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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10231 Purchas his pilgrimage. Or Relations of the vvorld and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this present Contayning a theologicall and geographicall historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent. Declaring the ancient religions before the Floud ... The fourth edition, much enlarged with additions, and illustrated with mappes through the whole worke; and three whole treatises annexed, one of Russia and other northeasterne regions by Sr. Ierome Horsey; the second of the Gulfe of Bengala by Master William Methold; the third of the Saracenicall empire, translated out of Arabike by T. Erpenius. By Samuel Purchas, parson of St. Martins by Ludgate, London. Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626.; Makīn, Jirjis ibn al-ʻAmīd, 1205-1273. Taŕikh al-Muslimin. English.; Methold, William, 1590-1653.; Horsey, Jerome, Sir, d. 1626. 1626 (1626) STC 20508.5; ESTC S111832 2,067,390 1,140

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knowne and honourably entertayned I had now gotten foure or fiue Seruants Dutch and English The Burgomasters sent mee a Present of Fish Flesh and Wines taking notice of the fauours I had done to them and theirs diuers came with thankfull acknowledgement of their Redemption by my meanes and Purse from Moscouite and Tartarian Captiuity and presented me with a Boll couer guilt in it Ricks Dollers and Hungarian Duckets which Coyne I returned againe They brought mee their Towne Booke and prayed mee to write my Name and place of Birth and abode that they and their Posteritie might honour my Name in Record for euer At Hamburgh likewise they for like cause presented me their thankes and Present and the Burgomasters feasted me I landed at Harwich opened my Aquauitae Bottle which had beene girt close vnder my Caffocke by day and my best Pillow by night and tooke thence the Emperours Letters which I sweetned aswell as I could But yet the Queene smelt the Aquauitae-sauour I had accesse three or foure seuerall times and some discourse by meanes of my Lord Treasurer Sir Francis Walsingham and some honourable countenance of my Lord of Leister by Sir Edward Horsey my Kinsman his meanes I was well entertayned by the Muscouie Company to whom the Queene had giuen command to prepare those things for which the Emperour had giuen directions With which and her Maiesties Letters gracious fauour sworne her Seruant Esquire of the Body giuing me her Picture Hand to kisse I departed in company of twelue tall Ships Wee met with the King of Denmarke his Fleet of Shippes and Gallies neere the North Cape fought with them and put them to the worst and after arriued at S. Nicolas I posted ouer Vaga and came to Slobida Alexandrisca where I deliuered the Queenes Letters to the Emperour with her pleasure by word of mouth short of his expectation He commanded my silence commended my speed and businesse done for him gaue me allowanances and promised his goodnesse for recompence of my seruice He commanded also that those Commodities should be brought vp to the Musco and receiued into his Treasury viz. Copper Lead Powder Salt-peeter Brimstone c. to the value of 9000. pounds and ready mony payd for them He came to the Citie of Musco and cast his displeasure vpon some Grandes hee sent a Parasite of his with 200. Gunners to rob his Brother in Law Mekita Romanowich our next Neighbour which tooke from him all his Armour Horses Plate Mony Lands and Goods to the value of 100000. Marks sterling He sent the next day to the English House for as much course Cotton as would make himselfe and his children Gownes to couer them The Emperour sent likewise Simon Nagoy another of his Instruments to squeeze or spunge Andrew Shalkan a great bribing Officer who brought his faire young Wife Solumaneda out of her Chamber defiled her cut and gashed her naked backe with his Cemitar killed his trusty Seruant Iuan Lottish tooke all his Horses Goods and Lands and beat out of his shinnes 10000. Robles or Markes sterling in mony At that time did the Emperour also conceiue displeasure against the Dutchmen and Liuonians before mentioned to whom a Church and libertie of Religion had beene giuen by my meanes and appointed certaine Captaines with 2000. Gunners in the night to take the spoile of all they had who stripped them naked rauished and defloured the women and virgins carrying away diuers of the youngest and fairest to serue their lusts Some escaping came to the English house where they were cloathed and relieued not without danger of displeasure amongst whom was that daughter of the Gouernour of Osell in Liefland commended to my fauour whose freedome I also afterwards procured and conueyed her to her father His crueltie grew now ripe for vengeance and hee not long after falling out with his eldest Sonne for his commiseration to those distressed