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A01871 Londons cry ascended to God, and entred into the hearts, and eares of men for reuenge of bloodshedders, burglaiers, and vagabounds. Manifested the last sessions, holden at Iustice Hall in the old Baily the 9. 10. 11. 12. of December, Anno Dom. 1619. Likewise heerein is related, the courts legall proceedings, against the malefactors that were executed at Tiburne and about London, and the chiefest offenders, there offences and confessions at large expressed. Goodcole, Henry, 1586-1641. 1620 (1620) STC 12011; ESTC S118382 8,378 24

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Compassion by watrie eyes expressed and their Charitie shewed in preparing for distressed Soules the Balme of Gilead though they wound yet others to heale and though they by the Law haue terrified them by the Sentence of Death on these mortall Bodies they comfort them againe by that swéet heauenly Voyce of the Gospell sent from the God aboue The Names of the Iury of London for Life and Death Patricke Powell Iohn Lambe Thomas Euerit Iohn Higgins Ralph Clarke Iohn Latheman Thomas Yorke Samuel Bridges Thomas Withers William Smith William Hunter Iohn Mallard The Names of the Iury of Middlesex for Life and Death Robert Estrey Thomas Barret Henry Burnet William Haward Robert Ewer Richard Halsey Iohn Heerd Henry Bird. William Lifeild George Winche William Page Allen Parsons The tenour of these Iury mens Oathes vpon the holy Sacrament they doe protest true and truly to try and true deliuerance make betwéene out Soueraigne Lord the King and the Prisoners at the Barre So helpe them God and the Contents of that Booke And the Fore-mans Oath they ioyntly accept And after such Oath sworne the Indictment is read to them the Witnesse produced the Prisoner is brought forth to the Barre in their publike view that they may see and behold him and as God directeth so they conclude The Honourable and learned Benchers whose Names are subscribed if ought they doubt of they are most willing to resolue doubts and to informe that they may not ere and often times it falleth out that the Iury of life and death acquites them whom the Grand Inquest sound before guilty THE NAMES OF THE HONORAble and Worshipfull Benchers and Iustices in this Sessions for the Citty of London and County of Middlesex THe Right Honourable Sir William Cokayne Lord Mayor of the Honourable Cittie of London with diuers of the Aldermen his Bretheren The Honourable Sir Henry Mountague Lord Chiefe Iustice Iustices for London Sir Edward Sackucile Maister Robert Heath Esquier Recorder Sir Thomas Bennet Sir Thomas Lowe Sir Thomas Middleton Sir Iohn Iolles Sir Iohn Lemon Sir George Boules Sir Iohn Bennet Maister Thomas Iones Esquier common Seruient of the Cittie Maister Robert Deane Maister Ieames Cambell Sheriffes of the Cittie of London Iustices for the Countie of Middlesex Sir Thomas Fowler Sir Baptist Hickes Sir Allen Apsley Lieutenant of the Tower of London Sir Francis Dercy Sir Henry Spiller with diuers Iustices of the same County learned and iudicious A true Relation of the Arraigning Indicting and conuicting of Andrew Ward alias Alliar and Iohn Percy who were both hanged at Tiburne on Monday the 13. of December 1619. IT is verified in these persons of whom I am now to relate somewhat that which the Prophet Dauid saith That euill shall hunt the wicked person to ouerthrow him Which in fine happened and befell to these neuer leauing off to doe wickedly as to worke mischiefe till they were payd with that they had deserued which was shame and confusion Shamelesse were all their Facts and Procéedings without any humanitie or feare of God or Man or respect to Manhood as their vsage manifested the same towards those who fell into their hands or stood at their mercy These two committed a Robbery vpon Hounslaw Heath vpon the person of an Atturney comming Westward vp to London to the Terme they tooke away all he had stript him of all his apparrell and put on him some of their vile Clothes and tooke his Shirt eff his back and scoffingly said That that Shirt was too fine for him he should haue another to keepe him warme and after this done they bound him and left him and so fled Hauing so well sped they were fleshed on for more such Booties to meet withall and to get such Prizes thence they coasted towards Royston and within a weeke after they robbed one a little on this side Royston whom they bound and tooke all that he had the Rich and Captaine Theefe cobbed as they say the poore Theefe but somewhat they had for which they payd deare A riding Cloake one of them had taken from the Gentlemans Man the which hee espyed vpon one of their Backes riding towards Drury Lane but their Iourney was stayed They must leaue their Turning and keepe on straight their way which the Serieants will bring them to their Inne and Place most fit for such euen Tiburne A Relation why Thomas Horsey was hanged at Smithfield Barres on Tuesday the 14. of December 1619. THis Thomas Horsey had murthered out Elizabeth Couer dwelling in Turne-mill Street in an Alley called Persons Alley She was a Woman of a most lewd life and they both vnlawfully accompanied together But so it fortuned that such loue which was betweene them could not long continue nor