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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17810 The historie of the life and reigne of that famous princesse Elizabeth containing a briefe memoriall of the chiefest affaires of state that haue passed in these kingdomes of England, Scotland, France or Ireland since the yeare of the fatall Spanish invasion to that of her sad and ever to be deplored dissolution : wherevnto also is annexed an appendix of animadversions vpon severall passages, corrections of sundry errours, and additions of some remarkable matters of this history never before imprinted.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. 1634 Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Browne, Thomas, 1604?-1673. 1634 (1634) STC 4499; ESTC S2549 301,814 518

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gotten as farre as Saint Victors they esteemed the entrance of the mayne Citie as the last so the least part of the assault The French King whether out of feare of the disabilitie of his forces or of hope that shortly it would yeeld or perswasion that the Duke of Maine would not bid him battaile sounds presently a retreate from Paris and remoues to Estampes leauing the Lord Willoughbie and the English on the way to blocke vp the Leaguers passage till such time that both the Towne and Castle yeelded After this they took Vendosme the same place which with the whole country Henry the Fift of England had formerly giuen to Robert Willoughby Gouernour of Normandy as a sure argument of his loue and the others valour They reduced likewise to their due obedience Caën Alanzon Falais Loux and Honfleure After which time and trauell of aboue fiue hundred miles besides the wearinesse of their Irish service they that suruiu'd returned home to England The chiefe of note that died either by disease or battaile were one Captayne Hunning and Stubs who hauing formerly lost his right hand for writing against the mariage of the Queene with the Duke of Aniou heere lost his life and Sir William Drury one without doubt who had enioyed a longer life if reason could haue preuayled with his passion to haue preserued it For contending with Burroughs a Lords yonger sonne for the vpper ●and against the order of ranking Nobility in England he was slaine by him in a single combat The Queene intended not so speedy a returne of the English and the French King greeued at it hauing had intelligence that the Spaniard lay in wayt for the Kingdome of France for he already through the meanes of Morea Taxie and Bernardine Mendoza got it propounded in the Councell of the Leaguers that to recompence his charges which he had beene at for their assistance they should nominate him the Protectour of the Catholiques in France and confer vpon him the same Prerogatiues that he enioyes in the Kingdome of Naples and Sicily of bestowing by his Delegates all Offices whether Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill The loftinesse of this vndermining request intermingled with the eager promoting of it by Cardinall Caietan the Popes Nuntio came yet so short of their expectation of successe that it occasioned great discontentment in the French themselues whose riper iudgements prompted them to this caution by promoting their Religion not to lose their Reason And as the Queene imploied no small care in establishing Nauarre in the Kingdome of France so had she a long time sought opportunity to contriue a match betweene his sister Katharine and the King of Scotland wisely considering that both of them would stand her in great stead to refell the force of Catholiques and their plots against Protestants but the euent prooued not answerable by reason that her age was of the most and her meanes of the least her brother himselfe likewise being much impouerished by these neuer discontinuing warres The King of Scotland notwithstanding being still vnmarried ceased not very often to sollicite the Queen for her aduice in the choice of a wife who being more slow in answering him then the desire of the Scots although not then reason required gaue occasion to the Scots not only to suspect but euen to vent this suspitiō in open clamors that the English by their cunning trickes sought to depriue the King both of Honour and Issue thereby conceyting an impunity for the death of his mother and to exclude the Scottish race from succession in England This when the Queene vnderstood shee exhorted the King to choose himselfe a wife and such a one that might well please him not displease the people nor occasion the long amity betweene them to fall into suspition The King of Scots therefore hauing somewhat about a yeere before setled his affection on Anne the daughter of Fredericke the Second King of Denmarke who was also honoured with the Queenes ample commendations this yeere about Iuly contracted himselfe to her by his Proxie the Earle Marshall But shee being shipped for Scotland in the middest of her voyage was driuen backe by a tempest into Norway which so bruised her ships that shee could not in long time put to sea againe The King to the prayse of his Religion as well as his loue about October next passeth to Norway for the Sates of the Kingdome appointed and he himselfe sealed their resolution with a vowe to marry within the compasse of a yeare and there celebrated the marriage where both of them were compelled to stay till next May before their ships necessity and a seasonable opportunitie would licence their departure It was first the opinion of many but afterwards their faith that these tempests at sea were raysed by the execrable power of sorcerers and witches by reason of the violence of the waues and windes that were more turbulent and the stormes shorter and yet oftner than ordinarie whereupon they concluded some operati●e power besides nature partly by reason that euill spirits Princes of the Ayre may with better safety trade with the poore ignorant people in the Northerne clymate from whom partly their pouerty and want of other mens industry hath concealed the light of the Gospel but especially by reason of the open confessions of some Witches that were vpon some occasion apprehended who confessed that they raysed those stormes on purpose to keep● the Queene from Scotland and that likewise Bothwel had beene with them to know the Kings fortune This being denounced Treason amongst the Scots by a Law of Queene Marry co●t Bothwel a strict imprisonment yet it seemes not so strict but that shortly he brake out from that into worse troubles wherewith all Scotland was annoyed There died this yeere Frances the Countesse of Sussex widow of the Thomas Earle of Sussex and sister to Henry Sidney who hauing giuen many precepts of vertue in her life at her death taught it by example in erecting Sidney Sussex Colledge in Cambridge And Sir Walter Mildmay a man as full of variety of vertues as euer he was of offices yet was hee chosen by Henry the Eigth to bee ouersee● of the Court of Augmentation Knighted by King Edward the Sixt made a Priuy Counsellour by Queene Elizabeth Chancellour of the Exchequer and Subtreasurer He founded Emanuel Colledge at Cambridge in the yeere 1584. endowing it with meanes and reuenewes to mayntayne threescore and two Students and a President Him succeeded Sir Iohn Fortescue an excellent man and a good Grecian who was long time Tutor to the Queene and Master of her Wardrobe Likewise there died William Somerset Earle of Worcester the Sonne of Henry and Nephew of Charles whom his onely Sonne Edward succeeded a man so prosperous in his issue that he might reckon more sonnes and daughters then most Noble men in England There died also Iohn Lord Sturton the sonne of Charles whom Queene Mary
