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A17981 A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercy In an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the Church and state of England, since the Gospell began here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. Collected by Geo: Carleton, Doctor of Divinitie, and Bishop of Chichester. Carleton, George, 1559-1628.; Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637, engraver. 1624 (1624) STC 4640; ESTC S107513 118,127 246

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acknowledge that they who are thus punished ●or their mad tricks may not be accompted Martyrs but yet they will say that these things ought not to belong to the Emperour to punish Iust as the Papists say the punishment of their Clergie belongeth not to the Magistrate I demand then sayth Augustin Whether they thinke that the superior powers ought not to haue care of Religion of punishing false religion The Apostle saith The works of the flesh are manifest which are adaltery fornicatiō vncleannes wantonnes idolatry witch-craft hatred debate emulation wrath contentions seditions heresies envie murthers drunkennesse gluttony and such like What reason can these men render why it should be justice for the Empeperours to punish Idolaters Murtherers and such and not by the same reason to be like justice in them to punish heretiques When as they are accompted in the same fruits of iniquitie Someruill was found strangled in the prison For feare belike that he might haue discovered moe Ardern being condemned was hanged the next day This is the common end that Priests bring such Gentlemen vnto who are willing to heare them and be perswaded by them The next yeare after for seldome did any yeare passe without some treason some English Gentlemen began to practise the deliverance of the Queene of Scots Francis Throgmorton fell first into suspition by certaine Letters intercepted written to the Queene of Scots As soone as he was committed to prison and beganne to confesse something presently Thomas Lord Paget and Charles Arundell a Courtier secretly fled the land and went into France These men meeting with other devoted to the Roman Religion did much complaine recounting their sorrowes among themselues that the Queene was estranged from them without their fault by the cunning of Leicester and Walsingham that them selues were exposed to vnworthy contumelies ignominies that singular tricks were found out and secret snares laid so cunningly that improvident men will they nill they must needs be intangled in such snares that to remaine at home there could be no safety for them It was thought at this time that some cunning was practised to feele mens affections and that counterfeit Letters were written vnder the name of the Scots Queene and of some fugitiues knowne traytors to the State which Letters might be left in the houses of Recusans and that spies were sent abroad to gather rumors and to catch suspitions Diverse were drawne into snares Among others Henry Earle of Northumberland and his sonne Philip Earle of Arundell was commanded to keepe his house his wife was committed to Sr Thomas Shirly to be kept and Henry Howard the Dukes brother was often examined of Letters sent from the Scots Queene from Charles Paget and from one Mope then vnknowne Some blamed the narrow searching of things and the manner of drawing men into danger Others thought that all the means that might be vsed to prevent the Queenes danger and to saue her life was but necessary And indeed the outragious maliciousnes of the Papists against the Queene brake out daily for by Bookes imprinted they exhorted the Queenes maides and Ladies of honor to doe the same against the Queene which Iudith did against Holofernes The Author of that Booke was not found Gregory Martin was suspected a man learned in the Greeke and Latin tongues and chosen by the Duke to be the bringer vp of his children Carter the Stationer that caused the Books to be Printed was punished for it The Queene that was much traduced for crueltie knowing her owne mildnes and desirous to leaue a good remembrance of her name behinde her was much offended with the Iudges of the Papists apprehended if they passed any cruell sentences against them which might be iniurious to her honor Insomuch that they were forced to excuse themselues by publike writings wherein they protested that the Priests were much more mildly vsed then they deserved that no question of Religion was moued to them but onely of such pernicious machinations against their Country against their Prince whereof they were either found guiltie or by the discovery of others suspected That Campian was never so racked but that presently he was able to walke or to subscribe to his confessions But for Briant who stubbornly denied to vtter by speech or by writing who was the man that wrote these secret things which were found about him to this man meat was denied vntill by writing he would aske it For all this the Queene was not satisfied and therefore she commanded the Examiners to abstaine from tormenting men and the Iudges from punishing And short after she commanded seventie Priests to be sent out of England whereof some were condemned to die all