An ansvver to a proposition in order to the proposing of a Commonwealth or democracy. Proposed by friends to the Commonwealth by Mr. Harringtons consent; who is over-wise in his own conceit, that he propounds a Committee of Parliament, with above one hundred earls, nobles, members, gentlemen, and divines (named in his list) may dance attendance twice a week on his utopian excellency in the banquetting house at Whitehall or Painted Chamber, to hear and see his puppet-play of a new commonwealth: the very first view whereof he presumes will infatuate alldissenting [sic] parties, spectators, and our divided nations by their example into a Popish blinde obedience thereunto, upon his ipse dixit.
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
Wing P3889; Thomason E986_24; ESTC R207823