of fiue hundred horse He was one of the appointed Guard for the Queene of Scots Afterwards at the decease of the Duke of Norfolke he was substituted Earle Marshall of England For the space of fifteene yeeres he continued in such trusty loyalty that neyther the calumny of the Court the plots of his enemies nor the troubles hee sustayned by his second wife could vndermine or shake it to the glory of his wisedome as well as valour Hee had by Gertrude the daughter of Thomas Earle of Rutland his first wife Francis that died vntimely Gilbert that was his heire married to Mary Cauendish the daughter of his mother in Law Edward married to the daughter and ioint heyre of the Lord Ogle with Henry and Thomas Hee had daughters Catharine married to Henry the sonne of the Earle of Pembroke that died issuelesse Mary married to Sir George Sauil and Grace to Sir Henry Cauendish By his later wife Elizabeth the widow of William Cauend●sh hee had no issue And to make vp the Catalogue of this yeeres mortality Thomas Lord Wentworth also departed this life being the last English Gouernour of Callice whose second sonne Henry for the eldest died when the Father liued succeeded In Ireland the last yeere Hugh Gaueloc so nicke-named by reason of his long continuance in fetters the naturall son of Shane-Oneale had accused Hugh Earle of Tyre-Oën for hauing had priuy conferences with some Sp aniards that in 88 were cast vpon the Irish shoares which accusation the Earle coueting to frustrate by some speedy preuention gaue order that he should be surprized by some tricke or other and strangled and when the reuerence of him and his familie had strucke such a conscience into the exe●utioner that was prescribed for this villany that hee refused to doe his office the Earle himselfe was reported to haue fitted the cord and strangled him h●mselfe Heereupon being cited into England he craued the Queenes pardon for his fault and obtayned it at her Maiesties Manour of Greenwich where he protested a peace with all his neighbours but especially with Turlogh Lenigh and gaue hostages for the assurance of the performance also of not assuming vpon himselfe the title of O-Neale or the exercise of any Iurisdiction ouer the Nobility that were h●s neighbours of reducing all Tyr-Oen into the compleat forme of a County of imposing no taxations which they call Bonaghti vpon his poore Countrey men that were vnder him Of not blocking vp the passage for prouision for the English Garrison at Blacke water or the riuer More of not admitting Monkes Friers or Nunnes or other rebels to reside within his territories or dominions and of performing many more such like Articles yet on this condition also that Turlogh Le●igh and the rest of the Nobility neere him might bee bound to a peace also with him lest that his necessity of quietnesse should excite their after iniuries After his returne into Ireland he made a confirmation of his former protestation before Sir William Fitz-Williams Deputy of Ireland and other Councellours of Estate and indeed for some time there was such an vnexpected reformation in his outward cariage that might promise an vnquestioned loyalty of an obedient subiect which he so coloured with the smooth pretence of vertue that his now exemplary duty seemed vnto many from conscience more then the feare of disobedience Not long before the Lord Deputy hauing apprehended at home Hugh Roe-Mac-Mahon a great Noble man in the County of Monaghan whom his owne iudgement before had preferred before some others of the Nobility that contended with him for principality caused a company of common souldiers to passe Iudgement vpon him as the Irish complayne condemned and hanged him for hauing displaied his banners after the rude custome of the Irish and demanded his tributes from them His lands were diuided amongst the English and some of the Mac-Mahons certaine reuenewes onely being alotted them which they were to hold of the English The policy of this iustice was to weaken as much as might bee a House greater then the rest and ●tronger in the multitude of dependants and also vtterly to extinguish both the tyranny and the name of Mac Mahon A title that whosoeuer could purchase eyther by might or right seemed to priuiledge them to any iniurious tyranny The terrour of this seuere Iustice so amazed the guilty conscience of Brian Ororcke a noble man in Brennie that lies next to Monaghan that striuing to preuent such torture in himselfe he prouoked it and for feare of being apprehended turned traytor and tooke vp armes against the Queene But being vanquished by Sir Richard Bingham President of Conaugh he fled ouer into Scotland and was deliuered at her demand to the hands of the Queene The King of Scotland willingly sending her both him and this answer That hee esteemed euery one of her enemies his owne which indeed appeared for hee not onely sleighted his Popish Peeres in Scotland and the Earle of Westmorland with some other factious English who would haue incensed him against the Queene but also caused Iames and Donald Mac-Conell to giue in caution not to nourish any sedition in Ireland either out of the Hebrides or Scotland THE FOVRE and thirtieth Yeere OF HER REIGNE Anno Domini 1591. IN all this variety of troubles there was not any more busied the whole thoughts of the Queene then the affayres in Bretaigne and the desire of succouring the distressed King of France Wherefore in the beginning of this yeere sending ouer to him Sir Edmund Yorke who louingly reproued him for his last three months silence she admonished him to enter into consideration how much it stood him vpon to secure the Dutchie of Bretaigne and to contriue some possible meanes to preuent the second comming of the Duke of Parma promising him sufficient assistance to driue out that enemy that had alreadie possessed his Countrey vpon condition that the King would but paralell her forces The French King hauing much extolled the care and loue of the Queene gaue her amp●e thankes and larger promises requesting her for some three thousand men for his war in Britaine and some Regiments to be forthwith transported ouer into Picardy nominating Cherburge Glanuile or Brest and ● lawe● too I know not whether to make a ieast rather than an answer for Ports for retyring for them Hereupon hee gaue full authority to Beav●ire No-cle his ordinarie Embassadour in England to couenant for him with the Lord Burghley Treasurer Charles Howard Lord Admirall and the Lord Husdon Chamberlaine Delegates for the Queene whom he brought to these Articles First that three thousand should be sent ouer into Picardy and Britaine re●dy furnished Secondly that the King ●hould repay the charges of their transportation their payes and the prices of their furniture and all necessaries at London within a whole yeare or sooner if so bee the enemy should bee remoued sooner out of the Kingdome The Queene
