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A56725 The life of John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, in the times of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I written by Sir George Paule ; to which is added a treatise intituled, Conspiracy for pretended reformation, written in the year 1591, by Richard Cosin ...; Life of Archbishop Whitgift Paule, George, Sir, 1563?-1637.; Cosin, Richard, 1549?-1597. Conspiracy for pretended reformation. 1699 (1699) Wing P878_ENTIRE; ESTC R1659 167,057 342

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Lincoln the space of seven years so long as he remained in Cambridge 34. By his Government in Trinity Norwich Redman Worcester Babbington St. David ' s Rud. Glocester Golsborough Hereford Benet College he made many excellent Scholars that came afterwards to great Preferment in the Church and Common-wealth five whereof were in his time Bishops that then were Fellows of the College when he was Master and some of them his Pupils besides many Deans and others of Dignity and Estimation in the Church at this day 35. He had divers Earls and Noblemens Several Noblemen c. his Pupils Sons to his Pupils as namely the Earls of Worcester and Cumberland the Lord Zouch the Lord Dunboy of Ireland Sir Nicholas and Sir Francis Bacon now his Majesty's Solicitor General in whom he took great comfort as well for their singular Towardliness as for their observance of him and performance of many good Offices towards him All which Their respects towards him together with the rest of the Scholars of that House he held to their publick He holds the Scholars strictly to their Exercises and Devotion Disputations and Exercises and Prayers which he never missed chiefly for Devotion and withal to observe others absence always severely punishing such Omissions and Negligences 36. He usually dined and supped in the Common Hall as well to have a watchful Eye over the Scholars and to keep them in a mannerly and awful obedience as by his Example to teach them to be contented with a Scholar-like College Diet. 37. The sway and Rule he then did bear through the whole University the Records themselves will sufficiently testify for by his meer travail and labour and the Credit which he had with her Majesty and the Lord Burghly then Lord Treasurer of England and Chancellor of Cambridge he procured an alteration and amendment of the Statutes Procures amendment of the University Statutes of the University In which kind of Affairs and Business all the Heads of the Houses were directed and advised by him as from an Oracle For commonly whatsoever he spake or did they still concurred with him and would do nothing without him 38. He never took the foil at any man's hands during his ten years continuance in Trinity College being therein not unlike unto Pittacus in his Diog. Laert. de vita Philosoph ten years Government of Mitilene Cui nunquam per id tempus contigit in aliquâ causâ quam in se susciperet cadere For as the Causes he dealt in were always just so his Success was ever prosperous wherein his singular Wisdom was to be noted and his Courage and His Wisdom and Courage Stoutness in his Attempts were observed of the greatest and the general Fame thereof remaineth yet fresh in the University and will continue as his Badge and Cognizance so long as his Memory lasteth And yet that Stoutness of his was so well tempered and mingled with his other Virtue of Mildness and Patience His Moderation Mr. Hooker's Character of him in his Eccles Policy that Master Hooker made this true observation of him He always governed with that moderation which useth by patience to suppress boldness and to make them conquer that suffer which I think well suted with his Posey or Motto Vincit Qut Patitur 39. The first Wound which those fervent Reprehenders received at Doctor Whitgift's hands and his prudent order of Government together with his singular gift in Preaching made his Fame spread and gained him so great estimation that her Majesty was pleased to make choice Whitgift's esteem with the Queen Consecrated Bishop of Worcester April 21. 1577. of him before many others of eminent Place in the Church to be Bishop of Worcester Upon which his Advancement he first took his leave of the whole University by a publick Sermon which he preached in St. Mary's Church wherein he exhorted them to peace And afterwards by a private Sermon in Trinity College he gave unto that Society such a godly and learned Exhortation Takes leave of the University with an Exhortation to Peace and Unity for their continuance and constancy in peace and unity as it so moved their Affections that they burst out into Tears insomuch that there were scarce any dry Eyes to be found amongst the whole number He chose for his Text the same Farewel which St. Paul gave to the Corinthians Finally brethren fare His Farewel-Text 2 Cor. 13. 