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A07315 A monument of remembrance erected in Albion, in honor of the magnificent departure from Britannie, and honorable receiuing in Germany, namely at Heidelberge, of the two most noble princes Fredericke, first prince of the imperiall bloud, sprung from glorious Charlemaigne, Count Palatine of Rhine, Duke of Bauier, Elector and Arch-sewer of the holy Romane Empire, and Knight of the renowned order of the Garter. & Elizabeth Infanta of Albion, Princess Palatine, and Dutchesse of Bauier, the onely daughter of our most gratious and soueraigne Lord Charles-Iames, and of his most noble and vertuous wife, Queene Anne. Both of them being almost in one and the same degree lineall descent from 25 emperours of the east and west, of Romanes, Greekes, and Germans, and from 30 kings of diuers countries. By Iames Maxvvel. Maxwell, James, b. 1581. 1613 (1613) STC 17703; ESTC S112546 47,997 58

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daughter of Prince Edward sur-named the Out-law son of King Edmond Ironside who being married to Malcolme Cammore King of Scotland brought to King Iames the first right of succession to this Crowne secondly Elizabeth of the house of Yorke daughter to King Edward the 4. married to King Henry the 7. of the house of Lancaster Thirdly Margaret their eldest daughter borne in the blessed white-red Vnion-bed of the two Roses who being married to Iames the fourth king of Scotland brought the second right of succession to our most gracious King Iames the happy Vniter of the two Kingdomes To these three Ladies of Britanny wee may adde other these of Germany bearing the same names from the which King Iames and his hopefull children namely Prince Fredericke are collineally descended and they are these first Margaret Countesse of Holland Dutchesse of Bauier and Empresse wife to Lodowicke the 5. Duke of Bauier and Emperour secondly Elizabeth Princesse Palatine Empresse wife to Robert Prince Palatine and Emperour thirdly Margaret Dutchesse of Lorraine their daughter And it is my ardent wish that the fore-said two Germane Margarets and Elizabeth may proue as lucky to King Iames and his hopefull children for their Imperiall preferment in Germany as the two English Margarets and Elizabeth haue done for his Royall preferment in Britanny And the three Ladies of the same names which brought good fortune and preferment to the house of Howard were these first Margaret Plantagenet Dutchesse of Norfolke the onely daughter and heire of Thomas Plantagenet Earle of Norfolke son to King Edward the 1 secondly Elizabeth Lady Segraue the daughter and heire of the said Lady-Dutchesse Margaret of Iohn Lord Segrane thirdly Margaret Mowbray daughter of the said Lady Elizabeth and of Iohn Lord Mowbray maried to Sir Robert Howard Knight the father and mother of Iohn Lord Howard Duke of Norfolke So that as a Robert was the first Royall Progenitor of the Royall Stewards King Robert the Bruce surnamed the Noble being the Grand-father of Robert the first King of the Stewards and as a Robert Prince Palatine and Emperour likewise sur-named the Noble is he from whom King Iames and Prince Frederick are descended both in the 9. degree as our late published Pedigree doth show so was a Noble Robert the first Progenitor of the Dukes of Norfolke of the honoured name of Howard vnto whose worthy Patronage wee thought good for the reasons afore-said and others wee might mention to commend our Essayes in Latine and English whereof these Presents are but a scantling vndertaken by vs in honour of a number of most Noble Princes And thus Courteous Reader crauing thy fauourable construction of these our endeuours wee hauing no other intent but onely thereby to do honour in a schollar-like kind to such as are worthy of honour we bid thee hartely fare-well ALBIONS Remembrance of FREDERICKE and ELIZABETH 1 SITH Norths bright Nymph and Albions Rosie The sweetest meekest of the Lady-kind Must bound from vs to build her Summers bowre Flowre At Heidelberge now in this flowry time And that for Rhine she must abandon Thames For Germany leauing the land of IAMES 2 And sith Her presence sweete we must no more Injoy alas which was the ioy of hearts To all Her sex as HENRIES was before To those of His men women of all parts Which came to Court to veiw the worth and State Which their did shine through Him and Her of late 3 Sith that I say now Hymen doth her call From th'Ile of IEMMES to dwell in Germaines ground So that her face no more hence see wee shall Her face the grace of Country Court and Towne What rests but that we wish her asmuch ioy As by her absence we must reape annoy 4 For like as did deere Henry by his death Make men to mourne but mirth to Angels bring So the departure of Elizabeth Make Britans sigh but Germaines