the King and then consequently that those latter Letters Patents which altogether consisted vpon the restoring of the former were of no force saying that the King was deceiued by a false suggestion and that therefore his grant was voide and of no vertue But the Queene for all this yeelded vp her Right in it and an agreement was made betweene the Vncle and the Nieces Also about this time Gregory Fienis or F●nis Lord Dacres the last of that name and therefore not to be forgotten changed this life for a better he was of no weake capacity the Nephewes Nephew of Richard Fenis of the ancient Family of the Earles of Bon●nia to whom Henry the ●ixt and Edward the fourth gaue the title of Lord Dacre because he had married the heire female of Thomas Lord Dacre Hee was sonne of Thomas Lord Dacre who died in the reigne of Henry the eight when he was scarce 24. yeares of age For when as there was a murther committed by some of his Familiars that were a going with him a hunting although he were not present at it yet hee was ca●led into question and being perswaded by some Courtiers that cunningly lay gaping for his inheritance that he could in no manner saue his life vnlesse he would confesse the fault and submit himselfe to the mercy of the King which when he indiscreetly had done he was forthwith condemned and the day after executed But yet the Courtiers that had so gone about the bush were deceiued of their hopes for the inheritance fell by law vnto his Sister Margaret that was married to Sampson Lennard and the Lordship confirmed vpon the said Lennards sonne named Henry Neither are they to be omitted who followed in the expiring of their mortality William Lord Euers hauing left Ralph his sonne and heire by Margery Dimocke Giles Lord Chandos who dying without issue male left his Brother William his successour Lastly William Blunt Lord Montioy hauing too much weakened his body by his vntemperate youthfulnesse to whom succeeded his brother Charles gouernour of Portsmouth In August next Sir William Russell the youngest Sonne of Francis Earle of Bedford was substituted in the Lord Deputy of Irelands place William Fitz-williams hauing beene called ouer after that Henry Duke and Edward Herbert who were sent with victualls prouision and auxiliary forces to succour those that lay in Garrison in I●iskelline who were besieged by Mac-Guir were vanquished with no little losse by these Rebels And assoone as Sir William had receiued the sword of authority Tir-Oen beyond all expectation hauing receiued a Protection comes vnto him falls downe at his knees humbly begs pardon for his faults in that when he was commanded he came not vnto the former Deputy excusing it by reason that his aduersaries lay in wait for his life and much lamenting that he had lost his fauour with the Queene not by his desert but their false informations for the Queene he held most benigne and most liberall vnto him whom as she had raised vp to the height of honour so she might as easily thrust him out of Ireland He entreated that the sincerity of his cause might be paised in equall ballances and that hee would obey whatsoeuer was commanded hee largely promised to him either in raising the ●iege at Iniskelline or in driuing the Scottish Islanders out He called to witnesse both God and men that although his forward nature had led him into some defence for his life against his enemies yet that he would neuer take Armes against the Queenes Maiesty Lastly he vehemently besought the Deputy and all the Couns●llours of Ireland that they would make intercession to the Queene for the recouery of his lost fauour But Bagnall Marshall of the Irish Army being there present exhibited articles against him accusing him that by his meanes Mac-Guir and Gauran the Priest Primate of Ireland made by the Pope came into Conaught that hee had secret consultations with Mac-Guir O● Donell and other Rebels that he ayded them in wasting the Countries of M●naghan and in besieging Iniskelline by Cormac Mac-Baron his Brother and Cone his base-borne Sonne that hee had withdrawen by threatnings from their loyalty towards the Queene the Capt. of Kilut and Kilwar●y Hee most resolutely denied all this and as one much presuming on the safegard of his whole and vndefiled conscience hee proffered to renounce the vertue of his Protection if these things obiected against him could be proued Hereupon did the Counsellours seriously canuase the matter whither or no they should detaine him to make him come to triall The Deputy iudged it fit he should be detained but the rest either out feare to violate that priuiledge of his Protection or out of some good will towards him iudged that he should be now dismissed and the matter deferred till another time To which sentence there being the major part on that side the Deputy vnwillingly condiscending he was dismissed neither his accusers or his witnesses being heard But it somewhat troubled the Queene who knew that euery one knew of his wicked consultations and more wicked offences that lay open to all mens eyes and the more it troubled her because shee had admonished before hand that he should be detained till he had cleared himselfe of his obiected accusations The Earle Tir-Oen at his dismission gaue indeed great hopes to the Counsellours both of England and Ireland that his seruice should be most faithfull to the Queene readily promising to do whatsoeuer almost they proposed vnto him to wit as to hinder his Brother Corma● from assisting Mac-Guir and the other Rebels to driue out the Scottish Islanders as well as he could out of Ireland to perswade O-Donell that he would doe the like to defend the Borders with his wing of Horse in the absence of the Deputy to see the orders fulfil●ed concerning prouision for victuals to build a Gaole in Dunganon to admit of a Sheriffe and Iustices in Tir-Oen vpon certaine conditions and to command Turlogh Mac-Henry vpon his oath not to suffer any Scottish Islanders to come into Ireland Not long after the Deputy being gone to free Iniskelline from the siege that lay at it hauing put to flight the Rebels furnished it with all manner of prouision and also strengthened the Garrison Then he fiercely disquieted and troubled Feagh Mac-Hugh rebelling in Leinster and hauing but gone out as it were a hunting he wanted but little of taking him He droue him from his House at Bullencure into almost vnaccessable Valleys which they call the Glinnes and there he set a Garrison and sending out some troupes to search out these desart passages where there was no way for a man to come to them almost they went so 〈◊〉 to worke that there seldome passed by a day but they sent in after the fashion of the Countrey some heads cut off from the Souldiers of the Rebels they tooke Rhise the wife of Feagh more then of a womanly courage
death And he entreated the standers by to accompany him in a little short prayer which with a feruent eiaculation and hearty deuotion he made to God Then he forgaue his executioner and repeated his Creed and fitting his necke to the blocke hauing repeated the fiue first verses of the 51. Psalme hee said Lord I cast my selfe downe humbly and obediently to my deserued punishment Thou O Lord haue mercy vpon thy seruant that is cast downe Into thy hands O Lord I commit my spirit His head after that was stricken off at the third blow but the first tooke away both sence and motion Thus although Byron and the French scoffed at him and this his deuotion which they said was fitter for a Parson then a Souldier as if the feare of Hell were not the valour of a Christian dyed Robert D'Euereux Earle of Essex at the age of foure and thirty yeares very godlily and truely Christianly in as much that his Fathers admonition proued not altogether vaine who bid him haue a care of his six and thirtieth yeare when hee lay a dying Hee was a man certainly very vertuous for all parts that became any Noble man His stocke was very ancient and Noble His sirname was deriued to him from Euereux as the vulgar call it a Citie in Normandy His title of a Lord came by marriage with Cisely the Daughter of William Bourchier whose Grandmother was Sister to Edward 4. K. of England whose great Grandmother was Daughter to Th. of Woodstocke the Son of Edward 3 borne of one of the Daughters of Humphrey Bohune E. of Hartford and Essex whereupon the Title of Viscount of Hartford was bestowed vpon his great Grandfather Walter by Edward 6 and the Title of Earle of Essex bestowed vpon his Father by Queene Elizabeth He being a young man was brought vp at Cambridge in the studies of learning and Religion and