Christians and for greeuing at his Vnkles wrongs iealous also of the peoples affection to him gaue him a boxe on the eare as it was tearmed which he tooke so tenderly that hee fell into a burning Feuer and in three dayes departed this life Whereat the Emperour tore his haire and beard like a mad man lamenting too late for that irrecouerable losse not to himselfe so much as to the Empire whose hopes were buried with him being a wise milde and worthy Prince of three and twenty yeeres Hee was buried in Michala Archangell Church in the Musco with Iewels and Riches put in his Tombe valued at 50000. pounds watched after by twelue Citizens in course euery night deuoted to his Saint Iohn and Michael to keepe both body and Treasure till his Resurrection Now was the Emperour more earnest to send into England about his long conceited match his second Sonne being weake of wit and body without hope of ability for gouernment and the third not only young but disallowed in Sanctitie and according to the fundamentall Lawes illegitimate borne out of Wedlocke of the fift vnlawfull Wife not solemnised with the Rites of their Church but in the Church-yard by a depriued and excommunicated Prelate in which respect neyther she nor her Issue were capeable of the Crowne The Emperour peruseth the Queenes last Letters and addresseth one of his trustiest Seruants in Embassage Theodore Pissempskeie a wise Nobleman about the Lady Mary Hastings aforesaid and that her Maiesty would bee pleased to send some Noble Embassadour to treate with him therein This Embassadour tooke shipping at Saint Nicolas and arriuing in England was magnificently entertayned and admitted audience Her Maiesty caused that Lady to bee attended with diuers Ladies and young Noblemen that so the Embassadour might haue a sight of her which was accomplished in Yorke House Garden There was he attended also with diuers men of quality brought before her and casting downe his countenance fell prostrate before her and rising ranne backe with his face still towards her The Lady with the rest admiring at this strange salutation hee sayd by an Interpreter it sufficed him to behold the Angelicall presence of her which hee hoped should bee his Masters Spouse and Empresse seeming rauished with her Angelicall countenance state and beauty Shee was after that by her familiar friends in Court called Empresse of Mosconia Sir William Russell third Sonne to the Earle of Bedford a wise and comely Gentleman was appointed her Maiesties Ambassadour to the Moscoune but hee and his Friends considering of the businesse and not so forward thereto the Company of Merchants intreated for Sir Ierome Bowes mooued theretowith his presence and tall person He was well set forth most at their charge and with the Russian Embassadour arriued at S. Nicolas The Emperours Ambassadour posted ouer land and deliuered his Letters with the accounts of his Embassage which was ioyfully accepted Sir I. B. passed slowly vp the Dwina 1000. miles to Vologda The Emperour sends a Pensioner Michael Preterpopoue
the mountaines which happily they atchieued Yea the Portugals wearied with the warres which they were forced to maintayne in defence of those places they held in Africa the expences so much surmounting the reuenue abandoned them to the Seriffs And now the want of enemies procured enmitie betwixt the Brethren who trying that valour against each other which before they had exercised ioyntly against their enemies the issue was that the younger in two battels hauing ouercome the elder and at the second which was Anno 1544. hauing taken him prisoner confined him to Tafilete Hee now sole Monarch of Marocco conuerts his forces against the King of Fez to try if he could bee his Master in the field as hee sometimes had beene in the Schoole and failed not of his attempt but hauing once taken and freed him the second time because he had broken promise he depriued him and his sonnes of estate and life He also by meanes of his sonnes took Tremizen which soone after was recouered from them by Sal Araes Vice-roy of Algier and Fez also added by an ouerthrow of the Seriff to the Turkes conquest who gaue the gouernment of Fez to Buasson Prince of Veles But he in an vnfortunate battell with the Seriff lost his life and state Mahomet going after to Taradant was by the way slaine in his Pauilion by the Treason of some Turkes suborned thereunto by the King of Algier of whom all but fiue in their returne were slaine by the people Anno 1559. Mulley Abdala the Seriffs sonne was proclaymed King Some write that by occasion of a Rebellion in Sus hee sent to the bordering Turkes for aide who first helped after murthered him and hauing sacked Taradant and ouer-runne the Countrey two moneths together were in their returne by the Mountainers cut off Mully Abdala hauing raigned fifteene yeeres dyed leauing behind him thirteene sonnes the eldest Abdala commanded the rest to be killed but Abdelmelech