of them were intangled within the danger of the lawes The chiefe of these were Gasper Haywod the sonne of Haywod the Epigrammatist who of all the Iesuites first entred England Iames Bosgraue which was also a Iesuit Iohn Hart the most learned among them with whom Doct Reinolds had conference and Edward Rishton a wicked and vngrateful man who wrote a Booke presently after shewing forth the poyson of a cankred heart against the Queene to whom he owed his life The Lord Paget and Arundell who went into France were narrowly observed there by Edward Stafford the Ambassadour Leiger there for Queene Elizabeth but he could not find out what they practised yet he dealt with the French King that they Morgan and some other English fugitiues who were knowne to be practisers against their Prince and their Country might be thrust out of France But it was answered that if they practised any thing in France the King would by law punish them but if they had practised any thing in England that of such things the King could take no notice nor by law punish them that all Kingdomes were free for fugitiues that it behooued Kings to maintaine their owne liberties That Elizabeth not long before had admitted into her Kingdome Montgomery the Prince of Condie and others of the French Nation and that Segneres Ambassadour of the King of Navarre was in England practising of some things that concerned the French state In the meane time Bernardinus Mendoza the King of Spaine his Ambassadour for England stole fecretly into France fretting and fuming that he was thrust out of England by a violation of the right of an Ambassadour When as indeed he was a man of a troublesome spirit and had abused the reuerend right of Ambassadours by the practises of treason against this State wherein he was He was commanded to depart out of the realme whereas many thought fit that he should haue beene with some severity censured for violating the office of an Ambassadour For he had practised with Throgmorton and others to bring in strangers into England to invade the land and to remoue the Queene And being gently reprooued for these things he was so far from offering to excuse these things with a modest answer that he began to accuse the
to Neuil whom I entertained at my table and this was done full six moneths before he accused me After this he came to me And let vs dare said he to doe something seeing of the Queene we can obtaine nothing And he proposed some things of the delivery of the Scots Queene I did here interpose O but I haue a greater matter in my head and more profitable for the Catholike Church The next day he came and swearing vpon the Bible that he would keepe my counsell and constantly prosecute whatsoever was vsefull for the Catholike Religion And I sware in like sort Our determination was to set vpon the Queene with ten horsemen as she was riding in the fields and so to kill her Which thing Neuil concealed all this while But when the newes came that the Earle of Westmerland was dead whose inheritance he hoped to haue presently not respecting his oath he opened these things against me These things Parry confessed in the presence of the Lord Hunsdon Sir Christopher Harton and Sir Francis Walsingham privie Councellers and farther by his Letters to the Queene to Burghley Lord Treasurer and to the Earle of Leicester he acknowledged his fault and craued pardon Some few dayes after he was brought to VVestminster hall to iudgement Where the heads of his accusation being read he confessed himselfe guiltie Sir Christohper Hatton to satisfie the mult●●de present thought it fit that the crime should punctually be opened out of his own confession Which Parry himselfe acknowledged to be free not extorted and the Iudges intreated that he would reade them But the Clarke of the Crowne read them and the Letters of the Cardinall of Come Parry his Letters to the Queene to the Lord Burghley and the Earle of Leicester all which he granted to be true Yet he denied that he was at any time resolved to kill the Queene He was therefore commanded to speake if he had any thing to say why iudgement should not passe Here he answered with perturbation as one troubled with the conscience of the crime I see I must die because I was not resolved And being desired to speake more plainly if he would say any thing My bloud said he be among you When sentence of death was pronounced against him he ragingly cited the Queene to the tribunall seat of God Being brought to the gallowes he bragged much that he had beene a faithfull keeper of the Queene because he had not killed her Thus like a glorious Roman Catholike never once in one word cōmending himselfe to God he died like a traytor in the court before VVestminster Hall where the Lords and Commons were then assembled in Parliament In this Parliament some lawes were enacted for the Queenes safety against the Iesuites and Priests who attempted daily horrible treasons from the Bull of Pius V. It was therefore enacted that within forty daies they should all depart the Land If any came in againe after that and stayed here they should be guilty of treason that if any received them wittingly and willingly or interteined them nourished or helped them such should be guiltie of fellony that they who are