afterwards commended by the Earle of Leicester his Father in Law to the Queene and made Master of the Horse although with much adoe he obtained it of the Queene she being somwhat grown strange to his mother But afterwards when by his obseruancy and duty he had purchased her full fauour she forgaue him the debt which his Father owed she made him one of the Order of S. George and of her Priuie Councell when he was scarce 23. yeares olde He was often Commander of Armies although fortune failed him in good successe which I will not say was by reason of the Planet Mars who in the 11. house of Heauen shined most afflictiuely ouer him at his Natiuity And when as now he had not alone the shew of the Queenes fauour but the excesse thereof in very deed he made all haste as the Courtiers most did complaine to outgoe all his Equalls and Superiours too to speake euilly of the praise of any man that was not wholly addicted to him to take heinously if any man had gotten either power or fauour with the Queene to hunt after the popular commendations that alwaies is very short in durance and military praises which are as dangerous by his meeknesse and liberality Also he began to be somewhat selfe-willed and stubborne towards the Queene and rather out of his great minde then pride especially after that she out of her courtesie had renewed her fauour to him which he once lost and had opened a way for new benefits to him But this his contumacy vntowardnes as it were in wrestling out benefits from her and his lothsome neglect of obedience towards her with the crafty vndermining of his enuious aduersaries by little and little toled him out of the Queenes fauour and at length quite estranged him from it Neither indeed was this noble Earle made for a Courtier who was slow to any wickednesse very warie in taking of offence and very loth to forget it and one that could not couer his minde But as Cuffe often vsed to complaine to the Authour of the originall of this Story hee was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one that could neither conceale his loue nor his hatred but alwaies shewed them in his countenance Hee married Frances the Daughter of Francis Walsingham the Widow of Sir Philip Sidney the Queenes aduice not being taken who was offended at it as if by that affinity he had debased Essexes family of whom he got Robert his Sonne Frances and Dorothy his Daughters and Walter by the Lady Southwell On the fift day of March S. Christopher Blunt S. Charles Danuers S. Iohn Dauis S. Gill. Mericke Knights and Cuffe were all arraigned at Westminster before the Lord Admirall of England Hunsdon Chamberlaine Cecill Secretary Sir Iohn Fortescue Chancellour of the Exchequer the Lord chiefe Iustice and others where they were accused of the same faults as the Earles before were to wit that they intended mischiefe to the Queenes Maiesty by consulting of inuading the Court and by rebelling in the Citie The three first of them were demanded whether or no they could not deny one part of their accusation and confesse the other which they did for they denied that euer they intended any thing against the Queene Mericke and Cuffe being taken aside the Iudges as before declared THat he that intendeth to prescribe Lawes to his King or Prince whereby he restraineth his power doth intend mischiefe and destruction to his Prince and doth intend both to take the Crowne Life from him This they proued from the examples of silly Countrimen that were condemned for treason euen in the memory of our forefathers for that they tooke armes and met in Oxford-shire and Kent one to encrease their daily pay for their worke the other to take away the Inclosures of pasture fields For confirmation of this they brought many things besides shewing also that it could not be but that they must needs bring in the Queene vnder subiection also offer violence to her because that Conquerours are alwaies insolent and the fury of a multitude cannot be restrained who to prouide for their owne security and safety feare not the performance of any villany Blunt he is vrged with his owne confessions and the confession of the Earle himselfe who but lately accused him as the onely entiser of him to all wickednesse when he heard it read and signed with the Earles owne hand as he saw it he grew altogether amazed with admiration and greatly required that in some other place he might talke with the Admirall and Cecill concerning that matter but lifting vp his eyes he cryed out openly THou O God knowest well from what purposes and plots I disswaded the Earle of Essex Then was read the confession of Thomas Lee who acknowledged that by the leaue of Blunt who was then Marshall in Ireland he had sent to Tir-Oen and againe from him vnderstood that Tir-Oen had said THat if the Earle of Essex would but hearken vnto him that he would make him the greatest man in England
forbidden traffiquing in Germany 190 And those of the Hanse-townes here in England 191 The Embassie of Sir George Carew into Poland ibid. What he effecteth with those of Dantsicke 192 And with the Polacke ibid. And with those of Elbing ibid. An Embassadour from Christian the fourth King of Denmarke ibid. The King of France requesteth aide from the Queene 193 He recouereth Amiens 194 The King of Spaine enclineth to a peace 195 A Parliament assembled in England ibid. The Lord De-la-ware restored to his old place 196 And also Thomas Lord Howard of Walden 197 The death of the Lord Cobham ibid. And of W. Powlet Marquesse of Winchester ibid. The Lord Burrough made Deputy of Ireland ibid. Captaine Norris dyeth 198 The Lord Deputy winnes the Fort at Blackwater 199 The Earle of Kildare dyeth ibid. The Rebels besiege Blackwater Fort. ibid. The Lord Deputy dyeth ibid. Iustices appointed in Ireland in the meane time 200 Tir-Oen presents his grieuances to the Earle of Ormond now Lieutenant of Ireland ibid. Anno M. D.XC.VIII THe King of France would mediate for a peace betweene the Queene of England and the Spaniard Page 202 Embassadours sent ouer about that businesse 203 Cecill Secretary to the Queene sent ouer to France ibid. He ouertaketh the King of France at Andes ibid. The resolution of the King of France about warre 204 Cecils answere in the behalfe of the Queene ibid. The Kings reply and promise to conclude a peace shortly for the benefit of both ●ingdomes ibid. But hee dealeth vnder hand with the Arch-Duke about the said peace whereupon some expostulations past betweene him and the Queene 205 Barneuelts Oration before the French in the behalfe of the Estates of the Low Countries ibid. A difference between Secretary Cecil and some of the French whereupon he is dismissed with faire words onely 207 Sir Thomas Edmonds thereupon is sent ouer by the Queene with Letters which the French King t●●ke not very pleasantly ibid. The King of France stands sto●tly for the Queen in the Treatie at Veruins 208 The order of Session amongst the Delegates ibid. The French take exceptions that in the peace there was no mention of the Queene of England 210 The Queene hath a care of her own● estate ibid. A disceptation about a peace with the Spaniard ibid. The reasons which were collected for peace 211 The reasons that were collected against it 213 The reply of those that stood for a peace 215 Burghley Lord Treasurer particularly for the peace 217 The Earle of Essex much against it ibid. Whereupon he writes and publisheth his Apologie 218 A kinde of contention betweene the Queene and the Earle of Essex ibid. The Earle behaues himselfe somewhat irreuerently before the Queene 219 Her distast thereat ibid. His answeres full of indignation to those that gaue him good aduice or counsell ibid. The death of the Lord Burghley Treasurer of England 