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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09049 A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie The maner of his arraignment, conuiction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to diuers purposes, for the proofes of his treasons. Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, containing a short collection of his birth, education and course of life. Moreouer, a fewe obseruations gathered of his owne wordes and wrytings, for the farther manifestation of his most disloyal, deuilish and desperate purpose. Parry, William, d. 1585. 1585 (1585) STC 19342; ESTC S114046 37,575 64

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Well said he what will you say if I shew further authoritie then this euen from Rome it selfe a plaine dispensation for the killing of her wherein you shall finde it as I said before meritorious Good cousin said I when you shall shewe it me I shal thinke it very strange when I shall see one to holde that for meritorious which another holdeth for damnable Well saide Parry doe me but the fauour to thinke vpon it till to morowe and if one man be in the towne I will not faile to shewe you the thing it selfe and if he be not he will be within these v. or sixe dayes at which time if it please you to meete me at Chanon Rowe we may there receiue the Sacrament to bee true eche to other and then I will discouer vnto you both the partie and the thing it selfe Whereupon I praied Parry to thinke better vpon it as a matter of great charge both of soule and body I would to God sayde Parry you were as perfectly perswaded in it as I am for then vndoubtedly you should doe God great seruice Not long after viii or x. dayes as I remember Parry comming to visit me at my lodging in Herns rents in Holborne as he often vsed we walked foorth into the fields where he renewed againe his determination to kil her Maiestie whome he saide he thought most vnworthie to liue and that he wondred I was so scrupulous therein She hath sought said he your ruine and ouerthrow why shoulde you not then seeke to reuenge it I confesse quoth I that my case is harde but yet am I not so desperate as to reuenge it vpon my selfe which must needes be the euent of so vnhonest and vnpossible an enterprise Unpossible said Parry I wonder at you for in trueth there is not any thing more easie you are no Courtier and therefore knowe not her customes of walking with small traine and often in the garden very priuately at which time my selfe may easily haue accesse vnto her and you also when you are knowen in Courte Upō the fact we must haue a barge ready to cary vs with speede downe the riuer where we wil haue a shippe ready to transport vs if it be needefull but vpon my head wee shall neuer be followed so farre I asked him Howe will you escape foorth of the garden for you shall not be permitted to carie any men with you and the gates will then be locked neither can you carie a Dagge without suspition As for a Dagge said Parry I care not my Dagger is enough And as for my escaping those that shalbe with her will be so busie about her as I shall finde opportunitie enough to escape if you be there ready with the Barge to receiue me But if this seeme daungerous in respect of your reason before shewed let it then rest till her comming to S. Iames and let vs furnish our selues in the meane time with men and horse fitte for the purpose we may eache of vs keepe eight or ten men without suspition And for my part saide he I shal finde good fellowes that will followe me without suspecting mine intent It is much said hee that so many resolute men may doe vpon the sudaine being well appoynted with eache his Case of Dagges if they were an hundreth wayting vpon her they were not able to saue her you comming of the one side and I on the other and discharging our Dagges vpon her it were vnhappie if we shoulde both misse her But if our Dagges faile I shall bestirre mee well with a sworde ere shee escape me Whereunto I saide Good Doctour giue ouer this odious enterprise and trouble me no more with the hearing of that which in heart I lothe so much I woulde to God the enterprise were honest that I might make knowen vnto thee whether I want resolution And not long after her Maiestie came to S. Iames after which one morning the day certaine I remember not Parry reuiued againe his former discourse of killing her Maiestie with great earnestnesse and importunity perswading me to ioyne therein saying he thought me the onely man of Englande like to performe it in respect of my valure as he termed it Whereupon I made semblance as if I had bene more willing to heare him then before hoping by that meanes to cause him to deliuer his minde to some other y t might be witnes therof with me wherein neuerthelesse I failed After al this on Saturday last being the sixt of Februarie betweene the houres of fiue and sixe in the after noone Parry came to my chamber and desired to talke with me a part wherevpon we drew our selues to a window And where I had tolde Parry before that a learned man whō I met by chaunce in the fieldes vnto whome I proponed the question touching her Maiestie had answered mee that it was an enterprise most villanous and damnable willing me to discharge my selfe of it Parry then desired to knowe that learned mans name and what was become of him saying after a scornefull manner No doubt he was a very wise man and you wiser in beleeuing him and said further I hope you tolde him not that I had any thing from Rome Yes in trueth saide I. Whereunto Parry saide I would you had not named me nor spoken of any thing I had from Rome And thereupon hee earnestly perswaded mee eftsoones to depart beyonde the seas promising to procure me safe passage into Wales and from thence into Britaine whereat we ended But I then resolued not to do so but to discharge my conscience and lay open this his most traiterous and abhominable intention against her Maiestie which I reuealed in sorte as is before set downe Edmund Neuil AFter this cōfession of Edmund Neuil William Parry the 11. day of Febr. last being examined in y e Tower of London by the Lorde Hunsdon Lorde Gouernour of Barwicke Sir Christopher Hatton knight Uicechamberlaine to her Maiestie Sir Francis Walsingham Knight principal Secretarie to her Maiestie did voluntarie and without any constraint by woorde of mouth make confession of his saide Treason and after set it downe in writing all with his owne hande in his lodging in y e Tower and sent it to the Court the 13. of the same by the Lieutenant of the Tower The partes whereof cōcerning his maner of doing the same and the treasons wherewith he was iustly charged are here set downe word for word as they are written and signed with his owne hand name the 11. of Februarie 1584. ¶ The voluntarie confession of William Parry in wryting all with his owne hand The voluntarie confession of William Parry Doctor of the Lawes now prisoner in the Tower and accused of Treason by Edmund Neuil Esquier promised by him with al faith humillitie to the Queenes Maiestie in discharge of his conscience and duetie towardes God and her Before The Lorde Hunsdon L. Gouernour of Barwicke Sir Christopher Hatton knight Vicechamberlain Sir Francis