the second brother escaped into Turkie and Muley Hamet the third brother esteemed of a simple and quiet spirit not any way dangerous to the state was spared The other tenne were put to death in one day at Taradant where they had beene brought vp This Abdela dying left behind him three sonnes Muley Mahomet Muley Sheck Muley Nassar the two younger escaped into Spaine where Sheck is yet liuing and turned Christian Nassar returned in the foureteenth yeere of Muley Hamets Raigne and had almost driuen Muley Sheck then Gouernour of Fez vnder his Father to his heeles had not superstition more preuayled with Nassars followers then Allegeance For when Lent came his Souldiers would needs home to keepe their Easter at their owne houses for feare whereof Nassar hastily giuing battest was there slaine Abdelmelech before fled into Turkie now came backe with Turkish forces and got the Kingdome from Mahomet who fleeing or as others write sending for succour to Sebastian King of Portugall obtained it In the yeere 1578. Fiue thousand Germans were entertayned in the Portugall pay for the expedition and great forces were leuyed the Pope sending Stukely that English Traytor falsely termed Marquesse of Ireland with fixe hundred Italians to Sebastian who the foure and twentieth of Iune tooke Sea and the next day with a Fleet of one thousand and three hundred sayle or as Doglioni hath it setting in order his Armada of fiue hundred sayle and blessing his Royall Standard with thirtie sixe thousand Footmen and foure thousand Horse set forth towards Africa Where Abdelmelech being sickly had assembled an Armie of fifteene thousand Footmen and foure and fortie thousand Horse men On the fourth day of August they joyned battell and the Duke of Auero with his Portugals made a great impression into the Moores host which Abdelmelich labouring beyond his naturall force to withstand saued his people but lost his life not by the Sword of the enemy but by the weakenesse of his body deliuered vp to death His brother Hamet ruled the Armie as yet ignorant of what had befalne and made such slaughter of the Portugals that the Duke of Auero the King of Portugall and other great Personages there fell and Mahomet himselfe was drowned in fleeing ouer a Riuer Thus remayned Hamet victorious and at one time had the dead corpes of three Kings in his Tent Such is the furie of Waire the force of death trampling vnder foot the meanest and triumphing ouer the greatest Stukely among the rest receiued due wages for his treacherie and disloyaltie to his Countrey slaine out of his Countrey by the barbarous Barbarian To Abadelmelech was Master Edmund Hogan employed in Embassage by the Maiestie of our late Soueraigne Anno one thousand fiue hundred seuentie seuen and with all good Offices entertayned To Hament his Successour was from the same Sacred Maiestie sent Ambassadour Master Henry Roberts Anno one thousand fiue hundred eightie fiue who was there Lieger three yeeres This Muley Hamet in a Letter to the Earle of Leicester thus begins In the name of the mercifull and pitifull God The blessing of God light vpon our Lord and Prophet Mahomet and those that are obedient vnto him The seruant of God both mightie in warre and mightily exalted by the grace of God Myra Momanyn the sonne of Myra Momanyn the Iarif the Hozeni whose Kingdomes God maintayne Vnto the right famous c. In an Edict published in behalfe of the English hee stileth himselfe The seruant of the Supreame God the Conquerour in his cause the successor aduanced by God c. He flayed off the skin from the carkasse of Mahomet drowned in the battell as is said and filled it full of Straw and sent it through all Prouinces of his Kingdome for a spectacle He raigned seuen and twentie yeeres He sent an Embassage into England Anno a thousand sixe hundred and one performed by Abdala Waecad Anowne His people did so feare him that Abdala Creme his Customer hauing one onely Sonne who in an idle businesse and busie idlenesse would needs feed his curious eyes with the light of the Palace where the Kings Concubines were caused him to bee strangled before his face He gouerned the Alarbes which are supposed to bee of Arabian Race and said to vse the Arabike Language Inhabitants of the plaine and Champaine Countries of Marocco Fez and Sus in peace and subiection receiuing their tents duly paid The Brebers or Mountainers are the Natiues and ancient Inhabitants chased by the former into strong Cities and the Naturall Forts of Hils as our Progenitors serued the Britaines forcing them to the Mountaines of Wales and Cornwall a people of another Language called Tamaset and disposition whom hee could not so easily tame and therefore in policie hee drew them into forreine Expeditions especially against the Negros thereby extending his Empire so farre that way as by Camell it was sixe moneths iourney from Marocco to the extremest bounds Likewise he vsed them to goe with the Carauans