220 His Natiuity and kindred his education he was Master of Requests and Secretary to King Edward he began to retaine vnder Queene Elizabeth 221 He is made Baron and Treasurer of England and Knight of the Garter 222 His Issue ibid. New articles of agreement between the States and the Queene 223 Sir Thomas Bodley of Councell for the Estates he restored the publique Library of Oxford first instituted by Humphrey Duke of Gloucester 224 The Lord Zouch and Christopher Perkins sent ouer into Denmarke by reason of some contention betweene the Danes and the English 225 Isabella Daughter to Philip King of Spaine betrothed to Albert of Austria ibid. The death of the King of Spaine being aboue seuenty yeares of age ibid. Three places which he was w●nt to call the Keyes of the Kingdome of Spaine ibid. George Clifford Earle of Cumberland returnes home from Sea He tooke Porto-Rico and other places but continued not there by reason of a disease that happened amongst his Souldiers 226 The treason of Edward Squire discouered the proceedings therein he is instigated to it by Walpole a Iesuite he bedawbes the pummell of the Queen●● Saddle with poison but to no purpose He besmeared a Chaire of the Earle of Essex's with poison but to no more purpose 227 He is questioned and confesseth all and is hanged 228 Rumors scattered abroad against the K. of Scots ibid. Especially by one Valentine Thomas at the time of his execution 229 The Queenes admonition to the King of Scots in behalfe of this businesse ibid. Bookes written in the behalfe of the K. of Scots ibid. The Contents of those Books about the course of kingdomes 230 The K. himselfe writeth his Booke called Basilicon-doron 231 The affection of the Queene towards good studies ibid. Bookes that she her selfe translated ibid. The death of D. Stapleton Professour at Doway ibid. And of D. Cosins Deane of the Arches ibid. The death of Edmund Spencer the Arch-Poet his buriall at the cost and charges of the Earle of Essex 232 Black-water Fort in Ireland besieged by the Reb●ls ibid. The English hau● the worst of it in a battle ibid. The Fort not long after yeelded vp to the Rebels 233 All the Prouince of Mounster reuolts from the Queene ibid. Protections hurtfull to the Common-wealth 234 Mounster all spoil●d and hauockt by the Rebels ibid. Tir-Oens brags of his successe and victory ibid. Sir Richard Bingham sent ouer againe into Ireland 235 Who died there presently after his arriuall ibid. Anno M. D.XC.IX A Great consultation in England about the choice of a new Lord Deputy to be sent into Ireland Pag. 237 The Earle of Essex secretly desires it himselfe ibid. He is at length made Lord Deputy of Ireland 238 An army allotted him and the number the greatest that Ireland euer saw 238 The summe of his Commission His departure ibid. He marcheth to Mounster against some petty Rebels and neglects the tenour of his Commission ibid. The Queene takes it vnkindly and he as much the making of Sir Robert Cecill Master of the Wards an Office which he himselfe expected 240 The Earle excuses the fault and laies it on the Irish Councell ibid. Sir Coniers Clifford sets forward against the Rebells ibid. He is slaine in the battell with Sir Alexander Ratcliffe 241 A fresh supply sent ouer from England into Ireland ibid. Tir-Oen desires a Parly of the Earle of Essex ibid. Which is at last condiscended vnto at Balla-Clinch Riuers Foord ibid. Tir-Oen and the Earle of Essex talke together almost an houre 242 Tir-Oen desires to haue another conference with the Earle of Essex ibid. Whereupon a truce is made for sixe weekes ibid. Whereat the Queene is angry with the Lord Deputy ibid. She sends letters to him and to the Councell of Ireland 243 The Earle of Essex much discontented at the letters ibid. His secret plots to take some vnlawfull course to subdue his enemies at Court 244 An army of 6000. men mustered in London halfe whereof lay at watch and ward for the safety of the Queene ibid. The Earle of Essex makes an
be at anothers call or whistle Within the compasse of this yeare some of the greater sort and of the Nobility departed this life Amongst whom the best worthy memory were Iohn Puckering Lord Keeper of the great Seale who although he himselfe were a man of an vpright sincerity yet by reason of his corrupted seruants that set to faire Ecclesiasticall Benefices for the best price he was but hardly spoken of by the Clergy men Thomas Egerton the Queenes Attourney Generall succeeded him in his place who in the integrity of his vertues equall●d the great expectation that was of him Richard Fletcher Bishop of London a very famous Prelate who being sorely troubled with the displeasure of the Queene at his marriage as she was at the marriage of all the Clergy to get that away lost his life Henry Cary Lord Hunsdon Lord Chamberlaine of the Queenes Court Gouernour of Berwicke and Knight of the Order of S. George a man of a great stomacke but very cholericke and somewhat discontented that being somewhat of kinne to the Queene hee attained but meane honours and wealth departed also his Sonne George succeeded him in his dignities and the Lord Cobham in the Chamberlaines place who continued in it but few moneths Another was Francis Knolles who had married the Lord Hunsdons Sister and for the truth of the Gospell had beene banished into Germany first hee was Sub-Chamberlaine to the Queene afterwards Captaine of the Guard afterwards Treasurer of the Queenes Houshold and one of the Order of S. George In his Treasurer-ship Roger Lord North succeeded him and his Sonne William Knolles was made Comptroller of the Houshold Another towards the end of the yeere was Henry Hastings Earle of Huntingdon the third of that stocke President of the Councell in the Northerne quarters and being a man of a milde disposition but very earnest in the purity of his religion he spent most of his patrimony in costly succouring and cherishing of the more feruent sort of Ministers He was buried in the county of Leicester and Francis L. Hastings died then to And the Presidency of the Councell committed to Matthew Hutton Archbishop of Yorke but without the title of President Neither among so many men is the death of that worthy woman Margaret Clifford Countesse of Darby the onely daughter of Henry Clifford Earle of Cumberland which hee had by Elenor Brandon the Niece of Henry the Eight to bee concealed who out of a womanish curiosity and weakenes of her sexe being too credulous and somewhat ambitious of farre fetcht hopes dealt with Southsayers and in striuing to get the knowledge of things to come lost the presentfauour of the Queene and her life presently after THE FORTIETH Yeere OF HER REIGNE Anno Domini 1597. IN the beginning of this yeere how great prayse of their valor Robert Sidney and Francis Ver● with the English forces in the battel at Turnholt in Brabant vnder the conduct of Maurice of N●ssaw did deserue beare away hauing slaine 2000. Neapolitanes and Germanes the Low Countries historie doeth report I hasten and intend to greater matters The Queene being giuen credibly to vnderstand that the Spaniard was prouiding a new piece of warre out of the old decayed reliques and other ships which he intended against Ireland prepares her Nauy of ten of her owne Ships and as many Hollanders either to diuert his proiect or to delay it But when as this number seemed but very small there were more added fiue thousand Souldiers prest besides a thousand old Souldiers whom Vere brought out of the Low-Countries So that in all in this Nauy there were one hundred and twenty Ships Seuenteene of the Queenes three and forty little men of warre the rest to carry prouision The Nauy was diuided into three Squadrons Essex commanded the first who had the