11. you well Be perfect be of good comfort be of one mind live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you 40. IN June following he was attended Sets out for Worcester June 1697. attended with the Heads of Houses c. and accompanied on his way from Cambridge towards Worcester with a great Troop of the Heads and others of choice account in the University and with exceeding lamentation and sorrow of all sorts for the loss they conceived they had of so worthy a Governor 41. But their grief for the loss of The Queen forgives his First-fruits and gives him the disposal of all the Prebends of that Church him was not so great as was the joy of them who had found him amongst whom it pleased her Majesty to grace his very first entrance both in forgiving him his First-fruits a Princely and extraordinary Bounty as also in bestowing on him for the better encouragement and provision of his Chaplains and other learned men about him the disposing of all the Prebends of that Church of Worcester during his continuance there 42. He found the Bishoprick at his He finds the Bishoprick impaired by Grants of long Leases first coming much impaired by his Predecessors granting away in long Leases divers Manors Parks and Mansion-houses But that which much troubled him and wherein he most of all stirred Particularly the Rent-Corn of Two of the best Mannors Hollow and Grimly was the letting to Master Abington Cofferer to the late Queen the Rent-corn of his two best Manors Hollow and Grimley which is the chief upholding of the Bishop's Hospitality and without which especially in dear Years he is not able to keep House This Lease being let to Master Abington a great Man then to contend withal his Wife also being sometimes the Queen's Bedfellow the Bishop notwithstanding did He questions the said Lease call it in question having now besides his Honourable Friends the Lord Keeper and the Lord Treasurer gained by his attendance at Court many more about her Majesty who much favoured him and professed great love unto him especially the Earl of Leicester Sir Christopher Hatton Vice-Chamberlain Has great Friends at Court and Sir Francis Walsingham Principal Secretary all in special grace with her Highness Master Abington by his Wife's greatness procured her Majesty's gracious Letters written very earnestly in his behalf The Bishop returning Satisfies the Queen answer unto her Majesty and enforming her by means of his honourable Friends how
These Stirs set on foot at the time of the Spanish Invasion 1588. Ib. The Archbishop's preparation for Defence of his Prince and Country 64 The whole Clergy of his Province Armed Ib. Cartwright the Head of the Puritan Party Ib. Hacket Coppinger and Arthington resort to him 65 Penry and Udall his Consorts Ib. Cartwright's words in the Articles in the Star-Chamber Ib. The Disciplinarians Decree about Books to be printed Ib. Barrow and Greenwood infected by Cartwright 66 Bishop Ravis's Conference with Barrow and Greenwood 1592. Ib. Bishop Androws and Bishop Parrey with others their Conference with Barrow and Greenwood 67 Barrow's Vain-glorious Answer 68 The danger of Innovation Ib. Cartwright withdraws privately 69 Brown the Author of a New Sect of that Name 70 His Positions little differing from Barrow and Greenwood Ib. The Archbishop suppresseth many Schisms and also Controversies in the Universities Ib. He procures Cartwright's Pardon of the Queen Ib. Cartwright's Letters March 24. 1601. acknowledging the Archbishop's Favour 71 The Archbishop tolerates Cartwright to preach publickly without Conformity Ib. The Queen requires his Subscription 72 Cartwright dies Rich Ib. The Earl of Essex favours the Puritans as far as he durst Ib. Upon timely execution of the Laws the state of the Church at quiet 73 Sir Christopher Hatton died Novemb. 20. 1591. Ib. Lord Buckhurst chosen Chancellor of Oxford on the Queen's Letters Ib. Earl of Essex offended at it is pacified by the Archbishop Ib. The Queen justifies the Archbishop to Essex 74 She makes them firm Friends 75 Sir Francis Walsingham died Apr. 6. 1590. Ib. The Archbishop's firmness to Essex in his Troubles Ib. The Archbishop fears on the Lord Chancellor's death Ib. New Pamphlets dispersed by the Puritans 76 Attempts in Parliament on their behalf Ib. The Queen comforts the Archbishop with fresh Assurances of her Countenance and Favour to the Church Ib. Sir John Puckering Lord Keeper June 4. 1592. Ib. Upon Hatton's death the Queen offered the Archbishop his Place But he declined it because of his Age and Ecclesiastical Business 77 Sir Thomas Egerton made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal May 6. 1596. Ib. He is a constant Friend to the Church before and after his Advancement Ib. The Archbishop cherished and strengthened by union of many Friends 78 The Queen throws the whole care of the Church upon him Ib. He disposeth of Bishopricks and all other Ecclesiastical Promotions Ib. His great Humility and Lenity Ib. The Earl of Salisbury's Observation on him 80 Many favoured and eased by the Archbishop's intercession Ib. The wisdom of the Queen in her moderate Government 81 The Archbishop follows her Example Ib. The Arcbishop a great lover and encourager of Learned and Virtuous Clergy 83 Was bountiful to Foreigners of Learning and Quality Ib. Theod. Beza his Letters to the Archbishop March 8. 