body or both God by the contrary draws evermore out of that evil glory to himself either by destruction of the wicked or tryal of the patient and amendment of the faithfull being awakened by that rod of correction But who likes to be too curious of all their Practises read but Bodinus Daemonomancie collected with greater diligence than Judgment And further if you would be acquaiuted with the opinions of the Ancients concerning their power It is well described by Hyperius and Hemmingius two Germain Authors Besides many other Neoterick Theologues largely setting down that subject And if curious and inquisitive of the rites of this unnecessary Perilous black-art the Divel may too soon direct any unto Cornelius Agrippa and Wierus afore mentioned I know how it hath been of late urged that King Iames was not of the same mind alwaies and very tender of his Judges ●roceedings ignorantly condemning some innocent Melancholly simple old women whose miserable poverties made them weary of life and easily to confess themselves guilty of they knew not what though in sad condition otherwise liable to Satans suggestions and deceipt And so busied himself with curious perspicuity into tryal examination and discovery of sundry counterfeits pretenders to be possessed by evill spirits But yet to my knowledg he was ever constant to his former opinion of witches and witchcraft in particulars I can evidence The King thus busied to quiet the North Countries some Incursions were made on the Marches of each Nation the out-lodgers of Tindale Riddesdale for the English made in rodes upon the Scots County of Liddesdale The Laird Backlugh commander of those parts does the like into England and apprehending the chief mischief-makers 36 puts them all to the sword and returns with great spoil Against him is Sir William Bowes sent from the Queen to complain and with much adoe reconciled And for the future peace of the Borders the time was assigned for Hostages to be delivered on each side to either But Backlugh fayling to perform his part was feign to satisfie the Queens displeasure by entering himself into England as Hostage where he continued some Mo●●ths Queen Elizabeth evermore upon actions of diversion never upon conquest to assist her neighbours French and Netherlands prepares another Navy against Spain of 120 sail under command of Essex and Lord Thomas Howard and Sir Walter Ralegh in three sqadrons they set out of Plymouth but are weather beaten back and put forth again but become distressed ere they get cleer of land and so return And after fresh supply of men and victual they resolve for the Islands of Azores In the voyage by the way cross winds seperate Ralegh who being missed when the others came there Essex overhastily sent intelligence by a Bark into England that Ralegh had on purpose seperated himself from the fleet But he hastily coming in unto them that rash act of complaint was excused by Essex which Ralegh resented ever after And he landing on the Isle of Fiall before Essex came thither takes the Town which being misunderstood as in dispite of Authority they are peiced again They land upon Gratiosa and Flores take the spoil and depa●● unto other Ilands to seek the Spanish India fleet which was then to come home And no sooner departed but within two houres after the whole fleet of 40 sail full of treasure arrives there and meets with some of the English ships But ere Essex came in they were shrowded under the safety and shot of their own Castles Yet Essex lands farther off and takes Villa Franka burns a great Carocque ship But not much done in answer to Essex his ranting intentions they return in some distress by the way home And being come to Court the Repetition of their several incounters moved contention between Essex and Ralegh casting all misfortunes on each other Besides Essex now blown up with ambition was offended that Sir Robert Cacil in his absence was made Secretary of State and Chancellor of the Dutchie of Lancaster emulous of his wisdom and besides he was then Raleghs great friend But more malitious That the Lord Howard Admiral of England was created Earl of Nottingham with some Testimonialls mentioned in his Patent That he had secured England from the Spanish invasion of 88 and that joyntly ●ith Essex he had valiantly taken the Iland and City of Cadiz and that he had there wholly destroyed the Spanish fleet designed for their assault of the Kingdom of England but Essex would have it fancied he did all himself For he that usually ascribed all the glory to himself could indure no Rivalls especially that Nottingham now Earl took place of him and all others of the same degree as being Admiral according to the Statute