brought vp in the seminaries if they returne not within sixe monethes after warning given and should not submit themselues to the Queene before a Bishop or two Iustices of peace they should be guiltie of treason And they who had submitted if they should within ten yeares come to the Court or nearer then ten miles of the Court that then their submission should be voyd They who sent any money by any means to the Students of the seminaries should be guiltie of Praemunire If any of the Peeres of the Realme that is Dukes Marquesses Earles Vicounts Barons of the Parliament should offend against these lawes he should be tryed by his Peeres They who know any Iesuites and Priests to lye lurking in the Realme and within twelue dayes doe not detect them shall be fined at the Queenes pleasure and put in prison If any be suspected to be one of those Iesuites or Priests and shall not submit himselfe to examination for his contempt he shall be imprisoned vntill he submit He that shall send any Christian or any other to the Seminaries and Colledges of the Popish profession shall be fined an hundreth pounds They that are so sent shall not succeed in inheritance nor inioy any goods what way soever they may chance And so shall it be to them that within a yeare returne not from those seminaries vnlesse they conforme themselues to the Church of England If the keepers of havens permit any to passe the seas without the Queenes licence or the licence of six Councellers except Mariners and Merchants they shall be remoued from their places the Ship-master that carries them shall loose the Shipp and all the goods in her and be imprisoned a whole yeare The severitie of these lawes which were no lesse then necessary for such times and such mischiefes made the Papists in England afeard and among others Philip Howard Earle of Arundell in so much as fearing least he might offend against those lawes he purposed to leaue his countrey He had his bloud restored by the Queenes favour three yeares before And after that being dis-favoured by reason of some secret suggestions of certaine great personages against him he secretly gaue himselfe to the Popish Religion and made choice of an austere life Surely if good instructours might haue beene admitted to him he might haue beene easily and happily confirmed in the truth He was once or twice called before the Councell table and refuted the things obi●cted to him Yet was he commanded to keepe his house Six moneths after he was set at libertie and came to the Parliament but the first day whilst the Sermon was preached he withdrew himselfe out of the company The Parliament being ended being as then resolved to depart he wrote to the Queene a long and a mournfull complaint which Letters he commanded should be delivered after his departure he complained of the envie of his potent adversaries wherevnto he was forced to yeeld seeing they triumphed over his innocency He recounted the vnfortunate destinies of his ancestors of his great grandfather condemned his cause not being heard of his grand-father who for matters of small moment was beheaded and of his father whom he affirmed to be circumvented by his adversaries who yet never had an evill minde against his Prince nor Countrey As for himselfe least he should succeed the heire of his fathers infelicitie said he to the end that he might serue God and provide for the health of his soule he had forsaken his Countrey but not his alleagance to his Prince After these Letters were delivered he went into Sussex and having provided a shippe in an obscure corner and now being ready to take ship he was apprehended by the mean●s of those whom he trusted and by the master of the ship discovered and was sent into the Tower as a prisoner CHAPTER
privatly proposed some Articles For which afterward by Leicesters motion he was imprisoned albeit those articles proposed by him were in the iudgement of the other commissioners not to be disallowed But Delegates haue their limits circumscribed which they are not to passe At last when the English could not obtain an abstinence from armes could by no meanes see the Charter by which the Duke of Parma had this authority granted to treat of peace they proposed these things that the ancient leagues betweene the Kings of England and the Dukes of Burgundy might be renued and confirmed that all the Dutch might fully inioy their own priviledges that with freedome of cōscience they might serue God that the Spanish and forrain souldiers might be put out of Dutchland that neither the Dutch nor their neighbouring Nations might feare them If these things might be granted the Queene would come to equall conditions concerning the Townes which now she held that all might know that she tooke vp armes not for her own gain but for the necessary defence both of the Dutch and of her selfe so that the money which is owing therefore be repayed They answered that for renuing the old leagues there should be no difficulty when they might haue a friendly conference of that thing That concerning the priviledges of the Dutch there was no cause why forrain Princes should take care which priviledges were most favourably granted not onely to Provinces and Townes reconciled but even to such as by force of armes are brought