for to sing Thus in one yeare we drinke of double woes By loosing first our Lilly then our Rose 5 Which double losse might well our Iland drowne In sorrowes sea except there did remaine A Lilly-Rose with ioy our land to crowne To salue the sorrowes which wee do sustaine Henry Eliza both their flowers bequeath To make for Charles a Lilly-rosie wreath 6 Castor and Pollux of all brothers that haue bene were the most louingst as Aratus Apollodorus Hyginus do write euen so louing that the one would needs halue with the other his immortall State Plutarch doth likewise tell how that Cleomenes of Lacedemonia did loue his brother Enclides so deerely that he made him his coequall in the Kingdome and in our time or memory there was neuer one that loued his brother more deerely then our peerelesse Prince Henry did his brother Duke Charles For like as Pollux to his brother deere Castor by name his glory did impart Haluing with him his owne Immortall Sphere So much had Castor of Prince Pollux heart Euen so would Henry halue his Princely State That his lou'd Charles might it participate 7 Me thinkes I see sweete HENRY with his hand Plucking the choisest flowers of Paradise One day to decke this twise defloured Land With Syons store to make it happy thrise Euen now he makes a Garland for the day That CHARLES shall beare Constantixes crowne away 8 Likewise Eliza goes to breed and bring Forth to the light sonnes of a noble kinde Whose worth one day shall make vs Britans sing When they with CHARLES vnanimely combin'd * This shall be shewed in our Sybilla Britannica containing Prophesies in siue sundry Languages which seeme to promise no lesse As is fore-rold in spight of Turkish might Shall once regaine great Constantine his right 9 Gonilda the faire daughter of Canute the Danish King of England married to Henry the 3. Emperour Mathilda or Maud the daughter and heire of Henry the 1. K. of England maried to Henry the 5. Emperour reade hereof William of Malmesbury and Roger Houeden their Histories A better hap we hope this Match shall haue Then once two English-Germaine Matches had That to their Countries did no Issue leaue Which made Gonilda and Mathilda sad Kings daughters both the second Englands Dame To Emperours matcht both HENRIES by their name 10 And better then had once that match in France Twixt Francis and our Scotlands noble Queene That Mary hight and yet a better chance Then of that Match for to ensue was seene Twixt Spaine and England when Queene Mary thought With Phillip a great Vnion to haue wrought 11 Robert surnamed the Noble Prince Palatine Emperour had by his wife Elizabeth the Empresse goodly children fiue sons three daughters whereof reade in Custinianus Munsteru● Reusnerus and from them two Princ● ●…dericke and Princesse Elizabeth are both lineally descended hee in the ninth and shee in the tenth degree as may be seene in the Pedegree I haue lately published the which numbers in them vnited
make vp King IAMES his auspicious lucky number of Nineteene which is likewise the number of the coelestial Lyon according to Hyginus Germanicus Caesar writing vpon Aratus as also of the Kingdomes Prince-domes into which the Ile of Britanny with Ireland in former ages haue bene deuided the which are now all happely vnited in One in the person of the Lilly-Lyon of the North and in this vnited State long may they continue aye vntill all the Kingdomes of the earth bee fully vnited in the glorious person of the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah who delighteth to feede among the Lillies as it is in the Canticles The heauens Eliza will with Issue blesse By Fredericke her Spouse from Caesars sprung Such is our hope and such shall be our wish That songs may be of their sweete Issue sung When as it shall befall them as it hath Before to * Robert and Elizabeth 12 The two Henries Kings of England the 1. and the 2. had either of them a daughter named Mathilde or Maud and both of them were married to two Henries of Germany the first King Henries Mathilde was his onely daughter and heire and was wedded at fiue yeeres old to Henry the 5. Emperour and was crowned Empresse at Mentz on Saint Iames his day in the yeere 1114. being of the age as said is of 5. who after the decease of her husband dying without issue annó 1116. returned to her father King Henry bringing with her the Imperiall Crowne and Saint Iames his hand in honour whereof hee founded the Abbey and Church of S. Mary in Reading as William of Malmsbury William of Gemite Roger Houedon and Thomas Walsingham doe write The which deed of this North-South descended Lady for her father was King of England and her mother another renowned Mathildis was a daughter of Scotland borne of S. Margaret and King Malcolme me thinkes did beare this good signification that once a Iames and he the son