of Henry the 8. That the high Chamberlain high Constable Marshal Admiral high Steward and Chamberlain should have prehemin●nce of all others of the same degree of Honor. But to please Essex He is therefore made Marshal of England and so his pride took place of the Admiral This I note in particular to shew by what steps and degrees of distast He took occasion to turn Traytor not long after See Anno 1600 and so we return to Scotland The winter quarter brought the Estates to Edenburgh and the King timely holds a Parliament in some respects for restoring the Popish Lords now called Proselytes to their honors and lands And the Commissioners for the Ministery are suiters for sundry Articles Amongst them this was one That the Ministers representing the Church and third estate of the Kingdom might be admitted voice in Parliament according to several acts here to fo●● in favour of the Church and the libertie and freedom The King was earnest therein to please them and had it past But then obtained the manner as for himself thus That such Pastors and Ministers as his Majesty should please to provide to the Place and Dignity of a Bishop Abbot or other Prelate at any time shall have voice in Parliament as freely as any other Ecclesiastical Prelate had at any time by-past And that all Bishopricks then in his Majesties hands and undisponed to any person or which should happen to fall void hereafter should be only disponed to actua Preachers and Ministers in the Church or to such other persons as should be found apt and qualified to use and exercise the Office of a Preacher or Minister and who in their provisions to the said
he said they did him hurt and no good without weapons The Queen and Court somewhat frighted commanded the City to be in readiness but to keep within doors The Lord Burghley with Garter King of Heraulds proclamed him Traytor in the principal parts of London which was done with expedition and resolution though with loss of some of his Train and hurt of many Clifford Earl of Cumberland with Sir Thomas Gerrard Knight Marshal rode up and down proclaming them Traytors And so divers withdrawing he altered his former pretext and said That Kingdom should have been sold to the Infanta Then making stay in Grace-street and dismaid at the tidings that forces were aproaching under conduct of the Lord Admiral Lieutenant for the Queen resolved to return by water and make good his own person by the pledges of the Lords which a good fellow over-hearing and not well assured of his part there being as deep in the design as death hasted before by land told Davis and Merick that by any means they should release the Council and so got his own pardon and this was Sir Ferdinando Gorges But Essex ignorant as yet goes on by land to Ludgate there at the West end of Pauls he was resisted by the forces of the Bishop of London commanded by Sir Iohn Luson At which Incounter Blunt was wounded young Tracie slain and others on his part Wyat slain and some hurt on the Queens part But upon this small repulse He slips from his Train turns down to Queen-hith and by a pair of oares was received into his Water-gate at home which he fortified and baricadoed And as instantly was he besieged on land by the Earls of Cumberland and Lincoln Lords Thomas Howard Gray Burghly and Compton Sir Walter Ralegh and Sir Thomas Gerrard And by water by the Lord Admiral the Lord Essingham Lord Cobham Sir Iohn Stanhop Sir Robert Sidney and Master Foulk Gervil and this way forcing the walls wonne the Garden And being offered parly and time to remove his Countess and Sister Rich with other Gentlewomen before they would storm the Hourse But Essex with his Lords upon the Leads would not capitulate but intreat That they might be used Civilly To have an honourable Tryal To have Ashton his Preacher with him in Prison And so by ten a clock at night they submitted themselves Prisoners to the Tower This monstrous Treason of this mighty man thus weakly managed was began and ended in twelve hours and the next day as calm as if no Motion or Billowes had been before For which he and Southampton eleven dayes after were arraigned and condmned this one had his reprieve but Essex the reward of his merits and executed the 25. February upon the Inner Hill in the Tower Several dayes before Sir Charls Blunt suffered by the Axe and Cuff by the halter Essex before his and at several times so not surprized betrayed most of his confederates and discovered Sir Henry Nevil late Ambassadour in France as privie to all his conspiracies of whom til then there had been no suspition which was construed in him an Act more of temerity and hope of pardon than in Grace and good Conscience of a