into subiection That forrain souldiers were held vpon vrgent necessity when as Holland England and France were all in armes Touching those Townes taken from the King of Spaine and the repaying of the money they answered that the Spaniard might demand so many myriads of crowns to be from the Queene repayed him as the Belgick warre hath cost him since the time that she hath favoured and protected the Dutch against him At this time D. Dale by the Queenes command going to the Duke of Parma did gently expostulate with him touching a Booke Printed there set out lately by Cardinall Allen wherin he exhorteth the Nobles and people of England Ireland to ioyne themselues to the King of Spaines forces vnder the conduct of the Prince of Parma for the execution of the sentence of Sixtus V Pope against the Queene declared by his bull In which she is declared an heretick illegitimate cruel against Mary the Scots Queene her subiects were commanded to helpe Parma against her for at that time a great number of those bulls bookes were printed at Antwerp to be dispersed through England The Duke denied that he had seene such a bull or booke neither would he doe any thing by the Popes authoritie as for his owne King him he must obey Yet he said that he so observed the Queene for her Princely vertues that after the King of Spaine he offred all service to her That he had perswaded the King of Spaine to yeeld to this treaty of peace which is more profitable for English then Spanish For if they should be overcome they would easily repaire their losse But if you be overcome the kingdome is lost To whom Dale replied that our Queene was sufficiently furnished with forces to defend the Kingdom That a Kingdome will not easily be gotten by the fortune of one battell seeing the King of Spaine in so long a warre is not yet able to recover his anciant patrimony in the Netherlands Well quoth the Duke be it so These things are in Gods hands After this the Delegates contended among themselues by mutuall replications weauing and vnweauing the same webb The English were earnest in this a toleration of Religion might be granted at least for two yeares to the confederate Provinces They answered that as the King of Spaine had not intreated that for English Catholicks so they hoped that the Queene in her wisedome would not intreat any thing of the King of Spaine which might stand against his honor his oath his conscience When they demanded the money due from the States of Brabant it was answered that the money was lent without the Kings authoritie or privitie But let the accompt be taken how much that money was and how much the King hath spent in these Warres and then it may appeare who should looke for repayment By such answers they driue off the English of purpose vntill the Spanish fleet was come neare the English shore the noise of guns were heard from sea Then had they leaue to depart were by the Delegates honorably brought to the borders neare to Calis The Duke of Parma had in the meane time brought all his forces to the sea shore Thus this conference came to nothing vndertaken by the Queene as the wiser then thought to avert the Spanish fleet continued by the Spaniard that he might oppress the Queen being as he supposed vnprovided and not expecting the danger So both of them tried to sow the Fox-skin to the Lyons CHAPTER XII THE Spanish fleet the best furnished with men munition engines and all warlike preparation that was ever seen vpon the Ocean and by that arrogant Title called invincible did consist of 130 shippes wherein there were 19 thousand two hundreth ninety mariners 8350 chain●d rowers 11080. great ordnance 11630. The chiefe commander was Per●zius Gusmannus Duke of Medina Sidonia For Antonius Columna Duke of Palian and Marquess of S. Crosse to whom the chiefe governmēt was allotted died whilst things were preparing And vnder him Iohannes Martinus Recaldus a man of great experience in sea affaires The 30 of May they loosed out of the ●iver Tagus and purposing to hold their course to the ●r●in in G●llitia they were beaten and scattered by a tempest three gallies by the helpe of Da●d C●in an English servant and by the perfidiousnesse of the Turks which rowed were carried away into France The Fleet with much adoe after some dayes came to the Groin and other harbours neare adioyning The report was that the Fleet was so shaken with this tempest that the Queene was perswaded that she was not to expect that Fleet this yeare And Sir Francis Walsi●gham Secretary wrote to the Lord Admirall that he might send back foure of the greatest shippes as if the Warre had beene ended But he did not easily giue credit to that report but with a gentle answer intreated him to beleiue nothing hastily in so important a matter that he might keep those ships with him though it were vpon his owne charges And finding a favourable winde turned sailes toward Spaine to surprise the enemies shaken shippes in their harbours When he was not farre from the shore of Spaine the winde turned he being charged to defend the English shore fearing that the enemies vnseene might by the same winde be drivē to England he returned to Plimmouth With the same winde the 12 of Iuly the Duke of Medina with his fleet departed from the Groin And