whole Expedition committed to his care Thomas Howard the second and Walter Rawleigh the third Charles Blunt Lord Montioy was Captaine of the Souldiers vnder the Earle of Essex and Sir Francis Vere Serieant Maior Sir George Carew master of the Ordnance and Engines and Sir Christopher Blunt chiefe Colonell To this warre also went the Earles of Rutland and Southampton the Lord Grey Cromwell and Rich with many other Knights and other Gentlemen These with their sailes displayed and other costly vanitie that is peculiar to the English when they goe to warre set forth from Plimmouth the ninth day of luly After two dayes to euery Ship was deliuered her Commission signed whither she should bend her course which way to Feroll and the Groyne that there they might expect the Spanish Nauy and assault it and surprize the Indy Nauy at Azores After mature deliberation this was thought most expedient to be done For so should England rest in security the Nauies of both the Indies being not defended should be easierly surprized the Islands Azores should be surprized where both the rich Nauies from the I●dies in their returne arriue and water themselues The Queen should be made absolute Commandresse of the Sea The Spaniard dispoyled of his Nauy should either bee compelled to a peace vpon any equall tearmes or to his great dammage to renue his warres againe Essex had resolued as at least made shew and sometimes publiquely professed That he would either vanquish this Nauy that so hath threatned England the last yeare or else sacrifice himselfe to the good of his Countrey But they had scar●e gone forty leagues from Plimmouth when a fearefull tempest rushes vpon them North●west and a mist takes away sight from them The Ayre with thunder and the water with tumultuous waues reflecting from the sides of the ships with a fearefull Eccho did so rage foure dayes together that the Mariners themselues were affraid the Souldiers trembled and the whole Nauy much di●●ected not without great danger hardly recouered Plimmouth againe and other coasts thereabouts the Admirall it selfe was so battered that it was scarce of any ●se some of 〈◊〉 fresh-water Souldiers were so troubled with an ●nmannerly Stomack that they stole home againe secretly The Na●y being againe refresht and repayred although to the diminishing both of the number strength of the former forthwith puts forth againe but found the winds so contrary that for a whole moneth they could not get out of the Hauens And by that time prouisiō of victuals grew very scarce among them whereof they could haue no supply but out of the East part of England and that in no little time wherefore it seemed good vnto them to discharge all their Souldiers beside one thousand old ones and to dismisse most of their Ships of lesser weight and not to goe to Fer●ll or the Groyne And then it fell to be deliberated on whether or no they should make their expedition to the Islands Azores which all agreed vpon that they should but only Vere who said it would neither be for the profit nor the credit of the Queene since that
indignation of a weake Prince That the heart of the Queene is hardened I know what I haue to doe as I am a Subiect and what as I am an Earle and Marshall of England I cannot liue like a seruant and a bond-slaue If I should confesse my selfe guilty I should both iniure truth and God the authour of truth I haue receiued a dart in my whole body It is absolutely a sinne to serue after the receipt of so great a disgrace Cannot Princes erre cannot they iniure their Subiects Is their earthly power infinite T is the foole in Solomon that being strucke laughes They that receiue benefit by the errors of Princes let them beare the iniuries of Princes Let them thinke the Queenes power infinite who beleeued that God is not omnipotent As for my part I being rent in peeces with iniuries haue long e●ough within my brest endured the bitternesse thereof But yet for all this a little while after being more submisse hee was pardoned and receiued into fauour by the Queene whose greatest anger at any offence could neuer be stretched to a iust hatred except onely of the offence Bu● here his Friends and Fauourers greatly began to feare a r●ine who haue obserued that Fortune very seldome in reconciled with one whom she hath cast out of her care and that Princes are a great deale seldomer especially to those whom they themselues haue beene thought to haue offended and iniured About this time died William Cecill Lord Burghley Treasurer of England who being sorely troubled with griefe of minde and the Gout too sent his Letters to the Queene earnestly beseeching her that he might lay aside the burthen of his Offices The Queene presently vpon it came and visited him and comforted him very much but within few daies after hauing liued long enough to Nature and famous enough to Glory but onely not long enough to his Country he so quietly gaue vp the ghost that his greatest enemy could confesse that he hated nothing more or enuied any thing like to such a death in so great honour seeing that ordinarily the ends and Catastrophes of the Administratours of such great affaires as he did are both sad and sometimes sodaine Certainly he was an excellent man whom besides his venerable countenance and comely visage nature made and learning perfected to a great fame of honesty grauity temperance industry and iustice Besides these he was a wondrous well-spoken man in his curious language which neither was any way affected but plaine and easie His wisedome was strengthened by long experience and seasoned with great moderation His faith and loyalty well approued and his religious piety aboue all most to be commended To speake all in a word the Queene was most happy in such a Counsellour and England will be beholding to his counsell for euer If at any time it shall concerne posterity to know his birth he was borne at Burne in Lincolne shire in 1521. His Father was Richard Cecill Master of the Wardrope to Henry the eight his Mother Iane the Heire to the Family of Ekinton and the Walcots He when he was a young man was student in St. Iohns College at Cambridge where at the age of twenty yeares he tooke to wife Marie the Sister of Iohn Cheeke a very learned man who within one or two yeares after died Afterwards hauing beene a Student at Law in Graies Inne at London hee married Mildred a good Graecian and Latinist the Daughter of Anthony Coke Informer to Edward the sixth Hauing got into the house of the Duke of Somerset Protector of the Realme he was vnder him made Master of Requests being the first in England as I haue heard of himselfe that euer vsed that Title Afterwards he became Secretary to Edward the sixt and by him knighted He found some fauour with Queene Mary but greater with Cardinall Poole Tunstall and William Petra for his wisedome the resson of his fauour with Mary was in that although he with the rest subscribed hee most opposed that counterfeited pretence to Edwards kingdome whereby both Mary and Elizabeth were excluded from any right thereto But yet afterwards being a very religious Protestant although hee serued the times a little when he perceiued that his religion lay as a blocke in his way to all promotion he betooke himselfe to the seruice of Elizabeth she vsed his paines much in her affaires whatsoeuer Afterwards she made him one of her Priuy Councell and in the third yeare of her Rai●ne after the death of Sir Thomas Parry made him Master of the Wards which Office he so well performed prouidently to the good of the Orphans moderately to his owne good and liberally to the good of his Friends Kindred and followers without any iniuries that the Queene admiring his discretion committed the gouernment of all vnto