Repentant Offender And this being his Tragedy It is no wonder though our Adversarie Authors the one The History of Great Britain the other The Court and Character of King James should so slightly pass over his Treasons With them we shall have some dispute as we meet them Contemporaries in our farther proceedings in the second Part. Let me add the Opinion that a writer had of Essex and published in these verses Quod Regina scelus scelus est quod Virgo petatur quod pia Virgo scelus quod tibi grata scelus Cum Virgo Regina Pia et tibi grata petatur Proh scelus et superat quod scelus omne scelus It 's Treason that a Queen should ruin'd be That a Maid ill That she was Good yet worse that good to Thee More wicked still But when a Queen a Maid Good and thy Friend Thou wouldst dispatch The Treason that thy black heart doth intend Dares Hell to match England thus long sick of the disease of Irish affairs the expence whereof had brought the State into a Consumption which put the Queen to seek money of her Subjects besides her way of sweetning them with good words Tyrone grew so Insolent asto act Soveraignty where ere he came disposing Honours Estates Privileges Freedomes And therefore Charles Blunt Lord Montjoy is sent over Deputy and though others as fit as the former the Queen who seldome chose amiss pickt out him to command for his readiness to obey a fault in Essex proud and stubborn uncounsellable and unconstant The Rebells put him to it salute him by Allarm in the very Suburbs of Dublin which the Deputy with his selected Veteranes meant to requite soon after in a Massy-body and fight him which the Enemy sought for and had been worsted of which some underhand Counsellors at the Queen elbow warned him to prevent by turning a to-side But with several light Brigadoes he was so hotly pursued asput him to his holes again Sir Warham Saint-Leger meets Mac-guire a graceless wretch and with their Launces full Career run each other thorough and dye Romes friendship to those Rebells much encouraged by his Indulgence the aboundance of the Churches Treasure was pleased to spare them pardon of their sinnes for the good service of shedding so much blood of their S●veraigns Subjects and for fighting in the faith of his beloved sonne Hugh Prince O-neal and Earl of Ter-Oen Captain General of the Catholick forces in Ireland Whom His Holiness accompanies with all his spirritual graces and those that follow him or favour him by pains counsel arms provision or any other means a plenary pardon of all their sinnes the very same pardon sayes he that was wont to be granted to those that warre against the Turk or for the Holy land However the deputy sends Docwray into Ulster Garrisons himself with 4000. foot and 300. horse put the Enemie to his lurking with new supplies in Angust out of England he breaks through many difficulties into Ulster Erects Mont-Norris fort in memory of that gallant Iohn Lord Norris under whom he first exercised arms Docwray likewise being assaulted by Ter-oen with treacherie perjurie and cunning deceit and wounded yet gets out of all dangers and takes Dunalong a lesser Castle On the other side the Deputy in winter forces several Rebells to Obedience passes victoriously in compass so farr as Ulster in his first years Regency George Carew no less fortunate in Munster The Southern parts burthened by the Tit●lar Earl Desmond of Ter-Oens making he surprizes but was again rescued Takes seven Castles drives him out of that province reduces many Rebells to obedience quiets the County and comes home at Christmass And this was done there In England they
opposed by any cunning whatsoever if understood by Her he might not so easily have come to this Crown And truly whether his virtue and goodness more remark in Him than usual in Princes guided him in that to depend onely upon the providence of God for his Birth-right or that his policy under hand wrought him any advantage certainly the Success must crown the Work to admiration For though he might not despise honest and honourable advice in such correspondence as was necessary under hand with the Counsellours of Queen Elizabeth to secure himself for the time to come yet we reade not of any that came to light or so much in her days as private suspition The Reign and Death OF KING IAMES OF Great Britain France and Ireland the First c. SO then in a seasonable conjunction of things and time he succeeded Queen Elizabeth who departted this life on Thursday the 24th of March 1602. at her Manour-house of Richmond early in the morning that day being fatal to Henry 8. and to all his Children dying on Thursdays and her Funerals sumptuously solemnized with all speed in April following The same