1591. Ib. Approving the Policy of the English Church Ib. Beza his high commendation of the Church of England 84 His great respect to the Archbishop Ib. The Archbishop's kindness and charity to Foreign Divines of the Reformation 85 His backwardness to censure other mens Gifts and Performances 86 The Archbishop a constant Preacher when publick Affairs would admit 87 Had an excellent Tallent in Preaching Ib. Learned eloquent and judicious Ib. His Gesture grave and decent without affectation Ib. Of great Integrity and unspotted Life 88 He wrote the Notes of his Sermons Ib. Disapproved trusting only to Memory Ib. When at Worcester he treated the Recusants mildly and won many of them over 89 When he came to be Archbishop he dealt with the Learnedst of them by Authority Ecclesiastical Ib. He kept a straight hand over the Seminary Priests and subtle Papists 90 He is unjustly traduced by the Sectaries 91 He hated Ingratitude Ib. Is firm in his Friendships Ib. Censured for his affection to the Earl of Essex 92 The Queen displeased at his intercession for the Earl which much grieved him Ib. Earl of Essex apprehended Feb. 8. 1600. Ib. The Archbishop arms his Servants for the Queen's defence 93 Well taken at Court Ib. Earl of Essex brought to Lambeth-house then sent to the Tower Ib. The Archbishop in the Qucen's good opinion and favour to her dying-day 94 Queen Elizabeth died March 24. 1602. Ib. The Archbishop Dr. Bancroft Dr. Watson Dr. Parry attend the Queen in her Sickness Ib. The Faction take heart on the Queen's death 95 King James proclaimed King of England March 24. 1602. 96 The People are pleased at the Archbishop's presence in proclaiming the King Ib. Archbishop a lover and incourager of Liberal Arts Ib. His Liberality great 97 He kept many poor Scholars in his House Ib. And maintained divers in the Universities Ib. Is an incourager of Military Exercises Ib. His House a little Academy 98 His Chaplains promoted Ib. The Archbishop's care and wisdom in determining Causes 99 His Resolution in Judgment 100 An Instance 101 He upholds the Dignity of the High Commission-Court Ib. His dispatch of Causes to great satisfaction 102 His great Hospitality 103 His State Ib. His entertainment of the Queen Ib. He was always honourably received by the Gentlemen of the Country 104 His first journey into Kent July 1589. with pomp and solemnity 105 A Romish Intelligencer accidentally lands he admires the Appearance and owns a mistaken prejudice concerning the meanness of our Church Ib. The Intelligencer had private speech with Secretary Walsingham 106 The Archbishop's good nature 108 His good Works in Lincoln Worcester Wales Kent Surry 110 Boys Sisi the French Embassador his opinion and speech of Archbishop Whitgift 111 His love to Croydon for retirement 112 Chearful and affable in his Family Ib. Liberal to his Servants Ib. Bountiful to the industrious Poor and to the Disabled and Necessitous 113 After the manner of Robert Grosthead Bishop of Lincoln his usage of his Kinsman Ib. Dr. Nevill Dean of Canterbury sent by the Archbishop and Clergy into Scotland to King James 115 The King's Answer that he would uphold the Church comforts the Archbishop Ib. Queen Elizabeth's Funeral Apr. 28. 1603. very sumptuously performed Ib. The Archbishop the chief Mourner 116 King James gives him personal assurance of preserving the setled State of the Church Ib. King Jame's Coronation July 25. 1603. by the hands of the Archbishop Ib. Queen Ann also crown'd at the same time Ib. The Conference at Hampton-Court Jan. 14. 1603. betwixt the Bishops and the Puritans in the King's presence 117 The King satisfied with the Bishops Reasonings Ib. And orders the reprinting the Liturgy Ib. A Parliament comes on 118 The Bishops have a meeting at Fulham Ib. The Archbishop 73 years old is seized with a Cold on the Water Ib. Goes to Court has speech with the King about Affairs of the Church 119 Is taken with a dead Palsey Ib. Conveyed to Lambeth Ib. The King visits him Ib. He earnestly recommends the Church to his Royal Care 120 He departs this Life Feb. ult 1603. 121 He was Bishop
it is pacified by the Archbishop so offended his Friends having laboured exceedingly therein on his behalf that being then Lord General of her Majesty's Forces in France he made open profession of his dislike of the Archbishop But upon his return into England finding how firm her Majesty stood for him and that his stirring in the matter must needs call in question her Majesty's Judgment did therefore in a temperate manner expostulate the matter with the Archbishop from whom he received such an Answer as he knew not well whom to be angry withal unless with the Queen her self who thought him too young a man being yet no Counsellor for so grave a Title and fearing happily lest if she should have committed the guiding of that University unto his young Years and unexperienced Judgment some hot and unruly Spirits there like Phaeton's untamed Horses might have carried him in such an headlong course of government as that the sparks of Contention which were then scarce kindled in that University might have broken forth into open flames to the utter destruction and devastation of the whole State Ecclesiastical And besides this she held the Lord Buckhurst being an ancient Counsellor and her Kinsman more fit for the Place a great deal And so much it seemed the Queen had told The Queen justifies the Archbishop to Essex the Earl in justification of the Archbishop before his questioning of the matter with him for in effect he acknowledged so much and thereupon they parted in no unkind terms but with due respect of each other in very friendly manner The Queen not long after She makes them firm Friends was the mean of their entring into further Friendship having oftentimes recommended unto the Archbishop the Earl's many excellent Parts and Vertues which she thought then rare in so young Years And the Earl likewise confessed to the Archbishop that her Majesty's often speech of her extraordinary opinion of him and his worth was the cause of his seeking after the Archbishop and therefore did offer to run a course for Clergy Causes according to his directions and advice and to cast off the Novelists as indeed he did immediately after Sir Francis Walsingham's Sir Francis Walsingham died Apr. 6. 