him in a manner But as his power and fauour with the Queene encreased with him so did hatred and enuy in many of the Nobility against him but yet so that as he was wont to say he ouer came it with patience more then frowardnesse Afterwards the Queene hauing well approued his wisdome and loialty this thirteen yeares bestowed on him the title of Lord Burghley and Lord high Treasurer of England In which Office alwaies hating those base trickes of heaping money together as hee encreased the publike good so also his own priuate estate by his paines and parsimonie He was very vnwilling to haue any thing spent vnlesse for the honour of the Queene the defence of the Kingdome or the aide of our Neighbours He narrowly looked into although not with the eies of security yet of equity the affaires of the Custome-house and the Tole takers that belong thereto He would professe that hee neuer liked that the Exchequer should like the Spleene encrease continually and the rest of the members wither and fade away and truely hee strongly endeuoured that the Prince might not grow rich by the peoples misery of taxation but that both the one and the other might want nothing Hee would often say that nothing was profitable to the Prince that was not honourable for her also to doe and hereupon he would not suffer the Reuenews of her Lands to be encreased or the old Tenants remoued or Farmers put out As for his priuate estate he so well managed it that neither he euer went to Law with any man or any man with him Of his former wife Mary Cheeke begot hee Thomas now Earle of Exeter very fruitfull in his issue Of his second wife Mildred Coke he begat Robert Earle of Salisbury his successour in the greatest Offices of the Kingdome with the like happinesse besides two Daughters that died before himself Anne Countesse of Oxford who had three Daughters Elizabeth married to William Earle of Darby Bridget married to the Lord Norris and Susan to the Earle of Mountgomery and Elizabeth the wife of William Wentworth that died without issue The Ouerseers
any one tooke Armes for his defence and that those that accompanied him withdrew themselues away and heard also that the Admirall came with forces a-against him then he began to cast away all his hopes Wherfore he bethinkes of returning home againe and by the meanes of the Lord Keeper and the rest lockt vp at home to procure some hope of fauour from the Queene But when as Sir I. Leuison with a Band at Ludgate denyed Gorge passage for the Earle which he demanded Gorge being carefull of himselfe in the care of the Councellours comes and perswades the Earle that he would send him to set the Councellours free and then both hee and they might intercede with the Queene for his pardon whilest yet there was hope and some comfort no blood being yet shed and whilest the Queene might be in doubt of the successe or the Cities minde in any vncertainty what they should doe The Earle gaue him leaue but onely willed that Popham might be set free but Popham denying his owne liberty except the Lord Keeper also were deliuered Gorge set them all at liberty and taking Boat with them came by water to the Court. The Earle now about to returne findes his way chained vp neerest the West gate of Pauls and Pikemen and Muskets set against him at the appointment of the Bishop of London vnder the command of Sir I. Leuison Here first he drew his Sword and commanded Blunt to assault them Which he did very manfully hauing slaine one Wayte and he himselfe ●ore wounded was taken There was slaine also Henry Tracy a young man and very dearely loued by the Earle besides one or two Citizens The Earles passage being stopt here 〈◊〉 hauing his hat shot through with a Bullet accompanied with a few that left him not yet for most had making hast downe to Queene-hith got Boats and came home to his house againe by water Hauing returned he was very angry that the Councellours were dismissed so hee burnes a many papers lest as he said they should blab too much and prepares himselfe for his owne defence fortifying his house on all sides and and vainly expecting helpe from the Londoners Presently after the Lord Admirall comes and besiegeth it on the Land-side setting in order the Earles of Cumberland and Lincolne Thomas Howard Lord Gray Burghley and Compton with horse and foot He himselfe with his Sonne Effingham L. Cobham Stanhope Robert Sidney Sir Fulke Greuile on the Thames side seized on his Garden And now being ready to assault the house he commandeth them by Sidney to yeeld them vp to him The Earle of South-hampton demands againe to whom they should yeeld it To their enemies that were indeed to deserue danger enough To the Queene that were indeed to confesse themselues guilty But yet saith he if the Admirall will giue vs good pledges for our security we will come and appeare before the Queene But if not that they had all resolued rather to lose their liues then the credit of their cause The Admirall answered againe that there ought not to be Pledges giuen or any conditions offered to Rebels but yet certified● Essex that he should send out the Countesse his Wife his Sister the Lady Rich and some other Mayd-seruants that with 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 made a terrible noise within doores The Earle tooke that for a great courtesie and onely desired that he might haue an houre or two● respite to fortifie the place where they went out which was granted But 〈◊〉 houre being spent the Earle finding all his hopes come to a despaire determined to issue forth vpon them which the Lord Sands somewhat ancienter then the rest vrged also exceedingly saying still that the most valiant Councels are the most safe that it is farre more honourable to die fighting with Noble men then by the hand of a hangman But Essex his minde being as vnconstant as his fortune began rather to thinke of yeelding and gaue notice that vpon certaine Articles and conditions he would yeeld But the Admirall denying any conditions he would not guie conditions but onely take and they should be but these First To deal● ciuilly with them which the Admirall granted Secondly To let their cause be fairely and lawfully tried To which he answered that he ought not to doubt of that Lastly That during the time of his imprisonment hee might haue Ashton his Chaplaine with him for his soules better comfort The Admirall promised that he would intercede with the Queene for these things And so forth with the Nobler sort kneeling downe deliliuered vp their Swords to the Admirall and themselues at ten of the clocke at night In this assault there died onely Owen Salisbury and one or two flaine within with the Muskets and as many of the Assaulters without The Earles of Essex and Southampton first of all are committed to the Archbishop of Canterburies house at Lambeth and not streightway to the Tower because it was late at night and the water not passable vnder London Bridge But the next day or very soone after by commission from the Queene they were carried by boat vnto the Tower R●tland Sands Cromwell M●●taquile and Charles Danuers and Henry Bromley were sent after in more Boats The 〈◊〉 were all committed to common gaoles And thus within twelue houres was this commotion at rest which some called a 〈◊〉 in the Earle some an errour others a stubborne 〈◊〉 and 〈…〉 reuenge But they that made the worst of it onely called it an inconsiderate rashnesse the Citizens being as loth to acknowledge a rebellion as to cause one and scarcely was there one that thought it yet treason The day after the Queene by her Herauld commended the loyall care of her Citizens acknowledging the same with very louing words Also then admonishing them that they should maintaine the publike peace and tranquility by reason that the infection of this new sedition was likely to lurke and breake out somewhere also that they should haue an especiall care to obserue if any went about any innouations either by forcing the mindes of the weake and simple people thereto or calumniating any of the Queenes Seruants Vpon the twelfth of February Thomas Lee Kinsman to Sir Henry Lee of the Order of Saint George a Commander in Ireland very intimate with Tir-Oen and as much deuoted to Essex too who the very same night that Essex had refused being sent for to goe to the Priuy Councellers profered his seruice either to surprize or kill the Earle of Essex now intimated secretly to Robert Crosse a Sea Captaine that it were a braue thing if six tall fellowes at once would set vpon the Queene and make her by force release Essex and Southampton and the rest out of prison These things Crosse hauing betrayed to the Councell Lee being sought vp downe for was about twilight found about the Priuy Chamberdore very pale and sweating and oftentimes hauing asked