day the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled and having proclamed her Death and the Right and Title of King Iames to succeed her being lineally expressed from Margaret eldest Daughter to Henry 7th and Elizabeth his Wife who was eldest Daughter to Edward 4th and married to James 4th King of Scotland in the year 1503. just a hundred years since who had issue James 5th Father to Mary the First and Mother to this King James the Sixth now 36. years of age and so long King of Scotland Then they poast Letters to the King by the hands of Sir Charls Percy Brother to the Earl of Northumberland and Thomas Somerset Son to the Earl of Worcester signifying the Death of their late Sovereign betwixt two and three of the clock that morning And knowing his Right of Succession they have made Proclamation thereof at Westminster White-hall and Cheapside Cross and seeing they remain a Body without a Head they humbly desire his M●jesty to hasten how soon and in what manner he pleaseth And therein complain as in publick that Sir Robert Cary poasted from hence towards your Majesty contrary to their consent and command thereby as much as in him lay to prevent and anticipate their duty and respect They acquaint the King of a fleet of ten ships royall ready furnished for the Coast of Spain under Command of Sir Richard Lawson whose Commission no● ceasing by the Queens death they desire his Majesties pleasure whether they shall guard the Narrow Seas or be c●lled to the Coast of Scotland as a Convey for the Kings use Dated in London And therefore Robert Leigh Maior Signed first But as in this letter so it goes in Common report that Cary let out by his father Hunsdon Lord Chamberlain came first to the King upon his own score But secretary Cecills secret Packquets went before him or these letters or else he had little credit in his own Commands The King communicates these letters to his Lords and returns them his acknowledgment of their dutifull affections He confirms for the present all Offices Civil Martial as at the Queens death til his farther pleasure Dated the 28. and 31. of March which the Lords heer proclaim the 5. of April after And though the King sets forth his interest of succession commanding both Nations in unity of duty to him and brotherly affection to each other yet did the Scots Borderers make Inrodes into England which was severely punished and all for Example executed to death The King orders his Journey the 5. of April the Queen to follow 20. da●es after Prince Henry Duke Charles and Princess Elizabeth at further pleasure Brings with him those of the greatest birth and most interest in the blood royall who though farr enough off to follow after his Numerous issue of a teeming fruitfull Consort yet too neer to be trusted at home And each one of them begat trouble and charge upon him ever after to reward or to raise them up beyond any desert in both he was wisely regarding Those were Lenox Hamelton Arguile Mar Kinloss and Lord Hewm and a couple of Knights Sir George Hew● and Sir Iohn Ramsey of neer affection with the King So it became his future security advantage to caress those that ushered him in and had underhand merited somewhat from former very late advise and Intelligence how to correspond with his jealous Predecessor we may conceive those then in being for most of the old Ones out-liv'd not that their policie were the Howards and Percies and Caecils The first of them of high birth and former merit the Linage of the late Duke of Norfolk who suffered under the Axe for his affection to this Kings Mother as aforesaid anno 1569. And his brother Henry Howard with the Lord Cobham were the first of Eminencie that met the King at Barwick The last of great wisdom and experience for the Kings urgent affairs to make proper use of And at York Thomas Cecil Lord Burghley President of the North receives him who comes on with his Train and needed no other Guard than the affections of the People that hurried him forward with Excessive Acclamations soon forgetting as the manner of the Multitude their late Sovereign in the hope of a likelyer change in a King with which for many years this Nation had been really unacquainted And so was He feasted by the way freely at each Residence of his Person where he lodged untill he came unto Godmanchester in the Country of Northampton where they presented him with 70. Teem of Horses fairly traced unto as many new Ploughs in honor of Tillage A Custome very antient when their Sovereigns pass that Town being his Tenants and holding their land by that Tenure The King told them He liked their ayre so well and took their gift so kindly as but for undoing such good people in their