1590. The Archbishop's firmness to Essex in his Troubles death which was a special cause of the Archbishop's constancy and firmness to the Earl in his disgrace and trouble afterwards 83. But now to return to our former course The Lord Chancellor's death much troubled and perpexed the Archbishop The Archbishop fears on the Lord Chancellor's death fearing that new Troubles would befal him and the Church Howbeit things were then so well and firmly setled that he had no great ado afterwards saving with their dispersing New Pamphlets dispersed by the Puritans of Pamphlets and that some few Persons though thanks be to God not powerful both in Court and Country Attempts in Parliament on their behalf did attempt as much as in them lay by motions in Parliament and Bills there preferred to bring in I know not nor they themselves what kind of new Government in the Church but were prevented by the Wisdom of her Majesty who always suppressed those Bills and Motions and still comforted the Archbishop who was oftentimes The Queen comforts the Archbishop with fresh Assurances of her Countenance and Favour to the Church much grieved with their causeless Complaints and assured him they should not prevail to do any hurt except it were to hurt themselves For she did see in her Princely wisdom how dangerous they were to her and all Imperial Government And when she found them still bent to pursue such Bills and Motions she to deliver the Archbishop from farther trouble and vexation before it was expected and as it were with silence brake up the Parliament 84. AFter the death of Sir Christopher Sir John Puckering Lord Keeper June 4. 1592. Hatton Sir John Puckering was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England of whom because he lived not long I shall not have occasion to say much But for ought that I ever Upon Hatton ' s death the Queen offered the Archbishop his Place But he declined it because of his Age and Ecclesiastical Business Sir Thomas Egerton made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal May 6. 1596. heard he shewed himself a Friend to the Church unto the Archbishop and his Proceedings and acknowledged him to have been amongst his other good Friends a Furtherer of his Advancement 85. Sir Thomas Egerton Master of the Rolls succeeded him May 6. 1596. Her Majesty and the State had long experience of his Integrity and Wisdom as may appear by the great Places which he worthily held being first her Highness's Sollicitor and then Attorney General In which time besides his many great and weighty Services he was very careful and industrious in labouring earnesty to suppress the aforesaid Libellers a lover of Learning and a most constant Favourer of the Clergy and Church Government He is a constant Friend to the Church before and after his Advancement established as also a faithful loving Friend to the Archbishop in all his Affairs insomuch as after his advancement to that Honour and that the Earl of Essex and the Archbishop concurred together being also out of the affection of his most honourable Friend the Lord Burghley Lord Treasurer further strengthned by the friendship The Archbishop cherished and strengthened by union of many Friends and love of Sir Robert Cecyll principal Secretary and now Earl of Salisbury and Lord Treasurer of England he began to be fully revived again and as well fortified by them as ever he was when he was most and best friended And her Majesty finding in him a zealous care and faithful performance of his duty and service towards the Church and her Highness shook off those Clergy Cares and laid the burthen The Queen throws the whole care of the Church upon him of them upon his Shoulders telling him That if any thing went amiss be it upon his Soul and Conscience to answer it for she had rid her hands and looked that he should yield an account on her behalf unto Almighty God 86. And now though the Archbishop He disposeth of Bishopricks and all other Ecclesiastical Promotions was in this singular favour and grace with her Majesty so that he did all in all for the managing of Clergy-Affairs and disposing of Bishopricks and other Ecclesiastical Promotions yet was he never puffed up with Pride His great Humility and Lenity nor did any thing violently by reason of his Place and greatness with her Majesty against any man For he ever observed this Rule that he would not wound where he could not salve And I leave to the report of the Adversaries themselves when he had that sway in Government and favour with her Highness whether his Carriage were not exceeding mild and temperate and whether he did not endeavour