Walsingham knight principal secretarie the 13. of Februarie 1584. Parry IN the yeere 1570 I was sworne her Maiesties seruant from which time vntill the yere 1580. I serued honoured loued her with as great readinesse deuotion assurance as any poore subiect in England In the end of that yere and vntill Midsomer 1582. I had some trouble for the hurting of a Gentleman of the Temple In which action I was so disgraced and oppressed by two great men to whome I haue of late beene beholden that I neuer had contented thought since There began my misfortune here followeth my wofull fall In Iulie after I laboured for licence to trauaile for three yeeres which vpon some consideration was easily obtained And so in August I went ouer with doubtfull minde of returne for that being suspected in religion and not hauing receiued the Communion in 22. yeeres I began to mistrust my aduauncement in England In September I came to Paris where I was reconciled to the Church and aduised to liue without scandale the rather for that it was mistrusted by the English Catholiques that I had intelligence with the greatest counsellour of Englande I stayed not long there but remooued to Lyons a place of great traffique where because it was the ordinarie passage of our nation to and fro betweene Paris and Rome I was also suspected To put all men out of doubt of me and for some other cause I went to Millaine from whence as a place of some daunger though I founde fauour there after I had cleared my conscience and iustified my selfe in religion before y e Inquisitour I wēt to Uenice There I came acquainted with father Benedicto Palmio a graue a learned Iesuite By conference with him of the hard state of the Catholiques in England and by reading of the Booke De persecutione Anglicana and other discourses of like argument I conceiued a possible meane to relieue the afflicted state of our Catholiques if the same might be wel warranted in religion and conscience by the Pope or some learned diuines I asked his opinion hee made it cleare commended my deuotion comforted mee in it and after a while made me knowen to the Nuntio Campeggio there resident for his holinesse By his meanes I wrote to the Pope presented the seruice and fued for a Pasport to goe to Rome to returne safely into France Answere came from Cardinal Como that I might come and should be welcome I misliked the warrant sued for a better which I was promised but it came not before my departure to Lyons where I promised to stay some time for it And being in deede desirous to goe to Rome and lothe to goe without countenaunce I desired Christofero de Salazar Secretarie to the king Catholique in Venice who had some vnderstanding by conference of my deuotion to the afflicted Catholiques at home and abroad to commende me to the Duke di Noua terra Gouernour of Millan and to the Countie of Oliuaris Embi then resident for the king his master in Rome which he promised to do effectually for the one and did for the other And so I toke my iourney towards Lyons whither came for me an ample Passeport but somewhat too late that I might come and goe in verbo pontificis per omnes iurisdictiones ecclesiasticas absque impedimento I acquainted some good fathers there of my necessitie to depart towardes Paris by promise and praied their aduises vpon diuers poyntes wherein I was well satisfied And so assuring them that his holinesse shoulde heare from me shortly it was vndertaken that I shoulde bee excused for that time In October I came to Paris where vppon better opinion conceiued of mee amongst my Catholike countrie men I founde my credit wel setled and such as mistrusted me before readie to trust and imbrace me And being one day at the chamber of Thomas Morgan a Catholike Gentleman greatly beloued and trusted on that side amongest other gentlemen talking but in very good sort of Englande I was desired by Morgan to goe vp with him to another chamber where he brake with me and told mee that it was hoped and looked for that I shoulde doe some seruice for God and his Church I answered him I would do it if it were to kill the greatest subiect in England whome I named and in trueth then hated No no said he let him liue to his greater fal ruine of his house It is the Queene I meane I had him as I wished and tolde him it were soone done if it might be lawfully done and warranted in the opinion of some learned diuines And so the doubt once resolued though as you haue heard I was before reasonably well satisfied I vowed to vndertake the enterprise for the restitution of England to the auncient obedience of the Sea Apostolique Diuers diuines were named Doctor Alleine I desired Persons I refused And by chance came Maister Wattes a learned Priest with whō I conferred and was ouerruled 3 For he plainly pronounced the case only altered in name y t it was vtterly vnlawfull with whō many English priestes did agree as I haue heard if it be not altered since the booke made in answere of The executiō of the English Iustice was published which I must cōfesse hath taken hard hold in me and I feare me wil do in others if it be not preuēted by more gracious handling of the quiet obedient Catholique subiects whereof there is good and greater store in Englād then this age wil extinguish Wel notwithstanding all these doubts I was gone so farre by letters and conference in Italie that I coulde not goe backe but promised faithfully to performe the enterprise if his holinesse vpon my offer and letters would allowe it and grant me ful remission of my sinnes I wrote my letters the first of Ianuarie 1584. by their computation tooke aduise vpon them in confession of Father Aniball a Codreto a learned Iesuite in Paris was louingly embraced commended confessed and communicated at the Iesuites at one altar with the Cardinalles of Vandosmi and Narbone whereof I prayed certificate and enclosed the same in my letter to his holinesse to leade him the rather to absolue me which I required by my letters in consideration of so great an enterprise vndertaken without promise or reward I went with Morgan to the Nuntio Ragazzoni to whome I read the letter and certificate enclosed sealed it and left it with him to send to Rome hee promised great care of it and to procure answere And so louingly imbraced me wished mee good speede and promised that I should be remembred at y e altar After this I desired Morgan that some special man might be made priuie to this matter lest hee dying and I miscarying in the execution and my entent neuer truely discouered it might sticke for an euerlasting spot in my race Diuers were named but none agreed vpon for feare of bewraying 7 This being done Morgan assured me y t shortly