bounty to visit them often which afterwards he performed that Custome being but for the first time to the comfort of that Town and County At Broxborn his next Gest there met him the gravity of the greatest Officers Egerton Lord Chancellor Buckhurst Lord Treasurer Howard Lord Admiral with the most of the Council and Nobility At Ware the King came to Wiggen heretofore so base a Cottage as begat a saying If a Man would answer the Asker as in despair That it should be granted when as the King comes to Wiggen And at Theobalds the seat of Sir Robert Cecil Secretary of State he stayes for four dayes Entertainment where were made of his Council these Scotish Lords Lenox Mar Hew● Elphington and Kinloss And of English Henry Howard and his Nephew Thomas Howard brother and sonne to the late Duke of Norfolk and 28. Knights-Bachelors dubbed The Name Knight is from
Knecht a German word an Institution of dignity by that Noble and ancient Nation Tacitus saies the manner was not for any to take Arms before the State allowed him sufficient and then some one of the Princes or the father of the young-man termed Knecht furnished him with a Shield and a Javeline as the Romans did virili toga the first honor done to youth and afterwards members of the Common-weal This being the first and simple manner of Creation they were afterwards styled Bachelour Knights Baccalarius quia olim coronabantur lauro cum baccis Vel potius quia Bedellus ipsis aureum baculum ex●ibebat cum ad concilia irent Vnde primus gradus in professione scientiarum est Baccalauri secundus Licentiati ultimus doctores Indeed as he is so Baccalaureus or Batalareus dicitur is Miles qui jam semel praelio sive Bataliae interfuit collatis signis et manum cum hoste conseruit And thus for the Name Their dignity was from serving on Horse-back so the Italian call them Cavaileiri the French chivalier the Germanes Roisters all of riding the Latines equites aurati for properly being created with sword and girdle guilt spurs were added for more necessary Ornament The original dignity was given to Marshall men but since in all Nations it is bestowed on men of peace and merit the better in civile policie to level the service at home with that abroad Tullie sayes Parva sunt foris arma nisi est consilium domi And of late his dignity is called dubbed because the man kneels down and the Sovereign lightly layes a sword upon his shoulder saying sois chevalier nome de dieu and afterwards he sayes Avances chevalier It seems to be done as it were upon the sodain in the field and thereupon are called in our Law Miles a militia But the King may do it by Patent And though the first in Title by Institution yet are they the last in degree of honor which dies with them There had been anciently another degree of Knight-hood made by the General under the Kings standard in the field called Banneret but he was ●eacefull and so none of them were made in his time See after Knights Baronets and Knights of the Garter Being come to London his first Reception was at the Charter-house the then Habitation of Thomas Howard lately made Lord Chamberlain for four dayes where 80. Gentlemen were Knighted from thence in private to White-Hall and then by water to the Tower of London the 11. of May 1603. During his Journey hither prisoners were set at liberty out of the Tower and amongst others Accessaries to Essex Treason was Henry Wriothsly the third Earl of Southampton made Barons by Henry the eighth and Earls by Edward the sixth And this man by King Iames made afterwards Knight of the Garter a Privy Counsellor and Captain of the Isle of Wight Thomas his son now Earl of Southampton 1654. Heer at the Tower He creates divers Barons Sir Robert Caecil Baron of Essenden Sidny of Peshnurst Lord Knowles of Grayes Lord Wotton of Morley And dubbs eleven Knights The King had knowledg of the death of Iames Beaton in France Arch-Bishop of Glascow he had been consecrate Bishop at Rome 1552. and not induring the reformation of the Church forsook Scotland and conveyed with him to France all the evidences of that See of Glascow the Ornaments and Reliques of that Church the Image of Christ in beaten gold and of the Apostles in silver not over large you may believe And being there Queen Mary setled her Lieger Ambassadour when she returned to Scotland And so continued untill the Government of the Regents who deprived him whom the King afterwards restores and imployes him in Ambassies to France being wise and faithfull to his Mother He by Will leaves all to pious uses for benefit of Scotish-men Scholars and consigned the Utensils of Glasgow into the hands of the Carthusians of Paris untill Glasgow becomes Romish Iohn Spotswood at the