of a Matchlesse Mary both of them hauing in their persons vnited the Royall blouds of both Countries should euen at the feast of the Annunciation of the glorious Virgin MARY enter to the vniting of these Kingdomes and that he should at the Feast of Saint Iames receiue the Imperiall Crowne of the same vnited Kingdomes on his happy head Whereof there is more to be read in our Poem that sheweth both by Theology Astrology the auspiciousnesse of his Maiesties entry to this Crowne for whereas there haue bene three diuers designes attempted before at three diuers times to vnite this Iland with three diuers Nations Germany France Spaine by the meanes of the Marriages of three Queene-heires Maud and the two Maries it was the great Vnion-Makers will to make the fore-said three Matches all fruitlesse to the end that it might be first fully and perfitely vnited with and in it owne selfe before any other such Vnion with any forraine Nation should be made as by those three marriages was intended and expected and when I compare the designes deeds of the three Maries together first of Mary of England by her Mariage with King Phillip labouring to vnite this Iland in whole or in part with Spaine next of Mary of Lorvaine by the Mariage of her yong daughter Mary of Scotland with Francis the Dolphin to deuouring to vnite it with France and lastly of the same Mary of Scotland by her second Marriage with her deerest cousen Henry Lord Darly Earle of Rosse and Duke of Albuny great-grand-child of King Henry the 7. intending to vnite this Iland with it selfe in her happy Issue when as I compare together I say the fore-said three diuers designes and endeuours of the fore-said three Maries I am constrained to giue out this verdite and censure concerning the same that the first two Maries were with Martha in the Gospell combred about many things but that the third Mary with Mary in the same Gospell had chosen the better part which was not to be taken from her The other Mathildis or Maude married into Germany was the daughter of King Henry the second wedded to Henry surnamed the Lyon Duke of Bauier and Saxe and bare him diuers children namely Henry Duke of Saxe c. and Prince Palatine in right of his wife Agnes heire of the Palatinate by meanes whereof Prince Fredricke is descended from the said King Henry the 2. in the 17. degree Another of their said children was Otho Lord of Brunswicke and Earle of Yorke created by his vnckle King Richard sur-named Lyons-heart who also was chosen Emperour afterwards and from him Prince Charles Duke of Yorke is both on his fathers and his mothers side descended in the 13. and 14 degrees though some haue written that he left no Issue by any of his wiues He is much wronged by Historians for that he was an enemy to the Popes vsurped super-Imperiall power and his Temporall vsurpations for when as hee did feast Pope Innocent the 3. in Rome being then his friend it chanced that hee made a motion to haue some things restored to the Empire which the Pope did possesse where-with he was so highly offended that he presumptuously took vp a sword to haue stricken the Emperor and afterwards did both Excommunicate him and pronounce the sentence of deposition against him whom before hee had aduanced to that dignity reade Vrspergensis Cuspinianus Carion Pedro de Mexia and others Heauens her vouch safe both the Mathilda's fate Two Henries girles both of South-britanny Betroth'd to Henries two of greatest state They Germaines both that Britanes once may see When with the first Mathilde Eliza shall Weare on her head the wreath Imperiall 13 And as the next Mathilda oft was seene To blesse her Spouse with plenteous Progeny Both with a Caesar and a Palatine To rule in Brunswicke Rhine and Saxony So may Eliza with Mathilda beare Vnto her Spouse a Caesar and a Peere 14 Iagello great Duke of Lithuany married Hedwigis heire of Poland daughter of Lodowick King of Hungary And like as once the braue Hungarian Heire Elizabeth did crowne her Casimire Great Polands King when as shee to him bare Sixe sonnes besides as many daughters deere So may to our Elizabeth befull Like fruitefull fate to crowne her Spouse withall 15 Poland on S. Valentines day and his sonne Casimire King of Poland married about the same time Elizebeth heire of Hungary the daughter of Albert the 2. Emperour Arch-duke of Austria and King of Boheme and Hungary by whom he had sixe sonnes whereof foure were Kings of Poland Hungary and Boheme and as many daughters That euen as hee from Casimire doth spring And from his wife twise Queene Elizabeth So his Elizabeth may make him sing When he by her such hopefull children hath Like hap to both sith both had hap to marry Eliza's two about mid-February 16 Henry who did his sweetest sister loue With heart so pure so sure me thinkes I see How he doth beg