that Order and Company whereby I hold my selfe to be very highly honoured I haue reuerently receiued and made acceptation thereof and doe most heartily thanke you so much as in me possibly remaineth for so great Grace and Fauour tendring mine obedience and seruiceable dutie in the said Order so much as in me lyeth to doe The forme of the Oath giuen vnto the Knight of the Order of St. Michael YOu shall sweare that to your Loyall power you shall assist guard maintaine and defend the Eminency Rights and Greatnesse of the Crowne of France of the Maiestie Royall and Authority of the Soueraigne and of his successiue Soueraignes So long as you liue shall be of the said Order you shall imploy your selfe to your vttermost power to maintaine the said Order and Honour thereof taking what paines you can to augment it without suffering it to decay or diminis● so long as your strength may remedy and support it And if it shall so come to passe which God defend that in you there shall be found some such fault whereby according to the Statutes of the Order you are to be depriued summoned and required to re-deliuer backe the Coller in such case you must send it to the Soueraigne or the Treasurer of the Order without euermore after the said summoning wearing the said Coller and all penalties paines and corrections which in meaner matters may be censured and appointed to you you are to vndergoe and beare patiently without rancour spleene or hatred for or in that respect in you either against the Soueraigne Brethren or any Officers of the said Order You must ouer and besides this duely appeare at the Chapters and Assemblies of the Order or else must send thither according to the Statutes and Ordinances thereof your sufficient Deputy or Attourney as testifying thereby your obedience to the Soueraigne and to his Deputies or Committies in all things reasonable concerning the Duties and Affaires of the Order and your owne loyall power for the accomplishing of all the Statutes Points Articles and Ordinances which you haue seene and read in writing and shall hereafter be read vnto you To them you shall promise and sweare as well generally as particularly and to each Point you are to take an especiall Oath All these things as you are a Knight of the Order you must sweare and promise on the Soueraignes hand by your Faith Oath and Honour and on the Crosse and holy Gospels of our Lord. Pag. 139. Lin. 3. The Riuer of Elbe There is indeed such a Riuer in Germany which hath it's head neere vnto the Towne Aust in Bohemia and it falleth into the German Ocean below Hamburgh it is called by some Albis by Strabo Albium and hath no lesse then three or foure great Riuers that do empty themselues into it But yet this is not that Riuer which should be here vnderstood neither is that the true words in the Latine Edition which should signifie it For indeed for Flumen Amasim I suppose should be read Flumen Amasium or Flumen Amisium or Amisiam for according to those three seuerall pronunciations Ptolomy Pomponius and Strabo read them by which we vnderstand the Riuer Eims which ariseth in Westphalen out of a ridge of hils and emptieth it selfe in the German Ocean Pag. 140. Lin. 16. By Anna Parre By reason of the likenesse of the Letters and the naughtinesse of the written Translation Anna Parre was mistaken for Anne Dacres This Anne Dacres was Daughter to Thomas Lord Dacres and Sister and Co-heire of George Lord Dacres of Gillefland She married to the said Philip Howard Earle of Arundel and bare him Thomas Howard his onely Sonne now Earle of Arundel Pag. 140. Lin. 33. Whether a true and iustifyng faith may be lost This was that question which at that time did and euen at this present doth disquiet the vnity and peace of our English Churches A litle before the death of this worthy Whitaker it fell so out that by the Priuate and Publike maintaining of this Opinion by one Doctor Baro a Frenchman it came to such an vnhappy perfection that most and those not the meanest of that Vniversity submitted their beliefe vnto it Insomuch that Doctor Whitaker at that time Regius Professor in the Vniuersity imployed the extremity of his endeauours in his Lectures Sermons and Disputations to crush the same from getting farther Credit as is to be seene in his learned Lecture concerning Vniversall Grace his Concio ad Clerum concerning Predestination and the Certainty of Divine Grace and other of his Exercises After Him rose vp these famous Worthies of that Vniuersity Doctor Tindall Some Chatterton Willet and Perkins who by their Workes and Labours both in Latine and English endeuoured the like But it seemes the root was too deepe ●etled and a stronger hand was to be imployed to plucke it vp Hereupon the Archbishop of Canterbury that famous Prelate Whitgift is acquainted with the matter and his Pastorall care requested in the purging of these corruptions The good Archbishop willing to impart the honour of this attempt to him that he best thought worthy of it sends presently to his Colleague Hutton his Grace of Yorke to whom he sends also the questions controuerted at Cambridge and for his opinion in the decision of them The Archbishop of Yorke in the yeare of 1595. returned to his Grace of Canterbury the summe of his opinion in briefe collected in a written Treatise which was called De Electione Praedestinatione Reprobatione commentatio wherein hee most diuinely and acutely expressed his minde and the Truth The Epistle prefixed to the Treatise I thought worth the Transcribing if the Reader thinke it the perusing ACcepi jam pridem literas tuas Reverendissime Praesul veteris illius benevolentiae amoris erga me tui plenas in quibus effiagitas opinionem meam de Articulis quibusdam nuper Cantabrigiae agitatis non sine aliquâ piorum offensione qui graviter molesteque ferunt Matrem Academiam jam multitudine liberorum quidem doctissimorum florentem eâ dissentione filiorum non nihil contristatam esse Sed fieri non potest quin veniant offendicula neque desinet Inimicus homo inter triticum zizania seminare donec ●um Dominus sub pedibus contriverit Legi Articulos Relegi dum pararem aliquid de singulis dicere visum est mihi multò potiùs de ipsâ Electione Reprobatione unde illa dissentio orta esse videtur meam sententiam opinionem paucis explicare quam singulis sigillatim respondendo fratrum forsitan quorundam animos quos in veritate diligo exacerbare Meminisse potes Ornatissime Antistes cum Cantabrigiae unâ essemus sacras Literas in Scholis publicis interpretaremur eandem regulam sequuti eam semper fuisse inter nos consensionem in omnibus religionis causis ut ne minima quidem vel dissensionis vel simultatis suspicio unquam apparreet Igitur hoc tempore