Kings elbow was soon preferred thither and sent with the Lords to fetch the Queen But she resolved to bring the Prince along with her self and being refused by the friends of the Earl of Mar til order from the King incensed her into a sickness and to recover her the King humoured her willfulness and sent home the Earl of Mar from England to present her with her son but continues her anger to be debarred her desire by such a subject whom mortally she hated as you have heard heretofore and though the King sought to sweeten her with his letters That he ascribed his peacable reception in England unto his wisdom and late Negotiation The Queen in fury replyed That she had rather never see England than be beholding to him Whether in Malice or other defign It was remarkable Her studious intent to seize the Prince to her self And so she set forward with him and the Princess Elizabeth who by the way was left to the Government of the Lord Harrington But Charles Duke of York an Infant and sickly came not til next year after The Earl of Rutland was sent in Commission to the King of Denmark to present him with the honor of the Garter and to Baptize his first son And Sir Henry Wootton Lieger to Venice He was called from his private travels at Venice formerly known to the King an Emissary from the Duke of Tuscane into Scotland to forwarn him of a Treason against his Person And was now sent again thither Leonardo Donato being then Duke with whom and the Pope Paul the first hapened two Contests For restraint of Lay Persons donatives unto Church-men of lands or goods without License for so becoming Ecclesiastick they were exempt from taxes The other was The imprisoning an unchast Abbot and a Canon being conceived a diminution of the Papal Power who therefore excommunicates the whole Republick They fly to King Iames by their own Ambassadour here and by Messengers and Letters disputing their priviledges with the Popes power which was thus weakened by exceeding it and so they obtained Absolution with much adoe but not untill the report was that the whole Senate would turn Protestants Wootton continued at Venice near twenty years with some Returns and Messages extraordinary this Donato being the fourscore and eleventh Duke of Venice successively from Anno 697. having been a Republick long before and governed by Tribunes In Iuly was solemnly performed the Rites of St George at Windsor where were installed these Knights of the Garter the Prince Henry Duke of Lenox Earl of Southampton Earl of Mar Earl of Pembroke This most honourable Order of the Garter was instituted by Edward the third after he had obtained many great Victories K. Iohn of France K. Iames of Scotland being then Prisoners in the Tower of London and King Henry of Castile the Bastard expulst and Don Piedro restored by the Prince of Wales called The black
to him and acknowledged the kindness and his young Lady was presented with a Noble and valuable Reward 30001. besides a pension of one thousand pound per annum during his life and this was done with so much love and liking that I have often observed Buckinghams great Civility ever after at meetings to call him Father and bend his knee without the least regret of that Lord that gained more by the bargain And because Sir Robert Mansel a dependant of Nottingham had the place of Vice-Admiral at pleasure only Buckingham for his Lords sake continued him so by Patent during his life for which courtesy the good old man came himself to give thanks as I remember the last Complyment his age gave him leave to present And thus was this office of honour and safety to the Kingdom ordered from the command of a decrepit old man to a proper young and active Lord strengthened with the abilities o● an experienced Assistant without deserving qu●r●el of our carping Pamphleter A●ter Suffolk the weight and charge of the Treasurers Staff was conferred upon the Lord Chief Justice Sir Henry Mountague Viscount Mandevile Son of Sir Edward Mountague of Bolton in the County of Northampton Son of another Sir Edward likewise Chief Justice who had three Sons Edward the eldest Knight of the Bath bred up in the Wars a faithful Noble stout Commander Iames that reverend eloquent and learned Bishop of Winchester a man so highly in favour and esteem with this King his Master that he had the honour of the Bed-chamber which no Prelate ever enjoyed from any King This Henry was created Baron of Kimbolton Viscount Mandevile and Lord Treasurer in 1620 Afterwards Pre●ident of the Council and the first year of King Charles Earl of Manchester and Lord Privy Seal and dyed after the entrance of the long Parliament 1643. A man of singular learning in the Laws his Wisdome