haue a happy Issue but Mischiefe did attend them both likewise as did the other two formerly treated of These two lustie lustfull Louers fell at variance betweene themselues and suddenly hee slew her with a Pen-knife After the Fact committed he fled and got passage out of England with Sir Walter Rauleigh late deceased into Guiana where and in some other places before he returned he was absent for the terms of three yeares after this Murther was by him committed In this Processe of time hee thought none would haue knowne or sought after him to make him answere for the same but that it had beene forgotten At his returne into England he boldly repayred to renew his old acquaintance withsome others of his deceased friends fashion and by this meanes he was taken and apprehended At his Arraignement he conidently and boldly denyed the Fact and said another who was in his companie did it but not himselfe But at his death he freely confessed it and said hee meant not to slay her but to giue her a marke for remembrance of her abusing of him and his conclusion concrning her was That he thought in his conscience through her destruction that many hundreds were ●aued from the Gallowes A true declaration of the manifold Facts done by Richard Earper who was executed on Monday last at Tiburne AS Almighty God ouertooke others in their mischiefes so hee suddenly surprised him as to the hearing of many thousands hee out of his owne mouth confessed and spake as followeth The Fact for which hee died was for Robbing the house of Sir Richard Sutton and Sir Iohn Ofley which house he Robbed once before this time and confessed that the Cushions which stood in the Windowes of Sir Richard Suttons house hee had and burnd them and for the second time he Robd the house he got into a Garden and climed vp to a Window wherein he entred and tooke such things who pleased and so came downe the Staires of the same and got foorth But marke how strangely God reueiled him by a Dagger which he tooke of Sir Iohn Oflyes he gaue it to Sir Iohns Brother of whom he ●nquired how he came by that Dagger who sayd that Harper was the man that gaue it him and so there doubts were resolued that none but he could Rob that house this Arraingnement he boldly denyed that fact and all others of that nature but God who bringeth all things to light reuealed at the last that he was a secret notorious Theefe and Burglaer as I will heereafter who 〈…〉 was by the Iury found guilty and adiudged by the Court to death and both Iustly as himselfe confessed the day before his Execution and at the time of his Execution The Euening before he su●●●●●● he disgu●sed him selfe in Womans apparrell and got away by water 〈…〉 vnto the Banckes-side but God preuented him and would not not let him so escape or flye vengeance for the Keeper soone ouertooke him At the place of Execution he much bewailed his lewd life and declared that he had beene brought vp to the Latine Tongue and Musicke but such was his most wicked continued course of life and sayd that hee was no sooner entertained into a Seruice but company and women withdrewe him from thence and counselled him often to shifte It was demaunded of him to cleere his Conscience and to tell vnfainedly vnto the whole world whether that woman with whom he accompanyed were his wife or not and he thus replyed answere to them God forgiue me for it thou knowest that she is not Hee lastly confessed that hee had vsed to robbe the Court many times and that he had stolne twise the Kings Maiesties cushions from his Chaire of State and that Suite which was of an Orrange-tawny-colour broad-cloth he stole out of the Spicery with a Fetherbed For these his most fowle and vile offence he wept most bitterly and prayed heartily vnto GOD for pardon and remission vnto whose vnexpressable mercie I must leaue him At this Sessions was arraigned and executed at Tyburne Thomas Porter a Brewer by Trade who in playing at the Cards with one Christopher Body a Player fell out with him who so prouoked him that hee tooke a Nowle that lay on the Boarde and thrust it into his side of which mortall wound he dyed At this Sessions were conuicted and executed vppon the statute of Vagrancie Samuell Prat and Iohn Smith both which the Statute adiudged to be Fellons without any benefite of Cleargie hauing béene before whipt and burnt in the Shoulder with a Romane R. and returning backe with their Passes they were both adiudged to dye and the one was hanged at White Chappell and the other at Grayes Inne Lane ende Conclusion THus Life is destroyed by Life and Earth turnes Earth to Earth The Life of the Law which is iust takes away the Life of the lewd and vniust Iudges Men made of Earth turnes these miserable wretches vnto the Graue Dust and Earth But Christianitie requires of mee to lodge this hope in my breast That he who came downe from Heauen to Earth to bring vs vnto euerlasting Life though Death and Graue haue now swallowed them vp and gotten the victorie of them yet by vertue of his most powerfull Conquest and glorious Resurrection they shall rise out of the dust of their Graues for their Corruption then to put on Incorruption for their Mortall and transitorie Life an Immortall and euerlasting Life Which Lord Iesus graunt vnto vs all in thy appointed time FINIS